molly colvard
molly colvard
VOL. 21 o J ~ease be sure to read the Report on Facilities Needs insert. APRIL 5, 2002 NO. 23 ANNOUNCEMENT~ Holidays and Campus Closings - 2002 fh&iease plan now for Honors Day 2002 that will be held on Wednesday, April 17, beginning at noon in the gym. Classes should be dismissed from 11 :30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. to allow faculty and students to participate in this very special event. GC Marshal Steve Blair and Student Affairs Chair Torn Burns will be assisting faculty line up in the ACAD II hallway. Immediately following the program, a reception will be held on the lawn near the Library. J R A special thank you goes out to the 2001-2002 Promotion, Tenure and Post Tenure Review Committee for a job well done. Committee members are: Lois Lynn, Chair: Glenda McLeod, Priscilla Rankin. Warren Rogers, J.B . Sharma, and Christy Yeager. Please congratulate the following faculty on a favorable Post Tenure Review: Eugenia Greavu-Comley, Caywood Chapman, Dale Crandall, Monique Kluczykowski, Brian Kline, and Gina Reed. P.O. Box 1358 Gainesville, GA 30503 770-718-3639 Promotion and Tenure Awards will be announced after the April BOR meeting. Memorial Day Independence Day Annual DayLabor DayAnnual DayThanksgiving Christmas - May 27 July 4 July 5 September 2 November 27 November 28-29 December 23, 24,25,26,27 Annual Barbeque - April 26. Campus will close at 1 p.m. so that everyone can participate. Summer flex begins the week of May 6 so Friday, May 10, the campus will close at 1 p.m. on Fridays until August 16 when Fridays will revert to 3 p.m. closings. EXCEPTION TO FRIDAY 1 P.M. IS MAY 31 AND ALL OFFICES WILL REMAIN OPEN UNTIL AT LEAST 5 P.M. TO HANDLE REGISTRATIONS. Page 2 TOWER-TALK PRESIDENT'S ART AWARD GOES TO TIM ANDERSON for Fall 2001. Come by the President's office to look at this oil on canvas. If you see Tim, please give him your congratulations. GC freshman Kham Ho, a 19 year old from Gillsville, will be spending his summer vacation at the Department of Energy's Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, or Jefferson Lab located in Newport News, Virginia. He is the recipient of an Energy Research Undergraduate Laboratory Fellowship (ERULF). A computer science major, Ho will spend 10 weeks from June 1 to mid-August studying in the area of subatomic structure at the Jefferson Lab: He will be provided room and board as well as a stipend. Ho gives a special thanks to Dr. Jim Konzelman and Dr. Tim Howell for assisting him in the fellowship application process. 4th April 5, 2002 Monday, April 15, 12 - 1 p.m., Asian Cultural Showcase in the Student Center with booths prepared by our own Asian Students representing aspects of the many different cultures found in Asia. Please support these events by attending and encouraging your students to go to these events. u.s. Representative Nathan Deal will speak Monday, April S, 12 noon, in the CE 109/110. Everyone is invited to this Politically Incorrect Club event. Also, on Saturday, April 20, the club will meet at 9 a.m. at the Winder home of legendary U.S. Senator Richard Russell. It is not open to the public, but the senator's great nephew lets us tour the entire house which has been preserved exactly as it was .when Senator Russell died in 1971. The grounds, including the family cemetery, are especially beautiful in the spring. Everyone is invited to join the club. Contact Doug Young, X 3872 for directions. ANNUAL RUMBLE IN THE JUNGLE 5K RACE Sunday, April 7 Gym Registration from 1 - 1:45 p.m. Race at 2 p.m. Part of Georgia Grand Prix Series. Sponsored by the Student's for Environmental Awareness Club. For additional information, call Caywood Chapman, X3802. The Special Recognitions Committee, the Asian Student Association, and the Cross-Cultural Connections Club are sponsoring two events III celebration of Asian Cultural Heritage month. Monday, April S, 12 - 1 p.m., Tae Kwon Do exhibition in the big gym. PTK Induction Ceremony AprilS 4 - 5:30 p.m. Student Center, Lanier ABC You are invited to come and help the new inductees celebrate this honor. "How to Build Your Own Computer" Workshop sponsored by The Computer Science Club Monday, April 8 12 noon - 1 p.m. FREE FOOD Academic III, Room 138 Everyone is welcome. For additional information, contact Jo McClendon, X3831 TOW£RTAL.K Page 3 You are cordially invited to the 2002 Retirement Reception Wednesday, April 10, 2002 CEIPA Center 3p.m. honoring Carol Elrod Jimmy Kirkland Jerry McGee Bronda Perry Music provided by: GC Student Chris SenseI on the bagpipes STUDENT ACTIVITIES AprilS April 8 April April April April April 10 11 12 17 18 - Service Learning Luncheon, Lanier AB, noon. Interview Skills Workshop, CTC, 11 a.m. & 5:15 p.m. Spring fling, outside SC, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Job Fair, SC, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. 