TCW_V81_NO02_01-23-2015 -- Catholic Schools Week.indd


TCW_V81_NO02_01-23-2015 -- Catholic Schools Week.indd
Supplement to The Catholic Week — JANUARY 23, 2015
Catholic Schools across the country to
celebrate Catholic Schools Week
ARLINGTON—The National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) announces its annual
National Catholic Schools Week (CSW) celebration to take place January 25-31, 2015. The theme,
“Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service,”
will focus on the value that Catholic education provides to young people and its contributions to the
Catholic Church, local communities and the nation.
“National Catholic Schools Week is an opportunity to showcase the academic excellence and faithfilled education that Catholic schools provide for
students across the country,” said NCEA President
Brother Robert Bimonte, FCS.
Catholic Schools Week is an annual celebration
of Catholic education in the United States. Schools
typically observe CSW with Masses, open houses
and other activities for students, families, parishioners and community members. To help Catholic
schools participate in the campaign and continue
its marketing efforts throughout the year, NCEA
has created the Catholic Schools Week Marketing
Handbook. The handbook provides ideas for activ-
ities and events and tools and templates for implementing real-world marketing strategies.
According to a recent NCEA study, more than 30
percent of the nation’s 6,594 Catholic schools have
waiting lists for attendance and graduation rates at
Catholic schools remain high – 99 percent vs. 78
Sunday, January 25 – In Our Parish
Monday, January 26 – In Our Community
Tuesday, January 27 – In Our Students
Wednesday, January 28 – In Our Nation
Thursday, January 29 – In Our Vocations
Friday, January 30 – In Our Faculty,
Staff and Volunteers
Saturday, January 31 – In Our Family
percent of public school students. Over the last year,
forty-two new schools opened, many of them started
by parents and boards who seek an excellent education rooted in Gospel values for students. But 133
schools closed or consolidated, many of them in urban areas where the student population has declined.
At the same time, parental choice in education
continues to grow. Twelve states and the District
of Columbia offer 18 different voucher and scholarship programs with more than 100,000 voucher recipients. Eleven states provide 14 tax credit
scholarship programs serving more than 150,000
students. Another six states provide tax credits or
deductions for education expenses benefiting about
850,000 taxpayers.
NCEA will be partnering with Catholic schools
across the country to celebrate the week-long activities. To engage online, visit NCEA on Twitter
and/or Facebook. Supporters can use #CSW15 to
share ideas and connect online. To learn more about
Catholic Schools Week 2015, visit
A message from the Executive Director for Catholic Education
Dear Friends,
Happy Catholic Schools Week! We are fortunate to celebrate this special week every January, as it
gives us an opportunity to highlight our successes and thank those who make Catholic schools possible.
High standards remain one of the hallmarks of Catholic schools, which are known for their emphasis on academic excellence, faith development, high moral standards and commitment to service.
Our Catholic Schools Week theme, “Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service,” celebrates the
constant attention Catholic educators pay to these key areas of growth for all students. Toward that
end, our school administrators and faculties have the guidance and support not only of our Office of
Catholic Schools, but the Offices of Religious Education, Family Life, and Youth Ministry as well –
all working together as your Department of Catholic Education.
During the week of January 11, a team of education professionals visited our archdiocese, for the
purpose of determining whether to recommend renewal of our SACS accreditation. I am pleased
to report that not only have they recommended us for renewal, but that our archdiocesan schools
scored significantly above average in all seven domains of the measurement scale. You can read
more about the team’s exit report on page A-16.
We have an exciting year ahead. McGill-Toolen will be expanding its facilities, and we will
break ground on the new Catholic high school in Fairhope, St. Michael. We have also been pleased
this year to enlarge our outreach across the archdiocese at the elementary school level, through the
state scholarship program created by the Alabama Accountability Act (AAA). This new initiative is
making it possible for more children to begin to reach their potential in the favorable learning environment which our Catholic schools provide. We support and appreciate our scholarship sponsoring
Continued on page 2
SEE Message from Executive Director
Check with your local school for the various activities planned January 25—January 31
Catholic Schools Week Supplement
Archdiocese of Mobile
Office of
Catholic Schools
352 Government Street • Mobile, AL 36602
251.438.4611 • FAX: 251.438.4612
JANUARY 23, 2015
Archdiocese of Mobile
Gwendolyn P. Byrd
Executive Director for Catholic Education,
and Superintendent of Schools
Karen F. Abreo
Associate Superintendent for Academics
Virginia N. Koppersmith
Associate Superintendent
for Student Services
Jean C. Dempsey
Director of Development
for Catholic Schools
Hortense Dunn
Senior Secretary & Bookkeeper
Margie Lilly
Archdiocese of Mobile
Christ the King, Daphne
Corpus Christi, Mobile
Little Flower, Mobile
McGill-Toolen Catholic
High School, Mobile
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory,
High School campus
Middle School campus
Holy Spirit campus
St. Bede campus
Most Pure Heart of Mary, Mobile
Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Lord,
The annual Catholic Schools Supplement in The Catholic Week presents a brief
snapshot for you, the people of the Archdiocese of Mobile, of the ministry of our
Catholic schools. Our schools are more than places of learning; they are also places
where Catholic formation is offered to our young people. Catholic schools have the
ability to educate the entire student: academically, socially, physically and spiritually.
Our schools offer an outstanding education and a formation in Gospel values.
This ministry of education is greatly needed in our society. A recent study of
Catholic adults by the Center for the Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University pointed to the value of Catholic schools for passing on the faith of
the Church.
The report studied each generation of Catholic adults beginning with adults born before 1943. For these
older adults, Mass attendance is not markedly different for Catholics whether or not they attended Catholic
schools. For those who attended a Catholic elementary school 49% attend Mass at least weekly; for those who
attended a Catholic high school 58% attend Mass at least weekly, and for those who never attended a Catholic
school 45% attend Mass at least weekly. However, the statistics change in every generation since then with
Mass attendance being considerably higher among adults who attended a Catholic school.
Among the youngest adults, the study showed that for adults born between 1982 and 1994, 34% of Catholics
who attended a Catholic elementary school attend Mass at least weekly; 39% of those who attended a Catholic
high school attend Mass at least weekly; but only 5% of Catholics who did not attend a Catholic school attend
Mass at least weekly.
This report offers yet more evidence that, as our society becomes more secular, the Catholic school is a very
effective ministry in evangelizing our young people and in passing on the faith. I give thanks for all families
who enroll their young people in our Catholic schools, often at great personal sacrifice. I cannot think of a better investment than to invest in our young people. We educate our young people, not only to make a living in
this world, but to live with the wisdom that one day we will stand before God to give an accounting of our life
in this world. Fortunately, the Archdiocese of Mobile has one of the highest per capita enrollments in Catholic
schools in our country. My thanks to all who support this ministry: our families, parishioners, clergy, religious,
and the faculties and staffs of our schools. May God bless you all.
