March - Giles High School


March - Giles High School
March 2009
Giles High School
1st – Upper left:
Omar Hernandez
2 – Upper right:
Autumn Widrig
3rd – left: Alexis Osborne
3rd - right: Stephanie Hall
Volume Three
by Harmony Tripp
YOVASO stands for Youth of Virginia Speak
out and is a club that has, over the past three
weeks, become a part of everyday life at Giles
High School. YOVASO started in Roanoke
*Lack of Seat Belt Usage - 64%
Virginia because of the alarming rate of teenage
*Running off the Road & Overcorrecting traffic fatalities, and because traffic fatalities are
the number one killer of teenagers. This year’s
Mrs. Burton and Ciara
*Driver Inattention - Talking on cell
campaign for the YOVASO competition was
Meredith tape a “seatbelt”
phones, text messaging, playing with the
“Buckle up, drive sober-it’s a slam dunk!” Giles
onto a door, in an effort to
radio/CD Player, or being distracted by
High School’s YOVASO club is sponsored by
get students to buckle up.
teen passengers caused 11%
Mrs. Burton and includes many of the SADD club
*Speeding - 50%
members, as well as other members. The competition lasted three weeks and once the
*Alcohol/Drug Use - 25%
competition was said to be
over, there were three places
awarded for the best YOVASO school spirit and safe driving.
The first place school received an MTV style game show hosted at the
winning school. It is an interactive awareness game show called “Think fast”.
The first place school
also received a banner
and a plaque.
second place school
received $200, a pizza
party for all members of
the YOVASO team, as
well as a plaque and a
banner. The third place
team received $100,
twenty-five t-shirts for
Mrs. Burton, Savannah Wilson, Kayla Murry,
the YOVASO team, and
Tiah Harris, Cory Martin, and Shanda
Higginbotham stand proudly in front of the
received a plaque and
Photos by Harmony Tripp
YOVASO wall.
YOVASO Statistics say that teen deaths
are caused by:
Samantha Arney, Marissa Simmon, Katy Nichols,
Brittney Merrix, Samant-a Darnell, and Meagan
Myers pledge to not drive while impaired.
Throughout the duration of the three weeks Giles High School pulled out
the big guns against drunk driving. During the halftimes of basketball games
the YOVASO club hosted many activities such as an enormous “Brick Wall”
out in the main hallway that students decorated and pledged their safe driving.
YOVASO is a joint partnership between the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles and Radford University. Its goals are
to: provide a network allowing school based clubs and organizations to share ideas, resources, and successful programs;
encourage youth to identify problems pertaining to traffic safety; then, train them in the skills necessary to affect
legislation, identify community problems, and to raise funds and utilize their community resources;
educate youth about the responsibilities of operating a motor vehicle, and how to positively influence behavioral
and attitude changes;
provide training at the local, state, and national level in order to develop programs to positively impact the
supply program coordination on a local, state and national level in order to establish a network of individual
school groups into a system that allows sharing ideas, strengths, and weakness of programs; and
Offer opportunities for youth to work with adults on traffic safety issues.
However, quite possibly the biggest event that YOVASO hosted was the mock wreck. On an extremely chilly Friday, the
majority of GHS wore their YOVASO t-shirts and stood in awe as they watched the perils of drunk driving. Annihilated cars were
placed on the front lawn of the school and several “victims” were placed inside the cars to be rescued.
Ambulances and rescue workers flooded the lawn in an attempt to
remake a serious accident. Several news channels showed up to document the
events of the day and also interviewed several students. Most of the students
lived and escaped with serious injuries however, there was a "death". In an
attempt to save the others an emergency helicopter landed on the front lawn
and the survivors were loaded into it. While this was an interesting and fun
event, the students were able to grasp the sickening reality of this actually
happening to them, a friend, or even a loved one. After coming inside there
was a memorial set up in the lobby for two young individuals who lost their
lives due to a drunk driver. The majority of the student body stood in silence
and in awe as the effects of bad decisions sunk in...and hit home.
Throughout the three weeks white ribbons were wore to represent the
number of people who have pledged to drive sober and safe. Also, YOVASO
had a police officer sit at the front of the school and watch students and their
s enter campus. The students who were seen wearing their
seatbelts were entered into a drawing for a free gas card which
three students would win. Giles High School ended up
placing second in the YOVASO competition and won $200, a
pizza party for the YOVASO club, and was awarded a plaque
and banner to hang in the school. While over these three
weeks the student body and staff did have a lot of fun, they
also learned a valuable drive safe and sober. The
YOVASO club wants you to have a safe and happy school
year. Please wear your safety belt every time you get in a
vehicle and never drive if you have been using alcohol or
drugs. Drive responsibly and your safety will be a slam dunk!
Spartonian Staff
Editor in Chief:
Katelyn Osborne
Harmony Tripp
News Release Editor:
Gelsina Ceritano
“Alive and Growing”
Small Enough To Know You,
Big Enough To Serve You
United Methodist Church
1101 Valleyview Drive
P.O. Box 400
Pearisburg, Virginia 24134
Phone: 540-921-1021
Chelsea Cole
Olivia Humphreys
JJ Kirkner
Kelsey Fraizer
Faculty Advisor:
Michael Etzler
Front Cover Design:
Katelyn Osborne
Back Cover Design:
Olivia Humphreys
To Contact us, our email is
by Olivia Humphreys
Snowcourt 2009 Queen Abby
Johnson and King Jarrod Alls.
On January 10th, Giles High School held its
annual Snowcourt Dance to the theme “When Stars
Fall.” Students arrived to a beautiful arrangement
of gold and burgundy. Attendees enjoyed a chance
to socialize with friends and break some moves to a
wonderful music variety provided by our own Mr.
Johnston, a.k.a. Dr. J. Magnifico Photography gave
students an opportunity to have photos taken with
friends or that special someone.
About halfway through the night, 2008
Snowcourt Queen Danielle Bandy helped Mr.
Cory Johnson and Beth Miles
Brown announce and crown this year’s court.
danced the night away.
Elizabeth Daddazio and Cassie Martin were named
as the Junior princesses, along with their princes,
Matt Bane and Travis Robertson. Then, Kelsey Frazier and Elizabeth Loveday were
crowned as the Senior princesses, and William White and Chris Myers were crowned as the
Senior princes. Finally, the moment everyone had been waiting for came. Cheers filled the
room as Abby Johnson was crowned the 2009 Snowcourt Queen and Jarrod Alls was named
King. The applause faded, and the King and Queen led everyone onto the dance floor for
the traditional court dance. Thanks to the SCA and everyone else who made this wonderful
night possible.
