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Custom House Publishers, 6797 N. High St., #213, Worthington, OH 43085
Volume 2, Issue 2
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Meeting Challenges as a FordPro
There is nothing new under the sun. You have heard this, and it
is likely that you believe it—at least at a certain level. Certainly
anything that I have to say has been said before.
I went to listen to an author on a national book tour last evening,
and she said that is true of what she writes in her books. She may
express it in a way that connects to some readers better than other
books have, but what she says has been said before.
One of the things she talked about is that there are always new
developments, and what defines your character is not these new
events, but rather how you react to these events.
Right now, when most of us are feeling the impact of a cautious
economy, and business is not what we hoped it would be…right now
is a great time for us to decide how we want to do business in the
We have to know that the sky is not falling, and the world is not
coming to an end…and that more trucks will be needed for American
businesses, hopefully sooner than later! With that in mind, how am I
going to be ready for the future with a clear business plan, an
approach that helps me be more productive; hopefully, without
spending more time at it.
I had the opportunity to attend the Atlanta Body and Equipment
Expo at Lake Lanier last month, and Carrie Pfingst (Commercial
Truck Account Manager) said things we all need to remind ourselves
of, from time to time.
“What differentiates me from my competitors? What do I like
about the companies I do business with? Do I make full use of all of
Ford’s Commercial Truck programs?”
She continued, “How well do I know my Service Manager?
When was the last time we went on a joint sales contact? Am I taking full responsibility for the position I find myself in today? Am I
driving around with the Parking Brake on? Am I clear why I am
here? Do I want to win, or commiserate? Am I finding out what
customer’s problems are, and offering ways to solve them? Am I
asking for referrals?”
Right now is a great time for us to all “get lean,” and improve
our business methods and attitudes; to take advantage of all the support available from Ford. The fact is, times will change and we who
have survived will be in a better position to prosper.
Get yourself ready for good times: give your positive attitude a
good rigorous workout!
FordPros is Your Partner in
Getting Ready to Grow!
We are working with Ford Motor, and with BodyBuilders to
bring you a system that will make your communication with clients
and prospects (1)personal, (2)professional, and (3) comprehensive,
taking advantage of the internet and emailing capabilities.
We will be testing this program in three markets between now
and our September edition of FordPros. This program will work best
for professionals who have joined FordPros, and have email addresses of all their business clients and prospects. The first opportunities
will be in the HVAC, then Plumbing, Electrical, and the Light
Construction trades.
The more email addresses you have for these businesses in your
area, the more successful this program will be for you. Get yourself
ready for a busy—and prosperous—Fall of 2008. We FordPros will
have benefits that other brands don’t have—including the best brand
of work trucks and vans in American business! ■
Joe Hughes
Scarff Ford Fleet Manager
Founding member of the Northwest Truck Club
and the National Truck Club
Gold Medal Sponsors
Ford National Truck Club
Fire Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Marketing – The Time is NOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Atlanta Truck Expo Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Ford in the “Last Frontier” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Words from a Ford CBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Lake Lanier Truck Expo Pictures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
ON THE COVER: Matt Hargis with engine 214 conducting back firing operations in Chico, CA
For electronic copies of this magazine, send an
e-mail to
“Note: the contents of advertisements appearing in Ford Pro are solely the responsibility of the advertiser. Appearance of an advertisement in Ford Pro does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement by the Ford Pro Editorial Board or The National Truck Club of the
goods or services offered. Publication of an advertisement is at the discretion of the Ford Pro Editorial Board.” All illustrations and specifications mentioned in this publication are based on the latest product information at the time of publication approval. Competitive information mentioned is based on generally available industry data. Ford Pro reserves the right to change specifications, equipment, designs or prices without prior notice and without incurring obligation. In addition, all logos are property of Ford Motor Company.
All rights reserved. For Certified Ford dealership personnel only. Ford Pro© 2008
Advertising: ProsDotCom Services • P.O. Box 628 • Sumner, WA 98390 • Phone: (253) 709-0001 • FAX: (253) 929-3014
Hotter Than Ever
In late June lightning storms ignited fires
across California, in what officials described as the
biggest fire event in California history. Nearly
1,500 square miles had been scorched at the time
this issue went to press, destroying hundreds of
homes and causing the evacuation of thousands of
Although most of California's remaining blazes
are on remote federal forest lands and pose little
threat to homes, the California Department of
Forestry and Fire Protection stay concerned for the
balance of this season due to low rain.
