Walter Titex
Walter Titex
Productinnovations Edition2012-2 Drillingandthreading _TOOLINNOVATIONSINDRILLING X·tremeperformance forallapplications. SOLIDCARBIDEDRILLS Walter TitexX·tremeStep90– thehigh-performanceoption foruniversaluse. NEW 2012 THETOOLS – Solidcarbidehigh-performancechamferingdrill withandwithoutinternalcooling – XPLcoating – Diameterrange3.3-14.5mm • Tapdrillholediameter:M4–M16x1.5 – SteplengthinaccordancewithDIN8378 – ShankinaccordancewithDIN6535HAandHE ShankDIN6535HA THEAPPLICATION – Forthread/coreholediameters – ForISOmaterialgroupsP,M,K,N,S,H – Canbeusedwithemulsionandoil – Canbeusedforinclinedexitsandcrossholes – Canbeusedforinclinedandconvexsurfaces – Foruseingeneralengineering,mouldanddiemaking intheautomotiveindustry,andtheenergyindustry Withinternalcooling XPLcoating foroptimumcuttingdata andmaximumtoollife 4lands foroptimumholequalityanduseon •Entrysurfacesinclinedupto5° •Holeexitsinclinedupto45° •Workpieceswithcrossholes Pointgeometry forprecisepositioning WalterTitexX·tremeStep90 Type:K3299XPL YOURADVANTAGES – 50%higherproductivity – Universallycompatiblewithallmaterialgroupsandwith crossholesandinclinedexits – Improvedholequalitydueto4lands 40 Watchproductvideo: ScanQRcodeorgodirectlyto Orderinginformationcanbefoundfrompage58onwards. ¤ ¤ Modulehinge Workpiecematerial: St52 Tool: Walter Titex X·treme Step 90 K3299XPL-M8 Diameter6.8mm Cuttingdata vc N f vf Competition 98m/min 4600rpm 0.16mm/rev 736mm/min X·tremeInox 98m/min 4600rpm 0.23mm/rev 1058mm/min Feedrate(mm/min) + 44% Competition 736 X·treme Step 90 0 500 1058 1000 1500 With internalcooling WalterTitexX·tremeStep90 Type:K3899XPL,K3299XPL,K3879XPL WalterTitex–Drilling 41 SOLIDCARBIDEDRILLS Walter TitexX·tremePilotStep90– precisepositioningincreasesproductivity. NEW 2012 THETOOLS – Solidcarbidehigh-performancechamfering pilotdrillwithinternalcooling – TFTcoating – 150°pointangle – 90°countersinkangle – DimensionsaccordingtoWalterstandard – Drillingdepth •3xDc – Diameterrange3-16mm – ShankinaccordancewithDIN6535HA THEAPPLICATION 90°countersinkangle -forthreadingin thesolidcarbide deep-holedrill -fordeburringor chamferingthehole – FortheISOmaterialgroupsP,M,K,N,S,H – Steppilotdrillforsolidcarbidedeep-holedrillsfromthe Alpha®andX·tremedrillfamiliesfordrillingdepthsgreater than12xDc – Canbeusedwithemulsionandoil – Foruseingeneralengineering,inthehydraulicandautomotive industries,formouldmakingandtheenergyindustry Withinternalcooling TFTcoating foroptimumprotection againstwear Pilotingwithchamfer Pointgeometry witha150°pointangleforoptimum centringofthesolidcarbidedeep-holedrill YOURADVANTAGES – Improvedprocessreliabilityandtoollifeduringdeep-hole drilling – Significantlyshorterdrillingpath – Notoleranceoverlapswithsolidcarbidedeep-holedrills – Highpositioningaccuracyasaresultofashortchisel edgewidth 42 WalterTitexX·tremePilotStep90 Type:K3281TFT Orderinginformationcanbefoundfrompage59onwards. ¤ ¤ ShankDIN6535HA ADDITIONALPILOTDRILLSFROMWALTERTITEX Cylindricalpiloting Type:A6181TFT Cylindricalpiloting Type:A6181AML Cylindricalpiloting,flatbottom Type:A7191TFT Conicalpiloting Type:K5191TFT Anoverviewofthepilotdrillscanbefoundon pageB4intheGeneralcatalogue2012 WalterTitex–Drilling 43 SOLIDCARBIDEDRILLS Walter TitexHigh-performancecentre drillsforstraightcontactsurfacesin accordancewithDIN332A. NEW 2012 THETOOLS – Solidcarbidecentredrill – DimensionsaccordingtoDIN333A – formA – XPLcoating – For60°centringwithoutprotectivecountersink – ForstraightcontactsurfacesinaccordancewithDIN332A THEAPPLICATION – ForISOmaterialgroupsP,M,K,N,S,H – Canbeusedwithemulsionandoil – Foruseonlathesandmachiningcentres formA Contactsurfacesin accordancewithDIN332A XPLcoating foroptimumcuttingdataandmaximumtoollife WalterTitexcentredrill Type:K1161XPL YOURADVANTAGES – A50%increaseinproductivityincomparisonwith uncoatedsolidcarbidecentredrills – MaximumtoollifeduetotheXPLcoatinginall materialgroups Additionalcentredrillscanbefoundintheprogrammeoverviewon pageB9intheGeneralcatalogue2012 Centringinaccordancewith DIN332formA 44 DIN332formB DIN332formR DIN332formD DIN332formDR Orderinginformationcanbefoundfrompage85onwards. ¤ ¤ Walter TitexSolidcarbideand carbide-tippedreamingtools withshanktoleranceh6. NEW 2012 THETOOLS – CarbidereamingtoolsforH7fits – DimensionssimilartoDIN8093 • Straight-flutedformAforbasicandthroughholes • Spiral-flutedformCforthroughholes – Differentialpitch Shanktoleranceh6 THEAPPLICATION – ForISOmaterialgroupsP,M,K,N,S,H,O – Canbeusedwithemulsionandoil – Foruseingeneralengineering,mouldanddiemaking intheautomotiveindustry,andtheenergyindustry Forblindandthroughholes Shanktoleranceh6 Forthroughholes WalterTitexreamingtools Type:F2162,F2171 YOURADVANTAGES – Maximumroundnessandsurfacefinishqualityasaresult ofextremeunevenspacing – Entireshankdiameterwithh6toleranceforaccommodationinshrink-fitandhydraulicexpansionchucks Orderinginformationcanbefoundfrompage86onwards. ¤ ¤ WalterTitex–Drilling 45 SOLIDCARBIDEDRILLS Walter TitexX·tremeInox– thehigh-performanceoption forstainlesssteels. NEW 2012 THETOOLS – Solidcarbidehigh-performancedrill – TTPcoating – Dimensionsto • DIN6537L‡5xDc – Diameterrange3-20mm – ShankinaccordancewithDIN6535HA Land foroptimumholequality andlowfriction THEAPPLICATION – ForISOmaterialgroupM – Canbeusedwithemulsionandoil – Foruseingeneralengineeringandinthe automotive,aerospace,medical,foodand valveindustries Flutegeometry ensuresreliablechipevacuationand guaranteesprocessreliability TTPcoating foroptimumcuttingdataanda maximumincreaseinproductivity YOURADVANTAGES – Reducedcuttingforcesduetonewtypeofgeometry – Significantincreaseinproductivityoveruniversaldrilling andboringtools – Lowburrformationonentryandexit – Excellentsurfacequalityoncomponent – Stablemaincuttingedgesguaranteemaximumprocess reliability 46 Watchproductvideo: ScanQRcodeorgodirectlyto Orderinginformationcanbefoundfrompage60onwards. ¤ ¤ ShankDIN6535HA High-pressurerail forfleececompressor WalterTitexX·tremeInox Type:A3393TTP Workpiecematerial: 1.4542 Tool: Walter Titex X·treme Inox A3393TTP-14.2 Diameter14.2mm Cuttingdata vc N f vf Competition 60m/min 1345rpm 0.2mm/rev 269mm/min X·tremeInox 70m/min 1570rpm 0.3mm/rev 471mm/min Toollife(m) + 130% Pointgeometry forreducedcuttingforces, lowburrformationandstable cuttingedges Competition 9 X·treme Inox 0 21 10 20 30 Feedrate(mm/min) + 75% Competition 269 X·treme Inox 0 471 200 400 600 WalterTitex–Drilling 47 SOLIDCARBIDEDRILLS Walter TitexX·treme– theuniversalhigh-performancedrill. THETOOL – Solidcarbidehigh-performancedrill – XPLcoating – Dimensionsto • DIN6537K‡3xDc • DIN6537L‡5xDc – Diameterrange3-25mm – ShankinaccordancewithDIN6535HAandHE Shank DIN6535HA Shank DIN6535HE THEAPPLICATION – ForISOmaterialgroupsP,M,K,N,S,H – Canbeusedwithemulsionandoil – Canbeusedforinclinedexitsandcrossholes – Canbeusedforinclinedandconvexsurfaces – Foruseingeneralengineering,mouldanddiemaking andintheautomotiveandenergyindustry YOURADVANTAGES – 50%higherproductivity – Universallycompatiblewithallmaterialgroups andwithcrossholesandinclinedexits – Improvedholequalitydueto4lands 4lands foroptimumholequalityanduseon • entrysurfacesinclinedupto5° • holeexitsinclinedupto45° • workpieceswithcrossholes Pointgeometryfor precisepositioning WalterTitexX·treme Types:A3279XPL/A3879XPL 48 Orderinginformationcanbefoundfrompage63onwards. ¤ ¤ Shank DIN6535HA Shank DIN6535HE Magneticcoreforcontrollers Workpiecematerial: C15 Tool: Walter Titex X·treme A3279XPL-12.5 Diameter12.5mm Cuttingdata vc N f vf 122m/min 3107rpm 0.23mm/rev 715mm/min XPLcoating foroptimumcuttingdata andmaximumtoollife Toollife(m) + 330% WalterTitexX·treme Types:A3379XPL/A3979XPL 69 Previously X·treme 0 235 100 200 300 WalterTitex–Drilling 49 SOLIDCARBIDEDRILLS Walter TitexX·tremedrills– coolontheinside,strongontheoutside. THETOOL – Solidcarbidehigh-performancedrillwithinternal cooling – XPLcoating – Dimensionsto • DIN6537K‡3xDc • DIN6537L‡5xDc – Diameterrange3-25mm – ShankinaccordancewithDIN6535HAandHE THEAPPLICATION – ForallmaterialgroupsP,M,K,N,S,H – Canbeusedwithemulsionandoil – Canbeusedforinclinedexitsandcrossholes – Canbeusedforinclinedandconvexsurfaces – Foruseingeneralengineering,mouldanddie makingintheautomotiveindustry,andthe energyindustry ShankDIN6535HA 4lands foroptimumholequalityanduseon • entrysurfacesinclinedupto5° • holeexitsinclinedupto45° • workpieceswithcrossholes ShankDIN6535HE Pointgeometry