12 August 2016 Dear Parents In the context of a number of recent


12 August 2016 Dear Parents In the context of a number of recent
12 August 2016
Dear Parents
In the context of a number of recent and extremely tragic world events, it is timely to reflect on the School’s
outward looking view of education and our ongoing commitment to internationalism and inter-cultural
understanding. As a non-denominational school committed to the liberal education of children, we abhor
acts of terror and all aspects of violence and discrimination based on gender, race or religion. Our longestablished core values are underpinned by the teaching of mutual respect and acceptance of difference.
Nearly seven years ago, the School introduced the International Baccalaureate Diploma programme for our
senior students. This programme is a world class curriculum taken by 1.3 million students in 4335 schools,
in over 150 countries, around the world. The IB has as one of its pivotal objectives, enhanced inter-cultural
understanding. For example, all IB Diploma students must study a second language and within IB English
Literature, students must study at least three works in translation, i.e. pieces of literature written in another
language and subsequently translated into English.
The School currently offers five Modern Languages including Indonesian from Year 3, French and Indonesian
in Year 6, French, Italian, Japanese and Indonesian from Years 7 to 12 and IB Spanish in Years 11 and 12.
We support the compulsory learning of a second language up to Year 9 because of both the lingual and nonlingual benefits involved. Not only are our students challenged intellectually, their language studies also
enhance vocabulary and grammatical understandings. Language students develop functional life-skills, an
enriched understanding of other cultures and, with that growth, greater tolerance and social intelligence. It
is my life experience that very few adults look back on their schooling and regret learning even the most basic
rudiments of a second language. On the other hand, many adults regret not continuing their language studies
at school.
Grammar prides itself on support for international organisations such as Musicians without Borders, Zonta
(birthing kits for third world mothers) and the sponsorship of third world children (Temesgen Arage) and
schools (the Tsion Mariam School), in Ethiopia. Through our Interact Club, first established at Grammar in
1966, we continue to host Rotary exchange students from overseas and actively encourage our own students
to participate in outbound exchanges. We support the core values of Rotary International and have always
believed that exchange students not only benefit from their 12 months with us, but TGS students also benefit
from their presence within our community. We would hope that, upon return to their home countries, these
young exchangees become positive ambassadors for the Australian way of life. The School also has a long
established record of supporting international sporting and cultural tours, with School groups regularly
travelling to Asia and Europe.
Needless to say, the School has a highly regarded international profile with a number of Hong Kong and
Chinese students currently boarding at Grammar. These students benefit enormously from their time with us
and, by their presence in the boarding houses, role model hard work and highly regarded personal virtues.
Through their interaction with Australian boarders, our Hong Kong students often build life-long friendships
with their peers and do much to improve inter-cultural understanding across the School. It was a delight for the
Director of Enrolments, Mrs Kristell Scott and myself to host our inaugural Hong Kong renunion in Kowloon,
earlier this year.
Finally, our community demographic is genuinely multi-cultural with all the associated benefits and rich tapestry
of experiences therein. Nearly 25% of our students have parents born outside of Australia and at present we
have families with origins from countries as diverse as Canada, China, Denmark, England, Ethiopia, Finland,
Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, PNG, Russia, Scotland, South Africa,
Spain, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, UAE, the United States and many others.
It is my view that the most important virtues we can pass on to our young graduates are those relating to good
character and global citizenship. We remain as committed as ever, to care and educate for a generation of
adolescents who face a very different and uncertain world - but one where compassion and understanding will
always be valued and timeless.
Yours sincerely
Construction of Stage 2 of our North Shore Campus is on target for
completion in mid-September. This will allow plenty of time for
fit-out in readiness for opening in January 2017.
We plan to open with a Prep class and classes in Years 1-3, with
yearly expansion thereafter until we have a Pre-Kindy-Year 6
campus by 2020. At this stage, given the overwhelming success
of our Early Education Centre, it is highly likely that Prep will be
over-subscribed in 2017.
We are currently interviewing for Foundation staff, including the
inaugural Head of North Shore Campus.
These are very exciting times for the North Shore community
and Townsville Grammar School, particularly given the synergy of
next year being our 20th anniversary year for the highly successful
Annandale Campus.
Head of Faculty, Mrs Paula Partanen oversees a large Business
and Humanities Faculty at the North Ward Campus. The range
of subjects on offer is very comprehensive and includes some
International Baccalaureate curriculum options.
In Year 7, Humanities (Geography and History) are taught by Year
7 Core Teachers and the programme is managed by the Year 7
Curriculum Co-ordinator, Mrs Cheryl Kybus.
Mrs Partanen manages the Year 8-12 programme which includes
History and Geography in the middle years and a diverse range of
electives in the senior phase of schooling. These senior electives
include: History, Geography, Philosophy and Business Studies (Year
10) and Modern History, Ancient History, Geography, Economics
(IB and QCAA), Accounting, Legal Studies and Psychology (IB), in
Years 11 and 12.
The Faculty is staffed by specialist teachers who are passionate
about their area of expertise. This energetic team of professionals
comprises: Naomi Adams, Maria Alroe, Nicole Dunne, Emily
Ethell, Iain Faichney, Sue Gray, Amy Hargraves, Kelly McBean,
Zara McGregor, Judy Nielsen, Paula Partanen, Annmarie Puglisi,
Kathryn Tebble, Lizzii Watson and Yvonne West.
Keeping an eye on progress...
Save the Date - Open Morning
North Shore
Saturday, 22 October 2016
Drop in anytime between 10am - 12 noon
• Meetourteachers
• Rides,entertainmentandfood
• ToursofourStageTwoFacility
• ToursoftheEEC(Pre-Kindy&Pre-Prep)
In late November/December, building works are planned to
revamp the main entrance area adjacent the Blank Administration
Building. Whilst these works are in progress, access to the building
and front reception will be diverted through the other main
entrance to the building, i.e. from the School House (northern)
side. These works have been delayed until the end of the year
in order to minimise disruption to School operations during term
The main purpose of these works is to provide a more readily
identifiable entrance area for visitors to the Campus and a weather
protected area for students, particularly as they wait for pick up at
the conclusion of the day. At present, there is negligible shelter
from sun or rain in this heavily populated area. Please see below,
an artist’s impression of the finished entrance – still subject to
some minor modifications.
Vale – Ms Annette Cook: At the end of first term, we farewelled into
retirement, our Residential Services Manager,
Ms Annette Cook. After nearly 24 years of
dedicated service to the School, she looked
forward to many years of well-earned leisure
time with family and her grandchildren.
Sadly, this was not to be, as Annette passed
away at home unexpectedly on Tuesday, 26
July, 2016. This news came as a shock to
family and all in the Grammar community.
We have such fond memories of a special lady for whom her
working life, especially with our boarders, was so important.
Although her life in retirement was tragically a very brief one, she
enjoyed every minute of her time with her family and
friends. She leaves us with many wonderful memories.
May she rest in peace.
Like us on Facebook for updates - Phone 1800 GRAMMAR or visit www.tgs.qld.edu.au
Artist’s Impression
Principal’s Newsletter | August 2016
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Principal’s Newsletter | August 2016
Head of Positive Education Update: Congratulations to Mrs
Susie Ahern, our Head of Senior School and Positive Education.
Mrs Ahern has been invited by the Harrow International School
in Beijing to present a number of training and professional
Page 3
development sessions with their teaching staff in August. Mrs
Ahern will travel to China and share our experiences as Harrow
begins its positive education journey for their staff and students.
pride and rich tradition evident at the School. The event was
capped off by outstanding performances from our Symphony
Noel Nethery – Long Service Leave 2017: After 10 years of
exemplary service Mr Noel Nethery will take second term next
year as long service leave. This break away from the work
pressure of his role will enable travel time with his family and
some much deserved rest and recreation. Deputy Head of the
Junior School, Mr Chris Gray, will take on the role of Acting Head
of Junior School and will oversee both the Annandale Campus and
the new North Shore Campus for this short period of time.
QCS Test: Our Year 12 QCAA cohort has recently completed two
days of QCS practice in preparation for the upcoming test on 30-31
August. These days provided a great opportunity for students to
practise for QCS and receive feedback. We were very impressed
with their diligent and determined approach.