Sincerely in the Lord,
Most Reverend Thomas J. Rodi
Archbishop of Mobile
Our Savior Preschool/MDO, Mobile
Resurrection, Montgomery
Message from Executive Director
continued from page 1
St. Benedict, Elberta
St. Dominic, Mobile
St. Ignatius, Mobile
St. John Montessori, Enterprise
St. Joseph Child Development Center,
Holy Trinity
St. Joseph, Tuskegee
St. Mary, Mobile
St. Michael Preschool, Auburn
organizations and pray that this program will continue in Alabama for many years to come.
We are proud of our students and know that you are, too. I am deeply grateful for the dedication and commitment of so many – our administrators, teachers, clergy, support staff, parishes, advisory committee members,
school parents and volunteers. Our schools are outstanding communities of learning because of your strong
partnerships with us. Truly these partnerships are a hallmark of our success. Special thanks to our Archbishop
Rodi, who shepherds our schools, and to our pastors for their leadership and support.
I give thanks for each and every one of you daily, but I take this special opportunity to publicly extend my
very deepest appreciation to you. Your prayers for us, and your contributions of time, talent and treasure, make
a lasting difference in the lives of thousands of children.
Gratefully yours in Christ,
St. Patrick, Phenix City
St. Patrick, Robertsdale
St. Pius X, Mobile
St. Vincent de Paul, Mobile
Gwendolyn P. Byrd
Superintendent of Schools
and Executive Director,
Department of Catholic Education
Catholic Schools Week Supplement
JANUARY 23, 2015
Christ the King Catholic School
Grades K-8
1503 Main Street • Daphne, AL 36526
Principal: Mr. Maxwell J. Crain
Pastor: Rev. Matthew J. O’Connor
“Still the Best on the Eastern Shore”
“Many times the conversation at our supper
table revolves around what our children are
learning through their Catholic education.
Whether it’s our fourth grader talking about
the focus of Christmas being Jesus and not
presents, or our high schooler catching us not being up
to snuff on theology and giving us the lesson, we are
optimistic that our children will go out into the world
with a strong foundation in their faith. We’re fortunate
that our schools provide opportunities to reinforce
character building skills and put virtues into action.
Together, we are shaping our children to be positive
role models for others.”
—Alisa Andrews, parent
“Being surrounded by people who share Catholic
beliefs and values has affirmed and strengthened my
faith. It has sparked conversations around our family
GIVE ME FIVE!—Father Victor Ingalls greets the kindergarten students on their way to the church for a special talk about Mass before
dinner table, which helps bring our family together
the students attended their first school service of the year. (Photo by Kacey Keeney)
spiritually. I feel blessed to be a part of the Christ the
King Catholic school community. It’s a safe place where students can learn about their faith and how to integrate it into every aspect of life, not just religion class. Not only do Catholic schools make a difference
in the lives of students and their families, but they greatly impact the community as well, inspiring the students to go out into their community to spread love and faith to those less fortunate.”
—Jennifer Winkle, junior high religion teacher
“Catholic education is very important to me. It has helped me to grow in my faith. I am surrounded by teachers and students with the same values and I get to have religion class. I am very lucky to
attend Christ the King.”
—Jeri Grundhoefer, Student Council President
Corpus Christi Catholic School
“Building the Body of Christ One Student at a Time”
“Corpus Christi Catholic School has taught me the value of Christian charity and kindness. I’m always encouraged to do good
things, volunteer, and work to be the best person I can in life.”
—Katie Calhoun, seventh grader
Grades PK3-8
6300 McKenna Drive • Mobile, AL 36608
Principal: Mrs. Joan T. McMullen
Pastor: Rev. James F. Zoghby
“I love that my children are attending a Catholic school. They pray daily and attend Masses weekly with the other students. My children have a set of morals
and principles that the school reinforces daily. I remember having a discussion with my older daughter about making good choices. My younger daughter
was in kindergarten at the time and said, “God helps me make good choices.” I asked her where she learned that. She responded, “from school; from my
teacher.” I still use her exact words in some of our talks. Corpus Christi Catholic School provides an education and faith foundation that teaches my children
to make good choices.”
—Hang Nguyen, school parent
“There are a countless number of contributions to our community by Catholic schools. The immediate ones that come to mind are the very values that we
are instilling in our children through our Catholic education. These values will remain with these children, influencing their decisions and helping to
bring a genuine sense of responsibility to our community as they grow older and demonstrate those values to others.”
—Glenn Santa Cruz, school parent and former PTO President
DRUG FREE—Corpus Christi Catholic School participates in the national
drug prevention program, “Red Ribbon Week,” devoted to learning how to
live a healthy and drug free life. Many fun events, such as Crazy Sock Day
and Slipper Day, are planned for the students. Supporting Red Ribbon Week
are Rachel Patronas, Kelly DeVoe, Kyla Hicks, Joelle Zoghby (front), Lainey
Patrick and Alyssa Smith (back). (Photo by Stephanie Gillis)
GRANDPARENTS DAY—Each year, Corpus Christi Catholic School holds
this special event for students and their grandparents. The celebration begins
with Mass, followed by a reception. Then grandparents are invited to tour the
school and visit their grandchildren’s classrooms. Peter and Maureen Byrne
have four grandchildren at Corpus Christi: Danielle Flores, Maurgen Byrne,
Isabela Flores and Maggie Byrne.
“The Light of the Loop”
“They really embrace the ‘little way’ of St. Therese. You can feel love in that place. The teachers, staff, administration, pastor even the parish dog loves every single Viking at LFCS. When kids feel that kind of love, they can’t help but excel.”
—Maureen Smith, former school parent
Little Flower Catholic School
Grades PK3-8
2103 Government Street • Mobile, AL 36606
Principal: Ms. Clara A. Brunk
Pastor: Rev. John G. Lynes
“We were like family. Some of my dearest
friends I met at Little Flower Catholic School.
[Being a student there] was definitely one of
my best and fondest childhood memories. The
friendships have lasted for years. We keep in
close contact even today.”
—Gwen Hamilton Edmond, alumna
“My family has enjoyed the fellowship, friendship, opportunity, growth, teamwork, sportsmanship, morals, values, high standards, unity, pride,
and LOVE at Little Flower. The list could go on
and on.”
—Kelly Poole, school parent
GREAT AMERICAN CLEAN-UP—The fifth grade class stops to pose on their
way to participate in the Great American Clean-up campaign. The students at
Little Flower tidy up the neighborhood each year. Volunteering are Autumn
Daniels, Samantha Borja, Leslie Solis, Maleah King, Gracie Falgout, Ms. Weiskopf, Michael Heironymous, Chris Massey, Edy Gael, Eric Gonzales, Joseph
Pierre, Santiago Tomas, and Joshua Norris. (Photo by Clara Brunk)
“I love the fact that it provided me the opportunity to make so many great friends from
my class of 1981. It also played a major part
in making me the person that I’ve become. Great memories that I would never
—Brad Bassett, alumnus
WALL OF ROSES—On the Feast day of St. Therese,
Little Flower parish and school unveiled its beautiful
Wall of Roses. The mural was painted by Mary Callan, a resident artist from Ireland. Students Isabella
Howell (as St. Therese), Karen Tran, Trenier Coleman
and Kim Tran were among the first students to view
the mural, which has been installed at the school. (Photo by Clara Brunk)
Catholic Schools Week Supplement
JANUARY 23, 2015
McGill-Toolen Catholic High School
Grades 9-12
1501 Old Shell Road • Mobile, AL 36604
Principal: Mrs. Michelle T. Haas
President: Rev. W. Bry Shields
“Believe, Learn, Grow”
hundred seventy students from
McGill-Toolen Catholic High
School traveled to our nation’s
capital for the 2014 March
for Life. Braving the cold and
a major snow storm, they
were proud to represent the
Archdiocese of Mobile and our
Catholic faith in support of the
unborn. Among the members
of #TEAMLIFE were Elizabeth
Tew, Kay Lynn Nguyen, Angela
Napolitano and Kaitlyn Scheid.
