MINISTERO DELLA DIFESA DIREZIONE GENERALE PER IL PERSONALE CIVILE 3° REPARTO 8^ DIVISIONE 1^SEZIONE Viale dell’Università 4 - 00185 Roma Tel. – fax. 06.49862475 M_DGCIV Prot. Nr. 2711 Del 15/01/2009 PARTENZA A INDIRIZZI IN ALLEGATO OGGETTO: candidature di dipendenti civili a posti a “status internazionale”. Legge 27 luglio 1962 n.1114. ***************** Segredifesa ha reso noto che sono disponibili i posti a status internazionale presso l’OCCAR. Il personale interessato potrà presentare la propria candidatura mediante la compilazione degli appositi moduli (application forms in triplice copia sia in italiano, sia in inglese) corredati dalla copia del bando di concorso e dei documenti di volta in volta richiesti nel bando stesso (curriculum, scheda biografica ecc.) che possono essere scaricati direttamente dal sito di questa Direzione Generale: htpp:// (nella sezione circolari ed altra documentazione). Posto Località Descrizione Pos.econ.richiesta Lingua Scadenza N.A631 Divisione-di “Programme Manager” A5* (Dirigente) inglese 02/02/2009 inglese 10/02/2009 Programma FSAF-Parigi N.A820 Divisione-di Programma FREMM-Parigi “Internal Quality A3*(equiv.p.e.C2) and General Management Officer” La domanda dovrà pervenire a questa Direzione Generale - 3° Reparto - 8^ Divisione -1^ Sezione- improrogabilmente entro la date indicate nella tabella riepilogativa sopraindicata (15gg. prima della scadenza del bando stesso). IL DIRETTORE DELLA DIVISIONE (Dirigente Dr.ssa Marina MASSARUTI) MINISTERO DELLA DIFESA DIREZIONE GENERALE PER IL PERSONALE CIVILE 3° REPARTO 8^ DIVISIONE 1^SEZIONE Viale dell’Università 4 - 00185 Roma Tel. – fax. 06.49862475 M_DGCIV Prot. Nr2713 Del 15/01/2009 PARTENZA A INDIRIZZI IN ALLEGATO OGGETTO: candidature di dipendenti civili a posti a “status internazionale”. Legge 27 luglio 1962 n.1114. ***************** Segredifesa ha reso noto che sono disponibili i posti a status internazionale presso l’OCCAR. Il personale interessato potrà presentare la propria candidatura mediante la compilazione degli appositi moduli (application forms in triplice copia sia in italiano, sia in inglese) corredati dalla copia del bando di concorso e dei documenti di volta in volta richiesti nel bando stesso (curriculum, scheda biografica ecc.) che possono essere scaricati direttamente dal sito di questa Direzione Generale: htpp:// (nella sezione circolari ed altra documentazione). Posto Località Descrizione Pos.econ.richiesta Lingua Scadenza N.A038 Bonn “Personnel Management Section Leader” “AVT/ASM Platform-andGeneral-Design Officer” A4 (equiv.p.e.C3) inglese 17/02/2009 A4 (equiv.p.e.C3) inglese 10/03/2009 “GP/ASW Platform A3(equiv,p.e.C2) Officer Assistant” inglese 10/03/2009 “AVT/ASM General A3(equiv.p.e.C2) Design Officer” inglese 10/03/2009 (Germania) N.A807 Divisione-di Programma FREMM-Parigi N.A809 Divisione-di Programma FREMM-Parigi N.A811 Divisione-di Programma FREMM-Parigi La domanda dovrà pervenire a questa Direzione Generale - 3° Reparto - 8^ Divisione -1^ Sezione- improrogabilmente entro la date indicate nella tabella riepilogativa sopraindicata (15gg. prima della scadenza del bando stesso). IL DIRETTORE DELLA DIVISIONE (Dirigente Dr.ssa Marina MASSARUTI) P 051145A GEN 09 FM STAMADIFESA TO STATESERCITO UFFICIALI ROMA MARIUGP INFO SEGREDIFESA PRIMO SEGREDIFESA TERZO BT NON CLASSIFICATO SIC WAF SMD 112/009/2173.E OGGETTO: BANDO DI CONCORSO PER POSTO A STATUS INTERNAZIONALE PRESSO L'AGENZIA OCCAR - DIVISIONE DI PROGRAMMA FSAF DI PARIGI. POSIZIONE N. A631 “PROGRAMME MANAGER” – GRADO A5. RIFE: LET. N. 8612/300 IN DATA 11 DIC 2008 DI SEGREDIFESA - III REPARTO (NOTUT). 1.CON LA LETTERA CUI SI FA RIFERIMENTO, E' STATA COMUNICATA LA RICHIESTA DI PERSONALE PER LA POSIZIONE DI CUI ALL'OGGETTO. 2.TENUTO CONTO DEL PARERE DI SEGREDIFESA, SI ESPRIME L'INTERESSE DELLA DIFESA PER L'ACQUISIZIONE DELLA POSIZIONE IN PAROLA. 3.LE EVENTUALI IDONEE CANDIDATURE, CORREDATE DALLE SCHEDE BIOGRAFICHE IN LINGUA ITALIANA E DALLE APPLICATION FORM IN LINGUA INGLESE (IN DUPLICE COPIA) E SU SUPPORTO INFORMATICO (FORMATO .PDF), IN RAGIONE DEI SUCCESSIVI ADEMPIMENTI NECESSARI PER LA LORO FORMALIZZAZIONE, DOVRANNO PERVENIRE IMPROROGABILMENTE PER IL TRAMITE DELLA FORZA ARMATA ALLO STATO MAGGIORE DIFESA ENTRO IL 2 FEBBRAIO 2009. 3. SI COMUNICA, INOLTRE, CHE IL BANDO SARA' PUBBLICATO SULLA PAGINA WEB DELLA DIFESA (WWW.DIFESA.IT), FILE DI PERCORSO: STATO MAGGIORE DELLA DIFESA/ STAFF DELLO STATO MAGGIORE DELLA DIFESA/ REPARTI/ I REPARTO/ IMPIEGO DEL PERSONALE/ BANDI EMESSI DA ENTI INTERNAZIONALI/ BANDI PER POSTI A STATUS INTERNAZIONALI IN ATTO. FIRMATO D'ORDINE IL CAPO UFFICIO IMPIEGO DEL PERSONALE COL. AARAN VINCENZO LANZA PDC 1° MAR. CAMBIOTTI TEL. 2/3330 BT LDI: - UFFICIO GENERALE DEL CAPO DI SMD; - UFFICIO DEL SOTTOCAPO DI SMD; - II REPARTO;- III REPARTO; - IV REPARTO; - V REPARTO; - VI REPARTO; - UGPPB. * - * OCCAR EA * OCCAR* VACANCYNonCE A631 - programme Manager AS* FSAF ~ Grade: Division Section: 32 Paris area, FR 01't August 2009 Week commencing "ti! Mard1 2009 lackaround: The scopecl ~ Progr8nmeis: . the In-service~ of U'aeFut1I'e5uIface to Air systems FamiIy (FSAF),besed upon the SUrface-to-AirAntI-MJssIje (SAAM),the SUrface-to-AirMed~m RangeLand (SAMp/T) systems: . the ft.serYtce 5URQt ci ~ a,.1~-~U ci d'8ePrtrM:I.. And-M" MBIe Syst8n5 (PAAMS) The scope of the programme wl" include also activitles related to the transition betweenthe produdion aOOthe in-service ~ P', as weI& .. ~ ~ -design services and di.. . f8J*8I ~ ~ ~pMIng 9'Mes(PSs) ThemMagell.c.1t ci ~ Prog~meseeks tu ~tse elementsIS possible and also glves ax1SIderationto h u. .. Ci. "." p«ential to a'tc.-~ h ~'w,~ capabllitles d the systerns. Duties: The Progrlmme ManagerIs resPCM1sI~ lo the OCCAR-EA [Mr1adDr n the FSAf Programme Canmittee for ali aspectsd' the FSAF /PAAMSPr~ ...te, arMi8S8'es that it meetsits t'UcJ1 lewI objetUves as set Old:bv the PSs.~ behaIf ci, and 00 U'Ieaccoont of, the PSshe exercisesthe authorityandts responstble far the tasksouUlnedbelow: Progranlme ma~.- . . . -.;; Be responsible far the management cf ali aspectsof the programme,and to dtrectthe Programme Divlslon accordlng lo the terms of the pen'Mng Mem<M'ar'Klum d' Understanding(MoU),the 80Sand ProgrM1rneBoird ~~:~D n OCCAR~rtK:eckJ1'e5. ~I day-to-day managementof U1eFSAf/pAAMS~-ogra.,.,~, cave'ff~ In-Servtce Supportrequirementsand addltionalrequlrementsM reqt.iredby the PSs. Be resp)r'astie for maklng ~~~-m1e, fk1arM:ial, ~-Jtractull a~ ~.-ricaI ~Ii, wittMnthe limits estabIishedIn the~, the 80S arId Pr-~_'.I~ Board~ and i1 accOJ-darK:e witt1U1e~Is a~ approvals gIvenby the Programme Committee. --, -- --'-"'---" c-.., - ~"K5""q ~ M31-FSAf ~~..-,w,.;., , ~d~~ . Enrim~ - 181~ di ~ Ik, - <XCM.-o """c- ~,. - PSAF Piogranwne DIv. teI:+33(0)1572~8876 E-MlìI: erwico.piromIlb-d-"... -~:~:r~ ...: +492285502182 ~: .R ".I*I"~ ... 2a . Be responsible for the cost~-U-~ management of U'.ePI'ogramme to ensurethat optimwn per~" l8Ke is dei~ ~ 00jediV8 ~ mito . Impement the IogIsticsCU1cepts81d OCCApoIlcy(or, and make proposalswith regard to, the In servicesu~ ci the Programme. . EstabNshn leId Pr~mme W~ng ~ In arder to mantaln an intelface wtth the partidpating natlons. Be ~-1$mIe ffK ~~Iing aoo n1alr1tairq n~_"me ~ Pt-c.:esses~ ~rocec*Jrs to be a1mpiant with ISO 9001 Standardand Iead to meet ~k'ements of ISO 9001 certlftcatlooprocesso Se r~ ~ for ali QuIIty ~8a ~ ~:\i Ird~ ~ InvdYemem where . . I~::~.., . Se responsibleaoo Iead the Programme~on to meet Risk ManagementMaturtty ~J«JtI1es k1KCUt-dal'K:e ~ occ.4R tII~-:::~~ 81d ..