CESI Energy Journal Issue 02 - January 2014 Africa is on the move The global energy village A fast-changing energy world For Africa this is a moment of great promise. President Barack Obama presents a new model of partnership between America and Africa Ready access to clean energy should Interview with Maria van der Hoeven, be a right for all. Achieving this shared executive director of the International goal means harvesting all the energy Energy Agency we have. The speech of Khalid Al-Falih, Saudi Aramco’s CEO, in Daegu 02 Issue 02 - January 2014 Contents 3 CESI Energy Journal Editorial Salvatore Machì, Matteo Codazzi TOP STORIES 4 Africa is on the move Barack Obama EDITORIAL COORDINATION CESI - Paolo Mereghetti Allea - Communication and Public Affairs INTERVIEW 8 A fast-changing energy world Interview with Maria van der Hoeven EDITORIAL STAFF Agnese Bertello INDUSTRIES & COUNTRIES CONTRIBUTORS Roberta Campesato Bruno Cova Roberto Ferraroli 12 Khalid Al-Falih FUTURES & TECHNOLOGIES TRANSLATIONS Eric Sylvers The global energy village 18 HCPV: solar, growing from generation to generation Roberta Campesato ART DIRECTION alleadesign - Gianluca Barbero INDUSTRIES & COUNTRIES 22 Environmental and industrial culture Roberto Ferraroli FACE TO FACE 24 Strengthening the Brazilian energy backbone Interview with Jose Alise Ragone Filho and Paulo Cesar Vaz Esmeraldo EJ – ENERGY JOURNAL CESI’S HOUSE ORGAN Via Rubattino, 54 I-20134 Milan – Italy IDEAS AND VISION 28 Integrating RES generation into the power system Bruno Cova REVIEW 32 Energy for future presidents Richard Muller Trust the Power of Experience EJ can be browsed and directly downloaded at Editorial Salvatore Machì - Chairman, CESI Matteo Codazzi - CEO, CESI Salvatore Machì - Chairman, CESI Of all the massive changes engulfing the world’s energy markets perhaps none will have a bigger effect on the way we live and consume electricity than the smart grid, which will turn millions of consumers into “prosumers”, who will no longer be just passive users of electricity and will instead make informed decisions about when, where and how to either consume or produce electricity. The pro-sumer will change the dynamics for existing industry players as he creates new market opportunities that disrupt existing business models and spawn innovative ones. The evolution of the smart grid, an electrical grid that not only distribute energy but also gathers and acts on real-time information to improve the efficiency and the sustainability of the electric system, dominated discussions at the 22nd World Energy Congress (WEC) at Daegu, Korea, in October. While the smart grid has intrigued energy insiders for years, the conference – which is held every three years and is the most important meeting for the energy sector – made clear that the smart grid could become the pillar supporting many future energy solutions. CESI, which has played and will continue to play a role in the evolution of the smart grid, took part in the WEC sharing its experiences and contributing to several panel discussions among key industry leaders. The decision to hold the conference in Korea (only twice before has it been held in Asia, the last time more than two decades ago in Tokyo) was not casual and instead highlights the rising importance of Asia in the world energy equation. If we are to bring electricity to hundreds of millions of new consumers around the world, including many in Asia, and not to put excessive stress on the environment thanks to a smooth integration of renewables, then the smart grid will have to play a fundamental role. At CESI we have been working for years on smart grids projects in Asia as well as in the Middle East, Latin America and Europe and have realized there is no one magic recipe or a standard business case for smart grids or renewables integration projects. How a customer’s behavior will change with the adoption of smart grids, what regulatory incentives, which cost efficiencies, which electrical losses reduction, which power generation costs: all of these factors can influence a business case and will vary significantly across markets. What to do, then? Planning your grid development well in advance under different renewables penetration scenarios and running project-by-project business cases are the two most important piece of advice to be given to a utility considering a smart grid application. This lack of “one-fits-all” solution makes the smart grid future still an unstable picture, but two points emerge as key. First of all, there must be a stable and predictable regulatory framework so those who intend to invest in smart grids (which returns are often long-term) can bear a sustainable investment risk. Second, for a smart grid to work seamlessly, there must be FOR A SMART GRID TO WORK SEAMLESSLY, INTEROPERABILITY OF TECHNOLOGICAL COMPONENTS IS KEY AND THEREFORE IT IS FUNDAMENTAL THAT INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS BE DEFINED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE interoperability of technological components and therefore it is fundamental that international standards be defined as soon as possible. Without these two pillars the future of the smart grid remains murky. CESI, through both its experts and its testing laboratories, is contributing globally to make it happen. Mr. Codazzi (CESI’s CEO) moderating the Smart Grid Panel at the 22nd WEC, Daegu, Korea In this second issue of EJ we investigate smart grids as well as many other important issues facing the energy sector that will define the future of our planet. Enjoy the reading! BACK TO CONTENTS 4 – Energy Journal – January 2014 5 – Energy Journal – January 2014 | TOP STORIES | Africa is on the move Barack Obama, President of the United States of America FOR AFRICA THIS IS A MOMENT OF GREAT PROMISE. MANY OF THE FASTEST-GROWING ECONOMIES IN THE WORLD ARE SITUATED THERE, BUT THE CONTINENT IS NOT MOVING AS FAST AS IT COULD. IN HIS REMARKS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA, ON JUNE 30TH 2013, PRESIDENT OBAMA SHAPES A NEW MODEL OF PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN AMERICA AND AFRICA – A PARTNERSHIP OF EQUALS THAT FOCUSES ON AFRICA’S CAPACITY TO GROW – AND PRESENTS POWER AFRICA, A NEW U.S. GOVERNMENT INITIATIVE TO DOUBLE ACCESS TO POWER IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA. When Bobby Kennedy spoke at the University of Cape Town in 1966, he expressed a powerful idea. He said: “Each time a man stands up for an ideal… he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centres of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance”. Now the world is very different from that June day in 1966. The idea of hope might have seemed misplaced. It would have seemed inconceivable to people at that time that less than 50 years later, an African-American president might address an integrated audience at South Africa’s oldest university, and that this same university would have conferred an honorary degree to a president, Nelson Mandela. It would have seemed impossible. That’s the power that comes from acting on ideals. That’s what Mandela understood. But it wasn’t just the giants of history who brought about change. Think of the many millions of acts of conscience that were part of it. So Mandela’s life, like Kennedy’s life, the life of all those who fought to bring about a new South Africa or a more just America stand as a challenge to your generation, because they tell you that your voice matters, that your ideals, your willingness to act on those ideals and your choices can make a difference. If there is any THE SAME TECHNOLOGY THAT ENABLES RECORD PROFITS SOMETIMES MEANS WIDENING A CANYON OF INEQUALITY country in the world that shows the power of human beings to effect change, this is the one. And this is a moment of great promise. South Africa is one of the world’s economic centres. Many of the fastest-growing economies in the world are here in Africa. We know this progress, though, rests on a fragile foundation. Across Africa, the same institutions that should be the backbone of democracy can all too often be infected with the rot of corruption. 6 – Energy Journal – January 2014 7 – Energy Journal – January 2014 Power System Interconnector Project: CESI’s project for connecting Ethiopia and Kenya The same technology that enables record profits sometimes means widening a canyon of inequality. The same interconnection that binds our fates makes all of Africa vulnerable to the undertow of conflict. So there is no question that Africa is on the move, but it is not moving fast enough for the child still languishing in poverty in forgotten townships. And that’s where the young people of Africa come in. Just like previous generations, you have got choices to make. You get to decide where the future lies. Think about it – over 60 percent of Africans are under 35 years old. WE ARE MOVING TO A NEW MODEL OF PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN AMERICA AND AFRICA – A PARTNERSHIP OF EQUALS So demographics means young people are going to be determining the fate of this continent and this country. You have got time and numbers on your side and you will be making decisions long after politicians like me have left the scene. I have travelled to Africa on this trip because my bet is on the young people who are the heartbeat of Africa’s story. I am betting on all of you. America has been involved in Africa for decades. But we are moving beyond the simple provision of assistance, foreign aid, to a new model of partnership between America and Africa – a partnership of equals that focuses on your capacity to solve problems, and your capacity to grow. Our efforts focus on three areas that shape our lives: opportunity, democracy and peace. So I am calling for America to up our game when it comes to Africa. We are bringing together business leaders from America and Africa to deepen our engagement. We are going to launch new trade missions and promote investment from companies back home. We will launch an effort in Addis Ababa to renew the African Growth and Opportunity Act to break down barriers to trade, and I will discuss a new Trade Africa initiative to expand our ties across the continent, because we want to unleash the power of entrepreneurship and markets to create opportunity