New Jersey Courier - Ocean County Library
New Jersey Courier - Ocean County Library
HP W P illiilK N ew Jersey r i T i i E V E R Y B O D Y READS IT :: T H E d O U R IE R IS T H E H O M E N E W S P A P E R OF O CEAN C O U N T Y :: IT G IV E S A L L T H E N E W S E 5T A B L I S H ED 1850. VOLUME 44—NUMBER 15 Toms River, N. J., Thursday Afternoon, January 11, 1894 NBAR-BY NOTES. LAKEWOOD Railroad Happenings. (fountain in a fig orch ard ) a spring on the shore o f La)te Tiberias. Scndiug the camp oo W a n te d f r o m t ic o r g e J . C o u ld . T h e H e w L o n g B ea ch H a llro a © . direct we concluded to make a detour to the lbert . m a r t in . B u t flic C r a n k D id n 't O c t I t . Choice Tid-Bite of Qoisip from It is understood that the sew Mannahawkta, BARNEGAT. went and see el-Jlsh (GUcaia) and Melron FROM BEIR UT T O JERUSALEM. aud Long Beach Transportation Company. In Lakewood was treated to the sensation last A t to r n e y am d (M eratb) Instead o f Retag the more d irect Roundabout. corporated by William J. Thompson, Charles route hy Baled only. 8 o after riding through Bold and Successful Burglar j —FoNtoOIce week which has become quite too frequent of S o l i c i t o r i n Oiuxozir. 8. Rldgway, George P feiffer and others at A Jarssyman't Trip on horseback Kedes and over the h ill on which It Ilea—the an© several store* Robbed. late—that o f tbe mimouairo-pursniog crank T he Shark R iver Inlet Is again closed. Camden last week, is fo r the purpose o f OFFICE OVER THE BANE, accumulation o f ceutorles— we left the valley Great excitement was created In town on his name is Ernest (o r Edson) U. Chick of and What He Saw. Cowperthwait* Exchange,Tom* River There are 193 Trlbea of Red Men In this securing transportation lo H arvey Cedars In Brooklyn, and his fixed Idea was that George o f Huleb and turoed to the right among the Sunday morning, by the announcement that State. Toms River, N. J. Nitrons Oxide Gas administered. Am the event of the P.R . R. company's abandoning hills following a beautiful wady, well watered several stores bad been broken Into by J. Gould would fulfill a promise ( ! ) to kim ol T h e Cape M ay M . E. church 1ms opened also sole proprietor for Ocean County A M nhairnnrdnn V i l l a g e - T o m b * o f the the north end o f the Long Beach road fo r the putting *100 000 Into a scheme to re-establish and grassy and Ailed with flg tress, nestling burglars the night before. Investigation re A n c ie n t Rabbin. tree reading room. o f the new local anaesthetic present T hey w ill nse the Long Beach r H OLM ES B IR D S A L L , am ong which In one place was a picturesque vealed the fact that the thieves had forced a lbs old “ Aldlne” tnagazluc which had not Company’s track, running between H arvey Bay Head off shore fishermen report the cod (HViMen fo r the A'eto Jersey Couiier by mud villa e. Clim bing a steep lull we passed window in ib e printing office o f Storms and teen published for fifteen or twenty years V • A ttorney at L a w , Cedars aud the " Y " to connect with Beach fishing a total failure this winter. Chick made frequent calls at the Gould Bennett and thereby gamed enlrance to the through the village o f 'Alm a, where are the M a s t e r a n d E x a m in e r i n C e a n o e b y that is applied to the gums for pain Prof. Barry C. Haven*, of the Syrian Protest remains o f an ancient synagogue. The day Host office and the stationery store adjoining. residence and also at the hotels where he Amos P. Bartlett, a Stanwick grocer, ha* iiaveu trains; aud perhaps, to secure still ant College-, Beirut. Letter JVo. 3 ) a n d N o tab y P u b l ic . further accomodation, wj|! ran across the less extraction. Write for testimonials. was only well begun but the heat was Intense They wera very practical in their methods, aud thought he might sec the object o f bis visit; been flued $100 fo r selling oleo margarine for So far we Lad seeu few places o f Biblical Mannahawkta bridge to meet trains on tbe OFFICE ON M A IN STREET, O PPOSITE Bearing to the righ t and Inquiring now aud visited ibe money drawers, helping themselves but Gould refused lo meet him. Chick claimed butter. interest, hot the next day was more fruitful of Tuckerton Railroad which do not rua to Beach THE OCEAN HOUSE. TOM8 RIVBlt. N. J. then about the road w e pushed on About teu to all the available cash, They secured about to be a journalist, aud it is said that ho carried Bwedesboro, Paulsboro, Oibbstown and other •ucb. The camp drew out soon after 0.OO, o'clock we rode Into the midst o f a great herd $35.00 nud some cigarettes aud cologne. They around with him a manuscript copy ol Gloucester county towns, have been raided by Haven. It la presumed that electricity o r hot but we were delayed in the village while the a ir will be used as a motor. o f sheep and goats, follow ed by three or fou> forced an nntrauce through the cellar doors "C h ic k ’s Lakewood N ow s", which he said he burglars. W .-C A R M IO H A E L, horses which Moore and Bucher rode were P ra c tic a l T in n B r A c c id e n t o r fu e ld e u t? b oja. Goatherds d o not direct their flocks, into Wood mantle A (Jo’s store, but could not wrote out dally wherever he might be, ebangtug Richard Croker is a large shareholder lu the being shod. Redes (Kedesh-Naphtali) wa* Manufacturer of Tin and Sheet Iron • C ou nsblo b a t L a w a n d they simply give them their head and fellow. gat upstairs although they made streunous the name o f the sheet to suit the name o f tbe When Conductor Frank Ellis’ early train recently re-organ!zed Monmouth Park Racing to be the camping place. Keeping upon the Ware,Tin Roofing and Spouting. Also place. He first appeared here Wednesday Calling the largest b oy w e asked him to g e t efforts. Perriue & Gatklll's butcher shop was came out of Barnegat oue nornlug recently, M a s t e b in C h a n c e r y , Association. bills we rode all the morning with the large Dealer in Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, us some milk. He shook his band duUourly also entered, but no money was secured. The afternoon; and was induced to leave on us it passed the water tank, an amusing acci low plain called Merj Ayun (Ijo n ) on our left, Thousands o f wild geese aud ducks are House Furnishing Goods, Furuiture, O f f ic e o n M a in S t r e e t , doors o f Renbeu Levine's peddler wagon were Saturday by a brother who came oil from at first, but Moore who controlled '.be coin dent—or incident—happened. The valve rope below us. This Is the Merj or meadow just being brought to Cape May county waters by Cutlery, Lamps terns, Glassware, mon purse, held up bis hand aud gently rubbed forced off and three pair o f pauts, an overcoat Boston. His wife says ho is Insane and w t e : o f the water tank caught ou the stove pipe o f north of Huleb (M erom ) which was all tbo Toms River, N. J. the mild weather. Queensware, Wooden and Iron Pumpt hla thumb against bis finger lip*. A cup at and a child’s suit taken Marks w ere found on him placed in an asylum. the last car, opening the valve and deluging while visible in the distance. In the winter It etc, A ll orders for new work, or re Long Branch has a bonded debt of over Mr, Gould has fitted up offices for himself In once appeared from under his cloak, and oilier doors and windows of other stores, as the lop aud side o f ihn car with water, lushing Is Hooded, tu t during the tuuiuiei it is culti pairing, or repairs and bricks for I AW OFFICES. summeuiuF a smaller boy to assDt him be if some one had been trying to force au en the postoffice building with private telephone $150,000 and a floating debt o f $49,000. T h e iu at the open veutiialois and »puUertag iu at vated like a vast garden. After an hour or stoves, heaters, ranges, etc., promptly supplied us promptly aud abundantly, and trance. T h ere is no clue as yet to the burglars aud telegraph communication with W all street assets are $39,500. tbe windows. N o one knew how it happened more a large village o f white houses appeared ^ EDW ARD H. M U R P H Y , attended to. Please g iv e me a call. wbeu Moore bad fulfilled his promise by the but our citizens are arroniedfbDd every effort aud w ill d o most his business at Lakewood Another Glassboro glass plant has started np — least of all tba besprtakled passengers—till to the left on a' bill lop. It was Abil. the payment o f some coins, we started on. JUb w ill be made to catch them. — this oue on the co-operative plan by tbe the brakesman looked in a t bis fire and touud this winter. S h r e e v e ’8 B u i l d i n c , Abel Beth Maachuh o f 2 Sam. xx and 2 Kings W illiam H. Murphy, for the past five years workers themselves. soon appeared, covering the south side of the stovepipe goue. O bituary—Jeremiah Predinnrr. xv. Sheba and Juab began to seem like living Main Street, Toms River 144 E a s t S t a t e S t r e e t , T r e n t o n . large bill. It is very ancient. The whole, o f a member o f tbe N ew York Board of AlderC h a n g e in T i m e T a b le . A company has been organized at Ml. H olly For sometime past our fellow townsmau aud characters as Abel came luto view. T he city it was vlrible from our polut o f view, a few uieu, died here on Sunday morning, lie was to manufacture parlor matches. I t will have No. 11 W A L L STR E E T, N E W YO RK . A new Pennsylvania Railroad schedule went storekeeper, Jeremiah Predm ore, has been lu wall was g o n e ; the city itself and its people hundred yards away. W e did not climb up to a prominent Tammany Demociat. a capacity o f 400 gross per day. into effect on Monday la-jt, January 8th. The poor aud declining health. T b e inevitable call were but a little country village and lt6 inhabb G eorge C. Bold!, the Philadelphia and New it. Jerome states that Paul's parents lived In came on Thursday, January 4th, at three tan is ; but the bills aud Ibe valleys were the T W tt L E O N GOBLE, T he great value o f Hood's Sarsaparilla as a 10,30 a . m . train from Philadelphia now runs York hotel manager, with his wife, has beeu Glscala before they removed to Tarsus, M.,wben all that was Immortal o f our friend DSALBR IN ALL KINDS OF same which Joab traversed in his search for remedy for catarrh is vouched fo r by thou ou up the bean h lo Bay Head Junction daily, Josephus certainly fortified the city, and it was passed from this earth. M r. Predm ore has making his yearly visit at Lakewood. D EN TIST, us a mixed freight and passenger train from the enemy o f David. A mile or so further on sands o f people whom It has cured. Dr. M organ Dlx, R ector o f the famed old the scene of bloody limes In the days o f the r U M B ER , C O A L A N D W O O D , H A R D conducted the geueral store business tor sever Toms R iv e r; aud returns reaching here at Tell-el Kadi, the site o f Dun came into view. OFFICE AT UNION HOUSE, M AIN STREET, South Jersey sportsmen w ill ask the legisla Trinity church, N ew York, with his family Roman occupation. There was not a tiled al years, and as long as health lasted was very 4.05 iu the same way. TOMS RIVER, H. J. ^ ware, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Nails, Kadi In Arabic and Dan in Hebrew bolb mean roof to be sueu iu the town. ture this winter to enact a law forbidding the were am ong lust weeks arrivals at tbe Laurel. It was composed successful. lie leaves a w id ow and two judge, and all authorities are agreed upon this Office Days—Thursday, Frida; and Saturday. F le w A g a in s t a L o c o m o tiv e . Rev. Dr. Rylance l* another promlneut New killing of deer and quail for one year. Glass, etc., Doors, Sash, Blinds and side. It was a little knob much low er tban o f the ordinary mud and stone houses, rect children lo mourn his loss. H e was a member Teeth extracted without pain by Anastbetic angular and fiat roofed. Here and there iu o f Barnegat Lodge, No. 71, K o f P ., aud the York clergyman o f the Episcopal faith, who T he twenty-first anuual m eeting uf the N ew A peculiar accident happened to the head ip died to gums. the hill road we were following and it was Mouldings, Shingles, Lath, Lim e, C e the rocks, tombs could be seeu. emptied o f has been slopping at ib e Laurel. Jersey State Board o f Agriculture w ill be held light o f engine No. 5, T . l i . R., last week funeral ceremonies of the ord r were per somewhat further to the oast than Abll. W . G. O'Leary Is now a commissiouer of he held at Trenton, on January 10, 17 and 18. while making the Beach Haven run. A duck, Ihelr eoulenl* ages since. The road ou to formed by this lodge Ills funeral was held rs. a . p a c k e r , ment, Brick, etc., etc. Lowest prices Baulas (Cierarea Philippi) was visible on the Melron lay through one old orchard, the trees deeds fo r New York State. David E. C layton has sold Ins Interest in the which no doubt was bewildered by the g ia re o f from the M. E. church ou Mouday, aud hill side opposite. Three of our party had o f which were ladeu with fruit. Olivas are PO U ND STORE, Special services w ere held on Saturday at Buy Head liv e ry business to bis partner, the light, flew against the heavy glass and o ffic e a n d Y a r on B a y S tre e t, interment was made in the fam ily plot ul already seen the place close at hand, and it oue o f the staple articles o f food. They are both the Episcopal and Caihollc churches to ChaileB LeCompte ; and lias purchased Voor- broke it entirely across the face. M*in Street, near Water, Toms Rivei B arnesat N .J. bad been left out in making up our itinerary. gathered in the autumn and either made into Waretown. T o his relative* aud friends we celebrate Epiphany, which festlrai fell ou T h e P h ila d e lp h ia a n d B e a c h H a v e n K . It. liecs’ bakery. extend our heartfelt sympathies. After riding fo r perhaps an hour more the EVERYTHING SOLD BY T H K POUND. oil iu the presses—clumsy stone affairs, turned that day. road tnrned slightly to the right, and a little Gen. W illiam J. Sewell has been chosen A young Burlington engineer with some Other News Note*. Satlnes, calicos, musllns^tlngliams,outings,cloths by cattle after the maim er of a large cider T he Tim es and Journal suggests Unit a of all kinds, toweling?, and everything kept by a climb brought us out upon a large open space Circulars are out announcing that Prof. R. double track may have to be laid from Red knowledge o f surgery, lias engrafted rooster President o f the Philadelphia and Beach Haven general furnishing store, remnants of carpets,etc. ju iill—or pul away in brine for the winter's where stood the ruius of another castle. Be Railroad, that portion o f tiie old Lon g Beach claws ou tw o o f his lingers to replace the nails store. We caught glimpses o f Safed here and B. Adams w ill give >m entertainment of his Bank to accommodate tbo Increasing traffic yond it was an extensive pool around which Hue which runs from Mannahawkta to Beach iosl by an accideut. Opposite Railroad Depot, Toms Riverthere through the hills, as we rode along. illuiuiuuted pictures m the M E. church on and travel to this place. J^O STE E N W ALTON, clustered flocks of sheep and goats. 'I he ears Haven, at. If* recent reorganization. T he 33th annual meeltag o f the New Jersey 8afed is thought to be the "c ity set upon a Friday evening, January 12th. Professor John M ney delivered his lecture o f Sjrian goats are as long as their fore-legs. O ld F 'r e ig h t H a te a Ht-sHired, Rev. E. B. Cobb of Elizabeth, also advertises of the Library serins on Thursday uveulug Editorial Association will be held at the State h ill." We hoped to lunch there that day. In fact, ears, horns and hair form the major C o n t r a c t o r o f P l a s t e r i n g an d The old freight rates—much low er than Melron proved to be an tasignificant village, that he w ill g ive a slereoptlcou exhibition aud from the topic " A Century of Euallsti History’’ street bouse, Treuton, on M onday, February part o f the animal. The heavy, unwieldy tails at o ’clock A. B r ic k - L a y i n g . those in force this fall and winter— baye been but lu It we found what we bud coinc to t-ee — lecture ou the World's Fair iu the PreBbyteriau —the ceutury that began with Elizabeth uud o f the Bbeep and the long, limp ears of the church on Thursday evening, January 18lb. restored both on the P . R. R. and the Tucker Repairing neatly and prom ptly done. A ll William Ryan o f Atlantic Highlands, the tombs of Hlllel and Sbamuiul, two leading ended with Cromwell. goats give a flock a very grotesque appearance. work guaranteed. Estimates o r advice giveu Mr. and Mrs. II. A. T olbert entertained a rabbis in the time o f Christ. Touibs of noted the Freehold courts) $KX) ton lino. Rev. C. A. Briggs o f New York, and Rev. covered (In Some may not know that the fat o f Syrian with pleasure. Address, few friends on Tuesday eveulug o f last week. personages iu Palestine are usually plain stone Henry Preserved Smith o f Cineiuuatl, tw o well damages lor his hand which was shot off by sheep accumulates not In the body, as the leaf TOMS R IV E R . N. J Mrs. M ary Hunt gave an interesting and known Presbyterian divines, were both recent James DeWttt in u quarrel. edifices with dome-shaped roof. There w ere Among Our Churches. fat, bat in the clumsy tails which often become four or five such iu Meiion, side by side, instructive lecture lu the Presbyterian church arrivals. Randolph M oore, a prominent Republican as large as a loaf o f bread. R O B E R T STREBLAU, First Baptist, guarded by a company o f greasy German Jews on VVedueaday evouing, January 3d, on tbe As an instance o f itm amount o f business politician, and fo r twenty years the clerk o f The castle here as the one at Sbukif, is who spoke even worse Arubic than ourselves. subject o f scientific temperance instruction lu done in Lakewood during the holidays, one Mercer County, died In Trenton o f a complica The Sunday-school has elected officers as thought to be much older than the crusading the public school. W a t c h m a k e r and J e w e l e r , One o f these tombs was that of Shammai,while milk dealer delivered over 1600 quarts o f the tion of diseases. He was born In 1830, follo w s: Supt., S. T . F ro st; Ass’t. Snpt., period. While no one can be sore, Murray’s Ou Thursday evening was g iven the recep lacteal fluid on one morning. the tomb of Hillel was simply a cave in the Repairing Of Watches, J ew elry, Spectacles, guide book identifies Shukif with Achsaph, There were 17,178 marriages in New Jersey 0 . H. W a rd e ll; Treas . Charles M cC lees; hill side tower down. T he custodians o f the tion in connection of the twenty-fifth anni etc., a Specialty. Sec’y., H. M. Bunnell; Organist, Miss Maude (Josh. x ix ll, e tc .) and Hunin (th e one where last .tear. O f this number Camden furnished ---- blALIB IN---place were willing enough to show us all versary o f the wedding o f Mr. and Mrs Geo. we now w ere) with Janoah (2 Kiugs xv). T U C K E R TO N . 14,790, most o f whom w ere Pennsylvanian- Hyers : Librarian, W . C. F ro st; Ass’t. Librar WATEK s t r e e t , t o m s r iv e r there was lo be seen ; but beyoud ibe bare H. Van Note. A large number o f relatives and ian, W. Fred Kendall. There was only the old fortress-like ruin to who crossed the river to avoid in h e r i n g the Four doors east of the Bank. whitewashed tombs, adorned by a few cheap friends gathered to offer their congratulations. No N a lo n n * In T tic k e r t o n L ic e n s e I 'r c la T w o persons united with the church last see here, so we rode on four miles farther to questions which a m arriage license In that pictures, and the Jews themselves clad in a Many bountiful and handsome presents were Sunday m orning. A g a in F i x e d a ' 9 2 0 0 0 . Mels (pronounced mice) before stopping for •stale entails. r j j A. PATTERSON, a dress partly Arabic and partly of a style received. Special services are being held this w eek — lunch. Mels e lje b e l was a large village of T he speeiul election at this place on Mouday Our young people who were home for the The funeral o f ex-M ayor I )r Lewis M. sui generis, promiuent among which was the From Foundation Brick, Lime and Wednesday. Thursday and Friday evenings. Metawileb, made up o f low, square houses of under the Werls Liquor law, resulted ta the PRACTICAL Green, the w ell known manufacturer o f Cement to Finishing Touch of Paint. black fell hat and the long sinuous curl holidays, have returned lo their vai tons schools The Christian Endeavor Society has etiosen mud or stone, and narrow, crooked streets complete triumph o f the temperance element Green's August Flower aud Botchee’ s German dangling iu frout o f each ear, there was or business pursuits, and the town is again H ARNESS M A K E R , Cedar and Ouk Boat Boards, Spars, fetlock deep with dust. Chickens, goats, don aud the retention o f the $2000 license fee for 8yrup. who died on Tuesday at the advanced the follo w in g officers to serve for the ensuing Paint, Varnish and NailB. little worth slaying to see. We left at 12 settling to Its usual peaceful quietness. six mouths i President, Mrs. M. G. Sco tt; keys aud children seemed about equal in num three years lo come. The contestant iu tbu VanHise Building, Washington St., A great deal of sickness has been prevalent age o f 76 years, took place at Woodbury on with an hours’ ride before us to Bafcd. Our Vice-President, John Havens; Rec. Sec’y., ber and privileges, for ihey swarmed every ease was J. W. Lee, who purchased the (Jarle- Saturday afternoon. object In pushing on was to reach the home o f in our midst, but It Is now abating somewhat. Toms River, N. J. Miss Maude H y ers ; Cor. Sec’y., II M. Bunnell; where, the goats and doukey colls showing lou bouse of Mrs. Mulholland and wished to Fencing, Drain Pipe, Fertilizers, Etc. It is with gratification that wo announce Mr. Christie, a Scotch missionary resident In William J. Bruce, a prominent Republican Trcas , El wood R Davis. decided preference for walls and housetops, uu a licensed she had done before the T O M S RIVER, N. J. the city, a much pleasanter place for lunch that our worthy doctor. Edmund Bennett. Is politician aud journalist, died at Ktrkbrlde's Early devotional m eeting o f this society next which latter, it must be remembered, were but R E E D E R & EVERNHAM again able to be about and attend his palieuls. township voted a $2000 license three years ago. asylum, Philadelphia, last week. Ills mind tban Melron. Sunday evening will bs led by Miss Maude from 5 to 12 feet In height approxim ately, Prof. Northrup returned from his holiday Accordingly through his attorney, ex-8cuaior g ave way d in in g the lost Presidential cam H a r r y C. H a v e n s . H yers; topic, " O u r temptations and bow to and 60 approachable by stone heaps and tum vacation on Saturday last, and brought witn Ncvius o f Red Bank, he made application lo paign, while he was Secretary o f the State B l a c k s m it h a n d W h e e l w r i g h t S h o p s avoid them.’’ —Matt. 4: 1-11. ble-down walls that access to the level sand him a bride. We offer our hearty congratula Justice VanByckel aud was granted su election Republican League. Subject o f next Sunday mornings address roofs was very easy. The people o f this vil Th e Daughters of the Revolution tions. '• fur or against a $100 license fee." Our town All woik promptly attended to in first Henry D eH art o f Long Branch bae recovered will be " T b e second com ing of ou r L o rd ." lage, however, did not lack in politeness. No was greatly excited over the elecltau, which ulass style. Water street, T om s River. Our public school opened on Monday. Gave a very enjoyable luncheon at the sooner did we make our wants known than a for weeks has been the prevailing topic ; but $100, which he bet on his horse in a race there Iu the evening. " T h e preacher by the rive r.’’ P. Y. V e e d e r J o h n E v e r n h a m Successor to gray bearded mao in turban and long robe, Country Club, Orange, N. J , Wednesday, the defeat of the " f o r $100" ticket left the old recently. H is horse lost and the stakeholder f l e t l m J I i t E p h fu p u l. once white, bade us come with him . W e fol January 3d. The spacious rooms were decor PO INT P LEASAN T: $2000 license in fo r e * for three years more— paid over the funds to the other parties. D e Laid Sabbath morning the sacramaut o f the lowed and after a few turns be stopped at a ated with buff and blue. The menu cards w ere Hart brought suit against the stakeholder and EAS. T. HUDSON, during which lime there can be no change. Lord's supper was administered. the g ift o f Mrs Geo. Inoess. jr., of Montclair. The Arnold Hnuse Hn* a New Owner. large house, rather more pretentious than the H on. Joliti T. Burton bas been confiued to recovered the amount. Special revival services continue nightly and BARBER. others. W e could observe by bis actions and Miss Nadine W. Torrejr, State Regent, pre A. O. S. Havens, our real estate agent, act his bed for a fortnight past with au attack of Counsel for tbe Camden County Republican much good is hoped for from them, Mrs. Steers, president of the society, ing for Messrs. Maggi, Bartlett aud Wright, E s t a b l is h e d 1877. the respect paid him that he was the Sheikh sided. la grippe, to which his wife was also a victim, Executive Com mittee on Saturday caused a Early Epworth League service next Sabbalb read a short address. Miss A. W. Sterling, O p p o s i t e t h e O c e a n H o use . have sold that old time favorite the Arnold o f the village. Men came out and tied our C. M. Headley, General Passenger and large uuinlier o f warrants to be Issued for tbe evening, led by Miss Julia Chamberlain : tba well kuown reader at.d lecturer upon his bouse, to John A. Casey o f Brooklyn. Mr. horses. W e entered through a low door into Where Satisfaction Is generally given to all cus Freight Agent o f the Tuckerlou Railroad, has arrest of Democrat*, who are charged with subject, " Moses; called o f G od ."— Ex. 3:1-10. torical subjects, read a sketch entitled " C hrist tomers. Ladies’ Shampooing a specialty, done a large square room. The walls w ere roughly Casey is said to be a man o f energy, and early also spent two weeks in the house becausu ol election frauds during the N ovem ber election. bt Mrs. Hudson. Preabyterlan. plastered and whitewashed. T here were win mas tide at Trenton 1776" An able paper improvements lo the property are looked for. thin Insidious disease. Police and election officers are included In tbe liA -iis r S T R E E T , written by Mrs A. K Barclay of Orange, en Rev. J. J. Coale, Principal of the M t Hoily dows on one side only, and in some niches iu Mrs. Jacob Strader, who at one time lived E ditor B. H. Crosby uow has the Beacon lut. I.YS3ES S. G R A N T, T O M S R I V E R . , 1ST. J . the walls were placed matting and beddlDg. titled. “ Anecdotes of some Revolutionary her**, but is now a resident o f N ew York, wa? Academy, conducts preaching services each plum snugly situated in its new Green street James 8. Johnson, jr., o f Perth Am boy, Sabbath m orning and evening, and prayer The ceiling was o f logs, which were upheld by women.” was read by Miss Adams. A poem visiting at E C. Jones’ with her five year old borne which when completed w ill be his came home 1tie at night recently, when u n ex meeting each Saturday night. written for tbe occasion by Miss Arabella I o NSOKIAL A b t IST, pillars. The floor was of something like con daughter Angie, when the child was seized homo also. He w ill fill another "lo n g felt pected by his wife. They lived In a d oable crete. Carpets and pillows were spread down W ard o f South Orange, was read by Mre. with malignant scarlet fever, d jin g last want ’ by keeping a supply of stationery on fT irfa t (Eplwropal) ( liurrli. WATEB STHEET, TOMB RIVER, S. house and sbe alarmed its other occupant* hy the windows for us and water whs bronght. Robert Ward. T he guests numbered seventy- Wednesday, the father just arrivin g before lu baud—the only stationery store in the town. 2d Sunday after Epiphany, Jan. 14. Matins, saying she thought she hoard a burglar in the Open every day (except Sunday) from 180 a. i In spite o f our assurances that we were sup five aud included many names prominent lu death. T he body was removed to New York Mr. Crosby and the Beacon have both become house. Adolph Sofield responded, revolver in Litany, and sermon at 10 30. Sunday-school to 9 p. w.; Saturdays, from T a. m. to 18 midnight. society iu New Y o rk , Brookljn, Summit, plied with lunch, some eatables w ere brought, for burial. As the child contracted the dis active factors lo Tuckerlou life,and I know the at 2 30, F.vensong at 7 30. hand, and seeing Johnson ta the dining room * to which be it said we vastly preferred onr Montclair, Fair V iew , Lakewood, Nuwark, ease while still in New Y ork , and as utmost Co u r ie r will J .lu wub us lo wishing them School Books snd Supplies, shot him dead. Tom s River, and other cities In New Jersey. own, but for politeness’ sake we were obliged O A M U E L 0. B A ILE Y , precautions were taken to keep the case Iso both success. New York and Philadelphia Morning The Planets tor January. Charles E. Buell of Plainfield, who was one to partake o f them. Strict courtesy would lated, there is no fear o f contagion. W ill Carhart has a 24 foot yacht on the A Sample hetter from a Hut»«crlber. ^ Dealer In and Evening Papers. o f tho chiefs o f the eleventh c en m t has a have compelled us to remove onr shoes upon Miss Ella, daughter o f G eorge LcCompte of stocks o f S. 0. H eadley the veteran builder. Venus a n d J u p ite r a r e F.ven ln g H t a n , FRESH, SALT AND 8MOKED MEATS, SubcriptioDB received for papers and entering the room ; but Franks seldom do this. M essrs F isch er A P at te r s o n , novel scheme o f caring for unemployed uieu. Buirsville, died of consumption on Wednesday Our local bank has declared a temi-auuuai The reigning planets now are Venns and Dear Sir*: Enclosed find pay fo r the BUTTER, LARD, MINCEMEAT, ETC., ETO. magazines at publishers’ rates. H e Halms that if they w ere encamped as Natives frequently wear a low, beelless slipper of lust week. She was 26 pears old dividend of 3 per c-cut. On a capital o f $20.Jupiter, both now being magnificent evening AT LIVING PRICES. Law Blanks. Wirta’ Fountain Pens. with no counter. T o remove them therefore C o u r ie r . Please renew my subscription to Ellwood Arnold Post, 0 . A. R , publicly in 000 it has been d oin g more than a $ 100,000 soldiers, they would he sustained at a cost o f stars. same for tbe fifteenth tim e. We believe with Corner Main and Washington Streete, Seaside and other Libraries. $4.10 per head per month. But ibe support o f it Is necessary only to step out o f them ; and stalled it» officers on Tuesday evening. business: lias a surplus o f $2500; undivided Venus is about three hour* behind the sun, tbe wise man, that " As cold waters to a thirsty Toma River. N. J . this they almost Invariably do upon entering Richard Shay, for some time past night profits $1873 10; and individual deposits, tbslr wives and children is not apparently and adorns the western evening sky with her soul, so is good news from * far c o u n t r y s o considered in this scheme. any house. operator at our depot, has been followed by #73.13166 Incomparable splendor until nearly 8 o'clock. w e continue to take tbe Co u rier . W e are D W A R D W SN YD ER , The lunch and the Innchers w ere carefully William Topping. H U Y L E R 'S Bon-Bons and Chocolates Social gatherings have been pleasant and She attained ber greatest brilliancy on the 10th comfortably situated in onr western New Y o rk BEACH HAVEN. observed. A can o f jam waa the object of John A. Fogeriy o f Lakewowd, D. D. G. 0., numerous of late. o f this month. home, and on the second qnarter of Ibe second special scrutiny. So after we had concluded has installed the newly elected officers of our FAS H IO N A B LE T A IL O R , Genial Sbeilflf Chambers has beeu our visitor year. We wish the enterprising editors o f the Jupiter was in opposition to tbe sun, and Pastor N. B. Rockbili o f the M. church onr repast a loaf o f Arabic bread was spread K. of P. lodge ; and Deputy Great Sachem two weeks iu succession; the sale of tbe COWPERTHWAIT EXCHANGE. MAIN STREET., C o u r ie r and its numerous readers, '• a happy therefore shone with bis greatest brilliancy bos been Ul w ltb tbe grip. ^ Waxes Supply and Orainaoe. therewith and given to the old Sheikh. He Smytlie has raided the chiefs o f Metedeconk Llppm eott property being postponed one week TOMS RIVER, N. J. N ew Year." PLAN! AND SPECIFICATIONS FuRN.SHEO Butler A Son are building a new cottage fo r for this year, on the 18th o f November. He is began rather gingerly upon it, bnt once under Tribe, Imp. O. R, M. tW“<4ftrmr>rH* m t and made to order in the be»t T b e old freight rates have been restored up Mr. English o f Philadelphia. R ev . 8. H. Po t t e r . still a no mean rival o f Venus. Ills distance way his progress was astonishingly rapid. manner at short notice Considerable building is goin g on here and on tbe Tuckerton and Pennsylvania Railroads, Allentown. Allegany Co..N.Y..Jan 1,1894. The fire company Is m aking great strides from us now is about 375.000.0iX) miles. Arabic b re g j is made In round cakes, very at Bay Head. One good point about this thanks to lfce persistent efforts o f onr locni Since tbe 20th o f September this planet ha* toward proficiency through their drills. C IV IL E X C I N K U A M D S U R V E Y © * , thin, about 9 inches in diameter placed double winter is that it allows out o f door work lo railroad officials. N ew A d v e rtis e m e n t* . j^ A M U E L S. T A l'L O B , Cowperthwait Exchange, Second Floor, been " retrograd ing"— m oving westward. On Miss Sylvia Lewis is vlsitli g ta Ohio. and fastened at the edges so that when baked Warren Ou, Mrs. E liza Ilaukins TOMS RIVER. N E W JERSEY. •renting & Co., marble cutters, of Asbury continue. Week o f prayer Is befog observed by union Freeholder F o x and w ife spent some days at the 15th o f ibis mouth it w ill be stationary. - Prompt attention given to correspondence. it is like the two crnsU of a pie wlthonl the Park, have a new adv. this week calling at and Joseph Vaunute are am ong those who will services in the Presbjterian and Methodist Barnegat last week. PLU M B IN G , After that month it w ill move ta an easterly filling, though much thlm er and tougher than tention ts their line o f superior stone w o rk — erect new cottages. churches. Tbe Llpp cottage at N orth Beach Haven Is direction. I u movement can be observed v try iteam and Hot Water H eatin g. P a ttie a lif pie ernst. It is always unleavened. Leaving, which embraces everythin g from mantels to A Pocahontas lodge Is talkeJ ot among the O ar haymeu have Dot bean forced to lay off being p iloted . readily by noting its change o f position with attention paid to oat o f towu work. the old Sheikh asking a blessing to rest upon curbing and flagging or cemetery work. ladles. Considering that the sterner sex yet because of ibe cold ibis w in ter; but icemen Thomas Hanson o f Tuckerton hau m oved reference to Aldebaian and tbe Pleiades, ns because we had given him some smell snm, LAKEW OOD, N. J. Ayera Bros, of o a r town announce that they monopolize to themselves a lodge o f each of are wondeiiug where their ice l*in c o m e from. over for the winter and occupies Joseph j Saturn i? a morning star, rtelng at about 1 we passed on and at three o'clock we dis are prepared to furnish Pillsbury’s Best flour at tbe follo w in g orders—Red Men. Knights o f * . m . I t is therefore com ing into a good Conklin's house. cerned the peaks o f the tents aw ay over on a wholesale or retail, at lowest pries* for spot Pythias, Grand Army. Am erican Mechanics ]7 D W a R D IRONS, ‘ position fo r observing with a telescope. On S R O O K V I L L E . hillside abeed o f ns. The horses soon sighted cash. Junior American Mechanics,Knights o f Golden Diagnosis. j the 14th it w ill be in quadrature with the sun. J ll DEALER IN Eagle, besides many members o f Masonic and Next door to the Pastetfice. TOMS RIVER, N. J. them too and needed no whip or rein to send Mar* also Is «*ow a m orning »ia r , rising M rs. Edith Lcck fell and b> uirtd her hip Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines Particular stteution given to repairing, them of! the road into the camp at a swinging Odd Fellow s fraternities outside o f the place— New Y ear Be*alutl«n«. When yon feel all out o f kelter also shoe* made to order. very badly. ! at about 4 a . m . N one o f the other planets Of high grade. Music books, etc., at manpace. With an achin’ in y o o r bones, Oh those New Year resolutions that we made we don’ t see why the ladies shouldn't have Jare now ju a position to render it o f interest to Samuel Lemmon and Hiram Parker rlsited ofaeturer'e prices. All g o o d * warranted. Just above tbe hill a stone's throw from the ooe ordet o f their own. When yonr step gets kind o ’ boggy. with holy aw e, Pianos, organs and sewing machines to |observer* with the naked ey*. Joseph Lemm-m lost week. tents was the village o f Kedes, (Kedesh Week o f prayer ts celebrated In the Presby And y o o r feet become like stones ; rent. Sales rooms How they melted like the snow banks in a Theodore Reeves o f Browns Mills, visited bis Napbtali) one o f the six cities o f refage, terian and -Baptist churches this week by When y *u r eyes are w eak and watery. Jaunary tb a w ! Main street, Tom s River, N . J. on ly sister, Mrs. Rachel Couch, on Monday. Downing Convicted. G ood f o r a rebate o f 5 c * on $ 1 . 0 0 divinely appointed (Josh, xx: 7). Here Barak And y o o r nose is on tbe drip, H ow the man who broke his mterfcbanm and united ser vices. Joseph Cole and fam ily retarded to their lived a id fought against Hasor, before W illiam H. Iron* w ill enlarge bis Bay THere is every indication vowed to m o k e no more. hrtree at Mannahawktn after ■ fortnight's Barn'rat Park a Rx - RM taniter Deborah called him to lead her army against T hai you have got tbe Grip, N ow ftmokes an old two cent pipe behind tbe avenne buiiding, by an addition 36 feet long vlstf to Santnel I >tnninn'« Clare© 6 s!!ty ef Prrjary. the canaanites. Kedesh was also oce of tbe cellar door. —Next F ort Herald. at tee rear, to be used in bis lumber talil work. Mre. Reeve* returned home on Friday I f you've g o t so all gon e feeling, A Trenton dispatch * a j * : Hiram T . D ow s cities taken by Tiglath-pileser (2 Kings 15:21), Bailder H. W. Neary has added a vestibule after a few d%;a visit to Mary Reeves o f With a weakness at tb e knees, ing. who was join tly indicted with Lieutenant It may be observed that we bad all day been to tbe chnrcb of St. M ary's by the Sea. © Letter*. Cedar Bridge. And a thorax like a base dram Edward S. Farrow tor falsely swearing to Ike following tbe track ot that potentate in bis Letters addressed to tba following persoas Charles 8Uekhco#e o f Base River visited Erery time you cough or e a e o e ; date o f a deed giTen by tbe Barnegat Park ■ ■—— thwait Exchange entrance into Galilee. remalaed unclaimed at tba Toms R iver Post Oscar Craomar last week, but returned oo I f you fe el lif* such a harden NEW E Q Y P T. i Company to Downing, w a* no Monday cesI n» r « . « . : « fra. « > * » • • Office tor tba week ending on Monday la s t: Friday. That you scarcely care a fl ip. j victed o f p erlarv in the Mercer county courts. j a l • I and waa employed n studying sp Uw vicinity U r. Naweli Archer. Daniel Brewer, sr , o f Forked Elver, bat It is now said that tbe Union Transportation You may set It down fo r certain a n a typecta cfos Ifl S tock ; fro(B p jb?€ M u te d by Murray * Baedeker | The deed is for tbe ten acre tract on which John Supper. Company w ill u k « charge o f and operate tbe form erly a rerIdeal of this place was io towu That you have got the Gnp. All repairing warranted for one year. .^ steaBMr c hain were exceedingly comfort; the bote! the Pines " ts said to stand ; and, s i Viaceotown branch railroad a b o o l March 1st. on Monday. ! w« B known to oar reader*, It was charged W , FRED# K E N D A L L . T o m s R i f e r , N , J , j * ft e » the moralag In the saddle. The "D uring the epidem ic o f tm grippe (Tiac* i f you feei aa icy shiver A la meeting of tbe D irectors of tbe New ' ~ h Remedy took the * *lead here C*oagh that Lieut. Farrow executed s deed to Down — . . . . . .. - i...= I w&ters o f Merom. tbe plain north o f the lake berIain's Race along your verteb ra. C arrie. 3-year old child of f is o n e Andrews P rotective Amnrfotfon inch !better £7 Ilk liked than oti'er cough Jersey Dairy men's ing (a fte r the S aracgai Pork Cowpany's H te tA t o lia tlM l 1 8 7 L and Hermoo beyond, still streaked with snow, While y ea r poise is quick with fever, Bangs, druggist. (In which a aember r.t rwtr g a c k raisers are o f Avon , sed ber l * o slightly older brother*, property bed been placed io the hood* o f * -----::-----! all lay before a*. worth, HI. Tbe g rip is much I ha sawe as Aud y our mind L« h a lf at e r a ; prominent member*) tbe wholesale prlca of palled and ate some wild root*. Tbe little For & New ©ad Receiver) fo r this tract, and ante d ole © the Our destination tbe next day waa ’ Aio-et-tra f * r j severe eoM and requires precwelj tbe I f yaar walking U unsteady. •a a it treatment. This remedy U> prompt aud m ilk fmr the m oot! of JftBtsary was fixed at g irt died In great a g o e y sod oo e o f tbe fads deed a year from i u actual date, ft was la Aud y oar mental cogwheels slip. win probably not r a rtlre . effectual and will prevent any tendency of tbe * X A cents per quart. The report o f tbe See sweat lag to toe validity at tola deed that You w ill seed bo one to tell you a s s w toward pneumonia. For tale by C . B. tary o f the Association which covered Auctioneer and Insurance Agfent | Is a certain cure tor Chronic 8c-re E v a , I. dMaihis. Downey was found guilty. Druggist Yon shonld Ykat That you have r o t the Grip. About a year ago I took a violent attack o f period a f tw o years, showed that IS 615.941 W A X----------B T 9 W ----------N , N. S. , G r M iu k w i F .j* L < * j S°™ f y P P 1^ la grippe. I coughed day and night for about —/ . C. C. in A M M t Iwieitenfient A Minima reform*. Tbe aenal treats o f catarrh is v e ry no quarts o f milk had been di-poeed o f by iu six weeks : my w ife then suggested that ! try 1 S T L ife , F ir e , M e n n e u d A m d e M c n iu „ Far ml* by d r u g g i* . satisfactory, as . ‘ testify. Proper |agents and $027,806.19 has been received, aa Cham ber Isis'* C ongk Remedy. At fin»i f A friend in need is a friead iadecd. I The persistent cough which usually fo llo w * ewnhl see no difference bnt Mill kept taking it ! * y tl|lf , t £ asw— ry to sac ! sr-rafeprice of little over 4 eeats per I n s u r a n c e e ffe c te d . O s m j hsf e r e : n o n d e v n u . ausrk o f the gnp can he permanently W * th*n -TV5C mwiioe people 1 many. I f not m o*, of tbe rm d M in ! . . O k. i k ___.___ ■___ . . . . . . n — * ------found :h a i it was what I ------* - * *• j cared such a friend In Dr. King** 55*» bv taking Lksm beH an'e Cfluath R »a g j » A !M T b e M n tm l l i f e , o f N ew Y ork . , h o r * in a fine hen ktir m - f ederal aw afford fort tesspw ary relief l tecrt s o relief frwns ooe doee ! Jong another.! W A M «R «»re o f M rKay. Ohm. - fj cossumctJoB. coughs *r.d . . .:A* — i* < (Form erly Y as H ir e .% 8 « > M f iB | _ T h e T r a e e l e r e 'A w i H e n t . o f H e r t f o r d ; aitSss B y f V C W O Q - r fM o o f t w ilera. cm* nanafoiy.y wni he aapaan i ! U . M db! , . few d e ft Qfild I WM ffe e j I m n . tell tee w iu . never used this great cough - - ,T,« Miin Washington Sts., T o m Rt*er p o*d ert, ftn c tn s and washes. ]Ely** The eootinaal succession o f boll*, pimple*, j from the cough I think peopt* mi general w m f sever*! different medieine* w n boat will rou v K v e y oa thwt H ha* w oed erfol ewmTee Insurance Co-ofNartHA ire rice . onx ny the **=. *ni. — afocb *• m. “ “ ff” * * W ,J iomaf sorter, luoi j ought to know the vatae « f rro e d y , and I i relief. I tried R n p n ,, «• * .5 y-itn-as ot for wa# A foil hue of Htjfb Grade T i e Lieerpool A Losdoo A Globe, j"? "f ra*1™ • " r ' efir wklcb oomMora H i nt^»uai rate, .o'impete Hue X Ute w » • * « pkweare in ackaow iedem g tbe her.rfii. i i wb*-h efiw «rtl a permanent ra re . I have also hot Uu » g oT M u ee© m ft* a© Hiapie and Faucy Groceries, U * * » • vw vtw d from M a p is o * M i n a a n , j to o t* it to be without as equal for child rwa. -ed e d d r e e a r a e « ^ l ' O * " ----------------[ f jo m i n M t * 'heeban. i 251 and 50 cent bottles for » . * by when troubled with cold* or — * “ Trial bottle* free at C r roYiskjns, N o * , Feed, Etc. Beta, acd tears* the *ksg c k a a asd dear. F ee ml? d r a e * * * ■ f t e druggist i l l m eti it B. Matbta, D rn g ri t D e l k j i k ra eem tartteea fo r sue by C . E. Matfew. Druggist. la rg e hr-ttfes 36e asd tl.SO . n il tt i i, «* * ? < * ? am© * B U S IN E S S c a r d s . 