At the peak of the blazes fire personnel numbered about 25,000. Numbered among them were
Amador County Fire Protection District, Battalion
20, Station 121 in the Willow Springs area near
Plymouth, CA. Station Captain Mike Richardson
and his volunteer fire crew give a lot of credit to
their new baby: an F-550 Mini Pumper. So how did
Fire Chief Jim McCart select this equipment?
He counted on Fouts Bros. Fire Equipment, in
Smyrna, GA, to put together the right vehicle for the
department’s needs. Fouts Bros. is a Ford only dis-
tributor for their Brush Attack, Mini Pumpers, and
Rescue units—everything they sell except their big
water tankers. They use a targeted market ad campaign to reach people like Jim: their great web site
(, ads in the fire rescue apparatus industry magazines, plus they send a direct mail
piece to every fire chief in the US every year.
Fouts Bros. Fire Equipment is a third generation company, founded in 1952 by two brothers and
today they have specialists working with the fire
chiefs to develop quotes for their unique needs.
Travis Rakestraw is the Fouts Bros. Fire Equipment
Sales Manager and responsible for the sales process
and delivery to the Amador County Fire
Department. Travis worked in a partnership with
Wade Ford in Smyrna, GA, and Reading Truck
Body, who produces the fire truck bodies for Fouts’
custom orders through Reading’s pool account.
Randy White, Fleet Manager at Wade, Ford says
that Travis and his Commercial Account Manager
Matt McArthur work well together, making sure
that orders flow through the system.
Fouts Bros has been using Reading’s Pool
account for over 15 years. Scott Edens, General
Manager, explains why they only use Ford. “Ford is
the best truck on the road today, and having been in
business for over 55 years our reputation is very
important to us. The service and support we get
from Reading means we never have to worry about
the quality of the completed truck, or whether or
not it gets there on time.”
What really counts is what Captain Mike
Richardson has to say about their quick attack unit,
“The turning radius and maneuverability of this fire
engine is comparable to or better than most command vehicles and outperforms the standard type
three wildland engines with the same firefighting
capabilities by far. The fire engine is compact
enough to get in and out of places in both wildland
and urban interface situations—unimproved roads
or driveways to homes—where a standard type 3
wildland engine would not fit, without sacrifice to
personnel comfort or equipment storage limits. This
fire engine handles like a sedan on and off the hiway, and can be operated by personnel with a standard driver’s license.”
Mike also likes the diesel engine and the transmission’s overdrive. They are often going down grade
and the way it downshifts is easier on both the driver
and the brakes. He also likes the fact that the accessories are prewired in separate 30/10 amp switches,
which works great for the auxiliary lighting they use.
Overall, it seems like a good match: the best equipment available for the guys that save our lives. ■
Lake Lanier Expo Builds Bonds
Once again the Atlanta Region Commercial
Truck Department’s Annual Body & Equipment
Expo in Lake Lanier, GA, held in early June, captured the true spirit of the Ford Commercial and
Fleet division. The over 200 BPN dealers, body
builders and regional and corporate Ford
Commercial leaders gathered together to learn more
about Ford programs, to share a view of the future
and to build stronger relationships.
The Expo was kicked off by the region’s
Commercial Business Manager, Jerry Deblon, who
along with Ford Credit’s Joe Ethridge, deserves a
lot of credit for the seamless operation and great
content of the Expo.
The first day’s agenda focused on Commercial
Truck updates, increasing BPN knowledge and
details of specific Ford programs available to
BPNs. Len Deluca, Ford Fleet and Commercial
Director, opened the program as he talked about
Ford as a world class company, current challenges
in the marketplace and how to stay focused in
Len discussed the number of tough market
influences that are affecting business today. Fuel
prices are up, housing starts down. The US confidence level is down, as is disposable income, while
costs are up everywhere. Many businesses are experiencing a credit crunch, and the average park
(average age of cars/trucks) is younger than ever,
offering the customer excuses to pass on new vehicles for the short term.
