2013 APhA Foundation Annual contributors` Breakfast
2013 APhA Foundation Annual contributors` Breakfast
FONTS: PhilanthroSphere / 1953 Society (Berthold Baskerville Regular) A world of giving to improve health through pharmacy. (Gotham Regular Medium) At the core of pharmacy philanthropy. (Gotham Regular Medium) Introducing Pantone: 440M A world of giving to improve health through pharmacy. 1953 Society 1953 Society 1953 Society At the core of pharmacy philanthropy. At the core of pharmacy philanthropy. At the core of pharmacy philanthropy. Pantone: 370M Pantone: 5503M Pantone: 5473M Allies for Pharmacists Agents for Progress Advocates for Patients 2013 APhA Foundation Annual Contributors’ Breakfast Sunday, March 3, 2013 Convention Center, Room 515A Los Angeles, CA 7:15am - 8:45am FOUNDATION APhAFoundation.org The APhA Foundation would like to thank Amgen! This activity is supported by an educational donation provided by Amgen. The APhA Foundation is proud to introduce a new annual giving campaign to support its mission of improving health through pharmacists’ patient care services: PhilanthroSpeRxe PhilanthroSpheRxe is pharmacy’s philanthropy, designed as a channel through which our supporters can invest in the future of pharmacists and their essential role in the healthcare system. The APhA Foundation’s work significantly touches people, by improving their health; the profession of pharmacy, by creating evidence and innovative, sustainable, and scalable practice models; pharmacists, through recognizing leadership and proving resources; and the health care system, by demonstrating how the pharmacist, when an essential member of the interdisciplinary care team, improves health and lowers costs. T hank you for joining us as we celebrate you, our donors, who value the work we are doing here at the APhA Foundation. This year, we are working to build upon the traditional areas of recognition to call out those who have been a part of our success over the years. This is an addition to our stewardship program and is dependent upon historical information in our database. We are eager to “get it right,” so please let us know if you feel there may be an error in our information. We’re honored by your dedication to our mission and our goal is to accurately reflect the giving history of each of our donors. 1 Program Welcome and Introductions Recognition of the 1953 Society Inaugural Class 2013 Jacob Miller Award Donor Recognition Scholarships and Awards 2 A Year in Review 2013 and Beyond Installation of 2013 Board of Directors The APhA Foundation thanks and recognizes the inaugural class of the 1953 Society Nancy Alvarez Lucinda Maine Tery Baskin Jonathan Marquess Benjamin & Elaine Bluml Thomas Menighan Cynthia Boyle Marsha Millonig Deborah Brafford Matthew & Marilyn Osterhaus Kelly Brock Karen Reed Lawrence “LB” Brown William Riffee Daniel Buffington Mitch Rothholz and Julie Gerhart Rothholz Mark Cziraky David DeVido William & Sharon Fassett Ed & Ann Hamilton William Heath Dennis K. Helling Nicki Hilliard Michael & Heather Hogue Jeff Jellin Elizabeth Keyes Cynthia Knapp Dlugosz Emery Johnson J. Bruce Laughrey Daniel Luce Lynette Sappe-Watkins Steven & Wendy Simenson Gary & Diane Smith Mindy Smith Jenelle Sobotka Dominic Solimando, Jr Thomas Temple Karen Tracy John & Joyce Vandel Eleanor Vogt & James Kuperberg Pamela Whitmire Glenn Yokoyama 3 2013 Jacob W. Miller Award About the Jacob W. Miller Service Award he Jacob W. Miller Award is named for the APhA and APhA Foundation former President Jake Miller in honor of his leadership and dedicated servie to the APhA Foundation. This award recognizes an individual who, like President Miller, has advanced the mission of the APhA Foundation through any or all of the following: active involvement in the programs of the APhA Foundation; exemplary support in helping establish and/or maintain APhA Foundation initiatives; and outstanding leadership in carrying out the mission of the APhA Foundation. The Jacob W. Miller Award was established through a founding grant from Wyeth, now Pfizer. T 4 John A. Gans, PharmD Dr. John Gans is currently Associate Dean, Professional Programs, Professor of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Business and Professor of Pharmacy at University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. His current affiliation follows a 20 year career as APhA CEO. Active involvement in the programs of the APhA Foundation • Dr. Gans is credited with taking the APhA Foundation into a new era operations by leading the Board of Directors to add a research department for the purpose of validating, through data collection, theories of pharmacy practice that are now acknowledged to benefit patient success, especially among populations of patients with