cookie family guide


cookie family guide
2015 Girl Scout Cookie Program
Get ready for an amazing experience!
Welcome to the largest girl-led business
in the world…Girl Scout cookies!
This year’s Cookie Program theme is
, and that’s what
Girl Scouts do every day, leading by
example using the 5 skills they learn
through the Cookie Program. When
your Girl Scout sells a box of cookies,
she’s setting goals, making decisions,
interacting with customers, handling
money and learning business ethics.
In other words, Girl Scouts are building
lifetime skills and confidence through
the Cookie Program.
Your guidance and support is critical.
With your help, your Girl Scout can
lead the change and have a successful
sale. How can you help? Be informed.
Attend your troop cookie meeting so
you’ll know what’s going on and how
you can be more involved. Help your
Girl Scout experience the pride and
self-esteem that emerges when she
reaches her goals.
• Uphold the Girl Scout Promise & Law
• Attend your troop cookie meeting
• Volunteer to help
• Communicate with your troop cookie
Contact us with any questions:
My Troop Cookie Coordinator
Phone My Important Information
Email Initial cookie pick-up is on (date) at (location) Additional cookies needed can be picked up from (location)
Turn in money weekly. All cookie money collected is due:
(date) at (location) Two Ways to Sell Cookies
Direct Sale allows girls to have packages of cookies in-hand to sell door-to-door to family, friends and neighbors. Girl Scouts
exchange cookies and payment in one easy step. Parents order cookies then help their Girl Scout load up that ‘little red wagon’ with
cookies and hit the neighborhood. Your neighbors can’t wait to see you coming with the cookies! And remember, you can always get
more cookies if you run out or exchange with other troop members for different flavors.
Order Taking requires girls to make two trips to a customer’s house - once to ask them to order cookies and a second time to
deliver the cookies. Girls collect money at the time of delivery only.
All cookie sales begin on February 13. Please follow the dates that fit the method your daughter is selling.
Direct Sale-Important Dates
Order Taking-Important Dates
February 13
Sales begin! Girls sell cookies directly to customers. If she
runs outs, she can continue selling by taking orders. Collect
money at time of sale.
February 13
Sales begin! Girls take orders! Do not collect money until
By February 20, 27, March 6, 13, 20
Turn in any money collected from cookie sales to troop
leader and place additional order for cookies if needed.
By March 6
Return any unopened, non-written on cases of cookies to
your Troop Cookie Coordinator for return. This is your only
opportunity to do so.
March 22
End of Cookie Sale! All cookies should be sold and money
collected. Turn in all money to leader or troop cookie sale
coordinator. If you still have unsold cookies, KEEP SELLING;
it is your responsibility to sell all your cookies and turn in all
money collected.
February 27
Submit your order to your Troop Cookie Coordinator.
Between March 5—13
Pick up your cookies from your Troop Cookie Coordinator,
begin delivering to customers and collect money.
March 22
End of Cookie Sale! All cookies should be delivered and
money collected. Turn in all money to troop leader or Troop
Cookie Sale Coordinator.
Cookies are
$3.75 a box
Cookie Program FAQ
Who can sell cookies?
Any registered Girl Scout at any grade level.
How much will my troop earn from selling a box of
Troops earn between 60—70 cents per box for each box of
cookies sold.
What if my Girl Scout needs additional cookies?
Contact your troop leader or troop cookie sale coordinator
and they’ll arrange for you to get restocked.
Who bakes our cookies?
Our cookies are baked by ABC Bakers; one of two companies
licensed by Girl Scouts of the USA to bake Girl Scout cookies.
What about gluten-free cookies?
For a second year, Badgerland is piloting the sale of glutenfree cookies. Each troop was invited to pre-order these
cookies and supply is very limited. Check with your troop
leader to know if your troop is selling gluten-free cookies.
Please note, because it’s a pilot project, girls do not earn
rewards based on the sale of these cookies.
How much do the cookies cost?
$3.75 per box. Gluten-free cookies are $5.