((Photo by
y Dan Johnson))
AZALEA TRAIL MAIDS—McGill-Toolen Catholic is proud of our five
Azalea Trail Maids, selected to represent the City of Mobile based on theirr
academic success, extracurricular activities and service to the community.
The following outstanding young ladies travel the country representing
our city and our school: Emma Harrell, Lauren Wertz, Erin Blake, Emily
Ramsey and Catie Nayor. (Photo by Brother Paul Mulligan)
“McGill-Toolen Catholic High School continues to be a beacon in Mobile
obile for academic, spiritual and personal gr
growth. We know McGill will challenge and prepare our three daughters for
Auburn University and beyond. We’re happy to make the same decision our parents
We are delighted to send our children to McGill-Toolen to receive a Catholic
t made
d when
h we were young. W
—Shane and Danielle Nicholas, alumni and school parents
“McGill has shown me that loving God is truly a cool thing to do. It’s really something that all McGill students are taught to believe. I have also learned that it takes a little more than just being a
Christian. It requires genuine sacrifice, kindness, and above all else - service to others. And I think McGill sets a wonderful example for its students in this way.”
—Blaize Naman, Senior Class President
“We feel that sending our children to McGill-Toolen Catholic is one of the best choices we ever made. All three of our children practice their faith proudly and knowledgably, able to defend
it when challenged. They have a great zeal for service. They have discovered the true reward of helping others – joy! We have given our children the “armor” of which St. Paul speaks, and
we have made sure that it is strong.”
—Melinda and Henry Kusch, school parents
Catholic Schools Week Supplement
JANUARY 23, 2015
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School
High School Campus
Grades 9-12
5350 Vaughn Road • Montgomery, AL 36116
Principal: Mr. E. Chadwick Barwick
High School Campus
“Faith. Excellence. Service. This is Catholic”
Thomas McMillen and Gaton Armstrong serve at a weekly Mass with Monsigner Troncale and Deacon Labadie.
(Photo by Vicki Dickson)
PEER MENTORING—Montgomery Catholic Seniors Tay and Tray McCurdy and
Maggie Ward make a visit to one of MCPS’s elementary campuses as part of a peer
mentoring program at the school. (Photo by Debbie Mayer)
“There are many things that I love about going to Montgomery Catholic. The most prominent, though is the feeling of being in a family. When I walk in the door every morning I am greeted
with hundreds of smiles. I can’t help but smile back. There is no other feeling in the world like the feeling you get when you know that you are loved. That is what we have here at this school
and I would not trade it for anything.”
—Abaigeal Gilbert, eleventh grader
“Catholic High was always so important in our lives. We not only got a great education there, but lifelong friends. What a treasure that school is, for all of us alums.”
—George Ann DeVoe, Class of 1957
“Montgomery Catholic Preparatory has contributed so much to our community in the past, and continues to do so to this day. Our school not only provides a high level educational curriculum to
the students, but also prepares them for life. This school produces educated and well-rounded individuals who will one day be productive members of our communities. Not all schools have
the ability to provide a religion-focused academic setting, which makes Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School so unique.”
—Miss Christina Brown, resource teacher
“I have been at Montgomery Catholic since fourth grade. I love religion class and learning more about faith and the logic behind it. Learning to be more solid and committed to my faith are
what I will carry with me from my Catholic education.”
—Mel Koontz, twelfth grader
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School
Middle School Campus
Middle School Campus
“Faith. Excellence. Service. This is Catholic”
“Montgomery Catholic does an amazing job of allowing each student
to achieve success both academically and spiritually, while maintaining
the highest of academic standards.” —Monica Main, school parent
Grades 7-8
5350 Vaughn Road • Montgomery, AL 36116
Principal: Mr. E. Chadwick Barwick
Montgomery Catholic
Preparatory School
eighth grader Donovahn
Wyatt receives his certificate from principal
Chad Barwick after
being inducted into
National Junior Honor
Society. (Photo by Julie
I have learned a lot more about my faith going to Catholic school. I have
also gotten a great education. I like this school especially because we are
one big family.”
—Melody Taylor, eighth grader
Montgomery Catholic eighth grader
Annie Back works on an experiment in
science lab. (Photo by Debbie Mayer)
“Catholic schools have contributed to this community by bringing us closer to God and making the community a
better place.”
—Claire Mills, eighth grader
“I am new to Montgomery Catholic this year and I have been taught Christian values, but what I have learned
here is to be thankful.”
—Christian Friday, eighth grader
Catholic Schools Week Supplement
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School
Holy Spirit Campus
Grades PK4-6
8580 Vaughn Road • Montgomery, AL 36117
Principal: Mr. Matthew Monson
Pastor: Rev. Patrick R. Driscoll
JANUARY 23, 2015
Holy Spirit Campus
“Faith. Excellence. Service. This is Catholic”
“Growing up as one of the few Catholics in a rural area in Georgia, I
always longed to be able to have a Catholic education. Knowing that
[our children could have] that here made Catholic education the “no
brainer” decision for me. What I didn’t realize was how much Catholic
education would bring to our home and our family. Though it had always
been a goal for me, it’s now something I truly treasure.
As a parent and a teacher, I love the community service requirements because I think that it’s an important way to connect with and give back to our
community. When we found Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School, we
found much more than a school. We found a community; we found a family.”
—Sinead Turner, school parent
“We are new to Montgomery Catholic this year with our son in first grade. We
were made to feel like family even prior to the first day at Holy Spirit. The
teachers and staff truly care about the lives of the children as well as the family. Knowing you have your child where God has planned for him to be gives
you peace as a family. Montgomery Catholic contributes to the community
by educating our children and youth in essential academics as well as biblical
teachings. They instill in the children the love of Jesus Christ and the
importance of living in a Godly way.”
—Kristi Springer, school parent
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School
St. Bede Campus
Grades PK4-6
3850 Atlanta Highway • Montgomery, AL 36109
Principal: Ms. Laurie A. Gulley
Pastor: Rev. Alejandro E. Valladares
iPAD TECHNOLOGY—Fifth graders Gabby Means, Ella Newell, Grace Hoffman and Anne Mountcastle
work on a project in class. (Photo by Debbie Mayer)
St. Bede Campus
“Faith. Excellence. Service. This is Catholic”
PSSSST—Montgomery Catholic St. Bede Campus Kindergartener Olivia Harbin shares the secret about how great her school is with classmate
Chayse Jordan. (Photo by Laurie Gulley)
SONGS OF PRAISE—In weekly Mass at Montgomery Catholic’s St. Bede campus, Amy Treloar,
Angela Gier, and Nicholas Calandra all participate
in the choir. (Photo by Denee Haigler)
“I see daily the effect Catholic school is having on my children. They are growing and learning in an unbelievably caring and positive environment. Prayer, Mass and almost daily interactions with Fr. Pat and Fr. Alex
are so important to them, and to me and Elizabeth. In addition to the benefits I see in our children, Catholic
schools have helped make my wife, Elizabeth, the amazing woman and teacher she is today. She did attend Catholic
schools for many years and now she works at one. She is always talking about how good it feels to work in a place
where religion is such a practiced part of her day.”