chronic illness, including leadership during the Asheville Project and The Diabetes 10 City Challenge • A key thought leader on the APhA Board of Directors, Dr. Gans encouraged the APhA Foundation to pursue the research which led to the expansion of pharmacy practice into medication therapy management services to improve chronic disease care • Leader and active solicitor on the Bringing Your Medicines to Life campaign • Dedicated APhA Foundation donor • Remington Honor Medal Recipient - 2009 2012 Annual Giving Campaign Executive Level – $2,500 to $4,999 Applied Clinical Intelligence Kelly Brock David DeVido Briargrove Pharmacy Mitch Rothholz & Julie Gerhart Rothholz Elizabeth Keyes Thomas Menighan Dominic Solimando Jr. Debra Weintraub Director Level $1000 to $2,499 Tery Baskin J. Christopher Bradberry W.G. & Diane Chambliss Jr. Dennis K. Helling Susan Holden Marshall Hollis Pei Yu Hsu Rebecca Finley Emery Johnson Cynthia Knapp Dlugosz Pamela Koss-Justice J. Bruce Laughrey Marsha Millonig PACE Alliance Katherine Petsos Roger Pinsonneault Lisa Ploehn Steven & Wendy Simenson Jann Skelton Mindy Smith Dominic A. Solimando, Jr. Theodore Tong Farah Towfic Timothy Tucker Kelly Valente John & Joyce Vandel Pamela Whitmire Glenn Yokoyama Sponsor Level $250 to $999 James Appleby Nicolas Barakat Charles Barr Allan Bell Leslie Benet Rosemary Berardi Benjamin & Elaine Bluml Mary Bowles Cynthia Boyle Laura Carpenter C. Joseph Carr Natalie Certo & Josephine Certo Ed Cohen Brenda Davis Sophia De Monte George Denmark Philip DiGiovanni Leonard Edloe Joseph Fink III Christopher Forst Stephan & Barrie Foster Mark Gravdal Richard Gray Clark Gustafson William Heath William Heller Nicki Hilliard Maclay Hoyne Joseph Janela LTC Michael Lee Johnson Robert & Tina Johnson Duane & Marilyn Kirking Orsula Knowlton Daniel Luce Eric Mack Lucinda Maine Ray Marcrom Dennis McCallian Merck & Co., Inc. Deanna Mills Miriam Mobley-Smith Anne Moorman David Morgan Robert & Ann Osterhaus Anthony Pudlo Jeff Rochon John Rovers Masaru Saito Steven Sandoz Lynette Sappe-Watkins Howard Schiff Gary & Diane Smith Beth Toalston Norman Tomaka Peter Vlasses Eleanor Vogt & James Kuperberg Maurice Warner Theodore Westley George Yasutake Donor Level – up to $249 Jodi Adamson Patricia Adkins Naseer Ahmed Gary Albers Betty Alderson Oliver Aldridge Carmen Algire Joan Alvarez Mary Louise Andersen Jay Anderson Ann Angle Birute Apke Henry Armbruster Joel Aronson Frank Ascione Keith Ashby Joseph Atuah Sam Augustine Charles Bainbridge Melania Banach Jennifer Barker Donna Marie Barnard Donna Barrio Julia Bartlow Gary Basrai David Bateshansky Vijay Bathija R. Paul Baumgartner Sheryl Bauminger The Estate of Maxine E. Beatty Susan Bell Stephen Benefiel Steven Benson Remi Benzaken Robert Berkheiser Richard Bertin Donald Bertram Marla Bilton-Westbury Bruce Biundo Curtis Black Alvin Blackmon, III William Blakesley Joseph Blumenthal James Bobo Suanne Boehm Frederick Bonchosky Francis Bosompem Richard Bower Rochelle Braun Jeffery Bray Richard Brewer Fred Brinkley, Jr. Bruce Broadrick, Sr Harold Brog Alfred Bromm, Jr. Jeffrey Brommer Christopher Brown Teresa Bruce Vanessa Bruno Mary Bryant Robert Buck Philip Budashewitz Donald Budden My Bui Kristine Burchard Philip Burgess Derrick Burnett Jerry Callahan George Campbell Norman & Mary Campbell Zachary Campbell Catherine Canham Andrew Caradona Matthew Carlson Lynn Carroll Catherine Cary Joseph Casacchia John Cassady Richard Caszatt Jessica Caudill Sonya McNair Craig Chally Ross Chang Hing Char Annie Yuan Chung Chen John Chin Mohammed Chowdhury Timothy Chrisney Windy Christner Pauline Chung Karen Church Robert Cisneros Natalie Clark Ruth Clark Shepley Pharmacy Elizabeth Marie Clausell Patrick Clay Carmen Clelland William Clyde, Jr. Silvio Coccia Fredric Cohen Michael Cohen 5 2012 Annual Fund Donors cont. 6 Christopher Colgan Kathleen Collier Anna Connelly Richard Connor Ariane Conrad Mark Conradi Jean Cottrell Katerina Coumbos Jean Courson James Coyle Karen Cree Sandra Crooks Laura Crum Mary Lee Cubbison Carolyn Currie Mark Cziraky Frank Dahlen Randy Dahlquist Ben Daughtry Lisa Deberardine Donald Dee Pierre Del Prato Joe Delk Richard Deluca Thomas Dembski Kim Demers Christine Dennis Sharon Denton Nelson Der Yvonne Dietrich Amie Jo Digatono Donna Dockter Marcus Dodd-O Charles Doehring Heather Donovan Mr Roger Doran Stuart Doughtie, Sr. Donald Downing Dorinda Drake William Dudewicz, Jr. Terry Dunkle Marvin & Joanell Dyrstad Johanna Eby Fred Eckel Molly Ekstrand Courtney Eleazer Michael Elliott Betsy Elswick Gordon Allen Engel Jeanne Erickson Daniel Esbin Melissa Eshleman Faustina Evbuomwan Cecilia Faggioli Carla Fahhoum Allen Fann Reza Farmand Peter Fay Ellen Feeney Toni Fera Peter Fernandes John Fichtel, Jr Bruce C. Field Ben Finch Rebecca