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North .com - Gringo Gazette
GRINGO h t r o N s s e l e ic r P VOL. 3 ED. 10 • JULY 11TH, 2016 • NO BAD NEWS .com 57’ Viking Sport Cruiser Carina when it was just sold to a yacht club in Cabo San Lucas for $2.2 million. But that included delivery, as shown here on its way past our coast Send Dinero By OXXO Mexico’s answer to the need for a health food store is now giving us the answer for a mail service BY DAVID ZIVIC Five years ago you couldn’t find a convenience store in all of Cabo. Now you can’t find a corner without an Oxxo. One observant Gringo refers to them as Mexico’s version of a health food store. This is apparently said in jest, as there’s so much sugar in everything sold there, my pancreas starts quaking when I even walk inside. Now Oxxo, most of which are company owned stores, has a new way of harvesting our money, but at least our health is safe with this service. The program is called Saldazo and it is available at all Oxxo’s everywhere. Say you need to get money to someone in a hurry, or just get it to them without using the bandits at an Elektra store or waiting in the long line at the bank. Heck, most of us foreigners can’t even get a bank account, so you folks listen up. Walk into any Oxxo with a stack of cash or even a credit card and you can zip money from one Oxxo to another Oxxo. There is even a convenient sign hanging right next to the cash register for you to point at if your Spanish can’t get that job done. It says, oddly enough, Saldazo. The sender provides the recipient’s name as it appears on their photo ID and the recipient’s phone number. The money is paid and the receipt has a reference number. When all that is handled, and that takes less than a minute, the clerk hits send. The money is logged on to the central computer in Oxxo landia and all branches of Oxxo in all of Mexico can give access to the dinero. The recipient gets a text with the reference number so he knows to walk to his nearest Oxxo to request his money via Saldazo. (Point to the sign, Bunkie). The recipient’s name is typed into the computer with his phone number, reference number, and amount expected and voila! Pesos come tumbling out like from a slot machine. Well, almost. The clerk hands you the money. There is a 5% spiff for this service so there can be a fine balance between whether it is for an CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 Can the IRS Haul Your Ass Home? Short answer: Yes BY ORLANDO GOTAY I remember the vivid scene from my days in Palm Springs. At the end of a convention, I was walking home when convention goers were departing. I heard a mildly anguished young man as he leaned out a back seat car window: “They’re taking me home, don’t let them!” The voice faded as the car sped toward Los Angeles. That visual was funny, but being sent back to your country of origin on account of a tax pickle is clearly not. The U.S. has an international agreement with Mexico with a mechan i s m w h e re one countr y can request the other to deliver up people charged with specific crimes, and other agreements to cooperate in tax investi- gations. I have found instances where people were extradited for tax crimes. It can and does happen. But what is the likelihood of being charged with a federal tax crime? The vast number of IRS interactions are civil matters. Tax, penalty and interest are paid and that’s that. The Department of Justice website has details of most tax prosecutions where one can see recently profiled cases. But the Panama Papers are a tectonic shift, if not an outright tax earth- quake. The tax landscape of Americans overseas is extremely comCONTINUED ON PAGE 7 2 July 11th, 2016 Que Pasa in Baja? .COM BY OLIVER QUINTERO Tuna released. About 190 tons of tuna was released back to the Pacific ocean by the private company Baja Aqua Farms in an agreement they made with the Federal Fishing Office. The release was a voluntary effort to protect and help the bluefin tuna population recover. Well, sort of voluntary. In 2015, private tuna fishing companies and the federal fishing office voluntarily agreed to reduce the fishing quota from 3,000 to 2,750 tons during 2016 but as it turns out the fisheries “accidentally” caught about 156 more tons of tuna than what they agreed on. This is why Baja Aqua Farms took the hit and released some of the tuna they had in their floating ranches. (Those big rings you can see from the highway). The authorities are pointing out that Mexico is the first country in the world that takes this kind of bold action focused on the recovery of the tuna population. That’s a joke. Mexico is way behind on conservation, they don’t watch what’s going on in their fisheries, half the time out of laziness, and the other half of the time they turn a deliberate blind eye to poaching, over fishing, and assorted mayhem to the national seaborne patrimony. But they announced it and we printed it. Nobody said we had to print it with a straight face. More road investment. The SCT, Mexican federal office in charge of communications and transportation, announced that they were investing about 10 million USD in the repairs being done on the road to Tecate from Ensenada. (We believe that would be the same road that goes from Ensenada to Tecate. (Think about it, Bunky) Alfonso Padres, head of the SCT, said three bridges were being rebuilt, with the longest being the one stretching over the Guadalupe river in the wine valley. Padres warned drivers to be careful when driving this road, as some parts of it are already under repair and one lane has been closed. Fire season, it’s official. We had already alerted you here that the fire season was about to begin, (You forgot already? Pay attention!) Well now it has officially started with a fire that consumed about 200 acres of the Juarez Sierra. The fire was put out by the National Commission for Forest Areas and the local fire department from Ensenada in about 20 hours. This was pretty fast work considering that some fires take weeks or even months to snuff out. In related news, military authorities announced they have built a cabin in the San Pedro Martir Sierra, and intend to work out of it in order to keep a look out for forest fires and to stop illegal tree cutting. Pick up your discount card. If you live here in Baja or you are just visiting don’t forget to pick up your tourist discount card at your local tourist information office. It works in the whole Baja for discounts in a variety of places like restaurants, hotels, versy. The brand new $1.4 million dancing water fountains installed on the Ensenada malecon is already causing controversy. It looks like opinions are divided between the ones who think it’s ok for people to bathe/swim/ drink/hangout in the fountain and those who believe that behavior is gauche. And if you don’t You should be here today! Happy Hour Mon-Fri 2-6PM Mexican Combo w/salad $7.00 Piña Colada Fri-Sat $4.00 All day KM 73 Tij-Ens Toll Road • Ph (646) 155-8179 FB: LaSalinaCantina • wineries and even the movies. The card is handed out by our state government and has been quite successful, with more than a million cards distributed since the program started. To check out the list of discounts visit: New fountain causes contro- know what gauche is, Bunky, you probably are gauche. The debate got so intense on social media that API, the port authority in charge of the fountain, stepped in and decreed that only children will be allowed to get wet in the fountain, but even CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 What’s Going On In This Country? Mexicans rushing the border. The Canadian border this time. The prime minister of Canada finally made good on his promise to remove the requirement for Mexicans to get a visa to enter Canada. Mexicans were really pissy about the requirement slapped on them just a few years ago because so many Mexicans were over staying their welcome and going on the dole and claiming asylum. About 200,000 Mexicans visited Canada last year even with this hated visa requirement. Which only shows, it’s no big deal if you arrive with more than 100 pesos in you pocket and the shirt on your back. And what about Gringos going into Mexico? We’re all required to get a Mexican visa. It costs about $20 and is buried in the cost of your airline ticket, which your airline passes on to Mexico. That’s the form you fill out on the plane and show to immigration officials. But Mexicans are upset with visa