W W MEDIA KIT 2016 BRA N D OV E RV I E W W ACTIVE. I N N O VAT I V E . I N F O R M AT I V E . WATERSKI is the ultimate instruction for beginners and resource and unchallenged experts alike. WATERSKI’s media brand for water skiers mission to inspire, entertain, worldwide. L aunche d in inform and motivate skiers 1978, it continues to deliver is accomplished through informative content in all the talents of the world’s disciplines of the spor t, best coaches and industry of fe r d etaile d b oat a n d leaders, and its message is equipment reviews , and received across multiple help skiers reach their goals media channels for a rich and on the water with high-level enlightening experience. W AT E RS K I M A G . C O M ︱ 2 0 1 6 M E D I A K I T 2 Print 30,000 Circulation 6x Frequency BRA N D OV E RV I E W 1978 Year Established W * ALL ISSUES ARE AVAILABLE ON TABLETS AND EREADERS, INCLUDING THE IPAD, NOOK AND KINDLE. Digital 192,000 Avg. Monthly Page Views 57,000 Avg. Monthly Unique Visitors 30,000+ Social Media Audience 19,000 Custom Email Subscribers 11,500 Editorial eNews Subscribers @waterski_mag WaterSki Magazine waterski_mag W AT E RS K I M A G . C O M ︱ 2 0 1 6 M E D I A K I T Within WATERSKI’s audience are waterski enthusiasts of various skill-levels, brand affinities and purchase intent. Using research and database management, we can identify, surface and activate high-value participants across all of our media channels in order to drive tangible results. Source: Omniture Adobe Online Marketing Suite July 2014-June 2015; IBM SilverPop Engage; Social Media Followers As of October 2015 3 W A U D I E N C E P RO F I L E WATERSKI’s audiences across all channels (print, web, social & email) are masters of the sport. They represent active, affluent waterski enthusiasts who come to us looking for the latest tips, techniques and information on gear & equipment. They know we deliver the expert information needed to make a purchase to complement their lifestyle. DEMOGRAPHICS AVERAGE AVERAGE NET WORTH HOUSEHOLD INCOME WATER SPORTS ACTIVITIES: 178,000 AVG. NUMBER OF AVG. NUMBER OF DAYS PER MONTH YEARS WATERSKIING SPENT WATERSKIING 27 Years AVERAGE WATERSKI SEASON 46 10 Days 5.5 Months MONTHS OF 92% 23% BOAT OWNERS ATTENDED A PLAN TO ATTEND A WATERSKIING SCHOOL/CAMP IN THE NEXT 12 MONTHS 92% CURRENTLY OWN A SLALOM SKI PLAN TO PURCHASE IN THE NEXT 12 MONTHS AND SPEND ON AVG. $699 19.7' AVERAGE BOAT LENGTH* *SUBSCRIBER AUDIENCE 20.3' AVERAGE BOAT LENGTH PLANNED TO PURCHASE* *SUBSCRIBER AUDIENCE W AT E RS K I M A G . C O M ︱ 2 0 1 6 M E D I A K I T Male / Female COLLEGE EDUCATED 36% 78% OWN 2 OR MORE BOATS WATERSKIING EVENT 15% 83% 17% AVERAGE AGE IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS 38% $1.1 Million $40,000 ESTIMATED COST OF NEXT BOAT PURCHASE 47% 89% PROPERTY OWNERS OWN VACATION PROPERTY 38% OWN WATERFRONT PROPERTY Source: 2015 Waterski Audience Survey - Conducted by BCI 4 W FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT B EN G RE E N WOOD, PUBLISHER 407-571-4518 | RHONDA MOCK, DIRECTOR OF BRAND STRATEGY: BOAT MARKET 407-571-4696 | CHARL E S N E G RON, ACCOUNT MANAGER 407-571-4935 | MARLINMAG.COM ︱ 2 0 1 6 M E D I A K I T