Flame propagation along a vortex axis
Flame propagation along a vortex axis
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 www.elsevier.com/locate/pecs Flame propagation along a vortex axis Satoru Ishizuka* Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hiroshima University, 1-4-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8527, Japan Received 12 August 2001; accepted 12 August 2002 Abstract The propagating flame along a vortex axis is completely different from the ‘normal’ flames, which propagate in a tube or expand spherically from an ignition point. Its propagating speed is nearly equal to the maximum tangential velocity in the vortex. Thus, the flame propagation is governed not by a physico-chemical parameter, Su (the laminar burning velocity) but by an aerodynamic parameter, Vu max (the maximum tangential velocity). Considerable efforts have been made to find the characteristics of flame propagation; flame shape, speed, diameter, and steadiness of propagation, limits of propagation, the Lewis number effects, and the aerodynamic structure, as well as whether pressure is raised behind the flame or not are all important characteristics. In this article, the progress accomplished in the experimental, theoretical and numerical investigations of the rapid flame propagation along a vortex axis is reviewed. Based on the knowledge of the flame characteristics, modeling combustion in turbulence, which consists of fine-scale eddies, is discussed. q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Combustion mechanism; Flame propagation; Flame speed; Vortex; Vortex breakdown; Back-pressure; Lewis number; Swirl Contents 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. A brief history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1. Appearance and behavior of flame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.1. Flame shape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.2. Steadiness of flame propagation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.3. Flame diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2. Propagation limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.1. Concentration limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.2. Aerodynamic limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3. Flame speeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1. Steadiness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.2. Flame speeds as functions of the maximum tangential velocity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4. Pressure difference across the flame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5. Flame diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1. Flame kernel deformation mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2. Vortex bursting mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.1. The original theory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.2. The angular momentum conservation model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * Tel.: þ81-824-24-7563; fax: þ 81-824-22-7193. E-mail address: ishizuka@mec.hiroshima-u.ac.jp (S. Ishizuka). 0360-1285/02/$ - see front matter q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 3 6 0 - 1 2 8 5 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 1 9 - 9 478 479 485 487 487 488 488 490 490 492 494 494 495 498 504 505 505 507 507 508 478 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 4.2.3. A hypothesis based on the pressure difference measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.4. A steady state, immiscible stagnant model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.5. The finite flame diameter approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.6. The back-pressure drive flame propagation mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.7. A steady-state back-pressure drive flame propagation model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3. Baroclinic push mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4. Azimuthal vorticity evolution mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Numerical simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1. Vortex breakdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2. Flame speeds: summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.1. Flame speeds for typical flame diameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.2. Analogy between flows in vortices and gravitational flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.3. Flame speeds for finite flame diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.4. A note on Burgers vortex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.5. A general comparison between theories and experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.6. An unresolved problem: finiteness of flame diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3. Modeling turbulent combustion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. Introduction Flame propagation is one of the most basic problems in combustion research. Related to explosion hazards in mines [1,2], and also with the development of spark-ignited engine and many of her premixed combustion devices, extensive studies have been made of this subject. Early experiments on the flame propagation in a tube have resulted in discovery of the fundamental speed of flame, which is obtained by dividing the flame speed by the ratio of the flame area to the cross-sectional area of the tube [3]. This fundamental flame speed is what we call today ‘the burning velocity’. For its determination, two types of flames, stationary flames and non-stationary (moving) flames, are used [4]. A spherically expanding flame is one of the non-stationary flames. Under a laminar flow condition and when free from any flame front instability, the flame speed Vf is directly related to the burning velocity Su ; which is a physico-chemical constant of the mixture. In the case of a flame propagating in a tube, the flame speed is given as Vf ¼ Su Af ; Atube ð1Þ in which Af is the flame area and Atube is the cross-area of the tube [3]. In a spherically expanding flame, the flame speed is given as 508 509 512 513 516 518 519 521 523 523 528 528 529 530 531 532 533 533 537 538 538 flame in a layered mixture, the flame speed is given as [5] rffiffiffiffiffi r Vf ¼ Su u : ð3Þ rb As clearly indicated above, these flame speeds are given as functions of the burning velocity. The propagating flame along a vortex axis has a completely different aspect from these flames. A recent study [6] predicts the flame speed in the form of rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi r Vf ¼ Su þ Vu max 1 þ b : ð4Þ ru Here, Vu max is the maximum tangential velocity in a vortex. This is just an example of the results of recent studies; the rigorous expression for the flame speed is under study. The maximum tangential velocity is of the order of 10 m/s in a strong vortex, whereas the burning velocity is at most 40 cm/s in most hydrocarbon fuels. Therefore, the flame speed is controlled mainly by the aerodynamic parameter Vu max ; not by the physico-chemical parameter Su : There are some examples, whose flame speeds are governed by other than physico-chemical factors. Turbulent burning velocities ST ; are given as functions of the turbulence intensity u0 ; and the simplest form is given as [7] ST ¼ Su þ u0 : ð5Þ ð2Þ An upward propagating flame near the flammability limits is controlled by buoyancy and the flame speed is given as pffiffiffiffi Vf ¼ 0:328 gD; ð6Þ in which ru and rb are the densities of the unburned and burned gases, respectively [4]. In the case of the propagating in which g is the acceleration due to gravity and D is the internal diameter of the tube [8]. Thus, the propagating Vf ¼ Su ru ; rb S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 flame in a vortex has a different propagation mechanism from other flames. Vortex bursting (breakdown) is the possible mechanism; this was first pointed out by Professor Chomiak in 1977 [9]. The phenomenon of vortex breakdown has been first observed in the leading-edge vortices trailing from delta wings [10], but it can also be observed in the swirling flows in a duct, in rotating fluids in a container, and even in combustion chambers [11]; there is some evidence that it might occur in tornado funnels [12]. However, the vortex breakdown in combustion is different from that in conventional flows in that the density changes abruptly in the breakdown region, due to combustion. Therefore, the phenomenon of rapid flame propagation along a vortex axis is also very important in the field of fluid dynamics in order to understand correctly the vortex breakdown phenomenon in constant-density flows. To summarize the phenomenon of rapid flame propagation along a vortex axis seems to have the following aspects of interest: 1. Flame propagation. The flame has a different propagation mechanism from the ordinary flames. 2. Flame – vortex interactions. Although the flame – vortex interaction problem has been extensively studied [13], little is known on the case when the vortex axis is perpendicular to the flame surface. 3. Modeling of turbulent combustion. Chomiak [9], Tabaczynski et al. [14] and Klimov [15] have taken this phenomenon into consideration in their turbulent combustion models. 4. Flammability limits. Although the flammability limit is defined as a propagation limit of a self-sustaining flame, unexpected flame propagation can occur along a vortex axis. The definition of flammability limits is obscured. 5. Combustion control. This phenomenon may provide a new tool to control and enhance combustion in internal combustion engines and industrial furnaces. 6. Fire safety. In a zero-g environment, where an artificially created spinning gravitational field is formed, an unusual flame spread may occur through this phenomenon. 7. Vortex breakdown. The rapid flame propagation phenomenon itself can be regarded as an extension of the vortex breakdown phenomenon in a constantdensity flow to that in a variable density flow. This review is devoted first to a historical survey of the studies of rapid flame propagation along the vortex axis in Section 2, followed by the presentation of experimental results to acquire basic, true knowledge on this phenomenon in Section 3. Next, theories and numerical simulations are presented in Sections 4 and 5, respectively. Relevant studies of the vortex breakdown phenomenon in constant-density flows are briefly reviewed in Section 6. A general discussion is also made on the effects of vortex breakdown on modeling 479 turbulent combustion. Finally, conclusions and future studies are presented in Section 7. 