~~ . Prepare the PI'ogramme ManagementPlan as part cf ~ OCCAR~- . . ~ avoeranBusinessPlan of the Adminlstratioo. Prepareadcr~ nlanigelT.ciit ~ as ~fed by U'.epeculiaf1Ues cf the i1~ SUpJX)rt phi5e. Adoptm arxi TIa.~&M' cl the Prog~me DiYisk)n to al ~ d\anges and d\aIIef".ges to the a.Tent ~stk: ~ arrangernents. . Repcxtingto ~ communlcationwith the OCCAR-EA DiredDr, the FSAFProgramme eo.d, PT"-ug._nme Qwnmktee81d FSAF-reIated workklg ~ ~ al FSAFmatters. . Sharelessonswfth other OCCAR-EA ProgrammeDlvlsionsas far as In-servite support is concemedso a.,u.i)uti ng to expeooOCCAR -EA~I capabilitiesIn ttMssector. ContrKtsandftna11C8 . Be responslbfefar the overall w -iiI..-tuaI ~.x-. rules and procedures . Lead the conb'actnegotiatlonswlth Industry and co-ordlnatett-.e preparationof in ~-dance with existing OCCAR "",u-~. . Ensurethat contractsare coordlnatedwith CentraIomce ~or to their slgnature. . 0Yersee the exea~ d' ~IUact5, and ensure that the ~jectives regar'dng- t)Ef-tUtmance,time 3Ct""~1es and costs are met. . Prepire~ ~~-. andadmi~ ~xtgetd' thenuy..TIITJe. Penonnetmanagement . PartidpM:ein the personnel~ . OVersee and leadthe Programmestaff,deflnethef obJectIves ~ trainingplans,ensure that ali neces8y ~ fm' the ~~ ci these ~tI\e afe ava~ M1d "Ji:;.-~ the PEtMH.ar1Ce d the staff members. Developand main~n a good team-workingenvirQM)entwlth particular emphasis00 internaiWl. n""-«aUCWt . . v~ ~ ~d~~ . . .. &wD ~ 181~ process(or the Division. Dec:e E*&,.. M31- fISAf ';j--t-Y_TIIMManag8' , cI_~ . OCCAR tiRO - fISAf ~uVo-..,.T~~. t!t: +33 (0)15724876 E-Mail:enrtco.piromallo-dl-noaabeI~ .Int lei: +492285502182 E'~ ~ .-' 2a Ex ~: . Wide knowledgeand expertencein ProgrammeManagementwith a mlnlmumof 5 years a senkI' ~ -~ leve. . A fu."ref jclJ as .programme Manager"in a simitar project or of signiflcant Importante wlll be cor"56der~an advantage. . A keen aw.-~~ . . ar'KtkI~tedge of cxttef'Defe.-K:e-related natiooal ar'Kt Inten"aatk)nal struàures and arganlsations. PreYk)u5~ ~ -ft::C In Intematkw\alProgl'arM1e Managem .eiit is ~ desi~. --' Prevtousexperiencein deflnitionand implementatlon of ~k:/in-service ~pIs Is des.~ . Executfveablilty proventhrough the resultsattained pertonningjobs in thls field for other natiu1aV!ntBnatk)nal orga~. . ~Ient team 'M)r'kJng skills,with the ability to Iead,guideand motivatethe team to ad8e set objectivesat 00t:hteam and irdlvklual ~ and this in a mwtk:ult1nl wJt;e-~t .. Excetlent~1atytka1skiMscombinedwIth a pr~-Dvtng ~0ICh to ~-~ a~ the . . . . . a aMa. . aa a a .. MJlity tD quIcktv make ~~::~=~-D. Ability tD ~ In a d\anging, develapng arwJ d8n8d1g ei'Moom81t and fu" commltment to state-of-the-art programme managementtooIs, Indudlng performance managementbasedUIX)nthe balancedscorecardmettK>doIogy and risk management. =.-:111;;,..~. Excellent abNity tD ~.;Jr" RuefK.Y, orale.,. n wrItten,IntheErIgish-.,... GoodknOWIedge of Italan andI orFi"a.d'i ~-~ . Famillaritywith businessdwere, I~~ " .: ~... "" " ~' r il ~--. . MSaIke 8Id emaila~tIons. QHlir~uiX""Di A university degree or equivalent, or the necessaryexperiencein the activttfes directly relatedto the JX'e5Cribed tasks. ~I 5eCUrity dea~ Vic.Ky ~ at -OCCAR-Secrer 1M is reqtiredfor this posto ndke A631- FSAf ~uWi"GI"me Manager cl \T,.~ . Erwm~~ - ~ ~ di *'~~ . OCCAR t«D - PSAF ~uVI-'.'~ Oece I*ei.. DY. t8: +33(0)1572~876 E-MlII: ervm.pWornIlo-<I-".v.-.w.~~:';;;':-~ t8: +49228S5O2 182 .W E-~: ~~~ .It 2a P 051140A GEN 09 FM STAMADIFESA TO STATESERCITO UFFICIALI ROMA MARIUGP PERSAEREO INFO SEGREDIFESA PRIMO SEGREDIFESA TERZO BT NON CLASSIFICATO SIC WAF SMD 112/008/2173.E OGGETTO: BANDO DI CONCORSO PER POSTO A STATUS INTERNAZIONALE PRESSO L’UFFICIO CENTRALE DELL’OCCAR IN BONN. POSIZIONE N. A038 “PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT SECTION LEADER” – GRADO A4. RIFE: LET. N. 8611/300 IN DATA 11 DICEMBRE 2008 DI SEGREDIFESA - III REPARTO (NOTUT). 1.IN RELAZIONE AL BANDO EMESSO CON LA LETTERA CUI SI FA RIFERIMENTO, SI ESPRIME L'INTERESSE DIFESA PER L'ACQUISIZIONE DELLA POSIZIONE IN ARGOMENTO. 2.LE EVENTUALI IDONEE CANDIDATURE, CORREDATE DALLE SCHEDE BIOGRAFICHE IN LINGUA ITALIANA E DALLE APPLICATION FORM IN LINGUA INGLESE IN DUPLICE COPIA (ORIGINALI E CON FIRMA AUTOGRAFA) E SU SUPPORTO INFORMATICO (FORMATO PDF CON MEDESIMA FIRMA AUTOGRAFA), IN RAGIONE DEI SUCCESSIVI ADEMPIMENTI NECESSARI PER LA LORO FORMALIZZAZIONE, DOVRANNO PERVENIRE IMPROROGABILMENTE PER IL TRAMITE DELLA FORZA ARMATA ALLO STATO MAGGIORE DELLA DIFESA ENTRO IL 16 FEBBRAIO 2009. 3.SI COMUNICA, INOLTRE, CHE IL BANDO SARA' PUBBLICATO SULLA PAGINA WEB DELLA DIFESA (WWW.DIFESA.IT), FILE DI PERCORSO: STATO MAGGIORE DELLA DIFESA/ STAFF DELLO STATO MAGGIORE DELLA DIFESA/ REPARTI/ I REPARTO/ IMPIEGO DEL PERSONALE/ BANDI EMESSI DA ENTI INTERNAZIONALI/ BANDI PER POSTI A STATUS INTERNAZIONALE IN ATTO. FIRMATO D'ORDINE IL CAPO UFFICIO IMPIEGO DEL PERSONALE COL. AARAN VINCENZO LANZA PDC 1° MAR. CAMBIOTTI TEL. 2/3330 BT LDI: - UFFICIO GENERALE DEL CAPO DI SMD; - UFFICIO DEL SOTTOCAPO DI SMD; - II REPARTO;- III REPARTO; - IV REPARTO; - V REPARTO; - VI REPARTO; - UGPPB. OCCAR - EA . . * ~* VACANCYNona AO38 19H: ~: Dtvision: ManBement of statf: Location Starting date: Interview Date: - PersonnelManagementSection Leader A4 Human Resources 3 Bonn, GE 1- August 2009 Week Commendng 23 Mardl 2009 Background: The H~ ResoorcesDMsioo 15resJK)nsIbIe far the Im",tC1~uOn of the Hu~ Resource Mar\agement nc .:~. 11'Ms~ that the ~ ~'"POSE cl the DMskM1 Is tD ensure ht the 1~:::~1 tunan reuI'tes ft JI'tNkted aOOmanagedin a cost-eff-~ mamer, ., arder tD enabIeocr.AR-fA to meet Its objecttves.Moreover,the Dtvtsionhas the secorMiary objective to pro~ morale Ind effiderK:Ythroughout the Organlsatiooby pro~ng In efIkieIu and r~-.itYe per'D~ servk:e. Duties: The PersonnelManagementSectIonLeaderreportsto the Headcf DMsIon. In pa~r, he I she wt": . cootribute to ~ deftniticM1 c:t ~k:ies Ir.t proced~ regardlng r8J'\Jibnent,per~ plannlng, strutture, job descrlptions,orglNsational matters, leaYe entttlements, staff ~ ~~ ., ICmrdara with ~ OCCARM8-.ege1I~-R: ~~~. . aJntJ1tx1teto ~ amtB st8ffi-IQ ~ng qtde, pt'oo.;dngadvtce to senkx" ~ on manpowerplannlngJX)iicies. Managethe recnjbnent ~-ocesi through the fdkMtng pt1ase5: . identiyW1gh~ reso..te ~k'EtI.eiits (permar1entposts, temporaryder*1'l~ techrbI ~ -R:e); . IdvertJsementof positIonsand makingarrangements(or Intervlewcf candldatesi . . . evaluation cl caOOldltes prockJcing~ record cl intervlews; ~lcefnert cf i:J&~ -.-lei ~ tUacts r1Ck.dng: - ali paper~ ~y fCKthe ~~.ciit cl i:J&-m.-n-.ei; . - . flrst ~nlte durationcontractsfar seIectedpersonnel; temP<X'lrvcontractsfor specialists/experts (e.g. ted1nicalassistance). ci ~ -~ fmms, the ~ d perD1ai ~jectlws, ~ coftection of staff reports Ind ensurtng the consistencyof reportlngstandardsthroughoutthe CX'glnISltfon. MM1age ~ VKaKy~ ~ staff r."tjng ~ wtich IrK:ILIIe5:... DecEo,~2cx. ~nts cf oontaà: . ~n Wlnter- Headof HumanReD.ces ~ TII: +49 (0)228 5502181 E-MIII: mIrtW1.ww_~ -~ ~ - ~ ~ M-..g&.~-~ s l8ier TeI: +49 (O)228 ~ 182 E-MII--~~Ooa:.