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“Don’t ask what the world needs.
Ask what makes you come alive and
go out and do it. Because what the
world needs is people who have come
alive.” ~Howard Thurman
Women of the World in Unity!
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pgs 16 - 18
Cognitive Decline
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Smart Meters
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Martial Arts
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Music & more!
Breast Cancer
Page 2 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 – April 4, 2013
Look for our April 2013 Issue - Apr. 5th
The Connection Magazine is for educational purposes only. We do not
necessarily recommend the specific remedies, exercises, treatments or
activities, etc. summarized. Please consult with your personal health care
provider to find out what is appropriate for you.
The boxes have arrived,
and we have a bouncing,
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To read more about the book
Gregg Braden has called,
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and Thom Hartmann have
called “world-changing,” go to
Healthy Appearance ....................................... 29
Healthy Planet ................................................6-8
Lively Letters .................................................. 28
Martial Arts...................................................... 25
Movies ............................................................. 26
Music .............................................................. 26
Parenting, Kids & Education ......................... 19
Pet / Animal Health .......................... Will Return
Radiation Protection ....................... Will Return
Rave Reviews .................................................. 28
Women in Unity..........................................16-18
Travel & Fun ..................................... Will Return
Wonderful Women .....................................16-18
Yoga .................................................. Will Return
Feature Index
Arts & Entertainment ................................26-27
Astrology ......................................................... 30
Awareness ..................................................20-24
The Billboard ............................................ 3 & 28
Thriving Business ............................................ 4
Compassion Flower Resouce Guide ............ 31
Dining Delights ............................................... 15
Essential Living Guide ........... 7,20,22,23,24,28
Fitness & Sports .............................. Will Return
Green Business Directory ............................... 6
Health Notes...............................................10-14
Entire Contents © The Connection Magazine
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on Page 28
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Page 3 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 – April 4, 2013
Thriving Business
Why is Food So Expensive?
by Rich Buckingham
Have you noticed that the price
of food has risen sharply over the last
few years? I have. Why is that? Here’s
my answer.
Let’s say you have a six-figure
income. You eat well, including dining
out often. But, your company becomes
the target of a hostile takeover. It’s sold
and your job is “off-shored,” or handed
over to someone in a third world country for far less pay. Suddenly, you’re
on unemployment, food stamps, and
you’re looking for a job. You’re not
alone. So, what do you do to lower
costs? You might start eating lower
on the food chain, replacing expensive
meats with grains and legumes. In
Economics 101, they discuss demand,
or what you buy, using terms such as
elastic versus inelastic demand. For
example, the demand for a new stereo
system every few years is elastic: you
really don’t need it. The demand for
food, however, is inelastic: you’ll perish without it.
Back to eating expensive meats
versus grains and legumes. If you
— and others — switch from meat
to grains and legumes, this increases
the demand for grains and legumes
and decreases the demand for meat.
(The demand for food, however, is
unchanged.) At the retail level, grocers can easily see what’s selling and
what’s not. Since the 1980’s the free
market, as espoused by economist Milton Friedman and strongly endorsed
by then-President Ronald Reagan,
has become the model for economic
activity. This model states that if the
demand for a product goes up, the
price should also go up. This is another
way of saying charge “whatever the
market will bear.” And, since the demand for food is inelastic and the goal
of our free market economic system is
to maximize profit, more people eating
grains and legumes instead of meat is
interpreted as an increase in demand
that calls for a price increase.
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Another economic term is the
short run versus the long run. The
short run is considered less than a
year. The long run is usually more
than a year. What this means to the
consumer is that, in the long run,
grains and legumes will cost about
the same as meat. The point is that,
with our current incarnation of the free
market, such cost-cutting methods as
changing diet to save money — also
called austerity measures — end up
failing, not saving your money due to
inflation, which is price increases. This
isn’t some economic “disease” that can
be “cured” by economic medicine.
It’s an interpretation of free market
A real-life scenario for the
newly poor is to not go hungry but to
buy food or other necessities on credit,
as in credit card. When you buy something on credit because you’re out of
cash, the credit card banks honor your
purchases by crediting the person or
entity you bought something from.
Then, that person or entity has money
to spend. In this way, debt becomes
money, or debt = money, since today
money isn’t backed by gold or any
other commodity. What gives money
value is your promise to repay what
you borrowed. And, when you’re in
debt, creditors can — and do — decide
how much you owe through interest
rates and “fees,” like late fees. The
U.S. government debt works the same
way. The U.S. government banker is
the privately owned Federal Reserve
Bank: the Fed. The Fed sets the interest
rate, too. What the U.S. government, or
really the U.S. citizenry, owes the Fed
is called the national debt. As with individuals, a significant portion of what
the U.S. government owes the Fed is
what the Fed says they owe.
Richard Buckingham has a BA in Economics from Northwestern University.
He lives in San Lorenzo Valley and can
be reached at (831) 336-8261.
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Page 4 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 – April 4, 2013
Health at Gunpoint: The FDA’s
Silent War Against Health Freedom
to represent supporters like you in Washington.
As Mr. Gormley makes clear, the FDA
wastes no time in working to advance its goals
- why should you wait to learn what you can do
to stop them? Don’t wait until March for Mr.
Gormley’s book to hit stores - pre-order Health
at Gunpoint: The FDA’s Silent War Against
Health Freedom today.
And if you are attending the Natural Products Expo West in Anaheim, CA the first week of
March: Be sure to visit Square One Publishers,
Booth #804 at noon on Saturday, March 9 to meet
the author himself and get a signed copy! (For
more from Mr. Gormley, visit his website).
As always, thank you for your participation.
The Citizens for Health Team. Check out
Citizens for Health on YouTube! Like Citizens
for Health on Facebook!
To order the Health at Gunpoint: The
FDA’s Silent War Against Health Freedom go
†Restrictions apply. See dealer for details.
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We want to bring to your attention a new
book by our Vice President and Senior Policy
Advisor, James Gormley.
In Health at Gunpoint: The FDA’s Silent
War Against Health Freedom Mr. Gormley reviews the history of the Food and Drug Administration along with some of its more controversial
policies and decisions, examining the reasons
behind them in an attempt to answer the compelling question, “Who controls the FDA, and what
are the real goals of this powerful agency?”
While CFH has achieved some positive
outcomes in recent campaigns involving FDA
authority - namely, preventing high fructose
corn syrup (HFCS) from being re-branded as
“corn sugar”, and sending the dangerous New
Dietary Ingredients (NDI) Guidance back to the
drawing board - Mr. Gormley reminds us that
the FDA remains poised to make decisions that
would have a major impact on the public’s health
by imposing restrictions that eventually could
eliminate many of the nutritional supplements
Americans take every day.
Health at Gunpoint: The FDA’s Silent War Against Health
Freedom isn’t in stores
until March, but you can
pre-order it here.
Fortunately, Mr.
Gormley doesn’t just lift
the veil from the FDA’s
true agenda - he explains
what we can do to prepare for the next stage of
this ongoing battle.
Best of all, Mr.
Gormley has offered to
donate a sizable portion
of the book’s initial sales
to support CFH and our
work. So you’ll not only
become familiar with the
FDA’s shadow agenda you’ll also be helping us
to continue our work and
conduct the necessary
policy analysis and action campaigns required
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Page 5 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 – April 4, 2013
Belgium Weighs Restricting
Cell Phone Use by Children
The Belgian government has
announced measures to restrict the
use of mobile phones by young
Details concerning new measures aimed at protecting children
from mobile phones.
RTBF, 25 February 2013
(translated from French)
Today, the majority of teenagers are hooked on mobile phones.
The latest report of the International
Agency for Research on Cancer
of the World Health Organization
(WHO) considers that its use is
“possibly carcinogenic for humans”
and that intensive use is dangerous.
It did not need more for the Belgian
authorities to react. There will be
rules to follow.
The Ministers for Health and
for Consumer Affairs are encouraging a better protection of young
users. In order to limit use, there
will be rules to follow which mainly
concern sales and advertising.
There will no longer be adver-
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tising specifically targeting children
younger than 14 years of age. Sellers
will be obliged to inform their customers of the “specific absorption
rate” of mobile phones, that is, the
level of radiation of the device. The
sale of mobile phones specifically
designed for young children up to
age 7 will be banned in Belgium.
Possibly Carcinogenic
For the government, these
are preventive measures. The desire
to particularly protect children lies
principally in the fact that, cumulatively, they will be potentially
exposed longer to waves during the
course of their lives.
“International studies clearly
state that it is possibly carcinogenic.
If a risk exists, protection is necessary,” declared the Minister for
Health, Laurette Onkelinx, to RTBF.
This royal decree is her initiative,
along with that of her colleague
in charge of consumer protection,
Johan Vande Lanotte.
The draft royal decree will
be examined Friday in the Council
of Ministers.
The Minister for Health has
also announced the drafting, between now and the end of the year,
of another royal decree aimed at
rendering obligatory the sale of a
headset with mobile phones.
“A child’s brain is a developing
Health risks (essentially, brain
cancer) caused by wireless communication systems are the subject of
scientific studies for which there are
“diverging opinions”, stresses Luc
Verschaeve, of the Institute of Public
health (ISP). “There are a number
of doubts and some indications of a
possible risk”, he said.
In the 1pm news on La Première, Jacques Vanderstraeten,
medical consultant to the “conseil
supérieur” of health, explains that
if these new rules aim principally to
protect young persons, it is because
“the brain of a child is a developing
organ and thus, more sensitive to
any eventual external influence”
and that it is better
to prevent than to
Essential Living Guide
According to a study by
Support the Businesses that are Green and tell them Crioc, the associayou saw them in Connection Magazine!
tion for consumer
defense, more than
90% of young persons aged 12 to
17 have a mobile
phone. Dating
from 2011, this
study also showed
that within this age
range, nearly all
13-year-olds have
a mobile phone.
Also, according to WHO,
phoning half an
hour a day for 10
years increases the
likelihood of developing a glioma
(malignant brain
Effective April 10th, we will no
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Original text in
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Page 6 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 – April 4, 2013
We Have the Power!
by Shonna Hayes
lectro-Magnetic Radiation is produced
naturally by the Earth and by the power
of the Sun. It manifests in a full spectrum
of frequencies that we see as visible light and
everything from simple radio waves right up to
X rays and cosmic rays from outer space.
All fields, big and small, affect each other
when they occupy the same space whether they’re
naturally occurring or man-made.
It’s not Just Microwave Ovens: EMF
radiation comes from: TV and Radio Stations,
High Voltage Power Lines, Cell Phones, Wireless
Internet, Smart Meters, Cordless Phones, GPS
systems, Police and Emergency Service Radios,
Hydro Dams and Microwave Communication
We are the wire:
Remember the old trick with TV antennas,
where your body made the picture better? That’s
how it works with all of the radio/microwave
frequencies floating around out there, the signal
goes through and is concentrated by YOU.
The good news is that it works
both ways
Even one person directly contacting the
Earth can ‘ground’ themselves and draw off the
EMF from hundreds of people who connect in
a daisy chain fashion, simply by touching each
Your Birthright:
The Earth’s Field is gigantic and is always
there, like a good parent, to pull everything into
alignment with its own resonance, a natural state
of around 10 Hertz. This Field protects each and
every one of us from radiation from the Sun as
well as the man-made technology that we’re
learning to live with. EMF is an unseen force
that is our friend when used naturally, and our
enemy when used carelessly.
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To Reduce Your Exposure to
EMF You Can:
• Make physical contact with the Earth, or any
natural body of water
• Limit your use of wireless technology until
more research is done
• Create inexpensive ‘grounding’ solutions in
your home/work place
• Use simple tin foil or aluminum screening
to “wrap up” or block microwave emitting
devices that you want turned off.
• Join with others to make informed decisions and
take action regarding the technology that’s
introduced into your neighborhood.
Remember, WE have the Power
and that power is Earth.
“If all the people that we rule in India
picked up but one single handful of sand and
threw it at us, we would surely be totally buried”
~ British Empire Official ~
Shonna Hayes is a scientist who is currently researching ramifications of EMF/RF exposure.
Q Factor: Ground Cable
Q Factor specializes in Electromagnetic spectrum
education, field readings in homes/businesses and
providing affordable grounding technology to mitigate EM
Body Earthing implies grounding—giving a human (or animal) body
electrical connection to the Earth. The purpose is to obtain health benefits
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and modulate the electrical potential of the body.
This mini-extension cord will allow you to plug into the ground socket
of any electrical outlet in your home. The ‘round’ socket is normally
attached to a 12 foot pole in the earth and provides grounding for the
home’s electrical circuits.
By opening a line to the Earth’s frequency (7.83 Hertz) you can attach the
antistatic bracelet (seen below) to the cable and give your body a break
from the environmental electro-smog that surrounds us.
The same cable can be attached to any EMF shielding material (tin
foil/aluminum screen etc.) to block signals from the outside, or act as a
grounding pad for your desktop.
Cable Details: 6 to10 feet lengths
(100% recycled wire)
Terminals: Standard North American
ground pin and Alligator clip for
cross purpose usage.
2 mega ohm in-line resistor
Fabric clip for stabilizing cable
Cost: Cable (white or brown) – $20
Q Factor: Ground Cable by Shonna Hayes, EM field reader/company owner
Anti-Static Bracelet (green, black, blue) – $10
Shipping in Canada and the U.S. – $5
To Order: Write to or Call (250) 352-9517
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Page 7 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 – April 4, 2013
Violence and
Spell Cast
the the
by Santa
Cruz “Government”
R di ti
by Bruce Tanner
On Tuesday, Feb. 26, the Santa
Cruz Board of Supervisors met to deliberate on the second phase of John
Leopold’s initiative to, as he claims,
protect the people of his County from
the dangers presented by gun stores.
While there was a storm of interest in
the Jan. 15th initial unanimous passage
of Leopold’s proposed Moratorium on
gun store permits, on Tuesday by the
time the Supervisors had conducted
a lengthy County Workers’ Awards
ceremony and a presentation on solid
waste management, along with a lunch
break, there were only a handful of
people left to observe the vetting of
the proposed new ordinance.
The ordinance had been brought
to the Board by County Counsel Dana
McRae on a tight timeline to meet with
the deadline on the soon-to-expire
45-day Moratorium. Along with the
Supervisors’ approval for moving
forward on the new ordinance, they
also approved an extension on the
Moratorium. This will essentially
end the hopes of the applicants who’d
applied for a permit to open their gun
store in Live Oak.
The ordinance text from McRae
includes many provisions culled from
other counties’ gun-safety ordinances,
most of which are common-sense
and general standard practice for
gun stores. However, it also includes
mandatory “set-backs” requiring that
stores be sited varying distances from
Schools, Day-care Centers and Parks.
A map on the wall of the Chambers
showed the impact that these set-backs
would have on available locations for
new gun businesses in Live Oak. These
showed that approximately half of
the area would be off-limits under the
proposed ordinance.
When comments were allowed
from the very few remaining onlookers, I pointed out that the set-back
provisions had no reasonable effect
on public safety, and merely interfered
with their constituents’ freedom to
govern their own lives. However, as if
to underscore the Supervisors’ power
to control peoples’ “land-use,” when
instructing Counsel on the language
to bring back to the Supervisors the
next week for a first-reading of the
new ordinance, John Leopold asked
that an additional set-back of 300 feet
from any areas zoned as residential be
added to the ordinance. I suspect that
this will not leave much of Live Oak
available for siting gun stores.
What (or who) is benefitted
by these provisions of the proposed
ordinance related specifically to places
associated with children? The primary
effect I see is that guns are again associated in the public mind with a need
to “protect the children” from “gun
violence.” The Supervisors deny that
this initiative by them has anything to
do with the anti-gun hysteria sweeping
America. The upshot is a continuing amplification of a push from a
nationally Federalized governmental
administrative structure (including
the corporate media) to manage the
American people using duplicity,
public relations and fear.
It’s highly synchronous that this
meeting took place on the same day
that Santa Cruz had both an anti-gun
demonstration at the Town Clock (at
which Supervisor Leopold spoke) and
the brutal murders of two police officers by gun-fire. The dramatic shootings, unlike the many recent incidents
in which women, men and even young
people have defended their lives and
families with guns, became national
news, adding to a general perceived
urgency to “do something NOW to
end gun-violence.” While such feelings are understandable, there doesn’t
seem to be much, if any, informed
discussion of the situation around our
Constitutional possession of arms,
particularly in the context of a Federal
government which uses its military
might to murder children around the
world for political expedience. The
policies recently announced by Sec.
of State John Kerry, among others, to
directly provide weapons to the “rebels” in Syria who are murdering Syrian
civilians wholesale, are one example
of the ongoing hypocrisy which is not
mentioned. Most people who seem
unconcerned about the possibility of
malfeasance by a government that
purports itself to be responsible for
protecting us, are not aware of the
concerted effects of encroaching surveillance, militarization of our police
under Federal command, and “laws”
like the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act, the NDAA
and Barack Obama’s 1,000 over-reaching Executive Orders which seem to
outline the structures of something that
resembles a dictatorship.
It’s perhaps also synchronous
that the Feb. 26 Supervisors meeting
also included the unanimous approval
by them of the Santa Cruz County
Climate Action Plan, a 158 page document that will cause unknown impacts
on Santa Cruzans’ way of life for years
to come. The origins of this plan are
shrouded in obscurity, while County
planners claim that it is in response to
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California mandates designed to take
action on “climate change.” They say
the science is not subject to debate. As
the Supes voted to make this unwieldy
document County policy, Board Chairman Neal Coonerty said something to
the effect that “Even if the (climate)
premises of this are wrong, it’s better
to err on the side of caution” – even
if the well-being of the people they
purport to represent is violently compromised.
In the cases of the upcoming gun store ordinance and of the
Climate Action Plan, we have been
given almost no information about
what is being done in our names. If
you choose to take a half a day out of
your busy life to attend a semi-weekly
Tuesday morning meeting, you may be
given three minutes to respond to the
business of “your” county government.
Almost no one was there to do that this
week when these important measures
were rubber-stamped.
Bruce Tanner is a direct-path spiritual practitioner, and researcher and
communicator of deep politics, deep
history and the structural nature of the
(non-existent) ego. He is also a Health
Consultant trained in the use of MMS
by Jim Humble and resides in Santa
Cruz with his Partner, Cynthia.
Help Educate Our
About Chemtrails &
While many of you are already
aware of the chemtrails that daily
pollute our skies and affect our
weather, most of our weatherwo/
men are not. They know that our
weather is dramatically changing,
but few understand the connection
between these unpredictable and
severe weather patterns and our
government’s decades-long secret
aerial spraying programs.
Educating these influential
people is essential in reaching critical
mass and ultimately stopping these
dangerous programs. That is why the
producers of the award-winning film
Why in the World Are They Spraying,
one of the most articulate, wellresearched films about chemtrails
& geoengineering, have started
this campaign. All you have to do is
buy the film at a discount and give
them the contact info for your local
weatherperson, and they will do the
rest. For full details, go to: http://www.
If you would like to join with
others to educate our local community
about this issue, there is a group now
being formed to do just that. You can
connect with them at: http://www.
If you would like to know more or
just stay informed about one of the
most critically important issues of our
time, visit these websites:
www.CoalitionAgainstGeoengineer ;
and of course
Page 8 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 – April 4, 2013
Avoiding the Hazards
f EMF/RF R di ti
Comprehensive List Of GMO Products
hough California’s Prop. 37
failed I extend my gratitude
and sincere thanks to California
for publicizing the dangers of GMO.
Had this passed, it would have proved
a source of great blessing to humanity
and put an end to this eugenics agenda
that masks poison as “food.”
Note: You can download this
pdf file created by the Center for Food
Safety that provides guidelines for
buying non-GMO foods in your local
stores. This tells you what you can eat
that is not GMO contaminated.k
In addition, should you want
more info concerning GMO products
and the companies producing them,
please take a look at this excellent list
put together by Stephanie LadwigCooper on Facebook.
