2009 Fall newsletter


2009 Fall newsletter
Self Advocate Spotlight
A showcase of the outstanding men and women whose leadership, community service,
and positive attitudes exemplify Self Advocates in Southeast Texas
Mathew Bloodsworth is an active member
of the Arc. He was a host at The Stars of the
Arc Celebrity Style Show and Dinner and is
active in The Arc Adult Social Club. His favorite part of being in the Arc, “all the different activities we get to do every month at
social club.” Matthew works at Ben Rogers during the week
cutting grass. His favorite part of the job, “making money.”
Matthew lives in Beaumont in a group home with three housemates where he likes all the friends he has made and all the
activities he gets to do while living there.
Faye Henry is an active member of The Arc
Adult Social Club. During the week, she
attends the Spindletop LEAP Program and
St. Giles Workshop where she enjoys arts
and crafts, “especially sewing.” Faye sells
handmade pillows and tote bags in all
shapes and sizes. When she’s not sewing
Faye enjoys going to movies and dinner with her friends Brandi
and Alissa. Faye’s favorite part of The Arc is
“Everything!...Especially being able to see all my friends at Arc
Adult Social Club Activities.”
Serving Up Smiles at Arc Summer Day Camps
The Arc of Greater Beaumont hosted it’s third annual Summer Day Camp with three
week long sessions. Children and Teens enjoyed activities that included swimming,
bowling, hockey, basketball, arts and crafts, and pizza parties. “I loved meeting new
friends and seeing old friends from school” explained Gentry Lovett. Gentry attended
the Arc’s Teen Camp. These week long camps are a chance for children to enjoy a
week filled with fun and socialization in a safe environment.
Thanks to our Sponsors:
Donald & JoEllyn Jowers
Children, Staff, and Volunteers at Kids Camp July 20-24
For those of you who want to be involved but haven’t quite taken
that extra step, jump in! There is always a need you can fill. I
heard a sermon about a church providing help in their community, and their motto was “See a Need, Fill a Need.” I implore you
By Paula Pratt, President
to do the same. Here are some of our needs: Sell Arc Holiday
Cards for a Cause to raise money for more activities for our individuals; Help with the Kickoff Day, Nov. 7, for the Arc Holiday
I am pleased this year to be your new president, and The Arc
Cards for a Cause; Help plan events for our individuals so they
Board of Directors has already been working hard. It is an exciting
have social time with friends—everyone likes to be with their
time for The Arc, and I hope you will be a part of that excitement.
friends! Help plan for the May 15 banquet by meeting in groups to
I hope you WANT to be a part of that excitement. There is someget the work done!
thing for everyone in the Arc. The Arc is of and for people with
disabilities and their families. People are first, and there are oppor- The biggest need of all is to educate your friends, your neighbors,
tunities for you to be involved in making local decisions. Our
your co-workers, your fellow church members about the chalchapter is made up primarily of parents or family members of peo- lenges that people with developmental disabilities face daily…
ple with disabilities, friends of those families, people whose career those challenges can be overcome by living, working, and particiis in this field, and people who have a desire and love of helping
pating in this community. And let’s show everyone that in southothers. I am so glad to have all of you involved.
east Texas, The Arc is not just an organization, it is a movement!
A Word from the President
New Legislation Expands Funding to Support Texans with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
The 81st Texas Legislature has passed many new
laws to help support Texans with intellectual and developmental
disabilities. These laws come after two reports were made by the
U.S. Department of Justice regarding the abuse, neglect, and exploitation of individuals living in Texas State Supported Living Centers,
or State Schools. Following are the laws passed that will have an
effect on individuals with disabilities, their families, and service providers.
be given to a school district if the district does not have sufficient
funds to pay for special education services provided to an individual
student or all students with disabilities in the district. Districts who
receive funds must provide education services in the least restrictive
House Bill 192: Allows students with autism spectrum disorder to
attend health care appointments, including applied behavior analysis, as an excused absence.