requirements in Canada. Go figure. What do Canucks want? Regarding the visa issue, one third of Canadians say it should be lifted, while one third say it should that examined Mexico’s brand north of the border. A YouGov survey conducted in early June found that only 22% of Americans have a favorable image of Mexico. While 84% said they would feel safe traveling to Canada, just withdraw, 30% that it should stay and 37% did not have an opinion. Because they didn’t have a clue? Nafta? Huh? American’s negative view of Mexico was fueled by drugrelated violence, corruption and safety concerns. Mexico was CNTE teachers’ union and their sympathizers, putting thousands of area jobs are on the line. The economy “is collapsing,” warned Benjamín Hernández Gutiérrez, president of the employers’ group, Coparmex. The National Human Rights Commission has issued a plea regarding the rights of citizens, calling on the protesters at the blockades to allow the free movement of vehicles and supplies to avoid shortages that negatively affect people’s lives. The Mexican air force has flown in supplies to some areas. July Specials! Now Serving Menudo SUNDAYS ONLY! abs Surf & Turf Keb ef & (2) Chicken, Be gies Shrimp w/Veg garette Rice with Vine or Salad Includes Soup $9.00 dlls + tax Happy Hours Mon- Fri 2-5 PM ces! New Lower Pri Sat! Live Music Fri & MORE FUN TO COME! NEW RESTAURANT/BAR MANAGER! On K43 Ros-Ens Free Road • US Ph (619) 810 7666 Mx Ph (661)-614-1135 18% said the same about traveling to Mexico. 83% saw Canada’s as a modern economy but only 16% believed the same of Mexico’s. The stability of the numbers from 2012 to 2016 is remark- Sunday Brunch Buffet Only $12 Margaritas & Bloody Marys Included Live Music • 9am - 2:30pm seen as a source of problems by 54% rather than a good neighbor and partner. One-third of the 1,000 adults surveyed mentioned “drugs” as one of the first three words that came to mind whey they thought of Mexico. WalMart pulling out. With 70 semi-trailers full of goods stranded by protestors’ roadblocks and its 37 stores running out of inventory, Walmart México is contemplating an exit from the state of Ph. (661) 688-0923 • KM. 52 Tij-Ens Free Road, Rosarito not; the remaining quarter don’t know what a visa is. Canadians also show a wariness towards Mexico, with fewer than half saying they believe the country can be counted on as an ally. In contrast, 81 per cent said the U.S. could be counted on as an ally. Do Gringos love Mexico? Not so much. Mexico’s image in the United States is a tarnished one, judging by the results of a study 3 .COM BY SANTIAGO VERDUGO July 11th, 2016 able, which suggests that Donald Trump’s rhetoric on Mexico is a symptom – not a cause – of the country’s poor image in the United States. Trump has exploited the pre-existing beliefs that many Americans hold about Mexico, some of which are based on reality and much of which are the result of misperceptions.” The study also asked about U.S. participation in NAFTA, and 32% said the U.S. should DISCOUNT PHARMACY DELIVERY SERVICE IN TOWN • UP TO 40% OFF CALL US (661) 613.2999 K38 On the Free Road to Ens. In the Plaza, next to Baja Calypso Open from 8AM - 7PM • Sundays 10AM - 5PM Oaxaca, where business leaders say losses are now more than 1 billion pesos. The inventory situation is no better in Chiapas, where the company has 51 stores. Adding to the company’s supply problems is the fact that many of the trucks caught in blockades have now run out of fuel, presumably because the engines had to be kept Local and International, move just 1 piece of running to operate cooling furniture or an entire household! systems. We don’t recomUSA and Mexico Insured. mend buying the fish when30+ years experience in USA and Mexico ever the trucks do reach Walmart. Sales in all busiCall Fletes y Mudanzas Diaz for a free estimate: nesses in those two states are San Diego Tijuana Rosarito down 80% as a result of more (619) 822-2615 (664) 206-1033 (661) 100-1053 than two weeks of highway blockades by members of the Moving Services Grupo Modelo, the brewer of Corona beer and other popular brands, told clients last week it was suspending activities indefinitely in Oaxaca city due to a shortage of raw materials needed for beer production and the company’s inability to distribute the beer if they do get it made. Coca Cola pulled out a long time ago because the teachers kept hijacking the trucks and drinking the Coke. The teachers are protesting federal education reforms, most notably the requirement that all teachers take a competency test. Mexico is Arizona’s largest trading partner. 111,200 Arizona jobs directly depend on the state’s commercial relation with Mexico. Just last year, Arizona exported $9.2 billion in goods to Mexico, which is almost twice the state’s exports to Canada, China, the UK and Germany combined. At the same time, Mexico is Arizona’s largest foreign supplier, with a share of almost 40 percent of its total imports, which last year totaled $7.6 billion. And it is not only Mexico, the CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 GRINGO Published bi-monthly in Vista, CA and distributed in Mexico & The United States by Enojoso Publicaciones S.A. de C.V. Northern Baja 044 (646) 179-4599 Cabo San Lucas (624) 143-5750 & 143 0865 United States 303 Magnolia Dr. Laguna Beach, CA, 92651 Ph. (562) 714 6735 Subscriptions available see page 10 or 11, maybe 12, sometimes 4. Or mail $65 for one year, (26 issues) or $45 for six months (13 issues) to the U.S. Check the paper online: You may view the entire newspaper, just as it appears in print, online Who's to blame: Publisher Carrie Duncan, US (562) 714-6735 Editor Oliver Quintero Subscriptions Santiago Sales & Distribution Oliver Quintero Cell (646) 179-4599 Graphic Design Oliver Quintero Journalism is publishing something that somebody doesn’t want printed. Everything else is just public relations 4 .COM How To Vote From Here July 11th, 2016 First in Rosarito, cess. You are encouraged to use first in service the Federal Post Card Application, a form you can be used to Since United States elections are coming up and 1971 register to vote and to request • Health and life insurance you’re not excused from your civic responsibility absentee ballots for the year. The site suggests that you send • House and Condo insurance in a new FPCA every time you • Legal Assistance • Car insurance (Mexico and US) BY ALEJANDRA BORBOLLA move. Thankfully, for those of us residing in Mexico, you can • Board Association Insurance mail your FPCA post card elec• Personal Accident Elections are coming up and dence to vote by absentee bal- tronically, and all states allow for Benito Juarez # 10, Quinta del Mar strip center, in front of the stop light all of you dutiful Gringos need lot - even if you are only voting at least one form of electronic Phone 661-6121028 and 661-6130692 to vote. Baja has the highest for federal offices. Your election transmission of your blank ballot Let us pay pay your household Email: concentration of Americans in office needs your exact voting back to you. bills on your behalf. Easy set up Mexico, so we’re preaching to the residence address to deIt only takes a few termine which officright people here. quick steps to make You can vote absentee and es and candidates sure your vote is So when is the government website makes you are eligible counted no matif almost not painful. Just go to to vote for, so where you this “old enough ter they can send are in the world. to know better” The FPCA can First you need a voting resi- you the appropriate ballot. be completed by kick in? For all those using the FPCA of you who no lononline assistant, ger live in the U.S at filling out the PDF, or all, your legal state picking up a hard copy version of residence is your a d d r e s s from your nearest U.S. embassy where you were last domiciled, or consulate. Oh, good luck with immediately prior to blowing that, as our consulate is pretty the United States off. This ad- useless, and usually closed. We dress may remain valid even if don’t even have an American to you no longer own property or man it, it is currently manned by have other ties to that state, your pretty knowledgable Mexicans, intent to return to that state is but.....well, you know. uncertain and/or your previous According to the government need a Mexican to help you fill U.S. citizens 18 years or older address is no longer a recog- website, voting assistance is avail- out a United States voting