2. A brief history To the author’s knowledge, Moore and Martin were the first, to deal with flame propagation along a vortex axis. Their report appeared in Letters to the Editor in the journal Fuel in 1953 [16]. They used a glass tube 125-cm long and 47 mm diameter, one end of which was closed and fitted with a 6-mm diameter entry nozzle tangential to the tube circumference 1 cm from the closed end. They reported that a tongue of flame, projected into the unburned gas within the tube mouth, extended eventually to the closed end. They emphasized that such flame flash-back occurred even when the flow rate exceeded the critical value for blow off, if the mixture was introduced not tangentially but straightforward. Flame speeds were not measured. It was only mentioned that ‘the phenomenon was not stable; regular pulses of flame passed down the tube with a velocity dependent on the strength and rate of flow of the mixture’. This author was unable to trace their following work, although it is written in the last part of their report that ‘the investigation is continuing’. We had to wait nearly two decades to know the actual flame speed along the vortex axis. In 1971, McCormack measured the flame speed in the vortex rings of rich propane/air mixtures [17]. In this experiment, the flame speed was 300 cm/s. McCormack’s research was supported by the Ohio State University, and followed by a work performed with his co-workers, which appeared in Combustion and Flame in 1972 [18]. This time, they constructed a bigger vortex ring generator and measured the flame speed as a function of the vortex strength. The results are shown in Fig. 1. It is seen that the flame speed increases almost linearly with an increase in the vortex strength, and the maximum flame speed reaches about 1400 cm/s. The flame speed becomes much higher if pure oxygen is used as an oxidizer. The mechanism for the high propagation speed, however, was unknown. In his first paper [17], hydrodynamic instability, inherent to density gradient in a rotating flow, was suspected. In their second paper [18], turbulence was a candidate. The results of McCormack et al. [18] have attracted keen interest from other researchers. In 1974, Margolin and Karpov made an experiment in an eddy combustion chamber, which was a rotating vessel, 80-mm diameter and 50-mm long [19]. They found that when a mixture was ignited at periphery, the flame kernel first moved towards the axis of rotation, and after reaching the axis of rotation, the flame volume became cigar-shaped; that is, the dimension of the volume along the axis increased much faster than the volume along the radius. The radial flame speed became lower than the flame speed in the quiescent 480 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 as ‘vortex breakdown,’ termed ‘vortex bursting’. By noticing pressure jump across the flame, and also considering momentum flux conservation across the flame, he has derived the following expression for the flame speed, rffiffiffiffiffi r Vf ¼ Vu max u : ð7Þ rb Fig. 1. Flame speed versus vortex strength [18]. mixture, whereas the axial velocity became much faster than the flame in the quiescent mixture. As compared with the combustion in the non-rotating case, the centripetal movement of the hot kernel to the axis of rotation resulted in a rapid increase of flame area, and in a rapid pressure rise— which is important from a practical viewpoint. Deformation of the flame kernel was considered to enhance the axial flame speed. Also, Lovachev [20] considered that the deformation of flame kernel in the centrifuge enhanced the flame speed in vortices. In the course of his study on flammability limits, he found that a flame spreads over a ceiling at a speed about twice the flame speed in a quiescent mixture. He has pointed out the analogy between the flame creeping over a ceiling and the flame propagating along a vortex axis. Under the ceiling, buoyancy, which acts on the hot burned gas, flattens the shape of the hot kernel, resulting in the rapid flame spread. In a vortex, the centrifugal force of rotation suppresses expansion of the hot gas in a radial direction, whereas it promotes elongation of the flame kernel along the vortex axis [20,21]. However, a completely different mechanism was proposed in 1977 [9] when Chomiak proposed the concept of vortex bursting for the rapid flame propagation along a vortex axis, and developed a model for turbulent combustion at high Reynolds number [9,22]. He considered that the rapid flame propagation could be achieved by the same mechanism Here, Vu max is the maximum tangential velocity in Rankine’s combined vortex, and ru and rb are the density of the unburned and burned gases, respectively. Rapid flame propagation along a vortex axis has also been taken into consideration in modeling turbulent combustion by Tabaczynski et al. [14,23], Klimov [15], Thomas [24] and Daneshyar and Hill [25]. Fig. 2 shows a model by Tabaczynski et al. [14]. In this model, a flame was assumed to propagate instantaneously along a vortex of Kolmogorov scale, followed by combustion with a laminar burning velocity. In the hydrodynamic model by Klimov [15], the vortex scale was assumed to be much larger than the Kolmogorov scale. In 1987, Daneshyar and Hill [25] described the concept of vortex bursting in more detail. By considering the angular momentum conservation across the flame front, they have obtained the pressure difference across the flame, DP, which is equal to " 2 # 0 0 r 2 DP ¼ ru u 1 2 b ð8Þ < ru u 2 ; ru in which u0 is rms of the velocity fluctuation and considered to be equal to the maximum tangential velocity Vu max in Rankine’s combined vortex. They considered further that this pressure difference set-up a large axial velocity of burned gas ua. By equating the pressure difference DP with the kinetic energy of the burned gas rb u2a =2; they obtained an Fig. 2. Model of burning, turbulent, small-scale structure [14]. S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 expression for the axial velocity of the hot gas, sffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffi 2ru 0 2ru ¼ Vu max : ua < u rb rb ð9Þ In modeling turbulent combustion, they introduced the concept of average pressure difference, which was about one-third of DP, resulting in sffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 ru 0 2 ru ¼ Vu max : ð10Þ ua < u 3 rb 3 rb Finally, they gave the flame propagation speed in turbulent combustion as sffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 0 2 ru ; ð11Þ ut ¼ ul þ u 3 rb in which ul is the adiabatic laminar burning velocity. Since the works by Chomiak [9,22] and by Daneshyar and Hill [25], related studies have been made. In 1983, Zawadzki and Jarosinski investigated the effect of rotation on the turbulent burning velocity [26]. They have found that an intense rotating flow causes marked laminarization of turbulent combustion, and as a result, the turbulent burning velocity remains at the same level as the laminar burning velocity [26]. In 1984, Hanson and Thomas investigated flame development in rotating vessels to find that due to the ‘penciling’ effect, the flame is distorted from its otherwise spherical shape; its surface area increases considerably, and the combustion time is shortened in the rotating mixtures [27]. It is interesting to note that in their paper, the pressure difference between the burned gas and the unburned gas is thought to be a driving force for the penciling effect. The magnitude is the order of DP ¼ 1 2 W 2 rf2 ðru 2 rb Þ; ð12Þ 481 investigated the occurrence of the inward flow theoretically [29]. Subsequent studies by Libby et al. in 1990 [30] and by Kim et al. in 1992 [31] have revealed that three stagnation points can appear in the case of strong rotation. This complex structure of the flame in a rotating flow field may provide a useful insight into the aerodynamic structure of the flame, which propagates along a vortex axis through vortex breakdown. In 1988, Sivashinsky et al. studied flame propagation in a rotating tube to find that the flame speed can be amplified in a rotating tube [32]. The effects of rotation on a Bunsen flame were also investigated. In 1990, Sheu et al. showed both experimentally and theoretically that the cellular instability could be suppressed by rotation [33]. Sohrab and co-workers have further investigated the shapes of Bunsen flames under rotation [34,35]. Very recently, Ueda et al. studied the Bunsen flame tip carefully, to find that various tip behaviors, such as oscillation, tilting and eccentric movement, are dominated by the Lewis number of the deficient component in the mixture [36]. On the other hand, in 1984, a tubular flame was found to exist in a stretched, rotating flow field [37]. Its characteristics have been studied both experimentally [37– 41] and theoretically [42 – 46], and a survey on tubular flame characteristics was published in this journal in 1993 [47]. This stationary flame study triggered a non-stationary flame study in vortex flows. Using the same type of vortex flow as in the work by Moore and Martin [16], a study on flame propagation along a vortex axis was restarted [48], although nearly four decades had already passed since their work. In this study [48], the maximum tangential velocities, as well as the flame speeds, were measured. Thus, this is the first time that the relationship between the flame speed and the maximum tangential velocity was obtained. Fig. 3 [48] shows the results. It is seen that, as predicted by the theories (Eqs. (7), (9) and (10)), the flame speed increases almost in which W is the rotational speed and rf is the maximum radius of the burned gas. Since the product of W and rf is equal to the maximum tangential velocity Vu max ; the pressure difference DP can be rewritten as r DP ¼ 12 ru Vu2 max 1 2 b : ð120 Þ ru The coefficient 1/2 is obtained because in a rotating vessel a forced vortex is formed. Thus, it is interesting to note that both the flame deformation mechanism and the vortex bursting mechanism give almost the same magnitude of pressure difference for driving the flame. In the mean time, the effects of rotation on various flame characteristics have been studied from a fundamental viewpoint. In 1987, Chen et al. made an experiment on a binary flame in a stagnation point flow [28]. By rotating the burner around a center axis perpendicular to the flame front, they determined the extinction limit as a function of the rotational speed, to discover a curious tendency in the limit. This was caused by the occurrence of an inward, radial flow on a stagnation plane. In 1987, Sivashinsky and Sohrab Fig. 3. Relations between flame speed Vf and maximum tangential velocity Wmax in various mixtures (the mean axial velocity Vm ¼ 3:0 m=s; injector III) [48]. 482 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 linearly with an increase in the maximum tangential velocity. The speeds, however, are much lower than the predictions. In the predictions, the flame speed should be several times as high as the maximum tangential velocity, while the flame speeds measured are almost equal to or less than the maximum tangential velocity. Another interesting discovery in this study is that the propagating flame is strongly influenced by the Lewis number. Fig. 4 [48] shows the flame shapes of various mixtures. In rich methane (Fig. 4(b)) and lean propane mixtures (Fig. 4(c)), in which the mass diffusivity of deficient component Di is smaller than the thermal diffusivity k of the mixture, the head of the flame is highly dispersed and weakened, whereas the head is intensified in lean methane (Fig. 4(a)) and rich propane (Fig. 4(d)) mixtures of Di $ k: It is very interesting to note that in a rich propane mixture, a flame of small diameter can propagate in the vortex flow. A further study has been made on the limit of propagation to find that flame propagation by rotation is possible only if the modified Richardson number exceeds the order of unity [49]. It has also been found from static pressure measure measurements that unlike the usual flames propagating in a quiescent mixture or in a onedimensional stream, pressure is raised behind the flame to an extent of almost the same order of magnitude as predicted by the vortex bursting theory [50]. About that time, Asato et al. restarted the vortex ring experiments [51]. They used a vortex ring generator (which diameter was almost the same as that used by McCormack et al. [18]), to determine the flame speed, ring diameter, and the translational speed of the vortex ring [51]. Since their measured flame velocities were much lower than those predicted by Chomiak [9] and Daneshyar and Hill [25], they modified their theories by taking the finite flame radius into consideration. It is regrettable, however, that they have not Fig. 4. The shapes of propagating flames in (a) lean methane ðV ¼ 5:3%Þ; (b) rich methane ðV ¼ 11:9%Þ; (c) lean propane ðV ¼ 2:7%Þ; and (d) rich propane ðV ¼ 7:7%Þ mixtures (the mean axial velocity Vm ¼ 3:0 m=s; injector III) [48]. S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 measured the maximum tangential velocity. They estimated the maximum tangential velocities simply by