the trade street - Tradebank International


the trade street - Tradebank International
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Tradebank of Middle GA
In Full Bloom
United States • VOL. 4 • April 2008
3...........Tradebank of Middle Gerogia in Full Bloom
4...........How Trade Works for the Restaurant Industry
5...........Speaking from Experience
6...........Boom or Bust - an Editorial by Maureen Edwards
8...........Eatin’ Good with Tradebank
10.........Business Opportunities Available through Tradebank
14.........Welcome New Clients
16.........Tradebank Franchise Opportunity
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Page 13
How Trade Works for the Restaurant
Industry, Page 4
Boom or Bust, Page 6
Eatin’ Good with Tradebank, Page 8
The Trade Street Journal™
Published by Tradebank International, Inc.
Business Opportunities on Trade, Page 10
Managing Editor BRENDA L. JAMESON
Trade Editor MARCY S. YAFFE
Graphic Design BRENDA L. JAMESON
© 2008 Tradebank International, Inc.
To Advertise in The Trade Street
Journal, contact Brenda Jameson
at 678.533.7151 or
The Trade Street Journal • 2
Middle GA in Full Bloom
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Page 12
When Tony and Maureen Edwards
meet Paul Williams, who then ran
Tradebank of Macon, little did they
know that one day they would be
Tradebank franchise owners of the
Middle Georgia Region.
It was 1991. The Edwards owned and
operated Ballon Express in Macon
GA. They had been married for eight
years and their eldest son, Andrew was
only four years old. Their youngest
son, Adam, who is now 15, was not yet
The Edwards immediately began to
realize the benefits of barter, trading
for advertising, printing, restaurant
meals, pet supplies and many other
items that they no longer had to pay
for with cash. They later sold their
business and moved to Conyers
In 1993, a business colleague who
owned a Tradebank franchise at the
time suggested that the Edwards look
into purchasing the Atlanta Southeast
franchise and the rest, as they say, is
Tradebank history.
The Edwards not only purchased the
Atlanta Southeast franchise but later
purchased Atlanta Southwest and went
to work developing and running two
thriving Tradebank regions. Both
regions continued to expand and grow
through their efforts, and those of
their broker, Jo Wolpert, who eventually purchased the franchise rights for
the Athens, GA region.
In 2005, the Edwards were approached
by Jerry and Teresa Holley, then
Tradebank clients, about the possibility
of their purchasing the Atlanta South
regions. The Edwards recognized this
as an opportunity to return to the
Middle Geogia community that they
loved so much. They sold the Atlanta
South regions to the Holleys and
immediately purchased the franchise
Middle Georgia. Tradebank was founded in Macon, Georgia in 1987. The
office still
some of the
oldest members in the
today." She
goes on to
say, "The
clients in
Georgia keep
Franchise Owner, Maureen Edwards and husband Tony
me busy in
the best way
rights for Tradebank of Middle
possible, pursuing business owners that
Georgia and Tradebank of Dubin.
they have referred to Tradebank. They
are energized by the activity in the
The Edwards are well known for their
region and actively share information
passionate approach to life. They do
about the Tradebank Advantage with
nothing less than 110% so it comes as
other business owners in the communino surprise to those that know them
that they also own stock in and that Mrs. Edwards
Todd Gerry, President of Tradebank
has not only served on the Board of
Franchising Corp., says, " The Edwards,
Directors for the company, but was
like all of our franchise owners, embrace
also instrumental in developing and
the concept of barter wholeheartedly,
establishing Trade University or Trade
As former clients, they experienced the
U as it is sometimes called. She has
difference using barter can make in easbeen a active participate in many of
ing the overall cash flow of a business
the decisions that have advanced
and its profitability. They are tireless in
Tradebank over the past decade.
their efforts to bring the same opportunity to the business owners in Middle
The Edwards currently coordinate all
Tradebank activity in the southern half
of Georgia. In addition to operating
Business Owners in the Middle Georgia
the franchises for Middle Georgia and
area can learn more about Tradebank by
Dublin, they also manages clients in
contacting the Edwards at 478.238.6161
Savannah and Southwest Georgia,
including the Albany and Valdosta
Business Owners outside the Middle
Georgia region can learn more about
Working in Middle Georgia has been a
Tradebank by contacting Todd Gerry at
delight for the Edwards. Mrs.