Above left: Danielle Bandy crowning the 2009 Snowcourt Queen.
Above: The court being announced.
Above Right: Fallon Klecak shows off her dress. All Photos by Olivia Humphreys.
your Creator in the days of
your youth…” (Eccl. 12:1)
Complements of
Star Athlete
By Kelsey Frazier
Your 2008 Homecoming King, Cody Journell is not just a name
you hear often around Giles High School. He has made his name
familiar to many peoples’ ears and has made a huge impact on kickers
and football players all over the nation. ESPN has ranked him 3rd in the
nation. He is the son of Debbie and Jim Journell; he has been a
student at Giles High School for five years and has been a tremendous
athlete to GHS. Football being his main sport, He has also been a key
athlete in the school’s soccer and track program. He was a member of
the 2006 regional runner-up soccer team who also got the opportunity
to compete at a state level; Cody has dedicated his time and effort to
Giles High School Athletics while
maintaining a 3.4 G.P.A. Advancing
Cody Journell enjoys every
his career and education, Cody
moment he can at Giles High.
Journell signed one of the most
Photo by Kelsey Fraizer
important and valuable documents of
his life. Cody is officially a Virginia Tech student and football player. The
Ceremony was held Wednesday, February 4th in the Giles High School
library. Many of Cody’s friends, family, and classmates attended the
exciting event and watched him take a huge step in his life. News Channels
7 and 10 also attend the ceremony. In all about 70 people attended Cody’s
recognition of success. Cody kicked off his kicking career in the 6th grade as
a little league kicker and he continued his kicking career in the 10th grade by
training with Coach Blevins. Cody trained with him twice a week every
week, and competed in several kicking competitions all over the United
States. Cody Journell is also the first Giles High School athlete to sign a full
ride scholarship to a Division One College. He plans to major in Business
Cody and his family share the moment Cody
Management and kick for the Virginia Tech Hokies. Cody has set a high bar
signs his future to Virginia Tech on 2/4/09.
to upcoming and present Giles High School students and his name will
Book Club
by Katelyn Osborne
Book Club is a new addition to the many clubs Giles High has to offer. It was
formed back in the fall of 2008 in October by Sarah Stallings, who has an exceptional
love for books. Book club has 14 members all together and meets once every month to
hear about new suggestions of books; that the members themselves suggests. The
books that are suggested can be from any genre and are non gender bias books. Book
club members then vote twice until there are two top books and once more vote for the
book they will read that month. During these meetings, also, the members discuss the
historic background, the Author, the writing style, and the life influence the book
incorporates. Also members can discuss books on the Book Club blog as well. The first
book they read was Fallow the King by Hillari Bell. Hillari Bell’s novel, in particular,
had a lot of History because the author had a degree in social science. The current
novel Book Club is reading is City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau followed by the movie,
which they will watch at their next meeting. Mrs. Beckner, the school’s librarian and
Sarah Stallings, student leader and
sponsor of Book Club, also asks the students questions to get their view point on how
Photo by Katelyn Osborne
founder of book club.
they perceived the
book. One book that
really showed the students feedback was Green Angel by Alice
Hoffman. This book presented many mixed feelings about life loss
and how one would be able to handle it in the view points of the
students. The book for the month of March has already been voted
on and will be Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. Dan Brown’s
book will currently be in theaters soon so there is a possibility for a
field trip to see the film to compare it to the book. All books can be
purchased from Mrs. Beckner for about five dollars or if money is an
issue some students share their books. Also copies of the books will
be in the library for all to read. Book club is open to grades 9th – 12th
and welcomes all to join.
by Harmony Tripp
Giles High School has had an outstanding drama program for years. But recently, Giles’s drama program has exploded with
talent, passion, and achievement. For the first time in GHS history, the drama team decided to take their skills to the New River
Valley One-Act Competition. When Giles competed in the NRV One-Act Competition, they placed first out of four schools.
Their comedy, “The Most Clichéd Elevator Play in the History of the Entire Universe”, ran away with the first place trophy and
took away several best actor awards as well. The awards were based upon a twenty
point scale in which each judge could award a maximum of five points to each actor.
Harmony Tripp was awarded the
first place best actor award with 18
points, Emily Fields tied for
second with another actor from
Floyd with ten points, Elena
Anderson tied for fourth with
another actor from Radford with
four points, and Cody Rose and
Patrick Mahaney tied for fifth
place with three points. At the end
of the day the team scores stood;
Giles in first place with 99 points,
Cody Rose, Harmony Tripp, Patrick Mahaney,
Emiliy Fields, and Elena Anderson accept their
Photo by Katherine Nicewander
Radford with 88 points, Floyd with
Patrick Mahaney, Cody Rose, Harmony Tripp,
and Emily Fields on stage performing their oneMontgomery with 84 points. Giles then commenced to regionals where they placed
act play.
Photo by Katherine Nicewander
fourth out of eight schools, and the top two teams went on to compete in the state
level. Senior Katelyn Osborne said “I enjoyed doing the play because it gave the actors a chance to explore different stereotypes and
it became challenging.”
Since then, the Giles Drama Team has taken on an amazing task; to complete a six act production of Bram Stoker’s “Dracula”,
which has been adapted by Narrows High School Algebra teacher, Karen Letts. The Team has been hard at work, practicing nearly
every day until 5:30-6:00. The team has also had numerous weekend rehearsals, and has done an amazing job with their
performances. Giles has made technological advancements with Dracula. For example, there
are a few scenes that have been pre-recorded and have had special effects added to them. There
are also several “blood transfusion” scenes which require great skill to handle. Also, the light
and sound crew has been working diligently and successfully. They have surpassed any special
effects that Giles has seen before.
This past summer four GHS drama students were selected to attend the governor’s school
for the theatre arts held at UVa-Wise along with 20 other students. The students paid nothing
and stayed in dorm rooms for three weeks and
produced a Shakespearian play, “A Midsummer
Nights Dream” in that short amount of time. The
students took classes such as Theatre History and
Asthetics, Yoga, Movement, Stage and Costume
Ben Dillon portrays his character
Design, and Voice. They built the sets and
Jonathan during a rehearsal of
everyone made their own costume.
