HIPE Portal “How to” Document
HIPE Portal “How to” Document
HIPE Portal “How to” Document Date Version Status HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI August 2011 2.0 Final Page 1 of 43 Aug 2011 How to LOGIN to the HIPE Portal ........................................................................................... 3 How to ADD a case. .................................................................................................................. 4 How to EDIT/UPDATE an existing case. ................................................................................. 5 How to View a Case. ................................................................................................................. 6 How to RESET/Browse a previously exported case. ................................................................ 8 How to DELETE a case. ........................................................................................................... 9 How to do a DOWNLOAD ..................................................................................................... 10 How to Batch Code a case. ...................................................................................................... 13 How to ADD a Coder/User ..................................................................................................... 17 How to EDIT a Coder/User ..................................................................................................... 21 How to Add or Remove a Portal Module for a Coder/User .................................................... 23 How to DELETE a Coder/User ............................................................................................... 25 How to ADD a Ward. .............................................................................................................. 27 How to EDIT a Ward .............................................................................................................. 29 How to DELETE a Ward. ....................................................................................................... 31 How to ADD a Consultant. ..................................................................................................... 33 How to EDIT a Consultant. ..................................................................................................... 35 How to DELETE a Consultant. ............................................................................................... 37 How to Clear Locks on Cases. ................................................................................................ 39 How to Create an Export ......................................................................................................... 40 How to re-Create an Export..................................................................................................... 42 HIPE Portal How To manual © Copyright HIPE & NPRS Unit, Health Research and Information Division, ESRI. 2011 Produced by the HIPE & NPRS Unit, ESRI, Dublin, Ireland. This work is copyright. It may be reproduced in part for study and training purposes within the HIPE system in Ireland subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgement of the source and no commercial usage or resale. Reproduction for other purposes than those stated above requires the written permission of the HIPE & NPRS Unit, ESRI. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 2 of 43 Aug 2011 HIPE Portal is accessed via Internet Explorer or your preferred web browser. 1. To access the Login screen shown below, enter the HIPE Portal website address into the browser address bar A . A link to HIPE Portal web server can be stored in favourites B . 2. Enter a username Login button E . C and corresponding password D and click the A B C D E 3. After entering a valid username and password the main HIPE Portal screen is displayed. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 3 of 43 Aug 2011 1. In the HIPE Portal, click on the Data Entry module. This will display the Data Entry screen as shown below. E A B C D 2. Type in a valid Medical Record Number (MRN) into the Medical Record Number box A . 3. Click on the New Case button Information screen. B to display the Patient Discharge 4. Enter the case details and click on the Store button to validate and store the information. 5. To exit from this screen click on Portal at the top of the screen. Note that recently used cases will appear at C . If cases are returned from the ESRI using the anonymous format click on D to enter this format. By default, the system will only return cases listed for this year and the previous year. Untick search this year and last year only E to see other cases. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 4 of 43 Aug 2011 1. In the HIPE Portal, click on the Data Entry module. 2. Type in a valid Medical Record Number (MRN) for a case stored on the HIPE Portal into the Medical Record Number box. 3. All available cases for that MRN are displayed in the grid below the Medical Record Number box. This is shown below. A 4. Choose the case you wish to update in the grid and click on the discharge date of the case A . This will display the Patient Discharge Information screen. 5. Enter the case details and click on the Store button to validate and store the information. 6. To exit from this screen click on Portal at the top of the screen. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 5 of 43 Aug 2011 1. In the HIPE Portal, click on the Data Entry module. 