form, who were born abroad but have Your One Stop Solution For: nized residential address. able at most embassies and con- you should consider taking your- never resided in the U.S. are eligi• South Dakota NonCaution! While vot- sulates to help if you’re not self out of the voting pool. ble to vote absentee in some U.S. Resident plates ing in a federal election smart enough to You can’t actually vote at the states. A list of those states can be • US Liability usually can not be used as fill out the embassy or consulate; U.S. elec- found directly on the FVAP site, Insurance on SD plated Cars the sole basis of determinso go there and pick a state. We • Mexican VISA Resiing residency for imposing recommend you throw darts at dent Cards - Ask for Rose! state and local taxes, push the map to make it fair. Or better • Mexican Tourist Insurance ahead with extreme caution, yet, pick one of the few states that Enjoy delicious food, Lewis & Lewis Affiliate tax wise. It could contribute don’t impose a state income tax. drinks and a great • Sentri Applications to an ongoing tax investigation. (Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South environment. Always! • US Income Taxes And if you cannot remember the Dakota, Texas, Washington, • US Mail Services KM 37.5 Rosarito-Ensenada Free Road. Almost across the address where you last physically Wyoming, New Hampshire and • Computers~ Faxes St. from the big Jesus. Ph. (661) 613-2685 US. (619) 663-1587 resided, back off the alcohol and Tennessee). • High-speed Copier check old tax records, passports So now you’re in the know Jackie, Rose, Ricardo & Caroline or family correspondence. Some- forms yourself, but that website tions are run at the state level and there’s no excuse not to times election offices can help was created by some desk jockey and citizens must communicate vote. Go out and make uncle Baja’s identify your address if you were in Washington D.C. who has directly with their election of- Sam proud, ‘cause if you are not KM 44.1 on the Free Road Local #1 previously registered. never been overseas. And again, ficial in a state to get this done, part of the solution you are the Rosarito, BC 22711 Most states require you to don’t count on help with that and embassies and consulates problem. , Local (661) 614-0513 Fax (661) 614-0514 US 1-619-272-9991 register to vote to start the pro- from our consulate. And if you are federal. CHARLY’S PLACE SUBSCRIBE GRINGO Yes! Yes! Sign Me Up! order now or we'll throw the kitty under the bus. North It's not gonna be my fault the kitty got tossed under the bus! 6 Months 2nd Class Mail (13 Issues) -$45 12 Months 2nd Class Mail (26 Issues) - $65 Send Your Dinero To The Gringo Gazette and save the kitty! Desert CAand 92252 MakeP.O. your Box check13168 payablePalm to Gringo Gazette send it to Oliver Quintero, PMB-80 PO BOX 189003, Coronado, CA, 92178 562 714 6735 Name ___________________________________________________________ continued on page25 Street _____________________________________ City___________________ State/Province _______________________________________ Zip___________ Phone (in case we can't read your crummy E-mailwriting)______________________ Sorry, Canadians, we just could not reliably get them to you so we’re not mailing to Canada anymore. To subscribe, you must have a United States address. July 11th, 2016 5 .COM SEND DINERO BY OXXO... continued from page 1 emergency and the money really needs to travel fast, or if it’s just a convenience transfer of a small amount. Or, if like nearly 75% of Mexicans, you are among the “unbanked”, that is, you have no bank account, then you really need it from time to time. Of course if there was even a semblance of a postal service here, this wouldn’t be so valuable, but that story’s for another night. Now it’s off to bed for you. , QUE PASA IN BAJA?... continued from page 2 they need to stay out between 8:00 and 11:00 pm during the light show so it can be enjoyed by everyone without a bunch of screaming splashing kids screwing up the experience for them. The fountain has become a big local attraction and it has brought life to the malecon which was seeing fewer people these days. Retail strong in Baja. The national statistics office (INEGI) has given us fifth place in all of Mexico for retail growth for the month of April with a staggering 29% increase in retail sales. The national average was just about 10.6% so we almost tripled that. Baja’s head of the economic development office, Carlo Bonafonte, said we have seen a steady increase of retail sales for 19 consecutive months. This is due to a variety of factors but the most important are the high employment rates that we have and the high exchange rate that makes it unattractive for Mexicans to cross the border to spend money in the U.S. Of course that has the reverse effect on our American neighbors, because as Ask a Mexican 1. Anabel Lopez Cisneros. Living in Baja for 30 years. Taco restaurant worker. Yes, we all have to vote. It is very necessary. We still have hope that this situation may change. We have really come to live in a very 1 hard way under this rule. 2. Francisco Ordos. Living in Baja for 30 years. Manager of a taco restaurant. Yes, we all must vote. It is an obligation that every Mexican has. Maybe this country will not get better, but the politicians must know our way of thinking and that we still have the hope that someday, our country will change for good. 3. David Parra. Living in Baja for 40 years. Manager of a poultry market. 2 Yes, we have to vote. That is what our constitution asks us to do, as the democratic citizens that we all are. We all just hope that the next man or party will hear us and change to a good regime. 4. Silvia Diaz. Living in Baja for six years. Poultry market worker. Yes, we all have to vote no matter our present situation. Voting is healthy for everybody. We still hope that our democracy will bring a democratic country. 3 5. Fermina Estrada. Living in Baja for 35 years. Owner of a poultry market. Voting is a citizen’s duty that we all have to obey. It is necessary if we want to see a real change in the manner of govern- not so many Mexicans cross the border just to shop, their retail sales hurt. Big investment for tourism. The tourism office said the federal government has assigned about $4.5 million for tourism related investments during this 2016. Ives Lelevier, second in charge of the tourism office, announced they weren’t able to disclose the details of the investment because they are in a CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 This Week’s Question is: Is it worth voting even when you believe all politicians are corrupt”? ing this country. Every September when we celebrate our independence, our leaders remind us to remember our past heroes, such as Benito Juarez who governed in Mexico at the 1800’s. He stated, “Respect of human rights is peace.” 4 That is really a democratic thought. But, I believe that we do not do this. Our leaders are selfish and so our country has become corrupt. As long as this is true, we will never truly be the really happy Mexi- cans, that we are known as throughout the world. 6. Pedro Humber to Saiza. Living in Baja for 68 years. Retired merchant ship commander. Unfortunately, corruption is the leader of every country in the world. Everyone who 5 holds a little title in every job is corrupt. Power is the master of corruption. Nevertheless, I am going to vote, just because we need that plastic voting card in every document that asks for I.D. I have voted all my life, sometimes for a party sometimes for other candidates. But frankly I never notice any change. It is useless. But “with hope live the poor,” that is a Latin phrase. So let’s go and vote, and keep waiting 6 for a miracle. Obviously our sample here is not representative of the general population, as in the last statewide election only 33% of registered voters, bothered to cast their vote. , 6 July 11th, 2016 .COM Fish Report Coronado Islands Coronado Island anglers are seeing very little pressure right now. There are a few yellowtail at the south end of North Island caught on slow-trolled sardine along with a few yellowtail and barracuda mixed in coming from the Ribbon Kelp and the South Kelp Reef areas. Sea lions are being an awful nuisance — very aggressive and very hungry. Slow-troll with heavy gear and horse those yellows in quickly or you will most Super Special! BY GARY GRAHAM likely lose them to the sea lions. Reef area