Homecoming Festivities A Great Success ESD Field Hockey


Homecoming Festivities A Great Success ESD Field Hockey
Eagle Night
January 28, 2011
Winter SPC Dates
February 12, 2011
Wrestling (Houston - Kinkaid)
February 12-13, 2011
Basketball: Men’s and Women’s
(Houston - Venue TBD)
Soccer: Men’s and Women’s
(Houston - Venue TBD)
Booster Club Golf Tournament
(Grapevine - Cowboys Golf Club)
April 8, 2011
ESD 2010-2011
winter preview
See Page 10
For the latest information
on ESD sports activities
call the ESD athletic hotline at
214-353-5838 or check the school
website at
Homecoming Festivities A
Great Success
ESD Booster Club Provides Fans With
Festive Atmosphere
ESD Field Hockey Captures SPC
Division II Championship A Hard-Earned
Achievement for Team
The 2010 fall season marked “A Year of Firsts” for the
ESD Homecoming was held on Friday, October 22,
ESD Field Hockey team, led by Head Coach Katie Grunst
2010, a date which brought victory to not only the ESD
and Assistant Kyle Rice. Coming off a successful start
football team which defeated Cistercian 20-17 in the
of regular season play, the team traveled to St. Louis for
final 90 seconds (see ESD Football, page 4), but
the Gateway Classic—a tournament comprised of 42
also to the Texas Rangers who made history by winning
teams from various parts of the Midwest. It was the field
American League pennant! ESD football fans braved
hockey team’s first venture north of the Oklahoma line
the rainy night and supported the Eagles, while sneaking
in competitive play, and ESD did not back down! With
a peek now and then at the Ranger’s history-in-the- several key saves from senior goaltender MacKenzie
making victory over the New York Yankees. The ESD
Alexander and an aggressive scoring campaign led by
Broadcast Booth
sophomore forward Rachel Brooks, the Eagles shut out
kept everyone wellthree of their four opponents and amassed a total of ten
informed and our
goals in tournament play. Leading the point board with
giant video board
combined shutouts and goals, the Eagles won
was put to good
Sylvia Chavez,
chair of
and Eagle Nights
for the ESD
Booster Club,
worked hard to
provide the night with the extras that
make the event special. Balloon arches in the school
colors adorned the plaza and the field at half-time. Fans
were treated to free banners to wave during the game,
glow-in-the-dark necklaces, silly bands, and homecoming
their bracket and captured their first piece of
programs. The Button Man was back and made photo
trophy hardware as Gateway Classic Pool Champions.
buttons, especially popular with the youngest ESD fans.
Feeding off of the “Spirit of St. Louis,” ESD
The ESD Dads were grilling and the volunteers
demonstrated strong play back in Dallas with a decisive
organized by the Booster Club were manning the
4-0 victory over Oakridge and a key 2-1 overtime win
concession stands so that everyone was well-fed with
against FWCD, the 2009 defending SPC Champions. delicious food. Despite the rainy weather, a good time
However, the season was not without adversity. Injuries
was had by all.
Continued on page 11
Continued on page 3
Dear ESD Family & Friends,
As we complete our first athletic season utilizing the Stephen B. Swann Athletic
and Wellness Center, its impact on the lives of the ESD family is already apparent. We have already witnessed several ways in which the Wellness Center touches
our daily lives and many “firsts” for ESD. For the first time, ESD has a full dining
service and much healthier dining menus from “Salmon to Salad Bar” in the
kitchen. Now that ESD has multiple gymnasiums, ESD was able to host, for
the first time, the SPC Division I Volleyball Playoff series in November, a hugely
successful event. For the first time, the Dads’ Partnership was able to convene in
the beautiful new Daryl Johnston Family Dining Commons for a Dads’ Breakfast
featuring David Feherty. Additionally, a large portion of the student body are
utilizing the strength and conditioning equipment regularly and on their own. Another first is the availability to family members. In fact, there is already a group
of parents working out several times a week. The influence of the Athletic &
Wellness Center on the entire ESD Family is immense and will have a life-long
impact for all of us.
The Booster Club has been extremely busy over the last couple of months,
and I wish to recognize a few folks who have been working tirelessly to maximize
the student’s experience. Brad Beutel (President-Elect) completely revamped the
Concessions System. From adding much-needed storage, prepping two new
concession stands, and taking the volunteer registration online; Brad has really
grown the Booster Club’s footprint. I like to give a big Thank You to Brad Beutel.
For 2010-2011
Ever wonder how all those spirit decorations make it to your student’s
locker? Laura Boeckman begins long before the season starts. She puts
together Team Moms or Dads for each sport and then coordinates with these
important volunteers to provide advice and communications to and from the
athletic department and the Booster Club. She assists with obtaining information,
photos, and articles from the teams for the ESD Talon publication and even
manages to personally write an article or two. Laura, you are much appreciated!
Homecoming this year was an unbelievable success, and I don’t mean just
the victory. Sylvia Chavez began working and planning for it in August. From the
glow-in-the-dark mini footballs to the football themed “Crazy Bandz,” Sylvia made
this the best Homecoming ever. My sincere thanks to you, Sylvia.
I would also like to shout out to all of our Booster Club members this year. You really came together to support the athletic department of ESD. In fact
with all of your help Pat Crow, our membership chair, is close to setting a new
membership record. Please continue to consider Pat’s membership information
in the box on this page. Thank all of you.
Your Humble Servant
David McDavid
President 2010 - 2011
The ESD Booster Club would like to acknowledge and thank those that helped make the 2010 Golf
Tournament a success! Please see the back cover for Information on the 2011 Golf Tournament
and consider playing or sponsoring. The monies raised all are used to fund ESD Booster Club
programs that directly benefit ESD student-athletics!
The Booster Club makes yearly stadium turf
donations, fulfills coach’s wish lists, runs
concessions, funds special events such as
Homecoming and Eagle Nights, promotes
our students in the Talon and athletic
yearbook, and supports ESD coaches,
team spirit parents, and teams.