-.W .it . Managethe OCCAR-EA training process,includlngthe scrutiny of divisionaland indMdual trainingplans, trainingrequestsandthe evaluationof ali training ~, . . Manage~ Induction processfor ~ integratlonof new staff Into OCCAR-EA. . Managethe maintenance of personnetrecads. . ManagepersonnetrefatedissuesIInkedto the organlsatfonalstrlK:ture. . Estabtishand maintain contactswtth other internatlonalorgantsations(e.g.: NATO,EDA) wtth a view to collaborateon best practiceIn the HumanResourcesfleld. . Establishand maintaincontactswith natlonaJauthoritleswith respectto personnelissues of secondedstaff members. . Manage~ . Giveadvice/assistance to staff memberson generaipersomei matters. . departureprocessof staff memberson tennlnatlonof contracts. Handlepersonnelmanagement mattersasdirectedby ~ HeId of Division. . Caverfar the Emoluments5ectIonLeaderas aoo when reqLNred ExNrIence: . A proventrack record of successIn personneladmlnistrationat senior level, coverlng00th policyand practicalexperience,particulartyIn the areasof recn.itmentand integratioo. . Awarenessof the Eu~n DefenceEnvi~ment. . Previous experience in HR management in an Intemational cx-ganisationandjor intemationalcontext is hightydesirable. . Kr1C--. . . cl P8Y'OM and ftnarK:ialentitIement5m.Iage.,là,t wouId be an advantage. The ability to establlsh and maintain excellent WCX'kingrelations at alI leveis in a mutticulturalcontextandwitt1respect(or diversity. Excellent interpersonalskills with the ability to interactand communicate at ali levels within OCCAR as wellas with Natioos. . . . . The ability to interact sensitlvely,effectivetyand professiooal/ywlth personsfrom diverse cultural, educational,radal, ethnlc and professionalbackgrounds,and of ali ages and lite styles. The ability to analysecomplexand wide-rangingquestions,issuesand information,wittl a structured approachto the probfem soIving process,(induclng providing recommended solutlonsand a proposedway fOt'Ward). Abifity to wort in a changing,developingand dernandlngenvirooment. The abI/lty to CX'Chesbate and implementdear, efflclentand logIca'approaches to work, to manageassignments,objectivesand time. . The ability to use Computer and Information Technology (ICT) facllities, with VW)ridng . knowledgecf MSOfficesoftware. Ruency,orafly and wrItten, in the Englishlanguage. Adequateknowtedgeof at Ieastone other 0CrAR lan~. . Vacaocy notIce AO38 Pointsof cootad: - - Ma41inWlnter Headof Hurnan ~ - Iain PItN*ett- ~~I,.el ~,IiI-';: Decernrer 2008 ~ Te!:+49(0)2285502181 E-MaiJ: martin.winter@occar.W SedUt L8d8' Te: +49 (O)228~ 2 , Quali:r .:.i:Iof"". A university degree CX'~tvaIent, r~:::essary~~-u CX'~ in ~ activttiesdirectty reI8ted to the prescribed tasks. Sealrttv CMran~: Nationalsecurityclearanceat' Seaet MI V~ncy ~ is required. AO38 ~r cf mntact: -Points ~ -- H8I d ~ . IainPlunkett- ~ "-" ~ ~ ~~ 2008 TeI:~ (0)2285502181 E.Mall: mI~."'-!Wi:K:rar.1nt ~ rei: +49 (O)2285502182E~ "',*,,-~:i';;'::.~'" P 051135A GEN 09 FM STAMADIFESA TO MARIUGP INFO SEGREDIFESA PRIMO SEGREDIFESA TERZO BT NON CLASSIFICATO SIC WAF SMD 112/007/2173.E OGGETTO: BANDI DI CONCORSO OCCAR PER POSTI A STATUS INTERNAZIONALE PRESSO LA DIVISIONE DI PROGRAMMA FREMM (EUROPEAN MULTI-MISSIONS FRIGATE) IN PARIGI E ROMA. RIFERIMENTI: A. LET. N. 8705/300 IN DATA 17 DIC 2008 DI SEGREDIFESA - III REPARTO (NOTUT); B. LET. N. 8703/300 IN DATA 17 DIC 2008 DI SEGREDIFESA - III REPARTO (NOTUT); C. LET. N. 8706/300 IN DATA 17 DIC 2008 DI SEGREDIFESA - III REPARTO (NOTUT); D. LET. N. 8704/300 IN DATA 17 DIC 2008 DI SEGREDIFESA - III REPARTO (NOTUT). 1. CON LE LETTERE CUI SI FA RIFERIMENTO, SONO STATE COMUNICATE LE SEGUENTI VACANCIES: - P.N. A807 “AVT/ASM PLATFORM AND GENERAL DESIGN OFFICER” GRADO A4 (PARIGI); - P.N. A809 “GP/ASW PLATFORM OFFICER ASSISTANT” GRADO A3 (ROMA); - P.N. A811 “AVT/ASM GENERAL DESIGN OFFICER” GRADO A3 (PARIGI); - P.N. A820 “INTERNAL QUALITY AND GENERAL MANAGEMENT OFFICER” GRADO A3 (PARIGI). 2. TENUTO CONTO DEL PARERE DI SEGREDIFESA, SI ESPRIME L'INTERESSE DELLA DIFESA PER L'ACQUISIZIONE DELLE POSIZIONI IN PAROLA. 3. LE EVENTUALI IDONEE CANDIDATURE, CORREDATE DALLE SCHEDE BIOGRAFICHE IN LINGUA ITALIANA E DALLE APPLICATION FORM IN LINGUA INGLESE (IN DUPLICE COPIA) E SU SUPPORTO INFORMATICO (FORMATO .PDF), IN RAGIONE DEI SUCCESSIVI ADEMPIMENTI NECESSARI PER LA LORO FORMALIZZAZIONE, DOVRANNO PERVENIRE IMPROROGABILMENTE PER IL TRAMITE DELLA FORZA ARMATA ALLO STATO MAGGIORE DIFESA ENTRO IL: - 9 MARZO 2009 PER I POSTI A807, A809 & A811; - 9 FEBBRAIO 2009 PER IL POSTO A820. 4. SI COMUNICA, INOLTRE, CHE I BANDI SARANNO PUBBLICATI SULLA PAGINA WEB DELLA DIFESA (WWW.DIFESA.IT), PERCORSO: STATO MAGGIORE DELLA DIFESA/ STAFF DELLO STATO MAGGIORE DELLA DIFESA/ REPARTI/ I REPARTO/ IMPIEGO DEL PERSONALE/ BANDI EMESSI DA ENTI INTERNAZIONALI/ BANDI PER POSTI A STATUS INTERNAZIONALI IN ATTO. FIRMATO D'ORDINE IL CAPO UFFICIO IMPIEGO DEL PERSONALE COL. AARAN VINCENZO LANZA PDC 1° MAR. CAMBIOTTI TEL. 2/3330 BT LDI: - UFFICIO GENERALE DEL CAPO DI SMD; - UFFICIO DEL SOTTOCAPO DI SMD; - II REPARTO;- III REPARTO; - IV REPARTO; - V REPARTO; - VI REPARTO; - UGPPB. Ali. 2 alla lel prot. n. 8705 in data 17 dico2008 ;: ~~ OCCAR - EA :: VACANCY NOTICE A807 ~ - A VT I ASM PIa-ttu.-m and Generai Design Officer A4 fREMM Grade: Division Section: fREMM I Section Ted1nlcal I Platform sub- section O Paris area, FR 01R September ! Week commenclng Iggraund : The~ of the ~amme is thedefi~, support d the E&.opean M~~ -Q 2009 2~ Aprii 2009 develop,~~ P'od~ Frigate(FREMM) . ~ iritialln-servke The FREMMProgramme Is brokendown Into four shlp versions: . Actio1Ves la Terre (AVT)I Arm ~ri~ (ASM)ver'5O'85 . GeI-.ei":aI PI~ (GP)I ~ Se,bnari~ Warf.e (ASW)ver!ioos The FReMMprogrammeDMsIon Is located In the Parisarea. SateUItesare located in ItaIy .-.d in Fr81Ce. Duti8: The peopIerecnllted responsibfecf this post wl" fifst take in d\arge the activitiesrelated to the piatform domaln and then four months lIter at the departure of the current generat design ~,.:er 1 ~ actiYkiesreIMed tD the ger-.a'aC ~ ck)maIndeftned in this Vac8'ICY rmce. This JXS il basedIn Parisarea, FR For the commonprogramactlvltlesregardingthe shlps'Platformdomaln,he/sheshall be jointty ~-LSÌbIE with U'IeGP/ASWPIatformUIR:erbIsed ~ Pn arxj tt.e.-Efu.-e ~ d them sh81co-O'dn8te. Fa' the axnmooiX"~~ activitIes~ng the ~ Design~n, he/she~ be ~ntJy re5lXX1si~with, dePEI-~ing on the domain,either,~ GP/ASW ~m~,« the GP/ASW qs offtcer,or the rr warshipOperational Co-ordlnator and thereforeshajlccCM'dnMe accordiI9Y. For PI~ matterscoocemlngonty the Partldpating State frCMnwhich he is a nata1aI, he/she shali be dWedty~-~~. NeYertheless,he/she shall keep the IGf I ASW Ptatform Oftk:er bIsed .n Pn iiifu." .ed to guaranteethe prq)er management of the CUrT.Tul ~ro~~~tI~~ VIC'.8q ~ ~ . . cl w-"-~ Am7 ---AVT/ASM ~ "' - ~ ~ (:Wft ~ B8txi- FREMM ~~-..,.,.c Doi. teI: +33(0)157248874 .., ~ - OCCAR HRD lei: +492285502182 December2~ E-MI8I: thierry.b E-Mail: U1'-ry.baudOoccarE-MIiI: _.~ keti.00c;car .R E-Mai!: fU' Ge.-.eial~ mMters .y,.-w"-wy frit d'e ~~-.y 9:Mefqn whIchhe/sheis a natx.\II, he/she $hai be difecttv ~-~~. ~--tt-~, depei"~ng 00 the dcxnain, he/she shall keep etther the GP/ASWAatfOf'maficer, or the GP/ASWC/S AssistantOfflcer 1, or ~ IT warship OperationalCo-ordlnatorbased In Paris informed to guarantee the ~~ nW'8gelI~,t c:tthe ~1.IMi P'ogr'Immeactivtties. The AatfUrm and GeneraiDesignaficer 1 shall co-ordinatewfth AVT/ASMqs Offtcer in order to ensure proper account is taken ct the trlf15versal requirement into C/S devet~T .c.~ The PltiU\lr m arKiGeneraiDesignMìcer wtll report: . fU' WlwT.m'1 actMties to the Prog~me Ma,... (PM) arKi the Deputy Programme Manager ( DPM) . For acdvttiescoocemingonlythe PartldpatingStatefrom wtMchhe is a netiooal,to the PMfX'Df'M (the ~ wtX)is aIsoa nationalfnxn the Partic~tk'9 state) PIatfmm Domain: Mth reg8'dto ~ AVT/ASM versions,the ~psJ PIa~m do d(Mnak1lsdeftnedas~kMs: . ~ 'iii"1CfiI ., . 