south to all around ToAlso a few halibut, as well dos Santos Island and the Punta as some nice-sized sand Banda area. bass, are drifting Anot he r sp ot along the lee side well worth lookWhy do of South Island into is north they use sterilized ing and off the up off of Punta beach in front Salsipuedes. needles for of the Bull This is normaldeath by lethal Ring. ly a very good Ensenada area for yellowinjection? Trolling Rapalas tail. Live sardine is is turning up yelthe bait of choice and lowtail and some b i g is available for purchase at the barracuda from the San Miguel receiver in the harbor. These tuna pens are still in SENIORS 50% OFF YOUR CHECK* showing this ad Located Inside *Restrictions apply. Valid only on El Meson Restaurant. Open 3PM to 10PM Only on orders for adults 55 or older. One coupon per customer. Not valid on lobster, steaks or molcajetes. Valid thru June & July2016. have caught and released fish there recently. San Quintin Captain Kelly and his Band of Rod Benders found lots of big yellowtail up along the shore – the waters are clean, 66 to 68 degrees. High spots have yellowtail, too, but normal-sized; they ran outside 30 miles and blanked…no kelp! Garage Doors Puertas Automaticas del Pacifico Garage Doors, Telephone entry, Gate Automation, Interphone systems, Access Control, Transmitters, Metal roll-up doors Installations • Repairs • Sales • Maintenance DEAL FOR YOUR WHEELS!! 9 x8 ft Cloplay Garage Door Installed. $600 USD LiftMaster Motor, Door and Installation. Remote Controls $35 • Preventive Maintenance $35 v Ph. (664) 686 2550 • US (619) 446 6635 It was a thresher day at Cedros Island when Jeff Mariani of Cedros Tackle showed off one of several thresher sharks caught by a group of Hobie Fishing kayak anglers, all on surface iron (large, light metal jigs). the same area they have been for awhile now. The locals are reporting some bluefin and yellowfin in the surrounding area. There have also been a few striped marlin spotted around some of the high spots offshore Several visiting boats White sea bass are around, a few tankers were caught last week by several local and visiting anglers. Bahía de los Ángeles Summer weather has arrived — sizzling hot with welcome afternoon breezes which help to cool Guard Your Investment Profesional Community Management At Associa we know there are unique needs for every community that requires management. That’s why we provide transparent, customized homeowners association management, using the most rigorous financial safeguards in place to assure that your investment is secure We ensure the board that all properties are up to the community’s expectations. Depending on the individual need of the community, our goal is to improve the overall value of the community and the properties within it. From individual homes in open and gated communities to high rise condominiums with often absentee owners, we bring everyone into the circle of communication. Every community is unique and we have the scale and depth to take care of every one of those special needs. Beyond board meetings, accounting and budgeting, we take care of the things that you see and experience every day. We make sure the flower beds look fresh. We hire trained and licensed security personnel (and make sure the gates work properly too!). We even perform association and homeowner maintenance via Associa OnCall. We ensure the board that all properties are up to the community’s expectations. The list goes on, and we are there to be responsive to phone calls, emails and online requests via Associa Access. It’s a sense of professional service that we are proud to perform; it is our job to be knowledgeable and responsive, providing our “Five Star Service” for all clients, and we take that job very seriously. It is our goal at Associa to provide the best return on your association’s investment and for your residents to see that value every time they come home…across every property we serve. Rosarito Beach Office: Land line (664) 631-3331 Cell: (664)389-6493 Southern Baja: US 214 295 6245 Toll Free 1 (888) 613 2059 Email: U.S. 5401 N. Central Expressway Dallas, TX 75205. 800 808 4882. the anglers down. Plenty of bait can be found in the La Gringa area — boats made about 30 to 40 bait in about 20 minutes— perfect-sized mackerel. Anglers found cabrilla and excellent yellowtail action at Punta Remedios which allowed limits for most boats. Cedros Island This past trip with Cedros Tackle on June 2429 featured Sportfishing Magazine’s senior editor Doug Olander and IGFA photographer Adrian Gray, along with Morgan Promnitz from Hobie and John Bretza from Okuma. The group had great weather and great fishing for grouper, yellowtail, calico and thresher shark. The largest fish of the week were as follows: 120-pound thresher; yellowtail, 38-pounder; calico 8-pounds and grouper, a 35-pound beauty. Gary Graham, , Porque todos necesitamos opciones KM. 22 Ens-Tij Toll Road Baja, Mexico July 11th, 2016 CAN THE IRS HAUL YOUR ASS... continued from page 1 plex, more so than for the typical home lander. Opportunities to mess up are abundant. Penalties are steeper, even for failing to mail an information return with no tax due. It is only a matter of time when an example is made out of someone. Serial non-filers come to mind, and those who have knowingly not reported foreign bank accounts, ownership in foreign corporations, or other businesses. Considering that one of the factors in decisions to prosecute is the social control value, I fear that the Panama Papers may propel prosecutors, tax people and politicians into going after matters once solved with civil penalties, just to send a message. I think it is like playing the lottery, but some people buy waaaaay more tickets than others. Mexico is typically reluctant to deliver up its own, but in the 7 .COM Rosina’sSpa Massage List A better way to relax is right here in San Antonio. Let us pamper you! • Wide variety of single and couples Massages • Garra Rufa Fish Therapy • Ocean view • Haircuts • Color • Extensions • Hair Styling • Acrylic Nails • Gelish • Brazilian Bikini • Waxing In the San Antonio del Mar strip mall, next to Gusto Restaurant. Ph. (664) 631 2242 case of U.S. citizens, it is much easier for a person to be found “unwelcome” and taken to the border. Not legally an extradition, but the effect is the same. Enjoy your cerveza…that knock? It’s just your neighbor, over for a cold one. Orlando Gotay is a California licensed tax attorney (with a Master of Laws in Taxation) admitted to practice before the IRS, the U.S. Tax Court and other taxing agencies. His love of things Mexican has led him to devote part of his practice to the tax matters of U.S. expats in Mexico. He can be reached at tax@orlandogotay. com. , WHAT'S GOING ON IN THIS... continued from page 3 years. Their spending is driving demand across six major industries in Arizona: Medical services, new-car sales, transportation services, food and beverages, recreational goods and furniture and apparel. The Three Amigos Ride Again! President Pena Nieto, President Obama, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau met in Ottawa recently. It’s a tradition that every year the three heads of state gather for a neighborhood pow wow, but last year was cancelled because Mexico was pissy over Canada requiring visas for traveling Mexicans. Together, Canada, the U.S. and Mexico have a population 15th largest world economy, but Mexicans who are making our border and North America more competitive and prosperous. Approximately 90,000 of the businesses in Arizona are owned by Latinos, 80 percent of which belong Do the Alphabet song and to Mexicans and MexiTwinkle, Twinkle Little Star can-Americans. Togethhave the same tune? Why er, they employ more than 60,000 people, have did you just try singing an annual revenue of $10 those two songs? billion and a payroll of $1.6 billion. And by the way, 54 percent of these businesses are owned by women. of 530 million, and their econoThe purchasing power mies comprise one quarter of of this community has expand- the world’s GDP. The combined ed considerably. The average GDP has more than doubled in Mexican and Mexican-American the past two decades to $26.2 household income in Phoenix trillion today, and the countries grew by 14 percent in the past five are among each other’s largest trading partners. Almost two million Canadians visit Mexico every year, while 3,517 Canadian 1. Breast Augmentation Massage 2. 