Time Navigator Getting Started Guide


Time Navigator Getting Started Guide
Version 4.2
Ref: STAR42EW-0108
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide
for Microsoft Windows
Atempo Copyrights
Atempo retains all property rights concerning the documentation of Time Navigator
Your right to copy the Time Navigator software documentation is limited by the
legislation on copyright. Copies or adaptations without Atempo’s prior written consent are
forbidden by law and constitute a reprehensible breach.
This documentation is provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind, either expressed
or implied, including (but not limited to) the implied warranties or conditions of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Atempo shall not be liable for loss of
profits, decreasing or interrupted business activity, for loss of data or data use, nor for any
indirect, special or consequential damages whatsoever, even if Atempo has been advised
of the possibility of such damages arising out of a fault or an error in the documentation or
in Time Navigator software.
Atempo retains all rights to modify this documentation periodically without notice. No part
of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted, for any purpose, by any means, electronic
or mechanical, without Atempo’s express and written permission.
Atempo, Atempo’s logo and Time Navigator are registered trademarks of Atempo.
All brand or product names mentioned in this guide are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective companies or organizations.
Copyright © 1992-2008 Atempo. All rights reserved.
Third Party Copyrights
Time Navigator uses certain Opensource components listed here:
The International Component for Unicode (libicu). For more information, consult
lesstif: the Hungry Programmers' version of OSF/Motif®. For more information,
The Year-2038 bug. For more information, consult
OpenSSL. "The OpenSSL Project is a collaborative effort to develop a robust,
commercial-grade, full-featured, and Open Source toolkit implementing the Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) protocols as well
as a full-strength general purpose cryptography library. The project is managed by a
worldwide community of volunteers that use the Internet to communicate, plan, and
develop the OpenSSL toolkit and its related documentation."
For more information, consult
Perl. For more information, consult
Apache 2.0. For more information, consult
The licenses for these components can be consulted in the Time Navigator Release Notes
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Time Navigator Online Help . . . . . . .
Time Navigator Tutorials . . . . . . . . .
Technical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Web Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Generating the Environment Report
Your Comments are Welcome . . . . . . .
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Time Navigator Components . . . . . . . .
Time Navigator Architecture . . . . . . . .
Time Navigator Main Features . . . . . . .
Supported Platforms and Peripherals . . . .
Time Navigator Separately Priced Options
. 7
. 8
. 9
Presenting Time Navigator
Installing and Configuring Time Navigator
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installing a Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installing a Time Navigator Agent or Storage Node
Configuring Libraries and Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Initial Configuration of Devices in Time Navigator
Device Detection Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring a Virtual Library System . . . . . . . . . . . .
Virtual Library System Configuration Files . . . . .
Using the Atempo VLS Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . .
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 3
Backing up
Backup Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Configuring a Backup with the Backup Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Performing a Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Chapter 4
Restore Examples .
Restore Settings . . .
Restore Test . . . . .
Restore Information
Conclusion . . . . . .
Time Navigator Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Time Navigator Release Notes . . . . . . . . . .
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide . . . .
Time Navigator Bug Fixes and Known Issues
Reference Guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Time Navigator On-line Connect Suite . . . . .
Time Navigator Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Special Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Time Navigator Online Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Time Navigator Documentation
Thank you for choosing Time Navigator, a suite of software tools developed by
Atempo. A solution for automatically backing up data for your company,
Time Navigator is flexible and its dynamic architecture brings both performance and
security to your data storage needs.
The objective of this guide is to enable quickly you to carry out:
The installation of a Time Navigator Server for Windows 2000/2003 and of
Time Navigator Agents for Unix or Windows.
The automatic backup of the filesystem.
The restore of data.
If you wish to have information regarding the archive option (Time Navigator Archiving
Server) or the Time Navigator Online Connect Suite (applications backup and restore),
refer to the corresponding guides listed in the chapter “Time Navigator Documentation”,
page 67.
For all questions relating to Time Navigator, visit Atempo’s web site
(www.atempo.com) or contact your retailer.
The Time Navigator DVD-ROM or CD-ROM is delivered with certain files that require
a specific configuration. It is necessary to have:
The authority to automatically execute the installation program. If you do not wish
to authorize this automatic execution, you can launch the program Autorun.exe
An HTML browser in order to read files in HTML format.
Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to read the documentation in PDF format.
An Internet connection if you want to request a permanent key from Atempo.
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
This guide uses conventions to make information easy to access and understand.
Text in Time Navigator graphical application windows is displayed in the following font:
Window text.
Time Navigator Command Line Interface and scripts related to the different
operating systems (Unix, Windows, etc.) are displayed in the following font:
scripts and commands.
Cross-references to further information are indicated by the ☞ symbol.
Procedures indicating the steps to follow to perform an action with Time Navigator
are presented as follows:
Procedure title
First step.
Next step, etc.
Command syntax is presented as follows:
Square brackets [ ] indicate an option.
The - sign refers to a parameter. The parameter is either followed by the type
of information to provide, or is self-sufficient.
The | sign indicates a choice between several parameters.
Time Navigator Online Help
All the Time Navigator graphical interfaces now include a new context-sensitive online
help system available for:
Windows (HtmlHelp format),
Unix (HTML format). This format is compatible with the Netscape Navigator 4.0
browser, or any other compatible browser.
This online help system allows you to find the information you need easily and quickly:
From any dialog box within the application, click on Help to access context-sensitive
information describing the parameters of the dialog box.
From any graphical interface, choose Help - Help Topics to get the online help for this
interface. You can also search for information through the Contents tab, the Index tab
or the Search tab that offers a powerful full-text search.
Time Navigator Tutorials
Discover Time Navigator through the Flash-based Tutorials delivered with the product:
To access these tutorials, choose Help-Tutorial from the Time Navigator Administration
Console or Time Navigator Restore & Archive Manager. The tutorials are also
available from the Autorun (Windows) or from the CD-ROM index.htm file (Unix).
To view these tutorials, you need:
A web browser.
A Shockwave Player (or Macromedia Flash Player) program. If needed, download
the program corresponding to your machine’s operating system from:
The Shockwave Player and Macromedia Flash Player programs are not
available for IBM AIX and VMS.
Technical Support
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
Web Support
If you have subscribed a maintenance contract and you encounter a problem with
Time Navigator, consult the Atempo Web Support at:
The Knowledge Base includes:
Time Navigator PDF documentation.
Time Navigator patches.
Time Navigator Known Issues.
Technical Notes.
If you are unable to solve your problem or find the information you need, Atempo and its
partners will help you by phone. When calling the Atempo Technical Support team, please
provide your maintenance contract number. We also recommend that you generate the
Time Navigator Environment Report as explained in the next section.