here in Africa. And so the question we have been asking ourselves is: what will it take to empower individual Africans? For one thing, we believe that countries have to have the power to feed themselves. Through a new alliance of governments and the private sector, we are investing billions of dollars in agriculture. We believe that countries have to have the power to prevent illness and care for the sick. And we believe that nations must have the power to connect their people to the promise of the 21st century. Access to electricity is fundamental to opportunity in this age. I am proud to announce a new initiative – Power Africa – to double access to power in Sub-Saharan Africa, starting with an investment of $7 billion in U.S. Government resources. | Power Africa | Power Africa is the new U.S. Government initiative that addresses one of the most pressing challenges to sustainable economic growth and development in sub-Saharan Africa: the access to electrical power. Power Africa will build on Africa’s enormous power potential, including new discoveries of vast reserves of oil and gas, and the potential to develop clean geothermal, hydro, wind and solar energy. It will help countries develop newly-discovered resources responsibly, build out power generation and transmission, and expand the reach of mini-grid and off-grid solutions. According to the International Energy Agency, sub-Saharan Africa will require more than $300 billion in investment to achieve universal electricity access by 2030. Only with greater private sector investment can the promise of Power Africa be realized. With an initial set of six partner countries in its first phase, Power Africa will add more than 10,000 megawatts of cleaner, more efficient electricity generation capacity. It will increase electricity access by at least 20 million new households and commercial entities with on-grid, mini-grid, and off-grid solutions. And it will enhance energy resource management capabilities, allowing partner countries to meet their critical energy needs and achieve greater energy security. The United States and its partners will work with an initial set of Power Africa partner countries, including Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, and Tanzania. Power Africa will also partner with Uganda and Mozambique on responsible oil and gas resources management. Power Africa will bring to bear a wide range of U.S. government tools to support investment in Africa’s energy sector. From policy and regulatory best practices, to prefeasibility support and capacity building, to long-term financing, insurance, guarantees, credit enhancements and technical assistance Power Africa will provide coordinated support to help African partners expand their generation capacity and access. The United States will commit more than $7 billion in financial support over the next five years to this effort. Power Africa will also leverage private sector investments, beginning with more than $9 billion in initial commitments from private sector partners to support the development of more than 8,000 megawatts of new electricity generation in sub-Saharan Africa. In spite of a still notable gap, the African continent seems to be launched into a progressive recovery toward the world’s most developed economies. This approaching strategy necessarily passes through the infrastructuring of the electrical system and the adoption of innovative and efficient platforms for the resources integration. In this context, the challenging Power System Interconnector Project is aimed at the realization of the greatest African energy highway, that will allow the transmission of hydroelectric energy from Ethiopia to Kenya thanks to So this is America’s vision: a partnership with Africa that unleashes growth, and the potential of every citizen, not just a few at the very top. And this is achievable. But history tells us that true progress is only possible where governments exist to serve their people, and not the other way around. The good news is that this example is getting attention across the continent. But this work is not complete – we all know that. Not in those countries where leaders enrich themselves with impunity; not in communities where you can’t start a business, or go to school, or get a house without paying a bribe to somebody. These things have to change. And they have to change not just because such corruption is immoral, but it is also a matter of self-interest and economics. Governments that respect the rights of their citizens and abide by the rule of law do better, grow faster, draw more investment than those who don’t. That is just a fact. These are things that America stands for – not perfectly – but that is what we stand for, and that is what my administration stands for. We don’t tell people who their leaders should be, but we do stand up with those who support the principles that lead to a better life. And that is why we are interested in investing not in strongmen, but in strong institutions: independent judiciaries that can enforce the rule of law; honest police forces that can protect the peoples’ interests instead of their own; an open government that can bring transparency and accountability. the HVDC technology. With 1,040 km and 500 kV HVDC bipolar overhead transmission lines, the new infrastructure will integrate the electricity markets of the East African Power Pool through the interconnection of Ethiopia and Kenya power systems. In particular, this interconnection will increase the supply of power and reduce the cost of electricity in Kenya, whilst, on the other hand, generating additional revenues for Ethiopia through the export of electricity to Kenya. The Owner’s Engineering of the project – design, supply, installation on site, testing and commissioning – has been awarded to CESI by the Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCO) and the Kenya Electricity Transmission Company (KETRACO), after an international tender. CESI’s outstanding list of references for similar recent projects – including Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Brazil – clearly made the difference in winning the tender. CESI has been engaged in Consortium with the international companies Lahmeyer International and Elc. The infrastructure is expected to be finalized by the end of 2016 and is worth about 12 million euro. And, yes, that is why we stand up for civil society – for journalists and NGOs, and community organisers and activists – who give people a voice. And that’s why we support societies that empower women – because no country will reach its potential unless it draws on the talents of our wives and our mothers, and our sisters and our daughters. I AM PROUD TO ANNOUNCE A NEW INITIATIVE – POWER AFRICA – TO DOUBLE ACCESS TO POWER IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA I know that there are some in Africa who hear me say these things say that is intrusive. Why are you meddling? I know there are those who argue that ideas like democracy and transparency are somehow Western exports. I disagree. Those in power who make those arguments are usually trying to distract people from their own abuses. Sometimes, they are the same people who behind closed doors are willing to sell out their own country’s resource to foreign interests, just so long as they get a cut. This text is the result of an accurate selection extracted from Barack Obama’s speech at the University of Cape Town, South Africa (June 2013). The selection is based on the official transcription, as published on the White House’s website. BACK TO CONTENTS 9 – Energy Journal – January 2014 | INTERVIEW | A fast-changing energy world Interview with Ms Maria van der Hoeven, executive director of the International Energy Agency IN NOVEMBER 2013, THE IEA PUBLISHED ITS LAST WORLD ENERGY OUTLOOK. THE REPORT UNDERLINES HOW MANY OF THE LONG-HELD TENETS OF THE ENERGY SECTOR ARE BEING REWRITTEN WHILE AT THE SAME TIME NEW KEY PLAYERS ARE COMING TO THE FORE. IN THIS INTERVIEW, MS. MARIA VAN DER HOEVEN, IEA’S EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, FOCUSES ON THE IMPORTANCE OF ENERGY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND ENERGY PRICES AS A KEY FACTOR OF COMPETITIVENESS. In WEO 2013, IEA underlined the problem of stubbornly high energy prices – particularly oil prices – and its influence on economic growth and competitiveness. What factors determined this unprecedented situation and how do you think governments and international organisations should react? As I said at the launch of the World Energy Outlook 2013 in London in November, it is now more than five years after the onset of the global financial crisis, yet the recovery remains fragile; for many consumers and businesses, energy prices remain stubbornly high. Alarmingly, oil prices have averaged over $110/barrel since 2011. There has also been a substantial widening of the gap between natural gas prices in the United States, Europe and Asia. Electricity price differentials are also large between regions. In the central scenario of the World Energy Outlook, the difference in regional natural gas and electricity prices narrows somewhat but remains pronounced. These energy price disparities impact industrial competitiveness. The United States, which currently has relatively low energy prices, has seen a slight increase in its share of global exports of energy-intensive goods, providing the clearest indication of the link between relatively low energy prices and the industrial outlook. Conversely, the shares of the European Union and Japan both are forecast to decline relative to current levels. High energy prices do not have to result in onerous energy costs for end users or the national economy. Improvements in energy efficiency play a crucial role in mitigating high energy costs. Policy makers can also boost energy competitiveness by supporting indigenous sources of energy supply as well as by increasing competition in wholesale and retail energy markets. The efficiency argument also applies to oil prices – which, unlike gas and electricity – are much more uniform around the world. It may seem obvious, but a sure way to halve your bill for petrol is to double the fuel economy of your vehicle. As WEO 2013 highlights, two-thirds of the economic potential for