Photo by Harmony Tripp
Students were up until late hours of the night
working on lines and costumes and had to be up at the crack of dawn for their morning
Movement and Yoga classes. They were taught by actual professors and received three
college credits. The students had weekends off and traveled six hours to attend two
Shakespearian plays, free of charge, at the Blackfriars Playhouse in Staunton, VA. The
playhouse is a complete replica of The Globe Theatre and puts on numerous Shakespeare
Ty Journell, Jacob Gilmer, and Kaitlyn
productions. The students also had the opportunity to go to the Frontier Culture Museum
Hagreen control the light board.
on their way home. Also on certain nights and weekends the students would spend their
Photo by Harmony Tipp
time swimming or watching movies on the lawn! Emily Fields, Patrick Mahaney,
Katelyn Osborne, and Harmony Tripp agree that it is a great experience and they strongly recommend the program for any rising
junior or senior interested in any aspect of theatre.
Last year, two Drama students Ryan Davis and Samantha Owens traveled
to Washington D.C. to audition for The American Musical and Dramatic
Academy, and were both accepted into the school, but decided not to attend for
personal reasons. This year Patrick Mahaney auditioned for the world renowned
school, Julliard. Julliard is a very exclusive and
selective school that only allows eighteen
students into their drama program. These select
few are generally “seasoned” actors who are in
their thirties and forties and have had numerous
opportunities and a lot of experience. Patrick
traveled to New York City and was scheduled to
Harmony Tripp, Elena Anderson, and Emily Fields
arrive at The Julliard School at 9:00 for a group
talk about letters they received in the mail.
warm-up then auditioned shortly there after.
When asked how he did on his auditioned
Patrick states, “I did the best I could…I was nervous, but I did my best.” There were one hundred and
twenty nine people that auditioned for Julliard on just that one day and by mid-afternoon five people
had been selected for a second call-back audition. Patrick was not among those five but he feels that
it’s not much of a loss because he did the best he could. Just to be prepared enough to audition for
such a prestigious school is an outstanding achievement. Patrick says that no matter what his major
will be in college or whatever career he chooses later in life, he will remain active in theatre.
Harmony Tripp auditioned for The American Academy of Dramatic Arts the same weekend that
Patrick auditioned for Julliard. However, she auditioned in Nashville, Tennessee. Harmony was in her
Emily Fields paces the
audition for around half an hour and was interviewed by the academic coordinator and the voice and
stage during a dress
dialect coach of the New York campus. Jim DeMonic, who interviewed Harmony, was also Danny
rehearsal of Dracula.
DeVito’s teacher and the two created a bond. Danny DeVito eventually started his own production
company, and he hired Jim to teach numerous actors that have been seen in DeVito’s films to have the correct dialect or accent. The
AADA alumni have been nominated for 72 Oscars, 322 Emmys, and 83 Tonys. They have had many famous alumni such as Danny
DeVito, Anne Hathaway, Paul Rudd, Adrian Brody, and numerous others dating back to the early 1900’s. There are two sections to
AADA, a New York campus and a Los Angeles campus. Harmony should find out if she has been accepted around Valentine’s Day.
She say’s “I think it went really well! At least I hope! No matter what the outcome is I will be okay…I
did my best!” Giles High School Drama has helped develop these four individuals acting abilities, as well as everyone else in the
GHS Drama Department. If you have a little extra time or are just looking to try something new, there will always be a place for you
on the Drama Team. After all, you never know where GHS Drama can take you.
by Katelyn Osborne
MACC stands for Mountain Academic Competition Conference.
Each school has five MACC teams that consist of History, All Around,
English, Math, and Science. Each team is given a set of 20 questions that
are divided into directed questions and toss up questions. Directed
questions are given
to each team and
have five seconds
to. If the team
misses the question
that is directed to
them the other
All Around: Harmony Tripp, Amanda Rodgers,
team has a chance
Kemper Fox, and Matt Stallings. Photo by Katelyn Osborne
to give an answer
and is awarded
points if answered correctly. The only team that is different in the portion of the
directed questions is Math MACC. For math, both teams are given ten seconds
to write down their answers. If both answers are correct, then both teams are
awarded 5 points After the directed questions are finished, toss up questions
begin. During this time team members are allowed to switch out with one
another. Toss up questions are answered individually by buzzing in. If a team
player buzzes in early and answers incorrectly, then two points are deducted from their score.
Social Studies MACC team is coached by Lynn Williams and her members consist of Patrick Mahaney, Sarah Stallings, Tuesday
Alley, and Ericka Cottle. Social Studies has competed competitively which has placed them in 7th place out of eight counties.
All Around MACC is coached by Earl Ventry and his members include
Kemper Fox, Patrick Mahaney, Harmony Tripp, Amanda Rodgers, Matt Stallings,
and Devan Vest. All Around has not won any matches so far, but they have been
competitive in all the matches. They have been placed 8th.
English MACC is coached by Carolyn Painter and her members are
Harmony Tripp, Katelyn Osborne, Madison Metro, Aaron Bane and Brianna Carr.
English has had a competitive year this year and has placed 6th.
Science MACC is coached by Diana Blanton and the team members are
Kemper Fox, Dawn Mercer, Devan Vest, Amanda Rodgers, Justin SIlver, Virginia
Wickline, and Avery Mahaney. This year, science have place 4rd.
Math MACC is coached by Katherine Peery and her team members are Matt
Stallings, Travis Songer, CariLynn Squibb, Suwanna Ruayrinsaowarot, and
Virginia Greer. Math has had a great season with winning against Narrows,
Eastern Montgomery and Christiansburg, placing them in 4th place. Math Macc’s
Lynn Williams along with students Ericka
members have brought their own unique talents in mathematics that has developed
Cottle, Patrick Mahaney, Sarah Stallings, and
a well rounded team. On Saturday, March 14, MACC traveled to Blacksburg High
Tuesday Alley buff up on some history for
School to compete in the MACC Tournament. All the teams competed very
the match against Floyd during the big
competitively and showed outstandingly in their respective subjects.
Social Studies: Sarah Stallings, Patrick
Mahaney, Tuesday Alley, and Ericka Cottle.
The participants at Blacksburg High School for the MACC Tournament
Aaron Bane waits for the English competition
to begin.