12 @ 12 Hot Air Balloon Ride, Helen Honor's Day Ice Cream Sundaes, SC 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. HEY GOLFERS TOURNAMENT AT CmCOPEE GOLF COURSE, APRIL 16. Tee Times will begin at 2 p.m., play will be two person - best shot. Green fees are $23.31 and must be prepaid at time of sign up. So.. find a partner, sign up in the PE office, and pay your green fees. Call Elaine Bryan, X3799 for additional information andlor questions. April 5,2002 Web page Design Workshop A two-hour web page design workshop is tentatively scheduled for April 18 or April 24 in the afternoon. The level of the workshop (either BASIC for people who want to create a web page for the first time or INTERMEDIATE for people who have a page and want to embellish it) has not been determined. If you are interested in either level, please contact Penny Mills at X3652 or e-mail her indicating the desired level, date and time (between noon and 5 p.m.). When the details are settled on the workshop, it will be posted for people to register. Benefit Ride to benefit Challenged Child and Friends, Inc., a center dedicated to meeting the needs of children with special needs. The ride will be held Saturday, April 13, at 11 a.m. and begins at Toosey's Way Station at Hwy 400 & Hwy 60 and will finish at the Challenged Child Facility. (About 80 miles!) Activities include a Poker Run, 50/50 Raffle, and cook out with some of the special kids! Registration is $15 per bike. For more information, please e-mail Challenged or call Ron/Pam at 706-8671844. INTRAMURAL FISIDNG RODEO April 24 1 - 8 p.m. Lower Pond Trophies, prizes and free t-shirt to the first 30 people that catch a fish!! Poles are available if you need one. There's nothing more relaxing than a lazy afternoon of fishing!! Sign up in the PE office, call or email Elaine Bryan X3799. ""'-- ". ,., \ ~ Bird houses still available. Proceeds go to the Diane Carpenter Scholarship fund. Eight dollars per house. Call Margaret Bailey, X3619 or Becky Smith X3744 for additional information. Page 4 TOW£RTALK AprilS, 1001 7:30 p.m. and Wednesday, April 24, 7:30 p.m. For all other performances, tickets are $4 for faculty, staff and their immediate families; and $3 for fulltime students with ID. ANNUALENDOFSCHOOLYEARBARBEQUE FRIDA Y, APRIL 26 1 P.M. BY THE LOWER POND The menu will be the same as last year: BBQ pork ribs and BBQ chicken with stew, cole slaw, potato chips, pickles, drinks, and desserts. The campus will close at 1 p.m. so that all who wish can participate. The pond will be open for fishing. Tennis Tournament, Friday, April 26, 2 - 4 p.m. Mixed doubles (preferably). Contact the PE department to sign up. If you would like to play and can't find a partner, call and sign up anyway. They will try to help' you find one. A musical comedy set in a 1954 live TV studio. Directed by Jim Hammond and featuring Chris Kayser who plays the swashbuckler Alan Swann, entrusted to the care of Benjy Stone (Cliff Smith) whose job it is to keep the matinee idol sober long enough to make a live appearance on King Kaiser's comedy Cavalcade. Dale Grogan, music direction; Barbara Hartwig, choreography; Ken Yunker, light design; Stuart Beaman, scenic design; and Emily Gill, costume design. Because of the support Gainesville Theatre Alliance receives from Gainesville College and Brenau University as their joint theatre program, faculty, staff and students of both institutions get FREE tickets on some nights, and heavily discounted tickets on others. FREE nights are as follows: Monday, preview, April 15, 7:30 p.m.; Wednesday, April 17, 7:30 p.m.; Thursday, April 18, 7:30 p.m.; Tuesday, April 23, Graduating Art Student Exhibition April 22 - May 6 Opening Reception Tuesday, April 23 6:30 p.m. C. Moore Art G PLEASE NOTE THAT FALL REGISTRATION DAY IS THURSDAY, AUGUST 15. TOW£R TA LK Page 5 Gainesville College Spring Concert is set for Thursday, April 25, and will be held in the First United Methodist Church of Gainesville on Thompson Bridge Road at 7 p.m. The concert will feature GC students, faculty and special guests, the North Georgia Children's Chorus. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, call the GC Speech and Fine Arts Department at X3 865. Eleven students received the GC Microsoft Office Certificate at a graduation ceremony held in the GC Office of Continuing Education computer lab Friday, March 15. Dr. Steve Tilley awarded the certificates. The participants completed a 30-hour in-depth study of Microsoft Office 2000 that spanned 10 weeks. This was the yh class to complete the course since the program started two years ago. Three GC staff members - Jana Albertson, Margaret Bailey and Leora Myers, participated in the class which was taught by Al Marks. April 5, 2002 The Expo was held at the Georgia Mountains Center in Gainesville. During their two hour shifts, Michelle B. Brown. Susan DanielL and Sloan Jones answered questions about the College and distributed information to those visiting the Expo. Jim Lorence published a book review in a national journal, Business History Review. In the Winter, 2001 issue of Business History Review. Jim reviewed Gerald Home, Class Struggle in Hollywood. 19301950: Moguls. Mobsters. Stars. Reds. and Trade Unionists (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001). Home is Professor of History at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Patsy WorralL Dottie Blaise. and Harriett Allison attended the Two-year College Association Conference (TYCA) in Richmond, Virginia. Patsy and Harriett co-presented a paper, and Dottie presented an individual paper. TYCA is a conference of the National Council of Teachers of English. Ron Clay was selected for inclusion in the "Who;s Who Among America' s Teachers, 2002." . . David Johnston attended the official opening of the ACT Center at Gwinnett Technical College on March 27. The course covers all of the important features of Windows, Word, Excel, Access, Internet, Power Point, and Publisher. Also included are techniques to share data across programs and over the Internet. Congratulations to Chris and Linda Semerjian on the birth of son, Gabriel, who came into the world on Saturday, March 23, at 4 p.m. and weighed in at 6 lb. 13 oz. Ringing Our Bell Gainesville College had a booth at the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce Business Expo on March 21. is published bi-weekly. Submissions for publication should be e-mailed to or sent to Leora Myers, President's Office, to be received by 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 16. TOWER TALK " C;A~NESviLLE ~bLLEGE Post Office Box 1358 Gainesville GA 30503 Division of Natural Sciences & Technology 770718-3666 UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF GeORGIA April 5, 2002 TO: Professional/Support Staff FROM: Kim Savage, Ghair Elections Committee Staff Council RE: At-Large Representative Nominations It is oqce again time for nominations for At-Large representatives to the Staff Council. You will find attached an up-to-date listing of staff who are eligible to serve. Please nominate no more than ten individuals by circling their names or placing checkmarks next to their names. The names of those who are nominated and agree to run will be placed on the election ballot. Staff members who are currently serving on Staff Council as Building Representatives and are not eligible for nomination have been omitted from this list. Remember, At-Large representatives are chosen from across campus and serve a two-year term. Please return the attached list with your nominations to me either through campus mail or to my office in Continuing Education no later than Friday, April 12, 2002 . Once the nominations are returned, the Elections Committee will compile the new election ballot and elections will be held. Thank you for your prompt assistance in this matter. STAFF ELIGIBLE TO SERVE STAFF COUNCIL 2002-2003 Name Brenda Adams Jana Albertson Ron Arro Sara Arro Linda Attebery Margaret Bailey Alfred Barker Stuart Beaman Linda Beasenburg Lisa Beck Wally Beck Sarah Booker Dennis Brown Derita Faye Brown Michelle B. Brown Tim Buchanan Thomas Burson Glenn Canada Tina Carter Harry Childers Janyce Cole Sheree C0rbin Nathan Corn . Andre' Cheek Amy Collins Molly Colvard Rick Crain Charles Croy Ruby Curry Verlin Curry Kelly Dahlin Marion Darracott Julia Davies Sabine Davis Francine Dibben Gail Emmett Debbie Farmer Joyce Ferguson Judy Forbes Jerry Forrester Ann Forziati Melinda Frink Alison Gaines Margaret Garmon Sandra Garner Linda Gastley Carla Gibbs Donna Grizzle Cheryl Harris Brandon Haag Eddie Morgan Leora Myers Pat Nodine Janice N,ylander Mary Pennington Brenda