Venugopal Mendu CURRICULUM VITAE VENUGOPAL MENDU Assistant professor Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA. Phone: 806 834 6327 E-mail: Education: Ph.D. (2003-2008) Plant Physiology/Biochemistry/Molecular Biology Program Dep. of Plant & Soil Sciences, University of Kentucky, USA. M.S. (1998-2000) Genetics & Plant Breeding, A.N.G.R. Agricultural University, India. B.S. (1994 -1998) Major: Agriculture, A.N.G.R. Agricultural University, India. Professional appointments: 2013 - present Assistant Professor Dep. of Plant & Soil Science ( Texas Tech. University, Lubbock, TX, USA. 2012 - 2013 Postdoctoral Fellow PI: Dr. Lionel Navarro, Gene silencing and plant innate immunity lab. Institute of Biology, École Normale Supérieure (IBENS), Paris, France. 2010 - 2012 Postdoctoral Fellow PI: Dr. Seth DeBolt, Cellulose biosynthesis and biofuels lab Dep. of Horticulture, University of Kentucky, USA. 2008 - 2009 Postdoctoral Fellow PI: Dr. Peter D. Nagy, Molecular virology lab Dep. of Plant Pathology, University of Kentucky, USA. 2003 – 2008 Graduate Research Assistant Major supervisor: Dr. Guiliang Tang, Gene silencing & natural products lab Dep. of Plant & Soil Sciences, University of Kentucky, USA. Publications (Published-20; In revision-1; In preparation-6) (*Corresponding author; ΦUndergraduate student; #Graduate student; ΨPostdoc; δBorlaug Fellow/visiting student) Manuscripts in preparation (6): 1. Lancheros, M. L.δ, Y., Rai, K.M.Ψ, Balasubramanian, V.K.#, Perez, W. T.*, Mendu, V.* (2016). Annotation of transcriptome and identification of genes involved in xylem cell lignification of white teak (Gmelina arborea Robx). In preparation. 2. Mishra, D., Hendon, B. Imel, R. Rai, K.M.Ψ, Mendu, V. Hequet, E.F. and Auld, D.L. (2016) Genetic mapping of fiber quality traits in upland cotton using SSR markers. In preparation. 3. Pang, M.Ψ, Welker, CΦ#., Phu, N.H.B.#, Mendu, V.* (2016) Independent neofunctionalization of cotton fiber initiation gene. In preparation. 4. Thu, S.W.#., Rajangam A, Palmer, R. G., Mendu, V. and Sandhu D. (2016). Map based cloning and characterization of the ms4 male sterile gene in Soybean. In preparation. 5. Disasa, T.δ, Feyissa, T., Admassu, B., Mendu, V., Devillers, S., Fetene, M., and Odany, D. (2016) Screening, compiling and validation of informative microsatellite sets for marker-assisted breeding of key Ethiopian sorghum cultivars. In preparation. 1 Venugopal Mendu 6. Disasa, T.δ, Feyissa, T., Admassu, B., Paliwal, R., Mendu, V., De Villiers, S.M., Fetene, M., and Odeny, D. A. (2016). Mapping of QTLs associated to °Brix and biomass-related trait using Ethiopian sorghum germplasm. In preparation. Manuscripts in revision (1): 1. Balasubramanian, V.K.#, Rai, K.M.Ψ, Thu, S.W.#, Hii, M.M.δ, and Mendu, V.* (2016) Genome-wide identification of multifunctional laccase gene family in cotton (Gossypium spp.); expression and biochemical analysis during fiber development. In revision Nature Scientific reports. Published papers (17): 1. Shumayla., Sharma, S., Kumar, R., Mendu, V. Singh, K. and Upadhyay, S.K. (2016) Genomic dissection and expression profiling revealed functional divergence in TaLRRKs. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7:1374. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01374. 2. Rai, K.M.Ψ, Thu, S.W.#, Balasubramanian, V.K.# Cobos, C.# Disasa, T. and Mendu, V.*. (2016) Identification and Expression Analysis of Cell Wall Related Genes in Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, a Food, Fodder and Biofuel Crop. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7:1287. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01287. 3. Upadhyay, S.K., Singh, H., Dixit, S., Mendu, V., Verma, P.C. (2016) Molecular characterization of vitellogenin and vitellogenin receptor of Bemisia tabaci. PLOS ONE, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0155306. 