putting their measured translational velocity into the Lamb’s equation [52] and assuming that the core diameter was 10% of the ring diameter [51]. This leads to a significant overestimation (two or three times) for the actual maximum tangential velocity. The Lewis number effects were also noted in their following papers [53,54]. They further investigated the propagating flame in stretched vortex rings, which were obtained using vortex rings that impinged on a wall [55]. Later, they measured the flame diameter precisely and constructed a theory which considered the effects of finite diameter on the flame speed, although their maximum tangential velocities were still obtained still using the estimation [56,57]. Independently of the studies on the flame propagating along a vortex axis, Ono and co-workers investigated the flame propagation in a rotating disk [58,59]. Their interesting finding was that at a very high rotational speed, the flame ignited at the center, could not continue to propagate outwards and the flame was extinguished at some distance from the center. Flame extinction in a strong centrifugal force field had been reported previously, however, the extinction occurred when the flame propagated not outward but inwards [60,61]. They also found that such flame extinction occurred only for lean methane/air and rich propane/air mixtures, whose Lewis number is less than unity [58,59]. This result seems important in order to understand the finite flame diameter, observed both in the vortex ring combustion [17,18], and in the flame propagation in the vortex flow [48]. In 1994, Atobiloye and Britter proposed a steady-state model for the rapid flame propagation in a rotating tube [62]. They used Bernoulli’s equation to describe axial flows accurately. Although their solutions were obtained numerically, their model gives much lower flame speeds than the Chomiak theory [9] or the model by Daneshyar and Hill [25]. It is interesting to note that in the limit of an infinitely large diameter tube and if a free vortex is assumed, the ratio of the flame velocity to the maximum tangential velocity Ui pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi is approximately given by Ui < 1 2 rb =ru ; i.e. in the limit of an unconfined free vortex flow, rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi r Vf < Vu max 1 2 b : ð13Þ ru In 1995, Hasegawa et al. started a numerical simulation on the flame propagation along a vortex axis [63]. They showed that the flame propagation by the vortex bursting can occur when the flame size becomes larger than the thickness of laminar flame. Just after the work by Hasegawa et al., Ashurst proposed a different mechanism for the flame propagation, termed as ‘baroclinic push’ [64]. He addressed the baroclinic torque (a vector product of the density gradient 7r and the pressure gradient 7P ), in his theory to account for the rapid flame propagation along a vortex axis. He asserts that this baroclinic torque evokes a vorticity v around the flame through dv 1 ¼ 7r £ 7P; dt r2 483 ð14Þ where t is time, and the flame is accelerated by this vorticity. His final expression for the flame speed UB is pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi t 1 2 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ðrM VM UB ¼ Þ ð15Þ XF =rM : SL ð1 þ tÞ d 1þt Here, t is the heat release parameter, which equals the density ratio minus unity, d is the flame thickness, SL is the laminar burning velocity, and XF is the length of the burned gas in the axial direction. The vortex swirling motion, in terms of the angular velocity, is given in a form Vu G 2 ¼ ½1 2 expð2r 2 =rM Þ; r 2pr 2 ð16Þ where rM is the radius at which the vorticity is reduced by e 21 the value at infinity, and VM is the approximate maximum swirl velocity by setting the circulation as G ¼ 2prM VM : In their numerical simulation, Hasegawa and Nishikado have shown that the baroclinic torque is produced around the propagating flame [65]. Compared with the vortex Fig. 5. The relation between flame speed Vf and maximum tangential velocity Vu max in the vortex ring experiment [6]. 484 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 bursting theories, they concluded that as the baroclinic push mechanism could better explain the inverse dependency of the propagation velocity on the density ratio, as well as the dependency on almost the second power of the circumferential velocity, and the diameter of the vortex tube [65]. Because there were many discrepancies in theories and experiments, further studies were conducted. In 1996, Sakai and Ishizuka experimented with a rotating tube [66]. In this study, the maximum tangential velocity could be known accurately by multiplying the rotational speed by the radius of the tube. In 1998, Ishizuka and co-workers restarted the vortex ring combustion [6]. In this study, the maximum tangential velocity Vu max and the translational velocity U were first determined by hot-wire anemometry for the cold air vortex rings. Next, the relationship between the flame speed Vf and the maximum tangential velocity Vu max ; in the vortex ring combustion, was obtained with the aid of the obtained U 2 Vu max relation, since the flame speed Vf and the translational velocity U could be obtained at the same time from a Schlieren photograph. Major findings from the two studies [6,66] are as follows: 1. A steady state of flame propagation could not be achieved in a rotating tube, but the flame speed is almost constant in a vortex ring. 2. The slopes in the Vf 2 Vu max plane are much lower than pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi the value of ru =rb and nearly achieve unity for the stoichiometric methane/air mixture (Fig. 5 [6]). To account for the measured flame speeds, a theory, termed as the back-pressure drive flame propagation theory, has been proposed [6,66– 69]. This theory predicts the flame speed as rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ru lVf l ¼ ðYSu Þ2 þ Vu2 max f ðkÞ rb ð17Þ for the case when the burned gas is expanded only in the axial direction, and as rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi r lVf l ¼ YSu þ Vu max 1 þ b f ðkÞ; ð18Þ ru when the burned gas is expanded only in the radial direction. Here, k is the ratio of the burning radius of the unburned gas to the vortex core radius, Y is the ratio of the flame area to the cross-sectional area of the unburned gas, and the function f ðkÞ is given as 8 2 1 > for k # 1; < 2k f ðkÞ ¼ : ð19Þ 1 > :1 2 for k $ 1 2 2k The first terms in Eqs. (17) and (18) correspond to a velocity induced by chemical reaction and the second terms correspond to a velocity induced aerodynamically due to rotation. It should be noted that the slope in the Vf 2 Vu max plane almost achieves unity for the radial expansion case. Quantitatively as well qualitatively, these theoretical results are in good agreement with experimental results for various mixtures of methane and propane fuels [70]. The back-pressure drive flame propagation theory was originally derived for non-steady flame propagation in a rotating tube [66]. A recent observation of the vortex ring combustion, however, indicates that a steady state of flame propagation can be achieved for smaller Reynolds numbers [71]. Based on this result, the back-pressure drive flame propagation theory has been extended to a steady-state model to account Fig. 6. Schematic of experimental set-up for vortex flow in a tube [48,50]. S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 485 Fig. 7. Schematic of experimental apparatus for vortex ring combustion [6]. for the enhancement of the flame speeds in rich hydrogen/air mixtures [67,72], in which the flame speed is greatly increased, approaching the flame speed predicted by Chomiak [9]. Very recently, Asato et al. measured the maximum tangential velocity by hot-wire anemometry and they reexamined their results to find that the slope in the Vf 2 Vu max plane are near unity [73]. This strongly supports the experimental results obtained by Ishizuka et al. [6,69,70] Also, in a theoretical field, Umemura et al. proposed a new mechanism, in which evolution of azimuthal vorticity is responsible for the rapid flame propagation [74 – 77]. Hasegawa and co-workers have begun to study the flame propagation in a straight vortex, both experimentally and numerically [78,80]. Gorczakowski et al. have made an experimental study of the flame propagation in a flow field of rigid-body rotation to realize a new engine operated at increased compression ratios, far from the knock limit [81]. Very recently, surveys have been made on theoretical studies by Umemura [82] and also of experimental studies and numerical simulations by Hasegawa [83]. 3. Experiments As described in Section 2, the phenomenon of flame propagation along a vortex axis has not yet been understood completely. In this chapter, we shall first look at experimental results to obtain basic knowledge of this phenomenon. By now, many experiments have been made using various types of vortex flows; they can be classified into three groups [66]. The first type of experiments is the vortex flow in a tube (Fig. 6) [48,50]; the second is flows in a vortex ring (Fig. 7) [6] and in a straight vortex (Fig. 8) [80,83]; the third experiment is the flow in a rotating tube (Fig. 9) [66] and in a rotating vessel (Figs. 10 and 11) [27,58]. Fig. 8. Laser ignition at the core of one straight vortex [80,83]. 486 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 Fig. 9. Schematic of experimental set-up for forced vortex in a rotating tube [66]. In case of the vortex flow, a combustible mixture is introduced tangentially from one end of a tube, and the mixture flows with the rotation in the tube. Finally, the mixture exits from the other, open end. The vortex strength is not constant in the tube; it decays almost inversely proportional to the square root of the distance from the inlet end [48]. The advantage of this method is that the vortex flow is stationary and steady. This yields measurements of Fig. 10. General arrangement for a rotating cylinder [27]. S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 487 Fig. 11. Rotary combustion chamber arrangement [58]. static pressure as well as the maximum tangential velocity by probing [50]. In case of vortex ring, or straight vortex, the vortex strength is constant along the vortex axis; however, the vortex moves forward at some velocity. To make matters worse, mixing of the combustible gas with the ambient mixture occurs at the same time. Very recently, experiments were conducted in an atmosphere of the same mixture as the combustible gas in the vortex ring [84,85]. In the third case—of a rotating tube or a rotating vessel—a forced vortex flow can be obtained. The vortex strength is uniform along the vortex axis, and in addition, the flow is stationary. However, the space is surrounded with solid walls. Hence, complex phenomena such as tulip flames may occur. Thus, any of the three methodologies is imperfect. In order to understand the flame propagation phenomena correctly, we need many types of vortex flows. 3.1. Appearance and behavior of flame 3.1.1. Flame shape At first, we shall look at flame shape and flame behavior in the vortex flows. As pointed out by Moore and Martin [16], the flame is forced into a vortex center, and as a result, the flame is convex towards the unburned mixture. Using a similar apparatus to that of Moore and Martin [16], observations have been made of the flame. Fig. 6 [48,50] is the schematic of the apparatus. The diameter of the glass tube is 31 mm and its length is 1 m. A combustible mixture is tangentially introduced from a closed end and exits from the other, open end. Fig. 12 [49] shows sequential photographs of the propagating flame taken with a highspeed camera. The flame is convex toward the unburned mixture, and it propagates into the tube, eventually to the closed end. In the case of the Bunsen flame formed at an open end of a rotating tube, buckling of the flame tip occurs Fig. 12. High-speed photographs of the propagating flame in the vortex flow (stoichiometric propane/air mixture, mean axial velocity Vm ¼ 2 m=s; 120 frames/s) [49]. 