energy efficiency will remain untapped in 2035. What concrete strategies could governments and industries implement to enhance efficiency? We note in WEO 2013 that a renewed focus on energy efficiency is taking hold and is set to deliver benefits that extend well beyond improvements and competitiveness. But the potential for energy efficiency is still far from exhausted: two-thirds of the economic potential of energy efficiency is set to remain untapped in WEO 2013 central scenario. Action is needed to break down barriers to investment in energy efficiency. There are many avenues available: actions to renovate the building stock and to ensure that new buildings require less energy to heat or cool, to strengthen standards for electrical appliances, to improve fuel-efficiency in vehicles or to encourage the application of technologies that require less fuel to produce electricity. THE POTENTIAL FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY IS STILL FAR FROM EXHAUSTED: TWO-THIRDS OF THE ECONOMIC POTENTIAL OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY IS SET TO REMAIN UNTAPPED IN THE WEO 2013 CENTRAL SCENARIO Another avenue is phasing out fossil-fuel subsidies, which we estimate rose to $544 billion worldwide in 2012. Let me give just one example of how fossil-fuel subsidies can undermine the potential for energy efficiency: in the Middle East, where gasoline prices are abnormally low due in part to fossil-fuel subsidies, an investment in a hybrid car is recovered through lower fuel costs only after 18 years. In Europe, it takes four years. Most interesting renewables projects are intercontinental. Having a solid technology that allows for the transport of energy from where it has been produced to where it will be consumed is fundamental so being able to cover very long distances and overcome very difficult environmental conditions is key. But defining and sharing international frameworks – both technological, commercial and political – also seems important. From this point of view what has already be done and what should we do? 10 – Energy Journal – January 2014 I’m not sure we agree with your premise. Most attractive renewable energy project remain at the continental or the national scale. In the long-term, thanks to high-voltage, direct-current transmission lines, it will be possible to transport electricity for thousands of kilometres, and this will require some kind of co-ordination of market standards and operational rules. Brazil will certainly become one of most important energy producers in the next few years. How do you think this “new entry” will change the energy market? Could Brazil be considered a model for other developing countries, especially regarding its policy of granting its people access to modern energy and its “Energy for all” programme? ALL EMERGING ECONOMIES COULD BENEFIT FROM A CLOSE LOOK AT THE DISTINCTIVE WAY IN WHICH BRAZIL IS MEETING ITS ENERGY NEEDS Brazil is set to play a central role in meeting the world’s oil needs through to 2035, accounting for a third of the net growth in global supply. Such an increase in supply is heavily dependent on highly complex and capital-intensive 11 – Energy Journal – January 2014 deep-water developments, and Brazil is set to consolidate its position as the global leader in offshore production. A pivotal factor in shaping Brazil’s energy outlook will be the country’s success in maintaining high levels of investment, with $90 billion needed per year to 2035. Almost two-thirds of this is required in the oil sector and more than a quarter to expand power generation and the transmission network. As for whether Brazil may be a model for other emerging economies looking to develop their energy sectors, the Latin American country certainly boasts some enviable features. Its energy sector remains one of the least carbonintensive in the world thanks to its large dependence on renewable sources of energy. And, as you say, it has been very successful in bringing modern energy services to the population; more than 99% of the Brazilian population now has access to electricity. Not every country has the range and scale of natural resources that Brazil has, but I think that all emerging economies could benefit from a close look at the distinctive way in which Brazil is meeting its energy needs, as well as the challenges that it faces as it tries to reconcile energy and environmental objectives. BACK TO CONTENTS 13 – Energy Journal – January 2014 | INDUSTRIES & COUNTRIES | The global energy village Khalid Al-Falih, Chief Executive Officer of Saudi Aramco READY ACCESS TO CLEAN ENERGY SHOULD BE A RIGHT FOR ALL: THIS IS THE INSPIRATIONAL CHALLENGE THE ENERGY SECTOR MUST FACE. ACHIEVING THIS SHARED GOAL WILL BE POSSIBLE ONLY HARVESTING ALL THE ENERGY WE HAVE: EVERY DIFFERENT SOURCE WILL BE REQUIRED IN THE LONG TERM. IN THE GLOBAL ENERGY VILLAGE, LEARNING TO COLLABORATE WILL BE FUNDAMENTAL. Today, in the world, less than one-third of the world’s 7 billion people consume more than two-thirds of its primary energy supplies. The other five billion people have varying degrees of access to supplies of modern energy, with some trapped in extreme energy poverty. But by 2050, a total of 9 billion people will aspire to a prosperous life. That’s why ready access to clean energy will be a right for all, not a privilege for a few. That is the inspirational challenge the world faces and the test we must pass as an industry. IN ELECTRIC POWER GENERATION WE ARE REPLACING INEFFICIENT POWER PLANTS AND INCREASINGLY MOVING THEM TO GAS As well as two billion additional people, the global economy will be three or hopefully even four times larger by 2050. More people and affluence mean more mobility, more urbanization, and more demand for durable and consumable goods. That in turn will drive consumption for fuels, electricity, and chemical feedstocks; and therefore energy. But it is not preordained that demand has to rise to unsustainable levels, even if we provide everyone with sufficient energy. Improved energy intensity is our low hanging fruit and can deliver similar economic growth using considerably less energy. Setting aggressive targets on efficiency and demand management could dramatically reduce energy consumption while enabling wider access to energy, saving trillions of dollars, conserving natural resources, and improving environmental performance. Improving efficiency in both energy conversion and widespread end-use applications is challenging: many nations have already taken bold steps, and Saudi Arabia is among them. The Government has launched major initiatives to significantly improve the efficiency of energy end-use in a range of sectors like industry, transportation, and buildings. In electric power generation we are replacing inefficient power plants and increasingly moving them to gas. But even assuming the world lowers its future energy intensity to an optimal level, future demand will be much higher than it is today. Which begs the question: how are we going to supply that demand? To begin with, the earth is blessed with a colossal endowment of fossil energy. Take the oil industry. We have already produced about 1.3 trillion barrels, yet proven reserves have never come down. Instead, current proven reserves of 1.6 trillion barrels, which equate to a half-century of global oil production at current rates, are at their highest level ever. 14 – Energy Journal – January 2014 15 – Energy Journal – January 2014 Khalid Al-Falih, Chief Executive Officer of Saudi Aramco And these numbers will continue to rise with increased exploration and improved recovery. THE U.S. SHALE REVOLUTION WILL SPREAD FAR AND WIDE, AS MANY OTHER AREAS OF THE WORLD APPEAR TO HOLD ENORMOUS UNCONVENTIONAL So resources are, in fact, abundant: looking at the earth’s total endowment of liquid fuels, we are blessed with about 14 trillion barrels of original resources-in-place. This is divided about equally between conventional and unconventional resources – tight oil, extra heavy liquids, bitumen, and oil shale. Current proven reserves have a lot of room to grow. Such reserves will be necessary to sustain rising long-term oil demand. In fact, demand for oil in absolute terms is likely to rise by about 20 MMBD during the next two decades. That’s equal to the current production of the world’s two largest oil producers, Russia and Saudi Arabia, combined! Likewise, the world’s current gas reserves of more than 7,000 trillion cubic feet have enormous room to grow, considering that the unconventional gas revolution has expanded the world’s technically recoverable gas resources to the range of 30,000 tcf. If we could economically recover them, they could meet global gas demand at current rates for more than 250 years! U.S. shale revolution will spread far and wide, as many other areas of the world appear to hold enormous unconventional potential. The rush is definitely on. Only two years after launching our unconventional gas program in the frontier Northern Region, we are ready to commit gas for the development of a 1,000 megawatt power plant, which will feed a massive phosphate mining and manufacturing center, and drive that region’s development and prosperity. Oil and gas are the most efficient, convenient, economic, and reliable energy sources the world has ever known. And they will undoubtedly continue to be the crown jewels of world energy supplies well into the future. Yet, despite their abundance, and because they are the crown jewels, we should use them prudently, efficiently, and more cleanly to secure our energy future. And we do that by leveraging them in combination with other sources like nuclear, hydro, coal, and renewables which will play an increasingly important, complementary role. Starting with nuclear, its prospects have unfortunately been clouded by Fukushima. However, the inevitable massive growth in demand for electricity means that nuclear will still form a significant part of the electricity generation mix in the coming decades. Naturally, legitimate concerns about nuclear safety and the issue of spent fuel disposal need to be addressed. Turning to coal – and considering its abundance and lower costs – I believe it will always have a role in meeting energy demand as long as we invest in far-reaching technologies that will improve