forprecisepositioning XPLcoating foroptimumcuttingdata andmaximumtoollife YOURADVANTAGES WalterTitexX·treme Types:A3299XPL/A3899XPL – 50%higherproductivity – Universallycompatiblewithallmaterialgroups andwithcrossholesandinclinedexits – Improvedholequalitydueto4lands 50 Orderinginformationcanbefoundfrompage77onwards. ¤ ¤ ShankDIN6535HA 4lands foroptimumholequalityanduseon • entrysurfacesinclinedupto5° • holeexitsinclinedupto45° • workpieceswithcrossholes ShankDIN6535HE Transmissionshaft: Flangedrilling XPLcoating foroptimumcuttingdata andmaximumtoollife Pointgeometry forprecisepositioning Workpiecematerial: 42CrMo4 Tool: A3399XPL-6.8 Diameter6.8mm Cuttingdata WalterTitexX·treme Types:A3399XPL/A3999XPL vc N f vf X·treme 91m/min 4260rpm 0.19mm/rev 809mm/min Previously 56m/min 2621rpm 0.11mm/rev 288mm/min Feedrate(mm/min) + 208% 0 Watchproductvideo: ScanQRcodeorgodirectlyto Previously 288 X·treme 0 809 500 1000 WalterTitex–Drilling 51 SOLIDCARBIDEDRILLS Walter Titexhigh-performancedrillsfor microapplications–maximumperformance, minimaldimensions. THETOOL – Solidcarbidehigh-performancedrillwith internalcooling – AMLcoating(AlTiN) – AMPcoating(AlTiNtipcoating) – Dimensions • 5xDc • 8xDc • 12xDc – Diameterrange2-2.95mm – ShankinaccordancewithDIN6535HA THEAPPLICATION – ForISOmaterialgroupsP,M,K,N – Canbeusedwithemulsionandoil – Foruseingeneralengineering,mouldand diemakingintheautomotiveindustry,and theenergyindustry AMLcoating forextremelyhigh-performance cuttingdataandextremelylong toollife ShankDIN6535HA Polishedflute formaximum chipremoval AMPcoating forextremelyhigh-performance cuttingdataandextremelylong toollife Pointgeometry forprecisepositioning X·tremeM;X·tremeDM8andDM12 52 Types:A3389AML/A6489AMP/A6589AMP Orderinginformationcanbefoundfrompage84onwards. ¤ ¤ YOURADVANTAGES – Increaseinproductivitythroughupto50%higher workpiecevaluesincomparisontoconventionalsolid carbidemicrodrills – Highlevelofprocessreliabilityduetonewtypeofpoint andflutegeometry – Polishedflutesensurereliablechipevacuation Watchproductvideo: ScanQRcodeorgodirectlyto Democomponent Workpiecematerial: 1.4571 Tool: A6589AMP-2 Diameter2mm Cuttingdata vc N f vf Previously 50m/min 7960rpm 0.04mm/rev 320mm/min X·treme DM12 60m/min 9550rpm 0.06mm/rev 573mm/min Feedrate(mm/min) +80% 320 Previously X·treme DM12 0 200 573 400 600 Numberofholes +45% 2050 Previously X·treme DM12 0 1000 3000 2000 3000 WalterTitex–Drilling 53 SOLIDCARBIDEDRILLS Walter TitexXD®drillingtechnology– extremelyhighprecisioninoneoperation downto70xDc. THETOOL – Solidcarbidehigh-performancedrillwithinternalcooling – TFTandXPLtipcoating – Drillingdepthsdownto70xDcWITHOUTpeckingcycle – Diameterrange5-12mm – ShankinaccordancewithDIN6535HA THEAPPLICATION – ForISOmaterialgroupsP,K,N – Canbeusedwithemulsionandoil – Canbeusedforinclinedexitsandcrossholes – Foruseingeneralengineeringandthehydraulicsand automotiveindustry YOURADVANTAGES – Upto10timestheproductivityofsingleedgegundrills – Drillingwithoutpecking – Extremelyhighprocessreliabilityindeepdrilling applications – Suitableforusewithlowcoolantpressuresfrom20bar – Compatiblewithvariousmaterialgroups,including ISOP,K,N – Canbeusedforcrossholesandinclinedexits Polishedflute forreliablechipevacuation 4landsforoptimumholequality anduseon • inclinedholeexits • workpieceswithcrossholes Steeringgear Workpiecematerial: GGG50 Tool: Diameter6.2mm Holedepth: 286mm-46xDc Cuttingdata Coatings • TFTtipcoating • XPLtipcoating vc N f vf Previously:singleedgegundrills 70m/min 3600rpm 0.05mm/rev 179mm/min XD70 Technology 91m/min 4260rpm 0.19mm/rev 809mm/min Feedrate +450% Previously XD Technology 0 54 500 1000 XD70 XD30 XD25 XD20 XD16 Watchproductanimation: ScanQRcodeorgodirectlyto Watchproductvideo: ScanQRcodeorgodirectlyto WalterTitex–Drilling 55 PCDDRILLS Walter TitexPCDrivetcountersinksand twistdrillsforcompositematerials. THETOOLS – Drillingandreamingtoolsandrivetcountersinkswithhelical PCDdrillpoint – Optimisedforcompositematerials – Geometrydesignedtoreducecuttingforce, therebyavoidingdelamination(frayedholeexit) – Multiplereconditioningpossible THEAPPLICATION – ForawidevarietyofCFRPmaterials – GFRPmaterials – Foruseonabrasivematerialsintheaerospaceindustryand allcompositematerialmachiningsectors – Forboresorrivetholeswithcountersinkwherehighquality isrequired – Suitableforfullyorsemi-automatedproductionprocesses (CNCandpowerfeed) Custom-designedpoint geometryforPCDdrill points Component- defined chamferstep YOURADVANTAGES – Longtoollife,especiallyincomparisontoPCDcoated tools – Processreliabilityevenathighcuttingparameters – AhighlevelofprocessreliabilityduetoPCDsintertechnology;noriskoftoolfailurecausedbyafailedsolder joint – Everytooldiameterbetween2.0mmand6.4mmavailable – Reductionoftypicalapplicationproblemssuchasdelaminationandburrs – Regrindingservicetoreducetoolcosts Tungstencarbide drillbody PCDrivetcountersinks 56 PCDtwistdrills THEMATERIAL WHYPCD? – Variouscompositematerials fortheaerospaceindustry – Pre-impregnatedfibresin differentdirections(0°/45°, 90°) – Linerswithlinenfabric – Significantimprovementintoollife – Improvedholequality – Highercuttingparameters – Sharpercuttingedge – Reducedthermal impact – Optimumthermalconductivityofthecutting toolmaterial – Minimisedriskofdelamination – Drymachiningpossible – Repeatedregrinding possible THEFORCES – Minimisedaxialforce forreducedtendencyto delaminate – Moderateincreasein forceuptoendoftoollife 5.17 10.3 15.5 20.7 25.8 31.0 36.2 41.3 46.5 51.7 56.8 Fzhole1-15 Fzhole586-600 Axialforcecomparisonperrow forthefirstandlastholes(586-600hole) THEHOLES – Highlevelofqualityat holeexitaftere.g. 600holesdrilled – Verylittledelamination orfinefibresvisibleat holeexit – Goodsurfacequalityin thehole Holesurface Holeexit600thhole Permitteddiameterfordelamination8.35mm withatooldiameterof6.35mm WalterTitex–Drilling 57 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme Step 90 K3299XPL NEW 2012 Dc for thread d10 90° d1 Lc l2 l1 l5 Dc m7 mm d1 h6 mm d10 h8 mm Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm M4 3,3 6 4,5 11,4 66 28 36 - M4 M5 4,2 6 6 13,6 66 28 36 - M5 M6 5 8 7 16,5 79 41 36 - M6 M8 6,8 10 9,5 21 89 47 40 - M8 M 10 8,5 12 12 25,5 102 55 45 - M10 M 12 10,2 14 14 30 107 60 45 - M12 M 14 12 16 16 34,5 115 65 48 - M14 M 16 14 18 18 38,5 123 73 48 - M16 X·treme Step 90 K3899XPL NEW 2012 Dc for thread d10 90° d1 Lc l2 l1 l5 Dc m7 mm d1 h6 mm d10 h8 mm Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm M4 3,3 6 4,5 11,4 66 28 36 - M4 4,2 6 6 13,6 66 28 36 - M5 M6 5 8 7 16,5 79 41 36 - M6 M8 6,8 10 9,5 21 89 47 40 - M8 M 10 8,5 12 12 25,5 102 55 45 - M10 M 12 10,2 14 14 30 107 60 45 - M12 M 14 12 16 16 34,5 115 65 48 - M14 M 16 14 18 18 38,5 123 73 48 - M16 K3879XPL NEW 2012 for thread d10 90° d1 Lc l2 l1 l5 Dc m7 mm d1 h6 mm d10 h8 mm Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm Designation K3879XPL… M4 3,3 6 4,5 11,4 66 28 36 - M4 M5 4,2 6 6 13,6 66 28 36 - M5 M6 5 8 7 16,5 79 41 36 - M6 M8 6,8 10 9,5 21 89 47 40 - M8 M8x1 7,0 10 9,5 21 89 47 40 - M8x1 M 10 8,5 12 12 25,5 102 55 45 - M10 9 12 12 25,5 102 55 45 - M10x1 M 12 10,2 14 14 30 107 60 45 - M12 M 12 x 1,5 10,5 14 14 30 107 60 45 - M12x1,5 M 10 x 1 M 14 M 14 x 1,5 M 16 M 16 x 1,5 58 Designation K3899XPL… M5 X·treme Step 90 Dc Designation K3299XPL… 12 16 16 34,5 115 65 48 - M14 12,5 16 16 34,5 115 65 48 - M14x1,5 14 18 18 38,5 123 73 48 - M16 14,5 18 18 38,5 123 73 48 - M16x1,5 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme Pilot Step 90 K3281TFT Dc p7 mm NEW 2012 Dc d10 3 90° d1 Lc Ø inches/no. l2 l1 l5 3,175 1/8IN 3,5 d1 h6 mm d10 h8 mm 6 6 Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm 6 6 66 20 36 -3 6 7,6 66 20 36 - 1/8IN 6 6 7,6 66 20 36 - 3,5 Designation K3281TFT… 3,572 9/64IN 6 6 7,6 66 20 36 - 9/64IN 3,969 5/32IN 6 6 9,6 66 22 36 - 5/32IN 4 6 6 9,6 66 22 36 -4 4,5 6 6 9,6 66 22 36 - 4,5 8 8 12 79 28 36 - 3/16IN 4,8 8 8 12 79 28 36 - 4,8 5 8 8 12 79 28 36 -5 5,5 8 8 12 79 28 36 - 5,5 8 8 12 79 28 36 - 7/32IN 5,8 8 8 12 79 28 36 - 5,8 6 8 8 12 79 28 36 -6 6,1 10 10 14 89 34 40 - 6,1 10 10 14 89 34 40 - 1/4IN 6,5 10 10 14 89 34 40 - 6,5 6,8 10 10 14 89 34 40 - 6,8 7 10 10 14 89 34 40 -7 12 12 16 102 40 45 - 9/32IN 7,4 12 12 16 102 40 45 - 7,4 7,5 12 12 16 102 40 45 - 7,5 12 12 16 102 40 45 - 5/16IN 8 12 12 16 102 40 45 -8 8,3 12 12 20 102 44 45 - 8,3 8,5 12 12 20 102 44 45 - 8,5 12 12 20 102 44 45 - 11/32IN 12 12 20 102 44 45 -9 12 12 20 