0YerI1I . ~-~ shtp budget5{weight, sta~lity, etecb'Kity, e , heat tRexd\lnge,...) . . H&jl. *'Kb65 Bectrldty . A~ . CIew~ . VarIouspiatfOl'msub-systemssuch as: lire fighting, Yenti~, system (IMng,dIning,t"~'\:aI, sto'-age,...) piping, afKt'o'W1g, stabllzatkw1,wMte, N~.. . GeneraIDIIIgo Dcxnaln: WIth regard to the AVT/ASMversion, the GeneraIDesignDomaincovered In theframed ttMspost .-e : . . . . . Sigr1ature(r8dwI 1rIra-red, ~ -~ magnetic) V~neratMlIty1M safety CS~ li'iter;atk»fiirOdng EJecb'oMagneticEngineering(EME) ~-~\D arMf T«t-.-~ Envtronmental~w-1S . . ~man factor(ergcx'NJmU 8'KIaew red~) ~ andsafetya: ~ . Security(Tempestand Networks) 'SafetyPlan VIC8KY~ A8J7- Avr/A9t~.r~". ... ~ 0lI9l an Pc*ts of ~: . nMer'Y1M.-- FREMM ~~..~.-.,. avo ~: tei: +33 +33(0)1 (0)1 57241 5724874 - J.81~ - <xrM HRD 18: +49 228 5502182 1J .: +49 228SSJ2 Dec&,~ 2a E-Mal: thierry .belXv:i-::D!' E-.w: -",,-~"i~.:.-~.. .kt The post hoIder wili ft:K these OOm8ins: .. Mooltor the Indu5try actIvlties"t't1roughthe contr'act"(WortdngGroups,technicalmeetlngs, JX'Qg~ rT~, contractualrevtews...) . ~--d.-" arMimonIDr the ~:::\:~w:-.-:efa' .1 ~iiacbS deliveries,in liaisoowIh ~ ~ -li and techr'D1 ~tftXm and generaidesignexpertsfnxn the nations . Esta~lshInd maintainthe temnk:al compilantematrlx for the programme . Moob ~ .. deftnedIn the w -,uM y~ w--.t;-~1 and and ftnandal "~ acttYtiesreIated reIMedto ti) technlcaf ted1nicaldevelopment devetoplT.ent cl the U'8e Validate ali cootractual activttles of ~ eviderK5cl tedvDI am~ ., thetedv1~ speclftcata'5 as progrImme JX'O9r8nme Take PIrt in the U'8e~rMioo ~tD1 .. T ake ~ ~~:\i aspects and ~tIon ~~ 81d cl any any ~~ for tedvlcal techr.caaand and ~I fW1aOOal ~wu-act u- at fa' Manage the the upodate Up-dlte of of technlcaJ technlcal and and opera~ operational reqWrements, requirements, in liaison lialson with the the .. Manage . partldpatingnatlons ~patingnatk)ns PéWtk:jpate, S&~ng the GeneraIDesigncwncer~ ships' Ptau"'m GSfE.pnent . (NHCX) ~Ie~, Monitor the Quall"catlon & ~nce ti) the iri&,ai:C managemer1t ~ the ~!-..te boat 100 N8tCdetecto'S). (QaA) of platform systems and transwarshlp perfonna1Ces l' necessary,take tempcnry acktltionaltasks: . f« wI.IM! actIvRIesas req8.ired,jointIy bv the PrograRWne Manager and U1eDeputy ProgrammeManager . FaractMtIescoocemlngonlythe PartidpatingStatefrom whi~ he Is a national,as required bv the PM« DPM(the ~ ~ is *o a natkw\aI rn.n the Particlpating state) ~ . : Experiencein intematioMco-operatiooactIvttlesIs deS;-.tje . BroadexperierK:ein bialS/testlngarxt ~rM:e . Experience In technical ma'agein.ei't (w -tU . An experience cf working ~ ~~-.. Cam"""~ ci ~k:al1v ..~, ~ axn~ deI~abIes wtth ~stry,...) the customer govemmental omclal t~nical and/or expertsis marwJatlXy I~: . exealtive ability proven through the resutts attained performing jobs in ~ . other national/lntemationalOf'ganlsations excel~ 1tna-."c.~-.1 skiIs ~ the dity to .,~-a(:t ~ . a~Ntyto workIna ma~, ~~ng ftekI foro w-.ft"ooKate at ali ~ ~ demanding envinnnent . excellentteam-workJngskJlIswtth the ablilty to WOrkwtthin an Integratedmultl-cultur. team . ex.:el6Jt atjity to (O-(j(-di:-1ate availMJle~ . seeksresponsibiltty,dynamlcand showsdetermlnationto amieve objectives . havethe etjllV to anliyse "'~IQ, -~- ."'-':-1 - AVT/A94 .-b",- ràk:8 A8J7 ~-- P"'t4tde._~ G818'8 0I8gr1 <MI ~ ~ m*e .1fi.~~:~-6 ~~~ - E*IiII.- POnts or CUoItac\": . - ThierryBM.-- FREMM Progr8m1e DIv. teI: +33(0)15724874 .. ~ - CXXM~ t8: +49228S5O2 182 E-Mal:thterry.~-,"*:-~.k1t E"": -.-~';"xx.:." 2a . . . fluenty, oraltyand written, in the EngIish~1gUage good kr~tedge c:lltaI., 81d I CX'fr~- M f89Jage5 Is ~~ familiarity with business~re, incIuding\Wrking kI~tedge of MSOfficesoftware QIII""'~uu.-_: . Universitydegree (PHD)or ~Ivalent edlKatlonallevet quallftcationin the activity directly reAatedto the pr5:fibed. SecurttYClurance: . Natiooalsea.tty dear8Ke at "OCCAR<G1ftden u.- leyeIis ked b' ttiS posto ~ VlC8KY~ ~d~~: . :.- - .', - ~ 7 AVTIASM AMbm andGener8~ - TtHrry BaLd .. ~ FREMM Offt Programn Dv. tet: (0)157241 t8: +33 +33(0)1 5724874 - OCCAR tiRO t8 S5O2 11 ~: : +49 +49 228 228S5O2 182 ~... la E-~: 1M\.J*.-t0cx:car"" P 051135A GEN 09 FM STAMADIFESA TO MARIUGP INFO SEGREDIFESA PRIMO SEGREDIFESA TERZO BT NON CLASSIFICATO SIC WAF SMD 112/007/2173.E OGGETTO: BANDI DI CONCORSO OCCAR PER POSTI A STATUS INTERNAZIONALE PRESSO LA DIVISIONE DI PROGRAMMA FREMM (EUROPEAN MULTI-MISSIONS FRIGATE) IN PARIGI E ROMA. RIFERIMENTI: A. LET. N. 8705/300 IN DATA 17 DIC 2008 DI SEGREDIFESA - III REPARTO (NOTUT); B. LET. N. 8703/300 IN DATA 17 DIC 2008 DI SEGREDIFESA - III REPARTO (NOTUT); C. LET. N. 8706/300 IN DATA 17 DIC 2008 DI SEGREDIFESA - III REPARTO (NOTUT); D. LET. N. 8704/300 IN DATA 17 DIC 2008 DI SEGREDIFESA - III REPARTO (NOTUT). 1. CON LE LETTERE CUI SI FA RIFERIMENTO, SONO STATE COMUNICATE LE SEGUENTI VACANCIES: - P.N. A807 “AVT/ASM PLATFORM AND GENERAL DESIGN OFFICER” GRADO A4 (PARIGI); - P.N. A809 “GP/ASW PLATFORM OFFICER ASSISTANT” GRADO A3 (ROMA); - P.N. A811 “AVT/ASM GENERAL DESIGN OFFICER” GRADO A3 (PARIGI); - P.N. A820 “INTERNAL QUALITY AND GENERAL MANAGEMENT OFFICER” GRADO A3 (PARIGI). 2. TENUTO CONTO DEL PARERE DI SEGREDIFESA, SI ESPRIME L'INTERESSE DELLA DIFESA PER L'ACQUISIZIONE DELLE POSIZIONI IN PAROLA. 3. LE EVENTUALI IDONEE CANDIDATURE, CORREDATE DALLE SCHEDE BIOGRAFICHE IN LINGUA ITALIANA E DALLE APPLICATION FORM IN LINGUA INGLESE (IN DUPLICE COPIA) E SU SUPPORTO INFORMATICO (FORMATO .PDF), IN RAGIONE DEI SUCCESSIVI ADEMPIMENTI NECESSARI PER LA LORO FORMALIZZAZIONE, DOVRANNO PERVENIRE IMPROROGABILMENTE PER IL TRAMITE DELLA FORZA ARMATA ALLO STATO MAGGIORE DIFESA ENTRO IL: - 9 MARZO 2009 PER I POSTI A807, A809 & A811; - 9 FEBBRAIO 2009 PER IL POSTO A820. 4. SI COMUNICA, INOLTRE, CHE I BANDI SARANNO PUBBLICATI SULLA PAGINA WEB DELLA DIFESA (WWW.DIFESA.IT), PERCORSO: STATO MAGGIORE DELLA DIFESA/ STAFF DELLO STATO MAGGIORE DELLA DIFESA/ REPARTI/ I REPARTO/ IMPIEGO DEL PERSONALE/ BANDI EMESSI DA ENTI INTERNAZIONALI/ BANDI PER POSTI A STATUS INTERNAZIONALI IN ATTO. FIRMATO D'ORDINE IL CAPO UFFICIO IMPIEGO DEL PERSONALE COL. AARAN VINCENZO LANZA PDC 1° MAR. CAMBIOTTI TEL. 2/3330 BT LDI: - UFFICIO GENERALE DEL CAPO DI SMD; - UFFICIO DEL SOTTOCAPO DI SMD; - II REPARTO;- III REPARTO; - IV REPARTO; - V REPARTO; - VI REPARTO; - UGPPB. Ali. 2 alla I.l prol n. 8703in data 17 dico2008 ** acc.~ ** OCCAR-EA VACANCY NOnCE - ManaGement of staff: Locatian: Startiog date: A8O9 GPI ASWptattorm Officer Assistant A3 FREMM FREMMI TechnicalSection I Platform SubSection O Rame, IT 01" August 2009 Provisionallnt W~ f.QI.ti Grade: Division Sedian: "i.- D8t8: commendng 2~ ..- 2009 Backaround: The scopeof the Programmeis the definiOOl,de\IeI~nef1t prodlK:tiooaoo inftial ~ supportof the European Multi-MissK>ns Frigate(FREMM). . The FREMMProgrammeis brokendown Into four shtpversJons: ~ Versla Terre (AVT)I ~ Soos-Marine(ASM)veI-sK:.-1S . GeneraiP\1"pose(GP)I Aftj SutxnarineWarfare(ASW)versk)ns The FREMM Programme ~ ~ in FrarK:e. is Iocatedin the Parisarea.Satellttesare locatedin ltaty 1hIs lXJStil a.sed in Rcxne,lT The <i»/ASWPIati~m OfficerAssistantwIII ~ The JX)St~ wtll deal with foIkMtng ~ to the <i»/ASWPIatfOfmOfflcer. AreasarMi~System: De8gn A1eas: ~ . . . SeI~eeI*'8garw:I ~Mat:Jiity . . . Tm and 9:ablty DemegedStatMNty ~ AI""i'8I"igElT .e.1ti . . . . . ~-w.,ce Ind PowerPrediction H~In Strucb.e syserns Pr~JIm1 Electrtcal PowerGeneratkx1 anddlsb1txJtk)n . ~ ManagEtT8Ciit System BoatscarryingcapMJHlty aoo Haoolingmeans HeatingVentilationAlr Condltionlng(HVAC)Ind NSCprotectlon FreshWaterprockJctlon 100distrb.moo VkarKy ràk:e ~ ~ . - cf ~1iKi:: FlaYieno~ - CiP/ASW ~ --- ~ " <ft:8' ~. -- - FREMMPrcgrlnYne Dtv. teI: +33 1 5724885S .. Pk8*ett- cxrARHRD ~-1*.