488 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 at some critical rotational speed, and the flame becomes convex towards the unburned gas [33]. Above some adequate rate of rotation, an axi-symmetric flame, which is convex towards the unburned mixture, can propagate in a rotating tube [33]. Therefore, the first point regarding to be noted flame propagation is that the flame is convex towards the unburned gas. 3.1.2. Steadiness of flame propagation The second noteworthy point regarding flame propagation is that a steady state of propagation is usually not achieved in the vortex flows. As seen in Fig. 12, the flame is accelerated first from the open end where the mixture is ignited. This is reasonable since the vortex becomes stronger as the tangential inlet is approached. Fig. 13 [48] shows the variation of the maximum tangential velocity with the axial distance Z from the tangential inlet end. These measurements were made by hot-wire anemometer under cold flow conditions [48]. As seen in Fig. 13, the maximum tangential velocity is decreased almost inversely proportional to the square root of the distance Z. This indicates that the vortex decays mainly by viscous dissipation. Halfway during flame propagation, however, the so-called ‘tulip flame phenomenon’ occurs (Fig. 14) [49]. The flame is flattened and retarded. Thus, it should be noted that complex phenomena might happen in a confined space such as a tube. However, even if the rotation in a tube is constant and uniform, such acceleration and deceleration occur. Fig. 15 [66] shows the variation of the flame speed Vf with the distance from an ignition end X in a rotating tube [66]. The flame is accelerated first, decelerated, and again, accelerated. On the other hand, in vortex ring combustion, a steady state of flame propagation can be achieved, although under limited conditions. Fig. 16 [71] shows a Schlieren sequence of the vortex ring combustion. Owing to the bulk of the vortex generator, Fig. 13. Axial decay of maximum tangential velocity Wmax in the vortex flow (the mean axial velocity Vm ¼ 3:0 m=s; injector III) [48]. the light beam from the first mirror passed through the vortex at an angle of about 308 to the direction normal to the plane of the vortex ring. Hence, the vortex ring appears elliptical. It is very difficult to conclude from this sequence whether the flame propagates at a constant flame speed. Fig. 17 [71] shows sequences of intensified image, taken from the direction normal to the plane of the vortex ring. The local flame speed can be obtained with reasonable accuracy from this sequence. Their results indicate that the flame speed is almost constant during propagation—within 30% if the Reynolds number, defined as Re ; UD=v (U is the translational velocity of the vortex ring, D is the ring diameter, and v is the kinematic viscosity of the mixture), is less than the order of 104. Around Re < 104 a longitudinal instability occurs, resulting in a periodic change in flame speed. For Re $ Oð104 Þ; the flame speed is significantly scattered because the turbulent vortex ring is established [86]. It is important to note that precession around a vortex axis may occur in any vortex whether it is the vortex ring or the vortex flow in a tube. Fig. 18 shows a sequence of the intensified images of the propagating flame in the vortex flow of hydrogen/air mixtures in a tube. The hydrogen concentration is 12.5% and the mean axial velocity is 2 m/s. This picture was taken using an ultra-violet lens and a high-speed video camera at 3200 frames/s. In Fig. 18, the picture starts from the top in the left row, followed the arrow, and finally reaches the bottom in the fifth row. It is seen that on the way of propagation from the right to the left, the flame tip moves upwards above the center axis in the first and second rows, but it stops in the third row and then the tip moves downwards in the fourth and fifth rows. It seems that precession does occur and the rotational axis is constantly oscillating, whether its extent is larger or smaller. Very recently, experiments on line vortex have been conducted. Fig. 19 [78,80] shows Schlieren sequences of hydrogen/air mixtures. A tip vibrating behavior can be seen in the straight vortex with the maximum tangential velocity Vm ¼ 35:8 m=s: In this case, the flame speed can be accurately determined from the Schlieren pictures, and in addition, PIV has been applied to the vortex to determine the velocity profiles. Fig. 20 [78,80] shows an example of the outputs. The advantage of PIV is that the core diameter, as well as the tangential velocity distribution, can be obtained at the same time. It is also possible to obtain the pressure distribution by integrating its profiles. 3.1.3. Flame diameter The third point regarding the flame propagation is that the head of the flame is intensified in the mixture of Le , 1; whereas it is weakened in the mixture of Le . 1: Fig. 4 [48] shows the flame shapes of various mixtures. In most of the mixtures, the heads are blurred and a distinct flame zone, such as a laminar flame zone, cannot be identified. However, it can be seen that the head region of the flame is intensified in a rich propane/ S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 489 Fig. 14. Photographs showing flattening of the axisymmetric flame front, and appearance of the intense luminosity at the center (mean axial velocity Vm ¼ 2 m=s; methane/air mixture, fuel concentration V ¼ 9:5%CH4, the two-inlet case, Fig. 14d, was taken during another run) [49]. air mixture (Fig. 4(d)), whereas the head is weakened when the mixture is rich in methane (Fig. 4(b)) and lean for propane (Fig. 4(c)) mixtures. The head is neutral for a lean methane/air mixture (Fig. 4(a)). Near the propagation limits, the flame diameter can become small in the rich propane/air mixture, whereas it is still larger in the latter mixtures, as mentioned. In the case of a rotating vessel or disk, the dimension in the radial direction is comparable to, or longer than in the axial direction. Flame behavior in the radial direction can be observed in detail. Fig. 21 [58] shows a Schlieren sequence of lean methane/air mixture at 52 rad/s. After ignition at the center, the flame propagates cylindrically first, but the flame velocity is gradually reduced, and finally, it ceases to propagate. Fig. 22 [58] shows the variations of the flame radius with time for the lean mixture at different angular speeds. When the disk is not rotating (the rotational speed v ¼ 0), the flame can reach the wall. However, the flame cannot reach the wall when the rotational speed is high. The radial distance at which the flame can propagate becomes smaller as the rotational speed is increased. The flame extinction halfway at propagation could be seen only with lean methane/air and rich propane/air mixtures. Hence, the Lewis number of the deficient species seems to be responsible for the flame extinction as it is responsible for the finite flame diameter in the vortex flow (Fig. 4). Ono et al. considered a shear flow, which is raised in the unburned region by the expansion of the burned section, to be a basic cause for the flame extinction at the finite flame diameter. However, Gorczakowski and Jarosinski [87] have 490 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 Fig. 15. Variations of flame velocity Vf with distance from the ignition end X in a rotating tube (methane/air mixtures; N ¼ 1210 rpm; Each symbol denotes one experimental run) [66]. pointed out from their Schlieren pictures that cooling at the wall plays an important role in the flame extinction. 3.2. Propagation limits 3.2.1. Concentration limits In the vortex flow in a tube, a flame can propagate in most of the mixtures, which are within the flammability limits determined by the standard method. Figs. 23 and 24 Fig. 17. Time sequence of intensified images of vortex ring combustion (stoichiometric propane/air mixture, orifice diameter Do ¼ 60 mm; driving pressure P ¼ 0:4 MPa) [71]. [48] show the flame propagation regions in the vortex flow in a tube, using three injectors for methane and propane, respectively. Here, Vm is the mean axial velocity obtained by dividing the mixture flow rate by the cross-sectional area of the tube. Note that in Injectors I– III, the total crosssectional area of four tangential slits are decreased, and Fig. 16. Schlieren sequence of vortex ring combustion (stoichiometric propane/air mixture, orifice diameter Do ¼ 60 mm; driving pressure P ¼ 0:4 MPa) [71]. Fig. 18. High-speed photographs of propagating flame in the vortex flow (hydrogen/air mixture, fuel concentration V ¼ 12:5%; mean axial velocity Vm ¼ 2 m=s; 3200 frames/s). S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 491 Fig. 19. Evolution of nitrogen-diluted hydrogen–oxygen flames (29.4% hydrogen) ignited by a pulsed laser, (a) in quiescent mixture, (b) in a straight vortex with Vm ¼ 18:0 m=s and (c) in a straight vortex with Vm ¼ 35:8 m=s [78,80]. hence, the intensity of rotation at the closed end becomes stronger for a fixed Vm : (Also note that with an increase in Vm ; the intensity of rotation is increased.) During weak rotation (Injector I), there are two regions for flame propagation, the low-velocity region and the highvelocity region. The critical velocity, Vc ; in this figure is the mean axial velocity of the mixture above which the flame cannot propagate to reach the closed end, if the mixture is introduced without rotation. In the low-velocity region, the flame propagates through an aerothermochemical mechanism inherent to combustion—namely propagates when the oncoming flow velocity is less than the velocity of flame propagation related with the burning velocity, for example, Eq. (1). On the other hand, in the high-velocity region, the flame propagates through an aerodynamic mechanism inherent to rotation. As seen in Figs. 23 and 24, with an increase in the intensity of rotation, i.e. in the order of Injectors I– III, the boundary velocity between the low- and high-velocity regions becomes smaller and the area of the high-velocity region expands. In the case of the present horizontal tube (31 mm inner diameter and 1000 mm long), the concentration limits for flame propagation determined in a quiescent mixture are 5.5 and 13.1% for lean and rich methane/air mixtures, respectively, and 2.3 and 8.0% for lean and rich propane – air mixtures, respectively. Thus, a flame can propagate slightly below the lean limit for lean methane/air mixtures and slightly above the rich limit for propane/air mixtures in the vortex flow [48]. In the case of a rotating tube (no axial velocity), however, a remarkable result has been obtained for the limits of propagation. Fig. 25 [66] shows the concentration limit for flame propagation in a rotating tube which is 32-mm inner diameter and 2000 mm long. With an increase in the rotational speed, the equivalence ratio f at the propagation limit is increased for rich propane/air mixtures and exceeds the rich flammability limit by the standard method ðf ¼ 2:5Þ: It is unclear whether a self-sustained flame is really established in this limit. However, it is probable that this extension may be achieved by a combination of two processes—the vortex bursting and the flame intensification by the Lewis number effect. That is, once a hot gas is introduced into the vortex core, the preferential diffusion of the deficient species may occur around the head of the involved gas. This sustains combustion. A hot gas of low density is supplied, resulting in higher pressure behind the flame. Thus, the flame propagation is maintained. Fig. 20. Velocity field around a vortex pair measured by PIV system (moving velocity of the straight vortex U ¼ 20:8 m=s) [78,80]. 