Generating the Environment Report
The report is generated by the Time Navigator Environment Reporter which retrieves
the information that is essential to address your problems as quickly as possible:
Time Navigator version installed.
Operating system related information.
Type of platforms and storage devices used.
Configuration and status of all your Time Navigator catalogs.
Time Navigator Events and operating system logs.
To automatically generate the environment report, run the Time Navigator Environment
Reporter as follows:
On Unix systems, run the $TINA_HOME/tina_env_report.sh script.
On Windows systems, the user must be part of the Administrator group and choose
Start-Programs-Time Navigator-Utilities-Time Navigator Environment Reporter.
The retrieved information is gathered in a compressed file
tina_env_report_date_time.tar.gz.uu on Unix and
tina_env_report_date_time.zip on Windows. This file is located in the Adm
directory of Time Navigator installation directory. You must send it to
A README file describing the operating mode is available at the following FTP address:
Updating the Time Navigator Environment Reporter
The Time Navigator Environment Reporter is subject to frequent updates.
Please regularly download the latest version from the following FTP
For Unix:
For Windows:
Your Comments are Welcome
We value and appreciate your opinion as a Time Navigator user and reader of our
documentation. As we write, revise and evaluate our guides, your comments are the most
important input we receive. Please do not hesitate to send us any remarks you have to
the following address: documentation@atempo.com
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
Presenting Time Navigator
Time Navigator Components
Time Navigator backup and restore software is composed of many elements allowing
different types of architecture to be backed up:
The Catalog is the Time Navigator core database. It keeps track of every backup,
archiving, and restore session performed. Information about Time Navigation, the
versatile restore mechanism developed by Atempo, is recorded in the catalog. This
information consists of the backup file attributes and their location on the storage
media. The catalog also keeps track of the configuration of Time Navigator
objects, such as, hosts, applications, networks, drives, libraries, users, and medias.
The Server is the station controling the catalog. A Time Navigator Server service
is installed on the server.
The Agents are the stations backed up via the Local Area Network. A
Time Navigator Agent service is installed on the clients. The Time Navigator
Agent allows backups on file systems as well as specific applications, such as
Database Management Systems.
The Storage Device or library, consists of slots where medias are stored, a picker to
move medias, and at least one drive to perform reading and writing sessions. The
library can be virtual, i.e. an emulation of media and slots on a disk.
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
Time Navigator Architecture
Based on a flexible Client/Server architecture, Time Navigator provides decentralized,
multiple-site backup storage while avoiding unnecessary data exchange. At the same
time, it centralizes backup control to provide the administrator with a global view.
In the most common Time Navigator architecture, Client/Server, data to be backed up is
located on various client platforms communicating via TCP/IP. The clients send data to
the Time Navigator server. The server records the data via the catalog, on the storage
Time Navigator can also be implemented in more complex environments such as Multidomain Backup, SAN (Storage Area Network) and NAS (Network Attached Storage)
The figure below shows four possible Time Navigator implementations:
Chapter 1
Presenting Time Navigator
Time Navigator Main Features
Enterprise-Wide Backup and Archiving Solution
Server platform: Mac OS X, Unix, Linux, Windows
Time Navigator Agent for Windows , Unix (including Linux and BSD),
Mac OS X, VMS, and NetWare
Agents for Windows and Unix Clusters
Database agents for on-line backup of Informix, Oracle, DB2, MS-Exchange,
MS-SQL Server, MS-SharePoint Portal Server, Lotus Notes/Domino, SAP R/3,
Time Navigator software (including documentation, context-sensitive help and
tutorials) available both in English and French
Backup and Restore Performances
Full and incremental backup
Unlimited number of parallel backup and restore data streams
Synthetic backup: a LAN-free full backup built on previous backups
Intelligent cache and macro-multiplexing for optimizing parallel agent backups and
hardware capacity
Optional client-side data compression minimizing network traffic
Backup and restore via CIFS on network disk drives
Backup on disk (Time Navigator Virtual Library System)
Advanced Media Management
Media pool management with automatic pool sizing
Support for barcode labelling speeding up inventory and media recognition
Optimized media handling for increased media and drive life
Media life cycle management
Cleaning tape management
Standard storage formats (tar, cpio and/or proprietary)
Automated multiple backups for extra redundancy
User/administrator profile management
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
Disaster Recovery solutions
ACL backup and restore
Optional Security and Compliance Module (sold separately) permits encrypting,
certificates, signatures, etc.
SAN/NAS Backup Solutions
Direct Data Path: Between host and storage device, without going through backup
Centralized SAN administration interface
Centralized administration of multiple Storage Domains
Drive and library sharing
Storage node backup
LAN-free NAS backup and restore
NDMP support: Direct NDMP file system overview, NDMP Tape to Tape copy
utility, NDMP Tape Server, NDMP Data Server, NDMP Client and NDMP
Advanced Restore for Increased User Productivity
Search tool for locating deleted files over a time interval
Consistent Restore with Time Navigation
User-friendly graphical interface for restore and archiving
Differential restore
Web restore
Easy Administration
Real-time information area
Graphical alarms
Scheduling of backup operations
Time Navigator Command Line Interface and graphical mode
Time Navigator Task Viewer to view the backup load
Integration with frameworks via SNMP or direct communication
Accounting and Reporting: XML/XSL format support
Chapter 1
Presenting Time Navigator
API (Application Programming Interface) consisting of a library of documented
C functions for developing specific features (Time Navigator Development
Integration with Batch and Schedulers via Time Navigator Command Line
Scripting language for better integration between applications (Time Navigator
Shell Scripting)
Investment Protection
Standard writing format makes data software-independent
Unprecedented scalability (from one host to thousands, plus terabyte-databases)
Proven record of backup innovation
One of newest backup solutions on the market with great potential for evolution
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
Supported Platforms and Peripherals
Supported Platforms
Windows 2000/2003
Compaq Tru64 Unix
SGI Irix
Sun Solaris
Windows 2000/2003
Mac OS X
Windows 2000/2003
Windows XP
Compaq Tru64 Unix
SGI Irix
Sun Solaris
Free BSD
Windows 2000/2003
Windows XP
Mac OS X
Novell NetWare
Supported Peripherals
Virtual Library System, 4mm DAT, Exabyte 8mm, Exabyte Mammoth, DLT,
IBM, SLR, 3480/90, Optical Disks, AIT, Ecrix VXA, STK 9840, LTO
Adic, BDT Solution, ATL/Quantum, Breece Hill, Compaq, Dell, Ecrix, Exabyte,
Grau, HP, IBM, M4 Data, Overland Data, Plasmon, Qualstar, Seagate, Sony,
SpectraLogic, StorageTek, SUN, Tandberg.