4. Rai, K. M.Ψ, Balasubramanian, V.K.#, Welker, C.M.#Φ, Pang, M.Ψ, Hii, M.M.δ, and Mendu, V.* (2015) Comprehensive analysis and web resource devolvement on cell wall degrading enzymes from phyto-parasitic nematodes. BMC Genomics, 15:187, DOI 10.1186/s12870-015-0576-4. Highly accessed. 5. Welker, C.M.# Φ, Balasubramanian, V.K.#, Petti, C., Rai, K.M.Ψ, DeBolt, S. & Mendu, V.* (2015). Engineering plant biomass lignin content and composition for biofuels and bioproducts. Energies, 8, 7654-7676; doi:10.3390/en8087654. 6. Mendu, V., Shearin, T., Campbell, E.J., Stork, J., Jae, J., Crocker, M., Huber, G., DeBolt, S. (2012) Global bioenergy potential from high-lignin agricultural residue. PNAS, 109 (10): 4014-4019. 7. Lin, J-Y., Mendu, V., Pogany, J., Qin, J., and Nagy, P.D. (2011) The TPR domain in the host Cyp40-like cyclophilin binds to the viral replication protein and inhibits the assembly of the tombusviral replicase. PLOS Pathogens, 8(2): e1002491. 8. Mendu, V., Harman-Ware, L., Crocker, M., Jae, J., Stork, J., Morton, S., Placido, A., Huber, G., DeBolt, S. (2011) Identification and thermochemical analysis of high lignin feedstocks for biofuel and bio-chemical production. Biotechnologyforbiofuels, 4 (1): 43. 9. Mendu, V., Stork, J., Harris, D., and DeBolt, S., (2011) Cellulose synthesis in two secondary cell wall processes in a single cell type. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 6 (11), 1638-1643. 10. Mendu, V., Griffiths, J., Persson, S., Stork, J., Downie, B., Voiniciuc, C., Haughn, G. W., DeBolt, S. (2011) Subfunctionalization of cellulose synthases in seed coat epidermal cells mediates secondary radial wall synthesis and mucilage attachment. Plant Physiology, 157, 441-453. 11. Mendu, V., Chiu, M., Barajas, D. Li, Z. & Nagy, P.D. (2010) Cpr1 cyclophilin and Ess1p parvulin prolyl isomerases interact with the tombusvirus replication protein and inhibit viral replication in yeast model host. Virology, 406, 342–351. 2 Venugopal Mendu 12. Stork, J., Harris, D., Griffiths, J., Williams, B.Φ, Beisson, F., Li-Beisson, Y., Mendu, V., Haughn, G.W., and DeBolt, S. (2010) CELLULOSE SYNTHASE9 serves a nonredundant role in secondary cell wall synthesis in Arabidopsis epidermal testa cells. Plant Physiology, 153, 580-589. 13. Jia, X., Mendu, V. and Tang, G., (2010) An array platform for identification of stressresponsive miRNAs in plants. Methods Molecular Biology, 639: 253-69. 14. Jia, X., Wang, W., Ren, L., Chen, Q., Mendu, V., Willcut, B.Φ, Dinkins, R., Tang, X., and Tang, G. (2009) Differential and dynamic regulation of miR398 and its targets in response to ABA and salt stress in Populus tremula & A. thaliana. Plant Molecular Biology, 71: 51-59. 15. Tang, G., Tang, X., Mendu, V., Tang, X., Jia, X., Chen, Q., and He, L. (2008) The art of microRNA: Various strategies leading to gene silencing via an ancient pathway. BBAGene Regulatory Mechanisms, 1779: 655-662. 16. Mendu, V., Ansari, N.A. and Thota. R. (2003) Correlation and path analysis in maize (Zea mays L.) Crop Research. 25 (3): 525-529. 17. Mendu, V., Ansari N.A. and Kankati., K.G. (2002) Heterosis for yield and its component characters in maize (Zea mays L.). Research on Crops 3 (1): 72-74. Book Chapters (Total: 3) 1. Lewis, R., Mendu, V., McNear, D., and Tang, G. (2009) Roles of microRNAs in Plant Abiotic Stress, Molecular Techniques in Crop Improvement. 2nd Edition, edited by S. Mohan Jain and D.S. Brar. Springer Netherlands. 2. Tang, G., Xiang, Y., Kang, Z., Mendu, V., Tang, X., Jia, X., Chen, Q., and Tang, X., (2008) Small RNA technologies: siRNA, miRNA, antagomiR, target mimicry, miRNA sponge and miRNA profiling. Current Perspectives in MicroRNAs, Springer Netherlands, pp 17-33. 3. Mendu, V., and Hildebrand, D.F. (2006) Plant Hydroperoxide Lyases and Related Enzymes. CRC press, Chapter 24, 399-417. IN: Ching Hou & Jei-Fu Shaw, Biocatalysis and Biotechnology for Functional Foods and Industrial Products. Abstract/Poster/Oral presentations 1. Dhingra A., Balasubramanian V.