2. Type in a valid Medical Record Number (MRN) for a case stored on the HIPE Portal into the Medical Record Number box. 3. All available cases for that MRN are displayed in the grid below the Medical Record Number box. This is shown below. A 4. Choose the case you wish to view in the grid and click view display the view options screen A. This will B 5. Choose any additional parts to view in the view case options view screen is then shown. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 6 of 43 B. The Aug 2011 C 6. To close the view screen click on Close HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI C. Page 7 of 43 Aug 2011 ! " # $ % & # ' 1. In the HIPE Portal, click on the Data Entry module. 2. Type in a valid Medical Record Number (MRN) for a case stored on the HIPE Portal into the Medical Record Number box. 3. All available cases for that MRN are displayed in the grid below the Medical Record Number box. 4. Choose the required exported case you wish to reset in the grid and click on the discharge date of the case. This will display the option screen below if the case is exported. A B 5. Click on Click here to reset and edit the case chosen case. A to reset and edit the 6. Click on Click here to view this case (Read Only) B browse the chosen case. This opens the case in read only mode meaning that the details cannot be changed. 7. To exit from this screen click on Portal at the top of the screen. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 8 of 43 Aug 2011 1. In the HIPE Portal Data Entry module, type in a valid Medical Record Number (MRN) for a stored case into the Medical Record Number box. 2. All available cases for that MRN are displayed in the grid below the Medical Record Number box. This is shown below. A 3. Choose the case you wish to delete in the grid and click on Delete This will display a confirmation screen shown below. B D A. C E 4. Enter the four digit confirmation code (found at B ) in the box C and click on the Confirm button D to confirm deletion of the selected case. Click on the Cancel button to cancel the deletion E . HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 9 of 43 Aug 2011 ' ( 1. In the Hipe Portal, click on the Download. This will display the Download screen shown below. A B C 2. Step 1 of the Download • • • Enter the location for the HIPE transfer file A . Alternatively you can click on the Browse button B to locate the HIPE transfer file. To import the transfer file click on the Import Transfer File button HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 10 of 43 C. Aug 2011 3. The Download screen is updated as shown in below. E D 4. The details of the download file is shown D . To download the cases (i.e. import them into the HIPE Portal Databases) click on the Download Cases button E . When this is complete the screen will display an updated download screen with details of the cases that were accepted and rejected as shown below. F G H J I 5. The Download screen gives details of the number of case that were accepted and rejected F . The number of records indicates the number of records found on the file. The number of cases indicates the number of cases found in the records. The number of records will not equal the number of cases if there if there are additional ward transfer records in the file. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 11 of 43 Aug 2011 6. To display a list of the cases that were successfully imported into the HIPE Portal, click on the Total Number of Accepted cases link G . 7. To display a list of cases that were rejected, click on the Total Number of Rejected cases link H . In this example the Total Number of Rejected cases link has been clicked and the rejected cases are listed in the Results Details section I . 8. Use the Hide Overlaps button J to hide the overlap (where two cases overlap) results in the rejection list. 9. To exit from this screen click on Portal at the top of the screen. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 12 of 43 Aug 2011 " ' 1. Click on Batch Coder on the main portal screen. 2. The first screen on the batch coder is used to identify the base case (i.e. the initial case used for batch coding). Enter the MRN A and Discharge Date B of the base case for batch coding A B D C 3. To view information on existing cases, click on the Search button 4. Click on Check Base Case button D C. to check that the case is correct. 5. The next step is to identify the dates for batch coding. There are a number of options for this. These are as follows a. Search for downloaded cases E . b. Add Additional Date(s) F . c. Create a recurrence pattern G . More information on these options are below. Click on Start Again restart the batch coding HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI E F G H Page 13 of 43 G to Aug 2011 The first option is to look for downloaded cases by clicking on the Search Matching Downloaded Cases button I . To skip the instructions and directly search for downloaded cases, tick Skip these instructions next time J . I J The next option is to choose cases based on the recurrence pattern. A recurrence pattern can be a weekly pattern or a pattern where the patient returns after a set number of days. Enter the date range of the recurrence pattern K . Choose one of the recurrent patterns from the list L . Add the pattern using the Add Recurrence Pattern button M . K L M HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 14 of 43 Aug 2011 The last option is to choose directly choose the dates using the calendar. Use this option to add dates individual or to add additional dates having using the download of the recurrence pattern. Choose the dates from the calendar N . N 6. Once the dates are selected all the cases are shown O . These cases need to be tested to ensure that there are no overlapping cases and this is done using the Test Cases button P . Note that it is possible to remove cases using the Remove button. Cases are marked as Case ready for Batch Coding if they are okay to batch code the case. P Q O 7. Click on Start Batch Coder HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Q to start the batch coder. Page 15 of 43 Aug 2011 8. The results of the batch coding are shown R . Click on Report Print View S to show a report on the batch coding. Click on Batch Code Another Case T to batch code another case. T S R 9. To exit from this screen click on Portal at the top of the screen. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 16 of 43 Aug 2011 ' 1. In the Hipe Portal, click on the Portal Config. This will display the Portal Config screen. A 2. Click on the Configure Users button screen. A. This will display the User B 3. Click on the New User button B . 4. This will display the New/Edit screen as seen below. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 17 of 43 Aug 2011 C D E F H G 5. Type the new users’ full name into the Full Name text box C. 6. Type the new users’ email address into the Email text box D. 7. Choose if the new user is a manager from the Manager drop down list E. 8. To add the new user, click on the Add New User button F . 9. Once a user has been added the following message is displayed: “User has been added successfully. Please select modules for this user from the list below” G will be displayed underneath the Add New User button. 10. The Change links are now activated H .These hyperlinks are used to allow access to the different modules in the HIPE Portal. 11. Click on one the Change links Access screen. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI H and this will display the Change Mode Page 18 of 43 Aug 2011 J I K L 12. Type in the coder initial in the Coder Initial text box I .Choose if the user is a senior coder from the Senior Coder drop down list J . 13. Choose if the user can view case history in the Can View Case History? Drop down list K . 14. Choose if the user has access to this module by selecting Yes or No to Enable Access to this module option L . 15. To finally add the user to the module, click on the Add User Details button. 16. To give the user access to another module in the Portal, click on the Return to Edit User button. 17. Once you have selected all the modules that you want the user to have access to, click on the Portal link at the top of screen. The user needs to click on Logout. This will display the Login screen as shown below. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 19 of 43 Aug 2011 18. To log into the HIPE Portal as the new user, type in the new user name in the Username text box. Type in the same username in the Password text box. This is the default password for all new users. 19. Click on the Login button. This will display the Change Password screen as all new users must change their password. Enter the new password bearing in mind the security arrangements for the password. Once complete Click on OK and the user must login again with the new password. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 20 of 43 Aug 2011 ' 1. In the Hipe Portal, click on the Portal Config. This will display the Portal Config screen. A 1. Click on the Configure Users button screen. A. This will display the User B 2. Click on the Edit link below. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI B. This will display the New/Edit screen as shown Page 21 of 43 Aug 2011 C D E F G H 3. The name and email address can be changed at 4. To save the changes, choose Save Changes 5. To delete the user, choose Delete User E C. D. . 6. To change the password click on the Change Password button F . 7. To reset the password to the default password choose Reset Password to Username G . 8. Click on the Change hyperlinks from No to Yes. H and this will change Has Access 9. To exit from this screen click on Portal at the top of the screen. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 22 of 43 Aug 2011 '' ) $ * '% + ' 1. In the Hipe Portal, click on the Portal Config. This will display the Portal Config screen. A 2. Click on the Configure Users button screen. A. This will display the User B 3. Click on the Edit link below. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI B. This will display the New/Edit screen as shown Page 23 of 43 Aug 2011 C The list of available modules available to the user is shown. If the user has access to the module, it indicates this with a value of “Yes” in the Has Access column. 4. To add access to a module click on Change Has Access column from “No” to “Yes”. C. This will change the 5. To remove access to a module click on Change Has Access column from “Yes” to “No”. C. This will change the 6. To exit from this screen click on Portal at the top of the screen. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 24 of 43 Aug 2011 ' 1. In the Hipe Portal, click on the Portal Config. This will display the Portal Config screen. A 2. Click on the Configure Users button screen. A. This will display the User B 3. Click on the Edit link below. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI B. This will display the New/Edit screen as shown Page 25 of 43 Aug 2011 C 4. Click on Delete User B to delete the user 5. To exit from this screen click on Portal at the top of the screen. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 26 of 43 Aug 2011 ( ' 1. In the HIPE Portal, click on the Hospital Config module. The following screen will be shown. A 2. Click on Configure Wards A to show the current list of wards. B 3. To add a new ward click on the New Ward button screen will be shown. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 27 of 43 B . The following Aug 2011 C D E F 4. Enter all the required information into this dialog D. 5. Contact the HIPE unit with the code number on the screen at HIPE unit will give you a code to enter at F . 6. Click on the Add New Ward button E C. The to store the ward information. 7. To exit from this screen click on Portal at the top of the screen. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 28 of 43 Aug 2011 ( ' 1. In the HIPE Portal, click on the Hospital Config module. The following screen will be shown. A 2. Click on Configure Wards A to show the current list of wards. B 3. To Edit a ward click on the Edit link shown. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI B . The following screen will be Page 29 of 43 Aug 2011 D E 4. Enter all the required information into this dialog 5. Click on the Save Changes button E B. to store the ward information. 6. To exit from this screen click on Portal at the top of the screen. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 30 of 43 Aug 2011 ( ' 1. In the HIPE Portal, click on the Hospital Config module. The following screen will be shown. A 2. Click on Configure Wards A to show the current list of wards. B 3. To Edit a ward click on the Edit link shown. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI B . The following screen will be Page 31 of 43 Aug 2011 D E 4. Enter all the required information into this dialog 5. Click on the Delete Ward button E B. to delete the ward information. 6. To exit from this screen click on Portal at the top of the screen. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 32 of 43 Aug 2011 % 1. In the HIPE Portal, click on the Hospital Config module. The following screen will be shown. A 2. Click on Configure Consultants Consultants. A to show the current list of B 3. To add a new ward click on the New Consultant button following screen will be shown. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 33 of 43 B . The Aug 2011 C D 4. Enter all the required information into this dialog 5. Click on the Add New Consultant button consultant to the list of consultants. D. C. This will add a new 6. To exit from this screen click on Portal at the top of the screen. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 34 of 43 Aug 2011 % 1. In the HIPE Portal, click on the Hospital Config module. The following screen will be shown. A 2. Click on Configure Consultants Consultants. A to show the current list of B 3. Choose the consultant from the list and click on Edit the screen below. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 35 of 43 B . This will display Aug 2011 C D 4. Update the required information into this dialog 5. Click on the Save Changes button the list of consultants. D. C. This will add a new consultant to 6. To exit from this screen click on Portal at the top of the screen. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 36 of 43 Aug 2011 % 1. In the HIPE Portal, click on the Hospital Config module. The following screen will be shown. A 2. Click on Configure Consultants Consultants. A to show the current list of B 3. Choose the consultant from the list and click on Edit the screen below. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 37 of 43 B . This will display Aug 2011 C 4. Click on the Delete Consultant button C . This will remove the consultant from the list of consultants. 5. To exit from this screen click on Portal at the top of the screen. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 38 of 43 Aug 2011 , 1. In the HIPE Portal, click on the Hospital Config module. The following screen will be shown. A 2. Click on Release Locks HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI A to show the current list of Consultants. Page 39 of 43 Aug 2011 # 1. In the HIPE Portal, click on the Export. This will display the export screen shown below. A B 2. To choose the years to export, tick on each of the years 3. To start the export click on Export Selected Years HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 40 of 43 A. B. Aug 2011 4. Once the export is complete the following screen is shown D C E F 5. The results of the export can be seen as C. 6. The next step in the export process is to save the export on the local computer. It is recommended that the export is stored on the desktop. Click on the Save Export File To Desktop button to store the export D . 7. The final step is to send the export. Click on the Send Export using HIPE Website button E to upload the export to the HIPE website. To send the export via email click on the Send Export Using Email button F. 8. To exit from this screen click on Portal at the top of the screen. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 41 of 43 Aug 2011 - # 1. In the HIPE Portal, click on the Export. This will display the export screen shown below. A 2. To re-create an export click on the Re-create Export button of previous exports are shown A. The list B 3. Choose the export by clicking on the Recreate button export. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 42 of 43 B beside the Aug 2011 4. Once the export is complete the following screen is shown D C E F 5. The results of the export can be seen as C. 6. The next step in the export process is to save the export on the local computer. It is recommended that the export is stored on the desktop. Click on the Save Export File To Desktop button to store the export D . 7. The final step is to send the export. Click on the Send Export using HIPE Website button E to upload the export to the HIPE website. To send the export via email click on the Send Export Using Email button F. 8. To exit from this screen click on Portal at the top of the screen. HIPE Portal HOWTO Document HRID, ESRI Page 43 of 43 Aug 2011
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