Levels of Membership:
Platinum Eagle Booster $500
Gold Eagle Booster $300-$499
Silver Eagle Booster $200-$299
Bronze Eagle Booster $100-$199
Blue Eagle Booster $50-$99 You can join on the ESD website or simply mail your request and
donation to: Episcopal School of Dallas, Development Office,
Attn: Mary Beth, 4100 Merrell Road, Dallas Texas 75229. For more information on membership, email Pat Crow,
Membership Chairman, at pat@claycrow.com
ESD Booster Club Board 2010-2011
PRESIDENT................................................................David McDavid
PRESIDENT-elect.......................................................Brad Beutel
TREASURER.......................................................... Michael Huggins
MEMBERSHIP....................................................................... Pat Crow
concessions.......................................... Brad and Denise Beutel
SPIRIT............................ Laura Boeckman and Joanne Mulcahy
EAGLE NIGHT/Homecoming............................... Sylvia Chavez
GOLF TOURNAMENT.............................................Stephen Khoury
TALON.........................................Genie Hansen and Kelly Watson
at large................................................................. Greg Converse
Dads’ Partnership...............................................Marshall Mills
director of athletics & wellness........David Tollison
Assistant Athletic Director.....................Laura Gomez
ESD Field Hockey Captures First SPC FH Championship in ESD History
(continued from page 1)
to key personnel, as well as a set of frustrating losses, presented difficult
challenges for the Eagles during the second half of the season. Nevertheless,
the team pressed onward, relying on consistent play from its defensive
unit (Sadie Hardt, Leah Smith, Courtney Chavez, Molly Weinstock, Sydney
Narvaez, and MacKenzie Alexander) as well as strong midfield performances
from junior midfielders Kelly Gee, Kelsey Montgomery, and junior forward
Ellen Smith. A successful, final season game against St. Mary’s Hall gave the Eagles
the momentum they needed to head into SPC confident, well-rested, and
ready to play “ESD Hockey.” In their first SPC match-up, the team faced St.
Andrew’s (Austin). The Eagles launched an aggressive attack led by forwards
Rachel Brooks, Catherine Cannata, and Ellen Smith, scoring a total of 5 goals
to St. Andrew’s 3. In the Semi-final game, the Eagles faced regular season
adversary Holland Hall. Strong defensive performances from Sadie Hardt,
Hannah Smith, and Courtney Chavez allowed ESD to
shut down the
Katherine Kob, and managers Alex Weinstein and Lucy Colonnetta.
Last but certainly not least, special recognition must be given to junior
midfielder Kim Reimold. Despite suffering a season-ending injury, Kim
demonstrated the
highest ideals of
a committed and
selfless teammate.
Every member of
the team played
an integral part
in this year’s
success and
should be proud
of their efforts—
what a mark
you have left
on the ESD Field Hockey
program! Congratulations to the 2010 ESD Field Hockey SPC Div. II
CHAMPS–you broke the banner draught! - Coach Katie Grunst n
ESD Varsity Volleyball Reaches DII
Championship Game
Dutch’s midfield game. Senior goalkeeper
MacKenzie Alexander’s exceptional poise between the posts held off an
aggressive Dutch attack and gave ESD the opportunity to win the game. Midway through the second half, ESD scored off a deflection, enabling the field
hockey team to advance to the SPC DII Championship game for the second
time in program history.
In the final, and most significant, game of the season, the Eagles squared
off against another Austin opponent, St. Stephen’s. ESD scored two goals in
the first 10 minutes and kept the pressure coming. A penalty stroke, late in the
first half, allowed the Eagles to go up by three. Despite a strong effort from St.
Stephen’s corner unit and a Spartan goal in the second half, ESD maintained
control of the scoring race, putting a fourth goal past the keeper to solidify the DII
Championship with a final score of 4-1. This marks the first SPC
Championship in ESD field hockey
program history! Among the players
who helped lead this team of “SPC
Trailblazers” are Captains Sadie
Hardt, MacKenzie Alexander, and
Hannah Smith, as well as seniors
Margaret Oden, Natalie Low, Caroline
Low, and Molly Weinstock. In addition
to those mentioned above, other
key members of the team included
Rebecca Reese, Anna Hansell,
ESD Varsity Volleyball played exciting volleyball this season, keeping the
crowd engaged in every game as they battled to win. The wins did not
always come, but ESD kept the scores very close and never gave up. The captains this year were ESD Varsity veterans Jessie Haggar ’11,
Emily DeSantis ’12, and Sara Myers ’12. Sara Myers, an accomplished
volleyball player, returned to ESD this year after playing with the Eagles
as a freshman. Sara’s serves and kills prompted the ESD student section
to develop an “OMG” yell to accompany her strong contact with the ball. Three-year varsity player Emily DeSantis took on setting duties and played
outside hitter this season. Senior returning players Erica Clendening, Jessie
Haggar, and Lamar Wilson were joined by fellow seniors Kaitlyn Hansen,
Sasha Rezaie, and Maddy McKinley. Erica was a utility player who played
outside and switched to libero near the end of the season. Jessie led the
team in digs while playing libero and defensive specialist. Lamar was a
dominant front row player and blocked shots both in the middle and on the
right side. Kaitlyn and Sasha, four-year ESD volleyball players, played both
varsity and JV in
2009. This year,
Kaitlyn played
outside hitter
and middle
blocker. Sasha
in defense
and serving. Maddy, a serve
and first-year
player, lent her
specialty to the
team in many important situations. Catherine Duffy ’13, brought up to varsity from the freshman team last
season, demonstrated her considerable volleyball skills, tremendous serve,
and tenacity this year . The team was rounded out by newcomers Lauren
Maguire ’13, Ellen Sliva ’13, and Elise Waller ’14. Katie Kerrigan ‘13, and
Continued on page 6
ESD Varsity Football 2010
ESD Varsity Football finished the season with an overall 4-6 record, winning
the final two games to end the season on a high note. The Eagle’s first
win of the season was against Greenhill (17-9) on September 3. Senior
quarterback Nate Cole had 268 yards passing, hitting receiver Bryan Tonti
for one of the touchdowns. A second touchdown was scored on
a rushing attack by Ted
who is battling osteosarcoma. The players, coaches, volunteers and
fans all participated in a planned “pink out” to honor Hadleigh. In the
words of Hadleigh’s father, “Yes, St. Mark’s got pinked by the guys
that were tough enough to wear pink!”