Baking ~ Genetically
Engineered Ingredients
Aunt Jemima (Quaker) -Complete
Pancake & Waffle Mix -Buttermilk
Pancake & Waffle Mix -Cornbread Mix Easy Mix Coffee Cake
Betty Crocker (General Mills) Pie Crust Mix -Original Pancake Mix Complete Pancake Mix -Buttermilk
Complete Pancake Mix -Muffin Mixes Banana Nut -Lemon Poppy Seed Blueberry -Wild Blueberry -Chocolate
Chip -Apple Streusel -Quick Bread
Mixes Banana -Cinnamon Streusel Lemon Poppy Seed -Cranberry Orange Gingerbread -Cookie Mixes Chocolate
Chip -Double Chocolate Chunk -Sugar Peanut Butter
Bisquik (Betty Crocker/General
Mills) -Original -Reduced Fat -Shake
‘n Pour Pancake Mix -Shake ‘n Pour
Buttermilk Pancake Mix -Shake ‘n Pour
Blueberry Pancake Mix
Duncan Hines (Aurora Foods) Muffin Mixes -Kellogg’s All-Bran Apple
Cinnamon -Kellogg’s All-Bran Blueberry Blueberry -Blueberry Crumb -Chocolate
Hungry Jack (Pillsbury) -Buttermilk
Pancake Mix -Extra Light & Fluffy Pancake
Mix (all varieties) -Jiffy -Corn Muffin Mix Blueberry Muffin Mix -Raspberry Muffin
Mix -Pie Crust Mix
Mrs. Butterworths (Aurora Foods) Complete Pancake Mix -Buttermilk
Pancake Mix
Pepperidge Farms (Campbell’s) Buttermilk Pancake Mix -Pillsbury Quick Bread & Muffin Mixes -Blueberry Chocolate Chip -Banana -Cranberry Lemon Poppyseed -Nut -Hot Roll Mix Gingerbread
Bakers (Kraft/Phillip Morris) Unsweetened Chocolate -Semi-Sweet
Chocolate -German Sweet Chocolate White Chocolate -Hershey’s -Semi-Sweet
Baking Chips -Milk Chocolate Chips -Mini
Kisses -Nestle -Toll House Semi-Sweet
Chocolate Chips -Milk Chocolate Chips White Chocolate -Butterscotch Chips Semi-Sweet Chocolate Baking Bars
100% Stoneground Wheat -Fat Free
Multigrain -Premium Potato -Beefsteak
Rye -Wonder Hamburger Buns
Breakfast ~ Genetically
Engineered Ingredients
Kellogg’s -Pop Tarts (all varieties) Pop Tarts Snack Stix (all) -Nutri-Grain
Bars (all) -Nutri-Grain Fruit Filled
Squares (all) -Nutri-Grain Twists (all) Fruit-Full Squares (all)
Nabisco (Nabisco/Phillip Morris) Fruit & Grain Bars (all varieties) -Nature
Valley (General Mills) -Oats & Honey
Granola Bars -Peanut Butter Granola
Bars -Cinnamon Granola Bars
Pillsbury (General Mills) -Toaster
Scrambles & Strudels (all varieties)
Quaker -Chewy Granola Bars (all
varieties) -Fruit & Oatmeal Bars (all
varieties) -Aunt Jemima Frozen Waffles Buttermilk -Blueberry
Eggo Frozen Waffles (Kellogg’s) Homestyle -Buttermilk -Nutri-Grain Whole
Wheat -Nutri-Grain Multi Grain -Cinnamon
Toast -Blueberry -Strawberry -Apple
Cinnamon -Banana Bread
Hungry Jack Frozen Waffles (Pillsbury/
General Mills) -Homestyle -Buttermilk
Cereal ~ Genetically
Engineered Ingredients
General Mills -Cheerios -Wheaties Total -Corn Chex -Lucky Charms Trix -Kix -Golden Grahams -Cinnamon
Grahams -Count Chocula -Honey Nut
Chex -Frosted Cheerios -Apple Cinnamon
Cheerios -Multi-Grain Cheerios -Frosted
Wheaties -Brown Sugar & Oat Total Basic 4 -Reeses Puffs -French Toast
Kellogg’s -Frosted Flakes -Corn
Flakes -Special K -Raisin Bran -Rice
Krispies -Corn Pops -Product 19 Smacks -Froot Loops -Marshmallow
Blasted Fruit Loops -Apple Jacks Crispix -Smart Start -All-Bran -Complete
Wheat Bran -Complete Oat Bran -Just
Right Fruit & Nut -Honey Crunch Corn
Flakes -Raisin Bran Crunch -Cracklin’
Oat Bran
Country Inn Specialties (all varieties) Mothers Cereals (Quaker) -Toasted Oat
Bran -Peanut Butter Bumpers -Groovy
Grahams -Harvest Oat Flakes -Harvest
Oat Flakes w/Apples & Almonds -Honey
Round Ups
Post (Kraft-Phillip Morris) -Raisin
Bran -Bran Flakes -Grape Nut Flakes Grape Nut O’s -Fruit & Fibre date, raisin
and walnut -Fruit & Fibre peach, raisin
and almond -Honey Bunch of Oats Honey Nut Shredded Wheat -Honey
Comb -Golden Crisp -Waffle Crisp Cocoa Pebbles -Cinna-Crunch Pebbles Fruity Pebbles -Alpha-Bits -Post Selects
Cranberry Almond -Post Selects Banana
Nut Crunch -Post Selects Blueberry
Morning -Post Selects Great Grains
Quaker -Life -Cinnamon Life -100%
Natural Granola -Toasted Oatmeal Toasted Oatmeal Honey Nut -Oat Bran Cap’n Crunch -Cap’n Crunch Peanut
Butter Crunch -Cap’n Crunch Crunchling
Chocolate ~ Genetically
Engineered Ingredients
Cadbury (Cadbury/Hershey’s) Mounds -Almond Joy -York Peppermint
Patty -Dairy Milk -Roast Almond -Fruit &
Nut -Hershey’s -Kit-Kat -Reese’s Peanut
Butter Cups -Mr. Goodbar -Special Dark Milk Chocolate -Kisses -Symphony
Kraft (Kraft/Phillip Morris) Toblerone (all varieties) -Mars
-M&M (all varieties) -Snickers -Three
Musketeers -Milky Way -Twix
Nestle -Crunch -Milk Chocolate Chunky -Butterfinger -100 Grand
Carnation (Nestle)
Hot Cocoa Mixes: -Rich Chocolate Double Chocolate -Milk Chocolate Marshmallow Madness -Mini
Marshmallow -No Sugar
Hershey’s -Chocolate Syrup -Special
Dark Chocolate Syrup -Strawberry
Nestle -Nesquik -Strawberry
Swiss Miss (ConAgra) -Chocolate
Sensation -Milk Chocolate -Marshmallow
Lovers -Marshmallow Lovers Fat Free No Sugar Added
Condiments ~ Genetically Engineered
Del Monte (Nabisco/Phillip Morris) Ketchup -Heinz -Ketchup (regular & no
salt) -Chili Sauce -Cocktail Sauce -Heinz
57 Steak Sauce
Hellman’s (Bestfoods) -Real
Mayonnaise -Light Mayonnaise -LowFat Mayonnaise
Hunt’s (ConAgra) -Ketchup (regular
& no salt) -KC Masterpiece -Original BBQ
sauce -Garlic & Herb Marinade -Honey
Teriyaki Marinade
Kraft (Kraft/Phillip Morris) Miracle Whip (all varieties) -Kraft
Mayonnaise (all) -Thick & Spicy BBQ
sauces (all varieties) -Char Grill BBQ
sauce -Honey Hickory BBQ sauce
Nabisco (Nabiso/Phillip Morris) A-1 Steak Sauce Open Pit (Vlasic/
Campbells) -BBQ sauces (all) -ChiChi’s (Hormel) -Fiesta Salsa (all
varieties) -Old El Paso (Pillsbury) -Thick
& Chunky Salsa -Garden Pepper Salsa Taco Sauce -Picante Sauce
Continues on Page 24
Bread ~ Genetically
Engineered Ingredients
Holsum (Interstate Bakeries) Holsum Thin Sliced -Roman Meal -12
Grain -Round Top -Home Pride -Buttertop
White -Buttertop Wheat
Pepperidge Farms (Campbell’s) Cinnamon Swirl -Light Oatmeal -Light
Wheat -100% Whole Wheat -Hearty
Slices -7 Grain -9 Grain -Crunchy Oat Whole Wheat -Light Side -Oatmeal Wheat -7 Grain -Soft Dinner Rolls -Club
Rolls -Sandwich Buns -Hoagie Rolls
Thomas’ (Bestfoods) -English
Muffins Original -Cinnamon Raisin Honey Wheat -Oat Bran -Blueberry Maple French Toast Toast-r-Cakes
Blueberry Toast-r-Cakes Corn Muffins
Wonder (Interstate Bakeries) White Sandwich Bread -Country Grain Buttermilk -Thin Sandwich -Light Wheat -
Page 9 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 – April 4, 2013
by Sylvia Skefich, D.C.
ou are likely to feel ‘knocked-out’ tired
tonight... This happens after about 80%
of first-time sessions, (usually not on
follow up sessions). You should sleep great tonight, and wake up with great energy tomorrow.
If you are here for pain relief, most people get
the best relief around middle of the next day. You
may walk out feeling greatly improved today, but
if not, just wait for tomorrow for your results.
People can actually continue to improve for up
to four days after their session, so at the end of
four days, you can look back and see what this
one session has done for you.”
This is the run down that we give our clients
after their first session involving cranio-sacral
technique at my office.
“You are likely to feel ‘knocked-out’
tired tonight.” This is what I call the “hibernation” response. Especially when combined with
chiropractic, cranio-sacral technique affects the
nervous system. The body can go into a deep and
profound rest state to integrate the changes.
“If you are here for pain relief, most
people get the best relief around the middle of
the next day.” Once we have increased the natural cranio-sacral wave in your body, that wave
continues to move through restrictions in the
muscles and joints, smoothing out tension and decreasing pain. Just like the swells of the ocean can
move a sandbar over time, so will the increased
amplitude of the cranio-sacral wave smooth out
the tension in your body even after your session.
We find that the greatest pain relief comes in the
first four days after your treatment.
“You may feel emotionally sensitive or reactive for up to two days after your treatment. Your
tissues and cells become decompressed and will
continue to release the tension. Not everyone gets
emotionally reactive, but if you do find yourself
being unusually sensitive, just remember not to
attach your feelings to any current or past story
or situation in the first two days after your session. Just stay out of the thinking mind. Feel your
emotions bodily, as though they were a color or a
texture. That way the energy actually dissipates,
rather than re-cycling into a loop that regenerates
the same stored old feelings.”
“You may feel emotionally sensitive
or reactive.” The mind-body connection is a
mysterious one. We find that some people (about
20%) significantly store their emotional tension
in their body in a way that leads to the experience of a “retracing” of the same emotions after
the cranio-sacral session. It can be confusing to
experience intense emotions for apparently “no
reason,” unless you know that it is a “release”
and not an “increase” of the emotion.
Sylvia Skefich is a Doctor of Chiropractic
who has been practicing Osteopathic style Cranio-Sacral Technique for 17 years. Christine
Bayless is her protégé. They work at 920 41st
Ave., Suite G, Santa Cruz, CA 95062, (831)
475-1995, “Like” Sylvia
Skefich, D.C. professional Facebook page for
posts inspirational to healthy living.
Interview with Dr. Bill Andrews & John Anderson
by Bobbie Katz
ver dream of living to 125
and beyond while being
healthy, vital, and feeling
and looking like you were in your
twenties again?
A breakthrough product
could change the entire global
health picture as we know it. All
thanks to molecular biologist and
researcher Bill Andrews, Ph.D.,
Based on NOBEL PRIZE winning research.
and Master Fomulator John Anderson, who are bringing to the forefront, the situa- cells—would scramble or stick together, causing
tion surrounding human longevity—Telomeres.
disorder inside the body.
“Telomere length is the nearest measure that
“Telomere length affects every internal organ
science has ever found to determine lifespan in and every disease—cancer, heart disease, Alzheimhumans, horses, dogs and cats—it acts as an in- er’s and so on,” reveals Dr. Andrews, who, in 1997,
ternal ‘hourglass’ or ‘biological clock’ for aging,” made a major breakthrough when he discovered an
explains Dr. Andrews, the founder, president and enzyme specifically in humans called Telomerase,
CEO of Sierra Sciences in Reno, Nevada, and one which acts directly on Telomeres to replace DNA
of the world’s leading authorities on telomerase cell bases that have been lost to cell replication
biology. “Almost every known disease can be and maintains Telomere length in cells. “When
attributed to the shortening of Telomeres. We are Telomeres get short, the chromosomes become
all born with long Telomeres, but they start to rearranged and transmutations occur.”
shorten from the day we are conceived. Product
“Telomeres are a significant piece of the puzB has been formulated to address premature or zle to help people live long and healthy lives.”
normal Telomere shortening. And, what’s amazing
So then, what is the bottom line on aging
is that because of John Anderson, we’ve been able and telomeres?
to do it with all natural ingredients as opposed
“As a molecular biologist, I can definitively
to chemicals. It is a nutritional supplement, not say that everything about our longevity and
a drug.”
health revolves around our Telomeres,” Dr.
Telomeres have been likened to the plastic Andrews sums up.
tips on shoelaces. They prevent our chromosomes
For more information, you may call Donna
from ‘fraying.’ These little stretches of DNA on Anderson, Transformational Healing and Counthe ends of our 23 pairs of chromosomes are selling, (207) 409-2665 in central time zone. She
critical for healthy cell function, allowing our tril- will answer any questions you may have and is
lions of cells to keep furiously dividing, thereby very helpful for her clients and friends. She will
keeping us alive and well and able to get new be happy to introduce you to a Naturopath who
skin, blood, bone and other cells when needed. is seeing great results in her practice. Much more
Without Telomeres, our genetic data would be information will be provided.
lost because our chromosomes—twisted doubleOR call Mackie Ramsay at (831) 431-6638.
stranded molecules of DNA containing our genes
AND... Dr. Joseph Mercola is in favor of
that are located inside the nucleus of each of our this product!
Page 10 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 — April 4, 2013
Where the Path Leads
“We achieve excellence in sports because we have
a high achiever personality. That doesn’t go away
when your sport is over.”
Sir Peter Snell, 1938by David L. Biles, D.D.S., M.A.
or those of you familiar with
my meanderings uniting
dentistry with other disciplines, you may have probably
noted that I have posted no original
columns for nearly twelve months.
Fortunately, I have been writing for
The Connection Magazine now for
many years, and have accumulated
a bank of articles, worthy of retrieval and re-releasing…I think.
The past year was filled with
a considerable amount of life and
strife as I plodded through my
59-60 year birthday interval with
a certain amount of consternation
and trepidation. My father passed
away too young at 59, the victim
of a lifestyle acquired from years
of service in the US Army Medical Corps. Perhaps only naturally,
the past year was interesting, as I
anticipated becoming 60.
As I mentioned, this marks
the first new material I have released in about 12 months to
my wonderful publishers, Mr.
Thom Coby and Ms. Pattie Mills.
Both have graciously kept my
educational columns available
for additional review during the
entire year of 2012. I thank them
both from the bottom of my heart.
They have sifted and selected my
material thoughtfully, generally
under unnecessary stress for which
I humbly publicly apologize. It is
an honor to have the privilege to
share my insights to you through
their efforts.
The Connection Magazine is
a beacon of truth, and I am grateful to be one of a number of select
writers who have also chosen to
share their expertise. Thom and
Pattie have courageously educated
the public about the hazards of
fluoride, mercury, chem-trails,
aspartame, Fukushima radiation,
and many other controversial
topics. They are quite worthy of
your unsolicited letters, praise,
and emails.
The year off was not without effort and accomplishment,
however. I did some serious soulsearching, contemplating many
topics as I grappled with the new
identity of being a grandparent
times two. I continued doing twice
monthly radio shows on KSCO
1080 am, with
Donald Davidson on Perspectives, noon to 1 pm, second and
third Saturdays of each month. As
I reviewed the past year’s guests
professionally solicited by our pro-
ducer, AnaLucia, I was amazed at
the caliber of guest and the topics
of discussion. As I wonder about
the effectiveness of our broadcast
efforts I take note of the local
Today, March 6, 2013 as I review the print edition of the Santa
Cruz Sentinel, I note in the far left
column the headlines that proclaim
Report: Drugs, lack of vaccines a
challenge. Hurray! We may not be
winning the war but we are making
a dent. I am proud that an educated
informed group of citizens in the
Santa Cruz County area, through
the efforts of concerned health
educators, have chosen to enhance
their immunity rather than take the
allopathic path.
Years ago I interviewed John
Erb, who co-wrote The Slow Poisoning of America with his spouse,
Michelle. They were Americans
who had moved to Canada because John was convinced that
the United States population was
slowly being poisoned by multiple
means and sources. At first I pooh
poohed his claims. Nowadays, I
am more supportive.
I have also come to believe,
as I have heard others claim, that
it will be the patients who bring
about the changes we need to see
in dentistry….It won’t come from
within via the legislative process
as I so painfully learned in my personal ex-communication. …. The
status quo remains steadfast in its
efforts to thwart logical policy. Too
much money is at stake, direct and
indirect, seen, and unseen.….
There is a resolution currently being crafted in Berkeley by
two subcommittees in response to
a request by a resident that the city
of Berkeley take appropriate steps
to protects its citizens from mercury poisoning, principally that
acquired through chronic exposure
to silver colored mercury fillings
still commonly placed.
I have made the 2+ hour
round trip five times to date on
invitation to speak on behalf of an
outright ban on the use of mercury.
The resolution process has been
rightfully slow and cautious, but
not altogether transparently public
as the lobbyist from the California
Dental Association has had weekly
calls with the former chairwoman.
I am disturbed that they were on a
first name basis. No violation of
the Brown Act as CDA supporters
were quick to claim.
Hmm, perhaps that is why
the resolution’s latest draft has
been watered down, with the meat
taken out of it. No outright ban, as
requested, currently remains in the
resolution draft, nor are there any
enforcement provisions. The only
contentious topic now on the table
is whether or not dentists will be
required to have patients sign an
informed consent before each mercury silver colored filling is placed.
The California Dental Association
says no for many reasons. Other
activists who are willing to travel
and support in Berkeley please
email we
shall see, what we shall see. Que
sera, sera….
Final thought in this intro
PARENTS with any children who have any teeth….it is
your responsibility to brush and
floss your children’s teeth if you
want to better assure that their
teeth will not decay, which is really….rot. You cannot expect your
children to perform with the skill
and the discipline it takes to prevent decay…. That is an unrealistic
expectation held by all too many
parents. You must, I repeat must,
learn to brush and floss your kid’s
teeth…and effectively, until they
have fully mastered the skills and
discipline. Until that happens your
children are at risk for developing
bad health due to microorganisms
entering their bodies through the
breaks or decay in their teeth…..
Imagine a decayed tooth like a
break in the skin, a wound. That
is, in essence, what dental decay
is…a wound. Start now….
For those curious of the
quote…Sir Peter was a classmate,
colleague, and acquaintance of
mine. A recent article on him in
my UCD alumni news sparked my
memory to recall many other connections to be revealed in future
columns. Stay tuned…
Dr. David Biles is accepting new patients interested in a comprehensive
dental approach to health, created
in tandem with the patient. Dr. Biles
brings a unique awareness to health
from a lifetime of study in many disciplines. Schedule a visit to see if an
ideal approach to dentistry is what
your body needs to heal. 831-4230121.
Page 11 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 – April 4, 2013
by Taale Laafi Rosellini
& Andria Wagner
ou could take one giant
leap forward toward helping
yourself and others attain
optimum health by supporting your
own adult stem cells through Stem
Cell Nutrition.
Christian Drapeau, world renowned neurophysiologist, made the
scientific discovery that AFA, Aphanizomenon Flos-Aquae—one of the
most nutrient dense foods yet found
on the planet—supports the natural
Rejuvenate Your Body,
Rejuvenate Your Life!
Colon Hydrotherapy is simple, gentle & safe.
It detoxifies and cleanses with profound results
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the knowledge of longevity
release of stem cells from your bone
marrow, thereby supporting optimal
organ and tissue function.
SE2 is the new StemEnhance—three stem cell enhancers
working synergistically with cordyceps, a powerful mushroom. The
new Advanced Formula contains
StemRelease™Complex, two nutrient
dense concentrates of AFA, PLUS
three ingredients now discovered
to work in partnership with AFA to
support a more significant increase
in the release of adult stem cells: Undaria pinnatifida extract, Polygonum
multiflorum extract and Cordyceps
StemEnhanceSE2™ supports
wellness by helping your body maintain healthy stem cell physiology,
the natural renewal system of the
body. This may be one of the greatest
discoveries in biological science, and
its potential impact on humanity is
simply phenomenal.
See for yourself. Check out a series
of short videos in 3 easy steps:
• Type into your browser www. or
• Click on the USA English
• Click on the following images
with text that automatically appear, for
5 seconds each, in a loop of 8 images
[Double-click to your screen]:
1. “SE2 StemEnhance” 5:32.
Christian Drapeau presents the scientific breakthrough that gave birth
to StemEnhance and one amazing
wellness pathway: Stem Cell Nutrition. I’ve been saying for years that
Christian Drapeau should be nominated for the Nobel Prize, for Wellness
[Medicine], and for Peace!
2. “90 seconds can change your
life” Click on the image and a series
of four short videos begins. Doubleclick to fill the screen. Then select the
middle box on the right and click on
“view success stories”.
3. “Introducing… Allan C. Somersall, PhD, MD.” Click on “watch
the video”, 45:46. Dr. Somersall
presents why stem cell nutrition is
necessary for everyone:
• Everybody has stem cells!
• Everybody uses stem cells!
• Everybody uses stem cells
every day!
• Stem cells work! AND
• Stem cells work every time!