efficiency and environmental performance. However, coal will face stiff competition from ever more abundant supplies of natural gas, especially when considering that coal’s carbon emissions in power generation are at least twice that of gas. On top of these core energy sources, renewables will also have a role, although technical and economic hurdles remain in the way of their rapid deployment. Furthermore, the existing global energy system is massive, and it will take time to transform, even as alternatives and renewables come on-stream. But progress is being made, costs are coming down, and the long-term role of alternatives and renewables is indisputable. These sources should not be seen as competitors or displacers of demand. In Saudi Arabia, in fact, our vision is to turn the Kingdom into a global solar hub, and we are investing heavily in the research, development, and utilization of solar energy. However, that doesn’t mean the world can afford to provide costly subsidies on an ongoing basis at the expense of economic development and fiscal imperatives. Rather, the appropriate energy mix should be left to the market and technology to determine. Meeting our 2050 energy goals will be easier said than done. There are 4 key pre-requisites for success. First, we need progressive, yet pragmatic and plausible, global energy policies. Since all energy sources will be required, we shouldn’t prematurely pick winners and losers, selectively subsidize, set unworkable targets, or apply unrealistic regulatory and fiscal regimes. Instead, we should invest in technologies and let them mature to offer confidence in largescale deployment and, let me stress again, allow markets to work. The second pre-requisite is that adequate, timely, and long-term investments must be made in all energy sources to ensure sufficient supplies are safely and reliably produced and delivered to new consumers. In just the next two decades, total energy investment is estimated to be in the range of $40 trillion. These investment levels are staggering and, to fund them continuously, projects will need to be profitable and bankable. The third pre-requisite is game-changing, pacesetting R&D and technology. This leads to the last pre-requisite: collaboration. Let’s not jeopardize our chance to make history by working at cross-purposes. We must avoid this at all costs. Because, we need all energy sources, all industry players, all governments, all academic and research institutions, and all energy bodies, working together in the global energy village. OIL AND GAS ARE THE MOST EFFICIENT AND RELIABLE ENERGY SOURCES THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN. YET, WE SHOULD USE THEM PRUDENTLY, EFFICIENTLY, AND MORE CLEANLY TO SECURE OUR ENERGY FUTURE Providing adequate, affordable, and acceptable energy to 9 billion people will be the challenge of our lives, and of those who will follow in our footsteps. But it also presents us all with the most inspirational opportunity. This text is the result of an accurate selection extracted from Mr. Al-Falih’s speech at the 22nd World Energy Congress in Daegu (October 201ß3). The selection is based on the official transcription, as published on the event’s website. BACK TO CONTENTS 16 – Energy Journal – January 2014 17 – Energy Journal – January 2014 On 16 April 1954, The New York Times opened with a curious headline: “A huge amount of power will be supplied by a battery that uses the main ingredients of sand.” The article recounts in detail the discovery of Chapin, Fuller and Pearson, scientists at the Bell Telephone Laboratories who were able to produce a device capable of converting 6% of sunlight into electricity. It was the first photovoltaic device and was made of crystalline silicon. The news was welcomed as the beginning of a new highly promising age. | FUTURES & TECHNOLOGIES | HCPV: solar, growing from generation to generation Roberta Campesato, Head of Solar Cells Laboratories, Testing & Certification Division, CESI THE FIRST PHOTOVOLTAIC DEVICE WAS DEVELOPED BACK IN THE 1950S. THE NEW YORK TIMES SPOKE OF THE ADVENT OF A NEW ERA, BUT AFTER SIXTY YEARS THE CONTRIBUTION OF SOLAR ENERGY WORLDWIDE CONTINUES TO REMAIN LOW. THANKS TO TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH, THERE IS NOW A SYSTEM THAT CONTAINS COSTS WHILE INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY OF THE CELLS. TODAY HCPV COMBINES THE RESULTS OF SPACE RESEARCH ONTO NEXT-GENERATION DEVICES WITH AN APPROACH THAT ALLOWS FOR LESS CONSUMPTION OF PRECIOUS MATERIALS. However, the high costs and the difficulty of obtaining significant yields confined the use of the first generation cells for a long time to space applications. Photovoltaics quickly became the norm in space, where the relationship between energy and weight was more favourable. Still today it is the first choice when energy is needed for services on a spacecraft. It was, instead, the events of the 1970s, beginning with the 1973 oil embargo, that forced researchers and industry around the world towards a greater commitment to developing photovoltaic technology that could give good results also in terrestrial applications. The first generation of solar cells was born in space, but progress on the ground remained slow. Today, crystalline silicon cells account for 80% of the world photovoltaic market. Forty years of history give some assurances to investors, who tend to prefer low risks and safe returns, but this technology has now reached its technological limits and its further development is only possible through a drastic reduction in production costs. The second generation, which is based on the use of thin film, makes it possible to reduce the production costs of the modules, but it does not improve cell efficiency and is not in fact a step forward. While commercial crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells reach a conversion efficiency of up to 20%, for thin film solar cells it is about 12-15%. The third generation of cells will, it is hoped, finally allow photovoltaic technology to make a real leap forward, making it possible for it to get established and spread significantly thanks to increased conversion efficiency. A leap forward The basic idea of the new generation devices was already known in the 1960s and consists of realising structures composed of several elementary cells, each of which is optimized to convert a well-defined portion of the solar spectrum. These different cells get “stacked” on top of each other. Although the principle has been known for a long time, more than forty years of technological development and basic research were necessary to make the implementation possible. The availability of metal organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD) facilities that allow real band-gap engineering on the materials used to make the device, have made it possible for these devices to be built since the mid-1990s. In other words, this technique made it possible to implement accurate controls, even at the atomic layers level, of the crystalline quality of the materials. THIRD GENERATION CELLS WILL ALLOW PHOTOVOLTAIC TECHNOLOGY TO MAKE A LEAP FORWARD, MAKING IT POSSIBLE FOR IT TO GET ESTABLISHED AND SPREAD SIGNIFICANTLY In the aerospace industry these new cells are now well established and have effectively overtaken the first generation. On Earth, they are used in high concentration photovoltaics (HCPV). In other words, the concentration of light through lenses or mirrors makes it possible to produce the same amount of energy from a smaller area of multi-junction cells. The technique of concentrating solar radiation on smaller cells makes it possible to reach efficiencies well above 40%. How an HCPV system works The solar cell is definitely the heart of HCPV in that its conversion efficiency largely determines the performance of the entire system and ultimately the cost of the energy produced. At the same time an HCPV system is made up of countless components. As mentioned, a number of HCPV cells mounted upon receivers connected to focusing optics (lens or mirror) make up an HCPV module. Several modules connected together are mounted on a dual-axis tracking system that is essential for allowing the alignment of the optical axis of the plane with the sun. 19 – Energy Journal – January 2014 | From space to Earth and back again | CESI has more than 30 years of experience in producing and selling high efficiency multi junction solar cells based on III-V compound semiconductors such as Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) and Indium Gallium Phosphide (InGaP) deposited on Germanium (Ge) substrates. The first solar cells to be developed and manufactured more than 30 years ago were GaAs single junctions structures. More recently, CESI has developed, optimized and qualified better performing InGaP/InGaAs/Ge triple junctions solar cells. This device has been in the production stage for more than five years obtaining 30% efficiencies in the space environment. Since the first GaAs solar cells that flew in space in 1984 on board of an European Space Agency calibration experiment, CESI solar cells powered more than 60 satellites of 20 different Countries experiencing 100% success. demonstrated to reach 40% of conversion efficiency. The terrestrial application of such high efficiency solar cells is economically convenient in high concentration photovoltaic systems (HCPV). In this application, CESI’s triple junction solar cells CESI is currently effectively developing quadruple junction cells within the ESA programs aiming at objectives towards 35% efficiency in space and 45% efficiency in terrestrial concentration applications. Reduce costs, increase efficiency According to the latest Solar Energy Report published by MIP in April 2013, while the cost of capital of a turnkey HCPV plant is higher than competing PV Technologies, its higher efficiency already makes it more competitive on a $/kwh basis for generating energy in areas with large amounts of direct sunlight (DIN > 6). Reducing costs and improving performance are the goals that technological innovation must try to achieve to make HCPV highly competitive, not only with the other photovoltaic technologies, but also with other renewable and traditional sources of energy. Industry studies have shown