Finley Erin Fitzgerald Sheri Smith Fitzgerald Ron Fitzwater Charles Fletcher David Fogle Janet Folmsbee Diane Fonner Xavier Francis Denise Frank David Franke Robert Frankil Heather Free Jennifer French Gary Frisch Joy Fujinaka Yingwai Fung Dan Furtado Aya Furukawa Diane Fusco Linda Gainey Tim Gallagher Raymond Gan Sharon Germann Lucy Gibson Shannon Gilbert Harrell Gillis, Jr. Joseph Gillooly Margherita Giuliano Wichowski Roger Glaser Maureen Glassberg Pamela Glemboski Harold Godwin Meredith Goodwin Laura Gordon Stephen Gorski Dorothy Gourley Tina Grapentine John Grasela Julian Graubart Robert Greco Jennifer Cecelia Green Burton Greenblatt Robert Griffiths Robert Grisnik John Grossomanides William Grosz Benjamin Gruda Gregg Gunner Mary Therese Gyi Monique Hall Richard Halter, Jr. Wendy Hamamoto John Hambright Ed & Ann Hamiliton Mary Ellen Hancock Rebecca Hancock Karen Ginther Harbut Carla Harmon Ronald Hartmann John Hawes, Jr. Naomi Hayashi Starlin HaydonGreatting Christina Heiner Marsha Henderson Joel Henneberry Keith Herist Belma Hernandez Ralph Heuerman Robert Heyman Jenny Higa Gregory Higby Robert Hildebrand Douglas & Katherine Hillblom Rebecca Ho Van-Anh Hoang Ann Hobel Linda Hoch Thomas Hodel Joel Hoffman Michael & Heather Hogue Ronald Holland Mary Hollinger Patricia Hoppe Neal Howard Sharon Howard Tzu-Chi Hsu Marcia Hufford Paul Huntzinger Marvin Hyatt Julia Ihlenfeldt James Imholte Joanne Inami-Asai Ussah Ing Patricia Ingels Barbara Ingram Brian Isetts Wayne Jameson Suchaiya Chad Jariangprasert Michele Linnebur Jenson Miyen Joa Cary Johnson David Johnson Deborah Johnson Julie Johnson Terry Johnson Harry Jones Jonathon Jones Leola Jones Lisa Jones Mary Jane Jones Rebecca Jones John Jordan Randy Paul Juhl Michael Kaplan Margaret Karbeling Anne Kawakami Douglas Kay William Kearney Suzanne Keeley Susan Keller Margaret Kelly Daniel Kennedy Bruce David Kimble April Kimmel Donald Kishi Christopher Klink David & Deanne Knapp Calvin Knowlton Brian Komoto Ryoji Konishi Mark Krueger Julie Kuhle Camille Kundel Renata Kusper Lachman Family Foundation, Inc. Lorrie Lala Winnie Landis John Langston Kathy Langston Zachary LavelyPlanisek Josephine Lea Mandy Leach Edward Leaders David Lee Mui Lee Virginia LeLand Debra Lembeck Paul Leoni Norman Leshan A. O. Lewis, III David Line June Ling Albert & Virginia Lockamy Roxanne Loncke Richard Lopez-Soto Walter Ludwig Amy Lugo Karen Lundholm Eugene & Susan Lutz Theresa LyonsParham Eddie Madden Vinod Maduthambadikkal Ellen Magalian Patti & Michael Manolakis Timothy Marcham Etella Marcovici Roy Mariani John Marion Bob Marshall Dorinda Martin Lawrence Martin Michael Martz Lindi Mayo Martha Mazak Robert McClaskey Lori McComb Zonia McDermott Marsha McDonald Sara McElroy Joseph McGlothlim Kevin McGuire Shirley McKee Rebecca Meadows Cathy Meagher Megan Medinger Benson Meek Cynthia Mende Russell Jerome Merkel Jennifer Meurer Kyra Michalski Linda Mick Thomas Middlebrooks William Millar, II Wayne Miller Kathryn Mims Leslie Mohler Beverly Morrow Larissa Morse Peter Morton Ronald Morton Joseph Mulato Sandra Mullen Hitoshi Muneno Ellen Munro Jacqueline Murphy Kevin Musto, Jr. Karen Nagel-Edwards Milap Nahata Leslie Neatrour Carmen Negron-Reed Julie Nelson Kate Nerone Sarah Neuhauser Mary Newell Dean Ng Victoria Nguyen Diane Nicklas Eucharia Nnadi E.M. Nootens Craig Norman Denise Norman Alfred Notter Annalee Nystrom Christan Nyweide James O’Neil Lani Ochs Mark O’Connell Julie Oestreich Justina Ogbuokiri Ronald Okamura Henry Paetsch Melissa Pammer Rosamond Pappy Michael Paquin Brittany Pauly Louis Pavloff Mike Pavlovich Kathleen Payne Linda Pedersen Max Peoples Ricky Persaud Shannon Peter Andrew Peterson Vernon Peterson Cecilia Pham Annette Phillips Brookes Pickard Adele Pietrantoni Hazel Pipkin Lisa Pistorino Karen Pittman Gina Pitz Angela Polimeni Nicholas Popovich Renee Popovich Johnny Porter Deborah Przybyciel Robert Pump Mary Ellen Pumper Ghanshyam Purohit Ronald Pytel Sarah Quigley Derek Quinn Frances Quon Darrell Raber James Ramseth Carol Reagan Nina Redlin Janet Redmond Karen Reed Steven Rees Jeffrey Reitz Camille Reliford Garth Reynolds Lois Reynolds Pamela Reynolds Jennifer Rhodes Robert Rhodes Marily Harper Rhudy Lisa Ribecky Meijer James Richards Mark Richards Kelly Ridgway Robert Rist Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner Douglas Roberts Elizabeth Robertson Janet Robertson Edward B Roche Victor Rodriguez Dennis Rogers Steven Rogers Joel & Adele Roman Rosemary Rosdahl Janelle Ruisinger Vera & Kenneth Russell Anne Ruzic Niki Lee Salomon James Sanders Thomas Sanders Marianne Sarich Ralph Saroyan Kimberly Sasser Croley Robert Satterthwaite Constantine Savas Tom Sawyer David Schapiro Valerie Schmidt Mondelli Donald Schneider Lynne Schneider Linda Schuh John Schulte, III