Coach Barnicle summed up the season by saying, “I cannot put into
words the amount of talent that this team possesses as well as the potential
they have to go further in the game of football. Every Thursday, I watched
our boys face a new challenge with confidence, class, and enthusiasm. This
group of young men has been blessed with a gift, and they have learned
to use that gift in a way that is shared among their peers and teammates
in order to create something special.” What a promising future for ESD
The 8th grade team included Brock Anglin, Andrew Blair,
Ignacio Bustamante, Paul Cahoon, Damon Colonnetta, Paul
Cooke, Tate Curington, Jared Eichner, Thomas Fitts, Jason
Goolsby, Winston Guillory, James Hands, Clayton Helbing,
Harry Hull, Cole Johnson, Jack Johnson, Matt Kelley, Kevin
Kerr, Brock Neurohr, Sam Romano, Jeffery Taber, Tyler
Thompson, and Cole Wilson. n
Guevel ,who went 31 yards to
clinch an ESD victory. John Stephen Khoury was also a key receiver in
Continued on page 11
ESD Football: 8th Grade Boys
By: Janie Cooke
This has been an incredible season for the 8th Grade Football Team under
the leadership of Offensive Coordinator Kevin Barnicle and Defensive
Coordinator Rodney Hayes. At the
outset, the players vowed to go 10-0. However, Coach Hayes approached the team each week saying, “We are
undefeated right now, and we will take each game as if we are zero and zero
and our opponent is zero and zero.” As a result, the team prepared and
played one week at a time and, in the end, accomplished their goal of an
impressive 10-0 record! The explosive ESD offense averaged 43 points per game and
the mighty defense held their opponents to an average of 7 points
per game. According to Coach Hayes, “They practiced like they
played. They played like champions - champions on the field,
champions in the classroom, and champions for life.”
The highlight of the season was the 54 - 26 victory over St.
Mark’s in a game that was dedicated to classmate Hadleigh Nelson,
ESD Football: 7th Grade Boys
The seventh grade football team, under the direction of Head Coach Corey
M. Henderson, had a winning season this fall compiling a 6-4 win/loss record. “We emphasized a balanced attack running and passing the ball,” said Coach
Henderson. He commented that Will Stroud and Jonathan King emerged as
leaders on offense, accounting for the majority of the team’s touchdowns. The
team’s defense included leadership by Gaetano Sinacola and Areeb Afridi
as well as demonstrating key
interceptions over the season by
Brooks Roberts, Jack Colonnetta, and Jack Farmer.
“The effort and attitude of the boys were great,” said
Henderson, “this year instilled a great foundation in
these boys.” Henderson indicated that the coaching staff
emphasized and modeled having a positive attitude during
both practices and games, along with lessons on skills and
competition. “We had an awesome year,” he said, “and I’m
proud to have been a part of these boy’s lives this season.
The ESD football program has a great foundation and these
boys will be a part of it for years to come.”
Coached by Corey Henderson, assisted by coaches Chuck Rigden and Rodney
Hayes, the team was comprised of Areeb Afridi, Ford Berry, Jack Colonnetta,
Sam Downie, Matt Dross, Jack Farmer, Jackson Fitzgerald, Michael Ingram,
David Kerrigan, Jonathan King, Grant Krumholz, Parker Levy, James McElroy,
Cody Patterson, Jack Phillippe, Henry Rathjen, Michael Reynolds, Brooks
Roberts, Trey Scardino, Zack Schwartz, Charlie Sikes, Gaetano Sinacola, Will
Stroud, and Alex Tong. n
ESD Cheerleading: Varsity
The varsity cheerleaders worked very hard this year and proved to be one
of the best squads the school has seen. They started the season at UCLA
for cheer camp and then came home to cheer at all varsity football games. After earning numerous awards, multiple All-American nominees, and four
All-Americans, this year’s ESD varsity cheer also had the honor of sharing
their experience with the JV cheer squad at all home games. Showing
great leadership and teamwork, this year’s ESD varsity squad will also be
The 2010-2011 varsity cheerleaders were: Senior Captains:
Taylor Friedman, Lauren Carrozza, and Jessica Jones; Junior
Captains: Mattie Berry and Jordan Jones; Seniors: Ryan
McManemin, Leigh Kozlow, Bentleigh Barnett, Mary Blair
Dannals, and Kimberlee Staffieri; Juniors: Payton Kerr, Haley
Ivy, Heidi Hall, Sarah Bass, and Caroline Gunn; Sophomores:
Blaire Buchanan and Paige Needles. Ernie the Eagle is Gerald
Bulloch. The team was coached by Eric Labao and Michelle
McCullers. - Contributed by Eric Labao and Taylor Friedman n
ESD Cheerleading: JV
By: Shery Overbeck The JV cheerleading squad had a good year. Because ESD did not field a JV football team this year, the JV Cheerleaders participated in
cheering at home varsity football games and pep rallies.
The girls attended cheerleading camp at UCLA last summer. The
JV squad was proud to win a Game Day Championship. Along with ESD
Varsity, JV won the Herkie Award. The JV squad was proud to also take
home a spirit stick.
Many of the team members have worked hard over the years to develop
the skills they now use to cheer for ESD. Chloe Staffin participates in a
competitive cheer team outside of school called Cheer Athletics. Carolyn
Overbeck and Caroline Oden have extensive dance backgrounds and are
strong in choreography. They have been dancing since elementary school
years at Preston Center Dance. Maddie Rhone, Sarah Muth, Caroline Oden,
and Shelby Conine have all trained with coaches in tumbling.
The JV Cheerleaders were led by
Captains: Carolyn Overbeck ‘13 and
Dylan Huey ‘14. Other squad members
were: Sophomores: Sydney Jordaan,
Chloe Staffin, and Grace Trammell;
Freshmen: Shelby Conine, Margaret
Mulcahy, Mulvey McDavid, Sarah Muth,
Caroline Oden, Maddie Rhone, and
Sarah Starr. The team was coached by
Brooke Dallafior. n
remembered for their desire to teach, lead
by example, and, most of all, SHARE the
EAGLE Spirit with their fellow JV Squad
and the many fans in attendance!
The team motto for this year was
“Can’t be tamed.”
ESD Varsity Volleyball …(continued from page 3)
ESD Varsity Crew: Men and Women
ESD crew wrapped up a highly-successful fall season comprised of long
distance races in time-trial format. These races are a test of endurance at
4000-5000 meters for all boats – quads, doubles and singles. ESD Crew
competed against high schools and clubs from all over the country in three regattas this fall: The Head of the Oklahoma, The Head of the
Colorado (aka Pumpkin Head), and the Head of the Hooch. The team
earned several medals over the course of the fall season against stiff
Casey Rutherford ’14 were brought up from JV in the last few games of the
season. All had playing time in SPC. These girls, along with Sara Myers and
Emily DeSantis, will provide ESD volleyball with its core next year.