—Daniel Harbin, school parent
“I’m glad I go to a Catholic School because I feel safe and protected.”
—Erik Azar, fourth grader
“I am glad that I go to a Catholic School because I get to learn the real reason for all the holidays, and I get to learn
about the saints and why they died for God.”
—Matthew Livingston, fourth grader
THIRD GRADE—Nick Montelara, Jordan Davis, Dalton DeRamus, Ella
Castanza, and Ariyn Gilbert are absorbed in their studies in Mrs. Quillin’s
third grade class at MCPS’s St. Bede campus. (Photo by Vicki Dickson)
“Because of Catholic school education, the values of faith and charity have remained with me. As I teach
young children about God’s love and will, I myself must come to know Him more. I love the closeness that the
schools have brought to this Catholic community.”
—Mrs. Sara Wilson, K4 teacher
Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service
Catholic Schools Week Supplement
JANUARY 23, 2015
Most Pure Heart of Mary
Catholic School
Grades PK3-8
310 Sengstak Street • Mobile, AL 36603
Principal: Mrs. Jamie G. Crain
Pastor: Rev. Kenneth C. Ugwu, S.S.J.
“Over a Hundred Years Strong and Still Going”
“With all three of my children here, we
have become closer as a family because
the school is a close knit family.”
—Mrs. Andrea Portis, parent
“Our teachers don’t only educate their
students - they teach each other, too, by
the examples they set in giving their all
each day. Heart of Mary is a ministry of
LOVE in community. To this day, many
former students continue to stay in touch
because we made a difference in their
lives...they too hold on to memories of
making God present.”
—Sr. Joanne Cozzi,
Director of Religious Education
O CHRISTMAS TREE!—A large group of Most Pure
Heart of Mary students were chosen to decorate the
Christmas tree in the archdiocesan chancery in December. All the ornaments were handmade by the children,
with the theme of Peace Around the World. Enjoying the
morning are Gervaze Murphy, DeMichael Alexander, and
Mrs. Jamie Crain, principal. (Photo by Jean Dempsey)
“Our family has become closer together in
the church and the community by learning
about God and working to make a
—Ms. Kerra Hobbs, seventh grader
PEP RALLY EXCITEMENT—Nylah Watson, Kimora Hobbs, and Lillian Portis enjoyed the school comraderie during Most Pure Heart of
Mary’s fall pep rally. Go Lions! (Photo by Jean Dempsey)
Our Savior Catholic Preschool
Mother’s Day Out
Grades PK3-4
1801 Cody Road South • Mobile, AL 36695
Director: Mrs. Rita G. Langan
Pastor: Rev. David J. Tokarz
“Teaching the smallest of God’s children”
“Putting my child in Catholic schools during these
precious years is putting my child in God’s hands.
I did not grow up Catholic, but have learned more
about my Catholic faith through my children’s
Catholic education. A Catholic education benefits the
entire family.”
—Gina Aguirre, parent of preschooler
“This Catholic school community has provided our
family with the guidelines and values we want to live
by and have our children follow as they grow up. We
have been blessed with the best teachers to guide our
children to act and live as Jesus did.”
—Michelle McGuire, parent of preschooler
FUTURE ENGINEERS!—Thomas Aguirre and Brooks Butcher
can attest that playing and learning go hand and hand at Our Savior. (Photo by Rita Langan)
GOLDEN RULE—Everyone needs a little push
sometimes. Jacob Sullivan and Carson Huggins are
practicing the Golden Rule as they help each other out
on the swings. (Photo courtesy of Rita Langan)
“My Catholic education helped me to establish a
strong prayer life. This is the gift I try to share with
my three year old students. I believe that introducing them to prayer at an early age will instill in
them a love of God.”
—Joan Cobb, preschool teacher
Most Pure Heart of Mary Catholic School
A Community of . . .
“Come be a part of our history”
Serving Mobile for over 115 years
310 Sengstak St. Mobile •251-432-5270
Like us on
To advertise in The Catholic Week contact Mary Ann Stevens at 251-434-1543
Catholic Schools Week Supplement
Resurrection Catholic School
JANUARY 23, 2015
Grades PK3—8
2815 Forbes Road • Montgomery, AL 36110
Principal: Sister Gail Trippett, C.S.J.
Pastor: Rev. Manuel B. Williams, C.R.
“Soar Like Eagles: Education for a Lifetime”
“Catholic schools helped me become a responsible
adult, and an intelligent life long learner. Catholic
schools gave me a strong faith base.”
—Alesha Rebekah Thomas,
teacher at Resurrection, alumna of MCPS
“The First Letter of John says, “We love because He first
loved us.” The Catholic faith has taught me to love unconditionally as God loves us. When I pass this love and
knowledge on to my students, they will be loving, successful adults. Knowing that God is always with us no
matter what happens keeps us motivated. Even if we fail,
He loves us unconditionally.”
—Iris Hall, preschool teacher
STUDENT AMBASSADOR—Alabama Governor Robert Bentley signed a proclamation in honor of Diabetes Awareness Month
in November. Present for the signing, to Governor Bentley’s immediate left, was Resurrection Catholic student Zykeria King.
Miss King was selected to represent the Junior Diabetes Ambassadors of Resurrection. These young ambassadors help educate
the student community about diabetes. Also present were Resurrection’s principal, Sr. Gail Trippett, and members of the Alabama Diabetes Foundation. (Photo courtesy of Gov. Bentley’s office)
“Catholic education has been a great influence in my life.
I learned the value of life, the importance of a good education, and to live a Christian life. This encouraged me to
send my children to Catholic schools. I hope that parents
and teachers today realize the importance and the traditions of Catholic education and that Catholic schools,
especially in the black community, will continue
to survive.”
—Linda Carpenter, school parent and alumna
St. Benedict Catholic School
Grades PK3-8
12786 Illinois Street • Elberta, AL 36530
Principal: Mrs. Jaivi A. Howell
Pastoral Representative: Rev. Paul G. Zoghby
“Ora et Labora—Pray and Work: to love God and others through academic excellence”
“I couldn’t live without St. Benedict - they are my extended family. My children love
when the priests visit, teach religion, celebrate Mass, or do Benediction. I love that my
children are able to practice our faith and interact with our clergy in a meaningful way.”
— Karen Frye, parent, past advisory board member, volunteer
Saint Benedict Catholic School
12786 S. Illinois St. • Elberta, AL 36530
Invites you to our
Open House
“My Catholic school education at Saint Benedict’s School in Elberta has been one of the very
most important things that have occurred in my lifetime. The loving and caring education I received from the priests, sisters and teachers provided an important foundation for my life. I was
taught the value of God’s gifts and the importance of love of my brothers and sisters. The academic education was the finest one could ever hope to experience.