The School recently received a donation of $3,070 from The
Athlete’s Foot, as a product of their $5.00 per pair of shoes rebate
from School family purchases. This rebate applies to all shoes
purchased by any family/staff member linked to the School.
This year these funds will be, once again, used to enhance student
amenities. A total of $28,370 has now been allocated to School
facilities from this rebate since its
inception in 2008/2009.
School Photographs: North Ward Campus sport, co-curricular,
music and academic photographs will be taken on 12 and 19
August. Both these days are ‘tie days.’ Students are reminded
that correct attire is to be worn for these photographs.
Last Day of Term: School will conclude on Thursday, 15 September.
Block Exams for Years 7-12 will take place during Periods 1 and 2
on Wednesday, 14 September.
Subject Selections: It is the time of the year when our Year 9 and
10 students start to make decisions about what subjects to study
for their Senior years. If you have a Year 10 child, we encourage
you to talk to them about their choices. Our Careers Advisor,
Ms Beth Gilpatrick is available should your son or daughter be
struggling with these decisions. To assist with subject choices,
a Subject Selection Expo is scheduled for Thursday, 18 August
between 6:00pm and 7:30pm in the Centenary Gymnasium. It is
most desirable that all Year 9 and 10 students attend this evening
(in full School uniform). The various subject displays will illustrate
the nature of work undertaken in each subject area and teachers
will be available to discuss subjects with you.
Year 11 Leadership Conference: The level of respectful enthusiasm
and reflective maturity of our current Year 11 students is a credit
to you as parents. I am sure you would like to join with me in
thanking Ms Yvonne West for her tireless efforts in organising such
an exciting conference, our talented band of Year 11 Form Teachers
for their animated participation throughout the Leadership
Conference, the Conference Committee and Mr Bernie Kelly, from
Global Immersion, for his poignant approach to self-reflection and
Year 12 Letters of Support: It is a requirement for some work
experience, apprenticeship schemes, university courses, university
residential colleges, university scholarships and GAP applications
to have a Letter of Support or Reference from the School.
Most organisations and universities have websites that detail
application requirements and most have due dates for required
documentation. All requests for letters of support and references
must be submitted through Mrs Elena Young in the Senior School
Pastoral Care office for processing.
Report Audits & Assessment Calendars: All students have started
the term with the opportunity to review reports and to reflect on
their achievements. This process is very important as students
start a new semester and set new learning goals for themselves.
Students have transferred assessment dates into their School
diaries. This should assist them with their time management and
allow them to identify assessment ‘hotspots’. These assessment
planners are available on the School Website.
Transition Days: Year 6 students from the Junior School begin
their “Transition to Middle School Programme” this term. This is
an opportunity for our Year 6 students to familiarise themselves
with the Middle School environment, experience some specialist
classes and meet the Year 7 teaching team. Their first visit to the
Middle School was on 4 August, where they had an opportunity to
spend time in class covering the Modern languages.
I look forward to welcoming all Year 6 Students to North Ward and
the Middle School on these days.
Townsville Short Story Competition: Phoebe Evans (7/2016)
recently won the Young Adult (12-17 years) category of the
Townsville Short Story Competition run by Townsville City Libraries.
North Ward Absentees: Parents are asked to use the North
Ward Reception email address if emailing advice about student
absentees. This address is: nw.reception@tgs.qld.edu.au.
All requests for leave e.g. early departure at the end of term,
family holidays, sporting trips etc. must be directed in writing to
the Principal in advance of the leave. Student absence procedures
are found in the 2016 School Handbook.
Cum Laude Ceremony: Recently we celebrated our 19th Annual
Cum Laude Awards ceremonies. Being new this year, this was
obviously my first experience of the Cum Laude phenomenon and
I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the smiling faces of students receiving
their respective awards. Publicly recognising and celebrating
academic success plays a fundamental part in building and shaping
the culture of the school. It is very evident that we have a school
culture that encourages hard work to achieve ‘personal best’ and
this has been built upon year after year. Our two guest speakers,
Past Grammarians, Michael Doris (12/2009) (Current medical
student at JCU) and JCU Chancellor, Mr Bill Tweddell (12/1967),
talked very fondly of their time at Grammar; a reflection of the
Principal’s Newsletter | August 2016
Well done Phoebe!
Designing a cohort manifesto...
2017 Leadership Elections: Prefect voting will occur on Friday,
7 October. Students have also been given the opportunity
to nominate for co-curricular leadership positions and those
nominations will be forwarded to the relevant co-curricular staff
for consideration, in consultation with the School Principal. The
Prefects and co-curricular leaders will be announced to the Year
11 cohort on Friday, 18 November and presented to the School at
the Prefect Induction Assembly at the beginning of next year.
Page 4
Resilience: Our children are probably growing up in a much
tougher environment and are under more pressure than when
we went to school. Consequently, I believe we need to be more
conscious with teaching and nurturing resilience in our students
to cope with the stresses of the 21st Century. Children and adults
in resilient families tune into the needs of each other. Resilient
Principal’s Newsletter | August 2016
families develop their own words and phrases to help each
other get through the inevitable tough times that each person
experiences. The language of resilience generally refers to coping
strategies such as empathy, humour and acceptance.
The following are examples of the language of resilience, taken
from an atricle by Michael Grose – Child Psychologist.
Come on, laugh it off; Don’t let this spoil everything; Let’s take a
break; Who have you spoken to about this? I know it looks bad
now but you will get through this; What can you learn from this
so it doesn’t happen next time? Don’t worry – relax and see what
happens! This isn’t the end of the world; You could be right, but
have you thought about... What can we do about this?
IB Learner Profile: The crux of the IB curriculum design is the
learner. The profile of the ‘ideal learner’ that the IB strives to
produce is a graduate who will leave school as a lifelong learner,
willing and able make a difference in their world.
The development of approaches to teaching and approaches to
learning emanate from this foundation, and the curriculum offering
logically flows from this. The result is a programme of study which
is proven to produce successful post-secondary students.
We encourage all parents to visit the IBO website http://www.ibo.
org/diploma to view the information for parent’s page and to view
our parent information brochure on the TGS webpage http://www.
Making our Days Count: The theme in boarding this term is
Making our Days Count. This is based on a quote from Muhammad
Ali who, when diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, was quoted
as saying ‘Don’t count days, make days count.” The options our
boarders have for making their days count in the classroom, on
the sports fields, in music and cultural pursuits are limited only
by their attitude. So many of our boarders make the very best
of the opportunities, immersing themselves in the life of their
school. What we always find
interesting in this regard is
that it is these busy boarders
who show the most gratitude
for what is done for them. It
was lovely to catch-up with
Past Head Boarder, Brooke
Buchanan (12/2005). Brooke
currently teaches in Beijing,
China and reflected on her
time as a boarder at TGS Head of Senior School, Susie Ahern
with Brooke Buchanan
and her gratitude for all the
opportunities she had as a boarder.
Semester 2: The onset of the second semester begins with the
always spectacular Year 12 Formal, where all our Year 12 boarders
dress up and present so well and enjoy a wonderful evening. It
was great to see the number of families who made the trip into
town to help prepare their sons and daughters for this event.
Page 5
Learning Culture: The recent announcement of mid year academic
awards saw in excess of 80% of our boarding population being
rewarded for their hard work with either Cum Laude Awards or Pro
Diligencia Certificates. Our Boarders ‘Academic Celebration’ saw
115 boarders, supported by their Study Tutors and Academic Staff
enjoy a relaxed and fun filled evening at the Suburban Park Bowls
Club earlier this month. This ongoing improvement in boarder
academic performance confirms that the hard work of boarding
and academic staff in our boarding houses is paying dividends.
Boarding Activities: To support personal growth, our weekend
activities programme is second to none in terms of the diversity
of opportunities offered our boarders. Recently our Foot and
Gate House boys spent the weekend on Magnetic Island, enjoying
our stunning (if a little windy) winter weather. They swam, hiked,
fished, snorkelled, surfed, tubed, cooked for themselves and went
koala spotting. The retreat was designed to provide both growth
and bonding opportunities and that it did. The smiling faces and
positive comments from the boys on their return suggest that this
will be a weekend long remembered.