that it is still possible to reduce the overall cost of an HCPV system by about 50% compared with the cost in 2012. Bankability is another key aspect that must be taken into consideration for HCPV technology to be successful. That is to say the possibility for investors to have access to bank loans so they can build the plants. Banks play a central role in the diffusion of every new technology and even more so when the technology requires big plants for which large investments are necessary. The role of the banking system Photovoltaics chance of competing in the energy market depends largely on whether scientific research can transform this technology’s potential into reality. It is a young technology that still has very little medium or long-term data records and a regulatory “vacuum” that only in recent years has begun to be addressed. The future of high-concentration solar will ultimately depend on the approval of the banking and financial system. The faster the bankability issue of this technology is addressed the sooner we will be able to see the effects in terms of market share. DNI > 6 Source: From a technological point of view, the dual axis tracking system is the most sensitive part of an HCPV system. Since the optical systems mounted on the receivers can concentrate only direct light (direct normal irradiation, DNI), the greater the concentration factor for which the system is designed the more accurate the tracking of the solar source must be. REDUCING COSTS AND IMPROVING PERFORMANCE ARE THE GOALS THAT TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION MUST TRY TO ACHIEVE TO MAKE HCPV HIGHLY COMPETITIVE Compared with a first or second generation system, HCPV technology has several important advantages. The characteristics of HCPV make it the best photovoltaic technology for the areas of the globe with high solar irradiation and temperature. The power generated (and therefore the energy produced) is correlated to the intensity of the direct sunlight; this power is little influenced by high temperatures, which are more likely to come during the hours of maximum sunlight. Multi- junction cells, combined with the HCPV technology, are the best and more costeffective solution for developing International projects that aim to exploit solar energy in DNI regions such as North Africa, Chile, India, China and the Mille East. The modularity of the system makes it quick and easy to build electricity generation facilities, which can be scaled up as needed also in areas with no access to water. BACK TO CONTENTS | INDUSTRIES & COUNTRIES | Environmental and industrial culture Roberto Ferraroli, Director Engineering & Environment, ISMES Division, CESI SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IS OUR COMMITMENT. TODAY THE MOST ADVANCED INDUSTRIAL COMPANIES HAVE LONG BEEN AWARE OF THE NEED FOR PROPER ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. “ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING” IS THE TOOL FOR ENSURING THAT THE ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE OF AN INDUSTRIAL PLANT MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS SET BY LAW. MOREOVER, IT ALLOWS FOR A DETAILED CONTROL OF THE DIFFERENT STAGES AND CAN THEREFORE LEAD TO INCREASED OPTIMISATION AND EFFICIENCIES OF THE INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES. | Monitor the environmental impact. Increase the social acceptability of the industrial plant | Proper planning and implementation of environmental monitoring can help a plant gain local and national acceptance. The analysis of surveys done both inside and outside the plant makes it possible to give the public as well as local institutions a scientifically reliable, detailed picture of the environmental impact (for example on the water and atmosphere) and the plant’s contribution within that context. With monitoring one can demonstrate whether (and how) the legal requirements are met, clarify how much pollution the plant will cause, and compare it with other sources of pollution while identifying what caused critical situations. This helps avoid disputes between companies and with the government. In other cases, environmental monitoring of air emissions showed the environmental performance of the plant and guided actions aimed at optimising combustion conditions while minimising the use of raw materials. This creates In recent decades there has been increased awareness of the impact economic development has on the environment. Today people and businesses as well as national and international political institutions have clearly realised that development must be sustainable. According to the European Commission’s definition, sustainable development is development that meets the needs of current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It’s a definition that blends together present and future generations and places on us the responsibility to preserve the planet and its incredible wealth for those who will come after us. This vision of progress integrates immediate and long-term goals on a local and global level. It sees technological, social, economic and environmental issues as inseparable and interdependent components of human progress. For these reasons, today the industrial sector, a key player in the creation of a country’s economic wealth, is in the throes of a radical process of redefining its actions, strategies and modus operandi. The most advanced industrial companies have long been aware of the need for proper environmental management that aims to achieve development that is socially responsible and sustainable. an economic advantage and can be important in preventing potential litigation. CESI has over the years developed an assessment methodology that once supplemented by environmental monitoring in the plant and in the surrounding environment makes it possible to solve complex problems that for the most part have arisen due to a lack of clear communications and the sharing of the technicalscientific method being used. In order to prevent, reduce and where possible eliminate pollution arising from industrial activities – in accordance with the principle “polluter pays principle” – the European Union over time has issued a series of directives aimed at ensuring prudent management of natural resources and significantly reducing the impact of industrial activity on the surrounding environment. MONITORING CAN HELP TO EMBED A TRUE ENVIRONMENTAL CULTURE WITHIN THE COMPANY CULTURE The normative evolution: from a sectorspecific to an integrated approach Over the years, legislation has undergone significant changes as it increasingly moves towards an integrated assessment of the consequences of industry on the environment. Having different approaches to control air, water and soil emissions may encourage the transfer of pollution from one part of the environment to another thus failing to protect the environment as a whole. For this reason, the current reference standard – the IPPC Directive (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control) – establishes the need to assess the environmental impact of a particular industrial activity through an integrated approach that is able to evaluate air, water and soil emissions, waste management, energy efficiency and accident prevention. 22 – Energy Journal – January 2014 23 – Energy Journal – January 2014 From this general principle arise a number of concrete requirements and obligations businesses must follow. In particular, the European Union established an authorisation procedure (Integrated Environmental Authorisation) that defines the minimum requirements that must be met, above all in terms of emissions, to be able to start a business in a particular environmental setting. To obtain authorisation, the operator must demonstrate through rigorous documentation that the system complies with all the requirements of the law. The IEA also requires that a monitoring and control plan be put in place that makes clear its methodologies, frequency of measurement and evaluation procedures. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING CAN LEAD TO INCREASED OPTIMISATION OF THE INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES While it is fundamental that industrial activity be required to follow precise environmental criteria from the beginning, for the European Union it is equally important that the attention to these criteria remain constant during a plant’s life cycle. Environmental monitoring: a tool for competitiveness Environmental monitoring is, therefore, the tool for demonstrating that the environmental performance of an industrial plant meets the requirements set by law. Fundamental, from this point of view, is the reliability of the data gathered. This reliability can only be ensured if there are structures in place with the necessary skills and equipment as well as recognised and up-to-date methodologies and procedures to guarantee an accredited quality control system. Implementing the monitoring and control plan requires a specific set of workers and a flexible operating structure. It requires equipment, instrumentation and high-tech laboratories that make it possible to perform a wide variety of tests in differing sectors and disciplines (chemistry, physics, biology, engineering, statistics, electronics, plant design, etc.). It requires the ability to integrate successfully the necessary specialist skills and experiences with the aim of finding effective solutions to problems and achieving efficient project management. | Environmental emergencies: strategies for acting quickly and effectively | Taking action immediately after an environmental emergency occurs is essential. Being able to enact immediate measures dodges authorisation problems and can help avoid having to sustain onerous costs to restore the damaged environment. CESI, which has managed the environmental monitoring for some major Italian companies, has on several occasions been called upon to manage crisis situations and has developed an efficient and rapid strategy for resolving emergencies. Thanks to the skills, facilities and laboratories at its disposal, CESI can act in very diverse industrial sectors. It has a series of best practices that have increased through the years. A few examples One of the cases followed by