A.I.Karpov (Khabarovsk Polyteohnioal Institute, Khabarovsk 680035
A.I.Karpov (Khabarovsk Polyteohnioal Institute, Khabarovsk 680035
ON THE PREDICTION OF FLAME SPREAIl RATE OVER" THE COIlBUBTIBLE IU.TERIALS J .. A.I.Karpov (Khabarovsk Polyteohnioal Institute, Khabarovsk 680035, Russia) .ABSTRACT The propagation of two-dimensional diffusive flame over combuatible material is studied numerioally by solving appropriate oons~rvation equations for the reaoting flow · ooupled with the energy equation in the solid fuel. Two kinde of mathematioal desoriptions are -oonsidered. Firstly, boundary layer approaoh is taken into aooount but in some oases (speoifioly, when freestream velooi ty is not suffioient to damp the mo.Leou.Lar- heat and mass transfer in the upwind direotion), the flame spread features oan not be desoribed oorreotly by this approximation. Henoe, full t wo-d ime ns i onal elliptio equations are solved. Among other aspeots of flame spread prooess, presented study has been fooused mainly on the oentral issue of theoretioal analysis of oonsidered phenomena that oonsists in the prediotion of steady flame spread rate. Beoause the solving of unsteady elliptio equations is f a irl y diffioult from the view-point of oomputational efforts, ma thematioal model is formulated in the steady-state ooordinate sys tem fixed on the flame front. Here, set of steady equations is t ake n into aooount where steady flame spread rate appears as an eigenValue. Generally aooepted method of eigenValue problem's solution relates to t h e ue Ing of integral mass balanoe in the s ol id fuel. As it was shown, two-dimensional eigenValue problem has no t unique solution if regression of burn~ surface is not n e g l e o ted . It means that fuel's mass balanoe 1S kept for any assigned value of flame spread rate. A new algorithm for the prediotion of steady flame spread rate is proposed by using the non-equilibrium thermodynamio approaoh. The flame spread over PYKA. slabs and thin samples of paper is studied. The influenoe of some parameters suoh a free-stream velooity and ambient mass fraotion of oxygen on the flame spread rate is investigated. INTRODUCTION The problem of theoretioal investigation of flame spread over solid fuels was widely studied by different authors [1-5]. Among lot of physioal aspeots surrounding this phenomena, present study has been mainly oonoentrated on the theoretioal prediction of the s teady flame spread rate. As it was notioed [3], quite diffioult t wo-d ime nsi onal eigenValue problem has been arisen if steadys t ate ooordinate system fixed on flame front is oonsidered. Al ternative approaoh is based on the unsteady equations in the - 319Copyright © International Association for Fire Safety Science ooordinate ayatem ~ixed on aolid ~uel. Uaing thia approaoh [4.5] one oan avoid eigenvalue problem but aigni~ioant di~:fioultiea are ariaen to solve two-dimensional unatea~ equations. At presented paper only stea~ equations in the ooordinate system :fixed on :flame :front are taken into aooount and eigenValue problem ia atudied eapeoially. In the originating work [2] the solution o~ eigenValue problem was reoeived by using the integral maBa balanoe ot: aolid ~uel. In this paper the ratio o~ eunraoe regreasion to the ~lame apread rate was assumed negligible that allowed to reduoe ~ull two-dimensional ·eigenValue problem to onedimensional. In thia regard. preaent atudy has been intended to develop an algori thm ~or the prediotion o:f :flame spread rate basing on the analyaia o~ ~ull two-dimensional eigenValue problem where ~lame spread rate and aolid :fuel's pYrolysis rate relate to eaoh other as a two eigenvalues. li'LAME SPREAD MODEL The oo~iguration o~ oonsidered ~lame apread model ia shown in li'ig.1. The horizontal ~lame apread ia ahown here but preaented analyaia oan be appl i ed also 1'0 downward and even upward ~lame apread ainoe the exiatenoe o~ ateady propagation ia t h e Bingle oondition ~or auitability. The general ~orm o~ equations ia: gas-phase lJT {J A {JT {J A {JT Q + .:JI pW A+ {Jy C {Jy a 8 {Jx C {Jx {JT + pv-- ptL- {Jx {Jy {J Le A (JY {JYi. {J Le A {JYi. {JYi. i pu- + pv-- = A- - - - + - - - {Jy . C {Jy {JX C {JX {Jy iJx lJu. {J lJu. pu- + PtJ- {JX {Jy tJX {Ju {JU Apu- + AptJ{JX {Jy tJptL {Jpu + -- {Jx p {Jy {J lJu. A- ~ {J {JX + {JU {Jy {JX {Jy o 1) i pW 8 (2 ) (3 ) {JX {Jy {JU A-~-+A-~- {JX - {Jp lJu. ~- {J (1) {Jy {Jp (4 ) {Jy (5 ) . pRT (6) - 320- solid ~el 2 BT u - I Bx + va By =; [ 2 A:; + B T ] By2 + Q -!! pW G (7 ) a oonditions boundary y=o: BT , tL--U, T=T a PV=Pava aT - 'A. -g + (pvGT) gay e -IE 'A. BY i - -- + pvY ~ G ay ~ (8) e =- 'A. aT ~ aay + (pvGT)a (9 ) = pa v a Y a.~~ (10) Here T is temperature, u,v are velooity oomponents, Y i is mass fi>aotions where i=(O,P), 0 and P denote oxygen and gasi:!ied :fuel respeotively, p is density, A. is thermal oonduotivity, ~ is visoousity, C is speoi:!io heat, p is pressure, R is -s pe oi:!io gas oonstant, Q is e:!:!eotive heat o:! reaotion, 18 is Lewis number, U , and Va are steady :!lame spread rate and linear pyrolysis rate respeotively, A=O :!or boundary l~er approaoh and A=1 :!or:!ull two-dimensional elliptio equations. The gas-phase oombustion and solid :!uel pyrolysis both are desoribed by Arrhenius type :!ormula: 1. 1'1& WJ = YPYerg 1l exp(-E /R T ) JOg (11) Ws = Rs exp(-Es /RoT) s (12 ) EIGENVALUE PROBLEM: Assuming pyrolysis produot is gasified from the burning surfaoe as soon as it i s generated, the linear rate of pyrolysis is determL~ted from the fuel's mass conservation in the form [3]: o v =fW dy S -L (13 ) S The value of pyrolysis rate Vs in Eq. (13) relates to some orossseotion o:! :!uel sample in the x-ooordinate. The mass oonservation equation desoribing the whole :!uel sample is (see ~ig.1): x ii L r ~ 1'1& = f v (x)dx + 0 a U,(~ m (14) ) -3Z1- whioh yields :J: TIl aTIl = f0 v S (x)dx , (15 ) ti Here XTIl is burnout point on t he ~uel sur~aoe beyond whioh PYrOlysis no ooours. The thiokness o~ virgin material deoreases along the x-ooordinate L(x) = L(O)-o(x) (16 ) o~ gaBi~ied and thiokness material is de~ined as t O(x) = f v (x)dt o S (17 ) On the other hand, steady-state ooordinate system is ~lame ~ront o~ steady ~lame ~ixed on the spread rate yields = Ujlt dx Replaoing O(x) = and and determination ~or (18) dt ~rom Eq. (18) to Eq. (17) we reoeive :Ii L f V o ti, s (x)dx (19 ) the whole sample :Ii o TIl U, = 1 fTll v (x)dx 0 (20) S :Finally, replacing 0 TIl from Eq. (2 0) .to Eq. (15) we ge t an ident ity that means that ~el' a maaa oonservation is kept ~or any assigned value o~ ~lame spread rate ti, and eigenValue problem has not unique solution relatively to the spread rate. There~ore, some additional oorrelat ions are needed. BOUNDARY LAYER APPROACH Considering the edgenvatue problem presented in the previous section, the following algorithm is proposed for the prediotion of flame spread rate. The investigation [6] of dependenoe Vs(U,) has shown that there is an extremum at whioh the pYrOlysis rate V s reaches its maxiInuJlJ oorresponding to some value of