As always, boarder parents are encouraged to make contact
with me or the relevant Houseparent, by phone or email if
there is any information that you want to share with us. The
partnership between home and boarding is important and open
communication lays the foundation for this.
Grammar@Home 2016: Saturday, 13 August is our annual
Grammar@Home Day. As part of the day the Grammar Rugby
Union fixtures have been fixtured by the TDRU on the Muller Oval.
New Music Teacher: Townsville Grammar School welcomes
Miss Kate Hamill B.Mus (Comp), Grad Dip. Ed. (Griffith) to the
Music Faculty. Miss Hamill is a graduate of the
Queensland Conservatorium where she majored
in Composition. She is an experienced choral
singer, who also performs professionally with
the Australian Voices. Miss Hamill is teaching
classes in Years 7 to 10, and is working with our
choral groups.
Australian Festival of Chamber Music: Townsville Grammar
School’s close collaboration with the Australian Festival of
Chamber Music is now in its tenth year. The School is proud to be
an official supporter and Sponsor of the Festival through hosting
the Winterschool Young Strings Ensemble and sponsoring its
Director, Michele Walsh.
The Winterschool Young Strings Ensemble Workshop was held at
the Grammar Music Centre and was attended by young Townsville
musicians, of whom many were Grammar students.
The workshop culminated in a concert at Perc Tucker Gallery.
Congratulations to Luke Carroll (6/2016), Daniel Lee (7/2016),
Sophie de Jersey (8/2016), Lief Lundmark-Aitcheson, Jessica
Stobie (9/2016), Oliver de Jersey (11/2016), Jasmine Lee
and Lachlan Stobie (12/2016) who represented the School so
conscientiously at the workshop and concert.
If you wish to explore the North Shore campus feel welcome to join
us on Saturday, 22 October for tours and our Family Fun Morning.
If you would like to contact me with regard to these items, please
telephone me on 07 4722 4973 or by email. I look forward to
hearing from you.
Thank you Eden Wind Quintet...
Australian Concerto and Vocal Competition: The School
congratulates the following students for their superb achievements
in this national event: Jasmine Lee (12/2016) won the Youth
Development Award, Michael Carroll (10/2016) was awarded
third prize in the Young Performer Soloist section and Krishna
Patel (12/2016) won the Arties Music Encouragement Award for
her stunning vocal performance.
Boys to Men: At Townsville Grammar School, all students are
encouraged to sing. We have an array of mixed and singlesex choirs to cater for all musical interests. Recently, Townsville
Grammar hosted a workshop for boys and men in the district who
sing in choirs.
Middle School - Conservatorium State Honours in Townsville:
The School is proud of the many music students who participated
in the Queensland State Ensemble Programme for Middle School
students in Townsville during the holidays.
Photos and Performance Uniform: The photographs for all North
Principal’s Newsletter | August 2016
Club Sport: The TGS Rowing crews are ramping up preparations
for their Head of River Regatta to be held at Riverway Rowing
Club on Sunday, 21 August. Recently, our Rowers competed in
the Townsville Inter-Regional Trials, the TGS Rowing Regatta and
the NQ Championships. It certainly is a very busy schedule for
these dedicated and determined athletes! Of particular note, was
the Boys Open Four winning a tightly contested race at the TGS
Regatta and also Shanelle Flute who won the Year 8 Girls Single
Scull and, partnered with Lucy Bragg, secured a win in the Year 8
Girls Double Scull.
system on the School website. All dinners are compulsory for
Club Sport students to attend; invitations are extended to both
parents to attend these events and enjoy the occasion with their
children. RSVPs for parents are vital to ensure dinner and seating
arrangements are accurate.
Interhouse Athletics Carnival: The Annandale and North Ward
Athletics Carnivals were undertaken by our students with their
usual competitiveness and vigour! It was fantastic to see so many
students involved across the track and field events at the Townsville
Sports Reserve. Running an athletics carnival is a complex job
made all the more easy by helpful staff, students, parents and
supporters of TGS. My thanks to everyone and anyone involved in
the running of these carnivals.
Annandale Results:
Girls Champion
Boys Champion
9 yrs
Audrey Bartsch (3/2016)
Rohan Hazratwala (3/2016)
10 yrs
Madeline Connery (5/2016)
Will Pascoe (5/2016)
11 yrs
Babette Verkuijl (6/2016)
Thomas Bow (6/2016)
12 yrs
Juliana Donaldson (6/2016)
Ethan Morgan (6/2016)
Girls Year 8 Quad
Interact 2016: Semester 1 was a hectic period for our Interact Club,
ably led by a President Emma Verkuijl (11/2016). The Interact
Club aims to assist those in need both locally and internationally.
Enrolments 2017 - Early Education and Early Primary at North
Shore: In 2017 we will be adding to our North Shore campus. In
addition to the highly successful Early Education Centre (Pre-Kindy
and Pre-Prep) we will also be offering North Shore places for Prep
to Year 3.
We were delighted and honored to have Past Grammarian Andrew
Fong (12/2013) perform with the University of Melbourne Eden
Wind Quintet for the Principal’s Assembly during the Festival.
Andrew is a third year Bachelor of Music student at Melbourne
Feel free to take advantage of the gorgeous winter weather we are
experiencing and come along to support our teams, starting early
and culminating in the Under 17’s match at 4:00pm.
On a local level, one of those projects undertaken was a food
drive, with the single largest ever collection of food items being
delivered to Food Relief NQ from our collection in May. Over
3,000 items were collected. This is a whole school community
service event, so donations were made by families from all three
of our campuses. Thank you to everyone in our community.
Ward Music Ensembles are on Friday, 19 August. We remind
parents to ensure that all students wear their Performance
Uniform and bring their instrument(s) to the Gymnasium at
8:30am. These photographs are very important for posterity, so
we also ask parents to check their children’s Performance Uniform
fits and is in good repair. Boys’ shirts must have a top button which
can be done-up and which fits neatly around the neck. Girls need
sheer stockings. Meticulous grooming enhances performances
and contributes towards success.
Page 6
On the Rugby field, TGS continues to have success. In particular,
some of our younger teams are producing excellent attacking play.
It was wonderful to watch the U13 team, led by Mr Paul Rimmer,
recently account for Western Suburbs! Hopefully our Grammar
teams can consolidate on their recent form at the Grammar@
Home day on Saturday, 13 August. It will be a fantastic afternoon
of Rugby leading into the finals.
In Club Netball, Grammar teams continue to produce great results.
Our teams are well and truly making good progress and with finals
just around the corner, TGS teams are well placed. It should come
as no surprise then that on the recent Middle School Netball
Tour to Canberra, our Year 8 and Year 9 teams were undefeated
in their respective 3 games. We were hosted very generously by
Radford College, Daramalan College and Canberra Girls Grammar
School. Our girls represented Grammar with great sportsmanship
both on and off the court. A special thank you must go to Director
of Netball, Mrs Prue Watson and Junior School Coach, Mrs Lizzie
Wood, for their fantastic coaching on the tour.
Club Sport Dinners: Coming up soon are the Club Sport Dinners!
The dinners are a great opportunity for coaches, students
and parents to come together to celebrate the conclusion of
the season and recognize special achievements athletes have
made throughout the year. Invitations will be sent to all ‘Club
Sport’ families; RSVPs are asked to be made via the TryBooking
Principal’s Newsletter | August 2016
I can do this...
