CATHOLIC CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION 360 BRAY STATION ROAD • COLLIERVILLE, TN 38017 FEBRUARY 8, 2015 Office: (901) 853-7468 Fax: (901) 854-0536 AFTER HOURS EMERGENCY ONLY (901) 861-0842 REV.ERNIE DEBLASIO, PASTOR REV. KRZYSZTOF PELCZAR, ASSOCIATE PASTOR MILES MERWIN, AND ROBERT WALKER, DEACONS MR. STEVE SIGNAIGO, PARISH ADMINISTRATOR INCARNATION MISSION STATEMENT “To bring Christ, The Eucharist, and the Sacraments to every parishioner so that they may become Disciples to the Collierville community” BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS: - Are due to the Parish Office no later than 12:00 PM Wednesday, one week prior to publication. Please submit all announcements digitally in writing. Inserts are due at the same time. MASS SCHEDULE: Sunday Vigil:…… 5:00 PM Saturday, Main Sanctuary Sundays: ……….. 8:00AM, 10:30AM, 12:15 PM - Main Sanctuary Weekdays: ………8:15 AM, Mon. - Sat. - St. Therese of Lisieux Chapel NURSERY AVAILABLE: Sat., 5:00 PM Mass and Sun., 10:30 AM Mass. PARISH OFFICE: Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM INCARNATION CATHOLIC SCHOOL: 4K - 8 (901) 853-7804; Michael Zientek, Principal Monday - Friday; 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: (901) 853-0135; Mrs. Lea Weaver, Director of Religious Education (901) 850-2690; Mrs. Rebecca Talarico, Director of Youth Ministry Monday - Friday; 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 PM or by appointment BAPTISMS: Baptismal Preparation Class required for parents. Call Parish Office to arrange a date and time for baptism and for the date and time of the next Baptismal Class. WEDDINGS: Pre-Cana required. Contact Parish Office four to six months prior to planned date. FUNERALS: Arranged to the convenience of the family. PRESCHOOL: (901) 861-5414; Mrs. Connie Harlow, Director Monday through Friday, 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM NEW PARISHIONERS: Registration forms are available in both narthexes. Please fill out and drop in the collection basket. Welcome! MASS SCHEDULE SAT. SUN. MON. 2/7 8:15 AM 2/8 2/9 5:00 PM THE AIELLO FAMILY C. PATTERSON 8:00 AM THOMAS JACK, SR. CRS 10:30 AM PARISHIONERS OF INCARNATION 12:15 PM MIKE MEYER CRS 8:15 AM NGUYEN - HUYNK FAMILY N. NGAN WED. 2/11 Our Lady of Lourdes 8:15 AM CHUCK & BARBARA CONNORS D. CONNORS & P. FOLEY THURS. 2/12 8:15 AM AMELIA VRSKA R. VRSKA FRIDAY 2/13 8:15 AM ED & FALIPA TURK E.J. TURK, JR. SAT. 2/14 8:15 AM St. Cyril, Monk and Methodius, Bishop 5:00 PM 2/15 [The LORD] tells the number of the stars and calls them by name. Psalm 147:4 ALL SOULS IN PURGATORY M. NGAN TUES. 2/10 8:15 AM St. Scholastica, Virgin SUN FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 8, 2015 POOR SOULS IN PURGATORY C. PATTERSON 8:00 AM PARISHIONERS OF INCARNATION 10:30 AM INT. OF DAVID & LIZ RECH S. SHORTER 12:15 PM PRAYERS NEEDED PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR PARISHIONERS WHO ARE IN THE HOSPITAL, NURSING HOME OR RECUPERATING AT HOME: Florence Bendt, Juan Blanco, Richard Bork, Terri Burton, Evelyn Capitelli, Deanna Caswell, Allene & Wayne Duncan, Beverlee Feder, Audrey Ficke, Will Gagne, Gabe Hildenstein, Johnny Jones, Diana Keeven, Jennifer Kim, Betty Kimbrough, Bettye & Louis Lucchesi, Pete, Ida, & Ricky Maestri, Henry McCreary, Janet Margle, Alma Maxted, Charles Mitchell, Arthur Moore, Mary Moreno, George Newhart, Richard Nottage, Irene Patrone, Joe Perdzock, Dick & Jane Quesnel, Amelia Quinn, Viola Rosetti, Clement Santi, Cynthia & Ron Scharf, Joyce Schoenberger, Joan Self, Ellie Seng, Kay Sentovitch, Tommy Shepherd, Dorothy Sitton, Jake Speltz, Jean Straub, Susan Triolo, Connie Umstad, Alice Wallace, Candise Warren, Mary Weigel, and Nellie Yarborough. THIS WEEK AT INCARNATION SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 AFTER ALL MASSES - BLD PRESSURE/BLD SUGAR CHKS - MEETING RM 9:00 - 10:15 AM - SCRIPTURE STUDY - ICS LIBRARY 9:00 - 11:30 AM - PRE - EB 101 - 207, HFLC, ST. THERESE CHAPEL. 