to view the Annual Report - Sioux Falls
to view the Annual Report - Sioux Falls
Annual Report of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church 2015 5500 East 57th Street Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57108 605-371-3737 AGENDA ANNUAL MEETING—GLORIA DEI LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday, January 31, 2016 Fellowship Hall Time 11:45 a.m. Call to Order Opening Devotions Approval of Minutes: Annual meeting, January 25, 2015 (page 5 & 6) President’s Report (page 7) Senior Pastor’s Report (pages 8 & 9) 2015 Treasurer’s Report and Presentation of 2016 Financial Plan (pages 34-37) New Business Other Business Closing Prayer 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ANNUAL REPORT - GLORIA DEI LUTHERAN CHURCH January 31, 2016 Annual Meeting Agenda Table of Contents 2015 Gloria Dei Staff Annual Meeting Minutes, January 25, 2015 Reports: President of Congregation and Council Senior Pastor Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Aligning Ministry for Mission Team Report Board of Mission and Outreach Ministries Partnership Ministries Meals on Wheels Gloria Dei Quilters Board of Education Ministries Director of Children, Youth and Family Church School Offerings Confirmation Director of Preschool Preschool Advisory Committee Library Director of Childcare Ministries Board of Worship and the Arts Director of Worship Arts GRACE Liturgical Dance Director of Media Ministry Mothers of Preschoolers Board of Fellowship Ministries Director of Lay Ministry Faith Community Nurse & Health Ministry Boy Scouts of America Troop 371 & Pack 371 Board of Administration Change for Change Endowment Committee Current Council/Board/Committee Members Membership Statistics 2016 Pledge Analysis Treasurer’s Report for 2015 2016 Proposed General Fund Budget 2015 Our God Final Report 2015 Loaves and Fishes Building Loan Update Restricted Fund Report Letter from the Bishop South Dakota Synod ELCA—Mission Plan 3 p. 2 p. 3 p. 4 pp. 5 & 6 p. 7 pp. 8 & 9 p. 10 p. 11 p. 12 & 13 p. 13 p. 14 & 15 p. 15 p. 15 p. 16 pp. 16 & 17 p. 17 p. 18 p. 19 p. 19 p. 20 p. 20 p. 21 p. 22 p. 22 p. 23 p. 23 p. 24 pp. 24 & 25 pp. 25, 26 & 27 p. 27 & 28 p. 29 p. 30 p. 30 & 31 p. 32 p. 33 p. 34 p. 34 & 35 p. 35 p. 36 p. 36 p. 37 p. 38 p. 39 & 40 2015 STAFF MEMBERS PASTORS Tim Selbo, Senior Pastor Loren Odland, Associate Pastor Dwight Stensgaard, Associate Pastor Matt Walicke *Diane Dobbs *Stacey Reitz PRESCHOOL TEACHERS Ginny Kroger *Bobbi Schramm PRESCHOOL TEACHERS’ AIDE & LUNCH BUNCH *Jane Gramlick DIRECTOR OF WORSHIP ARTS MUSIC ASSOCIATE Judi Schwerin *Gretchen Borgum FAITH COMMUNITY NURSE MUSIC ASSISTANT *Ashley Lindquist (Jan-Aug) EDUCATION ASSISTANTS *Michelle Anderson *Cicely Schock (Jan-May) *Erin Oster (Sep-Dec) MEDIA MINISTRY COORDINATOR Rachael Fode CHILD CARE COORDINATORS *Dan and Molly Rost MEDIA MINISTRY SUPPORT STAFF *Cicely Schock (Sep-Dec) Gail Wilcox DIRECTOR OF CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILY Sandy Berven *Tanya Stadem *Pat Zoerink CHILDREN, YOUTH and FAMILY ASSOCIATE Sarah Peanasky (Jan-Aug) Jeff Riley YOUTH ASSISTANTS *Christina Claude *Shelby Duffield (Jan-May) *Matthew Anderson *Sam Kennedy *Hans Lundquist (Sep-Dec) *Dan Schmidtman *Evan Meyer *Rochelle Ramharter (Sep-Dec) *Kaitlyn Junso (Sep-Dec) *Harriet Monson (Sep-Dec) *Alyssa Micke (Sep-Dec) *Alexandra Peterson (Sep-Dec) OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR OFFICE SECRETARIES *Heidi Nail CUSTODIANS *Gordy Albers CHOIR ACCOMPANIST *Dayna Groskruetz LITURGICAL DANCE *Gretchen Spars McKee WEDDING COORDINATORS *Joleen Hessman *Erika Hessman BUSINESS & FACILITY ADMINISTRATOR Cheryl McGuire FOOD MINISTRY COORDINATORS *Deb Peterson *Jan Wood MISSIONARIES Michael Busbey, Nicaragua (Jan-Jul) Elisabeth Johnson, Cameroon FOOD MINISTRY ASSISTANT *Janine Larson (Feb-Dec) * part time Darice Huber *Pat Zoerink Sharon Claude DIRECTOR OF LAY MINISTRY FINANCIAL TELLERS Gail Wilcox PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR 4 Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Annual Meeting January 25, 2015 @ 11:45 AM ROLL: Quorum was obtained Written notice was given more than 10-days in advance CALL TO ORDER – Rob Broin OPENING DEVOTIONS – Pastor Tim Selbo Romans 12:4-5 APPROVAL OF JANUARY 26, 2014 ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES There was a Motion to Approve the January 26, 2014 Annual Meeting Minutes by Melissa Radigan. A second to the motion was provided by Rich Aguilar. The motion passed with unanimous support. PRESIDENT’S REPORT What do the words “Follow Me” mean? Members at Gloria Dei are always dropping what they are doing and following Christ, this is evident by the many ministries at Gloria Dei What do the words “Kingdom Come” mean? We are all part of God’s Kingdom and part of God’s love. Introduction of Council Members What does Gloria Dei need to know that the Council is doing: The Council is implementing the strategic plan. Gloria Dei has come a long way. The announcement of Pastor Dwight assuming the role of Chief Operating Officer along with assuming some pastoral care duties was part of the strategic plan. The Council has been empowering the boards to me more hands on and make more of the day-to day decisions, which allows for the Council to focus on vision and mission of Gloria Dei. The Council’s most important task is how we can serve the church better and how can we serve our Lord better. The Council has also been focusing on bringing Gloria Dei to southeast Sioux Falls along with other areas of Sioux Falls as well. Capital Campaign Shortly Gloria Dei will begin its third capital campaign. We had huge success in the last campaign and are looking forward to carrying that success into the next campaign Members of the next Capital Campaign Committee are: Dan and Becky Blue (Chairs), Kay Stenzel, Page Pearson-Meyer, Sue Aguilar, Ann Nachtigal, Dave Kroll, Curt Hohman SENIOR PASTOR’S REPORT Our mission as Christians is clear: through God we are to transform people to make them disciples of Jesus. Our Mission Statement at Gloria Dei feeds that need: “Freed by Christ, We Gather, Grow, Give and Go, all to the Glory of God.” This year at Gloria Dei we are going to focus on how we can strengthen and grow our faith and those of others. Gloria Dei has always been a devoted and committed congregation to Mission and Outreach. In 2014 there was $227,000 in addition to other special things that was given away to support mission and outreach. Also, Gloria Dei committed 10% of its Mission and Outreach budget to support our ELCA Synod and the larger church’s mission and outreach programs Gloria Dei welcomed new staff this year - Rachel Fode (media/AV), Sara Peanasky (Children Youth and Family Staff), Pastor Dwight Stensgaard (Associate Pastor/COO) Pastor Dwight Stensgaard He will continue with Pastoral Care duties. He will begin taking over administrative duties. Next year he will attend the continuing education seminar on Executive Skills for Pastors. He will have new staff direct reports. Capital Campaign – the theme of the next Capital Campaign is “Loaves and Fishes.” We are in the midst of a miracle here at Gloria Dei much like those present when Jesus took the bread and fish to feed the masses. Gloria Dei is also doing some broad visioning and strategic planning to see where we can continue to reach those in need Gloria Dei has an amazing staff. This is a tremendous congregation. Please take time to say thanks to our staff, our volunteers, our leaders and pastors. (Annual Report continued on page 6) 5 2014 TREASURER’S REPORT AND PRESENTATION OF 2015 FINANCIAL PLAN A Great Big Thank you goes out to Cheryl Maguire. She is the glue that keeps the house in order. 2014 was a great year. Budgeted Revenue $1,825,990 Actual Revenue $1,863,332 Budgeted Expenses $1,825,990 Actual Expenses $1,678,667 Budget Surplus $184,655 2015 Budget Summary There will be a 1.83% increase in General Fund Giving Working on getting the budget to reflect actual expenses Our God Reigns Total Campaign Pledges $2,849,279 2014 $1,046,024 Total Receipts $263,814 Principal Paid in 2014 $661,342 Interest Paid $191,906 Debt Balance $5,455,130 Currently there is a balance of $253,000 in the Our God Reigns Fund. Typically, the fund carries a balance of $100,000, however, given the start of the new Capital Campaign the Council approved to hold over excess funds from last year into the start of this year to allow the campaign to get underway. Giving Summary If you include general fund giving and capital campaign giving, we have an 8% increase from last year. Discussion: Aaron Shultz - How does Gloria Dei’s budget compare to other churches of our size? We are blessed to have a generous congregation and boards who spend only what is needed. We are in a very respectful financial position, several churches struggle just to balance the budget There was a motion to approve the 2014 Treasurer’s Report by Gina Glasoe. A second to that motion was provided by Dan Radigan. The motion passed with unanimous support NEW BUSINESS Adoption of 2015 Financial Plan There was a motion to approve the 2015 Financial Plan by Ron Konold. A second to that motion was provided by Carl Treiber. The motion passed with unanimous support OTHER BUSINESS None CLOSING PRAYER – Pastor Dwight Stensgaard ADJOURNMENT – Rob Broin 6 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Dear Members of Gloria Dei: I hope you will join me in giving Glory to God for the many ways that He has revealed himself and provided for us as a congregation and as individuals in 2015. He is great and He is good. It is such an honor to be part of the Body of Christ with you here at Gloria Dei. What an exciting time it is at Gloria Dei. We made significant progress again this year implementing the Strategic Plan that was formulated in 2013. As a component of that the AMMT (Aligning Ministry for Mission Team) has been working tirelessly since last spring on drafting an update of our Governing Documents, including our Constitution and Bylaws, in order to position Gloria Dei for operations as outlined in the Strategic Plan. This includes moving to more staff-led programming, and means replacing our current board structure with staff-led ministry teams. We will consider approving the AMMT’s recommended changes to the Constitution and Bylaws, as well as approving new Continuing Resolutions, at our Annual Meeting. As you may have heard, your Congregation Council held a Visioning Retreat at Inspiration Hills near Canton in September. We sought God’s will for Gloria Dei's future, and formulated a three to five year Vision that builds on the platform of the Strategic Plan. Some of the priorities in that Vision are: Expanding our ministry to youth and young adults through