February 22 - 24, 2013 River Arts Center Cedarberry Inn 13 ion: org
February 22 - 24, 2013 River Arts Center Cedarberry Inn 13 ion: org
Region III AACTFest 2013 8 Shows 5 States 1 Awards Brunch 2 Parties February 22 - 24, 2013 River Arts Center More Fun Than a Barrel of Monkeys! Prairie du Sac Cedarberry Inn Sauk City April 19 – 21, 2013 Hartford, Wisconsin For More Information: www.Region3AACT.org AACT Region 10 Best Play Award. Soldiers’ Theatre of Vicenza became the first military theatre to qualify competitively and was an award recipient at the AACT National Theatre Festival in 1999. Performance Session #1 Saturday 9:00 AM Sun Prairie Civic Theatre Eleemosynary Verona Area Community Theater Blithe Spirit Sauk Prairie Theatre Guild Time Flies Performance Session #2 Saturday 2:00 PM Wisconsin Rapids Community Theatre Cradle and All Redbud Players The Other Woman and Other Short Plays Kettle Moraine Players The Shadow Box Performance Session #3 Saturday 7:30 PM La Crosse Community Theatre Macbeth Village Playhouse of Wauwatosa The Actor’s Nightmare Alan Ebert is the Production Manager for the University of Wisconsin Memorial Union and Union South. He was formerly the Executive Director of the La Crosse Community Theatre where he directed The Women of Lockerbie, a participant in the 2007 National AACTFest. Allen spent three years in Italy serving as Entertainment Director of Soldiers’ Theatre, an Army Community Theatre. He produced The Tolstoy Story Play which represented the United States at the 2006 AACT International Festival. Over the past several years he has adjudicated and conducted workshops at state, regional and national festivals.. He has enjoyed being a director and an acting instructor with The National High School Theatre Institute, Sun Prairie Civic Theatre, Menomonee Falls Patio Players, US Army Kaiserslautern Community Theatre - Germany, CTM Children’s Theatre of Madison, Madison Repertory Theatre, First Stage Milwaukee, and Center Stage, New York. Lauren Love is an Assistant Professor of Communication and Theatre Arts at UWBaraboo/Sauk County where she teaches, serves as the Director of Theatre and Artistic Director of the Summerset Festival of the Arts. Lauren earned a master of fine arts degree in acting from UW- Madison and a doctorate in theatre history, theory and criticism from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. In between degrees she performed, wrote, directed, taught acting, and coached actors in several Chicago theatre venues. While in Chicago, she also co-founded and served as Managing Director of Theatre Praxis. Lauren directs all University Theatre productions at UW-BSC and continues to pursue non-academic directing and dramaturgical work at Stage Q in Madison. She is delighted to be a part of this year's AACTFest and wishes all participants (proverbial) broken legs. Friday 6:30 AM – 9:15 PM ............................................Load-In/Rehearsal River Arts Center John Skaalen is the AACT Festival Commission representative and hails from neighboring Minnesota (he can see Wisconsin from his home on the St. Croix River in Stillwater). He is a past Board member of AACT and MACT (Minnesota Association of Community Theatres) and has been attending festivals since MACT's first festival in 1973 and AACTFests since 1989. He edited MACT's newsletter for many years and this year is writing a play for MACTFest, so he will be stealing any and all ideas from WACT festival shows to put into his play. His day job is as the Access Programs Coordinator for VSA Minnesota, which makes arts more accessible for people with disabilities. 6:30 AM – 7:30 PM ......................................................Registration River Arts Center 9:30 PM-------------------------------------------------- Welcome Party Cedarberry Inn Saturday 8:00 AM – 7:30 PM ---------------------------------------- Registration River Arts Center Lobby 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM -------------------------- Performance Session #1 River Arts Center Theatre 1:00 PM------------------------------------------------ Lunch (included) River Arts Center Gallery 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM -------------------------- Performance Session #2 River Arts Center Theatre Ross Daniels recently retired after 25 years as the Director of U.S. Army Entertainment Programs at Fort Knox, Kentucky and Vicenza, Italy. In 2001, the U.S. Army presented Ross with the “James T. Martin Award for Distinguished Lifetime Achievement”. While at Fort Knox, Ross, and his wife Bonnie, established Army Community Theatre and built one of the Army’s most