0 A T e e t h E x t r a c t e d w it h o u t P a i n IN THE HOLY LAND. FROM COUNTY TOWNS G eo. T. C rook d e n t is t “ O D O M TU N D ER ’ Thtrams R o b erts B L U E F R O N T STO R E W . G. C O N R A D U M Hum aGk’s Y a rd , L UVI BEK, COAL, LIME, 5, 1894, 11 Cement and Brick, Doors, M. Sash and Blinds, Also, Blacksmith's Coal. At lowest prices for cash. 1L i L B R U N T E v e r y th in g fo r B u ild in g w DUAL AND WOOD. GEO). H . H O LM A N , General Insurance Agent. SHINN & HOLMAN. C Office at same old place. All kinds of Insurance effected at lowest rates See him before placing your Insurance. u N . D. K e n d a ll Honks,: Stationary: and F a n c y : Goods Post OfflcH Store E CHAS. R. HALL, Boots &S hoes ^JOSEPH ALSHEIMER’S Cut T his Out ! I thunk, my friends for their Patronage of last year, and will continue to supply them with Ice Cream, Confectionery and E y e Tested Free ! Fruits. Liberal terms made with Watches,Clocks,Jewelry Churches and Societies. h/ ^ * J. W. LETTS, Ware,town, New Jersey. , J Gilt-EdffeilClassof Goods J. G. HOWARD w sGROCERY S, Frost k 17 9 TV — = ........... i ...f-V ■ ,i r ' ' ■' I -i Th « Qovtrnor't M tu ig r. New Jersey Courier. Governor W arts annual mesaage is a docu ment containing many valuable suggestions and setting forth the Governor's pet theories— and who w ill say they are not remarkably brilliant and well-based-on several topics. H e begins by stating that the receipts from a ll sources during the fines! year w ere #2.618.WJO.m W »: the expenditure* #13117.982 b8; balance. ♦784.088.12. But uolwlthstanding this la rg e baiaucs he thinks tbe State sources of Income should not be touched, as there will be a o undoubted failin g off In tbe receipt* this year, ow ing to the present financial troubles. He suggests Immediate enlargement o f ac commodations at tbe State Prison; and the building of an Intermediate reformatory t o come between the Reform School and the Penitentiary. H e compliments the State upon her standing at the Columbian Exposition, aud recommends that tbe exhibits uow returned be used as the nuclei of a State -Museum; re quests additional land and suitable buildings at the Sea Girt cam p ground ; asks tbe Legisla ture to take advautage of tho U. B. Naval M illlta provisions and organize a corps of that body. He also recommends prompt action in regard to water supply fo r our growing city populatiou, aud tblnks tbe right o f eminent domain *hou!d be at once used by tbe State in secur in g control o f tbo water sheds In tbe northern counties; aud suggests a system of public parks could easily be coupl'd therewith, il? touches upou repression of forest fires; State aid for druiulug aud dyking salt meadows; aud alii! further liberality on the part of thc State In making o f stoue roads ; wants same system of gradual removal o f railway grade crossings; and would retrench expenses by consolidating State Boards, cutting down salar ies, and doing away with some useless Board* altogether. Ha would absolutely prohibit Uomr&cluti and belting thereon, not eveu allowing racing fo r purses or premiums. He also sut'inlls a proposed hill for the hold ing * f party primaries uudar the legal super vision of sworn officers, aud with an official ballot after the Australian system, guarding the primary a* clonelv as the election Itself, which he asks the Legislature to consider. O F F IC IA L P A P E R O F O C E A N C O U N T Y FwMIrtMM b y N E W J E R S E Y C O U R IE R P U B L IS H IX w CO M PANY. C h M , T . P atfen M n . O fflM . O w p c r t l w i i i ' i I m Iu i i i c . o tb b t o r o w orrios. T o m . R l v . r , Ocean C o u n ty , N. 1. {One copy l ...................... IS 00 TIRM S.— XOne copy t months................ 1 on (One copy I month*.................. AO Subscriptions payable in advance.. AD7 ES.TI8IBG KATES. T haksisht AnvuRTiMkBXT*, — Twelve Jlneo (on* inch apace,) TO oenta one inaertton. Kach additional insertion, so cents. BcsiNwe Cakds .—One Inch space, $8.00a year, each additional inch, le.oo. GSNlKAti ADTMTIBIKO. — Onr rates will be made known upon a either personally or by L voal a d v s k t is snare.—At rates allowed by law. Cin t -4-Wobi) ApvnneswsNTs.—On local pane one cent a word Tar eadh insortloa. The popular local advertising acheme. Entered at the Pott Office at Toms River as second-class m ail matter. TOMS RIVER, N. J. Thursday Afternoon, January 11, 18C4* Worse Then Anarchy. Again bare the Boaass eel ihem wlv * up a again*', tbc W )i) vl the People. Nine bold-over Democratic Senators, beaded by Adrsin o f Middlesex, aud D aly of Hudson, on Tuesday undertook to subvert the will of the people of New Jersey as expressed in no uncertain tones iu thu election o f last full, took possession o f (he Senate Chamber, aud practically refused to admit the newly-elected Republican Senators. The result is ibut two Senates have been organIztd ; one in the Senate Chamber, consisting o f len Democrats —lest than a quorum; the other, of eleven Republicans, domed recognition by Adralu, the Illegally chosen President o f «he minority Democratic Senate, organised in an adjoining room—teith a quorum For weeks there have bom rumors that the defeated Democratic Hlugstcrs at tbe organi zation o f the Sen,ite would make one last effort to secure at least a portion o f the power that was slipping from their grasp Whan they awoke th « morning alter election and found tbe new Senate aa w ell as the new Assembly was Republican in Ha make up, they recognized that all the laws o f the past few years which were passed to cruato sinecures for Democratic benchmeu and perpetuate Democratic power through public patronage, were doomed. Remembering the aucceastul stealing of the New York Senate a fow years ago, and not heeding the leason taught by the people of Now York In the defeat of Maynard last fall, nor Indeed the rebuke given themeidvce by the last election in our Slate, but selling at defiance the will o f the people therein expressed, they determined to lake possession o f the Senate; and refuse the credentials o f Senator-elect Bradley o f Monmouth upon the ground of bribery. The bribery cons Isted in giving out scrubbing brushes dining thu campaign and oaylug a dime a piece to children who would learn to sing Bradley campaign songs. With this end In view, aided by “ Barney ” Ford, the “ Snperlnteoclenl ’ ’ o f the State House (w h * saw Ills own sinecure vanishing with the return o f Republican* to power) the nine Democratic Senators to »k possession of tbe Senato Chamber, and refused all admission until this minority body had organized (!) by the election o f Adralu usTcmporary President. Then the Republican members were allowed to enter, but none o f the newly elected mem bers should ho awo.u in (so said this minorliy o f nine) uutll they (the m inority) hud passid upon their credentials. Aa they had twwn practically told by Adrain ai d Daly earlier m tbe day, that the credentials o f Mr. Bradley would nut be received, the Republican major ity then withdrew Into an adjoining commlilee room, organized, and sent (he report o f their organization to the Assembly, where they wcrt< officially recognized. The Governor, however, while causing tils message lo be Bent to the .Nmate Chamber, an nounced that he would not say which of the two bodies he would recognize until ufier Attorney-General Htockton had delivered an opinion. Aa to the charge of bribery in election made by the members o f the old Democratic Ring, who have In (he past, as now. fonnd no means too disreputable to aid them in gaining power the act of Senator Bradley iu giving away scrubbing brushes and peanuts, It not to be compared with bare faced frauds and ballotbox stealing In Hudson (fo r which many of Daly’* party worker* were lodged lo the State Prison nntll pardoned out by Gov. Abbctt. who waa a beneficiary of their crime 1 or the hull dwzlng, shooting, subbing and clubbing of voters by Democratic heelers in Camden ln«l November. ludeed it can hardly be nientluncd at the same moment with the large t-uni* of monoy put id (according to reputable author Ity) the Monmouth county canvass by tbe Race Track gang in aid of Bradley's opponent. Again 8enator Robert Adrain is himself violating the Bute Constitution iu attempting to alt as a Senator, aa he has violated It Id so acting for two year* past. Adrain serves as Prosecutor o f Middlesex county and as f tale Senator In direct opposition to the provisions of tbe Constitution—ret be seta himself up to overthrow tAe wishes of the people of this sovereign 8UU. This dfleauce Of law aud Order by the iJemocratic Senators Is worse than a ra rrb y —for It cetne* not from the crettures of the slums hut from member* of our highest law-making body ) The Sopreme Court, lo a decision rendered by Justice Llppmcott and com-nr red in by Justices Reed and Abbott, has declared the J Race Track bills unconstitutional. Judge; Uppincott says: ** Tbe act to a special ! i « ! regulating tbs internal affairs o f towns and i con*tie*, and also a rpeclal law granting to ' corporation*, associations or individual* | exclusive privileges, immunities or franchises, I and to therefor* nocoostliutloual and void." This emphasizes the verdict of tbe people os i NcTcmbe; 8th, but Si to strung empuaais. j Still the laws should be repealed. Q ueer Religion* Beet*. M. Tsnknl, a RoMidt) w rite r, has pub lished an interesting work entitled , "Queer Religious Meets o f Russia,” fro m which it Appears that th ere are not less than 16,000,000 followers o f insane «nd crank y notions iu the empire o f Luo czar. Them* communi tie s o f devout and deluded bein gs are con stan tly being enlarged, in s p ite of nil ef fo rts made t o th e contrary b y the govern ment. One of these sects Is known os tho "R u n aw ays.” A h soon as they em brace tho new fa ith they fly fro m their v illa g es and towns, destroy their id e n tity us much ns possible, an d henceforth live uh savages. "T h e Christs” uro another curious sect. They worship each other. The c h ie f ceremonies a re a crazy species o f dancing, yelling as lou d ly ns possible and pounding stones w ith sticks. T h e "SkoptBys” believe iu s elf mutila tio n , but w ill no t submit to {imputation, even though i t would save life . Like the “ Christs,” th e y dance aud y e ll for hours w ith ou t intermission. S till another o f these deluded sects is the “ D um b Hoyo.” W h y they are called dumb boys no one seeing to know, b u t It is a cu rious fact th at tho sect is composed of both sexes, old m en being iu tbe m ajority. I t is claim ed that s o m e of these a g e d patriarchs have not spoken iu 50 years, although p er fectly able to d o so did they ho desire. “ Tho Bulcldeo” are a sect led by M. SouckelilTo, w h o pruudies s e lf destruction aa an absolute necessity to salvation. H o is very eloquent, and it is said th at lie often leaves a church w ith a dozen suicides’ re main.**. strewn a b ou t thelloor. —London M il lion. The W o m a n Who Gives A dvice. She is a v e ry wearisome w om an, tho one w h o gives you advice. She does n o t w a it till you ask for it or she thinks you need it. She h<ts it iu store, and i f you huppen a lo n g she pours i t out on you. I t usually happens, too, th at nho pours it m ost freely whou you can’t use it, don’ t w an t It, w o u ld n ’ t have it am i wish she \vould keep s till. Sho has sharp eyes, as a rule. They are n o t bright an d pretty, but restless little beads that loo k as if they w e re threaded w ith a pin point which pricks y ou ut every glance. I f she looks, it is to criticise; if sho lis tens, it is to su ggest; If she speaks, It is to relate her experience and e xp lain her way. You may m eo k ly suggest th a t you also would like to com e by your knowledge through experience, but site seems to be d oub tful if so unimportant An individual w ill over have a n y of tho happenings that teach. S h e means w e ll—oh, bless her, yes—but she ih very "w e a r in g ” to m ortals who come in her way and have mislaid th e ir wings.— N e w York Advertiser, After calling st-Arms with forty •ffleers. »nd arresting all i •bwntees, the Democratic m ajority with five j * » T » trying succeeds on Monday In getting snoogh votes to bring the Wilson T ariff Bill j before the Boas*. Debate is to be cut off on the *fch t» e t . leaving tort fowr weeks for the fttausion o f this Mil, the anticipation of which !»«•*• bee esSKd sad: widespread dtoirrae as • to financially pomlyse tbe eonntry. i l n r , H t f a H I ■ c c s m -n lM i, toenate o flle e ra . Special to the Courier, Tbe Senate organized with Rogers for Presi dent, Wilbur A. M ott for Secretary, E. M. Fielder tor iaiU tant Secretary, and John G. Shreyo for Eiigroetlng C link. Senator Roger* Darned as bl* private secretary John H . Me* Murray o f tbe staff of tbe Camden Coarier. Tlie officers selected by tbe Ropabllcaa d e l ate caucus were as follow s : SeigeanPal-arms, J. L. Bmllb. M illv ille ; assistant, Reuben G. Usrter, M ercer; journal clerk, William H. Ixtng. Somerset; assistaut journal clerk, H. B. Robinson, U n ion ; as.-lstanl engrossing clerk, Charles T . Patleraoti, Ocean; bill clerk, Tbuo. V. Hanes, Ocean; assistaut bill clerk. John Wagner, Gloucester ; calendar clerk, R T. Starr, S a lem d oo rk eep ers, Samuel B Rose, Atlantic; Charles Plersou, Etsex ; Benjamin fl. DavU, Gloucester; Edwin R Davis, Salem ; Robert Hermann, M ercer; Clarence tl Lelaod, Union ; keeper of cloak room, Wllllaai Rodman, Mercer. Six pages will also be oam d. Much o f tbc credit for tUe selection o f Abel J, Berry o f Mannakzwkln as Assistant Ser geant at-A ruts of the House rests with Hon. Quo. P. O lcoit, of lllb District. E-sex. CapL Burton wa# physically unfit to bo present at either caucus or organiz itlon, but mas there. Mr. Olcott look the work out of hi* bauds and pul Abel lb rough. M r. Olcott Is a frequent winter visitor al Lakewood, aud a very popular one. and he will without doubt make his mark a* a Legislator. T hknton , Jan. 10-Now Jersey has tw o nrgaoltod Senates, ono of which though without a quorum is apparently recognized by tbe State officials, though refused recognition by Home of Assembly ; the other with s quorum, recognized by the At-acmhly and apparently refused recognition by the Stale officials. This anomalous condition of affairs is due ao ldy to tbe determination o f the Democratic Ring to prevent at a ll huzirdaths w ill o f the people being carried ou t by the repeal o f the obnox ious legislation which they bad paused for their own benefit and to tbe detriment and disgrace of tbe State In the past three year*. I I 1* well known that the present Senate, with Iu one Republican majority, waa elected for tho express purpose of reform, and none know it belter than tbe Democratic Rlug. who stand to day in tbe lig h t o f revolutionists—a m inor ity usurping the rights of tbe majority, and defying the w ill o f tbe people, Monday waa the gathering o f the clans at Trenton. M any of the leading men o f both panic* were present and the party caucuaea were held. Rumors filled the sir that the Democrats intended to refuse Senator Bradley’s credential* aud capture tbe organization. T b e T r o u b le In t b e s e n a te , On Tuesday morning tbe Republican Bena tors gathered at the Hotel Windsor. Tbe Democrats, with the aid of Barney Ford, tbe Huperluteudent of the State House, took possession o f the Senate Chamber and would not ullow any but their couf.ercs to enter, it Is customary to consult the minority a* lo the nominee for temporary Prcaldeo t, and Beuator Voorhees sought out Senator Robert Adrain asking him If it was (be wish o f the minority that he should preside and offering to accord him the bouor ; but at the same time assuring him that they ahould export fair-play us gentle men from a gentleman. Adrain gave them to understand thui this lust was more than they could expect, and they withdrew. Hanator Smith wa* also very successful In tnuklng out plans for his constituents. Charles T. Patterson of the Co u k ib k , Is assistaut en grossing clerk o f the Senate, and Theodore V. H snecof Brick, bill clerkAmong ili« Ocean county people up here this week at the organization were H. C. Gullck, Barnegat; Abraham Lower, G'apt. Rodney Clark, Superintendent of Life Saviuff Service J. Q . W . Havens, Point Pleasant; J. M. Thompson, New E gy p t; Hon. Adolph Ernst, Tom s River; W . T . McKaig, Island Heights; ex-County Collector Eugene F. Craumer, West Creek. C. T . P. T lie K r n a t t lltm ra l.ocHeil. When the hour for organization came, three o'clock, tbe doors of the Benate Chamber were locked, and guarded by a gang of policemen a* well. Iiieide were the nine Democratic hold over Senators. The Republican members, anticipating trouble, had taken the precaution o f administering the oath o f office lo the seven members elect before leaving the hotel. Upon reaching the State House, the corridors were found filled with un excited mob, and they wore refused admission to tbe Benale Clumber for nearly h a lf an hour. While the angry people would have forced In the doors and thrown out the Democratic Senator* and policemen too, wiser counsels prevailed. Ftually the Republican Senator* were admitted one by one, not without suffering personal violence from the Democratic officials. Once Inside It waa discovered that the Democratic minority, by m eeting before three and setting the Bennie clock ahead, and by utilizing the tune the Republican* were kept waiting In the corridors, had effected a temporary organiza tion wlthAdrain us President. MARINE NEWS. THE MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN COUNTY VE88ELS. NDHDONEkN. AgnpH Msnnlng, Shaw, arr Baltimore Jan 10 Audh l( UlHhoii, Bulon, Brunswick Ga; *ld Jan s for New York A 0 l.yons, Beer*, Scotland; aid for New York Jan Ittth A II Ilowe, Peckworin,arr Charleston Jan ft Aseimlh A Hhiiw, Morgan, New York; jiroceeded lo Allyn’s Point Jun « Berilta F Walker, Curtis, arr'Bouton Jan ft Bin jam In P Iwe, Meelman firr Baltimore Jan 0 Beitj A Vanurunt, Pearce, arr Plilla Jan 8 Centennial, Kr.rague, arr Baltimore Jan lu Uhuuneey 1C UurK.Towuseuo, arr NewYork jau * G’lias K Bacziey, Townsend, New York aid Jau 8 for Darien Calvin H orcutr, Pearce, Jan « passed Highland Light Port and for Baltimore Daniel Brown, Bennett, arr New York Jan 10 Dora AIIgou , Rose, arr New York Jan ft kllwood narlow, Gardiner,Newport News; sld Jan 8 for Providence E E Birdsa'I, Lamson, »*rr New London Jan 8 from Plilla; for Aliya's Point and proceeded Elm City Falklriourg, Plilla aid Jan Mfor Boston Edwin ?i Kira, Lowery, Bridge; ort Jan ft in port for wl der Emma LCotflnahain.Somerz, »rr Savannah jau 4 Kilns Moore. Warwick, arr Buffolk Jan 8 E M Heed.Parsons, arr New liaven Jau 9 Eva B Douglass, Thompson, arr Boston Jan to Elias Rom Lewis, passed Hell Gate Jan ft for Nan tucket llrfiM cil to H erogn lze ltr|iuhllcun». Adrain refused to recognize the Republican Senators elect, and Daly’s motion was passed referring the credentials o f tlie new members to a committee o f hold-overs. Thto the Republicans refuted to submit to. and on Senator Voorhees’s demand log recogni tion, Adrain ordered the Sergeant ut-Aims to pul him nut. However, that official didn't, like ih t Job and Voorbeea was not touched. The eleven Republicans then went over to un ante room and orgunir.ed, sending a committee to wail upon the Governor and announce ths organization o f the Senate. The Democratic minority lord already made thu same move, aud the Goveruor had sentin hU message to them. The Governor Informed the Republican* that lie had been notified *»y auotUer body that it was tbe rsgularlf organized Senate; but as the Kepublto . iih claimed yleven Senators, a majority of the donate, lie would oonaldor tho mat ter as to whlcn debate lie should recognize and would ask for advice from U»« Attorney General, the is* officer o f the Htate, mid If ho so advised would probably make a communication to them in due course of time. Both Senates—If the Democratic usurping minority can be dtaUngntshod by such a title— also sent word of their orgaulzttiou to tho House, which had lu the meantime been organized but without any excitement. The lloit*e recognised ihe Republican n *<ly. and refused to have any onnnetioii with the Democrats. Fanny 11 Stewar, Lanp, arr N Y Jan 8 Gracie DChainhers, Green. New Tork sld Jan 8 for Va Grace Buymour,Holmes,PhilHjcId Jan 9 for Boston Helen llashrouck, Hpr gue. New York; aid Jar? 0 for I’ ll ha H*>nrv Parker, t'ranmnr, arr New York Jan 9 Haroldlne, Foater, Hrr Newport News Jail » Herman It Ogden, Lewis, Newport News; sld Jan 8 for Pot t*Ri0Ulll Henry 8 Little, Bailey, arr New York Jan ft Howard It llanscoinn. Holmes, Bridgeport; re turned fn. Phtu •*"»«“> Battle V Kclaev, Union, Plilla; tdd for Fail River Jan lo H A G Reynolds, Mills, arr New London Jan 9 Ueiiry Hutton. Peirce, Boston, anchored lu roads )*n lo Halem for coal p >rt ■lames c Beechrr. Hnilth, arr ProvififlUC* Jan * lames it I’ arker, Hamraouil, New York; aldjan a for Oharleston .lames Ho»e«*. Chamhers, arr New Haven J>ut a Jaiue* B Ogden, Doihlday,Newport News; sld Jan o for Fail River loh.. D Williams, Providence Jan to John II Piatt, *tevoH*, Boston; sld Jan * for roal •lames D Dewe', Curtis, arr New Bedford Jan 8 J«hn B Manning, Blrdssll, arr Phllajane ' K New Von.; sl l j in G 'or Phila J L * llunro. MHI«, iiny Point passed down Jau 9 Bermuda Hundred for N. w York Joh II Jackson, dr. Foster, llyannls; aid Jtn 9 for Boston; arr Boston JgnMo JoIi ll .laeksoii, Chase, passed Highland Light Jan Newport News for Lvnn John T Williams, Leek, arr No-folk Jan 9 Jessie (: Lemh, 8ml h, arr New York Jtn 8 John B . imlngtou, Anderson, ftew York: sld for Phtiz jin o W r < l»e « d a y '» lla p p i-u iu «». Ka'e B Ogden, Edged, arr Btltlmore dec 9S Lyinin M Law. Blake, arr Providence Jan * Lyd a B « owpertnwHlt, arr New Lonfion Jan 10 Newport for New York and proceeded J^Lewis, lllghee, Norfo'k; aid Jan fl for CharLydia II Roper, Crannier. arr Norfolk Jan 9 Matilda Brooks, Super. New Yerk Jan 9 Maria * leraon, Llnplncoti, arr New York Jan a M“ T)'l'o‘gJ>s PT* t ue, lloRnes, New York; aid Jau 8 Mattie Newman. Loveland, arr New York Jan *0 .< / • * A rV‘*3ton L -vod r*c > . p o H is Life rt3 M ood's S .ir » tp -rlll.i n itv o d P o i soner! b y <'an k er. - Mt « , , L.i.eb.»v '„V‘ ; ' ,:L “ V1:1: , r "? ! ever r a sritca " ' ' " 1 "4Mjfars fcw= let S--ir: old. 1 it 1 t L.;a v \y w«\u aa I with Mood ’ ’ ®«*cd n u h f - i f c t r . HU eyes »*> in.1 feting* were in ten**. and l C ou ld Not Open H is Eye*. P ,L S STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER’S Mid-Winter Distribution Sale. It has been our custom for years to hold an annual MidWinter Distribution Sale with a view of reducing stock before Stock-Taking, which occurs in the latter part of January. This opportunity has always been eagerly taken advantage of by buyers and is one of the notable events in the trade history of Philadelphia. This year, owing to the unusual depression existing among manufacturing interests, we have been enabled to purchase large lots of very desirable goods at remarkably low figures, and have added to our stocks these new lots of goods at proportiona'e'y low prioes. The announcements of this January Sale, in the daily papers of Philadelphia have awakened great interest, and the crowds that throng our aisles testify to the merit of this ex ceptional offering. It is. however, our desire that those who may not be able to come to our counters in person shall also share in the benefits of this unequalled opportunity and our efficiently organized Mail Order Department stands ready to fill orders or give infor mation regarding the goods and the unparalleled prices of this great sale. All communications receive prompt attention. M arket St. Sn 'wflake, PartiT, arr Scot land Jan 9 8 8 Thorn, Pearce, arr Boston Jan 9 T Morns Perot, Randolph, arr Nh* York Jan 9 T llanto Kira, I'urtis. arr N Y jan ft Tnr^e Mam , Btodaafi, arr Providence Jan H Virginia Rulon. Leek, Norfolk; aid for New Tork Jan to William H Bailey, Lane, Phtla; cld Jan 8 for Providence 11 S°per, arr Bermuda Haadred sol ler N \ dec so W W converse. Newhurv, Norfolk; sld Jan 10 for (harlesto Wilson A limiting. New York; aid Jan 8 for V* N TR A W R R *. Ot ma, Roblnaoh, arr New Tork Jan s The best rrtm-dr for rheumatism. Mr. John kV ftsies. Peterthnrg, V a .. writes: ' 1 nsed St.vmion Oil for rheumatism and obtained grcHt relief it is the be-t remedy I have ever tried, and I shall always keep it in tba house." won oi run*, ir was tmmeutateiy sse<i in the same manner bv the Senate, and aeni to »h« tioeernor. Be had left ths SUM* House, but It wtl! be sent him tomorrow morning, if he refuse to recognize it, it w i g he Ukea to tee Secretary o f Mate, and if he refuse the demand to file it, then ■ raai damns will he npn t d for in the Supreme I'ourt, w tch will bring the whole naa'ter oefore that body. Eighth St. | ! j ' W R IT IN G Y a a t Nw Physical F o rce By the use of physical force and by tactics tike ••.Ejpterx', t t c ?