30 one hour sessions - $400 USD 3. Reductive Massage. 12 one-anda-half hour sessions. $400 USD 4. Manual lymphatic drainage. $180 USD 3 hours. 5. Deep tissue massage. 1 hr 30 min. $90 USD 6. Sports massage. 1 hr 30 min. $90 USD 7. Anti-Stress massage. 1 hr 30 min. $90 USD 8. Swedish massage. 1 hr. $60 USD 9. Shiatsu massage. 1 hr. $60 USD 10.Reflexology foot massage. 1 hr. $60 USD companies operate in Mexico. Canadian firms are sucking gold out of the Mexican landscape like crazy. Why do Mexican people allow that, but they cry like a cat with its tail under a rocking chair about the new law allowing their oil to be sucked out by foreigners? The Three Amigos are expected to discuss climate change, air pollution that blows over borders, and trade stuff. Need a lift over the border? Better call Uber. In the last few weeks several cars full of border hoppers from Central America were nabbed trying to breech the United States border in an Uber ride. The migrants told authorities that they paid about $162 for the pleasure. No word if they get their money back since they were caught and sent back. , Subs or we’ll tcribe!! kitty und hrow the er Go to pa the bus ge 4 8 July 11th, 2016 .COM Calendar of Events All prices are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise noted. ROSARITO general meeting at Rosarito Beach Hotel. Provides assistance in case of accidents or disasters. www. Rosie Pena, 664-976-0613, U.S. 619-621-0292. Every Wednesday, 12:00 pm. Writer’s Workshop at Eden Restaurant, (next to Cruz Roja Thrift Store). Published and unpublished writers welcome! Bring samples (3-7 pages) of your work to share. For more information, contact Marsh Cassady: marshcassady@ Every Thursday. 8.30am. Local Board of Realtors (APIR) meets at Oceana Grill. If you are a Realtor in Baja, or thinking about it, meet Realtors to network with. Good place for buyers or sellers to find a Realtor Every Third Thursday. 10 am. General Meeting for FRAO, Foreign Residents Assistance Office. Open to the public. Usually held at the Rosarito Beach Hotel, with parking validated. Sometimes held at other local sites. Breakfast occasionally provided, but always available. Usually about 10 am. Different speakers brought in to inform or address issues of concern to foreigners living in Mexico. Every Friday. 4pm. Spanish class main library, by Every Sunday 4pm. Cultural Sundays in the park, featuring local Mexican and American dancers and musicians. At the IMAC in Abelardo L. Rodriguez park, west of Banamex. Different themes every Sunday. Sometimes food booths, other times vendors with food carts. Facebook IMAC Rosarito. Free. Every Sunday – 2:00 – 7:00 pm, Community Potluck at the Alley Bar, down the road from Electra in Rosarito. Free hot dogs. Bring any dish. Every Monday, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm, Beginning Spanish at Club Marena clubhouse, taught by Susana Schinkel. $6 donation. Every Monday, 10:45 am, duplicate bridge at the Baja Gold Bridge Club, KM 42 on Tijuana Ensenada Libre at the Rosarito Beach Christian Church. Every Monday, 1:00 – 2:30 pm, Advanced Spanish reading/comprehension class at Club Marena clubhouse, taught by Susana Schinkel. $6 donation. sschinkel@ Every Second Wednesday (except December). 2pm. Friends of the Library meeting at main library of IMAC building next to Abelardo Rodríguez Park. Promotes reading and literacy in Rosarito. mx. Carmen Dominguez, 661-612-3659. Every Tuesday and Thursday. 10am. Pilates Federal law requires drivers in Mexico to have a mat class at Las Gaviotas Clubhouse. $6 UDS per class. Bring a yoga mat and hand towel. minimum of $300,000 Liability Insurance Instructor is Terri Van De Sande 1Year Liability Ins. 3 Days Liability Ins. Every Tuesday. 830am. Board Meeting for Only $189 dlls Only $39 dlls Yo Amo Rosarito at the Corona Plaza Hotel. See what events are under consideration or volunteer to help plan and run upcoming events. Great way Ph. (664) 158-0472 • In the Rosarito Beach Hotel to become involved with you community. strip mall on Benito Juarez Blvd. Every Third Wednesday (except December). IMAC, in Abelardo Rodriguez park behind BanaMex. 10am. Flying Samaritans meeting at Villas del Mar Beginner level class with Sylvia. Free but donation clubhouse on free road 2 miles south of Rosarito. appreciated. Volunteers provide free health services and clinics. www. Every First Saturday. 10am. United Society of Susan Smith, 661-100-6066, Baja California (USBC) general meeting at Casa U.S. 858-240-2360. Blanca Restaurant, Rosarito Beach Hotel. Good info Every Wednesday 11:30 am – 1:00 pm, Intermediate for the English speaking community of charitable, Spanish class at Club Marena clubhouse, taught by community service and social organizations. www. Susana Schinkel. $6 donation. Judy Westphal, 661-614-1113. Every Wednesday, 1:00 – 2:30 pm. Intermediate Spanish Conversation class at Club Marena clubhouse, Every First Saturday. Noon-sundown. Open Studio taught by Susana Schinkel. $6 Art Walk, a free tour of donation. sschinkel@yahoo. galleries in Rosarito Beach com. Hotel commercial center. Every Wednesday, 12:00 Meet artists at work in their pm. Writer’s Workshop at studios. pacothepainter@ Eden Restaurant, (next to Cruz Roja Thrift Store). Every Third Saturday. Published and unpublished 1pm. USBC, United Society writers welcome! Bring of Baja California, monthly samples (3-7 pages) of your Potluck dinner, held at La work to share. Marsh Maroma Sports Bar, across Cassady: marshcassady@ from Burger King. Different theme evey month. 50/50 Every Third Wednesday raffle. Live entertainment at (except December). 2-4pm. most events. Free for members Bingo at Oceana Grill & Cafe, and guests. Membership only $15 USD per year. Blvd. Benito Juárez #907-24. Great prizes, 6 Beverages ordered from the Bar at reduced Club prices. different games. Benefits Flying Samaritans. www. Saturdays in Tijuana – 12:30 pm, Free walking tours Susan Smith, 661-100-6066, of downtown Tijuana. Meet under the clock monument U.S. 858-240-2360. on Avenida Revolucion. Wear comfy shoes and clothing. Every second and last Wednesday, 1:00 – 3:00 pm Pay attention to the weather forecast for the area. Bring Cruz Roja Primo Tapia Bingo at El Pescador Restaurant, fluids. Estimated walking time is 90 minutes. km 44, (just north of Puerto Nuevo). Raising money for Every single day. AA Grupo Gringo meets daily in an ambulance in Primotapia. their meeting hall, #16 Mar Meditteraneo (two blocks Every Second Thursday. 10am. Cruz Roja volunteers behind Hotel Brisas del Mar). Meetings: Saturday, 3:00; Sunday, Monday, Thursday: 10:00 am; Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 6:00 pm. Additional meetings in Cantamar (just south of the footbridge) Tuesday and Friday, 10:00 am.. For more information, 661-614-1678. June 29. Wednesday. Ladies Let’s Lunch at Almazara in Valle de Guadalupe. Contact Bo Bendana. June 29. Wednesday. 1pm. Bingo at El Pescador to benefit Cruz Roja Primotapia. June 30. Thursday. Chocolate Mousse Fluff-Off at K42 Pub and Grill. Blind tasting. 5 local chefs competing. at K-42, Latitud, Baja Calypso, Pasta y Basta, Le Cocteau, and California Fresh, whose chefs will be the tasting panel of judges. $20 and a glass of wine included. Tickets available from any of the competing restaurants or from any Friend of Casa Hogar Jazmin Elizabeth. Many raffle prizes. Danielle Williams. June 30, July 1, 7, & 8, Thursdays and Fridays, 7:00 pm. and July 2, 3, 9, & 10, Saturdays and Sundays, 2:00 pm, Rosarito Theatre Guild presents The Taffetas, a musical comedy $25. 20% discount on your meal at Susanna’s Restaurante when booking these performances. RosaritotheatreBoxOffice@, phone: 664-609-3451. July 11 to 31. Rosarito Beach Annual Fair at San Fernando Plaza. Food, rides, food, games, food, music, food, dancing, food July 12. Tuesday. 3 to 4pm. Dance for Older Learners at Rosarito Ballet Academy. Free. From Quinta De Mar, head east and take the bridge over the toll road. Academy is at the bottom, ahead on the right. July 16. Saturday. 12 to 3pm. Painting with Janine at Baja Calypso.July 16, Saturday, 1:00 pm. USBC Monthly potluck luncheon and brief but Spectacular Talent Show at La Maroma Bar. Calling all singers, dancers, musicians, magicians, clowns, actors, puppeteers…whatever you are (or want to be), Acts should be approximately five minutes (or less), and please…no politics. Kari Bryant at, or phone 664-492-3354. July 16. Saturday. 