decorated programs. He produced and directed plays that took top awards at state and regional AACT festivals and were honored at International Theatre Festivals in Aruba, England and Germany. In Vicenza, Italy, he produced Do Not Go Gentle which won the 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM -----------------------------Dinner (on your own) 7:30 PM – 10:00 PM ------------------------- Performance Session #3 River Arts Center Theatre 10:30 PM -------------------------------------- After Show Celebration Blue Spoon Cafe Sunday 10:00 AM---------------------------- WACT Annual Meeting/Brunch River Arts Center Theatre/Stage (Enter through Stage Door (S10) on south side of building) Sun Prairie Civic Theatre Eleemosynary by Lee Blessing Originally commissioned and produced by Park Square Theatre of St. Paul, Minnesota. Initial professional production by Philadephia Festival Theatre for New Plays. Characters Dorothea----------------------------------------------------- Amy Snyder Artie----------------------------------------------------- Heather Robbins Echo--------------------------------------------------- Elizabeth Robbins Staff Director------------------------------------------------ Sara Beth Hahner Stage Manager----------------------------------------------- Livvia Goff Set / Prop Design-------------------------------------------- Chris Erlitz Set / Prop Construction-------------------------------------- Brian Goff Costume Design ------------------------------------------Elaine Jellings Light Board Operator--------------------------------------- Chris Erlitz Stagehands ------------------------------------ Brian Goff, Livvia Goff Follow Spot Operator---------------------------------------- Drew Goff Characters George Spelvin -----------------------------------------Ryan H. Nelson Meg-------------------------------------------------------------Jessie Barr Sarah Siddons ----------------------------------------Elizabeth Havican Dame Ellen Terry ----------------------------------------Jamee Lenzen Henry Irving---------------------------------------------- Mike Crowley Staff Producer ------------------------------- Bob Kafka, Elizabeth Havican Director -----------------------------------------------------Tom Zuehlke Stage Manager ------------------------------------------------ Lynn Ruhl Costume Designer/Assistant Stage Manager ---------- Pam Ebeling Original music written and performed by melaniejane Produced by special arrangement with Dramatist Play Service, Inc. New York City, New York Special Thanks Dancing Through Life Academy of Performing Arts, Sun Prairie Masonic Lodge, Sun Prairie United Methodist Church, Dick and Elaine Jellings With Permission from Dramatists Play Service, Inc. Stage Manager ---------------------------------- Sheri Tyo Eimermann Fight Captain--------------------------------------------- Jen Roberdeay Stage Crew ---------------------------------------------Mandy Parmeter Greg Parmeter Board Operators ---------------------------------------David Kilpatrick Dillon McArdle La Crosse Community Theatre by William Shakespeare Characters Characters Witches ---------------------------------------------------------Susan Fox Deborah Nerud Jenna Troum Captain/Doctor ----------------------------------------- Daniel B. Gates Duncan/Siward --------------------------------------------- Eric Leitzen Malcolm ----------------------------------------------------- Nick Brandt Donalbain ----------------------------------------- Madeleine Tengblad Lennox---------------------------------------------------- Michael Kruse Ross ------------------------------------------------------- Sean McDevitt Angus --------------------------------------------------------- Euel Bailey Macbeth ------------------------------------------------ Barry McKnight Banquo ------------------------------------------------------- Ryan Knox Mentieth ---------------------------------------------------- Kelsey Taunt Caithness ------------------------------------------------- Jen Roberdeau Lady Macbeth -------------------------------------------Amy Anderson Gentlewoman -------------------------------------------- Toni Tengblad Macduff --------------------------------------------------Brandon Harris Fleance/Young Siward ------------------------------------ John Divney Seyton -------------------------------------------------------- Rhys Wolff Murders-------------------------------------------------- Timothy Sprain Nick Springer Ruth ------------------------------------------------------- Lisa Schreiner Charles ------------------------------------------------Benjamin Johnson Dr. Bradman ------------------------------------------------- Karl Curtis Mrs. Bradman------------------------------------------- Jennifer Becker Madame Arcati -------------------------------------------- Dee Baldock Elvira------------------------------------------------------ Hayley Mason Staff Director----------------------------------------------------Greg Parmeter Anne Drecktrah Set and Light Design ---------------------------------- Dillon McArdle Costume Design --------------------------------------- Mandy Parmeter Sound Design and Original Music ---------------Chris Scheuermann Choreography-------------------------------------------- Nikki Balsamo Fight Director---------------------------------------------Greg Parmeter Staff Producer ---------------------------------------------------- Dee Baldock Director ------------------------------------------------ Phillip J. Doll III Set Construction Manager---------------------- Roger Roethlisberger Lighting Design-------------------------------------------- Mark Holten Costume Design ----------------------------------------Missy Holcomb Composer---------------------------------------------- Phillip J. Doll III Produced by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc., New York City “Always” Music and Lyrics by Irving Berlin. Copyright 1925 Irving Berlin Characters May ------------------------------------------------------- Krysta Donner Horace ----------------------------------------------------William Cairns David Attenborough ----------------------------------- Joseph P. Getty A Frog ------------------------------------------------------ Kelly Shields Staff Director---------------------------------------------------William Cairns Assistant Director --------------------------------------------Mike Irwin Stage Manager-------------------------------------------- Colleen Getty Lights and Sound------------------------------ Ellen Paul / Mike Irwin Produced by special arrangement with Dramatist Play Service, Inc. New York City, New York John Skaalen is the AACT Festival Commission representative and hails from neighboring Minnesota (he can see Wisconsin from his home on the St. Croix River in Stillwater). He is a past Board member of AACT and MACT (Minnesota Association of Community Theatres) and has been attending festivals since MACT's first festival in 1973 and AACTFests since 1989. He edited MACT's newsletter for many years and this year is writing a play for MACTFest, so he will be stealing any and all ideas from WACT festival shows to put into his play. His day job is as the Access Programs Coordinator for VSA Minnesota, which makes arts more accessible for people with disabilities. Wisconsin Association of Community Theatre Mission Statement The mission of Wisconsin Association of Community Theatre is to foster and encourage the development of the highest standards of community theaters in Wisconsin, including standards of excellence for production, management, governance, community relations, and service to the community and state. We strive to increase communication among theaters, provide educational forums, and performance opportunities for Wisconsin's community theaters. Ross Daniels recently retired after 25 years as the Director of U.S. Army Entertainment Programs at Fort Knox, Kentucky and Vicenza, Italy. In 2001, the U.S. Army presented Ross with the “James T. Martin Award for Distinguished Lifetime Achievement”. While at Fort Knox, Ross, and his wife Bonnie, established Army Community Theatre and built one of the Army’s most decorated programs. He produced and directed plays that took top awards at state and regional AACT festivals and were honored at International Theatre Festivals in Aruba, England and Germany. In Vicenza, Italy, he produced Do Not Go Gentle which won the Kettle Moraine Players by Michael Cristofer AACT Required Program Insert STATEMENT OF CENSORSHIP Characters Interviewer ----------------------------------------------- Alan Venturini Joe-----------------------------------------------------------Shaun Kempf Maggie--------------------------------------------------------Jodi Garvey Steve --------------------------------------------------------Liam Noonan Brian -----------------------------------------------------Thomas Bakken Mark -------------------------------------------------------- Chuck Cigna Beverly -------------------------------------------- Donna Gawel-Miller Felicity-------------------------------------------------- Lauryl Megahan Agnes ------------------------------------------------------ Jovan Serrano Staff Director-------------------------------------------------------John Brandl Assistant Director ------------------------------------------- Katie Otten Composer ----------------------------------------- Shad Ryan Wenzlaff Set Design----------------------------- William Millonig, John Brandl Lighting Design ---------------------------------------------John Brandl Running Crew --------------------------- Katie Otten, Alan Venturini, Tim Noonan, Patty Noonan Produced by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc., New York City . The American Association of Community Theatre supports a policy permitting the widest possible range of dramatic material to be performed in a festival of American community theatre. Performing companies are expected to exercise taste, good judgment, and respect for the values of the host theatre. Host theatres, if they have reason to believe a festival performance may be locally unacceptable, may notify their patrons in advance or publish a disclaimer, but in no case may the host refuse to allow the company to perform. Should the controlling body for the host theatre forbid said performance, the host group, with approval of the Festival Commission, shall provide an alternate performance space. PRODUCTION TIMING The total performance time of each individual production may not exceed 60 minutes, including set changes, time lapses and curtain calls. There is an additional 10 minute set-up time and 10 minute strike time from an "on-deck" area with all performers and stage personnel beginning and ending the set-up and strike in, or immediately adjacent to, the area. If the set-up and/or strike set mood, establish character, or "enter the world of the play" in any way, it is considered part of the 60 minute performance time. GUIDELINES FOR ADJUDICATORS Plays are to be judged on the overall production, the major elements of which are acting and directing. The choice of material is to be as unlimited as possible with musicals judged by the same standards as other dramatic material. Because of the difficulties of touring (unfamiliar stage and technical crew, minimal rehearsal time, travel distance), entering companies should consider the technical aspects of performing "on the road" when choosing material. A blank stage or a complex set can be equally effective, if appropriate to the material selected. Technical competence is to be given consideration as to its effectiveness as an integral part of the total production experience. Any and all statements made by adjudicators are strictly their own opinion and do not necessarily represent the opinions of AACT or any other organization with which they may be associated. CRITERIA FOR CONSIDERATION Is the acting believable and technically skillful with effective timing? Are the characters well interpreted? Does the company display ensemble work? Is the material appropriate for the company? Is the concept appropriate for the material and realized by the company? Has the structure of the production been controlled? Are the movements and stage pictures effective? Is the production well paced? cDo the technical elements support the overall production? What was the total impact? The preceding information is excerpted from the AACTFest Handbook. The complete Handbook must prevail in case of disagreement or confusion. Redbud Players by David Ives Originally produced in New York City by the Manhattan Theatre Club (Lynn Meadow, Artistic Director, Barry Grove, Executive Producer) May 10, 2011 World Premiere at Ensemble Studio Theatre Characters The Other Woman Thomas------------------------------------------------------------ James Steffen Emma--------------------------------------------------------- Peggy Sue Langer St. Francis Talks to the Birds Mike ---------------------------------------------------------- Cynthia Klawitter Angela---------------------------------------------------------- Rianna Hardesty Francis----------------------------------------------------------- John Brancamp Grandmother ----------------------------------------------------- Cathy Howey Moby-Dude, or: The Three-Minute Whale Nathaniel--------------------------------------------------------J.T. Cestkowski Annie ----------------------------------------------------Karly Tellekson Nate -------------------------------------------------------- Steven Martin Staff Director-----------------------------------------------------Susan Edgren Crew --------------------------------- Stephanie Hoerth, Jenny Martin, Cory Shaw, Ellen Roeseler Produced with permission of Dramatists Play Service, Inc. Characters Staff Director ----------------------------------------------------- Carla Woebbeking Stage Manager -----------------------------------------------------Ann