678.533.7119 or
Edwards says, "We have great support
from the longtime Tradebank clients in
The Trade Street Journal • 3
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Page 9
How Trade Works for...
The Restaurant Industry
The restaurant industry is one of the
most competitive industries in which
to be involved. It is an industry
wherein it takes a great deal of
business savvy in order to be profitable.
Restaurateurs are constantly faced
with pressures of competing with
other independent restaurateurs in
addition to corporate owned restaurants with virtually endless advertising and marketing budgets. Then
comes the challenge of turning new
customers into repeat business.
As Tradebank clients, restaurateurs can
add a powerful marketing tool to their business which is guaranteed to bring you new
customers. These new customers will simply be
filling otherwise empty tables, allowing you to the
opportunity to maximize your resources and showcase your restaurant to a larger audience.
Also, this new business will provide you with valuable
word-of-mouth advertising which will inevitably result in
new cash customers as well.
Are you finding that your restaurant is open but often
under capacity during the weekdays or weekends?
Tradebank brings you the additional customers you desire
while assisting you in lowering your overhead expenses,
improving your cash flow, and increasing your cash profits.
This new trade revenue can be used on your most common overhead expenses such as advertising & marketing,
restaurant equipment & supplies, printing, building & property maintenance, uniforms, health care and employee
incentives allowing you to keep your cash in the bank.
The Trade Street Journal • 4
For additional information on how you can make the
powerful tool of barter part of your business stragegy
contact Todd Gerry at 678.533.7119 or
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Page 8
Speaking From Experience
By: Marcy S. Yaffe
National Trade/Training
Each month The Trade Street
Journal will include a new feature, “Trade Works For…”.
Tradebank has identified 18
major industries that have a
long history of benefiting
from trading arrangements.
This month we are highlighting restaurants.
Next time you go to your
favorite restaurant, that is not
yet a Tradebank client, take
this issue of the Trade Street
Journal along. Look around, are
there empty tables? If so, ask to
speak with the owner and show
him/her page four of this issue.
Point out to them that you are a part
of the Tradebank trading network.
Let them know that you would like
to introduce them to your
Tradebank representative so they
can learn more about how their
restaurant will benefit by becoming
a Tradebank client.
It is a fact, that restaurants are one
of the top choices of clients when
asked where they most like to use
their trade dollars. However,
restaurants aren’t the only industry
that is able to profit from trading.
Barter has grown in popularity over
the years and today nearly every
industry is able to reap the benefits
offered, whether they be small proprietorships or large corporations.
Now it is important for us to meet
specific companies within each
industry who provide quality products and services and introduce
them to trading through Tradebank.
We have found that our current
clients are one of the best sources
to assist us in identifying potential
quality Tradebank clients from
among their friends, family and
business associates. When we
speak of trade to those folks, we
often hear, “Trading, I’ve heard
about that, how does it work?”
Now you can show them the Trade
Street Journal and give them a brief
introduction. The publication you
are now reading becomes more
than an information source for
existing clients, it now serves as a
promotional piece for you to use to
introduce your family, friends,
neighbors and business associates
to Tradebank.
Further, on the U.S. home page of
Tradebank’s website,, we have featured these
popular industries. Behind each
clickable photo there are specific
ways in which businesses in each
industry can utilize the tools
Tradebank offers to improve their
sales and profitability. There are
also video testimonials from
Tradebank clients explaining how
trade has benefited them in both
their professional and personal life.
Tradebank strives to maintain the
integrity of our trading network and
appreciates your input and introductions to the caliber of business owners with whom you would like to
do business.