4. “Ray Carter and Christian
Drapeau, Featured on Discovery
Fit & Health,” 28:32. Two visionaries, with integrity, the co-founders
of Stemtech Health Sciences, tell us
why Stem Cell Nutrition can benefit
Andria’s testimonial:
Immediately following the birth
of my 3rd son at home, I took two
StemEnhance2. I was a bit spaced
out after the labor, but with SE2,
everything appeared more in focus
and I recovered much faster from this
birth. StemEnhance2 keeps my body
running like clockwork.
Taale’s testimonial:
StemEnhance helped me tremendously in rebuilding my body after
being ravaged by Advanced Lyme
Disease for three years. A simple
protocol of sea salt and vitamin C
reversed Lyme. Then I started taking
6 to 12 capsules daily of StemEnhance. Week by week, I noticed my
body moving toward homeostasis,
the state of balance, and didn’t need
a wheel chair anymore. Miraculously
the chronic joint pain, tremors, stuttering, drooling, difficulty climbing
and descending stairs, inability to
raise my arms above chest level,
“Elephant on the chest syndrome”
and severe short-term memory loss
abated, then disappeared! I got my
life back! I know what StemEnhance
can do! Remember, “Everybody has
and uses stem cells everyday! AND
stem cells work every time!”
We’re here to assist you, your
family and friends attain optimal
health. To get the product for free and
grow your wealth, just ask us how.
Taale Laafi Rosellini is an
Independent Stemtech Distributor,
an award-winning documentary
filmmaker, and Founder/Director of
African Family Film Foundation, a
grass-roots all-volunteer educational
nonprofit. http://africanfamily. Call Taale: (831)
Andria Wagner is a writer,
teacher, children’s advocate/champion, and Mom of three beautiful
com. Call Andria: (408) 409-5208.
See us at the NEW LIVING
EXPO, booth 118, at 8th Street and
Brannan, San Francisco, April
26-28 in the Concourse Exhibition
Stop Complaining About Weather
Modification And Geo-Engineering!
are safe, LOL.
Seriously, I got mad. Kids are
playing outside all of the time. I went
to the City Council and the County
Board of Supervisors’ meetings to tell
them about my lab results. “I want to
This cleanse uses whole food nutrition to reset your
tell you what happened to me,” I said.
“It may help you and your families
metabolism. Its effects will last through the whole year.
too. I continued. You have seen the
You will be eliminating common trigger foods, and using
spraying that they are doing in the
whole-food methods to improved digestive function.
air, right? Well, I got concerned, so I
Be prepared for transformation and make room for
asked my kidney transplant doctor to
personal growth.
look into it for me…”.
Cleanse Includes: Complete 10 day Protocol • Two Group Meetings
I made a Congressional inquiry
Three Yoga Classes • Email support
into the spraying, with Sam Farr’s ofTotal Cost: $175 without herbal supplement
fice. I did more research and it turns
out the communication industry is try$225 with herbal supplements
ing to connect the “energy grid”—Bill
Note: Discount available for full-time students and seniors
Gates, T-mobil, AT&T, Verizon and
the rest of them are very defiantly
damaging us.
4245 Capitola Road, Suite 103, Capitola, CA 95010
We can demand that US. corpora(inside Lotus Holistic Health Institute)
tions be held to European standards...
Certified Ayurvedic Practitioners - Members of National Ayurvedic Medical Association
which are 10,000 times safer...
Page 13
Page 12 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 — April 4, 2013
Bridget ‘Supriya’ Puchalsky, Kate Bentley and David ‘Manorath’ Wheeler.
Spring Group Cleanse
March 30th- April 8th
by Karen Lacey
f your not willing to DO what
needs to be done, then be quiet.
You’re draining peoples’ energy
and you’re not helping. Better yet,
have your blood aluminum serum tested and have some tangible proof that
there is REAL cause for concern!
When I noticed the spraying—I
did research. Like a good journalist,
I wanted to know who, what, why,
when, where and how ... the ‘stuff’ is
getting in the air. I contacted Rosalind
Peterson, a former USDA Crop Loss
Specialist, because she is widely
known for being an authority on the
subject and owner of Agriculture
Rosalind Peterson has spoken
about the airborne particulates issue
at the UN. You may have met her at
the last Social Justice Conference at
Cabrillo College. I learned that there
are high levels of aluminum and other
heavy metals that are neuro-toxins in
the spray.
Using myself as a guinea pig, I
had my blood aluminum tested right
away. The results showed that I had
a count of 22, almost 3Xs maximum
healthy limit. Normal healthy blood
aluminum is between 0 and 9. It was
upsetting because high aluminum
levels are common to Alzheimer’s
patients, I heard.
Science shows that some of the
stuff is aluminum-coated fiberglass.
To protect my lungs, I decided to
wear a particulate mask when I’m
outside—the kind surfboard shapers
wear for fiberglass.
After eleven months of wearing the mask outside, I had a chance
to get a follow-up blood aluminum
level test. The results were great. My
blood aluminum serum was below 3,
safe again. Now, we just have to put
a mask on the earth so the rest of us
Vocational Training
for Life
Massage Certification - 250 Hours
Spring quarter begins in April
o i n D r. L o a h
Grace and guest
teachers for a
healing intensive
and women’s spring
retreat at Land of
Medicine Buddha,
located in 108 acres
of pristine California redwood forest. Designed
specifically for women challenged by cancer,
from first diagnosis to post-treatment, this allinclusive weekend promotes physical and emotional healing. Open the body to deeper levels
of healing and discharge fear from the mind and
heart. Come be uplifted!
Cancer is a living thing gone way out of
balance, not something inanimate. Participants
will gain understanding of the consciousness
of cancer, learn to address the unseen part of
the disease and disempower it. The healing intensive program includes; group sessions using
Schumann resonance to entrain brain waves that
restore the body’s innate self-healing capacity
and removes blocks, reclaiming lost Energy exercises, aligning body-mind-spirit guided meditation, gentle Qi Gong, teachings on taking refuge
in the heart and a rite of passage ceremony at the
Wish Fulfilling Temple. There will be free time
for relaxing and enjoying the retreat center, walk
the trails through the redwoods, take a sauna,
enjoy the library with a cup of tea, or take a nap.
Give yourself this weekend to be immersed in
inspiration, profound peace and healing energy,
all which will give you the boost needed to Chart
Your Course Through Cancer and Beyond.
Day & evening courses
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
Introduction: March 16 & 17
Program begins April 17
Healing Intensive Director, Dr. Loah Grace
has been working with people struggling with life
threatening illness for 25 years—many of whom
experienced transformational healing, and gained
a lasting inner peace. Dr. Loah Grace’s early
education and original field of interest was in
Physics; she continued advancing and now holds
a doctorate of divinity. Dr. Grace is a member
of The Council for a Parliament of the World
Religions, friend of The Vedanta Society, and
also an initiated Master Teacher of an 800 yearold healing Sufi Order. Loah’s private practice is
located in the San Francisco Bay Area.
DATE: April 26, Friday 4:00pm – April
28, Sunday 2:00pm
COST: $500 per person includes program, shared twin room lodging, and vegetarian organic meals. (A few single rooms
available at extra cost)
click on ‘Events’ page
LOCATION: Land of Medicine Buddha,
See our website for list of advanced classes.
Twin Lakes College
of the Healing Arts
1525 B Seabright Ave, Santa Cruz | 831-476-2152
Career Training & Ongoing Support
Payment Plans Available
Stop Complaining About Weather
Modification And Geo-Engineering!
Page 12
than the US government is
asking American corporations to be.
Let’s be citizen scientists for the good of
the whole population—make sure we have a
choice regarding what we breathe... Get your
labs drawn—your Vit. D3 may be very low and
have your blood aluminum level tested too... see
if it is normal or not. Let’s make some safe limits
for our health, please.
There is a movie related to the spraying
issue called “What In the World Are They
Spraying”— A
solar scientist made the movie after buying 2000
acres near Mount Shasta. He saw the spray and
realized it was not normal contrails because it
stayed in the same place and drifted slowly in
the air sometimes, creating hazy skies.
I am asking that we start keeping track of
our health.
Call the CA Air Resources Board (800) 2424450. Call Jerry Brown, @ (916) 445-2841 Fax:
(916) 558-3160—Air Quality Control Board, Air
Quality Management. Let’s share notes on Facebook, You can
contact me directly at
ART by artist Melanie Gendron (831) 335-9064
FIRST FLIGHT, ©2000 Melanie Gendron
Page 13 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 — April 4, 2013
The Doctor of Chiropractic is THE
by Dr. Paige Thibodeau, D.C.
GMOs cannot be considered
safe until there are valid, nonpropriatary, long-term studies
of their effects on humans and
the environment!
he number of people living longer is increasing dramatically.
An estimated 4.2 million U.S.
residents now fall into the age group
of the “oldest old”—85 years and
older—with more than 40,000 having reached the age of 100. By 2050,
according to census projections, 1
million Americans will celebrate their
100th birthdays.
Evidence suggests, however, that
good genes are only a small part of the
longevity puzzle. In fact, researchers
now believe that chronic illness is not
an inevitable consequence of aging,
but that it results more often from
lifestyle choices that we’re perfectly
free to reject.
Follow these tips for healthy aging.
Embrace a Positive Attitude
• According to research, a positive attitude is key to the ability to
live longer and can lead to a healthier,
higher quality of life.
• Positive emotions may affect
overall health through improving the
immune function or indirectly, such
as by strengthening social support
Challenge Your Mind
• Research shows that the more
educated we are, the longer we live.
• Take advantage of opportunities
and possibilities that have not been
available to you earlier in life, such
as travel, a second career, volunteer
activities, musical instruction,
writing or various
classes in areas of
• Consider
mentally challenging activities
such as crossword
puzzles or learning a new language.
Limit Stress and Stay Connected
• Humor, meditation, exercise and
optimism are good ways to naturally
reduce stress and relieve tension.
• Stay in touch with family and
friends. Social contacts may encourage
us to take better care of ourselves—by
cutting down on smoking and drinking, for example, or seeking medical
treatment earlier for symptoms that
may indicate serious problems.
• Friends may also help us get
through difficult times by offering
coping mechanisms and positively affecting our mood and self-esteem.
Embrace Exercise
• Find fun ways to stay in shape
and feel good, such as dancing, gardening, cutting the grass, swimming,
walking or jogging.
• Engage in a minimum of 30
minutes of moderate physical activity
on most days of the week.
• Include strength training, as
directed by a personal trainer or healthcare provider, to maintain muscle
mass, which helps burn fat more efficiently, reduce your heart disease risk
and improve your balance.
Make Healthy Diet Choices
• Choose whole, natural foods
like fresh fruits and vegetables, whole
grains, good (unsaturated) fats, nuts,
legumes and healthy sources of protein
(white meat, fish and eggs).
• Overly processed and refined
foods often contain more calories and
fewer nutrients.
Choose Quality Health Care
• Talk to your doctor of chiropractic about other ways to improve your
quality of life.
• Doctors of chiropractic are
trained and licensed to examine and
treat the entire body with specific
emphasis on the nervous and musculoskeletal systems, wellness and
• Even if you are healthy and
make good preventive choices, it is
essential to have access to a good,
trustworthy healthcare provider.
• Be sure that your healthcare
provider supports all forms of healing
and various approaches to health care
to present you with the safest and most
effective treatment options available,
encourages you to be responsible for
your health and involves you in decisions regarding your care—except
for acute, potentially life-threatening
Dr. Paige Thibodeau, D.C. is a
third generation chiropractor at Scotts
Valley Chiropractic, 4736 Scotts Valley Drive, Suite B; for appointments,
call (831) 438-0308,
Creating Inner Freedom
or domestic abuse,
disasters, or accidents. Secondary
Founder, Waveform HealingTM
trauma is just as debilitating, and occurs for those working in high stress
jobs, for example, firemen, policemen,
school teachers, medical workers, and
mental health workers. Sometimes
individuals may not realize they are
traumatized, but devastation can last
for years from “normal” life challenges such as job loss, the death of
a loved one, divorce, and children’s
Find fast, effective relief for many issues
behavioral issues. Many people ‘white
knuckle it’ and remain depressed, anxFree yourself of harmful blockages
ious, irritable or stuck for years, when
Experience new levels of energy-based healing
they could have healed.
All trauma has one variable in
Realize new depths of alignment and flow
common, which is also, fortunately,
the gateway to creating healing: the
brain. When trauma is getting in the
Want to Know More?
way of someone’s life, it may be
labeled PTSD (post-traumatic stress
disorder), which is the brain’s way of
coping with catastrophic information.
The brain is an amazing instrument,
Get a Free Consultation
with a primary motivation of helping
us survive. When something extremely
disturbing happens, the brain will
automatically “protect” the individual
Page 15
Page 14 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 — April 4, 2013
by Jennifer Salima Holt, Ph.D., LPC
nside each one of us is complete
freedom, joy, a unique sense of being and deep peace that transcends
all problems. That peace is essential to
holistic well-being. However, for those
suffering from trauma, claiming that
place of inner peace can be very challenging. Trauma can result from many
sources, including sexual, childhood
Michael Asa Da
Healing on a Whole New Level
Imbolc (Celtic Spring) Salad
by Geoff Randolph &
Robyn Randolph
ere in the Highlands of Scotland, we just
celebrated Imbolc last
week with our friends
at the Newbold House
(sister community of
Findhorn). Imbolc is the
first day of Celtic spring,
and is celebrated at the halfway point between
the conventional first days of spring and winter.
The Celtic seasons are centered around the sun.
For example, summer solstice is exactly in the
middle of the Celtic summer.
As part of the celebration, we heard Celtic
legends and stories related to the start of the
season. To really feel the arrival of spring in
our bodies, we all got our hands dirty helping
to plant the first seeds of the new season into
the earth. The seeds were lovingly tucked into
the soil, serenaded by lovely live flute and accordion music!
Despite this festive ceremony, and the fact
that the days are finally starting to get noticeably
longer, it is still too early to pick fresh lettuce
from the garden. As we opted for a long beach
walk today on the Moray Firth instead of going
grocery shopping, when it came time to making
Page 14
dinner, we needed to make a tasty raw Imbolc
Salad using the seasonal vegetables that we had
on hand.
The carrots grow well up here in the sandy
soil, and there is actually a large farm that raises
over 1000 acres of organic carrots not too far
from where we live. I cheated a bit, and used
one red pepper and an apple that are not really
seasonal. It’s nice to be able to buy imported
organic produce at the local supermarket!
If I had some handy, I would use (seasonally
appropriate) celeriac root, and grate it. Celeriac
is a good source of vitamin K, which helps to
increase bone mass by promoting osteotrophic
activity in the bones. Research studies suggest that perhaps celeriac has a role in aiding
Alzheimer’s patients by limiting neuron damage
in the brain.
Creating Inner Freedom
in ingenious ways. For example, the person
may dissociate–only being aware of the traumatic
situation from a point of view outside of the body.
Or the brain might create a state of amnesia–the
traumatized person may completely block out
and forget what happened. But the person does
not do this consciously. The brain does this automatically, to protect the person’s life and sanity,
and it does a very good job in most cases.
However, the consequences of the brain
defending someone against trauma are not just
short-term protection. The brain also creates
long-term consequences that can have a very
negative effect on the person’s life. The brain,
when faced with cataclysmic information, will
also “re-write” the person’s beliefs about life to
prevent them from getting hurt again, often in
literal and unhelpful ways. A person whose home
was destroyed in a
fire as a child may
end up with the following beliefs from
the brain: “Home is
not safe,” “Fire is always dangerous,” or,
“No matter what I try
to do to keep myself
safe, at any time the
rug can get pulled out
from under me.” As
an adult, that person
may feel stuck–they
can’t seem to stay
in one place for long
or they never leave
their home. They are
phobic around fire.
They’re anxious all
the time. They can’t
trust relationships.
They sabotage their
careers. They feel ir-
This salad does require a food processor.
You could do it with a hand grater, but with a
good processor, it only takes about 5 minutes
to assemble!
Ingredients for Imbolc Celtic Spring Salad
by Robyn and Geoff Randolph, RawSome
4 large carrots, grated
¼ raw green and/or red cabbage, grated
1 apple, quartered and very thinly sliced
1 red bell pepper, halved, deseeded and
thinly sliced
¼ cup dried currents
¼ cut chopped pecans
1. Squeeze in juice from ½ lemon.
Garlic Cider Dressing
1/4 C honey apple cider vinegar (called
Honegar here in the UK) Add honey to taste
if you only have plain apple cider vinegar.
For extra anti-bacterial properties use Manuka
1/2 C olive oil or for a lighter flavor use
grapeseed oil
1-2 cloves garlic
Himalayan salt
1. Mix dressing in blender and pour over
salad and toss well.
2. Sprinkle 2 teaspoons of sesame seeds
on top.
3. Use fresh cracked pepper to taste.
NOTE: To see another fun salad using
celeriac, roasted cherry tomatoes and bell peppers that we made for a retreat at Newbold House
recently, go to our You Tube Channel: PURE
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ritable and don’t understand why.
In order to heal, first the trauma will have to
be revisited, and the negative beliefs uncovered
and addressed. Often, when an individual realizes their beliefs are not ‘facts’ about reality, and
can be changed, there is great relief. In addition,
EMDR (eye movement desensitization reprocessing) is a very powerful therapeutic technique
that re-trains the brain and releases trauma. As a
result of facing the past and reclaiming the truth,
much greater measures of personal happiness,
peace and inner freedom can occur.
Dr. Jennifer Holt is a trauma specialist
and Certified Level II EMDR Practitioner. She
is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor
(LPC 213) with an office in Soquel, CA and an
online practice throughout California. Website:
Page 15 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 — April 4, 2013
Women of the World, United!
In honor of Women’s Herstory Month, we are featuring a few of so many great women that
we honor. We thank & honor each woman in our magazine. We have chosen to feature here, the
women that have and are working with the magazine the most. Though we have a number of great
Columnists, we feature the ones that have been with the magazine for the longest time period.
We are featuring our current Staff and past as well, that have been such a part of Connection
Magazine’s life & legacy. We thank the men as well, however, it is the time to give gratitude to the
‘Wonderful Women’. Thank you one and all in this Center Theme & throughout the pages.
with love, Pattie & Thom
We salute Karin H. Leonard, dedicated to the
arts community through her Luminous Landscape
oil paintings, and serving her clients for more
than two decades, helping them grow into the
life they prefer. Whether teaching or coaching,
through hypnotherapy or NLP, Karin remains
wonderfully non-judgmental, showing tremendous
respect and love toward everyone she serves.
An award-winning professional artist and faithful
steward of the natural world, in 2011 she founded, raising money for parks and
parks associations through promoting the works
of other artists who collectively paint, preserve
and protect parklands. Karin maintains an intrepid
sense of humor, laughing easily and often (hey,
she married me), including at herself. Daniel
Karin has been a Columnist in our ‘Awareness’
Section as well as the Movie Reviewer with her
husband, Daniel, for many years now.
Pattie & Thom
Ann Ross has always led with her heart. She
is generous, caring, a healer, a dedicated educator
and an author.
Her photography lets us see the world and all
its beauty which has been her mantra about life
itself. It has been a joy to know her. Susan K.
Ann worked with Susan Kovalik & Associates
for many years with her Brain-Compatible
Education model. Ann has worked with all ages
of students from wee ones through high school
and college. Ann is loved by all of the students
that have interacted with her throughout the years.
Ann also became proficient in Reflexology and
Photography. She has worked for a number of
causes including children with cancer.
Ann has helped to send & distribute this
magazine to more people around the USA than
anyone else. We thank you! Pattie & Thom
Joyce Vissell, RN, MS has used her sensitivity,
intuition, counseling and workshop skills to help
many thousands of people over the last forty
years. She is the co-author, with her husband
Barry, of six popular books, The Shared Heart,
Models of Love, Risk to be Healed, Light in the
Mirror, Meant To Be, and A Mother’s Final Gift.
She is co-founder, with Barry, of The Shared Heart
Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to
changing the world one heart at a time. Yet, ask
her what her greatest accomplishment has been,
and she will answer without hesitation, “Loving and
being loved by Barry, and together raising three
wonderfully unique children.” She lives with Barry
at their home and center in Aptos. SharedHeart.
org for more information.
We thank Joyce (and Barry) for the work/
service that they do for all and for their great
Relationship Column in our Awareness Section.
She continues to help people of all ages with
her loving and clear understanding of life &
relationships. Thank you.
Pattie & Thom
It has been my great good fortune to be
married to Claire. As the name suggests, she is
a person who has and is doing the spiritual and
real-world work that brings a level of clarity that
supports deep joy. She is a very grounded gal
with experience in everything from Arica to Zen, an
involved loving wife, mother and grandmother who
stays up on all the latest in conscious living and
communicates it generously to all her many friends
and family. Claire handles human encounters with
zeal and is a vital networker. She stays active
helping others, presently volunteering with the
local Lakota People’s Law Project and touching
many friends with info and hands-on help for end
of life concerns. What I especially appreciate is
that she has the maturity to share her feelings
and yet take responsibility for them. Wow, what a
blessing she is for us all!
Claire has helped Connection Magazine with
errands, mailings and research—helping the
magazine with current information.