Taurick Lights / Sound--------------------------------- Gary Taurick, Paul Brancamp Backstage / Costumes ------------------------------------------- Cathy Howey Props------------------------------------------- John Brancamp, Anna Bostian President Brad Toberman Secretary John Brandl Music by Thaddeus Spae Vice President Lynn Ruhl Treasurer Dee Baldock Special Thanks Members at Large Allen Ebert Bob Kafka Darrell Wagner Carla Woebbeking Columbus United Methodist Church; Hydro Street Brewery, Columbus; Beaver Dam Area Community Theatre; Columbus Public Library; Karen Brancamp Produced by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service Redbud Players by David Ives Originally produced in New York City by the Manhattan Theatre Club (Lynn Meadow, Artistic Director, Barry Grove, Executive Producer) May 10, 2011 World Premiere at Ensemble Studio Theatre Characters The Other Woman Thomas------------------------------------------------------------ James Steffen Emma--------------------------------------------------------- Peggy Sue Langer St. Francis Talks to the Birds Mike ---------------------------------------------------------- Cynthia Klawitter Angela---------------------------------------------------------- Rianna Hardesty Francis----------------------------------------------------------- John Brancamp Grandmother ----------------------------------------------------- Cathy Howey Moby-Dude, or: The Three-Minute Whale Nathaniel--------------------------------------------------------J.T. Cestkowski Annie ----------------------------------------------------Karly Tellekson Nate -------------------------------------------------------- Steven Martin Staff Director-----------------------------------------------------Susan Edgren Crew --------------------------------- Stephanie Hoerth, Jenny Martin, Cory Shaw, Ellen Roeseler Produced with permission of Dramatists Play Service, Inc. Characters Staff Director ----------------------------------------------------- Carla Woebbeking Stage Manager -----------------------------------------------------Ann Taurick Lights / Sound--------------------------------- Gary Taurick, Paul Brancamp Backstage / Costumes ------------------------------------------- Cathy Howey Props------------------------------------------- John Brancamp, Anna Bostian President Brad Toberman Secretary John Brandl Music by Thaddeus Spae Vice President Lynn Ruhl Treasurer Dee Baldock Special Thanks Members at Large Allen Ebert Bob Kafka Darrell Wagner Carla Woebbeking Columbus United Methodist Church; Hydro Street Brewery, Columbus; Beaver Dam Area Community Theatre; Columbus Public Library; Karen Brancamp Produced by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service Kettle Moraine Players AACT Required Program Insert by Michael Cristofer Characters Interviewer ----------------------------------------------- Alan Venturini Joe-----------------------------------------------------------Shaun Kempf Maggie--------------------------------------------------------Jodi Garvey Steve --------------------------------------------------------Liam Noonan Brian -----------------------------------------------------Thomas Bakken Mark -------------------------------------------------------- Chuck Cigna Beverly -------------------------------------------- Donna Gawel-Miller Felicity-------------------------------------------------- Lauryl Megahan Agnes ------------------------------------------------------ Jovan Serrano Staff Director-------------------------------------------------------John Brandl Assistant Director ------------------------------------------- Katie Otten Composer ----------------------------------------- Shad Ryan Wenzlaff Set Design----------------------------- William Millonig, John Brandl Lighting Design ---------------------------------------------John Brandl Running Crew --------------------------- Katie Otten, Alan Venturini, Tim Noonan, Patty Noonan Produced by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc., New York City For More Information on the Wisconsin Association of Community Theatre WACT P.O. Box 930231 Verona, WI 53593-0231 Info@WACT.org www.WACT.org . STATEMENT OF CENSORSHIP The American Association of Community Theatre supports a policy permitting the widest possible range of dramatic material to be performed in a festival of American community theatre. Performing companies are expected to exercise taste, good judgment, and respect for the values of the host theatre. Host theatres, if they have reason to believe a festival performance may be locally unacceptable, may notify their patrons in advance or publish a disclaimer, but