Marcy S. Yaffe is the National
Trade/Training Director of
Tradebank International. She has
over 23 years experience brokering
trade transactions.
Contact Yaffe at or 888.568.5680 ext 118
The Trade Street Journal • 5
Boom or Bust
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Page 5
Editorial by: Maureen Edwards, Regional Franchise Owner
These days, hard goods and hard work have more solidity in value than the inflated US Dollar –
(talk about NOT getting your money's worth!)
Businesses who depend solely on the US Dollar to move their goods and services are in worse
shape today than businesses who routinely barter their hard goods and hard work. Today’s cash is
just not circulating like is used to. This is evidenced daily in America by the downfall of our
national sales volume and the closure of many businesses, especially small "Mom & Pop" businesses. How soon will it be before the almighty inflated US Dollar suddenly burst and businesses
are forced to sell their goods and services for considerably less than expected, thus decreasing netincomes and therefore decreasing a business' profitability?
The Trade Street Journal • 6
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Page 4
Does this scenario sound familiar? Consider
the housing market right now. The bubble has
burst; home values are decreasing at an alarming rate while mortgage rates and housing
expenses are remaining constant or increasing.
Just as home owners are losing equity in their
homes, businesses face the loss of profitability.
Now, let's add the business tool of barter to
the equation. The picture becomes somewhatmore stable. The concept of barter not onlymakes sense – it makes “more cents".
When businesses barter they are basically trading hard goods for hard goods, or, sometimes
as is the case, hard work for hard work. The
value that each recipient of the trade is getting
becomes more stable and more satisfying. The
traders are doing business on a more even
playing field. The business owner's focus
moves from the retail value of products and
services they purchase to the hard value of
their own products and services they sell. The
hard value of their own products and services is the investment in the purchases they
It is a proven fact that when there is recession
in our economy, barter volume increases.
Business owners realize, during these times of
"cash crunch", that barter can provide them
with products and services they need to sustain
their businesses regardless of their decreased
cash flow. Having their products and services
available to business owners through barter
also provides a business a distinct advantage
over their competitors. One such advantage is
in the ability to advertise and brand a business’
name. In times of recession, advertising is
often one of the first budget items to be eliminated; through bartering, a business retains its
ability to advertise, giving it a great competitive advantage.
The "Tradebank Advantage" can be a business's
best friend if the business is active in the barter
network; however, a tool is only useful when it
is manipulated in the work process.
How can you, as a Tradebank client use the
Tradebank tool to your greater advantage? First
and foremost is communication with your
Regional Trade Broker concerning the needs of
your business. With your Trade Broker's assistance, create a Purchasing Plan or Barter Budget
that transforms cash expenditures into trade
expenditures. Analyze your inventory of hard
goods and time. What can you add to your
barter-ability? Don't forget one-time items that
can be listed in the Classifieds Section of
myTradebank. Explore the Possibilities offered
through the myTradebank website. Locate businesses with similar functions or products as your
own business and create a relationship that will
advance both businesses.
The Tradebank network holds forth a world of
possibilities available to all businesses who
choose to actively participate. Maximize your
investment in Tradebank by making it a solid
instrument in your business success. It can
make a difference in boom or bust!
Maureen Edwards is the Regional Franchise
Owner of Tradebank of Middle Georgia and
Tradebank of Dublin. She has over 15 years of
experience in the barter industry.
For more information on how your business can
benefit from becoming a Tradebank client, visit
the How Trade Works section of and view videos of clients in your
industry or contact Todd Gerry @ 678.533.7119
The Trade Street Journal • 7
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Page 15
Eatin’ Good with Tr
By: Maureen Edwards, Franchise Owner
MMMM, MMMM, Good! You can smell the cookin’ the closer you
get to the Middle Georgia area. Folks in this part of Georgia love to
eat. Just look around! Macon and Warner Robins boasts an abundance of restaurants offering many different cuisines from our great
Southern specialties to delicacies from other parts of the world.
Tradebank clients in Middle Georgia are fortunate to have some of
their hometown favorites as traders.