492 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 Fig. 21. Photographs of flame propagation for M2 (0.52CH4 þ 2O2 þ 7.52N2) mixture in a rotary combustion chamber [58]. The Lewis number effect can also be seen in vortex ring combustion. Fig. 26 [53] shows the propagation limits determined for the vortex ring combustion by Asato et al. With an increase in the maximum tangential velocity Vu max ; the rich propagation limit for methane is steeply decreased; whereas the lean propagation limit for methane and the rich propagation limit for propane are not changed significantly. These results are explained on the basis of the Lewis number effect [53]. The Lewis number of rich methane/air mixtures is larger than unity, hence, the flame tip is weakened in burning, whereas the Lewis numbers of rich propane and lean methane mixtures are less than unity, therefore, the flame tip is intensified in burning. Based on the Lewis number, the lean limit of propane ðLe . 1Þ is greater than the lean limit of methane ðLe , 1Þ; and the rich limit of methane ðLe . 1Þ is less than the rich limit of propane ðLe , 1Þ: However, there are some curious points in the results of Fig. 26. Although the rich limit of methane is greatly decreased, the lean limit of propane (whose Lewis number is larger than unity as the rich methane mixture) is almost constant, independent of the maximum tangential velocity. The rich limit for propane (about 1.9) is much lower than the standard flammability limit (2.5), although it is close to the rich flammability limit in the vortex flow (Fig. 24). The rich limit of methane at low maximum tangential velocities is above 2.0, and hence, exceeds the rich flammability limit by the standard method (1.67). It seems that an entrainment of ambient air occurs since the experiments have been conducted in air. An additional experiment should be made with the same combustible mixture to positively identify the concentration limits. 3.2.2. Aerodynamic limits As seen in Figs. 23 and 24, there are two regions for flame propagation. In the low velocity region, the flame propagates at a speed corresponding to the reaction rate. In the high velocity region, the flame propagates via an aerodynamic mechanism inherent to rotation. A necessary condition for the flame to propagate through rotation is establishment of an axi-symmetric flame in the vortex flow. To overcome some disturbing forces and accomplish the formation of an axi-symmetric flame, the rotational speed must exceed some critical value. A shear force, which is directly proportional to the velocity gradient, may disturb the formation of an axi-symmetric flame. The competition between the driving, centrifugal force of rotation and the disturbing, shear force can be characterized by the modified Richardson number Rip ; which is defined as Rip ; 1 ›r W 2 r ›r r ›U ›r 2 : ð20Þ Here, W is the tangential velocity, U is the axial velocity, r and r are the density and the radial distance from the axis of rotation, respectively [49,88]. At the lower boundary of the high-velocity region, the modified Richardson number seems to be the order of unity. According to the results in the experiment [49], in which the rotational strength is varied by changing the number of Fig. 22. Process of flame growth for M4 (0.56CH4 þ 2O2 þ 7.52N2) mixture in a rotating disk ignited at center [58]. S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 Fig. 23. Flame propagation region of methane– air mixtures for three injectors in the vortex flow [48]. slits through which a mixture is tangentially introduced, the modified Richardson number Rip is 1.4 when there is one inlet (the strongest case), 0.625 with two inlets, and 0.225 when there are four inlets. With eight inlets (the weakest case), there is no high-velocity region, since the rotation is too weak. Thus, the modified Richardson number at the lower limit of the high-velocity region is not constant, although the value is of the order of unity. The limit aerodynamic condition for the occurrence of rapid flame propagation along a vortex axis is still unclear. Competition between the axial velocity and the turbulent flame speed (because the turbulent intensity is strong near the axis of rotation) is another possible mechanism. Fig. 27 [89,90] shows the relationship between the flame speed Vf and the maximum tangential velocity, Wmax ; in the vortex flow [48] for various mean axial velocities Vm : The flame speed is increased with an increase in Wmax for any Vm : However, as the value of Vm is increased, the curve shifts to the right side. The curve does not intersect the lateral axis at the origin and it appears to intersect at some finite value, which is slightly lower than its own Vm -value. 493 Fig. 24. Flame propagation region of propane–air mixtures for three injectors in the vortex flow [48]. Fig. 25. Variation of equivalence ratio f at the propagation limit with rotational speed N [66]. 494 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 which magnitude is almost equal to the axial velocity; otherwise the flame cannot overcome the oncoming axial flow in the flame front to propagate through a mechanism which is inherent to rotation. 3.3. Flame speeds Fig. 26. Limits of flame propagation in vortex ring combustion [53]. For example, in the case of Vm ¼ 3 m=s; the flame speed Vf is decreased with a decrease of Wmax ; and falls steeply, as if it could intersect at a value slightly lower than Wmax ¼ 3:0 m=s: Note that the measured values of flame speed on the curve for Vm ¼ 3 m=s are those at stations 3 – 9 in Fig. 6 from the top. Thus, the flame speed decreases as the open end is approached. At station 9, the rotation of the mixture is very weak, and therefore the mixture flows mostly in the axial direction, without rotation and its mean axial velocity is Vm ¼ 3 m=s: Thus, it seems that flame propagation through rotation requires some amount of rotational velocity in Fig. 27. Relation between flame speed Vf and maximum tangential velocity Wmax for various mean flow velocities, obtained with the vortex flow experiment [89,90]. 3.3.1. Steadiness Fig. 28 shows the variations of flame speed in various mixtures in the vortex flow [48]. The flame speed is increased as the tangential inlet is approached. This is reasonable because the intensity of rotation is increased as the tangential inlet is approached (Fig. 13). Thus, a steady state of constant flame speed has not been achieved in this vortex flow. Also, as pointed out in Fig. 15, a constant flame speed is not achieved in a rotating tube, although the rotational speed is constant along the axis of the tube. Thus, a steady state of flame speed will not be achieved in a confined space such as a small tube. In an open space, however, a steady state can be achieved. Fig. 29 [71] shows the variation of flame speed in a vortex ring. The upper figure shows the variation of flame diameter with time. In this case, the cylinder diameter of the vortex ring generator is 160 mm and the orifice diameter is 90 mm. The driving pressure is 0.4 MPa. The solid and open symbols correspond to the flames propagating on the right and left halves of the vortex ring after ignition, respectively. The flame diameters monotonically increase with time and become constant. On the other hand, the flame speeds decrease and increase similar to a sine wave. They are almost constant, although they are scattered within a 30% band. Further measurements of the flame speed have shown that there are four types of flame propagation in the vortex ring combustion: (1) steady flame propagation, (2) oscillatory flame propagation, (3) unsteady flame propagation with acceleration and/or deceleration, and (4) random flame propagation [71]. The steady flame propagation occurs for Re ; UD=v # 104 : The oscillatory propagation originates from a longitudinal instability of the vortex ring [91,92]. The random propagation occurs for Re $ 104 ; which is caused mainly by the turbulent nature of the vortex ring [86]. The unsteady propagation can be seen in the range between the steady propagation and the random propagation in the mapping of the mean flame speed Vf and the maximum tangential velocity Vu max : According to very recent research [93], the ratio of the square root of the fluctuations in the flame speed to its mean speed is, at smallest, 0.2 for propane/air mixtures in the steady flame propagation regime. For the vortex rings of the stoichiometric hydrogen/air and methane/air mixtures, the ratios are about 0.3 for a wide range of the Reynolds number. Thus, the flame propagation in combustible vortex rings is not steady but ‘quasi-steady’ in the strictest sense of the word. This fluctuation seems to occur due to the precession of the vortex core, as seen in Fig. 18. S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 495 Fig. 28. Spatial distributions of the flame speeds Vf (Z: the distance from the ignition end, the mean axial velocity: 3.0 m/s, injector III) [48]. 3.3.2. Flame speeds as functions of the maximum tangential velocity The first measurement of the flame speed was made by McCormack and co-workers [17,18]. The relationship between the flame speed and the vortex strength is shown in Fig. 1. From the theoretical viewpoint, however, the relationship between the flame speed and the maximum tangential velocity is more important. This was first obtained in the vortex flow in a tube (Fig. 3) [48]. In the case of the vortex ring, the relation was first obtained by Asato et al. [51]. Fig. 30 [57] is one of their results. The flame speeds were obtained by high speed Schlieren photography, while the maximum tangential velocity, Vu max ; is estimated by determining the translational velocity of the vortex ring U, and by using Lamb’s relation with an assumption of the tangential velocity distribution of Rankine form, G 8D 1 2 ; ð21aÞ U¼ ln d 4 2pD Vu max ¼ Fig. 29. Variations of flame/core diameter ratio df =dc and local flame speed Vf with time, showing an almost constant flame speed during combustion (stoichiometric propane/air mixtures, orifice diameter: 90 mm, driving pressure: 0.4 MPa, broken line: mean flame speed) [71]. G : pd ð21bÞ Here, G is circulation, D is the ring diameter, and d is the core diameter. It is seen in Fig. 30 that the flame speeds are much lower than those predicted by Chomiak [9]. To obtain the value Vu max ; however, it was assumed that the core diameter was 10% of the ring diameter. This assumption seems reasonable because the core diameters are 10.8% of the maximum ring diameter in the Maxworthy experiment [94] and 8.65% of the mean ring diameter in the Johnson measurement [95]. In the Johnson’s experiment, the cylinder diameter was 4 in. and the orifice diameter was 50 mm. In the experiment by Asato et al. [51], the cylinder diameter was 220 mm and the orifice diameter was 70 mm. Therefore, both of the generators are almost the same in size. Ishizuka and co-workers have attempted to measure the maximum tangential velocity Vu max by hot wire anemometry. The method is illustrated in Fig. 31 [6]. Although only one probe is shown in Fig. 31, two hot wire probes are placed along a path where the ring passes, and both U and Vu max are measured at the same time for a traveling vortex ring. The value of U is 496 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 Fig. 30. Change in flame speed with maximum tangential velocity for propane– air mixture [57]. obtained simply by dividing the distance between the probes (2.5 cm), by the time required for the ring to pass. The value of Vu max is obtained by setting the probe as shown in Case I-a, and by subtracting the translational velocity U from the maximum output value, which may correspond to Vu max þ U: Fig. 32 [6] shows the relationship between the translational velocity U and the maximum tangential velocity Vu max : In these measurements, the cylinder diameter is 100 mm and the orifice diameters are 30, 40 and 60 mm. An almost linear