3 easy ways to enrol this jewelry could save your life
3 easy ways to enrol this jewelry could save your life
, s 3 easy ways to enrol r’s oss er Use code NMA13N and receive up to $20 in special offers with monthly payments. 1. ONLINE Visit medicalert.ca/save 2. BY PHONE Call 1.855.724.2499 3. BY MAIL Complete the attached form (front and back) and mail to: Canadian MedicAlert Foundation, 2005 Sheppard Ave. East, Suite 800, Toronto, ON M2J 5B4 MedicAlert® is a registered trademark and service mark. A National Registered Charity 10686 3293 RR0001. this jewelry could save your life. Don’t die of denial. You may think a medical emergency will never happen to you, but it can. Wear MedicAlert. F O U N D A T I O N membership benefits ar at Your membership protects you 24/7. Here’s how: Your deal. and y what mem First Name ) Communications ❏ English ❏ French Mailing Address City Best # to contact ( Best time to call: Name Address Phone ( Physician 1 Tel. ( Physician 2 • alle • he • blo Personal Information When your life is at risk, paramedics call our 24/7 Emergency Hotline. We answer in 5 seconds, speak in 140 languages and provide your full medical record. ) ) Last Name Date of Birth (m/d/y) ) Province/Territory Alternate Tel. ( Email / Required Parent/Guardian Information City Alternate Tel. ( ) / T Med We’ Apt. ❏ Not available ext. Postal Code Gender ❏ M ❏ F ❏ Mr. ❏ Mrs. ❏ Ms. ❏ Dr. notifies family Relationship Postal Code ❏ Is this the Referring Physician? E-Mail Prov. Specialty Emergency Medical Contacts ext. Specialty More styles at medicalert.ca/save • ast If new member is a minor or an adult in the care of a guardian, please specify name of parent/guardian responsible for keeping the member record up to date. Parent or guardian should be the first Personal Emergency contact. We will. Don’t face an emergency alone. Our 24/7 Emergency Hotline specialists immediately alert your loved ones, and even follow up R S with you. P O N L K • hy 24/7 protection J • dia When you’re overwhelmed or hurt, your MedicAlert ID and membership give paramedics the information they need to save your life. H G F Are you, or have you ever been a MedicAlert member? ❏ No ❏ Yes MedicAlert ID# speaKs for you C B A In an emergency, you may be too helpless or hurt to speak. So who will give paramedics the information they need to save your life? CHO B Your membership protects you 24/7. Here’s how: speaKs for you F Personal Information Last Name Are you, or have you ever been a MedicAlert member? ❏ No ❏ Yes MedicAlert ID# First Name A membership benefits G When you’re overwhelmed or hurt, your MedicAlert ID and membership give paramedics the information they need to save your life. are you at risK? C D E Your condition might seem like no big deal. But emergencies happen every day, and you may be unable to tell paramedics what they need to know. MedicAlert membership is for: H I • diabetes • Alzheimer’s • asthma • memory loss • allergies • seizures • heart conditions • pacemaker J 24/7 protection K L • hypertension • blood thinners M • COPD • devices When your life is at risk, paramedics call our 24/7 Emergency Hotline. We answer in 5 seconds, speak in 140 languages and provide your full medical record. N O 3 w t e A Roots Comb one S #257 B Perso Leath Sterli #496 C Sterli Chain #498 D Stain #106 E Lond with S #444 F Cream with S #428 G Ebon Sterli #429 H Amet Steel #247 I Vinta Pearl Sterli #431 1. J 2. Chels Silver #423 * With S SIz 3. Use a clo inches. W P Q Use the Our Roo and fit w ❏ Mr. ❏ Mrs. ❏ Ms. ❏ Dr. notifies family Necklace products Wri siz R Don’t face an emergency alone. Our 24/7 Emergency Hotline specialists immediately alert your loved ones, and even follow up S with you. T U MedicAlert is a registered charity, not a business. We’re trusted byFeaturing: over 1 million Canadians. All prices are subject to change without notice. More styles at medicalert.ca/save Persona Inspiring Style is a trademark of Personal Limited ®ROOTS is a registered trade-mark of Roots Canada Ltd. 5 5½ 6 6½ 7” Me 7½ A8N 8½ 9 A Roots Leather Cuff Slim Combo - White and Black with one Stainless Steel emblem #257 / $75 C D H I L M E K Infinity Links Sterling Silver Bracelet #487 / $249 L Figaro Sterling Silver Bracelet #409 / $99 M Milano Sterling Silver Bracelet #411 / $199 N Designer Silver Expansion Bracelet #406 / $119 O Bicycle Chain Bracelet with Steel Links #269 / $80 P Black Sport Band with Stainless Steel emblem #209 / $40 Q Roots Men’s Watch with Stainless Steel emblem #250 / $99 R Sterling Silver Bracelet #400 / $99 S Special Gold Bracelet