CESI involved a utility. Following a spill of petroleum products with the resulting risk of potential contamination of the soil and aquifer, emergency action was needed to take water and soil samples for a thorough chemical analysis. Being able to verify very quickly the environmental impact on the area helped contain the magnitude and extent of the event. The quick response also made it possible to put in place the necessary containment and plan clean-up measures. All these factors proved decisive during the ensuing discussion with the authorities. Another case study focused on the alleged effects on coastal erosion of an industrial plant’s discharge of water. The analysis of historical data and a series of bathymetric surveys of the coastal waters near the industrial area made it possible through mathematical modelling to reconstruct the phenomena that caused the environmental damage, evaluate the actual impact and create a forecast for its possible evolution. Ferrari’s factory Courtesy of Ferrari Monitoring can help to embed a true environmental culture within the company culture. For this to happen, however, people within the company must understand that beyond the need to comply with a legal obligation there is a real value to accurate and constant monitoring. This makes it possible to identify scenarios for how pollution might evolve, to consider not only the plant, but the vast area around it. This in turn allows for the plant’s contribution to be compared with other possible sources of energy in the area. Moreover, this tool allows for a detailed control of the different stages of processing and can therefore lead to increased optimisation of the industrial processes. Performing serious environmental monitoring can help companies become more efficient (optimising the use of natural resources and energy while minimising inefficiencies and waste), reducing costs thereby creating a potential competitive advantage. | Italian style | “The Made in Italy Architecture’’ show closed at the end of October 2013 at the Abu Dhabi Emirates Palace. Organised by Italy’s IN/ ARCH, the National Architecture Institute, the exhibit documented the work of Italian studios BACK TO CONTENTS whose design philosophy focuses on sensitivity to the environment and presented many different projects designed for Italian industry and factories (such as Ferrari, iGuzzini, Technogym, Benetton, Eataly and Gucci). For these Italian companies, the sustainability of manufacturing processes and energy efficiency are values to be promoted and concretely supported with strategic industrial choices. The show was the centrepiece of the Italy pavilion at the 2012 Architecture Biennale in Venice. 24 – Energy Journal – January 2014 25 – Energy Journal – January 2014 | FACE TO FACE | Strengthening the Brazilian energy backbone Interview with Jose Alise Ragone Filho, Chief Executive Officer of Taesa, and Paulo Cesar Vaz Esmeraldo, Managing Director CESI do Brasil BRAZIL’S ENERGY SECTOR IS ONE OF THE LEAST CARBON-INTENSIVE IN THE WORLD. HYDROPOWER IS ITS BACKBONE. STRENGTHENING ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE IS FUNDAMENTAL FOR CONFRONTING THE COUNTRY’S GROWING ENERGY DEMAND AND GRANTING UNIVERSAL ACCESS TO ELECTRICITY. J. A. Ragone Filho P. C. V. Esmeraldo The Belo Monte Dam will be the thirdlargest dam in the world measured by energy production. The technological standards used in this project (safety, efficiency, environmental protection, HVDC transmission line…) will become a reference point worldwide. What are the most innovative characteristics of the project? Jose Aloise Ragone Filho The Belo Monte project was born in the seventies. The original conception suffered through a lot of changes so as to respect Brazilian environmental rules. Belo Monte will be the only hydro plant on the Xingu River and the project worked to minimise intervention on the course of the Xingu River in order to preserve local flora and fauna and indigenous areas. Two types of turbines will be used in different locations to maximise the use of water. The HVDC system will be one of the largest in the world, with a very high level of voltage (± 800 kV) and a transmission capacity of 4,000 MW in its first stage. Paulo Cesar Vaz Esmeraldo Regarding the power plant itself the most innovative aspects are those related to the environment. The design of the plant took into consideration a desire to have the least possible impact on the environment by eliminating big reservoirs. Of course, these measures dictate the amount of energy that will be produced, but the environment will be protected because the flooded areas will not exceed the land that is covered by water during the wet season. I guess the environmentalists are happier with this new design, even considering the indigenous question. 26 – Energy Journal – January 2014 | Belo Monte Dam: a strategic project for Brazil’s economic growth | To integrate the high amount of energy, approximately 8,000 MW, into the Interconnected Brazilian system, two ± 800 kV HVDC 4,000 MW bi-poles will be built to link the northern part of the Brazilian power system network to its southeast part. It is a new challenge for this continental-size system. Besides the usual obstacles encountered in establishing a 2,140 km transmission (originating in the Amazon region), the project will have the highest DC voltage level standard and an amount of power never transmitted in a single link in Brazil. The second bi-pole, to be implemented two years after the first one thus completing the HVDC link system, will contain the longest transmission line in the world, an estimated 2,439 kilometres. BRAZIL WILL BE A MEMBER OF A VERY SELECT GROUP OF COUNTRIES THAT HAVE 800 KV TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS In the Brazilian green energy mix, hydropower is the key player. Investment in energy transmission infrastructure is fundamental if the country is to better exploit this undeveloped potential. What does the Logistics Investment Plan launched in 2012 by President Rousseff foresee? J. A. Ragone Filho The Logistic Investment Plan is a great effort by the Brazilian government to modernize its logistics infrastructure. At the moment, the government is trying to promote both state and private investments. | 2035: Brazil at the cutting edge | Brazil’s abundant and diverse energy resources underpin an 80% increase in its energy use, including the achievement of universal access to electricity. Rising consumption is driven by the energy needs of an expanding middle class, resulting in strong growth in demand for transport fuels and a doubling of electricity consumption. Meeting this demand requires substantial and timely investment throughout the energy system – $90 billion per year on average. The system of auctions for new electricity generation and transmission capacity will be vital in bringing new capital to the power sector and in reducing pressure on end-user prices. The development of a wellfunctioning gas market, attractive to new entrants, can likewise help spur investment and improve the competitive position of Brazilian industry. A stronger policy focus on energy efficiency would ease potential strains on a rapidly growing energy system. Brazil’s energy sector remains one of the least carbon-intensive in the world, despite greater availability and use of fossil fuels. Brazil is already a world-leader in renewable energy and is set to almost double its output form renewables by 2035, maintaining their 43% share of the domestic energy mix. Hydropower remains the backbone of the power sector. From World Energy Outlook 2013 International Energy Agency P. C. V. Esmeraldo The Logistic Investment Plan foresees a strong partnership between public and private investments. This is of fundamental importance for the Brazilian infrastructure development in the electric industry. In that segment, the transmission lines will be of paramount importance not only considering the development of meshed 500 kV AC lines interconnecting the main regions of the country, but also the new HVDC links connecting the great unexploited hydropower plants located in the Amazon region. These lines will range from 2,000 - 3,000 km, the distance from the power plants to the main areas of consumption. They will be technologically in the avant-garde and will demonstrate HVDC’s capabilities thereby serving to increase the technology’s diffusion. What are the particular characteristics of the strategic HVDC projects that will connect the internal area of the country (where green power plants are located) to the main areas of consumption? J. A. Ragone Filho In Brazil, HVDC is used to transmit huge amounts of power over large distances. Because of this, the use of HVDC in Brazil is based on high voltage levels and very long lines. Brazil was the first country to use 600 kV HVDC (Itaipu project) and now will be a member of a very selected group of countries that have 800 kV transmission systems. Two 800 kV bi-poles will be constructed in the near future, and electrical studies suggest other HVDC systems will be necessary in the future. The project of setting up hydroelectric power plants on the Xingu River, in the Parà state of Brazil, date back to the 1970s, under the name of Cararaô. Then, the plan was to construct three plants using models current at the time, which would have created three large flooded areas in the shape of a ‘cascade’ occupying a total area of approximately 1,500 km2. The proposal currently being debated seeks to minimise the possible negative effects of building dams. The new dam will use “run-of-river” designs, eschewing large reservoirs and relying on the water’s natural flow to power the turbines. The current project presupposes the construction of one main dam and a secondary one, close to each other, creating a single flooded area of approximately 500 km2 (a third of what earlier projects anticipated). Belo Monte will have an installed capacity of 20 MW per square kilometre flooded, a much higher index than that of Brazilian megapower plants: Itaipu (10MW/ km2) and Tucuruí (3.5MW/ km2). Belo Monte will also be, with regard to this feature, as efficient as the most modern hydroelectric plants currently being built such as the Three Gorges in China, with 21 MW/ km2, and especially