-."18 2a ftavilno.~noOoccar .int t8: +492285502182 !-MII: ~: ,-Iketi,Ocxx:ar .n . . . . . . Are fight81gn Fueloi ~.g ~IU~ HeIoHancllng Blackand GreyWater treatment Ccxnpr'essed Alr PrOO~ and Disb1~ Sh"'Har'bour l.iaT~ and the foflowtngdesignTransversalA9pectConb'actualactivities: . Ptatformphysi~ Integration . PIG-ttc.-m fu~ TheJXR:-~ .-~~ will, In U1elWJe ~: . Act as "aison~ PDaoo Il'ldustry,monltorlngthe Industryactivities"throughthe cootr~ (WCJ'kIng~ Techr'Ka1meetlngs, Prog~ meetings, Cootractual reYiews.. .) Kait-" IV to iS\K:tD-.s received by PlattamCXfKer . ProYidesupJX)rttD the PIatform~cer in monltoringthe acceptaln for ali COrtU«.~al deliverles,In llaisonwlth CXhersectlonsand~nical PIa~-m ~perts from the nations . Provide ~~ 5Lr~ to the Aiu~ m cwrk:eri1 ~Isting tedW1ica1 CQ'npliarK:e matrix ftX'the prog~me . Mooitor and coIlect evidente "In sltuN cf technlcal compNance with the ted1rD1 Spedftcatlonas deflnedIn the contract . ProYkje ~ tDthe Ptau~ m~ in p~ ~ ~~ fa- techral n ~aI . Provide ~ to the Plauu m omcerin h . requlrernents, In lIalsonwtththe partldpatingnatlons 1f~:~, taketemPCW'8ry ackt~ tasksas ~*ed . PrOYide ~ tD ~ arKj malntainingthe ci anynew00. ""itr at aspects ~'-I'-' up.-te of technicaland operational Offlcer i1 ~koring by the ~amme M-.ager the qualtfk:atioo/accefXBIKe of Pta-ttu.-m systerns If J~=~-1, . . he/shetakesternfXK-.yackt.-ooaltasks(rom the GP/ASWPIatrotmOfftcer. ExperienceIn Intematlona'co-operationactIvttiesIs deslrable EXPEI" cl Intemal/61& qualttyaudlts . . Experience In technical n.,.m.e.~ . An ape.-'.s.-1{;C d Broad experience In trills/testlng and acceptance of techni~Iy complex defiverables .,~I . ~ (aiI""iuai,j, reIatI~ ~ wtUI the ~ is maf'wJattxy al5t(ii-rer wtth ÌfoJStry,...) ga.a~lei"ital ~I ted~ ~G' A previous appolntment as Marine Engirteer Officer of a naval vessef and/or fonner CiCpei".ence d at Ieast ~rs In the lrea d shlp's des., and/or sN~~ Is ~ des.1-~ ard wll be cu ec: as ., 1dYar"tage VKanCyrdXe AD - GP/ASWPI.ram omcerA8Dt 1:*:eii"~2Q Pointso( contaà: . .- ~ IM1~ ~ - FREMM -;,-.~-,.,~ avo t8: lei: +3315724 +33: ass . OCCAR tItD td : -+.4IJ : 5SO2182 ~ : +49 228 E-*: ~. :;:JIgr-!C~~ .It E-.w: .-,.- -~~ .ri ~ Comoetences ISkills: . Executiveability proventh~h the resultsattalnedperbrnlng Jobsin this field for othernationaljinternational orgarnsations . The ability to estabfishand maintainexceflentworking relatlonsat ali levels in a multlculturalcontextandwith respectfor diversity. . Excellentinterpersonalskillswitf1the abllityto interactandcommunicate at alll~. . The ability to grasp and anaiysecomplexarKJwide-rangingquestions,issuesarKJ information,with a structll'edapproachto the problem~ng processo . The abilityto orct6u-Gteand impiementdear, effidentand Iogicalapproad'tes to work, to manageassignments, objectlvesandcme. . Theabilityto WtM'k in a changing,deveIoping anddemanding environrnent. . The abllity to use Computer and Information aoo CommunicationTechnoiogy (ICT) facilities, witf1 W(X'kJngknowledge of MS Office software. . Fluencyin the Englishlanguage,both orally and written with the ability to draft clearty, . condselyand accurately. Goodknowledgeof Italian and j or French languagesis desirable Ouallflcations: Universitydegree or equivalenteduca ttonaI levef quallflcationin the activity directly related to the prescribed. NationalsecuritydeararM::e at "OCCAR-Secret"'eveI is requiredfor this post. Vacaf'K:y rdk:e AQ ~ - GPIASW~ of ax1tact: Aa'tilno Fdigoo - FREMM';ruVi8"~ Iatn ~ - ocrM HRD 0fJkerA5SiQnt Dtv. te: +33 15724 88S5 teI: ~ 228 5502 182 DecEmber2008 E-Mali:fta...;ano. fdlg~r E-Mail: 1aIn.plunkett@ocrar.'r't .Int P 051135A GEN 09 FM STAMADIFESA TO MARIUGP INFO SEGREDIFESA PRIMO SEGREDIFESA TERZO BT NON CLASSIFICATO SIC WAF SMD 112/007/2173.E OGGETTO: BANDI DI CONCORSO OCCAR PER POSTI A STATUS INTERNAZIONALE PRESSO LA DIVISIONE DI PROGRAMMA FREMM (EUROPEAN MULTI-MISSIONS FRIGATE) IN PARIGI E ROMA. RIFERIMENTI: A. LET. N. 8705/300 IN DATA 17 DIC 2008 DI SEGREDIFESA - III REPARTO (NOTUT); B. LET. N. 8703/300 IN DATA 17 DIC 2008 DI SEGREDIFESA - III REPARTO (NOTUT); C. LET. N. 8706/300 IN DATA 17 DIC 2008 DI SEGREDIFESA - III REPARTO (NOTUT); D. LET. N. 8704/300 IN DATA 17 DIC 2008 DI SEGREDIFESA - III REPARTO (NOTUT). 1. CON LE LETTERE CUI SI FA RIFERIMENTO, SONO STATE COMUNICATE LE SEGUENTI VACANCIES: - P.N. A807 “AVT/ASM PLATFORM AND GENERAL DESIGN OFFICER” GRADO A4 (PARIGI); - P.N. A809 “GP/ASW PLATFORM OFFICER ASSISTANT” GRADO A3 (ROMA); - P.N. A811 “AVT/ASM GENERAL DESIGN OFFICER” GRADO A3 (PARIGI); - P.N. A820 “INTERNAL QUALITY AND GENERAL MANAGEMENT OFFICER” GRADO A3 (PARIGI). 2. TENUTO CONTO DEL PARERE DI SEGREDIFESA, SI ESPRIME L'INTERESSE DELLA DIFESA PER L'ACQUISIZIONE DELLE POSIZIONI IN PAROLA. 3. LE EVENTUALI IDONEE CANDIDATURE, CORREDATE DALLE SCHEDE BIOGRAFICHE IN LINGUA ITALIANA E DALLE APPLICATION FORM IN LINGUA INGLESE (IN DUPLICE COPIA) E SU SUPPORTO INFORMATICO (FORMATO .PDF), IN RAGIONE DEI SUCCESSIVI ADEMPIMENTI NECESSARI PER LA LORO FORMALIZZAZIONE, DOVRANNO PERVENIRE IMPROROGABILMENTE PER IL TRAMITE DELLA FORZA ARMATA ALLO STATO MAGGIORE DIFESA ENTRO IL: - 9 MARZO 2009 PER I POSTI A807, A809 & A811; - 9 FEBBRAIO 2009 PER IL POSTO A820. 4. SI COMUNICA, INOLTRE, CHE I BANDI SARANNO PUBBLICATI SULLA PAGINA WEB DELLA DIFESA (WWW.DIFESA.IT), PERCORSO: STATO MAGGIORE DELLA DIFESA/ STAFF DELLO STATO MAGGIORE DELLA DIFESA/ REPARTI/ I REPARTO/ IMPIEGO DEL PERSONALE/ BANDI EMESSI DA ENTI INTERNAZIONALI/ BANDI PER POSTI A STATUS INTERNAZIONALI IN ATTO. FIRMATO D'ORDINE IL CAPO UFFICIO IMPIEGO DEL PERSONALE COL. AARAN VINCENZO LANZA PDC 1° MAR. CAMBIOTTI TEL. 2/3330 BT LDI: - UFFICIO GENERALE DEL CAPO DI SMD; - UFFICIO DEL SOTTOCAPO DI SMD; - II REPARTO;- III REPARTO; - IV REPARTO; - V REPARTO; - VI REPARTO; - UGPPB. Ali. 2 alla let. praton. 8706 in data 17 dico2008 ** occ..~ ** OCCAR - EA VACANCYNonCE - AVT I ASM GeneraI Design Officer ~ ASll Grade: Dlvtsion Section : A3 fREMM fREMM I Tedlnlcal Section I Generai Design Sub- Section O Paris area, fR 011t September 2009 Week commencing U" Aprii 2009 (in charge of ILS/ISS and interfaces) Provislonallnterview IagIGUIMI Date: : The scopeof the ProgramlneIs the deft~, de~n.eiit, 5UAX)rtci the Europea"~-~~D Frig8te(fRB-.t). ~.K:tk)n and initial in-service The FREMMprogramme 15brokendownintofour shlpversioos: . Actkx1Versil Terre (AVT)I Anti Sous-Marn (ASM)versioos . GeneraIp.,.pose(GP) I AnUs.b~ WMfare (ASW)versioos The FREMMProgrammeDlvtsionIs IocatedIn the Perii 8'eI. SatellitesIre IocatedIn ItaIy arkt in Fr.-Ke. Duti_: Thls post Is basedn Pn Mea, FR. For the common programme actIvities regarding the Generai Design ~cer 2 domain, he/she shali be joW1ttyrespcx'8si~wIth !ne GPI ASWI~GfX ~ and theréore ~ cf them shal co-Gr-';'-wate. For GeneraI Design matters tOnceming OOIythe ParttdPlttnoState from which he is a national, he/she shall be directty resJX)r'lSlble. Nevertheless, far the ILS rnatter he/she shali keep the GP/ASWILS/ISSIGFXC#tceri~".ed to gUM'aree~ ~ managen1ent dthe ~'R'IUI' programmeactivtties. The co-ordination and Inftm\atlon shall be made through the GP/ASWPlatform omcer besed., Pn. TheGE.-~ ~ Offlcer2 will report: For commonactIvtJesto the Manager(~) ~ Manager(PM) ~ Far generai Deslgnmatters concemlngonly the Particlpatlng Statefrom whlchhe is a national,to the PMor DPM(the c.1ewtX>is aIsoa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ frCM'n the Participating state) A811- AVT/ASM GOcwr.:. Pc*ts c:taItIà: ~~-"~ ~. Ttierry B8&.d- FREMM . the DeputyProgramme - (XX:AR HRD ~. 