Kimberly Carter Gamble’s list of
accomplishments is long. Her successful projects
and businesses range from raising 9 children
to helping homeless teens and mothers trying
to balance work and family, to reporting on
environmental issues for Newsweek International
and producing transformation films like Steel Heel
and Thrive.
Most importantly, though, she does it all with
integrity and heart.
She runs her brilliant ideas through her huge
compassion and wisdom before sending them out
into the world. As her husband, getting to live and
work by her side is an ongoing blessing because
she really listens; she is microscopically honest;
she is impeccably kind.
Kimberly is a beacon of the strong, wild,
gentle, trustworthy feminine energy that our worldin peril so desperately needs.
Foster Gamble,
(lucky guy & Co-creator of the THRIVE
Kimberly is the activist that we chose to
honor as she has presented and done so much
with THRIVE and throughout the world. She is a
courageous person filled with heart and soul!!
Pattie & Thom
Dr. Tonya Fleck-D’Andrea is the Founder
and Medical Director of the Santa Cruz
Naturopathic Medical Center. Specializing in
Constitutional Homeopathy, Botanical Medicine,
Medical Nutrition, Detoxification, Heavy Metal
Chelation and Lifestyle Counseling, she treats
men and women of all ages, with emphasis
in Women’s Medicine and Holistic Pediatrics.
Partnering with her patients in their own health
care, she designs treatment plans that are
practical and empowering. SCNMC exemplifies
the personal qualities Fleck extends to each one
of her patients and her staff: grace, compassion,
and support. Many of her patients leave her office
feeling relaxed and inspired, because not only
does Dr. Fleck advise these individuals how to
better care for themselves in mind and body, she
takes the time to acknowledge and respect their
uniqueness and concerns.
Hailey & Phoenix
Dr. Fleck has been one of our most longterm Columnist in our “Health Notes” Column.
Tonya offers so much along with her professional
staff and is loved by all who meet, work with and
know her.
Pattie & Thom
I am going to tell you a few stories and
events of a special woman in my life, her name is
Theodora and she is my mother. Let’s start in the
beginning, when I was born in 1970, Theodora
thought long and hard on a name for me; She
wanted to give me a special name. After a year
of thinking and contemplating on a name, her
roommate had begun to call me Gabe and it
stuck, like many warrior tribes around the world,
I had to earn my warrior name. Raising her son
on her own was no easy task and she did the
best a single parent could do, teaching me what I
needed to learn. Nurturing me and giving me lots
of love, she also taught me to be self sufficient,
she taught me to sew a button on a shirt, how to
make a salad worthy of a photo shoot and how to
do a break job on her truck. Through her political
activism, Theodora has always been dedicated
to making a difference and making this world a
better place, what an awesome role model and
inspiration she has been to us all. Theodora never
forgot the importance of having fun—as she loves
to dance, frequenting music festivals and . . . she
has become a twirling icon.
Theodora has worked for the magazine
for many years now doing Distribution, music,
journalism, research, and the Billboard. We are
in such gratitude. And, she has been & is a major
activist contributing to the good for us all.
Pattie & Thom
I came to Sylvia’s office about 6 years ago to
apply for her Office Manager position. It has been
an amazing 6 years. I have never met another
human being who has so much integrity, honesty,
wisdom & who gives so much of herself. Sylvia
is this bright light that helps people, animals &
the environment. She never stops learning more
or wanting to share more. Sylvia has not only
changed my life tremendously but I have seen
her help people which entails changing their lives
I call Sylvia, not only my boss but my mentor,
friend, confident & above all healer.
Sylvia to you! You deserve this title as you are
an amazing woman & I am so grateful that you
became a part of my life. Thank you for all that you
do, but mostly for being you. Christine
Dr. Skefich has been one of our longest-term
Columnist with her “Chiropracic Corner” Column in
our Health Notes Section. She is, as Christine said
so well, such a person with the utmost integrity and
so much more.
Pattie & Thom
Writer, Martial Artist, Golf Instructor,
Yoga Instructor, Spiritual Mentor, Activist &
Mother. These are just a few titles that might
describe Paddy Easton Graves. Unwilling to follow
life’s well trodden path, Paddy has consistently
and boldly followed her heart and her own
inner guidance and in doing so has become an
inspiration and teacher for many. Diagnosed with
cancer at a young age, she ignored the doctor’s
demands that she undergo radiation treatments
and instead healed herself through a myriad of
holistic alternatives. On the verge of a career in
professional golf, she switched from playing right
handed to left, starting all over in pursuit of her
higher self and her “authentic” swing. She and
her husband, Steven Graves, successfully built
green projects at a time when many considered
it an unnecessary risk. Paddy is a passionate
martial artist studying many styles and competing
in both Jiu-Jitsu and Jiu-Sool-Do. She’s truly an
exceptional woman, living an extraordinary life and
demonstrating that no matter who you are or where
you come from, all things are possible. Paddy is
the author of Essential Love, the Call to Awaken
and has been a columnist in the Connection
Magazine for over 14 years. Steve
Paddy has taught us all, repeatedly about
LOVE; how important it is—and, that it (love) is
everything! She is an accomplished Martial Artist
and has also written for our Martial Arts Column.
She brings ‘light’ into our lives and to everyone’s
life that she touches. Pattie
Susan Kovalik, classroom teacher and
Page 16 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 – April 4, 2013
curriculum innovator for over 35 years, has
spent the past 23 years developing a model for
curriculum & instruction based on brain research.
In 1980, she developed the ITI Model Teaching
Week, an innovative way to show teachers
how ITI strategies work with students in their
own school. Since that beginning, more than
40,000 teachers have attended the one-week
experience, watching how their students respond
ora Kerry
to brain-compatible curriculum and instructional
strategies and becoming inspired to begin their
own ITI journey.
Additionally she has produced over a dozen
videotapes documenting ITI in action.
Susan’s model of education has influenced
this magazine in many ways, including the concept
of our monthly, center Themes.
She is one of the finest, most exemplary
Educators on our planet.
Debra is the author of the novel War in the
Land of Cain and of the non-fiction Sisters on the
Bridge of Fire: One Woman’s Journeys in India,
Pakistan and Afghanistan. A journalist and feature
writer since the late 70’s, she wrote the June,
1985 National Geographic cover story “Along
Afghanistan’s War-torn Frontier,” illustrated by
Steve McCurry’s now-famous photograph of the
Afghan girl. Her work has appeared in numerous
int’l publications where she has written about
subjects ranging from political/social documentary
to alternative architecture, sustainable living &
energy healing. She is also a healer, photographer
& film-maker. Debra is Founder & Director of the
Global Diversity Film Project, a project of the nonprofit SkySpirit Foundation, which has made films
on Tibet, South Africa, and local issues. Her latest
film, Community Garden, shows the common
ground between gardens in Santa Fe, New Mexico
where she now resides, and South Africa.
Debra was included in this Tribute as she is
not only a most remarkable & outstanding person,
she has been an outstanding Consultant, Advisor
& Metaphysical Intuitive helping with positive
ideas/practices for this magazine.
Thank you! Pattie
Dr. Ruth Bar-Shalom graduated from the
National College of Naturopathic Medicine in 1987
with a doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine. She
also obtained a Diploma in Acupuncture from the
Oregon College of Oriental Medicine. She currently
holds licenses to practice Naturopathic Medicine in
the states of California, Alaska and Arizona. Born
in Argentina, she completed her undergraduate
studies in Philosophy and Sociology at Haifa
University in Israel, where she also completed her
pre-medical education. She founded the Holistic
Medical Clinic of Fairbanks in 1988, which became
one of the most complete multi-disciplinary private
clinics in the nation, and also served as a teaching
facility to many holistic practitioners. An acute
mind, passion, curiosity and compassion had
lead her to continually deepen her comprehension
of her patients suffering and find better ways to
bring about a balanced integration of the physical,
emotional, and spiritual elements that interact to
create wellness. In her 19 years in practice, Dr
Bar-Shalom has helped thousands of people with
the widest possible variety of acute and chronic
disorders, hormonal imbalance, fitness challenges
and chronic pain; often working with patients who
have not been helped by ordinary medicine or
other complementary therapies.
Dr. Ruth has been one of our longest running
Columnists with her column in our Health Notes
Shari has been extremely grateful to be
able to dance to live music and to travel to exotic
places in the world. She embodies the goddess
with compassion and good will towards all and
has an elegance about her that people can see
miles away. Kevin
Shari helps with distribution, and we are
so happy to do work with her. Shari is and lives
the epitome of love, breath, lightness, Beauty
& sincerity—always with loving intentions.
How blessed to work with such an Angel.
My dear friend Kimmy is such a special,
loving, kindred sister!! We share our love of God
Supreme from the deepest place in our hearts &
souls. The divinity within Kim shines forth in her
laughter, enthusiasm, devotion to the well being of
our community & our whole world!! Kim loves all
of God’s creation and devotes herself to serving
her family, friends & especially our beloved animal
kingdom!! Thank you dear Kim for being such
a loving sister to us all and thank you for all the
contributions you make each and every day! I
appreciate you with all my heart!
Kim has helped Connection Magazine by
attending meetings, helping at gatherings and
events for the magazine and, especially, when
we are out-of-town. Pattie
Sue is the proud mother of a son and stepdaughter. She has been a professional Astrologer
in Santa Cruz for 31 years, bringing together
traditional & esoteric Astrology, Tarot & Qabalah.
Sue leads monthly Astrology Groups/Classes,
Qabalah and offers Personal Consultations. Her
years of expertise and study helps to bring broader
perspectives to our lives and to transform and
attune to the unfolding cycles in our lives. She is
loved by the community & readership. Sue has
been the Astrologer in Connection Magazine’s
“Music of the Spheres” Column for many years
Dossie worked as the Office Manager /
Bookkeeper for Connection Magazine for many
years (when the office was in downtown SC.)
There is no finer person in the world, than our
dear Dossie. She is always positive, uplifting &
has a great of humor. My beloved mother Bette,
always called ‘Dossie’ our Angel.
Thanks for being YOU, dear Dossie.
Mackie is one of the most well-known,
honored and loved citizens of the Monterey
Bay area community. Mackie has 2 sons, 1
daughter and 2 grandsons. Mackie is a ‘Pillar of
the Spiritual Community’ in Santa Cruz County
and the Monterey Bay Area. She is one of the
main Founders of the networking meetings for
the ‘Healing Connection’ that met on Tuesday
mornings (a wonderful place to meet new people,
share your area of expertise, listen to and
experience wonderful Presenters. Mackie’s gentle
manner, always coming from her Heart Chakra,
generosity & radiant spirit is a great inspiration for
us all. Mackie has been an outstanding Therapist
and is a Lifelong Learner—always studying and
learning new things which she utilizes in her life.
She has taught many children & adults how to
read and is the author of Discover the Secrets
of Reading (for parents, grandparents & helpers
alike). She has helped Connection Magazine for
sometime now with errands, mailings, distribution,
deliveries, etc.
Pattie & Thom
Lynda is a ThetaHealer. ThetaHealing®
empowers you to identify and replace negative
emotions, feelings and thoughts in your
unconscious mind with positive, beneficial ones.
Most clients experience significant improvements
after the first session.
“I practice ThetaHealing® because I want to
support my clients in their desire to be free from
pain and limitations, and to help them have a more
joyful, productive life—that they may be a greater
blessing in the world.”
Lynda has been a personal support for me and
for Connection Magazine, helping me to overcome
limiting beliefs that were affecting my well-being.
Lynda and her ThetaHealing® are an integral part
of my life now & in the future.
Marcia worked with us on the magazine
soon after it began and for a many years. What a
wonderful friend. Marcia worked so hard, was so
giving and added a lot to our ‘production nights’.
Her time, effort & expertise was given as a gift to
us. Thank you really is so understated, however,
our gratitude abounds. Marcia, a professional, with
such expertise in management was an extra gift
to us. Marcia was always considered to be one
of Bette’s 3 Angels.
Pattie & Thom
Donna has been (and, is) an Aesthetician in
the Santa Cruz area for 20 years now. A fine skin
care expert, using only the best, quality products
& ingredients, Donna has been the “Healthy
Appearance” Columnist in Connection Magazine
for many years. We have been blessed to have
her as part of the Connection Magazine team for
sometime now. In fact, since ‘back-in-the-day’
when things were ‘pasting it up’; not digital (and,
Donna, Bette & Pattie were bummed that it was
changing to ‘digital’ which we thought would be
far more difficult). Anyway. . . . we had a lot of fun
with Donna and all worked so hard. Donna never
complained, stayed late, always worked hard in
our ‘production’, etc. What a jewel. And, as Bette
would say, with our blessed Angel—our Donna.
Pattie & Thom
We are honored to say that Melanie works
with Connection Magazine and has now for many
years. How fortunate we are to have Melanie as
part of our team! Melanie does graphic work for
the magazine. Melanie is the author & originator
of The Gendron Tarot as well as a number of
other finebooks. Her creative, beautiful & very
symbolic art in a variety of media (oil, watercolor
paintings; fashion; jewelry, poetry; tarot; and more)
is inspiration at is finest. Again, we are fortunate to
have Melanie as part of our publishing team.
Pattie & Thom
My beloved mother began this magazine
with us 20 years ago. She worked on it for 12
years; helping with ‘production’ in our residence
on the Westside of SC and then, driving home
to Watsonville at 3am (or later; all night!?) many
times. It was back when we started out with
‘cutting & pasting’. Bette was such a perfectionist
and made beautiful clothing with fine work. This
helped us when pages literally had to be pasted
together—like cutting through ‘words’’ (tiny!!) and
then having to paste that tiny part perfectly joined
up with another tiny piece of a word. And, she did
it perfectly—real artistry & patience!
So much more to say, however, THANK YOU
DEAR MOM for everything! Will have to suffice.
Oh, and dear Bette was such a support in all
ways with our endeavors, like the “Heart, Spirit
& Groove” Festival at Highlands Park in August
2001. Pattie & Thom
Thom’s mother Anne was such a thoughtful
person. She would ‘watch out’ for the magazine
to make sure it was visible, go restock them in
various locations and, especially throughout
Scotts Valley area.
She did this in her 80’s. What a gal. Always
so brave about being out on the road, driving, by
What fortunate folks were we to have Anne’s
Pattie & Thom
Page 17 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 – April 4, 2013
‘Women, Break Your Shackles and Awaken’ — Amma
by Mata Amritanandamayi
EXPRESS her deep sorrow
about the recent trend of men in
our country to trample women underfoot
as pleasure-giving objects, with no consideration of human values. Is this country that taught unique and divine thoughts
such as worshipping God as Mother, seeing God Consciousness in everything and
showing tolerance to the world, now
becoming a land of asuric, demonic
minds? The latest atrocity was the most
brutal physical and emotional abuse that a
young girl in Delhi had to go through,
which finally claimed her life.
No one can question the reality
of motherhood—that man is created
from woman. Yet, those who refuse to
come out of the cocoon of their narrow
minds will never be able to comprehend
this—you cannot explain light to those
who only know darkness.
Who should awaken woman?
What obstructs her awakening? The truth
is that no external power can possibly
obstruct woman or her innate qualities of
motherhood—qualities such as love,
empathy and patience. It is she—she
alone—who has to awaken herself. A
woman’s mind is the only real barrier
that prevents this from happening.
The rules and superstitious
beliefs that degrade women, continue to
prevail in most countries. The primitive
customs invented by men to exploit and
subjugate women remain alive to this
day. Women and their minds have
become entangled in the cobweb of
those customs.
An elephant can uproot huge trees
with its trunk. When an elephant living in
captivity is still a calf, it is tethered to a
tree with a strong rope. The calf elephant
tries with all its might to break the rope.
When its efforts prove futile, it finally
gives up. Later, when the same elephant
is fully grown, it can be tethered to any
small tree with a thin rope. It could easily free itself by uprooting the tree or
breaking the rope. But, because its mind
has been conditioned by its prior experiences, it does not make the slightest
attempt to break free.
This is what is happening to
women. The infinite potential inherent in
man and woman is the same. If women
really want to, they can easily break the
shackles of the rules and conditioning that
society has imposed on them.
A woman’s greatest strength lies
in her innate motherhood, in her creative, life-giving power. This power can
help women bring about a far more significant change in society than men can
ever accomplish. In today’s world, where
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acknowledged enough in our history
books or in the social media, their contribution has been prolific. This legacy has
to continue and grow with time.
The forthcoming age should be
dedicated to awakening universal motherhood. Women everywhere have to
actualize the qualities of motherhood
within themselves. This is the only way
to realize our dream of peace and harmony. And, it can be done! It is entirely up
to us. Let us remember that real leadership is not to dominate or to control, but
to serve others with love and compas-
sion, and to inspire women and men
alike through the example of our lives.
Let us all pray that cruel minds,
which denigrate women, be transformed.
May the Paramatma help them to follow
our rich tradition, and respect the women
of this country and all other countries.
“Don’t ask what the world needs.
Ask what makes you come alive and go
out and do it. Because what the world
needs is people who have come alive.”
~Howard Thurman
In Amma,
Women Rising
The old structures, based solely on hunger
for power, autonomy, competition, control
and other maladies, divorced from the feminine and separated from life, have led us to
where we are today.
This era is ending now. The Dalai
Lama and wise elders have recently said:
Women will lead the change in the world.
We are bringing forth a new way- or is it an
ancient one, we have always known deep
down, arising from the heart of life itself?
This powerful movement is not a fight
against men, nor is it the establishment of a
new matriarchy. A paradigm shift is happening for both men and women. Women are
asked to come forward with their voices and
gifts. Men are called to support women and
the causes that are in benefit to life, with all
their might. Some men already are.
Hers is not a lonesome heroine journey,
but women leading in cooperation. Nor is it
about women to become hardened, some
have taken on this coat to reach the ladder of
success in a male oriented business world.
Nor has sleeping beauty time to wait for
prince charming to rescue her, for she is waking by the kiss of life and a greater calling, in
which she has an important part to play.
Sex trafficking of children, mainly
by Nicola Amadora PhD
erupting, the rumblings of which
are heard by those, whose ears are
open. A monumental change is happening at
this very moment on our entire planet. The
power of love is unleashing a tremendous
force, it’s momentum is building and is
unstoppable, taking hold of those who are
ready to break through to change our course.
Like a mighty tidal wave, women and
girls are rising up all around the world, in a
magnitude never seen before throughout history. She is standing at the bow, courageously turning the ship for the sake of all life.
The river is growing every day, our
voices are speaking out on behalf of our
ancestors, children to For centuries, patriarchal structures have dominated the world,
creating suffering, which has affected each
person, plant and animal in every part of the
planet. Spirituality and religion has often
pointed toward transcendence, the formless,
emptiness, heaven, and a distant god ruling,
but left out the feminine side. It left out connection, immanence and interdependence,
the divine in form- found in the smallest
pebble, in the silent growing of majestic
trees, in your body and the face of humanity.
Advanced Intuitive Coach, Artist,
Intuitive Coach,
Therapist, SoulCollage
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Ad Design
Reverend, Reiki Master Teacher
everything is being contaminated and
made unnatural, women should take
extra care that her qualities of motherhood—her essential nature as a
woman—don’t become contaminated
and distorted. Yet, whether woman or
man, one’s real humanity comes to light
only when the feminine and masculine
qualities within one are balanced.
ndia has had such a great legacy
of women who have contributed to all
spheres of development in society; may it
be warriors, teachers, spiritual luminaries,
musicians or social workers. Though not
girls even as young as 4, is one of the biggest and fastest growing industries around
the world. We are joining to end the worst
horror and crime of our times. The earth is
ravished and polluted, but nature is not a disposable commodity, nor are girls. Yet, in
many places of the world girls do not even
receive education, thereby being trapped in a
cycle of poverty, forced into child marriage,
sex slavery and used for cheap labor.
Women, still to this day with the same qualifications and skills, receive less pay than a
man in the USA. The amount of single
mothers, who are living below the poverty
line is staggering. Women are still being
raped as a normal practice, especially by
military and in war torn lands- like she is a
sex object to be taken, used and then thrown
away. In the western world alone, one out of
4 girls are molested or raped, before reaching adulthood. Almost every second girl in
the US is on a diet before she turns 20, hating her body, because beauty is defined by a
male and sex oriented media market. The
sacredness of the feminine, the woman as a
human being has been violated, degraded,
dismissed, oppressed, treated like a disposable object, and destroyed. It is one of the
biggest issues we are facing in the world.
How we have treated women, is the same as
what we have done toward the earth. This is
how we have related to life itself far too
long. The turning is happening with each
one of us.
The recent event of “One Billion
Rising” to end violence against women and
girls, happened in 205 countries on
Valentines Day- a powerful sign of a new
time! The tide is rising and reached the
masses now. Each beneficial act, however
little or big, makes a difference and is needed now: By creating equality, by valuing
girls and women, to stop actions like sex
trafficking, to speak up on behalf of those
who are more vulnerable like children,
elders, animals, by caring for nature, by
healing what was broken, by an embodied
spirituality and a responsible way of living….by hearing and empowering women
to lead us forward now- and all of us standing together hand in hand- for real love.