09 Trends: Handmade Jewelry
by JJ Kirkner
Handmade jewelry is becoming a trend, especially at Giles High School. Some students in Giles are
learning how to make hemp and handmade jewelry, which is a skillful and time consuming talent. So what
is handmade Jewelry you may ask? Well handmade jewelry is jewelry which has been assembled and
formed by hand rather than through the use of machines; according to the guidelines of the Federal Trade
Commission in order to be stamped or called "handmade" the work must be made solely by hand power or
hand guidance. In essence, this means that jewelry may be made using drills, lathes, or other machinery,
but it must be guided by human hand. This precludes the use of punch presses, CNC machinery and casting
Image by
to name a few processes that would not qualify as "handmade". This so called art is truly unique and one of
a kind. Handmade jewelry can never be reproduced; each
piece is individually designed and handcrafted which
makes the work of making this jewelry even spectacular.
There are even associations that give out awards for
handmade jewelry, here are few: The American Gem Trade
Association Spectrum awards, The Gem Center Idar
Oberstein, and the De Beers Awards include awards
specifically for handmade jewelry. So if there are any of
you students out there that would like to get an award or
money for something you have made, here is a good place
to start showing some of your work.
Although there is much mass produced jewelry in the
world, there are many people who prefer to have work that
is hand-crafted by a real artisan; the arena of hand made
Some handmade jewelry made by
jewelry and other items will likely remain to be a popular
JJ Kirkner
Photos by JJ Kirkner
thing. Just like here at GHS, a good number of students
Information from:
make and wear Hemp and handmade jewelry. Much
jewelry is marked or sold as "hand made" often this is not
truly. When looking to buy or make handmade jewelry keep
Senior Samantha Brookner
modeling some of her
in mind that it is made by hand, so
handmade hemp jewelry.
don't expect perfection. In fact, slight
imperfections are what make the
jewelry unique. Be sure to examine the piece carefully for the
quality of work and the quality of the material used, because no one
wants their work or new accessory to fall apart in a week of having it
or making it. Knowing what type of material to use or what was used
to make a piece is important; this is a good idea for anyone who is
allergic to certain metals or minerals. And for those of you looking
to buy some of this jewelry it is probably a good idea to do a bit of
research to know the price range for the desired type of jewelry.
Bargain if you think a seller is asking a little too much for an item.
Most sellers may accept to bargain. And for those of you out there in
Giles who do make Hand Made jewelry, try and make some money
off of your work. Try to earn a profit, especially if you would want
to do this for a living.
Is the Wii Fit Healthy?
JJ Kirkner
Image and Information from:
Students are growing to enjoy the somewhat recently released Wii Fit, but is it a healthy form
of exercise? The Wii Fit takes the whole concept of games as exercise to a new level. The Wii
Fit has a balance board peripheral that can tell you exactly how well or how poorly you are
doing with its’ various activities. The Wii fit is a decent alternative for those bored with the
repetitiveness of going to the gym or too self-conscious to work out in public. I think the Wii
Fit is a good thing for those who want to get some exercise but don’t have enough time in the
day to go to the gym or just go outside. Unfortunately, Wii Fit is hamstrung by some odd
omissions (such as questionable health advice, limiting its effectiveness both as a fitness tool
and as a game). The Wii fit isn’t a total fitness solution, with its’ included exercises focusing
more on improving tone and balance than on cardio and weight loss. So for the students out
there who have this item and who are wondering why you are not losing any weight, it’s
because you are not meant too lose weight with this product. What it does offer is a better
way to track your weight, body mass, and time spent exercising both within the game itself
and from any other external activities, giving users a clearer picture of how their health is
progressing over time. It’s no more going to make you super-fit than Wii Sports is going
to make you a tennis pro, but it can provide a strong anchor for a more expansive fitness
regime, should you have the motivation.
The Wii fit could possibly
become problematic for some.
Judgments such as Body mass and
fitness levels usually come from
doctors and health care professionals
not cartoon versions of a computer
game peripheral. Frankly, I do not
believe that the Wii Fit does a good
enough job of explaining the science
behind its measurements. Body mass
index (BMI), for example is a wellImage from
established tool for measuring a
person’s ideal weight. However; Wii
Fit fails to make players aware that variables such as muscle mass and age can
significantly affect a score giving an otherwise healthy person with no more than muscle
an overweight rating. The title also throws the term “metabolic syndrome” around, stating
that people with poor balance and low health can suffer from it without ever explaining
what it actually is. Although most users of Wii Fit will probably not take the games BMI
or fitness age calls to seriously, there’s bound to be some overanxious player who does.
In structure, the Wii Fit is most reminiscent of various brain training games that
down into a series of exercises that players can do regularly to improve their health.
Senior Travis Scott showing off his love
exercises are split into four different categories: yoga, muscle, aerobic, and balance.
Photo by JJ Kirkner
for the Wii.
The yoga and muscle categories feel the most like traditional exercise, with 15 yoga poses
and 15 muscle toning moves to work through. Yoga poses range from the absurdly simple poses to the quite difficult and possibly
impossible for some. It’s a similar situation with the muscle toning
section, with basic lunges mixed in with more strenuous activates
such as the parallel stretch and push ups. Virtual trainers guide you
through the yoga and muscle exercises, offering praise or criticism
depending on how well you do. The aerobic and balance activities
represent the fun side of the Wii Fit with 18 games to choose from.
The aerobic games include hula hoops, Wii Sports like: boxing, step
dancing, jogging, and more. The balance activities are what most
casual users of Wii Fit will first gravitate to, and include ski jump, ski
slalom, and snowboarding.In conclusion the Wii Fit is not a cardio
work out and is not made to make you loose weight, it is designed to
tone muscle, improve balance, and improve brain and hand eye
coordination. It is a good game for people who just want to play or
who want to improve some skills and no one should take the Wii Fit
game advice seriously, a game can not tell you if you are healthy or
not. You should only listen to a professional doctor or physician
about health and weight issues.
The Palisades Restaurant
By Katelyn Osborne
(Photo’s by Katelyn Osborne)
The Palisades opened up on Saturday January 24, 2009in the Eggleston
community. The restaurant building used to be Pyne’s General Store to the
community for 75 years and still today retains its brick outlook, tin ceilings, and
wood floors. The building has been officially designated as a historical landmark
and nominated for a National Landmark Plaque. Owner, Shaena Muldoon, has
also decided to bring some of Eggleston’s history into the Palisades in attempt to
bring back to the community,
flourish, and comfort Eggleston
to have. Inside, there is a
Some info from
stone hearth used to cook the
many different pizzas and entrées that the restaurant will be serving.