1pm. USBC Potluck at La Maroma Sports Bar, across the main Blvd, from Burger King. A brief but spectacular talent show. To sign up contact Kari Bryant, 664-492-3354, Singles, doubles, groups OK. Each person should bring enough food for 8 people. Surnames: A-I Desserts, J-Q Sides and Salads, R-Z Main Dishes. If you are not yet a USBC member, you can join here, and then you will be eligible to attend the free, members-only BBQ in August. July 16. Saturday. 6pm. Machito Ruiz and his Orchestra at Ruben’s Sabor de Baja. Come and dance, and have the best atmosphere. Admission $10 or admission with dinner $25USD. Dinner served from 6 to 9pm. Music from 9pm to 4am. July 17. Sunday. Noon to 6pm. Summer Festival at IMAC Park, next to the library, behind the BanaMex. Free\ July 19, Tuesday, 5:00 pm, USBC Monthly Restaurant Tour visits K-42 Pub and Grill, located (where else) K-42 on the free road. Tickets: $15 in advance, cash only. Zip lining not included in the price but you can watch those fools risk their neck. July 20. Wednesday. Flying Sams General Meeting & Bingo July 21. Thursday. 5 to 10pm. Yo Amo Rosarito Social and Business Mixer at Sunio Beach Club, inside Castillos Del Mar. $50 MN includes welcome cocktail and free appetizers between 5 and 6pm. July 21. Thursday. 10am. FRAO Meeting at Rosarito Beach Hotel. Breakfast menu available, parking validated. July 21, Thursday, 5:00 pm. Last Wateke Baja Sand social event. At The Alley Bar, Calle Tijuana, between Electra on the free road, and the toll road exit. $5 gets Don’t Risk Jail Time in Mexico! Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that something new to eat will have materialized? July 11th, 2016 .COM 9 Calendar of Events All prices are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise noted. you free margarita and appetizers. To support Baja Sand at the Rosarito Theatre Guild, on the boulevard behind the best local chefs with local wines. festival this August. Live entertainment until 10:00 pm. Comex. Ages 12 – adult. Covers speaking, movement September 4. Sunday. Fandango in La Mision, for the For information: Baja Sand Festival on stage, the script, developing expressions and gestures, benefit of BECA scholarships. del arte. interpretation and more. Advance payment required. September 10. Saturday. Launch Party for Gorgeous Members: $25, non-embers $30.00, youth 12 – 17: $20 July 22. Friday. Mexicali en la Playa — Rosarito will Women of Baja at Rosarito Theatre Guild, or phone: MX: 661-119-9214, US: be crowded, as bad as during Spring Break. September 23 – 25, Friday through Saturday, Playas 1-619-356-6454. July 23. Saturday. 3pm. Fundraising de Rosarito Sister Cities International Convention and August 19 to 21. Friday to Sunday. Baja Blues Fest at concert for La Mision Children’s Fund at Conference at the Puerto Nuevo Hotel in Puerto Nuevo. the Rosarito Beach Hotel. La Salina Cantina, with Strawberry Alarm Workshops, social gatherings, and more. Meet delegates Clock, Wanted, and the Baja Sand Dogs. $20 August 20 to 21. Saturday to Sunday. from Rosarito’s Sister Cities around the USD advance $25 at door. 4th Annual Rootstock - Baja world. Information:; July 23. Saturday. 12 to 8pm. Opera Frente email:; phone: 661al Mar at CEARTE Rosarito. Tijuana Opera, 614-9600, extension 1080. Beginning this year, they will be at the new Art September 24. Saturday. 10am. Rosarito to Center, CEARTE Rosarito, just across the toll-road Ensenada Bike Ride. 50 mile bike ride along the from Bada Bing. ocean and up through the hills toward the wine July 23. Saturday. 11am. Chili Cook-off at country, and into the seaport of Ensenada. Maganas, La Mision. $20 USD in advance or $25 at October 1. Saturday. Fundraising event for Baja the door. California Spay and Neuter Foundation. July 23. Saturday. Noon to 9pm. Cheese, Wine October 9, Sunday, Second Annual Tecate to 8th annual Chili Cook Off Saturday August 6th, 2016 & Meat Festival at Baja California Center. Ensenada Bike Race/Ride through the wine country. 1st, 2nd & 3rd cash prize plus people choice July 27, Wednesday, 5:00 pm, Wateke Social Registration $50 through July 3, $80 race day. Prizes Mixer at the Alley Bar, on Calle Tijuana, down by age class. Raffles to benefit the local Food Bank and La Mision Childrens Fund. from Electra in Rosarito. Victor Loza’s birthday! $5 October 12 to 15. Wednesday to Sunday. 7th Starting @ 11:00 AM Judging @ 3:00 $20 Team entry fee admission gets you free margarita and appetizers Annual Int’l Mariachi y Ballet Folklorico Festival at Sign up & pick up rules at LA SALINA CANTINA Km. 73 5:00 – 6:00 pm. Supports Baja Sand festival in Rosarito Beach Hotel. Three days of workshops for FB: /LaSalinaCantina Ph. (646) 155-8179 August. Live entertainment until 10:00 pm. www. voice, instruments and dance, followed by concerts Baja Sand Festival del arte. on Friday on Saturday nights. Mariachi Mass on July 28, Saturday, 4:00 pm. Documentary: “Cozumel, Reggae Camping and music fest Sunday. Family-friendly event. Tickets prices for all August 25. Thursday. Dorothy Southern Bus Trip to a paradise in the Mayan Caribbean,” A documentary budgets. Del Mar Races, $42 USD about the riches of Cozumel Island. In the multimedia October 16. Sunday. Cruz Roja Soup’s On August 26, Friday, 7:00 pm, Baja Sand VIP Dinner tent of the Rosarito Art Fest. Free. October 28. Friday. Susanna’s pairing luncheon Under the Stars on the sand at the Rosarito beach Hotel, July 28, Saturday, 5:00 pm, “Bright Land,” a at Susanna’s Restaurant in Rosarito Beach. Benefit amongst the sand sculptures. Meet the sculptors and documentary showing the spirit and creative capacity of Baja Scholarship Foundation. $40 USD prepaid only. enjoy an elegant dinner. Tickets $700 pesos, or about three artisans living in Rosarito.Multimedia tent of the $37.00. For tickets and information, please go to http:// Rosarito Art Fest; free. November 27 to December 9. Copper Canyon August 5-6. Friday to Saturday. Midnight Madness Tour, including 13 days, plus 27 meals plus 14 sights August 26 to 28. Friday to Sunday. Baja sand castle Racquetball Sweet 16 at Rosarito Beach Hotel. Bring your plus Transportation plus Total Package. Reserve your gala 2016 at Rosarito Beach Hotel, north of pier. Sand high heel tenis shoes to celebrate. spot today! or tours@ sculpture featuring international sand castle artists and August 5 to 21. Friday to Sunday. Olympic Games or 686-230-9933. amateurs too. Dinner and show outdoors, two days of from Rio de Janeiro. Not broadcast by either Televisa or Pearl Harbor Day. Wednesday. Flying Samaritans music, dance, art exhibits and food, and of course, the Azteca. Luncheon/White Elephant Gift Exchange at Las Rocas. completed sand sculptures. Takes them up to two weeks August 13, Saturday, Baja Sand Meet and Greet at December 9 to December 10. Friday to Saturday. Cruz to build each piece. Free CEART, w/the artists at CEART, across the toll-road Roja Rosarito Thrift Store: Annual Christmas Sale, 9amAugust 31. Wednesday. 6pm. Sabor de Baja. Allfrom Bada Bing. 5pm white attire requested for thefancy party at the beachfront August 17, Wednesday, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm, December 10. Saturday. Holiday Home Tour for gardens of the Rosarito Beach Hotel. Pairings of some of Introduction to acting class beginning to intermediate Friends of the Library. , ENSENADA Every Monday. 7pm. Ceart Cine Club. Films about dance with “Billy Elliot” April 13, “Five Dances” April 20, “Desert Dancer” April 27. English with Spanish subtitles. Foro Experimental of Centro Estatal de las Artes (CEART) on Blvd. Costero (Lázaro Cárdenas) & Av. Club Rotario. Free. CEART, 646-173-4307. Every First & Third Wednesday. 10:30am. Club Compañeros de Baja Norte general meeting at clubhouse on Calle Mazatlán #256 in Fracc. Acapulco, 1 mile south of Ensenada. Lunch $6 donation. Multicultural, multilingual, nonprofit service and social club. Nancy McKee, 646-174-5011, U.S. 619207-4325. cdbcnm@gmail. comEvery Fourth Thursday. Red Hat Society lunch at various local restaurants. Tillie Foster, cell 646-171-5292. Every Friday. 7:30-9:30pm. Live world and cultural music at El Callejón Colectivo Culinario, Floresta #320 near southern Blvd. Costero extension, Fracc. Acapulco, 1 1/2 miles south of Ensenada. Free. Performer schedule with Alex O., cell 646-101-0812. Every Friday 7:30 pm. Live music at El Callejon Colectivo Culinario; Floresta #320, Fracc. Acapulco, Ensenada. Alex Orendain,, 646-1208004; July 17. Sunday. 