After starting out the season with some tough opponents, ESD
participated in the St. Mary’s Hall tournament and the Blue and Gold
Tournament in mid-September, and won the Blue bracket championship. In the Greenhill match on October 21, the Eagles gave the SPC North Zone
first-place Hornets a scare as they took the match to 5 games with the lead
switching several times within the match. Each game was a two-point game,
with the exception of one game in which the Eagles won by six, 25-19. Holland Hall’s surprise losses to North Zone opponents at the end
of the season unexpectedly shifted the SPC North Zone final standings
and pushed ESD volleyball into DII as the top-seeded team. In the SPC DII
tournament, after 3-0 victories against Episcopal High School (Bellaire)
in the first round, and John Cooper (The Woodlands) in the semi-finals,
ESD faced top SPC South Zone DII seed St. Andrew’s (Austin) for the DII
Championship. ESD took the first game 27-25. St. Andrew’s came back with a 25-16
win in Game 2. With a large crowd of supporters from both schools cheering
on the respective squads, they battled each other hard in the next two
games. St. Andrew’s came out the winner, taking each game 25-21. The team was coached by Head Coach Laura Gomez and Assistant
Coach Casey Fields. Jayne Haggar was the Team Spirit Mom and Joe
Haggar lent his photography skills to document the season. The MVP was
Sara Myers, who also was named All-SPC and All-North Zone. Catherine
Duffey also received All-North Zone. Lauren Maguire received the MIP
award from the team.
Although they hoped to win the DII Championship after a long season
filled with highs and lows, it is clear that ESD varsity volleyball was a
contender in this rebuilding year and that this year’s rookies will serve the
team well as veterans and leaders over the next few years. n
aver, gameactio
© 2010 Ben We
Bronze medals were earned by: Ryan Nelson ’11 in the Men’s Youth Varsity
Single Night Sprint Event at the Head of the Oklahoma; the Men’s Youth
Novice Quad of Jakesy Jordaan ’14, Michael McCrory ’14, Michael Pappas
’14, and Alec Smith ’14 at the Head of the Colorado; and Michael McCrory
’14 in the Men’s Youth Novice Single at the Head of the Colorado.
Silver medals were earned by: the Varsity Men’s Quad of Pierce
Jamieson ’11, Nick Laba ’12, William Meier ’11, and Nelson at the Head of
the Colorado; the Women’s Junior Lightweight Double of Cat Turner ‘13 and
Cece Turner ’14 at the Head of the Colorado; and The Men’s Youth Novice
Quad of Jordaan , Kyle Noonan ’14, Smith, and McCrory at the Head of the
Gold medals went to: the Varsity Men’s Quad of Jamieson, Laba, Meier,
and Nelson in the Night Sprints event at the Head of the Oklahoma; and the
Varsity Men’s Double of Laba and Nelson at the Head of the Colorado.
The Head of the Hooch – the largest regatta in the country - with more
than 9000 participants and 1900 boats was a thrilling experience for the 16
rowers who attended—the first crews from the Episcopal School of Dallas to
ever participate in this regatta. Notable performances include a 7th place
finish out of 34 boats competing by the Men’s Youth Quad of Jamieson,
Laba, Meier, and Nelson, and a 6th place finish out of 36 boats competing by the Women’s Youth Double of Chloe Carry ’11 and Cat Turner ’13. n
The fall 2010 Crew was comprised of 30 members—17
Women and 12 Men. Varsity Women: Chloe Carry, Kimberly
Corson, Lora Cox, Amanda Eggers, Araceli Gallegos,
Lindsay Gerard, Caroline Sikes, Catherine Talbot, Cat Turner,
and Hannah Winton. Varsity Men: Bryan Beagles, Pierce
Jamieson, Nick Laba, William Meier, Ryan Nelson, David
Schluckebier, Shane Reddell, and Brian Yen. Novice Women:
Arianna Allen, Jenkins Bender, Caroline Brennan, Laura Lynn
De Loache, Chandler Naidu, Elizabeth Patrick, and CeCe
Elation, as ESD Volleyball Qualifies for Championship Match
Turner. Novice Men: Jakesy Jordaan, Michael McCrory, Kyle
Noonan, Michael Pappas, and Alec Smith. - Pamela Jamieson n
ESD cross country program
ESD Varsity Cross Country
Ochstein 1st in SPC North; 2nd in SPC 5K
The cross country team, under new coach Steve McBride, had fun and
successful season. The season got off to a strong start with several good
results in meets around North Texas, including the Coppell Invitational,
where the ESD men placed 2nd and the women placed 3rd in 4A
competition. The varsity team travelled to the Cowboy Jamboree in
Stillwater, Oklahoma this year, where the women placed 8th and the men
11th in a strong field.
The season culminated with the SPC North Zone and Championship
meets. The ESD women placed 2nd at North Zone, with Susan Dutter finishing
8th, freshman Aide Sanchez 10th, Mandy Martin 11th, and Parker Ackerman
12th. Schaffer Ochstein won the mens’ race with a time of 16:20, to help lead
ESD to a 3rd place finish. Also in the top 20 were Daniel Hull (7th) and Henry
Spellings (9th). At SPC, Schaffer ran the
5K course in 16:16 for second place overall. Also in the top 20 were Henry
Spellings (11th) and Daniel Hull (15th). Schaffer, Henry, and Daniel earned AllSPC honors. Parker Ackerman led the ESD women with a 32rd overall finish
(21:21), with Susan Dutter finishing
36th and Elise Hansell 41st. The ESD
men placed 5th out of 17 teams, and
the ESD women placed 9th.