Muldoon commented that each dish will consist of a variety of flavors so she
could have something
for everyone to enjoy.
In order to bring such
a variety, she has
wines, and beers from
her many travels of
including Antarctica.
Owner Shaena Muldoon hosts an evening
A good example of a
brunch on Sunday from 10:30 to 2:30.
dish would be the
Spanish pizza recipe that came from Europe. After she graduated from
Giles High School, Muldoon immediately left the next day and began
her travels. Once all her traveling was done, she commented that she
still perceives this area as the most beautiful place ever. When asked
what her favorite aspects about owning her own restaurant were she
said, “To be able to become part of the community again and serving
the people is the best part about owning a restaurant.” Muldoon also
All pizzas and entrees are cooked in the stone hearth.
commented that the theme song during the whole construction of the
restaurant was “Who says you can’t go home?”
The menu will consist of appetizers like spicy shrimp, pear brie quesadilla, or chicken wings; entrees will consist of gourmet
pizzas, pork chops, rib-eye, and eggplant tomato tart. Delicious deserts you can choose from as well are cinnamon bread pudding,
warm flourless molten chocolate cake,
and warm roasted apple tart. The
Palisades operation hours will be from
Tuesday through Thursday from 4:30 to
8:30, Friday and Saturday from 4:30 to
10:00, and Sunday 10:00 to 2:30 Brunch
and 2:30 to 6:00 for dinner. All are
welcome to come and enjoy these
fantastic, delicious dishes and warm
atmosphere. If you don’t know how to get
there you can turn onto Eggleston Rd.
from Highway
approximately 7 miles; then turn left onto
Village St. From Route 460 turn onto
Eggleston Rd. (Rt.730) and travel
128 Lightfoot Run
approximately 7 miles, cross the New
River Bridge, and turn right onto Village
Pearisburg, VA 24134
St. Even if you are not up to dinning in
you can always order out by calling
Telephone: (540)-921-3140
M. Martin Trucking Inc.
by Chelsea Cole
Dani East and Ryan Johnston
Frank Robertson and
Megan Woodyard
Since me and Frank have been
together, he has done many sweet
things for me.What I would
consider to be the sweetest is he
texts me every morning and tells me
how much he loves me. This shows
me that he really cares about me and
it makes me happy.
Beth Miles
and Cory Johnson
I think the sweetest thing Cory
has done for me is the day I had my
surgery, he was at the hospital with
me until I was allowed home. When
we got home, he rubbed my feet for
two hours! He is the best thing God
could give me! I Love You Cory!!!
On Easter Sunday, Ryan and I were
supposed to eat dinner at my
Grandmothers house. I noticed that he
was running late, he had arrived at my
house with a bouquet of Easter lilies that
he had stopped on the side of the road
and picked them. I was so surprised that
he had even thought of something so
P.O. Box 361 Narrows, Virginia 24124
(540) 921-2700 or 726- 8038
By Kelsey Frazier
↑Amanda Byrd and Kyle Yost
The sweetest thing Kyle has ever done for
me took place at the Newport Fair. My
Grandpa got into a car accident and Kyle
helped my family and I get back home. This
particular event sticks out so much because no
one asked him to do the things he did for us
that day.
Katie Cunningham and
Dustin McCoy
“When Two Hearts Race,
Both Win”
The sweetest thing Dustin
McCoy ever did for me was when I
was a life guard at castle rock,
normally, it is extremely hot, but
occasionally it is cold. One day it was
freezing and I was hungry, but I
couldn’t leave the pool. So Dustin left
his job and brought me a sweatshirt
and my favorite pizza sub.
Katy Griffith and Caleb Tilley
The sweetest thing that Caleb has ever
done for me is a year or so ago when he
got back from the beach over the summer.
He had told me the whole time he was
gone that he got me something and that he
hoped that I liked it. He had gotten me a
Vera Bradley purse, and I had no idea
about it. When I went to his house after he
got home from vacation, he had put post-it
notes all over the room, and they gave me
clues where to look at for what he had
gotten me. When I found the last note it
was in a Vera Bradley note holder and
when I opened it up and looked at it, it
said, “I Love you so much. Look under the
pillow.” and I looked under the pillow and
found the purse that I had been wanting for
a while.
Jessie Boggess and
Chad Robertson
The sweetest thing Chad
has ever done for me is the
relationship he has with my
younger sister. She is only four
so it’s really cute how he likes
to play with her and includes
her in a lot of the things we do.
Think Before You Drink
by Gelsina Ceritano
We have been told all our life to stay
away from drugs and alcohol because of the
harmful effects each chemical or ingredient
has on our body. But what about the drinks
that are consumed on a regular basis? Since
the 1960’s soda industries have increased
the single-serving size from 6-½-ounce
bottle to a 20-ounce bottle. Now the most
popular size soft drink at 7-Eleven and
movie theaters is the 64-ounce “Double
Gulp.” Most teenagers might not realize the
side effects of “pop” or “soda” but the truth
could be rather disturbing. Studies have
shown that drinking soft drinks can decrease
the amount of calcium in your bones which
can lead to a higher chance of fractures or
Images by google
osteoporosis later down the road.
While teenagers are still growing, it is
important to build up your bones with the right amount of calcium, soft drinks
literally strip down the calcium in your body. Since soda is sold in most public
places, dentists are beginning to notice a complete loss of enamel on teen’s teeth.
Information from
This is why you
may notice the
build up of sugar or
a transformation of white to yellow teeth. The problem is the
phosphoric acid in soft drinks which leads to tooth rot, digestive
problems or bone loss. A common problem in a large amount of soft
drink intake is general gastrointestinal (GI) distress; this increases
stomach acid levels which may cause severe gastric inflammation or a
stomach ache. The truth is your stomach lining could be eroding from
large amounts of any kind of sugary ingestion. This could lead to
weight gain from the empty calories each bottle or can holds. Studies
show that nearly half of the children in North and South America will
be overweight by 2010.