#, Basu S., Mendu V., and Chris Rock (2016). The Wilty 4 mutant in maize- effect on vascular bundle cell wall S/G lignin composition. American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB), Austin, TX (July, 12-15th,). 2. Tengey, T.K.#, Chopra, R., Simpson, C.E., Mendu, V., Burow, M.D., Using SubGenome Specific Transcriptome-derived SNP Markers to Develop a Genetic Linkage Map for a BC1 Mapping population in Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). American Peanut Research and Education Society (July, 11-14th). 3. Mishra, D#., Hendon, B. Imel, R. Rai, K.M., Mendu, V. Hequet, E.F. and Auld, D.L. (2016) Genetic mapping of fiber quality traits in upland cotton using SSR markers. Beltwide Cotton Conference, New Orleans, LA. 4. Welker C. M.Φ#, Mendu V., and Pang M.Ψ, 2015, Functional evolutionary studies of a cotton fiber initiation transcription factor. 27th Annual Meeting Association for the Advancement of Industrial Crops (AAIC), Lubbock, Texas, USA. 5. Person, T.Φ, PangΨ, M. and Mendu, V. (2015) Expression profiling of cotton ghMYB25like gene A and D alleles using arabidopsis as a model system. TTU Undergraduate Research Conference. Abstract ebook, p. 146. 3 Venugopal Mendu 6. Hendon, B.R., C. Lowery, D.L. Auld, Burrow, M., Mendu V., Xu, W., and Ray, I.M. 2014. The Mutation Creation Station. ASA International Annual Meetings. Long Beach, CA. Nov. 3. p. 98. 7. Mendu V., Shearin, T., Campbell, E.J., Stork, J., Jae, J., Crocker, M., Huber, G., DeBolt, S. Global bioenergy potential from high-lignin agricultural residue. “World GIS day conference” 2011, University of Kentucky. Seminars/talks: A. Domestic: 1. Mendu V. Functional evolution and molecular characterization of genes involved in cotton fiber initiation (Invited, October 2015), Dep. Of Plant & Soil Science, TTU, Lubbock, USA. 2. Welker, C#. Functional evolutionary studies of a cotton fiber initiation transcription factor (volunteered, November 2015), Dep. Of Plant & Soil Science, TTU, Lubbock, USA. B. International: 1. Mendu V. Understanding the cotton fiber initiation mechanism (Invited, June 2016), Cotton Research Institute, Anyang, China. 2. Mendu V. Identification and characterization of genes involved in cotton fiber initiation (Invited, June 2016), Cotton Research Institute, Zhengzhou, China. 3. Mendu V. Using Arabidopsis plant model system for cotton fiber initiation studies (Invited, March, 2016), Regional Agricultural Research Station, Warangal, Telangana, India. 4. Mendu V. Functional evolution and molecular characterization of genes involved in cotton fiber initiation (Invited, January 2016), Sarawak Biodiversity Center, Kuching, Malaysia. 5. Mendu V. Plant cell wall composition, biosynthesis and biofuel production from plant biomass (Invited, January 2016). Sarawak Biodiversity Center, Kuching, Malaysia. 6. Mendu V. Functional evolution and molecular characterization of genes involved in cotton fiber initiation (Invited, January 2016), Agricultural Research Center, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Teaching (TTU) No. Course Term Title Student rating PSS4100 Fall, 2013 Senior Seminar, 4.6/5.0 1 PSS5325 Spring, 2014 Transgenic and Plant Cell Genetics 4.8/5.0 2 PSS4426 Fall, 2014 Introduction to genomics 5.0/5.0 3 PSS5426 Fall, 2014 Functional genomics 4.9/5.0 4 PSS5325 Spring, 2015 Transgenic and Plant Cell Genetics 5.0/5.0 5 PSS4100 Fall, 2015 Senior Seminar 4.9/5.0 6 7 PSS5426 Fall, 2015 Functional genomics 5.0/5.0 8 PSS5325 Spring, 2016 Transgenic and Plant Cell Genetics 4.8/5.0 Advising/supervisory courses: PSS 6000, PSS 7000, PSS4100 and PSS4001. 