The Budget
Senate Bill 1824: Establishes a Task Force for Children with Special
Senate Bill 1: The state budget bill appropriated $13.4 billion in state Needs. The Task Force will address issues including: reviewing all
and federal funds for the 2010-2011 Fiscal year to the Department
of Aging and Disability Services’ (DADS) programs and services. This
is a $11.8 billion dollar increase from the current budget. This important funding will be used to help reshape the Texas State Supported Living Centers and the special delivery system for those with
intellectual and developmental disabilities. With this funding, 7,832
individuals will be moved off the HCS, CLASS, and DBMD program
waiting lists and into services, and 620 individuals will be moved
from State Supported Living Centers into the community. 1,160
new full time employees will be hired. This will include 30 individuals who visits and monitor every HCS group home and foster/companion care in Texas.
State Schools/ StateState-Supported Living Centers (SSLC)
Senate Bill 643: Enacts emergency reform for State Schools. It
changes the name from State Schools to State-Supported Living
Centers (SSLC). Requires the Center Directors of SSLC’s to ensure all
civil rights, health, safety, and general welfare of the residents are
protected. Installs video surveillance in all centers. Requires criminal
background checks on all employees, volunteers, and applicants.
Requires fingerprints, random drug tests, and electronic updates of
arrests and convictions on all employees. Improve training requirements. Makes a person ineligible for license to operate an ICF-MR if
they had a conviction for an offence that would not allow employment at the facility. Establishes a toll-free number. Requires investigation of incidents of abuse and neglect in private ICF-MR’s. Requires DADS to notify resident, parent, or LAR of any incidents of
abuse and neglect. Creates an electronic database to collect and
analyze information on investigation and prevention of abuse, neglect and exploitation. Increases the penalty for failure to report
abuse of a child. Requires yearly unannounced surveys of all HCS
group homes and other foster homes.
House Bill 748: Allows SSLC’s to provide non-residential services and
resources to support individuals with developmental disabilities.
House Bill 171: Requires schools to consider a student’s disability
when making decisions about suspension, removal to a disciplinary
alternative education program, or expulsion. Eliminates the zero
tolerance, my hands are tied stance that some schools have taken.
This will hopefully reduce the number of students with disabilities
who are sent to disciplinary placement for discretionary student
code of conduct violations.
House Bill 3646: Develops grants to be given to school districts to
cover the cost of education for students with disabilities. Grants will
state agency policies and procedures related to this population, and
performing a needs assessment via public hearings to identity service delivery gaps, system entry points and barriers to services.
Health Care
House Bill 451: Requires health benefit plans to provide coverage to
children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders from the date of
diagnosis until the child is nine years old.
Senate Bill 187: Requires HHSC to develop and implement a Medicaid buy-in program for children with disabilities whose family income does not exceed 300 percent of the federal poverty level.
Requires the participants pay monthly premiums on a sliding scale
based on family income.
Senate Bill 705: Streamline of the administration of delivery services
through the 1915 (c) Medicaid Waiver Program. Streamline items
include: reducing the number of forms used in administering programs, consolidating program provider manuals and training curricula, consolidating service authorizing systems, standardizing individual service plan processes across programs. HHSC must ensure consumer-friendly information about long-term care services so individuals and their families can make informed decisions. The information will be posted and easily accessible on their website.
Senate Bill 37: Requires DADS to provide home and community
based services under the deaf-blind with multiple disabilities waiver
program to children under 18. This is subject to the availability of
funds appropriated for this purpose.
House Bill 610: Establishes a Legislative Committee on Aging to
study issues relating to health care, income, transportation, housing,
education, and employment needs of the population. The committee will hold public meetings and local forums to get input from
local communities on the needs of this population.
House Bill 2303: Expands the scope of services and persons who
may be provided services by community MHMR centers. Community centers can now proved services and support to people with
developmental disabilities or chemical dependencies in addition to
persons with mental illness and intellectual disabilities.
All bills became effective laws as of September 1, 2009. For more
information on the 81st Texas Legislative Session’s items pertaining
to persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities please
visit The Arc of Texas’ website, www.thearcoftexas.org.
Information Provided by The Arc of Texas at www.thearcoftexas.org
The Second Annual Holiday Cards for a Cause is underway. This
project is a partnership between the Arc and local businesses that
sponsor the production of holiday and all-occasion greeting cards.
The cards are created by Arc members with developmental disabilities and sold throughout Southeast Texas. The cards will go on sale
November 7th at the Holiday Cards for a Cause Kickoff. The kickoff
Brandi Herron’s Card Sponsored by
will start with local high school organizations selling the cards
Spindletop MHMR
throughout pre-selected neighborhoods.