☞ These lists are subject to frequent changes. Please consult the Compatibility Guide on
Atempo’s web site at http://www.atempo.com for up-to-date information.
Chapter 1
Presenting Time Navigator
Time Navigator Separately Priced Options
Atempo has developed a series of options to address customers backup needs in a variety
of configurations. The options currently available are listed below.
OnlineConnect Suite is available for the following databases:
Time Navigator for
Time Navigator for
Time Navigator for
Time Navigator for
backup and restore)
Time Navigator for
Time Navigator for
Time Navigator for
Time Navigator for
Time Navigator for
MS-Exchange (including MS-Exchange 2000 mailboxes
MS-SQL Server
MS-SharePoint Portal Server
Lotus Domino
Time Navigator Library Sharing Manager
This option is designed to optimize storage resource usage. It manages concurrent
catalog access to the drives and libraries. Time Navigator Library Sharing
Manager is currently available for Windows 2000/2003, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX and
Linux machines.
Time Navigator Disaster Recovery for Windows (Powered by WinPE)
This option ensures a timely recovery of your Windows agents. You can easily
restore your workstations’ partitions, registry, and file systems.
Time Navigator for Cluster
Fully compatible with both the OnlineConnect Suite, the cluster option is a backup
and restore solution for MSCS, IBM, Sun, and Tru64 clusters. Backup and restore
sessions proceed without any interruption in case of a node failure, efficiently
protecting your data and applications.
☞ This guide is devoted to the backup and restore of the file systems. For more information
on the Time Navigator Options, refer to the section “Time Navigator Documentation”,
page 67 or contact your retailer.
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
Installing and Configuring
Time Navigator
This chapter describes the procedure for a typical installation and configuration of a
Time Navigator backup network, consisting of a Time Navigator Server on Windows
connected to an automated library (physical or an emulation on disk), and of
Time Navigator Agents on Windows.
A storage node is a client platform connected to a storage device, either
directly or via a Storage Area Network (SAN). If you wish to use a
Storage Node to manage your library or drives, see the Time Navigator
Installation Guide and the Time Navigator Administration Guide for
more details.
The Time Navigator Setup installation software checks the selected installation type and
the machine’s operating system in order to offer only the available components, reducing
the risk of configuration error.
☞ Also refer to the Time Navigator Installation Guide and Time Navigator
Administration Guide for more details on specific configuration operations, on
Time Navigator upgrade or uninstallation or for any information you may require.
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
You must be using Windows 2000/2003 operating system to install the server.
Time Navigator Agent can be installed on Windows 2000, 2003, XP or Vista.
You must be a privileged user to perform the Time Navigator installation.
To continue using Time Navigator beyond the 30-day trial period, you must
acquire a license file from Atempo.
Chapter 2
Installing and Configuring Time Navigator 17
The Time Navigator installation procedure is structured as follows:
Time Navigator Server installation
Time Navigator Agent deployment
Library and Drive detection
Installing a Server
There are two kinds of Server installation available: Typical and Custom.
Typical installation is an easy and streamlined procedure which pre-selects for you
the most commonly used options. Typical installation includes the following:
A 30-day Evaluation License.
A default home path C:\Program Files\Atempo\tina
Default TCP port 2525 and default UDP port 2526.
The Catalog will have a default name based on the name of your machine,
followed by _tina.
The default User is called admin and has no password. It is strongly
recommended to add a password via the menu Security - User - Properties in
Time Navigator Administration Console when it launches at the end of the
The default size of the Catalog is 1000 MB.
The Catalog is configured with a RAM cache memory of 64 MB.
Custom is more advanced and allows you to configure your own setup.
This guide describes the simplified Typical procedure for your Operating System. You can
start with a Typical installation to get your Time Navigator up and running and then make
modifications as and when you need them via the Preferences Tool and Time Navigator
Administration Console.
To install a Time Navigator Server
Insert the Time Navigator CD-ROM in your drive. The installation Autorun
should start, if not, execute Autorun.exe in the Windows Explorer.
Select Install Time Navigator 4.2 in the Autorun screen.
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
The Welcome screen of the Installation appears. Click on Next.
The next screen to appear is the License Agreement. Select your geographical area
in the pull-down list. The choices are Asia, Europe, North America and Other Countries.
The licensing terms vary slightly for each. Click on Next.
Chapter 2
Installing and Configuring Time Navigator 19
The next window to appear is the Program Type Selection.
Backup and Archive Server: Installs the Time Navigator Server.
Agent or Storage Node: Installs the Time Navigator agent that backs up data
from the installed machine. Storage Node also installs the files needed to write
data to a locally attached drive.
Administration Interfaces: Installs only the interfaces for remote administration.
Select the first option to install the Server. Click on Next.
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
The next window, Installation Mode Selection, lets you choose between Typical and
Custom installation. For a first installation, Atempo recommends you select Typical.
However, if there is already a version of Time Navigator present on the machine,
the setup will pass automatically into Custom mode. Click on Next once you have
made your choice.
The following window, Installation Path, defines what will be the home directory of
your Time Navigator installation. The default path is C:\Program
Files\Atempo\tina. To select a different path, type it directly in the field or
browse to it with the "..." button to the right of the field.
Chapter 2
Installing and Configuring Time Navigator 21
Once you have given all requested information, check the installation Summary
carefully. Click on Run to start the actual file copy, Previous to return to an earlier
window and make a correction, or Cancel to exit the program without installing.
A progress bar appears and messages inform you of the different phases of your
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
When the installation has completed, the window below informs you whether it has
finished successfully or not. You now have the option to open Time Navigator
Administration Console directly to continue with the configuration of
Time Navigator, as well as to consult the Readme file.
Click on Finish to exit the Installation program and run the options you selected.
Chapter 2
Installing and Configuring Time Navigator 23
Since the Typical Installation procedure installs only the default options, the
Administrator is called Admin and has no password. Atempo does not recommend leaving an empty administrator password on a production environment of Time Navigator. It is advised to modify the login details of the
Privileged User via the menu Security - User - Properties in Time Navigator Administration Console when you first run it.
Installing a Time Navigator Agent or Storage Node
As with Server Installation, there are two ways in which you can install your agent or
Storage Node:
Typical installation is an easy and streamlined procedure which pre-selects for you
the most commonly used options. Typical installation includes the following:
A default home path C:\Program Files\Atempo\tina
Selection of catalogs from a list of Time Navigator catalogs already present in
the network, or manual entry of catalog parameters.
All optional Time Navigator components and applications are installed by
Custom is more advanced and allows you to configure your own setup.
This guide describes the Typical installation procedure only. If you need to do a Custom
installation, consult the Time Navigator Installation Guide.