0..: tei:+33(0)1~ 8'4 ...: +49 228 5502182 E-Mai' : thieny. E-~: bal.dOCK:Car .Int 1M\.J*8*ett~.n 2a or the fotlowlngareas: TheGeneraiDesignOnk:er2 MI be ~~bIe L-I~ -;ateciL'9!tk: ~ (1lS) . . . In ServtceSu~ (ISS) Interface mar-.agement The post t'K)iderwfllin !ne ILS/ISSand InterfacesactMties (and in dose llaisonwtth nattooal experts) : . ~ the loolQJy adivities "U1rough U".e ~luact" (~ng GI~, Ti!d"n-jcaI meetings,Progre5Smeetings,Contrlctual reviews...) . Co-ordk1ate~ ~ mcx1MDr the ~=(~w:-a b al ~..-8Cb8 B:tX;.-D and ~.-.k::II ~~ fnxn !ne natXx15 defiveries, i1 18501'\wtth . Establish andrnelntainthe ted1nicalcom~lancematrtxfor !ne programme . ~ a1d .x~~ evlderK:e~ ted-.nical~rK:e deflned In !ne \.UfN-act . Takepart in the ~epIr'Mjooa~ ~ation with the tedV1ica1 specifk:aucx1 as ci any reN Ciìrltr~""t for technicaland finarK:Jal~ . Manage the up-date of technlcal and operational requlrements, In Ilaison wtth the partidpating natjoos . If necessary,take tempa-arya(kjltionaltasks: For comnX)n activtties ~*ed, p'fJy bv the h"Xi_nme Manager~ W, ProgrammeManager - - the Deputy Far actIvttlesconcemingonIy the P.uclpating Statefrom whlm he is a national,as reqLiredbv the PMCM' DPM(~ ~ whois atsoa nata'81from~ ~pating state) As far as L1\&TGCe M.\agement Is ~--.ciI.ed, the Imt tQder wtll: . ~~.M:es ~~ a~ mooitor the rx~ CX'Fumished ~ipment d UIII~ ~ bv iròlstry of ~ment (GSFe) . Monitor the management by the Primecontractorof the interfacebetweenthe Prime CCiI-.u-.D-and GSFE~m. In P8tk&A8' ~ the ~ng in piace arKI d1air the .x.-N ~ ~ 91XJPreIatedtD the GSFE . Evaluateand report the impactsof any GSfE problem Issueand proposedsolutions.In partiaAar, in dose 11.-1 wtth natk)naIterx~-.i:àives, he/she ~. have tD valdM.e~ ~~ ~Ing GSFEdM:awt.c;-~ made ~ Primetc.Vado" ~t-.c;-.ever GSFE data Me mlssing . Co-adna arxt il M-.'Lm" ~ ~Isk)n ci .x.r «' usebv ird.1Strycl YarQI5materials(~ich aren'tGSfE)provided bv~. Wittjn the PD, ~ pc:.t t.*Ier wIIl ad M a focaI ixMntb the SI..V (Vertical LaurKh Systern) for the NavaICnise ~Ie devet~T.sits. \~ - a:t rdke A811 AVl'1A94 Q) ar.:B' ~d~: . Thierrys..t - .., ~ - FREMM~uv.-""me - oo:AR HRD Div. ~I~~ ~: +33(0)15724874 t8: +e 2285502182 E-Mal:thlerry E~: .b@I~r ~0cxx8.n .int As far asILS/ISS matters afe cor1Cerned, the post ~ . . . . . . wtjl: Provideali ILS/ISS inputs to indusby In the framework of the "customer invotvement activities" during the developmentand productionphaseand for the preparatìonof the commonsu~ poilcy Interact with ali other sectioosci the PO and Centrai Offlce accordingtD ali relevant activitiesof Interest Develop Ufe Cycle Costing (LCC) i:ir""[.:~ in conJUnctionwith CentraiOffice- in partlQJlarassistin collectfonof LCCdata tram Nationsand Industry Harmoniseali activitIesof logistic nature wtth ali activitiesof technlcalnature pertalnlng to ead\ ship of the FREMMfamlly Interact with ali other Sections of the PD in arder to take into account the ILS reqwrementsas a transversalactIvIty Appty ali enforceable ~ocedureswfthin the deftned relations among the bodies invotved in the programme ExDertenm : . Soundexperiencein the fleId of llS/ISS matter . . . Experiencein intemationatco-operatlonactIvttiesis desirable Broadexperience in trials/testingandacceptance of technicaJlycomplexdeliverables Experiencein technicalmanagement(contracts,relationswith industry,...) . An experience of WOfkJngwith the aJStomergovemmental offlcial ~nical and/or operationalexpertsis mandatory . executive ability proven through ~ . . . . resutts attained perfCMmlng jobs In thls field for other national/intematlonalorganlsations excellentinterpersonalsklllswith the abllity to Interactand communlcateat ali levels abillty to work in a changlng,developingand demandingenvironment excellentteam-workingskllls with the ability to work within an integrated multi-cultural team excellentability to co-ordinateavallableresources . . seeksrespor1sitHlity, dynamlcand showsdeterminationto ad1ieveobjectives . flueocy,orally and written, In the EngIishlanguage . good knowledgecf ltallan and I or FrenchlanguagesIs d~ . familiarity with businesssoftware,includingwortdngknowledgeof MSOfflcesoftware have the ability to anatyseproblems,providesoIutionsand makedecisions Oualifications: Universitydegree or eqc.ivalented~1 the prescrIbed tasks. Vacancy rdice A811 PoInts o( contaà: - - - - Avr I ASMGO~ Th6erTY Baud FREMM ~~i"iI,.Tri: ~. Iain Aunkett - <Xx::AR HRD Ievei qualificationin the activity directty related to ' ' I~ "'-'\~ ",." ~ ,"" December2008 te: +33 (0)15n48874 te: +49 2285502182 E-Mail: thierry.baudOoccar.i1t E-Hail: iain.plunkett@loccar.1nt Securttv CIM,.~: Nationalsecuritydearanceat "OCCAR<ooftdential-aevet Is requiredftK'thls posto V8CMKY rdice AI 11 - AVTI ASMGD0War ~T~~ Pc*ù d' ~~ . n8'Y B8Ld- FREMM ~u9i"it'n'~ . I* ~ - cxrAR HRD [»i. tef: +33 (0)15724 814 tef: +492285502182 E-MII:~. bludOocclf'.W ~: ~.,,;xc.-.w P 051135A GEN 09 FM STAMADIFESA TO MARIUGP INFO SEGREDIFESA PRIMO SEGREDIFESA TERZO BT NON CLASSIFICATO SIC WAF SMD 112/007/2173.E OGGETTO: BANDI DI CONCORSO OCCAR PER POSTI A STATUS INTERNAZIONALE PRESSO LA DIVISIONE DI PROGRAMMA FREMM (EUROPEAN MULTI-MISSIONS FRIGATE) IN PARIGI E ROMA. RIFERIMENTI: A. LET. N. 8705/300 IN DATA 17 DIC 2008 DI SEGREDIFESA - III REPARTO (NOTUT); B. LET. N. 8703/300 IN DATA 17 DIC 2008 DI SEGREDIFESA - III REPARTO (NOTUT); C. LET. N. 8706/300 IN DATA 17 DIC 2008 DI SEGREDIFESA - III REPARTO (NOTUT); D. LET. N. 8704/300 IN DATA 17 DIC 2008 DI SEGREDIFESA - III REPARTO (NOTUT). 1. CON LE LETTERE CUI SI FA RIFERIMENTO, SONO STATE COMUNICATE LE SEGUENTI VACANCIES: - P.N. A807 “AVT/ASM PLATFORM AND GENERAL DESIGN OFFICER” GRADO A4 (PARIGI); - P.N. A809 “GP/ASW PLATFORM OFFICER ASSISTANT” GRADO A3 (ROMA); - P.N. A811 “AVT/ASM GENERAL DESIGN OFFICER” GRADO A3 (PARIGI); - P.N. A820 “INTERNAL QUALITY AND GENERAL MANAGEMENT OFFICER” GRADO A3 (PARIGI). 2. TENUTO CONTO DEL PARERE DI SEGREDIFESA, SI ESPRIME L'INTERESSE DELLA DIFESA PER L'ACQUISIZIONE DELLE POSIZIONI IN PAROLA. 3. LE EVENTUALI IDONEE CANDIDATURE, CORREDATE DALLE SCHEDE BIOGRAFICHE IN LINGUA ITALIANA E DALLE APPLICATION FORM IN LINGUA INGLESE (IN DUPLICE COPIA) E SU SUPPORTO INFORMATICO (FORMATO .PDF), IN RAGIONE DEI SUCCESSIVI ADEMPIMENTI NECESSARI PER LA LORO FORMALIZZAZIONE, DOVRANNO PERVENIRE IMPROROGABILMENTE PER IL TRAMITE DELLA FORZA ARMATA ALLO STATO MAGGIORE DIFESA ENTRO IL: - 9 MARZO 2009 PER I POSTI A807, A809 & A811; - 9 FEBBRAIO 2009 PER IL POSTO A820. 