Brandi Schuyler Michael Schwartz Thomas Schwartz Hal Schwarz Kelly Scolaro Diana Segawa Joan Seif Terry Seiter Chandra Sekar Nancy Seroski Louis Sesti Aadhar Shah Adel Shamseddine April Shaughnessy Natalia Shcherbakova Carl & Marilyn Shedlock Peggy Shih Jeri Sias Siok-Hiok Siau Carmela Silvestri Deborah Simmons Rachel Sinaiko William Skinner Kim Sloca Dorothy Smith Elizabeth Smith William Smith Melvin Snyder Fadi Sobh Irina Solonenko Judith Sommers Hanson Inkoo Song Ralph Sorrell Rebecca Jones Sorrell Rachelle Spiro Jessica Spitler Sheri Sponsler Sarah Stafford David Starrett Carol Statella Victoria Stein Joseph Steiner Joseph Stelzer Andy Stergachis Robert Stessman Sean Stiffler Gary Stoehr D’Youville Janel Stomberger Adele Storm Stephen Strumello Linda Suchman Frank Sumi Jerald Sveum John Sykora Robert Tackitt Deborah Tady Beverly Talluto Takuji Tanaka Michelle Taylor Ron Teasley Thomas Temple Mary Teresi Milavetz Aldrico Terosa Lewis Tharp Charles Thomas Heatwole Thomas Jacqueline Thomas Janet Thomas Michelle Thomas Cynthia Thompson Sophie Nythan Tochioka Margaret Tomecki Bill Tomlin Lisa Tonrey Virginia Torrise Mary Tosto Alton & Nan Tower Lawrence Trachtman Deborah Trainor Kim Tran Hoa Truong Dale Tucker Timothy Tucker Kristi Turney Jon Tuttle Peter Tyczkowski Ifeoma Umeh R. Richard Unangst Violeta Valadka Bud Valceschini 7 2012 Annual Fund Donors cont. Amy Valdez Susan Valdivia Joseph Valentino Peggy Van Buskirk Stephen Van De Wiel Floyd Van Alex Varkey Rosa Vazquez Albert Veid Yolanda Velazquez John Velk Stephen Vickers Mary Jo Vierkant 8 Kristin Villa Lai Fan Jennie Vong Timothy Vordenbaumen Phillip Vuchetich Dawn Wagoner Donna Waites Jane Walther Larry Walther Collin Ward Ronald Ward, Jr. Jeffrey &Sandra Warnken John Washburn Kinzo Watanabe Krystalyn Weaver Wendy Weber Theresa Wells-Tolle Pamela Welton Rachel Whidden Ralph Wilkie Julie Cruse Wilkinson Meghan Wilkosz Donald Williams Judy Ann Williams Kaylan Wilson William Wimmer Susan Winckler Wilma Wong Casi Wood Pamela Wood Dana L Woods Thomas & Cathy Worrall Larry Wozencraft Edward Wright Elizabeth Wright Elizabeth Yearwood Jeanette Yingling Andrew Young Elizabeth Young Margolyn Young Sandra Young Allan Zaenger Jason Zarifis Scott Zavisca William Zellmer David Zepf William Zipse Steven Zona 2012 APhA Foundation Corporate and Foundation Supporters Amgen Applied Clinical Intelligence BMS Foundation Boeringer Ingelheim Pharmacuticals Carolina Girl Furniture CBS News Center for Disease Control and Prevention Community Pharmacy Foundation Knowlton Foundation Lachman Family Foundation, Inc. McKesson/RxOwnership Merck & Co., Inc. Onocology Pharmacy Services, Inc. PACE Alliance Pfizer, Inc. Sanofi-Adventis APhA Foundation Lifetime Giving Diamond Level Donors ($250,000 plus) BMS Foundation Ernest Mario Joseph D. Williams Schering-Plough Foundation, Inc. Sanofi-Aventis Knowlton Foundation Platinum Level Donors ($100,000 - $249,999) Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Gary & Marie W. Kadlec Pfizer Inc. Procter and Gamble Pulido Walker Foundation Gold Level Donors ($50,000 - $99,999) American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Amgen John & Eileen Gans Ann Herbert Thomas Menighan Charles & Mary Pulido Mitchel Rothholz and Julie Gerhart Rothholz Timothy Tucker Dennis & Patti Worthen 9 Silver Level Donors ($25,000 - $49,999) Nancy Alvarez Cynthia Boyle Michael Cinque Marvin & Joanell Dyrstad William Ellis Jewell Emswiller Christopher Forst Daniel Garrett George Archambault Foundation Ron & Karen Jordan Elizabeth Keyes Pamela Koss-Justice Alan Levin Albert & Virginia Lockamy Eugene & Susan Lutz Henri Manasse Marsha Millonig National Institute for Standards in Pharmacist Credentialing Oncology Pharmacy Services, Inc. Phi Lambda Sigma Leadership Society Karen Reed Steven & Wendy Simenson Jann Skelton Dominic Solimando Jr. U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Bronze Level Donors ($10,000 - $24,999) Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education James Appleby Virginia Apyar AstraZeneca Tery Baskin Rita & Sandra Benischek Kristen Binaso Benjamin Bluml Roger Browning Carol Bugdalski-Stutrud Anne Burns Canadian Pharmacists Association W.G. & Diane Chambliss Jr. Community Pharmacy Foundation Matthew Davis Robert Davis Joy Donelson Page Dunlap Gallipot, Inc. Robert & Linda Gibson Harold Godwin Ed & Ann Hamilton Starlin Haydon-Greatting Dennis K. Helling Metta Lou Henderson Douglas & Katherine Hillblom Katie Horton Ethan Huynh International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding FIP International Pharmaceutical Federation LTC Michael Lee Johnson Melinda Joyce Cynthia Knapp Dlugosz Lifetime Giving cont. James Knoben Mary Anne Koda-Kimble Lachman Family Foundation, Inc Lorna LaGarde Winnie Landis