£ju ;« it:ign, hare thrown out th e usurpers or m iff-t aut! do wo. Bat there ts a desire on the par, o f the itepob Uan*. knowing vbey arengkt and w ill he ophell hr the people. tn do everything qatetly. B M W O rg a n iza tio n . T b e House organized after tfee n«nal fashtom with these offic e rs : Speaker, John Holt, o i Passaic. Speaker's private swretarr.Frack Parker. Passaic; clerk. J. Herbert I'otu, H adsor * nsstotaet clerk, J o b u a Mntlaek. P a n a c e a ; js s r s a i c k i i , s u m L. sway*?, Bnseex; engroerinn clerk, Edffar Y f l u a , E s s e x , uitotOaL ftagrieriaff t k r k , W. L. NorU«n. Mereer: sergeant al arms. Lvsander Wal- o f A ll L C g & l and KiniU Commercial But Our Enormous Stock of N ew Goods for the Opening of 1894 Now Attracts Universal Attention D&Y GOODS 0B0CEBIES CH0CKEHY MILLINERY PROVISIONS CUTLERY BOOTS & SHOES FLOUR Sc FEED CARPETS Sc RU08 C . B. C O W P E R T H W A IT lanmnaiier’s. C LE A R IN G OUT ENTIRE STOCK AT GREATLY Book News A t 60c a yard. All-wool regularly A t 65c a yard. AU-wool regularly Jo h n Check Cheviot, $1.25. Fancy Checks, #1. A t %i a yard. Silk - and - Wool regularly 81.50. Plaids, Muslins. Pass along their aisle. Like a cut through a snow mountain A ll the old favorites and mostly io to 25 per cent under what you’ve ever known. And a new brand, sold only bjf us in this market. It bears the American Flag ticket and the makers call it Old Olory Muslin. In quality equal to any 12 1-2C Muslin we ever had. The introduction price is T en Cknts the Y ard . Under the same Old Glory standard appear two qualities o f Cambric: W a n a m a k e r . Mason yin Wlliismevine Dwlgbt Anchor Mebawk Valley New T ork Mills Pride o f tbe West Fruit o f the Loom H K R R A Z , I, Wilson Brown.dht.on the 98th da/ of Noveinh-r, In the year 1S9t, purchase W at public sale made by the Sheriff >f the county ot Ocean, under an execution lamied out of theC u preine Court of New Jersey, in the case of The Pennsylvania Railroad Compauy v* The lx>n«r Beach Railroad Company, the following portlou of the railroad and franchlHe* of the said The Long Beach Rath - d Company, mat i* t«**v , all that portion ol the main line o f *trid railroad be ginning at the terminus thereof in Barnegat city, and extending then<*.e M>othwa:d!y to a point live hundred feet north of where the orauch line of said railroad Joint the said main line, Including a I rhe railway, wav*, right* of way, all track* bridges, viaduct*, culvert*, fences, depots, station hoiiH.:*, freight to uses, water station*, ami all other bni'dlngs and structures used lu the main tenance or operation of the *aln portion of the said main line of said railroad, with the land* apMuneuaui to the game; and al*o all franchises connected with or relating to the said portion o f said main line o f said railroad. And whereas the perso..* for, or on whose account said portion of said railroad and franchises were purchased by me, are about to organize a new cor poration for the purpose of owning, maint.lnlng and operating the tame, and for the purpose of male ng such organization, have called a meeting o f such persons at a time and lace appointed by them In writing, to wir. ou h 'ltd ay . tlie 22*1 flay o f J a n u a r y , In th e y ea r I M M , at u o'clock noon o f »*nl day, at, vbe hotel o f Uewdrlck A Conk, at Toms River. New Jersey. ’ Now, therefore, pnblic nstice is hereby given that the persons fur and on whose account the said portion of the said railroad aud franchises were purchosed, wtl! meet at the time and place above deslguat -d, and will then and there organ ize said new co> porn Ion by electing a President and Board of Btx Directors, to continue in office for one year succeeding such meeting. Public notice Is hereby further given that at such meeting no held,the said person* so met will adopt a corporate name and seal, will determine the amount of capital stock o f aald corporation, and will make and issue certlflcatrs therefor to the persons in Interest to the amount of their re spective Interest therein. In share* of fifty dollars eti " ' . WILaON BROWN, Agent for the persons for or on whose account ptm hMed00 ° f 8tUI rtlIroa<1 anrt f r«ftit * e * was Dated Jan. 9,189*. At Q.nick price A. C. H IR S C H 'S SHORTHAND AND- Practical and Individual Instruction by Learned Terms to Suit Students Teachers. Pleasant and Convenient School Rooms. Practical Business Office in connection with School. ^ur Prices are lower, and Instruction mtyre thorough than any other School in the Country. S E N D F O R C IR C U L A R S United States School of Shorthand ^Typewriting N o ». 771 -7 73 B R O A D 8T . , A E W A 11K , N . J . B W ILLIAM P. KIRK. DESIGNER AND CONSTRUCTOR OF TOMS RIVER • L t f S S 5 ! £ B t nam'*‘r9lor Me r$ t S . ,t‘et wW* ° l,r hundred and flftv rLt tPi1.''a."&er *P“ oe,n* ihlrtv-two feet six iu'hra wtds by one huodred and flrtv ff e i deep naireiv • t F ^ ^ n n w S r ^ a V y ? * ^ ia • « : * « ■ «M block “ L n x i BUlBhen'ft in . NEW JERSE GROCERIES and Provisions, Teas _ Coffees, Spices, Sugar: Dried and Smoked .Meats, Flour, Feed, etc. Every thing first-class in quality and reasonable in price. «*».»» wtoJW’aJiXS , * ! VTh L " ” *,1” ” W " * " or Knd ilm .tr, lT'ng and being tn the tnwashin of Maarhentor 2 2 * ®r Jew JetMy,known and P * n of 'ots of the Wheatland •? ' T r S v ° r " '* * ln the LnetV*Office m a n K s a L ° ? u by reference to said map being had will more full? and at large aurear Water St., Toms River. E dw ard JO SE P H G R O V ER A. Gu l ic k . l t f ! . ° ! n m MO' L V * rK' * nd wel1 ,eleae<i ‘ lock o f Stov< Iro n £ Holly-ware o f all kinds, Tin-ware, W ood at S' j kJ’ e‘ c-’ wh,ch he offers at reduced ran “ Huick Sales and Small Profits.” '- J S S !8; lo“ * , W a s h i m o t o w S t ., t e a s M a ™ . ,n •ec. " ° » W . W««at 90; lot* bkw-i ^ * r‘ »n section D-i. S S P J 2 »««nne?w » to « laclosive. ta aectw n jM , btwca at; lot* numbers 3|,3S.U, »*, U and M P -': block St; lots nniuoers ft, t, ; « *. W>H and 1*. U, to, m section P -l, block to- iota Y A C H T S All Classes of Sailing and Steam Yachts Constrncted from th« Latest Designs. Spam for sale in the rough or finished in first class manner. Yachts for Sale or to Hire. Pore Manilla Rope. Crockett’s Spar Varnish. Boat Copper Paints. Wbits Lead, Oils, Mixed Paints, Etc. I sell and nse only The Best of New Jersey, between the hours o f u ■ and » Widths 36 to 108 inches. No matter what conditions M m S n S A ! « n d ! tTffSeSi Iiu m oen Si arise there is no likelihood - - - W. In s*hlrv-r to- lots In,. numbers __ . S to i t' in’ ® U-t ,btock 79; that Muslins and Cambrics of cla-lve, ta section D-l, block S* loUBamhsn i* ' these ranks w ill ever be lower S t o B O I B O f T S ** iBcmstve, ta *ert me D l otoa-a iu- nr. — more likely to be higher. Manifolding REDUCED PRICES TYPEWRITING NOTICE. At St a regular 10c grade snow-white, well finished and good for all around use. S H E R IF F ’S S A L E . A t ioc 0 new Cloth, round A W H I T O F F I. F A .. l iu' '*®nert ont E O F Supreme • ou’ t of the State perfect threads, Jim weece ,,lr' c" ' < ' 1 » " ''* « > • ' and nainsook flhish. Equal t ^ r O S n i P * “ Tuesday, February 6, 1894, tn any 12 i-2c Camhric tee Attn# hotel of Cowdrtck A Cook, tn the viliam ever had. of l H he c'0U.n,J of ocean tndStlw Neat rfthe C O U R IE R The Holidays are Over G. W. C O W P E R T H W A IT cise hems they turn and what dainty stitching they make. Dress Goods. Home work doesn’t approach This is the story from a it. Fully 60,000 made pieces couple of counters only. Stop anywhere you please around are ready here this morning. Hons. the wide circles it’s the same With Plain Pillow Cases, 9c to 30c. way. Holster Cases. 30c to 44c. Sheets, einirle bed. 60c to 90c. A t 25c a yard. Sheet*, doable bad, 63c to frl. Hemstitched. A ll-w ool Almy Cloth, Pillow Ca*e*. ‘A8c to 60c. regularly 50c. Bolster C'aie*. 48c to 55c. I Sheet*, slut In Ud. 65c to ?3c. At 25c a yard. Sheets, double bed, 78c to ♦ !. All-w ool Cable Cloth, regularly 50c. A t 28c a yard. Ail-wool navy blue Storm for January has a plate-paper portrait o f Gilbert Parker, the Serge, regularly 50c. brilliant young story-teller, A t 30c a yard. whose tales of Canadian life Check Cam el’s-Hair, reg have met with such favor. ularly 50c. Twenty-three other pictures A t 37 i-2c a yard. and miscellany. It takes you All-w ool Fancy Checks, into its confidence. It reads regularly 65c. and weighs the books as they At 45c a yard. come out and takes you into 46 in. Diagonal,bordered, the very heart o f them. It tells enough of any new book regularly $1. to let you know whether you A t 5or a yard. care for a closer acquaintance. A ll-w ool French Natte, Once a month, 5c, 50c year. regularly $1. Copying and at the Office Filbert St. (ffianamuhtr’s. Hill Darot Langtfon Lonsdale Nonpareil Wamaatts Korrestdsle TYPE 1898 P h il a d e l p h i a , Mo n d ay , Jan. 8, 1804. W ANTED. j j Oowperthwait Exchange PHILADELPHIA Nellie W cralg. Holmes, arr Phils June P T Barnuni. HI ke, a-r New Tors jan ft Pervy VfirdsaD, Burr, arr New Bedford jrn S 185© STRA WBRIDGE & CLOTHIER CO W P ERTH W A IT & CO. Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, yard wide and fairly Haw l i w ill be T e sted . GENTS to sell onr choice and hardv nursery nn salary or commission. We good quality, at 5c. It U thought that Aitorney-U-neral Stockton 4 • rockgiveeither onr men the pnvilew* of selling onr new m ay—like other rronunent Democratic official*— and also choice varieties of *eed potatoes. Seen re the Other grades by the dozens (P pta<-e partbansbvp before patrtottsm or even agency at once, which will handsomelv repav vou • oiiimen sense, and In hiaoplnion today, favor the as now la the ttma to sell such goods for spring up to 12 I- 2 C. planting. * • Democrats. In order to bring the matter to a Addreoa F. N . MAY COMPANY, Nurserymen This roll call is only o f a few • ••//trieman speedy test, the N on a p«—- ; att- . rapogate . - of Choke See»i i otaioes. Rochester, N. Y. ol the best known names. Boy’s Evesieht Rapealet for the Race Track Mil* under suspen- j f tlie wrmtierfMl good it did my son.'* A nm n F F u i a s . x i i I ^ e k the h u l l D H U - e i p u U V u — I* founded upon precedent and la that the new members should he swum In and then the Senate ia organised t» me time toT contesting seat*. What the Intentions of the Democrat* ere is entirely apparent. Protest* were filed tn their ••Romp" senate against the seating ot Brad«*>. Huger* and Ward -of retiree the throwing out of these Kepnbiicans would give the Demo crat* absolute control. Thto commlitce on credential* appointed con*1*1* of Senator* Daly, Hlnchltffe and Smith, the latter of course refusing to recognise bis apnointm n t tn anr way. Hood’s Sarsaparilla n l . '' Democratic Held-Over Senatore in Open Rebellion. All this occurred on Tuesday. Wednesday bstb Senates met again The Democrat* ordered the saigeant-at-Arms to take forcible menus to com pel llte presence of tfeuaiora Smith, stokes, Skinn slid Hoffman, the four hold over Repub licans, In ordor that they might have a quorum. These g ntlcmsu win resist any su h move with force, as they w ill not recoguiAu the power of t li her Adralu or Ibe **ergcani-at-ar«ns. lint eight o f i he ten Democrat* (HUats of W arren being sworn In made the tenth) were present, and it is thought that both Pnkins of tinning:mi. aud A a e lr n t 111der amt Horae. Miller of rape May, (Ha* absentees) were weak M rs. Fannie M illion , who resides at M il ening. lio n . in the w estern part of t h i* county, is Hrokc In H ie » r n a fr « liam Uer. perhaps the o ld e s t lady horseback rider in The Republican* met first lo tho Assembly th e United States. She Is W years of age. room, and then In the atleruoon.they forced open R ecen tly sho ro d e 10 miles on liorsebuck to v is it some relatives. She owns and rides a tbe doors of the s«nate (after first being refused the keys by Hupt. Ford) and held the session In horse as rem arkable ns herself. It is 36 y w r s old and named for General Kirby that room, amt adjouruei till Monday. S m ith , the old Confederate general. Mrs. T A e lle iu n c ra tlc C la im . M illio n baa never tim'd spectacles in her life! The claim o f the Democratic minority I* that h e r eyesight b e in g at present a s good as it w a s when she w as id. she is not stooped the Scuan* Is a continuous bod», and that the and decreph, b u t as erect as an Indian. She in: nibers holding over have a right to pass open U s tron g physically aud urn. ta lly and could the credential* o f the newly elected 8enatora be d ance a set w ith ease.—R ichm ond (K y.) fore they can take their seats. If allowed this claim would place the control In the hand* of the Correspondent. Democratic party for an Indefinite time, for if a few venaiors and not the people are to derate election*, ihey would coniinualiy seat their own ns n. T h e R epu blican < Ini in I to. < lum ini— tfaolag that time u> the Eye and Ear lu fin -n rv.. I fte r lc t street. Iwt their N o one wto© visited tbe W orld's Fair and Teme*tie* foiled to do Mm lb* fsintest shadow sow that snparalleled creation, the Peristyle i o f good. 1 commenced giving h\m Hood's him- I hare hot will sadly read o f tbe great fire which on i never dnnbteil that *.: »nr< J k U *i«k.,HvcQ Moods? wiped it out of existence and at tbc " * * * = — ; r , r H f - . v.m mar n*o ihist**. iS B e time caused a k m of mUlkma o f dollar* S ' d T i ! 1“ in the packed foreign exhibits in tbe Liberal Arts bidding. A (tn a t earn for ctwgb.—Mrs, A. K . Morris, t t o u s m a . r*imoe?phta. r * _ , wrfres : “ I tnek sevnrtl h n e g « «? t v fteir* t>wg% Byrey- TWO SEN ATES ARE FORMED. T oast Water. W h en m aking toast water see to it that th e bread Is brow ned to a turn. One par t ic le o f ..orcli v. ill destroy th e delicacy o f th e dish. A llo w enough b o ilin g water to c o v e r the browned slices, an d let them stand until cold. Strain the water,sweeten to t -te—again cur* must be tak e n that this d m . . w ill not la* unpalatable. P u t a small p iece o f ice in th e glassful, j in the service* c f the Sergeant- ij oott, Men M outh; XMUUnt aerfiotot-al t r m , Abel 9. Berry, Ocean'; document clerk, H arry B. Price, fc *M t; doorkeeper*, George flee*, Harry Codder. Everett Ackley, Albert Ottlnger. John Aabton, Georg* fianpo, J. M. Smith, George Kick, John Jenniuge, David J. K err, Fred Elbey, H .C . Garrison, Frank Barkley, John Roland. Alfred L Rue, Juba Uoulon, J. N. Beotley, John C. Cooper, Max VVoUerz. W. H. Depue. John Dtiion. B0SSISM VS. PEOPLE _BUY YO UR t o m s r IV E R , N . SHOES Ready-m ade Sheets, etc. little more than the yard of the stuff. W onderful what exact work those Down-Eastern do with the Pillow Cases and BolsteCases and Sheets— ore- what S cT>ai?rrciat,osecnoa a l>-a, biock 4 " " r?«a l* * f iccraave, M a ow=ae M n w w T, ot r w w w - ™ . ” J0** *■ 1tm' f toatoo H.N. * ^ * n * » * j m a fia t k t ( c n m > W « « i . 127 LIBERTY ST. 127 Nenx Greenwich Street. If. T . BREVITIES, n n iiv ir , n. PERSONALS. j, S h o r t P i t h y B it* o f T b u r a d u A ftern oo n , J u m e r j 11, H om o N ow * 18 ( 4 , New m oon teat SeturOty. C e n t-a -W o r d C olu m n C ta rlM C ora; o l PtiUldtlphU » vM lInit father. H ere y on learned |o w rite " la o t” yet ? The ecbool boy |, p la y ln , loot ball nowaAs the HU* indicates), Ados, am accepted in this flays. column at Hie rate o f a cmt a word fitr each insertion Fifteen words or under, 15 cent,. Tbe Uermaotowu 'cycle contloyent la to. o TO J.O. HOWARD. Waretown, N, J.. for creaaln* In numbara. G B8TEY Organa and M a r v in b i (m . » ypral-ptalitts Schrimlt R ig h eit o f all in Leavening Po w er.— Latent tT, R G ov't F o o d Rep ort Intei-Atting Talk of Your Fritndi. TOMSJBUVKR POST O m C B . B a k in g till Mrs. Job C. Doxsey has returned to her borne at W alnford. m a il s Powder Mra. Eunice Thompson ot Barnegat u visit ing Surrogate C. H. Waidell. OLOAS r o t i aud BriilgHUm, », * » a M. Philadelphia, Washington, Southern and J& 2ES f e , * : JMJSi Toms River and SSTitaTJ"'1 *'' ^ s"“l,,n, W ! ' O l ' w . o , u n l. lo K lb . framework o f Miss M ay 8nyder is visiting her brother, ■ ^ “ “ ^ “ W M ASwuuw Tans aud Fului, P1AA. J. G R AN T, Ba R BE K , shop m bank build* bla Berkeley Boulevard house. Charles G ragor, In Philadelphia. log. Main Street, Toms River, N . J. B J h r 5 4 ’r° cltertou' B0'1 points between The stam p collector erase has given place ing, nalr-caMing and shampooing. Ladle* Mlee Marne Irons spent Sunday with MUs Milverton and Barravtlle «ux) a . M. the mineral cabinet !o our town. a specialty. Alice M. BonneII at Barnegat Park. Registered man, a . m . High school scholars are reading 8hakflHIGH COALS— SCREENED and UNDER Mrs. Bailie Actou of Jersey C ity, has been i rtnVVD eiaernaitaeinn ft.,I M AILS ARRIVE FROM Jj^OOVKR, guaranteeing ta>i*gjciit7 spare s “ Julius Caesar ” this week. A m u < « m 8 n t a n d L ite r a r y N o t e s . visiting relatives in tows the peel week. 'a l l a s o n . York and Philadelphia, 8.06 A. M. Lawyer* do not often branch out as poets S T E W A R D -A N D E R S O N A t the home o f Mre. M ary Lane visited her dangbter, Mrs. r a C a r n iv a l i x n v b n i n g PAPERS. Why waltMil morning, hut they frequently write “ versus." I*1!? *7 p ttf i l<,0n’ I,,1,,Id the bride's parents, Dec. 90, 1893, by tbo Rov, WJ when yon caa get all the n the evening Charles Gregory, at New York last week. tefore in the papers served by William C. Dozaevt Ice m oo are exceedingly anxious, aud wish A. L. lizard, Franklin P Steward o f ProeperMra. H arry R lgh u r of Norristown, Pa., T h ey are coming in great numbers from town, and Mias Sarah E lizabeth Anderson o f - BHIGH COALS— SCREENED and UNDER they had a little o f last win ter's ice. has been visiting her father, Theodore Ford. V a k M m r” ' every section te attend tbe above social even t a COVER, guaranteeing tall weight. Casevllle. The postage stamp points an excellent moral 4 M0rk 8n'J * u volot* aonti ° * BIRDSALL A Squire Joseph Grover took In the blcyete o f the season, nn M onday, January 19,18M. U sticks t o one thing until it gets there. W O O D F IE LD —IR O N S —A t tbe M. E. par show In New York on Tuesday and Wednesday. Boston announce* five hundred, WMhlngton, I W H Y COUGH when Nichols Oriental Balm sonage, Cossville, Dee. 87, ! « B , by the Rev. y o n see that hump ? " said the school gUvortoo and Burravliio, 4. (W P. l i „ I I T will cure yon. Try a 88c bottle, sold by U . 8, Grant and Alex Truex visited the D. C., two hundred, Connecticut and N ew A. L. I*zard, John W oodfleld and Miss Jean Registered mall, 11 .0T A.M. g Cbaa. B. Nathis, Toma River. etlO* girl to h er chum as tbe bicycler dashed by. ‘ Cycle show at Madisou Square Garden, New Jersey not less than five hundred cadi. T b e Corrected, 8ept. 7, urns. nette Irons both o f VanHlscvllle. k LL KINDS o f Musioal Instruments can be decorationa are to be Immense, floral, bunting Ice hae skimmed the ponds and coves quite York tble week. W. B. SINGLETON, V. M, l " * — .. “ **POLD WI31...........“ „ »LEOPOLD WISvSMACH, 8ALM ONS—C RA NM E R — A t Cedar Run, frequently o f late, but It has only been a and electrical. Seven hundred Sons and treet, T Water street, T. ins River, N. J. Mayor W illiam L. Butler of Beach Haven ’ ’ skim " a fte r all. Daughter* o f ibe Desert. In gorgeous and Jan. 1, 1894, by Rev. E dw ard Mount, MUe g o o d was one o f Friday’s visitors at tbe county scat. B w OST Dow—rug anon, answering ____ accurate costumes, new fo r the occasion are to Louisa, daughter o f Bradford Salmons, and P J. P C ., Voigt installed the newly elected | _p J “ Tot,” iost Saturday, Jsnmrv 0th Finder nrthadist Kpttecnpal, Cor. Hooper Avenue W illiam Munyon, a former em ploye o f the participate In tbe carnival, and a native Arab George A. Cranmer. will be suitably w wa.rd^ 2 ? tetivU'K at residence officers o f Magnolia Connell, Jr. O. U. A. M. and Wiishmgton Btreet. Sunday, preachto* #otpowder works here, has been visiting ex- villag e is to be portrayed upon a massive stage E L. 8TH1KER, Main street. yieea at iw.8u a . m and 7.80 p. u. Sunday school^ ALLE N — L A Y T O N - A t Tuckerton, Dec, 31, last Thursday night. Sberiff Hagauian. ta.00 M. Prayer Meeting, Wednfwday, 7.801*7 • t tbe east end o f tbe garden, with native 1803, by Rev. D. Moore, H&rry M. Alien aud clBf ,.ll* ,**V B* SUQU“7 ,a »•! Tueeday, 'JM> M. G. P oh l has transferred his upholstering M 1for five days at Uutoa H use ; telling past. W ill H ogg, who dislocated his hip at foot Syrians, male and fem ale, In characteristic Miss Lizzie A . Layton. r ■ *■ ■kpwiwth Leaguu/altetpresent ana luture events. establishment from tbe W oodward building to nate Tuesdays, at 7 80 r. aud Huudayn at 7.00 ball on New Year* day, bis now recovered and dresses, with camels, tents, etc. It will sur r . m. Rev. A. M. North, pattor. Mrs. Russell's basemeuL HOPE—P IN E —A t Ocean Grove, Jan. 4, departed fo r Rutgers College. pass anything of tbe kind ever seen in tb e 1894. Rev. D e w itt U. Cobb, Edward M. Hope P re s b y t e r ia n , Corner Washington aud Commodore Fraolt W illiam s Is building a Horner Street*. Sunday, preaching at 10.80 A. M, Tbe noted bands of Fred Junes, James D. Hammill, the popular W est Creek Metropolis. Anil 7 fill D W Hiinday-Hchoni UlinHn. u,>b,.,.l ... o f Asbury Park and Miss M ay E. Pine o f Ocean and 7.8u p. x. Rt In.. is m7" new pier f o r the schooner Outing in front of hotel keeper, and one o f the best known o f our string and brass, w ill supply tbe music. Grove. B aptlNt, Main Street, below Lien. Sunday, his Water street residence. •(ftpl. at 111 III. . u »..#■ It m . M .. . «Sunday __ preaching at 10.80 a . m . and 7.8O p. m shore bonifaces, was In townou Satin day. P a rk T h e a tre . HI*lllkltl w 1•/B B Pruuu, Friday D.M... at 7.80 r . .. RIC HARDSON - H A R T W E L L - A t A ll aohool, a. Prayer Meeting, u A gyp sy camp has been located la the w o rts Joseph Buchanan, son of Rev. D r. Buchan T here are few actresses ou the American Saints church, Lakewood. Deo. 80, 1893, by Young People's Society Chlstlan Endeavor meet* above W rights Bridge for some time past. As Sunday evenings, t oo. Rev oohu Hcott, paator. an o f Pemberton, and a student at a Pennsyl stage to day who are regarded with the same Rov. D, L. Schwartz, John Richardson o f can usual they are I d the fortune*telling business. cChriHt u r l# * C h u rc h . P r o t e s t a n t Fuiecoi K p U c o p a l, vania Medical college, was in town Tuesday. degree o f love and respect that theatre-goers Lakewood, and Miss Annie H artwell o f Maid Washington Street, east of Magnolia Hotel. Sun La g rip p e, which seemed lik ely to pass as by, Ebe la a moat •lone, Kent, Eng. day morning service, iu.80a . u .; evening service, William Fletcher, employed at Mr#. Goble’s feel fo r Madame Modjeeka. 