My mother taught at Saint Benedict School while I was a student there. Her love magnified
my devotion to my Creator. While my three children attended Saint Benedict School, my wife
Sandy was the computer teacher. Our whole family was involved in the school. Our love and
respect for each other grew, and now later in life my children use the skills they learned there in
the development of my grandchildren.
Saint Benedict School has played a key role in the academic education of hundreds of students
who now live and work in our community. Our students have developed into wonderful citizens
who provide jobs and opportunities for our young people. A community with a Catholic school
is a very special blessing to the citizens. Baldwin County is a better place to live because of the
presence of Catholic schools in our county.”
—Judge Tim Russell, alumnus and former school parent
“My Catholic school education prepared me for facing life’s challenges with my faith as my
strength. Catholic schools taught me to carry Christ into all that I do – as a teacher, mother, wife,
and active member of my community.”
—Tiffany Carter Goldschmidt, former student and 4th generation school parent
Wednesday, January 28th
Winner of
In the area of Curriculum and Instruction
SACS accredited
PE, Art, Sports, Spanish, Cafeteria Services,
Library, Dual Platform Technology
Your Regional Catholic School
Accepting Registration for our 2015-2016
school year, ages PK3 to 8th grade
Saint Benedict’s fifth grade students
enjoy using their Chromebooks during
class time. (Photo by Janice Walley)
Catholic Schools Week Supplement
JANUARY 23, 2015
St. Dominic Catholic School
Grades PK2-8
4160 Burma Road • Mobile, AL 36693
Principal: Mrs. Linda B. Mathias
Pastor: Rev. James J. Cink
“Soaring Academically in the Spirit of God”
“Catholic schools provide
the community, and indeed
the country as a whole, with
a wealth of future leaders
who are spiritually grounded, academically and socially disciplined, and fervently seeking ways
to serve others. The students never cease to amaze me with their abilities, both in the classroom
and through extracurricular activities. Each student is given the capability of shining for Christ,
whether it be through academics, stewardship, or athletics. I do believe that the Catholic school
system has perfected the formula for education and will continue to provide a solid platform for
students to succeed elsewhere.”
—Jeanette Connally, middle school teacher
“St. Dominic is important to me because the people here are nice and have welcomed me to my
new school. I have lots of friends.”
—Austin Quinlivan, second grader
“A few of the values that have remained with me from receiving a Catholic School education are
a desire for continuous learning, generosity, respect, and leadership. These values have helped
me every day with educating young minds as well as pursuing a master’s degree. Catholic
Schools have shaped me into the person I am today!”
—Claire Burnett, Class of 2003, current parish council member
Dominic Catholic School participated
in the Mobile Regional Airport Annual
Christmas Tree Contest in December. St.
Dominic’s tree, “Butterflies of Hope for
St. Jude’s Children,” was decorated with
beautiful butterflies made by students
in grades K-3. Third grader Maggie
Kohnen took time to carefully place her
handcrafted butterfly on the tree.
SUPPORTING RELIGIOUS VOCATIONS—St. Dominic Parish has reintroduced the Vocations Chalice to help foster religious vocations among its families. Various recipients take
the sacred chalice, put it in a place of honor in the home and pray for an increase in vocations. Additionally, a chalice will be circulated at St. Dominic Catholic School providing
students the opportunity to participate in this prayer ministry. Fifth graders Julian Waits,
Evan Ray, Grace Greenwood and Simms Stokes, take a moment during a recent school day
to pray for vocations. (Photos by Michele Grimes)
Little Flower welcomes new ACE teachers
By Jean Dempsey
MOBILE—This past fall, Little Flower Catholic School was
pleased to welcome two new
Alliance for Catholic Education
(ACE) teachers to its faculty,
Miss Mairead Mumford and Mr.
Brendan Shea. They will teach at
Little Flower for two years while
earning their Master of Educa-
tion degrees from the University
of Notre Dame.
A native of Harrisburg PA,
Mairead (an Irish name which
rhymes with parade) earned her
undergrad degree at Notre Dame
with a double major in Medieval
Studies and Irish Language and
Literature. During her undergrad, Miss Mumford traveled to
Ireland’s County Galway for a
month long study. That immersion experience now affords her
the unexpected pleasure of occasionally speaking a little Gaelic
with Little Flower’s Irish pastor,
Father John Lynes.
Mairead teaches social studies and religion to the 5-8th graders, in addition to art each Friday. “I didn’t expect to love the
art classes as much as I have,”
said Mumford. “In the fall we
studied Egyptian cartouches,
and the students learned how to
write their names in hieroglyphics. It’s been fun.”
Brendan Shea is from Walpole MA, and graduated from
Villanova University with a ma-
jor in biochemistry. He teaches
science and math to the upper
grades. When asked what surprises Brendan has encountered,
he remarked, “I had forgotten
the exuberance of elementary
school. They ask great questions, and I love science, so it
can be a challenge to stay on
topic. On Friday’s I also teach
a service learning course. The
kids do a great job brainstorming projects, like putting together care packages for the homeless shelter. They have surprised
me with some profound and
thoughtful insights.”
Mumford and Shea live in
community in the former convent at Little Flower, with two
other ACE teachers who are in
their second year of teaching
at McGill-Toolen. They meet
weekly in prayer, rotate household chores, and share cooking
responsibilities. “There is definitely more finesse when certain
people cook,” jokes Brendan.
“We like when it’s Mairaid’s
turn.” But Mumford insists that
Shea has his own culinary talents. “Brendan made this African
peanut soup for our first community dinner,” she said. “It was a
weird combination of salsa, peanut butter, and some other ingredients—but we all thought it was
For more about the ACE program, visit
Celebrates Catholic Schools Week
Thank you to our priests, students, parents, faculty, staī, alumni
and friends for your support of Catholic Schools.
We invite you to become familiar with the St. Dominic
Catholic School community through a personal campus
tour. Contact the school oĸce for more informaƟon.
SCHOOL—Brendan Shea and Mairead Mumford will share their enthusiasm and talents with the Little Flower Catholic School community
for two academic years. They join a former ACE teacher now on staff at
Little Flower, and two other ACE teachers who arrived last year to serve
the archdiocese at McGill-Toolen. (Photo by Jean Dempsey)
Open RegistraƟon for
the Early Learning Center - Grade 8
will begin Monday, January 26
4160 Burma Road • Mobile, AL 36693
251-661-5226 •
Catholic Schools Week Supplement
St. Ignatius Catholic School
JANUARY 23, 2015
Grades PK3-8
3650 Springhill Avenue • Mobile, AL 36608
Principal: Mr. Gary L. Blackburn
Pastor: Rev. W. Bry Shields
“If you don’t educate the whole child, what part do you leave out?”
“I love St. Ignatius. Each year from kindergarten to fourth grade, I’ve learned a lot more about
my Catholic faith. Along the way I’ve shared many memories with friends and gained many
new friends. I can’t thank God enough for being able to go to a Catholic school. I hope to be
at St. Ignatius through eighth grade and then go to McGill-Toolen. We have a great staff and
great students. I couldn’t
love St. Ignatius more.”