4. SI COMUNICA, INOLTRE, CHE I BANDI SARANNO PUBBLICATI SULLA PAGINA WEB DELLA DIFESA (WWW.DIFESA.IT), PERCORSO: STATO MAGGIORE DELLA DIFESA/ STAFF DELLO STATO MAGGIORE DELLA DIFESA/ REPARTI/ I REPARTO/ IMPIEGO DEL PERSONALE/ BANDI EMESSI DA ENTI INTERNAZIONALI/ BANDI PER POSTI A STATUS INTERNAZIONALI IN ATTO. FIRMATO D'ORDINE IL CAPO UFFICIO IMPIEGO DEL PERSONALE COL. AARAN VINCENZO LANZA PDC 1° MAR. CAMBIOTTI TEL. 2/3330 BT LDI: - UFFICIO GENERALE DEL CAPO DI SMD; - UFFICIO DEL SOTTOCAPO DI SMD; - II REPARTO;- III REPARTO; - IV REPARTO; - V REPARTO; - VI REPARTO; - UGPPB. Allegato 2 alla let. prot. n. 8704 in data 17 dico 2008 - ** OCCAR** OCCAR EA VACANCY NOTICE - GPI ASW Internai Quality f.mi A820 Grade: Division A3* FREMM Managlml nt of staff: O Paris area, FR 01st May 2009 Week commencing 16th March 2009 and Generai Management Officer FREMM I Managementand CommerciaiSection Locatlon : II*round : The scopeof the Programmeis the definition, development,productionand initial in-ser.w.e support of the EuropeanMultl-MissionsFrtgate(FREMM). The FREMMProgramme15brd<endown into four ship versions: . ActionVersla Terre (AVT)I AntiSous-Marine(ASM) versions . GeneraiPurJX)se(GP)I AnUStmmarineWarfare(ASW)version5 The FREMMProgrammeDlvtsionis k>catedin the Pari5area. satellttes are located in ItaIy and in France. Forthe common programme activities regarding internai ~Iity matters, the ~ ~der Shall ~ jointly respoc"5iblewith the AVTI ASM Internai Quallty OfTicer based in Paris aoo therefore both of them shall co-ordinate. For the common programmeactivities regarding Generai Managementaspects, the post holder . - shal! be jolntly responslblewith the AVT/ ASM Generai ManagementOfflcer aoo ~ both d' them shali m-onfinate. For what w-R:ElIiS rr managementactivlUes,he/she wi" coordln8tethe Conftguratlonand Planning Offlcer and the Product quality Offlcer. The GP/ASWGenerai Management Officer wi" repoI1: Far - - common -- - activities . to the Programme Manager (PM) and the Deputy Programme Manager (DPM) For mattersconcemlngonly the PartidpatingState tram which he is a national,to the PMor DPM(the one ~ Vacancy~ - A82O GP/ASW~I Is also a nationalfrom the Participatingstate) ~ .. GeneraI Mlnlg&1.a-~ <a8' ~ber2Q PQntsof~-jtatt; - fIaYi8noFdignO- FREMM Program~Dv. ~: +33 1 5n4 MSS IainPIl8*dt - OCCAR HRD 18: +49 228 S502182 ~: ftavIano. ~~.n E-Mai:ialn.~Ocxcar ,int 1he JX)St hdder wll- . Gei.ei81 ~NtIOn . 1ntemaI ~ky be,~-~ far: cl n.\agem~ acdvttles ASSt.-aoce (~ky - QfP) Focal~ . Verifytngthe rIghtconditioosfor paymentsreIatedto management ~ of the contract; . UJxiat1'9 M ~a~ . . QMS(qJaHtymanagen'lentsystem) Dedsk;.. (PC)~ ~M'iI-~ CW ~'5tardng (~) SUpetViSCM' cl Coordlnatloomeetlngs . OCCAR -m n~ . Coob'oIof deltverables documents whl~ !Ie~n . CL... ~ . hiS/herproytrlCe Sa-tjst'-.'1100 QQ-dlnatOl cl ~/l1dJstJy -.Q tiS/herfI8d cl ~ ffX' what ~ -~ If necessary,he/shewill urxjertaketemP<M'ary ackjltionaltasks: - ffX' mmmonadIvIIes. ,.red, .:Ic*1tfyby the Prog~me M8'8ger and the Deputy . ProgrammeManager . for activItiesconcerntrlgonly the ParticlpatlngState from whl~ he/she is a national, 4 reqwred by the PMor DPM(d1e~ wtX)Is liso a natkM'8fnIn the P.-ticipating state). ~~~-78: . Expef'.er-u in ir'ter'naticx1a1 co-operatjoo activtties and inter~ desirable . experlence cf \Wrking wIth the customer petrvnental iJpef-a-w-" ~~ ~I ted1nical and/or isrr..~ . Goodkr1OW1edge and experienceof progmme ~agefnent activities. . In ~ . . . . . relatioosh.. is kI'KMledgeci wrrent ~ Sdm.lng tec:hnique8'8dReportingSystems KnowIedgeof, or Interestin the navalfleld ~Id be valuable ExceItentkrXMIedgecf the nItD\aJ and internMiooalstarxjardsb' quality assurance K,-KJWIedgeci ~8ty rr~.ait Experience of intemalfexternal qualityaudlts Broadexperience Il tr""'esI~ ... ~~ ~ d' technicafiy COmplex delivera~ Comoet8nces /Skllla: . executlveabifity proventtvoogh the resultsattai1edpe~ng ~ In thisfieldfor this fieId j othernatiooal/intematiooal ~isations . The abllity to establishand malntalnexcellentwo~ing relationsat ali ~levels~In multk:utbnl~... . ExceIIent intet-per'SOnli .. .. dIeability to im~~ vlCaf'M::ynotjce .- ~d~-~ ~ .., ~ ~ - A82O . wtth~ ~ ~ forcMversity. a'1d mnm..-wk:aiC - - GPIASWlrarnal C)Jaity&;GeneraiM~t - FREMM Prt9'---nIMDIv.te: +33 1 5724 885S - <XX:Mte ~: +49 228 5502182 I . ., ~ -.- Offk:er December ~ E-M.-: ftavilno. fdignoOocclr .int ~: ~;;..:-~ .R . The ability to grasp and analysecomplex and wide-rangingqu~, infor~, wiU1a strud1.ect1ppr'O8Ch to the ~m issuesand sdvIng ~~-:~" . The abiity to Or-&~and im~1t dear, effident and logk:alapproachesto work, to manageassignments,objectjvesaoo time. . The IbItlty to work in a changing,deYelopingand demandngenvtronment. . The a~1ty to ~ . ~JtB' 8'Id Irm-~ ~ Oxnmurbtkx1 Teci.dogy (ICT) fadities, wIU1WO'kIng kr~1edge cl MSOfflcedware. AuencyIn the Englishlanguage,both orallyand writtenwlth the abilityto draft:dearty, coocisety and iCCUratejy. . goodkr~1edge cl 1ta881andI or ~-a.di languages is desirable Universitydegree or eqJlvIIent educationalleveI quallftcatlonIn ~ to the prescribed. NationaI5eCUritydeiI_-~ VIc;8KY 8t .OCCAR-~ ràD A82O - ~/ASW"'" ~. ~ leveIis ~*ed --"',a-. ~ actt.1tycl rectty reIated b' this ~ Dec&TW:Jer2(Q ~ot~: . - ~~-FRE~Progr~~. 181~ - <Xr.ARHRD ~: +33 1 57248SS -: +-e 2285502182 E~: ~. ~-,.:~:-~.~ ~: ., ." - STAFF IN CONFIDENCE WHEN COMPLETED - OCCAR RECRUITMENT FORM To: Head of Human Resources Division OCCAR – EA, Postfach 1328, 53003 Bonn, Germany OCCAR PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY IN INK Organisation for Joint Armaments cooperation --------------Organisation Conjoint de Coopération en matière d'Armement 1. PERSONAL INFORMATION Mr. Mrs. Miss NAME (surname): RECENT PHOTOGRAPH (first names): NAME AT BIRTH: MAIDEN NAME (if appropriate): PK/Insee No./Staff No./Matricola No.: DATE/PLACE OF BIRTH (please provide a copy of your passport or Identity card) Day: Month: Year: City: County: Country: 2. NATIONALITY Present Nationality: Has your nationality ever changed or is it in the process of being changed? No Yes (please provide certified copy of naturalisation decree for new nationality) (explain the reasons for changing) No Explain: Do you have dual nationality Which? Yes 3. RESIDENCE Present address (to which correspondence should be sent): Telephone / -fax: Home: Office: Home address (if different from above): Can we call you at your office? No How long have you lived in your present country of residence? Yes E-mail: 4. MARITAL STATUS 1. Married (Date: 2. Separated ) 3. Divorced (Date: If married, does your spouse work? ) No (Date: 4. Widow(er) 5. Single ) Yes If so, where? Job title: OCCAR Recruitment Form 04/00 1 - STAFF IN CONFIDENCE WHEN COMPLETED Name: ______________________________ First Name(s): ________________________________ 5. RELATIVES Give names of spouse and any dependants 1. Spouse 2. Children (including adopted) 3. Other dependants for whom you are legally responsible NAME FIRST NAME RELATIONSHIP Indicate No. & Marital Status DATE OF BIRTH D/M/Y COUNTRY OF BIRTH 6. LANGUAGES * NATIONALITY CURRENT ADDRESS Mother tongue: Speaking Understanding Reading Writing English French German Italian Other languages: * Grade as: Fluent / Good / Fair / Poor 7. HAVE YOU EVER PREVIOUSLY APPLIED FOR A POST IN OCCAR? If so, please state the approximate date of application, and for which post. Were you interviewed? No OCCAR Recruitment Form 04/00 Yes 2 - STAFF IN CONFIDENCE WHEN COMPLETED Name: ______________________________ First Name(s): ________________________________ 8. EDUCATION Name and Location Dates from Major subjects to Degree or other diploma Senior / High Secondary School College or University Please provide a copy of your highest certificate or diploma OTHER PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS, MEMBERSHIP OF BUSINESS OR PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Qualification received Awarded by Subject Length of study Date 9. Append a list of theses, patents, publications and other significant work you have done. Please do not send copies. 