7.16 r. m. Nunilay school; 9.80 r. a. Rev. Q. W. has made up for Its form er neglect by pros bakery, was called to Asbury Park this week lovable woman, a very capable actress and an resmeiit deacon in charge. f j y Advertisements inserted Under appropriate trating r number of our people within the past by the death o f his brother iu a drowning artist to her finger tips, and ai such, she has a t. J o s e p h ’s H om an C a th o lic C h u rch . Heading at the rate o f One Hollar per Line Honpar Avenue aud Water street. Service* bad tbe heartiest support o f all classes o f accident. fo r One Year—Cash, in Advance. k k in charge of Rev. Father Healey. JOHNSON— A t Greenville, Jan. 1, 1894, theatre-goers. What w ill probably be her last Peterson has moved bis photograph gallery Surrogate Waraell Is convalescing from his In lan d H e ig h t * n . K. C liu re h . cor. Van Bakeries. Mrs. Elizabeth, widow o f tbe late Georgy engagement In Philadelphia, will commence at from the Island between the bridges over on ■ant and Simpson avenues. Sunday preaching attack o f U grippe. Durlog his illness tbe K. HitNZRR, Union avenue, Manchester. Johnson, aged 82 years. ■ervlcesat 10.80 a . m. and 7.45 p. a . Sunday, tbe Park theatre next w eek when her reper the south side o f the bridge near the C. R. R. E M Go b l i , Main street, Toms Kiver Surrogate's office is managed by his son school at 8,80 p. * . Prayer - meeting on Tuur*depot. P A R K E R —A t Parkertown, Dec. 31, 1893, toire w ill be as follows : “ Magda," Monday, B la c k a m ltlia . day at 7.48 p. m . Class-meeting ou Sunday at la Thomas Wardell. M. Kpworih League ou Tuesday eveutng at 7.45. ElOn Garthwait , Forked River Wednesday aud Friday nights and Saturday Elizabeth Parker, aged 82 years. 8un rises tomorrow at 7.31 a . m . and sets at J. U. Batten, Pastor. W yckoff Letts o f Waretown, w as one of Bu tellers. aftern oon ; “ Merchant o f Venice,” Tuesday L E E - A t Tuckerton, Dec. 28 1893, Clarence 50 p . m ., making the day 9 hours and 86 BBr Are Y « U In the lIUHlnezR Directory Saturday’s visitors. Mr. Letts has many night aud Wednesday afternoon; “ Mary Lee, aged 7 mouths. Martin Schwarz, Main street, Toms River minutes l o n g - a gain o f 15 minutes since John K. T aylor . Union avenue, Manchester, friends about our town—all o f whom are glad Stuart,’ - Thursday night and “ M acbeth" December 23d. j HOWARD PRRKINH. Barnegat P O T TE R —A t Bayville, Jan. 3, 1894, Mra. to see his kindly face. A J Cran m ib , Mannahawkin Saturday night. Hannah, w ife o f John G. Potter, aged 66 RAILR O AD TIM E TABLES. D H Clayton . Railroad avenue, Forked River According to a reliable authority the rare Mrs. Annie Grover returned to her home at T hompson Bros, New Egypt years. W a ln u t S t r e e t T h e a tre . sight o f a rainbow at noon was wltuessed Islip, L. I ., on Tuesday, after spending tbe J J K N N 8 1 L V A N IA R A IL R O A D . Business O p p ortu n ities. Donnelly and Girard, tw o comedians, and yesterday. It was rather faint, aud only tbe W O R TH — A t Bayville. Jan. 8, 1894, James holidays here with her father, Prosecutor To LKT—Hall’s Butcher Shop, Mannahawkin the best farce-comedy in which they have R. Worth, son o f the late George Riley and two ends o f the arch were visible, Dltiladelpliin and Lott* Branch Division, Thomas W . Middleton. Co m eet leu era a n d F r u i t D ealers. been seen in years, are the magnets that w ill 8arah Worth, aged 23 years. Time Table Adopted Nov ID, 1993. Mr. Goodnow of Ocean Grove has taken Gwykr A L a Rkbv, Main A Water sts.Toms River Miss Bertha Carmichael has resumed her draw crowds to the WalDnt St. Theatre next John P. Smock, Malu street Toms River charge o f the Prudential insurance office LxO O M P T E —A t Burrsvllle, Jan. 3, 1894, T R A IN S LK AV E TOMB R IV E R studies at the Trenton Normal School, after week. Messrs. Donnelly and Girard have been John Z an i, Water street, Toms River vacated by agent Apgar. H e will probably Miss Ella, daughter o f G eorge LeCompte. David N ovks, Union ave, Manchester For Camden and Philodelphla, 7.48 A. u. 4.18 spending the holidays with her father, Coun associated as fun-partners for the past eight P. M. week UajB. aged 26 years. move his fam ily here tn tbe spring. D e n tis ts . sellor I . W . Carmichael. For Berkeley, 10.27, a . x ., 1.85 p . m. week days. years, aud tbe co-partnership has not only Lron Goblk, Union House, Mam 8», Toms River C. M. R o re r o f CasavHie, and M. G. Pohl of For Islaud llelgnts, 10.27 a . h „, 5.64 p. u. STR AD E R — A t Puiut Pleasant, Jan. 3, 1894, Miss Lae Hagaman, daughter o f ex-Sheriff been a delightful one to the masses of people ttT Crook,Cowperth wait’s Exohauge.Toma Kiver to r New York, yla Berkeley and Bay Head this town are delegates from the County Board Angle, tbe 5-year-old daughter o f Jacob Junction, 10.87 a . m ., 1.118 p. m . week days. Hagaman, returned today to the State Normal who en jo y pure, dean fun, but a highly suc D ru gs, M e d ic in e s , C h em icals Strader o f N ew York. For Point Pleaeaut, aea Girt, A»t»ury Park and I'h as B M athis, Main st Pharmacy, Toms River of Agriculture to the Stale Board which meets School at Trenton, having been detained at cessful one financially to those gentlemen. Long Brauch, 10.27 a . m ., l 38 r. m . week days. Thomas S Dilks , Barnegat iu Trentou on the 16th, 17th and 18th, IRONS— A t Eatontown, Jan. 7, 1894, Ella, Their new farce, “ The Rain-tnakers," was on home a few days by an attack o f In grippe. For Tuckerton, via Whitings, 7.48 a . m., and W Wildonokr, Mannahawkin 4.18 P.M., week days. * ’ Rumor says the Appolonio powder works view earlier in the season at the Park theatre, wife of Frank Irons aud daughter o f James D ry Uoods, F u rn is h in g s , etc. LEAVE BERKELEY E. Johnson, aged 24 years. at the m ill pond ou the South Branch of the and made most decided hit. A. C. BiRson, Main street, Toms River O B IT U A R Y . For New York, lo.b» a . m .. 2.82 p. x. week days. Mrs A P aokrr, Main street, Toms River nyer may start up. Charles Thompson, who B R O T H E R T O N —At Tom s River, Jan. 9, T h e T e m p le M a g a zin e , Bor Island Height* and Toms River, 12.20 and F r u it an d V e g e t a b le M a rk e t. 8.41 p. m. week days. superintends the place, has cut off all the 1894, William Brotherton, aged 82 years. W illiam Brotherton, one of our to w n ’ s oldest O f which one o f our summer residents, N ew A S Diz, Cltftou avenue, opp fountain, Lakewood limber aud cleared up the underbrush under LE AV E PO IN T PLE ASAN T inhabitants, died on the 9th Inst., aged about ton B. Bheatf, is business manager, is a weekly H O R NE R —A t Philadelphia, Jan. 10, 1893, G e n e ra l M e rc h a n d is e For Toms River, Berkeley and way points, orders fro m the owuers. 83 years. F o r nearly a score of years he lived Visitor to ye editor’s tabic, Though published Harry R. Horner, aged 27 years. 11.B5 a . M„ 3.17 p. a. week days. Cowpbrthwait A Co, Main street, Toms River J. L. Cowpkrthwait , Mam street, Toius River, The illustrated concert by the Surrlck family on Water street,and was one ef tbe most Inter In tbe Interests o f R ev. Russell H. Conwell’s LE AV E P H IL A D E L P H IA AS AY—A t Toms River, Jan. 11,1894, BarallF L imchcktz , Malu street, Torus River in the Baptist church Monday aud Tuesday esting and picturesque characters o f the town. great church (tbe Baptist Tem ple o f Philadel For Toms R iver, 8.30, a . m., 4.00 r. a . week d ay*. 11 Francis, Union ave, Manchester lal P. Asay, aged 71 years. M uozokth, Uniop ave, Manchester LE AV E NEW YORK fveulngs, was an euterlainment o f unques He was a firm believer in spiritualistic mani phia) which rivals In size the Talmage Taber E Billiard , Union ave, Manchester For Toms R iver and Intermediate stations, at tioned m erit, being very highly praised by all. festations ; so much so tb*t In his later years nacle o f Brooklyn ; it is full of such good W S Fakkrr, Railroad ave, Forked River ».lu a . a., 12.10 p. a., week days. Provide yourself with a bottle o f A yer’ a it was w e ll attended, aud about #30 was he claimed to be guided solely by tb e advice of things fo r other readers, as friend Shcaff knows A J Collins, Barnegat Cherry Pectoral, and so have the incana at J. R. WOOD, WILSON BROWN. Clakbnck E W oods anhkb A Co, Barnegar cleared by tbe church. bis departed friends. Since the death o f his only too well how to fill a journal with. Pen. Pans. Agt. Bupertntendent hand for contending successfully with a sudden W S CRANMIR A Bko. Cedar fun cold. As an emergency m edicine, it has no txr“ A r e Y O U I n th e BuMlmexa D ir e c to r y ? “ One excellent way to relieve distress," re wife be has lived principally alone, refusing G roceries a n a P ro v is io n s 4* T h e S t r ik e a t M hayne'i” equal, and leading physicians everywhere Jossph G ruvsk, Water street, Toms River marks the Philadelphia Ledger, “ is to settle tbe ministrations o f relatives or friends. Ills Is the title o f a story published by the commeud it. D. 0 P a k k ir , Mam street, Toms River small bills promptly.” Aud there is no better nearest kin is a niece, the wife o f R e v. Joseph American Humane Education Society, 19 Milk £ 1 E N T K A L I t. II. O F N E W J K IW B Y . Thos h I xonh, Main street, Toms River Franklin Uarris ,near C. K. R. uepot.Toms River way. T h e small bill should uot be thrown by Buchanan o f Pemberton, and she presumably street,'Bosten, and sent by them on receipt o f N E W J R K d R Y D O fJ T M E U * IIIV IM ID N .. H arness, B la n k e ts , Etc. with the idea that It can w ait till the larger Inherits bis considerable wealth. 10 cents by mail. I t is a sequel to ike famous WM A Pattmkson,Van llise Building, Toms R iver claim* are provided for. Pay it promptly. A n th r a c ite f o a l unci! e x © !n a iv e ly , In flu rThe luueral o f Comrade Wm. H . Dempsey ’* Black Beauty," and a ll lovers of horseflesh 8 6 , 8 4 a n d 8 3 .6 0 D r e s s S h o e . H a r d w a r e , P a lu t s an d oils, In g C le a n iln e a a e n d C o m fu rt. Duriag 1894 there will be four eclipses—two took place on Monday morning at tbe M. E. who believe that the horse and all other a o i Bbrrt A Frost, Main and Water sts.Toms River 8 3 .6 0 P o lic e S h o e , 3 S o le s . A. E. mats have feeling and can suffer, will be glad T h r o u g h C ouehen t o N e w Y o r k - R e d u c e d of the sun and two of the moon—ouly one o f church. Rev. A. M. North officiating. W 8 CHANMbK A Bro. Cedar Run 8 2 . 6 0 , 8 2 f o r W o r k i n g m e n . K a te s , Q u ic k T i m e , w i t h h u t o n e H otels, B o a r d in g H ouses, ere, which w ill h« visible in ib is section. The Burnside Post, G. A. R , turned ou t in Hue, o f its appearance. T he scene is laid on an c h a n g e o t C orn , t o P h ila d e lp h ia . Manchksikr Uoubr. Manchester. visible eclipse w ill be of tbe moon on Septem and followed their comrade to his •• lost long Indiana farm. 8 2 a n d 8 1 .7 6 f o r B o y s . Union Hodsk. Main street, T ims River borne"— tbe third member of the Post T im e T a b l e In e ffe c t N o v ID , IA D S . Kivkrbidr HousB.Mam and Water sts.'J’omu River ber 14th, between 10 aud 12 p. m , when about T h e R e c o rd A lm a n a c . Blodgktt Houhr, Forked River one-quarter o f the moon's surface will be whom they have performed tbe sad funeral T R A IN S LEAVE TOMS RIVE R It Is a pleasure to glance through the pages Lafavbttk tlousM, Forked River rites since last Decoration Day. obscured. A transit o f tbe planet Mercury 8 3 , 8 2 . 6 0 8 2 , « l . 7 0 Clahbncm Hodsk, Barnegat For NEW YO R K , Elizabeth and Newark, all o f the Philadelphia R ecord almanac. I t is MULLKN iiouSB, Barnegar, rail, at 7.u3 and io.t« a . m., a.os and 6.80 p. m . over the sun’s disk will occur on Nov. 10th, Harry R. Horner, son of Cspt. H iram M. n o t(llk e some newspaper almanacs or annuals) C A U T I O N , I f a n y d e a le r Evshktt Hodsk, Tuckerton For BARN BOAT, at 1.68 and 11.07 A. a., 4.18 offers you W . L . Douglas* visible here. Horner o f our town, died yesterday m orning at Hopkins Hoiisk, Waretown as big or as comprehensive as an encyclopedia; a* m reduced price* and 8.43 p . a. National Hotbl, Mannahawkin For LAKEWOOD, MANCHESTER. RED bis Philadelphia home, of consumption, aged but It contains much that can he gleaned no says L e h a s I hem w ith Eniilisidk , Beach Haven HANK, etc., 7.03, 10.0%, A. M. 3.08, and 5 50 P. a. al th e n a m e stam ped 37 years. He was a pupil o f our public scbool, where el#e hut in its pages. I l l s particularly LikK hotel , huuuahawklu W ARETO W N. For e a t o n t o w n , l o n g b r a n c h , etc,, o a t h * b o tto m , p a t h im T.ttB and 10.0s A. a ., 3 08 aud n.60 r. a. and during bis career in Philadelphia occupied good In Iu resume o f the last year’B sports. sm a fraud. In s u ra n c e . For A T L A N T IC C IT Y , GLASS BORO, W 1L William B. Nichols, who is ode of the several Important business positions. He leaves C H Wa r d ill , Surrogate’s Office, Toms River LI AM8T0WN, etc., at 7.03 a . a. and *.(>8 p. a. Loose H poke* tiso H Holman , Main street, Toms River a young widow and one child. energetic eons o f Massachusetts, and was en For VINELAND, BRIDGETON, etc., Cumber Jo hn G Howard, Waretown land and Maurice R iver Branch, at 7.03 a . a. and Io tbe suggestive title o f a monthly cycling gaged in manufacturing chair aud carriage James R . Worth, one of Bayville’s younger Gdliok A Storms. Barnegat E R Wills , Barnegat cushions at Forked River tor two years past, citizens, died on Monday last aged 23 years journal published by Percy B. Lovell at MoorveFor P H ILA D ELPH IA, via Winslow Junction, W 8 Crasser , Cedaa Run .- - ..L . D O U G L A S S h oe s sryiisn, e a 8 j m u Iu b decided to establish both his horns and He was tbe son o f the late G eorge Riley town. It Is neatly gotten up typographically bettei it 7.03 a . a. and 9.08 p. a. C.C. Carr , Mauuakawkln (though the press work m ight be Improved aatisfaction a t the pricea advertised th an an y oth e r make. T r y on e p a ir an d be con RETU RNING business permanently at Waretown for tbv Worth, and had speat his years at Bay villa. J e w e le r s . , n/•o/l *T'I. n .Bmm. m I mw #,< lir T T-\ . . ., 1 _ ... upon), and its readiug mutter would he en Leave NEW Y O R K , root o f Liberty Ht., N .K ., future. H e has erected a commodius bulldioc The yonug man was a deaf mate fro m a child. F KBNDALL,Cowper«h wait’s Bxcnange,T»maRtv via all rail, at 4.3o aud 8.16 a . a .. 1.46 and 4.20 r .a . guarantees th e ir valu e, saves th ou san d , o f d ollars an nually t o those w h o w e a r them . joyed by any ’cyclist. KOot aTaEBLAC, Water street, Toma River for use as a manufactory, and says the new Iotermeut was mads on Weduesduy at Dover Leave N E W AR K . Broad St., at 8.22 a . a., l.;a Dealers w h o push th e sale o f W . L . D o u e ls s Shoes g ain custom ers, w h ic h helps to and 4.38 p. t:, L u m b e r a n d C o a l Y ard s. T n e L e d g e r A lm a n a c . year opens with good prospects for plenty of Chapel. Leave P H ILA D E LPH IA, Pier 8South Wharvoo, A A Brant , Water street, Toms River S 5 rw?er bsGIeve J S “ l e” - Bo v d t o S.1I U SS 1 « . . L o s , and yon ncan s a v e m m on on ey ey b ’ business. T h e cushions are mads of sea weed T he Philadelphia Ledger Almanac for 1804 u Delaware River, at 8 00 a m„ 4.O0 p ca. Bikdsall A Son, Water st entrance Toms River H.ssst b h e. llo nw _. C C atalogu . S . t . - n e. «fr.e. e. >—___ Z . ."b y b a y in g a ll your fo o tw e a r o f th e d e a le r adv«r* Mrs. E lla Irons, wife of Frank Irone sod tUed Upon a p p lic a tio n . *.V. I * D O U G L A S , B n e k t a a , Leave A T L A N T IC C IT Y , at %.10 a . a. i.OU P. M. Char L Kooiks , Uuiou ave, Manchester covered w ith leather, and he has a large de now at baud. It is a peculiarly distinctivdaughter o f James E. Johnson, died at EatonLeave RED B ANK , *1 4.88 aud 2.46 a . M. 2.67 W. G. Conrad , Barnegat publlcation, embodying very many of tbe mand for them from many parts o f the conn, and sjiij r. a. town on Sunday lost. Remains w ere brought M a r b le an d U r a n lt e W o rk s . Leave LONG BRANCH, N, J. 8., at 9.87 and peculiarities woich have made the Ledger try. He em ploys several persons, and thinks here for interment, and funeral services were •.an a . a., 8.40 and 8.13 r. a. Wm Fahk , Water street, Toms River this is the m ost couveuient place be sen find lu e lf universally known as one of if not the Leave EATONTOW N,at 4.44 and 8.66 A. M.,and held yesterday iu tbe M. E. church, R e v. A. M. M lllln e rv a n d N otion s 8.07 and 6 38 P. a . ASBUR Y PAR K , N. J. for carry lug ou his enterprise. foremost in the ranks o f better-class journal North officiating. Mrs A J Bir r y , Mannahawkin Leave LAKEWOOD, at 7.80 aud 10.89 A. M. 8.4f PROPRIETORS OF ism. Rev. W illia m Cbattin o f Toms Rtver, and 8.08 p. a. A ta r g e S to c k a lw a y s o n hand M usic T e a c h e rs . Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, widow o f tbe late Leave MANCHESTER, at 7.40 and 10.80 A. x „ preached fo r us again last Sunday morning Prof A B Clutr , Main street, Toms River 4.00 aud 4,28 p. a George Johnson, died at Greenville, near M a rine M is h a p s . and evening. The attendance was fair, in N e w sp a p e rs. Leave BARNEGAT, at 4.30 and 9.80 a. a ., 8.30 Biit’ka sshttinnfi liv r»l* nr urtiior tn nil nn .t. si,.. ......_s—. , . ’ Lakewood, on the 1st Inst., and waa buried on “ nil ’ l’lld •>» ,r» l! o r w“ l" all parts ol the country, on short n otice, s t lowest ensh and 0.I6 p. a. the course o f bis morning's remarks he used Biicon , Tuckerton rices. ^ "^ ort^rs^eceive^urjm rsoaiM jttteiu ion, mid satisfaction guaranteed, B R IC K S F O R the 3d. She was a native of Bilverton, her T h e M a r la P ls m o n In C o llis io n w ith th e J. H.OLHAU8EN, H. P. BALDWIN. Nichols O rien tal B a lm f t A r n ic a P la s t e r some plain and well chosen words la regard to GLASS F A C T O R Y P U R P O SE S A S P E C IA L T Y Uttni supt. maiden name being irons, aud was 82 years G eol Pass. A gt . U D Cranskk , Mannahawkin A. B. A v k m , F ra n k V a n d e rh e rrh e n . the im portance of church members taking Wu. B. AYKBH. N stary P ub lic, C om n its a ln n e r o f D e e d s more interest than they generally do In old. P o i n t P le as an t , N. J., Jan. 8, 1894.— A an d J u s tic e o f th e Peace. ^ U C K M T U N K A I L It O A D . Mrs. Hannah Potter, wife of John G. Potter, large three matted schooner bound aoutb in Sabbath-acbool work ; and it does seem strange u • . Joskfh G rovbr , Water Btreet, Toms River H a v in g b e e n r e s t o c k e d a n d B lipI n e ffe c t O c to b e r l « U i , 1 8 93 . Jonathan GOBLK. Justice of the Peace, Burrsvllle that as a rule iu many country churches espec died at Bayville on Wednesday o f last week, ballast, w m io collision with a loaded schooner j David Noykr , Union ave, Manchester n e w m e d ic in e s , is n o w o p e n , ially tbe leading members very seldom attend aged 66 years. Funeral services w ere held on bound north, about two miles off ibis place at P * le (| Trains from BEACH HAVEN and TUCKERTON Jos Lonan , Forked River to NEW YORK. TRENTO N aud Sabbath-schooL Eveu their preseuce without Sunday, conducted by Rev. -T. Hoffman Batten noun today. Each schooner hoisted dutrea* H a v i n g r e m o v e d ray o f f i c e t o t h e s t o r e i 1* * * storms, Barnegat P H lu A D E LPH I*. E R Wills Baruegat o f Island Heights. taking an active part would have iu effect, but signals aud in response Captain T. B. Pearce I will be there from 7 30 to 9 a. m., Dinease commonly cornea on with alight aymptome, which when Giohor W Mathis , Tuckerton Leave Beach Haven 8.45 a . x .. and the crew o f tbs Bayhead Life-saving 1.30 to 3, and 6.30 to 8 p. m., to pre neglected increase io extent, and gradually grow dangerous. Barzlllai Asay died this morning o f g r ip and so many appear to think that Sabbath-school P ia n o s a n d O rga n s . Leave Tuckerton, 7 03. a . m . 3.80. r. x. work is o f comparatively little account; yet pneumonia, aged 71 years. He was a well Station went In tbe aurfbnat to aid the vessels. scribe aud nee my patientr. The Con MO Pohl. repairer. Toms River Leave West Creek, 7.10 a . x . ?.87 P. x. Ifyou su ffer from Headache* Dys- T a k e Ml Jamison, New Egypt Leave Manualiawklu, 7.83 a . a ., 3.41 r. a. Christ said “ Suffer little children to come known citizens aud a member of tbe Methodist Both were found to have sustained senons fectionery, Segar, Perfumery, Station Leave Barnegat, 7.34 a . a., and 3.6j p . a. pepsia or Indigestion H e a l E s ta te . injuries and were leaking badly. Tbe loaded onto me, fo r o f such is the kingdom o f church. Funeral services on Monday next. Arrive at Whitings, s.tu a . a., and 4.23 r. x. ery, etc , will be under the*charge of , - f IBB YIBW Co., Proprietors of Pine View, N . J. heaven.” Arrive at New York l i f e and SUtf r. a., U. R. R. schooner was tbs Marla Pierson, with cargo Ifyou a re Billious, C on stip ated , or T a k e Id Broadway N. Y. Mies Eva Irwin. Arrive at New York 11.40 a . X., 7.80 r. x. P. R. R o f pine wood from V irgin ia for New York. Jeremiah Predmore, who died at bis home in have a disordered L ive rR e s ta u r a n ts . Arrive at Trentou 10.04 a . m., 6.48 p x.t P. R. R*. New York Market*. Tbe lig h t one was tbe F ran k Vanderhercben Barnegat last week, was buried in the WaroArilve at Philadelphia ».4it a . m ., 6.80 p. a. Tms J in oliton , Main street, Toms River If your com plexion is sallow * or T a k e Jo Jt *LU 4M8, Water street, Toms River RETURNING A tag soon came down aad took the Vantown Cedar Grove cemetery on Monday. The Reported fo r tbe N ew J brskt (Joe hi kr by " 0 F lbkrson, Barnegat you su ffer distress after ea tin g Le»ve New York (Central R. R. o f New Jersey, funeral w as a large one. Deceased waa a Palmer, Riven burg A Co., Wholesale Com dsrercben in tow back to N ew York. She 4.30 A. M. AU(I 1.30 P. M b a it H a y a n d Moss Leave New York, (P . R. R.) t.oo r. m, waa badly shattered about her bow and her member o f Barnegat Lodge, No. 71, KnlgbU mission Merchants in Frnitsand Products, 166 For offen sive breath and all disor- T a k e CH Cranm ir , Mannahawkin Leave Trenton, 7.41 a . m., 8.83 r. a. fore riggin g w is carried aw a y, The Pierson it l Crawmik a Bro. Cedar Ran Pythias, and be waa interred with tbe Reade street, New York City. dare o f the stom a ch . . . Leave Philadelphia (P . R. i t ) at s.80 a . a. and k. Prrdmokk, Mannahawkin 4.oo r. a. lost her fore rigging, had her foremast Injured honors o f the Order. | N xw Y o rk . Jan. t , 1894. Itipaoa InbnltB act gently hot promptly upon the liver, atomach and I^*ave WhlttngK, 10.10 *. r.40 r. u. M ewing M a c h in es , etc, It is reported that burglars visited some Apples, Kings, #4 00 to #5 50: Spitz. #4 50 aud a hole stove tn her side. Leave Barnegat, 10.43 a. m., aud e.18 r. a. mteatioea ; cleanse the ayatern effectually ; cure dyapepaia, habitual con.tiK n w ^ 0,8 Pbcb* WaItOD street, Toms River H er crew, with tbe L ife aaTer*'assistance, Leave Maunaliawkin, 10.53 a . and 0.83 r. M toward I rons,Toms River,Also Pianos A Organs Bsrnegat business places last Saturday night to #5.50; 8py, #4 00 to #4 75; Baldwins, #4 00 Leave Heat creek, 11.06 a . a., and 8.86 r. m. palion, offensive breath and headache. One T abule taken at the firat threw overboard part o f her cargo, causing and obtained a quantity o f booty, including to #4.75; Greenings, #4 00 to #4 50. Cran s h o e iu a k ln g . Arrive at Tuckerton, 11.18 a . a ., and 4.48 r. a. indication of indigeatioc. billionanea.. dizrine.., distress after eating or fktbr McGralb , Water street, Toms River Arrive at Beach Haven. r. u. some poet-offlee funds. Evidently the eutirc berries, Jerrcy. *1.25 to #1 60 a box. Grapvs, her to list, and then patched up the hole with j Leave Beach Haven for Tuckerton, 4 45 a . depreatton of apirita, will surely and quickly remove the whole difficnlty. a lio e s t a r e * . The I affair was tbe work o f amateurs. Local Catawbas, small basket, 6 to 12c; Concords. canvas, partially stopping the leak. Saturday*only 7.iur. a. llipana labnlee are prepare,! from a prescription widely naed by the C°H *!f,!iBIB.BR’ <'0W[>ert,lWa11’8 Ex’ge.Toms River ibetves no doubt. It appears to be about time 8 to 14c. Potatoes, Stale Ro m and Hebron, pomp* w ere kept going and at five o'clock a I Leave Ticken on for Beach Haven, 8.50 a ' n uhinn ,Clifton ave., opp. fountain, Lakewood M*>n onlv 8.8 f a . u . beat phyetetana, and are preaented in the form moat approred by modern JOHNlavs tor tbe good people of Barnegat to organize a #1 75 to #2.00; Burbank. #163 to #175; tag came to her assistance and look her In low j C. PRICK. C. M. ITKADI.RY, s ta tio n e r s a n d N ew sd ealers RCipnfw J Hont, Q . p. A p. vigilance committee and proceed accordingly. Sweet* Vineland.