relationship has been obtained between U and Vu max for each orifice. If the Lamb’s relation is applied to these results, a least square fitting gives the core to diameter ratio d=D as 36% for 60 mm orifice, 39% for 40 mm orifice and 48% for 30 mm orifice (only a line for D0 ¼ 60 mm is shown in Fig. 32). Fig. 33 [69] shows the results for the 40-mm orifice, in which the results regarding the core diameter, determined by the two-peak method in case I-b, are also shown. It is important to note that in case I-b, velocity changes rapidly in magnitude and in direction, and the response of the hot wire is poor; hence, the peak value becomes much lower than predicted. Direct measurement of the value of d=D is 32.3%, which is smaller than the value of 39%, obtained by fitting the Lamb’s relation to the results of U and Vu max : Therefore, there is a discrepancy. Fig. 31. Methods for measuring the maximum tangential velocity by hot-wire anemometry [6]. Fig. 32. Relation between translational velocity U and maximum tangential velocity Vu max of the vortex ring [6]. S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 Fig. 33. The variations of maximum tangential velocity Vu max and core/ring diameter ratio d=D with translational velocity U for the orifice diameter Do ¼ 40 mm [69]. Fig. 34 shows pictures of the propagating flames in vortex rings, taken very recently in the author’s laboratory. The upper part of the vortex ring is illuminated by a laser sheet, while the propagating flame, ignited at the bottom by a corona discharge, is photographed by a high speed video camera with an image intensifier. The cylinder diameter, the orifice diameter, the piston stroke, and the driving pressure are 160 mm, 70 mm, 15 mm, and 0.4 MPa, respectively. To seed fine particles for laser tomography, the methane/air mixtures are introduced into a heated pipe, on the wall surface of which kerosene is dripped through a syringe, and the mixture is supplied into the vortex ring generator. After the mixture is ejected through an orifice by a piston, kerosene is condensed, and small particles of kerosene can be obtained. Due to a centrifugal force of rotation, the number density of droplets is reduced in the core region. Hence, the core region is represented as a dark zone in Fig. 34. Johnson used a similar method to measure the core 497 Fig. 34. Photographs of the vortex ring combustion of propane/air mixtures in air for equivalence ratio, (a) 0.6 and (b) 0.8. The upper half of the vortex rings is illuminated with a laser sheet, and the propagating flame, ignited at the bottom of the vortex ring, is recorded with a high-speed video camera with an image intensifier. The mixtures are doped with kerosene vapor, and the particles are obtained by condensation of the kerosene vapor. The dark zone in the upper half may correspond to the vortex core. A cylinder 160 mm in diameter and an orifice 60 mm in diameter are used to generate vortex rings. The mean diameters of the vortex rings are about 7 cm. diameter of the vortex ring [95]. In Fig. 34 it is seen that the flame propagates in the core region when the equivalence ratio f ¼ 0:6; whereas the flame diameter becomes larger and burning reaches the free vortex region when f ¼ 0:8: Although the core size cannot be determined accurately from these photographs, the ratio of the core diameter to the ring diameter becomes 10 –20%. This value is much smaller than the value estimated from the U 2 Vu max relation. Therefore, the assumption of 10% core diameter (made in the paper by Asato et al. [51] and also by McCormack et al. [18]), seems reasonable. When practically determined, the maximum tangential velocities are much 498 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 lower than those estimated from the Lamb’s relation (assuming 10% core diameter in the Rankine’s combined vortex) because: (1) The tangential velocity distribution is not the form of the Rankine’s combined vortex. Burgers vortex may be preferable for approximating the profile. (2) The Lamb’s relation is derived from an assumption that the vortex is circular and the core diameter is much smaller than the ring diameter. The vortex rings used are not circular nor is the ratio less than 10%. (3) Although the Lamb’s relation is derived under a laminar flow condition, most of the vortex rings used are turbulent. However, it should be noted that in the paper by Ishizuka et al. [6] the relationship obtained between U and Vu max for the cold air vortex ring are directly applied to derive the relation between the flame speed Vf and the maximum tangential velocity Vu max : Therefore, the Vf 2 Vu max relation obtained does not depend on the ambiguity of the core size. In addition, it is also important to note that the translational velocity U can be obtained from a series of Schlieren pictures by measuring a time during which the ring passes two small rods, while the flame speed is also obtained from the same series of Schlieren pictures. Thus, the relationship between the flame speed Vf and the maximum tangential velocity Vu max can be obtained without ambiguity for each experimental run. Figs. 35 – 38 show the results obtained by this method. Figs. 35 and 36 [70] show the results for methane and for propane, respectively. Figs. 37 and 38 [67,72] show the results for hydrogen in air and in a nitrogen atmosphere, respectively. In the case of hydrogen/air mixtures, the densities in rich mixtures are significantly different from the density of air. For example, the density of the rich mixture of f ¼ 3:2 is one-fifth the density of air. The heat transfer coefficients of rich hydrogen mixtures are also different from that of air. Thus, the hot wire results for the cold air cannot be applied to rich hydrogen mixtures. Then, LVD measurements have been made for hydrogen mixtures to obtain the U 2 Vu max relation absolutely [72]. Note that the original results in Ref. [67] are corrected and presented in Fig. 37. It is seen in Figs. 35 and 36 that the flame speed is increased almost linearly with an increase in Vu max ; and the values of slope in the Vf 2 Vu max plane are almost unity in various methane and propane mixtures. With increasing Vu max ; the flame diameter is decreased monotonically. The solid lines are the predictions by Chomiak [9] and by Daneshyar and Hill [25]. The broken lines and the dotted curves are the predictions by the back-pressure drive flame propagation mechanism, when the burned gas is assumed to expand in the radial and axial directions, respectively. The measured flame speeds are in good quantitative agreement with those predicted by the backpressure drive flame propagation theory for the radial expansion case, described later. In lean mixtures, however, the flame diameter becomes very small with increasing Vu max ; and the flame velocity falls below the broken line. On the other hand, in rich mixtures, the flame diameter does not become small and the flame velocity continues to increase with increasing Vu max : Experiments in a nitrogen atmosphere [96,97], and in an atmosphere of the same mixture as the combustible mixture [84,85], show that for larger values of Vu max ; the flame speed cannot become larger in rich mixtures as well as in lean mixtures. Therefore, diffusion burning of the excess fuel with the ambient air may help the flame to propagate at larger values of Vu max in rich mixtures (Figs. 35 and 36), although the slopes remain at about unity. In hydrogen mixtures, however, the situation is slightly different from those in methane and propane. As seen in Fig. 37 [67], the slopes in the Vf 2 Vu max plane are nearly at unity in lean mixtures. In rich mixtures however, the slope increases when the equivalence ratio increases. A linear least squares fitting through the origin gives slope values of 1.47, 1.70, 1.65, and 2.04 for F ¼ 1:0; 1.6, 2.4, and 3.2, respectively [72]. The slight increase/decrease in the slope around F ¼ 1:6 – 2:4 may be because the burning velocity reaches its maximum around F ¼ 1:6 in hydrogen/air mixtures. The enhancement of the flame speed is probably due to the secondary combustion of excess hydrogen with the ambient air in a turbulent mode. In the nitrogen atmosphere, however, the slope is decreased to about unity, as seen in Fig. 38 (the solid circles and the solid triangles are the flame speeds in the nitrogen atmosphere). Very recently, Asato and co-workers assumed Burgers vortex to estimate the maximum tangential velocity in their vortex ring experiment [73]. The relation they obtained between the flame speed and the maximum tangential velocity is shown in Fig. 39 [73]. It is seen that the slopes in the Vf 2 Vu max plane are nearly at unity for various methane/air mixtures. This strongly supports the results of Figs. 5, 35 –38, obtained by Ishizuka et al. [6,67,69,70,72]. Finally, the results obtained in the straight vortex by Hasegawa et al. are shown in Fig. 40 [80]. In his measurements, PIV was used. This method is more reliable than the hot wire method or the LDV method, since the maximum tangential velocity and the flame velocity can be determined in the burning vortex at the same time. The flame speed is increased with an increase in the maximum tangential velocity and the slope gradually increases with increased density ratio, ru =rb ; but remains almost at unity [80, Fig. 10]. This experiment has been conducted in the atmosphere of the same mixture as the combustible. Additional results are expected in the near future. 3.4. Pressure difference across the flame In the case of a one-dimensional premixed flame, pressure behind the flame ðPb Þ is lower than pressure ahead of the flame ðPu Þ; by an extent ru S2u ðru =rb 2 1Þ; which can be easily derived from the the of the S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 499 Fig. 35. Variations of the flame speed Vf and the ratio of the flame diameter to the core diameter df =dc with maximum tangential velocity Vu max in various propane/air mixtures ((K) Do ¼ 60 mm; (W) Do ¼ 40 mm; (A) Do ¼ 30 mm; solid symbols: (O, X, B) full mean flame speed). The pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi solid lines are the relations Vf ¼ Vu max 2kI ru =rb (Eqs. (26d) and (27d)); broken lines and dotted curves are the back-pressure drive flame pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi propagation theory for the lateral expansion case (Vf ¼ YSu þ Vu max 1 þ f ðkÞrb =ru ; see Eq. (31u)), and for the axial expansion case qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (Vf ¼ ðru =rb ÞðYSu Þ2 þ f ðkÞVu2 max ; see Eq. (31t)) [70]. 