1:00 - 7:00 PM - YOUTH BASKETBALL - GYM 1:30 - 2:30 PM - QUARTERLY MTG OF HEALTH MINISTRY - MTG RM 2:00 - 4:00 PM - SQUIRES CIRCLE MTG - FH, KITCHEN 4:00 - 8:00 PM - BLUE & GOLD BANQUET - GYM, KITCHEN 5:00 - 9:00 PM - K C BUSINESS MTG & SOC HR - FH, KITCHEN 6:30 - 7:00 PM - K C ROSARY - SANCTUARY MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9 9:30 - 11:00 AM - 33 DAYS MORNING - FH, LIBRARY 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM - ANGEL QUILTERS - MH #1, KIT. 6:00 - 8:00 PM - YOUTH BASKETBALL - GYM 6:00 - 8:30 PM - SPANISH SCRIPTURE STUDY - MH #2 7:00 - 8:30 PM - LOTW TEAM MTG - MEETING RM 7:00 - 8:30 PM - BOY SCOUT TRP #331 - FH, HFLC #7,13 7:00 - 9:00 PM - CHOIR SPECIAL REHEARSALS - CHOIR RM 7:00 - 8:30 PM - SCRIPTURE STUDY - MH, KITCHEN 8:00 - 9:00 PM - MEN’S BASKETBALL - GYM TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10 10:15 - 11:45 AM - SCRIPTURE. STUDY - FH#4, FH, LIB, MTG RM 3:00 - 4:00 PM - ICS CHOIR REHEARSAL - CH RM 6:00 - 9:00 PM - YOUTH BASKETBALL - GYM 6:00 - 7:00 PM - HANDBELL CHOIR REH. - CH RM 6:00 - 7:00 PM - STEWARDSHIP COMMISSION MTG - LIBRARY 6:30 - 7:00 PM - ROSARY FOR HEALING - CHAPEL 6:30 - 8:00 PM - ONE THING IS THREE - MEETING RM 6:30 - 8:00 PM - 33 DAYS MORNING GLORY - EB, WORKROOM 1 7:00 - 8:00 PM - MEN’S CHORUS REHEARSAL - CH RM 7:00 - 8:30 PM - ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE - MH, KIT 8:00 - 9:00 PM - CONTEMPORARY CHOIR REH. - CH RM. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 9:00 - 10:00 AM - WED MORNING PRAYER GRP - CHAPEL 9:00 - 10:30 AM - BS HOME SCHOOL CLASS - MH #2 9:30 - 11:00 AM - CONSOLING HEART OF JESUS - FH, LIBRARY 5:00 - 6:00 PM - CHILDREN’S CHOIR REHEARSAL - CHOIR RM 6:00 - 7:15 PM - PRE - EB 101 - 207, HFLC, ST. THERESE CHAPEL 6:00 - 7:15 PM - RCIC - EB 101 - 207, HFLC, ST. THERESE CHAPEL 6:00 - 7:00 PM - TEEN CHOIR REHEARSAL - CHOIR RM 6:30 - 8:30 PM - H & S GENERAL MTG - IC LIBRARY 6:30 - 9:00 PM - SMALL CHURCH GRP SHINE - MTG. RM 7:00 - 9:00 PM - INCARNATION TEENS ENCOUNTER - GYM 7:00 - 8:00 PM - LADIES CHOIR REHEARSAL - CHOIR RM 7:00 - 9:00 PM - MUSIC REHEARSAL - CHOIR RM 7:00 - 8:30 PM - SCRIPTURE STUDY - MH, KITCHEN THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12 1:00 - 2:00 PM - CORPORATE SPONSOR SPRING FESTIVAL - CONF RM 6:00 - 9:00 PM - YOUTH BASKETBALL - GYM 6:00 - 9:00 PM - RCIA - MH, KIT FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13 6:45 - 7:45 AM - FISHERS OF MEN - MH, KITCHEN 7:30 - 8:00 AM - MUFFINS WITH MOM - GYM 8:00 - 10:00 AM - H & S BOARD MTG - ICS LIBRARY 6:00 - 9:00 PM - YOUTH BASKETBALL - GYM SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14 7:00 - 8:30 AM - MEN’S CURSILLO - MH, KITCHEN 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM - YOUTH BASKETBALL GAMES - GYM 9:00 - 3:00 PM - RCIA RETREAT - SANC, MH, KIT. 4:00 - 12:00 AM - KC VALENTINE DANCE - GYM, KITCHEN 6:00 - 9:00 PM - CRS DINNER MEETING - FH, KITCHEN FOSTERING STEWARDSHIP AS A WAY OF LIFE MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES LAY MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR FEBRUARY 14 & 15, 2015 MINISTRY CONTACTS Altar Server ....................................... Dec. Bob Walker ...... 229-1218 Altar Society ........................................ Mary Lou Reed...... 854-5539 Angel Knitters ................................... Audrey Bradham ...... 853-9825 Angel Quilters............................................ Susan Brack ...... 853-2125 Athletics ......................................................... Ted Bacon ...... 