ESD Cross Country will miss
its many seniors, including Elise
Hansell (captain), Mandy Martin
(captain), Happy Carlock, Henry
Spellings (captain), Shawn
Adams (captain), Sam Schooler,
Lindsay Goolsby (manager),
Elizabeth Canon, Bethany Berg,
and Kira Witkin. However, with
strong runners in the junior,
sophomore, and freshmen classes,
including MVPs Schaffer Ochstein and Parker Ackerman, the
rest of the team is looking forward to next season. - Margaret Spellings n
ESD Cross Country: 8th Grade
By Claire Crowe
The ESD 8th grade Cross Country team motto was: “Stop Whining
and Start Running,” and this team lived up to their promise! One
word to describe the season is HOT! The temperature was below 90 for only
one of the six cross country meets. The eighth grade team began their two
mile training runs in mid-August and built up their stamina, so they came into
the season strong! The season opener was held at Greenhill, then the Gingerbread
Jamboree in Denton, and the remaining four at White Rock Lake. A season
highlight was the meet hosted by ESD at White Rock on October 14, where
runners enjoyed the flattest course of the season and most everyone on the
team succeeded in running their
personal best time in competition.
All of the eighth grade girls really pushed one another to set both
personal goals and team goals throughout the season, and it paid off. ESD
girls dominated the top ten in every meet, with every single team member
finishing strong. Lili Clark came in first place in five out of six meets, second
place in the sixth meet. Teammates Abigail Rivera, Christina Gordon, and
Caille Riley consistently performed in the top ten slots at all six of our meets.
On the eighth grade boys team, Joseph Rooney placed in the top ten in each meet.
Continued on page 8
esd Field Hockey program
Highlights of the JV field hockey season include a 5-0 victory over Trinity
Valley and an end-of-the-season win over arch-rival Hockaday. “The players
showed continued improvement and have tremendous potential. We are
excited about their future.” - Katie Grunst, Varsity coach
Our winning combination of coaches included Steve McBride,
Laura Baker, and Father Butler. Thank you for a great season!
The 8th grade team included Renner Brown, Lili Clark,
Rae Crowe, Kendall DeSantis, Alexander Eggers, Franklin
Fotopoulos ,Christina Gordon, Liza Hamlin, Madeline Hoodis,
Melanie Maguire, Brett Neurohr, Ben Randall ,Caille Riley,
Abigail Rivera, Joseph Rooney, and Vicky Siu. n
ESD Cross Country: 7th Grade
By Denice Swift
The 7th grade team had a good season this fall. Both Coach Baker
and Coach McBride, the varsity coach, pushed the kids to work hard to
achieve their personal best. The team members built their endurance and
speed through great workouts. They also achieved a good team spirit by
encouraging each other. The 7th grade cross country team built a good
foundation this fall that will benefit each of them in the future. The team was
comprised of
Megan Barnes,
Lauren Boone,
Meredith Bower,
Kelly Eichenholz,
Karley Kampf,
Sydney Narvaez,
Megan Rooney, Sidney Sikes, Olivia
Winton, and Catlin Young. It was coached by Kyle Rice. n
ESD Field Hockey: 8th Grade Girls
By: Katherine Bower
The 8th Grade field hockey girls gave it their all this season. The team was
comprised of eleven girls who were returning players from last year. Overall,
there was much improvement in stick skills and knowledge of the game. The highlight was winning the final game of the season against Oakridge. The team was
coached by Mark
Gardner. The
players were Alyssa
Bower, Claire
Cramm, Alicia
Crenshaw, Rachel
Hersh, Brooke
Holloway, Larson
Lynn, Claire North,
Marisa Soto, Eliza Wagley, Allie Williamson, and
Sophie Wilson. n
ESD Field Hockey: 7th Grade Girls
By Coach Nancy Verly
Seventh grade cross-country was
coached by Laura Baker and Steve McBride. In the photo
are (front row) Coach Baker, Margaret Siu, Graham Smith,
Kohl Swift, Pedro Rivera, and Boone Munson and (back row)
Cristian Savoldelli, Nick Hemingway and Julius Stener. n
The 7th grade girls came out to their first ESD sport with enthusiasm and
extreme athletic ability! In the season opener, they scored four goals to shut
out their opponent, Greenhill. It was clear that they were ready to win! They
continually improved over the course of the season. This was apparent in
the three games that they played against their well-known rival, Hockaday. They lost their first match-up with The Daisies (0-2), tied their second (0-0),
and WON their third (1-0). Way to go Eagles! They have amazing talent and
will triumph as they get older and more experienced!
ESD Volleyball: 8th Grade Girls
By: Shannon Lynch
The team was coached by Nancy Verly, a Spanish
teacher at ESD and first-year 7th grade field hockey coach.
Nineteen girls joined the team, including Caroline Allday,
Cailey Andres, Caroline Blaylock, Alexis Bray, Natalie
Crutcher, Alexandra Eagle, Morgan Eller, Meredith Hessel,
Blake Hobson, Anna Konradi, Amanda Kung, Reagan Loftus,
Julia McGregor, Kay Merritt, Caroline Morway, Tilley Neuhoff,
Sarah Stukalin, Layton Sussman, and Whitney Webb. n
ESD Volleyball program
ESD Volleyball: JV Women
By: Beth Puckett
ESD JV volleyball had an incredible 2010 season! The team finished the year
with a strong 17 – 6 record. The team was guided by two fantastic coaches
who were new to ESD: Jessica Bitar and Amanda Peterson. Each week,
the team focused on a different character building block: Communication,
Togetherness, Spirit, Perseverance, Strength, Teamwork, Loyalty, Focus,
Trust, and Leadership. The girls really worked together and found success
as a team. The team captains were Ellen Sliva and Katie Kerrigan. The
team entered one weekend tournament, and won first place in their division! Congratulations Lady Eagles!
Members of the 2010 JV volleyball team included
Alex Aronowitz, Emily Bassel, Samantha Cheung, Ashley
Kenkel, Katie Kerrigan, Erin McWilliams, Kaki Miller, Virginia
Puckett, Casey Rutherford, Megan Sims, Ellen Sliva, Rory
Smith, and Alex Snyder. n
The 8th grade girls’ volleyball team spent the season really learning to
work together as a team. The girls came up with core values or themes
every week. Captains Rainey Lynch and Gretchen Mahoney shared their
thoughts about these themes, and the team had continuing opportunities
to apply these values (i.e.:
perseverance, spirit, respect,
etc.) to their lives as well as in
their games. It was a year to
grow as a TEAM not only in
the game of volleyball, but in
the game of life as well.
