Hot VW 2010 - White Goose Bar
Hot VW 2010 - White Goose Bar
BY BURLY BURLILE Photos by Eric Allred, Burly Burlile, Ben Cowen, and Dennis Zuber xtI'eme sports are commonplace in today 's society as we try to push the envelope in every direction possible. Volkswagen owners are no exception, and the sport of land speed racing is catching their attention with more and more Volkswagen racers heading down the lon g black line on the salt at Bonneville and other courses across the U.S. as well as Australia and South Africa. Land speed rac ing is one of the original extreme sports, as man has always tried to go faster and faster with automobile speeds now reaching the 470-mile-per-our mark , and jet cars break ing the sound barrier. Okay, I know VWs are not going to achieve speeds anywhere near those numbe rs, but doubling the origi nal speed of your Volkswagen is a pretty lofty goal none -the-Ie ss . and a great achievement when you are successful. This past year saw many VW speed records being broken with both air- and water-cooled racers se tting new marks. The high mark was the outstanding success Jeremy Freedman enjoyed when he took his Tony Palo tuned turbo VR6 1997 Golf GTI to a top speed of 208.194 miles-per-hour, with a two-pass average of 207.022 mph at the TEXAS Mile in Goliad, Texas - the fastest average speed ever recorded by VW production engine-based racer. What was special about Jeremy' s record was his car was not just a racer, but a legal, street driven E 68 pru stn Th ext V VII stn a h wi DUNE BUGGIES AND HOT VWs L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____' production bodied GTT that routinely sees street use around his home in Dallas, Texas. That 208mph pass has to qualify as an extreme ride, any way you look at it! In Australia, Mark Ho lyoak broke the VW barrier by becoming the first man put a VW on the salt at Lake Gairdner. His very streetable 1973 Super Beetle was fitted with a healthy 2.0-liter Type I engine equipped with Weber dual carbs and a magneto that hel ped . the car turn a respectable 117.772mph, even though it was experienc ing some minor tuning problems on their first visit to the D.L.R.A. Speedweek. Racing in land speed down-under requires extreme dedication since the only available venue suitable for extended high speeds is located in the south central part of the contiMAY 2010 requires of off road driving to a desolate area in the outback lacking all amenities and facilities. Not only does your racer have to be fast, but your tow rig off road durable! By the time you read this story, the 20 I 0 Aussie Speed week will have taken place with Mark attempting to up his current VW top speed, 36hp Challenger Steve Muller going after the 36hp records with his Okrasa powered VW, and Vdubber Mick Percy putting his T 4 turbo powered Oval on the salt in his inau gural effort. North of the eljuator, Jeremy's Texas speeds, combined with solid efforts in North Carolina by Bruce Cook, Talor Bums, Tom Bruch and Roger Jones, saw both the east coast and the midwest well represented in these high speed contests. Talor, a seventeen-year-old high school cheerleader from Tennessee, upped her last year 's efforts by taking her orange Ghia to a I 17.71Smph top speed. In 2010, Tal or, along with her family, will race on Bonneville's famed salt for the first time and hopefully find even more speed in the 19 14cc motor tuned by her brother, Zach . Roger Jones brought his Peanut Special Ghia to the ex-WW2 air base powered by a Jake Raby engine and saw a new class record of 128.648 mph. Gaylen Anderson pulled last year's 36hp top speed turbo engine out and replaced it with the Tom Bruch built Super Stock Single engine, the 36hp Challenges equivalent of a NASCAR restrictor plate motor, in which Tom ripped off a healthy 90.203mph. The SSS category lets you do any internal engine mods, but requires the use of a single original 28 PCI manual choke carburetor. Bruce and Cody Cook returned in May with last year's Stone Stock 36hp record holder, a concourse qual ity Canadian '51 Split Window Bug, this year equipped with a Whitey Worsham developed big bore, dual carb 36er and pro ceeded to break the long-standing DSS dual carb record of Johannes Gosvig and Mel Ellis. Just before heavy rains hit the Maxton airfield track, the duo recorded a top speed of 99.8J5mph, falling hundredths short of their goal of J OOmph and membership in the new 36hp 100 Mile Per Hour Club. Not giv ing up, additional work on the carburetion through the fall allowed the father and son team to gamer the big silver One Club decal with a top speed of 101.772mph in October. 