To install a Time Navigator Agent or Storage Node
Time Navigator Agent for Windows and Time Navigator Storage Node for Windows
support Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP and Vista.
On Windows XP SP2, you must modify the firewall configuration to allow
Time Navigator TCP and UDP ports and thus to allow backups and restores.
For more information on the procedure, see the Time Navigator Installation
When the Program Type Selection Window is displayed, select the second option:
Agent or Storage Node.
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
In the Installation Mode Selection Window, select Typical. Click on Next.
The next window that appears is for Catalog Selection. The list displays all the
Time Navigator catalogs that are detected in the network. In the list, select all the
catalogs that will be authorized to connect to the agent you are installing. Click on
Chapter 2
Installing and Configuring Time Navigator 25
If you do not see a catalog that you wish to use, click on the Add Catalog button at
the bottom of the window. This should make the window below appear.
Enter the names of the Server and Catalog, and Port Numbers, that you wish to use.
Agents must use the same port numbers as the servers with which they connect.
When you have done so, and clicked on OK, the Catalog Selection window shows the
new catalog.
To update the list of detected catalogs, click on Refresh. When all the catalogs you
want to use have been selected, click on Next.
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
The following window is for the Installation Path. It defines what will be the home
directory of your Time Navigator Agent or Storage Node installation.The default path
is C:\Program Files\Atempo\tina. To select a different path, type it directly
in the field or browse to it with the "..." button to the right of the field. Click on
Once you have given all requested information, check the installation Summary
carefully. Click on Run to start the actual file copy, Previous to return to an earlier
window and make a correction, or Cancel to exit the program without installing.
Chapter 2
Installing and Configuring Time Navigator 27
To install VMS and NetWare agents, see Time Navigator Installation Guide. See
this guide also for information on how to deploy identical agent installations across a
network, and how to install only the Administration Interfaces, permitting remote
administration and use of Time Navigator on protected machines.
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
Configuring Libraries and Drives
Initial Configuration of Devices in Time Navigator
The scenario described in this section occurs only once and presupposes the following:
You have physically installed your backup network hosts and devices.
You have installed a Time Navigator 4.2 server on a host, or upgraded a host to
4.2 from an earlier version of Time Navigator.
You are launching Time Navigator Administration Console for the first time on
a given environment.
Time Navigator detects that there are not yet any devices declared in your system. The
Administration Assistant window appears for the purpose of guiding you through the various
declaration options that are open to you:
Devices are essential to the running of Time Navigator for backup and restore
operations. Three options are available to you for handling them:
Discover and declare physical devices: This option launches the Device Detection Wizard.
It presupposes that there are physical or virtual devices already present in your
Declare a Virtual Device for Backup to Disk (Atempo VLS): Atempo’s proprietary Virtual
Library System cannot be set up via the Device Detection Wizard or the Device
Configuration Manager. Selecting this option will launch a series of interfaces that
permit you to create and declare an Atempo VLS on your system.
Declare Devices Later: This option puts off the device declaration process and lets you
get on with something else. If you do not wish to set up your devices at this time,
you will be able to launch the other procedures from Time Navigator
Administration Console at a moment of your choice.
Chapter 2
Installing and Configuring Time Navigator 29
Device Detection Wizard
The Device Detection Wizard is a tool that scans selected hosts for the presence of connected
libraries and drives and discovers the parameters needed for them to be declared in
Time Navigator. It leads you step by step through configuring and declaring the devices
you want to use with your Time Navigator installation.
Device detection must not be launched if there are any Time Navigator jobs
running. Please check in Time Navigator Job Manager that this is not the
case and cancel any unterminated jobs.
Software Controlled Libraries (such as ACSLS) and devices connected to an
NDMP filer are not detected by this Wizard.
To run the Device Detection Wizard
In Time Navigator Administration Console, select the menu Devices -Device
Detection Wizard. Alternatively, if you wish to declare devices directly on a host,
right click the host icon and launch Device Discovery Wizard from the popup menu.
The first screen that appears contains Pre-requisite Conditions for device declaration.
If you do not take this information into account, your device declaration may fail.
Please read the Pre-requisites carefully and make sure that you meet all the
conditions, then click on Next.
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
If you did not launch the Wizard directly from a selected host, the next window that
appears is Host Selection. Select here the hosts on which you want to launch the
automatic detection and declaration procedures.
The window supports multiple selection. To select several contiguous hosts, hold
the Shift key down as you point and click the cursor. To select disjointed hosts,
hold the CTRL key down as you point and click the cursor. Click on Next when
your selection is complete.
The system may take a few minutes to detect all your devices. You will see a
progress bar while the process is running. Finally, the window below will appear.
Chapter 2
Installing and Configuring Time Navigator 31
This window lists all the physical and virtual drives and libraries detected on the
selected hosts in your system, with the parameters they need to be recognized by
Time Navigator. By default, all fully detected devices are selected To Declare. You
may remove a device from the selection by unchecking the box to the left of it.
Time Navigator creates a default name for each device based on its Serial ID and
Type. This is the name by which it will be known in the Time Navigator Catalog
and appear in the interfaces. To change this default name, highlight the device and
type a new name in the New Name box.
When the selection is as you wish, click on Next.
If the Wizard has all the information it needs to declare the devices, the window
below will now appear. If everything is as you want it, simply click on Finish.
The devices are detected and appear in Time Navigator Administration Console.
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
If the Wizard needs more information
Sometimes the Wizard cannot auto-detect all the information it needs to declare a device
automatically. In this case, you may see one or more of the following dialog boxes during
the procedure. These will enable you manually to supply the missing parameters.
If Time Navigator cannot find any devices on one or more of the hosts you
selected, the following window will appear.
Chapter 2
Installing and Configuring Time Navigator 33
If Time Navigator cannot recognize a device that it has detected, you will see the
symbol ??? in the Serial ID column. In this case, depending on what information
is missing, you will be guided through the necessary steps for the device to be
The window below appears if Time Navigator was unable to detect the Type of a
library. It allows you to select the Vendor and Model of the library manually. Once
you have checked the box to the left of the vendor and highlighted the model, click
on Next.
A similar window appears if Time Navigator was unable to detect the Type of a
drive. It allows you to select the Model of the drive manually. Once you have
checked the box to the left of the vendor and highlighted the model, click on Next.
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
The SAN Network Selection window (not shown) appears only when a SAN is
detected. The Wizard puts any device that should be in a SAN in a default SAN
labeled 01_. If this is your only SAN, you may change its name. If several SANs
are detected, then you must manually select which devices go on which SANs. You
may also create a new SAN in the SAN Network Selection window.
