December 14, 2014 - St. Linus Catholic Church
December 14, 2014 - St. Linus Catholic Church
THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT December 14, 2014 ST. LINUS CATHOLIC CHURCH St. Linus Catholic Church 13915 Shoemaker Ave. Norwalk, CA 90650 Phone (562) 921-6649 Fax (562) 921-5150 Office Hours Mon.-Fri.: 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Closed for Lunch: 12-1 p.m. Sat.: 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Sun.: 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. St. Linus School (562) 921-0336 4 Religious Education Office (562) 921-5179 Father Tony Gomez, Pastor Father Brian Delaney, in residence Father John-Paul Gonzalez, in residence Senior Deacon Chuck and Marge Baker Deacon couple John and Sue Cunneen Deacon couple Mario & Nati Mejia Deacon couple Mario & Ann Guerra Tita Guzman, Diaconate Minister Mass Times Ana Engquist, Business Manager Greg Climaco, School Principal Christina May, Religious Education Gloria Cardenas, Bulletin Editor/Webmaster Martin Gonzalez, Seminarian Intern Eucharistic Adoration: Saturday: 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m./Vigil Mass Sunday: 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m./Family Mass 12:15 p.m./en Español 5:30 p.m./LIFETEEN Mass 7:30 p.m. Weekdays: Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. Tuesday: 7:00 p.m. with Mother of Perpetual Help Novena 1st Fridays: 7:00 p.m. 3rd Fridays: 7:00 p.m. en Español Charismatic Mass: once a month (date and time will be posted in the bulletin) Holy Days: Check the Parish Bulletin All night adoration from 7:30 p.m., after the 1st and 3rd Friday Masses, Benediction Saturday 7:15 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Tuesdays 6:30—8:00 p.m. and by appointment For the following Sacraments and Services, please call the Parish Center: Sacrament of Baptism Sacrament of Marriage Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Funeral and Vigil Services Communion to the Sick and Home-bound PAGE TWO THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT Ministry in Action... Adoración Nocturna Contacto: Francisco Garcia (562) 612-8815 3rd Fri. 7 pm - Sat, 7:15 A.M.│Iglesia Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Contact: Dorie Sablan (562) 926-3435 1st Fri.│7P.M.-Sat. 7:15A.M.│Church Adult Confirmation Parish Center: (562) 921-6649 Altar Servers Contact: Dennis Adame Parish Center: (562) 921-6649 Altar Society Contact: Virginia Lozano (562)863-3657 Anointing of the Sick Parish Center: (562) 921-6649 Baptismal Preparation of Children English & Spanish Parish Center: (562) 921-6649 Because We Care Ministry Contact: Sharon Julien (562) 921-6649 Bereavement Support Group Contact: Parish Office (562) 921-6649 Bible Study-English Contact: Barbara Fries (562) 926-1770 Tues.│8-9 P.M.│Rm. 8 Boy Scouts, Troop 394 Scout Master: Manny Parish Center: (818) 679-1926 Mon.│7-8:30 P.M.│Hall Charismatic Healing Mass Contact: Sion Ferrer (213) 989-3214 (Work) Various Mon.│7 P.M.│Church Church Environment & Art Contact: Dennis & Bernice Adame (562) 921-6649 Couples for Christ Contact: Sonny Berberabe (562) 921-6649 Cursillo Ultreya—Spanish Contacto: Miguel y Margarita Ramos (562) 929-4693 Divine Mercy Devotions Parish Center: (562) 921-6649 Mondays│7 P.M.│Church Elohim Charismatic Prayer Group Contact: Brenda Cadavona (562) 921-1123 Fri.│7:30-10 P.M.│Rm. 11 Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial Contacto: Carlos & Delfina Romero (562) 533-3547 Fiesta Committee Contact: Parish Office Parish Center: (562) 921-6649 Filipino Association Contact: Rey Factoran (714) 670-8788 Meets once a month Finance Council Contact: Joe Julien (562) 921-6649 Funerals Parish Center: (562) 921-6649 Gift Shop Vestibule of Church Contact: John A. L. Moran Parish Center: (562) 921-6649 Open after all Weekend Masses Golden Age Club President: James E. Beach (562) 929-0569 3rd Sun│1:30-4:30 P.M.│Hall Grupo de Oración Contacto: Rafael Alvarez (562) 774-7379 Wed.│7-9:00 P.M.│Hall Guadalupanas Contacto: Micaela Uribe (714) 350-7106 Ultimo Jueves del mes│7 P.M.│Rm. 11 Jovenes para Cristo Contacto: Raquel Olmedo (562) 228-5838 Fri.│7:00 P.M.│Youth Room Knights of Columbus #10623 Grand Knight: Gerardo Vasquez (562) 868-6964 2nd Tues.│7:30 P.M.│Hall Legion of Mary Contact: Sylvia J. Layao (562) 404-1174 Praesidium Tues.