Wayne Coulter and his staff at Old Clinton BBQ in Gray, Georgia are
serving up what is typically referred to as “The Best Darn (altered!)
Barbeque in Georgia”. The restaurant was opened by Coulter’s father
in 1958. Last month, Old Clinton BBQ, a Tradebank client for ten
years now, celebrated its 50th Anniversary. The restaurant gained
National Recognition in January when it was featured on The
Discovery Channel’s “Dirty Jobs”. Mike Rowe spent several days at
the restaurant helping the staff clean the smokers used in cooking up
that sweet smelling BBQ.
Customers can spend hours just reminiscing through the memorabilia
and antiques throughout the restaurant, some of which were purchased at Tradebank trade shows. Coulter has been a regular attendee
and/or vendor at the annual Trade Shows in Atlanta and Chattanooga.
He recently used his Trade Dollars for carpentry work when he
opened a new second location on Lake Sinclair where he is using
Tradebank to grow his business. Old Clinton BBQ welcomes the
Tradebank plastic card. Don’t forget to order dessert – a slice of their
famous 14-layer cake!
Polly’s LaMesa Mexican Restaurant has also served Tradebank
clients since 1998. Located on one of Macon’s main thoroughfares,
Polly’s is known for its spicy salsa and homemade guacamole, a
favorite of John Davis, founder and CEO of Tradebank International.
The restaurant has been owned and operated by the Rountree family
for over 31 years. It was the first Mexican Restaurant in Macon. The
Tradebank plastic card is a regular at Polly’s.
One of Tradebank Middle Georgia’s newest restaurant clients is Taki
Japanese Steakhouse and Sunrise Chinese Restaurant, located sideby-side in North Macon off I-475. Both restaurants are co-owned by
Eddie and Adam Li and Tony Bian. Tradebank clients enjoy beautiThe Trade Street Journal • 8
fully prepared dishes in an upscale atmosphe
Restaurant is new in town and enjoys using t
dollars on advertising and branding their bus
the community. This trade is a win/win for e
involved. Both Taki Japanese and Sunrise C
have established barter budgets and use the T
Convenience cards.
Just down the interstate from Macon is one o
Georgia’s largest employers, Robins Air Forc
The base brings a large diversity in populatio
reflects on the variety of businesses located i
Warner Robins area. Ady Carlton, owner of
Kong Express, capitalized on this diverse pop
when she opened her Chinese Restaurant. Th
rant creates great Chinese dishes. Carlton se
best Hot & Sour Soup ever. She has been a l
Tradebank member since 1992.
Tradebank members in Middle Georgia enjoy
several other restaurants throughout the regio
Cherry Street in downtown Macon, you will
Jennoely’s Old Style Pizzaria Located in a qu
spot, Jennoely’s is a lunchtime favorite for bu
in the downtown area. Phil and Kathy Lemo
of Jennoely’s, have been Tradebank clients fo
Fairly new to Tradebank is Fresh Air BBQ, l
off I-75 in North Macon. Also in North Mac
Buffalo’s Café, sister restaurant to Tradebank
h Tradebank
ale atmosphere. The
enjoys using their trade
ding their business in
win/win for everyone
nd Sunrise Chinese
and use the Tradebank
acon is one of
obins Air Force Base.
y in population which
sses located in the
on, owner of Hong
is diverse population
Restaurant. The restaus. Carlton serves the
e has been a loyal
Georgia enjoy dining in
hout the region. Just off
con, you will find
ocated in a quaint little
favorite for businesses
Kathy Lemon, owners
bank clients for seven
h Air BBQ, located just
in North Macon is
to Tradebank Atlanta
2:04 PM
Page 16
South’s client, Buffalo’s of Jonesboro.
Located between Macon and Warner Robins
across from “The Big Peach” in Byron is Country
Cupboard, owned by Tommy Dollar. Country
Cupboard serves up a buffet of southern cooking
at its best for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Dollar
has been a long-time Tradebank client for over 15
years. Just around the corner is Hotlanta Wings,
offering wings in many different flavors. You can
top off your meal with two scoops of ice cream;
my favorite is Amaretto Cherry! Owner, Orlando
Mathis, always greets his customers with a smile.