#3.85 to #4 00; Sweets Jersey, for N e w York. j n' ’ KB" D» u *. postofflee Store, Toms River, She lben bad two and a half feet of water in ! s Klu^A^^0R*,0',t of Central are,Island Heights If giyen a fair trial Ripana Tabulea are an infallible cure ; they contain * * A re V O !' In th e R n * ln e » « D ir e c to r y ? #2 25 to #2.75. Cabbage. #3 00 to $5.00 a 100. * « » » « street, Lakewood notumg injurious and are an economics! remedy Cauliflower. #3.00 to #5.00 a barrel. Celery, her hold. Captain Hick mao, o f the Pierson Director! Elected O m Z P t . P o s t o f f l c e store, Barnegat Jer * LaBrey, Main A Watei sis, aU, Toms Rlv« R iver | A f t HIGHTwTuWX I . R, $1 00 to #1 50 a dozen. Onions, white, $2 00 says the Vanderhercben was wholly response \ Tailoring. By the First National Dank at Tosaa to #3 50; red and yellow, #1 50 to $1.75 bis fo r the accident. T b o latter schooner was I The Union Trmnepertalien Cm., Leeeeee. Bxch'ge.Toms River goin g down tbe coast light at about ten knots 1 ■Ivor. Butter, creamery, 22 to 23c; dairy extras 24c; 80 t0KD> Water street, Toms River T im e T a b le I s fc ffrrt O e» I * , ■ $ • $ . an boa,- while the loaded stboooer was beating At (he annual meeting o f the atockbolder* o f firsts. 21 to 23c; seconds, 19 to 90c. Eggs, T in s m ith s , F I u m b ers , etc. h ,,A ^ T ‘" * * ,ent- Pos,a« e P‘ id- OB receipt o f 7S cent. TR AIN S LEAVE N EW EG YPT. Live np tbe coast against a northwest wind and had ocr National Bank last Thursday the following fresh nearby, 23 to 22c; Legheras, 35c En* a X • ■ “ *“ street, loins Kiver Ibe wholesale and retail agents, the righ t o f way. A Gclick , Washington street, Toms River For I'll 1lade*pbio, 7A8 m l 11.18 A a, 7JU P U. Directors w e re elected: John Aumack. 8. 8. poultry, fowls, 11 to 12c; chickens, 9 ) { to 10c; Sund.vyi i.m a a. T ob ac c o a n d C ig a r s New London, Jan 9— Schooner Harry A For Tome Kiver, 7-M and 11.18 A a. Auroack, A . A. Brant, Am oe Birdsall, J. turkeys, 11 to 12c; docks, per pair, 70 to 90c; «RMAN W rox, Union ave, Manchester Far .Sew fo rk . 8.14 a a and *.ia r « . Holmes B irdsall. Job R. Falklnburgb, William gee*e, 00 to 80c. Drewed poultry, turkeys. Groce Reynolds. Mills, from F all River to New , , U n d e r ta k e rs . SKTT'RNfNO. 10)£ to 11c; Philadelphia chickens, 10c; York, put in here today leaking with a bad A m e r i c a ’ s F i n e s t F l o u r li40* * ’ cowperth wait’s Exch’ge. Toma R iver A. Low. John Auaack was made President; Leave Philadelphia, 4M a m, lt.W zed LOS r 9 William A. L o w , Cashier; H enry A . Low, As chicken* State and Pa, 11 to 19c; fow ls, 10 to list to starboard and four feet o f water in ber Sunday* a m i r a. j™ . , " L I « a * r urpol. Leave Toro* River, L U r a. l i e ; Capons, large. 20 to 21c; aosall and slip*, siatant Cashier W. H. SCHBEFFELIN St CO., W IL L IA M ST.. K . r r a p u i. rapart. Ural .b ile «> t b . , - S o o b a r r e l s m a d e e v e r y d a y 0H IiaAT, Water street, T r*ms River I a ave New York. 4 *n and C.1# r . * . " trip through B e ll Gale his veteej ----- -------- —--------------------------- -----14 to 16c; dacka. 12 to 14c; geese, 11 to 13c. WM BURTlM. K niw in feM — * w . 8. CBAFXT. D e a l P j . Calves country dressed prime, 1 0 ^ e ; fair to siruck aanaen barge M » r i » « . Having a bole In T A Freight Awawt. NEW E G Y P T. p r o d u c t io n in th e W O fld Io «! e y c r y t y h e r . w i U n p p l y d w T a b n ie . i f m w M t o d . to to o t. 9 ie lO e ; common to medium, 7 to §!^c; «h . acboonat . 7 m * * * bow. The vmee. T A re l a i - la tb e R n e fia m D ir e c to r y T W EATHER REPORT, . . T h e y mre E a i y to T a k e , U m c k t o Act, , n d S o n M a n y a D o c t o r 1, B ill A local branch o f the N ew Jersey Building, pork, 7 to 9c. Apples, evaporated. 11 to 1* p ; was patched up with canvas s i tbe time an* Tm m ni!lowln® 18 the report of the weather Us dally, for tbe Naw J r is k y Loan and Investment Co., W ill be organized raspberries, 17c. Beans, marrow, $2 45 to p rocarted to Fall River. Loat night while in A l w a y s O f U n i f o r m e x c e l l e n c e $2 50; medinm. #1 75 to $180; w h ite kidney, tbe R ace the patch was waahed off. T be N e w 5 5 l.», oP*TTy M- Bunnell, observer for tbe here. Ja-n.V™ ? fS ?t»Jt«? weather fier vice. Week end Lae t an d a o u t b v i a W a a b l u t t m , B . c . January i<j[ Weather service, endiag George L . Shinn will build an addition to $2.10 to $3 90; red. $2 30 to $2 40. Hay, tehoOTer was beached here osd w «I he hauk-fl i x a e r. F. y , a solid train o f Pullman verthale bis store fo r a stock o f ladies’ furnishing timothy, 85 to 90c ; N o. 1,10; No. 2, TO to 75c oat for repair*. T em pvtare! ftaTnWind Weather i Max ant), | foil Straw, 50 to 60r ^ * * t,r roaches. New Vineyard Haven. J e t . it— Schr. James A. goods end B l S s t 7 la noli and LoatavtOe. via 1 ! Paraon. Moody, from B anro- to New fo r k , ithoni extra fare, I sve New York ay F. B. E rrfckeoa. having pure based tbe Reed T aib f? 5* * > ' » ! 8 W cloudy Pennsylvania Railroad, * r. a with c a rgo of lumber, w a* la coliMoa last •tore on R ailroad avenue, w ill transfer hie M 68 1 W cloudy o f uoffering, when $5 rents I “ ‘ rHiianeiDRia, .r r a.; l . C a t a r r h c o a t * f Cured Pbiisdeipbia, Sr*D*r i 2? 2 T t,c * -j B icioudy Loureviiir, t e even in j o ff Beaconnett with eehoouer Fred C. meal m arket thither. w ill b a y a bottle o f with local application*, os they cannot rear, mon ? r ’ ! £ 2 ! 5 ? • ; ° * y _ !<*»<»* ret (itrec* caant tbe §c«* o f tb - * <■>■#*■ UMsrrk le a Wood of HoM sa ( o f Calais. M e). 8be loat mam**.: exprre*,dafl». * 1 M «r is no; N E cloudy WtD<«| >leave*f> New York, S ____________ _ conetitutional disease, and in order tn cure it Move quarterrail and auauaioed other damage! ^ «e «i » * , { Mi 4 W ;cloudy { Wanhtagtea. 8 r. a.: solvin g at voa have to take internal remedies. Holla retaroed here, bat proceeded today after Samuel Lockwood, Pb.d., aaUaralU aad for : • W A . a. a r t St. L o u is U o r x. an Catarrh Care ie taken internally, and A brand that means something ■ \ W l i E l i W S procuring temporary aailaDtm tge to 1 many years president a f tbe Mew Jersey Mi- d!reci?» rm ibe Kbtrt a r t msenoa aarf p i a n .T y p cteT tate. ^ • W ls r everyw h ere. •SVUir. VSJSt St. Loata, fci.SE ; j croscepietl Society, aged 75, dies Tuesday at Hall’s Catarrh Care i* no quack oedictam. It Hofdoa aakaowa. e Tbroogb taHict* nod r t Makes the Best Bread woe prescribed by one of tbe beat phtv'.ciaoB From two draw to owe_____ bnttlw m y* J __ **i|I v_ _ „th . D_ P c8e* s ____ ____ prtocagal FeansT-renm 1 , 1 , in Ibt* country for year*, a rt is a regular pres- t Boatoa. Jaa. 1 fr-«eb ooaer Job II. Jackwjo wont r o w nt n ia r a k ^ y-v Jtf— »_ * oreeiee. For farther »t n criptmo. I t ie composed of the boat toe res jr., from Newport News, groaoded ou tba mcreased until there Is scarcely a 01 eeouty Makes the Most Bread koaw a. combined with tbe treat blood purttere. Upper Middle early this morning, where she tnrr c flore* you w ill wonder w h v vaa n *r*f __ uukEownM ,lel ln ^ ^ Suw** " b * r e It thoaxht of h before. N o pereon •boukf ieavr * * » » / S 5 S a J t e t t m m .w t m a .m m e r t t a .. 4d ?n*:w-Hood s Sftr**p * c i»l* starts * i the ficMoe vrtbont a bouJc o f tMs remedy. j lln ja ry . Makes the W hitest Bread whut prod pres sorb worterful rrta tw in ABSOLUTELY PURE Make Home Attractive MARRI AGES* The mellow tones of a piano or organ will refresh and rest the parents, amuse the children and keep them at home. Do you want one? You say “ Yes, but can’t afford it.” Send us your name and maybe we can show you that afford it, and a good you one too. Such ns a Hardman or Darlington piano ; a Story Clark or Mason Hamlin organ. Our catalogues of Banjos, Violins and other email instru ments, showing reduced prices, will be sent on request. DIRECTORY. Reliable Business Houses of Ocean County. DEATHS. CHURCH DIRECTORY CURTIS FRENCH RED BANK W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE FOR 6ENTLEMEX. Granite and Marble... m Monuments LADIES AND MISSES, and Headstones Cemetery enclosures of every description. Blue Stone Flagging and Curb ing furnished and laid in any locality. Stone Work of all kinds for building purposes promptly furnished. Slate Mantels,Slate and Rubbed Blue Stone Hearths. S o ld GENUNG & CO. Toy ,A_. o . A Y R E S M A N N A H A W K IN H I R a C id ! B R O T H E R S , TOMS RIVER BRICK WORKS, IDRUG STORE Toms River, N. J. RIPANS TABULES. RIPANS RIPANS RIPANS RIPANS D r. 8. B . I R W I N TABULES TABULES TABULES TABULES ONE GIVES RELIEF. oy CHAS. N. CRITTENTON CO., 115 FtiLTON 8T JOHN H. FRANCIS, 83 JOHN ST„ H KES80N & ROBBINS, 91 FULTON ST.. r 170 NEW VOKK CITY. •ample* Free on application to the Ripana Chemical Co NEW YORK CITY. Pillsbury’s BEST What is the Use “ rv*- — M A TH IS’ Dysentery Remedy t UK OK FN til R*U CRRUSTt PAIN-KILLING Magic Oil. k Works Uke a Charm " __ __ Prohebiy greater tbaa all u ^ n ju s , * * * p orttere com M art. M r l ! * M It wo* the medleb Hood’* Sarsaparilla Cure*. 'A n T e c h a e i feilv n k t a a t l s i r i by ebdoraeoaeete which. tbe fismBcia! world would be accepted wMbawt Rood's F»De care liver ill*, e | lessee**, jr o s d ie e . a*ek ber t a e W . curing catarrh. Seed f* r taUmoelala free. F. 4 C 8 1 W 1 T A OO Props.. Toledo. O ! 7$74 --------- ------- , |Aw l ■ o--------------M h yd T b * PbOadwipasa Iicamd tie Mew Jersey L ife Ba ring crews w »« rzzzsiz a S2 ty 10 montte. fsetart o f Ayres Brothers for Sore Throat, Cramps, Choi- er. Morbus, Rhenmati'sm, Neu- *2? KmlMI, a“ — r‘ ralgia, and Pains of all kioda t o m IW t m R iv e n , a - 4 . M lr a r a s SOLD EVERYWHERE. Bottle, Sm all Dose and Sm all Price. ■ u n w 'm a T a i u a m ,1~ asat^ a 39 C o s t* Aar * * t n «. iJ F ** Wi Doctors D is c o u ra g ed , B e lie f F ou n d . PIONEER NEWSPAPER OF OCEAN CO. OD D S AND ENDS. j Bpst Cure For Mr. 0. E. Bartholomew, Kalkaaka, Mich., write*: “ 1 am aa certain a* I uow live, that i Dr. David Kennedy’s Favorite Remedy saved my life when 1 was a victim o f Hrlght’s Dis A ll (lisonlei’H of the Throat and L u n g s is A y e r ’s f l u r r y P e c t o r a l, ease." I f yon are sefferlng from Bright’■ Dis ease, diabetes, or any urinary trouble, you I t has no equal as a cough-cure. should u*o this only cure, ••I had been troubled since 1809. writes 8 . N. Arnold, o f Rochester, N. Y . with gravel and catarrh o f the bladder. Tried several I was a boy, I lmd u bronchial doctors, but got no relief. Upon advice, I trouble o f Hindi n and stub used Dr. David Kennedy’s Favorite Remedy. born character, thut the d octor pro* Tbe result was marvelous; a lew bottles entirely cured u »«." _____________ noim ccd it incurable with ordinary rem edies, hut recommended me to try A y e r's C herry Pectoral. I did so, and one bottle cured me. For I lie Inst fifteen years, I have used this preparation with good e ffect whenever I take a bud cold, and I know o f iiiimbers of people who keep It in the house all tho time, not con sidering it safe to he without it.” — J. C. W oodson, I’ . M.. Forest. H ill,W .V a . Bronchitis fT i fTOT?Q AH* P A V P P T V ! cold roomier pitchingpenufe»on tbeatraet v/ A U V/T l ' / i EilV L X * comer, and munching a slice of unbutteml —— - REV. DR. T A LM A G E P R E A C H E 8 UPON T H E P R E 8 E N T H AR D TIMES. The E verlastin g T a r iff I)l*e a **lo i»— Life In surance U rged —The W idespread Im providence— T h e Gospel o l H elp in g Oth er*—A P a id Up P olicy F o r Eternity. I bread when th ey enn get it, sworn at by pafweira by because they do no t get out o f tb e way, k icked on w an l to w a rd manhood I o r womanhood, fo r which th ey have no preparation e xcep t a depraved appetite snd ' fra il constitution, candidate* fo r almshouse and penitentiary. W h atever oth e r causes o f poverty may fa il, the saloon m ay be depended on to fur. niab an ever increasing th rong o f paupers. O b , ye grogshops o f B ro ok lyn and N ew Y o r k and o f a ll th e cities! Y e mouths o f hell! when w ill ye cease to craunch and devour? T here is no danger o f this liquor business fa ilin g . A l l other styles o f busi ness at tim es fail. D ry g ood s stores go under. H ard w are stores g o under. Gro cery stores g o under. Harness makers fail, druggists fa il, bankers fa il, butchers fail, bakers fail, confectioners fa il, but tbe liqu o r dealers never. I t is th e only secure business I k n o w of. W h y th e permanence I o f tb e alcoh olic trade? Because, in the first place, th e men in th a t business, if tig h t up for m oney, only have to put into la rge quantities o f water m ore strychnine and logwood and nux vom ica an 4 vitriol and other congenial concomitants tor adulteration. One quart o f th e real genuine pandeinoniac e lix ir w ill d o to m ix up with sev eral gallons o f m ild er dam nation. Besides thut, these dealers can depend on an in crease of dem and on the part o f their cus lomera. T h e m ore o f that s tu ff they drink th e thirstier th ey are. Hard times, which stop other businesses, on ly increase that business, tor m en g o there to drown their trouble*. T h e y tak e the s p irits down to keep their sp irits up. There is an inclined plane down w h ich alcoholism slides its vic tim s. Claret, cham pagne, p ort, cognac, whisky, T om and Jerry, sour mash, on and down until it is a sort o f m ix tu re o f kero sene oil, turpentine, toadstools, swill, es sence of the horse blankets and general nastiness. W ith Its red sword o f flam e that liquor pow er m arshals its procession, and they m ove on in rank* lonp enough to girdle the earth, ;.u.i th e procession is headed by the nose blotched, n erve shattered, rheum eyed, lip bloated, soul scorched inebriates, fol low ed by the wom en, who, though brought up in com fortable homes, now go lim ping past with aches aud pains and pallor and hunger and woe, follow ed by their chil dren, barefoot, uncombed, freezing, and w ith a wretchedness o f tim e and eternity seem ingly compressed in th e ir agonized fea tures. "F o rw a rd , march!” cries the liquor business to th a t arm y w ith o u t banners. K e e p that influence m ovin g on, uud you w ill have the poor always w ith you. Re p ort comes fro m one o f the cities, where the in a jorily o f th e inhabitants are out o f work and dependent on charity, y e t last year th ey spent m ore in thut c ity for rum than th ey did for cloth in g and groceries. Th e y a ll Te stily — T a lk * M cacy • I the WorkHtenowawl Swift’s Specific. The old-time aimple remedy from the Georgia swamp* *"d fields has gono forth to the antipode*. tho skeptical and confounding tho theories of -'thoMWho depend solely on the , physician’ * skllL There Is no blood taint which It doe* not Immediately eradicate. Poison* outwardly absorbed or tho result o f vile dIsouses from within all yield to thl* potent but *lrnpte remedy. It 1* an nnequaied tonic, bulldsup the old and feeble,cure* a ll diiease* arising from Impure blood or weakened vitality, ■end for a treatise. Examine the proof. e v ery drop o f m ed icin e you to a poor in valid , every ntar o f hope y ou m ake to shine over unfortunate m aternity, every m itten you knit fo r cold fingers, ia a pay m ent ou the prem ium of th a t policy. 1 has <3alxiutMO.OOO.OOOpolicies fcoall w b o w lll go fo r th and aid the unfortunate. There are on ly tw o or th ree lines in th is policy o f life insurance— Pa. x li. It “ Blessed Is he th a t con sidered th e poor. 1 he L ord w ill d e live r him in tim e o f trouble.” O th er life insurance com panies m ay fail, but th is Celestial L i f e insurance company never. The Lord God A lm ig h ty is at the head o f it, and all the angels o f heaven are in it s board o f directiou, aud its assets are all w orlds, and a ll the charitable o f earth and heaven are th e beneficiaries. “ But, says some one, “ I d o not lik e a tontine pol icy so well, and th a t which you o ffe r is m ore lik e a tontine aud to be ch iefly paid in this life .” "Blessed is he that considereth the poor. T h e Lord w ill d eliver h im In tim e o f trou b le.” ,, , ' W e ll, i f you p refer tbe old fashioned pol icy o f life insurance, which Is no t paid t ill a fte r death, you cau be accommodated. T h a t w ill be g iven you in th e d ay o f ju d g m ent, aud w ill be handed you b y the righ t b and, the pierced hand, o f ou r L o rd him self, and all you d o in the r ig h t spirit fo r the poor is paym ent on the prem ium o f th at life insurance policy. I read you a para^ 7 tV aV ' lic y l "T h ™ shall the k in g e™ P“ ™ hi „ rf„ ht i , „ r„ i y„ say*unto them on his right bund, ‘ Come ye blessed o f m y F ather, for 1 was hungered and ye gave me m eat, I was th irsty aud ye g a v e m e drink, I w as a stranger and ye took me in , naked aud ye clothed m e.’ ” In various colors o f ink oth e r life insur ance policies are written. T h is one I have ju s t shown you is written in o n ly one kind o f in k , and th at red ink—th e blood of the cross. Blessed be G od—th at is a "paid up p olicy.” Paid fo r by the pangs o f the Son o f G od , and all w e add to it in the way o f ou r ow n goo<. deeds w ill au gm en t the sum o f etern al felicities. Yes, th e tim e w ill com e when the banks of largest capital Sa l v a t io n O IL 1 Hasmade many friends. Why? Because it isthe best and cheapest lini ment sold. It kills painI B r o o k l y n , Jan. 7.—I t seem ed appropri ate that. Dr. T a lm a ge should preach this sermon a fte r his personal contribution o f 8.000 pounds o f m eat and 2,000 leaves o f bread to th e poor who gathered shivering In the cold around tbe bak ery and meat store o f B ro o k lyn , where the food was dis Substitutes are mostly cheap imita tributed w ith o u t tickets and no recom The a vera ge supply o f fish at Billiiigstions of good articles. Don’t take Book* on “ Blood and Skin Disease* ’’ moiled fro*. mendation required except hunger. T h e g ate market, London, is 10,(XX) tons a month. them. Insist on getting Sa l v a t io n Itrugglmta Bell It. text was M a tth e w x x v i, 11, " Y e have the O il , or you will be disappointed. About th e toughest th in g th at can hap poor alw ays w ith you.” pen to a m an is to go con tra ry to his w ife ’ s W ho said th at? T he C h rist who never Drawer 3 , Atlanta, Qa. wishes and th en fail. owned a n yth in g d uring his earthly stay. f Antidote 1—Fries 10 C t«. At all dealers. Western Canada is said t o tak e more coal I lls cradle and his grave w ere borrowed. from the U n ite d States th a n the eastern G M t o do for your nouseuoul lli a t which Every fig he a te w as from som e one else’ s E L Y ’M " F o r m ore than tw en ty-five years, I provinces s h ip to this country. you can do for them yourself. tree. Kverjr drop o f w ater he drank was was a sitlTeriy from lung trouble, at F o r the benefit o f those young men, exThere are, according to t h e Belfast cham from some on e else'* well. T o pay his per tended w ith roughing so severe at tim es ber of com m erce, 400 floa tin g wrecks in th e c u m a practical pewunality. iicam uiuK sonal tax, w hich watt very sm all, only 8 1 # I n quickly m y life s work on tiro ujuiiillcciit salary o f as toriniHc hemnrrhnge, the paroxysms g u lf stream w ith in a distance o f 1,860 miles. cents, he had to perform a miracle and Absorbed. 1800 a year and a parsonage, and when the frequ en tly lusting three or four hours. make a fish pay it. A l! th e heights and Medical m en die off m ore rapidly than LTetnie* the call w as placed in m y hands I did n o t know depths and lengtliH and breadths o f poverty I was induced in try A y e r’s C herry P ec other professional men. B etw een the ages NrhrI P****ge*. how in the world I w ou ld ever b e able to Christ m easured in Ida e arth ly experience, o f 40 and 66 , tw o doctors d ie to one c le rg y toral, nud ,a fter taking four bottles, was A llay* P*lu s»«l spend that am ount o f money, au d l re and when he cornea to iq/euk o f destitution, man. Infisuimsli on, th oroughly cured, 1 Frnnz Hoffm an, m em ber indulging in a devout w is li that. 1 he always speaks sym pathetically, and Many a tr u th is spoken ungram m atically. Clay < .Mure, K h ih . H a u ls tb e N oras m ig h t not be led in to worldliness an d prodi what he said then is as tru e uow. " Y e have " A gentlem an,” Bald a 6-year-old, as re Protects tbe g a lity by such an overplu s o f resources, and the poor a lw a y s w ith you.” Membrane from ported in G o o d News, “ is a growed up b oy at a tim e when a rticles o f food am i cloth Auitlonal Cold. For 6,000 years the bread question bos what used t o m ind his m o th er." in g w ere higher than th ey are n o w , I felt it Restores the been the a c tiv e anti absorbing question. "L u s t spring I was taken down with English p e op le have develo ped a perfect a religiou s duty to g e t m y life insured, and Souses of Taste Witness th e people crow ding lip to Joseph’ s l;i iiip p e . At time* I whs com pletely and Smell. mania for rev o lve r shooting, and numerous I presented m yself a t an office o f ou e o f the storehouse in E gyp t. W itn ess the famine prosliHtcd, mid so difficult was m y clubs have l*een formed a ll o v e r the United People are beginning to learn that CATARRH great companies, and 1 stood pale au d nerv in Samaria anti Jerusalem . Witness the hrei.thim ; Hud my breast seemed as if Kingdom fo r the practice and pursuit o f Isa local disease, caused by repeated colds In the ous lest the medical exam iner m ig h t have 7.000 hungry people for w h om Christ m ul head, causing enlargement o f the soft bone* of eoiilluei! in mi non ea-^e. | procured a A particle Is applied Into each nostril and ig agree th is branch o f sport. to declare that I hud consumption and the nose, thickening and ulceration of tin* lining tiplied the loaves. Witness th e uncounted able. Price 60 eta. at tirujiglBta or by matt. 11. .li li * . I A y e r'- Cherry Pectoral, and heart disease und a h a lf dozen m orta l uilA t the la te jubilee in C arlsbad in honor membrane, with Its constant discharge of unmillions o f people now liv in g who, I be ELY BROTHERS, 66 W airen et .New York. liealthy tuticuM and pus; mat every breath Is taint no -o-'iier ii.