│5-6 P.M.│Rm. 10 Curia 2nd Thur.│7 P.M.│Rm. 10 Liturgy Committee Director: Fr. John Paul Gonzalez Parish Center: (562) 921-6649 Ministerios Hispanos Contacto: Vidal Vargas (562) 440-7022 Ministry to the Sick Contact: Cornell Watson (562) 822-4506 Mother of Perpetual Help Novena Contact: Imelda Manalac (562) 404-6145 Tues.│7:00 P.M.│Church MusicMinistry/Choir Directors (562) 921-6649 Hermie Abido: 7:30pm Filipino Choir (1st Sunday of the month) TBA: 5:30pm Miriam Camarena: 12:15pm Spanish Choir Martin Macias: Spanish Prayer Group Choir (First Sunday of the month) Mark Newberry: 7:30pm Adult Choir JP Panganiban: 9:00am Adult Choir Mark Tumambing: 10:30am Children’s Choir & Handbell choir Mustard Seed Communities Contact: Teresa Estrada (562) 921-6649 Parish Council Contact: Isabelle Leibig (562) 921-6649 Prayer Shawl Ministry Contact: Mary Ratanasurakam (951) 500-0787 Last Monday | 6:30 P.M. | Par. Off. RCIA Contact: Parish Office (562) 921-6649 Santo Niño Devotions 1st Fri.│6:30 P.M.│Church Religious Education Contact: Christina May (562) 921-5179 Office Religious Vocations Parish Center: (562) 921-6649 Safeguard the Children Contact: Parish Office (562) 921-6649 St. Linus School Principal: Greg Climaco (562) 921-0336 Office St. Linus Ushers Contact: Cornell Watson (562) 822-4506 Weddings & Quinceañeras Coordinator: Sue Ellen Rojas (562) 260-7175 Youth Ministry/LIFE TEEN Youth Ministry: Anthony Cerna “AC” Coordinators: Dan and Leslie Tepe (562) 921-5179 TERCER DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO PAGE THREE We would like to thank all of our parishioners and visitors for being generous with your weekly donations. It is such a help to our parish. Our collection for the week of December 7, 2014 was $11,452.28. May God bless you for your continued support. We welcome you to make your weekly/monthly donations by enrolling in Parish Pay by visiting or calling (866) 727-4741 to set up an account. WE CARE CHRISTMAS BASKETS Christmas Basket distribution will take place on Saturday, December 20th. Again, we are asking for your assistance. Turkeys and hams are needed for these baskets. There are many families in our community that need your help. Please bring your donations to the parish office by Monday, December 15th. In advance, Thank you, Thank you. To the St. Linus Parish Community. Once again thank you for your generosity in donating non perishable food items, turkeys and hams for the Thanksgiving baskets. The many monetary donations that were given are truly appreciated. With your help we were able to provide Thanksgiving meals and extras for over 130 families in our community. Thank you also to Boy Scout Troop 394 for their collection and very generous donation of over 1600 food items. Many thanks to Frank and Grace Napolitano, San Gabriel Valley Water Company, Golden State Water Company, and Suburban Water Systems for their donation of 25 turkeys. Special thanks also to R. F. MacDonald Company for their donation of 60 turkeys and to the company employees for their personal preparation of individually packed food boxes for over 20 families and to the employees who helped with the distribution. Thank you also to George and Emerald Gonzalez for their generous donation of 40 hams and turkeys. And many, many thanks to the outstanding volunteers who gave so willingly of their time in preparing and distributing the baskets. WELCOME TO ST. LINUS PARISH Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us. We extend our hearts to all whether long-time residents or newly arrived in the parish. If you have NOT registered or have moved, or have other needs, please fill out this form and place it in the collection basket or mail it to the Parish Office. I would like to become a parishioner by registering. Name__________________________________ I have moved. Here is my new address. Address________________________________ I have a new phone number. City___________________State____Zip_____ I would be willing to be a sponsor for RCIA. Phone__(_____)_________________________ I am going to be in the hospital for surgery. I have a convalescent person in our home requesting Holy Communion. I am baptized but have not received 1st Holy Communion and/or Confirmation. PAGE FOUR THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT Posadas December 16– 23 7:00 p.m. Msgr. McNulty Hall December 18 Room 10 December 20 Room 10 Simbang Gabi Thursday, December 18 7:00 p.m. Mass Reception to follow CHRISTMAS 2014 MASS SCHEDULE Christmas Eve December 24th 4:00 p.m.