additional pastoral staff and programming; Expanding the worship team staffing and capabilities; Expanding and improving our communication with members and the community via multiple technology platforms and social media; Expanding small group educational opportunities for adults of all ages; Engaging in a study of our facilities and property to achieve better utilization of our current spaces; and Completing a 3-5 year Financial Plan. We envision all of these priorities as key components of "going deeper and going wider" for the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. In order to implement this vision, we determined in November to move towards calling an additional pastor in 2016 that would have a focus on youth and young adults. About that same time Pastor Loren announced his retirement. So currently we are assembling two call committees to work on these two clergy positions. We are also pursuing refilling a part time visitation pastor position that was vacated when Pastor Dwight assumed the role of Chief Operations Officer. I trust that you are being fed and inspired at Gloria Dei. We have so many opportunities for you to grow your faith, and I encourage you to take advantage of them. We are very blessed to be here, living out our motto and God’s will for us together: Freed by Christ, we Gather, Grow, Give, and Go, all to the Glory of God. Sincerely, Rob Broin, President 7 SENIOR PASTOR For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish " but may have eternal life." --John 3:16 The overriding characteristic of God is love. God loves this world, including you and me, so much that he gives us his Son, through whom we have true, purpose-filled, joy-filled, abundant, and eternal life. People of Gloria Dei, we bask in the "Glory of God" and we live to give "Glory to God." And the good news of God's love is not ever meant to be kept to ourselves, but to be shared. As we sing at Christmas, "Go Tell it on the Mountain, over the Hills and Everywhere...." As always, 2015 was a year in which we heard, learned, read and received the word of God seriously and joyfully. We don't worship the written word of God, but we do worship the God who is found in its pages. "The Bible," Martin Luther said, "is the cradle that carries Jesus, God in the flesh, to us." This past year as a congregation in worship and personal reading we went through the following preaching series': January to April: "Meeting Jesus through the eyes of Matthew" May: "This We Believe - Digging into the Apostles' Creed" June to August: "Songs for the Summer - A Closer Look at the Psalms" September to August, 2016: "Walk through the New Testament" I pray that your reading and hearing of Scripture provides a constant reminder of God's love for you, his forgiveness that makes you new and sets you free, and his calling on your life to live for him by taking care of yourself, your loved ones, and serving others. Each day as I take stock of the ministry at Gloria Dei, and God's vision for the future, the broad statement I use for us and our mission is this: "Having been loved, forgiven, and set free by Christ, we are here to proclaim that good news to all, and to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ." This is certainly reflected in Gloria Dei's mission statement: "Freed by Christ, We Gather, Grow, Give, and Go, All to the Glory of God." As you look through the pages of this Annual Report, you will see many examples of discipleship happening in and through this congregation. We continue to strive to be faithful in the areas of Worship, Education, Mission & Outreach, Evangelism, Fellowship, and Stewardship. From Preschool through Adult Ministry, the discipleship that occurs is phenomenal. I give thanks for the members of our Church Council, who continue to oversee the business and financial pieces of Gloria Dei, as well as strategizing with me and the staff for ministry. Also, a big word of thanks to all of our board members. They have and continue to give generously of their time and talents for God's work at Gloria Dei. Lots of work has been done in 2015, the fruits of which we will begin to see in 2016, on the restructuring and ordering of our ministry. We've had an active team, called the "Aligning Mission for Ministry Team" (AMMT), who have done marvelous work, setting us up for ministry in such a way that fits our current and future reality of being a very large congregation. I won't go into detail here, as there is a report from the AMMT team within this annual report. I simply encourage you to thank them for their efforts. I would be remiss if I didn't say of word of gratitude to all of you for your commitment in the area of financial Stewardship. Gloria Dei is made up of generous givers. Each year we approve a Financial Plan for Ministry, based on our giving and estimated pledges. We are in a strong financial position, yet are continually looking to advance the depth and reach of ministry at Gloria Dei. This takes all of us committing our time, talents, and treasures. Early in 2015 we embarked on another three-year capital campaign. The "Loaves & Fishes" campaign was well received. Thank you for your generous response of over $3.2 million in pledges. As we continue to pay down the debt on our facilities, more and more funds are freed up for mission and ministry. Thank you. Thanks, too, to our campaign team, headed up by Dan & Becky Blue. (Pastor’s report continued on next page) 8 (Continued from page 8) As we look to 2016 and beyond, we are poised and ready to continue, in an even deeper and wider way, to reflect the light of Christ to the world. "You are the light of the world," Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount. Through the addition of two new Associate Pastors, a commitment to enhance an already strong small group ministry, a striving to communicate regularly and efficiently within a large and growing congregation, a look to expand and strengthen our worship life together, and to expand even more our Mission & Outreach and Youth Ministries, there are many good challenges that God has set before us. I am proud, too, of the Gloria Dei Preschool, as it impacts daily numerous children and families in a caring, Christ-centered manner. In a growing community and in a world where despair too often is pervasive, we are planted here with a purpose, to which we can only respond, "Here we are Lord; Send Us." Gloria Dei is blessed with a talented, joyful, and professional staff whose dedication to this ministry goes above and beyond in so many ways. Be sure to say thank you to your Gloria Dei staff. Near the end of 2015 we received word from Pastor Loren that he was retiring from full time church ministry. I am (and I know you are too) so happy for him and his wife Sandy. Loren has done great ministry here at Gloria Dei for these past ten years. Loren has given his entire adult life to serving as an ordained pastor within the church. "Well done, good and faithful servant." His enthusiasm and commitment for Christ and Christ's church is contagious. I am thankful that God has allowed our paths to cross and that Loren and I have had over seven years of fruitful, fulltime ministry together. He will be missed. Finally, I am so grateful to all of you. God has called us to this great labor of love together. Thanks for your faithfulness and your partnership in the Gospel of Jesus. Gloria Dei - To God be the Glory Pastor Tim Selbo January, 2016 9 ASSOCIATE PASTOR Lately Matthew 18:20 has been bringing a smile to my face. In that passage, Jesus says: “Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” The smile comes because there is rarely a moment when there are ONLY two or three gathered anywhere in the Gloria Dei building! Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday worship services are attended by hundreds. Church School classrooms are filled to capacity and still miraculously find room for new students. Confirmation Small Groups are growing a little larger. Preschool classes are filled. Pickle Ball players wait their turn to hit the court. And even when it’s only staff members in the church (which is pretty rare), there is always more than two or three. Based on Matthew 18:20, I’d say we keep Jesus pretty busy right here, among us! And He keeps us busy. He continues to call us to teach our youth, live grace-fully with one another, and serve Him by serving others. Our Preschool, with Sharon Claude’s gifted leadership, is at capacity this year. Thank you to the families who have entrusted their young children to our dedicated Preschool Faculty. Our Church School classes easily fill the rooms with the joys of childhood, the wonder of learning, and the awe of discovery. Thank you to our Children, Youth and Family Director, Sandy Berven, and her gifted team of Youth Assistants, Education Assistants, and Volunteers for their unlimited energy and their amazing creative ways of sharing and teaching the Christian faith. The smile on my face becomes a big grin as I rephrase Jesus’ words: “Where two or three are gathered, there’s a lot of energy and sometimes a lot of noise!” When we leave this building, we never go alone. We leave as families, friends, co-workers, and companions. And where we go, so does Jesus. He goes with us as we venture into service in His name. Through our Board of Mission and Outreach we go with our arms wide-open to embrace those in need, with our hands filled to feed the hungry, and with our hearts overflowing with God’s riches to share with others. Thank you to our Board of Mission and Outreach for their commitment to helping us do God’s works with our hands. Throughout the year our congregation brought smiles to many faces in Jesus’ name. In December alone, winter clothes and supplies were given to those who depend on Bishop Dudley House for winter safety and survival; gifts of clothes, toys and games were given to children and youth at Soldier Creek on the Rosebud Reservation so that they may be reminded of the gift of God’s Son at Christmas; and 1,522 boxes of Mac and Cheese were given to the hungry through Food to You. “Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” Thank you for bringing Jesus to so many places and to so many people in so many ways. And thank you for the joy of doing that with you. It is a privilege to serve our Lord at Gloria Dei in the areas of Education, Preschool Confirmation, and Mission & Outreach. Loren Odland Associate Pastor 10 ASSOCIATE PASTOR Psalm 103. 1-5: 1. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name. 2. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and do not forget all his benefits – 3. Who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, 4. Who redeems your life from the Pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, 5. Who satisfies you with good as long as you live so that your youth is renewed like the eagles. I love verse 5 of this Psalm which reminds us that God fills our life with good things! No matter what we go through, God puts reminders of His goodness into our life. Even when life challenges us, we can still find God’s goodness shining through His faith, hope and love, His patience, generosity and kindness . . . and so much more. It is a privilege to be partners with you in the gospel at Gloria Dei. It is a joy to celebrate word and sacrament ministry with you. It is with anticipation that I look forward to the future of Gloria Dei. As I look back over this past year, it began with a change in my role at Gloria Dei, being called as Associate Pastor, COO. I am pleased to serve in this role and pray that it may accomplish the vision that Gloria Dei has for it. In regard to this position, I have been working with a Council appointed group named, Aligning Ministry for Mission Team. We have been aligning staff roles, governing documents and ministry teams to work in unity to be spirit fed and vision led. You may have had the opportunity to attend one of the three congregational informational meetings this fall where the AMMT presented the proposed Ministry Picture and Organization Structure of Gloria Dei. These were wonderful meetings with helpful conversation. The AMMT, will in the last part of this year and the beginning of next year, be sharing the governing documents for the congregation to review and potentially ratify. The AMMT has also been working on staff job descriptions, ministry team job descriptions, staff appraisal system, personnel manual and policies. This has been a meticulous process, with great care given by the leaders of Gloria Dei. Congregational care remains a part of my ministry which includes service with the Stephen Ministries program and visitation ministry of the congregation. I also am a member of the Board of Administration. And as a pastor does, who is called to word and sacrament ministry, there are those day-to-day engagements with members, church and community. I continue to serve part time with Lutherans Outdoors as Development Associate. My primary area with LO is development work for Joy Ranch, one of LO’s camps by Watertown, SD. I have a passion for parish and camp, and these two ministries are dear to my heart. I also am privileged to be in partnership with the OWLS. I have had the opportunity to participate in Children, Youth and Family ministries, Worship Planning and Services and served along with a great staff team at Gloria Dei. I am grateful! God’s Blessings to all! Pastor Dwight Stensgaard 11 ALIGNING MINISTRY FOR MISSION TEAM In March, the Church Council appointed a team to update and revitalize our church documents to align our ministry for mission. The charge of this team was is in response to the Strategic Plan that was adopted by the Church Council on May 5, 2013. The Aligning Ministry for Mission Team began meeting in April and worked through the summer working on our church documents. The following ministry documents were worked with: Gloria Dei Vision Statement and Recommendations Ministry Picture Organizational Chart Ministry Flow Chart Constitution and Bylaws and Subsequent Continuing Resolutions Ministry Team Job Descriptions Staff Job Descriptions Staff Appraisal System Personnel Manual Church Policies The charge of the Aligning Ministry for Mission Team was to align Gloria Dei’s ministry for mission centering on Jesus’ Great Commission and Great Commandment. Jesus Great Commission - Matthew 28.18-20 18And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’ Jesus Great Commandment – Luke 10.27 ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.’ Therefore, the goal of this team is to align ministry for mission so that we as a church may optimize the call of Christ to make disciples of all nations and to love God and neighbor with our all. This means aligning the congregation’s identity, vision, values, goals and action plans to fully support one another in a way which allows us to be active and faithful in responding to Jesus’ call to all of us in His ‘Great Commission’ and ‘Great Commandment.’ The AMMT, in its work, also sourced a very insightful book to guide us in our work. The book is titled; “Inside the Large Congregation” by Susan Beaumont. There are several copies of this book in the church library for you to check out for inspiration and information. Here is the basic outline of the book and the steps to implementing an organizational structure for large congregations. Susan Beaumont writes: “In a moment of clarity (in an airplane, poised somewhere over the Midwest, where most of my moments of great clarity seem to take place), I realized that everything I was working on with congregations came down to five basic leadership systems that needed to stay in alignment for the large church to function well for its size: Clergy leadership roles Staff team design and function Governance and board function Acculturation and the role of laity Forming and executing strategy Susan Beaumont continues … The goal of strategic leadership is alignment. The congregation is aligned when identity, vision, values, goals and action plans fully support one another in a way that produces maximum organizational effectiveness.” Preface vx– xvii and pages … 34 and following. This September the AMMT held three Informational Meetings for the congregation to attend and discuss the work of this team. The presentations and conversations at these meetings were positive and supportive. 12 The AMMT has continued its work this fall and has concluded refining and reforming the ministry documents of our church so that we might be organized to optimize our efforts in serving and sharing Christ in the days ahead. It is worthy to note that the mission of the AMMT (Aligning Ministry for Mission Team) was to sustain a strong congregational missional structure for Christian ministry at Gloria Dei. The efforts of the AMMT were to serve the congregation by reflecting the congregation’s ministry and mission through its guiding documents so that we may be strong in Christ and His work within us, in the community and world. Christ is our rock and salvation! Christ is the solid rock upon which we build our lives and Christ’s teaching is the framework which informs us in making life’s decisions. Our personal lives are strong when we build them on the firm foundation of Christ and our life together as a congregation is strong when we build our life on Christ. The AMMT presented to the Church Council in late November a revised Gloria Dei Constitution, Bylaws and Continuing Resolutions for its review. The Church Council, after review, is anticipated that it will recommend it to the Congregation for review and adoption. The Aligning Ministry for Mission Team is always open for conversation and input. Please feel free to contact any of the team members: Jon Sogn: 605-595-2901 Sara Dannen: 605-929-3317 Cheryl McGuire: 605-371-3737 Ext 16 Rob Broin: 605-310-9201 Carla Borchardt: 605-361-7662 Pastor Dwight Stensgaard: 605-863-1537. Respectfully Submitted, Pastor Dwight Stensgaard BOARD OF MISSION AND OUTREACH This past year, the Board of Mission and Outreach was blessed to see our ministry grow and help so many people throughout our community, state, nation and world. We are so blessed to have so many generous Gloria Dei members who share their time, talent and donations to support the many ministries. We are thankful for the support this past year and ask for your continued prayers as we embark on a new year. We are always looking for new members to be part of our team, so consider bringing your passion to Mission and Outreach in 2016. 2015 Board of Mission and Outreach members were: Ginger Reiners, Carl Treiber, Mike Barber, Gail Bauer and Aaron Schultz (Chair) Pastor Loren Odland is the Board’s mentor and advisor. Loren continues to bless our entire congregation with his boundless enthusiasm for all of our ministries. Our designated Partnership Ministries and recipients of financial support from Gloria Dei are highlighted in the Gloria Dei newsletter and weekly service bulletin. Details are reported on page 13. Aaron C. Schultz, Chair-Board of Mission and Outreach 13 PARTNERSHIP MINISTRIES Gloria Dei Lutheran Church began the Partnership Ministries program sixteen years ago. The Board of Mission and Outreach establishes specific ministries as the “Partnership Ministry of the Month” and then encourages and invites our congregation to support these missions. In addition to being encouraged to give financial gifts, the entire congregation is encouraged to participate in the various ministries and to support them in prayer. January: The Lutheran Church of Nicaragua Faith and Hope (ILFE) $1132.00 Seven people went to Nicaragua February 10-17, 2015, for our annual Medical Mission Trip. The team brought free medical care to the poorest of the poor. (The 2016 Medical Mission Trip is postponed until a new missionary is in place in Nicaragua.) February: St. Dysmas of South Dakota (at the SD State Penitentiary): $1058.00 Members of our congregation worshiped with inmates at St. Dysmas on February 19. We were graciously welcomed, shared in fellowship, heard God’s Word proclaimed, and communed together. March: The Banquet: $1165.00 Gloria Dei served The Banquet on March 26 and October 22. In March, we had eight people in the morning preparing the food and the dining room, 39 serving in the evening, and fed 389 guests (47 were children). In October, we had ten people preparing the food and the dining room, 37 people serving in the evening, and fed 420 guests (49 were children). We also supported The Banquet with money to purchase milk. Gloria Dei will be serving The Banquet in March and October 2016. Lent Wednesday Offering 1/2 to ELCA World Hunger Appeal and 1/2 to the Food Pantry $1700.94 each April: St. Francis House $1420.00 Six Gloria Dei members served the evening meal on April 24, 2015, and packed lunches for the next day. We are scheduled to serve again in April 2016. May: Habitat for Humanity $935.00 Gloria Dei continued to provide major funding for Habitat for Humanity through the Board of Mission and Outreach and provided volunteers for interior work of Habitat for Humanity projects. June: Furniture Mission $768.00 Furniture Mission gathers “gently used” furniture and distributes it to individuals and families needing household furnishings. Volunteers use Furniture Mission trucks to pick up and deliver the furniture. July: Grace Episcopal Church, Soldier Creek $715.00 Our relationship with Grace Church continues to be one of support and encouragement. In addition to this financial gift, at Christmas we donated