What does this market environment do to Ford
Fleet and Commercial sales? Len pointed out that
although sales overall is slow, today Ford is in the
strongest position of all the Commercial Truck
manufacturers. Two out of every 5 commercial
vehicles on the road are a Ford, with a history of 31
years of F-Series domination and 29 years straight
for the E-Series. Ford even has 23 years as the top
Commercial Sales Lender, an increasingly valuable
Following this great presentation, Commercial
Products Director of Sales and Marketing, Dave
Gutman talked about “One Ford, One Team”, and
laid out for everyone how this great organization
will provide the momentum to support everyone
through slow times.
He reviewed the Ford Truck Sale program, and
explained how Ford also supports efforts by contacting 25 million businesses through six mailings a
year to let them know about the great products we
The clear message was that now is the time to
develop deeper relationships with your customers,
when they need you the most. They will remember
that in the good times. Think of this as hand-tohand combat in the marketplace. Don’t let your
opponents get ahead just by outlasting you. Knock
on doors, bring new ideas, provide added value to
your customers such as how to utilize the Section
179 election tax to their benefit, and shake some
All the features and benefits of the new Truck
F Series and LCFs were covered by Todd Kaufman,
Ford’s F-Series manager. Encouragement, shared
knowledge and team support were the real successes of the day.
After networking over a delicious lunch, attendees made their way over to the displays set up at
the Expo. The afternoon was spent looking at new
2009 models, including the Transit Connect while
visiting, eating and listening to music.
The Atlanta Region Ford B&E Truck Expo
Indoor and Outdoor upfitter displays and product
demonstrations included over 85 upfitted Ford
trucks plus all kinds of commercial accessories on
display. Many vendors were offering special show
equipment pricing. The three sponsoring Ford truck
clubs, Georgia, Carolinas and Alabama, offered
over $10,000 in prizes and Expo Bucks to dealership salespeople who visited every vendor in the
display area. "Expo Bucks" were awarded based on
equipment purchase orders placed at the show and
are valid for 90 days towards future equipment purchases with any show exhibitors.
The afternoon activity breakouts on the second
day, offered a choice of Golf at Emerald Point or a
Lake Cruise on a 60 ft. house boat. The Final Night
Dinner, held at the Holiday Pavilion hosted the
Awards and Entertainment, where clearly the
biggest award went to all the people that sell Fords!
Ford Pros sell the finest trucks and vans in
America. ■
Ford leadership team delivers designs for the future
Len Deluca in action
Lake Lanier hangs out the welcome sign
James Morgan
CBM Extraordinaire
James Morgan loves being a Commercial
Business Manager. He has been with the Ford
presented the Transit Connect; James loves nothing
better than taking a few big accounts such as
Motor Company for 21 years, with job experience
ranging from product development to Ford Credit,
FedEx, Autozone and Service Master on walk
based from Denver to Detroit. Eight years ago,
when Ford saw the need to create a new position to
help support the BPN program, James was selected
James recently discovered a great way for his
Dealers to make a big impact in their market
though a direct mail program. The Dealer acts as a
as much for his breadth of experience as his enthusiasm.
mini-publisher by bringing together upfitters and
accessory guys in a 12-page ‘newspaper’ that
When asked how he spends most of his time,
James explained, “Primarily I focus on training
new recruits, developing new prospecting ideas,
focuses on the Commercial and Fleet department,
the service department and the finance programs.
“By the time everyone is on board the quarterly
helping everyone in the field to take advantage of
the current sales programs, going on sales calls
writing CPAs, visiting, emailing, and in general
staying pretty busy.”
James is based out of Memphis, however, he
issue doesn’t really cost the dealer anything,” James
explained. He encourages his dealers to use the
direct-mail piece to differentiate themselves in the
market. “Really focus on what makes you different,
and why you are good to do business with.”
covers six states and works with a total of 55
BPNs. “I never get bored,” he says, the only thing
challenging is staying up with his two children’s
(11 and 13) sports and activities. “What worries me
more than my kids missing me is that my wife
Although things have been a little rough lately,
James is seeing a small shift in attitude; people are
getting used to the higher costs, and are ready to
get back to work. “Fuel is even looking like it
might start dropping.”
doesn’t seem to mind that I’m gone so much,” he
James just returned from a Restaurant
No matter what happens next, James sees an
opportunity for those that stay focused and positive.