Many already have answered the calling
-and more are joining in every single day.
Come, get on your horse and ride with all of
us- this one is truly for LIFE!
Nicola Amadora PhD. teaches
Trainings, Retreats and is a Hakomi therapist. She awakens and empowers women to
make a difference in our world., Tel: (831) 469 4467.
Page 18 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 — April 4, 2013
FDA Approved H1N1 Vaccines Contain Ingredients
Known to Cause Cancer and Death
by Dawn Crim,Vactruth
ost health experts will agree
that vaccine reactions can
occur. It is estimated that
roughly 1 in every million people
will react to their vaccine. Even then,
health officials maintain that it is usually a simple case of inflammation at
the injection site and/or a slight fever.
On a rare occasion, anaphylactic shock
may occur due to the patient reacting
to a substance that they are allergic to.
However, the FDA recently approved
four H1N1 vaccines that not only
contain very questionable ingredients,
but some of those ingredients have
even been proven to cause cancer
and death.
The FDA has awarded H1N1
contracts to the following companies:
MedImmune, LLC (1), CSL Limited
(2), Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics
Limited (3), and Sanofi Pasteur (4).
Their package inserts became public
knowledge in recent weeks.
[efoods] All four vaccines list
hypersensitivity to eggs as a contraindication (1) (2) (3) (4). This means
that it is not advisable to administer
any one of these products to a person
suffering from a severe egg allergy or
egg protein allergy. This contraindication may affect as many as 15
million people (based on a population
of 300 million). (5). While parents are
instructed not to feed their infant eggs
until 1 year of age, these same infants
will be exposed to eggs by way of their
H1N1 vaccine and/or seasonal flu vaccine beginning at 6 months of age.
CSL’s vaccine (2) also lists
hypersensitivity to chicken protein
as a contraindication. “While most
people who are sensitive to eggs can
eat chicken, there is one protein that
is present in both eggs and poultry
—alpha-livetin, or chicken serum
albumin — that can cause allergies to
both foods.” (6) It is unknown at this
time how many people are allergic to
the aforementioned proteins. Going
into anaphylactic shock is a very real
possibly if one were to receive an ingredient that he/she is allergic to.
Neomycin and polymyxin are
listed as contraindications for CSL’s
(2) and Novartis’ (3) vaccines. “Neomycin may cause damage to the kidneys and/or nerves. Kidney function
and drug levels in the blood may be
monitored with blood tests during
treatment. Tell your doctor if you ex-
perience decreased urination, hearing
loss, ringing in the ears, feeling of fullness in the ears, dizziness, numbness,
skin tingling, muscle twitching, or seizures which may be signs of kidney or
nerve damage.” (7) According to Teva
Pharmaceuticals, the effects of neomycin may not be evident until long after
the medication has been discontinued.
Just exactly how long is unclear at this
time. (8) Polymyxin has its own set
of possible adverse reactions. “Neurotoxic reactions may be manifested
by irritability, weakness, drowsiness,
ataxia, perioral paresthesia, numbness
of the extremities, and blurring of vision. These are usually associated with
high serum levels found in patients
with impaired renal function and/or
nephrotoxicity.” (9)
Gentamicin (10) is listed as a
contraindication for MedImmune’s
vaccine (1). It too, has its own list
of possible side effects, which may
include nephrotoxicity and/or neurotoxicity.
F o r m o re
information, go to
Live Cell Analysis
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Comprehensive List Of GMO Products
From Connection Magazine
hough California’s Prop. 37 failed
(supposedly), we extend our gratitude and sincere thanks to California for publicizing the dangers of GMOs.
Had this passed, it would have proved a
source of great blessing to humanity and
put an end to this eugenics agenda that
masks poison as “food.”
Note: You can download this pdf
file created by the Center for Food
Safety that provides guidelines for buying non-GMO foods in your local stores. This
tells you what you can eat that is not GMO
In addition, should you want more info
concerning GMO products and the companies
producing them, please take a look at this excellent list put together by Stephanie Ladwig-Coope
on Facebook.
Baby Food that contains Genetically Engineered Ingredients
Nabisco (Phillip Morris)
• Arrowroot Teething Biscuits
• Infant formula Carnation Infant Formulas
• AlSoy
• Good Start
• Follow-Up
• Follow-Up Soy
Enfamil Infant Formulas (Mead Johnson)
• Enfamil with Iron
• Enfamil Low Iron
with Nutrition Educator & Author Mary Toscano
Tuesday, April 9th 7:30 - 9:00 pm
a Phytocannabinoid Medicine
with Deborah Malka
• Enfamil A.R.
• Enfamil Nutramigen
• Enfamil Lacto Free
• Enfamil 22
• Enfamil Next step (soy and milk-based
• Enfamil Pro-Soybee
Isomil Infant Formulas (Abbot Labs)
• Isomil Soy
• Isomil Soy for Diarrhea
• Similac( Abbot Labs)
• Similac Lactose Free
• Similac with Iron
• Similac Low Iron
• Similac Alimentum
We will continue to publish more ‘GMO
products in future issues of Connection Magazine.
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Page 19 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 — April 4, 2013
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New Dimensions of Relationship with Joyce and Barry Vissell
“Am I Too Much for You?”
Do you ever wonder if you’re too much for
those you love? Do you ever worry that you will
burden them? Do you ever feel that your loved
ones already have enough on their
plate to be concerned about your
upsets? These are probably feelings that we all have from time to
time. We feel it is better to hold in
our upset feelings rather than take
a chance that we might further
burden our friends or partner.
Two women friends came
to a workshop of ours. These
two single women had been best
friends for a long time and really
seemed more like twin sisters than
friends. They cared and loved each other very
amuch. Because they each held very responsible
jobs many miles from each other, they only saw
one another several times a year. But they talked
on the phone every day, sometimes for just a few
minutes. They also worried about one another.
They worried that the current boy friend was not
the right one. They worried that the other was
working too hard or not in good enough health.
Their relationship to one another was very touching to the rest of us in the workshop.
During the afternoon session, the one
friend came to the other friend in tears. Because
of her concern for her friend, she had been hiding her own feelings of depression and despair
that she would ever feel okay again. Through
tears streaming down her face she said, “Am I
too much for you?” You seem to be having so
much of your own troubles to deal with, and your
troubles seem bigger than mine.”
Her friend looked at her with such love
and said, “When you share your troubles with
me, it helps me so much and is the greatest gift.
Even though my challenges are great right now,
when you share yours with me, it gives me a
chance to step out of my own difficulties and
truly be there for you. I have known that you have
been withholding your feelings from me, and
that has brought a distance to our relationship.
I want to hear fully from you. You can never be
too much for me.”
In a couple’s workshop, a woman was
complaining that her husband of thirty years
seemed so different lately. She knew he had been
going through some intense problems with his
siblings over the estate left by his parents, as well
as work problems. Usually, in their marriage,
they shared everything, but now he was silent and
rarely spoke with her about his stresses. To be
sure, she had her own share of problems taking
care of her elderly parents as well as having to
continue to work full time. But her biggest pain
was her husband’s absence of communication.
Finally he confessed that he had started
using marijuana again after quitting for ten years.
His marijuana use had been a major issue in the
past, and since he quit they were getting along
much better. He couldn’t look into her eyes as he
spoke, “You seem to be having so many of your
own problems that I didn’t want to burden you
with mine. But I have not been able to handle
the stress on my own so I turned to marijuana to
numb my feelings and allow me to go on.”
She said, “Whenever you’ve shared your
upset feelings with me, we’ve grown closer.
I want the closeness with you by knowing
everything you are going through.
Numbing as a way of protecting me
is actually pushing me away and is
very painful.”
This man agreed to be honest
with his wife in the future and to
stop using marijuana. He realized
his authentic self was not too much
for her, and putting on a false front
was pushing her away.
Sometimes I’ve wondered
if I am too much for Barry. When
something upsetting happens to me, or to our
children, I tend to talk about it a lot. And sometimes I wonder if Barry would like me to not
talk so much. So I asked him about this. He told
me that my feelings are never too much for him,
but sometimes the timing is not right, especially
right before we go to sleep when he is too tired.
At these times he may be quiet and sometimes
I get hurt. So we agreed to a plan. When I need
to talk about something, I’ll ask him if it’s a
good time. And he has agreed to honestly tell
me if the timing is not right, and agree to the
next available time. So far this plan has worked
very well. And I have asked the same of him,
for sometimes he brings up something stressful
right before we go to sleep. I want to hear about
everything that bothers Barry, so I agree to talk
about it the next day.
It is important to share our upsets, concerns and worries with loved ones. Hiding these
from them only creates a feeling of separateness.
Sharing them at an appropriate time can create
closeness, especially if we begin the conversation by saying, “I need your help and wisdom
with something that is bothering me.” Then see
how you are not too much for your loved one.
Here are a few opportunities to bring more
love and growth into your life, at the following
longer events led by Barry and Joyce Vissell: Jul
21-26, 2013—Breitenbush Hot Springs Summer
Retreat for individuals, couples, and families;
Oct 22-28, 2013—Living from the Heart in Assisi, Italy; and Feb 2-9, 2014—Hawaii “Couples
in Paradise” Retreat.
Joyce & Barry Vissell, a nurse/therapist and
psychiatrist couple since 1964, are counselors
near Santa Cruz, CA, who are widely regarded
as among the world’s top experts on conscious
relationship and personal growth. They are the
authors of The Shared Heart, Models of Love,
Risk to Be Healed, The Heart’s Wisdom, Meant
to Be, and A Mother’s Final Gift.
Call Toll-Free 1-800-766-0629 (locally 831684-2299) or write to the Shared Heart Foundation, P.O. Box 2140, Aptos, CA 95001, for
free newsletter from Barry and Joyce, further
information on counseling sessions by phone
or in person, their books, recordings or their
schedule of talks and workshops. Visit their web
site at for their free monthly
e-heartletter, their updated schedule, and inspiring past articles on many topics about relationship and living from the heart.
Visit our New Website for Free Calendar
& Event Listings and Online Articles!
Page 20 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 – April 4, 2013
The 21st Century Storytelling Revival...
by Noel Murphy
irds store information
on how to build a nest
internally; instincts
are stored in the mind and
body of the bird. She simply
takes action based on this
“body” knowledge, and so
thrives. We humans are a bit
different. We have so many
“instincts” to store that we end up
storing our subterranean information
externally. Let’s think about this. We
weave our collective un/conscious
into... stories. Of course, with today’s
media, we have unfortunately polluted our story power. The drunken
Irish belting out stories... slowly
fading. Rabbi mentors... less and less
students. African Tribal Grandfather,
Native American Medicine Man…
and so on. Each culture, once protected by the Storyteller at the fireside,
now wanders. Some cultures even
Libraries evolved— so far so
good. Then radio and
television— not so
good. Disney innocently sought to protect the
integrity of storytelling
by leading the way, but
these efforts got perverted as the humility
of both storyteller and
listener eroded—even
worse. Now media first sells a product, then entertains and beckons us
to numbness. From today’s digital
storytelling, in all its forms, we now
take in strange messages—the proper
way to hold a Glock pistol in a shootout. As a result, we now internalize
less and less about belonging and life
purpose, or about practical matters
such as how to hold a town together,
or a family, or a marriage, or even
oneself. Dignity, belonging, and
whole-system comprehension seem
to have been traded for violence and
fluff. Are we screwed then?
Enter the 21st century Storyteller:
founder of the Harvard Storytellers
Workshop might tell you, “You got to
give you”. So tell me your story and
I’ll tell mine, and the middle-of-themiddle of the children will be spellbound, and possibility will abound,
and we can then give all the electronics
a much needed rest. So that being said,
once upon a time...
Noel Murphy is a leadership
coach and founder of the speaker’s
gym. He also leads the Harvard Storytellers Workshop Saturday mornings
at the Discovery Gym.
Noel is seen weekly on Channel
27 Santa Cruz on the TV series, “The
Noel Murphy Show”, Every Weds at
6pm, and heard weekly on the KSCO
radio on “Who’s Your Coach?”, a callin show where people get coaching live
on the air, Wednesdays at 7:00—go to to listen live..
Email,, (831) 2381234.
The modern shaman. The woman
who conducts the symphony of wild
women. She is a storyteller. The man
who can awaken the soul. He is a sacred storyteller. The storyteller awakens identity, purpose, and belonging
in others; she is a lightning rod for the
inner spark. It’s in every one of us to be
a storyteller. And stories are the heart’s
earned riches. The following Robert
Heinlein passage reinforces the idea
that the ones who embrace life fully
are rewarded with stories to share.
“A human being should be able
to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a
building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders,
cooperate, act alone, solve equations,
analyze a new problem, pitch manure,
program a computer, cook a tasty
meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
Specialization is for insects.”
Not sharing your experience may
box you as a specialist. Brother Blue,
Mindfulness – The Mental Massage
by Hollye Hurst, MFT, PhD
indfulness — a
buzzword we’ve
been hearing a lot
lately. I’ve practiced mindfulness and meditation for 30
years and based much of my
work as a psychotherapist on
these practices for over 25
years. I’m happy to share this
simple but powerful method
for healing and growth that offers what
I call a “mental massage.”
Mindfulness is whole-body/mind
awareness of your experience of living
in this present moment. Have you noticed you’re often subtly (or obviously!) leaning forward into an imaginary
future or preoccupied with rehashing
the past? When we’re habitually spinning our wheels thinking about life, it
feels exhausting and unsatisfying. Life
rushes by when we’re living “in our
head” rather than being fully present
in this moment.
Jon Kabat-Zinn says: “Mindfulness provides a simple but powerful
way to get unstuck and back in touch
with our wisdom and natural aliveness.
I like to think of mindfulness simply as
the art of conscious living.”
Jon created Mindfulness-based
Stress Reduction, a program that for
three decades has helped thousands of
people across the country find relief
from stress and chronic pain. Current
research indicates that mindfulness is
as effective as antidepressant medication in preventing depression relapses
—without unhealthy side effects!
Mindfulness also lowers heart rate and
improves immune functioning. And
its portable—no special equipment or
location needed, only a few moments
of attention.
I’m grateful that mindfulness
and meditation practices have nour-
ished me for 30
years. In the 1980s,
while working as
a therapist and in
graduate school,
I experienced the
power and promise
of mindfulness and
decided to make
it the core of my
integrative work for
healing and growth – for individuals,
couples and groups. Recently a client
said “Mindfulness supports me in being more open in our therapy work
and more real, self-aware, and present
in my life.” For couples, moments of
mindfulness help calm and clear their
minds so they can speak from the heart
and thoughtfully apply new ways of
communicating. One client added:
“when sitting quietly
together, it feels like my
partner and I bond on a
much deeper level.”
How can mindfulness
support you?
• Relieve depression
and anxiety
• Engage authentically and skillfully
in relationships
•Transform habitual
patterns of thought,
feeling and behavior
• Adapt to transition
and loss
• Experience some
relief from chronic
illness and pain
• More creativity and
• More happiness,
peace of mind, aliveness
• Develop emotional
intelligence, equanimity, more
• Gain clarity, purpose and alignment with higher values
• Insight and wisdom
Mindfulness originated in Buddhism, but you don’t have to be interested in Buddhism to practice and
benefit. Buddhism encourages practice
rather than belief. Buddha didn’t teach
doctrines about enlightenment but
rather how to realize enlightenment
—and the way we realize enlightenment is through our direct experience.
Through mindfulness, we experience
life directly and fully in this moment,
with no mental filters separating us
from being completely present. The
sunlight of awareness can then reveal
ordinary life as it truly is—sacred.
Hollye Hurst, MFT, PhD (East-
West Psychology, CIIS), ordained
member of Thich Nhat Hanh’s Zen
I’m happy to support you in learning mindfulness and other means of
healing and growth in my Santa Cruz
practice for individuals and couples. I
also offer SandPlay Sessions and small
groups including The SandPlay Experience, BodySoul and DreamLife—using dreams for healing, creativity and
reclaiming inner wisdom. My website
Call: (831) 824-7900.
Page 21 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 — April 4, 2013
Using Hypnosis & NLP for Allergies
by Rainya Dann
hat is an Allergy? An allergy is an overreaction on the part of the
immune system. Michael
Levy, an immunologist
who worked for the World
Health Organization said,
“Allergies are like a phobia
of the immune system.”
Phobias are overreactions
to something. Allergies,
then, are like overreactions
of the immune system to
things that were not necessarily dangerous
in and of themselves, but that at one time
your body thought they were.
Allergic responses can be eliminated
quickly using Hypnotherapy and Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) with a powerful technique called the Counter-Example
Process designed by masterful NLP teachers
Robert Dilts and Tim Halbom.
Allergies tend to develop during times
when you are in a life transition. If you have
an allergy, think back to when it began. In
my work I have found that when a client
is transitioning from one way of being to
another they find themselves off balance
and the immune system is in a heightened
state of alert. An allergic response happens
when the immune system mistakenly thinks
something that is not harmful to the body is
actually dangerous. So, an allergy is basically a protective reaction on the part of the
immune system. Life transitions that can
induce such overreactions include starting
school, moving, puberty, pregnancy, divorce
and much more.
You can clear your system of allergic
and other unhealthy overreactions! When
I assist clients in this process, the first step
we take is reflecting on when it first began.
The person then thanks their body for trying
to protect them. We then acknowledge that
their body has been dealing with the issue
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in a less than resourceful way and it can make
other choices.
One man I worked
with was allergic to cats.
We discovered that his
cat allergies started
when he moved from
one home to another at
age 12. We used the
techniques and now he
is no longer allergic to
cats. In fact, he now
makes friends with stray
cats who visit his house daily.
Helping people develop a good relationship with their inner mind is an important part of the healing work. When you
have rapport with your deeper self, healing
can happen naturally and quickly. Often our
body is going out of its way to communicate
something to us. An allergy can be a message from your deeper mind to take better
care of yourself, to slow down or signal an
alert that you’ve gotten off a healthy path,
that it’s time to become true to yourself.
Hypnosis (which is deep relaxation) and
NLP techniques are gentle, yet powerful
ways to turn within and listen to the messages of our deeper selves as we move ahead
with greater health and happiness.
Always I encourage clients to utilize
medical resources. What I can offer is powerful tools for emotional healing. As Bruce
Lipton says, “everything in your mind can
heal everything in your body.”
Rainya Dann offers a free complimentary
consultation which can be done over the
phone or in person. Rainya is Director of
The Institute for Transpersonal Studies, a
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and NLP
Trainer and has been teaching hypnosis for
over 30 years. To learn more about any of
these techniques or get a private consultation call (831) 425-7837 or visit www.
Come to Our New Website:
Page 22 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 – April 4, 2013
Excel as a Leader
by Karin Leonard
hether you are a business owner, a
manager or a top-level executive,
you interact, direct and engage with
others every day. You are likely to be bright,
highly skilled and shine at what you do – that
is what makes you successful. The question is,
could you become an even better leader? Below
we examine typical factors that can facilitate a
quantum leap in leadership ability.
Build Bridges and Boundaries
Tom, director of marketing at a booming
software company, has a talent for getting the job
done. They call him “Just-do-it-Tom”. However,
his efficiency at moving forward comes with a
certain abruptness. Tom does not take time out to
consider others, and he often offends employees
as well as customers. By not establishing rapport,
Tom is losing long-term effectiveness. Balancing
tasks with the importance of honoring relationship is more successful in the end.
If you are typically more goal-oriented
than relationship-oriented, experiment with
meeting others where they are, before you lead in
the direction you want to go. In case you tend to
be too relationship centered, and find that you do
not get enough things done, set clear boundaries
with others about your availability.
Lead with Mutual Respect
Lisa, senior manager at a pharmaceutical
firm, has what it takes to be promoted to a director
position. She has winning ideas, and gets along
well with employees and coworkers. However,
Lisa tends to hold back in meetings and does not
provide strong enough leadership with her direct
reports. Lisa, for fear of being perceived as aggressive, fails to be assertive when necessary.
Learning to distinguish healthy assertiveness
from aggression is key to effective leadership.
Assertiveness is built on mutual respect, and assumes that both parties can win. Become more
at ease with asserting what you want by gradually
extending your comfort zone: Take small risks,
make clear requests and only agree to what you
can and want to do.
Put the Oxygen Mask on Yourself First
These days, being a leader and having
a life out of balance are almost synonymous.
However, to have your career and your health
Let Go…
last, make self-care
a priority. This is
a must. Burnt-out
leaders are no good
to anyone – neither
workplaces nor their
families. Just like
your friendly flight
attendant asks you
to put the oxygen
mask on yourself
first, and then on
your child, approach life by attending to your
own needs on the front end. This means taking
care of body, mind and soul, and building a sustainable rhythm of work, home and play. What
can you do this coming week to head toward a
more balanced life?
The time for taking care of YOU
is right now. Body, mind, and spirit
may come into balance with attuning
healing support.