North Ward Results:
Girls Champion
Boys Champion
12 yrs
Caitlin Ainsworth (7/2016)
Folajimi Kazum (7/2016)
13 yrs
Lucinda Carter (8/2016)
Nikolas Mitchell (8/2016)
14 yrs
Sally Jones (9/2016)
Jacob Krayem (9/2016)
15 yrs
Lara Gilbett (10/2016)
Ryan Wingham (10/2016)
16 yrs
Kajsa Souter (11/2016)
Zack Bourne (11/2016)
Natasha Robinson (12/2016)
Finn Kaesehagen (12/2016)
Page 7
2016 Cum Laude Honour Roll
2016 Cum Laude Snapshots
Alan D. Morwood Awardees
(* Maxima Cum Laude Years 8-12)
Rory Allen
Alexandra Baxter
Rebecca Bourquin
Laura Cannon
Bernard Chong
Catherine Cristaldi
Cameron Crouch
Belinda Dennis *
Cara Dohnalek
Sanjeevan Ketheesan
Jasmine Lee
Nikolas Moores
Kira Muller
Gemma O’Kane
Arav Ahuja
Vatsal Anand
Millie Andrews
Darcy Arnold
Joshua Bourquin
Samuel Brooks
Casey Chappell
Phoebe Evans
Leo Fairley
Matthew Ferguson
Thomas Gray
Ashani Hazratwala
Sarah Jacob
Erin Keogh
Alina Konovalov
Xanthe Lamari
Sasha Lea-Rowell
Daniel Lee
Savahna Lee
Oliver Livingstone
Indiana Marshall
Ruben Nethery
Ellise Pickering
Lily Reeves
Tia Sakaguchi
Amity Searle
Aimee Smith
Lachlan Taylor
Sophie Trayner
Clare Vanek
Neshi Weerasooriya
Khai Nguyen Tri
Katerina Plumb
Emily Price
Joshua Rasalam
Miella Sartori
Samuel Schimming
Chelsea Smith
Morgan Tei
Riya Urkude
Job (Joe) Verkuijl
Sarah Waddell
Amy Welch
Lachlan Williams
Elsa Zaman
Angus Bell
Gerard Hayes
Bodene Hinchy
Jake Machin
Charlotte Meade
Het Patel
Daniel Perez Castillo
Aparna Sankar
Isabelle Spanswick
Sophy Barlow
Harrison Baxter
Taylah Cuttell
Isabella Dowling
Adam Fittler
Mathishi Gamaetige
Georgia Hooper
Sophie Horn
Connor Latouf
Aleshya Platt
Lachlan Vowell
Emily Wickham
Krishna Patel *
Siddarth Roche
Daniel Rodman
Nikita Scott Madeleine
Eleanor Skuza
Su Soe
Lauren Spargo
Lachlan Stobie
Ella Thompson
Nicholas Williams
Muskan Yadav
Adele Pickering
Pratibha Raut
Inuri Rupasinghe
Tisshapaa Sivagnanan
Max Tory
Manya Tripathi
Kirsty Welch
Jessica Young
Rory Allen
James Avery
Rebecca Bourquin
Harry Braddick
Catherine Cristaldi
Cameron Crouch
Belinda Dennis
Amy Gilbett
Finn Kaesehagen
Joseph Kenway
Sanjeevan Ketheesan
Jasmine Lee
Maison Lukic-Bristow
Ashley Masing
Tony Michael
Nikolas Moores
Christopher O’Dempsey
Gemma O’Kane
Krishna Patel
Siddarth Roche
Nikita Scott
Madeleine Simonsen
Su Soe
Lauren Spargo
Peter Tsoi
Nicholas Williams
Muskan Yadav
Maxima Cum Laude Awardees
Jade Abrahams
Hannah Anear
Alyssa Binder
Leonardo Borello Busilacchi
Lily Bradshaw
Lachlan Carey
Lucinda Carter
Amy Cummins
Jacinta Dawson
Sophie de Jersey
Katrina Diprose
Shanelle Flute
Georgia Gorrie
Kalani Guillien
Sarah Hultgren
Diya Iyer
Madelline Johnson
Elizabeth Kenneally
Ruby Kenway
Gracie Klopper
Emily Lafferty
Chiara Larkin
Craig Mahy
Maya Miller
Simone Mills
Kasmira Mudd
Nissanth Agilan
Joeita Banerji
Kara Banks
Vrinda Baveja
Ben Cocklin
Sarah Cunningham
Dimanthi Gamage
Jared Heymann
Sally Jones
Alyssa Lee-Knauer
Lief Lundmark-Aitcheson
Nikhita Nair
Ziying Ni
Lauren Nolan
Tin Pham
Rachel Pierotti
Simran Rao
Emma Robertson
Praajna Sankar
Owen Spanswick
Ammie Stephenson
Jessica Stobie
Stephen Terry
Emma Zischke
Jack Beringen
Mason Blizzard
Campbell Briggs
Michael Carroll
Lillian Carson
Fiona Crowe
Tiernan Daly
Claire Dowling
Lara Gilbett
Brianna Hodsdon
Julia Jacob
Arushi Joshi
Sul-Gi Kim
Sarah Lone
Angus Marsh-Brown
Finn Newsway
Sachin Patel
Dennis Perez Castillo
Farhan Ahmed
Joshua Bertucci
Emily Chappell
Chloe Cunningham
Ruby Ioannou
Lauren Jones
Matthew Maguire
Oliver Meade
Ji Su Park
Brendan Pierotti
William Price
Charlotte Trayner
Cain Varoy
Kwan To (Hedy) Wan
Jessica Wilkins
Bo Wei Zhang
Qingyang Zhuang
Magna Cum Laude Awardees
Nafsir Fayez
Cherrie Gali
Manav Gupta
Hayden Littlejohn
Christian Minuzzo
Nathan Cummins
Nickia Olsen
Diya Patel
Paris Reeves
Sophie Renton
Darcy Rundle
Lucy Stefanovic
Georgina Wightman
Tanvi Yadav
Priscilla Zhong
Joseph Boggild
Levi Kenway
Rebecca Nahrung
Min Jin Oh
Isabelle Oxley
Ruby Price
Kajsa Souter
Vianna Vo
Jemma Vollmerhause
Tasnim Zaman
Ruby Alcock
Jarrod Bates
Alexandra Baxter
Ryann Caley
Laura Cannon
Bernard Chong
Cara Dohnalek
Andrew Gah-Bell
Jacob Karlsbakk
Cain Kirk
Ha Young Park
Kasemputh Saelee
Eleanor Skuza
Lachlan Stobie
Rebecca Weynberg
Mason Wong
Cum Laude Awardees
Elsa Baker
Freya Boggild
Sienna Caniato
Saachi Hira
Elisa Jacob
Harper Muller
David Nugent
Ashvindth Prabhaharan
Maher Zulfiquer
Harris Beaney
Helen Brandi
Luke Carroll
Gabriel Diedrick
Hasindi Gamage
Philippa Jhinku
Claire Jiang
Reilly Latouf
Brandon Lindsay
Juliette Mahy
Jorja Maidment
Jude Palmer
Dylan Rao
Tommaso Severati
Ashmith Sivayoganathan
Ananya Suvarna
Thomas Taylor
Babette Verkuijl
Ella Banks
Luis Dominic Castaneda
Wasifa Chowdhury
Christian Hensman
Ciara Kavanagh
Folajimi Kazum
Jemima Krzyzanski
Hai Dang Le Cong
Monty McCormick
Max Miller
Luke Mustard
Amelie Richardson Schulz
Harrison Smythe
James Turnour
Holly Watts
Ripley Welsh
Jon Balaam
Lucy Bragg
Ethan Doran
Melia Hinks
Annabel Kelly
Sophie Kent
Alexandra (Lexi) Lukacs
Declan Marchioni
Courtney Maxwell
Felix Pountney
Siena Thompson
Timothy Watson
Jackson Wilde
Kimberley Brown
Max Dennis
Fumbi Kazum
Lou-Isa Natoga Varea
Taylah Olsen
Georgia Pedersen
Maddison Smythe
Dylan Anger
Tao Ricky (Ricky) Chiu
Jemma Green
Jasmine Jones
Sean Kavanagh
Joshua Lai
Leah Mustard
Riley O’Kane
Dylan O’Keeffe
Ravisha Perera
Tara Rane
Anoj Sabesan
Annie Small
Brittany Thompson
Sebastian von Mellenthin
Niki Wrigglesworth
Niesha Agilan
Leah Anear
James Barlow
Spencer Bartsch
Mackenzie Beldan
Olivia Binder
Tsz Hin (Cyrus) Cheng
Chandler Corrigan
Oliver de Jersey
Nicholas (Jake) Doran
Corin Feist
Ho Chi (Felix) Fung
Angus Gebers
Emily Johnson
Amor Matthyser
Lewyn McDonald
Eliza McKay
Shannon Perry
Ben Rane
Peyton Reynolds
Rebecca Stephenson
Emma Verkuijl
Yan Ting (Alysia) Wu
Katie Appleton
Samantha Beringen
Carl Burnett
Michael Crane
Cassy Delahunty
Rhys Doherty
Alexander Griffiths
Yu Sum (Natalie) Hui
Kira Muller
Reece Phillips
Daniel Rodman
Max Skinner
Sam Stocker
Aditya Suvarna
Ella Thompson
Paris Thompson
Nicola Todd
Rongjian (John) Xie
Senior Formal2
2016 Pro Diligentia Honour Roll
Reg Alcock