With leaders like James out there, no wonder Ford
Association Trade Show in New Orleans, where he
is holding onto market-share in such a tough cli-
James in the middle and Jerry Vent (on the left) and Terry Gill (on the right)
Ford’s Commercial
Business Manager (CBM)
The Ford Motor Company’s success stems
from both a great product and from people
dedicated to making a difference. One of
Ford’s important support teams is the
Commercial Business Managers, of which
there are 17 in the field. The CBMs’ role, each
in a specific geographic area, is to ‘lead all
field sales activities for dealer-generated
Commercial Truck & Small Fleet business’.
This means dealing primarily with
accounts/businesses who make annual purchases of less than 25 units per calendar year
in the Econoline, Medium Duty, LCF, F-Series
and Chassis Cab lines.
CBMs are also responsible for helping
Business Preferred Network (BPN) dealers
grow their business. CBMs accomplish this by
continuously communicating with BPN dealers; focusing on sales, assisting in
Commercial lending and Fleet Service Billing
and helping to get the newly hired Fleet and
Commercial Managers (FordPros) trained and
CBMs also work with the Body and
Equipment Companies to help them integrate
into regional and dealer sales processes.
CBMs facilitate contests and promotions and
make sure that everyone knows the current
sales programs.
When any dealer-driven account base of
small commercial fleet customers, those who
purchase or may purchase 25+ units per year,
needs Competitive Price Allowance offers written, the CBM steps in. They utilize the online
CPA system and CPA budgets to meet competitive situations by providing a more customized incentive level. The CBM interacts
closely with National Account Managers
(NAMs) and Select Account Managers (SAMs).
What Are We (YOU) Waiting For?
work: very little work. Call your clients and tell
“Hey Bill, the FordPros HVAC e-newsletter is
ing us looking ahead. It can tell us about all the
them: “I have a business newsletter that I want to
going to be there in the next couple of days. The
good signs that business is great. It can tell us
send you. it’s about business in general and it has
article on the new in-truck system that makes sure
about all the things that need to be fixed. It can be a
information on Ford vehicles and equipment that
you haven’t left a tool on the job site was particu-
good thing. But it’s not all good: it can’t predict the
might be helpful to you in the future. All I need is
larly interesting. And if you see anything else you
future, any better than the Seattle weathermen pre-
your email address and I’ll get you on it.”
want to know more about, remember I AM YOUR
Sometimes, the media is a great tool for keep-
dict it.
WE make the future by how we make up our
Take, for example, the HVAC business.
FordPros will send a newsletter to all your HVAC
It’s important to remember that your clients
minds. I remember a quote attributed to Mark
clients at the same time every month. It will begin
cannot find out more about the items in the
Twain, that “Man makes up his mind how happy he
with a topic of general interest, something they are
newsletter without YOU. When you log onto
is going to be,”or words to that effect. Similarly, we
interested in such as the IRS ruling that allows
FordPros and look at the same picture grouping
make up our mind how the future is going to be, by
greater depreciation on vehicles/equipment pur-
they are looking at, all the information about the
what we read, by preparation we make, by the atti-
chased before the end of the 2008 tax year. The
vehicle will be available to you so that you can
tude we project to others, by who we choose to be
next month, it might be an article on items they
answer their questions, and move toward a sale.
around, and by the people of similar attitude that
need to have in their
we attract.
vehicle in
You need to be a member of FordPros, and you
can do that by going to the website,
The economy is, in the short term, in a down- In a matter of five minutes
turn. People who manage the housing market, on
you are enrolled at no cost. You will get a new
the whole, did a bad number on a lot of peo-
email address of
ples’ economy, and it has hurt the larger
economy. We will look
that you can use to keep track of inquiries
back on this time in the
you get using this marketing idea, if you
near term with the conclu-
sion that it was bad, but it was
Start getting in touch with all the HVAC
businesses you currently serve and those in your
only a blip: things got better. Just as they have
case of
over the course of time, time and time again.