102 44 45 - 3/8IN 9,8 12 12 20 102 44 45 - 9,8 10 12 12 20 102 44 45 - 10 10,2 14 14 24 107 52 45 - 10,2 14 14 24 107 52 45 - 13/32IN 14 14 24 107 52 45 - 11 14 14 24 107 52 45 - 7/16IN 11,5 14 14 24 107 52 45 - 11,5 11,8 14 14 24 107 52 45 - 11,8 14 14 24 107 52 45 - 15/32IN 14 14 24 107 52 45 - 12 16 16 28 115 58 48 - 1/2IN 13 16 16 28 115 58 48 - 13 14 16 16 28 115 58 48 - 14 18 18 32 123 66 48 - 9/16IN 15 18 18 32 123 66 48 - 15 16 18 18 32 123 66 48 - 16 4,763 5,556 6,35 7,144 7,938 8,731 3/16IN 7/32IN 1/4IN 9/32IN 5/16IN 11/32IN 9 9,525 10,319 3/8IN 13/32IN 11 11,113 11,906 7/16IN 15/32IN 12 12,7 14,288 1/2IN 9/16IN Walter Titex – Drilling 59 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme Inox A3393TTP d1 h6 mm Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm 3.000 6 23 66 28 36 -3 3.100 23 6 66 28 36 -3.1 23 6 66 28 36 -1/8IN 3.200 23 6 66 28 36 -3.2 3.250 23 6 66 28 36 -3.25 3.300 23 6 66 28 36 -3.3 3.400 23 6 66 28 36 -3.4 3.500 23 6 66 28 36 -3.5 3.600 23 6 66 28 36 -3.6 3.700 23 6 66 28 36 -3.7 3.800 29 6 74 36 36 -3.8 3.900 29 6 74 36 36 -3.9 -5/32IN Dc m7 mm NEW 2012 Dc d1 Lc l2 l1 l5 3.175 3.969 1/8 5/32 Designation A3393TTP… 29 6 74 36 36 4.000 29 6 74 36 36 -4 4.100 29 6 74 36 36 -4.1 4.200 29 6 74 36 36 -4.2 4.300 29 6 74 36 36 -4.3 -4.4 4.400 29 6 74 36 36 4.500 29 6 74 36 36 -4.5 4.600 29 6 74 36 36 -4.6 4.650 29 6 74 36 36 -4.65 4.700 29 6 74 36 36 -4.7 4.763 35 6 82 44 36 -3/16IN 4.800 35 6 82 44 36 -4.8 4.900 35 6 82 44 36 -4.9 5.000 35 6 82 44 36 -5 5.100 35 6 82 44 36 -5.1 5.200 35 6 82 44 36 -5.2 5.300 35 6 82 44 36 -5.3 5.400 35 6 82 44 36 -5.4 5.500 35 6 82 44 36 -5.5 5.550 35 6 82 44 36 -5.55 35 6 82 44 36 -7/32IN 5.600 35 6 82 44 36 -5.6 5.700 35 6 82 44 36 -5.7 5.800 35 6 82 44 36 -5.8 5.900 35 6 82 44 36 -5.9 6.000 35 6 82 44 36 -6 6.100 43 8 91 53 36 -6.1 6.200 43 8 91 53 36 -6.2 6.300 43 8 91 53 36 -6.3 43 8 91 53 36 -1/4IN 6.400 43 8 91 53 36 -6.4 6.500 43 8 91 53 36 -6.5 6.600 43 8 91 53 36 -6.6 6.700 43 8 91 53 36 -6.7 6.800 43 8 91 53 36 -6.8 6.900 43 8 91 53 36 -6.9 7.000 43 8 91 53 36 -7 7.100 43 8 91 53 36 -7.1 43 8 91 53 36 -9/32IN 7.200 43 8 91 53 36 -7.2 7.300 43 8 91 53 36 -7.3 7.400 43 8 91 53 36 -7.4 7.500 43 8 91 53 36 -7.5 7.600 43 8 91 53 36 -7.6 7.700 43 8 91 53 36 -7.7 5.556 6.350 7.144 60 Ø inches/no. 3/16 7/32 1/4 9/32 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme Inox A3393TTP d1 h6 mm Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm 7.800 43 8 91 53 36 7.900 43 8 91 53 36 -7.9 43 8 91 53 36 -5/16IN Dc m7 mm NEW 2012 Dc d1 Lc 7.938 l2 l1 l5 Ø inches/no. 5/16 Designation A3393TTP… -7.8 8.000 43 8 91 53 36 -8 8.100 49 10 103 61 40 -8.1 8.200 49 10 103 61 40 -8.2 8.300 49 10 103 61 40 -8.3 8.400 49 10 103 61 40 -8.4 8.500 49 10 103 61 40 -8.5 8.600 49 10 103 61 40 -8.6 8.700 49 10 103 61 40 -8.7 8.731 11/32 8.800 49 10 103 61 40 -11/32IN 49 10 103 61 40 -8.8 8.900 49 10 103 61 40 -8.9 9.000 49 10 103 61 40 -9 9.100 49 10 103 61 40 -9.1 9.200 49 10 103 61 40 -9.2 9.300 49 10 103 61 40 -9.3 9.400 49 10 103 61 40 -9.4 9.500 9.525 3/8 49 10 103 61 40 -9.5 49 10 103 61 40 -3/8IN 9.600 49 10 103 61 40 -9.6 9.700 49 10 103 61 40 -9.7 9.800 49 10 103 61 40 -9.8 9.900 49 10 103 61 40 -9.9 10.000 49 10 103 61 40 -10 10.100 56 12 118 71 45 -10.1 10.200 56 12 118 71 45 -10.2 10.300 56 12 118 71 45 -10.3 56 12 118 71 45 -13/32IN 10.400 56 12 118 71 45 -10.4 10.500 56 12 118 71 45 -10.5 10.600 56 12 118 71 45 -10.6 10.700 56 12 118 71 45 -10.7 10.800 56 12 118 71 45 -10.8 10.900 56 12 118 71 45 -10.9 11.000 56 12 118 71 45 -11 11.100 56 12 118 71 45 -11.1 56 12 118 71 45 -7/16IN 11.200 56 12 118 71 45 -11.2 11.300 56 12 118 71 45 -11.3 11.400 56 12 118 71 45 -11.4 11.500 56 12 118 71 45 -11.5 11.600 56 12 118 71 45 -11.6 11.700 56 12 118 71 45 -11.7 11.800 56 12 118 71 45 -11.8 11.900 56 12 118 71 45 -11.9 56 12 118 71 45 -15/32IN 12.000 56 12 118 71 45 -12 12.500 60 14 124 77 45 -12.5 60 14 124 77 45 -1/2IN 12.800 60 14 124 77 45 -12.8 13.000 60 14 124 77 45 -13 10.319 11.113 11.906 12.700 13.494 13/32 7/16 15/32 1/2 60 14 124 77 45 -17/32IN 13.500 17/32 60 14 124 77 45 -13.5 13.800 60 14 124 77 45 -13.8 14.000 63 16 133 83 48 -14 Walter Titex – Drilling 61 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme Inox A3393TTP NEW 2012 Dc d1 Lc l2 l1 l5 Dc m7 mm Ø inches/no. 14.288 9/16 14.500 Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm Designation A3393TTP… 63 16 133 83 48 -9/16IN 63 16 133 83 48 -14.5 14.800 63 16 133 83 48 -14.8 15.000 63 16 133 83 48 -15 15.500 63 16 133 83 48 -15.5 15.800 63 16 133 83 48 -15.8 15.875 63 16 133 83 48 -5/8IN 16.000 63 16 133 83 48 -16 16.500 71 18 143 93 48 -16.5 16.800 71 18 143 93 48 -16.8 5/8 17.000 71 18 143 93 48 -17 17.500 71 18 143 93 48 -17.5 17.800 71 18 143 93 48 -17.8 18.000 71 18 143 93 48 -18 18.500 77 20 153 101 50 -18.5 18.800 77 20 153 101 50 -18.8 19.000 77 20 153 101 50 -19 19.050 62 d1 h6 mm 77 20 153 101 50 -3/4IN 19.500 3/4 77 20 153 101 50 -19.5 19.800 77 20 153 101 50 -19.8 20.000 77 20 153 101 50 -20 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme A3279XPL Dc m7 mm Dc d1 Lc l2 l1 l5 Ø inches/no. d1 h6 mm Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm Designation A3279XPL… 3,000 6 14 62 20 36 -3 3,100 6 14 62 20 36 -3.1 6 14 62 20 36 -1/8IN 3,200 6 14 62 20 36 -3.2 3,250 6 14 62 20 36 -3.25 3,300 6 14 62 20 36 -3.3 3,400 6 14 62 20 36 -3.4 3,500 6 14 62 20 36 -3.5 6 14 62 20 36 -9/64IN 3,600 6 14 62 20 36 -3.6 3,650 6 14 62 20 36 -3.65 3,700 6 14 62 20 36 -3.7 3,800 6 17 66 24 36 -3.8 3,900 6 17 66 24 36 -3.9 6 17 66 24 36 -5/32IN 4,000 6 17 66 24 36 -4 4,100 6 17 66 24 36 -4.1 4,200 6 17 66 24 36 -4.2 4,300 6 17 66 24 36 -4.3 6 17 66 24 36 -11/64IN 4,400 6 17 66 24 36 -4.4 4,500 6 17 66 24 36 -4.5 4,600 6 17 66 24 36 -4.6 4,650 6 17 66 24 36 -4.65 4,700 6 17 66 24 36 -4.7 6 20 66 28 36 -3/16IN 4,800 6 20 66 28 36 -4.8 4,900 6 20 66 28 36 -4.9 5,000 6 20 66 28 36 -5 5,100 6 20 66 28 36 -5.1 6 20 66 28 36 -13/64IN 5,200 6 20 66 28 36 -5.2 5,300 6 20 66 28 36 -5.3 5,400 6 20 66 28 36 -5.4 5,500 6 20 66 28 36 -5.5 5,550 6 20 66 28 36 -5.55 6 20 66 28 36 -7/32IN 5,600 6 20 66 28 36 -5.6 5,700 6 20 66 28 36 -5.7 5,800 6 20 66 28 36 -5.8 5,900 6 20 66 28 36 -5.9 6 20 66 28 36 -15/64IN 6,000 6 20 66 28 36 -6 6,100 8 24 79 34 36 -6.1 3,175 3,572 3,969 4,366 4,763 5,159 5,556 5,953 1/8 9/64 5/32 11/64 3/16 13/64 7/32 15/64 6,200 8 24 79 34 36 -6.2 6,300 8 24 79 34 36 -6.3 6,350 1/4 6,400 8 24 79 34 36 -1/4IN 8 24 79 34 36 -6.4 6,500 8 24 79 34 36 -6.5 6,600 8 24 79 34 36 -6.6 6,700 6,747 17/64 8 24 79 34 36 -6.7 8 24 79 34 36 -17/64IN 6,800 8 24 79 34 36 -6.8 6,900 8 24 79 34 36 -6.9 7,000 8 24 79 34 36 -7 7,100 8 29 79 41 36 -7.1 8 29 79 41 36 -9/32IN 7,144 9/32 Walter Titex – Drilling 63 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme A3279XPL d1 h6 mm Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm 7,200 8 29 79 41 36 -7.2 7,300 8 29 79 41 36 -7.3 7,400 8 29 79 41 36 -7.4 7,500 8 29 79 41 36 -7.5 8 29 79 41 36 -19/64IN 7,550 8 29 79 41 36 -7.55 7,600 8 29 79 41 36 -7.6 7,700 8 29 79 41 36 -7.7 7,800 8 29 79 41 36 -7.8 Dc m7 mm Dc d1 Lc l2 l1 l5 7,541 Ø inches/no. 19/64 7,900 8 29 79 41 36 -7.9 8 29 79 41 36 -5/16IN 8,000 8 29 79 41 36 -8 8,100 10 35 89 47 40 -8.1 8,200 10 35 89 47 40 -8.2 8,300 10 35 89 47 40 -8.3 10 35 89 47 40 -8/25IN 10 35 89 47 40 -8.4 7,938 8,334 5/16 8/25 8,400 8,500 10 35 89 47 40 -8.5 8,600 10 35 89 47 40 -8.6 10 35 89 47 40 -8.7 10 35 89 47 40 -11/32IN 10 35 89 47 40 -8.8 8,700 8,731 11/32 8,800 8,900 10 35 89 47 40 -8.9 9,000 10 35 89 47 40 -9 9,100 9,128 23/64 10 35 89 47 40 -9.1 10 35 89 47 40 -23/64IN 9,200 10 35 89 47 40 -9.2 9,300 10 35 89 47 40 -9.3 9,400 10 35 89 47 40 -9.4 9,500 10 35 89 47 40 -9.5 10 35 89 47 40 -3/8IN 10 35 89 47 40 -9.55 9,525 3/8 9,550 9,600 10 35 89 47 40 -9.6 9,700 10 35 89 47 40 -9.7 9,800 10 35 89 47 40 -9.8 9,900 10 35 89 47 40 -9.9 9,922 10 35 89 47 40 -25/64IN 10,000 10 35 89 47 40 -10 10,100 12 40 102 55 45 -10.1 10,200 12 40 102 55 45 -10.2 10,300 12 40 102 55 45 -10.3 12 40 102 55 45 -13/32IN 10,400 12 40 102 55 45 -10.4 10,500 12 40 102 55 45 -10.5 10,600 12 40 102 55 45 -10.6 10,700 12 40 102 55 45 -10.7 12 40 102 55 45 -27/64IN 10,800 12 40 102 55 45 -10.8 10,900 12 40 102 55 45 -10.9 11,000 12 40 102 55 45 -11 11,100 12 40 102 55 45 -11.1 12 40 102 55 45 -7/16IN 11,200 12 40 102 55 45 -11.2 11,300 12 40 102 55 45 -11.3 11,400 