Cookie Share
a community service project
Cookie Share allows customers to purchase cookies to be
donated. Customers pay for cookies but do not receive them
as the troop will coordinate delivery to a chosen cause such
as a food pantry.
These orders are written in the Cookie Share column, on the
order card. The cookies are included in girls’ totals and count
toward rewards. All Cookie Share money must be turned in to
the troop leader or Troop Cookie Coordinator so the cookies
can be delivered to the chosen cause.
Every Girl Scout who promotes the Cookie Share Program will
earn the Cookie Share patch.
February 9 - February 13
Girl Scouts who activate a COCO account and
set a cookie goal will be entered to win!
Random drawings for fun goodies every day that week!
your support is key to success
Help her set goals and track progress.
Does Grandpa live a thousand miles away?
No problem with the digital cookie store. Here’s
how it works: you send Grandpa a COCO Direct e-card inviting him to order
cookies from you. He clicks the link, which takes him to the digital cookie store,
and places a cookie order. He’ll pay for the cookies and shipping costs with a
credit card, and the cookies will be shipped directly to his address.
Help her use all the tools of success,
including creating a COCO account.
Digital cookie orders are awesome! And, of course, girls earn rewards on all her
digital cookie orders.
Support her selling by taking her to your
workplace, assisting with phone orders,
and volunteering at the troop’s cookie
Digital Cookie Sale Instructions
Attend the troop cookie meeting.
Volunteer to help the troop.
Return the permission slip before selling.
A Girl Scout is always honest and fair and
waits until February 13 to start selling.
Safety First
Wisconsin law requires that children under
9 be supervised by a person 16 or older
when selling or delivering a product.
A Girl Scout should wear her uniform.
Girls do not give her phone number,
address or last name to customers.
Always sell with another person.
Never enter another person’s home. All
cookie sales are made at the door.
Girls should not carry large sums of
money. All money needs to be turned in
promptly and frequently by a responsible
adult, rather than sending it to school.
Cookie Money
Money is collected when the cookies are
delivered. Cookie customers may pay in
cash or check. Troops holding booth sales
can check out a credit card reader from
the Council Service Center nearest them.
Customers make checks payable to your
troop or Badgerland Council.
A customer never writes out a check to a
parent or girl. If this is done and the check
becomes NSF, Badgerland will not be able
to help in collecting the funds from the
Parents are financially responsible for
all cookies received. Parents may return
unopened, clean cases of cookies to their
Troop Cookie Coordinator on or before
March 6. This is the only opportunity to
return cookies.
1. Log on to, Click on the ‘Girl’ tab and select the age
level. Click on ‘COCO Cookie Command.’ Login using last year’s information or
click ‘Register’ to create a new account.
2. Click on ‘Online Marketing’ tab to get started.
3. Click on the ‘My Contacts’ tab to add all your contacts.
4. Select the ‘Send an e-Card’ tab. Choose the COCO Direct design and select
the contacts you would like to receive this card.
5. Enter a personal message: “Dear Grandpa,” etc.
6. Click ‘See Preview.’ You can edit the message or the list of contacts if needed.
7. Click ‘Send e-Card.’
Did You Know?
• The number one reason people buy Girl Scout Cookies is to support Girl Scouts.
• Customers will buy more if they understand how the girls and the troop
benefits and what their purchase will support.
• All proceeds from the Girl Scout Cookie Program Activity stay in Badgerland to
support girls.
How the Cookie Crumbles
Cost of cookies
Reward cost
$ .18
Troop proceeds
$ .60—$.70
Girl & Volunteer
$3.75 total
It’s back! Celebrate your hard work together and spend a
day playing in the Dells. Troops with a cookie selling average
of 195 boxes per girl will earn tickets to the Kalahari Resort in
Wisconsin Dells. The reward includes a wristband to two fun
destinations: Kalahari’s indoor water park and theme park!
Special Troop Reward Fun:
Sunday, May 17 | Sunday, May 31 | Sunday, June 7
Your troop chooses the date that works best for them.
