Ripley Corp Presentation Ripley Corp Today Revenues 2010: US$2,220 million Market Cap (March,16th 2011): US$2,428 million Company Free Float 34.5% & Daily avg transaction US$5 million 54 stores in best commercial areas of Chile and Peru 2 million customer actively using Tarjeta Ripley Most recognized brand in department store in Peru Real estate: participation in 7 shopping malls and 15 fully owned stores 2 Ripley Corp Today Figures in nominal CLP converted to US$ using Dec 30th FX rate of $468.01/US$ 3 Ripley Corp Today 92 million customer using Tarjeta Ripley 9More than 8 million of Tarjeta Ripley issued in Chile and Peru 948 branches of Banco Ripley in Chile 916 branches of Banco Ripley in Peru Figures in nominal CLP converted to US$ using Dec 30th FX rate of $468.01/US$ 4 Real Estate Strategy is to focus in the development of new projects with higher growth with the leading company of the industry 9 Chile 9 Property of 22.5% of Nuevos Desarrollos S.A. 9 2 shopping malls 9 5 sites for development 9 33% of Mall Marina Arauco and Curico 9 Mall Concepcion 9 Peru 9 Property of 40% of Aventura Plaza S.A. 9 3 shopping malls 9 1 in construction 9 3 sites for development Chile Selling Space (m2) Ownership (%) Marina Arauco 57,968 33.0 Mall del Centro de Curico 45,911 33.0 Mall Plaza Sur 74,583 22.5 Mall Plaza Alameda 57,355 22.5 Total weighted 63,966 Selling Space (m2) Ownership (%) Aventura Plaza Trujillo 44,114 40.0 Aventura Plaza Bellavista 76,460 40.0 Aventura Plaza Arequipa 55,000 40.0 Peru 70,230 Total weighted Total Selling Space 134,196 Figures in nominal CLP converted to US$ using Dec 30th FX rate of $468.01/US$ 5 Real Estate AVENTURA PLAZA AREQUIPA: MALL CONCEPCION 9 Opening in Dec, 2010 9 90,000 m2 selling space 9 Biggest shopping mall in the south of Peru 9 2 anchor stores (Ripley & Jumbo) 9 Investment: US$ 56 million 9 More than 130 minors stores 9 85 minors stores 9 Tower of 22 floor 9 Investment US$100 million 6 Where is Ripley in the industry? Ripley Corp Today Market Share: Chilean Deparment Store Market Share: Peruvian Deparment Store (As of December 2010) (As of December 2010) Source: Ripley, Companies press releases and Conasev Figures in nominal CLP converted to US$ using Dec 30th FX rate of $468.01/US$ 7 Where is Ripley in the industry? Ripley Corp Today Market Share: Chilean Retail Credit Card Business* Market Share: Peruvian Credit Card Business* (As of December 2010) (As of December 2010) * Measure as total credit card loan portfolio Source: Ripley ,Companies press releases and SBS Peru Figures in nominal CLP converted to US$ using Dec 30th FX rate of $468.01/US$ 8 Where is Ripley in the industry? Ripley Corp Today Source: Ripley and Companies press releases Figures in nominal CLP converted to US$ using Dec 30th FX rate of $468.01/US$ 9 Where is Ripley in the industry? FV/EBITDA Ripley Corp Today 2010 6.5 5.5 4.5 3.5 P/E 3.4x 2.6x 2.4x 2.0x 2.5 1.8x 1.5 0.5 Ripley Cencosud Falabella La Polar IPSA Source: Ripley and Companies press releases 10 Ripley Corp What are we doing? Making long‐term planning with clear and strong ideas through a strategic plan 11 Ripley Chile Focused on the main value source: “The Client” 9 Adding new brands and increasing the value of current ones 9 Increasing the number of clothing collections per season 9 Optimizing price/quality ratio through better design and materials 9 Improving the shopping experience 9 Store remodeling 12 Ripley Chile Improving logistics & efficiency 9Distribution center has the most advanced technology in South America. It will: 9Improve customer service 9Make more efficient operations 9Increase inventory turnover distribution center 13 13 Ripley Chile Increasing portfolio through wider client base with a more competitive credit card Source: Ripley, SBIF Figures in nominal CLP converted to US$ using Dec 30th FX rate of $468.01/US$ 14 Ripley Peru Duplicating selling space in Peru Lima 915 stores in the best commercial areas 9 Duplicate selling space in Peru 98 new stores in Peru between 2011 – 2013 9124,000 m2 of selling space 9Most recognized brand in department stores in Peru Source: Ripley 15 Ripley Corp Therefore, we are working since 2008 to be in 2013 ... 2x m2 in Peru 2x EBITDA 16 Why invest Ripley? Ripley Corp Today Because… • It is a great player in the department stores, credit and shopping malls business both in Chile and Peru • Has a clear and strong long‐term strategic plan • Both economies (Chile and Peru) are in good position to face the coming years • Peru has a low penetration in Retail business and Ripley is well positioned • The loan portfolio was reduced by the crisis and came back to grow with an atomized portfolio and low average debt per customer • All business margins are growing • And finally, because we want to double the m2 in Peru and generate 2x EBITDA Business performance has improved in 2010, but stock valuation has remained low: • Revenues 2010: MUS$ 2,351 (+7%) • EBITDA 2010: MUS$ 212 (+377%) • Net Income 2010: MUS$ 107 (+939%) • Market Cap (March 16th, 2011) MUS$ 2,428 • Multiples in low level ( FV/EBITDA=13.2x, P/E=22.7x ) Source: Ripley Figures in nominal CLP converted to US$ using Dec 30th FX rate of $468.01/US$ 17 Contact Information Speakers Hernán Uribe – Member of the Board Juan Diuana – Ripley Corp CFO More Information Investor Relations Contact Alexander Cahn (56-2) 694 1042 18 Disclaimer This presentation contains forward-looking statements, including statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company and its management. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantee of future performance and involve a number of risks and uncertainties including, but not limited to, the risks detailed in the company’s financial statements, and the fact that actual results could differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements. 19 ANEXESS Shareholders Structure 9 Calderon family has been connected to the retail business for over 50 years Major Shareholders *Figures as of Feb28th, 2011 Free Float* 1 Retail Business Ripley Chile Ripley Peru 2 Investment Plan Ripley Corp 9Investment Plan 2011 – 2013 for a total amount of US$ 979 million including CAPEX and working capital 3 Ratios Ripley Corp – Non Banking Operations Finance Structure Financial Debt Ripley Corp – Non Banking Operations Total Debt (Short Term down) Total Net Debt Cash Figures in billion of pesos as of Dec-2010 Figures in billion of pesos as of Dec-2009 Figures in nominal CLP converted to US$ using Sept 30th FX rate of $483.65/US$ 4
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