850-9242 Boy Scouts .................................... Juan Carlos Altuzar ...... 674-6214 Breast Cancer Support .................... Cecilia Melancon ...... 854-4985 Career Support.............................................. Bob Reilly ...... 378-1818 Children of Mary .................................... Debbie Reilly ...... 355-5674 Choirs ................................................................................ ....................... Church Nursery ............................... Kimberly McNutt ...... 850-1277 Coffee Bar Ministry .............................. Cheryl Carroll ...... 262-0625 Columbian Squires ................................ Michael Pratt...... 854-0004 Cub Scouts ................................................ Cathy Martin ...... 497-0108 ESL ............................................. Mike & Jane Carrasco ...... 861-1050 E.O. Min. of Holy Com .................... Dec. Bob Walker ...... 754-7110 Fishers of Men ....................................... Peter Daunais ...... 861-7349 Food Pantry.............................................. Parish Office ...... 853-7468 Grief Ministry ..................................... Betty Llewellyn .... 854-2739 Mary Beth Trouy…..853-1819 Betty Wallin…..861-1755 Handbell Choir ................................................................ ....................... Health Ministry ................................ Missy Feyerherm ...... 485-5122 Helping Hands ...................................... Linda Huffman ...... 850-7374 Hospitality Commission ............................ Elena Ross ...... 850-9677 Hospitality Ministers ............................. Deb Connors ...... 461-3117 Cathi Mueller ...... 221-8326 Incarnation Girl Scouts ....................... Maggie Myers ...... 861-2285 ICS Home & School Mia Leoni…..361-1767 Michelle Mundy…...850-1504 In Mary’s Arms ................................ Kimberly McNutt ...... 850-1277 Knights of Columbus ............................Charles Kempf ...... 581-0012 Ladies Cursillo .......................................... Noreen Ford ...... 853-3501 Lectors........................................................ Kevin Baioni ...... 854-0527 Liturgical Commission ................................................... ....................... Men’s Cursillo ....................................... Steve Signaigo ...... 598-7739 Ministry to the Sick ............................... Vicky Goodin ...... 853-9107 Betty Wallin ...... 486-4337 Moms & Tots ................................... Kimberly McNutt ...... 850-1277 Parish Religious Education.................... Lea Weaver ....... 853-0135 Perpetual Adoration ................................... John Leoni ...... 861-7189 Prison Ministry...................................... George Boggs ...... 262-7818 Project Outreach .................................... Delana Lynch ...... 861-6358 Respect Life............................................... Traci Porzel ...... 500-7524 Rosary for Healing ..................... Butch & Kathy Ryan ...... 854-6609 Sacristans Joannie Thayer 402-301-5300 Spanish Scripture Study ......................... Babetta Gray...... 848-0514 Scripture Study ................................ Barbara Cornwell ...... 853-6241 Senior Citizens (CRS) ........................Barbara Meehan ...... 853-7475 Small Faith Community ........................Marsha Keller...... 850-0654 Social Ministry.................................. Cecilia Melancon ...... 850-7374 Stewardship Commission..................... Charles Sevier ...... 850-5089 Teen Choir........................................................................ ....................... Traveling Virgin of Fatima ......................Lois Crosby ...... 221-8679 Ushers ..................................................... Scott Rozanski ...... 