an emergency. The
The challenge is, how do we keep ourselves
afloat during this blip, and how do we get ourselves
email addresses and list them on a page of HVAC
email addresses. FordPros will let you know when
prepared for a brighter future? We need a “check-
ways to handle a service call in one trip and make a
to send this list and we’ll add them to the HVAC
up from the neck up.” What are we doing to focus
sale on the same trip.
on keeping things going and getting things grow-
Below the general article will be items of inter-
As soon as the system is in place for HVAC,
est concerning vehicles that are built specifically
we plan to add three other trades quickly:
Here’s a check-up question: how many of your
for success in their line of work. New innovations
Plumbers, Electricians, and the Light Construction
customers have an email address? If you call 50 of
brought to the market by our Ford upfitters; along
people. So start getting their email addresses next.
them and just ask them if they have such, I would
with numerous photos they can download to see the
Then get the email addresses of other businesses by
bet you that 49 or more of them have at least one.
detail of the product.
type because by the end of the year, we hope to
Next question: how many of those 49 email
addresses do YOU have on file?
FordPros is going to introduce a program
All of this information will steer them to
inquire of their FordPro for more information (like,
the manufacturer, payloads, capacities, dimen-
have you in consistently regular contact with all
your clients over the internet via email.
Chances are, you were around the fleet and
before the next issue, that will enable all the Fleet
sions). They will have to contact you for more than
commercial business in the past and it was good.
and Commercial Specialists to be able to send a
the pictures and the features and benefits discussed.
You are in it today and you are not as sure. Get
monthly email to every business type on a monthly
next month, it might be
market area that you would like to serve. Get their
To ensure that the client calls you, and not
ready for tomorrow: businesses still have to deliver
basis. FordPros will even help you write an effec-
another FordPro, you will get a copy of the
products, to get workers and equipment to the job
tive email with information that they can really use,
newsletter going out to HVAC clients three busi-
site in the most prosperous nation in the world.
that puts your name in front of your customer every
ness days prior to the day they get it. This will give
Ford will still be the leader in providing these solu-
thirty days.
you ample time to look it over, and send them a
Where’s the hook? You have to do a little
personal email that says something to the effect of,
Stay tuned! ■
NorCal Ford Truck Club
We have profiled a number of clubs that have been around for a long time.
The Nor Cal Ford Truck Club is a relative newcomer, having been around for
only 5 years. The club was founded by Paul Brown, at Larry Gewke Ford in
Cab Racks
Contractor Boxes:
Unlimited options, strong and lightweight for added fuel economy.
Yuba City, CA; Mike Headley, then at Razarri Ford in Modesto (now with
Scelzi), and Tobin Rote from Hanlees Ford in Davis; along with the help of
Gary Van Orden, San Francisco Region Ford Commercial Business Manager.
The idea was based on the success of the Southern California Ford Truck
Club, with the primary focus aimed on establishing closer relationships
between Ford Dealers and Commercial Managers to help build Commercial
About a year after the club
was founded, they started to get
vendors that work directly with the
dealers involved in the club, which
was a huge success. The vendors
have helped to support the club in
many ways, such as by pooling
Heavy Duty:
Standard and Custom drawer
modules. Easy install, twist locks,
release bars. Custom boxes ready
in 5 days.
resources to help put on events,
they have found special sites to display and demo their commercial upfit trucks
and vans, and at most events provide the sponsorship support needed to fund
This support has not only helped the club expand and grow but has providContractor Body:
Flat Beds, w/understorage custom
bodies within 2 – 4 weeks.
ed all the Ford dealers with valuable information and one-on-one training. It
has also developed a closer working relationship between dealers and
Commercial Managers!
The club continues to innovate and gain more attendees. Their upcoming
August golf event will include a great guest speaker from Ford.
“Our contact with FMC also keeps the club up to date with advanced information on new and future vehicles. With everyone pulling together it had made
the club a great success,” says Gary Mitchel, one of Nor Cal Ford Truck Club
founding Board members, with Ed Wittmeier Ford in Chico, CA.
Leading manufacturer of quality truck
accessories with distributors in all 50 states.
launched: It is very well put together, and has components that will be of interest to all Clubs. They are obviously moving ahead,
collaborating to build the businesses of all Fleet/Commercial Members—and
Because of the large geographical distances covered by club members,
regional websites like this provides crucial linkages and features that benefit
club members and participating vendors in serving their clients. You are invit-
Find your Distributor:
800.443.6153 or 866.454.5800 (WA) • 800.525.7998 (TN)
ed to check out their website to see what is happening in the Nor Cal Ford
Truck Club.