hats, gloves, sweatshirts, toys and games, and fruit, nuts and candy through the Christmas Outreach Tree and the Board of Mission and Outreach. August: Lifelight The festival was held at the new LifeLight site south of Sioux Falls. $598.00 September: LSS Student Mentoring $680.00 The LSS Mentoring program connects students with adults, usually during their lunch hour at school, to help guide them, listen to them, and be a positive example in their lives. Several Gloria Dei members are mentors. October: Heartland Ephphatha and Luther Seminary $465.24 each Heartland Ephphatha is the South Dakota Synod Ministry to the deaf community. The Luther Seminary donations are used for tuition for seminary students. November: Heartland House $703.00 40 families received Thanksgiving Baskets from Gloria Dei families. Oak Lane Colony donated the turkeys. Advent Wednesday Offering $1190.26 These funds are used to support a project in Cameroon and provide our Cameroon missionary with a personal gift. (Continued on page 15) 14 (Continued from page 14) December: Bishop Dudley Hospitality House (now includes the Good Shepherd Center) $1008.00 The Bishop Dudley House is a day shelter for homeless and those in need located in downtown Sioux Falls. In addition to this amount, at Christmas we donated “hospitality” supplies such as coffee, sugar, shampoo, soap, detergent, and hygiene items through the Christmas Outreach Tree and the Board of Mission and Outreach. MEALS ON WHEELS The Meals on Wheels program is sponsored by Active Generations to help seniors maintain their independence at home. Currently, Active Generations prepares approximately 400 meals a day covering 26 different routes throughout Sioux Falls. Of the 26 routes, 21 are handled by dedicated volunteers who deliver nutritional meals, safety checks, and friendly smiles to seniors in their homes. Gloria Dei is blessed to have 29 devoted volunteers (25 regular volunteers, 2 substitutes, and 2 summer/holiday volunteers) who support this project by driving Route 8 every Tuesday and Thursday. Our Gloria Dei volunteers deliver meals 8-10 times a year averaging 9-15 hours a year. This results in over 250 hours of their time to deliver 1,200+ meals covering 101 days of the year. Come join us - new volunteers are always welcome! Please call the church office to volunteer or for more information. Brenda Olson GLORIA DEI QUILTERS PEACE BY PIECE QUILTERS Our Tuesday evening quilting group is continuing to make quilts for the Shetek Bible camp quilt auction and the Lutherans Outdoors quilt auction. These quilt auctions raise a considerable amount of money for the camps to help with their costs and to help campers that may not be able to afford to attend. We also try to make some tops for the Dei Quilters to tie and donate locally. We continue to meet on the first and third Tuesday evenings from 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. in the quilting room at Gloria Dei. Cloie Schmidt DEI QUILTERS It has been a busy and productive year in the quilting room at Gloria Dei Church. Dei Quilters met during the school year and throughout the summer months to sew, tie and finish 54 quilts to donate to area charities. Peace by Piece Quilters held a "Quilt Challenge" and furnished fabric and sewed quilt tops for our cause. Gloria Dei Church supports our mission with funds to purchase fabric and supplies. We are grateful for all the support and encouragement. Quilts were displayed in the Gathering Area at the church and then donated to The Furniture Mission, St. Francis House, The Children's Inn, and the Bishop Dudley House. Dei Quilters meet at 9:00 a.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. Sewing skills are not a requirement. If you can tie a knot, or press cloth or cut fabric you can help make our South Dakota winter a little warmer for someone in need. Pat Andersen 15 BOARD OF EDUCATION MINISTRIES The Education Ministry of Gloria Dei is an integral part of Children, Youth and Family Ministry. The growth of our congregation has meant that this area of ministry has progressively become more and more staff-led over the past years. Enrollments approaching 800 children in Nursery through High School have consistently required intense staff planning and involvement as well as quick response time in decision-making. As our congregation has moved toward “staff-led” ministries, the role of the Board of Education has decreased as the roles of hundreds of volunteers have increased. See the following Children, Youth and Family report. The Board of Education elected in January 2014 did not meet this year. Those elected were: Dan Phillips, Hiedi Johnson, Kevin Klawonn, and Diane Nichols. Thank you to these Board members who helped lay the ground-work for the strong education ministry we currently have. And, thank you to the hundreds of volunteers of all ages who help our education ministry thrive and excel. Pastor Loren Odland DIRECTOR OF CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILY MINISTRY As I think of the past year I am inspired and joyful. It is a privilege to share in a ministry that includes families, children, youth, volunteer leaders and staff. Milestones, Church School, Youth Group, Retreats, Lock-ins, Service Projects, Family Learning Events and Youth Fundraising and Mission Trips all have been a welcoming and life changing experience for all those that participate. Milestones: Baptism, Bibles, Communion, Confirmation and Graduation. Milestones are celebrated church wide but focused on specific ages for parents and families to share in the development of their child. We celebrate as a church body to re-commit to partner with the parents for the duration of their faith journey. Church School creates a place where kids connect with adult and high school leaders to hear God’s Word while experiencing God’s love. Augsburg’s SPARK and CONNECT curriculum is used and our CYF team supports volunteers as they teach Lutheran theology through Bible stories, creative crafts, Christian games, music and more. Middle School Club 56 (5th and 6th once a month) and Feed My Sheep (7th and 8th grade each week) have themed devotions, table talk, crafts, service projects, food, games and other activities to engage youth in group activities and build relationship with peers and leaders to help support their faith journey. High School Bible Study concentrates on getting to KNOW Jesus through His word and relating how His Word connects with their lives today. Service projects, food, games, lock ins, retreats, youth trips and gatherings help support and show how to stay connected and build relationships with others in and through Christ. New programming this year included high school small group, Be, and a concentration with young adult ministry. Be. Be Strong. Be Courageous. Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” This group met once a week for six weeks to discuss tough issues and found commonality and friendships within a new peer group. Open discussion with Stronghold therapists ensured confidential and safe conversations. The group was a success and will be offered again. This year we have scheduled intentional college visits. We offer care packages, conversations and prayers while maintaining relationships and continued support. This has been a rewarding experience and we look forward to the growth of the program. Below are statements from volunteers that have shared their experience in CYF ministry. Teaching Sunday School has brought a new perspective, through the eyes of the kids, to the way I think about faith. Also their smiles, laughs and things they say make my day! - Morgan Moe, 17 – Preschool Church School Teacher and High School Youth 16 I teach Sunday School because I love hearing all the kid’s different understanding of God and I enjoy helping understand the things they can’t comprehend. It’s also amazing to see the undoubtable faith that they all share. – Peyton Stenzel, 17 – Preschool Church School Teacher and High School Youth I teach because it allows me to reach God and/or respond to God’s calling for me in multiple ways. It also builds my own faith. – Steve Zahn – Middle School and Outreach Ministry I volunteer each week because I love to see the smile on the kid’s faces. I have a passion for the kids and I think I learn just as much from them as they do from me. – Dusty Brower – Middle School Church School and after school activities Volunteering makes me feel good! It’s my way of giving back to God and the church. I want to be an example to my kids. – Kelly Veland – Food Ministry and High School Youth Leader I keep coming back to help lead youth group on Wednesday nights because the youth inspire me. They challenge me to share my faith with others and they ask questions that I have never even thought about. I absolutely love watching our youth mature and grow in their relationship with God. – Matt Anderson – High School Youth Leadership and Praise Team 1. It’s been fantastic to be able to witness my son in a classroom setting and see how he interacts with his classmates. Most parents never really get that opportunity and to me it has been a huge blessing! 2. Greeting the kids on Sunday morning when they enter the classroom and hearing all of the interesting stories they always have to tell, well, this just makes my day. Young minds are so active and you never know what these great kids are going to say! 3. I love that singing seems to be a pretty big part of many of the lessons. I love singing and being able to get the kids to sing and sometimes dance in the classroom is wonderful. 4. The Bible stories are perfect for the age of children that are at Church School learning about God. They aren’t too long or boring, and they have good morals that all children should learn about. 