Alexander Anthony
Melissa Arlett
Isabella Baker
Daniel Bennett
Max Blackshaw
Jack Bragg
Georgina Brooks
Madeline Connery
Oscar Daly
Paige Dreyer
Georgia Gardiner
Jack Greenwood
Julia Hattingh
Brian Hayes
Cade Huckvale
Grace Ironside
Awaani Jain
Grace Jepson
Rhea Joshi
Ponni Karthikeyan
Tara Kelly
Alexander Lane
Dominic Minuzzo
Emily O’Callaghan
Kate Pierotti
Joshua Poletto
Scarlett Pountney
Audrey Richardson Schulz
Shreya Urkude
Jack Valentine
Amy Vollmerhause
Ella Wachenfeld
Sydney Adams
Ella Alessio
Owen Beaney
Thomas Bow
Riley Campbell
Kiara Clements
Joshua Connery
Kaitlyn Daniel
Juliana Donaldson
Tahlia Dowthwaite
Sam Fairley
Hayley Fittler
Kale Ginzburg
Alyssa Golding
Ashlyn Gross
Ryan Ingram
Charlotte Kavanagh
Harrison Leavers
Amelia Likely
Darcy Locke
Sophie McDarra
Gayatri Menon
Mark Moran
Matthew Moran
Taylah Munro
Minha Oh
Tejal Pillai
Nicholas Rose
Hari Senthuran
Ishaan Srivastava
Hayley Stewart
Donalise Suk
Harrison Tei
Joshua Thomas
Thomas Tory
Charlie Ward
Joshua Welch
Suin Yu
Anna Adebiyi
Caitlin Ainsworth
Stanley Alcock
Tahlia Baker
Hugh Barnicoat
Kamryn Beldan
Ayvah Bell
Odin Bradfield
Amy Bragg
Lucy Callan
Campbell Corrigan
Brittany Courtney
Lola Dennis
Aidan Dohnalek
Mishti Dua
Madison Flemming
Sophie Foley
Ethan Harris
Mia Hawkins
Lochlan Hellmuth-Cook
Ella Hick
Mia Jones
Oscar Keats
Ashley Klopper
Gajnan Lopata
Hannah Low
Samuel (Ben) Mabo
Caelan Malone
Mitch McGrath
Waisie Miller
Ally Minuzzo
Bridie Moller
Connor Napier
Aurora Pratt
Fletcher Price
Sneha Ranabhat
Kyson Ringuet
Hayley Scott
Regan Short
Abindhara Slingsby
Hugh Stack
Conroy Terry
Ellie-Rae Thompson
Brayden Vener
Joschka von Mellenthin
Kade Watt
Jaxson Arnaboldi
Erin Bell
Danika Berra
Travis Bethel
Alexander Brenchley
Shakira Camp
Adiba Chowdhury
Daniel Clarke
Jake Cuttell
Eloise Dale
Tanner Daniel
Emily Dowling
Tylan Dowthwaite
Shaylee Edwards
Lauren Fisher
Holly Forster
Corey Gardiner
Liam Gillham
Mahala Ginzburg
Jasmine Hill
Bradley Hodges
Saxon Horsington
Brayden Hughes
Eliza Keats
Lara Lam
Principal’s Newsletter | August 2016
Phoebe Lavender
Hollie MacIntosh
Madeline Mayes
Jordan Mio
Nikolas Mitchell
Joshua Murry
Amelia Pattel
Samuel Petersen
Rohan Plowman
Brodie Pohlner
Caelan Reynolds
Andrew Roberts
Sterling Stark
Nicholas Stewart
Sean Suk
Annie Terry
Maddox Whitney
Gedor Zaro
Jared Zenger
Sam Ahern
Elisabeth Allan
Ryan Baxter
Shaun Bell
Anna Bogiatzis
Dean Bull
Charlie Callan
Ryan Carter
Nakita Corlis
James Cuttell
Charlotte Darley
Meg Darley
Jye Davies
Tarnie Deacon Johnstone
Oscar Dohnalek
Emily Ericksen
Jamie-Lea Fels
Shimmer Hinchy
Jamie Hodges
Georgia Irving
Oliver Jhinku
Kesse Johnson
Sidney Kirk
Jacob Krayem
Sean Laverack
Timothy Likely
Ting Fung (Simon) Mak
Marrero Bruqueta
Perrie Moller
Christofer Moores
Rishika Nair
Yideg Nethery
Keishia Pratt
Meg Price
Jack Roveda
Ayden Russell
Harrison Stark
Matthew Turnbull
Jarren Walker
Lochlan Ward
Lewis Warrington
Tia Wilkinson
Alice Adebiyi
Shirley Alcock
Abby Alessio
Deklan Ambrose
Jessica Aslin
Amandeep Bains
Shauna Balderson
Jackson Ballantyne
Roop Barring
Jordan Baxter
Lachlan Bell
Lachlan J Bell
Annika Belward
Jordan Blatchford
Georgia Bliss
Harry Bonnell
Molly Bradshaw
Claire Brooke
Nathan Brown
Chun Yin (Bosco) Chan
Yoonjae Choi
Maxwell Cooke
Madeleine Coppo
Lucianna Cunningham
Emma Cursio
Sidney Curtis
Zoey Dennis
Brooke Donaldson
Kyle Evans
Alexander Fisher
Callum Fisher
Izabella Foley
Amy Freeman
Oliver Griffith
Monica Hasa
Madison Irving
Rhiannon Jones
Chun Ho (Jacob) Lau
Samuel Lavender
Ceyran Leet
Lara Leong
Lily Lloyd-Jones
Jessica Marko
Heulwen Mason
Luke Mayer
Benjamin McEwen
Cameron McGeachie
Makenzie McGeachie
Tahlia McNeill
Shantelle Mihalic
Keegan Monti
Tesfa Nethery
Johnty O’Brien
Ebony Pedersen
Connor Plowman
Alexander Poletto
Ebeny Potter
Matilda Rehn
Isabelle Renton
Mutya Ysabel Sarito
Joshua Searle
Makenna Short
Chiara Spargo
Clem Stack
Harry Stack
Caitlin Stubbs
Cody Tasker
Maggie-Rose Thompson
Mali Thompson
Roongtawan Tong-On
Summer Tristram
Isaac Tucker
Benjamin Turner
Alice Turnour
Caillin Vener
Kiara Vest
Matilda Watson
Tom Watts
Zachary Whitney
Kaylah Williams
Ryan Wingham
Benjamin Wollschlager
Janice Wong
Yui Hin (Marco) Wu
Lara Yore
Gautam Abhyankar
Jean-Luc Andreassen
Samuel Arnold
Lachlan Barcroft
Aisling Birch
Hanna Burden
Anna Caleo
Hayden Camp
Connor Cavallin
Ka Ho (Thomas) Cheng
Charlee Cross
Riley Dobe
Savannah Doyle
Emylee Eyears
Hannah Fernandes
Cassandra Fisher
Ian Gaynor
Lakota Grech
Emily Greer
Jesse Hammar
Emilia Hearn
Kelsey Hesp
Joshua Heymann
Floyd Hooper
Alydia Howell
James Hultgren
Blake Jackson
Danish Khan
Jessica King
Hiteshin Lopata
Brianna MacDonald
Emma Masing
Zoe Masson
Caitlin Mio
Luke Moran
Eloise Nahrung
Georgia Nissen
Adam Nutchey
Enoch Pang
Kathryn Panzenbock
Lexie Pattel
Brooke Perry
Angus Pierce
Danette Potgieter
John Prentice
Chemark Rehder
Calum Robertson
Jonathan Ronnle
Sophie Russell
Siddhant Sharma
Erina Shii
Moe Soe
Miriam Stevens
Jasmine Tait
Ellie Rose Tatnell
Georgia Thompson
Austin (Zac) Victory
Anoushka Vyas
Keeden Walker
Amy Watson
James Watson
Sarah Wickham
Tristan Wilkinson
Tehlarni Winkler
Jabez Wong
Sunguen Yu
Isha Anand
Nicola Anderson
Thomas Arnold
Nicole Baker
Monique Baldassarre
Piajit Bhela
Jake Cakalic
Tayler Cream
Zara Crowe
Jake Donn
Isabella Dooley
Jenna Evans
Jade Fahy
Amber Fay
Dache Geiger
Emma Green
Vashti Hall
Caitlin Harvey
Jesse Henning
Emily Higgins
Joshua Hilton
Chenoah Hopkins
William Hunter
Kate Irving
Jaime Jensen
Sonja Joona-Brown
Zoe Keeble-Buckle
Zane Kennedy
Shayla Kilah
Lucy Laverack
Jayden Livock
Clay Malone
Isabella Marston
Bethany Masson
Sam McConachy
Casey McKenny
Rebekah Moller
Romy Ohlin
Travis O’Neill
Grace-Ann Prentice
Jordan Reichhold
Sheridan Reichhold
Mishayla Richards
Natasha Robinson
Cain Saltmarsh
Emily Stallan
Lavinia Stevens
Natasha Tahan
Lauren Todd
Zoe Turnbull
Rhiannon Whitney
Jessica Williams
Ka Chun (Jeffrey) Wong
Thomas Wright
Wing Chi (Natanie) Yip
Alicia Young
Page 10
Principal’s Newsletter | August 2016
Page 11
Krayem (9/2016) have all recently been selected in Qld
representative Football teams.