4 Venugopal Mendu Mentoring (Students/Postdoc/visiting scientists): 1. Graduate students (Total: 8): Completed: 1. Amrita Dhal, M.S. (Aug, 2015), 2. Cassie Welker, M.S. (Dec, 2015), Won George Tereshkovich Plant and Soil Science Outstanding Graduate (Master) student award, 2015. In progress: 1. Vimal Kumar Balasubramanian, Ph. D. program (Summer, 2014-present) 2. Theophilus Tengey, Ph. D. program (Fall, 2014-present) 3. Haydee Echevarria Laza, Ph. D. program (Spring, 2015-present) 4. Nam Anh Bui Phu, Ph. D. program (Fall, 2015-present) 5. Sandi Win Thu, M.S. program (Fall, 2015-present) 6. Christopher J. Cobos, M.S. Program (Spring, 2016-present) 2. Postdoctoral Fellows (Total: 5): Completed: 1. Dr. Nagaraju Dharavath (November, 2013 - August, 2014) 2. Dr. Mingxiong (David) Pang (May, 2014 - Aug. 2015) In progress: 1. Dr. Krishan Mohan Rai (November, 2014 - present) 2. Dr. Kaushik Ghose (August, 2016 - present) 3. Dr. Ning Yuan (August, 2016 - present) 3. Visiting International graduate students (Total: 2): Completed: 1. Leonel Domingos Moiana, Pós-Graduação em Genética e Melhoramento, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Brazil (March, 2014-November 2014). 2. Mary Luz Yaya Lancheros, Dep. of Biology, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Columbia (Feb, 2016-Aug, 2016). 4. Visiting Borlaug Fellows (Total: 2): Completed: 1. Mei Mei Hii, Sarawak Biodiversity Center, Kuching, Malaysia (January, 2015April, 2015) 2. Dr. Tesfaye Disassa Bitema, Holetta Agricultural Research Center, Plant Biotechnology Research Project, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Feb. 2016-April, 2016) 5. Undergraduate students (Total: 5): Completed: 1. Cassie Welker, Dep. of Chemistry & Biochemistry, TTU (Sept. 2013-May 2014) 2. Julianna Shuneman, Dep. of Plant & Soil Sciences, TTU (Aug., 2014-May, 15) 3. Taylor Person, Dep. of Plant & Soil Sciences, TTU (October, 2014-May, 2015) 4. Toritseju Arenyeka, Dep. of Biological Sciences, TTU (August, 2015-Dec, 2015) In progress: 1. Graham Lavine, Dep. Of Plant & Soil Science, TTU, (June, 2016-present). 5 Venugopal Mendu 6. Undergraduate student advisees (Total: 5): In progress: 1. Mark Allen, Dep. of Plant & Soil Sciences, TTU (Aug, 2016-present) 2. Erick Barkowsky, Dep. of Plant & Soil Sciences, TTU (Aug, 2016-present) 3. Aaron Calvin, Dep. of Plant & Soil Sciences, TTU (Aug, 2016-present) 4. Britton (Gage) Costello, Dep. of Plant & Soil Sciences, TTU (Aug, 2016-present) 5. Jake Weatherford, Dep. of Plant & Soil Sciences, TTU (Aug, 2016-present) Committee member of other faculty students (Total: 9): Completed: 1. Kishor Gautam, Ph.D. (Graduated 2015) Major professor: Dr. Michael Ballou, Associate Professor, Dep. of Animal & Food science, TTU. 2. Mishon Hopkins, MS program (Graduated 2015) Major professor: Dr. Noureddine Abidi, Associate Professor, Dep. of Plant & Soil Science, TTU. In progress: 1. Niwanthi Dissanayake, Ph.D. program, Major professor: Dr. Noureddine Abidi, Dep. of Plant & Soil Science, TTU, (Fall, 2016-present). 2. Somrita Basu, MS program, Major professor: Dr. Peter Keyel, Department of Biological Sciences, TTU, (Fall, 2016-present). 3. Isaiah Catalino Pabuayon, Ph.D. program, Major professor: Dr. Benildo de los Reyes, Dep. of Plant & Soil Science, TTU, (Summer, 2016-present). 4. Amal Bouyanfif, Ph.D. program, Major professor: Dr. Eric Hequet, Dep. of Plant & Soil Science, TTU, (Fall, 2015-present). 5. Sumedha Liyanage, Ph.D. program, Major professor: Dr. Noureddine Abidi, Dep. of Plant & Soil Science, TTU, (Fall, 2015-present). 6. Poorna Tharaka Wansapura, Ph.D. program, Major professor: Dr. Noureddine Abidi, Dep. of Plant & Soil Science, TTU, (Fall, 2015-present). 7. Karl Brauer, Ph.D. program, Major professor: Dr. Wen Wei Xu, Dep. of Plant & Soil Science, TTU, (Spring, 2015-present). 8. Travis Witt, Ph.D. program, Major professor: Dr. Glen Ritchie, Associate Professor, Dep. of Plant & Soil Science, TTU, (2014-present). 