—Eloise Teague,
fourth grader
EVER WONDER WHAT AN OWL EATS?—Ask a St. Ignatius third
grader. In a recent science lab, each student got to dissect their own
owl pellet, identifying the bones of the animals the owls ate, and logging them on a bone chart.
St. John Catholic
Montessori School
Ages 3-6
123 Heath Street • Enterprise, AL 36330
Director: Mrs. Julie S. Climer
Pastor: Rev. Gregory O. Okorobia
“We love St. Ignatius. It
has such a challenging
environment for our students. My seventh grader
was so excited to be able
to take the ACT this year,
and St. Ignatius prepared
them for that. They love
the classroom, and the
teachers. They have great
friends, and the spiritual
environment is such a
benefit for the kids.”
—Emma Mayhall,
school parent
iPAD, ANYONE?—Last year St. Ignatius added an entire classroom’s worth of iPads.
Teachers in grades K-6 are able to coordinate their classroom SMART Board with the
iPads used by each student in the classroom through an app, enabling the group to
work together on a lesson. First grader Julia Blankenship is working in Mrs. Hodges
first grade class, on a lesson about types of sentences. (Photos by Lindsay Hutchisson)
“I love St. Ignatius for so many reasons. The teachers, faculty, students and parents all help
my children grow academically, socially and most importantly spiritually. We are
extremely blessed to be a part of the St. Ignatius Family.”
—Courtney Walker, school parent
“I was in the Catholic school system all the way through high
school, and when I went to college I attended a Jesuit university. If I could sum up my Catholic education in one word it
would be EXCELLENT. I hope to provide the same education
for my children.”
—Bernadette Haskins, school parent
“Catholic schools help reinforce the values we as parents and primary teachers of the faith try to instill in our kids every day. It is nice
to know that once our children leave the house, they continue to receive the message that Christ loves us, died for us and has given us
a great promise. It strengthens their individual faith, which in turn is shared as a family. Our Montessori school, even though it is small
compared to the other church pre-schools in the area, continues to be a beacon in a community where Catholics are the minority. It
is nice to have a presence as we continue Pope Francis’s message of evangelization.”
—Michelle Ellis, school parent
MINDS—Jansen, in
foreground, works on the
knobbed cylinders, as does
Sawyer, in the background.
Meanwhile, Gavin works
with the blocks.
Young artists Raeleigh
and Anna are
experimenting with
cork as their paint
‘brushes,’ adding
multicolored leaves to
their trees. (Photos by
Cindi Yonts)
JANUARY 23, 2015
Catholic Schools Week Supplement
St. Joseph Catholic School
Grades PK4-8
2009 Montgomery Road • Tuskegee, AL 36088
Principal: Mrs. Marjorie L. Reese
Pastor: Rev. Stanley M. Deresienski, S.S.E.
“Faith, Success and Leadership”
CHRIST – During
Advent, St. Joseph
students prepared
to celebrate the first
coming of the Son of
God, the birth of Jesus
Christ. Sister Regina’s
fifth and sixth grade
religion class lit the
candle for the first
week as they recalled
that Advent is a time of
waiting for the light of
Christ to brighten the
darkness. (Photo by
Curtis Williams)
“Catholic school education has helped my children
in becoming Christians. They both have developed
the Christian values of love and service to others
and each other. St. Joseph Catholic School provides this
community with a choice of education for their children. Without this school, the people here would only
have one option for education. Thank God for St. Joseph
Catholic each and every day.”
—Wendy Boykins, school parent and PTO president
“Catholic schools strengthen families by providing
those Christian values that are important to the
moral growth of families and communities.”
—Hal Bentley, basketball coach
St. Joseph Child Development Center
WYATT TO THE RESCUE—Wyatt Baylor had a blast
learning how to use the Cottonton Volunteer Fire Department’s fire hose. Each child had the opportunity to
experience the different tools that the fire department
uses (Photos by Kristi Smith)
“Catholic education has shown our family the importance of helping others through community service and
has enriched our lives.”
—Jackie Adams, grandmother
“As a parent and now a grandparent of children who attended St. Joseph Catholic School, I have had many opportunities to witness the difference that Catholic education makes first hand. When my own children had to leave
and attend public schools because the Catholic elementary
school closed, I was devastated. I realized that nowhere
else would they receive the care and concern that we had
grown accustomed to. Their public school teachers were
impressed by their ability to remain focused and on task as
well as by their well-mannered behavior. The early years
are what formed their concept of what education is and
what can be gained from knowledge. These same chil-
OUTDOOR FUN—Luke Flaherty and
Maxwell McCart are enjoying playing in the
corn at the pumpkin patch.
dren are fine upstanding members
of the community with children of
their own who have attended Catholic schools for their early learning
years. The teachers who have received them have spoken very highly of the students that come from St.
Joseph Child Development Center
and are happy to receive them.”
—Pat Smith, grandmother
“My children have been attending
Catholic school for seven years
now. It has taught them the importance of believing in God and
putting Him first in their lives.
They are taught to look deep into
their hearts before making a decision and to ask themselves if
God would approve of it. Kindness when interacting with others,
showing respect to their elders,
and knowing right from wrong
are just some of the values that
Catholic education fosters in my
—Silke Brede,
school parent
Grades PK
1444 Highway 165 • Fort Mitchell, AL 36856
Director: Mrs. Kristi Smith
Pastor: Rev. Dennis M. Berry, S.T.
Catholic Schools Week Supplement
JANUARY 23, 2015
St. Mary Catholic School
Grades PK3-8
107 N. Lafayette Street • Mobile, AL 36604
Principal: Mrs. Debbie D. Ollis
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. G. Warren Wall
“Moral, Accomplished, Responsible, Yearning to Learn”
“My youngest son found
his way to God at St. Mary
Catholic School and began his
journey as a Christian. The
teachers were an enormous,
positive influence on him.”
—Marian Faulk, parent
“My family has been strengthened by the support of our
Catholic school community.
We truly are all family.”
—Jaclyn Lee McCarn, parent
“St. Mary Catholic School has
provided our family with an invaluable resource for reinforcing the faith that we teach out
kids at home.”
— Emily Montague, parent
“Our family is thankful for
all of the blessings in our life.
Catholic schools help our son
understand the concept of the
phrase “Thank God” and realize that the Lord provides these
blessings. Our family has been
strengthened by having awareness of the Lord in our lives. “
—Maria Renee Roca
and Omar Sanchez,
school parents
GREEN GROWS THE GRASS—St. Mary Catholic pre-K3 student Crosby Ellison shows his teacher a green sheet of paper to
identify the color of the grass outside.
PEP RALLY SURPRISE—The St. Mary Catholic School students got a fun surprise at their Toy
Bowl Pep Rally last fall. Two special alumni returned to St. Mary to join in the celebration of CYO
sports: University of South Alabama starting football player, Jereme Jones, and Tiger Paw, Taylor
Marston. Additional USA team members joined them at the pep rally. (Photos by Alicia Matthews)
Friday, January 30, 2015
St. Mary Catholic School invites
All Alumni to The Catholic School’s Week
Family Day Celebration!