—Children’s Mass 6:00 p.m.—LIFE Teen Mass 10:00 p.m.—English 12:00 a.m.—Spanish Christmas Day December 25th 8:00 a.m.—English 10:00 a.m.—English FEAST OF THE SANTO NINO Please join the Southern California Devotees of the Infant Jesus in celebrating the feast of the Santo Nino (Infant Jesus) on January 10 and 11, 2015 here at St. Linus. Below is the schedule of the celebration: JANUARY 10, 2014 (Saturday) 7:30 AM - Mass 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM – Nine-Hour Novena at the McNulty Hall JANUARY 11, 2014 (Sunday) 2:00 PM - Procession outside the church culminating inside the church for the MASS. You are welcome to bring your Santo Nino images to be blessed. Please join us after the mass at the hall for reception and fellow-ship as we continue celebrating the feast of our Holy Infant Jesus. TERCER DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO PAGE FIVE ST LINUS COUNCIL 10623 NEW YEAR’S EVE CELEBRATION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2014 Monsignor McNulty Hall, 13915 Shoemaker Ave, Norwalk, CA $35.00 PER PERSON (NO REFUNDS) DINNER 5:00—7:30 PM DANCE 8:00 PM—1:00 AM NO HOST BAR (NO OUTSIDE LIQUOR ALLOWED) Servicio de Can na LIVE MUSIC BY For cket informa on contact: Gerardo Vazquez (562) 868-6964 5 FWY Rosecrans S H O E M A K E R The Guardian Angels of America Foundation (GAAF) is proud to present the “HOLIDAY MAGIC SPECTACULAR” featuring The Magic of Arnel and Friends from the world famous Hollywood Magic Castle. Arnel is an award winner of the 2010 Stage Magician of the Year with Society of American Magicians. He performs at theaters, casinos, resorts, nite clubs and private corporate functions. Don’t miss to watch this amazing and breathtaking magical moment with two other award winning magicians, Tam Vo and Lauro Castillo. For a wholesome holiday celebration, bring your family and friends. Dec. 23, 2014, Tuesday at 3:00 pm. Call the box office at (562) 861-8211 or visit website at PAGE SIX THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT DELICIOUS MEXICAN TAMALES!! Tamales Calientitos y Sabrositos Pork – Puerco (Chile rojo) Chicken – Pollo (Chile Verde) COFFEE AND PAN DULCE SUNDAY DECEMBER 21, 2014 AFTER ALL MORNING MASSES Pre- order: St. Linus Catholic Church Mustard Seed Ministry Please visit: CONTAINER Nov - Dec Spread the word – share the wish list with Friends & Family! Very gently used or new items please. Clothes white blouses for school white boys school shirts Blue pants for school Blue jeans for boys Shoes Slippers raincoats Scrubs for the staff all sizes School Supplies Backpacks School supplies (pencils, paper,etc.) 5 good computers/printers Diapers Adults Small/medium diapers Now! Collecting goods! Please email us. No donation is too small! We can pick up your donations St.linusmscministry@ Drop off drive Sunday December 7 8:30 am – 1:30pm @ St. Linus Playground _____________________ TAMALES SALE: Sunday December 21st 8:30am- 1:30pm Miscellaneous Batteries: AAA, D, AA Medicine: Cold, cough, flu, running nose, allergy, diarrhea and chest congestion, pain relief, alcohol, vitamins Mosquito nets Shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste, hand sanitizers Wheelbarrows, 2 long ladders, Garden hoses 2-12 cup coffee makers, Blenders, Pyrex, Silverware Umbrellas Flashlights TERCER DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO PAGE SEVEN DID YOU KNOW? Holiday Cooking Safety Tips “Food plays a major part in holiday celebrations...When it comes to keeping little ones protected from burns, keep them out of the kitchen while you're cooking. Create a 3-foot kid-free zone around the stove, or put up a safety gate. If your kids are old enough, give them kitchen chores that won't require them to be near the stove or oven, such as mixing ingredients, setting the table, or arranging veggies on a tray.” For more important holiday safety tips, email by Linda Diproperzio, ¿SABIA USTED? Consejos para seguridad al cocinar durante las festividades navideñas “La comida tiene un gran rol en las celebraciones navideñas … Cuando se trata de mantener a los pequeños protegidos de quemaduras, manténgalos fuera de la cocina mientras cocina. Arme