Ed Charters of Ron
Bortnick Ford
Ed is the type of guy that likes to get the job
done well, but doesn’t really need a lot of kudos for
doing so. Well, since Ed managed to sell 4 of
SVE’s MidBoxes in less than two weeks we decided to talk with him and find out how he did it.
“Customers like to see a vehicle, and so of
course I have them on the lot and demonstrate them
whenever I can.” But we discovered that Ed also
uses the strategy of demonstrating MidBoxes by
using them as “chase cars.” Whenever Ed is
delivering a new vehicle he has the driver that’s following the delivery driver give him a ride back in a
MidBox. Ed also takes the MidBox around both on
scheduled demos and cold calls. “Once they see it,
they love it,” Ed says. The MidBox is the Fordapproved option that combines an integrated F-150
appearance with a flexible interior. It offers 26.3
cubic feet of space and holds up to 500 lbs. inside.
It also incorporates OEM door hardware for a common key, and using Ford Ship-Thru it’s ready to go
to work when it arrives. And these four did go right
to work—all being purchased by small businessmen such as an electrician, a serviceman for retail
store fixtures (bought two) and another local
service business.
Ed works at Ron Bortnick Ford, Upper
Marlboro, MD, and is the president of the
Washington Ford Truck Club. The Washington Ford
Truck Club was established in the 1960s and is one
of the oldest Ford Truck Clubs in the United States.
There are over 60 dealers in the area and they have
an average of 40 members come to each meeting.
Meetings are held five times a year—every other
month on the second Wednesday—and it goes from
“6 p.m. ‘til whenever.” For more information check
out their Web site at ■
Ed Charters of Ron Bortnick
Gas Crunch Fuels Media and Sales
Since June, several news media, including the
Wall Street Journal, Fox Business News, ABC News
Nightline, and the San Diego Union Tribune, have
understands that the quality of the product is first
and foremost.
Transfer Flow has introduced a 50-gallon mid-
Manufactured from 12- and 14-gauge aluminized steel and powder coated black, this tank
features baffles to further increase strength and
run articles and segments about Transfer Flow fuel
ship diesel-fuel tank system for 1999-2008 Ford
reduce fuel slosh. This tank system comes with new
F350, F450 and F550 chassis cabs with 120", 108",
straps, all necessary mounting hardware and auxil-
and 84" cab-axle lengths as well as some 60" cab-
iary applications also include Transfer Flow’s
ABC News Nightline highlighted Transfer Flow
in-bed auxiliary fuel tank systems in their segment
patented TRAX-II operating system, which dis-
titled: “Gas Tourists.” This story was also covered
plays fuel volume and automatically transfers fuel
by Fox News Business. Transfer Flow fuel tanks
between the two tanks. They also have a 40-gallon
were also featured in a full 2-page spread in the
fuel tank and toolbox combo. With over 5 1/2 cubic
San Diego Union Tribune and mentioned in a page
feet of storage space, it's the all-in-one toolbox and
1 cover article in the June 24 issue of the Wall
auxiliary fuel-tank combo for full-size short bed
Street Journal covering extra-large fuel tanks in
pickups and other work vehicles used for runs to
fill up with cheap gas in Mexico.
axle models. This fuel tank can replace the smaller
and long bed Ford diesel pickups! And because the
stock midship tank, or be used as an auxiliary fuel
fuel fillneck is located inside the locking-storage
system on chassis with an aft fuel tank.
compartment, fuel is kept safe and secure! ■
Transfer Flow Marketing Director Warren
Johnson says the company is enjoying one of its
best seasons for their aftermarket tanks with hundreds of tanks on order to dealers in border states.
Crossing the border with fuel in a container that
isn't attached to a vehicle's engine is illegal.
Motorists are routinely sent back to Mexico and
forced to empty unattached tanks spotted by U.S.
border inspectors.