12 40 102 55 45 -11.4 11,500 12 40 102 55 45 -11.5 12 40 102 55 45 -33/76IN 10,319 10,716 11,113 11,509 64 Designation A3279XPL… 25/64 13/32 27/64 7/16 33/76 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme A3279XPL Dc m7 mm Dc d1 Lc l2 l1 l5 Ø inches/no. d1 h6 mm Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm Designation A3279XPL… 11,550 12 40 102 55 45 -11.55 11,600 12 40 102 55 45 -11.6 11,700 12 40 102 55 45 -11.7 11,800 12 40 102 55 45 -11.8 11,900 12 40 102 55 45 -11.9 12 40 102 55 45 -15/32IN 12,000 12 40 102 55 45 -10 12,100 14 43 107 60 45 -12.1 12,200 14 43 107 60 45 -12.2 12,250 14 43 107 60 45 -12.25 12,300 14 43 107 60 45 -12.3 14 43 107 60 45 -31/64IN 12,400 14 43 107 60 45 -12.4 12,500 14 43 107 60 45 -12.5 12,600 14 43 107 60 45 -12.6 12,700 14 43 107 60 45 -12.7 14 43 107 60 45 -1/2IN 12,750 14 43 107 60 45 -12.75 12,800 14 43 107 60 45 -12.8 12,900 14 43 107 60 45 -12.9 13,000 14 43 107 60 45 -13 13,100 14 43 107 60 45 -13.1 13,200 14 43 107 60 45 -13.2 13,300 14 43 107 60 45 -13.3 13,400 14 43 107 60 45 -13.4 14 43 107 60 45 -29/85IN 13,500 14 43 107 60 45 -13.5 13,600 14 43 107 60 45 -13.6 13,700 14 43 107 60 45 -13.7 13,800 14 43 107 60 45 -13.8 13,900 14 43 107 60 45 -13.9 14,000 14 43 107 60 45 -14 14,100 16 45 115 65 48 -14.1 14,200 16 45 115 65 48 -14.2 16 45 115 65 48 -9/16IN -14.3 11,906 12,303 12,700 13,494 14,288 15/32 31/64 1/2 29/85 9/16 14,300 16 45 115 65 48 14,400 16 45 115 65 48 -14.4 14,500 16 45 115 65 48 -14.5 14,600 16 45 115 65 48 -14.6 14,700 16 45 115 65 48 -14.7 14,750 16 45 115 65 48 -14.75 14,800 16 45 115 65 48 -14.8 15,000 16 45 115 65 48 -15 15,100 16 45 115 65 48 -15.1 15,200 16 45 115 65 48 -15.2 15,300 16 45 115 65 48 -15.3 15,500 16 45 115 65 48 -15.5 15,600 16 45 115 65 48 -15.6 15,700 16 45 115 65 48 -15.7 15,800 16 45 115 65 48 -15.8 16 45 115 65 48 -5/8IN 15,900 16 45 115 65 48 -15.9 16,000 16 45 115 65 48 -16 15,875 5/8 16,100 18 51 123 73 48 -16.1 16,200 18 51 123 73 48 -16.2 16,300 18 51 123 73 48 -16.3 16,400 18 51 123 73 48 -16.4 Walter Titex – Drilling 65 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme A3279XPL Dc m7 mm Dc d1 Lc l2 l1 l5 d1 h6 mm Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm Designation A3279XPL… 16,500 18 51 123 73 48 -16.5 16,600 18 51 123 73 48 -16.6 16,700 18 51 123 73 48 -16.7 16,750 18 51 123 73 48 -16.75 16,800 18 51 123 73 48 -16.8 17,000 18 51 123 73 48 -17 17,200 18 51 123 73 48 -17.2 17,300 18 51 123 73 48 -17.3 17,500 18 51 123 73 48 -17.5 17,600 18 51 123 73 48 -17.6 17,700 18 51 123 73 48 -17.7 17,800 18 51 123 73 48 -17.8 18,000 18 51 123 73 48 -18 18,200 20 55 131 79 50 -18.2 18,500 20 55 131 79 50 -18.5 18,700 20 55 131 79 50 -18.7 18,800 20 55 131 79 50 -18.8 19,000 20 55 131 79 50 -19 20 55 131 79 50 -3/4IN 19,500 20 55 131 79 50 -19.5 19,700 20 55 131 79 50 -19.7 19,800 20 55 131 79 50 -19.8 20,000 20 55 131 79 50 -20 19,050 66 Ø inches/no. 3/4 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme A3879XPL Dc m7 mm d1 Dc Lc l2 l1 l5 d1 h6 mm Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm Designation A3879XPL… 3,000 6 14 62 20 36 -3 3,100 6 14 62 20 36 -3.1 3,200 6 14 62 20 36 -3.2 3,250 6 14 62 20 36 -3.25 3,300 6 14 62 20 36 -3.3 3,400 6 14 62 20 36 -3.4 3,500 6 14 62 20 36 -3.5 3,600 6 14 62 20 36 -3.6 3,650 6 14 62 20 36 -3.65 3,700 6 14 62 20 36 -3.7 3,800 6 17 66 24 36 -3.8 3,900 6 17 66 24 36 -3.9 4,000 6 17 66 24 36 -4 4,100 6 17 66 24 36 -4.1 4,200 6 17 66 24 36 -4.2 4,300 6 17 66 24 36 -4.3 4,400 6 17 66 24 36 -4.4 4,500 6 17 66 24 36 -4.5 4,600 6 17 66 24 36 -4.6 4,650 6 17 66 24 36 -4.65 4,700 6 17 66 24 36 -4.7 4,800 6 20 66 28 36 -4.8 4,900 6 20 66 28 36 -4.9 5,000 6 20 66 28 36 -5 5,100 6 20 66 28 36 -5.1 5,200 6 20 66 28 36 -5.2 5,300 6 20 66 28 36 -5.3 5,400 6 20 66 28 36 -5.4 5,500 6 20 66 28 36 -5.5 5,550 6 20 66 28 36 -5.55 5,600 6 20 66 28 36 -5.6 5,700 6 20 66 28 36 -5.7 5,800 6 20 66 28 36 -5.8 5,900 6 20 66 28 36 -5.9 6,000 6 20 66 28 36 -6 6,100 8 24 79 34 36 -6.1 6,200 8 24 79 34 36 -6.2 6,300 8 24 79 34 36 -6.3 6,400 8 24 79 34 36 -6.4 6,500 8 24 79 34 36 -6.5 6,600 8 24 79 34 36 -6.6 6,700 8 24 79 34 36 -6.7 6,800 8 24 79 34 36 -6.8 6,900 8 24 79 34 36 -6.9 7,000 8 24 79 34 36 -7 7,100 8 29 79 41 36 -7.1 7,200 8 29 79 41 36 -7.2 7,300 8 29 79 41 36 -7.3 7,400 8 29 79 41 36 -7.4 7,500 8 29 79 41 36 -7.5 7,550 8 29 79 41 36 -7.55 7,600 8 29 79 41 36 -7.6 7,700 8 29 79 41 36 -7.7 7,800 8 29 79 41 36 -7.8 7,900 8 29 79 41 36 -7.9 8,000 8 29 79 41 36 -8 8,100 10 35 89 47 40 -8.1 Walter Titex – Drilling 67 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme A3879XPL d1 Dc Lc 68 l2 l1 l5 Dc m7 mm d1 h6 mm Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm 8,200 10 35 89 47 40 -8.2 8,300 10 35 89 47 40 -8.3 8,400 10 35 89 47 40 -8.4 8,500 10 35 89 47 40 -8.5 8,600 10 35 89 47 40 -8.6 8,700 10 35 89 47 40 -8.7 8,800 10 35 89 47 40 -8.8 8,900 10 35 89 47 40 -8.9 9,000 10 35 89 47 40 -9 9,100 10 35 89 47 40 -9.1 9,200 10 35 89 47 40 -9.2 9,300 10 35 89 47 40 -9.3 9,400 10 35 89 47 40 -9.4 9,500 10 35 89 47 40 -9.5 9,550 10 35 89 47 40 -9.55 9,600 10 35 89 47 40 -9.6 9,700 10 35 89 47 40 -9.7 9,800 10 35 89 47 40 -9.8 9,900 10 35 89 47 40 -9.9 10,000 10 35 89 47 40 -10 10,100 12 40 102 55 45 -10.1 10,200 12 40 102 55 45 -10.2 10,300 12 40 102 55 45 -10.3 10,400 12 40 102 55 45 -10.4 10,500 12 40 102 55 45 -10.5 10,600 12 40 102 55 45 -10.6 10,700 12 40 102 55 45 -10.7 10,800 12 40 102 55 45 -10.8 10,900 12 40 102 55 45 -10.9 11,000 12 40 102 55 45 -11 Designation A3879XPL… 11,100 12 40 102 55 45 -11.1 11,200 12 40 102 55 45 -11.2 11,300 12 40 102 55 45 -11.3 11,400 12 40 102 55 45 -11.4 11,500 12 40 102 55 45 -11.5 11,550 12 40 102 55 45 -11.55 11,600 12 40 102 55 45 -11.6 11,700 12 40 102 55 45 -11.7 11,800 12 40 102 55 45 -11.8 11,900 12 40 102 55 45 -11.9 12,000 12 40 102 55 45 -12 12,100 14 43 107 60 45 -12.1 12,200 14 43 107 60 45 -12.2 12,250 14 43 107 60 45 -12.25 12,300 14 43 107 60 45 -12.3 12,400 14 43 107 60 45 -12.4 12,500 14 43 107 60 45 -12.5 12,600 14 43 107 60 45 -12.6 12,700 14 43 107 60 45 -12.7 12,750 14 43 107 60 45 -12.75 12,800 14 43 107 60 45 -12.8 12,900 14 43 107 60 45 -12.9 13,000 14 43 107 60 45 -13 13,100 14 43 107 60 45 -13.1 13,200 14 43 107 60 45 -13.2 13,300 14 43 107 60 45 -13.3 13,400 14 43 107 60 45 -13.4 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme A3879XPL d1 Dc Lc l2 l1 l5 Dc m7 mm d1 h6 mm 13,500 13,600 Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm Designation A3879XPL… 14 43 107 60 45 -13.5 14 43 107 60 45 -13.6 13,700 14 43 107 60 45 -13.7 13,800 14 43 107 60 45 -13.8 13,900 14 43 107 60 45 -13.9 14,000 14 43 107 60 45 -14 -14.1 14,100 16 45 115 65 48 14,200 16 45 115 65 48 -14.2 14,300 16 45 115 65 48 -14.3 14,400 16 45 115 65 48 -14.4 14,500 16 45 115 65 48 -14.5 14,600 16 45 115 65 48 -14.6 14,700 16 45 115 65 48 -14.7 14,750 16 45 115 65 48 -14.75 14,800 16 45 115 65 48 -14.8 15,000 16 45 115 65 48 -15 15,100 16 45 115 65 48 -15.1 15,200 16 45 115 65 48 -15.2 15,300 16 45 115 65 48 -15.3 15,500 16 45 115 65 48 -15.5 15,600 16 45 115 65 48 -15.6 15,700 16 45 115 65 48 -15.7 15,800 16 45 115 65 48 -15.8 15,900 16 45 115 65 48 -15.9 16,000 16 45 115 65 48 -16 16,100 18 51 123 73 48 -16.1 16,200 18 51 123 73 48 -16.2 16,300 18 51 123 73 48 -16.3 16,400 18 51 123 73 48 -16.4 16,500 18 51 123 73 48 -16.5 16,600 18 51 123 73 48 -16.6 16,700 18 51 123 73 48 -16.7 16,750 18 51 123 73 48 -16.75 16,800 18 51 123 73 48 -16.8 17,000 18 51 123 73 48 -17 17,200 18 51 123 73 48 -17.2 17,300 18 51 123 73 48 -17.3 17,500 18 51 123 73 48 -17.5 17,600 18 51 123 73 48 -17.6 17,700 18 51 123 73 48 -17.7 17,800 18 51 123 73 48 -17.8 18,000 18 51 123 73 48 -18 18,200 20 55 131 79 50 -18.2 18,500 20 55 131 79 50 -18.5 18,700 20 55 131 79 50 -18.7 18,800 20 55 131 79 50 -18.8 19,000 20 55 131 79 50 -19 19,500 20 55 131 79 50 -19.5 19,700 20 55 131 79 50 -19.7 19,800 20 55 131 79 50 -19.8 20,000 20 55 131 79 50 -20 Walter Titex – Drilling 69 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme A3379XPL Dc m7 mm d1 Dc Lc l2 l1 l5 Ø inches/no. d1 h6 mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm Designation A3379XPL… 3,000 23 6 66 28 36 -3 3,100 23 6 66 28 36 -3.1 23 6 66 28 36 -1/8IN 23 6 66 28 36 -3.2 -3.25 3,175 1/8 3,200 3,250 23 6 66 28 36 3,300 23 6 66 28 36 -3.3 3,400 23 6 66 28 36 -3.4 23 6 66 28 36 -3.5 23 6 66 28 36 -9/64IN 3,500 3,572 9/64 