una zona libre de niños de tres pies alrededor de la estufa, o ponga portón de seguridad. Si sus niños están lo suficientemente grandes, asígneles tareas en la cocina que no requieran que estén cerca de la estufa o del horno, como mezclar ingredientes, poner la mesa o hasta organizar los vegetales en un plato”. Para más consejos importantes para las fiestas navideñas, escriba un correo electrónico a Linda Diproperzio, Simbang Gabi 2014 Everyone is cordially invited to celebrate with the Filipino Community of St. Linus their traditional “Simbang Gabi” (Advent Novena Mass) on Thursday, December 18, here at St. Linus Church at 7:00 PM. Reception and fellowship will follow after mass at the Parish Hall. To our “kababayans”, any food donation that you can bring to share with our community will be appreciated. The schedule of the nine-day novena for our region is as follows: Schedule of novena masses for San Pedro Region Theme: “Come Jesus, Fill Us With Your Mercy And Compassion” “Halina Hesus, Puspusin Mo Kami Ng Iyoung Awa At Habag” Date 12/15 12/16 12/17 12/17 12/17 12/18 12/18 12/19 12/19 12/19 12/19 12/20 12/20 12/20 12/20 12/20 12/21 12/21 12/22 12/23 Time (Mon) 6:30 PM (Tue) 7:00 PM (Wed) 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM (Thu) 7:00 PM 7:00 PM (Fri) 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM (Sat) 5:00 AM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:15 PM 5:30 PM (Sun) 5:00 PM 5:00 PM (Mon) 5:00 PM (Tue) 6:30 PM Church Our Lady of Angels St. Bernard St. Peter Chanel St. Marian de Paredes St. Pius X St. Linus Maria Regina St. Pancratius St. Gregory the Great St. Dominic Savio St. John Fisher St. Barnabas Holy Innocents St. Cyprian St. Athanasius St. Bruno Beatitudes of our Lord St. Paul of the Cross (see 9-day novena mass schedule) City Los Angeles Bellflower Hawaiian Garden Pico Rivera Santa Fe Springs Norwalk Gardena Lakewood Whittier Bellflower Rancho Palos Verdes Long Beach Long Beach Long Beach Long Beach Whittier 9-Day Novena Mass La Mirada Holy Family Church 4:45 AM La Mirada St. Philomena 7:00 PM St. Lucy 6:00 PM PAGE EIGHT THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT Join Archbishop Gomez and thousands of people from throughout Southern California on January 17, 2015 at OneLife LA, the first-ever large-scale event in downtown LA promo ng the beauty and dignity of every human life from concep on to natural death. Beginning at 10:00 at La Placita Olvera, we will walk through LA ending in Grand Park with a family-friendly picnic with music, entertainment, speakers, food trucks, and exhibits from local organiza ons serving those in need. Book parish buses now! Get t-shirts, postcards, posters, bu ons, and everything you need to promote OneLife LA in your parish and school at Don’t miss out on this historic event! RELIGIOUS GIFT SHOP CHRISTMAS SALE Come to the Religious Goods Store in the ves bule a er all weekend Masses. We have just the right Christmas gi you are looking for: Statues… Rosary Beads… Medals… Bibles…Crucifixes…Advent Candle Sets… Na vity Sets… Christmas Cards, and KEEP CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS Auto magnets. SALE STARTS ON DECEMBER 7 AND ENDS DECEMBER 28th ENGLISH BIBLE STUDY You are invited to join us in Religious Education in the school building every Tuesday evening at 8:00PM for Bible Study. We furnish all materials necessary. Angel Tree is an annual project of our parish. It is an opportunity to bring the love of Christ to the less fortunate of our community during the Christmas season. Our “Angel” is placed in the church with angel tags. On each angel tag is a suggested age appropriate gift item for a girl or boy. Parishioners are invited to take as many Angel tags as they would like and to purchase the suggested gift. We are requesting 1 item of clothing (valued at $20.00) and 1 toy (valued at $20.00). Please do not wrap the gifts. Bring your gifts in gift bags with the angel tag attached. Gifts may be left near the Angel inside the church or may be turned in at the parish office. Please return your gift to the parish office on or before Tuesday, December 17th. The gifts will be passed out on December 18th at 6 pm. If you have any questions, please call the parish office. Once you select a tag, you become this child’s Angel! Travelers to find Mass go to or call (734) 794-2100 