King of the Track – Jake Doran (11/2016)
Queen of the Track – Kajsa Souter (11/2016)
Girls Javelin
Ally Minuzzo (7/2016)
Girls Discus
Holly Watts (7/2016)
Boys Discus
Daniel Perez Castillo (7/2016) Whight
Girls 400m
Kajsa Souter (11/2016)
Girls 800m
Shirley Alcock (10/2016)
Girls 1500m
Shirley Alcock (10/2016)
Girls 4x100m
Caitlin Ainsworth, Lucy
Callan, Ellie-Rae Thompson
and Holly Watts (7/2016)
Boys 400m
Jake Doran (11/2016)
Boys 4x100m
Aidan Dohnalek, Folajimi
Kazum, Hugh Barnicoat and
Hugh Stack (7/2016)
McKimmin Mile: The annual McKimmin Mile was a great spectacle
for students of the Middle and Senior School. It was run on Friday,
29 July in perfect Townsville conditions. Muller Oval was the place
for the start and finish with spectators enjoying a bird’s eye view of
the runners. It was very exciting to see competitors run alongside
the Gallipoli trees planted at the end of Muller Oval and exit onto
Paxton Street through the War Memorial Gates. The highlight of
the event was the finish to the Senior Male race which saw only a
metre separating 1st and 3rd!
Middle School Girls Champion – Lucinda Carter (8/2016)
Middle School Boys Champion – Yideg Nethery (9/2016)
Senior School Girls Champion – Shirley Alcock (10/2016)
Senior School Boys Champion – Tesfa Nethery (10/2016)
* S anjeevan Ketheesan (12/2016) was selected earlier this year
in the Open NQ Hockey Team.
* L achlan Morgan, Ethan Morgan (6/2016) and Hugh Stack
(7/2016) have been selected in the NQ 12 Years Rugby Union
* E than Harris (7/2016) and Jarren Walker (9/2016) have been
selected to represent North Queensland in Cycling.
* A
idan Dohnalek (7/2016) has been selected to represent NQ
in Touch Football in the U12 age group.
* S hirley Alcock (10/2016), Ella Thompson, Alicia Young,
Lachlan Stobie (12/2016), Brianna MacDonald (11/2016) and
Jackson Green (10/2016) were recently selected in the NQ
Rowing team.
Footnote: It is my intention within this section to recognise appropriate sporting
achievements of students within the School. I am always happy to receive this
information from parents, so please do not hesitate to keep me in touch. N.B. For
space reasons, recognition is normally limited to NQ representation standard or
Year 10 Subject Selection: I have now met all the Year 10 students
to discuss their subject selections for next year. We look forward to
seeing them at the Subject Selection Expo on Thursday, 18 August
2016. Students have completed a Careers survey from www.
mycareermatch.com.au providing me with information to assist
them when choosing their pre-requisite subjects for University or
further education. Students can use this as a platform to start
eliminating some of the future pathways they do not want to do
and narrow down to choices that they would prefer. Of course, it
is computer generated and students themselves are the drivers
of their own destiny as they know themselves the best, when
deciding on what career they may want to do in the future.
The students have a “careers pack” that contains information
about study at university or TAFE in the future. Parent information
booklets are also included. The QTAC Tertiary Pre-requisite
booklet contains subject pre-requisite information for students
wanting to study at university from 2019. We have also provided
each student with their LUI number, which is required to apply to
TAFE or University in the future.
North Ward Breakfast@Grammar: With many sporting teams
and activities now operating, students may wish to access the
Breakfast@Grammar service before school. Meals are available
each morning at the North Ward School Canteen from 7:30am –
8:40am, prices are posted on noticeboards and sports pages of the
School website.
Sport Information Access: A reminder to parents that game times,
event details and fixture information for all things TGS Club Sport
can be found on the TGS App “Skoolbag” and the School Website.
Students can access information through the daily notices, emails
from coaches and the Sports Noticeboard outside the gym.
High Achievers in Sport:
* Harrison Smythe (7/2016), Christian Minuzzo and Jacob
Principal’s Newsletter | August 2016
Year 12 QTAC Applications NOW OPEN: QTAC applications for
University are now open, as are all Tertiary Admissions Centres in
every state. Students can register their details on line by providing
a private email address. If they are applying in more than one
state, they will need to register for each Admission Centre
separately. They will also need to provide their LUI number during
the application process. These were sent home via a letter earlier
in the year. however, students can get them from me if they have
misplaced their number.
JCU Medicine Applications NOW OPEN: Applications are now
open for students wanting to study Medicine, Veterinary Science,
Dentistry or Physiotherapy in 2017. These applications close on 30
September for domestic students and 31 August for International
students. It is recommended that students also put JCU as their
first preference on their QTAC forms if applying for these courses.
I am available to assist students completing these applications.
Page 12
JCU Open Day: Open day for James Cook University Townsville
is on Sunday, 21 August and in Cairns on Sunday, 7 August from
11:00am to 3:00pm. We recommend students from Years 10, 11
and 12 attend.
CQU Start Uni Now Program (SUN) – Years 10 or 11: The SUN
Programme is a CQUniversity initiative which allows students to
study university subjects in Years 11 and 12. There are over 100
subjects available, in areas from Aviation to Accident Forensics, to
Physiotherapy and Law. If students complete a subject through
the SUN Programme, they may be eligible for direct entry into an
undergraduate degree at CQUniversity. Completed subjects can
be credited towards a degree, reducing the number of subjects
at university. Students can also credit completed SUN subjects
towards their QCE. Want to know more or discuss these options?
The Townsville Campus Open Day is on Saturday, 10 September
2016 from 9:00am to 1:00pm.
Hosting Japanese students: Townsville Grammar School recently
hosted visitors from our Japanese sister school, Shinjo East High
School. The group comprised of four students and their teacher.
Each visitor participated in classes with their host student.
Additionally, the group joined in Japanese classes, helping with
speaking practice and running cultural activities. We hope to
strengthen ties with Shinjo East by reciprocating the visit during
our next Japan Tour, proposed for December 2017.
Alliance Française Competition: Congratulations to our French
students in Years 6-12 on their outstanding performances and on
the awards they received in the recent Regional French Alliance
Française competition.
Learning from culutral exchange...
Year 11/12 Poetry – Muskan Yadav (12/2016) 3rd
Year 9/10 Poetry – Simran Rao (9/2016) 1 , Vrinda Baveja
(9/2016) 2nd
Year 7/8 Poetry – Maya Miller (8/2016) 1st, Millie Andrews
(7/2016) 3rd
Year 5/6 Poetry – Philippa Jhinku (6/2016) 1st, Babette
Verkuijl (6/2016) 2nd, Thomas Taylor (6/2016) 3rd
Australian Schools Science Competition 2016 – ICAS Science:
This competition takes place each
year throughout Australia and some
outstanding results were achieved
amongst the 87 students at North Ward
who participated.