A thank you Chili Super, sponsored by Cooks 2 Dozen, will be held
that night for all sponsors and card artists. The vital fundraising
project gives our members a sense of pride and supports Arc programs including adult social club, after school care, summer day
camps, and parent networking and support.
Cards will be sold for $10.00 per pack. For more information
please contact Amanda Baldwin at (409)781(409)781-3745 or
Welcome New Arc Members!
Josh & Amanda Baldwin
Joey & Kathy Catalano
Shaun Davis
Tanya Goldbeck
Alton Green
Ruth Haiduk
Caitlin Kruger
Gentry Lovett
Shari Meadows
Tam Mire
Dave Mulcahy
Mary Parfait
Tiffani Taylor
Pat Wakefield
Mitch & Janice Watkins
Join or Renew
Your Membership
Card artists from 2008’s event with their cards.
From left to right: Brandi Herron, Brandon
Pieternelle, Jared Kelley, Brett Simpson
Become a Card Sponsor Today!
The cost of sponsorship is $1,000.
Sponsors benefits include having your
name and logo printed on 3,000
cards produced for sale and you will
receive 100 cards for personal use.
Additionally your business logo and a
link to your website will be posted on
the Arc’s website for one year. Cards
will be sold by Arc members, on our
website, and at various retail outlets
throughout the holiday season. Great
exposure for you for a great cause!
To become a sponsor please call
Amanda Baldwin at
(409)784--5556 or email
Canned Food Drive for Some Other Place
Help the Arc Adult Social Club in their Second Annual Canned Food Drive.
We will be collecting canned goods to be donated to Some Other Place.
This is a great way for the members of The Adult Social Club to give back to
the community this Holiday season, but we can’t do it without your help!
Donation boxes will be set up at The Arc Office and at
all Arc Events starting in October for you to drop off
canned goods or non-perishable foods. In November
members of The Arc Adult Social Club will deliver the
food to Some Other Place. For more information please
call the Arc Office at (409)784-5556.
Stars Shine Bright at the Stars of The Arc Celebrity Style Show and Dinner
Our 2nd annual banquet, on May 30, was a huge success. We honored Gary Hidalgo and Shaun
Davis, who through many years, have done so much for people with developmental disabilities.
And Brandi Herron and Jamie Moffitt are two individuals who are shining examples for other people with developmental disabilities. Our celebrity hosts and hostesses were enthusiastic, helpful,
joyful, and made everyone feel happy. It was hard to stay in your seat when they “celebrated” in
their parade. And the models in our style show sponsored by Dillard’s were celebrities when they
showed off their clothes and their flair for the stage! All in all it was a great night, with 350 people
in attendance. Grace Mathis described her experience at the event. “It was a blessing to see so
many people who care about individuals with disabilities in the same room. The happiness and
positive energy that surrounded this event was amazing.” We hope you were there, and if you
weren’t, plan on coming next year. The date is already set for May 15 at the Holiday Inn Beaumont
Plaza, so write it red in your calendar now!
Arc Celebrity Host’s anxiously waiting with
Connie Berry to sit guests at the event.
Thanks to Our Sponsors & Donors
during the
style show
A Rose & Bridal Gallery, American Personnel, Patrick & Daphne Bell, Cindy Bloodsworth, Joe Bonura, Belinda & Robert Breaux, Buffalo Barb,
Cadillac Ink, Calder Cleaners, Carl R. Griffith & Associates, Joey & Kathy Catalano, Center Stage Band, Conn's, D’Vine Wine, Frank & Cary
Coffin, Steve Cordova, Robert Fillyaw, Cassie Fiorenza, Felicia’s Studio West, Linda Frederick, GetAway Day Spa, Gentz Cattle Company, Kenneth Gorsich, Sandra Hammerling, Mary Hendrick, Penny Hobbs, Gisela Houseman, Jackie’s of Beaumont, Kirksey’s Spring Printing John &
JoEllen Lavergne, Grace Mathis, Jamie Moffitt, Guy & Kathy Morris, Junior League of Beaumont, Dr. Tom & Nancy Kirchmer, PRN Medical
Supplies, The Pieternelle Family, Lott Contractors, Chris Meyer Massage Therapy, Julia Muller, Hubert Oxford III, Ozen Life Skills Class, John
Quigley, Regina Rogers, St. Giles Living Centers, Judge John Stevens, Sun Travel, Texas Coffee Company, Zummo’s, KBMT 12 News
Recreation, networking and social activities in a safe, supervised environment.