500 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 Fig. 36. Variations of the flame speed Vf and the ratio of the flame diameter to the core diameter df =dc with maximum tangential velocity Vu max in various propane/air mixtures ((K) Do ¼ 60 mm; (W) Do ¼ 40 mm; (A) Do ¼ 30 mm; solid symbols: (O, X, B) full mean flame speed). Solid pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi lines are the relations Vf ¼ Vu max 2kI ru =rb (Eqs. (26d) and (27d)); broken lines and dotted curves are the back-pressure drive flame pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi propagation theory for the lateral expansion case (Vf ¼ YSu þ Vu max 1 þ f ðkÞrb =ru ; see Eq. (31u)), and for the axial expansion case qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (Vf ¼ ðru =rb ÞðYSu Þ2 þ f ðkÞVu2 max ; see Eq. (31t)) [70]. S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 501 Fig. 37. Variations of the flame speed Vf with maximum tangential velocity Vu max in various hydrogen/air mixtures (((K) Do ¼ 40 mm; (W) Do ¼ 30 mm). Note that the values of Vu max in Ref. [67], measured by hot-wire anemometry, are corrected in these figures. Solid lines are the pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi relations Vf ¼ Vu max ru =rb (Eq. (26d)); broken lines are the back-pressure drive flame propagation theory for the lateral expansion case pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (Vf ¼ Su þ Vu max 1 þ f ðkÞrb =ru ; k ¼ 2; Eq. (31u)). equations for conservation of mass and momentum across the flame as, ru y u ¼ rb y b ; Pu þ ru y 2u ¼ Pb þ ð22aÞ rb y 2b ; Pb 2 Pu ¼ 2ru S2u ðru =rb 2 1Þ: ð22bÞ ð22cÞ Here, the coordinate is attached to the flame, subscripts u and b denote the unburned and burned gases, respectively; P is the static pressure, y is the velocity, and Su ð¼ y u Þ is the laminar burning velocity, in this formulation. On the other hand, the vortex busting theory predicts that the pressure behind the flame is higher than the pressure ahead of the flame. To elucidate the validity of the concept of vortex bursting, an attempt has been made to measure the pressure variation across the flame with the use of a micro-differential manometer and conventional static probes [50]. The experimental set-up is shown in Fig. 6. The inner diameter and length of the glass tube are 31 and 1000 mm, respectively. Two stainless tubes, 1 cm apart, were inserted into the tube on the axis of rotation, while a fine Pt/Pt-13Rh thermocouple was immersed at their midpoint to detect the flame arrival correctly. For this purpose, three holes of 3 mm diameter were pierced at each station 1 – 9, placed at interval of 100 mm, two holes at one side and one hole at its opposite 502 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 Fig. 38. Variations of the flame speed Vf with the maximum tangential velocity Vu max for rich hydrogen/air mixtures in the nitrogen atmosphere pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ((a) F ¼ 1:6; (b) F ¼ 2:4; and (c) F ¼ 3:2). Dotted lines are the relations Vf ¼ Vu max ru =rb (Eq. (26d)), broken lines are those by the backpffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pressure drive flame propagation theory for the lateral expansion case (Vf ¼ Su þ Vu max 1 þ rb =ru ; i.e. Y ¼ 1 and k ! 1; see Eq. (31u)); solid qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi lines and curves are those by the steady-state flame propagation model, Vf < Vu2 max þ ru S2u =rb and Vf ¼ Vu max 1 þ rb =ru (Eqs. (33e) and (33f)). For comparison, the results in the air atmosphere are shown by open symbols [72]. side, as illustrated in the inset in Fig. 6. For convenience, the pressure detected by the probe on the open end side is denoted by P~ B (back side), and the pressure on the injector side by P~ F (front side), respectively. In this measurement, the gauze pressure PB ; and the pressure difference PB 2 PF ; which is denoted by dP; have been measured. Fig. 41 [50] shows the time histories of PB and dP together with the temperature history at station 5 after a quiescence combustible mixture of 9.5% methane, filled in the tube, is ignited at the open end. After ignition, the pressure PB first increases, and then becomes constant. When the flame arrives at station 5, which can be detected by a sharp increase of temperature, the pressure PB abruptly decreases and takes an almost constant value. The pressure PB decreases and then increases greatly when the flame reaches the closed end. On the other hand, dP is almost zero after ignition, but takes a negative value when the flame passes the two probes, after that, dP becomes zero again. If we put the values of ru ¼ 1:122 kg=m3 ; ru =rb ¼ 7; and the observed, mean flame speed Vu ¼ 82 cm=s (which is in good agreement with the results by Coward and Hartwell [3]), into Eq. (22c), we obtain that Pb 2 Pu is equal to 2 0.46 mmAq (2 4.53 Pa). This value is in good agreement with the present results of 2 0.46 mmAq from the P-history. Also, the pressure difference across the flame can be estimated from the dP-history by integrating the dP signal with time. That is, z being the axial distance, and ‘ being the distance Fig. 39. Change in flame speed with the maximum rotational velocity [73]. S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 503 between two static probes, Pb 2 Pu ¼ Fig. 40. Relation between axial propagation velocity and maximum circumferential velocity for flames with different density ratios: density ratio 5.3 (circle), 5.8 (triangle), 6.5 (square), and 7.2 (inverted triangle) [80]. ð dp ð dP V ð ðVf dtÞ ¼ f ðdPÞdt: dz ø ‘ ‘ dz ð23Þ The obtained value was 2 0.80 mmAq, which was 70% greater than the value of 2 0.46 mmAq. Nevertheless, it was shown that the pressure behind the normal flame is lower than the pressure ahead of the flame. This is reasonable, since the gas stream is increased due to expansion of the burned gas, and hence, the static pressure is converted into the kinetic energy of the burned gas, resulting in a decrease in the static pressure. But in vortex flows the situation is changed. Fig. 42 [50] shows the time histories of PB and dP in the vortex flow. The mixture is a lean 6.85% methane/air mixture. After ignition, the flame accelerates and propagates with a higher speed than that in a quiescent mixture. Correspondingly, the pressure PB monotonically increases, and its magnitude is greater than that in a quiescent mixture. When the flame arrives at station 5, the pressure PB further increases and the pressure difference dP takes a positive value. Thus, it is confirmed that the pressure behind the flame is higher than the pressure ahead of the flame, and the aerodynamic Fig. 41. The time-history of the gauge pressure PB and the pressure difference dP at station 5 for the flame propagation in a quiescent mixture of 9.5% methane/air mixture with 2 mm static tube [50]. 504 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 Fig. 42. The time-history of the gauge pressure PB and the pressure difference dP at station 5 for the flame propagation in a rotating mixture of 6.85% methane/air mixture and the mean axial velocity ¼ 3 m/s with 2 mm static tube [50]. structure of the propagating flame in the vortex flow is different from that in a quiescent mixture. Fig. 43 [50] shows the variations of the pressure differences Pb 2 Pu obtained directly from the PB -history and estimated by integrating dP-history at each station for the lean and stoichiometric mixtures. Due to the limitation of the micro-differential manometer ð^10 mmAqÞ; only the results from the dP-history were obtained for the stoichiometric mixture. The broken curves indicate the amount of 2 ru Wmax ; obtained from the measured values of Wmax (Fig. 13). These results give evidence for the vortex bursting theory, which predicts that the pressure behind the flame is higher than the pressure ahead of the flame by an amount of ru Vu2 max {1 2 ðrb =ru Þ2 } (Eq. (8)). 3.5. Flame diameter Finally, the results regarding the flame diameter are briefly presented. As already shown in Figs. 35 and 36, the flame diameter is decreased with an increase in the maximum tangential velocity. However, due to diffusion burning in air, the flame diameters of rich mixtures become larger than those of lean mixtures. Very recently, a vortex ring experiment was conducted in an atmosphere of the same mixture as the combustible gas in the vortex ring [84,85]. Fig. 44 [85] shows the variations of the flame/core diameter ratio df =dc with the equivalence ratio F at a condition of Vu max ø 11 m=s for methane and propane, respectively. The flame diameter is determined with intensified images. For comparison, results in air and nitrogen are also presented, which were determined by Schlieren photography. All measurements are made at the quarter position of the vortex ring. Note that the core diameters in air and nitrogen are about 1.5 times as large as the vortex core in the same atmosphere, simply because the vortex ring generator has been recently improved to obtain more intense vortex rings. The core diameters obtained in the same mixture experiments are about 12.5 mm. In Fig. 44, the definition of the flame diameter is also shown in the top illustrations. Usually, the diameter of the luminous zone increases as the distance from the head is increased. In lean and rich mixtures, however, this diameter is saturated once. This saturated value is defined as the flame diameter. In the near-stoichiometric mixtures, however, the luminous zone diameter still increases. S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 505 In Fig. 44(a) and (b), enlarged images of the near-limit flames are presented. In the near-limit lean methane and rich propane mixtures, the flame diameters are very small and burning is intensified at the head, whereas the flame diameters are not as small and burning is weakened around the head in the near-limit rich methane and lean propane mixtures. These observations are in qualitative accordance with the previous observations in the vortex flow (Fig. 4). Due to strong flame curvature and flow non-uniformity around the flame head region, mass and heat transfer across a stream tube may occur. As a result, the flame suffers from stretch, and the so-called ‘Lewis number effect’ may appear in near-limit flame behavior. 4. Theories McCormack first considered that the density jump across the flame, and/or the shear waves in vortex rings, induce flame front instability, resulting in a rapid flame propagation along a vortex axis [17]. But, he rejected the instability mechanism. Next, he and his co-workers suspected turbulence [18]. But, they also discarded the turbulent mechanism, since the speed had been unusually increased. Until now, the major mechanisms postulated to explain the increase in speed are as follows: Fig. 43. The pressure difference across the flame obtained from the PB-history and the dP history as a function of the distance from the injection port Z [50]. Tentatively, the flame diameter is determined at a position 108 of angle behind the head of the flame. The true flame diameter might be larger than this value. Although the results are largely scattered, it is seen that in the lean side, the flame diameters in the same mixture atmosphere are largest. In the rich side, the flame diameters in air are largest due to the secondary combustion between the excess fuel and the ambient air, the diameters in nitrogen are smallest, and those in the same mixture are midway between. In the same mixture, the flame diameter takes its maximum around F ¼ 1:1; slightly in the rich side of the stoichiometry, and the flame diameter decreases as the mixture becomes leaner or richer. Outside the results shown in Fig. 44(a) and (b), a flame cannot propagate. In the case of methane, the flame diameter is very small near the lean propagation limit, whereas it is larger near the rich propagation limit. In propane, the flame diameter is very small near the rich limit, whereas it is larger near the lean limit. 1. 2. 3. 4. Flame kernel deformation mechanism; Vortex bursting mechanism; Baroclinic push mechanism; Azimuthal vorticity evolution mechanism. Among these, the vortex bursting mechanism has received considerable interest from many researchers. In this section, various mechanisms are individually described. 