5. I’m not necessarily the most crafty person, but being able to create something new with the children is always a fun experience. Our crafts may not always turn out the way they’re supposed to, but we have fun creating something tangible to remind us of the Bible stories we read. 6. I love being able to pray with the children, and have them repeat the prayers after me. We may get a little loud in my classroom when we’re reading, praying, singing (or even coloring), but it’s all in good fun! 7. Overall, it’s just been a fantastic experience and I’ll never regret signing up to teach. The children aren’t the only ones learning every week as I seem to learn a little more about myself every week as well. Brandon Hurd – Kindergarten Church School and first time teacher. To our parents: Thank you for bringing your child/children to church school, encouraging your child to attend youth group, Bible study or mission trips and attending Worship together as a family. Without your support this ministry would not exist. So thank you for continuing to live out the promises of baptism, being an incredible piece of our church family, and your child’s faith journey. To our volunteers and leaders. We have been blessed with hundreds of children in Church School and High School Bible Study and are grateful for the incredible number of you that have heard the call to pray, support, teach, lead and/or mentor to those we know and those that are new and you welcome into our family each week. You are an incredible blessing to our team, our families and many many precious lives within our congregation. Blessings on you all! - CYF Team 2015 CHURCH SCHOOL OFFERINGS January February March April May September—December The Lutheran Church of Nicaragua Faith and Hope St Dysmas The Banquet St. Francis House Habitat for Humanity Kids Against Hunger 17 $77.83 $39.51 $117.36 $77.51 $46.01 $382.19 CONFIRMATION Our congregation’s Confirmation Ministry begins at the end of the 6th grade year and continues through the fall of the 10th grade year. Throughout these years, the goal is that each student would grow in his/her faith, in service to our Lord, and in fellowship with other believers. To accomplish this we use a combination of summer camp, small groups, mentoring, service projects, Bible studies, worship, special events and creative and energy-filled gatherings. During the summer after 6th grade we provide an opportunity for all the “new” Confirmation students to attend a week of Confirmation Camp at NeSoDak Bible Camp near Waubay, SD. With the lake at their doorstep, the kids have a week filled with swimming, campfires, kayaking & canoeing, Bible studies, games, wonderful meals, paddleboarding & paddle boating, worship, and music. They even meet other kids their age from all over South Dakota. Our group studies Baptism by exploring the Old and New Testaments and recognizing the many ways God acts in the lives of his people to save them. In summer 2015 there were 38 Gloria Dei 6th graders who went to Confirmation Camp. In 2015-2016 we have sixty-two 6th graders!!! In 7th and 8th grades the students study the Apostles’ Creed, Lord’s Prayer, Ten Commandments, the Church Year, and the Sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. Their lessons include Large Group teaching times led by a pastor and Small Group times led by volunteer parents who serve as Small Group Leaders. In 2015-2016 we have 14 Small Group Leaders. This age group also has Wednesday gatherings called “Feed My Sheep,” which give them an opportunity to get to know each other better, explore the Bible and their faith, and enjoy hanging out with one another too. In 2015-2016 we have fifty-two 7th graders and sixty-one 8th graders. When our students enter the 9th grade the style of teaching and learning shifts to give them more personal responsibility for their faith growth. Each student chooses his/her Mentor and meets with that person monthly from October through April. With the help of guided conversation materials, the Mentor and student explore faith topics and experiences. At the same time, each student meets with his/her parents to have conversations about family life, personal relationships, and responsibilities. Students meet with a pastor as a class several times during the year. In 2015-2016 we have fifty-three 9th graders. As our students enter their 10th grade year they are preparing for their Day of Confirmation. Prior to that weekend, each student writes a Statement of Faith and meets with a pastor to discuss what’s been written and other faith topics. At the Confirmation Banquet the students recite their Bible memory verses, have a class picture taken and then head off for a mini-retreat in Sioux Falls. Their Confirmation Day is on Reformation Weekend at the end of October. On October 24 & 25, 2015, forty-four 10th graders confirmed their faith and took on greater responsibilities in the life and ministry of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. Meeting with, camping with, talking with, learning with, and exploring with our Confirmation students is an absolutely remarkable experience. Thank you for the privilege of growing with our youth as they grow in their own faith. Pastor Loren Odland 7th & 8th Small Group Leaders Amy & Brad Adams Sarah Ailts Rob Behrend Mark Brumels Sheila Gladue Shannon Hohwieler Darwin Kampa Kevin Klawonn Chris Kray Jenny Puumala Sarah Souter Sandy Von Bank Beth Vroman Small Group Leader Substitutes Michael Cornette Stacie Kray Melissa McKinney Confirmation Mentors Mike Barber Barry Bauer Judy Bauer Jody Berry Rex Bishman Gretchen Borgum Kathy Burkhart Anna Clayton Carley Costello Kris Cozad Lynn Gillette Robyn Green Donn Grinager Audrey Halle Tammi Haverly Darice Huber 18 Darwin Kampa Mallie Kludt Wendy Knecht Sean Mayer Julie Meyer Ryan Micke Scott Ogdahl Heather Olson Alicia Reiners Sandra Reinesch Donna Rosin Cloie Schmidt Jason Schmit Mary Schultz Rob Schumacher Judi Schwerin Susie Simko Tom Stenzel Carl Treiber Paula Treiber Tracy Vik Lana Wright Steve Zahn GLORIA DEI PRESCHOOL Dear Gloria Dei Members, Gloria Dei Preschool is celebrating its nineteenth year of learning and growing. It continues to be a place filled with laughter, new ideas, and the boundless energy of 96 three, four, and five year olds! As its Director, I can definitely say this year has been a year of tremendous excitement, joy, and blessings for all of our teachers, families, and children involved in the program. Ginny Kroger continues to serve as the teacher for the Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning and afternoon classes and the Tuesday and Thursday morning classes. This is Ginny’s thirteenth year at Gloria Dei. Stacey Reitz teaches the Monday – Thursday morning class; and on Fridays she is our gym teacher and in charge of the Dramatic Play area. Stacey is in her twelfth year at Gloria Dei. Diane Dobbs teaches five days a week this year as our Monday - Wednesday three-year old teacher and then Tuesday/Thursday/Friday she teaches our four-year olds. This is Diane’s fifth year with us. Bobbi Schramm has been with us for three years now and is teaching a second class of five-year olds this year. I teach the Monday-Friday Fives Class and this is my eleventh year. It’s a job I find vastly rewarding and a ton of FUN! My many thanks and appreciation to all of these talented teachers whose knowledge, patience, and dedication to early childhood education create an amazing learning and growing experience for our preschool children. Jane Gramlick is back with us as our morning aide and Lunch Bunch coordinator. This is her fourth year with us. This past summer we teachers had the opportunity to take a continuing education class for a day in Des Moines, IA on our Handwriting Without Tears Curriculum. It focused on the importance of writing and reading in the classroom and how to prepare children for Kindergarten. One of our main focuses for this year was to fill our classrooms to capacity. As of today, we have 97 students in our 8 classes at Gloria Dei. We look forward to filling our classes again for the 2016-2017 year! Thank you to our energetic and caring Preschool Advisory Committee who is always there when we need them: Heather Johnson, Sara Skogen, and Erin Oster. Their time, commitment, and willingness to assist Gloria Dei Preschool are greatly appreciated. God’s blessings to all, Sharon Claude, Preschool Director PRESCHOOL ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Preschool Advisory Committee has continued to focus its goals on improving and supporting the Preschool. Heather Johnson, Sarah Skogen and Erin Oster are the Committee members. This year has been geared toward advertising for the Preschool, focusing on student recruitment, and looking at ways to keep tuition scholarships available to our preschool families. As our enrollment continues to grow, we are seeing an average of 6 families per semester needing scholarships. This is about $500 per month. As an outreach for Gloria Dei Lutheran Church we need to continue to have scholarships available to families in need. We continue to have Kids’ Night Out as a fundraiser. This seems to be a great need for our preschool parents and church school families, one that the Children Youth and Family Ministry together with the Preschool are happy to provide. We continue to have Hood Magazine as our lead advertiser for the Preschool. This magazine focusses on young families and we thought this was a way to connect and invite them to Gloria Dei Preschool. We are also connected to our local MOPS program at Gloria Dei. We were excited to have a full preschool this year and look forward to supporting the teachers again this year! Sarah Skogen Gloria Dei Preschool Advisory Committee 19 LIBRARY We have had an amazing year in the Gloria Dei Library! We have set a record for the most items checked out in a year since the Library opened its doors in September 2003! DVDs and children’s books continue to be the most checked out items in the Library. The Library collection increased by a total of 121 books, 11 music CDs, and 72 DVDs in 2015. Three books, 3 DVDs, 1 music CD, 1 Book on CD and 16 VHS tapes were removed over the year due to damage, loss, or were missing. At the time of writing this report, the Library had 1,280 items checked out for 2015 with another 2 weeks to go in the year! The last closest year to this was in 2006 with 1,258. The breakdown of these items is: 751 books, 41 music CDs, 486 DVDs, 1 Audio CD, and 1 Book on CD. We also added 42 families into the system that were new to checking out. We are certainly blessed to have such a wonderful resource available! The Library is a busy place on Wednesday afternoons and evenings with people coming in to check out books and movies, to do homework, to sit and read to their kids while waiting for other children to get done with church school, or choir, or to just pass the time with friends. Sundays are also very busy with kids and families coming in to check items out and sit and read with their kids. The DVD section continues to grow in all 4 sections: Children, Youth, Adult and Family. There are so many great movies that are available for all ages, many of which are Dove Family Approved. We are continuing to replace the videocassettes with DVDs as they are available. You will find Guidepost, Citizen, Thriving Family, Christianity Today, The Lutheran and the Scouting magazines located in the front and in the back of the Library, along with some very comfortable chairs. Looking ahead to 2016, we will be adding a section of Bible Studies that individuals may come in and check out and do on their own. We will also continue to add more new books, movies, and music CDs to the Library collection. Thank you for your