854-9500 Wed. Morn. Prayer Group ............ Mary Lee Morton ...... 853-6908 Youth (BASIC & Teens) Ministry.Rebecca Talarico ...... 850-2696 SAVE THE DATE: ICS Trivia Night - Feb. 28, 6:00 11:00 PM. Questions begin at 6:30 PM. Bring your own food, drinks and table decorations. There will be door prizes, best decorated table prize and a prize for the table that answers the most questions correctly. Form your own group or we can assign you to a team. Each table can have up to 6 players. Tables are $75, single tickets for $15, or couples for $25. All proceeds benefit ICS. Contact Amber Vandersommen at . MINISTRY TO THE SICK: P. & C. LONG, B. & M.B. TROUY, B. O’NEILL, L. HANDWERKER ALTAR SERVERS: SATURDAY 5:00 PM A. PEPPER, D. MURNANE, A. HALLEY SUNDAY 8:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:15 PM K. & D. STRENK, M. BERSOZA J. & J. DAWSON, K. NOONAN C. GOMEZ, D. BOND 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:15 PM R. TROUY, B. BRAY J. GIESINGER, J. WINTERROWD G. GRACZYK, K. BAIONI VOLUNTEER SATURDAY 5:00 PM H. BRAUNINGER, R. RUSSELL, T. MARTIN SUNDAY 8:00 AM M. FLETCHER, R. MARZELLA, M. LYNCH 10:30 AM D. LEMMON, M. LINDSEY, T. MAROTTA, J. TARSI 12:15 PM A. MCAULEY, K. KURSONIS, M. KIEHN, L. SCULLY LECTORS: SATURDAY SUNDAY USHERS: MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: SATURDAY SUNDAY 5:00 PM 8:00 AM B. M. PRATT, S. PEPPER, A. DOHERTY BL M. B. TROUY, A. BYRD, T. BURNS B A. & J. STRENK, V. GOODIN BL. D. GOODIN, R. OELKE, C. SACKETT 10:30 AM 12:15 PM B R & R TALARICO, T. HUNT, R. THOMPSON, M. LEMMON BL K. GRACZYK, K. LOWRY, B. TOWNSEND, A. ANDERSON, C. KEMPF, M. ALLEN B N. FORD, J. SCULLY BL M. & J. CARRASCO REMINDERS: • All Lay Ministers and Altar Servers must sign-in 15 minutes before mass! Sacristans are to fill all empty spaces at that time. If you are unable to serve, it is your responsibility to get a sub. • The February - April Lay Ministry Schedule is on the web. Hard copies are available in the Parish Office during regular business hours. Volunteers are needed for the ASH WEDNESDAY • masses at 12:00 noon and 7:00 PM. Call the Parish Office to volunteer. • Volunteers are also needed for the 8:00 PM Vigil Mass Holy Saturday. Call the Parish Office to volunteer. PERPETUAL ADORATION: in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, next to the St. Therese of Lisieux Chapel. Please call/write John Leoni @ or 901-861-7189 Please become a permanent or substitute Adorer. Welcome to our Parish! Rich & Cecilia Harries and children, Jack & Eva; Paul & Katie Timms and daughters, Julia & Allie; and John & Natalie Williams CONGRATULATIONS! To our Newly Baptized Kate Marie Porzel PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Classes available for 3 Yrs.-8th grade, plus High School Confirmation preparation. The Diocese of Memphis requires students have two years of religious education prior to receiving the sacraments for 1st Reconciliation, 1st Communion and Confirmation. Contact the PRE office for more information. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: Mark your calendar June 8 - 12, 2015 from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Contact Lea Weaver if you are interested in being on the core team to help plan the week. YOUTH MINISTRY COFFEE & DONUT BAR: Volunteers are needed. Please sign up at the Welcome Desk. If you volunteered and have not been called, please contact Cheryl Carroll at 901-262-0625. Incarnation Grinders RENT-A-TEEN: Do you need someone to rake your leaves? Weed your flower beds? Is your wife out of town and you need someone to clean your house? RENT-A-TEEN is here to help you! Donations will be accepted to assist with the cost of summer pilgrimages/retreats. No job is too small - NO ladders or power tools, please! Contact or call 901-850-2696 to request teens. E-MAIL UPDATES: In an effort to communicate with Incarnation Parishioners, Fr. Ernie would like to send you emails. Please send your email address to: and put “Parish Emails” in the subject line. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: You are invited to join the Knight's of Columbus at Incarnation for the First Degree Exemplification in St. Therese of Lisieux Chapel (Meet in Narthex) Sun., February 8, 6:00 PM. Arrive by 5:30 PM. for paperwork and Insurance info. The regular business meeting will begin at 7:00 PM directly after the 1st Degree. A social will follow at about 8:15 PM. LIGHT OF THE WORLD RETREAT In two weeks, Incarnation parishioners will be experiencing one of the most powerful events in their life. It is transforming. Do you need a jumpstart in your spiritual life ? Reserve these dates and times. Child care is provided. Friday, February 20 - 6:00 PM - 9:30 PM Saturday, February 21 - 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM Sunday, February 22, 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Child care provided. Call 901-850-2690 for further Information or to register. ENCOUNTER: All high school students welcome! Encounter meets every Wednesday in the gym from 7:008:30 PM. Please join us. For further information contact Rebecca at ADULT FAITH FORMATION RCIA: If you’ve been coming to Mass for a while, but are not a fully initiated Catholic, we invite you to look deeper into the Catholic faith. Come meet some faithful Catholics who love the Lord and would consider it a privilege to get to know you. Our parish will soon begin a set of sessions to share with others the truths of the Catholic faith and the fellowship of our church family. We invite you to learn what Catholics believe in an open and welcoming environment. These sessions also are opportunities for you to ask those perplexing and difficult questions you may have about the church. Please call 853-0135 for further information. ATTENTION ALL PARISHONERS: FISH FRY FRIDAYS BEGIN FEBRUARY 20th, at 5:00 PM in the Gym! All you can eat fish, fries, and fixin's! $9.00 per adult, $5.00 per child, MAXIMUM $40 PER FAMILY. WOMAN’S MORNING OF SPIRITUALITY: Come join over 1,200 women on Sat., February 28, 2015 at the Catholic Church of the Incarnation from 8:15 AM - 1:30 PM with a continental breakfast beginning at 7:15 AM. Keynote speaker is EWTN Talk Show Host Teresa Tomeo. Witness speaker is Dr. Rocio Diaz. Mass will be celebrated with Bishop J. Terry Steib, SVD. Carpooling is encouraged. Register at Incarnation Athletics is no on Twitter! Follow us @ COTI_Athletics for the latest information on sports activities PARISH TREE OF LIFE: Keep our tree growing! The brochure by the tree tells how you can participate. SOCIAL MINISTRY OFFICE: Located in the Ministry House, Call 850-7374; or e-mail: Open Mon-Fri., 10:00 AM- 2:00 PM. After hour calls will be returned the next work day. Care Ministers are available to work with those persons/families, parishioners and residents of the Collierville community to help identify and coordinate parish and community resources. OUR LITTLE WAY: A new outreach program within Social Ministry will assist Resurrection Elementary (a Jubilee School) with supplies & special needs. Volunteers are needed for the "Our Little Way" Committee to make this program successful. Volunteers might be asked to deliver supplies to the school, or attend occasional Committee meetings in support of this endeavor. Please call Kathy Counts, 901-493-3701. PARISH HEALTH MINISTRY: Can supply answers to your medical and health care concerns and loan out medical items (wheelchair, crutches, etc.). Contact the Social Ministry Office at 850-7374. HELPING HANDS: Is an emergency help group who