Soft drinks, also known as “liquid candy” provides the typical 1219 year old boy with an average of 15 teaspoons of sugars a day and
the average girl with about 10 teaspoons a day. Many people who are
addicted to these drinks may think to turn to a bottle that looks
healthier like “Vitamin Water” or different kinds of juices. Just because
What’s your choice of drink? Mr. Brown enjoys a diet
the image may seem as if it holds all your daily vitamins in a bottle,
soda now and then while Kelsey Frazier is on her new
doesn’t mean the sugar amount is any different. Margo G. Wootan, the
Photo by Gelsina Ceritano
water kick.
director of Nutrition Policy stated that “The way that Vitamin Water is
marketed and positioned it’s made to look more healthful than other sugary beverages, but it’s not – it’s still just a soft drink. It has
this aura of healthfulness that is not deserved. Adding vitamins and minerals to junk food doesn’t make it healthy.” So there you have
it. You now know the truth about soft drinks and the filthy effects each gulp can have on your body. It’s up to you to think before you
S. Lee Wheeler, D.D.S.
General Dentistry
112 Center Street
Narrows, VA 24124
Paul A. Olson, MD
Pamela B. Olson, FNP
219 South Buchanan Street
Pearisburg, Virginia
(540) 726-3904
My Memory, My Dad
Ringing of the Bells
by Rachel Smith 1st place
by Cory Falls 2nd place
I watch TV Dad
And I look where you used to sit.
I see the emptiness and the space, Dad,
I start to cry,
Because you’re not here
Summers come and go
Along with my birthdays
Dad I can’t see you standing there anymore
With that smile on your face
Because you’re not here
My sports
They just aren’t the same, Dad,
They don’t mean the same without you
Without you being here to see me achieve
To see me play softball.
I go to visit you Dad,
But it’s not the same
When all I can look at is a stone in the ground
I have to look at the pictures and watch the videos
I know your not here, Dad,
But I still feel you and your spirit and your love
Your love will always be apart of me
Dad, I wish you were here
I need you now more than ever
But I can only look to the skies above
And I know you’re looking down watching me
I wish these past 9 years
Could be given back to you
And you could come back and
Live on Earth with me again
My life is good, Dad, But it’s you I lack
I will carry you always
I will carry your love in me forever
The years will keep going by
But it’s you, Dad, that I will never forget
It’s been the hardest 9 years of my life, Dad,
But I know I have to keep going
So one day I will see you again
And meet you at the gates of heaven
Rachel Smith
Elena Anderson
Short Story Winner.
“A Posthumous Apology.”
Where are the bells that were ringing?
They sounded happy and tranquil
Where are the great men?
The ones who sought peace
Why has the good gone from the world?
Only to have the world corrupted
The wars burn and ravage the land
Peace seems only a dream never to happen
Men die like pawns on a chessboard
Only to amuse a sadistic ruler
When one ruler is gone, a crueler one comes to be
While he claims good reason, he has none
Men were once a young and noble race
But we have progressed into the fire
They’re one and far between, noble men are
One day I want to hear my son say
What was war?
But that day may never come
For thee is too far gone
We are killing ourselves little by little
Losing the humanity, we have left
When there’s one man left on the battlefield
Will he look over the bodies?
And think what have we done?
And will he try to change world?
I hear the bells ringing loud
I’ll be the Sufferer;
You Can Be the Witness
by Brittany Agee 3rd place
You want to steal my pain,
Cut me open, spill out all the suffering,
I’ve dealt with all my life.
Well, I may have cupidity,
My desire for the wounds inflicted upon
my bloody heart to be healed.
Yet, I know the truth.
You may ease the pain,
nevertheless, it will always be there,
They are sealed into fatal scars.
You can attempt to your fullest,
to cleanse me, make me joyful,
yet, deep into me, I’ll always be broken.
You will be able to witness me,
be my friend forever,
and discover the nightmares that
will torment my soul for eternity.
I honestly don’t mind the sufferings,
for I learned from them.
So, instead, let me tend to the
wounds scarred upon your heart.
There must be some, for we all bleed.
Please, let us witness and suffer together.
Cory Falls
Brittany Agee
Shop More, Spend Less, and Make a Difference
by GelsinaCeritano
Because of the spiraling downfall of the
economy, students and teachers are beginning to
find themselves at a loss for money. If you and
your family are asking how you could cut back and
save a few extra bucks, yet still buy the clothing
and furniture needed in this chilly weather; the
answer is simple. By shopping at Goodwill or the
YMCA (also known as the Y) thrift shop you are
able to save money and buy more. When you
shop at Goodwill, not only are you helping your
budget but also the money you spend with each
purchase helps support job training and placement
programs for people who have disabilities or
disadvantages. Did you know more than 84 percent of
Goodwill’s income is used for school funding and
career services? Profits from the Y thrift shop support
community programs such as: tutoring, after school
programs, hikes, English as a Second Language classes
and much more.
What will you find inside? Have you ever walked
into Goodwill or Y thrift shop? Both industries are
overflowing with racks and racks of clothing, furniture,
video cassettes, CDs, books, jewelry, shoes, pillows,
fancy dresses, belts, electronics and more. Every so
often you may even come across brand new clothing or
designer labels with tags still attached! Instead of being
Did you know both JJ Kirkner and
in a clothing store with only a small selection or style to
teacher Michael Etzler bought their
choose from, Goodwill and the Y provide several
fashionable attire from Goodwill?
different styles for a unique image.
Senior Abby Johnson shows
Where can you find a
off her “relax” shirt she
Goodwill store or the Y?
picked up at a thrift shop.
Goodwill is an international
Photo by Gelsina Ceritano
store; more than 2,200 centers
are located in North America so finding one will not be difficult.
There is a location in downtown Pearisburg in the Food Lion
Quality Body Repair Since 1977
shopping center and in Christiansburg, across from Lowe’s. The Y
Frame Work
thrift shop is located on Main Street in Blacksburg across from
Abby’s Restaurant & Bar.
How can YOU help? Just by buying items you are making a
difference. You may be familiar with the saying, “One man’s trash is
another man’s treasure.” Donating your old possessions that are just
Downdraft Paint Baking Booth
lying around the house is helping someone else out. Bringing your
items is as easy as ringing a bell at the side door of Goodwill or
simply pulling around to the back of the building like most thrift
stores ask for you to do. In conclusion, in the economic downfall we
are all experiencing it can be easy to help out one another with your
Roger E. Jennelle, Owner
donations or purchases.