support of the Library. Respectfully submitted by the Library Committee: Jamey Anderson, Stacie Kray, Laura Ruesch CHILDCARE MINISTRIES We have enjoyed serving our youngest members and their families in the Gloria Dei Nursery this past year. We have many members from our church family who give time each month to volunteer in the nursery. We are so thankful for our volunteers! The number of children visiting the nursery has increased steadily with as many as a dozen children at each service on Sundays. We are so blessed to work with these children! The nursery has had an update in some of the toys available. We have a new slide with a rock wall and a hide out, which has been a hit with toddlers and preschoolers! We have a kitchen set that is adored by all the children, as well! We have added to our Duplo blocks which has allowed children to create some very creative building projects! We are blessed to have toys that engage children while their parents worship! Thank you to the Gloria Dei congregation for all the support and prayers! Dan and Molly Rost Childcare Coordinators 20 BOARD OF WORSHIP AND THE ARTS “Shout for joy to the Lord all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever, His faithfulness continues throughout all generations.” ~Psalm 100 Gloria Dei! Glory to God! The Board of Worship began the year by reviewing worship in 2014. Our goals for 2015 were to continue supporting an active and meaningful worship life for every member of the Gloria Dei congregation. Our Board also spent time creating ministry teams to assist with the different areas of worship, media ministry and music programs. Freed by Christ, we … Gather in Jesus’ name for worship and fellowship and Go to make disciples in Sioux Falls and throughout the world Gloria Dei continues to be blessed with many talented volunteers. We strive to meet the individual needs of our congregants while actively spreading the Good News to our growing neighborhood. Our average weekly attendance for all services has grown from 781 in 2014 to 842 in 2015. Freed by Christ, we … Grow in God’s Word through Bible Study and Education Pastor Tim continued with his Thursday night Bible Study. We also have numerous active Bible study groups at Gloria Dei. In October the Gloria Dei music department hosted an all-day music conference led by world renowned composer and conductor René Clausen from Concordia College. We had about 50 musicians from Sioux Falls and the surrounding area attend. Freed by Christ, we … Give of ourselves through stewardship and serving Talented performers of all ages richly bless our congregation. We are especially grateful for our enormously talented and dedicated worship leaders: Matt Walicke, Director of Music Arts, Gretchen Borgum: Praise leader, Director of children’s choirs and the Children’s Christmas Pageant, Gretchen Spars McKee, Director of the Grace Liturgical Dance Group, and Rachael Fode, Media Ministry Coordinator. We are also very thankful for the numerous volunteer Praise Team Members, Choir Members, Handbell Ringers, Grace Dancers and Children’s Choir Members. The generous giving of your time each week has helped to enhance our overall worship experience. In August Gloria Dei hosted our Spirit Alive event featuring booths and information on all of the ways to serve and get involved within the church community. A 6:00 Wednesday Night Worship Service was added in September. This new midweek worship opportunity offers an alternative for our youth and those with weekend jobs and/or travels. Submitted by the members of the 2015 Board of Worship and The Arts: Nancy VandenBerge (Chair), John Meyer, Rich Jensen, Sara Klawonn, and Sara Peterson. Staff: Pastor Tim Selbo, Matt Walicke, Darice Huber and Rachael Fode 21 WORSHIP ARTS Each year in the Music Ministry at Gloria Dei is better than the last, and this year has been no exception. Here are some of our highlights from 2015: This year we hosted two incredible music events at Gloria Dei. In October, we welcomed Dr. René Clausen from Concordia University in Moorhead to lead a two day choral workshop. Over fifty singers, conductors, and church musicians participated in this workshop. Next year, we are looking to bring in a workshop for praise team singers, and we are working to secure Scott and Vonda Dyer for this event in 2016. In November, we hosted a local handbell festival along with a reading session designed to prepare ringers for the upcoming regional conference (hosted here in Sioux Falls) in 2016. Seven bell choirs and over eighty ringers were in attendance for these events and over two hundred people came to be a part of the audience for the concert. All of our ensembles are going strong, though the Adult Choir is in need of more men. Our annual Advent Cantata was an incredible event, featuring Adult Choir, Gloria Dei Handbells, Middle School Choir, and one of the largest orchestras Gloria Dei has had participating in worship. On a personal note, this year I have had two of my original compositions published, both of which were premiered at Gloria Dei. My arrangement of “Riu, Riu, Chiu” for bell choir will be published by Morningstar Press in 2016, and my organ postlude based on “Hyfrydol” will be featured in a collection of challenging organ works published by Lorenz in 2016. Those of us in the Music Ministry at Gloria Dei are excited to be a part of the worship life of this vibrant congregation and we’re thrilled to be people who “Gather, Grow, Give and Go All to the Glory of God!” Matthew Walicke Director of Music and Worship Arts GRACE LITURGICAL DANCE GRACE ministry is moving as the Spirit leads and the Spirit is moving A LOT! I am so proud of GRACE dancers and the passion, energy, love for Jesus, mission, and enthusiasm of the group. I am doing my best to keep up with their energy and to help make all the amazing God-given mission-driven ideas that have become reality. We continue to share with each other through retreats, weekly meetings and sharing with others as we continue the tradition of “gracing.” Thank you, parents, for providing the time for the dancers to be in GRACE. Gretchen Spars McKee 22 MEDIA MINISTRIES Media Ministry at Gloria Dei is continually changing and moving! In 2015, we have: 1) Developed a Media Ministry Team to assist with worship at Gloria Dei. 2) Created and implemented a new website and Gloria Dei App to better communicate with all of our congregation as well as reach out to those no longer in the Sioux Falls area, allowing for online registration and payment. 3) Replaced and maintained the overhead spotlights in the sanctuary, installing proper switches needed for powering down/turning on. 4) Prepared, wired, and set up the chapel as a secondary viewing option for worship, allowing for a more comfortable seating and an appropriate worship setting for large service overflow. In addition, our 2016 goals include, but are not limited to: 1) Continuing to enhance worship through the use of videos, images, and sound. 2) Use creative strategies to enhance Gloria Dei’s social media and online presence. 3) Provide downloadable sermon audio files to the congregation, organized by series. 4) Develop a video ministry team. Gloria Dei continues to be a welcoming place where people continually feel the presence of God, through the warmth from a stranger, the hug from a friend, and the encouragement from a neighbor. It is the overall goal of Media Ministry to simply enhance and lift up what is already there: the wonderful group of Christians that is Gloria Dei. Peace and blessings, Rachael Fode “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” ~Psalm 150 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) and Moppets (Care of the children of the MOPS Moms) 2015 January – May: Be You Bravely MOPS Steering Team: Jennifer Crisp-Griebel, Jackie Johnson, Kendra Brouwer, Jessica Anderson Monthly meetings were held on the second Friday of the month in the Fellowship Hall at Gloria Dei from 9am-11am. Topics covered at the meetings were yoga/breathing/relaxation; guest speaker Hollie Strand on Keeping Kids Safe; a panel of local doctors, speech therapists, and developmental ophthalmologists shared with the moms and then did an open question and answer. The group ended the year with “Generations of Tea” in which they invited important women in their lives to join them for a tea and entertainment. Average attendance at the meeting was about 14 moms. Average attendance in Moppet Care was about 25 children, cared for by a wonderful and strong team of volunteers. 2015 September – December: A Fierce Flourishing MOPS Steering Team: Jackie Johnson, Kendra Brouwer; Emily Sieler; Ashley Lundquist; Mandee Anderson; Alicia Reiners Monthly meetings were held on the second Friday of the month in the Fellowship Hall at Gloria Dei from 9am-11am. Topics covered at the meetings were a fierce flourishing: rhythms; vulnerability and feminine living; a discussion with a lactation consultant regarding birthing, feeding and infant care; Tom Roberts storytelling and sharing about Children’s Home. Average attendance at the meeting has been 20 moms. The group has added at least one newly registered mom at every meeting this fall. Average attendance in Moppet Care was about 23 children, cared for by a wonderful and strong team of volunteers. Respectfully Submitted, Cicely Schock 23 BOARD OF FELLOWSHIP MINISTRIES The Board of Fellowship oversees a broad spectrum of ministries at Gloria Dei and continues to grow each year. The Board of Fellowship has focused on caring and sharing through a variety of ministries including Children, Youth and Family Ministry, Health Ministry, Lay Ministry, Food Ministry and Sports Ministry. Staff members associated with the Board of Fellowship in 2015: Judi Schwerin, Parish Nurse Darice Huber, Director of Lay Ministries Sandy Berven, Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministries Deb Peterson, Director of Food Ministries Jan Wood and Janine Larson, Food Ministries Dan and Molly Rost, Nursery 2015 Board of Fellowship members: Erin Horstmeyer (Chair) Curt Aden Rachel Bailey Raela Weber Many exciting activities and opportunities to grow in your faith are happening at Gloria Dei! For further details on our ministries, please see individual reports. Respectfully submitted, Erin Horstmeyer LAY MINISTRY In Colossians 1:18 the apostle Paul states “Christ is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that he might come to have first place in everything.” Gloria Dei means “Glory to God.” In everything we do let us give glory to God! Visitor Outreach – Gloria Dei is blessed to be in a growing area of Sioux Falls and we have visitors attend our worship services each week. We have an outreach program to welcome visitors and stay in touch