in no case may the host refuse to allow the company to perform. Should the controlling body for the host theatre forbid said performance, the host group, with approval of the Festival Commission, shall provide an alternate performance space. PRODUCTION TIMING The total performance time of each individual production may not exceed 60 minutes, including set changes, time lapses and curtain calls. There is an additional 10 minute set-up time and 10 minute strike time from an "on-deck" area with all performers and stage personnel beginning and ending the set-up and strike in, or immediately adjacent to, the area. If the set-up and/or strike set mood, establish character, or "enter the world of the play" in any way, it is considered part of the 60 minute performance time. GUIDELINES FOR ADJUDICATORS Plays are to be judged on the overall production, the major elements of which are acting and directing. The choice of material is to be as unlimited as possible with musicals judged by the same standards as other dramatic material. Because of the difficulties of touring (unfamiliar stage and technical crew, minimal rehearsal time, travel distance), entering companies should consider the technical aspects of performing "on the road" when choosing material. A blank stage or a complex set can be equally effective, if appropriate to the material selected. Technical competence is to be given consideration as to its effectiveness as an integral part of the total production experience. Any and all statements made by adjudicators are strictly their own opinion and do not necessarily represent the opinions of AACT or any other organization with which they may be associated. CRITERIA FOR CONSIDERATION Is the acting believable and technically skillful with effective timing? Are the characters well interpreted? Does the company display ensemble work? Is the material appropriate for the company? Is the concept appropriate for the material and realized by the company? Has the structure of the production been controlled? Are the movements and stage pictures effective? Is the production well paced? cDo the technical elements support the overall production? What was the total impact? The preceding information is excerpted from the AACTFest Handbook. The complete Handbook must prevail in case of disagreement or confusion. Special Thanks Full Compass Mallatt’s Pharmacy Miller and Campbell Costume Service Sauk Prairie Chamber of Commerce Sauk Prairie Theatre Guild Festival Staff Festival Commission Representative ------------------------------------ Jon Skaalen Adjudicators --------------------------------------------------------------- Ross Daniels Allen Ebert Lauren Love Festival Chair -------------------------------------------------------------- Dee Baldock Technical Director ----------------------------------------------------- Brad Toberman Stage Manager-------------------------------------------------------------- Kirk Stantis Volunteer Coordinator-------------------------------------------------- Anne Klinkner Program and Name Tags ----------------------------------------------------Bob Kafka 50/50 Raffle---------------------------------------------------------------- Dee Baldock John Brandl Lynn Ruhl Carla Woebbeking Registration ......................................................................................Dee Baldock La Crosse Community Theatre by William Shakespeare Characters Witches ---------------------------------------------------------Susan Fox Deborah Nerud Jenna Troum Captain/Doctor ----------------------------------------- Daniel B. Gates Duncan/Siward --------------------------------------------- Eric Leitzen Malcolm ----------------------------------------------------- Nick Brandt Donalbain ----------------------------------------- Madeleine Tengblad Lennox---------------------------------------------------- Michael Kruse Ross ------------------------------------------------------- Sean McDevitt Angus --------------------------------------------------------- Euel Bailey Macbeth ------------------------------------------------ Barry McKnight Banquo ------------------------------------------------------- Ryan Knox Mentieth ---------------------------------------------------- Kelsey Taunt Caithness ------------------------------------------------- Jen Roberdeau Lady Macbeth -------------------------------------------Amy Anderson Gentlewoman -------------------------------------------- Toni Tengblad Macduff --------------------------------------------------Brandon Harris Fleance/Young Siward ------------------------------------ John Divney Seyton ---------------------------------------------------------Rhys