Social Club Activity!
Community Service Events!
Enjoy snacks, fun, and exciting
activities with you friends!
Help the Arc Adult Social Club give back to
the community during the Holiday Season.
Christmas Caroling
Date: Monday November 16th
When: Thursday
November 19th
Time: 6:00-8:00 pm
Where: Spindletop MHMR
Recreation Room
Cost: $3.00 for Arc &
GTSA Members
$6.00 for non-members
RSVP by November 17th
Karaoke &
Date & Time: TBA
Where: Hotel Beaumont
Where: Some Other Place
Community Center
1240 McFaddin
Beaumont, TX 77701
Cost: Free!
Cost: Free!
What: Come spread the spirit of
the Holiday Season by singing
carols and giving presents to residents of Hotel Beaumont.
What: We will be bringing the
canned goods collected to Some
Other Place .
Social Club activities are for adults with disabilities age 15 and older. Reservations are required.
Please RSVP with Amanda Baldwin by the deadline date noted for each activity.
Call (409)784-5556 or email amanda.baldwin@arcofbmt.org
2009 Arc of Texas Annual Conference
to be held October 23rd
– 25th
Come join the Arc in some fun for the whole family. Event’s for children
as well as parenting networking and support!
Pumpkin Painting & Fall
When: Thursday October 15
Time: 6:00-8:00pm
Where: Spindletop MHMR
Rec. Room
Cost: Admission: at least two
canned goods
$4.00 per pumpkin
RSVP by October 13th
Mark your calendars to attend this conference for self-advocates and
family members of children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The conference will be held at Camp for All in Burton, Texas.
The conference will be an inclusive event for individuals of all ages.
Adults and self-advocates will enjoy interactive conference programming. Children and youth will participate in different camp activities
provided by Camp for All. Activities will include canoeing, horse-back
riding, ropes, bicycles, rock-climbing, and a petting zoo.
For more information contact Chris Rodriguez at (800)252-9729 or
email crodriguez@thearcoftexas.org.To register for the event visit The
Arc of Texas website at www.thearcoftexas.org. Registration stipends
are available when applicable.
Arc Holiday Party
When: Thursday December 17
Time: 6:00—8:00 pm
Where: Spindletop MHMR
Rec. Room
Welcome New Board Members
The Arc of Greater Beaumont welcomes it’s new board members and thanks them
for their support and dedication in leading The Arc of Greater Beaumont in creating endless possibilities for adults and children with intellectual and developmental disabilities within Southeast Texas
for Arc and GTSA
Members, $6.00 for nonLaura Bowman ~ Joey Catalano ~ Kathy Catalano~ Shaun Davis
members, $10.00 for a family ~ Tanya Goldbeck Ed. D. ~ Dr. Carl Hubbell ~ Sharon Kruger ~
of 4 or more
RSVP by December 15
Tam Mire ~ Dave Mulcahy ~ Mitch Watkins ~ Janice Watkins~
Deedra Wilson
September 24–
24 Region V ESC Student– LED IEP Training. A free workshop- For more information contact Leslie
Randall at (409)923-5430
September 30–
30– October 4–
4 Texas Rice Festival
October 15—
15— Arc Family Fun Night: Pumpkin Painting & Fall Festival—
Festival—For more information contact Amanda Bald-
win at (409)784
October 17–
17 Fall Family Day at the Stark Museum of Art: Orange, TX
October 17–
17 ASSET Seminar Making the Pieces Fit: A Seminar on Autism—For more information contact Susan
Ward at (409)727-5100
October 22–
22 Putting on the Pink Kickoff for Breast Cancer Initiative: brought to you by the Julie Rogers Gift of Life and featuring
Rue McClanahan to be held at 6:30 pm at the Holiday Inn Beaumont Plaza
October 22–
22– November 2–
2 Pink Shopping Card Days: Buy $50 Pink Shopping Card and get 20% off at over 500 participating
October 24–
24 Harvest Hoedown at the McFaddin Ward Carriage House
27– Future Planning: What Happens Next: A Region V Seminar—For more information contact Leslie
October 27
Randall at (409)923-5430
October 2929-31–
31 Restore Garage Sale at Habitat for Humanity