69 I ABOVE, LEFT TO RIGHT, cool weather and perfect salt allowed Mike Manghelli to set a new record of 165.989mph; Kevin Winders drove his VW diesel powered streamliner to a new 128.691 mph record; The Chilson Lakester of Bob and Dan holds the fastest one-way record of any 4-cylinder. TI a sr IiI A h, cc th Ja an o R, re KI R, In, 70 DUNE BUGGIES AND HOT VWs MI ABOVE, the salt flats of Australia's Lake Gairdner mirrors Bonneville in so many ways - including having several VW land speed racers in the competition! The family of Joel Wolcott put together a strong ll8 mph run using a mildly modified Rabbit Pick-Up, a body style very popular in land speed racing. Early August saw a new one-and-one-half-mile track come on line in Limestone, Maine. Under the auspices of the Loring Timing Association , John Finn took his '84 turbo Rabbit from his usual haunt at Maxton and the Solo slalom tracks of the SCCA on the east coast and reached a new top speed of 129.047 mph. Two weeks later, the salt of Bonneville fell under the wheels of longtime Volkswagen land speed racers Jim Bradshaw and Larry Monreal, Kevin Pedersen and Mike Manghelli, and Bug driver Bob Stahl. Driving Larry's new Old Volks Home racer, Jim took the 1497cc water-cooled turbo Rabbit powered Ghia to a record above 150mph mark and then returned two months later to reach a new top speed of 165.7 14 mph. Keith drove Mike's turbo 2.0-liter front wheel drive Cyber Racing Rabbit pickup to a new high speed for the car at Speed week achiev ing 141-plus miles per hour, and then Mike climbed into the seat durMAY 2010 ing the October World Fi nals and saw a healthy 166.337mph run along with a new two-way record of 165.989 mph. Bob's '65 bug has been running the Bonneville salt and EI Mirage Dry lake dirt since the early nineties, and is the fastest non-turbo ' d or super charged air-cooled Volkswagen Beetle in the world. Fitted with a huge 2914cc fuel injected Type 4 engine, the winged Bug runs con sistent 150mph passes and saw a top speed in 2009 of 153.639mph. The fall of each year brings the U.S.ER.A. (Utah Salt Flats Racing Association) September World of Speed trials, and has become the largest Volkswagen racer supported land speed event in existence. In addition to the regular long course (3- to 5-mile plus track) for full spec racers, the association provides a special 130 Mile Per Hour Club course standing start one mile course to aHow street driven daily drivers the opportunity to race on the salt. The 130 MPH Club is ideally suited to both air- and water-cooled Volkswagen street cars, Continued on page 102 71 MAX SPEED Continued from page 71 and has become the main venue for 36hp Challenge participants. This year's racers included both a diesel powered streamliner and Rabbit pickup from the Winder family, a pair of late model Golf GTIs driven by Robby Olsen and Gary Fergus, Cody Johnson's Baja Bug from Nebraska (which topped out at 100.509mph), Alan Johnsen's Formula Super Vee, the slammed and tur bo'd splittie Bonnevi.lle bus from Derek Campbell at Volksarama who set a new fastest LSR top speed for an air-cooled VW bus at 94.891 mph, along with the fastest VW racer ever, Danny and Bob Chilsons 2.0 Passat powered Lakester. The 36hp contingent was headed by the Beaver Geezers Stone Stock entry that was inspired by the classic Bonneville movie "the World 's Fastest Indian," and included driving stints for each of the three Oregon State University fraternity brothers. Team Ireland's Britt Grannis brought a SS com petitor in the form of a '74 Type I with a Stone Stock 36hp engine, and the now infa mous Blackline '57's ultimate two-barrel carb 36hp engine was fitted to Chip Birk's daily driver patina Bug after an unfortunate pre-race testing accident destroyed the McAllister brothers '57 Oval. Driver Justin McAllister is apprenticing under the tute lage of longtime HVWs advertiser and car buretor guru An Thraen of A.C.E., who guided the young brothers in their effort to create the most sophisticated 36hp engine ever assembled. Their effort was rewarded two-fold with both a 103.056mph run