Earlene & Gary Lipowski Douglas Lobdell & Julie Hoff Lucinda Maine Kathleen McGee & Marsha Holloman Edgardo Mercadante Merck & Co., Inc. Michael Moné Kevin Musto, Jr. Robert & Ann Osterhaus PACE Alliance Katherine Petsos Hazel Pipkin Lisa Ploehn L. Michael Posey Paul Pumpian Marily Harper Rhudy Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner Gloria Sabatini Michael Ira Smith Jenelle Sobotka Andy Stergachis Dean Stone Jerald Sveum Robert Tackitt Texas Pharmacy Association The Roche Foundation Tishman Construction Corporation of DC Theodore Tong Lisa Tonrey University of California San Francisco John & Joyce Vandel Eleanor Vogt & James Kuperberg Wendy Weber Debra Weintraub Pamela Whitmire Susan Winckler Shirley & William Winckler Glenn Yokoyama Daniel Zlott Decade Donors Decade Donors are those who have given to the APhA Foundation for ten or more years. 10 Paul Ackerman Jodi Adamson James Alexander Carmen Algire Joan Alvarez Nancy Alvarez Michael Anderson Joan Anderson Ann Angle James Appleby Roberta Armstrong Keith Ashby Nicolas Barakat Charles Barr Donna Barrio Susan Bartlemay Tery Baskin R. Paul Baumgartner Jerry Bell Allan Bell Leslie Benet Marialice & Jon Bennett Steven Benson Dan Bentley Richard Bertin Curtis Black Benjamin Bluml Frederick Bonchosky Grover and Mary Bowles Cynthia Boyle J. Christopher Bradberry Larry Braden Fred Brinkley, Jr. Harold Brog Robert Buerki Carol Bugdalski-Stutrud Anne Burns Stephen Caiola Frances Camagna Norman and Mary Campbell C. Joseph Carr Michael Celayeta Natalie & Josephine Certo Craig Chally Hing Char Peter Chin Yukping Chiu Carmen Clelland William Clyde, Jr. R. David Cobb Michael Cohen Richard Connor Melissa Corrigan John Crone Harold Cunningham, Jr. Ben Daughtry Robert Davis Donald Dee Pierre Del Prato Richard Deluca Kim Demers George Denmark Nelson Der Betty Derryberry David DeVido Philip DiGiovanni Donna Dockter Daniel Driver Ann Dukes Marvin & Joanell Dyrstad Fred Eckel Molly Ekstrand Eugene Elkin William Ellis Jewell Emswiller Janet Engle & Andy Donnelly Ida May Englehart Peter Fay Peter Fernandes Bruce Field Brian Fingerson Steve Firman David Fogle Christopher Forst Stephan & Barrie Foster Eric Frankel Jennifer French Dennis Gailey Linda Gainey John & Eileen Gans William Garst Sharon Germann Robert & Linda Gibson Pamela Glemboski Harold Godwin John Grabenstein Julian Graubart Charles Green Burton Greenblatt Kimberley Griffith Robert Grisnik Donald Gronewold William Grosz Benjamin Gruda John Gulick Gregg Gunner Jerome Halperin John Hambright Ed & Ann Hamilton Carla Harmon Betty Jean Harris William Heath Ann Herbert Robert Heyman Gregory Higby Douglas & Katherine Hillblom Fred Hirning John Hogden Michael & Heather Hogue Edmund Horton Maclay Hoyne Marcia Hufford Loyal Hutchison Julia Ihlenfeldt Joanne Inami-Asai Brian Isetts Jeff Jellin Michele Jenson Elizabeth Johnson Deborah Johnson Emery Johnson Robert & Tina Johnson LTC Michael Johnson Terry Johnson Harry Jones Mary Jane Jones Ron & Karen Jordan Linda Josserand Melinda Joyce Randy Juhl Sandra Justice Gary & Marie Kadlec Michael Kaplan Anne Kawakami Douglas Kay Elizabeth Keyes Harold King, III Thomas King Duane & Marilyn Kirking Christopher Klink Cynthia Knapp Dlugosz Calvin Knowlton Pamela Koss-Justice Helen Krull Lachman Family Foundation, Inc Winnie Landis Frazelia Lawson See Lee Linda Leigh Norman Leshan Katherine Linder June Ling Eugene & Susan Lutz Lucinda Maine Timothy Marcham Ray Marcrom John Marion Leszek Marszall Martha Mazak Marsha McDonald Brenda McElligott Kathleen McGee & Marsha Holloman Shirley McKee Kathy McNeill Thomas Menighan Jerome Merkel Thomas Middlebrooks Jacob Miller Wayne Miller Marsha Millonig Jimmy Mitchell Miriam Mobley-Smith Leslie Mohler Michael Moné Peter Morton Joseph Mulato Kevin Musto, Jr. Leslie Neatrour David Newberg Mary Newell Denise Norman Alfred Notter Annalee Nystrom Christan Nyweide John Oliver Matthew & Marilyn Osterhaus Robert & Ann Osterhaus Fred Paavola PACE Alliance Joseph Pauli Andrew Peterson Katherine Petsos Adele Pietrantoni Hazel Pipkin Gina Pitz Lisa Ploehn Nicholas Popovich Kelly Pratt Mary Ellen Pumper Darrell Raber Carol Reagan Karen Reed Ralph Rees Jeffrey Reitz Mark Richards L. Douglas Ried Elizabeth Robertson Edward Roche Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner Edith Rosato Thomas Rosenthal Mitch Rothholz Masaru Saito Thomas Sanders Kimberly Sasser Croley Robert Satterthwaite David Schapiro Gary Schneider Donald Schneider John Schulte, III Michael Schwartz Thomas Schwartz Hal Schwarz Virginia Scott Diana Segawa Joan Seif Chandra Sekar April Shaughnessy Alan Shepley Peggy Shih Jeri Sias Siok-Hiok Siau Conrad Sidoti Steven & Wendy Simenson Deborah Simmons Jann Skelton William Skinner Kim Sloca Elizabeth Smith Michael Smith William Smith