David Michaud & Charlie
Williams, Employees
Old Clinton Bar-B-Q
And, whether you are in Macon or Warner Robins,
Domino’s Pizza will have your order ready for
pick-up, piping hot and fresh. Just present your
Tradebank plastic card for payment. Matt
Esterline, owner of several Domino’s Pizza locations, enjoys using his Tradebank account for a
variety of services including paging services, pest
control, family meals and entertainment, and pet
products/services. Tradebank has been a part of
Matt’s business for eight years (and counting!).
I don’t know about you but it’s really making me
hungry just thinking about all these great restaurants . I can smell the aroma! I think I will pull
out my Tradebank card and make my way over to
visit one now. The hardest decision: So many
choices, just where will I go?
Ady Carlton, Owner
Hong Kong Express
The Trade Street Journal • 9
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Page 3
Business Opportunities on Trade
By: Maureen Edwards, Franchise
All business owners envision success. Some business owners consider success as being able to have
a steady income to lead a comfortable life. Some business owners
consider success (especially these
days!) as just being able to pay the
bills. Some business owners consider success as “giving our children what we never had”. And then
there are those who see a bigger
picture. They envision their success through the eyes of other business owners. They succeed at their
own attempts at a business venture,
then they envision replicas of that
same business model that would
allow others to envision success.
They simply take what they are
good at and share that information,
thus creating more success and
value for their own business.
Tradebank plays a part in that success through many different
avenues. Tradebank clients use
their trade dollars to increase business profits, reduce cash outlay for
business expenses, and provide for
their family’s personal needs.
Trade dollars can also be used to
add value to an existing business or
to create new business opportunities. Three business owners who
are also clients of Tradebank
Middle Georgia are capitalizing on
their relationship with Tradebank
by offering Tradebank clients
nationwide the opportunity to enter
a new avenue of business using
The Trade Street Journal • 10
Linton McKnight is the owner/creator of and a
member of Tradebank Middle
Georgia. Author of the award winning book titled Birthflowers of the
Landscape®, he has developed a
landscaping system that gives beautiful color in the garden year-round.
Lin and Linda McKnight
He uses a patented design system,
including irrigation and soil treatments, that helps your new landscape to flourish and grow for years
to come. McKnight has appeared
on national A&E TV, Home and
Garden television with two segments highlighting his patented system of flower gardening and was
featured in two years of monthly
segments on a local station Channel
13, WMAZ in Macon, Georgia.
His Birthflowers® system has been
featured in “Southern Living
Magazine”, “Southern Distinction”,
“Lake Oconee Living” and countless newspaper articles and radio
interviews. McKnight recently
franchised his design/build landscaping system and is marketing it
to entrepreneurs who may have an
interest in a vocation in landscaping. Landscaping experience is a
plus, but is not necessary. He
teaches a week-long course in business and landscaping principles to
help in that determination. The
fees for this class can be purchased
with Trade dollars. McKnight is
currently looking for Franchise
owners within the state of Georgia;
but he is certainly open to speak to
anyone nationwide who is interested in the business opportunity. He
can be reached at 478.452.0008 or or via email
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Page 6
Doug Sleeth of Warner Robins,
Georgia opened “Inkshoppe” in
2006. Inkshoppe specializes in ink
cartridge refills. They also offer
business card printing and a copy
Following several months of successful business, Sleeth decided to
add a new profit center to his existing business. He created
PrinterShoppe, which was a perfect fit with the services he currently offered. PrinterShoppe is a fast
growing Full Color Printing
Service. The PrinterShoppe program can be added to existing retail
locations such as package/shipping
business, ink & toner stores, office
supply, drug stores & more.