3,600 23 6 66 28 36 -3.6 3,650 23 6 66 28 36 -3.65 3,700 23 6 66 28 36 -3.7 3,800 29 6 74 36 36 -3.8 3,900 29 6 74 36 36 -3.9 29 6 74 36 36 -5/32IN 4,000 29 6 74 36 36 -4 4,100 29 6 74 36 36 -4.1 4,200 29 6 74 36 36 -4.2 3,969 5/32 4,300 29 6 74 36 36 -4.3 29 6 74 36 36 -11/64IN 4,400 29 6 74 36 36 -4.4 4,500 29 6 74 36 36 -4.5 4,600 29 6 74 36 36 -4.6 4,650 29 6 74 36 36 -4.65 4,700 29 6 74 36 36 -4.7 35 6 82 44 36 -3/16IN 4,366 4,763 11/64 3/16 4,800 35 6 82 44 36 -4.8 4,900 35 6 82 44 36 -4.9 5,000 35 6 82 44 36 -5 5,100 35 6 82 44 36 -5.1 35 6 82 44 36 -13/64IN 35 6 82 44 36 -5.2 5,159 13/64 5,200 5,300 35 6 82 44 36 -5.3 5,400 35 6 82 44 36 -5.4 5,500 35 6 82 44 36 -5.5 5,550 35 6 82 44 36 -5.55 -7/32IN 5,556 35 6 82 44 36 5,600 35 6 82 44 36 -5.6 5,700 35 6 82 44 36 -5.7 7/32 5,800 35 6 82 44 36 -5.8 5,900 35 6 82 44 36 -5.9 5,953 35 6 82 44 36 -15/64IN 6,000 35 6 82 44 36 -6 15/64 6,100 43 8 91 53 36 -6.1 6,200 43 8 91 53 36 -6.2 6,300 43 8 91 53 36 -6.3 43 8 91 53 36 -1/4IN 6,400 43 8 91 53 36 -6.4 6,500 43 8 91 53 36 -6.5 6,600 43 8 91 53 36 -6.6 43 8 91 53 36 -6.7 43 8 91 53 36 -17/64IN 6,800 43 8 91 53 36 -6.8 6,900 43 8 91 53 36 -6.9 7,000 43 8 91 53 36 -7 7,100 43 8 91 53 36 -7.1 43 8 91 53 36 -9/32IN 6,350 1/4 6,700 6,747 7,144 70 Lc mm 17/64 9/32 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme A3379XPL Dc m7 mm d1 Dc Lc l2 l1 l5 Ø inches/no. Lc mm d1 h6 mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm Designation A3379XPL… 7,200 43 8 91 53 36 -7.2 7,300 43 8 91 53 36 -7.3 -7.4 7,400 43 8 91 53 36 7,500 43 8 91 53 36 -7.5 43 8 91 53 36 -19/64 7,550 43 8 91 53 36 -7.55 7,600 43 8 91 53 36 -7.6 7,700 43 8 91 53 36 -7.7 7,800 43 8 91 53 36 -7.8 7,541 19/64 7,900 7,938 5/16 43 8 91 53 36 -7.9 43 8 91 53 36 -5/16 -8 8,000 43 8 91 53 36 8,100 49 10 103 61 40 -8.1 8,200 49 10 103 61 40 -8.2 -8.3 8,300 49 10 103 61 40 49 10 103 61 40 -21/64 8,400 49 10 103 61 40 -8.4 8,500 49 10 103 61 40 -8.5 8,600 49 10 103 61 40 -8.6 -8.7 8,334 21/64 8,700 8,731 11/32 8,800 49 10 103 61 40 49 10 103 61 40 -11/32 49 10 103 61 40 -8.8 8,900 49 10 103 61 40 -8.9 9,000 49 10 103 61 40 -9 49 10 103 61 40 -9.1 49 10 103 61 40 -23/64 9,200 49 10 103 61 40 -9.2 9,300 49 10 103 61 40 -9.3 9,100 9,128 23/64 9,400 49 10 103 61 40 -9.4 9,500 49 10 103 61 40 -9.5 9,525 49 10 103 61 40 -3/8 9,550 49 10 103 61 40 -9.55 9,600 49 10 103 61 40 -9.6 9,700 49 10 103 61 40 -9.7 9,800 49 10 103 61 40 -9.8 9,900 49 10 103 61 40 -9.9 49 10 103 61 40 -25/64 49 10 103 61 40 -10 9,922 3/8 25/64 10,000 10,100 56 12 118 71 45 -10.1 10,200 56 12 118 71 45 -10.2 10,300 10,319 13/32 56 12 118 71 45 -10.3 56 12 118 71 45 -13/32 10,400 56 12 118 71 45 -10.4 10,500 56 12 118 71 45 -10.5 10,600 56 12 118 71 45 -10.6 10,700 56 12 118 71 45 -10.7 56 12 118 71 45 -27/64 10,800 10,716 56 12 118 71 45 -10.8 10,900 56 12 118 71 45 -10.9 11,000 56 12 118 71 45 -11 11,100 56 12 118 71 45 -11.1 11,113 11,200 27/64 7/16 56 12 118 71 45 -7/16 56 12 118 71 45 -11.2 11,300 56 12 118 71 45 -11.3 11,400 56 12 118 71 45 -11.4 11,500 56 12 118 71 45 -11.5 Walter Titex – Drilling 71 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme A3379XPL d1 Dc Lc l2 l1 l5 Dc m7 mm Ø inches/no. 11,509 29/64 11,550 l1 mm 56 12 118 71 45 -29/64 56 12 118 71 45 -11.55 l2 mm l5 mm Designation A3379XPL… 11,600 56 12 118 71 45 -11.6 11,700 56 12 118 71 45 -11.7 11,800 56 12 118 71 45 -11.8 11,900 56 12 118 71 45 -11.9 11,906 15/32 12,000 56 12 118 71 45 -15/32 56 12 118 71 45 -12 12,100 60 14 124 77 45 -12.1 12,200 60 14 124 77 45 -12.2 12,250 60 14 124 77 45 -12.25 12,300 60 14 124 77 45 -12.3 60 14 124 77 45 -31/64 60 14 124 77 45 -12.4 12,303 31/64 12,400 12,500 60 14 124 77 45 -12.5 12,600 60 14 124 77 45 -12.6 60 14 124 77 45 -12.7 60 14 124 77 45 -1/2 12,700 12,700 1/2 12,750 60 14 124 77 45 -12.75 12,800 60 14 124 77 45 -12.8 12,900 60 14 124 77 45 -12.9 13,000 60 14 124 77 45 -13 -13.1 13,100 60 14 124 77 45 13,200 60 14 124 77 45 -13.2 13,300 60 14 124 77 45 -13.3 13,400 60 14 124 77 45 -13.4 60 14 124 77 45 -17/32 13,500 60 14 124 77 45 -13.5 13,600 60 14 124 77 45 -13.6 -13.7 13,494 17/32 13,700 60 14 124 77 45 13,800 60 14 124 77 45 -13.8 13,900 60 14 124 77 45 -13.9 14,000 60 14 124 77 45 -14 14,100 63 16 133 83 48 -14.1 14,200 63 16 133 83 48 -14.2 63 16 133 83 48 -9/16 14,300 63 16 133 83 48 -14.3 14,400 63 16 133 83 48 -14.4 14,500 63 16 133 83 48 -14.5 14,600 63 16 133 83 48 -14.6 14,700 63 16 133 83 48 -14.7 14,288 9/16 14,750 63 16 133 83 48 -14.75 14,800 63 16 133 83 48 -14.8 15,000 63 16 133 83 48 -15 15,100 63 16 133 83 48 -15.1 15,200 63 16 133 83 48 -15.2 15,300 63 16 133 83 48 -15.3 15,500 63 16 133 83 48 -15.5 15,600 63 16 133 83 48 -15.6 15,700 63 16 133 83 48 -15.7 15,800 63 16 133 83 48 -15.8 63 16 133 83 48 -5/8 15,900 63 16 133 83 48 -15.9 16,000 63 16 133 83 48 -16 16,100 71 18 143 93 48 -16.1 16,200 71 18 143 93 48 -16.2 16,300 71 18 143 93 48 -16.3 15,875 72 d1 h6 mm Lc mm 5/8 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme A3379XPL Dc m7 mm d1 Dc Lc l2 l1 l5 Ø inches/no. Lc mm d1 h6 mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm 16,400 71 18 143 93 48 16,500 71 18 143 93 48 -16.5 16,600 71 18 143 93 48 -16.6 16,700 71 18 143 93 48 -16.7 16,750 71 18 143 93 48 -16.75 71 18 143 93 48 -16.8 17,000 71 18 143 93 48 -17 17,200 71 18 143 93 48 -17.2 17,300 71 18 143 93 48 -17.3 17,500 71 18 143 93 48 -17.5 17,600 71 18 143 93 48 -17.6 -17.7 17,700 71 18 143 93 48 17,800 71 18 143 93 48 -17.8 18,000 71 18 143 93 48 -18 18,200 77 20 153 101 50 -18.2 18,500 77 20 153 101 50 -18.5 18,700 77 20 153 101 50 -18.7 18,800 77 20 153 101 50 -18.8 19,000 77 20 153 101 50 -19 77 20 153 101 50 -3/4 19,500 77 20 153 101 50 -19.5 19,700 77 20 153 101 50 -19.7 19,800 77 20 153 101 50 -19.8 20,000 77 20 153 101 50 -20 20,500 86 25 166 108 56 -20.5 3/4 21,000 86 25 166 108 56 -21 21,500 86 25 166 108 56 -21.5 22,000 86 25 166 108 56 -22 22,500 91 25 173 115 56 -22.5 -23 23,000 91 25 173 115 56 23,500 91 25 173 115 56 -23.5 24,000 91 25 173 115 56 -24 24,500 97 25 180 122 56 -24.5 25,000 97 25 180 122 56 -25 X·treme A3979XPL d1 Dc l2 -16.4 16,800 19,050 Lc Designation A3379XPL… l1 l5 Dc m7 mm d1 h6 mm Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm 3,000 6 23 66 28 36 -3 3,100 6 23 66 28 36 -3.1 3,200 6 23 66 28 36 -3.2 3,250 6 23 66 28 36 -3.25 3,300 6 23 66 28 36 -3.3 3,400 6 23 66 28 36 -3.4 3,500 6 23 66 28 36 -3.5 3,600 6 23 66 28 36 -3.6 3,650 6 23 66 28 36 -3.65 3,700 6 23 66 28 36 -3.7 3,800 6 29 74 36 36 -3.8 3,900 6 29 74 36 36 -3.9 4,000 6 29 74 36 36 -4 4,100 6 29 74 36 36 -4.1 4,200 6 29 74 36 36 -4.2 Designation A3979XPL… Walter Titex – Drilling 73 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme A3979XPL Dc m7 mm d1 Dc Lc 74 l2 l1 l5 d1 h6 mm Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm Designation A3979XPL… 4,300 6 29 74 36 36 -4.3 4,400 6 29 74 36 36 -4.4 4,500 6 29 74 36 36 -4.5 4,600 6 29 74 36 36 -4.6 4,650 6 29 74 36 36 -4.65 4,700 6 29 74 36 36 -4.7 4,800 6 35 82 44 36 -4.8 4,900 6 35 82 44 36 -4.9 5,000 6 35 82 44 36 -5 5,100 6 35 82 44 36 -5.1 5,200 6 35 82 44 36 -5.2 5,300 6 35 82 44 36 -5.3 5,400 6 35 82 44 36 -5.4 5,500 6 35 82 44 36 -5.5 5,550 6 35 82 44 36 -5.55 5,600 6 35 82 44 36 -5.6 5,700 6 35 82 44 36 -5.7 5,800 6 35 82 44 36 -5.8 5,900 6 35 82 44 36 -5.9 6,000 6 35 82 44 36 -6 6,100 8 43 91 53 36 -6.1 6,200 8 43 91 53 36 -6.2 6,300 8 43 91 53 36 -6.3 6,400 8 43 91 53 36 -6.4 6,500 8 43 91 53 36 -6.5 6,600 8 43 91 53 36 -6.6 6,700 8 43 91 53 36 -6.7 6,800 8 43 91 53 36 -6.8 6,900 8 43 91 53 36 -6.9 7,000 8 43 91 53 36 -7 7,100 8 43 91 53 36 -7.1 7,200 8 43 91 53 36 -7.2 7,300 8 43 91 53 36 -7.3 7,400 8 43 91 53 36 -7.4 7,500 8 43 91 53 36 -7.5 7,550 8 43 91 53 36 -7.55 7,600 8 43 91 53 36 -7.6 7,700 8 43 91 53 36 -7.7 7,800 8 43 91 53 36 -7.8 7,900 8 43 91 53 36 -7.9 8,000 8 43 91 53 36 -8 8,100 10 49 103 61 40 -8.1 8,200 10 49 103 61 40 -8.2 8,300 10 49 103 61 40 -8.3 8,400 10 49 103 61 40 -8.4 8,500 10 49 103 61 40 -8.5 8,600 10 49 103 61 40 -8.6 8,700 10 49 103 61 40 -8.7 8,800 10 49 103 61 40 -8.8 8,900 10 49 103 61 40 -8.9 9,000 10 49 103 61 40 -9 9,100 10 49 103 61 40 -9.1 9,200 10 49 103 61 40 -9.2 9,300 10 49 103 61 40 -9.3 9,400 10 49 103 61 40 -9.4 9,500 10 49 103 61 40 -9.5 9,550 10 49 103 61 40 -9.55 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme A3979XPL d1 Dc Lc l2 l1 l5 Dc m7 mm d1 h6 