The team had a few
bumps along the road, as
they do in life, but finished
this year playing more like
a true team and less like separate,
individual players. They showed true signs of getting stronger and more
formidable as the season grew to a close. They learned that it is not always
the destination that is most important, but the process of getting there and the lessons learned along the way that really matter! We look forward to
watching some of these girls move up to JV and Varsity in the next year or two!
The 8th grade volleyball team was coached by Amanda
Peterson. The team captains were Rainey Lynch and
Gretchen Mahoney. The team also included Annaliese Chang,
Heather Hall, Hayley Isenberg, Libby Laughlin, Margot McGee,
Alison McPherson, Caroline Pratt, Christina Radford, and
Christina Tatum. n
ESD Volleyball: 7th Grade Girls
By Kelly Robinson
The ESD 7th grade volleyball team
was the place to be this fall, with
23 girls coming out for the team! The girls won 1st place in the 7th
grade volleyball tournament this
year, bringing home a beautiful
trophy for the new trophy case. Congratulations, girls!
7th Graders included Haley
Allen, Caroline Beutel, Calla Boeckman, Avery Bragg,
Hattie Browning, Megan Casey, Katelyn Curtis, Janie Dutter,
Elizabeth Elam, Bella Goncalves, Gabby Guillory, Abigail
Holman, Johari Jenkins, Olivia Jennings, Hailey Karns, Rachel
Latham, Jessie Lincoln, Zoe Long, McKenna Pressley, Kate
Robinson, Bianca Rodriguez, Madeline Smith, and Rebecca
Worsham. The team was coached by Kristin Kirby. n
winter preview
ESD Varsity Basketball Preview: Men
Coming off a three-peat as SPC Division I champions, ESD Men’s Basketball
went live the week after fall SPC and does not plan to slow down until after
winter SPC hopefully places the Eagles in position to four-peat. Head
Coach Corey Henderson is enthused
about his team’s prospects for a great
2010-11 season. He looks to Christian
Albright, Chandler Malone, Wells
Waller, and Chris Schleckser to lead
the team to continued success. New
players to watch include juniors Calvin
Lones, Willy Ruppert, and Caleb
Claycomb, sophomores Cyrus HamidKhani and O’Neal Galbraith, and
freshmen Corey Henderson and
William Butter. The team has quite a
few tournaments planned, and will be
working and playing hard during the
Christmas break. The new facilities at the Stephen B. Swann Athletic and
Wellness Center are making a difference with respect to practice time and
conditioning for all the ESD basketball teams. In addition, the fans will find
the competition gym an enjoyable venue in which to watch the Eagle men
continue the proud tradition of Eagle basketball.
Coach Henderson comments: “ We have a great group of
young men who are excited and thrilled about playing in the
Stephen B. Swann Athletic and Wellness Center. We continue
to look forward to great crowds and the awesome support of
the student body and faculty. We will be young, competitive,
and exciting to watch. The immediate future is very bright
for our men’s basketball program.” n
ESD Varsity Basketball Preview: Women
This year’s women’s basketball squad will
look to improve upon the title of Runner-Up
in SPC Division II last season, said Head
Coach Chris Spurlock. After a 2-5 North
Zone campaign in 2010, ESD elevated its
play in the SPC DII tournament, reaching the
championship game. Spurlock noted that in
his prior position at another SPC school, he
and other SPC coaches regarded ESD as an
“easy win.” That changed when ESD reached
the DI championship game in 2009 and DII
championship game in 2010. ESD is now treated with more respect, and the SPC competition is therefore more
intense. The team will be led by veterans Kaitlyn Hansen and Sarah Sliva
(’11) as well as Catherine Cannata and Hannah Smith (’12). Kaitlin
Naidu (’12) is back, after sitting out in 2010 due to an injury. A number of
exciting new players have come out, which will add dimension to the team. 10
A concurrent JV schedule will provide more playing time and experience,
something not possible last year. Coaches Victor Leak and Rosalyn
Brown are back to assist with coaching duties.
The team will once again play a tournament during Christmas break and
some challenging pre-season matchups. This should be another great season
for ESD Women’s Basketball! n
ESD Varsity Soccer Preview: Men
The ESD Varsity Soccer Men return as
the defending SPC DI Champions, after a
successful 16-3-1 season and a hard-fought
victory against St. Mark’s in the championship
game. Coach Mark Gardner is pleased
to have many returning players from the
2009-2010 championship team this year,
including seniors James Collins, Drake
Greene, Ted Guevel, John Stephen
Khoury, Grant Morrison, and Philip
Wagley. Greene, Khoury, and Morrison
were instrumental in the Eagle’s playoff run
on offense. Wagley had some key defensive
plays. Collins and Guevel provided the
team with day-in and day-out hard play and leadership. Also returning are Kevin Leib, the team’s goalie, Connor Adell, Bryan
Tonti, Hayden Wilson, Tripp Russ, Jordan Shelby, Taylor CurtisWheeler, Daniel Guerrero, Matt Ornstein, and Barrett Anigian. New
to the team this year are Nate Johnson, Austin Patry, Grant Matzen,
and Matthew Redish.
With the continued presence of All-SPC players Khoury, Leib,
and Morrison as well so much of the overall team intact, Gardner
is optimistic about the season. He said “We have all the pieces
in place. The team just needs to work hard every day and take
each game one at a time.” Go Eagle Soccer! n
ESD Varsity Soccer Preview: Women
Coach Dennis Rindfleisch was asked to comment on the upcoming
season. The 2010-11 team will be led by
senior goalkeeper Erica Clendening, who
he called “one of the top keepers in SPC.” He
also touted his large, experienced junior class
which will carry much of the load this season. With these experienced upperclassmen in
place, Rindfleish was optimistic about the
season. “We have hopes of reaching SPC DI
tournament and doing well there,” he said,
“All we need is time, which we never seem
to have enough of. Traditionally we start
off slow but always finish strong at the right
time, when it is most important, for the SPC
Coach Rindfleish also was optimistic about his underclassmen. In
particular, Sarah Ashley Firstenberg (’13) has been demonstrating “a
high work rate and energy” and bringing that to the team. He noted that he
Continued on page 13
Homecoming festivities a great success (continued from page 1)
A parade of ESD seniors and their 5th grade buddies, as well as fall
athletic teams, occurred at half-time around the track. The crowd was
pleased to catch candy and toys thrown to them by the parade participants. The ESD Cheerleaders put on a fantastic half time show! The Homecoming
Court, all members of the Class of 2011, was introduced and presented
along with their parents. Happy Carlock and John Stephen Khoury were
crowned Homecoming Queen and King. The 2010 Homecoming Court also
included Britani Bulloch, Kaitlyn Hansen, Sadie Hardt, Mandy Martin, Austin
Boonyachai, Drake Greene, William Meier, and Philip Wagley.