Girl Rewards
Girl Scouts earn rewards based on regular cookies sold during cookie time—including Cookie Share cookies, digital cookie
sales and booth sales. Rewards are cumulative, except achievement bars. Each girl will receive an achievement bar
representing the highest level of boxes sold starting at 100+ boxes. See pictures of the exciting rewards on your Girl Scout’s
Cookie Order Card!
Badgerland Bucks
Badgerland Bucks are special Girl Scout dollars! Redeem Bucks for merchandise at Badgerland Shops, Badgerland-sponsored
programs and camps, camp trading posts, membership registration dues and community events.
36-59 boxes
60-95 boxes
96-131 boxes
132-167 boxes
168-203 boxes
204-251 boxes
252-299 boxes
300-347 boxes
Theme Patch
Compass Carabiner
Zip Purse OR Necklace
Sport Bottle OR Sunglasses
OR $5 Badgerland Bucks
Headlamp OR $5 Badgerland Bucks
Small Bear OR Dream Catcher
OR $5 Badgerland Bucks
Journal and Pen OR Zipper Bag
OR $10 Badgerland Bucks
Duffel Bag OR Large Polar Bear
OR $15 Badgerland Bucks
Hoodie Pullover OR Blanket
OR $15 Badgerland Bucks
1 Adventure Point
Official Badgerland Top Cookie Seller!
Recognition at September Annual
1 Adventure Point
1 Adventure Point
2 Adventure Points
2 Adventure Points
3 Adventure Points
3 Adventure Points
3 Adventure Points
3 Adventure Points
Create your own cookie adventure with Adventure Points! Starting
at 408 boxes, girls will earn Adventure Points. These points, which
are cumulative, empower you to choose your own rewards from
many different options. Points can be mixed and matched to
create any adventure. Girls may not share Adventure Points to
reach higher reward levels.
Adventure Point Rewards (600+ boxes)
1 Point
• 2016 Girl Membership ($25 value)
• Camp Chair
• $25 Build a Bear Certificate
2 Points
• $75 Badgerland Bucks
• $50 Donation in Girl’s Name to Arctic Pass at Henry Vilas Zoo
• Sleeping Bag and Camp Pillow
3 Points
• $125 Badgerland Bucks
• Milwaukee Zoo Annual Family Pass and Parking
• 2-Person Tent
5 Points
• $250 Badgerland Bucks
• Nikon Coolpix L830 16.0 Megapixel Digital Camera
• Explore Chicago Overnight trip 1 girl/1 adult (base trip)
• Kalahari 1-night stay for 4 including passes
7 Points
• $400 Badgerland Bucks
• Camp session of your choice (max 1 week)
• Bike
• Six Flags (Gurnee, IL) or Valley Fair (Shakopee, MN) Annual
Family Pass and Parking
For every additional 84 boxes of cookies sold over 2015,
you will earn 1 more Adventure Point!
10 Points
• $600 Badgerland Bucks
• iPod Touch 64 GB
• Kalahari 2-night stay for 4 including passes
Rewards are cumulative. For example, if you sell 2015
boxes you will earn 19 Adventure Points as well as all the
rewards earned between 36-407 boxes.
13 Points
• $800 Badgerland Bucks
• 2 Camp Sessions of your choice (max 2 weeks)
• iPad Air 16 GB
• Madison Weekend Adventure
16 Points
• $1000 Badgerland Bucks
• Day at American Girl - Chicago (2 night hotel for girl/adult)
• Mall of America Trip (train tickets for 2 and 2-night stay at
MOA hotel)
19 Points
• $1200 Badgerland Bucks
• Unlimited Camp Sessions for 2015 Summer Season
• Disney World for Two - 5 day/4 night
• San Diego for Two - 5 day/4 night (includes 2-day Go San Diego
• MacBook Air or Touch Screen Laptop
348—407 boxes
408-599 boxes
600+ boxes
600-803 boxes
804—1007 boxes
1008-1211 boxes
1212-1415 boxes
1416-1619 boxes
1620-1823 boxes
1824-2014 boxes
2015+ boxes
Fun Fact
The average Badgerland Girl Scout
sold 195 boxes of cookies last year!
How many will you sell in 2015?
My Goal Is