mm Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm 9,600 10 49 103 61 40 -9.6 9,700 10 49 103 61 40 -9.7 9,800 10 49 103 61 40 -9.8 9,900 10 49 103 61 40 -9.9 10,000 10 49 103 61 40 -10 10,100 12 56 118 71 45 -10.1 10,200 12 56 118 71 45 -10.2 10,300 12 56 118 71 45 -10.3 Designation A3979XPL… 10,400 12 56 118 71 45 -10.4 10,500 12 56 118 71 45 -10.5 10,600 12 56 118 71 45 -10.6 10,700 12 56 118 71 45 -10.7 10,800 12 56 118 71 45 -10.8 10,900 12 56 118 71 45 -10.9 11,000 12 56 118 71 45 -11 11,100 12 56 118 71 45 -11.1 11,200 12 56 118 71 45 -11.2 11,300 12 56 118 71 45 -11.3 11,400 12 56 118 71 45 -11.4 11,500 12 56 118 71 45 -11.5 11,550 12 56 118 71 45 -11.55 11,600 12 56 118 71 45 -11.6 11,700 12 56 118 71 45 -11.7 11,800 12 56 118 71 45 -11.8 11,900 12 56 118 71 45 -11.9 12,000 12 56 118 71 45 -12 12,100 14 60 124 77 45 -12.1 12,200 14 60 124 77 45 -12.2 12,250 14 60 124 77 45 -12.25 12,300 14 60 124 77 45 -12.3 12,400 14 60 124 77 45 -12.4 12,500 14 60 124 77 45 -12.5 12,600 14 60 124 77 45 -12.6 12,700 14 60 124 77 45 -12.7 12,750 14 60 124 77 45 -12.75 12,800 14 60 124 77 45 -12.8 12,900 14 60 124 77 45 -12.9 13,000 14 60 124 77 45 -13 -13.1 13,100 14 60 124 77 45 13,200 14 60 124 77 45 -13.2 13,300 14 60 124 77 45 -13.3 -13.4 13,400 14 60 124 77 45 13,500 14 60 124 77 45 -13.5 13,600 14 60 124 77 45 -13.6 13,700 14 60 124 77 45 -13.7 13,800 14 60 124 77 45 -13.8 13,900 14 60 124 77 45 -13.9 14,000 14 60 124 77 45 -14 14,100 16 63 133 83 48 -14.1 14,200 16 63 133 83 48 -14.2 14,300 16 63 133 83 48 -14.3 14,400 16 63 133 83 48 -14.4 14,500 16 63 133 83 48 -14.5 14,600 16 63 133 83 48 -14.6 14,700 16 63 133 83 48 -14.7 14,750 16 63 133 83 48 -14.75 14,800 16 63 133 83 48 -14.8 Walter Titex – Drilling 75 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme A3979XPL Dc m7 mm d1 Dc Lc 76 l2 l1 l5 d1 h6 mm Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm Designation A3979XPL… 15,000 16 63 133 83 48 -15 15,100 16 63 133 83 48 -15.1 15,200 16 63 133 83 48 -15.2 15,300 16 63 133 83 48 -15.3 15,500 16 63 133 83 48 -15.5 15,600 16 63 133 83 48 -15.6 15,700 16 63 133 83 48 -15.7 15,800 16 63 133 83 48 -15.8 15,900 16 63 133 83 48 -15.9 16,000 16 63 133 83 48 -16 16,100 18 71 143 93 48 -16.1 16,200 18 71 143 93 48 -16.2 16,300 18 71 143 93 48 -16.3 16,400 18 71 143 93 48 -16.4 16,500 18 71 143 93 48 -16.5 16,600 18 71 143 93 48 -16.6 16,700 18 71 143 93 48 -16.7 16,750 18 71 143 93 48 -16.75 16,800 18 71 143 93 48 -16.8 17,000 18 71 143 93 48 -17 17,200 18 71 143 93 48 -17.2 17,300 18 71 143 93 48 -17.3 17,500 18 71 143 93 48 -17.5 17,600 18 71 143 93 48 -17.6 -17.7 17,700 18 71 143 93 48 17,800 18 71 143 93 48 -17.8 18,000 18 71 143 93 48 -18 18,200 20 77 153 101 50 -18.2 18,500 20 77 153 101 50 -18.5 18,700 20 77 153 101 50 -18.7 18,800 20 77 153 101 50 -18.8 19,000 20 77 153 101 50 -19 19,500 20 77 153 101 50 -19.5 19,700 20 77 153 101 50 -19.7 19,800 20 77 153 101 50 -19.8 20,000 20 77 153 101 50 -20 20,500 25 86 166 108 56 -20.5 21,000 25 86 166 108 56 -21 21,500 25 86 166 108 56 -21.5 -22 22,000 25 86 166 108 56 22,500 25 91 173 115 56 -22.5 23,000 25 91 173 115 56 -23 23,500 25 91 173 115 56 -23.5 24,000 25 91 173 115 56 -24 24,500 25 97 180 122 56 -24.5 25,000 25 97 180 122 56 -25 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme A3299XPL Dc m7 mm Dc d1 Lc l2 l1 l5 Ø inches / no. d1 h6 mm Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm Designation A3299XPL… 3,000 6 14 62 20 36 -3 3,100 6 14 62 20 36 -3.1 3,175 1/8 3,200 6 14 62 20 36 -1/8IN 6 14 62 20 36 -3.2 3,250 6 14 62 20 36 -3.25 3,300 6 14 62 20 36 -3.3 3,400 6 14 62 20 36 -3.4 3,500 6 14 62 20 36 -3.5 3,572 9/64 3,600 6 14 62 20 36 -9/64IN 6 14 62 20 36 -3.6 3,650 6 14 62 20 36 -3.65 3,700 6 14 62 20 36 -3.7 3,800 6 17 66 24 36 -3.8 3,900 6 17 66 24 36 -3.9 6 17 66 24 36 -5/32IN 6 17 66 24 36 -4 4,100 6 17 66 24 36 -4.1 4,200 6 17 66 24 36 -4.2 3,969 5/32 4,000 4,300 4,366 11/64 6 17 66 24 36 -4.3 6 17 66 24 36 -11/64IN -4.4 4,400 6 17 66 24 36 4,500 6 17 66 24 36 -4.5 4,600 6 17 66 24 36 -4.6 4,650 6 17 66 24 36 -4.65 4,700 6 17 66 24 36 -4.7 4,763 3/16 4,800 6 20 66 28 36 -3/16IN 6 20 66 28 36 -4.8 4,900 6 20 66 28 36 -4.9 5,000 6 20 66 28 36 -5 5,100 5,159 13/64 6 20 66 28 36 -5.1 6 20 66 28 36 -13/64IN 5,200 6 20 66 28 36 -5.2 5,300 6 20 66 28 36 -5.3 5,400 6 20 66 28 36 -5.4 5,500 6 20 66 28 36 -5.5 6 20 66 28 36 -5.55 6 20 66 28 36 -7/32IN 6 20 66 28 36 -5.6 5,550 5,556 7/32 5,600 5,700 6 20 66 28 36 -5.7 5,800 6 20 66 28 36 -5.8 5,900 6 20 66 28 36 -5.9 6 20 66 28 36 -15/64IN 6,000 6 20 66 28 36 -6 6,100 8 24 79 34 36 -6.1 6,200 8 24 79 34 36 -6.2 6,300 8 24 79 34 36 -6.3 8 24 79 34 36 - 1/4IN 8 24 79 34 36 -6.4 -6.5 5,953 6,350 15/64 1/4 6,400 6,500 8 24 79 34 36 6,600 8 24 79 34 36 -6.6 6,700 8 24 79 34 36 -6.7 8 24 79 34 36 -17/64IN 6,800 6,747 17/64 8 24 79 34 36 -6.8 6,900 8 24 79 34 36 -6.9 7,000 8 24 79 34 36 -7 8 29 79 41 36 -7.1 8 29 79 41 36 -9/32IN 7,100 7,144 9/32 Walter Titex – Drilling 77 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme A3299XPL Dc m7 mm Dc d1 Lc l2 l1 l5 Ø inches / no. Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm Designation A3299XPL… 7,200 8 29 79 41 36 -7.2 7,300 8 29 79 41 36 -7.3 7,400 8 29 79 41 36 -7.4 7,500 8 29 79 41 36 -7.5 7,541 19/64 7,550 8 29 79 41 36 -19/64IN 8 29 79 41 36 -7.55 7,600 8 29 79 41 36 -7.6 7,700 8 29 79 41 36 -7.7 7,800 8 29 79 41 36 -7.8 7,900 8 29 79 41 36 -7.9 7,938 8 29 79 41 36 -5/16IN 8,000 8 29 79 41 36 -8 5/16 8,100 10 35 89 47 40 -8.1 8,200 10 35 89 47 40 -8.2 8,300 10 35 89 47 40 -8.3 10 35 89 47 40 -21/64IN 8,400 10 35 89 47 40 -8.4 8,500 10 35 89 47 40 -8.5 8,600 10 35 89 47 40 -8.6 8,700 10 35 89 47 40 -8.7 10 35 89 47 40 -11/32IN 8,800 10 35 89 47 40 -8.8 8,900 10 35 89 47 40 -8.9 9,000 10 35 89 47 40 -9 9,100 10 35 89 47 40 -9.1 10 35 89 47 40 -23/64IN 9,200 10 35 89 47 40 -9.2 9,300 10 35 89 47 40 -9.3 9,400 10 35 89 47 40 -9.4 9,500 10 35 89 47 40 -9.5 10 35 89 47 40 -3/8IN 9,550 10 35 89 47 40 -9.55 9,600 10 35 89 47 40 -9.6 9,700 10 35 89 47 40 -9.7 9,800 10 35 89 47 40 -9.8 9,900 10 35 89 47 40 -9.9 10 35 89 47 40 -25/64IN 10,000 10 35 89 47 40 -10 10,100 12 40 102 55 45 -10.1 10,200 12 40 102 55 45 -10.2 10,300 12 40 102 55 45 -10.3 12 40 102 55 45 -13/32IN 10,400 12 40 102 55 45 -10.4 10,500 12 40 102 55 45 -10.5 10,600 12 40 102 55 45 -10.6 10,700 12 40 102 55 45 -10.7 12 40 102 55 45 -27/64IN 10,800 12 40 102 55 45 -10.8 10,900 12 40 102 55 45 -10.9 11,000 12 40 102 55 45 -11 11,100 12 40 102 55 45 -11.1 12 40 102 55 45 -7/16IN 11,200 12 40 102 55 45 -11.2 11,300 12 40 102 55 45 -11.2 11,400 12 40 102 55 45 -11.4 11,500 12 40 102 55 45 -11.5 12 40 102 55 45 -29/64IN 8,334 8,731 9,128 9,525 9,922 10,319 10,716 11,113 11,509 78 d1 h6 mm 21/64 11/32 23/64 3/8 25/64 13/32 27/64 7/16 29/64 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme A3299XPL Dc m7 mm Dc d1 Lc l2 l1 l5 Ø inches / no. d1 h6 mm Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm Designation A3299XPL… 11,550 12 40 102 55 45 -11.55 11,600 12 40 102 55 45 -11.6 11,700 12 40 102 55 45 -11.7 11,800 12 40 102 55 45 -11.8 11,900 12 40 102 55 45 -11.9 12 40 102 55 45 -15/32IN 12,000 11,906 12 40 102 55 45 -12 12,100 14 43 107 60 45 -12.1 12,200 14 43 107 60 45 -12.2 12,250 14 43 107 60 45 -12.25 12,300 14 43 107 60 45 -12.3 14 43 107 60 45 -31/64IN 12,400 14 43 107 60 45 -12.4 12,500 14 43 107 60 45 -12.5 12,600 14 43 107 60 45 -12.6 12,700 14 43 107 60 45 -12.7 -1/2IN 12,303 12,700 15/32 31/64 14 43 107 60 45 12,750 14 43 107 60 45 -12.75 12,800 14 43 107 60 45 -12.8 12,900 14 43 107 60 45 -12.9 13,000 14 43 107 60 45 -13 13,100 14 43 107 60 45 -13.1 13,200 14 43 107 60 45 -13.2 13,300 14 43 107 60 45 -13.3 13,400 14 43 107 60 45 -13.4 13,494 1/2 17/32 14 43 107 60 45 -17/32IN 14 43 107 60 45 -13.5 13,600 14 43 107 60 45 -13.6 13,700 14 43 107 60 45 -13.7 13,800 14 43 107 60 45 -13.8 13,900 14 43 107 60 45 -13.9 14,000 14 43 107 60 45 -14 14,100 16 45 115 65 48 -14.1 13,500 14,200 14,288 9/16 16 45 115 65 48 -14.2 16 45 115 65 48 -9/16IN 14,300 16 45 115 65 48 -14.3 14,400 16 45 115 65 48 -14.4 14,500 16 45 115 65 48 -14.5 14,600 16 45 115 65 48 -14.6 14,700 16 45 115 65 48 -14.7 14,750 16 45 115 65 48 -14.75 14,800 16 45 115 65 48 -14.8 15,000 16 45 115 65 48 -15 -15.1 15,100 16 45 115 65 48 15,200 16 45 115 65 48 -15.2 15,300 16 45 115 65 48 -15.3 15,500 16 45 115 65 48 -15.5 15,600 16 45 115 65 48 -15.6 15,700 16 45 115 