10. KNOWLEDGE OF COMPUTER EQUIPMENT Software, hardware, word processing systems (Indicate which) No No Yes Yes Do you have the right of return to your present post? No Yes Do you have a security clearance? No Yes 11. ARE YOU A CIVIL SERVANT? National International If so, what are your duties and grade? If so, what level? OCCAR Recruitment Form 04/00 3 - STAFF IN CONFIDENCE WHEN COMPLETED Name: ______________________________ First Name(s): ________________________________ 12.1 PRESENT EMPLOYMENT COMPANY / ADDRESS Dates from: to: PRESENT POSITION Name and position of person to whom you report Annual salary (gross) Annual salary (net) after tax and social security contributions Other benefits in kind Number of people reporting directly to you, or for whom you are responsible Yearly budget responsibility (if appropriate): Describe duties and scope of responsibilities: How much notice must you give to leave? Reasons for leaving Do you have any objections to our making inquiries of your present employer? No Yes 12.2 PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT COMPANY / ADDRESS Dates from: to: POSITION HELD Name and position of person to whom you reported Annual salary (gross) Annual salary (net) after tax and social security contributions Other benefits in kind Number of people reporting directly to you, or for whom you are responsible Yearly budget responsibility (if appropriate): Describe duties and scope of responsibilities: Reasons for leaving Do you have any objections to our making inquiries of your previous employer? OCCAR Recruitment Form 04/00 No Yes 4 - STAFF IN CONFIDENCE WHEN COMPLETED Name: ______________________________ First Name(s): ________________________________ 12.3 PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT COMPANY / ADDRESS POSITION HELD Dates from: Name and position of person to whom you reported to: Annual salary (gross) Annual salary (net) after tax and social security contributions Other benefits in kind Number of people reporting directly to you, or for whom you are responsible Yearly budget responsibility (if appropriate): Describe duties and scope of responsibilities: Reasons for leaving Do you have any objections to our making inquiries of your previous employer? No Yes IF YOU HAVE HELD MORE THAN THREE POSITIONS, PLEASE GIVE DETAILS ON A SEPARATE SHEET. 13. MILITARY SERVICE Have you completed your military service No If yes, from: Last military rank/Duties: to: Yes If not, give reasons. 14. Please describe below your experience in the field of your specialisation. If you are applying for a particular post, kindly mention any experience which relates specifically to the requirements of the post as well as to the conditions laid down for the eligibility, as stipulated in the vacancy notice OCCAR Recruitment Form 04/00 5 - STAFF IN CONFIDENCE WHEN COMPLETED Name: ______________________________ First Name(s): ________________________________ 15. REFERENCES Not relatives Name Position Address May be contacted before interviews? No Yes No Yes No Yes 16. HAVE YOU ANY RELATIVES OR ACQUAINTANCES WORKING IN OCCAR? If so, please specify 17. HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THIS JOB OPPORTUNITY? 18. I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION GIVEN ABOVE IS COMPLETE AND ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. ALL INFORMATION WILL BE TREATED CONFIDENTIALLY FOR OCCAR INTERNAL USE ONLY Date: OCCAR Recruitment Form 04/00 Signature: 6 Allegato “C” FOTOGRAFIA MOD. 1/A SCHEDA BIOGRAFICA (fac-simile) - Parte Prima - 1 2 CODICE FISCALE 3 FORZA ARMATA 4 COGNOME 7 DATA DI NASCITA 5 6 GRADO E ARMA CATEGORIA E RUOLO NOME 8 9 LUOGO DI NASCITA 10 STATO DI FAMIGLIA SESSO (1) 11 12 ANZIANITA’ SCUOLA DI FORMAZIONE (2) 13 INCARICO ATTUALE 17 ALTRI PRINCIPALI INCARICHI (3) 14 DATA DI ASSUNZIONE A DI GRADO B DI SERVIZIO 15 16 INCARICO PRECEDENTE GRADO DATA DI ASSUNZIONE PERIODI (in ordine cronologico) a. in ambito Nazionale: b. in ambito interforze e/o Internazionale: (data) ** - ** - **** 1-4 segue Allegato “C ” MOD. 1/A 18 TITOLI DI STUDIO (4) 19 CORSI SUPERIORI DI FORMAZIONE DI F.A. E/O INTERFORZE (5) PERIODI ED ESITO ALTRI CORSI (6) PERIODI ED ESITO LINGUE ESTERE GRADO DI CONOSCENZA E ANNO 20 a. ACCERTATE a. SLP (STANAG 6001 - Livello e percentuale) b. ACCERTATE b. Grado diverso o antecedente allo STANAG 6001 c. NON ACCERTATE/DICHIARATE Sufficiente Buono Molto Buono 21 ABILITAZIONE INFORMATICA a. Programmatore (6): Corso: b. Analista (6): Corso: 22 CONOSCENZA INFORMATICA a. PC: b: Sistemi Operativi: c. Word Processor: d. Software: e. Altro: Grado COGNOME Nome (data) ** - ** - **** 2-4 segue Allegato “C ” - Parte Seconda MOD. 1/A 23 ONORIFICENZE E RICOMPENSE 24 PUBBLICAZIONI (6) _______________________________________________________________________________ 25 POSIZIONE IN GRADUATORIA (7) 26 ESITO DELLE VALUTAZIONI AL GRADO SUPERIORE ** SU ** 27 QUALIFICHE RIPORTATE NELLA VALUTAZIONE CARATTERISTICA RELATIVA AI PRINCIPALI INCARICHI INDICATI E COMUNQUE DEGLI ULTIMI 10 ANNI 28 PRECEDENTI DISCIPLINARI DEGLI ULTIMI 5 ANNI a. Provvedimenti di corpo: __________________ durata _________________ anno ____________ b. Provvedimenti di stato: ___________________ durata _________________ anno ____________ c. Negativo: ___________________ 29 PRECEDENTI PENALI 30 31 DATA DI SCADENZA NULLA OSTA DI SEGRETEZZA (8) SI Barrare la casella di interesse NO 30 ASSICURA LA PERMANENZA NELL’INCARICO? (9) SI Barrare la casella di interesse Grado COGNOME Nome NO (data) ** - ** - **** 3–4 - Parte Terza segue Allegato “C ” MOD. 1/A INFORMAZIONI AGGIUNTIVE (10) Ai sensi della Legge 675 / 96 i dati personali contenuti in questo modulo saranno trattati esclusivamente per lo svolgimento dei compiti di ufficio e non saranno comunicati o diffusi a soggetti non appartenenti all’ Amministrazione Difesa. Firma di convalida (11) ______________________________ Note: (1) Se coniugato con prole, indicare il numero dei figli. (2) Indicare il Corso Normale d’Accademia (Militare, Navale o Aeronautica) o l’Istituto/Corso di Formazione (es: Scuola di Applicazione - Corso per Ufficiali del Corpo Tecnico; Accademia Navale - Corsi Ruoli Speciali/Nomina Diretta; Scuola di Applicazione A.M. - Corso Allievi Ufficiali di Complemento; Scuola Allievi Sottufficiali; ecc.). (3) Per gli incarichi di comando, menzionare i periodi svolti a partire dal di Btg od equivalente a seconda della F.A. di appartenenza. (4) Per i provenienti dai Corsi Normali dell’Accademia, oltre all’eventuale Diploma di Laurea conseguito al termine del Corso, indicare anche il Diploma di Scuola Media Superiore di ingresso. (5) Es: Scuola di Guerra (S.G.); Istituto di Guerra Marittima (I.G.M.); Scuola di Guerra Aerea (S.G.A.); Istituto Superiore Stati Maggiori Interforze (I.S.S.M.I.); Istituto Alti Studi per la Difesa (I.A.S.D.); ecc. (6) Menzionare solo quelli riportati a matricola. (7) Per gli Ufficiali del Ruolo Normale, l’attuale posizione nella graduatoria del corso di appartenenza; per il Ruolo Speciale, la posizione indicata negli annuari di FA a parità di anzianità di spallina. (8) Specificare se l’interessato possiede il livello di NOS previsto per l’incarico barrando la casella SI o NO e indicando solo la data di scadenza. Qualora diverso da quello previsto, specificare la data di inoltro della richiesta di elevazione/rinnovo. (9) Se non diversamente specificato, 3 anni per gli Ufficiali, 5 anni per i Sottufficiali. In caso contrario specificarne le motivazioni nel campo “Informazioni Aggiuntive”. (10) Evidenziare tutti gli elementi che concorrono a rendere idoneo il candidato per la posizione cui viene proposto e fornire una previsione sugli impegni che la F.A. ha previsto nel breve/medio termine (es. periodi di impiego fuori area e/o corsi attinenti l’iter formativo quali ISSMI ed altri specifici di F.A.). (11) Capo Ufficio dell’Organo di impiego o suo delegato. Grado COGNOME Nome (data) ** - ** - **** 4-4 -1- CURRICULUM VITAE NAME INITIAL RANK AND DATE DATE OF BIRTH // NATIONALITY RECORD OF SERVICE BRANCH OF SERVICE APPOINTMENT DATES DUTIES PERFORMED − − − − - COURSES DATES LANGUAGES SLP (STANAG 6001) -2- AWARDS AND DECORATIONS CIVIL STATUS SECURITY CLEARANCE