Gary & Diane Smith Robert & Rebecca Snead Jenelle Sobotka Dominic Solimando, Jr. Judith Sommers Hanson John Squeri Andy Stergachis Holly Strom Jerald Sveum Robert Tackitt Deborah Tady Sheila Takayesu Robert Talbert Takuji Tanaka Brian Tatro Arthur Taub Nicole Taylor Mary Teresi Milavetz Michelle Thomas Charles Thomas Janet Thomas Kenneth Tiemann Evelyn Timmons Beth Toalston Bill Tomlin Theodore Tong Lisa Tonrey Alton & Nan Tower Timothy Tucker Jon Tuttle Peter Tyczkowski R. Unangst Megan Undeberg John Vacek John & Joyce Vandel John Velk Eleanor Vogt & James Kuperberg Lai Fan Jennie Vong Donna Waites Larry Walther Maurice Warner Jeffrey & Sandra Warnken Debra Weintraub Theresa Wells-Tolle Pamela Whitmire Donald Williams William Wimmer Shirley & William Winckler Susan Winckler Wilma Wong Dana Woods Thomas & Cathy Worrall Dennis & Patti Worthen Edward Wright George Yasutake Jeanette Yingling Glenn Yokoyama Andrew Young Allan Zaenger Roland Zagnoli 11 2012 Bowl of Hygeia Endowment Contributors Ambassador Level - $25,000 plus Amgen Principal Level - $10,000 - $24,999 U.S. Pharmacopeia Convention Albert & Virginia Lockamy Leader Level - $1,000 - $4,999 12 Benjamin Bluml Michael Sanborn Kenneth Couch Harvey Schmidt Robert Greenwood Mark Smith, The Da Vinci Group Ed & Ann Hamilton Robert Stessman Steven Hartwig Thomas Temple Fred Hirning Joseph Valdez Lowell Irby Timothy Vordenbaumen T. Johnsrud Flynn Warren Neil & Deanna Leikach Theresa Wells-Tolle Eugene & Susan Lutz Pamela Whitmire Katherine Petsos Special thanks to Boehringer Ingelheim for premier support of the 2012 Bowl of Hygeia program. 2012 Bowl of Hygeia cont. Steward Level - < $1,000 Kenneth Aday Leonard Edloe Robert Addison Ida May Englehart Howard Anderson Patricia Epple Roberta Armstrong Brian Fingerson Fred Baillie Murhl Flowers Belinda Ballard Brian Gerth John Beasley Ernest Gregg William Beasley William Grosz Joseph Bechtel Rosemarie Halt Frances Blair George Hammons James Bobo Mayer Handelman Gary Boehler Lamar Hansen Cynthia Boyle John Harmon Larry Braden Janet Hart Samuel Brog James Harter Anthony Brooklere D. Matt Hartwig Buddy Bunch John Heaton Heather Burney Thomas Henig Thomas & Alice Burris Robert & Ann Hennessy Robert Bylone Paul Holly Lane Call Arnold Honkofsky Doug & Joan Campbell Sheila Hopper Michele Catalano-Musheno Brian Hose Cayce’s Pharmacy, Inc. Walter Hughes Patricia Churchill Kirk Irby James Coast Danny Johnson Rebecca Culbertson Delmar Kramersmeier Joe Dalton Terrance Kristensen David Darby Mark Lapouraille James Davis David Leach Joseph Dean Nasir Mahmood Jonathan Denslow James Main Bob Dishman Bruce Martin Maryland Pharmacists Association Gordon Mayer Randy Meents Thomas Menighan J. Scott Miskovsky Jerry Moore Joseph Mosso Jack Mullins John Navarra Audrey Newton Frank Nice Ronald Nighswander Nyberg Pharmacy George Oestreich David Olig Leman Olson Edward Osborne Dennis Pena Jack Peters Clifford Pfaff Charles Prickett Gary Reece Roland Reznicek Donald Riley Thomas Rivers John Rosencrance Frank Rubino Roy Sanderson Lynette Sappe-Watkins David Schoech Robert Schreiber James Scruggs Lloyd Sellers Charles Shannon Matthew Shimoda Nelson Showalter Frank Skinner Richard Smiga Donald Smith Kathleen Snella Ralph Sorrell Larry Stephens Stephens Pharmacy, Inc Carol Stevenson Paula Stover Robert Tackitt Theresa Talbott Bonnie Thom Charles Thomas Jennifer Thomas Jerry Thomas Lloyd Thomas Miles Thomas Patricia Thornbury Evan Vickers Alan Vogenberg James Wang Charles Weart Anton Welder Ralph Wilkie Jim Wood Jack Zweier 13 2012 Capital Campaign Donors (Donors making gifts to Fellows Wall, East Terrace Pavers, Robert Thom Paintings, and/or Women in Pharmacy Conference Room) Architect Level $10,000 plus Knowlton Foundation Keystone Level $5001 to $10,000 W.G. & Diane Chambliss Matthew Davis Brian Komoto Lorna LaGarde Society of the Air Force Pharmacy Thomas Menighan Phi Delta Chi Pharmacy Fraternity Texas Pharmacy Association 14 Pillar Level $1001 to $5000 Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy Rita & Sandra Benischek Kenneth Cheng Page Dunlap Janet Engle & Andy Donnelly Ron Fitzwater Nicole & Fred Gattas Starlin Haydon-Greatting Pamela Koss-Justice Daniel Luce Martha Mazak Ruth Nemire Sven Normann Frances Peterson Pharmacists Society of the State of New York Pharmacy Girls Rule Hazel Pipkin Daniel & Chie-Eng Pitchford L. Douglas Ried April Shaughnessy Marie Smith Jenelle Sobotka Farah Towfic Lindsay Watson Pamela Whitmire James Wilson May Woo Glenn Yokoyama Engineer Level $501 to $1000 Charity Ackerman Sarab Ahram Alaska Pharmacists Association Joan Alvarez Mary Andritz Arizona Pharmacy Alliance Melvin Baron Dawn Blank Kelly Boesen Marcie Bough Philip Burgess Lisa Chan Jennifer Chang Pat Chase Community Pharmacy Foundation Jean