TERCER DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO PAGE NINE A Message from the St. Linus School Community… St. Linus School would like to share with you, things that are happening in our school community…………… Adopt-A-Student First of all, we want to thank all the parishioners who have contributed generously and faithfully to the Adopt-A-Student program. Your monthly donations have helped some of our families in need. During this Christmas season please be generous to our Adopt-A-Student Fund to help those families in need of tuition assistance at this time. Remember, your donation is tax-deductible. May God continue to bless you! SCRIP available in the school office! SCRIP is available for purchase in our school office Monday through Friday from 9am – 2pm. Remember to purchase SCRIP gift cards to use for Christmas gifts, grocery shopping, gas, and restaurants. Proceeds from your purchases greatly benefit our school. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (562) 921-0336. SCRIP order forms are also available in the school office for your convenience. With Sincere Gratitude, St. Linus School Community Los Angeles Religious Education Congress 2015 The Religious Education Congress is ready to enrich and revitalize us once more. Join us March 12, (Youth Day), March 13 - 15, 2015 at the Anaheim Convention Center . If you have never befor e attended Congress, you are assured of a wonderful experience. All are welcome to attend! The Congress, sponsored by the Office of Religious Education at the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, offers a variety of opportunities for personal faith enrichment, prayer and entertainment. We offer 310 workshops, covering topics of interest from spirituality and personal development to biblical studies, theology and catechesis - there is a topic of interest for you. In addition to workshops, participants will enjoy morning praise, evening liturgies and a variety of noon time and evening concerts. Come and be renewed by these Congress experiences. Don’t miss out! Register now for this spirit-filled and enriching weekend! You may access the book on line and register by visiting To obtain a Registration Guidebook contact your religious education office at your parish or call the RECongress information line at (213) 637-7348 to request your own copy of a Registration Guidebook. Congreso de Educación Religiosa de Los Angeles 2015 El Congreso de Educación Religiosa está próximo para renovarnos y nutrirnos una vez más. Acompáñanos el 12 de marzo (Jornada Juvenil), 13 al 15 de marzo del 2015. Si nunca has asistido al Congr eso, ten por seguro que tendrás una experiencia maravillosa. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! Este Congreso anual es patrocinado por la Oficina de Educación Religiosa de la Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles, y tiene una variedad de oportunidades para enriquecimiento en la fe, oración y entretenimiento. Ofrecemos 310 asambleas, que cubren temas de gran interés; desde espiritualidad y desarrollo personal a estudios bíblicos, teológicos y de catequesis; hay un tema de interés para cada persona. Además de los talleres, los participantes disfrutarán de la oración matutina, liturgias vespertinas y una variedad de conciertos al mediodía y por la noche. ¡Ven a renovarte a través de estas experiencias del Congreso! ¡No se pierdan esta oportunidad de inscribirse para asistir a este enriquecedor fin de semana! ¡Para inscribirte hoy! Visita la página Para adquirir un libro de inscripciones ponte en contacto con la Oficina de Educación Religiosa de tu parroquia o llama a la línea de información del Congreso al (213) 637-7348 para solicitar una copia del libro de inscripciones. PAGE TEN THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT This Week at St. Linus... Please pray for the sick of our parish: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13 7:30 AM 5:30 PM Emily Mendez, Birthday Rosario Aldea, R.I.P. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:15 PM 5:30 PM 7:30 PM Margarita Salazar, R.I.P. Ryan Ferrell, Ruben Sangalang, & Bobby Beltran, Happy Birthday Luis Balbina Escaleras, 56th Ann. Jose Guadalupe Soto, D.E.P. Natalie Escalera, 9th Birthday Serafin & Delfina Salazar, R.I.P. MONDAY, DECEMBER 15 8:30 AM Michel Kebert, R.I.P. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16 8:30 AM 7:00 PM Cosme David, Death Anniversary Eva Munoz, Birthday WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17 8:30 AM Basilia Garces, 1st Death Anniversary THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18 8:30 AM Fernado De Avila, Get Well Soon FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19 8:30 AM Eric Obenhaus, R.I.P./Birthday SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 7:30 AM 5:30 PM Michael Castillo, Birthday Ernesto & Gregoria Convento, 40th Wedding Anniversary SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:15 PM 5:30 PM 7:30 PM Lucy Samora, R.I.P. Beltran Family, Thanksgiving Ralph Gonzalez, R.I.P. Kitana Mejia, Birthday Jose Guadalupe Soto, R.I.P. Frank & Dorothy Rozzana, R.I.P. Hermila Alvarado Jessie Bausley Nellie Rosa Blaneas Garrett Brown Miguel Camorlinga Maria Castenanos Angie Chavez Richard Cota Lisa Sinni Cousimano Judy Craddock Luis Cueva John Cunneen Socorro De La Torre Isabel Doria John Doria Olivia Elias Lanny Enciso Puring Enciso Manuel Enriquez Luis Escaleras Maria Espino Bernie Galhoff Carmela Gallegos Angie Garcia Geri Garcia Susan Gomez David Eduardo Gonzalez Marty Guerrero Milagros S. Hara Guadalupe Hernandez Cuquita Hidalgo Maria Jaramillo Hilda Jimenez Silvia Jimenez Joe Julien Monica Kasharsky Joanna Koenig Robert Leano Javier Leon Audrey Lizarraga Lorenzo Lizarraga, Jr. Helen Lopez Mary Lopez Angel Lozano Josefina Magaña Beverly Martinez Christopher Martinez Lupe McClintock Mario Mejia Cynthia Miestas Carol Mihelich Boyd Morales Jessica Morales Olimpia Morillo Editcha Marcha Oabel Danielle Pal Marie Pal-Brown Angela & Jesus Pena Zachary Pereyra Cathy Prieto David Rabiola Francine Ramirez Ramona Ramirez (Ramy) Valerie Ramirez Laura Ramos Dulce Redford Robert Renier Al Reyes, Sr. Althea Robinson Herb Robinson Ignacio Rodriguez Jose Rodriguez Martin Ruiz Yolanda Ruiz Adela Sanchez Carmen Sanchez Daniel Sanchez Ramona Sanchez Angel Santos Gloria Schmidt Alicia Serafin John Starns Lorrie Teodoro Aaden Trujeque Kathleen Vega Richard Veyna Virginia Wall Patricia Wiechelman Clorinda Zaldivar Maria Del Carmen Zamora If you would like to add or remove a name, please contact the parish office. Let us continue to pray for our Armed Forces and their families. We thank God for the sacrifices they make to ensure our freedom. TERCER DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO PAGE ELEVEN QUESTION OF THE WEEK Third Sunday of Advent December 14, 2014 Gospel: J ohn 1: 6-8, 19-28 PREGUNTA DE LA SEMANA Tercer Domingo de Adviento 14 de diciembre de 2014 Evangelio: Juan 1, 6-7.19-28 Adults: What wor k of justice could you do this week to bring someone joy? Adultos: ¿Qué obr a de justicia puedo r ealizar esta semana para hacer felices a otros? Children: What could you do for someone this week to make them happy? READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6, 7bc9; Mt 21:23-27 Tuesday: Zep 3:1-2, 9-13; Ps 34:2-3, 6-7, 17-18, 19, 23; Mt 21:28-32 Wednesday: Gn 49:2, 8-10; Ps 72:1-4ab, 7-8, 17; Mt 1:1-17 Thursday: Jer 23:5-8; Ps 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19; Mt 1:18-25 Friday: Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Ps 71:3-4a, 5-6ab, 16-17; Lk 1:5-25 Saturday: Is 7:10-14; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 1:26-38 Sunday: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29;Rom 16:25-27; Lk 1:26-38 Niños: ¿Qué puedo hacer esta semana par a hacer felices a otros? Lunes: LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a; Sal 25 (24):4-5ab, 6, 7bc-9; Mt 21:23-27 Martes: Sof 3:1-2, 9-13; Sal 34 (33):2-3, 6-7, 1718, 19, 23; Mt 21:28-32 Miércoles: Gn 49:2, 8-10; Sal 72 (71):1-4ab, 7-8, 17; Mt 1:1-17 Jueves: Jer 23:5-8; Sal 72 (71):1-2, 12-13, 18-19; Mt 1:18-25 Viernes: Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Sal 71 (70):3-4a, 56ab, 16-17; Lc 1:5-25 Sábado: Is 7:10-14; Sal 24 (23):1-4ab, 5-6; Lc 1:26-38 Domingo: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Sal 89 (88):25, 27, 29; Rom 16:25-27; Lc 1:26-38
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Parish Center: (562) 921-6649 Gift Shop Vestibule of Church Contact: John A. L. Moran Parish Center: (562) 921-6649 Open after all Weekend Masses Golden Age Club President: James E. Beach
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