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Excel through Coaching
Bill, CEO of a manufacturing firm, is
perceived to be highly successful. What his
staff and clients do not know is the extreme daily
pressure he is under. Bill strives to be a good
leader while increasing sales. Even though he
collaborates quite well with his management
team, Bill feels alone in many of the decisions
he needs to make.
The closer you are to the top, the lonelier
it gets. High-level executives have extreme visibility, yet few if any colleagues they can turn
to for advice. Nonetheless, just like the rest of
us, they are only human and have blind spots.
Coaching can provide the confidential support
and individualized development to allow the best
to excel, making their achievements sustainable.
Receiving coaching is not a sign of weakness,
but the perfect opportunity to build on existing
strengths. If you or the leaders of your organization want to go to the next level and stay there,
coaching may be for you.
Karin H. Leonard is a certified professional
coach, personal consultant and seminar leader,
with 23 years of experience in coaching, hypnosis, NLP and conducting workshops. Karin is
a popular speaker, and available for a variety
of seminars, including coaching skills. Office
located in Santa Cruz. (831) 724-5400. Visit
Karin’s website at
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Page 23 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 – April 4, 2013
Feng Shui: The Benefits of
MIND • BODY • SPIRIT • HEART Space Clearing Ceremonies
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Adaptive Yoga Project
by Megan Montero
Annie and Mike had lived in their house
for over a year when Annie contacted me for
a Feng Shui consultation because the previous
tenant, Marsha, was harassing them. Marsha
had lived there for seven years until she was
evicted for removing all of the windows. Before
moving in, the landlord put the windows back in,
painted the walls and put in new carpet. Good
as new, right?
From the Feng Shui perspective the unseen
energy left by the previous occupants can have a
drastic effect on the lives of future residents. This
‘predecessor energy’ will have the biggest impact
if the predecessors have been through something
like a divorce, a health crisis, a bankruptcy or if
they were emotionally unstable, as in this case.
Clearing this energy is necessary so the current
occupants can have a clean slate from which to
live their lives.
After Annie and Mike moved in, Marsha
would find them at their work and ask about ‘her’
plants and her dog, which was buried in the yard,
often inconveniencing Annie’s checkout line with
her questions. Marsha would regularly drive by
the house to see if Annie and Mike were away.
Once she dug up two plants from the yard; two
months later she took a tall bush. Annie and
Mike’s stress had been mounting and Marsha’s
plant theft was the last straw.
The first priority in Annie and Mike’s
case was to clear Marsha’s unstable predecessor
energy. I recommended two Feng Shui space
clearing ceremonies to remove the hold Marsha’s
energy had on their home and lives. I also suggested several Feng Shui solutions to correct
the energy flow of the house. We were amazed
to see how the Feng Shui and space clearing affected their lives.
with Annica Rose E-RYT 500,
Certified Yoga Therapist
Right after
the space clearing
Mike felt so good
in the house he began to spend time
at home relaxing
and he started
playing the guitar
again. The next
day, roofers unexpectedly came to
put on a new roof.
Megan Montero
This was a miracle
because the landlord had been promising a new
roof since they moved in. This had been frustrating to my clients because the landlord would not
paint the house until the roof was done, and the
house had big patches of different color paint.
The roofers brought a dumpster for the old roof
and Annie got permission from the landlord to
put in it all the junk that Marsha had left on the
property. The landlord was shockingly helpful
after his unreliable history. A week after our
Feng Shui appointment the painters arrived to
paint the house and the landlord even consulted
Annie on what color to paint the house.
The best change of all was that Marsha
stopped harassing them, she moved on with her
life leaving Annie and Mike to move on with
Megan Montero is a Feng Shui Consultant based
in Santa Cruz. She offers Feng Shui consultations throughout the Santa Cruz and Monterey
bay area and by phone. Megan also practices
Plant Spirit Medicine in Santa Cruz. To contact
Megan about Feng Shui Consultations, classes or
healing work, please call her at (831)-588-5424.
Visit Megan’s website at
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Continued from Page 9
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Comprehensive List of GMO Products
Ortega (Nestle) -Taco Sauce -Salsa Prima
Homestyle -Salsa Prima Roasted Garlic -Salsa Prima
3 Bell Pepper -Thick & Chunky Salsa
Pace (Campbells) -Chunky Salsa -Picante
Tostitos Salsa (Frito-Lay/Pepsi) -All Natural -All
Natural Thick & Chunky -Roasted Garlic -Restaurant
Cookies ~Genetically Engineered
Delicious Brands (Parmalat) -Animal Crackers Ginger Snaps -Fig Bars -Oatmeal -Sugar-Free
Duplex -Honey Grahams -Cinnamon Grahams Fat Free Vanilla Wafers -English Toffee Heath
Cookies -Butterfinger Cookies -Skippy Peanut Butter
Famous Amos (Keebler/Flowers Industries) Chocolate Chip -Oatmeal Raisin -Chocolate
Sandwich -Peanut Butter Sandwich -Vanilla
Sandwich -Oatmeal Macaroon Sandwich
Frookies (Delicious Brands/Parmalat) -Peanut
Butter Chunk -Chocolate Chip -Double Chocolate Frookwich Vanilla -Frookwich Chocolate -Frookwich
Peanut Butter -Frookwich Lemon -Funky Monkeys
Chocolate -Ginger Snaps -Lemon Wafers
Keebler (Keebler/Flowers Industries) -Chips
Deluxe -Sandies -E.L. Fudge -Soft Batch Chocolate
Chip -Golden Vanilla Wafers -Droxies -Vienna
Fingers -Fudge Shoppe Fudge Stripes -Fudge
Shoppe Double Fudge & Caramel -Fudge Shoppe
Fudge Stix -Fudge Shoppe Peanut Butter Fudge
Stix -Country Style Oatmeal -Graham Originals Graham Cinnamon Crisp -Graham Chocolate Graham Honey Low Fat -Crème Filled Wafers Chocolate Filled Wafers
Nabisco (Nabisco/Phillip Morris) -Oreo,(all
varieties) -Chips Ahoy!(all varieties) -Fig
Newtons (and all Newtons varities) -Lorna Doone Nutter Butters -Barnum Animal Crackers -Nilla
Wafers -Nilla Chocolate Wafers -Pecanz Shortbread Family Favorites Oatmeal -Famous Wafers -Fudge
Covered Mystic Sticks -Honey Maid Graham
Crackers -Honey Maid Cinnamon Grahams -
Honey Maid Chocolate Grahams -Honey Maid
Oatmeal Crunch -Teddy Grahams -Teddy Grahams
Cinnamon -Teddy Grahams Chocolate -Teddy
Grahams Chocolate Chips -Café Cremes Vanilla Café Crème Cappuccino
Pepperidge Farm (Campbell’s) -Milano -Mint
Milano -Chessmen -Bordeaux -Brussels -Geneva Chocolate Chip -Lemon Nut -Shortbread -Sugar Ginger Men -Raspberry Chantilly -Strawberry
Verona -Chocolate Mocha Salzburg -Chocolate
Chunk Chesapeake -Chocolate Chunk Nantucket Chocolate Chunk Sausalito -Oatmeal Raisin Soft
Sesame Street (Keebler) -Cookie Monster Chocolate Chip -Chocolate Sandwich -Vanilla
Sandwich -Cookie Pals -Honey Grahams -Cinnamon
Grahams -Frosted Grahams
Snack Wells (Nabisco/Phillip Morris) -Devil’s
Food -Golden Devil’s Food -Mint Crème -Coconut
Crème -Chocolate Sandwich -Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Chip -Double Chocolate Chip
Crackers ~ Genetically Engineered Ingredients
Keebler (Keebler/Flowers Industries) Town House -Club -Munch ‘Ems (all varieties) Wheatables -Zesta Saltines -Toasteds (Wheat,
Onion, Sesame & Butter Crisps) -Snax Stix (Wheat,
Cheddar & original) -Harvest Bakery (Multigrain,
Butter, Corn Bread)
Nabisco (Nabisco/Phillip Morris) -Ritz (all
varieties) -Wheat Thins (all) -Wheatsworth -Triscuits Waverly -Sociables -Better Cheddars -Premium
Saltines (all) -Ritz Snack Mix (all) -Vegetable Flavor
Crisps -Swiss Cheese Flavor Crisps -Cheese
Nips (all) -Uneeda Biscuits
Pepperidge Farm (Campbell’s) -Butter Thins Hearty Wheat -Cracker Trio -Cracker Quartet Three Cheese Snack Stix -Sesame Snack Stix Pumpernickel Snack Stix -Goldfish (original, cheddar,
parmesan, pizza, pretzel) -Goldfish Snack Mix (all)
Red Oval Farms (Nabisco/Phillip Morris) -Stoned
Wheat Thin (all varieties) -Crisp ‘N Light Sourdough
Rye -Crisp ‘N Light Wheat
Sunshine (Flowers Industries) -CheezeIt (original & reduced fat) -Cheeze-It White Cheddar Cheeze-It Party Mix -Krispy Original Saltines
Page 24 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 – April 4, 2013
Finding the Master Within
“It is the Hallmark of any deep truth that its negation is also a
deep truth.” Niels Bohr, physicist, in conversation with Einstein
by Paddy Easton Graves
I had a photo of Oscar Pistorius
on my dojo wall as a role model - it
takes enormous courage and discipline
to get to the Olympics and fulfill a life’s
dream, even in the best of conditions;
yet, it takes even greater courage, and
more, to sustain yourself here. A good
teacher can help a student become a
champion; yet, only the Master within
can sustain them here.
Understanding the quantum
nature of self-sabotage may be key
in both learning and teaching. There
is a syndrome here - a human condition that can give insight into why we
undermine ourselves, and subconsciously, or intentionally, resist the full
expression of the gifts we were born
with, and the ones we’ve worked so
hard for. Perhaps this condition can be
best understood and addressed through
the universal law of attraction, rather
than the circular, linear, and endless
story in the mind. The most effective
formula for transcending the resistance
to living one’s full potential may be
as simple as stepping into the Master
within, the God Self, from which all
true power comes. We can’t get rid of
our human side, as life cannot exist
independent of the double helix, but
maybe we can be in harmony with
Why is mediocrity a life-style
for so many? What is the belief that
keeps us from stepping into our own
magnificence? Why are we so reticent
about standing out in the crowd, tak-
ing risks, and having success that may
offend others? Why is it so difficult to
view adversity as an opportunity for
self-mastery? Why does the thought of
having the power of the universe to use
and create with, bring on (sometimes
paralyzing) fear, even when we understand the science and the source?
In physics and in nature, like
attracts like, and when someone boldly
alters the status-quo of a “deep truth”
“There are plenty of
difficult obstacles in your
path – don’t let yourself be
one of them.”
Ralph Marston
they create a temporary state of chaos
that causes most to seek the quickest
path back to what feels safe and familiar, most likely a programmed and
limited perception. People will either
be inspired by your success, use it for
themselves, or they will negate it, and
invite you to leave their stage. This
syndrome may come from an identity
based on the external world, the ‘them’
out there, along with a primary fear of
rejection, abandonment, being wrong,
or appearing foolish. In other words,
you can’t get Here from There.
Get a hold of your Inner Master,
step into it, and follow the passion in
your heart, no matter how outrageous,
or unlikely it may seem, and no matter what voices are telling you to get
real, be mature, stop dreaming and
grow old, like normal people. From
declaration of intent, a new vortex
of power, joy, and success begins to
take form, and becomes an entity of
its own, which we can choose to live
in…or not. The climb to excellence is a
lesson in determination, perseverance,
and patience - to live in sustained excellence is to choose the deep truth of
the high road when both the ego and
the soul are on the same line.
I have seen how quickly one
can bring their dream into reality when
the student and the Inner Master are in
harmony. This one step quantum leap
is a challenging, paradoxical, and lifechanging path, and only the true thrill
and truth seekers will dare to take it!
Paddy Easton Graves is a writer, author, ‘Extraordinary’ Life
Coach, and Martial Artist. Contact:
The Martial Arts
MINORSAN Self Defense & Fitness
Serving the community’s martial arts, self-defense & fitness needs since 1985.
Build your confidence & empower yourself with programs that work.
Dio P. Santiago & Clara E. Minor @ 831.458.0900, 1320 Mission Street, Suite 1, SC 95060
The Academy of Martial and Internal Arts:
Santa Cruz’s First and Oldest Kung Fu School • Adults only, 18 and older
After 40 years, we can say: “Not all schools are the same.”
Traditional Instruction, Authentic Methods, Certified Instructors
Bagua - Tai Chi - Qigong - Shaolin Kung Fu - First Response Self-Defense
(831) 475-1429 • 1570 Soquel Dr., S C •
Santa Cruz Bujinkan Dojo
Instructor: Mark Roemke Bujinkan Ninjutsu, Aikido, Iaido, Yoga. All ages
Two weeks free instruction tryout. Private instruction available.
(831) 465-8236 or for training times & info.
For Black Belt Instruction Course:
Aikido of Santa Cruz
Instructors: Linda Holiday & Glen Kimoto
Ages: 6-Adult
The art of peace, a non-competitive Japanese martial art.
Classes 7 days a week - Visitors Welcome - Special Beginners’ Classes bi-monthly
(831) 423-8326 • • 306 Mission St., Santa Cruz 95060
Rod Sanford’s Traditional Martial Arts
Instructors (by order of seniority): Rod Sanford, Lou Jemison, Dan
Wakefield, Sean Sanford, Jennifer Farley, Diego Simkin.
Shorinji-Ryu Karate-Do, Okinawan Weaponry, T’ai Chi Chuan & Aikijujutsu
(831) 475-9676 •
4626 Soquel Drive, Soquel CA 95073
Green Forest Temple
Instructor: Scott Ripke
Ages 12 and older
Tai Chi, Long Fist, Praying Mantis, Weapons
(831) 688-6934 •
5901 Freedom Blvd., Aptos
Contact Connection Magazine at (831) 459-0522 or to get your school
listed in the Martial Arts Directory for only $25 a month or
$250 yearly..
Page 25▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 – April 4, 2013
Hello Folks,
e publish this magazine to support our community and enjoy
featuring leading theater, performances, and events. It is very important
that you, our readers, tell all of the Arts &
Entertainment Venues, businesses and
events, that you read about them in The
Connection Magazine. We appreciate your
much needed support in return. Thank you very
much! Pattie & Thom
SANTA CRUZ • 831-423-1336
Friday, March 8
AGES 16+
AKA Frank
also DJ
Pony P
$20 Adv./ $25 Drs. • Drs. 8 p.m./ Show 8 p.m.
Friday, March 8 • In the Atrium • AGES 21+
plus The Magic
Hats $9/ $12 • 8:30 p.m./ 9 p.m.
Saturday, March 9 • In the Atrium • AGES 21+
$15 Adv./ $20 Drs. • Drs. 9 p.m./ Show 9:30 p.m.
Sunday, March 10 • In the Atrium • AGES 16+
CLYDE CARSON $10/ $15 • 8:30 p.m./ 9 p.m.
Thursday, Mar. 14 • In the Atrium • AGES 21+
plus Warcorpse
$5 Drs. • 8:30 p.m./ 9 p.m.
Friday, March 15 • In the Atrium • AGES 21+
also Odessa
plus Little People
$15 Adv./ $18 Drs. • 8:30 p.m./ 9 p.m.
Saturday, March 16 • In the Atrium • AGES 21+
$15 in Adv./ $20 Drs. • Drs. 8:30 p.m./ Show 9 p.m.
Sunday, March 17 • AGES 16+
J Boog
also Hot
$25 Adv./ $30 Drs. • Drs. 7 p.m./ Show 8 p.m.
Sunday, March 17 • In the Atrium • AGES 21+
Sat. • Mar.9 • 9pm • $12adv/$15dr
• Dance String Band/Americana/Rock/
Tue. • Mar.12 • 7:30pm • $15
Sun. • Mar.17 • 7pm • $12adv/$15dr
Corn Beef & Cabbage Dinner Special
Wed. • Mar.20 • 7:30pm • $12adv/
Masters of Bluegrass/Old Time Music
Fri. • Mar.22 • 8pm • $17adv/$20dr
Honky Tonk/Swing/Vintage/Classical
Wed. • Apr.3 • 7:30pm • $12adv/$15dr
Fri. • Apr.5 • 8pm • $15 • Dance
It’s A Beautiful Day
San Francisco Rock Legends
WILD ROVERS NO COVER • 8:30 p.m./ 9 p.m.
Tuesday, March 19 • In the Atrium • AGES 21+
plus Dirty
also Up All Night $8 Drs. only • 8:30 p.m./ 9 p.m.
Wednesday, Mar. 20 • In the Atrium • ALL AGES
(((folkYEAH!))) presents
$12 Adv./ $15 Drs. • Drs. 8:30 p.m./ Show 9 p.m.
Thursday, March 21
AGES 16+
$16 Adv./ $20 Drs.
Drs. 7 p.m./ Show 8 p.m.
VIP Meet & Greet TBD
Thursday, Mar. 21 • In the Atrium • AGES 21+
also Pure Roots
plus Just Chill
$5 Drs. • Drs. 8:30 p.m./ Show 9 p.m.
Friday, March 22 • In the Atrium • AGES 21+
plus Grupo Corsario
$12 in Adv./ $15 Drs. • Drs. 8:30 p.m./ Show 9 p.m.
Saturday, March 23 • In the Atrium • AGES 16+
plus Prof also Fawshawn
$18 Adv./ $23 Drs. • Drs. 8:30 p.m./ Show 9 p.m.
Sunday, March 24 • In the Atrium • AGES 16+
plus Black Tusk also Ken
Mode and Fight Amp
$12 in Adv./ $14 Drs. • Drs. 8 p.m./ Show 8:30 p.m.
Monday, March 25 • In the Atrium • AGES 16+
MAPS & ATLASES plus Young Man
$10 Adv./ $12 Drs. • Drs. 8:30 p.m./ Show 9 p.m.
Tuesday, March 26 • In the Atrium • AGES 16+
JAKE MILLER $14/ $19 • 7:30 p.m./ 8 p.m.
Thursday, March 28 • AGES 21+
Living Colour
$19 Adv./ $24 Drs. • Drs. 7 p.m./ Show 8 p.m.
Mar 28 The Redlight District Atrium (Ages 21+)
Mar 29 Grieves Atrium (Ages 16+)
Mar 30 King Dude Atrium (Ages 16+)
Mar 31 Tech N9ne (Ages 16+)
Apr 3 Trinidad James (Ages 16+)
Apr 4 Pierce The Veil (Ages 16+)
Apr 5 Zion I/ The Grouch/ Eligh (Ages 16+)
Apr 6 Mochipet Atrium (Ages 18+)
Apr 15 Dropkick Murphys (Ages 21+)
Apr 17 2 Chainz (Ages 16+)
Apr 18 Tegan & Sara (Ages 16+)
Apr 23 Local Natives (Ages 16+)
May 16 Dub FX Atrium (Ages 21+)
May 18 Mobb Deep Atrium (Ages 16+)
May 22 Cold War Kids (Ages 16+)
May 26 Opeth/ Katatonia (Ages 16+)
June 5 New Found Glory (Ages 16+)
Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating.
Page 26
Monday, March 11 U 7:30 pm
Friday, March 15 U 7:30 pm
Saturday, March 16 U 7:30 pm
Monday, March 18 U 7 pm
Thursday, March 21 U 7 pm
Monday, March 25 U 7 pm | No Comps
Thursday, March 28 U 7 pm
Monday, April 1 U 7 pm
Thursday, April 4 U 7 pm
Monday, April 8 U 7 pm
Advance tickets at and
Logos Books & Records and. Dinner served
1-hr before Kuumbwa presented concerts.
Premium wines & beer. All ages.
320-2 Cedar St [ Santa Cruz
by Karin Leonard & Daniel Robin
ach month, we select our favorite
or otherwise important films to be
featured on this page. We rate
them, subjectively, on a scale from 1
(worthless) to 5 (awesome) in terms of
their entertainment and message. We
leave the plot details and storytelling
to the filmmakers and instead attempt
to characterize, highlight strengths
and flaws, and hint at purpose. Reach
us at
With Ben Affleck, Alan Arkin, John
Entertainment: 4.5 Message: 3
ased on a little-known, Iran hostage
crisis in 1979, when 52 Americans
were seized in the US Embassy in
Tehran, this is one of the most gripping,
well executed and tightly edited movies of 2012. Ben Affleck does a fine
job directing and acting, retelling the
incredible odyssey of this covert CIA
operation through an outstanding cast
and script. This is not a cautionary tale
or about politics – it is history recast and
Kyle Eastwood Group, a bassist,
singer, bandleader, composer and
son of Clint Eastwood. Thu. Mar.
21 st , Le Boeuf Brothers & Myth
String Quartet combine to perform
“A Dream: The Musical Imagination of
Franz Kafka”, composed and narrated
by Remy Le Boeuf.
Coaster’s Bar & Grill: Fri. Mar.
22nd, The Billy Martini Show debuts
for the first time at Coaster’s and it’s
free. If you like 70’s music you owe it
to yourself to see this band.