9. Jayan Ukwatta, Ph.D. program, Major professor: Dr. Huazhong Shi, Associate Professor, Dep. of Chemistry & Biochemistry TTU, (2015-present). 10. Deepika Mishra, Ph.D. program, Major professor: Dr. Dick Auld, Professor, Dep. of Plant & Soil Science, TTU, (2014-present). Total Research funding: (Total $3,161,074; My share: $1,143,374) Federal Funding: (Total $1,473,511; My share: $326,020) Industrial funding: (Total: $1,687,563; My share: $817,354) Domestic collaborations: 1. Texas Tech University Transdisciplinary Research Academy: Peter Keyel, Venugopal Mendu and Brayan Sutton (2013). 2. Effects of Inoculants Added to Sorghum Ethanol Co-product and Low-quality Roughage Blend Silages on Silage Fermentation Profile and Losses: Dr. Jhones Sarturi, Department of Animal & Food Science, TTU, (11/21/2013-11/30/2014). 6 Venugopal Mendu 3. Role of small RNAs in regulating the abiotic stress response and acclimation in cottonUSDA-ARS Ogallala Aquifer Program. Dr. Paxton Payton, USDA-ARS, Lubbock. Dr. Rao Kottapalli, Dep. of Biology TTU, Lubbock (2014-present). 4. Regulatory networks for Fiber production in a diploid cultivated cotton. Drs. Zhixin Xie & Matt Olson, Dep. of Biology, TTU, Lubbock, Dr. Jane Dever, Texas A& M Agrilife Research, Lubbock (2015). 5. Cloning of wilty mutants of maize for translational improvements to drought tolerance and biomass production. Dr. Chris Rock, Dep. of Biology, TTU, Lubbock (2014-2015). 6. Altering the cell wall composition in cotton fiber to enhance the ability to bind to chemicals that enhance fabric performance. Drs. Dick Auld, Eric Hequet and Noureddine Abidi, Dep. of Plant & Soil Science, TTU, Lubbock (2015-present). 7. Functional characterization and molecular evolution of fiber initiation transcription factor, Dr. Jonathan Wendell, Dep. of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology, Iowa state University, Ames, Iowa, Dr. James Frelichowsky, USDA-ARS, College station (2015-present). 8. Identifying the diploid parents of tetraploid cotton. Drs. Richard Percy, Lori Hinze & James Frelichowsky, USDA-ARS, College station (2015-present). 9. Developing synthetic tetraploid (A2D25) for novel trait discovery. Dr. Jane Dever, Texas A& M Agrilife Research, Lubbock (2015-present). 10. Confidential research project. Dr. Lorenzo Aleman-Sarinana, Bayer Crop Science, Lubbock, TX (2015-present). 11. Testing the interaction network of super okra gene in cotton. Dr. Vasu Kuraparthy, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC (2015-present). 12. Map based cloning and characterization of the ms4 male sterile gene in Soybean. Devinder Sandhu, USDA-ARS, Riverside, CA. (2015-present). 13. Confidential project with Bayer. Drs. Benildo de los Reyes, Glenn Ritchie, Dick Auld, Megan Sweeney (BCS), Cory Mills (BCS) (2015-present). 14. Identification and characterization of sorghum cell wall mutants. Dr. Xin Zhanguo, USDA-ARS, Lubbock (2015-present). 15. Characterization of synthetic tetraploid fiber properties. Dr. Eric Hequet and Noureddine Abidi (2016-present). International collaborations: 1. Characterization of cotton fiber initiation genes using cotton transformation. Drs. Fuguong Li and Zuoren Zhang, Cotton Research Institute, China. 2. Understanding the Mechanisms and Cell Wall Factors Underlying Peanut Resistance to Aspergillus flavus Infection and Aflatoxin Production. Drs. Harikishan Sudini & Rajiv K. Varshney, International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Hyderabad, India (2014-present). 3. Identification of cell wall degrading enzymes from rainforest soil bacteria. Mei Mei Hii, Sarawak Biodiversity Center, Kuching, Malaysia (2014-present). 4. Analysis of expression and regulation of genes related to lignification and response to water stress in Gmelina arborea Robx. Dr. Wilson Teran Perez, Dep. of Biology, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Columbia (2015-present). 