provide meals for families dealing with a crisis situation. Contact the Social Ministry Office at 850-7374 IN MARY’S ARMS: Is a miscarriage support group. Contact Kimberly McNutt at 850-1277 or for more information. Prayer, Ministry, and Finance Fostering Stewardship as a Way of Life Sacrificial Giving Summary 2014-2015 The Holy Spirit has gifted each of us with unique spiritual charisms. They are meant to be given away and used for others for the sake of the Kingdom. January 24 & 25, 2015 Offertory Maintenance Total Operations Weekly Goal 19,684 1,873 21,557 Contributed Last Week 21,005 590 21,595 6,923 11,825 18,748 1,406 5,950 7,356 YTD Goal 590,520 56,190 646,710 YTD Contributions 628,256 56,719 684,976 207,690 359,260 566,950 210,160 396,776 606,936 Debt Retirement Funding Our Faith Total Debt Service Offertory Maintenance Total Operations Debt Retirement Funding Our Faith Total Debt Service MINISTRY TO THE SICK: “Is there anyone among you sick?” Please call the Social Ministry Office 850-7374 to inform us if you know of anyone who is homebound, or ill and is not able to attend Mass. Ministry to the Sick Ministers will visit on a regular basis and provide the Sacrament of Communion at home. Notify the Parish Office or Social Ministry Office when someone is hospitalized or residing in a Health Care Facility. Due to federal laws, this is the only way we are aware of a need for a visit by a priest or a lay minister. RESPECT LIFE: If you would like to sponsor a rose, please contact Delana Lynch at 861-6358. MENS MORNING OF SPIRTUALITY: will take place March 21, at the Catholic Church of the Incarnation. We welcome all men to join us for a morning of celebration of our Catholic faith. Experience fellowship with men from throughout our Diocese, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, celebrate the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Mass with Bishop Steib and the keynote speaker, Archbishop J. Peter Sartain. Witness speaker is Peter Herbeck, Vice President of Renewal Ministries. Doors will open at 7:00 AM. To register or call 901-351-9832. TWITTER: Catholic Church of the Incarnation is now on Twitter! Get information about what is happening in the parish! Visit and follow @inc_catholic today! 4,676,224.88 Total Parish Debt Balance as of 12/31/2014 Thank you for your giving. You are helping us to carry out Christ's mission and ministry. Funding Our Faith Total pledged Pledges Added Pledges Withdrawn Total collected 2,121,704 41,307 (22,130) (1,020,155) 1,120,726 Total remaining to be collected: 0 Non-pledge contributions Collected last week: (Data collected thru 01/25/15) 5,950 * TRAVELING VIRGIN OF FATIMA STATUES This week the large statue is at the home of Sylvia Rouchell. Elaine Ervin’s family has the small statue this week. INCARNATION PRESCHOOL Connie Harlow, Director 861-5414 office ENROLLMENT INFORMATION: 2015-16 Registration is now ongoing. We currently have immediate openings in our 4 & 5 year old classes. Call the preschool office for details. Begin your child’s education at Incarnation Preschool. ♦ Academic-based program for ages 1 - 5 ♦ Licensed by Tennessee Department of Education ♦ Kindergarten prep curriculum; reading, math, handwriting; Loving, Christian environment ♦ Development of spiritual, social, cognitive, fine/ gross motor & self-help skills; Low pupil-to-teacher ratio. Daily prayer and chapel lessons ♦ Computers/iPads ♦ Children learn while having fun through hands-on experiences. To schedule a tour, contact the Preschool office or visit our website for additional information. “ALL HEARTS AFIRE” PARISH-BASED PROGRAMS BEGIN: 33 Days to Morning Glory: Mondays for 6 weeks 9:30-11:00 AM. ,beginning 2/9/15. Tuesdays for 6 weeks 6:30-8:00 PM beginning 2/10/15. Materials: $30. Consoling the Heart of Jesus: Mondays for 10 weeks 9:30-11:00 AM beginning 1/28/15 Cost for materials: $35. The One Thing is Three: (Study on the Holy Trinity) Tuesdays for 10 weeks 6:30-8:00 PM beginning 1/27/15 $45. PLEASE SIGN UP NOW AT: or contact Deb Reilly 355-5674 for more information. VALENTINE’S DANCE: Sat., February 14. Contact Daniel Jaehn at 901-277-8872 for tickets. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. ANNUAL RESPECT LIFE/BIRTHRIGHT BABY SHOWER: February 28 - March 15. We need anything for a baby, boy or girl, 0-6 months. Watch for sales. Questions? Contact Delana Lynch at 861-6357 or Vicky Goodin at 853-9107. Respect Life is in need of a chairperson. If interested please contact one of the ladies above. New members are always welcome. THANK YOU: The Jack family wish to thank Fr. Ernie, and Incarnation Parish, for your kindness during the loss of Tom. The Jack Family CAREER SUPPORT MINISTRY Networking assistance, emphasizing effective tools and techniques for a job search, led by Bob Reilly of our parish. Weekly roundtable meets every Wednesday morning, 6:308:30 AM at Holy Spirit Church. Contact Bob at 378-1818. Make the choice of a Catholic Education for your child— Schedule a tour today! Please contact Stacy Pepper at 901.853.7804 or for more information. CHILDREN’S CORNER “Parish facilities are built with parishioners’ money, but in a truer sense they are built with what belongs to God, the tithe of good stewards. They are gifts to be treated with respect and care, as one would care for his or her own houseor better yet, as one would care for someone else’s home. The vast majority of Catholics enjoy worship and parish life in facilities they did not pay for. Even if at present we happen to be members of a new or expanding parish and have contributed to a building campaign, we were handed down from past generations. We all enjoy the fruit of the blood, sweat, tears, and generosity of our forebears; and we have a responsibility to hand on to future generations the fruit of our generosity. In doing so, we are only acknowledging that everything comes from the hand of God and belongs to him. An ancient Hebrew insight teaches that almsgiving restores God’s right order in the world, for through it we use His gifts according to His plan. The proper understanding of stewardship reminds me that even those things I “own” are ultimately not truly mine but gifts from God to be shared. The great Rabbi Abraham Heschel once wrote, “What we own, we owe.” A tithe- a gift to ones church is merely a response to God’s generosity, recognition that the standard for giving is set by Him who holds back nothing from us. As St. Paul wrote to the Corinthians, “What do you posses that you have not received? But if you have received it, why are you boasting as if you did not receive it?” (I Cor. 4:7). We humbly do well to take a gauge of our stewardship: the way we treat personal property and the property of others; the gratitude we show for the privilege of having parish facilities at our disposal; the strings-the control—we sometimes attach to our financial stewardship, as if we have bought something rather than made a gift; the initiative we take in maintaining parish facilities, whether or not we were the ones who dirtied them; and the humility with which we acknowledge God as the giver of everything. (From: A Journey to the Heart of Jesus by Archbishop J. Peter Sartain) ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS OR SERVICE WITH YOUR PARISH FAMILY & OUR VISITORS IN THIS BULLETIN. Call Terry Paulson at 413-4039 Bulletin # 012008 Catholic Church of the Incarnation 360 Bray Station Road Collierville, TN 38017 901-853-7468 6.5 regular pages + 4 inserts
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