Gold-filled chain - 10K gold emblem #600 / $449 T Designer Stainless Steel Bracelet #103 / $39 U Sterling Silver Universal Charm #438 / $80 B Persona Double Cream Leather Bracelet with Sterling Silver emblem #496 / $139 C Sterling Silver Box Chain Necklace #498 / $109 D Stainless Steel Dog Tag #106 / $39 E London Dog Tag - Rubber with Sterling Silver emblem #444 / $99 F Cream Rose Pearl* Bracelet with Sterling Silver emblem #428 / $89 G Ebony Roxy* Bracelet with Sterling Silver emblem #429 / $149 H Amethyst* Stainless Steel Bracelet #247 / $75 I Vintage Platinum Pearl* Bracelet with Sterling Silver emblem #431 / $99 J Chelsea Sterling Silver Bracelet #423 / $199 * With SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS. SIzING INFORMATION Use a cloth ruler or the one provided to measure your wrist comfortably in inches. When measurement is ¼ inch size, order the next ½ inch size up. Q P Use the chart below to find your size. Our Roots cuffs, Roots watches, and Persona bracelets are one size fits all, and fit wrists from 5” to 7”. Necklaces not suitable for children under the age of 10 and beaded products are not sold to children under the age of 3. T U Featuring: All prices are subject to change without notice. Persona Inspiring Style is a trademark of Personal Limited ®ROOTS is a registered trade-mark of Roots Canada Ltd. Wrist size Standard bracelets 5” 5 ½” 6” 6 ½” 7” 7 ½” 8” 8 ½” 9” 5” 5 ½” 6” 6 ½” 7” 7 ½” 8” 8 ½” 9” Beaded bracelets Bicycle chains 6 S 7 M Expansion bands S 8 L M L 1. Choose a style from this brochure or visit medicalert.ca/save to see more 2. Measure your wrist size if ordering a bracelet or watch save CHOOSE YOUR STYLE: Don’t face an em Emergency Hotli alert your loved with you. notifi When your life is our 24/7 Emerge in 5 seconds, sp provide your full 24/7 p When you’re ove MedicAlert ID an paramedics the i save your life. speaK Your members Here’s how: mem bene Personal Information Are you, or have you ever been a MedicAlert member? ❏ No ❏ Yes MedicAlert ID# First Name Last Name Communications ❏ English ❏ French ❏ Mr. ❏ Mrs. ❏ Ms. ❏ Dr. Date of Birth (m/d/y) / / Gender ❏ M ❏ F Mailing Address Apt. City Province/Territory Best # to contact ( ) Alternate Tel. ( Best time to call: Postal Code ) ext. Email ❏ Not available Required Parent/Guardian Information If new member is a minor or an adult in the care of a guardian, please specify name of parent/guardian responsible for keeping the member record up to date. Parent or guardian should be the first Personal Emergency contact. Name Relationship Address City Phone ( ) Prov. Alternate Tel. ( ) Postal Code E-Mail Emergency Medical Contacts Physician 1 Tel. ( Specialty ) ext. Physician 2 Tel. ( ❏ Is this the Referring Physician? Specialty ) ext. Personal Emergency Contacts (family/friends) 1. Name Home Tel. ( Relationship ) Alternate Tel. ( ) ) Alternate Tel. ( ) 2. Name Home Tel. ( Relationship ❏ I give permission to the emergency contacts above to access my medical information. Medical Conditions Recognized medical terminology and abbreviations will be used. Engraving language ❏ English ❏ French Medical Conditions (include any major surgeries or medical procedures) All Current Medications (all prescription medications) Allergies/anaphylaxis Do you use an epinephrine injector? ❏ Yes ❏ No Implants/Devices (include a copy of your implant card if possible) TYPE MANUFACTURER MODEL NO. SERIAL NO. Special Needs NMA13N Choose a style from this brochure or visit medicalert.ca/save to see more Measure your wrist size if ordering a bracelet or watch Place the product code, product name, preferred size (sizing information on product page) and price in the appropriate columns Fill out the order form as directed (combined provincial tax, membership, payment option) Mail completed order form to: Canadian MedicAlert Foundation, 2005 Sheppard Ave. E., Suite 800, Toronto ON M2J 5B4 If you require assistance, please contact us at 1.855.724.2499 shaded areas must be filled in Product Size Price ✃ Product Name A B AB, YT, NT, NU 5.00% ON, NB, NF 13.00% Monthly = $5*; NS 15.00% BC, MB 12.00% 15 months = $75; SK 10.00% QC 14.975% Shipping & Handling C Taxable Amount (add lines A, B & C) PEI Sales Tax 14.00% (Line D x prov. tax from chart on left) Subtotal (add lines D & E) Registration Fee (One time fee for initial medical record set up) D 24 months = $110; 36 months = $150 Membership Fee $8.99 E F G $24.00 H Total (add lines F, G & H) *I give permission to charge my credit card or debit my bank account monthly to keep me protected. *Available with credit