The Booster Club will be sponsoring Eagle Nights for the winter and
spring sports, where the seniors will be honored and more festive
accoutrements provided to make the events special for the ESD
community. n
ESD Varsity Football (continued from page 4)
the game, catching seven passes for over 100 yards. ESD also played
excellent defense, with a successful goal line stand and an interception to
halt a Greenhill drive. Senior Ted Guevel acknowledged that the victory was
especially meaningful to the graduating seniors. “Beating Greenhill is one
memory I’ll carry my whole life,” said Guevel. Three tough losses followed against Dallas Christian, All Saints and
Trinity Valley. In the All Saints game, ESD fell just short 13-10, despite a
Kevin Leib 45-yard field goal and a 76-yard touchdown by Ryan Converse on
an interception. Despite the loss, the game was important to ESD. “The All
Saints game really gave us confidence for the rest of the season,” said Nolan
Pickens ‘13, “it showed us all that we could play with the best in SPC.” ESD
rallied to shut out St. Andrew’s (30-0), and
played hard in losses against strong opponents Fort Worth Country Day (1735) and St. Mark’s (27-38). Coming back to Gene & Jerry Jones Stadium on a rainy Homecoming
night after the St. Mark’s defeat, the Eagles hung tough against Cistercian. ESD played exciting football, winning the game in the final 90 seconds of the
game (20-17) to the
delight of the large crowd. On a night
permeated with celebrations and half-time festivities, the Eagles led until the
third quarter when Cistercian scored a touchdown, putting ESD down 17-13. But with a palpable desire to deliver the win. ESD moved the ball from the
ESD 36 yard line to the Cistercian 1 yard line on the final drive. Ted Guevel powered the ball into the end zone and secured the Eagle win. Traveling to Arlington for the final game of the season, ESD beat Oakridge, a team that last season handed the Eagles a loss. This season, it
was ESD that emerged victorious (25-15). The Owls led 7-6 in the first quarter
(Ted Guevel rushing TD), but ESD pulled ahead in the second, holding
Oakridge scoreless and putting 9 additional ESD points on the board with a 5
yd. pass from Nate Cole to John Stephen Khoury for 6, and a 34 yd. field goal
by Kevin Leib. ESD added a FG in the third (Leib, 19 yd.), and again kept the
Owls from scoring. In the final quarter, Oakridge finally scored again with a
TD and two point conversion, but ESD sealed the victory with another rushing
touchdown (Guevel , 21 yd; Forrest Smith kick).
Looking ahead to 2011, the team is optimistic. Junior quarterback
Mason McDavid commented, “This season marked a new era for ESD
Football. The new coaching staff brought a much higher level of intensity to
our team. They made it exciting and fun to play at your very best. Next year,
it will be our mission to build upon what this team accomplished.”
The 2010 Varsity Eagles were seniors Brian
Bass, Ted Bangs, Nate Cole, Ted Guevel, Mike Hartnett, John
Stephen Khoury, and Evan McGregor; juniors Charlie Albright, Don
Buchholz, Bennett Beutel, Kevin Leib, Mason McDavid, Willy Ruppert,
Stephen Shanley, Forrest Smith, and Bryan Tonti; sophomores Ryan
Converse, Peter Etheridge, Garrett Greenberg, Hunt Neurohr, and
Nolan Pickens, freshmen Oscar Benavides, Carter Boisfontaine,
Jordan Frank, Foster Huggins, Tim Jackson, Marshall Lefferts, Chris
Levonyak, Richie Loftus, Grant Matzen, Jack Mikeska, Nigel Naulls,
Rollins Olmsted, and Jeff Patton.
Head coach Thomas Everett was assisted by coaches Tim Adams,
Kelvin Garmon, Rodney Hayes, Chuck Rigdon, Jamar Sawyer, and
Derrius Thompson. n
ESD Golf Tournament
Annually, the ESD Booster Club Golf Tournament offers our community and friends a day of
great golf. This fun and important event benefits all ESD student-athletes as it raises about a
third of the annual Booster Club revenue. Non-golfers participate, too, by becoming an ESD
Golf Tournament Sponsor. Sponsors receive recognition in Golf Tournament, other Booster
Club materials (See Page 2!), and signage. It is a great way to promote a business or just
show support for ESD athletics. For more information, please contact Stephen Khoury at
Booster Club Volunteer
Sign-Up – ON LINE!
Parents or students, please go to www.esdallas.org/bvolunteer to sign up for available concession/
volunteer opportunities. Students may
earn community service hours.
4100 Merrell Road
Dallas, TX 75229
Episcopal School of Dallas
april 8, 2011
at Cowboys
golf club in
Dominion Athletic Conference (ODAC) title, and a berth in the NCAA Division
III playoffs. Hal played varsity football and baseball at ESD. had also seen some other potential impact players among the sophomores
and freshmen, and that time will tell. Reiterating his comments from the start of last season about “big games”
he emphasized that the team’s philosophy continues to be that “every game
played each season is considered a big game to this program. - Our goal is to
always try to improve throughout the season, one game at a time.” n
Photo Courtesy of Mizzou Athletics Media Relations
Winter Preview Women’s Soccer (continued from page 10)
David Tollison, ESD Director of Athletics & Wellness, confirmed the addition
of ESD’s new wrestling program. The team is led by head coach Bryan
Ashford and assistant coaches Ben White and Kyle Rice. “The new wrestling
facilities are second-to-none,” said Ashford, “and we look forward to turning
the program into a lasting legacy.” The team will compete in six tournaments
as well as the SPC championships.” Currently the team consists of ten
freshmen, two sophomores, four juniors and one senior. Tollison further
observed that the young team has demonstrated incredible drive thus far.