with them throughout the year. This includes a welcome letter from Pastor Tim, monthly newsletters, and proactive outreach. We keep our visitors informed on our new member classes and invite them to be part of our family of faith at Gloria Dei. This year we also did two postcard mailings which reached over 8000 households who are in the area around Gloria Dei. We sent a postcard on our Holy Week worship schedule and a postcard on our new Wednesday Worship service which began in September. In December we had an article about Gloria Dei in the Southside Living Magazine. This magazine covers neighborhoods close to Gloria Dei and reaches 4300 households on a monthly basis. New Members – Gloria Dei received new members in February, April, and October. In 2015 we brought in 84 new families for a total of 229 new members. Our new member program consists of classes led by the Pastors and a dinner or breakfast where new member families are introduced to the staff and members of the congregation. We look for opportunities to get our new member families involved in the life of our congregation by inviting them to activities and encouraging them to participate as volunteers in the various ministries at Gloria Dei. Women’s Bible Studies – We have a Bible study on Tuesday mornings where the women use the WELCA Gather Bible study series. The Wednesday morning Bible study did a variety of studies during 2015. We did a Beth Moore Bible study on Thessalonians. For this study we did a Wednesday morning session and a Wednesday evening session. We also studied the book “Having the Life You’ve Always Wanted” by John Ortberg and the book “Having a Mary Spirit” by Joanna Weaver. We also studied men of the Bible during the summer months. (Lay Ministry continues on next page) 24 Lunch and Learn Programs – We had eight Lunch and Learn programs during 2015. Below are the activities by month: January – Tour of St. Joseph Cathedral and lunch at Minervas March – Prayer Patches May – Spring Tea with the program “Apron Strings” June – Sculpture Walk and lunch at Minervas July – Aging Faithfully Conference with speaker Kathleen Norris held at Augustana University August –Garden Getaway and spiritual retreat October – Luncheon and Speaker Norma Knapp, Author of “Scoria Roads” December – Advent Tea and Tour of Tables Gloria Dei Book Group – This group meets monthly from September through April to discuss a book and enjoy fellowship time with each other. Each month a book is selected and discussed by the group. We also gathered for dinner during the summer months. In 2015 we read the following books: January – “A Change of Heart” by Jodi Picoult February – “Dakota a Spiritual Geography” by Kathleen Norris March – “The Aviator’s Wife” by Melanie Benjamin April – “The Journey of Crazy Horse” by Joseph M. Marshall May/June – Dinner Out July/August – Dinner Out September – “The Whistling Season” by Ivan Doig October – “All Over But the Shoutin” by Rick Bragg November/December – “The Zookeeper’s Wife” by Diane Ackerman and Christmas potluck supper Spirit Alive Event – We held our fall kickoff event, entitled “Spirit Alive,” on Sunday, September 13th from 8:30 to noon. In addition to church school and worship, we also held a ministry fair. There were 22 different tables set up representing over 50 ministries and groups. Everyone had a chance to learn about the different ministries at Gloria Dei and sign up for various programs. We had wonderful participation from the boards as well as volunteers who helped make this event a success. OWLS (Older Wiser Lutherans) This group meets for a potluck lunch the third Sunday of every month. This is a wonderful time of fellowship with caring conversations and good food as well as peer presentations. I am blessed to be a part of the ministries at Gloria Dei. Glory be to God! Together in Christ, Darice Huber HEALTH MINISTRY The mission of Health Ministry at Gloria Dei is to promote physical, emotional, spiritual and social wellness of its members so we live with optimum health and healthy relationships with God, family, communities and creation. The Health Ministry Team met every two months the past year and this group provides direction and support for the faith Community Nurse and the Health Ministry Program. Members include: Anita Ahrendt, Paul Amundson, Jennifer Crisp-Griebel, Darice Huber, Rita Nelson, Yvonne Oppold, and Mary Treiber. C.A.S.T.s (Called and Sent Teams) and other group ministries nurture life journeys in faith by the following: Card C.A.S.T. There have been 23 births to members and 40 deaths that have touched 59 members in our congregation. Each of these people have received 5 cards a year at the initial event, Christmas, Easter, All Saint’s Day, and the first anniversary. Birthday cards are sent to all members 70 and over. (Health Ministry continues on the next page) 25 (Contnued from the previous page) Divorce C.A.S.T.- This group has an average of 10 in attendance and meets monthly on the third Thursday at 6:30 PM in Room 123. All church members and non-members who are separated, divorced, or divorced and remarried are welcome. A nursery for 0-4 year olds and child care for 5-10 years old is available. Elizabeth Ministry- Twenty-five birth mothers had a visit from an Elizabeth Minister and then visits at church and/or 1-3 calls the next year for mentoring. Empty Arms- This is a peer-led group providing monthly support and resources for couples experiencing infertility or pregnancy loss. Jill Ailts leads this group and 1-4 attend. Exercising Your Faith- This group meets weekly for 10 or 12 week sessions on Mondays from 5:15-6:30 PM during the school year. The group exercises for 45 minutes and then has a Bible study for 30 minutes. The group provided the opportunity to be fit spiritually and physically. Four to eleven participated each week. Grief Support- The 59 members who have been touched by death the past year were mailed a grief booklet at 3 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and then 11 months. They were invited to attend the annual Advent Service of Hope and Remembrance to observe their loss during the holiday season. For the first time, those into their second year of loss were also invited to attend. Prayer shawls are knitted or crocheted with prayer by church members. Shawls are available for all to share with others and are given in times of joy, celebration, sickness and grief. About 20 prayer shawls were given out this year. Food C.A.S.T.- The frozen food ministry meets every 2-3 months to make about 75 meals per time. There are about 14 that come to assemble meals each time and 450 meals are made. The meals are portioned in various sizes, frozen until they are needed, and delivered by members to any in need of “comfort food.” Laverta Christensen and Teresa Schwarz are co-chairwomen. Gloria Dei “In Touch- Homebound members who cannot actively participate in worship life at Gloria Dei receive a weekly mailing with a devotional and the bulletin. The Hero C.A.S.T.- supports our servicemen and women with prayer, mailing packages and letters. Laura Riley coordinated the production of three quilts of valor and these were presented to the service men after their return home in the fall. Pickle-ball is a hybrid combination of badminton, tennis, ping-pong, and whiffle ball. Gloria Dei players met in the church gym every Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:15-10:15 with fellowship time to follow. There was also an evening session during the school year on Thursdays from 6:45-8:45 PM. Janine and Adrian Mohr coordinate the morning sessions and Brenda and Leon Olson coordinate the evening session. Approximately 40 people have played pickle-ball at Gloria Dei and an average of 20 people attended each week. SIGH Clinic (Stepping into Good Health Clinic) is a free foot clinic available through Sanford for those who do not have insurance or limited resources for health care. The clinic is held in the second floor classroom at the Falls Community Center at 521 North Main. Ten months of the year Church members have the opportunity to share their smiles, faith and hospitality for those less financially fortunate on the fourth Wednesday afternoon of the month from 12-4 PM. Stephen Ministry is a structured training program that equips lay members to provide confidential, longer term, and one-to-one Christian care to individuals in the congregation or community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. Monthly ongoing education and peer supervision are part of this program’s commitment to excellence. We have 19 Stephen Ministers currently providing care to care receivers and these visits vary from every week to monthly. There have been about 408 visits made this year by Stephen Ministers. Char Hovland, Dwight Stensgaard and Judi Schwerin serve on the Leadership Team for Stephen Ministry. (Health Ministry continues on next page) 26 (Health Ministry continued) Walking Souls is an exercise program that focused this year on the four Missionary journeys of Paul as the congregation read through and studied the New Testament at weekly worship. There were 132 participants that geared up by walking, biking or swimming the 9,150 miles. Since the program began in September we have already walked over 15,000 miles and hope to not only make the journey but double that by returning on the journey. WIT (Women in Transition) is for women of any age who have lost their spouse and can benefit from a good social time, support and friendship. The group meets at a local restaurant or the church the fourth Tuesday of each month at 5:30 pm. An average of ten women attend. Sheryl Curl coordinates the WIT. Special Services related to health are offered such as the Bloodmobile, CPR recertification and monthly blood pressure checks. Forty members donated blood and 12 were recertified in CPR. Seven to 15 members a month take advantage of blood pressure screenings. Faith Community Nurse Member Care includes hospital, home and church visits as well as phone calls to members. By the beginning of December, there were 104 visits and 631 calls documented. Judi Schwerin’s position as Faith Community Nurse was increased to 32 hours starting in August and she is now a Gloria Dei employee. Plans are being made to increase services and fellowship pending the congregational vote to transition Health Ministry to Congregational Care early in 2016. Respectfully submitted, Judi Schwerin, MS, RN GLORIA DEI BOY SCOUTS AND CUB SCOUT CHARTERS GLORIA DEI CHARTERS – BOYS SCOUTS OF AMERICA Pack 371 & Troop 371 Troop 371 has 42 registered Scouts ages 12-18, divided into 4 patrols. 