208 Curve Rd. ● Pearisburg, VA
State Farm
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710
Chris Turman
1500 N Main Street
Blacksburg, VA 24060
Off.: (540) 953-2300
Fax: (540) 953-2441
Common Ground 2009: Crossing Musical and Spiritual Boundaries
by Olivia Humphreys
Common Ground 2009, a teen Christian music jam, is coming right here to Giles High School on May
16th. This is a chance for Christian teens from all denominations to come together and share “common
ground”: the love and salvation of Jesus Christ. The event will be sponsored by the Giles, Narrows, and
James Monroe High School Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). The night will include inspiring and
motivating music, speeches, and skits by Derwin L. Gray, The King’s Players, Broken Vessels, and Craig
Derwin L. Gray played football 5 seasons for the Indianapolis Colts and one season for the Carolina
Panthers, while being nominated twice for the Pro Bowl and being a team captain for the Colts when they
advanced to the AFC Championship game in 1996. From 2003-2004 and in 2006, Derwin was featured
Sunday nights on the Fox's sports show “Got Game”, as an expert analyst for Carolina Panther football
games and in 2007, Derwin was a college football analyst on ESPNU. During those years in the NFL,
Derwin said that he had the “American dream” (money, fame, family, etc.), but he was missing something.
He found that missing piece when a fellow teammate led him into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Derwin now pastors a multi-ethical church, called The Gathering, in Charlotte, NC. He also uses his
Photo from
football skills and humor to make videos,
encourage young adults to evangelize. This has
caused him to be given the nickname “The Evangelism Linebacker.” To learn
visit, or (formerly
The King’s Players is a small drama team made up of select students from
Liberty University. Formed 21 years before Liberty was founded, this is the oldest
ministry of the university. The group’s purpose is to lead people to Christ through
drama and youth ministry. The team performs their dramas in detention homes,
prisons, Christian schools, and churches. One of their skits, performed to the song
“Everything” by Lifehouse, is ranked as the second most watched video on (formerly
Broken Vessels is a
Photo from
Louisiana based Christian
band that have been
Photo from
compared in sound to
Casting Crowns, Jeremy Camp., and Edwin McCain. Last year, they were named the
2008 Independent Worship Artist of the Year. The group has a desire to share God’s
love with anyone who will listen. The band states, "We are called to present a gospel
message to all. He gave us a vision for mission work, both here and abroad, so that is
what we dedicate our lives to."
Craig Whittaker grew up on a farm in nearby White Gate, Virginia and was a
member of the Giles High School Symphonic Chorale. While attending Virginia Tech,
he performed at various musical events. These
experiences paved the way to what is now his
passion of writing and performing Christian
Photo by
music. When asked about his faith, he recalls: “I
was so blessed to be raised by wonderful parents and family, an incredible church family and
community, but even being surrounded by God's incredible creation, I didn't truly know Him. I believed
in the existence of God and that Jesus was His son, but it wasn't until attending a play in nearby
Roanoke, Virginia entitled "Children of Eden" that I felt the overwhelming touch of the Holy Spirit.
That day changed my life forever! I began to realize that the all powerful creator of the universe
actually loved me and longed for my love in return! As my relationship with him has grown, it became
clear that the more in love with Him I fall, the more I desire to serve and share the hope, peace, and
pure joy that can only come from a personal relationship with Jesus.” These strong convictions led
him to make his debut contemporary Christian CD, Common Ground. Whittaker states, “God has so
Photo by Google Images
clearly placed it on my heart to write and share this music with the world around me. He gave His very
best for me so I feel compelled to give my best for Him.” Check out Craig’s website:
Don’t miss out on this awesome night! To learn more about Common Ground 2009, go to
May 16, 2009
Giles High School Auditorium
Doors open at 6:00pm
Show starts at 7:00pm
Free for teens
$5 for adults
Star Trek the Movie
by Katelyn Osborne
From director J.J Abrams, written by Robert Oric, and produced by Damon
Lindelof; comes a film that will take you where no one has ventured before.
Opening in theaters on May 8, 2009 will be the eleventh film to join the Star
Trek franchise. The prequel will star a new cast of the original star trek
characters. The
movie will follow
a young James T.
Kirk starting out
at the Starfleet
Academy, his first confrontation with Spock, and some battles with
Romulans. Development for the film began in 2005 when Paramount
Pictures contacted Oric, Lindelof, and Abrams to revive the franchise.
The three “Trekkies” wanted to aim the film towards general audiences
who don’t really know the series but still have enough to understand
what Star Trek is about without having to watch the past movies. They
also wanted to include some elements of
their favorite novels, such as Prime
Directive, Spock’s World, and Best
Destiny, while still being true to the Star
Trek Canon all th while modifying the
time travel storyline and modernizing the
production design of the original show.
The design for the film was a little
difficult considering that the technology
that was based on the series was outdated
and more ranged of what we have today.
Abrams also wanted the film to be
consistent to the show but at the same
time still be more advanced. One major
design was for the Enterprise. The bridge
of the Enterprise maintains an oval shape
in this film along with the railing,
captain’s chair, and the view screen with
some bright colors. Also to emphasize the
size of the ship, different styles were
chosen for various decks. Along with the
ship, the phaser props were altered to a
spring-triggered barrel that revolves and
glows; and instead of the transporter
effect speckling, it swirls. Last of all, one
can not forget the classic Starfleet
uniforms will still follow the original
shows’ as well. All in all, this entire Star
Trek movie will have everything a
Trekkie ever dreamed of.
The newly designed bridge of the Enterprise.
The Romulans, foes of the
The promo movie poster of the 11th Star Trek Film
Info and photos from
For years, many classic works of literature have been transformed into Hollywood
blockbusters. Since the silver screen started silent films and even talking pictures, books have
been the inspiration for many well-known classic movies. In recent years many of our favorite
characters have leaped from their pages and onto the movie screen. Such memorable characters
include; Harry Potter from the Harry Potter series, Edward & Bella
from the national best seller Twilight, Stanley Yelnats from Holes, and
Violet, Claus, and Sunny Baudelaire from A Series of Unfortunate
The students at Giles High School are always going to the movies
and are up on the latest blockbuster gossip. When given a survey
about a select group of books that have been transformed into movies,
the results were very unpredictable. I asked 35 students if they
thought the movies were as exciting and pleasing as the books or if
they were a disappointment. Senior Gelsina Ceritano commented on
Twilight saying that it “wasn’t as detailed as the book, I like the
version that I dream up while reading.” Personally, I never found the movies to live up to my own
imagination, but around 60% of Giles students feel that they are as good, or even better, than their
literature counterparts. However, there are still those skeptics such as myself, who believe that the
movies can never live up to the novels. Senior Autumn Booth stated, “No movie is ever as good as the
Images from Google Images
book…but, there are still some that surprise me.” No matter what you prefer, books or movies …there
is always some satisfaction in either.