Transfer Flow, the leading manufacturer of
aftermarket fuel-tank systems, is currently celebrating its 25th anniversary. It is a technically oriented
manufacturing company equipped and staffed to
handle complete fuel-system requirements. Transfer
Flow’s nearly 70,000 square foot, state-of-the-art
manufacturing facility is situated on five acres in
Northern California. Its entire workforce
The Last Frontier:
Dealer Depends on Omaha ‘Ship-thru’
Each dealer faces his own unique challenges,
Darryl usually works with Shane Cranfill on
some with greater success than others. Darryl
the Ship-Thru orders. Shane is located at Omaha
A typical Ford Commercial dealer simply
Hornbeck has been with the Ford Motor Company
Standard’s distribution center in Louisville, KY,
contacts the sales staff, orders Chassis straight from
now for over 20 years, 10 of those years spent sellwhich is located on approximately 7 acres with
Ford and uses Omaha Standard’s Ship-Thru code to
ing in the Commercial sales department. In fact, he
nearly 27,000 square feet under roof. As a Ford
route the Chassis through the location for the upfit
has made it through three dealership name changes. Chassis Pool and designated Ford Ship-Thru it can
and return to Ford Traffic where it is then routed
When asked how business is for him right now, he
service Ford Dealers and other Omaha Standard
right to the final destination.
responds by saying, “A shade better than everyDistributors throughout the United States by proDealers also utilize Omaha’s Chassis Pool to
where else.” That’s because Darryl works in the
viding upfitted Chassis that are work ready when
speed the process up. The specialized Chassis Pool
Last Frontier, the state of Alaska,
sales staff are equipped to help
where the downturn hasn’t quite
locate Chassis at various branch
caught up.
locations and assist with the logisKendall Ford, where Darryl
tics of the best overall choice for the
works, is located about 40 minutes
Dealers. As an example, if the
away from Anchorage, in a town of
Dealer is selling a unit that will
around 74,000, called Wasilla.
actually be delivered in another
Wasilla is a very fast-growing comstate. it is possible they could have a
munity; the population per the 2000
Chassis Pool unit close to that state
census was under 5,000. The cusand this would minimize the freight
tomers are the usual suspects;
cost. Of course Ford Freight re-entry
plumbers, electrician, heating technion Ship-Thru is an excellent option
cians (Darryl professes to not recogwhen the delivering Dealer is locanize the term A/C) and, of course,
tion outside the regional areas that
contractors. But they have an indusstock Chassis.
try there that most cities don’t—the
Although they have never met in
oil fields. So, how does one work
person, Darryl appreciates how
with the oil field construction comhelpful Shane has always been.
panies? Well, they definitely have
Successful sales through collaboration—Darryl H., Kendall Ford, Wasilla, AK
“Omaha is a great group. They are
regular needs and know what they
professional and know exactly what they are talking
want, Darryl’s job is to provide the vehicle and in a they are received at the Dealership. Omaha
about, which really helps when speccing a vehicle
timely manner.
Standard's manufacturing operation (located in
to fit the customer’s needs. Over my 20 years in the
Darryl says that most of the vehicles that he
Council Bluffs, IA) recently moved into a new
business there’s been a lot of guessing games on
sells to the oil field customers are utility bodies and 210,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art manufacturing plant
whether you were getting what you thought you
flatbeds and that Omaha Standard’s Ship-Thru
featuring an automotive-type dip tank paint system
program has been a great way to take care of their
(known as electrocoat) and robotic welding stations ordered, but you can always depend on Omaha for
an excellent product, on time.” ■
to meet and exceed the quality and capacity
– Omaha Standard - Council Bluffs, IA
CommercialLease :
A Good Business Fit
By: Matt Boschma, CommerciaLease/Daily Rental
Product Manager
The Right Plan—At the Right Time
Determining what’s best for your customers’
business can appear complicated when you consider vehicle selection, vehicle usage, fleet size, cash
flow and other business concerns. Ford Credit’s job
is to help you cut through these variables so you
can choose the financing or leasing plan that fits
For many commercial customers, the right plan
is CommerciaLease. The CommerciaLease program is a flexible lease plan designed with business-friendly features that satisfy specialized business needs. CommerciaLease can be customized to
accommodate unique business needs in a number of
ways such as special added equipment, vehicle
modifications, high mileage, heavy usage and flexible payment terms.