If the Wizard finds drives but cannot determine in which library they belong, the
following window appears:
The Wizard tries to judge the most likely configuration. If this is correct, just click
Chapter 2
Installing and Configuring Time Navigator 35
on Next. Otherwise, manually select the associated library in the pull-down list, or
define the drive as Standalone.
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
Configuring a Virtual Library System
A Virtual Library System is represented by a virtual library to which one or several
virtual VTL Disk Drives are associated. The library contains some virtual slots and a
virtual mailbox.
The Virtual Library System configuration consists of:
Creating a library associated with a host.
Specifying the number of VTL Disk Drives that you want to use.
Specifying the directory where the data is backed up.
Specifying the number and size of cartridge files.
Virtual Library System Configuration Files
The Virtual Library System configuration is stored in configuration files located in the
Vtl directory of the Time Navigator installation directory.
A backup of this directory is automatically triggered each time the Time Navigator
catalog is backed up. If the configuration files disappear, Time Navigator automatically
restores the backed up version of the Vtl directory. Once the restore performed, it is
recommended that you run a barcode reinitialization of the virtual library via the LibraryOperation-Reinitialization-Barcode menu.
If the Vtl directory is corrupted but that it still exists, you must delete it, so that it can
be automatically restored.
Only one backup version of the Vtl directory is kept. Only the last version
backed up can thus be restored.
Using the Atempo VLS Wizard
If you do not have any devices configured in your catalog when you open
Time Navigator Administration Console, the Administration Assistant allows you to
declare an Atempo VLS.
The Atempo VLS Wizard is only available if you do not have any libraries defined in
your catalog.
Chapter 2
Installing and Configuring Time Navigator 37
The wizard allows you to:
Create a two drives VLS.
Specify the directory where the data is backed up.
Specify the number and size of the cartridge files.
To configure an Atempo VLS using the Wizard
Open Time Navigator Administration Console. The Administration Assistant
window appears. Click on Declare a virtual device for backup to disk (Atempo
The Welcome window appears. Click on Next.
In the Directory Selection window, click on Next to accept the default installation
directory or enter a different directory. You can also click on Browse to select a
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
In the Size Selection Windows, click on Next to accept the default size and number
of cartridges or modify the values.
In the Name window, click on Next to accept the default name or enter a name for
the VLS.
Chapter 2
Installing and Configuring Time Navigator 39
Verify the information in the Summary Window and click on Finish.
If you have to configure a backup for any of your platforms, the Administrative
Assistant allows you to do so.
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
This chapter has allowed you to set up you backup network. You can now use it. To do
so, refer to:
Chapter 3, “Backing up”, page 41 to back up data.
Chapter 4, “Restoring”, page 51 to restore data.
Backing up
In this chapter, you will learn:
How to configure a platform for backup using the Backup Wizard
How to perform a backup
Backup Wizard
The Backup Wizard allows you to configure platforms for backup. A backup configuration
consists of the following elements:
A backup selection
A media pool
A scheduling
The wizard automatically assigns the backup configuration to the first available strategy for
the given platform. For instance, if you are configuring a backup on the platform
"myplatform" that has no strategy defined yet, the Wizard will use Strategy A. If
"myplatform" already has strategies A and B defined, then the wizard will create Strategy C.
Configuring a Backup with the Backup Wizard
When you open Time Navigator Administration Console, the Backup Wizard is
automatically launched by the Administration Assistant if it detects one or more platforms
in the catalog without a backup configuration. In addition, you can manually launch the
wizard at any time.
To configure a backup
In Time Navigator Administration Console, choose Backup-Backup Wizard if the
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
Wizard does not automatically open.
You can also right click on a platform and choose Backup Wizard.
The Welcome window appears.
Click on Next.
In the Platform Selection window, select the platform that needs to be configured for
If you launched the wizard by right-clicking on a platform, you can only
configure a backup for that platform. The Platform Selection screen does
not appear.
Chapter 3
Backing up
Click on Next.
If compatible platforms (same operating system for hosts, and same type
for applications) have already been configured for backup, the wizard gives
you the option to Configure a new backup or Back up with an existing
configuration. If you choose to use an existing configuration, the wizard lets
you select the platform whose configuration you want to use.
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
In the Backup Selection window, click on Add.
In the New Backup Selection window, enter the path of the folder containing the data
to back up, or click on Browse to select the path.
Click on OK then click on Next.
In the Media Pool window, choose wether you want to use the same or separate pools
for full and incremental backups. If you use the same pool, both backup types will
have the same retention period (i.e., the amount of time backed up data is kept before
the media is recycled) and will be backed up using the same device.
Chapter 3
Backing up
Click on Next.
If you already have media pools in your catalog, the wizard asks whether
you want to use an existing pool or create a new one. If you choose to use
an existing pool, the wizard asks you to select a pool from the list of
available pools.
In the Media Pool Parameters window, indicate the retention period and device to use
for the new pool.
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
Retention Period
If you do not want to limit the amount of time during which data is stored, select Do
not reuse media. Otherwise, choose the number of days, months or years during which
data will be stored. Once that time period expires, the media will be reused to store
new data.
Select the library you want to use to back up your data.
Click on Next.
In the Media Pool Name window, enter a name for the new pool.
Chapter 3
Backing up
Click on Next.
If you chose to use separate pools for full and incremental backups, you
need to define both a full pool and an incremental pool.
In the Full Schedule window, select one of the default schedule.
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
Typically, full backups are performed weekly while incremental backups are
performed daily.
Click on Next.
In the Incremental Schedule window, select one of the default schedule.
Chapter 3
Backing up
Click on Next.
In your catalog, if you have some platforms compatible with the one you
are configuring (same operating system for hosts, and same type for
applications), and that are not yet configured for backup, the wizard opens
the Platform Group window, to let you apply the current backup
configuration to these platforms.
In the Summary window, verify that all information is according to your
Click on Finish.
In Time Navigator Administration Console, the platform(s) you configured now
show the letter of the Strategy you just defined.
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
Performing a Backup
Time Navigator is now able to perform a backup. You can either wait for the next
scheduled backup to occur or manually trigger a backup. If the very first backup
scheduled is incremental, it will be equivalent to a full backup.
To manually trigger a backup
Right click on the letter of the strategy you want to use, for instance A, below the server
icon and select Full Session Now. This command is available for any defined strategy on any
This chapter has allowed you to configure an automatic backup.
☞ For further information concerning the backup configuration, see the Time Navigator
Administration Guide.
Data restore is the true goal of Time Navigator. Data is backed up to allow for a timely
restore in the event of loss or failure.
To familiarize users with the restore procedures and to demonstrate Time Navigator
restore capabilities, four scenarios are provided. To test the procedures presented below,
you should perform at least one backup and delete at least one file.