11am to 8pm. Sakura Fest 2016 at Plaza Civica de las 3 Cabezas July 23. Saturday. 5 to 11pm. Summer Fest 2016 at Playa Hermosa. , 10 So What’s The Deal On These Stem Cell Treatments? Well, they are controversial, you will have to decide for yourself BY GREG SMOLARZ This week we are going to be looking a little further into stem cell treatments and ways it can be applied to the body. A couple who went to the Hino Clinic here in Ensenada felt the treatment worked so well that she was able to get her diabetes under control without having to use medication. There is an aspect of stem cell treatment called cell based therapy. Basically stem cells are used to regrow damaged or destroyed tissue. The supply for transplantable tissue and organs is far less than the demand, so there is a shortage of stem cells. Stem cell treatments are providing another source for renewable cells and tissues. Stem cells are important in this area because they have the ability to renew, allowing them to develop into various types of tissues. That’s exactly what brought Marcus, a resident of California, to Ensenada. Over the years Marcus developed arthritic problems in his knees and his back from laying carpet and Sabbath School 9:45 am Worship Service 11:15 am English Spoken. Simulcast translation. #548 14th Street between Gastelum and Miramar Street. Ensenada July 11th, 2016 .COM playing sports. Marcus visited some chiropractors in the U.S., but was unable to find any relief. He had heard about this clinic from his uncle, and wanted to try cell-based therapy as a way to avoid having costly back surgery in the U.S. Marcus visited the clinic Classified Ads Easy Sign Up QUE PASA IN BAJA?... continued from page 5 bidding process to develop the projects but he was able to say that most of the money was being invested in the new off road museum project. Uh….just why is bidding on a public project need to be secret? Shouldn’t it be announced publicly to get the greatest number of participants? Just wondering... Brexit hits Baja. Why, we don’t know. Thought this wasn’t going to affect us? Federal authorities just announced a $6.4 million cutback on the budget assigned for Baja from the feds because of the Brexit. The most affected area will be science and technology with a budget cutback of about $2.6 million. Other NEXT DEADLINE IS TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2016 Phone It or Text It In You can call or text Oliver at (646) 179 4599 Mail It In You can mail it along with your check to: Oliver Quintero, PMB-80 PO BOX 189003, Coronado, CA, 92178 Make check payable to Gringo Gazette Email It In You can email it to How easy are those choices? Hint: Very easy. Cost is only 80 cents a word, and that includes posting your ad in our online version as well as the printed edition. We do take credit cards. Total Words ____________ Times 80 Cents A Word X .80 Total Amount Owed ____________ for his initial consultation and received a blood test to identify any problems that he was having, and an MRI to show where these problems were located. The blood test confirmed that Marcus was having arthritic issues, and the MRI, which would have cost him $1800 in U.S. and only $250 here, confirmed that the problem areas were in his neck and his back. Marcus began stem cell treatments a few months ago and when interviewed, he was in town for another round of treatments. He is very pleased with the results, and would recommend it as an alternative to surgery for anyone. Marcus has recently discovered another problem in his upper back, and believes if he had chosen surgery in the U.S. he would have yet another surgery to fix the additional problem. The stem cell treatments cost about $6000. , Call us if you want your carpets done right! areas affected were education, security, water treatment, water infrastructure for agriculture, and road repairs. And the U.S. stock market fully recovered from the shock waves of Brexit in a few days. Why would Britain’s exit from the European Union be of so much consequence to us? We’re just wondering….And we want that money. We love our film studios . Don Hugo Torres, owner of the Rosarito Beach Hotel, and a former mayor of Rosarito Beach, said last week the movie industry has brought a lot of people to Rosarito, people who stay in town and spend money. “”Rosarito is chosen among other destinations for movies because it has the Baja Studios that were built with the spectacular water tank next to the ocean and because here they can build all the sets cheaply. Besides that you have California really close, which is the mecca for the film industry”. Our convention center, not so much Don Hugo also said some events in the convention center do work very well, citing the recent furniture makers convention that brought lots of people to town, but on the whole, the convention center has been a disappointment to the town, “The challenge is to do things with lots of effort and creativity to promote conventions that benefit Rosarito and also build CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 WOW! rentals from $300 us per month. homes from $29k, lots from $19k and up! call or e mail me. por que no? Bill's Baja Bargains 760 554 4238 Mex: 01 646 155 0029 Bill (Guillermo) Welsch 28 years fulltime in fantastico mexico. gracias! DRY CLEANING ULTRA Furniture, carpet, car interior, urine treatment, protection, odor control, FREE QUOTES ON SITE. Call 661-614-0526 or 044661-850-8935 Rosarito FOR RENT IN LA MISION 3 BD 2 BT house, incredible views. Remodeled 2015 $1250 per month. Large patio. Includes Independent casita with kitchen. Both furnished. Available NOW. Call Steve at 6197871444 or email: OCEAN FRONT one bedroom suite $700usd or a studio $600usd per month with a 6 months lease fully furnished all utilities & DirectTV included. Salvador US 619 467-0310. Mex. Cell 661 850-4517. salnav2@ FOR SALE BY OWNER oceanfront house/bed & breakfast 4173 sf $549k usd 6 bedroom 6 baths 4 kitchens & 2 car garage in rosarito county bc. Mexico. Salvador salnav2@gmail. Com us 619 467-0310 mex. Cell 661 850-4517 photos link http://bit.Ly/ RosaritoHouse UNBELIEVABLE ! Great location available for rent inside Calimax shopping center C. Benito Juarez 25500-23 Col quintas del mar 82 square meters Perfect for your business needs $4500 pesos per month Contact : Sandra Marin (664) 2337836 1 BR TRAILER FOR RENT IN ENSENADA. $200 per month in a quiet secure area. Many beautiful plants and trees. No pets, long term preferred. Call 646 1250114 MALE ROOM MATE WANTED $500.00 includes all utilities+WiFi=TV, Central Rosarito on the beach. 2 bedroom/2 bath/ Maid service, gated. US (949)3319098 or Local (661)125-3746. SELLING LOTS STUFF from my storage in Chula Vista. I can send pictures upon request #(619) 874 9982. Free Some Space @ Home!! Office Hours: 9am-5pm • Closed Wednesday Gate Hours 8am-6pm Everyday Storage space starting from $50 monthly Now offering moving services! KM 40.5 Free Road in Rosarito Ph. (661) 614 1642 • US. (619) 797 8097 July 11th, 2016 11 .COM Restaurant Scene BY CHUCK WAGON California Fresh recently opened their doors with a very large menu of salads, soups, fish burgers, and breakfast food. I found their food to be delicious, abundant, and very fresh. They’re open daily except Sunday, noon to 4, and closed Tuesday, and on Sunday 9 to 4. Yeah, you might need to read those hours twice, it’s Sushi Bar and Grill is an exceptionally delicious sushi restaurant which also serves typical Japanese food like sesame chicken and many other noodle dishes. Tamaky is very modern, done all up in black white and chrome. The sushi is delicious, very fresh with large cuts of fish not usually found in other sushi establish- Can You Stand One More Installment On Coffee Houses? I reviewed this café two years ago and it’s only gotten better. Although there are no reading materials available, the garden is a beautiful and relaxing place to sit and read while enjoying coffee. There are over 20 coffee CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 Because ready or not, here it comes BY REN DRAKE HILL confusing. The restaurant is attractive, large and has outdoor seating. The prices are reasonable at $5 to $8 for a salad with chicken or salmon to $12 for salmon asparagus fettuccini. Pizza and wraps as well as anything you might request are available with a chef trained in the U.S. The burgers are huge, juicy, and served with fries and onion rings at $8. Their portions are oversized and can easily