652 Holcombe Avenue • Mobile, AL 36606
251-473-1638 • Fax: 251-479-4899
MONDAY-FRIDAY: 8 a.m.– 4:30 p.m.
SATURDAY: 9 a.m.– 12 noon
President and Owner
Honoring Distinguished Alumni, Outstanding Business Partner
of the Year, and our families! Begins with Student Mass at 8:10 a.m. in
St. Mary Catholic Church followed by coffee and refreshments.
Tour your alma mater and see what St. Mary students are learning today!
107 N. Lafayette Street Ŷ Mobile AL 36604
(251) 433-9904 Ŷ
For information about or to advertise in
upcoming special supplements contact
Mary Ann Stevens at
or call 251-434-1543
JANUARY 23, 2015
Catholic Schools Week Supplement
St. Michael Catholic Preschool
“Where God’s children learn, play, and grow in His love”
WHAT’S IN A NAME?—Mrs. Meg Carlson spends small group time working on name
and letter recognition with Emma Armiger and Anne Marie Babbitt in the PK-3 class at St.
Michael Catholic Preschool. (Photos by Cindy Wilton)
“Saint Michael Catholic Preschool has strengthened our family by providing a loving
yet challenging environment to help our son develop socially, spiritually, and academically. He has had the opportunity to participate in local food drives, meet important
people from the community, and become better acquainted with different areas of the
Church and the people who work there. We are so grateful to be able to send our son to a school
where he is treated with the same kind of care and attention he receives at home, and we are
blessed to be part of such an excellent preschool community.”
—Mrs. Cayce Van Horn, school parent
“Catholicism is my way of life. I am privileged to share my faith with the children of St.
Michael Catholic Preschool as they get to know Jesus and begin their loving relationship
with Him.”
—Mrs. Mary Brown, teacher
“St. Michael’s preschool program has provided our Catholic community with access to a
Catholic based education for our young children, while also providing our wider Auburn
community with a chance to look into the Catholic faith. Allowing all faiths to
participate in the preschool program at SMCP may encourage members of our
non-Catholic Auburn community to join the Catholic Church.”
— Mrs. Tammy Pool, school parent
Grades PK3-4
1100 North College Street • Auburn, AL 36830
Director: Ms. Cindy L. Wilton
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. William J. Skoneki
BLESS US, OH LORD —At St. Michael Catholic Preschool, Benjamin Braun and Eloise
Godwin practice asking the Lord for His blessing before meals in the Home Living Center.
St. Vincent de Paul
Catholic School
A Community of Faith, Knowledge and Service
6571 Larkspur Drive
Mobile, AL 36619
Of¿ce: 251-666-8022
Fax: 251-666-1296
SACS Accredited
Preschool - Grade 8
Interactive Boards
Robotics Program
Offering excellence in education since 1867.
The logo features a swirl of colors interacting
around a cross, which is at the center of all
Catholic education. The vibrancy of the colors
and the movement and shadows in the logo
portray the inner-connectivity and community
life that are present in our Catholic schools.
Open registration begins Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Pre-K-3 through 8th grade
Located in Historic Midtown at 107 N. Lafayette Street, Mobile, AL 36604
Catholic Schools Week Supplement
JANUARY 23, 2015
St. Patrick Catholic School
Grades PK3-8
2703 40th Street • Phenix City, AL
Interim Principal: Mrs. Terry Gallups
Pastor: Rev. José J. Paillacho
“Educating our future leaders in Catholic values”
NEW DIGS—Saint Patrick’s students celebrate the opening of new school building.
“I couldn’t be happier with St. Patrick’s School. My daughter has flourished since attending and the quality of the teachers and staff rivals any school in this district or state. You can’t put a price on the
care and attention she receives on a daily basis, nor can you put a price on the values that are instilled in her. I could not imagine sending my child anywhere else.”
—Jarrod Six, school parent
“Academic excellence and religious education are just two of the reasons parents send their children to a Catholic School, and I am no different. Several years ago, after much prayer and
discernment, I selected St Patrick’s for my son, who has Asperger’s. It was not the building, technology, sports program, or extra-curricular activities that appealed to me, but rather the accepting and
warm feeling that we were met with during our first visit. Not to sound cliché, but the feeling was that of a homecoming rather than a first visit. After two years at St Patrick’s, my son was selected
to attend an International Baccalaureate High School Program. His confidence level and social skills grew tremendously as a result of the true dedication and concern of each of the teachers and
faculty. St Patrick’s epitomizes faith, family and education coming together. School and family truly become one.”
—Patricia Frey, former school parent and current school grandparent
“A few months ago, we made the decision to make the switch from public school education to private
school with an emphasis on Catholic values. We felt that the public school curriculum was not the right
fit for our daughter, Faye. We were looking for a school that would provide her with the spiritual and developmental skills she would need to build a bright academic future. The Saint Patrick’s School family
welcomed us with open arms and loving heart. The teachers and staff at St. Patrick’s are committed
to the service of God and the educational and spiritual nourishment of its students. St. Patrick’s meets
and exceeds the expectation we have for our daughter’s education.” —Lucy Hellein, school parent
GRANDPARENTS DAY—The younger students performed a song for guests during Grandparents
Day Mass. (Photos by Lucy Hellein)
St. Patrick Catholic School
Grades PK3-8
23070 Highway 59 North • Robertsdale, AL 36567
Principal: Sr. Margaret Harte, P.B.V.M.
Pastor: Rev. Stephen C. Hellman
“Be God’s Light in the World”
“My Catholic School education taught me perseverance, integrity, and faith. Belief in your capabilities, regardless
of difficulties you face, makes you appreciate the strong foundation created by Catholic Schools.”
—Mark Flynn, Parent, St. Patrick Catholic School, Robertsdale
“We raised our children in the Catholic faith,
and they went to Catholic schools from kindergarten through twelfth grade. They are wonderful adults now and each is very spiritual. For
that, I am grateful.”
—Patsy Mullek, teacher
“Being a part of this school is really a blessing.
I am so thankful for the opportunity to
learn and grow here.”
—Brigham Cason, eighth grader
MORNING PRAYERS—Third grade students Ezra Sexton and Marley Nichols pray with their class during morning announcements at St.
Patrick Catholic School in Robertsdale. After saying the Pledge of Allegiance, the school prays the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Guardian Angel
Prayer together.
Come hear
the good news at
St. Patrick School
Highway 59
Robertsdale, Alabama
Visit us in person (251-947-7395)
and/or at our website
the eighth grade take their science classwork
outside and enjoy the pleasant December
weather; Lauren Harvison (left) with Anna
Bulman (center) and Bryce Corte (right) work
together to complete the assignments.