Race to Witch Mountain
by Olivia Humphreys
There is a secret place in the middle of the Nevada
desert that is known for unusual sightings and unbelievable
phenomena. This place is known as Witch Mountain. When
Jack Bruno, a Las Vegas cab driver (Dwayne Johnson), finds
two “runaway” teenagers with supernatural powers in his cab,
he finds himself in the middle of the adventure of a lifetime.
The extraterrestrial siblings Sara (Annasophia Robb) and Seth
(Alexander Ludwig) must reach their spaceship which is
buried deep within Witch Mountain in order to save the Earth
from invasion. Bruno, along with a UFO expert (Cara Gigino),
must help the teens to unravel the secrets of Witch Mountain
while protecting them from an organization that wants to use
them for their wicked plans. The task won’t be easy, for
monsters, government operatives, extraterrestrials, and an alien
bounty hunter are fast on their trail.
This movie is a remake of the 1975 film Escape to
Witch Mountain, which is based on the book of the same title.
Director Andy Fickman describes the movie as a “modern reimaging” of the 70s version. Don’t let the fact that this is a Disney production fool you. The cast and
crew were determined to make the movie an intense dark thriller by having awesome car stunts (which
Dwayne Johnson did himself), hand-to-hand combat, and special effects. Race to Witch Mountain has
everything you would want in a film: action, adventure, comedy, sci-fi, and just a touch of romance.
Don’t forget to catch this movie in theaters on March 13th.
Release Date:
March 13th, 2009
Andy Frickman
Matt Lopez
Mark Bornback
Andy Frickman
Dwayne Johnson
Annasophia Robb
Cara Gigino
Alexander Ludwig
Cieran Hinds
Tom Everett Scott
Christopher Marquette
Cheech Marin
Garry Marshall
Walt Disney Pictures
Action, Adventure
Varsity Basketball
By Kelsey Frazier
Never let it rest. Until your
good is better and your better
is best. The Varsity Boys
Basketball team is keeping the
pace of the game up. Record
being 9-6 and 2-2 in the
district they look to a strong
satisfying season. Players
keeping their points per game
up are Seniors Jarrod Alls with
Caleb Tilly makes a hard cut to the
9.4, Luke Jackson with 8.0,
Photos by Kim Tilly
basketball goal.
and Wes Conley with 6.0,
sophomores Codey Williams with 11.0, senior Andy
Randel with 10.4, and Caleb Tilly with 8.8. Having a
strong first string is important, having players that can
also, set the pace of the game and put up points early is
crucial in boy’s basketball. Coach Reed’s athletes play
hard every minute of every game and show true heart
Codey Williams goes up strong for a rebound.
and dedication. Even if the score board doesn’t always
read it that way the boy’s basketball team and program
gets stronger every practice. The basketball team this year has a high-quality mixture of young players and
veterans which is always a positive feature. Senior William White has recently been out due to an ankle
injury, but has made a comeback and is becoming a threat under the basket. The basketball team hoped to
see region but fell short against George Wythe. Breaking the school records this year
were Andy Randal with 50 three point baskets in a season, Jarred Alls with 150
assists in a career and Lukas Jackson with 15 charges in a season.
Senior Jarred Alls
breaks G.H.S’
record for assists
in a career.
Your # 1 Source
for Local Sports
Sophomore Andy
Randell breaks
G.H.S’ three
points in a season
Senior Lukas
Jackson breaks
the Giles High
Schools’ record
for charges in a
Visit our website
by Chelsea Cole
The J.V. lady Spartans have had a 9-8 season record. They have worked hard putting forth all their efforts in team work, strategy,
and motivation. Coach Manse and Coach Bales have also had a great impact on the team’s nine wins. The girls have shown
improvements and are hoping to keep the pace of their hard work in the game of basketball. Congratulations ladies on a season well
J.V. Lady Spartans in the huddle.
Photos by Chelsea Cole
Shelby Conley makes her way
down the court to catch the long
Tiffany Cook demonstrates good
defense in their game against
Giles Spartans vs. East Mont
Karisha Summers in the
by Olivia Humphreys
The Varsity Girls’ Basketball Team was young this year, being made up of
only one senior and many underclassmen who were new to the varsity level. The
team had a tough season with only one win which was on Senior Night against
the East Mont Mustangs. The Lady Spartans were led by Kelsey Frazier with 23
points and 18 rebounds. Also making great contributions were Cassie Martin
with 11 points and 13 rebounds, Amanda Byrd with 5 points, Jessie Boggess
with 4 points, Megan Fisher with 3 points, Leigh Kauffelt and Chelsea Barnett
with 2 points, and Lyndsey Jackson and Emily Ellis with 1 point each.
At the traditional winter banquet, Kelsey Frazier made 2nd Team All District.
The Lady Spartans also proved that their dedication stretched beyond the
basketball court into the classroom with Kelsey Frazier, Cassie Martin, Leigh
Kauffelt, Rachel Smith, Chelsea Barnett, Amanda Byrd, Jessie Boggess,
Lyndsey Jackson, and Megan Fisher receiving Virginia High School League
Academic Excellence Awards. Every girl on the team also earned a Varsity
“This season started out rough but ended with tremendous progress,” stated
Head Coach Brandon Webb. “We started to play as a team during district play
and that’s what turned our season around. This year was definitely frustrating
for the players, coaches, and parents when you talk about the number of wins,
but if you look at the season from a greater perspective the increase of basketball
knowledge and the learning that took place outweighs the number of wins. I am
looking forward to the upcoming season, and I will continue to build a better
girls basketball program at Giles High School.”
By Chelsea Cole
The J.V. boys have completed their seasons with great
efforts and hard work. Although the season may have no
ended how they hoped, Coach Whitehead and the team are
still proud and will continue to better their skills. The boys are
ready to step up their game for next year and hopefully
improve their season records. Good job boys and keep up the
good work!
J.V. boys getting the game time talk from Coach Whitehead.
Max Ratcliffe dribbles his way down the court.
Adam Baker looking to pass the ball to Frank Robertson.
Mark Albert gets ready
to throw the ball in bounds.
photos by Chelsea Cole