5. Molecular characterization of vitellogenin and vitellogenin receptor of Bemisia tabaci. Dr. Praveen C. Verma, National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India (2015present). 7 Venugopal Mendu 6. Intervention of biotechnological tools in sorghum to improve productivity, enhance economic development and contribute to food and energy security in eastern Africa. Dr. Tesfaye, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research-Ethiopia/ICRISAT-Nairobi. (2016present). 7. Transformation of cotton with genes involved in cotton fiber initiation and quality. Drs. Li Fuguang and Zuoren Yang, Cotton Research Institute, Anyang, China (2016present). Awards/Academic Accomplishments: 1. Selected for “TTU Alumni Association New Faculty Award” (receive the award in April, 2017) 2. Nominated for “President’s Excellence in Teaching Award” (in process) 3. Nominated for “Faculty International Scholarship” and “President’s Excellence in Diversity and Equity” awards (not selected). 4. Awarded Jeffrey fellowship for tobacco research (2006-07), University of Kentucky. 5. Kentucky Graduate scholarship (KGS) 2003-2008, University of Kentucky. 6. Fellowship (1998-2000) during Post Graduate study from Govt. of A.P, India, 19982001. Professional Service: A. University committees and Service (TTU): Department level: Ø Evaluation of PSS 5100 Poster Sessions, TTU, 2013. Ø Cluster hire committee member: High Throughput Phenotyping (2014) Ø Faculty search committee member (Plant genomics, 2014-2015) Ø Member of PSS curriculum development committee (2014-present). Ø Evaluation of PSS 5100 Poster Sessions, TTU, 2014. Ø Member of PSS Website committee (2014-present). Ø Member of PSS lab safety committee (2014-present). Ø Faculty search committee member (Cotton and small grains breeder)-2015-2016 Ø Faculty search committee member (Molecular Stress Physiologist) 2015-2016 Ø Evaluation of PSS 5100 Poster Sessions, TTU, 2015. Ø Guest lecture: PSS 1100, Freshmen and Transfer Student Seminar- Fall, 2015 Ø Guest lecture: PSS 5370, Texas International Cotton School- Fall, (08/04/2015) Ø Guest lecture: Cochran Fellow’s from Pakistan on “Cotton fiber initiation and development”-Summer, 2015. Ø Guest lecture: PSS 5370, Texas International Cotton School- Fall, (08/01/2016) University level: Ø India taskforce committee member: CASNR representative for India taskforce for improving the international recruitment at TTU- (2014-present) Ø Cluster hire committee member (2014): o Tackling the Phenome-Genome Challenge (with college of Arts & Sciences, TTU) o Molecular genetics of gene regulation: ‘old school systems biology’ (with college of Arts & Sciences, TTU) Ø Dean’s representative for Ph.D. defense of graduate students 8 Venugopal Mendu Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø o Rajiv Rajbhandari (10/11/2013); Ratan Chopra (10/08/2014); Siroj Pokharel (02/29/2016) Mentored an undergraduate student (Taylor Person) in the University Innovation Fellows leadership program. Taylor represented PSS-CASNR in the TTU leadership circle-2015. Participation in Center for Active Learning & Undergraduate Engagement (CALUE). My undergraduate student presented in the TTU Undergraduate Research Conference. (Person, T.Φ, PangΨ, M. and Mendu, V. (2015) Expression profiling of cotton ghMYB25like gene A and D alleles using Arabidopsis as a model system. Abstract ebook, p. 146). Attended and participated in discussions: Sultan Qaboos Cultural Center (SQCC) Conference in Agriculture and Arid Lands. Office of International Affairs and ICASALS, TTU, 11/06/2015. Evaluation of Graduate student fellowship applications, 02/12/2016. Lab tour of Karen Uetrecht, Agricultural specialist, USDA-FAS, Washington D.C. 02/28/2016 Hosted Fuzhou Number 1 High School in China students (lecture and lab session) under TTU-iSTEM program. 