French Song Prize – Ruben Nethery (7/2016) 1st with a
stunning rendition of Edith Piaf’s classic song “Je ne regrette
Julie Ratliff Essay and Interview Prize – Lauren Jones (11/2016)
1st ex-aequo Senior, Sasha Lea-Rowell (7/2016) 1st Junior
French Cartoon Prize – Harry Bonnell (10/2016) 3
Congratulations to all students on
a wonderful effort, and special
congratulations to Max Tory (10/2016)
for achieving a High Distinction, placing
him in the top 1% of the state.
Townsville Grammar students winning the Senior and Junior Julie
Ratliff prize is a special honour, as this prize is awarded in honour
and memory of former Townsville Grammar French Teacher, Mrs
Julie Ratliff: the prize is awarded to the student whose essay best
describes why they love learning the French Language.
2016 QUT Vice-Chancellor’s STEM Programme: The Queensland
University of Technology introduced a Science programme in
2013 which attracts very high achieving Year 11 Science students
from across the state. This programme is fully funded through
the Vice-Chancellor’s office and seeks to accelerate students in
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. During the 5
day programme in the September holidays, students will work on
cutting-edge Science projects with leading academics in the field.
We are very fortunate to have 3 students who have been selected
amongst the best Science students in the state.
Bravo tout le monde!
Congratulations to Matthew Maguire, William Price and
Brendan Pierotti (11/2016).
Principal’s Newsletter | August 2016
Page 13
IB Physics Excursion: Year 11 IB Physics students recently visited
the Townsville Hospital as part of their studies. The excursion
was organised and led by Dr John Orton who is the Director of
the Hyperbaric Unit. Students were given a tour of the Unit,
where they consolidated their understanding in Thermal Physics
and were witness to some interesting demonstrations in the
Hyperbaric Chamber. It was a wonderful experience and the staff
and students involved would like to sincerely thank Dr Orton for
organising the excursion and giving up his time to assist them in
their learning.
Our team consisted of five very enthusiastic readers from Year 7
and Year 8. They were: Georgia Gorrie, Riya Urkude (8/2016),
Alina Konovalov, Millie Andrews and Gerard Hayes (7/2016). We
practised for a number of weeks leading up to the competition
and, though we did not win on this occasion, we came a close
second, missing out on first place by just 2 points. Naturally we
are looking forward to next year’s competition when we can again
provide our students with the opportunity to show their passion
for reading.
At the start of second term 1893 Mary Foley became the first girl to be admitted to the School. In third term she was followed by Letitia
Crowder and, with their enrolments Grammar became the first co-educational secondary school on the Australian mainland. However,
it was to take another one hundred years before the concept of girl boarding was implemented. Mr Stephen Paul became Headmaster
in 1993 and one of the first plans he proposed to the Trustees, to celebrate a centenary of girls, was that girl boarding be introduced.
The Trustees were keen on the idea and girls’ boarding was introduced a year later. To accommodate the influx of girl boarders a new
boarding house was built and opened in April 1996. The building was named Parker-Hall in honour of Grammar’s two Rhodes Scholars.
George Hall came to Grammar in 1905 as a boarder from Charters Towers. A scholarship holder he was the first
winner of the Lilley Medal for the best results in the Queensland scholarship examinations. A brilliant all-round
student Hall was soon to make his mark on the School. By 1906 he was in the 1st XI and dominating at athletics.
He was also Dux of Form IV with a particular ability in languages. At Speech Day in that year he performed roles
in Greek and French. In the 1907 Sydney Junior Examinations he attained 6 A’s and 2 B’s and received the best
results by a boy in a Queensland School.
Interschool Public Speaking: Congratulations to our School’s
amazing orators who achieved outstanding success in the recent
Interschool Public Speaking Competition. While it is claimed that
most people fear Public Speaking more than death, the following
students are congratulated on their ‘fearless’ public speaking
Dr John Orton with the Year 11 IB Physics students
Year 7/8 - Xanthe Lamari (7/2016), Georgia Gorrie (8/2016)
Year 9/10 - Fiona Crowe, Tisshapaa Sivagnanan (10/2016),
Angus Marsh-Brown (10/2016)
Year 11/12 - Cassandra Fisher, Emma Verkuijl (11/2016),
Nicholas Williams (12/2016)
We were held captive with a range of topics including, Smell the
Roses, Trickle-Down Economics, The Big Picture and Pokemon Go.
While not as good at sport as George Hall, Chester played for the School’s cricket and football team and was a good shot putter. He also
took part in many of the School Productions and in 1934 had the lead in Sheridan’s play The Critic. He was a prefect in 1933 and Head
boy in 1934 and was the winner of the Chelmsford Cup as Best All Round Boy in 1933 and 1934.
Well done to all our orators!
New Opening Hours: As from 1 August, 2016 the School Shop will
open from 7:30am to 10:00am, Monday to Friday of the School
Term. The School Shop is located on the Annandale Campus at the
University Drive end of the Pre-Prep car park. The Shop stocks the
full range of Townsville Grammar School uniform items including
Club Netball, Club Rugby and Performance Uniforms.
N.B. Uniform items can be ordered online through Flexi Schools,
via email to shop@tgs.qld.edu.au or by telephoning 4412 4849
during opening hours. Orders can be delivered to North Ward and
North Shore for collection. Please allow 2 working days.
Principal’s Newsletter | August 2016
Chester Parker was born in Charters Towers but his family moved to Collinsville where he undertook his primary
school education. Chester came from a large family that struggled to make ends meet. His father drove a cart
carrying coal from Collinsville to Bowen twice a week in order to support his family. There can be no doubting
that this family background motivated Chester to work very hard to achieve the best he could at school and later,
at university.
Chester came to Grammar in 1930 on a State scholarship. At the 1931 Queensland Junior Examination he
achieved distinctions in Latin, History, Geography and Chemistry and credit passes in French, Algebra, Geometry
and Arithmetic. In 1933 he was offered an extension scholarship by the School and repeated his final year with
some success. At the 1934 Queensland Senior Examination he achieved distinctions in all his six subjects. As
a result he was awarded prizes for Chemistry, Mathematics, Latin and French and at the end of the year won a
Queensland University Open Scholarship, one of only twenty awarded each year.
Readers’ Cup 2016: This year’s Readers’ Cup competition was an
important milestone for the competition in Townsville as it was
the 10th anniversary of the event in this region. It is a competition
that hopes to highlight the great importance of reading. One of
the messages from organisers at the event was that high achieving
students tend to read three times more than other students.
Reading is to the mind what execise is to the body...
George Hall entered Lincoln College [Oxford] as a medical student but changed to engineering. He received a 2nd class honours degree
before joining a firm in Scotland. He enlisted in the Royal Air Force during World War One before returning to Australia. He lived in
Sydney until his death in 1972. For many years he was a supervising engineer in the Main Roads Department.
Georgia Gorrie (8/2016) was awarded 1st place in the Year 7/8
Section, while Angus Marsh-Brown (10/2016) and Emma Verkuijl
(11/2016) were awarded 2nd places in their respective sections.
The event saw 48 teams from both primary and secondary schools
coming together to meet this reading challenge. Each of the 12
high schools participating in the event was allowed to field one
team of 4 students and a reserve.
In 1908 Hall was appointed a prefect as well as captain of cricket. He was also made School librarian and assistant
editor of the magazine. In 1909 he was Head of School and winner of the Chelmsford Cup as the best all-round
student. As a result of the Sydney Examination results, he was awarded the first School of Mines Exhibition. In
that year he passed the examinations in Greek, Latin, French, English, Ancient History, Algebra, Trigonometry,
Mechanics and Chemistry. Dux of the School in 1909 he also performed on Speech Day in plays written in French, Latin and Greek as well
as in Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing. On Sports’ Day he won the high jump, broad jump, 100, 440, 880 yards and mile as well as
the 120 yards hurdles and throwing the cricket ball. His record for throwing the cricket ball was only broken in 1996. To add to his talents
he also achieved the best results in Queensland for the Empire Shoot, a competition between schools in the British Empire.