-id I liemin taking it than ■MOM. but when I g o t th iJ x m n iM it. which M ock w ill o il go down, aud th e Are ns £ o f Lab ltzk y, th e Catholic p rie s t coni posed ed before the air reaches the lungs; that it cause* lieve, have never yet had one fu ll meal o f r li. I l“ Ui>v. ed. i could not b elieve that I h a ve yet In fu ll force. 1 felt ,t sense o l “ nee companies w ill nil go dow n , and the a festival hym n, the P ro te s ta n t m inister the coindant hawking, cxpectoraiIng, nose-lib edhealthful an d nutritious food in ull their B R E A K F A S T - SU P P E R . (he e 11eel would lie *n rapid and the manliness and confidence and qu ietu de ami life insurance com panies w ill a ll g o down. wrote the w o rd s, and the J e w is h synagogue Ing, headaches, partial loss of Item ing, noises In lives. T h in k o f the 854 g re a t famines in In th e last great earthquake all the cities the head, dcufnes-, Impaired, vision, lassitude, cur- so com plete." W . II. W illiam s, re-enforcement, w hich in u good th in g for furnished th o singers. Knglsnd. T h in k o f the 25,000 people under debility, Iocs of rest and Impaired appetite, and w ill be prostrated, and as a consequence a ll any young man to have. the hoof o f hunger year before k * t in The Luth eran World says that "the ac bad breath ; that Is Is the prtn Ipal esu*e o f br»m-hitIh, pneumonia and consumption of the lung*; F o r the luck o f th a t feeling th e re are banks w ill forever suspend payment.. ltussia. cessions w h ich the Homan Catholic church In the. last conflagration th e five insur THAI IT CAN ONLY HE CVHKI) HY LOCAL thousands o f men to d a y in G reenwood and The failu re o f the N ile to overflow for in Am erica has from P rotestants come n o t TREATMENT; that TUB AMKIMOAN CAo f the w orld w ill fail, fo r G R A TE FU L -C O M F O R TIN G . Lau rel H ill and MountJAuburn w h o m ig h t. ance companies • , seven years in th e eleventh century le ft from L uth eran s and strict Kpiscopalluns ho T A K k H CURB I s the only remedy known that us w e ll have beeu a liv e and well an d sup -1 h o w could they m ake appraisem ent' o f the those regions depopulated. P lague o f In much as t h e y do from M ethodist, Congre can cure the disease ; that it Is not a pft'ent med|They gout. u t «. a little low* on a universal lire? fire? T1 hhen en all the in p ortin g their fam ilies. Tlu*v loss ou, but the private prescription of u physician, sects in Kuglaud. P lagu e o f rats in M a gational an d Unitarian c ircles.” habitants o f the round w o rld w ill surren whodevo'fd ifd years to the slimy and treatment sick, and they were so worried a b o u t what dras presidency. Plague o f mice in Essex. Visitors to Paris sh ou ld be warned of the disease, aud who thought, the lime had come would become o f th eir households in case der th eir m ortal existence, and how could v»*r & Co., f.owell. Mane. when the public should have the benefit of Ills ex Plague o f locusts in China. Plague o f against purchasing any o f the celluloid perience. The cost Is timing—60 treatments In life insurance com panies pay for depopu r -■" $■!; * 1* bottles, #5. B O ILIN G W A T E R O R MILK. o f th eir demise th a t th eir ag itatio n s over grasshoppers in Am erica. Devastation cigarette holders and mouthpieces turned ••ach bottle fer Hi oo—always ready for use ; gives ------- hemispheres? . , B, ut ou r, ,celestial . life came the skill o f th e physicians and they , lated . su re to eu ro wrought by drought, by deluge, by frost, ou t in large quantities by t he government Immediate relief. Mulled any where, foi |! .<o died fo r fear of d y in g . I have f o r many insurance w ill no t be harmed by th at conP A R r « t f E R ?C by war, by hurricane, by earthquake, by cigarette w o rk s . The c e llu lo id may blaze H A IR BALSAM years been been such such an an ard ard en en tt adv ad vocate o f life tin en ta l wreck, or that hem ispheric acoiPrepared b y W . II. J I D H " , M. I» . N o. 41 years comets fly in g too near the earth, by change dennsci and reunifies th« hsir. up in the tw in k lin g of un e y e and explode. North I,It-vent li Mtrcet, P lillu ili Ip lih i. insurance, and m y serm on on **l’h e Crime d en t, or th at planetary catastrophe. Promotes s Ir xurisnt growth. in the m anagem ent o f national flounces, by B lo w it out lik e u candle— th e noonday New er Falls t o Bestore Gray C. H. M l M l*4. D rilgK lH t.Tnin * R iv e r . From the. tw elfth to the fifteenth century o f N o t Insuring” has been so lo n g used baleful causes innumerable. I proceed to H a ir to it a You th fu l Color. small m irrors, carried in t h e pocket or a t Cure* scalp J'sco.e* *: hair tilling. on both sides of th e sea by the c h ie f life sun! T ear it dow n lik e w orn out upholstery give you th ree or four reasons why my te x t 60c,a' .1*1 IU at Prugglrt* tached to th e girdle, w ere regarded as in insurance companies th a t some p eop le have — th e last sunsetl Toss it fro m G od ’s finger is markedly and g rap h ically true in this lik e a dewdrop fro m the anther o f a watet dispensable adjuncts to lad ies’ toilets. T h e supposed that I received m onetary com year 1894. l i l y — the ocean! Scutter them lik e thistle pocket m ir r o r was a c irc u la r plaque o f pensation for what 1 have said und written. THE TARIFF CONTROVERSY. Parker’s U m g e r Toniu d o w n before a schoolboy's breath — the Use polished m eta l llxcd in a shallow box and .Take Intime.Mlct*. N ot a penny. Weak Lung*, Debility, IniligMtW 'he first reason we have alw a ys the poor ______ StisJ* __ ! sure curetor Corn*. covered w ith a lid. I w ill give any m an a hundred d o lla rs for w orld s! T h at w ill not disturb the om nipo THE S P IItlT OF IMPROVIDENCE. !)K . K. <’ . WKST’H MSRVB AN I) ItllAlN with us is because o f tb e perpetual over r HI.SCOX k C<5., N. V. tence, o r the composure, or th e sym pathy JtKATM ENT, a Haecldc for Hysteria, DIzzIncHB, hauling o f th e tariff quest iou, or, as I shall Another w arran ty th at m y text w ill every penny I have received from any life Fits, Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Pro*'ration gingers and W r ite r *. insurance company. W h a t I have said and or th e lov e uf th a t C hrist w h o said it once aused tiy alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Men call It., the tu n flic controversy. There is a p rove true in th e perpetual poverty o f the w ritten on the su b je ct has resulted from on earth, aud w ill say i t again in heaven to PHILADELPHIA. Ordinary m ortals are no d oub t forgotten w orld is the w ick ed spirit o f improvidence. tal Degression, Softening of llnln, causing lo- need for such a word, and so I take the re ........ 1. .. 1....... L... .. ffu ■. 1 . . . . .11 a ll *1 those who h a ve 1....... been h e1 lp l to *1.. tin soon after th ey leave th is w orld, but s in g QKORC.i; ..... CHILDS, KlUTl.M ASI. I'Hol'KIM Hiunty, winery, decay, death. Premature Old Age, sponsibility o f m anufacturing it. Thereare A vast number o f people have such small the conviction th at th es " in stitution s are a dow ntrodden am ! the cold, aud the hungry. llarreniica*. Loss of Power In either «c x, Ini po ers and acto rs are forgotten as soon as th ey incomes th at th ey cannot lay by in savings benediction to the hu m an race. B u t alas! tency, l.eiicorrliasa and all Female WeaknesHeH1 millions o f people who are expecting that fo r th e widespread im providence! Y ou are ' a « ( l Die houseless, aud the lost, "Inasm uch leave the stage. A new generation is born, the present congress o f th e United States bank or life insurance 1 ccut a year. It Involuntary Losses, -permitorriioea caused by < fH A O O worth o f lovnly MuBie fo r F orty and the o ld one forgets or Hays, as it h a p •exertion of brain, rlelf-aliuae, over-lndiil- w ill do som eth in g one w ay o r the other to ' k i l l « C e n t* , cousiBtinK o f 100 page* tak es every fa rth in g they can earn to spread now in your charities helping to support the . us Y® did it to th em , ye did to me. ’ w Iv ful l size Sheet Muslo o f the brlglit•e. A niotith'H treatment, ft, 6 lor 45 by mail. end this discussion. B ut it w ill never end. pens to hear th e name o f rt retired singer th e table, and clothe the fa m ily, and edu fam ilies of men w h o had more in com e than I 1ost, liveliest and most popular detections, both We guarantee hIx boxes to cure. Kaon order lor A Ui’ llc o f th e Eocene P eriod. mentioned: “ Highseal I h he alive? I you now have, or e v e r have h ad, or ever When I w as 5 years o f age, 1 remember ' ’ iHtrumental, gotten up in the cate the children, and if you blame such ■ boxes, with $r> will aend written guarantee >0 oiner. Including four large thought he lmd died lo n g ago." Sim s fund If noi cured, Guarantees Issued only by hearing m y fath er and Itis neighbors In ve people for im providence you enact a cruelty. w ill have, and you can depend o n the intP ro fes s or Cope o f P hilad elp h ia has a i i ‘ortraits. Beeves k n o w s th if p ecu liarity of the p u b On such a salary as many clerks and em providence o f many fo r the truth o f m y te x t creatUre which u ll naturalists are unaniIm p roved , illustrated, c o n ve n ien t in by <: W. M BNK,druggist.* d« agent,Newark,N. j hement discussion o f this v e ry question. It 1CARMENCITA, the Spanish Dancer, He, so he retu rn s to the a ta ge at Intervals ployees and m any ministers o f religion live, in a ll tim es and in ail places—" Y e have the m ous iu pronouncing the first representa was high ta r iff or low ta r iff o r no tariff at form, ia o n e o f the largest an d best ’ PADEREWSKI, the Great Pianist, that he m ay no t bo buried before hoisdend. tiv e o f the iioofed animal species, The all. W h en your greut-gruudehild dies at 00 and on such wages ns m any workm en re poor always witii y o u .” S H E R IF F 'S S A L E . ADELINA PATTI and I f Patti sh ou ld retire fro m public life, her HUMAN IN C AP AC IT Y. years o f age, it w ill probably be front overuium al is not a liv e , neither is it entire so ceive, they cannot in 20 years la y up 20 cents. new spapers published an yw h ere MINNIE SELIGMAN CUTTING. | name would b e remembered o f course, b u t A n o th er fact th at y ou muy depend upon fur as flesh and blood are concerned, but to exertion in discussing the tariff. B u t you know and I know m any who have t writ of Fi Fa.. Issued out V I H I I K ol p ro gre s siv e and of h ig h character. I haven't a doubt thut, a t the end o f 10 ADDBESS ALL 0BDKBB TO On the d ay the world is destroyed there competent incom es and could provide some for perpetual p overty is the incapacity o f th e paleontologist, w h o cares o n ly for the [ the court 1 Chancery of the Mate of years, people would have forgotten w heth TUB NEW YORK MYSICAL ECHO CO., New .Jersey and to m m any to achieve a livelihood. Y o u cau go • dhectud, I will sell ai pubwill be three men standing on the postofiicu w h at for the fu tu re who liv e up to every fossiled bones, th e specimen is perfect. I t D u rin g 1894 the P U B L IC L E D G E R vendue on Broadway Theatre Building, New York City. e r she was a liv e or dead. steps—one a high ta riff man, another u low dollar, ami when they die th e ir children go through any com m u nity and find good peo is n o t larger than a y ea rlin g c a lf Htid not will fu lly m aintain the high p osition The singer m.d actor le a v e nothing hu t a C A N V A S S E R S W ANTED. ple, w ith more than usual m ental caliber, tariff man, and the oth e r a free trade to the poorhousc or on the street. j n early so tall, and was found iu the W in d Wednesday, January 10, 1894, memory, a m i they have t o be very great to B y the tim e the w ife gets the husband w h o never have been able to support them- j r iv e r country iu W yom in g. Professor Cope it has attain ed in jou rn alis m . I t w ill At ttie hotel of (hiwdrk'.k A rook, m the village man—each on e red in the face from excited leave even th at. A w rite r leaves Ids w o rk . . . . . it primtBvus when of Toms Klver, In the County of Ocean and State argument on this subject. Ollier ques buried she is in d ebt to the undertaker und selves and their households. T h e y are a nam ed. . it. . Phenaeodus print m o re new s and m ore pure lite r of New .lersei, between the hmira of 19 m. ami 6 tions m ay g e t quieted—l-he Mormon ques g raved igger fo r th at which she can never m ystery to us, and w e say, " I d o no t know w as first discovered, g ivin g i t as his opinion behind h im and is often better known to o'clock i*. m , on Bald day, tin* following described tion, the s ilv e r question, the pension ques posterity th a n to his own generation. P e r pay. W h ile the man lived he had his wine w h at is the m atter o f them, but th ere is n h a t it was akin to a specim en which was ature th a n ever b efore in its h istory. real eatato: haps when th e phonograph is perfected All those several tract* or piren * of land situ- tion, the c iv il service question. A ll ques parties and fa ir ly stunk w ith tobacco and screw loose som ewhere.” Som e o f these fou n d several years ago in France (the Ihesiuger w ill have a m ore enduring m on utc in the Townshl|i of lirlck, county of Ocean tions o f annexation m ay com e to peaceful then expired, leavin g his fa m ily upon the persons have m ore bruin than thousands puleotherium ), an d which g a v e C uvier and Hlid State of New Jersey. ument. L o v e r s o f the s on g can then have 0j|„, settlement by the annexation o f islands charities o f th e world. Do no t semi for me w h o make a splendid success. Som e are ! uralists so m uch trouble to No i Best uni tig at a stone atandtng on the cabinets in th eir music room s, with shelves A ll th e new s con den sed and c la s s i north Hid* of the highway from C’e.iar Hildgeto two weeks’ voyage away and the heat o f to come and conduct the obsequies and read too sanguine of tem peram ent, and they see classify, fo r the fam ou s singers in their most In llurravdie, distant five chains sixty links on a their volcanoes conveyed through pipes u n over such a carcass the b eau tifu l liturgy, bargains wheru there a re none. A common j A t this tim e o f th e discovery o f tb e French fied. Im p ortan t M atters in full mous roles. For 1 dare s a y t hat before K d course north thirty-live degrees west from the der the sea m ade useful in warm ing our m innow is to them a goldfish, an d a quail i specim en the savants of E u rop e decided "Blessed are th e dead who d ie in the Lord ,” noifheust c ruur of etlar bridge; thence l south Of either sex, any age, in any part o f the country, ison is don e w ith his In vention It will g iv e C la s sifie d A d v e rtis e m en ts , as inter twenty - five degrees thirty minutes west two continent, o r au u ftation o f the moon, d e for instead o f th at 1 w ill tu rn over the a flam ingo, and a b lin d mule ou a towpath th a t it whs the ancestor o f "h o o fe d c rit at the employment which we furnish. You need us an e n tire opera, principles, orchestra cltaltiH, more 01 less in the south line of Henry throning the queen o f night, who is said to leaves of the B ible to F irst T im othy, fifth a Bucephalus. T h e y buy when th in g s are te rs,” but the W in d river fossil, which ia esting as new s and as m uch read. and chorus, w ith the applause of the au d i Hutu on's estate ; •1 along said Itiiiivon's line north be dissolute, and bringing the lunar popu chapter, eigh teenth verse, w h ere it says, highest and sell wh en things are low est. not be uway from homoover night. You can g ive e a s ily distinguished as being a typ e of the thirty-three d.grues. west five ciiaius forty links ence thrown in, so that w e shall know ju s t Som e one tells th em o f city lots o u t west, sam e, is believed to be much m ore ancient. your wholetirae to the work, or only your spare inoIn d ep en d en t C om m en t o n tho to toe west corner of said Runyon; a, south lations under the influence o f our free in " I f any provide not for his ow n, and espe what pusauges to enjoy th e most.—Spring w h ere the foundation o f the first house has stitutions; yen, all other questions, na cially for those o f his own house, lie hath mente. As capital is not required you run no risk. eighty-live degrees east two chains to the afore C op e's curiosity was found in rocks belongE v en ts o f the day. Held Critic. said highway ; J, along the totill- north forty live tional and international, tnity be s e ttle d denied the fa ith , and is w orse than an in not y e t been laid. T h e y say, “ W h a t an op- | illj4 to t\w eoCene period, and the tim e when W f supply you with all that is needed. It w ill degrees thirty minutes cast three chains to he fid el," or I w ill turn to Jerem iah, twenty- p ortu u lty!" tttid th ey put down th e hard i t grazed on the western prairies has beeu R e lia b le F in a n cia l N e w s and place of beginning, t'oiilulnliig one acre, more or hut this ta riflio question, never. Y e r u n t la tilin e d F o r W in ter. cost you nothing to try the businesn. Any one cash fo r an ornam ented deed for 10 lots un It w ill not only never In* settled, but it second chapter, nineteenth verse, where it p laced ns fa r buck ns 500,000 years. E very can do tile work. Beginner* make money from When th o veranda—a purely Am erican M arket R eports. No. V. )lrglnnli>K at a white oak tree, ntrketl can never be m oderately q u ie t for more than says, “ He shall lie buried w ith the burial der water. They hear o f a new s ilv e r mine lxjiie is perfect an d in place, and the speci institution— was developed o u t of the lCng on tour slili a. lining the 1110*1 westerly coi ner 1 the start. Failure Is unknown with ourworkers. o f an ass, d ra w n and cast fo r th beyond the opened in N evada, an d they say, "W h a t a m en could not lie purchased fo r # 10,COO.— S o c ia l E v en ts , G a m e s and Sports, lot No. 1 above; thence 1, south tlilrtv-thieu d< three years a t a time, each party getting lish and continental terrace ami the Italian Every hour you labor you can easily make a dollar. chance!” and they tak e the li t t l e money St. Lou is Republic. into power ta k in g one o f th e four years to gates o f Jeru salem .” gratis cast two cniiliiH sixty liiika ; V, smiih iw hv loggia, it w a s accepted as m ore exclusively the F a s h io n s o f the day, L ite r a ry , degrees thirty minutes weal two chain* loitrlee fix it up, and then the next party w ill fix it N o one who is w illing to work fails to make more I cannot im agin e any m ore unfair or they huve iu the sa v in g s bank and pay it out a summer necessity tlinn th e country house link* to vv iihou lift von*'" DM r-wamp;" B, nort Art, F a rm and G arden , S c ie n tific seventy live degree* thirty minute* west Hire down. O ur finances cannot get well be meatier th ing than for a m an to get his sins for as beautiful a certificate o f mining money every day than can be made In three day* A S im p le I’ utom eter. to which it w as attached. cause o f too many doctors. It is with sick pardoned at th e last minute, and then g o to stock, as was ever printed, and the only chain* eight y link* to a cedar tree ; 4. north till at any ordinary employment. Send for free boo?. Nowadays, with the approach of w in ter, and L a b o r notes, B u ild in g S o c ie ty tv-uine degrees f i ty live minutes east font chain nations as w ith sick individuals. Here is A potometer o f the utm ost sim p licity has heaven and liv e in a mansion, and go riding th in g they w ill e v er g e t out o f th e invest containing the fullest information. the pleasant lounging p lace is not only been devised by Dr. Sim onoff fo r determ in tell link* to the begin, log. Containing ninetyn mnn te r rib ly disorih 1 as to his body. about in a g old e n chariot o v e r the golden m ent is the aforesaid illu m in ated litho news an d H ou seh old articles. abandoned, b u t it is relegated in the minds streets, wh ile his w ife and children, whom graph. They are a lw a y s on the verge o f in g how w ell lig h te d a room m ay bo uud "'[.ol iVo!**!.**"*1b egfiiifin/'a^^ ^A doctor is called in. and he administers a o f its ow n ers to the semiannual lim bo ol The D A IL Y LE D G E R, by m f o r incidentally serving ils u test o f vision. on four sidea. siaoolugon the norm side Id t'edar febrifuge, a spoonful every hour. But rehe m ight have provided for, are begging for m illio n a im lo m and a re som etim es worried tennis flannels,m osquito netting*and nth Itrldge branch ah nt three chains ninth *estenv ' covery is postponed, and the anxious friends Box 8 8 0 , cold victuals at the basement door o f au as to whom they sh all bequeath th e ir excess T h e 24 pages o f u book are colored in grad to an y ad d ress in th.* U n ite d Statru er tropical accompaniments o f rural life. uated tints, the first being a clear gray anil II in an oth er doctor, and lie says, “ W h at earthly city. I t seems to m e there ought to o f fortune As a m a tte r of fact, the hundreds o f pen P O R T L A N D , M A IN E . or C an ad a. 50 cen ts per m onth. T h e y invest in a e ria l machines o r new in th e Inst, nearly black. Ou e v e r y pugea fe w three chains mure or less to the south lluu of in this patient needs is blood lettin g; now roll b eapoorhouse som ewhere oh the outskirts pie who liv e in the c ou n try all the yeni ‘ Old Swann. " iiac ; thence easterly, noriheri up your sleeve,” and the lancet flashes. o f heaven, w h ere those g u ilty o f such im ventions in perpetual m otion, and th ey suc phrases are printed in black letters o f d if S a tu rd a y's L E D G E R (w e e k ly ), and round o u g h t to realize w h a t a peculiarly westerly along the various Hues of said "Ol fe re n t size. T h e am ount o f lig h t is esti ceed in whut m athem aticians th in k impos But s till recovery is postponed, and a liotueprovidence should l»e k ept fo r awhile ou fact to the beginning. Containing tw fine sittin g room for the w in te r an inclosed a g re a t h o m e jou rn al, that should swamp opathic d octo r ia called in, and he adm in th in soup and gristle, instead o f sittin g sible, the squaring o f a circle, fo r they do m ated by perusing tbe contents o f each acres, more veranda m akes. A few h a v e arrived at. th is Lot ,m ». 