October 29–
29 Spindletop MHMR Halloween Dance: For Spindletop Consumers & Arc Members only—For more
Information contact Yolanda Tyler (409)784-5460
November 5–
5 GTSA Thanksgiving Feast- For more information contact Patricia Bowlen at (409)784-5550
November 5–
5– St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Chili Supper at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church: Arc Christmas Cards will be
sold here
Kickoff-- For more information contact Amanda Baldwin at (409)784
November 7
– The Arc of Greater Beaumont Holiday Card for a Cause Kickoff
November 14–
14– Arc of Greater Beaumont Holiday Cards sold outside Dillard’s at Parkdale MallMall- For more information contact Amanda Baldwin at
November 16—
—For more information
16—Arc Adult Social Club Community Service Project: Canned Food Drive Donation Drop Off to Some Other Place
contact Amanda Baldwin at (409)784
November 19–
19 Region V Education Service Center Transition Assessments Workshop- For more information contact Leslie Randall at (409)923-5430
November 19—
19—Arc Adult Social Club Karaoke & Christmas Caroling Practice: Ages 15 and up only please—
please—For more information contact Amanda
Baldwin at (409)784(409)784-5556
November 2727-29–
29– Santa’s Gift Market at The Beaumont Civic Center: Arc Christmas Cards will be sold here
December 33-5– A Very Merry Main Street Market held at The Beaumont Civic Center: Arc Christmas
Cards will be sold here
December 5–
5 Beaumont Christmas Holiday Festival and Parade: 5:00 pm in Downtown Beaumont
6– 20th Anniversary of Lamarissimo! A Capella Choir: 3:00 pm at the Julie Rogers Theater
December 6
December 10–
10 Spindletop MHMR Christmas Dance: Spindletop Consumers & Arc members only- For More Information
Contact Delores Guillory at (409)784-5640
December 12–
12 Special Olympics Area Bowling Tournament—For more information contact Louise Linder-Hall at
December 12–
12– Arc Holiday Christmas Cards will be sold outside Dillard’s in Parkdale Mall
December 17–
17– Arc Family Fun Night: Arc Holiday Party—
Party—For more information contact Amanda Baldwin at (409)784
The Texas Organization of Parents, Attorney’s, and Advocates (TOPAA) hosts meetings for parents and children with disabilities on
on the last Thursday to discuss the education of Texas children with special needs. For more information please contact Oscar or De Hereira at
(409)860(409)860-3279 or visit www.toppa.org
Much of the information on this community calendar was provided by www.setxsocialcenter.com for more information on events visit this site.
The Arc of Greater Beaumont Board of Directors
Paula Pratt
Brenda Sullivan
Immediate Past President
Cindy Bloodsworth
Vice President
Kathy Catalano
Jada Kelley
Shaun Davis
Tanya Godlbeck Ed. D.
Mary Hendrick
Gary Hidalgo
Dr. Carl Hubbell
Sharon Kruger
Tam Mire
Kay Moffitt
Brandi Herron
Dave Mulcahy
GTSA Representative
Patrice Rabalais
Toye Babb
A unique and wonderful way to honor a friend, colleague, loved one, or
pay homage to a loved ones
memory is with a honorarium or memorial contribution to The
Arc of Greater Beaumont.
Laura McMurray
Guy Morris
Board Members
Honorariums & Memorial Contributions
In Honor of Gary Hidalgo
Mental Health Association in Jefferson County
Linda Frederick
Janice Watkins
In Memory of Joe Hopkins
Mitch Watkins
Judy Hopkins
Laura Bowman
Deedra Wilson
Robert Breaux
Bill Wilson
Joey Catalano
Board Meetings: 2nd Monday of Each Month
5:30 p.m. at Arc Administrative Office
Arc Administrative Office Hours
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Tuesday & Thursday: 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Caitlin Kruger– Administrative Assistant
Amanda Baldwin– Event Coordinator
The Arc of
Greater Beaumont
655 S. 8th St.
Beaumont, TX 77701
Creating endless possibilities...
Go confidently in the direction of
your dreams. Live the life you have
~ Henry David Thoreau~