Sleeth states that PrinterShoppe is
“also a great individual opportunity
to work from the home, part or full
time.” An individual does not have
to be an artist or a graphics designer
to operate the business. Sleeth has
a staff of graphic designers who
will take care of the designs. There
are no on-going fees, no other
investment, no inventory; you only
need a computer, DSL, a printer
with scan/fax & a digital camera.
Sleeth is offering this Business
Opportunity through Tradebank.
The program is only T$195. There
is no other cost and no travel
involved. You get all the materials
to get started including forms,
instruction manual, book of samples
and price book, and a box of 1,000
business cards along with on-going
support. Call 478.955.8474 for
more details & samples or email
Use your Trade dollars to add a
new service to your existing business, start up a new business, or
help someone you know start their
own business.
Doug Sleeth, Founder & President
Tamar Matthews
InkShoppe of Warner Robins
The Trade Street Journal • 11
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Page 7
No Haggles
Recently, a new member of Tradebank Middle Georgia, James Snow of JVS Home, introduced a business colleague
to the Tradebank network. The reason: Tradebank could help them expand their client base and create new regional offices for their services. Their target market included small businesses throughout the United States and
Canada. Tradebank was (and is) a good fit for their needs.
No Haggles owners, Rick Hall and Marcus Sanchez, have operated in management in the Auto Buying business
for many years. They know the stress that comes with the car-buying process. Their goal is to relieve that stress
by offering a service
to handle the entire
car-buying process.
From choosing a
vehicle that best fits
the buyer’s needs to
negotiating the sale
to delivering the
vehicle to your door;
No Haggles will
handle all the details
of the sale. They
are not associated
with any specific
auto maker or dealer. Their goal is to
locate the vehicle
that is best for their
No Haggles’ biggest
client is the largest
auto insurance company in the
United States. The No Haggles
Program is listed by as one of “The
Top 10 Automotive Business Ideas
in 2007.” The No Haggles program
can easily be duplicated in every
city in the U.S. Hall and Sanchez
are ready to roll out their program
to entrepreneurs throughout the
country. Tradebank clients can save
time and money when buying a
vehicle by purchasing the No
Haggles service using trade dollars.
For more information, go to the
The Trade Street Journal • 12
Rick Hall and Marcus Sanchez, Owners
No Haggles
If you are interested in offering the
No Haggles service in your existing
business or you know a motivated
individual looking for a successful
business opportunity in the field of
Car-Buying, please contact Hall or
Sanchez at 1.888.522.6822 toll free
inside the U.S. or locally at
Opportunities exist in using your
trade dollars to expand your business services and products, to add
value to your family’s life, and to
help others follow their dreams of
owning their own business.
Explore the possibilities that
Tradebank offers you. Open your
mind to creative ideas using your
Tradebank network of businesses.
What is YOUR vision?
Tradebank’s vision is your business’
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Page 10
The Trade Street Journal • 13
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Page 11
Tradebank Welcomes New Clients
Asheville, NC
Chateau On The Mountain
Atlanta Southeast, GA
Chemdry of East Metro
Karen's International Restaurant,
The DSR Group, LLC
Atlanta-Fulton, GA
Jeremy W. Draper
Miller Brothers
Roger Reece Seminars
Six Degrees Magazine
Cartridge World Suwanee
GWN Atlanta
Holiday Harbor Marina & Resort
Magnolia Consultants LLC
Patsy Patterson
Birmingham, AL
280 Living
A & E Water Coffee Etc.
Jerry's Carpet Service
Metro Video Pages
Petruccellis Italian Eatery
Richard's BBQ & Grill
Charlotte, NC
A Rose of Thanks
Aftermarket Boosters
Anne Penman Laser Therapy
Beijo Bags
The Trade Street Journal • 14
Business Advisers International
Carolina Crossing Golf & Fitness
Carolina Speed Indoor Football
Carolina's Coffee News
Delegate It to Me Virtual
File and Go, LLC
House of Hund
LGM Properties, LLC
McNulty Chiropractic, PLLC
Nancy Capps
Plaster Creations Inc.