Photo Courtesy of Cal Media Relaitons
ESD Varsity Wrestling: Men
This is the ESD triathlon team’s second year and we are building on last
year’s momentum. The new Stephen B. Swann Athletic and Wellness Center
has enabled us to train better and more effectively on campus through the
use of the spin bikes and the extensive weight room. It is exciting to see both
the returning and new athletes take on this new sport at ESD. Triathlon is a
great sport that is growing nationwide, and we hope to spark interest and
participation around SPC through our program. We are looking forward to a
fun and rewarding season! - Coach Oliver Butler n
Photo Courtesy of Cal Media Relaitons
News about ESD alumni now playing at the collegiate
level in fall sports.
Adrienne Gehan ’10 – Volleyball
Adrienne Gehan, a four-year varsity volleyball player at ESD,
is playing outside hitter for the NCAA Division I University
of California (Berkeley) Golden Bears. She was featured
in an article in the Daily Californian which discussed her
volleyball contributions to the team and her interest in art
history in which she is majoring. Her team clinched its first PAC-10 championship on November 27, 2010. Gehan contributed nine kills
in the title match against Arizona State. She is featured in a spotlight video
available at http://www.calbears.com/sports/w-volley/cal-w-volley-body.
html. Adrienne was named to the PAC 10 All-Freshman Team, a tremendous
Hal Hundley ’10 – Football
Hal has started at nose guard for the team in his first season
for NCAA Division III Washington and Lee University
(Virginia). The team had its first undefeated season with
a decisive (38-27) victory over previously unbeaten and
number 17-ranked Hampden-Sydney, and won the Old
Photo Courtesy of Temple University Athletics
esd triathlon preview
Photo Courtesy of UNH, credit: Phil Noury
“We will strive to become a benchmark for success at ESD
and are excited about the challenges ahead.” - Bryan Ashford n
Robert Luce ’10 – Football
Robert Luce is a freshman offensive lineman at The
University of Missouri, “Mizzou.” While at ESD, he was
All-SPC in Football in 2007, 2008, and 2009. He also had
success in track in both shot put and discus. n
Brock Mansion ’07 – Football
Brock assumed the starting quarterback position at Cal
(Berkeley) this year after his predecessor went out for the
season with an injury. Mansion’s second start was against
the number one team in the country, the Oregon Ducks. Mansion, a junior (redshirted in 2007), was reportedly
selected due to his knowledge of the system and his
demonstrated skills in practices. (Oakland Tribune,11/4/2010) Although
the Golden Bears failed to qualify for a bowl berth this year, Mansion put in a
respectable performance. Coach Jeff Tedford was quoted by the Oakland
Tribune as saying “I’ve been impressed with his preparation and his composure
going into the game. He’s not a guy that gets rattled. He’s still getting used to the speed of the game, obviously. But, he has a lot of confidence.”
Lindsey Minton ’08 – Ice Hockey
At the University of New Hampshire, Lindsey Minton was
named Hockey East Top Defensive Player of the Week
after back-to-back shut-outs in which she saw a total of
49 recordable shots. She’s ranked the #1 goaltender
in Hockey East and #2 nationally in both goals against
average. Lindsey is a business major at UNH, and played
field hockey and lacrosse at ESD, and augmented her athletics with play with
Colorado Select AAA ice hockey.
Cait Pennington ’07 – Crew
Cait Pennington, a junior at Temple University, was named
to the 2010 Philadelphia Inquirer Academic All-Area
team and has received several honors for her academic
achievement among Temple student-athletes. Her team
took gold and silver in their final regatta of the fall 2010
season, with Pennington part of the silver boat. While a
member of ESD Crew, Pennington placed first at Texas States in lightweight
doubles and second in the varsity quad and helped the team to a sixth place
finish in the Youth Rowing National Championships. n
Fall all-spc teams
cross country
Daniel Hull, Schaffer Ochstein, and Henry Spellings
field hockey
MacKenzie Alexander and Sadie Hardt: Division II
Nate Cole, John Stephen Khoury, Kevin Leib, Nolan Pickens: Division II
Sara Myers: Division II
Ask the AD
David Tollison, ESD Director of Athletics
& Wellness
Fall 2010 sports in review
I am happy to announce a new class for Upper School
team captains. In the past students have been elected
or given the title of “Captain” of one of the Episcopal
School of Dallas’ sports teams, but perhaps wondered
“Now what do I do?”
We have an answer. Each season, the captains of
the various teams will be meeting weekly with Randy Youngling. Randy has
developed a course aimed to help prepare young athletes to be leaders, not
only in their roles as captains, but in all of their other life pursuits, as well.
To begin with, the course starts with thinking through “Ten Myths of Being
a Captain.” Myths include ideas like the best players make the best captains
and that a captain has to be “loud and outgoing” to be an effective leader. Among many other topics, there will be discussions about how captains
can help set a positive tone for their respective teams and serve as positive
role models. Additionally, student-athletes help each other determine what
each captain’s leadership style is and how they can work together with
leaders and players who have different styles. Each set of captains works
on establishing goals that are “genuine, optimistic, accurate, listed out,
and symbolic.” Of course, communication and conflict resolution are key
elements of being an effective and productive leader and those issues will
be addressed as well. I believe ESD athletics will benefit greatly from this
new offering. n
Photos for this issue courtesy of Mike Shanley (football,
cheerleaders, homecoming); Debbie Low (seniors); Joe
Haggar (varsity volleyball); Sylvia Chavez (field hockey):
and numerous other parents. Professional Photos: Amy
Duke (ESD); Ben Weaver (gameactionphoto.com)
(crew)and as specifically credited.
ESD Lower School Families Walk Around
the World
By Laura Boeckman
To celebrate the Grand Opening of the Stephen B. Swann Athletic & Wellness Center, the ESD Lower School embarked on a project coordinated by
Physical Education teacher, Kris Brockhagen, math instructor Zora Skelton,
and LS technology teacher Martha Bowden. Each Primer through 4th Grade
student, parent, faculty member and staff member received a pedometer to
record their daily steps. With a goal of 24,906 mile, a trip around the world,
their stepping journey began on September 9, 2010. A giant map of the world was located on a bulletin board right outside
the front office. Each morning the children entering the school could see the
progress made the day before. In three weeks time, the students had actu-
ally walked a total of 25,596 miles! Their journey took them from Dallas, all
the way around the world and back, and on to Washington D.C. Each ESD step made a world of difference in the Lower School’s health
and wellness initiative. Congratulations to the Lower School community who
successfully completed their mission, fostering ESD’s belief of Healthy Mind,
Healthy Body, Healthy Spirit!