Cottrell Joni Cover Mark Cziraky JoLaine Draugalis Wendy Duncan Michelle Easton Denise Frank Julie Gambaiani Erleen & Harrell Gillis, Jr. Margherita Giuliano Wichowski Charles Green Sandra Guckian William Heath Mark Hermsen Douglas & Katherine Hillblom Marion Hoar Marshall Hollis Donna Horn Daniel & Suzanne Hussar Jeff Jellin Winnie Landis Lisa Lawson Sandra Leal Denise MacKenzie Wanda Maldonado-Davila Patti and Michael Manolakis Macary Marciniak Dorinda Martin Maryland Pharmacists Association Shirley McKee Cynthia Mende Russell Cathleen Meyers Jonathan Miller Phylliss Moret Timothy Musselman Deirdre Myers Elizabeth Nelson Mary Beth O’Connell Oregon State University College of Pharmacy Matthew & Marilyn Osterhaus Sophia Pasedis Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association Natasha Petry Adele Pietrantoni Kimberly Plake Jocelyn Prang Janet Redmond Karen Reed William Riffee Jeff Rochon Rosalind Franklin University Edith Rosato Juan Santos David Schaaf Virginia Scott April Shaughnessy Jann Skelton Michael Smith Robert & Rebecca Snead Dominic Solimando, Jr. Susan Stein Mark Strong Timothy Stroup Adam & Mary Syfrett Megan Thompson CoraLynn Trewet University of Minnesota Jason Varin Donna Wall Cynthia Warriner Krystalyn Weaver Katherine Wolfe Thomas & Cathy Worrall Blueprint Level – up to $500 Jennifer Anim Susan Bartlemay Mel Baxter Amelia Bennett Marialice & Jon Bennett Michael Berndt Kristen Binaso Bradley Bishop Baeteena Black Philip Blaine Nicholas Blanchard William Blanche Cynthia Boyle Amber Briggs Mark Brouker Carol Bugdalski-Stutrud Frank Cammarata Elizabeth Cardello Raymond Carlson Jannet Carmichael Laura Carpenter Ann Case Donna Cestone Irica Cheeks Windy Christner Derrik Clay Lawrence Cohen William Comer Rachel Conforti Melissa Corrigan Linn Danielski Donald DeGroff Peter Diak Katherine Diep-Kwei Brian Eddy Michael Edwards Jewell Emswiller R. Lee Evans, Jr. William & Sharon Fassett Leona & Duane Friedig Mathew Garber Alfred Gill Zandra Glenn Joseph Gomes Mary Gurney Jeremy Gustafson Stuart & Seena Haines Curtis Hansen Carole Hardin-Oliver Betty Jean Harris Daniel Hasenfang Clare Heinsler William Hiner, Jr. Roger Hirsh Michael & Heather Hogue Ronnie Holuby Thomas Hoopes Craig Hostetler Charles Hostettler Tahir Hussain Brian Ihlenfeld Richard Ihlenfeld Samuel Ingraham, III Terry Irgens Gina Jaeger Christopher Janik Paul & Mariann Jungnickel Becky Kaime Brittany Keener Brett Kelly Brian Kerr Elizabeth Keyes Bruce Kimble Rosalyn King Lela King Kenneth Kirk Duane & Marilyn Kirking Mary Klein Cynthia Knapp Dlugosz Horace Knight Orsula Knowlton Mary Anne Koda-Kimble Anna Kowblansky Carol Labadie Debbie Lange Scott Lawry Brian Lawson Kim Lefebvre Russell Leonard Denise Leveling Gary & Kimberly Lloyd Douglas Lobdell & Julie Hoff Albert & Virginia Lockamy Carol Ludwig John Ludwig Amy Lugo Eugene & Susan Lutz Ann Macro Melissa Madigan Lucinda Maine Vicki Marino Jeya Mathews Gary Matzke Brian Maves Everett McAllister Judith McCarthy Chad McKenzie Earl McKinstry Andrew Meagher Aaron Middlekauff Marsha Millonig Michael Moné Errol Moran Wayland Morris, Jr. John Murphy NAVMISSA Wardroom John Nazzaro Roseann Neatrour Gregory Orsulak Glenn Otterman Fred Paavola Isabell Pacheco Michael Pastrick Shelley Paulson Giao Phung Laura Pincock L. Michael Posey Kenneth Powell, Jr. Valerie Prince Linh Quach Carol Reagan Brent Reed Lois Reynolds Marily Rhudy David & Gail Riese Javier Rodriguez Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner Patrick Romero Sandra Rosa Mitch Rothholz Gordon Sacks Lynette Sappe-Watkins Donald Schiefer Lisa Scholz Jeffrey & JoAnn Schwartz Pamela Schweitzer Paul Shiechel Jeri Sias Gary & Diane Smith Mindy Smith John Spain Stacia Spridgen Robert Stessman Pamela Stewart-Kuhn Richard Stotler Bill Succolosky Robert Tackitt Richard Taffet Jennifer Taylor Fix Marinda Thomas-LePage Deborah Thompson Brad Tice Lisa Tonrey Gerald Tower Karen Tracy Jennifer Tuepker Jeanne Tuttle Violeta Valadka Peggy Van Amanda Ward Fred Weaver Ricke Weickum Karen Whalen Cassondra White Leslie White Ronnie Whiten Donald Williams Roger Williams James Wilson Wilma Wong George Yasutake David Zgarrick 15 16 2013 APhA Foundation Scholarship Recipients Charles C Thomas Scholar Autumn Bagwell - Samford University, McWhorter School of Pharmacy Boyle Family Scholar Jamie Elsner - University of Maryland School of Pharmacy Paul Pumpian Scholar Kelsie Hanson - University of Montana - Skaggs School of Pharmacy George F. Archambault Scholar Marilyn Jen - University of Michigan College of Pharmacy APhA Foundation/APhA Auxiliary Scholar Indrani Kar - University of Pittsburgh John A. Gans Scholar Benjamin Laliberte - Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences- Boston Marvin and Joanell Dyrstad Scholar Ashley Potter - South Dakota State University Sam Kalman Scholar Brian Primeaux - University of Louisiana at Monroe Mary Louise Anderson Scholar Ashley Pugh - Union University School of Pharmacy Juan and Esparanza Luna Scholar Matthew Stevens - The University of Arizona Robert Gibson Scholar Sara Wettergreen - South Dakota State University College of Pharmacy 2013 APhA Carl F. Emswiller Summer Intern Margaret Oser The Ohio State University Gloria Franke Scholar Victoria Pennington - Ohio Northern University Raabe College of Pharmacy 2013 Dennis and Patricia Worthen APhA – ASP Presidential Award David Steeb University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2013-2014 APhA Foundation Knowlton Center Executive Resident Ryan Burke University of Louisiana at Monroe 17 2013 Incentive Grants for Residents Daniel A. Herbert Incentive Grant Holly Fahey, PharmD Charitible Pharmacy of Central Ohio Columbus, Ohio Incentive Grants for Residents and their Preceptors Courtney Ammons Jewel Osco Pharmacy Lombard, IL Bobby Bero II Wheeler Pharmacy Lexington, KY 18 Macon Carroll Duren’s Pharmacy Waynesboro, TN Holly Fahey The Charitable Pharmacy of Central Ohio Columbus, OH Taylor Garber University of Cincinnati and Kroger Cincinnati, OH Valerie Garcia Centro San Vicente Health Clinic El Paso, TX Amanda Gates Kerr Drug Chapel Hill, NC Alison Huet Kroger Pharmacy Indianapolis, IN Sarah Krahe Dombrowski Rite Aid Pharmacy/Rite Care Pittsburgh, PA Bijal Patel Dominick’s Pharmacy Chicago, IL Andrea Santoro Kroger Pharmacy Cincinnati, OH Brittany Snodgrass Fruth Pharmacy Pt. Pleasant, WV Renee Stephenson Jewel-Osco Pharmacy Chicago, IL Jennifer Wang Quality Food Centers Bellevue, WA Anthony Weiland Middleport Family Health Center Middleport, NY Incentive Grants for Practitioner Innovation in Pharmaceutical Care Jean-Venable Goode The Daily Planet, Inc Richmond, VA Amanda Hollar Kerr Drug Chapel Hill, NC Christine Rash The Antithrombosis Clinic (ATC) at the University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences Center Chicago, IL Incentive Grants for Innovation in Immunization Practices Sharon Dindial Dominick’s Pharmacy Countryside, IL Sara Flynn Walgreens/MCPHS Chelsea, MA Leslie Norris Moose Professional Pharmacy Concord, NC Student Incentive Grants for Innovation in Immunization Practices University of Kentucky, APhA-ASP Chapter Faith Pharmacy Lexington, KY 19 2012 – 2013 APhA Foundation Board of Directors President Treasurer Daniel F. Luce, BSPharm, MBA Deerfield, IL Mark Cziraky, PharmD, CLS, FAHA Wilmington, DE Vice President Leonard Edloe, M. Div., PharmD Mechanicsville, VA Laura Gordon Washington, DC Secretary Tom Menighan, BSPharm, MBA, ScD, FAPhA Washington, DC Ed Hamilton, PharmD, FAPhA Lake Alfred, FL Eugene Lutz, BSPharm, FAPhA Altoona, IA Jann Scruggs Washington, DC General Counsel Steve Benson Washington, DC Dennis K. Helling, PharmD, DSc, FCCP, FASHP Aurora, CO 2013-2014 Incoming Foundation Incoming Board Directors Thomas Temple, RPh, MS Urbandale, IA Eleanor Vogt, PharmD San Francisco, CA J. Bruce Laughrey, BSPharm Windermere, FL 20 APhA Foundation Staff Mindy D. Smith, BSPharm, RPh Executive Director Lynette Sappe-Watkins, CFRE Director of Development Lindsay Watson, PharmD Director, Applied Innovation Deborah Brafford Finance Manager Caroline Shedlock Administrative Manager/ Communications Associate Krystalyn Weaver, PharmD Executive Resident Ben Bluml, BSPharm, RPh Senior Vice President, Research and Innovation Alicia L. Simmons Development Coordinator F Legacy Giving or 60 years, the APhA Foundation has been providing quality programs in research and recognition. Charitable gifts – and deferred – to the APhA Foundation can help to improve the lives of patients by assisting the APhA Foundation in its ongoing effort to improve people’s health through pharmacists’ patient care services using research, recognition, and providing resources. An estate gift is much more than a financial decision; it’s a personal statement about who you are, what you care about, and what your legacy will be. Your estate gift to the APhA Foundation will help maintain our innovative research programs, sustain the student incentive grant program and allow for innovation pharmacy-based patient health initiatives, all while establishing your own professional pharmacy legacy. To inquire about legacy giving, please contact Lynette Sappe-Watkins at 202-4297534 or Lsappe-watkins@aphanet.org. APhA Foundation 2215 Constitution Ave NW Washington, DC 20037-2985 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/APhAFoundation YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/aphafoundation 13-003 Website: www.APhAFoundation.org • Email: info@aphafoundation.org Phone: 202-429-7565
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