Streamers Events and Promotions
Zero's Subs
Chattanooga, TN
Caboodle Chattanooga
Choo Choo Bar-B-Que, Inc.
Dunlap, Inc.
East Brainerd Optical
Flossy The Tooth Fairy
Fuller Financial-AIG Financial
Marine Corps League
Mountain Resort Realty
MT Shop
Scenic City Recycling
Scott Fine Art
Stephanie Reichel of LaBella Salon
Stephen D. Spalding, MD
Sunbelt Carpet Cleaning
The Ross Group-Sandler Training
Columbus, GA
Columbus Catfish Baseball Club
Dublin, GA
Inkshoppe of Dublin
Gadsden, AL
Bonds Locksmith Service
Ceramatech Dental Studio
Evan W. Smith Attorney at Law
Greensboro, NC
Alliance Rubber & Plastics
Greenville, SC
Brewster's of Anderson
McDaniel Supply Chain Solutions
Mike's Woodworks
Knoxville, TN
Floor Tek, LLC
Insurance Service Group
Kile Chiropractic Center
La Quinta Inn & Suites Sevier
Magic Mulch, LLC
Michael Broyles Photography
My Pawsonal Treats
Niro's Gyros
Personal Systems
Robinson Electric
Starz Elite / Bounce House
Louisville, KY
Coffee News
Duke's Appliance Center
Middle Georgia, GA
Inkshoppe of Warner Robins
Knyzo Signs & Graphics
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Page 14
Meadow's Fine Jewelry
Montpelier Tree Service
Woodland Enterprises
Nashville, TN
Affordable Closing
Cynthia Payne O.D.
Falling Waters Body Works
Hotel Indigo
JVI Watergardens and Garden
Train Up A Child
New Braunfels
Adonai Marketing
American Printing Industries Inc.
Dream On
Get Fit
Liberty Bistro
Tria Jewelers
Turner Outdoor Advertising, LLC
Women of New Braunfels
North Georgia
Around the Corner Garden Center
NW Arkansas
NWA Wedding Ideas
Sub-Stantial INC.
San Antonio, TX
Balloon Ideas
Topeka, KS
David E. Watson, Attorney at Law
Moore Plumbing Inc.
Telemarketing Direct
Doe Valley Printing LLC.
Epperson Contracting
Wichita, KS
All Seasons Appliance
Club Indigo
docuplex Graphics
Randal Davis
Thin & Healthy's Total Solution
Clean 'N Scrub
TCS Paralegal
Bullet Productions
DKC Sparklean Janitorial
Fuji Japanese Restaurant
Universal Jewellers Ltd
ARB Systems Inc.
Marciano's Pasta Cafe
The Marketplace Mag
Active Green & Ross
East Side Mario's - Upper James
Nina's Bistro & Wine Bar
O'street Flower Shop
Style & Elegance
Westdale Florists
Wrap It Up Signs
Midwestern Ontario
*794 Junk
AAA Home Inspections
Fitz Rays
Lift Media
Mark Ruttan - Remax
Penetang Pets
Philip Orobono
Pinnacle Graphix
R & C Woods Roofing
Royal LePage - Lorraine Jordan
AAA Steam Cleaning
Across Canada Auto Glass
Black Creek Hardwood
City Bathroom
Garden Creations
We Drive
Audio Valley Recording Studios
Christopp Photography
Constant Fencing
R & R Signs
Rory Gardiner
Sheelagh McClelland
Summate Hosting And
Century Kitchen Exhaust Service
Tradebank Corporate
One-Fish Two-Fish
Tri-Cities, TN
A Clean Solution
Clark Hixson Architectural
Creative Design
The Trade Street Journal • 15
2:02 PM
Page 1
Own Your
Your Own Business
Control Your Own Destiny
Earn Residual Income
World Class Training & Support
Is your region of
of interest available?
Contact Todd
Todd Gerry at
at 888.568.5680 ext.
ext. 119
For additional information visit our website at
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