65 48 -15.7 15,800 16 45 115 65 48 -15.8 16 45 115 65 48 -5/8IN 15,900 16 45 115 65 48 -15.9 16,000 16 45 115 65 48 -16 16,100 18 51 123 73 48 -16.1 16,200 18 51 123 73 48 -16.2 16,300 18 51 123 73 48 -16.3 16,400 18 51 123 73 48 -16.4 15,875 5/8 Walter Titex – Drilling 79 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme A3299XPL d1 h6 mm Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm 16,500 18 51 123 73 48 -16.5 16,600 18 51 123 73 48 -16.6 16,700 18 51 123 73 48 -16.7 16,750 18 51 123 73 48 -16.75 16,800 18 51 123 73 48 -16.8 17,000 18 51 123 73 48 -17 17,200 18 51 123 73 48 -17.2 17,300 18 51 123 73 48 -17.3 17,500 18 51 123 73 48 -17.5 17,600 18 51 123 73 48 -17.6 17,700 18 51 123 73 48 -17.7 17,800 18 51 123 73 48 -17.8 18,000 18 51 123 73 48 -18 18,200 20 55 131 79 50 -18.2 18,500 20 55 131 79 50 -18.5 18,700 20 55 131 79 50 -18.7 18,800 20 55 131 79 50 -18.8 19,000 20 55 131 79 50 -19 20 55 131 79 50 -3/4IN 19,500 20 55 131 79 50 -19.5 19,700 20 55 131 79 50 -19.7 19,800 20 55 131 79 50 -19.8 20,000 20 55 131 79 50 -20 Dc m7 mm Dc d1 Lc l2 l1 l5 19,050 Ø inches / no. 3/4 X·treme A3899XPL Dc d1 Lc 80 l2 Designation A3299XPL… l1 l5 Dc m7 mm d1 h6 mm Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm 3,000 6 14 62 20 36 -3 3,100 6 14 62 20 36 -3.1 3,200 6 14 62 20 36 -3.2 3,250 6 14 62 20 36 -3.25 3,300 6 14 62 20 36 -3.3 3,400 6 14 62 20 36 -3.4 3,500 6 14 62 20 36 -3.5 3,600 6 14 62 20 36 -3.6 3,650 6 14 62 20 36 -3.65 3,700 6 14 62 20 36 -3.7 3,800 6 17 66 24 36 -3.8 3,900 6 17 66 24 36 -3.9 4,000 6 17 66 24 36 -4 4,100 6 17 66 24 36 -4.1 4,200 6 17 66 24 36 -4.2 4,300 6 17 66 24 36 -4.3 Designation A3899XPL… 4,400 6 17 66 24 36 -4.4 4,500 6 17 66 24 36 -4.5 4,600 6 17 66 24 36 -4.6 4,650 6 17 66 24 36 -4.65 4,700 6 17 66 24 36 -4.7 4,800 6 20 66 28 36 -4.8 4,900 6 20 66 28 36 -4.9 5,000 6 20 66 28 36 -5 5,100 6 20 66 28 36 -5.1 5,200 6 20 66 28 36 -5.2 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme A3899XPL Dc d1 Lc l2 l1 l5 Dc m7 mm d1 h6 mm Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm Designation A3899XPL… 5,300 6 20 66 28 36 -5.3 5,400 6 20 66 28 36 -5.4 5,500 6 20 66 28 36 -5.5 5,550 6 20 66 28 36 -5.55 5,600 6 20 66 28 36 -5.6 5,700 6 20 66 28 36 -5.7 5,800 6 20 66 28 36 -5.8 5,900 6 20 66 28 36 -5.9 6,000 6 20 66 28 36 -6 6,100 8 24 79 34 36 -6.1 6,200 8 24 79 34 36 -6.2 6,300 8 24 79 34 36 -6.3 6,400 8 24 79 34 36 -6.4 6,500 8 24 79 34 36 -6.5 6,600 8 24 79 34 36 -6.6 6,700 8 24 79 34 36 -6.7 6,800 8 24 79 34 36 -6.8 6,900 8 24 79 34 36 -6.9 7,000 8 24 79 34 36 -7 7,100 8 29 79 41 36 -7.1 7,200 8 29 79 41 36 -7.2 7,300 8 29 79 41 36 -7.3 7,400 8 29 79 41 36 -7.4 7,500 8 29 79 41 36 -7.5 7,550 8 29 79 41 36 -7.55 7,600 8 29 79 41 36 -7.6 7,700 8 29 79 41 36 -7.7 7,800 8 29 79 41 36 -7.8 7,900 8 29 79 41 36 -7.9 8,000 8 29 79 41 36 -8 8,100 10 35 89 47 40 -8.1 -8.2 8,200 10 35 89 47 40 8,300 10 35 89 47 40 -8.3 8,400 10 35 89 47 40 -8.4 8,500 10 35 89 47 40 -8.5 8,600 10 35 89 47 40 -8.6 8,700 10 35 89 47 40 -8.7 8,800 10 35 89 47 40 -8.8 8,900 10 35 89 47 40 -8.9 9,000 10 35 89 47 40 -9 -9.1 9,100 10 35 89 47 40 9,200 10 35 89 47 40 -9.2 9,300 10 35 89 47 40 -9.3 -9.4 9,400 10 35 89 47 40 9,500 10 35 89 47 40 -9.5 9,550 10 35 89 47 40 -9.55 9,600 10 35 89 47 40 -9.6 9,700 10 35 89 47 40 -9.7 9,800 10 35 89 47 40 -9.8 9,900 10 35 89 47 40 -9.9 10,000 10 35 89 47 40 -10 10,100 12 40 102 55 45 -10.1 10,200 12 40 102 55 45 -10.2 10,300 12 40 102 55 45 -10.3 10,400 12 40 102 55 45 -10.4 10,500 12 40 102 55 45 -10.5 10,600 12 40 102 55 45 -10.6 Walter Titex – Drilling 81 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme A3899XPL Dc d1 Lc 82 l2 l1 l5 Dc m7 mm d1 h6 mm Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm Designation A3899XPL… 10,700 12 40 102 55 45 -10.7 10,800 12 40 102 55 45 -10.8 10,900 12 40 102 55 45 -10.9 11,000 12 40 102 55 45 -11 11,100 12 40 102 55 45 -11.1 11,200 12 40 102 55 45 -11.2 11,300 12 40 102 55 45 -11.3 11,400 12 40 102 55 45 -11.4 11,500 12 40 102 55 45 -11.5 11,550 12 40 102 55 45 -11.55 11,600 12 40 102 55 45 -11.6 11,700 12 40 102 55 45 -11.7 11,800 12 40 102 55 45 -11.8 11,900 12 40 102 55 45 -11.9 12,000 12 40 102 55 45 -12 12,100 14 43 107 60 45 -12.1 12,200 14 43 107 60 45 -12.2 12,250 14 43 107 60 45 -12.25 12,300 14 43 107 60 45 -12.3 12,400 14 43 107 60 45 -12.4 12,500 14 43 107 60 45 -12.5 12,600 14 43 107 60 45 -12.6 12,700 14 43 107 60 45 -12.7 12,750 14 43 107 60 45 -12.75 12,800 14 43 107 60 45 -12.8 12,900 14 43 107 60 45 -12.9 13,000 14 43 107 60 45 -13 13,100 14 43 107 60 45 -13.1 13,200 14 43 107 60 45 -13.2 13,300 14 43 107 60 45 -13.3 13,400 14 43 107 60 45 -13.4 13,500 14 43 107 60 45 -13.5 13,600 14 43 107 60 45 -13.6 13,700 14 43 107 60 45 -13.7 13,800 14 43 107 60 45 -13.8 13,900 14 43 107 60 45 -13.9 14,000 14 43 107 60 45 -14 14,100 16 45 115 65 48 -14.1 14,200 16 45 115 65 48 -14.2 14,300 16 45 115 65 48 -14.3 14,400 16 45 115 65 48 -14.4 14,500 16 45 115 65 48 -14.5 14,600 16 45 115 65 48 -14.6 14,700 16 45 115 65 48 -14.7 14,750 16 45 115 65 48 -14.75 14,800 16 45 115 65 48 -14.8 15,000 16 45 115 65 48 -15 -15.1 15,100 16 45 115 65 48 15,200 16 45 115 65 48 -15.2 15,300 16 45 115 65 48 -15.3 15,500 16 45 115 65 48 -15.5 15,600 16 45 115 65 48 -15.6 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme A3899XPL Dc m7 mm Dc d1 Lc l2 l1 l5 d1 h6 mm Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm Designation A3899XPL… 15,700 16 45 115 65 48 -15.7 15,800 16 45 115 65 48 -15.8 15,900 16 45 115 65 48 -15.9 16,000 16 45 115 65 48 -16 16,100 18 51 123 73 48 -16.1 16,200 18 51 123 73 48 -16.2 16,300 18 51 123 73 48 -16.3 16,400 18 51 123 73 48 -16.4 16,500 18 51 123 73 48 -16.5 16,600 18 51 123 73 48 -16.6 16,700 18 51 123 73 48 -16.7 16,750 18 51 123 73 48 -16.75 16,800 18 51 123 73 48 -16.8 17,000 18 51 123 73 48 -17 17,200 18 51 123 73 48 -17.2 17,300 18 51 123 73 48 -17.3 17,500 18 51 123 73 48 -17.5 17,600 18 51 123 73 48 -17.6 17,700 18 51 123 73 48 -17.7 17,800 18 51 123 73 48 -17.8 18,000 18 51 123 73 48 -18 18,200 20 55 131 79 50 -18.2 18,500 20 55 131 79 50 -18.5 18,700 20 55 131 79 50 -18.7 18,800 20 55 131 79 50 -18.8 19,000 20 55 131 79 50 -19 19,500 20 55 131 79 50 -19.5 19,700 20 55 131 79 50 -19.7 19,800 20 55 131 79 50 -19.8 20,000 20 55 131 79 50 -20 Walter Titex – Drilling 83 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme M A3389AML Dc m7 mm Dc d1 Lc l2 l1 l5 Ø inches/no. d1 h6 mm Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm 2,000 3 14 57 17 35 -2 2,050 3 14 57 18 35 -2.05 2,100 3 14 57 18 35 -2.1 2,150 3 15 57 19 34 -2.15 2,200 3 15 57 19 34 -2.2 2,250 3 16 59 20 35 -2.25 2,300 3 16 59 20 35 -2.30 2,350 3 16 59 20 35 -2.35 3 16 59 20 35 -3/32IN 2,400 3 16 59 20 35 -2.4 2,450 3 17 59 21 34 -2.45 2,381 3/32 2,500 3 17 59 21 34 -2.5 2,550 3 18 62 22 36 -2.55 2,600 3 18 62 22 36 -2.6 2,650 3 18 62 23 36 -2.65 2,700 3 18 62 23 36 -2.7 2,750 3 19 62 24 35 2.75 3 19 62 24 35 -7/64IN 2,800 3 19 62 24 35 -2.8 2,850 3 20 62 25 34 -2.85 2,900 3 20 62 25 34 -2.9 2,950 3 20 62 25 34 -2.95 2,778 7/64 X·treme DM8 A6489AMP Dc m7 mm Dc d1 Lc l2 l1 l5 Ø inches/no. d1 h6 mm Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm Designation A6489AMP… 2,000 3 20 63 23 35 -2 2,050 3 20 63 24 35 -2.05 2,100 3 20 63 24 35 -2.1 2,150 3 21 63 25 34 -2.15 2,200 3 21 63 25 34 -2.2 2,250 3 22 67 26 37 -2.25 2,300 3 22 67 26 37 -2.30 2,350 3 24 67 28 35 -2.35 3 24 67 28 35 -3/32IN 2,400 3 24 67 28 35 -2.4 2,450 3 25 67 29 34 -2.45 2,500 3 25 67 29 34 -2.5 2,550 3 26 71 30 37 -2.55 2,600 3 26 71 30 37 -2.6 2,650 3 26 71 31 37 -2.65 2,700 3 26 71 31 37 -2.7 2,381 3/32 2,750 3 27 71 32 36 -2.75 3 27 71 32 36 -7/64IN 2,800 3 27 71 32 36 -2.8 2,850 3 28 71 33 35 -2.85 2,900 3 28 71 33 35 -2.9 2,950 3 29 71 34 34 -2,95 2,778 84 Designation A3389AML… 7/64 ORDERING INFORMATION X·treme DM12 A6589AMP Dc h7 mm Dc d1 Lc l2 l1 l5 Ø inches/no. d1 h6 mm Lc mm l1 mm l2 mm l5 mm 2,000 3 28 72 31 36 2,100 3 29 72 33 35 -2.1 2,200 3 30 72 34 34 -2.2 -2.3 2,300 3 32 77 36 37 33 77 37 36 -3/32IN 3 33 77 37 36 -2.4 2,500 3 35 77 39 34 -2.5 2,600 3 36 83 40 39 -2.6 3 37 83 42 38 -2.7 3 38 83 43 37 -7/64IN 3/32 2,400 2,700 2,778 7/64 2,800 3 38 83 43 37 -2.8 2,900 3 40 83 45 35 -2.9 Solid carbide centre drill Dc d1 l1 -2 3 2,381 NEW 2012 Designation A6589AMP… K1161XPL Dc k12 mm d1 h9 mm l1 mm 0,5 3,15 25 -0.5 0,8 3,15 25 -0.8 1 3,15 31,5 -1 1,25 3,15 31,5 -1.25 1,6 4 31,5 2 5 40 -2 -2.5 Designation K1161XPL... -1.6 2,5 6,3 45 3,15 8 50 -3.15 4 10 56 -4 5 12,5 63 -5 6,3 16 71 -6.3 Walter Titex – Drilling 85 ORDERING INFORMATION HM-NC machine reaming tools NEW 2012 Dc mm Dc d1 Lc l5 l1 F2162 d1 h6 mm Lc mm l1 mm l5 mm Designation F2162… 4 4 19 75 28 4,5 6 21 80 36 -4 -4.5 5 6 23 86 36 -5 5,5 6 26 93 36 -5.5 6 6 26 93 36 -6 6,5 6 28 101 36 -6.5 7 8 31 109 36 -7 7,5 8 31 109 36 -7.5 8 8 33 117 36 -8 8,5 8 33 117 36 -8.5 9 10 36 125 40 -9 9,5 10 36 125 40 -9,5 10 10 38 133 40 -10 11 12 41 142 45 -11 12 12 44 151 45 -12 13 12 44 151 45 -13 14 16 47 160 48 -14 15 16 50 162 48 -15 16 16 52 170 48 -16 17 18 52 175 48 -17 18 18 52 182 48 -18 20 20 52 195 50 -20 HM-NC machine reaming tools NEW 2012 d1 Lc 86 d1 h6 mm Lc mm 2 4 12 49 28 -2 2,5 4 16 59 28 -2.5 Dc mm Dc l5 l1 F2171 l1 mm l5 mm Designation F2171… 3 4 17 62,5 28 -3 3,2 4 18 65 28 -3.2 3,5 4 18 70 28 -3.5 4 4 19 75 28 -4 4,5 6 21 80 36 -4.5 5 6 23 86 36 -5 5,5 6 26 93 36 -5.5 6 6 26 93 36 -6 6,5 6 28 101 36 -6.5 7 8 31 109 36 -7 7,5 8 31 109 36 -7.5 8 8 33 117 36 -8 8,5 8 33 117 36 -8.5 9 10 36 125 40 -9 10 10 38 133 40 -10 11 12 41 142 45 -11 12 12 44 151 45 -12 13 12 44 151 45 -13 14 16 47 160 48 -14 15 16 50 162 48 -15 16 16 52 170 48 -16 18 18 52 182 48 -18 20 20 52 195 50 -20 ORDERING INFORMATION Cutting data Solid carbide drills 3 x Dc = Cutting data for wet machining Designation K3299XPL K3899XPL K3879XPL Type Dimensions Ø range (mm) Cutting tool material Coating Page X·treme Step 90 Walter standard 3,30 – 14,00 K30F XPL 58 X·treme Step 90 Walter standard 3,30 – 14,50 K30F XPL 58 = dry machining is possible, cutting data must be selected from TEC E = Emulsion O = Oil M = MQL L = dry vC = Cutting speed VCRR = vc rating chart from page B 382 VRR = feed rating chart from page B 384 ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ Non-alloyed steel P Low-alloyed steel High-alloyed steel and High-alloyed tool steel Stainless steel M Stainless steel Malleable cast iron K Grey cast iron Cast iron with spheroidal graphite C ≤ 0.25% C > 0.25... ≤ 0.55% C > 0.25... ≤ 0.55% C > 0.55% C > 0.55% Machining steel (short-chipping) annealed heat treated heat treated heat treated annealed hardened and tempered hardened and tempered ferritic/martensitic, annealed martensitic, heat treated austenitic, quench hardened austenitic, precipitation hardened (PH) austenitic/ferritic, duplex ferritic pearlitic low tensile strength high tensile strength/austenitic ferritic pearlitic annealed annealed heat treated annealed heat treated annealed GGV (CGI) Aluminium wrought alloys Cast aluminium alloys N not precipitation hardenable precipitation hardenable, precipitation hardened ≤ 12% Si, not precipitation hardenable ≤ 12% Si, precipitation hardenable, precipitation hardened > 12% Si, not precipitation hardenable Magnesium alloys Copper and copper alloys (bronze/brass) non-alloyed, electrolytic copper brass, bronze, red brass Cu-alloys, short-chipping high-strength, Ampco Fe-based Heat-resistant alloys Ni or Co base S Titanium alloys annealed precipitation hardened annealed precipitation hardened cast pure titanium +α and β alloys, precipitation hardened β alloys Tungsten alloys Molybdenum alloys H O 1 Hardened steel Hardened cast iron Thermoplasts Thermosetting plastics Plastic, glass-fibre reinforced Plastic, carbon-fibre reinforced Plastic, aramid fibre reinforced Graphite (technical) hardened and tempered hardened and tempered hardened and tempered hardened and tempered without abrasive fillers without abrasive fillers GFRP CFRP AFRP 428 639 708 639 1013 745 591 1013 1282 1477 675 1013 1361 675 1114 675 1013 778 675 867 602 825 518 885 675 – 343 260 314 447 250 343 314 382 1013 675 943 839 1177 1076 675 1262 1396 1013 1013 – – – – The classification of the machining groups can be found in the Walter General catalogue 2012 from page H 8 onwards. ¤ Machining group 1 125 190 210 190 300 220 175 300 380 430 200 300 400 200 330 200 300 230 200 260 180 245 155 265 200 30 100 75 90 130 70 100 90 110 300 200 280 250 350 320 200 375 410 300 300 50 HRC 55 HRC 60 HRC 55 HRC 80 Shore ¤ 88 Tensile strength Rm N/mm2 Workpiece material Brinell hardness HB Material group Structure of main material groups and identification letters P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 M1 M2 M3 K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 H1 H2 H3 H4 O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 vc VRR 140 12 140 12 130 12 140 12 105 10 150 12 140 12 105 10 80 7 63 5 71 9 95 9 63 5 71 9 40 8 50 6 45 6 34 5 100 16 63 10 125 16 105 16 130 16 95 16 110 16 400 16 400 16 250 16 240 16 190 16 240 16 190 8 160 10 190 16 60 5 50 6 30 5 34 5 19 4 26 4 56 6 50 5 12,5 4 60 5 60 5 48 4 32 3 32 100 3 16 vc 110 120 110 120 95 110 120 95 63 48 63 80 48 63 40 VRR 12 12 12 12 10 12 12 10 7 5 9 9 5 9 7 EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO OE OE EO EO OE EO EO 53 6 EO ML ML ML ML ML ML ML M M M M M ML EO M EO EO M EO EO OE EO OE OE OE OE OE EO EO OE OE 90 90 110 95 110 90 100 260 260 240 210 170 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 10 10 16 16 12 E E E E E E E E E E E E O O O O O O O O O O O O 200 170 190 67 7 12 16 5 E E E E O M O O ML O 42 36 5 4 OE OE 67 67 34 26 5 5 4 3 EO EO OE OE OE EO 26 95 3 16 OE EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO OE OE EO EO OE EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO M M M M M M M M L L L L L L L L M M M M M M M M L L L L L L L L M M M M M M M L L L L L L L ORDERING INFORMATION Solid carbide drills 5 x Dc Pilot drills Centring drills A3393TTP K3281TFT K1161XPL F2162 F2171 X·treme Inox DIN 6537 L 3,00 – 20,00 K30F TPP 60 X·treme Pilot Step 90 Walter standard 3,00 – 16,00 K30F TFT 59 DIN 333 - form A 0,50 – 6,30 K10/20 XPL 85 straight-fluted Walter standard 2,00 – 20,00 K10 blank 86 Left-hand spiral Walter standard 2,00 – 20,00 K10 blank 86 ¤ vc 150 110 100 110 VRR 10 10 10 10 135 110 12 10 90 50 50 65 50 9 8 6 6 6 ¤ E E E E O O O O EO EO E E E E E ¤ M M M M L L L L ML ML O O O O O 450 450 250 240 190 240 210 180 190 60 48 36 40 24 30 60 53 18 120 120 16 16 16 16 16 16 9 12 16 7 6 5 5 4 4 6 5 4 9 9 E E E E E O O O O O 130 16 EO EO EO EO EO EO OE EO OE OE OE OE OE EO EO M M M M M ML M M vc 120 105 100 105 75 120 105 75 50 42 67 60 42 67 42 42 56 34 100 75 120 100 95 75 85 400 400 250 240 190 240 210 180 190 60 42 26 32 16 20 56 48 12 60 60 36 31 VRR 12 12 12 12 9 12 12 9 6 4 9 7 4 9 7 5 6 5 16 16 16 16 20 16 20 16 16 16 16 16 16 9 12 16 7 5 4 4 3 3 6 5 3 7 7 3 3 31 100 3 16 ¤ EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO OE OE EO EO OE EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO E EO OE EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO OE EO OE OE OE OE OE EO EO OE OE OE EO ¤ M M M M M M M M M L L L L L L L L L ML ML ML ML ML ML ML ML M M M M M ML M M M M M Reaming tools ¤ vc 72 68 63 68 48 72 68 48 32 24 42 38 24 42 32 VRR 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 5 3 2 4 4 2 4 3 EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO OE OE EO EO OE EO EO 21 3 EO 72 58 86 72 72 58 65 130 130 105 90 71 90 90 75 80 48 33 15 27 10 12 8 7 8 8 8 7 8 5 5 7 7 7 7 3 6 8 5 2 2 2 1 1 E E E E E E E E E E E E 48 48 19 5 5 2 EO EO OE 45 45 35 25 45 25 7 7 6 5 7 5 EO EO O O O O O O O O O O O O EO EO EO EO OE OE OE OE OE ¤ M M M M M M M M L L L L L L L L M M M M M M M L L L L L L L ML M ML L L L L vc 24 22 21 22 16 24 22 16 10 6 14 12 8 14 10 8 12 6 20 16 24 20 20 16 18 63 63 50 45 36 45 45 36 40 12 12 10 10 6 6 10 8 6 12 12 VRR 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 22 22 16 8 8 8 ¤ ¤ EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO OE OE EO EO OE EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO O EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO E L L vc 24 22 21 22 16 24 22 16 10 6 14 12 8 14 10 8 12 6 20 16 24 20 20 16 18 63 63 50 45 36 45 45 36 40 12 12 10 10 6 6 10 8 6 12 12 VRR 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 22 22 16 8 8 8 ¤ EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO OE OE EO EO OE EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO O EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO EO E L L The specified cutting data are average recommended values. For special applications, adjustment is recommended. Walter Titex – Drilling 89
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