Every year the fifth graders
at SPCS host a drive to help
stock the food bank at the
Catholic Social Services location
in Robertsdale. Collecting
nonperishable items during
the month of November, the
students deliver and organize
the food so it can be ready
for needy families during the
Thanksgiving and Christmas
holidays. Pictured are Thomas
Michael, Landon Purvis,
Walker Leavitt, Leighanna
Turk, Kannon Seals, Rebecca
McAuliffe, William deAngelo,
and Grant Bryars. (Photos by
Lori Pressley)
To advertise in The Catholic Week
Contact Mary Ann Stevens at or call 251-434-1543
Catholic Schools Week Supplement
JANUARY 23, 2015
St. Pius X Catholic School
“Fides, Scientia, Ars Ducendi: Faith, Knowledge, Leadership”
‘The values that have remained with me because of my Catholic School education are
honesty, responsibility, and a caring nature
towards others.”
—Mrs. Michelle Harrison,
parishioner, alumna, school parent
Grades PK4-8
217 S. Sage Avenue • Mobile, AL 36606
Principal: Mrs. Lauren K. Alvarez
Pastor: Rev. Johnny S. Savoie
“As Catholics we all want to live in, and make,
a better world. The biggest thing that I think
Catholic schools contribute to their communities is their students. The students are the future
generation. We build a stronger community: we
are the community. If we live out our faith, we
can make our community a strong, loving one.
We should all be thankful for everything we have
been blessed with through our Catholic Education.”
—Michael Hartley,
eighth grader
REAPING WHAT YOU SOW—Saint Pius X students Daniel Harrison and Libby Shreves pick collards they grew in
our Gethsemane Garden. (Photos by Lauren Alvarez)
“Catholic schools strengthen families through
faithful prayers and a continuation of Church
—Anson and Erin Edmonds,
parishioners and school parents
“Start Small, Think Big!”
“‘Be proud of who you are and proud of where you’ve
been.’ - Anonymous
My Catholic education from St. Vincent de Paul School
has played a huge role in making me proud of who I am and
proud of where I’ve been.”
—Misty Johnson, eighth grader
“Although I was only fortunate enough to attend Catholic school for two years, my
mother and her brothers and
sisters all attended Catholic school from elementary
through high school. I believe that the strength in their
religious education and their
closeness as a family had a
direct effect on all of us. We
learned the importance of
family, church, and society
because of their example.
This, in turn, created an environment for us to be mindful of our church, home, and
community. Catholic schools
continue to teach these
—Mrs. Noni Stokes,
school grandmother
“First, as a student, and now
as a teacher, my Catholic
education has taught me to
combine compassion with
intelligence. I am more empathetically aware of my role
as an ambassador for Christ
to preserve and uphold human dignity in all that I say
and do.”
—Mrs. Maria Haase,
St. Vincent de Paul
students Matthew
Clinton and Hannah
Scott are members
of school’s robotics
team. They are in the
school shop working
on the construction
of this year’s robot,
Optimus. (Photo by
Krista Bryars)
Saint Pius X
Catholic School
Catholic Schools Week
Open Registration Going on Now
217 South Sage Avenue
Mobile, Alabama 36606
(251) 473-5004
SMART ART—Saint Pius X students Justin Leniz, Cire Harris, William Woods, Cierra Carter and Maggie Esposito (in front) show a sampling of art projects for their Open House Art Contest.
St. Vincent de Paul
Catholic School
Grades PK4-8
6571 Larkspur Drive • Mobile, AL 36619
Principal: Mrs. Mary B. McLendon
Pastor: Rev. Stephen G. Vrazel
WHO’S YOUR FAVORITE SAINT?—The fourth graders at
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School chose their favorite saints to
portray for All Saints’ Day Mass in November. Conner Buchanan
chose St. Francis of Assisi, Hadley Cunill chose St. Rose of Lima,
Hadley Nall chose St. Elizabeth, and Belle Norton, St. Isabelle of
France. (Photo by Mary McLendon)
Catholic Schools Week Supplement
JANUARY 23, 2015
Archdiocesan Catholic Schools get high marks,
AdvancED recommendations for SACS accreditation
By Larry Wahl
MOBILE—The Archdiocese of Mobile took part this
January in an on-site, professional, diagnostic process
through the AdvancED accrediting agency in order to
seek ways of improving our Catholic School system’s
educational ministry. The Office of Catholic Schools
takes part in these, or similar professional evaluations
every five years.
Although the on-site, external review was completed in
four intensive days of interviews and study, the full process
actually began over a year ago with an internal review, or
self-evaluation, as various educationally related as well as
other pertinent documentation was generated throughout
the Archdiocese of Mobile and the Department of Catholic Education for a thorough and comprehensive study and
analysis well in advance of the on-site visit.
The AdvancED External Review Team, made up of
eight professional educators from various school systems
and dioceses across the United States, interviewed a total
of 255 teachers, parents, principals, administrators, clergy,
and other “stakeholders” as part of the process to assist
the archdiocese in meeting accreditation requirements,
highlighting system strengths, uncovering areas in need of
improvement, and strengthening overall Catholic identity.
STAKEHOLDERS MEETING—The AdvancED External Review Team meets with a group of “stakeholders” (those who
have a high interest and involvement) during their on-site external review. The team interviewed with various groups and
individuals as a part of their process to evaluate our Catholic Schools for accreditation. (Photo by Larry Wahl)
AdvancED is the largest, world-wide organization
of professional educators who partner with over 30,000
schools and school systems throughout the United States
and the world to offer on-site, external reviews in order to
assist those schools in improving their quality of education.
“In this external review we looked at three basic domains: The impact of teaching and learning, the capacity
of leadership and the use of resources,” explained Therese
Williams, SACS team chair and Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Nashville, as she began the
team’s exit report, given January 14. The External Team’s
review also examined student performance, the quality of
instruction, student and family engagement, support services for student learning, curriculum quality and efficacy,
and college and career readiness.
The Archdiocesan Catholic School System received
high marks in virtually every category of the IEQ (Index
of Education Quality), which is used to measure and evaluate specific, as well as the overall quality of education
within the school system, consistently scoring significantly above national averages, and earning the team’s
recommendation that the Archdiocese of Mobile receive
the AdvancED accreditation. The accreditation is more
familiarly known as the SACS (Southern Association of
Colleges and Schools) accreditation.
“We are so proud of our Catholic schools -- the leadership, faculties, students, families, everyone involved,
of each one,” said Miss Gwen Byrd, Superintendent of
Catholic Schools and Executive Director of Catholic Education for the Archdiocese of Mobile. She continued, “It
is very affirming to know that all the hard work and dedication that goes into making our schools excellent learning environments has been perceived by the AdvancED
review team. We are committed to continued growth and
progress going forward, too.”
Little Flower Catholic School
“Doing More for the Glory of God”
Corpus Christi Catholic School
Grades PK3 and 4 through Grade 8
2103 Government St., Mobile, AL 36606
Registering NOW for the 2015—2016 year.
Established in 1958, Corpus ChrisƟ Catholic School provides
students in K3 through eighth grade an outstanding
educaƟon. The school is commiƩed to providing opportuniƟes to grow in faith, achieve academic success, and serve
others as disciples of Jesus.
Celebrating 80 Years as
the Light of the Loop
Building the Body of Christ One Student at a Time.
Join us at our Open House on MARCH 15, 2 p.m.—4 p.m., or
to arrange a tour of our school,
please contact us at:
6300 McKenna Drive, Mobile, Alabama 36608