more efficient than the current P. C. V. Esmeraldo HVDC is the most economical way to transmit huge amounts of energy over very long distances and the right-of-way to transmit 8,000 MW is close to three or four times less than with AC transmission lines for the same capacity, hence the environment impact is undoubtedly much lower. Moreover, as HVDC is traditionally a point-to-point transmission, it is expected multi-terminals will be used to feed intermediate loads along those corridors once the advanced development of existing multiterminals makes that option a real alternative. This will strengthen the so-called DC grids with much more controllability and security for the power system. Although Brazilian abundance in hydro resources is certainly a great asset, dependency on hydro can be dangerous. How does the government plan on balancing the mix while facing the country’s growing energy demand? J. A. Ragone Filho Dry periods can bring some problems for energy production from hydro plants, but Brazil has very attractive possibilities to avoid that risk. The country has wind farms and hydro plants in the northeast where maximum generation occurs exactly during the worst of the rainy season in the southeast. Besides, some plants using biomass are used to complement the system. Finally, some hydro plants in Brazil can store practice abroad such as the Portuguese hydroelectric plant of Alqueva, the largest in Europe with 0.95 MW/km2. In addition to the conceptual change, the development project envisages 40 mitigation initiatives for possible socio-environmental impacts on the region. It is estimated the cost of these measures will reach 2.5 billion reais out of the total 16 billion the government says the project will cost. Belo Monte thus constitutes a development project of undeniable strategic and economic importance for Brazil and is a model for large-scale hydroelectric plants as an environmentally sustainable alternative. water to use in the dry season, and in a worst case scenario, Brazil has some natural gas plants that can be used to produce only when green energy is not available. BRAZIL IS IMPROVING ITS GREEN ENERGY MIX, INSTALLING GREAT AMOUNTS OF WIND POWER, GAS-FIRED THERMAL PLANTS, BIOMASS PLANTS AND MORE RECENTLY THE USE OF PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR PLANTS HAS BEEN PLANNED P. C. V. Esmeraldo Of course, if Brazil were totally dependent of hydropower energy it could be dangerous since most hydro plants of recent construction basically have a run-of-river design due to environmental restrictions. But the country’s characteristics and continental dimension give the river basins great meteorological diversity making the transmission interconnections between the hydro plants in the north and southeast regions a valuable asset to optimise the energy flow during wet and dry seasons. Besides that characteristics regarding transmission systems, Brazil is improving its green energy mix, installing great amounts of wind power, gas-fired thermal plants, biomass plants and more recently the use of photovoltaic solar plants has been planned. Therefore, to cope with its ever-increasing energy needs, Brazil is on the right track as it pursues a diversity of energy resources. BACK TO CONTENTS 29 – Energy Journal – January 2014 | IDEAS AND VISION | Integrating RES generation into the power system Bruno Cova, Head of Power Systems Markets & Regulatory, Consulting, Solutions & Services Division, CESI IN THE EU THE GENERATION MIX IS IN RAPID TRANSFORMATION DUE BASICALLY TO AN ENHANCED PENETRATION OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES. THIS DRAMATIC CHANGE IS PROMPTING SUBSTANTIAL INVESTMENTS IN TRANSMISSION GRIDS. In these recent years, the European Union has proactively acted to reduce the impact of human activities on climate change. In 2009, the EU Parliament and the Council approved the Climate and Energy package consisting of a series of binding targets to be reached by 2020: the socalled 20-20-20 targets. Soon after the approval of the above objectives, a further discussion started at the European Commission addressing an even more ambitious target consisting of reducing GHG to 80-95% below 1990 levels by 2050. The achievement of this long-term target entails an almost full decarbonisation of the power sector with a consequent revolution on the “generation mix”, where wind and solar generation would play an increasingly important role. This implies the adoption of new technologies to ensure the power supply with adequate reliability, as well as new electricity corridors to transmit bulk power over long distances and distribute the power regionally ensuring higher flexibility with respect to the present situation. As a consequence, in the EU the generation mix is in rapid transformation due basically to an enhanced penetration of renewable energy sources (RES), particularly from the wind and the sun thanks to generous incentives. According to ENTSO-E (the European Network of Transmission System Operators of Electricity) the “reference scenario” estimates in the next eight years a 120 percent growth in the installation of RES generation, excluding hydro, passing from 177 GW to 392 GW. The dramatic change in the generation mix is prompting substantial investments in the transmission grids. The Ten Year National Development Plan of ENTSO-E estimates an investment of 100 billion Euro over the next ten years, out of which 80 percent is for the integration of RES generation. In addition, the deployment of large scale RES generation is having an impact on the system security and on the power market mechanisms. Here below we highlight the barriers to overcome to foster an enhanced penetration of non-programmable RES generation while ensuring the compliance with the security and reliability standards adopted by the European Transmission System Operators. Taking as a base CESI’s experience, we also illustrate possible solutions for solving the potential problems caused by the nonprogrammable RES generation. THE FAST INCREASE OF GENERATION FROM NONPROGRAMMABLE RES HAS HEAVY CONSEQUENCES BOTH ON THE POWER MARKET OPERATION AND THE SYSTEM RELIABILITY AND SECURITY Impact of non-programmable RES generation on the power system The fast increase of generation from nonprogrammable RES has heavy consequences both on the power market operation and the system reliability and security. It is worth underlining that the problems briefly addressed here below have already affected some European countries and the solutions to overcome them can represent a good lesson to be learned by countries that are now launching new strategies for the deployment of RES generation in their territories. Impact on the day-ahead power market The priority dispatch of non-programmable RES generation can cause a non-negligible distortion of the day-ahead hourly market prices whenever the amount of this energy is significant compared with conventional generation. The reduction of market prices in daylight hours, caused by massive PV generation, is compensated by owners of conventional generators by increasing their biddings in the early evening hours to recover their margins. Estimated evolution of the generation mix in Europe by 2020 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 177 245 271 210 216 126 459 128 467 127 458 2012 2015 2016 200 30% 392 235 132 456 20% 10% 0% Fossil fuel Nuclear Power Hydro Power Renewable Energy Sources (other than hydro) 2020 Sources: ENTSO-E 30 – Energy Journal – January 2014 International Initiatives for RES integration CESI’s projects for RES integration Load following The PV generation pattern as well as that of other non-programmable RES are fully decoupled from the daily load behavior. Particularly, in the late afternoon the PV generation sharply decreases, just when the demand goes up. Hence, the conventional generation is called upon to react quickly to replace the missing PV generation and to cover the increasing demand thus causing wear and tear on the power plant equipment. Hence, the flexibility enhancement of the conventional generation is becoming a key priority to operate the system in the presence of non-programmable RES generation. Thus, also in this case, the increased flexibility of conventional generation together with possible applications of storage devices is becoming a key priority for the system to function. Risk of “over-generation” (or insufficient “downward” system adequacy) The excess of non-programmable RES generation in days with low demand is proving to be a critical factor. The sum of scheduled power import and minimum dispatchable conventional generation risks exceeding residual demand. To balance the system, structural long-term measures must be adopted, like building new pumping stations when feasible, or marketbased measures, like the coupling of balancing markets to avoid reducing net transfer capacities with a consequent market fragmentation. Risk of RES generating unit cascade disconnection If not properly designed, connection rules governing RES generating units can create the risk of a cascade effect passing disturbances down the power system. Hence, connection rules have recently been reviewed and now new RES generation must stay connected up to the same values of frequency deviations tolerated by conventional generation. Need for additional reserve Due to the higher volatility of intermittent RES generation and consequent higher forecast errors, system operators should ensure an additional amount of upward and downward reserve provided by conventional generation to balance the system. A problem arises when during a remarkable penetration of RES generation, a reduced set of conventional units is called upon to ensure the requested reserve. 1.Assessment of the additional upward/ downward reserve in relationship to the penetration rate of non-programmable RES generation. 2.Assessment of the maximum theoretical penetration level of non-programmable RES generation neglecting the network constraints, but taking into account all constraints on the (in) flexibility of conventional generation, load patterns and requirements for secondary and tertiary reserve. 