Chester Parker entered St John’s College at the University of Queensland in 1935 studying for a Bachelor of Arts. In the same year he was
awarded the first Rotary Bursary awarded in North Queensland. At the presentation the Headmaster, Mr Rowland, remarked that “in
all his long experience in teaching he had never come across a more hard-working and conscientious student.” At the university Chester
became involved in the Student Union becoming secretary and president in successive years. He also represented the university at
football and tennis as well as at conferences interstate. He also took part in the University drama and debating clubs. In 1938 he became
Townsville Grammar’s second student to be awarded the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship.
He studied law at Oxford before enlisting in the British Navy. His first ship, HMS Dungevan Castle, was torpedoed in 1940. In 1942 the
submarine, HMS Thorn, on which he was serving as a Lieutenant, was sunk while on patrol in the Mediterranean. The ship has never
been found.
The Parker-Hall building consists of three levels. Each section has been named after a past student. The girls’ dormitories have been
named after the first two girls to attend the School, Mary Foley [1893-1896] and Letitia Crowder [1893-1896]. Letitia Crowder went on to
become a respected school mistress and in 1912 became the first secretary/treasurer of the Old Girls’ Union. Mary Foley married young
and had five children, all of them attending the School. The Mary Foley-Elliott award is presented annually to the Dux of the School.
The boys’ dormitories have been named after past boarders who were killed in wars. Henry Foot [1894-1899] and his brother Alexander
Foot [1904-1908] were both killed during the Gallipoli campaign. The Foot family has also donated their medals to the School and they
were currently displayed in the Principal’s office. Malcolm McConachy [1961-1965] joined the Australian Army on leaving school and
rose to the rank of Lance-Corporal in the 9th Royal Australian regiment. He was killed in February 1969, aged twenty-one, during the
Vietnam War.
School Archivist
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Principal’s Newsletter | August 2016
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Notifications of withdrawal for 2017 must be received by 28 October, 2016, in order to give the required half term’s
notice. Any indications prior to that are greatly appreciated.
Please contact the Director of Enrolments, on kristell.scott@tgs.qld.edu.au or 07-47224973.
Support the Sponsors whO are supporting your School in 2016!
We encourage the school community to consider using the products and services of the following businesses.
Absolutely Dental
A.E. Smith & Sons
Afaire de Hair
All Blinds and Curtains
AON Risk Services
A Touch of Salt
Beaches Pet Resort
Butcher On Bundock
CBC Lawyers
Daisy Maisy Flowers
Dentist on Paxton
Ella Baché
Entropy Pty Ltd
Frontier Voice & Data
Fruition Tuition
Georgio Clothing
Hall’s Firearms
International Certifications
Jamaica Blue Castletown
Jepson Media
Jewellery By Design
John Ioannou Chemist
Moore Stephens Queensland
National Australia Bank
Norstate Marketing
Northern Fury
Northern Skin Studio
Northern Urology Clinic
NPS Corporate
Office Choice - Pen to Paper
Oracle Studio - Web Design & Development
Peak Performance
Personal Best Aquatics & Kokoda Memoral Pool
Pickerings Auto Group
Podium Hair Desgin
Progress Book World
Resolute Legal
Roberts Nehmer McKee Lawyers
Ruswin Integrated Security Systems
Sealink Qld Pty Ltd
The Athlete’s Foot
The Good Guys - Troy Williams
The Watermark Townsville
Tippett Schrock Architects
Townsville Academy of Performing Arts
Townsville Lower Limb Clinic
Wilmar Sugar Austustralia Ltd
Wulguru Meat Market
Please contact Ms Marion Walker-Campbell (4722 4917) if we have inadvertently omitted your business from this Sponsors list.
PROCESS, AT NQ, sTATE OR NATIONAL LEVEL. n.b. only the highest level of representation in each
sport is recorded, regardless of pathway or age group selection.
Samuel Lavender (10/2016) - Rock Climbing
Mitch McGrath (7/2016) - Futsal*
Campbell Corrigan (7/2016) - Indoor Cricket
Oscar Dohnalek (9/2016) - Futsal
Nicholas (Jake) Doran (11/2016) - Athletics
Kate Irving (12/2016) - Gymnastics
Jacob Krayem (9/2016) - Football
Jasmine Lee (12/2016) - Ultimate Frisbee
Hiteshin Lopata (11/2016) - Surf Life Saving*
Declan Marchioni (8/2016) - Triathlon*
Simone Mills (8/2016) - Surf Life Saving*
Christian Minuzzo (9/2016) - Futsal*, Football
Jordan Reichhold (12/2016) - Basketball
Sheridan Reichhold (12/2016) - Basketball
Harrison Smythe (7/2016) - Futsal*, Football
Kajsa Souter (11/2016) - Athletics
Samuel Willis (11/2016) - Kendo
Caitlin Ainsworth (7/2016) - Basketball
Shirley Alcock (10/2016) - Cross Country, Rowing
Thomas Arnold (12/2016) - Rugby
Mason Blizzard (10/2016) - Football
Campbell Briggs (10/2016) - Swimming
Lachlan Carey (8/2016) - Triathlon*
George Coleman (7/2016) - Football
Joshua Connery (6/2016) - OzTag*
Campbell Corrigan (7/2016) - Cricket*
Cadence Courtney (4/2016) - Swimming
Aidan Dohnalek (7/2016) - Football, Touch
Leo Fairley (7/2016) - Cross Country
Matthew Ferguson (7/2016) - Surf Life Saving
Jackson Green (10/2016) - Rowing
Jack Greenwood (5/2016) - Futsal*
Ethan Harris (7/2016) - Cycling
Brian Hayes (5/2016) - Swimming, Cross Country
Gerard Hayes (7/2016) - Cross Country
Harrison Hughes (12/2016) - Rugby
Sanjeevan Ketheesan (12/2016) - Hockey
Adam Krayem (10/2016) - Football
Jacob Krayem (9/2016) - Swimming
Thomas Lafferty (12/2016) - Hockey
Connor Latouf (8/2016) - Triathlon*
Reilly Latouf (6/2016) - Triathlon
Harrison Leavers (6/2016) - Hockey
Lily Leavers (6/2016) - Hockey
Lara Leong (10/2016) - Surf Life Saving, Swimming
Brianna MacDonald (11/2016) - Hockey, Rowing
Matthew Maguire (11/2016) - Cross Country
Jorja Maidment (6/2016) - Hockey
Oliver Meade (11/2016) - Water Polo
Luke Moran (11/2016) - Cricket*
Mark Moran (6/2016) - Cricket*
Ethan Morgan (6/2016) - Rugby
Lachlan Morgan (6/2016) - Rugby
Matthew Moran (6/2016) - Cricket*
Luke Mustard (7/2016) - Football
Yideg Nethery (9/2016) - Cross Country
Jamie Osmond (10/2016) - Rugby
Alexander Orlandi (12/2016) - Water Polo*,
Will Pascoe (5/2016) - Swimming
Mykel Passi (10/2016) - Rugby
Reece Phillips (12/2016) - Hockey
Danette Potgieter (11/2016) - Cross Country
Ben Rane (11/2016) - Tennis
Siddarth Roche (12/2016) - Hockey
Aimee Segal (5/2016) - Swimming
Tommaso Severati (6/2016) - Cross Country
Chelsea Smith (8/2016) - Surf Life Saving
Owen Spanswick (9/2016) - Sailing
Hugh Stack (7/2016) - Rugby
Lachlan Stobie (12/2016) - Rowing
Jasmine Tait (11/2016) - Volleyball
Ella Thompson (12/2016) - Rowing
Taiku Wailu (9/2016) - Rugby
Jarren Walker (9/2016) - Cycling
Lochlan Ward (9/2016) - Swimming
Kaylah Williams (10/2016) - AFL
Ryan Wingham (10/2016) - Surf Life Saving
Thomas Wright (12/2016) - Rugby
Yan Ting (Alysia) Wu (11/2016) - Volleyball
Alicia Young (12/2016) - Rowing
This Honour Roll will be progressively updated during the year to recognise Australian, Qld and NQ Representation - (Club and/or
School - both Primary and Secondary). Students with an * denotes selection in Term 4, 2015.
ABSENTEE LINES North Ward 4722 4900 | Annandale 4725 3588
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