card and debit payment only. Prices are subject to change without notice. GST/HST Registration # 10686 3293 QST Reg. #1022707074 National Registered Charity # 10686 3293 RR0001 METHOD OF PAYMENT ® ❒ Cheque Please make cheque payable to Canadian MedicAlert Foundation ❒ VISA ❒ MasterCard ❒ American Express Credit Card # ❒ Bank Account Debit I authorize Canadian MedicAlert Foundation to debit my bank account for membership payments and fees (void cheque enclosed). / / / Name as it appears on card / Expiry Date (m /y) Signature Ensure you read and sign the member statement below Consent: By becoming a member, purchasing and wearing any emblem or product identifying you as a MedicAlert member, you will be agreeing to the arrangement summarized below and described in the MedicAlert Member Statement that you may obtain on our website (Medicalert.ca) or by calling (1.855.724.2499). YOU MUST READ THE MEMBER STATEMENT BEFORE APPLYING FOR MEDICALERT MEMBERSHIP BECAUSE IT DESCRIBES THE CHOICES YOU HAVE ABOUT MEDICALERT PROGRAMS AND SERVICES, INFORMATION MEDICALERT PROVIDES TO MEMBERS, AND OTHER IMPORTANT MATTERS AFFECTING YOUR PRIVACY AND SAFETY. Please call us if you would like an explanation or to discuss the Member Statement. When you become a member, MedicAlert will create an electronic file under your name, which will be kept at MedicAlert in Toronto, and will hold all of the information about you and your health that we receive from you and/or others. MedicAlert will provide you with a customized MedicAlert ID, its 24-hr hotline (emergency) service and information. MedicAlert will disclose information in your file to emergency personnel and others, including MedicAlert operators in the U.S.A., to provide you with the hotline service. MedicAlert may share and receive personal information about you at any time from anyone you name as a contact, unless you specify otherwise. If you participate in the MedicAlert Safely Home Program, MedicAlert will also provide some of the information in your file to the Alzheimer Society of Canada and the local Alzheimer Society chapter for purposes described in the Member Statement. You will also receive information about how the work of the Alzheimer Society in Canada is funded, unless you decline below. You may review your file online or by calling us. You are responsible for making sure that the information in your file is correct. MedicAlert will not be responsible for any harm caused because the information in your file is incomplete or inaccurate. You will be required to pay member fees. You or MedicAlert may cancel your membership by following the MedicAlert Cancelation Process - You will not receive any MedicAlert services and will be required to stop wearing your MedicAlert ID as soon as you stop being a member. You will receive special promotions and info on third party programs that may be of interest to you, unless you decline below. Communication Email (E); Mail (M); Mobile/Text (T); Do Not Send (D) All Newsletters & member stories MedicAlert product news MedicAlert offers & promotions 3rd party partner offers Information about charitable work • MedicAlert • Alzheimer Society Method E M ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ T ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ D ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ You ACKNOWLEDGE and agree that you have read and understood the MedicAlert Member Statement available online at www.medicalert.ca or by calling 1.855.724.2499. If you are not the applicant, you have the permission of the applicant or a legal right to complete this form on behalf of the applicant. Signature Date Name (print) Phone number Relationship to member COMPLIMENTARY RULER. Measure your wrist size and refer to complete sizing information on opposite page. Order Form Product Code # TYLE: nity Links Sterling ver Bracelet 87 / $249 garo Sterling Silver Bracelet 09 / $99 ano Sterling ver Bracelet 11 / $199 signer Silver pansion Bracelet 06 / $119 cycle Chain Bracelet h Steel Links 69 / $80 ack Sport Band with ainless Steel emblem 09 / $40 ots Men’s Watch with ainless Steel emblem 50 / $99 erling Silver Bracelet 00 / $99 ecial Gold Bracelet ld-filled chain - 10K gold mblem 00 / $449 signer Stainless eel Bracelet 03 / $39 erling Silver iversal Charm 38 / $80 TION e your wrist comfortably in r the next ½ inch size up. racelets are one size fits all, S M L Expansion bands ge of 10 and beaded of 3. Bicycle chains S M L 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
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