7 Scouts are Gloria Dei members. Senior Patrol Leader - Charlie Ellingson Assistant Senior Patrol Leader - Matthew Ruesch The Troop has 26 registered adult members. Committee Chairman –Barry Bauer Scoutmaster – Lyle Ruesch Rank Advancements and Merit Badges Troop 371 had a total of 45 rank advancements during 2015 and currently has: 0 - Scout, 3-Tenderfoot, 5 - 2nd Class, 3 - 1st Class, 12 - Star, 14 – Life, 3 - Eagle 174 Merit Badges and 1 Bronze Palm and 1 Gold Palm have been awarded in 2015 Courts of Honor: March 30th, July 13th, September 20th, December 7th Troop Activities and Eagle Projects in 2015 Eagle Scouts’ Projects: Jerry Apperson: Designed, constructed and finished a podium stand for the South Dakota Association of the Deaf Community Seth Stroh: Designed, planned, and provided leadership for the building of a wood shed at the Outdoor Campus. The shed is used for storing wood that they use for their cooking classes Adam Martin: Collected 600 pairs of shoes for Mission Haiti, packed and shipped them Community Service: Scout Sunday Serving Breakfast at Gloria Dei; Cub Scout Pinewood Derby; Serving at the Banquet; Memorial Day flag placement at Hills of Rest Cemetery; Cub Scout Day Camp; Family Fun Night at John Harris Elementary; Sorting Food at the SD Food Bank; Scouting for Food; Thanksgiving Food Baskets (Boys Scouts continues on the next page) 27 (Boys Scouts continued) Fund Raising: Popcorn Sales, Wreath Sales Troop Activities: Ice fishing at Family Park; Spring Camp-O-Ree at Newton Hills Scout Camp; Merit Badge University; CPR Training; Canoe/Kayak on Big Sioux River and Camping at Newton Hills Scout Camp; Order of the Arrow Conclave at Lewis & Clark; 3 Days-3 Hikes (Volksmarch, Little Devil’s Tower, Harney Peak) in Black Hills; Summer Camp at Lewis & Clark Scout Camp; High Adventure Backpacking-Big Horn Mountains; Frisbee Golf; Big Sioux Recreation Hike; Bowling; Biking to the Falls; Swimming at Terrace Park; Thunder Road; Swimming at Wild Water West; Corn Maze; Fall Camporee at Newton Hills Scout Camp; Fall Camporee at Lewis & Clark Scout Camp, Winter Campout at Lewis & Clark Scout Camp; 2 Junior Leader Training Sessions Meeting time- 7:00-8:15 pm, every Monday evening in the Fellowship Hall Yours in Scouting, Scoutmaster Lyle Ruesch ****************************************************************************************** Pack 371 includes 39 boys ages 7-12 (9 of them Gloria Dei members), divided into 5 dens that meet approximately 2-4 times during the month. The Pack has 10 registered adult members. Committee Chairman - Matt Skilbred Cubmaster - Jon Marohl Advancements- every boy advances a rank as the school year advances Pack Activities in 2015 Community Service: Scouting for Food; Community Service Night at Gloria Dei Fund Raising: Popcorn Sales Activities: Fall Family Camp at Newton Hills Scout Camp; Blue & Gold Banquet; Pinewood Derby; Scout-O-Rama; Cub Scout Day Camp; monthly summer Pack activities of biking to Falls Park, swimming, and hiking; Rocket Launching at Laurel Oaks Park Pack Meeting time- 7:00- 8:00 pm the 2nd or 3rd Monday of each month, at John Harris Elementary or Gloria Dei Gymnasium Den Meeting times – 6:30 - 7:30 pm, or 7:00 – 8:00 pm Monday nights in the Gloria Dei education wing. Yours in Scouting, Cubmaster Jon Marohl 28 BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION The Board of Administration remains focused on the overall financial planning of Gloria Dei within the policies and responsibilities delegated by the congregation and Church Council, oversight of the Church property and ensuring preventative programs are in place to support church activities. Throughout 2015, the Board worked diligently to fulfill the mission with which we have been entrusted. Major activities in support of our responsibilities included the following: With the approval of a Return to Work policy which the Board developed in 2014, communication and training was completed with all staff. To assist in the unlikely event of a significant property insurance claim, the Board completed videotaping of church contents throughout the facility for our records. After reviewing current insurance policies, the Board recommended an increase in the building insurance deductible which was approved by Council and adjusted accordingly. Restriping of the Church parking lot was completed. The wood panels above the sanctuary entrance doors were reinforced as a safety precaution. The Board approved painting of the main Church hallway which is on schedule to be completed by end of year 2015. Working together with all other Gloria Dei Boards, completed the proposed 2016 annual Gloria Dei budget for presentation to the Church Council. Coordinated the annual audit process to ensure our financial records properly reflect the financial condition of our Church. The review indicated the records for the period covered (2014) properly reflect the financial activities of the Church and they accurately reflect the financial condition at year end. The Board of Administration, in carrying out our responsibility to Gloria Dei, is dependent upon the service of many staff and Gloria Dei members. Very special thanks to Pastor Dwight, Cheryl McGuire, Jeff Riley and Gordy Albers for their continued sharing of their gifts of talent, time and commitment to the functioning of Gloria Dei. Special thanks as well to Dean Versteeg and Mark Brumels for giving of their time and knowledge in completing the annual audit and to Jarrod Edelen for the countless hours, passion and diligence as he serves as Church Treasurer. I would also like to thank my fellow Board members, Mark Peterson and Sue Aguilar, for your willingness to share your wonderful gifts and abilities toward the mission and ministry of Gloria Dei. It continues to be a joy and privilege to serve. God is Good! All the time! Julie Garry Board of Administration Chair 2015 29 CHANGE FOR CHANGE As you know, at each worship service during the offering time we have baskets where children and adults place change and dollar bills. All the money collected is given away to help provide food for those who are hungry. Here is an update for 2015. January - March Kids Against Hunger $604.10 April - June ELCA World Hunger Appeal $576.17 July - September Food Bank of South Dakota $543.27 October and December Feed My Starving Children $409.68 Thanksgiving Eve Offering: ELCA World Hunger and Feeding South Dakota $241.00 each ENDOWMENT COMMITTEE The Gloria Dei Endowment Fund for the past four quarters decreased by $9,317.12, or -5.935%. The Committee’s year, from September 30, 2014 to September 30, 2015, is done this way because the funds we invest in, the ELCA Endowment Pooled Trust Fund, does not provide the fourth quarter’s statements in time to be included in the Church’s Annual Report. The Fund did well compared to its benchmarks. It is balanced between U.S. and global equities and investment grade, hi-yield, and inflation indexed bonds along with global real estate. The combined balance as of Sept. 30, 2015 was $147,675.01. The Fund will distribute $7,593.12 to its six designated ministries. The distributions are based on a rolling average of 5 per cent of the past 12 consecutive quarters for each ministry, so long as the distribution does not cause the ministry’s balance to go below $5,000.00. In Christ, Thomas W. Clayton Thomas W. Clayton Gloria Dei Endowment Committee (Endowment Report continues on next page.) 30 ENDOWMENT COMMITTEE 31 THANK YOU TO GLORIA DEI LUTHERAN CHURCH CURRENT COUNCIL/BOARDS/COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT Rob Broin Sara Dannen Jon Sogn SECRETARY Jarrod Edelen TREASURER BOARD OF EDUCATION Dan Phillips Hiedi Johnson Kevin Klawonn Diane Nichols BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION Julie Garry (Chair) Mark Peterson Sue Aguilar Matt Burkhart BOARD OF FELLOWSHIP Erin Horstmeyer (Chair) Curt Aden Rachel Bailey Raela Weber BOARD OF MISSION & OUTREACH Aaron Schultz (Chair) Ginger Reiners Carl Treiber Gail Bauer Mike Barber BOARD OF WORSHIP & THE ARTS Nancy VandenBerge (Chair) Rick Jensen John Meyer Sara Peterson Sara Klawonn 2015 SYNOD ASSEMBLY DELEGATES Rob Broin, President NOMINATING COMMITTEE Lorrae Lindquist Becky Blue Lee Glasoe Karla O’Connor CONGREGATIONAL COUNCIL—Comprised of 4 officers, 5 board chairpersons, and staff (ex-officio). EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE—Comprised of President, Vice President, Senior Pastor, and 2 Council members elected by the Council. 32 MEMBERSHIP STATISTICS PASTORAL ACTS Baptisms – 52 Marriages - 11 Confirmations: Youth - 44 GLORIA DEI AGE PROFILE 2015 AVERAGE WORSHIP ATTENDANCE January February March April May June July August September* October* November* December* Average Funerals - 5 MEMBERSHIP 2015 Added to Membership 810 (Baptism, Letter of Transfer, Confirmation) 744 892 Baptized 248 1135 Confirmed 123 Removed from Membership 700 (Letter of Transfer, Death) 554 Baptized 84 Confirmed 66 498 583 Total Membership 927 1990 1193 2000 2010 2015 Baptized 621 1748 2144 2721 1049 Confirmed 376 1112 1531 1808 842 Households 202 1015 518 641 868 *Includes Wednesday Worship Age 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71+ Total Male 126 129 128 110 75 58 62 85 83 82 87 83 52 23 36 1219 Female 130 108 123 130 82 74 94 98 99 89 95 87 55 24 54 1342 Total 256 237 251 240 157 132 156 183 182 171 182 170 107 47 90 2561 Average Age = 32.01 2016 PLEDGE ANALYSIS - GENERAL FUND # Rec. Percent Weekly Range Annual Range 12 3.5 $192.32 & over $10,000.01 & over 33 9.6 $100.01 to $192.31 $5,200.01 to $10,000.00 25 7.2 $90.01 to $100.00 $4,680.01 to $5,200.00 7 2.0 $80.01 to $90.00 $4,160.01 to $4,680.00 12 3.5 $70.01 to $80.00 $3,640.01 to $4,160.00 10 2.9 $60.01 to $70.00 $3,120.01 to $3,640.00 18 5.2 $50.01 to $60.00 $2,600.01 to $3,120.00 28 8.1 $45.01 to $50.00 $2,340.01 to $2,600.00 2 .6 $40.01 to $45.00 $2,080.01 to $2,340.00 14 18 4.1 5.2 $35.01 $30.01 to to $40.00 $35.00 $1,820.01 $1,560.01 to to $2,080.00 $1,820.00 20 5.8 $25.01 to $30.00 $1,300.01 to $1,560.00 39 11.3 $20.01 to $25.00 $1,040.01 to $1,300.00 30 8.7 $15.01 to $20.00 $780.01 to $1,040.00 35 10.1 $10.01 to $15.00 $520.01 to $780.00 31 9.0 $5.01 to $10.00 $260.01 to $520.00 9 2.6 $3.01 to $5.00 $156.01 to $260.00 1 0.3 $1.93 to $3.00 $100.01 to $156.00 1 0.3 $0.01 to $1.92 $1.00 to $100.00 345 Total Pledges 33 34 35 Building Loan Update Loan Balance 12/31/14 Principal paid from General Fund Principal paid from Our God Reigns And Loaves and Fishes Loan Balance 12/31/15 $5,455,130 $12,000 $454,835 $4,988,294 Interest Paid during 2015 Monthly mortgage payment $86,273 $38,604 *When closing our books for the year, we made and additional payment of $376,809 to bring the mortgage loan balance to $4,611,485. 36 37 38 South Dakota Synod, ELCA Mission Plan 39 South Dakota Synod, ELCA Mission Plan . 40
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