TRAC and Net Lease Options are Available.
A TRAC (open-ended) lease is an economical
choice and offers certain advantages, depending on
how the vehicles are used. There are no mileage
restrictions, no excess wear-and-use limitations and
no hidden costs. The customer pays for only what
they use based on the projected residual value
determined for specific needs. The customer has
responsibility for the “residual value” of the vehicle
at the end of the term. If the vehicle sells for more
than the residual value, they pocket the difference.
If it sells for less, the customer pays the difference.
With a Net lease (closed-end), there is no
financial responsibility for the residual value. When
the lease is completed as agreed, the vehicle is
returned and the customer walks away, subject to
excess wear and use and mileage restrictions.
Keep Working Capital for Other Priorities.
Two key factors in choosing a vehicle financing or leasing plan are:
• Initial capital outlay
• Monthly cash flow
CommerciaLease helps a customer economize
the initial cash outlay thanks to no initial down
payment requirement. We also offer lower monthly
payments (typically, because payment is only for
the use of the vehicle during the lease term) that
assist with monthly cash flow. These benefits are
combined with fewer administrative burdens due to
combined multiple-unit billing statements; the customer will see the clear benefits of this program.
Please have your customer consult their financial
advisor and be certain to consider the potential tax
or accounting advantages, such as off-balance sheet
treatment and expensing of lease payment.
Focused on Commercial Business
Ford Credit has a dedicated commercial lending sales organization because we recognize that
businesses require specialized knowledge and
unique customer focus. We offer another important
dimension: our people. We genuinely have your
business interests in mind - we do what it takes to
make things work.
For more information on CommerciaLease or
any other Ford Credit Commercial Finance programs, visit us at
Note: Not all customers will qualify for Ford
Motor Credit programs. Subject to credit approval. ■
Tough Times need
innovative Solutions
to Increase Sales
Please take 10 minutes and log on to No need
to register, click on “Get Tough” and you will be automatically routed
to a special, FordPros ONLY survey. Your answers to these questions
will help us help you make it through the tough times ahead by
increasing your sales. Our resources MUST be focused and targeted
to find you new sales. Here is YOUR opportunity to tell us what tools
and support will help you best build your sales business NOW.
Designed to Save Time:
Zoresco Equipment Company ( was founded in 1981
county maintenance to commercial and residential construction, there are
by Vic Tedesco, with three locations in Western Pennsylvania and three in
countless situations where space is limited and dumping to the side will save
Ohio. Zoresco specializes in truck bodies, and has an experienced sales and
wheel barrowing material from point to point.
support staff, as well as ASE certified technicians.
Vic also pointed out that Rugby’s EZ-latch system is such a great design it
Vic was happy to talk about the new Rugby Eliminator MD, and the inter-
is now being copied throughout the industry. Rugby brings more than three
est it’s creating with his customers. “Some manufacturers test their new prod-
decades of experience to the design, manufacturing, and distribution of preci-
ucts well and some don’t. We are never afraid to represent a new product from
sion-engineered truck equipment products that are made to perform. ■
Rugby; with them we can have total confidence, whether it’s a hoist or a body.
Our name is on the line, a bad product can give us a black eye, but with them
there’s never any concern.”
The new Eliminator MD combines the high quality service body the
industry expects of Rugby, with a unique side dump capability. “Landscapers
really look for solid quality—they want their equipment to last and want to be
able to hold on to it for a while. Hauling dirt, sand and salt they need something that can hold up.” The Eliminator MD (Multi-Directional) seems to meet
all those needs. With the ability to dump to the side or the rear, their landscape
and general contractor customers can maneuver quickly, watch the load exit
while inside the cab and leave their trailer attached when unloading, saving
time and money!
Not only effective for Landscapers, the Rugby MD offers superior accessibility and time savings for all light duty dump truck operators. From city and
Power Stroke Diesel and F150 Racing Pickup
The Mid-Box draws a crowd!
Great Conversation
Turnout at
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Truck Expo
Adrian Steel — A busy booth
Bob Burke (Reading) with a group
Bob Burke (Reading) and Tony Lombard
(Pres. GA Truck Club) give out awards
Valuable Networking
Ford Pros are “above par”
OFF yo
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