Restore is performed in three steps:
Use a Time Navigation method (moving to a past date, synchronizing on a backup
date, using a time navigation or the search tool) to select the files to restore. See
“Restore Examples”, page 53.
Define the Restore Parameters.
Refer to “Restore Settings”, page 59.
Restore the files.
Refer to “Restore Examples”, page 53.
File restore takes place in Time Navigator Restore & Archive Manager. It is
used to view the file system of a given platform either in the Present or in the
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
Opening Time Navigator Restore & Archive Manager
In Time Navigator Administration Console, right click on a platform icon and
select Time Navigator Restore & Archive Manager, or select the platform and
choose Platform-Time Navigator Restore & Archive Manager. The file system of
that platform is displayed in the present.
If you are opening the Time Navigator Restore & Archive Manager for a platform
other than the one you are logged on, you will be asked to provide the user name
and password to access the platform.
The directories that have a defined backup selection appear with a green ball in
front of the directory. In the diagram below for example, the defined backup
selection is c:\in_progress_documents.
Chapter 4
Restore Examples
The following diagram represents the various conditions under which you can restore a
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
Scenario 1: Restoring a previous version of a file based on a date
In this example, the file to restore still exists but you want to restore it as it was on
a given date.
Note There must be at least one hour between backup and restore because the
minimum interval of time required to visualize the past is one hour.
Open Time Navigator Restore & Archive Manager (see “Opening
Time Navigator Restore & Archive Manager”, page 52) on the platform
containing the file.
The file tree structure of your platform is displayed in the Present.
Expand the directory tree (double-click) until you locate the file to be restored.
Check the box in front of the file, and choose the date and time you want to go back
to in the Time Navigation area. Click on Past.
Note The file tree structure of your platform is now displayed in the Past, on the
date you specified.
While the file is still checked, choose Restore-Run.
Set the restore parameters as described in “Restore Settings”, page 59 and click
on OK.
The Restore Information window appears and you can view the restore progress and
corresponding events.
For more information about the Restore Information window, refer to
Time Navigator Restore Guide.
Chapter 4
Scenario 2: Restoring a previous version of a file based on previous backup
In this example, you need to restore a specific version of a file but are uncertain of
the modification date.
Open Time Navigator Restore & Archive Manager (see “Opening
Time Navigator Restore & Archive Manager”, page 52) on the platform
containing the file.
The file tree structure of your platform is displayed in the Present.
Expand the directory tree (double-click) until you locate the file to be restored.
Right click on the file and select Versions. The list of all existing versions of that file
is displayed.
Click on the version to be restored and click on Synchronize.
Note The file tree structure of your platform is now displayed in the Past, on the
date of the version you synchronized with.
Check the box in front of the file and choose Restore-Run.
Set the restore parameters as described in “Restore Settings”, page 59 and click
on OK.
The Restore Information window appears and you can view the restore progress and
corresponding events.
For more information about the Restore Information window, refer to Time Navigator
Restore Guide.
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
Scenario 3: Searching and restoring a file using a time navigation period
In this example, you need to restore a file that was deleted but the location and
approximate time of disappearance of the file is known.
Open Time Navigator Restore & Archive Manager (see “Opening Time Navigator Restore
& Archive Manager”, page 52) on the platform the missing file was located on.
The file tree structure of your platform is displayed in the Present.
Expand the directory tree (double-click) until the directory that used to contain the
file is open.
In the Time Navigation area, check the Show Deleted Files box. Define the time period
you want to cover. For example, if your file was deleted approximately 2 hours ago,
set a 3 hour time period. The icon of a deleted file appears striped.
Note The file tree structure of your platform is still displayed in the Present, but
it also includes any file that existed on your platform during the time
navigation period.
Check the box in front of the striped icon of the deleted file and choose Restore-Run.
Set the restore parameters as described in “Restore Settings”, page 59 and click
on OK.
The Restore Information window appears and you can view the restore progress and
corresponding events.
For more information about the Restore Information window, refer to
Time Navigator Restore Guide.
Chapter 4
Scenario 4: Searching and restoring a file using the search tool
In this example, you need to restore a file that has previously been backed up but
the exact location and/or exact name of the file is unknown. You need to use the
search tool to locate your file.
Note There must be at least one hour between backup and restore because the
minimum interval of time required to visualize the past is one hour.
Open Time Navigator Restore & Archive Manager (see “Opening
Time Navigator Restore & Archive Manager”, page 52) on the platform you are
logged on.
Choose Backup-Find.
In the Search Parameters window, define your search:
You can search on any platform present in the current catalog. Use the Add
and Remove buttons to establish a platform list.
Max number of lines
This is the number of items displayed in the Object Found list. It also
indicates the number of files searched. For example, if you specify 20, the
search stops after the 20th object found. You may have up to 999 items
Object Path
The object path, in the format POSIX, indicates the starting point for the
search. By default the path is / (slash), the root of the file tree. You can
specify a path, for example, /c/Documentation. All subdirectories are
included in the search.
Object Name
You can enter a search pattern in this field with the following special
any number of any character
any single character
[ab] either a or b
the character following the backslash is ignored
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
Time Frame
Specifies the time period covered by the search (Search over a period of). You
can also set a date to specify the search starting point.
For example, if you set the time period to 3 months and the date to t1,
Time Navigator searches for the missing file between t1 and t2. If the time
period is zero, Time Navigator only searches for the missing file on t1.
You can use the Page down and Page up keys to adjust the hours and the left
and right arrow keys to adjust the minutes.
Click on Search. The files are displayed in the lower part of the window.
Once you have identified the file to be restored, select it and click on Synchronize.
If the file is located on a platform other than the one you are logged on to, you are
asked to provide a user name and password for that platform.
Note The platform file tree structure is displayed in the Past, on the file date you
are synchronized with.
Check the box in front of the selected file, and choose Restore-Run.
Set the restore parameters as described in “Restore Settings”, page 59 and click
on OK.
The Restore Information window appears and you can view the restore progress and
corresponding events.
For more information about the Restore Information window, refer to
Time Navigator Restore Guide.
Chapter 4
Restore Settings
Whichever restore method you use, you must specify certain restore settings before
Time Navigator can perform a restore.
The menu Restore-Run calls the Restore window to screens. This is composed of two tabs,
Parameter tab
Behaviour tab
If you also have a license for Time Navigator Security & Compliance
Manager, there will be a third tab, Security.
Parameters Tab
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
Restore destination
By default, the restore is activated into a directory other than the original directory. Click
on the button on the left of the field to browse.
If you want to restore your objects in the original directory, check the corresponding box.
Restore level
The Restore object data and attributes option is selected by default. The attributes
concern the owner, group, reading/writing permission, ACL, etc.