Perry Department Student Affairs Continuing Education Mailroom Registrar Financial Aid Academic Affairs Continuing Education Fine Arts Comptroller Continuing Educ Academic Computing Business Division Maintenance Shops Building Cleaning Advancement Admissions Groundskeeping Security Building Cleaning ACTT Building Cleaning University Center Academic Computing Minority Affairs Comptroller Admissions Computer Services Groundskeeping Building Cleaning Building Cleaning ACTT Security Social Sciences Building Cleaning Fine Arts/Drama Library Comptroller Physical Education ACTT Security Fine Arts Continuing Education Counseling Testing Computer Services Financial Aid Advancement Comptroller Financial Aid ACTT Academic Computing Maintenance President's Office Continuing Education Humanities Bookstore Continuing Education Name Department Linnea Haag Mary Hamby Eugene Hendrix Kellies Hicks Beth Holmes Peggy Holton Rebecca Homan Fay Howard Leonard Hughes Darrell Ivey Jennifer Jacobs Thomas Johnson Teresa Johnston Sloan Jones Branda Keeton Dean Lieburn Deb Lilly Kenneth Little Clint Manning Karen Masters Jackie Mauldin Jo McClendon Mary McDade Amy McGehee Angela Megaw Shelia Miccoli Tony Phillips Debbra Pilgrim Glen Preston Valarie Reeves Gabriel Reyes Eric Saxton Wallace Scott Beth Scott-Brown Frank Sherwood Becky Smith Todd Smith Timothy Ellis Snap Jerry Spiceland Deborah Springer Tina Stone Mary Sumner Carolyn Swindle Brian Tarr Steven Thellman Wendy Thellman Dru Thomas James Thompson Richard Thompson Britt Lee Tumlin Robert Upton Buddy Waldrip Becky Webb Nicole Wheless Kimberly Whitten William WiUborn ACTT Math/Computer Science Continuing Education Maintenance Shops Fine Arts/Drama Comptroller Library Advancement Building Cleaning Services Security Student Affairs Security Admissions Public Relations Continuing Education Comptroller Business ACTT Building Cleaning Services Library Bookstore Library Natural Science/Technology ACTT Library Admissions Building Cleaning Comptroller Physical Education Instructional Tech Building Cleaning Media Services Maintenance Shops Counseling & Testing ACTT Counseling & Testing Instructional Tech Building Cleaning Plant Operations Continuing Education Computer Services Building Cleaning Academic Affairs Maintenance Shops Maintenance Shops Continuing Education Continuing Education Groundskeeping Security Groundskeeping Fine Arts/Drama Security Library Admissions Continuing Education Comptroller THE PRESIDENT'S REPORT ON FACILITIES NEEDS Gainesville College was requested by the Chancellor's Office to submit a summary list of request for five year capital projects (FY2004-2008). Capital projects are divided into Major Projects (those costing more than $5,000,000), and Minor Projects( those costing less than $5,000,000. We were also requested to list projects which MR&R (Major Repair and Renovation) funds would be used for. The following are the College's requests: Major Projects: Classroom Building for FY04 Addition &Renovation of Library for FY2005 Another Classroom Building for FY2008 Minor Projects: Complete Replacement ofHVAC Systems for FY 2004 Addition to Student Center for FY 2004 Plant Operations/Warehouse/StoragelPublic Safety Building for FY 2005 Music Building Addition (to Performing Arts building for FY 2006 The following are MR&R projects in priority order: * Replacement of Chiller & Boiler for Counseling & Testing Center * HV AC Replacement for Locker Rooms * Replacement of Exhaust Fans in Physical Education Gymnasium * Replacement of Lobby Floor - Continuing EducationlPerforming Arts Building * Renovation of Administration Building * ACTT Center Renovation and Expansion Notes: When major projects are approved, they are added to a capital list and will probably be built in five-six years. Approved minor projects can be begun in the year in which they are budgeted. If, for example, we are able to get the addition to the Student Center approved for the · FY 2004 budget, then the project could begin after July 1, 2003. MR&R projects are completed as money becomes available. It would likely take us at least three years to complete the list above. These lists were approved by the Executive Committee. The detail plans were prepared by Jerry Spiceland, Tom Walters, Mike Stoy and Ronnie Booth. They represent our best estimates for needs and the Master Plan combined with realistic expectations for positive responses. Those that are a few years out may have to be adjusted depending on growth and unanticipated needs or emergencies.