Concerts in Retro:
Here are my reviews of some
recent shows. Remember this is only
my opinion.
At The Crow’s Nest: The Billy
Martini Show as usual hosted an
energetic fun dance party. FYI The
Showtime series “Shameless” season
3 episode 8 will feature an original
Billy Martini Show song “Relax Be
At Seabright Brewery: Tsunami with driving guitars and a vocal
mix featuring three dynamic lead singers did a really great job especially in
the genre of southern rock.
Are you a local band that would
like your CD reviewed in this publication? Send your CD to Music Connection, c/o Janet Leonard, PO Box 1151,
Aptos CA 95001. Call (831) 325-4605
or email
to tell me about gigs for live reviews.
Put “Music Connection” and your
band’s name in the subject line.
played for
entertainment and
on non-violent conflict
Rated R for
language and some scenes of violence,
but the focus is mostly on the “strategic
risk,” bringing it up close and personal.
An engaging and suspenseful human
drama, with a good dose of humor.
Don’t miss this one … won the Oscar
for Best Picture, Writing and Film Editing of 2012 (2 hrs).
Jack the Giant Slayer
With Eleanor Tomlinson, Stanley
Tucci, Ian McShane, Bill Nighy, Ewan
Entertainment: 3.5 Message: 4
surprisingly well-executed interpretation of the beloved fairy tale,
with a smart script and great cast,
this is mythological storytelling at its
finest. Thanks to digital effects, “feefi-fo-fum” comes alive, and the giants
are a bit more real in all their ugliness
than is probably necessary, but making for great villains. Stanley Tucci is
perfect as the ambitious Lord
Roderick, demonstrating once
again that too much power in
the wrong hands is a seriously
bad idea. Ewan McGregor
inspires as Elmont, fearless
palace guard with an attitude.
The results are impressive
and engaging, not at all cartoonish, with a spunky sense
of humor. The main characters define their own terms,
move deftly beyond perceived
limitations, and nobody plays
the victim. This is quite the
epic hero’s journey, delivering
enchanted, adult and kidfriendly family entertainment
(1 hr 54 min).
With Daniel Day-Lewis, Sally
Field, Jackie Earle Haley,
Tommy Lee Jones
Entertainment: 4 Message:
his stellar masterpiece from director Steven Spielberg delivers a
riveting history lesson and Lincoln
Memorial that comes alive with meaning. A remarkable acting achievement
from Daniel Day Lewis (Oscar for
best actor). America’s beloved 16th
president comes boldly forward in this
brilliant biopic, and we forget we are
watching an actor on screen. Elegantly
focused on January of 1865, Lincoln’s
battle to abolish slavery becomes
the lens through which Spielberg
provides fascinating insight into this
president as story teller, uniter and
man of integrity (and a Republican no
less). We witness the early political
process, even more cantankerous than
today, amazingly enough. Tommy Lee
Jones is also a treat as surly, intense
Thaddeus Stevens, and Sally Fields
rules as Lincoln’s volatile First Lady
(2 hrs 30 min).
With Maggie Smith, Billy Connolly,
Michael Gambon, Tom Courtenay,
Pauline Collins
Entertainment: 4 Message: 4
ounter to the trend of violent, horrific, or just plain stupid films, this
charming, thoughtful and bittersweet
tale speaks to the human condition
– possibly too much “humanity” for
some movie-goers – capturing and
celebrating the advancing years of
accomplished musicians all living
under one roof. As Dustin Hoffman’s
directorial debut (at 75), this British
social dramedy speaks to the artist
in all of us. The story warmly and
tastefully unfolds on this mixed-up
household of musical characters, a
miniature society of everyone doing
the best they can with ageing. The
triumphs of their earlier years – like a
series of climbed mountaintops – give
way to more pedestrian, daily routines,
and inevitable health challenges, but
the creative spark is always present
and easily rekindled. Plenty of humor
with a great ensemble cast, we are
reminded of Bette Davis’ observation
“aging is not for sissies,” and offered an
inspiring view of growing old gracefully
(1 hr 29 min).
▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 — April 4, 2013
Page 27
Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 877-435-9849 & online
Celebrating Creativity
Since 1975
by Janet Leonard
y deepest sympathies go
out to the families of the two
fallen Santa Cruz Police Officers, Sgt. Loran Butch Baker and
Det. Elizabeth Butler killed in the line
of duty. We have been lucky until now.
This senseless tragedy reminds us of
how police are at risk every day just
performing their duties keeping the
peace for us here in what’s still paradise. We can’t thank them enough.
The Santa Cruz County Symphony’s 4 th, a concert to find the
Symphony’s Next Maestro features
Daniel Stewart, the youngest of the
candidates. He is currently the Conductor of The Metropolitan Opera’s
Lindemann Young Artist Development
Program in partnership with the Juilliard School. Come share the infectious joyful energy of Rossini—Overture to the Barber of Seville, Brahms
- Symphony No. 2 and Bruch—Violin
Concerto No. 1 performed with special guest violinist, rising star, Francesca dePasquale. Two performances
will be held, Sat. Mar. 23rd at 8pm at
the Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium
and Sun. Mar. 24 th at 2pm at the
Mello Center in Watsonville. Get your
tickets at
Some music scene
Don Quixote’s:
Sun. Mar. 17 th , St.
Patrick’s Celebration, 7pm, Story Road
featuring members of
Molly’s Revenge John Weed and
Stuart Mason, Celtic singer Colleen
Raney plus Johnny B Connolly of
Dublin, Ireland and The Rosemary
Turco Irish Dancers. Go early for the
corn beef & cabbage dinner special.
The Crow’s Nest: Sun. Mar.
17th, 4-7pm, St. Patrick’s Party with
The Wild Rovers, sea chantey and
Irish drinking songs.
The Catalyst: Sun. Mar. 17th,
9pm, St. Patrick’s Day Celebration
with The Wild Rovers. Thu. Mar.
21st, James Durbin, finally here, in
support of his first album “Memories
of Beautiful Disaster”, hometown
rocker “has a singular focus and a
noble goal and that’s to have you
standing on your feet, pumping your
fi rst in the air and rocking the hell
out for every minute of his concert.”
Thu. Mar. 28th, Living Colour, 25th
Anniversary Tour of their debut record
“Vivid” with their signature song “Cult
Of Personality”.
Henflings: Fri. Mar. 15th, The
Devil Himself, high energy alternative
metal/hard rock 4-piece band formed
in Santa Cruz in 2006 plus Ghost At
Sea, punk, blues and rock.
Kuumbwa Jazz: Mon. Mar. 18th,
“There is no better indication of the
remarkable variety of
today’s Native American
music than a glance at
the award categories
for the Native American
Music Awards”
—Billboard Magazine
ocal singer-songwriter Steven Graves
from Aptos, California has been nominated
for a National Native
American Music award
for his song “White Buffalo”. The “White Buffalo”
song was co-written with
another long time local,
Ray Newkirk and features
a Lakota Elder, Curtis Fire and his family who
also perform on the song which was released by
Graves in 2012 on his “Matter of Time” CD. The
song was nominated under the “Native Heart”
category, which was created to allow artists who
don’t have Native American heritage to participate
in the ceremony.
The 14th Annual Native American Music
Awards is scheduled for Friday, May 10, 2013, at
the Niagara Events Center, in Niagara, New York.
Nominees for the Awards ceremony were announced on Tuesday, February 12th, 2013.
Public voting has been launched through the
website (www.nativeamericanmusicawards.
com). The event features more than 35 diverse
awards categories.
Created in 1998, the Native American Music
Awards is the world’s leading membershipbased association consisting of music industry
professionals directly involved in the recording
and distribution of traditional and contemporary
Page 26
Native American music.
The growing success of
the Awards Show now
features over one hundred and Àfty nominees
annually, with at least
one third of those nominees being new artists.
For the past fourteen
years, the Awards has
set industry standards
for professional Native
American musicians
who are gaining greater
acceptance and exposure from both national
and international audiences.
The “White Buffalo” song celebrates the
Lakota Nation’s spiritual
tradition of White Buffalo Woman who, as legend
has it, appeared to Sitting Bull and brought the
native people the sacred pipe, access to the
buffalo as a sacred animal, and the holistic world
view that deÀnes Native American spiritual beliefs.
Recording on the White Buffalo song with Steven
are many prominent local musicians including
Dayan Kai, who also produced the record, Tammi
Brown, and Bill Walker. Steven was also inspired
to create the website: where his music can be downloaded
with 100% of the proceeds going to help Native
American communities.
Steven will be performing with his band
on March 8th at the Kuumbwa Jazz Center in
Santa Cruz. For more information go to: www. or (831) 325-1219.
Alaskan Cruise Events
July 28-August 4
Angel Messages Retreat
with Doreen Virtue
Miracles Happen
with Dr. Brian Weiss
Take the next Step in Healing Your Life!
Tracy Arm | Juneau | Sitka | Ketchikan
Visit or call
888-259-9191 ext. 1262
for full details and registration
The Life of Pi
T H E TA H E A L I N G :
Lynda Chaikin
“My doctor referred me to Lynda
Chaikin and her ThetaHealing for severe post traumatic stress symptoms related to life long unresolved traumas that
had started affecting my physical health. Since
my early 20’s, I had tried numerous types of
therapy but found that they all made things worse
by triggering buried memories that I then couldn’t
turn off. By the time I arrived at Lynda’s ofÀce, I
had been suffering for 12 years. I actually thought
that my accumulated traumas were beyond
help, but I was wrong. After the Àrst session of
ThetaHealing I began to feel some relief. Lynda
was extremely patient and caring as we cleared
the many levels of traumas that I had carried for
so long. I am so very grateful that words alone
cannot express my gratitude.
At my doctor’s ofÀce a year later for my physical, I asked her what she would suggest for my
low thyroid. Her answer, “ThetaHealing”!
I am thrilled to now be taking the basic ThetaHealing CertiÀcation Class to further the healing
for myself and for my family.”
Becky, Santa Cruz
w/Reverend, Reiki Master & Teacher Michele DeMoulin’s
Learning this beautiful healing art from Michele was a pure blessing in itself. I knew when I
heard her gentle voice that I was being guided in
the right direction. All the barriers around my heart
melted and reached out to be Àlled with love and
bliss. She is a magical mapmaker. She also helped
me clear the path so
that my Soulmate could
arrive in perfect timing.
I was blessed to have
her presence every
step of the way during this beautiful transforming
Melissa, Eldorado Hills
It was my great pleasure to purchase my
very Àrst brand new car at Toyota of Santa Cruz
in August of 2007. My car buying experience was
wonderful - no pressure, just information on options, a great price on the car, and they gave me
a fair price for my trade-in vehicle. I have enjoyed
excellent customer service ever since. All the
regularly scheduled maintenance has been done
at this dealership, and they have been consistently
reasonably priced, prompt, reliable and courteous.
I appreciate their customer shuttle, free car wash
after service, and their quiet, comfortable lounge
area. The Prius has needed no repairs the entire
time. I highly recommend Toyota of Santa Cruz!
Lynda Chaikin, MercifulHeavens
ThetaHealing®, Santa Cruz
Nestled away from the downtown and yet,
only a few feet away from it, Tea House Spa is
secluded, private, lovely, peaceful, relaxing yet
energizing—just a perfect experience to get revitalized. Whether it is with a hot tub, a massage
with it or not, etc.
My boyfriend brought me there. I can hardly
wait to return.
Annalyn Morales, Aptos
Page 27
Page 29
water becomes poetry in motion, reÁecting dreamlike skies, sunsets and stars as well as revealing
miracles above and below the ocean surface. In
addition, there’s the search for God and meaning,
a ferocious wild Bengal Tiger “on board,” and a
frame of retrospective storytelling that holds it all
together, … all adds up to a fabulous movie-going
experience. Oscar recipient for best original score,
the dialogue might have been edited a touch, but
otherwise this is a rare gem, not to be missed on
the big screen (2 hrs 6 min).
With Suraj Sharma, Tobey Maguire, Irrfan Khan,
Gerard Depardieu, Tabu
Entertainment: 4.5 Message: 4.5
ased on the 2001 Man Booker Prize-winning
novel by Yann Martel and thought to be “unÀlmable,” this amazing tale directed by Oscar-winner
Ang Lee (Hidden Tiger, Crouching Dragon), comes
vibrantly alive in masterful 3D, and earned the
Oscar for Best Cinematography. Gorgeous visuals
envelop us from start to Ànish: a journey Áoating on
▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 — April 4, 2013
Billboard Continued from Page 3
MAY 3-5
Give yourself a true spiritual gift. Empower yourself to more fully
express your divine feminine. The focus of this retreat will be the
deepening of our connection with the sacred and the supporting
of ourselves and each other as women to express all the beauty
that is within us. Friday dinner to Sunday lunch. Cost (includes
six vegetarian meals and either camping, bed-rolling or day
use/local lodging): $295 if paid in full by April 26. $320 after April
26. $50 non-refundable deposit per person. $100 non-refundable
after April 26.
New YOU Wellness Coaching
Radiant wellness is the foundation from which we live.
Ear Candling
• strengthen immune system • balance energy
• clear allergies • improve drainage • relieve tension/stress
Call/email for current special...831-688-1858 /
Charlotte Carreira
The 33rd annual Rakkasah undulates into spring on the weekend
of March 15 at the Richmond Auditorium 403 Civic Center Place,
Richmond, Ca. 94804. The largest Middle-Eastern dance festival
in the world, this is an opportunity to see the many styles and
costumery of this dance culture with unparalleled vending for all
things music and dance... Not to be missed, dancers come from
across the country, and around the globe. See performances of
local treasures, Shazara dancing solo, at 3:30 on Mar. 16, and
Sese and Jannelle, with their troupes respectively on Sat., at 12,
and on Sunday, the 17th at 3:30.
“Happiness lives in a free heart”
Thich Nhat Hanh
Counseling for Individuals & Couples
• The SandPlay Experience
• Dream Groups
• Mindful Living
Hollye Hurst, PhD, MFT since 1990
(831) 824-7900 •
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFC 22014)
Psychotherapy for Individuals, Couples & Families
25 years experience
Dr. Jassy has taught
Loïc Jassy, Ph.D.
a safe and
for growth
& healing.’
◆ Couples
◆ Communication
Skills for Better
◆ Conscious
◆ Life Purpose &
Work Transitions
◆ Addiction
Looïïcc JJaasshshs.y.DD..
◆ Somatic
◆ EMDR for
◆ Process &
Gestalt Therapy
◆ Anxiety &
◆ Crisis & Grief
at the Institute of
Psychology, Center for
Spiritual Enlightment,
Esalen Institute, and
Cabrillo College and
was the Director of
Training for the
Hendricks Institute of
Soquel (831) 479-3424 | Los Gatos (408) 395-4662
• Self Esteem
• Stress Management
Inner Child Healing
Holistic Psychotherapy •Spiritual
For Individuals & Couples
• EMDR (Trauma Resolution)
Helen A. Harris, MA, LMFT (#MFC25548) • Healthy Relationships
MA-Transpersonal Counseling
• Soul Exploration
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, 21 years
• Recovery Sensitive
Who Are You Really?
Note New # - (831) 425-3405 • Soquel
Scent Free Environment
ReclaimingSoul: Discover Meaning in Crisis
• Jungian Depth Psychotherapy
• Dream Work
• BodySoul Synthesis
• Crisis • Trauma • Life Transitions
• Self-Esteem • Relationships
• Depression • Grief • Anxiety
Licenced Marriage Family Therapist #MFC34393
Tai Chi, Mantis Kung Fu, Qigong. Let my people come! In Scotts
Valley - group or private lesson from a real master.
Tom Fung (831) 438-7711
Learn to get centered and blend dynamically with others! Noncompetitive, supportive practice. Adult/Teen 8 week Intro Class:
Feb 5th (enrolling thru Feb 9th.) and T,Th 5:45 – 6:45pm, and
Sat. 9:15-10:15am. Youth classes. Aikido of Santa Cruz- nonprofit
organization- 306 Mission St, SC. Call for info, (831) 423-TEAM.
VM (831) 479-3424 DR. JASSY
Shared Heart Foundation
Barry and Joyce Vissell, a psychiatrist and nurse/therapist couple
for 46 years and longtime Santa Cruz residents, are the authors
‘I offer you
of 6 books and the founders of The Shared Heart Foundation,
dedicated to changing the world one heart at a time. Even a few
counseling sessions with either or both of them can change your
life as an individual or couple.
Lively Letters
From a Local Resident,
Although I appreciate the alternative perspective
and updates from your paper, I differ with you on the
notion that things are all rosy and full of love.
Quite the contrary in my opinion. You can believe
what you want, but this nation and this world are
heading straight into hell. America is being turned
into a fascist nazi police state.
This is NOT a “golden age” we are entering. We
are entering JUDGEMENT from a supreme Go
who is set on punishing those who have done evil
to man and the biosphere. The evil ones have yet
to do their worst works.The right wing extremists
have infiltrated Santa Cruz with disinformation and
cooptation campaigns—thrive movement meetup is a
case in point. (they are anti-agenda 21 and side with
the disinformation skeptics who debunk the threat of
global warming).
We have the right wing Texan infestation known
as ‘whole foods’ selling us GMO ‘organic’ food, and
all so-called mafia run “natural foods” stores in town
selling meat to naive consumers.
I’m sorry, but natural foods stores do NOT
sell meat. All free information outlets in town have
either been shut down or are strictly controlled and
monitored by this local mafia controlled town. i’ve
had numerous fliers at the Santa Cruz Public Library
stolen over the years, for example. Santa Cruz, once
a light unto the nation has devolved into a homeless
persecuting, cop infested, police state controlled
and mafia run enterprise complete with idiot/moron
yuppies driving around in rich, gas guzzling trucks,
hummers, mercedes, lexus and suv’s.
Local Resident, Santa Cruz
To Connection Magazine
Your January 2012 issue talking about ‘the
golden age’ makes me laugh. Why don’t you address
important issues; addresses ‘causes’—things of
Jack James, La Selva Beach
Hello, THANK YOU very much for your letter and
feedback here. We agree with you on most accounts
in your email.
However, I am not sure if you have read
our magazine much. You can, of course, read
other issues via our website at: http://www.
Even this issue, did you read the full-page we did
on the History of Gun Control? How about the last
page, Our Back COVER that is there now on Smart
Meters, Wi-Fi, etc,? Have you read that in every issue
of our magazine we have featured Smart Meter and
Wi-Fi info, etc.?
How about the fact that for the last 16 years, we
are the ONLY magazine that almost every month has
presented info to our Readership about GMOs? In
fact, Connection Magazine has been credited by the
lead person (Pamm Larry herself) that began the
‘Right to Know; Label GMO Campaign’ (Prop 37) for
being the periodical that every month has addressed
GMOs to the point that she said, I must learn more
and when she did, she began that campaign which
has now gotten the entire USA alerted to GMOS,
etc., etc.
A while back we featured one of our many GMO
issues where even the COVER of our magazine put
a graphic of Whole Foods to obviously show that they
are selling GMO foods. It was blatant!!
Did you see the issue of ours from the October
2012 Issue where the entire Cover is a chart of who
is for and who is against GMOs! A very valuable chart
that one can take shopping with them, hang on their
refrigerators, etc., etc.?? We really spelled out who
is on the MONSANTO side and what businesses are
opposed to GMOs and up for labeling them and not
having them at all!! That issue also included a very
blatant article with scientific research showing photos
of what GMOs do to rats, and most presumably to
‘we the people’ as well. Many issues with detailed info
regarding pesticides as well as what is truly 100%
Certified Organic food and why it is so important,
We have featured articles on the dangerous,
Available Wed. evenings after 5:30pm, Saturdays & Sundays. Ideal
location, elegantly furnished large group room, new carpet/paint,
valet parking, view of oaks.
plastic BPA (which has hormones in it like Estrogen
[causing many men’s breast to grow!!]) and it lines
all canned foods on store receipts, in most plastics
(unless they are labeled BPA-FREE), etc., as well as
info on HEXANE (the chemical-laden) fluids used on
all machinery that puts drinks into their containers,
bottles and even is found in canned foods, as well),
Methyl Bromide (current issue has Methyl Bromide
in it), etc. Have you read those Articles?
Have you been reading this magazine to see the
numerous Articles that we have presented regarding
CHEMTRAILS??? And, in fact, the ONLY magazine
that has presented this info including over 10 years
ago our first Articles on —even photographing
ChemTrails outside of our office to show them and
how one can distinguish which are ChemTrails and
which are regular ConTrails? And, what ChemTrails
really are. We featured info on the ChemTrail
Conference in LA, Calif just recently.
We have featured MANY articles on vaccinations
and the dangerous ramifications or even untruthful
dogma perpetrated about their value. Have you seen
those articles?
How about real, wild Salmon vs. Farmed Salmon
(horrific!)? We have one Article in this very issue about
GMO Salmon, though we have presented many.
How about our articles on the lies told about and
dangers of Aspartame? And, Canola Oil?
How about our issues where we have presented
info on the Brown-Apple Moth and the poisonous
spraying in SC and Monterey Counties?