07/20/2016. College level Ø CASNR International activities member representing PSS department (2016-present) Ø Guest lecture and lab session: ANSC 5001 – Problems in Animal Science – Research Methods in Ruminant Nutrition-Summer, 2015 Ø Lab tours and meetings with visiting delegations and scientists o Mendu, V. Laboratory Tour and meeting with Dr. Vanga Siva Reddy from International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. India. 09/15/2014. o Mendu, V. and Auld, D.L. 2015. Vice President and scientists from Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU), Wuhan, China (2015). o Mendu, V. and Auld, D.L. 2015. Laboratory Tour and meeting, Cotton Research Team-San Paulo State University. Texas Tech University. Lubbock, TX. 7/6/2015. o Mendu, V. and Auld, D.L. 2015. President and scientists from Institute of Cotton Research (ICR) of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), Beijing, China (2015). o Federal liaison group (Lewis-Burke Associates) for Texas Tech University (2015). o Mendu V. and Auld, D.L. 2015. Laboratory Tour and meeting, Institute of Cotton Research team, 12/16/2015. o Mendu, V. and de los Reyes B. Meeting with visitors from National Cotton Council, delegation from Africa and USDA-Foreign Agricultural Service, 08/28/2016. o Mendu, V. Laboratory Tour and meeting with visitors from Brazil (Cotton Growers, Heads of the Mato Grosso Cotton Growers Association, students and researchers), 09/07/2016. B. Community service (K-12 education): Ø Science project judge: The South Plains Regional Science and Engineering Fair, United Spirit Arena, February 14, 2014. 9 Venugopal Mendu Ø Science project judge: The South Plains Regional Science and Engineering Fair, United Spirit Arena, February 13, 2015. Ø Training Middle school students (Ryan Moreno and Benjamin Wanjura) on science projects in coordination with Dr. Alicea A. Chaloupka, Ph.D., JH and HS Science Teacher, Christ the King Cathedral School, Lubbock, TX, 79413. (2015-present). C. Professional and Honorary Society membership: Ø Member of American Peanut Research and Education Society (APRES), (2016-present) Ø Founding member of American Society of Agronomists (ASA) community dedicated to cotton (2015-present) Ø Member of Gamma Sigma Delta, the Honor Society of Agriculture (2014-present) Ø American Society of Plant Biologist (2014-present) Ø Member of International Cotton Researchers Association (ICRA), 2013-present D. Peer reviewing service (from TTU) 1. BMC plant biology (2) 2. BMC genomics (1) 3. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum (1) 4. Industrial Crops and Products (2) 5. Plant Physiology (1) 6. Turkish Journal of Botany (1) 7. Frontiers in Plant Science (1) 8. The plant cell (1) 9. Molecular biotechnology (1) 10. Plant Molecular Biology (1) 11. Journal of Experimental Botany (1) 12. Rice (1) 13. Functional & Integrative Genomics (1) E. Education/Academic service: Ø Pre-submission review of manuscript “AtRAV1 and AtRAV2 overexpression in cotton increases fiber length differentially under drought stress and delays flowering” for Dr. Chris Rock, Dep. of Biology, TTU. Acknowledged in the manuscript-2014. Ø Evaluation of Dr. Robert Wright’s hatch-project “Bacterial Blight Resistance in Cotton”, Summer-2015. Notable achievements: 1. Co-PI along with two other faculties who brought first BHEARD grant to TTU. 2. First one to host two Borlaug Fellows in consecutive years in the CASNR. 3. Obtain USAID-University linkage grant (international) 4. Attracting students from other departments for PSS courses: Biology, Animal and Food Science, Nutritional Sciences and Biotechnology 5. Student retention: Recruited undergraduate student Cassie Welker from Chemistry and Biochemistry department (Honors college) who obtained M.S. from PSS department. 10 Venugopal Mendu Selected student comments on my teaching/courses 11