The Restore object attributes only option makes it possible to restore only the attributes
(even those of the existing directories) assigned to an object such as the owner
name, the group name, the creation date, the ACL, etc. and not the actual data
contained in the files.
It is possible to limit this operation to directories only by checking the Restore
directory attributes only box.
Do not restore security attributes
This option allows not to restore the security attributes.
Restore all file versions
This option is used to restore all the versions of the files selected in the file tree. The
restored versions are renamed as follows:
v3filename, etc.
This kind of restore may require much disk space.
This provides information about the volume and the number of objects selected for restore.
The Update button updates the information when the Restore all file versions option is selected
Chapter 4
Behavior Tab
This area indicate the behavior Time Navigator will adopt when encountering conflicts
or errors.
If a file already exists
A series of radio-buttons (with a single choice) allows specifying the behavior to adopt in
case of conflict before starting a restore.
You can specify the following behaviors:
Replace the files that already exist in the destination directory (default behavior).
Rename Existing File. A suffix is added to the name of the file that is present on disk.
(ex: the file.doc file is renamed into file.doc_save1).
Rename Restored File. A suffix is added to the name of the restored file (ex: the
file.doc file is renamed into file.doc_rest1). The file already present on the
disk keeps its original name.
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
Note The Rename option is unavailable for platforms which do not allow you to
rename a file (for exemple, NetWare). For applications, all buttons are
dimmed since applications configuration defines the behavior to adopt.
Cancel the restore.
Do not restore the files involved.
Do not restore if the restored file is identical to the one which exists on the disk. The
file on the disk will be replaced if it is different.
Do not restore if existing file is more recent. The existing file will be replaced if it is older
than the restored file.
When replacing a file fails, Time Navigator renames it.
When renaming a file fails, Time Navigator ignores it.
The choice you make applies to the restore of ALL the files involved in a name
If an error occurs while restoring a file
A second series of radio-buttons allows you to specify the behavior to adopt when
Time Navigator encounters an error:
Skip and Continue with the restore job.
Cancel the restore job.
Ask user whether the restore should be stopped or not. The question is triggered for
each problematic file.
Replace after reboot enables to activate the restored file after the reboot only. The
toggle allows you to restore files locked by the operating system. It is most useful
in case of a Disaster Recovery to restore some dynamic libraries locked by the
It can be activated when either the Replace, Ignore if identical or Ignore if more recent
toggle is selected.
Selecting this last option will reboot the system.
If the requested cartridges are offline
A series of radio-buttons allows you to specify the behavior to adopt when some
cartridges needed for the restore are offline (outside the library):
Chapter 4
Issue Time Navigator Media Request Console for each missing cartridge. This is the default
Ignore files located on missing cartridges. Time Navigator skips the concerned files and
continues with the restore job.
Note Using this option can break hard links.
Cancel the restore job.
Note When using this option, the object structure is restored but not the actual
Display Offline Cartridge List in order to identify missing cartridges and put them online
to proceed with the restore job if needed.
If the Display Offline Cartridge List option is selected and one of the cartridges needed is
offline, the Cartridges Needed for Restore window appears.
It lists all the cartridges that Time Navigator needs to complete the restore job, along
with their associated barcodes, locations, and comments.
At this stage, you can either:
Put the requested cartridge online in the library and click on Refresh to make sure
that the new location of the cartridge has been taken into account by
Time Navigator. If so, you must click on Restore to continue with the restore job.
- or ■
Cancel the restore job, clicking on Cancel.
Note When you cancel a restore job, the object structure is restored but not the
actual data.
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
Restore Test
The Restore-Test menu allows you to simulate a restore operation in your production
environment. Two types of tests are available:
The standard test (Restore-Test-Standard menu) performs all restore operations, except
for the actual writing of data on disk.
The partial test (Restore-Test-Server Only menu) performs all restore operations, except
for the sending of data to the agent and the actual writing of data on disk. This test
requires less network resources.
Atempo recommends that you perform such testing on a regular basis in order to make
sure that a "real" restore operation will be successful, should an incident occurs.
As the restore test can put a strain on your resources, it is recommended
that you launch it when drive, CPU and network resources are not
To launch the restore test
Locate and check the objects you want to restore, using one of the scenarios.
For more information, see “Restore Examples”, page 53.
Choose Restore-Test-Standard to perform a standard test, or Restore-Test-Server Only to
choose the partial test.
The Restore Configuration is displayed.
Choose the restore settings.
For more information, see “Restore Settings”, page 59 for details on restore settings.
Click on OK to validate the operation.
the Restore Information window indicates the progression of the restore. The
message "Restore complete" is displayed when the restore operation is completed.
As data is not written on disk, the volume restored is always 0.
For more information, see “Restore Information”, page 65 for details.
Chapter 4
5. Click on OK and then on the Events tab to check possible errors.
If some errors occurred duing the job, make sure you solve them and launch the
restore test again.
Restore Information
The Restore Information window appears once the restore job is launched. It provides
information about:
The restore progress
All the events associated with the job.
Progress Tab
The Progress tab is divided into three areas:
It gives general information about the current restore job, that is the volume of data
restored and the name of the object being restored.
When the restore job only involves attributes, the progress bar only indicates
the number of restored attributes.
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
Data restore
It displays the number of restored files and directories and the number of errors that
occurred during the restore job.
Attribute restore
It displays the number of restored attributes and the number of errors that occurred during
the restore job.
Events Tab
The Events tab gives a list of all the events associated with the restore jobs.
☞ For more information about Time Navigator Events, refer to Chapter 7 in the
Time Navigator Administration Guide.
This chapter has allowed you to restore some files.
☞ To further explore restore capabilities, refer to the Time Navigator Restore Guide.
Time Navigator Documentation
This chapter presents the technical documentation of Time Navigator and its options.
Time Navigator Documentation
The documentation is available in PDF format on the CD-ROM that was delivered with
Time Navigator.
The PDF format requires the use of Adobe Acrobat Reader, located in the
Tools directory of the Time Navigator delivery CD-ROM. Acrobat Reader
can also be downloaded from the Adobe web site, at www.adobe.com.
Time Navigator Release Notes
The Time Navigator Release Notes contain information regarding the
specific version contents of Time Navigator, such as, new features, new
behaviors and performance improvements.
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide
The Time Navigator Getting Started Guide is an introductory guide to
familiarize users with Time Navigator. This guide contains information
concerning Time Navigator Server and Clients installation, backup
configuration, and restoration methods.
Time Navigator Bug Fixes and Known Issues
Describes the bug fixes and known issues for this version of
Time Navigator.
Reference Guides
68 Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
The Reference guides exist in Unix, Windows and Mac OS versions.