that netted them the new DSS-36 record as well as membership in the 36hp " I" Club. Richard Troy brought his rare 36hp Denzel powered '59 Ghia from California, arriving the final day of the meet, and together with help from other 36hp Challenge racers and support crews, he made the" 1" Club with a top speed run of 10 1.l63mph. Additional tuning will surely see higher speeds from thi s amazing vintage high performance Volkswagen based engine! Having competed at the E.C.T.A. speed trials in May, Tom Bruch and Gaylen Anderson removed the 36hp engine used to set the new SSS-36 record and replaced it with a revised version of last year's Bonneville turbo engine to try and beat their a.l1-time high 36hp Bug speed set in 2008. They were rewarded with the amazing speed of 106.514 mph. Is double the origi nal design speed of 62 miles per hour with in reach of these mighty mouse motors? Time and development will tell! The other end of the spectrum is Stone Stock, where refined but stock 36hp engines attempt to exceed their original design speed of 68 mph. Blueprinting has seen these engines now reach speeds exceeding 70mph, and AI Leggitt driving the Oregon orange '58 Bug of the Beaver Geezers set a new aU time stock high speed record of 73.492mph. In the extreme sport of land speed racDUNE BUGGIES AND HOT VWs ing, sometimes the most extreme race veh icles are not the fastest or have the bigge st motors. In this case, the most extreme VoLkswagen racer on the salt was not on Iy one of the slower cars, it wasn't even a Volkswagen (at least the body wasn 't i). Jacob Straub brought a true hot rod to I he salt in the form of a 2000 Honda Insigh t, one of the small aerodynam ic Hybrids so Id by Honda early in the decade, but fitted wi th the engine from a different manufacture r. He wanted to create a fuel efficient dri veable street car with good performance. So he acquired a 1000cc three-cylinder lur bocharged diesel engine as sold in the Volkswagen Lupo in Europe and installed it lock, stock and oil barrel into the sleek Honda. The end result was a very clean , very fuel efficient car that got 92.94 mile s per gallon on the highway and saw a to P speed of 97.740mph on the Bonneville Sa It Flats. Jacob achieved extreme in a goo d way, and used Volkswagen technology I 0 accomplish the task. We hope you will have the opportunit y to visit one of the four U.S. land speed rac ing venues this summer and see what to p speed racing is all about. And if your inlel est is peaked, and you would like to see how fast your Volkswagen will truly go, check out the sites listed below for safety require ments and schedules. It is a good way to go fast Without having to build an out-and-ou t race car, and you will find the camaraderie of land speed racers unmatched in any othe I' form of automotive competition. Until then ftYllmay the Speed be with you! ~~J~~J1 ..~. e"gmes & t"msm'$s,ons Visit Ou Eliminate the guess work "Call the experts today f';r your pe PERFORMANCE T U I1 Pre-Run & PerformancE -1776-1835 -1915 Stroker '2110-2180 r. ::-~~~~~ • 2275 - 2332 ==== Ali performance engines com e with 04 1 heads, HI·Rev springs, SWivel reet valve adjus ters, HI· • • performance cam ' 1600 1641 QUALITY BUILT TRANSMISSII • Stock • Freeway Flyer · Super Street • Super Sand • Sand Master 1Y U I edM I $349.00 ex. $425. 00 ex. $695. 00 ex. $995.00 ex. $1,260.00 ex. W S kE Fountain of Car anc June 25thr Appalachian Fai This year cell LAND SPEED CONTACTS All Classic, Street rods, Cl UTAH SALT FLATS RACING ASSOCIATION Bonneville Salt Faits, UT sfra@saltfJats,com Friday nigt Satu rday: Fearless Flores; De, Saturday evening: "Kentuck Saturday and Sunday: Cal Sunday: Church service at 10:4f EAST COAST TIMING ASSOCIATION Maxton AFB, North Carolina http://ecta-Isr,com/ ALL F LIMESTONE, MAINE e-mail Contact FOlmtain of Life Bible Chur TEXAS MILE, GOLIAD, TEXAS DRY LAKES RACERS ASSOCIATION Lake Gairdner, South Australia SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION Bonneville and EI Mirage wWW, VERNUEKPAN, SOUTH AFRICA 36HP RACERS MAY 2010 d Tre C. . . "0 The Super ~;¥~. ,";1J ;. " S PECIALIST! .Bpe.a~~~e yoursel f r ,. ) II ~ Top Line Parts 2910 E. Miraloll1Cl Ave, Unit A Ancmeim, Ca. 92806 Ph: 714-630- 8371 CHICO PERFORMANCE RACING High-Performance Street Engines Anibal Chico (626) 390-5107 (626) 359-5144 Aracadia, California, USA