Wolff Murders-------------------------------------------------- Timothy Sprain Nick Springer Staff Director----------------------------------------------------Greg Parmeter Anne Drecktrah Set and Light Design ---------------------------------- Dillon McArdle Costume Design --------------------------------------- Mandy Parmeter Sound Design and Original Music ---------------Chris Scheuermann Choreography-------------------------------------------- Nikki Balsamo Fight Director---------------------------------------------Greg Parmeter Characters Ruth ------------------------------------------------------- Lisa Schreiner Charles ------------------------------------------------Benjamin Johnson Dr. Bradman ------------------------------------------------- Karl Curtis Mrs. Bradman------------------------------------------- Jennifer Becker Madame Arcati -------------------------------------------- Dee Baldock Elvira------------------------------------------------------ Hayley Mason Staff Producer ---------------------------------------------------- Dee Baldock Director ------------------------------------------------ Phillip J. Doll III Set Construction Manager---------------------- Roger Roethlisberger Lighting Design-------------------------------------------- Mark Holten Costume Design ----------------------------------------Missy Holcomb Composer---------------------------------------------- Phillip J. Doll III Produced by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc., New York City “Always” Music and Lyrics by Irving Berlin. Copyright 1925 Irving Berlin For More Information on the Wisconsin Association of Community Theatre WACT P.O. Box 930231 Verona, WI 53593-0231 Info@WACT.org www.WACT.org Sun Prairie Civic Theatre Eleemosynary by Lee Blessing Originally commissioned and produced by Park Square Theatre of St. Paul, Minnesota. Initial professional production by Philadephia Festival Theatre for New Plays. Characters Dorothea----------------------------------------------------- Amy Snyder Artie----------------------------------------------------- Heather Robbins Echo--------------------------------------------------- Elizabeth Robbins Staff Director------------------------------------------------ Sara Beth Hahner Stage Manager----------------------------------------------- Livvia Goff Set / Prop Design-------------------------------------------- Chris Erlitz Set / Prop Construction-------------------------------------- Brian Goff Costume Design ------------------------------------------Elaine Jellings Light Board Operator--------------------------------------- Chris Erlitz Stagehands ------------------------------------ Brian Goff, Livvia Goff Follow Spot Operator---------------------------------------- Drew Goff Characters George Spelvin -----------------------------------------Ryan H. Nelson Meg-------------------------------------------------------------Jessie Barr Sarah Siddons ----------------------------------------Elizabeth Havican Dame Ellen Terry ----------------------------------------Jamee Lenzen Henry Irving---------------------------------------------- Mike Crowley Staff Producer ------------------------------- Bob Kafka, Elizabeth Havican Director -----------------------------------------------------Tom Zuehlke Stage Manager ------------------------------------------------ Lynn Ruhl Costume Designer/Assistant Stage Manager ---------- Pam Ebeling Original music written and performed by melaniejane Produced by special arrangement with Dramatist Play Service, Inc. New York City, New York Special Thanks Dancing Through Life Academy of Performing Arts, Sun Prairie Masonic Lodge, Sun Prairie United Methodist Church, Dick and Elaine Jellings With Permission from Dramatists Play Service, Inc. Stage Manager ---------------------------------- Sheri Tyo Eimermann Fight Captain--------------------------------------------- Jen Roberdeay Stage Crew ---------------------------------------------Mandy Parmeter Greg Parmeter Board Operators ---------------------------------------David Kilpatrick Dillon McArdle Characters May ------------------------------------------------------- Krysta Donner Horace ----------------------------------------------------William Cairns David Attenborough ----------------------------------- Joseph P. Getty A Frog ------------------------------------------------------ Kelly Shields Staff Director---------------------------------------------------William Cairns Assistant Director --------------------------------------------Mike Irwin Stage Manager-------------------------------------------- Colleen Getty Lights and