flame spread rate The last one is oonsidered as a sought s teady value. Beoause boundary l~er equations are taken into aooount and terms describing heat t ransf e r in the upwind direction are negleoted, Eqs. (1 )-(4) oan not be integrated ~m t h e point x =O in ],ig. 1 [7 ]. So, to begin the oaloulat ions some pro~iles o~ predioted variables must be assigned at some oross~eotion X o in li'ig.1. Aotually i t means t hat in the c ase o~ opposed ~low ~lame propagation the flame spread rate oan not be predioted by t heor etioal s tudy p ure l y because boundary l ayer equat i ons do not U, . -322- inolude any terms that desorib~ meohanism o~ heat transfer in the spread direotion. There~ore, only an ~luenoe o:! Borne parameters on the ~lame spread rate oan be studied by boundary layer approaoh while one point o~ this dependenoe in any oase must be guessed by ohoosing the initial pro~iles that satis~y experimental result. Some re3ult3 of the inve3tigation of flame 3pread over PMMA slabs are presented in ~ig.2-J. The data o~ ~ig.2 are quite satis~aotory wnile ~ig.J has not shown so good agreement. Author does not hesitate to show aohived results even i~ its have a manner suoh as presented in ~ig.J beoause the limit o~ proposed method ~or ~lame spread rate prediotion must be settled olearly. ~lame :ffiLL TWO-DDlENSIONAL EQUATIONS Here, a mathematioal model that Ino.Iudee full two-dfmenafonat equation3 are investigated. The study o~ ~luenoe o~ ~ree-stream velooity on the ~lame 3pread ra"Ge by using the method desoribed in previous seotion (searohing the extremum o~ Vs(ti ) distribut tion) was unsucoearuf, as it was shown in ~i~.J ~or boundary layer ' approaoh. Then, a new approaoh ~or the predJ.otion o~ ~lame spread rate Was developed by usdng the non-equilibrium thermodYnamio analysis [8]. By thi3 approaoh the steady ~lame propagation is identi:!ied with the stationary state o~ irreversible thermodynamio system that is oharaoterized, aooording to theorem of Prigo~ine, by minimal entropy produotion [9] .The result aohived by thJ.3 approach i3 shown :L.'"l li'ig. 4. REli'ERENCES 1. De Ris J.N., 12th Symp. (Int.) on Combustion, Combustion In3t. Pittsburgh, 1969, p.241. 2. Sirignano W.A., Aota ABtronautioa, .1 (1974), 1285. 3. ~ernandez-Pello A.C., Williams ~.A., Combust. ~lame, 28(1977), 251. 4. li'rey A.E., T'ien J.S., Combust. li'lame, 36(1979), 263. 5. Di BlaBi C. , Cresoi telli S., Ru330 G., Combust. li'lame, 72 (1988 ), 205. 6. Bulgakov V.K., Karpov A.I., in: Air and GaB DYnamios ot Un3 teady Prooesses, Tomak Universi ty, 1988, p .121 (in Ru3sian). 7. Chen C.H., T'ien J .S. , Tra.na . . ABO: J. o~ Heat Tra.na~er, 106(1984), 4, 31. 8. Karpov, A.I., Bulga.kov V.K. Soviet Union - Japan Seminar on Combustion, hplosion and li'ire Research, Khabarov3k Polytechnioal In3t., 1991, p.91. 9. Glan3dorff P. ,Prigogine, I., Thermodynamio Theory of Struoture, Stability and li'luotuatioI13, Wiley, New York, 1971. 10. McAlevy R.li'.III, ~e R.S., 13th Symp. (Int.) on Combustion, Combustion In3t., PJ.ttsburgh, 1971, p.215. · . -323- u ~ x o U-f li'ig.1 li'lame spread model 0.2 li'ig.2 The intluence ot ambient oxygen mass traction on the tlame spread rate. 1 - present oaloulation, 2 - empirio tormula [10]. 6--------...., o 0.1 0.2 o.?t • o U, m/S li'ig.3 The In!luenoe ot !reestream velooity on the tlame spread rate. 1 - present calculation 2 - measurements [6 ] 0.% U, O.It tn/S li'ig.4 The intluenoe ot !reestream ve1bcity on the tlame spread rate. 1 - present caloulation 2 - oaloulation [4] -32.4- O.G