How about that our magazine was an integral
part of stopping Fluoride in Watsonville and the City
of Santa Cruz? We put an entire booklet in the center
of our magazine regarding the rat poison fluoride
with lots of scientific info in it regarding fluoride, fact,
statistics, etc., etc.? And, that we went to all of the
City Council Meetings and spoke up along with the
‘Citizens for Safe Drinking Water’? And, that almost
every issue we feature info/Articles on Fluoride??
All of this at our own expense and our hours we
put forth on Connection Magazine (which are 12+
hours five days a week and truly, often 6 days a week)
to the point of my hands now becoming so filled with
inflammation that they are a challenge to use.).
We are the one magazine that featured Articles
on meat and how toxic it is and the fact that glue is
used in a lot of it and coloring? Deplorable for sure!
We have presented info on Climate Change as
well. And, there are a few perspectives on this—
though we and our Readers know that changes are
happening and they must be addressed. We have
featured info on alternative sources for powering cars;
vehicles, etc. Have you read that info?
We are aligned with you! The people in the
THRIVE MEETUP group know about the negative
elements for sure, and they are also working on the
positive ways to bring about change? The THRIVE
Movement (the THRIVE movie itself) tells about a lot
of this info as well.
About AGENDA 21, we used to be part of that
group (we worked on it with sincerity). We would
like that to be something good for us all, however,
we have done the due diligence and, unfortunately,
now know that it is not what meets the eye. We also
realize that there are members of that group that are
TRULY wonderful people that have put forth a lot of
effort to support it as they still believe it is for the good
of all. These are good folks, like you. Do the research
on this, please.
Again, thank YOU very much for reading
Connection Magazine (to some degree) and, most
of all, for taking the time to write to us! We value
your email and input most definitely! And, we have
always encouraged participation—which you have
done here with your letter.
Again, thank you. Please write back. And,
we encourage you to look at our Archived
magazines, available on our website at: http://www.
We also encourage you to share your ideas
about what other things, areas, etc. would be good
ones to possibly include in Connection Magazine in
future issues.
I can not, at this time, take the time to more
fully explain our Center THEME from this issue. In
a future email I could, if you ask me to do so. It is
another perspective and one of hope that has ‘real
validity’, too.
One of our sincere quotes is: “Stay awake,
participate!” —which you have done. Thanks again!
Sincerely, Pattie & Thom, Publishers
Page 28▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 – April 4, 2013
by Donna Williams-Smith
any are aware of the
benefits of Japanese green
Japanese green tea differs from
Chinese green tea in that it is unfermented. With daily use, the documented health benefits of Japanese
organic green tea abound. It is nature’s
strongest antioxidant, one hundred
times more so than vitamin C, and
twenty-five times more than vitamin
E. It is a powerful immune booster
and contains bioflavonoids—a natural
antibiotic effect.
Green tea safely chelates heavy
metals, free radicals and toxins, and
with regular oral and topical use, has
many anti-aging properties. It is a
rich source of minerals: zinc, calcium,
magnesium, potassium, selenium,
chromium, iron, phosphorus and more.
It improves and
promotes the
healing of skin
afflictions, acne
and UVB damage, soothes sunburn, and has a
natural ability to
prevent scar formation. It also prevents and improves
allergic skin conditions and reactions
to products.
A research project being conducted by Dr. Stephen Hsu, a cell biologist,
on the cell rejuvenating properties of
green tea has helped establish the role
of green tea polyphenols in cancer prevention. Regarding Dr. Hsu’s scientific
findings of EGCg (epigallocatechin
gallate), the most abundant green
tea polyphenol: “...when exposed to
EGCg, the old cells are stimulated and
start dividing again” states Dr. Hsu,
“they make DNA and produce more
energy. They are reactivated. If we
can energize dying skin cells, we can
improve the skin condition in a variety
of ways.” The article notes the potential of EGCg for skin conditions such
as ulcers, psoriasis, rosacea, wrinkles,
burns, wounds and UV damage.
With this partial list of attributes,
one can imagine the enthusiasm generated when using my Japanese Green
Tea Masque formula. The second
highest ranked Tea Master in Japan
produces its organic ingredients. This
treatment also includes “the newest
and oldest” natural anti-aging, beauty
treatment, prized for centuries in
Japan – pure cold-pressed “camellia
japonica seed oil”. Safe for all skin
types, it promotes healing and cellular
repair. This oil supplies rich botanical
w/Dr. Thibodeau
Dr. Thibodeau is an excellent
Chiropractor and uses the non-force
style which is so profound, helps so
much and yet, does not ‘bone crunch’
as I have had with other Chiropractors.
Dr. Thibodeau comes form a line of
doctors and each of them are all about
health building from every aspect of
the whole person. Thank you for your
caring and expertise. Your staff is so
kind and polite, as well.
D. Williams, Santa Cruz
NATURCILLIN at Staff of Life
Health Food Store
Thank you Staff of Life for having the leading products to help us
all naturally, in the most healthful
manner. One of my family’s favorite
products is your Naturcillin which we
learned about through Connection
Magazine (thanks Connection, too, for
always featuring the best info, content,
products & services for we readers!!).
Each of the members of my family got
quite ill with the crummy flu. I saw the
Naturcillin Ad in the magazine, looked
it up online and found out that it is such
an Immune System builder. We each
took it and got better faster than any
of us had experienced before. It really
did the job. Now, we have purchased
more to always have on our bathroom
shelf, ready to go if anyone of us is not
well. It worked so well and so fast that
my entire family insists on thanking you
all here by signing their names to this
Rave Review. Thank you again!
Ellen, Robert, Jessica,
Jimmy & Wills Nelsen, Soquel
ingredients, contains natural enzymes,
essential vitamins, minerals, catechins
and mono-unsaturated fats, which are
depleted with time and are needed for
the constant rejuvenation and repair of
the skin’s dermal layers.
The method of extraction involves hand picking the fruit/seeds.
They are washed, sun/air dried and
cold pressed between two wooden
boards to gently release the oil and
then, for facial use, strained six times
through layers of silk. This results in
the highest, premium quality, facial oil
that easily penetrates and immediately
begins nourishing and renewing.
This traditional method of har-
vesting and processing is reassuring and applauded in contrast with
other methods of extraction using oven
roasted seeds, involving several processes and the use of metal machines,
where the seed are ground to extract
their oil, then strained. The traditional
method has been used for centuries for
its restorative and rejuvenating effects
on the skin. Modern research explains
its desirability.
Donna Williams-Smith is a
wholistically oriented Aesthetician,
licensed in CA and NV. Her Skincare
Services and Facial Toning are available at Angles Salon in Scotts Valley
(831) 429-9733.
Need to go somewhere
for a fun afternoon AND to buy quality
and meaningful things, like: natural
clothing, gifts, candles, nutritional
supplements, soaps, books and much
more. The Lectures they are presentCAFÉ GRATITUDE
ing are all interesting; all the best. In
This is my favorite restaurant in
fact, most of the people speaking are
town. Well, actually anywhere! The food
also in Connection Magazine. So,
is so totally deliwhen you hear them at “The Way” and
cious, healthful and
then see their Ad in the magazine, it is
beautifully prepared
a confirmation of the quality people,
and served. The
services and businesses that they
staff is the nicest.
are. We really appreciate seeing who
Thank you for the
is coming next, the sales they feature,
integrity you each
etc. Thank you!
and all have there
Marty, Sabrina & Jessy, Moss
in everyway. And,
especially, with your
food. I keep bringWhat a cool store; garden and
ing new people in
outdoor store. My parents recently went
to dine there.
there and bought many items to make a
Sally Hawthorne,
whole new look and vibe for our outdoor
Los Gatos
areas—getting ready
for the summer. They
bought a fountain and
many, many pots for a
number of uses.
And, we can also
have fun shopping at
J and S Surplus and
eat at the Whole Enchilada—all of these
businesses along Hwy
Training Teachers for over 30 years!
1 and close to each
other in Moss Landing.
200 and 500 hour trainings
A fun afternoon to go to
all three.
The Winston Family,
Angeles Arrien
Living in Gratitude ............................................................ Mar 8-10
James Baraz
Insight Meditation (Vipassana) Retreat - A Path to Happiness .... Mar 15-17
My friends and I
Michael Meade
Paths of Genius ................................................................ April 5-7
are happy to have your
schedule in Connection
David Nowell
Deep Happiness by Design ..............................April 12-14 & April 12-16
Magazine so we know
what to attend. There
Dan Millman
The Peaceful Warrior Experience - A Weekend with Dan Millman ....April 26-28
are so many wonderful Speakers at Mount
Madonna these days.
Thank you!
445 Summit Road, Watsonville, CA 95076
Jessop, Sanan, Mar408.846.4064
tha & Shant, Aptos
Opento possibility
Page 29 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 — April 4, 2013
The Music of the Spheres:
Astrological Insights by Susan Heinz
• Books • Jewelry • Aura Photography • Psychic
Readings • Gifts • Music • Goddess Wear up to 2X
Visit our website, for info on events & classes
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Receive an Astrological Life Reading
and Gain a broader perspective on your life.
•“You were born in answer to the need of the Universe.”
Experience what your chart has to reveal, as Susan attunes
to the mystery of Cosmos and Psyche. She guides you in how
to best move with the energies of these transitional times.
• Susan offers in-depth personal readings, relationship
readings, group or business readings, readings for children
and newborns, weddings, special events..
• Sue hosts a monthly talk examining personal and world
wide situations from an astrological and cyclic point
of view the first Friday of each month at her Center for
Transformative Visions.
Susan Heinz is a professional Astrologer and
teacher in Santa Cruz for 30 years, bringing
together traditional & esoteric astrology, Tarot
and Qabalah.
For more info and appointments:
(831) 479-3751 or go to
819 1⁄2 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz
Center for Transformative Visions
Intuitive Insights
here is a blessing in coming up
against one’s
mortality; life becomes
more precious. Each
instant of experience
is to be cherished, even
those we would rather
not have.
The awareness dawns, “I am not
my body. I am consciousness expressing
through the vehicle of
myself in this lifewalk. I
am gifted materiality to
express eternality. I am
a divine spark having a human experience, and I am grateful to be alive!”
The gift is being human, accepting oneself frailties and all, while knowing the deep truth of one’s existence as
the source of life, essential Energy, the
unified field of unconditional love we
love to call God.
Emotions are energy in motion.
All life is in motion, miniscule molecules
vibrating in an ocean of space. It is a
miracle really to have a body in which
to experience life, even when the body
has physical challenge.
As I face another surgery on the
road to recovery, I want to embrace the
experience, gain what I can from it.
Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 22): March
may surprise you with your sensitivity
toward others. You have the capacity
to be very tuned in. Intimacy in your
life increases. It can be a wonderful
time to deeply enjoy another. In challenging relationships, you may feel
overwhelmed, so get support to move
through many feelings. After March 11,
situations change and travel plans are
Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22): Your
sensitivity to others increases this
month. Love and partnership can be
enjoyable. A new love is idealized and
sweetness with others is highlighted.
You pick up much information through
others’ feelings. You are a great assist now with your clarity and ability
to communicate clearly what others’
experience. This is a creative time for
you, especially with quiet time.
Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22): As we
enter March, you may feel yourself
floating in a sea of possibilities with
the need to focus your energies. It can
be a fruitful artistic time as long as you
don’t resist settling in. Be flexible as
unexpected situations come from others. Your ideals are strong and you feel
emotional. After the 11th, you become
motivated and tuned in to action. Passionate energy comes your way from
Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21): A new
responsibility and focus has come into
your life. A structure or discipline will
be helpful to ground and work with
the different feelings you are having.
You may feel spacey, overwhelmed,
or overcome at times with bliss. Quiet
reflective time will support movement
from one way of being to another. After
the 11th, you are motivated to accomplish your goals.
Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 20):
In March, you continue your need to
balance work and social interactions
with quiet and reflective time within
home and family. Presently, gathering
with family and connecting emotionally,
is very important. New relationships
or collaborative projects are to your
advantage. After March 11th, this gains
momentum, continuing through the
equinox. Your actions move smoothly,
bringing excitement.
Capricorn (Dec 21- Jan 19): As
we move into March, your heart opens
to depth of feeling and intuitive perceptions. You are more sensitive to the
people around you. Keep grounded day
to day as you may feel overwhelmed.
Your anchor is contact with friends
and community as something new is
focalizing itself through your hard work.
Page 31
energy, charged with ability to
move forward and take action,
as the Sun, Mars, and Venus
join Uranus in Aries, assisted by
patient groundedness and deep
breathing, a stilling of the mind to
harness a larger picture of the future.
Through the full moon on the
27th, be thoughtful of your actions, reactions, and rash responses. Tremendous forces are in play stressing our
systems. Between the 20th and the 29th,
breathe deeply, access clear intentions
that support life sustaining growth!
Twelve opportunities for March: For
Sun and Rising Signs
Aries (Mar 20-Apr 19): You may
be experiencing waves of emotion, releasing emotional build up, continuing
until the 11th. Remember to breathe.
There is the potential for strengthening
your psyche at deep levels, especially
in relation to others. On the 12th, be
ready for a surge of energy, as Mars
moves into Aries. Time to get things
done, create new beginnings, imagine
possibilities. You are in a period of
great change. Be flexible in outlook
and interaction.
Taurus (Apr 20-May 20): As
we move into March, artistic pursuits
are strengthened. Your soul feels the
potential for great love and compassion. Connections are being made
with others and the community. You
feel more sensitive at the same time,
especially so at the New Moon on the
11th. After the 11th, attend to your desire
to change, clear things out, and map
out the actions you will take. Writing
helps your wisdom to be present.
Gemini (May 21-Jun 20): March
brings new demands for clarity in life
goals, along with attracting others
into your life work. With this Mercury
retrograde phase through the 17th, your
mind may become overloaded, or long
to soar in more imaginative, less linear
realms. Schedule time for reverie or
gardening. You are balancing expansion and new possibilities with clearing
and organizing your daily life. Group interactions increase after the 11th, along
with new people entering your life.
Cancer (Jun 21–Jul 21): What
an excellent time to review your beliefs
that set the stage for your life. Center
on your expression in accordance with
your deepest beliefs. After the 11th, take
an action to support a new direction or
a bold step toward what you want to
accomplish. The Equinox highlights a
relationship from the past. Your sensitive, deep feeling nature now supports
creative and spiritual pursuits.
he Cosmos has reached
down to us in February,
with meteor and Asteroid. March 5-13 brings Comet
Panstarrs, with the possibility of
a brilliant show. In the southern
skies at this time, stretching overhead
is the striking Orion constellation, arching upward to the Pleiades, with bright
Jupiter. Orion’s belt points to the sparkling star, Sirius, toward the southern
horizon. The Cosmos now seeks to
awaken us to our starry originals and
the miracle of life that we are. As we
enter this new age, Ganymede, the
Aquarian constellation, pours the out
the life giving elixir, a downpour of light.
Interestingly, in that area of the sky
exists Cygnus, the Swan, or Northern
Cross, with Cygnus X3 pulsating out
gamma rays and flashes of light that
some have speculated to have affected
alterations in the human DNA and our
cognitive evolution.
As we enter March, Neptune,
Venus, Chiron, Mercury, Mars and the
Sun align in Pisces. We are awash
with deep feelings and the underbelly
of society’s hidden unconscious sways
us all, with themes of old wounds,
outdated ways to live, and the great
potential for healing and renewal. Saturn in Scorpio forces us deeper into our
psyches and the interrelationships of
self and other, challenging us to attune
to finer vibrations of real intimacy with
each other and life. It is a fine edge we
walk, between drowning in the old ways
versus openings to grander and more
creative views of the vast adventure
here on planet Earth, acknowledging our tremendous unity.
Take good care of yourself at the new moon in Pisces,
on the 11th, which accentuates
the boundarilessness of your
mind and emotions to the global
suffering, pushing to be released at this time. Let yourself
move with the Piscean energy
in spiritual pursuits, meditation,
creativity, and service. Collaborate with others to envision
new beginnings and actions to
benefit change.
Mercury goes direct on
the 17th, freeing our thoughts
and plans from inner contemplations. Plans can be strengthened and implemented now.
The Spring Equinox
takes place on March
20 as the Sun moves
into fiery Aries. We will
feel drastic shifts in our
• This ancient wisdom can help you to transform and attune
to the unfolding cycles in your life.
MARCH 2013
We learn experientially, so being fully
present and available in the experience
reaps the most benefit.
We all have wonderful, spiritual
gifts. We have creative intelligence and
the ability to make choices, therefore
we can forge a life, making our way as
we will it. Acceptance of who we are is
key to being fulfilled, to loving oneself
and others.
And Who We Are is a divine
spark having a human experience.
We have the opportunity in each experience to love one another and grow
peace in this world.
Melanie Gendron is available
for intuitive tarot readings, offering as
well a variety of art and tarot products
and services, (831) 335-9064, email, visit www.
Page 30 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 — April 4, 2013
or more than 15 years in California, the Drug Policy Alliance
has sponsored and supported
some of the nation’s most progressive
drug policy reforms. DPA sponsored
landmark ballot initiatives that legalized
medical marijuana (Prop. 215 in 1996),
created the largest treatment-insteadof-incarceration program in the country
(Prop. 36 in 2000), and sought to
reduce criminal penalties for drug use
while dramatically expanding access
to drug treatment (Prop. 5 in 2008).
DPA was also a primary supporter
of Prop. 19 in 2010, which sought to
legally regulate marijuana for adult
use and helped mainstream the issue
nationwide. And in 2012, we worked
closely with allies in California to pass
a historic ballot initiative to reform the
state’s “three strikes” law.
In 2012, DPA’s California office,
with critical support from allies, suc-
ceeded in getting 911 Good Samaritan
legislation signed and enacted into law.
This law provides limited immunity to
individuals who seek medical attention
to save the life of someone experiencing an overdose. In 2013, we will
continue our work to reduce overdose
deaths by seeking expanded access
to naloxone, a generic, non-narcotic
antidote to opiate overdose.
DPA has worked tirelessly to
increase sterile syringe access in
California to prevent HIV and hepatitis
C transmission. In 2011, we won key
victories that expanded syringe access
to every county in the state. We are
preparing now to defend and expand
those victories in 2014 when the state’s
law allowing for non-prescription sales
of syringes will have to be renewed.
DPA is committed to protecting
patient access to medical marijuana in
California by playing an active role in
a number of state and local coalitions
and by voicing priorities to Sacramento
and Washington, D.C. In light of the
decisive electoral victories in Colorado
and Washington in favor of legally
regulating marijuana for adults, DPA
is excited about bringing this policy
change to California in 2016. It is time
to end decades of failed marijuana
prohibition and replace it with sensible regulations for adult marijuana
consumption, sales and cultivation.
DPA and our allies are in the planning
stages for a legalization voter initiative
for the 2016 election.
With the 2012 “three strikes”
reform’s two-to-one victory at the ballot box – as well as numerous polls
demonstrating that more than 70 percent of Californians support reducing
penalties for all drug possession and
that more than 85 percent believe nonviolent drug offenders should not be
crowded into our bursting prisons and
jails – DPA believes now is the time for
real sentencing reform in California. In
2013, we will build on our 2012 legislative efforts to reduce the criminal penalty for drug possession in California
from a felony to a misdemeanor. This
reform would move our drug policies
toward a health-centered approach,
cut wasteful drug war spending, and
reduce the life-long barriers that follow
a drug conviction. Likewise, DPA will
pursue other sentencing reforms to
eliminate outrageous racial disparities
that are endemic in drug sentencing
for people of color.
Take Action.
Urge your representatives to
protect medical marijuana from federal
You can help promote drug policies based on science, compassion,
health, and human rights.
Join Us.
Sign up to receive action alerts
and news about drug policy reform.
To get more information, donate
or join, go to: http://www.drugpolicy.
Printed with permission.
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The Music of the Spheres:
Astrological Insights by Susan Heinz
Page 30
Your drive to action becomes
stronger after the 11th. Listen to your
dreams. Drive carefully!
Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 17): As
an Aquarius, you have a deep feeling
soul that others may not always perceive because your mental dexterity is
so predominate. March highlights your
feeling nature, your deep heart, your
compassion. It sets you free to dream
a new love, a new adventure, a new
project. Listen to your dreams now as
the information they bring guide you in
new directions. If traveling, take your
MARCH 2013
time and go carefully.
Pisces (Feb 18-Mar 19): March
brings love into your life, or it broadens
your heart in love. Your idealistic self
is stimulated which can affect and encourage others. The New Moon on the
11th encourages you to embrace your
potential and plant a seed for a new
cycle. Your challenge is to resist dropping into overwhelm. Your opportunity
is to work practically, bringing through
your wisdom to share.
Susan Heinz is a professional
astrologer in Santa Cruz for 31 years,
bringing together traditional & esoteric
astrology, Tarot and Qabalah. For info
on her Friday monthly
groups, her
Qabalah and
classes and
for personal
call (831) 4793751, or go to
Page 31 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ March 8 — April 4, 2013