Time Navigator Installation Guide
The Time Navigator Installation Guide contains details about installing, upgrading,
uninstalling and configuring Time Navigator Server and the various Clients backed up
by Time Navigator.
Time Navigator Administration Guide
The Time Navigator Administration Guide introduces Time Navigator network
architecture and objects (catalog, platforms, robotized libraries, drives). It describes
backup configuration (backup strategies, backup classes, cartridge pools) via the
Time Navigator Administration Console as well as the tools used to monitor
Time Navigator activities.
Time Navigator Restore Guide
The Time Navigator Restore Guide presents the Time Navigator Restore & Archive
Manager, the file search feature, and the restore procedures.
Time Navigator On-line Connect Suite
The Time Navigator On-line Connect Suite Guides present the installation
and configuration of the product, as well as the backup and restore principles
for each application.
The On-line Connect Suite includes the following:
Time Navigator for Oracle
Time Navigator for Oracle on Network Appliance
Time Navigator for DB2
Time Navigator for Informix
Time Navigator for R/3
Time Navigator for MS-SQL Server
Time Navigator for MS-Exchange
Time Navigator for MS-SharePoint Portal Server
Time Navigator for Lotus Domino
Time Navigator for Sybase
Time Navigator Documentation
Time Navigator Options
Time Navigator Archiving Server
Presents Time Navigator solution for long-term storage of critical data. It describes
folder and archive management as well as archiving and restore procedures.
Time Navigator Disaster Recovery for Windows (Powered by WinPE)
Presents the installation and configuration of the Time Navigator Disaster Recovery for
Windows (Powered by WinPE). It includes the procedures for backing up and
recoverying Windows 2000 machines.
Time Navigator ASR for Windows 2003 and Windows XP
Allows users to back up and restore the system disk of a Windows 2003 server or a
Windows XP machine in order to minimize the downtime in case of a corrupt
configuration or a disk crash.
Time Navigator Library Sharing Manager
This option allows library and drive sharing between several Time Navigator catalogs.
The Time Navigator Library Sharing Manager guide presents the configuration and
utilization of this option.
Time Navigator for Cluster
This guide details Time Navigator installation and configuration on the clusters
supported by Atempo.
Time Navigator Agent for NetWare
Presents Time Navigator configuration to back up and restore the file system as well as
the NDS of NetWare client machine.
Time Navigator Agent for Windows
Describes Time Navigator installation and configuration on Windows 2000 systems, the
System State backup application configuration as well as the backup and restore principles
used by this System State Application.
70 Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
Time Navigator for NDMP
Provides the information to install and configure Time Navigator NDMP clients, and the
backup and restore principles used for Network Attached Storage (NAS) such as Network
Appliance, EMC² Celerra and Auspex NS3000 Filers.
Time Navigator Virtual Library Manager
Presents the interface allowing Time Navigator to interface with library drivers not using
SCSI commands.
Time Navigator Shell Scripting
Presents the Time Navigator Shell Scripting and contains the information required to
create Time Navigator scripts.
Time Navigator SnapBackup
Provides information to install, configure, and perform backups and restores according
to the snapshot technology used.
Time Navigator Replication
Provides information to configure and use the replication feature.
Time Navigator Security & Compliance Manager
Describes the installation, configuration and use of Time Navigator Security &
Compliance Manager as well as the principles used by this option.
Time Navigator for Vmware
Provides information to configure and use Time Navigator for Vmware.
Time Navigator for IBM iseries
Presents the Time Navigator for IBM iseries and contains the information required to
install, configure and use the option.
Time Navigator Web Interfaces
Provides informations to use the Time Navigator Web Interfaces to perform data
backups and restores.
Time Navigator Documentation
Special Options
The Special Options documentation is provided with the purchase of the
Time Navigator Development Toolkit Guide
Details the Time Navigator API programming principles and the various objects
contained in the API libraries provided by Time Navigator.
Atempo License Manager
Provides instructions on generating and downloading your license from our secured Web
site and installing Atempo License Manager.
Time Navigator Command Line Interface
Provides a list of the Time Navigator commands, allowing you to integrate
Time Navigator into existing procedures or into control applications of the system
Time Navigator Tunables
Provides a list and a brief description of the tunables, or environment variables used by
Time Navigator.
Time Navigator Drivers
Presents the installation and configuration of the drivers used by Time Navigator to
control various libraries and drives.
Time Navigator Troubleshooting Guide
Presents the steps to follow to troubleshoot Time Navigator problems.
Time Navigator Online Help
72 Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows
All the Time Navigator graphical interfaces now include a new context-sensitive online
help system available for:
Windows (HtmlHelp format),
Unix (HTML format). This format is compatible with the Netscape Navigator 4.0
browser, or any other compatible browser.
This online help system allows you to easily and quickly find the information you need:
From any dialog box within the application, click on Help to access context-sensitive
information describing the parameters of the dialog box.
From any graphical interface, choose Help - Help Topics to get the online help for this
interface. You can also search for information through the Contents tab, the Index tab
or the Search tab that offers a powerful full-text search.
Agents 7
Applications 1, 13
multi-domain backup 8
Archiving 1, 66
Attribute restore 60
viewing errors 66
manual triggering 50
Backup Wizard 41
Behavior, tab 61
bringing online when restoring
Catalog 7
default RAM 17
default size 17
selection for connection with
agent, Windows 24
devices 28
libraries 28
Virtual Library System 36
automatic declaring 28
automatic discovering 28
configuring 28
Device Detection Wizard 29
Drive 7, 12
automatic declaring 28
automatic discovering 28
Device Detection Wizard 29
Features 9
Firewall 23
Information on restore, area 60
Custom 17
default parameters 17
default path for Windows 26
default path in Windows 20
Types, Typical and Custom
17, 23
Typical 17, 23
Libraries 7, 12
automatic declaring 28
automatic discovering 28
Device Detection Wizard 29
License Agreement 18
Manual Backup 50
Media 7
Multi-domain Backup 8
restore using 54
default name 17
Default Parameters 23
default path 17
Name conflict 61
NAS (Network Attached Storage) 8
Off-line cartridge, restore 62
Port numbers 17, 25
Previous backup
restoring 55
Privileged User 23
attributes 60
behavior 61
destination 60
diagram 53
examples 53
information 60
name conflict 61
parameters 59
Restore files located on an off-line
cartridge 62
Restore test 64
Restore-Test, menu 64
by date 54
by previous backup 55
using search tool 57
using time navigation period
SAN (Storage Area Network) 8
Server 7
Service 7
restore 64
Time Navigator
applications 23
components 23
Virtual Library System
configuring 36
Time Navigator Getting Started Guide for Microsoft Windows