Sound------------------------------ Ellen Paul / Mike Irwin Produced by special arrangement with Dramatist Play Service, Inc. New York City, New York Jon Skaalen is the AACT Festival Commission representative and hails from neighboring Minnesota (he can see Wisconsin from his home on the St. Croix River in Stillwater). He is a past Board member of AACT and MACT (Minnesota Association of Community Theatres) and has been attending festivals since MACT's first festival in 1973 and AACTFests since 1989. He edited MACT's newsletter for many years and this year is writing a play for MACTFest, so he will be stealing any and all ideas from WACT festival shows to put into his play. His day job is as the Access Programs Coordinator for VSA Minnesota, which makes arts more accessible for people with disabilities. Wisconsin Association of Community Theatre Mission Statement The mission of Wisconsin Association of Community Theatre is to foster and encourage the development of the highest standards of community theaters in Wisconsin, including standards of excellence for production, management, governance, community relations, and service to the community and state. We strive to increase communication among theaters, provide educational forums, and performance opportunities for Wisconsin's community theaters. Ross Daniels recently retired after 25 years as the Director of U.S. Army Entertainment Programs at Fort Knox, Kentucky and Vicenza, Italy. In 2001, the U.S. Army presented Ross with the “James T. Martin Award for Distinguished Lifetime Achievement”. While at Fort Knox, Ross, and his wife Bonnie, established Army Community Theatre and built one of the Army’s most decorated programs. He produced and directed plays that took top awards at state and regional AACT festivals and were honored at International Theatre Festivals in Aruba, England and Germany. In Vicenza, Italy, he produced Do Not Go Gentle which won the AACT Region 10 Best Play Award. Soldiers’ Theatre of Vicenza became the first military theatre to qualify competitively and was an award recipient at the AACT National Theatre Festival in 1999. Performance Session #1 Saturday 9:00 AM Sun Prairie Civic Theatre Eleemosynary Verona Area Community Theater Blithe Spirit Sauk Prairie Theatre Guild Time Flies Performance Session #2 Saturday 2:00 PM Wisconsin Rapids Community Theatre Cradle and All Red Bud Theatre The Other Woman and Other Short Plays Kettle Moraine Players The Shadow Box Performance Session #3 Saturday 7:30 PM La Crosse Community Theatre Macbeth Village Playhouse of Wauwatosa The Actor’s Nightmare Alan Ebert is the Production Manager for the University of Wisconsin Memorial Union and Union South. He was formerly the Executive Director of the La Crosse Community Theatre where he directed The Women of Lockerbie, a participant in the 2007 National AACTFest. Allen spent three years in Italy serving as Entertainment Director of Soldiers’ Theatre, an Army Community Theatre. He produced The Tolstoy Story Play which represented the United States at the 2006 AACT International Festival. Over the past several years he has adjudicated and conducted workshops at state, regional and national festivals.. He has enjoyed being a director and an acting instructor with The National High School Theatre Institute, Sun Prairie Civic Theatre, Menomonee Falls Patio Players, US Army Kaiserslautern Community Theatre - Germany, CTM Children’s Theatre of Madison, Madison Repertory Theatre, First Stage Milwaukee, and Center Stage, New York. Lauren Love is an Assistant Professor of Communication and Theatre Arts at UWBaraboo/Sauk County where she teaches, serves as the Director of Theatre and Artistic Director of the Summerset Festival of the Arts. Lauren earned a master of fine arts degree in acting from UW- Madison and a doctorate in theatre history, theory and criticism from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. In between degrees she performed, wrote, directed, taught acting, and coached actors in several Chicago theatre venues. While in Chicago, she also co-founded and served as Managing Director of Theatre Praxis. Lauren directs all University Theatre productions at UW-BSC and continues to pursue non-academic directing and dramaturgical work at Stage Q in Madison. She is delighted to be a part of this year's AACTFest and wishes all participants (proverbial) broken legs. Region III AACTFest 2013 8 Shows 5 States 1 Awards Brunch 2 Parties February 22 - 24, 2013 River Arts Center More Fun Than a Barrel of Monkeys! Prairie du Sac Cedarberry Inn Sauk City April 19 – 21, 2013 Hartford, Wisconsin For More Information: www.Region3AACT.org