3.Starting from the value of RES generation identified in the previous step, the RES generation is distributed in the territory under examination considering the availability of primary resources and, through a series of deterministic computations, the optimal connection locations and possible local congestions. 4.From the composite generation-transmissionload model identified above, a yearly probability analysis is applied. It takes into account all uncertainty in the power system, in particular Italy, TERNA Development Plan for RES integration to National Transmission grid Poland, Romania, Crete, Turkey, ENEL Maximum penetration of RES (wind and solar generation) Bulgaria, WAS Wind integration studies Dynamic stability and quality of supply A large share of RES generation is connected to the system through static converters; this is typical for PV units, but also for wind turbines. As a consequence, a higher penetration of nonsynchronous RES generation entails a reduction of inertia, the contribution of which is essential to slow down the frequency deviations in the first instants after a disturbance. Therefore, the conventional generating units are called to faster actions to avoid excessive frequency drops (or over-frequency) leading to the automatic triggering of load shedding or defense plans. In general, the presence of non-synchronous the uncertainty and intermittency of wind and solar generation are modeled in full compliance with the wind and solar regime in the various geographical areas. At the end of this stage, a number of indicators are evaluated: risk of RES generation curtailment and its causes, reliability indexes, and the likelihood of congestion. Hence, one can decide the priority of network reinforcements knowing the congestion entity. 5.Finally, a series of dynamic checks are carried out that aim to ensure the system’s stability should a set of credible contingencies occur. At the end of the dynamic analyses, the system planner, in agreement with the operation policy and connection standards, suggests the optimal setting to protect the network from problems that arise at the power stations. The “Friend of the Supergrids” is a group of companies and organisations with a mutual interest in promoting the policy agenda for a European Supergrid. RES4MED is a meeting point to compare strategies, discuss project outcomes, and connect experiences and knowledge in the Mediterranean. RES4MED intends to play the role of a “network of networks”, while offering its members expertise, knowledge and experience. Network congestions Renewable resources are often location dependent, particularly wind and solar power. Thus, power flowing over longer distances through the network can create congestion even relatively far from RES generation areas. In this case, remedial measures consist of local network reinforcements and/or the installation of storage devices. | A five-step approach for RES penetration | For assessing the maximum penetration level of non-programmable RES generation in compliance with the security and reliability criteria, CESI has chosen to adopt a five-step approach. Ireland, NIE/Eir Grid Transmission development plan to integrate RES generation Desertec Industrial Initiative acts as facilitator and catalyst of industrial initiatives for the integration of solar and wind power from the MENA region into the internal European market. DII is not an investor itself, nor will it develop projects itself. Rather it helps the market to recognize and develop feasible projects. Morocco, ENEL Maximum penetration of RES Tunisia, ELMED Wind integration studies Libya, REAOL Wind integration studies generation risks weaken the system, which suffers larger frequency deviations and voltage drops at the occurrence of a disturbance. Assessing the maximum penetration of non-programmable RES generation Solutions exist to overcome the problems outlined above, which arise when coping with a high share of non-programmable RES generation. These are pertinent to all stages of the power sector, from generation to demand, and are part of the fundamental principles and technological applications developed with the smart grids. The adoption of appropriate measures foster an enhanced penetration of RES generation while keeping the required system security and reliability standards. To this aim, CESI has developed and successfully applied a robust methodology to assess the maximum non-programmable RES penetration in a power system. (You can find CESI’s methodology summarized in the box “A five-step approach for RES penetration”.) Conclusions The big increase in volatile RES generation with the priority it is given over conventional generation is causing a non-negligible distortion of the day-ahead market prices. In addition, Egypt, ITALGEN Wind integration studies Jordan, MEMR (NEPCO) Wind integration studies some forms of RES generation, for example PV generators, originate during early evening high-load gradients which are followed by conventional generation; to address this problem, storage systems become essential. Furthermore, the risk of cascade disconnections of RES generating units and the consequent dynamic stability issues increases. At the same time, the power quality declines. All the above factors must be considered carefully for a reasonable development of power generation from non-programmable renewable sources. In this context, as we have noted in the box, a robust procedure to assess the maximum penetration of nonprogrammable RES can be implemented. This procedure has already been adopted by CESI in a number of studies applied to European and Mediterranean countries as shown on the map. Finally, it is worth recalling that international associations are actively working to coordinate the deployment of RES generation and the construction of the necessary onshore and offshore transmission infrastructures in Europe as well as in the southern and eastern Mediterranean region. Within this framework, CESI is an active member of RES4MED and “Friends of the Supergrid”. BACK TO CONTENTS | NEWS & EVENTS | | REVIEWS | Energy for future Presidents. The Science behind the headlines Italy - Russia Bilateral Summit Date > 26th November 2013 Venue > Trieste, Italy Richard Muller RICHARD MULLER’S BOOK IS A MUSTREAD GUIDE TO OUR ENERGY PRIORITIES NOW AND IN THE COMING YEARS The author of Physics for Future Presidents, UC Berkeley physicist Richard Muller, returns to educate all of us on the most crucial riddle for the planet: energy. The near-meltdown of Fukushima, the upheavals in the Middle East, the BP oil rig explosion and the looming reality of global warming remind all of us that nothing has more impact on our lives than the supply of and demand for energy. Its procurement dominates our economy and foreign policy more than any other factor. But the “energy question” is more confusing, contentious and complicated than ever before. Richard Muller frames his highly readable book as a series of explanatory memoranda to a hypothetical U.S. President, covering all the proposals currently on the table. In so doing, he brings fresh, often contrarian perspectives to topics that have been saturated in misinformation and hype. Coming back to the science behind the dilemma is the only way for reshaping challenges we must face. Muller undertakes the commitment in a lucid but never simplistic way. He argues, for example, that new techniques to extract the stupendous reserves of petroleum in shale and tar sands will eliminate all talk of peak oil; that wind power and photovoltaics will boom while corn ethanol, geothermal, and tidal power will fizzle; that household energy conservation is a great investment, while public transit is usually a bad one; and that China’s soaring carbon dioxide emissions will make America’s almost irrelevant—and that the best way to abate China’s emissions is by switching from coal to natural gas. For the longer term, he anticipates that the developing sector will adopt nuclear power, employing small modular nuclear reactors that are designed to be intrinsically safe. Richard Muller’s book is a must-read guide to our energy priorities now and in the coming years. An informative, comprehensive discussion of important economic and environmental issues. Richard Muller is Phisics professor at Berkeley University BACK TO CONTENTS CESI signed an agreement with JSC Russian Grids – Rosseti during Italy and Russia’s bilateral consultations in Trieste, in front of Russian President Mr. Putin and Italian Prime Minister Mr. Letta. Elecrama Date> from the 8th to the 12th January 2014 Venue> Bangalore, India CESI will be participating at the 11th edition of Elecrama in 2014 in Bangalore, the most important trade fair in the region. Another sign of the strategic role played by the Indian subcontinent within CESI’s business. World Future Energy Summit Date> from 20th to 22nd January 2014 Venue> Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Middle East Electricity Date> from 11st to 13rd February 2014 Venue> Dubai, United Arab Emirates CESI confirms the strong interest and its presence in the Middle East region joining also this year the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi and the Middle East Electricity in Dubai, the two most important trade fairs in this key area. Shaping a Better Energy Future CESI is a leading global technical consulting and engineering company with over 50 years experience in several areas including: Transmission and Interconnections, Smart Grids, Power Distribution, Renewables, Testing, Certification and Quality Assurance. CESI also develops and manufactures advanced multi junction photovoltaic solar cells for both space and terrestrial (HCPV) applications. With an annual turnover of more than €120 million, CESI operates in more than 40 countries around the world, with a total network of 1,000 professionals. The company’s key clients include Governmental Institutions, Regulatory Authorities, major Utilities, Transmission System Operators (TSOs), Distribution System Operators (DSOs), Power Generation companies, Manufacturers, Financial institutions and International electromechanical and electronic manufacturers. CESI is a fully independent joint-stock company with main premises located in Milan, Berlin, Mannheim, Dubai and Rio de Janeiro. Milan • Berlin • Mannheim • Dubai • Rio de Janeiro Trust the Power of Experience Testing • Consulting • Engineering • Environment