4. It. ginning at then rtheast corner- isters som e sm all pellets and says, " A l l down at the k in g ’ s banquet. I t is said that everyth in g on the square uud win the whole p ag e o f the book u n til a selected line o f let be n e v e r y coun try hom e, $1 realization. But it is seldom that one po*' o f Hie said Cedar Bridge; ilictice 1, north the patient w an ts is rest." the church Is a divin e in stitu tion and I be circle o f disappointm ent. Th ey are good, te rs can no longer be read a t a distance o f three degree* west one chain him-fonr links to a meets w ith such a perfect adaptation o f the per y e a r. holiest, ln-iliinul failures. Th ey d ie poor, a b ou t a foot fro m the eyes. In a w e ll Recovery s till postponed, the fam ily say lieve it. slake; v norm fo ily -t inee degree* wcai four idea ns exis ts in a certain N e w England v a l chillis fifty link* to a stone, the beginning ner that such sm all pellets cannot amount to Juntas certa in ly are the savings hanks aud leave nothing to their fa m ilies but a lig h te d apartm ent the characters should be ley. Chews Cough and Consumption Rem dy in of a one acre lot conveyed by will! on c.ay m odel of some in ven tion th at w o u ld not c le a rly made ou t to the tw e n tie th or even soWhy much an yh ow , and an allo pa th ic doctor is and the life insurance com panies divine in highly praised by those who use It. Is that it This veran d a is fully 15 fe e t wide, perhapi *1 Cook; a along said line Houtli tweicy S H E R IF F S S A L E . called in, and he says, “ W h a t this patieut stitutions. A h o u t o f evil good often comes, w ork uud whole p ortfolio s of d iagram s of th e tw en ty-fourth page, but w ith poorer never falls to afford immediate relief and effect a six degree* thirty inlmues wert l wo chains fori j even more. I t extends aroun d three sides light, the d ifficulty o f deciph ering the p rin t ppeedy cure, commending its e lf to the notice of clgh link* to a snub-; t Houih Unity-two dig.e.-i wants is calom el and ja la p .” Recovery s till so out o f the doctrine o f probabilities, cal th in gs impossible. 1 cannot h e lp but like o f a large atone house, wit li breaks only for professional men who lake pleasure In speaking I T OF F I F A . eas: eighty live links In a sla*c in tile swamp; ; postponed, a hydropathic d octor is called culated by Professor Hu gens uud Professor them , because th ey are so ch eerfu l with u ia y commence a t the tenth, tw e lfth or good words In Its praise. Au opinion voluntarily the porte cochere and s im ila r features. i •omnmii i* i m « n south seventy-four degiees titty four nitiiutcs e,»- In,and he says: “ W hat tiiis patient wants ev en fifteenth page. Iu order th at this test g re a t expectations. B u t their children are Pascal for gam es o f chance, cam e the calcu end cheerfully given by Dr. W illard 11. Morse of three chains sixte-n links; nsouth seventy-oue do In the w in te r not any o f its glories fade. directed l win *e m a y be even m ore reliable, th e power o f Westfield, N. J , follows “ John W. Chew of hot and cold baths, and he must, have rst. 1 ignty links, lation o f th e probabilities o f human life as a bequest to the b ureau o f c ity charities. The entire structure is glazed . The d eco «, to in ltd edge o f tile O thers adm inister to the c ro p o f the vision o f the person m ak ing i t should first Rarnegat, N. J.. manufactures a cough remedy, lowu said them righ t aw ay. T u r n o n t lie faucet and used by life insurance companies, and no rations s o il furniture rem ain And w h ile which Is attaining a aige and growing popularity, Mursui cot. b .egiiitook 1 T u e s d a y , F eb ru a ry G, 1804. be compared w ith th at c f a second person, get ready th e shower baths." Recovery business ou earth is more stable or honor w o rld ’ s m isfortune b y being to o unsus and which we take great pleasure In saying Is utitaiidiig rlghty-t the visitors enjoy all the honiellkecom fort* still postponed, au eclectic doctor is called At the Motel » f Cuwdrlek Jt (To k. In the vtltHgi able, and no m igh tier mercy fo r the human pecting. Honest themselves, t h e y believe an d for that purpose the hook itself fu r dlstlncdvely remedial of disorder* of the throat o f the su m m er they have stretched before oUT in* Kivcr, In the Comity of ocean amt stale Harvey by lectl from Ailiiiu \\. Downe V HHil Wife, in, and lie britiXH all the schools to bear j race has been born since C h rist ami lungs, ltd oe a n ot simply allay, but tt effec nishes all the essentials.—St. Lou is Globea ll others are honest. They a re fleeced born. them one o f t ho loveliest landscapes in tlie New Jersey, between itin hour* of t< m. and ft lit- iim g cv ii tlHlr licri'Wllli. tually cures by removing the diseased condition, Deuiocrat. o’clock t*. m. of raid day the following described ft Is entirely bareness and ia not a quack medi St’ tzcil a the property of George Im vey amt upon the poor sufferer, and the patient, i Bored beyond endurance fo r m y signatureof aud scalped and vivisected by th e sharpers east.—N ew Y ork Tribune. land and real estate, to w it: cine." W. II. MOR8E, M. D. Dr. Willard H. Jacob ll hi vey, ileft'iiilHiiiM, a il tHKei in i-xeeu- after a b rave stru ggle fo r life, expires. | papers of all sorts, there is one style o f paper in a ll stj les o f business, and cheated out o f W h ere L ig h tn in g S trik e* Twice. Pint Tract Lotts Isis of meadow mod ami Moree is a physician of high professional standing Hoi a th Mil of will Hill J nay ton eoinpiHin- i What k illed him? T oo m any doctors. A u d th at 1 alw ays sigu with a feelin g o f glad- everyth in g between cradle and g ra v e , and S o lo m o n ami th e H iitt c r fly . ii-ioo acre* a Is I the T im and is also a therapeutist aud consulting chemist. slit,amt to tie si>r<) by D u rin g the la s t seven years five horses those tw o exceptions only because they that is w h at is killing our national finances. ami trium ph , anti th at is n paper which it Slide Hts opinion can be regarded ae good professional FRANK M. t IAMUE 8 , Sheriff. It is a Jew ish tradition th at once upon | My personal friends, C levelan d and H a r the life insurance company requires frutn huve nothing to d o iu b uying either o f h a ve beeu k ille d by lig h tn in g on a single au hority. , and t* 1In* o n i. Ilo i.a c s RlKt'SU.1., Sh Ih |li a time tw o butterflies settled upon the roof **.i m*. V Mai n* and W illlrni Dal ii Dev 1, IMM. Mil* fee, It 1.76. rison aud C arlisle and M c K in le y and Sher- th e clergym an after a decease in his congre them . Others are retained for m isfortune k n o ll on the French farm, w h ich lies on th e Rarnegat, N J Feb. snth, 1S93. o f Solomon’ s temple, and the mnle butter I* I reus, her husband. App lega te to road leading from F lin t to Flushing, M ich., Mr .1 W Chew, Dear 8lr: I take pleasure in by inopportune sickness. J u st as that uian, as talented and lov e ly and spendid gation, in order to the paym ent of the pol fly said t o h is wife, " I f 1 stamp with m y Alice Applegate, dated M la w y e r was to m ak e the plea t h a t would an d nearly every tree on th e same farm is stating that for about one year we have kept ineu as w a lk the earth, nil good doctors, corded tn Ocean Comity Clerk a Office.t>. llook U« icy to the bereft household, ch ew ’s Cough Keinedy In our house aud have foot, 1 cou id at once dem olish this tern of Deed*, page* MS, etc., and l eing lot No. Hon a S H E R IF F S S A L E . but their treatm ent o f ou r languishing I always w rite ruy name then so they can have put him am on g the strong m en o f the said to bear the marks of th e “ forked fu ry .” always found it a great comfort in case of coug 's pie.” T h e lady butterfly trembled nod map of the meadow land of Thonia* S. Api.legate, finances is s o different th at neither treatread it. I cann ot help but say to m yself: profession, neuralgia stung him . Just as A n open lot at E ast G reat Plains, Conn., and cold*. From our experience we do uot hesi shivered at her huslwnd's revolutionary deceased. rrltof Ft. F* , t**iiett out ment has a fu ll opportunity, and under th e "G ood for th a t titan to have looked after th at physician was to prove his s k ill in au has l>een “ hit by thunderbolts,” as an old tate to recommend it. IIC tiulick. Second Tract, situate in the township, countv speech, an d tw o of the k ing's sentinels, and Barnegit, N J Dec, !9th, 1S92, o f the siHte stale afor. raid hi d i-nniaits* vt :t.v u nacres const nut changes it is sim p ly wonderful his wife and children a fte r earthly depar epidem ic, his ow n p o o r health im prisoned resident o f that place expresses it, l i d iffe r overhearing it, took the butterfly into cus and being Hie tlrsl tract In a deed from Mary W e have used Chew’s Remedy in our family foi I hi puiille that the nation s till lives. T he tariff queature. May he have one o f th e best seats in him . Just as th a t merchant m u s t be at e n t tim es since tb e spring o f 1887, and a croup, ana can recommend it to tie a quick aud tody and brm iglu him fo r judgment Is-fnre Irons and William It. Irons, her husband, to Alice lion w ill never lie settled, because o f th e the store for some d ecisive uud introdu ctory piece o f woods no t more th an h a lf a m ile sure cure for that dreaded disease. Mrs Lewis heaven!" Y o u n g man! T h e day before or Applegate, dated Ma ch yh . issn , atd recorded In Solomon, w h o said: ’ ‘Audacious insect? the Ocean Countv Clerk’* office in Book tIBof fact, which 1 have never heard any oue tbe day a fte r you g et m arried, go to a life bargain, he sits w ith u rheum atic join t on a w a y has been lite r a lly ridd led by tbe elec Sprague. What do you tuenn by y o u r boast?” T h e Deeds, pages S30, etc., and being a p.rt of the Philadelphia, May 89,1893. . In the vl’ iage recognize, but nevertheless the fact, th ut insurance com pany o f established reputa a p illow , the room red o le u tw ith linim ent. tr ic shots. A t W e s t H eath, Mass., a h ill ! the lin te l f 1 butterfly bowed. "Sire, 1 only said It to homestead fa»m of Thomas S. Applegate, deMr. 4. W. Chew, Dear Sir: 1 i ad a severe at o f Tom s Hive-, tn ' cm it amt Slate high ta r iff is best for som e people and free W h a t an overw h elm in g sta tis tic would near the v illa g e schoolhouse has been tion and g et the medical exam iner to put impress th e missus!” I'{to n hearing w h ich W il'd , set off to Marla Applegate, widow of i f New Je.*e.T, M seen the iniil * of I* i tack oflagrtf»pe last winter which left my lungs “ ..... * trade is best for others. ThomasS. A|ipU gate, deceased, for her r'ght of the stethoscope to your lun gs and his ear be th e story of m en aud wom en aud chil struck by lig h tn in g so ofte n th at the old tn bad condition. I suffered a great deal with a Solomon smiled complete comprehension dower. oYlock r a., on a d day, the fn In* it.g deni This tariffic. controversy keeps business settlers have tired tryin g t o keep a record cough; used nearly all fciii'ta o f cough medicines, dren impoverished b y sicknesses! Then the close up to you r heart, w ith your'vest off, and gave orders that lie should lw> set at Third Tract. Situate In the township, corin’ ? and none of them afforded me any permanent ir parcels o f land it prem- struck through with uncertainty, and th at and have signed, sealed and delivered to cyclones. Then th e Mississippi an d Ohio o f t he singular occurrences. liberty. T h e butterfly sauntered hom e. and State aforesaid and contains ; |ti-1 ml acres, relief until I u u m ml iietiig in the 1 nsh p of uncertainty results in poverty and wretcliyou a docum ent th at w ill, in the case o f freshets. Then th e stopping o f factories. u m u His wife fle w out to m eet him and eagerly the second tract In said list mentioned deed, and i the ( ) utjr of Oc an ami Mai part of a trad set off to said Maiia Applegate, aa tdness fq r a vast m u ltitu d e o f people. I f your sudden departure, m ak e for tlmt, lo v e T h en thecurcuiios am on g the peach trees. u u N P o lic e m e n a s S h a rk E x t e r m in a t o r * . r J i ’, VIZ : inquired as to tho res u lt of his tr ia l. aforesaid. it T r*i d i»s arras more or the eternal gob on this subject could have ly girl the difference between a queen and Then the insectile devastation o f potato Excepting oa A m o n g the m ultifarious duties which de “ W ell,” said her husband, with a toss o f 40 000 bo es o Cbew s Cough le**,*lt usled tjoining Ihtii fashioned into loa ve a o f bread, there patches and w h ea t fields. T h e n the epi- m and the atten tion o f the C alcu tta police, a pauper. >f land, his sensitive antenna*. " I have talked it a ll acribcd the follr A tract tf 1 i u r n con hv Alice Applegate the iiuun ro <1 leading from lln 'in anv'lle evv-V'to wo**W not lie a hungry m an or woman or zonticMamong the hor«e* and th e hollow th e capture o f sharks in the H oo gh ly finds and Consump on Remedy now nea I have know n men who have had aa in over w ith th e king, and h e lias lagged me snd hnsoand t « Thonn Apph gate bv deed e r 1* Hid. adjoining ihe Todd farm, enn » hat In. L. Ralph H. Unwil? i ml wife, child on All the planet. T o the end o f tim e come o f *3,000, #4,000, #5,000 a year who did born among the herds. Then the rains a place. D u rin g the past 20 years rewards y eady o d s bu on To be pu dated June 16. I h* t, sm not to d o it !” — London Gentlewoman •rded Tn Book pages 4«t. etc , of said Cleik't'* office, and a t act li? deed d a m l Here iu her I*, lssi, and rev ird< d tn the words o f the te x t w ill be kept true by not leave 1 fa rth in g to th e surviving house th at drown o u t everythin g and the h a ve been paid fo r the destruction of those ou s me s of * h.-tmt acres conveyed i.v Alice Aop'egate ti the C l t i k 'i Office o f Ocean county, in tin Mdii*? in * *ie kN'iftic cotdcov -rsy—" Y e have the poor hold. N ow, that m an’s death is a defalca droughts that burn up half a continent. m arin e man eaters, and recently the B engal " l a Dame ana C am elia*." Lydia Applegate. i*v deed datedd March 19 i-Wi and p ee d ., page *7h, et ■ ; til ing Man thp IT o f land convex?- tiv The always w ith you.” tion. an out rage, a swindle. H e did not die; Theu the orauge gro ve s die under t he white govern m ent laid dow n a scale fo r these pay Eugenie Doche, who created M argue ree rded in raid Clerk a Office. tn Hook W , pages and to all that ttaci id linpr. T H E CAUSE ALCOHOLIC. he absconded. T here are- 100,000 people iu teeth o f the hoar frost. Theu tlie coal ments. rite in D um as comedy o f “ l a Dame au x top, etc. Melted as the property o f Alice Apple**'* de Ralph B. Oowdv hy d en i dated sept, t, 1SSI. and Another cause o f perpetual povtrty is the Am erica today a-bungered through the sin strikes and the iron strikes an d tin me recorded In M id Clerk * o ffice iu Hook IIS of Camelias,” which we k n o w as "C a m ille,” fendant, and taken in execution *1 the suit ol J. cause alcoholic. The v ic tim does not last o f improvidence. "B u t.” say some, “ m y chanics’ strikes, w h ich all s tr ik e labor A n E x p e n s iv e D r u g . Deed*, pase S*. e 'c . Excepting a tract o f 19 an. is still liv in g in Paris. S h e is the d au g h grown Bun, adtcbu-traior of Hedge W. lm a c re s , more o r le w , conveyed hv Chatles L. long. H e soon crouches in to the drunkard’s income i« so sum I cannot afford to pay ■ harder than they s tr ik e capital. Then the A n g r y M an—T h a t prescription you g a v e Fo sa e by E R Cah and C B ter of an Irishman, the la te Baron P lu n son, deceased, plaintiff, and to be sold bv FRANK M. I'll AMBERS. Sheriff. Holman and w ife to George F. Hu sehart t.y deed grave. Hut what about his w ife and ch il th e premium on a life insurance.’ ’ A re you ; y ello w fever at B runswick an d Jackson- m e to have filled for m y w ife cost m e a dated Ap ril va. tsw. and ree M ed In *a*d • le tk ’* kett. W h e n quite you n g she was In tro A. C. Ma r tin . Attorney. Ma h s D ugg s s Tom s R ve N J sure about th at* If you are sure, then you j v ilie aud Shreveport. Then th e cholera at p retty sum. M y d og ate it. Office in Book 1 a o f Deed*, page ;<u. etc Kefer- dren? Siie takes in washing, wbeu she cad Pr'a tee. duced t o F.tienne A r n g o , at that tim e Dated Jan. *. is »c ule to said Books and page for fu ll de- get it, or goes out w o rk in g on small wages, have a righ t to depend on th e promise in : th e Narrows, th reaten ing to la n d in N ew Physician— I t certainly w i l l no t cost y ou director o f the \ au d e\ iiie. He was so m * o f a d tr*< because sorrow and p rivation have left her Jerem iah x lix , 11: "I-e a v e thy fatneriess j Y ork . Then the Charleston earthquake, m uch to have it refilled. struck b y th e wit and g ra c e of the y ou th nd Tract. Bring * tract of is iv i o o acres, H O O D A D Y H ’l children. I w ill preserve th em alive, and le t Th eu the Johnstown flood. Then hurricanes if l-s *. conveyed to r h * r ie * i.. Holman u? incapacitated to do a stron g woman's work. A n g r y M an—T h a t is uot th e point. T h e ful beauty thfit he engaged her on th e ti. French hy deed dated Mat « , ’.s-a, an t The child ren are thin blooded Htid gaunt th y widows tru st in m e.” B u t, if you are sweeping from C aribbean sea to N ew found- d o g died, and he cost me 1100 .— Puck. spot, th ough she was barely 15. From th a t ed iu said Cf — Office ‘In “B -oa -1 «- of- j pud pale and weak, s lau d i'-g around in able to. rem em ber you have no right to ask j land. Theu there a re the great m onopolies day she w a s carried up, step by step, by etc tve»d i-age ---------------- ....____ in-ii rcfcrt-Dce t* made I _ E v ery p atriotic litir ru si ould g iv e his for mtoll ipilot the adm iration of the Parisians, till she ~ ~ j L i ~ a_~— ■ i n " ■ ~— ' ! the earth w ith their oppressions. NT. F ite * ! P ile s ! It c h in g P iles I Being a tract o f t* *t-in Third Tia Bu A arrived a t th e summit o f her glory, w hen Mas. bera „»ed ! "eeessilies o f buying personal effo rt re to increase j mure or ie *«. adjoining lamia fo r m rlv t»e ringing . STMPTOjrs— Moistore; Intense Itching andsttnganother risin g star, A le x a n d re Dumas fils, for over fifty yetrs hy n*tliioc» of mother* f..r 008 the scuttle instead o f th e ton, and R w C | to Patrick -m th . .-uvted to t narle* L. I the circulation o f hi* homr paper which B U R um disheartened by the refu sal of Mile. Farj oy Janie* It be Bow n? deed dat*-l t v . \ l «.*"<*! I ,n*f: rao*t *t night; worse hy acratehl g. I f al- their children while teething, with perfect roc- I flou r by the pound instead o f th e barrel an:! so the in in ju instice c t in ss are aic muL-ipHed. r . . i . T t in ?_ teaches th e Am erican p » ’ i :y o f Trutoe. C H C ■ik , . f : towed to coatiDue. tumor* foria. whirs often eeas. It soothe* ihe child. v .ft M i he fftsta*. ! and giieii M in other snists o f taietit- intrusted so the mltoyn *u pain, cure* wind coils, sad ts the BCR I Deed*, page* l i t . etc., to which re lererc c E u B wmle bleed *nd invente. hemming verr tore. swirwg*g remedy for Diarrhoea It wtlt relieve the poor th e wake o f all th ese are overw h elm in g C to the hands of the in gen n e the dram atic tion. I t is his dufy to aid i * this respect j for a f ti desrrlpMo m u u OntTMWT Stop* the netting and* t> eeding, h ala character o f his“ D am eaitx Camelias.” K u j Fm nth T r*c t— B- tag * tract o f tn acre* sbaatrd u:ceration. nod in roo*t. a*c« remove* the tumors little sofferer immediately. Sold by Dm*w1*t* In illustrations of th e truth of m y text, " Y e in e v e r y w a y possil m A fte r th e home every part of the world. Twenty-live cent* a hot- have the poor a lw a ys with you.” o f a m il- north*, ’.y f o n t W esley B. I A t'd ’rn i genie D och e liecatne th en “ l a Dame aux ** -iggista, or by mail, for W cents. Dr. u tie. Be sure and a k for •• Mr*. W t n ’CT 1 boothW • lie’* i wa*e eonveyet lot'rarle* L. paper is taken care o f, why no t subt A “ — — ‘ ; Bwavne Son Philadelphia. t'am eliao." and no one to th is day has beet, AX OLD INSURANCE COMPANY. tn* Byrup," and take no ©'her kind. ! Tbe Freeh •HI M itu*i Lnftn Associftit aide to t a k e this name a w a y from h er.— Rempmher * fa c t th at no o n e emphascribe fo r the A mfrjirtN F c o ’<OSfIST. I.Uteo Se|.t «, is*l, amt recorWe-t in i u ; office in m•oft — ot i»rert* p*ve — e New Y o r k J ournal. •lzes—» fact, nevertheless, upon which I n e w f ir e p r o o f h o t e l published b y tl mean Prc >tective rerv m ic e t* m»iie tor a full tptiot B u u u w an t to put the w e ig h t o f an etern ity of A * C rw ts p er May a n d Upwards | Fif • b Traci HetBg t w«. lot* of bunt« T a riff L e a g u e ? One c•f its c.»r respon- ! t'borte* I » Holman *nW Fra'iK t. tonnage—that th e best way o f insuring ™OD M m DavM S hiiLnian Hm; wile ■.» iteet Ut dents s a y s : *• N e tru e A m crk an can y oorself and your child ren and y o u r grand w Having the needed merit to more than m ake \ H R & children against p ov e rty and a ll oth er trou u u N *«od all tbe odvertbinff claimed for them tbe | get along w ith o ut it. I contader it the 1 t«! M IV M «.p**e S«;,etc. (Neferem -1 bles is by helping others. I am an agent of 1 rant itev.t 1’ o • fail ftncrtptmn) on ¥ OCUUSTT a following fo e r remedies have reached a greatest an d tr litk a l teach er in m o*it vso wn a* No. i t " *n 4 t^ir the oldest insurance company th a t was ever OftOGK n U R T phenomena! rete. l>r. K lc z 's Sen Dbcnvery ! r farm.<-<ait in* ** I«-!•*• *rrr-.H*< ♦he U n ited State s ’’ established. It is near 8,000 yea rs old. It w » ret«3??ptk>t!, corsshs and c:i?d*. each b a n k YOU T H IN K YOUR E VES ARC 6 0 0 O i * other tot n s M > «i? known a* ■ guaranteed— &ecuic Bitters, tbe gieai rented* , Ifyoahava them examined yoo wiR pro wbly has the advantage o f all the o t h e r plans of Swamp, contain* t acre*. ra< r Send p ostal card request f o r free End that there to something a remg with t' lor liver. M on irh and kidney* Bock ten'* 'm gu ai of I hr 8r«l hit lost)ranee—whole l i f e policy, endowment, by T V tea* 1 w hue Arnica Salve, tbe brat In tb e worM. and i>r I sample c o p y . Andre *s W ilbur F .W ak eKing’s N ew L ife Pdit which are a nr*fer* *•!!! \ man. G e n e ra l Secret ary. i 3s W e r t 13 d u m um M D. A ll these remwdie* are guaranteed |« d o 1 u w u what » claim ed for them and the dealer w bone ! St., N e w Y ork . O M u u name » attacked herewith w ifi be t!ad to left 1 ‘ B H E u C yon morn o f them. Bold at 4. B. M arti* j A E GO OB •r iE ft iT ft R * CA N Drugstore . m w m u m M O M RQ DO M epft Parver, * S mK h ha n o Lo k S h w O C AN H ADE H A gate of ike i m u m m t T e M e r r e « * t o r I n k ? Y ea r L M r M tbe credr H c s s Hs w Y s L 7 3 T W A M I Awmy. w H w AMBER the i I * the tnstfefnl startling * f ft little IwMfc ! A m R M W H 2 w m •a t teti* A f! shorn Ns-T o -m k . the v o s d e r iii. i B M M M m m h a rd e n guaranteed tobacco bawl care. T b e ! mad w m wh w n C HRB wm M M M C m WC C H w w ■■d n w o p m n G En hR m d m B N w N w m m u m K m Canada h o d both Indian a n d negro slave* h i 1798. Thero a re 40 vegetarian restaurants in London. Society is a fraction w h oso numerator is clothes and whose denom inator is cash. AMERICAN CATARRH CURE Cough Catarrh Can be Cured L a G rip p e A Y E R ’S P5 Pectoral N E W LIFE. .LEDGER PUBLIC. SW IFT SPECIFIC CO., |SALVATION OIL issoldby all dealersfor2Jc! I Cream Balm IT WILL CURE E P P S ’S COCOA ■aaajSSCT' U M F T I V E HUWSSSFM&i ANI) DAILY TRANSCRIPT. The Ledger, IV $ 40^ ITS SPECIAL FEATURES ARE: W EEK FOR WILLING WORKERS H. HALLETT & CO., Chew’s Cough and Consumption Remedy. ir, Ttuaday, January 30. 1804, NO C U R E N O PAY P epa ed by }0HN W CHEW Ua nega N WHEELER & WILSON WEEXAMINE EYES tREtl 'A Duplex-Sewing-Machine COPYR GHT STAYEHT & ALSHSIH3R BLAIR S FILLS. F = ? _JF > TLJF = ? £ Tk M S SK h R wd m< C wp n Add B H Mw w w R m w R M GGOT&RKEifiGTSM WA ma n mm m m O M ma a Jersey s Book — B ™ H w Courier Job Print
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get the rnstio maidens one leaves behind. m om ent to speak to Ruth Corbett. She made a very low bow, and said :
Iffc he a ttc the door cannot enter,
Mobile has bad a " M ikado” German.