be shared by two or taken home for later. They are located across the boulevard from El Nido Restaurant at 890 Benny Juarez in Rosarito. If you’re not in the mood today for burgers and salads, Tamaky ments. I found their hand rolls wrapped in crisp seaweed paper to be the best deal on the menu at 69 to 79 pesos although they have many sushi rolls to choose from. The chef speaks English and will explain what you’re ordering and is happy to substitute anything. In Mexico cream cheese is a staple in every sushi place so “No Philadelphia” is what you need to remember to eliminate the cheese. They are two doors down from Hussongs Bar in Ensenada and one block from Papas and Beers at Ave Ruiz 153 Zona Centro and open from 12 to 9 daily. There is sometimes parking on the street. , OK, cats and kittens, we have given you the rundown on the coffee houses in Rosarito, both north and south, here comes cafes a bit out of town THE COFFIE HOUSE – located north of town on the east side of the toll road at the San Antonio del Mar exit, near Plan B. Monday – Saturday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm; Sunday 8:00 am – 4:00ish. Cash only; No WiFi. Inside and outside seating. Bookcase behind the counter offers books, but it’ a noisy atmosphere and not conducive to settling in for any period of time. Parking is pretty good in the morning before Plan B opens. It is much busier than I thought it would be, but there is a constant stream of patrons. Service is satisfactory. Coffees offered in two sizes with a few additives. Iced drinks frappes, and smoothies also available. There is a large breakfast and lunch menu featuring omelets, salads, sandwiches on several types of bread, including BBQ chicken and pastrami (50-75 pesos). Omelet and eggy breakfast plates include potatoes and toast. This is the only café I found that offered an extensive array of creamers for coffee, including regular and light milk, half and half, lactose-free, and vanilla Coffeemate. Even though it’s not the place for bibliophiles, I highly suggest a visit if only for the food. South of Town TAPANCO CAFÉ – at Tapanco’s Restaurant, KM 31 on ocean side of the free road. Open 8:00 am – 10:00 pm daily; credit cards accepted; Wi-Fi; good parking. Comfortable seating indoors and outside in the garden. Puerto Captains Tavern & Treasure Trove is hosting a fundraiser for our local Primo Tapia Red Cross on July 9th & 10th from 12:00 to 5:00. 10% of all sales will go directly to their support! We are located at km 44 between the hotels and Puerto Nuevo village. Please join us 🍻 Sisters Looking For Home These 4 playful long-haired Chihuahua sisters are ready to find a real home! Because of their young age they will be sponges to learn the ways of your family. They are ideal for homes with kids, adults or homes with small spaces even condos. To adopt any of them, call Wendy at 646 150 4840. 4 Patas, which means 4 paws, is an animal shelter in Ensenada. They have lots of needs, from animal chow to vet services, cash to keep the lights on, and of course volunteers to keep the love coming. To get involved go to their Facebook page at /4Patas/ 12 July 11th, 2016 .COM Rosarito Celebrates 5th Annual Blues Fest And like all us oldies, just keeps getting better REN DRAKE HILL It’s baaaaack! Rosarito’s premier music festival, the fifth annual Baja Blues Fest, will reappear - poof!- at the Rosarito Beach Hotel Friday through Sunday, August 19 – 21. “This year promises to be the largest and most successful yet,” promises Jackie Alameda, president and doer of most things BBF. But then she says that every year. But then, she’s right. This year is anchored again by the Backwater Blues Band and the headlining act will be performed by Coco Montoya and John Nemeth. World class blues performers from Mexico and the United States will be featured on Saturday, including Deanna Bogart, Christ James and Patrick Ryan, the Bayou Brothers with Sue Palmer, J L Blues and the Baja All Stars, plus Mark “L.A.” Smith. Interesting biographies of all performers are online at www. In addition to the great music, there is dancing, food, booths featuring local artists and craftsmen, and more food. Adult beverages will not be left off the menu, either. The weekend itinerary kicks off with the very popular Friday night meet-and-greet and jam session, 7:00 to 11:00. Saturday’s music fest opens at 10:15 am and performances will conclude at 8:00 pm (mas o menos). On Sunday the festival performers will jam with some of our local talent 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm on the back lawns. Advance three day tickets are $45, Saturday advance tickets are $25, or $30 at the door; Friday night only tickets are $20 at the door, with very limited seating so wear comfy shoes. Sunday jam tickets are $10 at the gate. Tickets are available online at www., the Rosarito Beach Hotel, or at ClickOn.Com in Puerto Nuevo, KM 44.4. Great hotel packages are being offered for the weekend by the hotel. For information and reservations: www.rosaritobeachhotel. com. Volunteer slots are mostly filled, but if you wish to be a sponsor or help out in another way, contact Jackie Alameda directly at admin@bajabluesfest. org. Last year the Baja Blues Fest raised $11,000 to provide food, clothing, education, and medical care to our local children’s charities. Let’s all rally together to help our kids fight the blues again this year. , For Sale/Rent Nightclub/hotel/offices $1.2 million or lease for $9,000 a month. We will listen to all offers. Cabo San Lucas Ready For Occupancy QUE PASA IN BAJA?... continued from page 10 the local attractions that are required for this,” he said. Well, he’s right, of course, we need to promote the damn thing. But who in their right minds builds a convention center out in Bumfrick Egypt? There needs to be hotels around it and there are none for several miles. Speaking of Egypt. Mirna Rincon, our newly elected mayor in Rosarito, said in a recent interview that she has been presented with a project to build a six flags amusement attraction in Rosarito, right next to the convention center. She said she reviewed the project that included, a water park, condos, a couple malls and even a hospital. Rincon stated that the guys she talked to already had a plan, which would be very similar to what they currently have in Los Angeles. “They even had a study done in which they determined that the park would have plenty of visitors not only from Mexico but also from San Diego since it’s closer for them to travel to Rosarito than to L.A.”, said Rincon. The land she talks about is owned by the ejido Mazatlan which is already in negotiations for the sale of it, she said. The project is supposed to be finished in three years but the first stage, which would include the amusement park and the water park would be finished in the first year. , CAN YOU STAND ONE MORE... continued from page 11 $1.2 million or lease for $9,000/mo We will listen to all offers. Call today and retire to a sunny and warm beach town by next week. Contact Alexander David Flores (613) 104-3625 From U.S.A.121-1214 or Canada Cellthe(624) (949) 698-9635 choices including red velvet latte and mocha raspberry, plus three dozen flavorings to add. Smoothies and frappes are available (44-88 pesos) including Kahlua, horchata, and about 20 more. Being connected to a licensed bar next door, shots may be added to any choice. 20 teas and Italian sodas are also available. Any meal may be ordered from the restaurant, but the café menu specializes in sandwich plates (119 pesos) but the meat sandwiches are a bit skimpy on meat. Service is very good. Facebook: Tapanco Cafe. PASSION AUTHENTIC ESPRESSO ITALIANO – KM 30, across from the Mongolian Grill. Daily: 8:00 am – 10:00 pm. Good parking; cash only; no Wi-Fi; seating inside and out. Coffees include many mocha combinations. Sugars were solid in their jars on the tables, and there were no lo-cal substitutes. Smoothies and frappes, and cold blended coffees (including many popular candy flavors) are a good deal at 50 pesos. The iced chai with whipped cream is my favorite. Baguette sandwiches are popular (70-90 pesos). The pastrami sandwich here is pretty good. Passion’s specialty are the Paninis that offer the same fillings as the sandwiches, plus steak, tuna, and pizza (70-85 pesos). Salads include tuna, chef, Caesar, and oriental (80-85 pesos) and are a filling size. Ambience was great. ,
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