4.1. Flame kernel deformation mechanism Margolin and Karpov [19] have focused attention on the deformation of the flame kernel in the centrifugal field to explain flame speed enhancement. When an ignition is made at an off-center position in an eddy combustion chamber, the flame first moves towards the axis of rotation. After reaching the rotational axis, the flame becomes cigar-shaped and its axial dimension increases much faster than the radial dimension. Assuming that the shape of the flame shape is a cylinder with diameter D and length H, and assuming that the change of the volume V is proportional to the flame surface S and the visible burning velocity w, a simple relation can be obtained: dV < Sw: dt ð24aÞ 506 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 Fig. 44. Variations of the flame/core diameter ratio df =dc with the equivalence ratio F of (a) methane/air and (b) propane/air mixtures (Do ¼ 40 mm; P ¼ 0:4 MPa; Vu max ø 11 m=s. Top illustrations show the definition of the flame diameter) [85]. This results in D2 dH dD þ 2DH < 2ðD2 þ DHÞw dt dt ð24bÞ (note that in the paper by Margolin and Karpov [19], D and H sometimes denote the radius and the half length of the flame volume, respectively). In addition, they have conducted an approximate analysis, leading to an expression S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 507 Fig. 45. Schemes of flame spreading (i) beneath a plane ceiling and (ii) along the rotating cylinder [20]. that d D w ø dt 2 2 d H w ø ðvtÞ dt 2 2 H ø vt: D ð24cÞ Thus, the flame speed, dðH=2Þ=dt; increases with time proportionally to the burning velocity w and also to the rotational speed v. This result resembles the result by the baroclinic torque mechanism proposed by Ashurst [64] in that flame speed is accelerated as the flame propagates. On the other hand, Lovachev [20,21] has pointed out the analogy between flame spreading beneath the plain ceiling and flame spreading along the rotating cylinder (Fig. 45) [20]. He has considered that the flame kernel beneath the ceiling is deformed by buoyancy and, as a result, the flame propagates at a speed about twice (80 cm/s) the ordinary speed (40 cm/s). But he did not give any theoretical description of his concept. Hanson and Thomas [27] have focused attention on the ‘penciling effect,’ which they called the flame speed enhancement. They have mentioned in their paper that the penciling effect is no more than the normal action of a centrifuge flinging out components of higher density and attracting the lighter components to the axis. If a spherical bubble of radius rf and density rb is introduced on the axis of a forced vortex of a fluid of higher density ru in a vessel, unbalanced centrifugal forces are set up (Fig. 46) [27]. The magnitude of the pressure difference DP between an element of burned gas, and that of unburned gas at the same radius rf ; with a rotational speed W, can be shown to be of the order DP ¼ 1 2 W 2 rf2 ðru 2 rb Þ: ð25aÞ In their paper, it is written that if constant pressure at the rotation axis is assumed, the higher pressure exists in the denser gas, whereas if constant pressure at the wall is assumed, the higher pressure exists in the less dense medium. Hanson and Thomas have pointed out that this pressure difference drives the motion around the flame. They considered that the pressure difference will be of the same order as Eq. (25a) and the acceleration of the fluid will be proportional to W 2 : The variation of the vertical diameter H has been considered to follow the variation predicted by a constant acceleration H ¼ A þ Bt þ Ct2 : ð25bÞ It is interesting to note that the pressure difference across the flame has been considered similarly by Chomiak in his vortex bursting mechanism [9]. 4.2. Vortex bursting mechanism 4.2.1. The original theory Chomiak [9] is the first theorist who has pointed out the nature of vortex bursting of flame propagation. He states [9] “From the photographs given by McCormack, it follows that the combustion causes a nearly discontinuous breakdown of the vortex so we can assume after Benjamin that the process is similar to a hydraulic jump. Then we can write for the discontinuity surface a simple integral relation ð ð ðp 2 p0 ÞdA ¼ rb y 2 dA; ð26aÞ A A which simply states that the pressure forces induced by the rotation of the fluid are equal to the momentum flux due to the ‘pulling’ of the flame inside the vortex. y is here the bursting and, so the flame propagation velocity along the vortex.” His model is schematically shown in Fig. 47 [50]. Assuming the tangential velocity distribution of Rankine 508 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 4.2.2. The angular momentum conservation model Daneshyar and Hill [25] have given a detailed explanation on the vortex bursting concept. They used the angular momentum conservation equation in their derivation. Assuming no axial motion and also assuming the tangential velocity distribution of Rankine form, they obtained the following relations using mass and angular momentum conservation equations: 2 rffiffiffiffiffi hb ru Vb hu r ; ¼ ¼ ¼ b: ð27aÞ hu rb Vu hb ru Here, hu and hb are the diameters of the unburned gas and the burned gas, respectively, and Vu and Vb are the angular speeds of the unburned and burned gases, respectively. By simply integrating the radial momentum equation from r ¼ 0 (axis of rotation) to the infinity, the pressure difference between the infinity and the axis of rotation in the burned gas, P1 2 Pb ð0Þ; and that in the unburned gas, P1 2 Pu ð0Þ; are obtained. Thus, on the axis of rotation, the pressure difference across the flame DP is obtained as " 2 # r 2 DP ; Pb ð0Þ 2 Pu ð0Þ ¼ ru Vu max 1 2 b < ru Vu2 max : ru ð27bÞ This pressure difference would set-up a large axial velocity ua of the burned gas into the unburned region. Then, a relation DP < ru Vu2 max < 1 2 rb u2a gives the magnitude of this velocity ua as sffiffiffiffiffiffi 2ru ua < Vu max : rb Fig. 46. Flame ‘penciling’ effect in a forced vortex in a rotating vessel [27]. form, and by ignoring the axial and radial velocities, the pressure distribution in the vortex can be obtained from the momentum equation 2 1 ›p v ¼ : ru ›r r ð26bÞ Then, integration gives p 2 p0 ¼ ru ð1 v2 dr ¼ ru Vu2 max : r r Consequently, y is given as rffiffiffiffiffi r y ¼ Vu max u : rb ð26cÞ ð26dÞ ð27cÞ ð27dÞ To better explain the combustion in a small-scale vortex tube, Daneshyar and Hill have proposed the concept of average pressure and average axial speed in their paper [25]. If we assume that the average pressure difference (which is integrated over the range from the center to twice the core diameter), works on the bursting, the mean pressure is given as P1 2 P 3 ln 2 1 þ < : ¼ 16 4 3 ru Vu2 max ð27eÞ Here, the value of 1/6 in Ref. [25, Eq. (7.3)] is corrected to 3/16. Thus, the average axial propagation velocity is given as sffiffiffiffiffiffi 2ru ua < Vu max : ð27fÞ 3rb 4.2.3. A hypothesis based on the pressure difference measurement To elucidate the validity of the theories by Chomiak [9] and Daneshyar and Hill [25], Ishizuka and Hirano [50] have attempted to measure the pressure difference across the flame. Although their method was primitive, the results have S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 509 Fig. 47. Vortex bursting mechanism proposed by Chomiak [9,50]. elucidated that the pressure is raised behind the flame and the extent of pressure rise is almost the same as that predicted by Eq. (26c) or (27b). The flame velocities measured, however, were much lower than those predicted by Eqs. (26d) and (27d), and even by Eq. (27f) (Fig. 48). Based on these results, it was pointed out that it could be wrong to assume that the pressure difference was converted into the momentum flux of the burned gas, or into the kinetic energy of the burned gas. Then, a hypothesis was proposed which states that the pressure difference must be used to drive the unburned gas of high density, which is present ahead of the hot burned gas of low density. That is, 1 2 ru Vf2 ø DPe < k2 ru Vu2 max : ð28aÞ Here, DPe is the effective pressure difference, which is actually used to drive the flame, and k2 is a constant of the order of unity. This yields an expression for the flame speed, pffiffiffiffiffi ð28bÞ Vf < Vu max 2k2 : To best fit the experimental results in the vortex flow, the value of k2 is 1 for the stoichiometric and 1/3 for the near lean limit methane/air mixtures, respectively (Fig. 48 [50] in which the maximum tangential velocity Vu max is denoted as Wmax ). As seen in Fig. 4, the diameter of the lean flame is smaller than that of the stoichiometric flame [48]; this may result in less pressure difference across the flame. In fact, the pressure difference measured for the lean flame was about half the pressure difference for the stoichiometric flame (compare the values Pb 2 Pu for (a) 6.85%CH4 and for (b) 9.54%CH4 at a condition of Vm ¼ 3 m=s in Fig. 43). As a result, the value of k2 for the lean mixture becomes smaller than that for the stoichiometric mixture. 4.2.4. A steady state, immiscible stagnant model In 1994, Atobiloye and Britter [62] proposed a model in which axial velocities are taken into consideration using the Bernoulli equation. Their model is interesting in that the predicted flame speed becomes much smaller than speeds predicted by Chomiak [9] or Daneshyar and Hill [25], and the slopes in the Vf 2 Vu max plane become less, or nearly equal to unity. Fig. 49 [62] shows their model. They assume that a heavy fluid such as the unburned gas, and a light fluid like the burned gas, are separated by a thin diaphragm in a tube, whose radius is R2 (Fig. 49(a)) [62]; and after rotating the tube at a constant angular speed v, the interface takes the form shown in Fig. 49(b) [62]. The denser fluid flows at velocity u2 ; near the wall, while the lighter fluid flows at velocity u1 ; in the center. A steady state of flame propagation has been assumed, and two cases—a forced vortex flow and a free vortex flow—are separately discussed. Fig. 49(c) [62] shows the case of a forced vortex flow of rigid-body rotation. The coordinate is attached to the interface. Therefore, the denser fluid flows at velocity u1 from the left, and creeps over the wall at velocity c ¼ u1 þ u2 ; while the lighter fluid of radius R1 is at rest. Note that in this model, the interface is treated as an immiscible surface where there is no mass transfer, hence no combustion. As a result, the continuity equation across the flame (interface) is not considered and the flame speed 510 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 Fig. 49. A steady-state, immiscible, stagnant model by Atobiloye and Britter [62]. (a) Sketch illustrating problem formulation I, (b) sketch illustrating problem formulation II, and (c) configuration for forced vortex structure. 4. Bernoulli’s theorem on stream lines, OE (axis of rotation) and AC (wall): Fig. 48. Comparison of the experiments with the theories by Chomiak [9] and by Daneshyar and Hill [25] and the relations based on a hypothesis [50]. predicted does not include any term related to the burning velocity. This is in sharp contrast to the back-pressure drive flame propagation mechanism, described later. Also, note that the hot gas is treated as a stagnant body. For brevity sake, only the case of solid-body rotation is described here. The governing equations, which they have used, are as follows. 1. The conservation of mass for the unburned mixture at AA0 and CC0 : ð ru dA ¼ C1 : ð29aÞ P 1 þ u2 ¼ H: 2 r 5. Treatment of the lighter liquid (burned gas) as a stagnant gas (stationary obstacle): PO 0 ¼ PE : r y ¼ const: ð29bÞ 3. The radial momentum equation, assuming no radial and axial velocities 2 ›P y ¼r : ›r r ð29cÞ ð29eÞ 6. The conservation of momentum at AA0 and CC0 : ð ð ru2 dA þ P dA ¼ C2 : ð29fÞ From Eq. (29a), the following relation can be obtained: u1 ¼ cð1 2 x2 Þ; ð29gÞ in which x ; R1 =R2 : 2. The angular momentum conservation on a streamline: ð29dÞ ð29hÞ From the angular momentum conservation Eq. (29b), the tangential velocity distribution at CC0 is given below. Note that the tangential velocity at the interface differs in the two fluids. In the unburned gas: ! v R21 : y¼ r2 r 1 2 x2 ð29iÞ S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 In the burned gas: 1 y ¼ 2 vr: x ð29jÞ From Eq. (29c), the pressures at each point are given as follows (PI is the pressure at the interface L0 ): Between A and O: PA ¼ 1 2 ru v2 R22 þ P0 : Between C and L0 : PI ¼ PC 2 ru v2 ð1 2 x2 Þ2 ð29kÞ ! 1 2 R 1 R41 R2 2 2R21 ln 2 2 : 2 2 R22 R1 ð29lÞ Between L0 and O0 : PI ¼ 1 rb v2 R21 þ PO0 : 2x4 ð29mÞ From Eq. (29d), the following relations are obtained: Streamline OE: PO þ 1 2 ru u2u ¼ PE : ð29nÞ Streamline AC: PA þ 1 2 ru u21 ¼ PC þ 12 ru c2 : ð29oÞ By matching the pressures at the interface L0 obtained through a route OACI and obtained through a route OEO0 L0 ; an expression for c2 is obtained: v2 1 2 4 2 2 2 2 rb R x 2 x 2 2x ln x 2 ð1 2 x Þ c2 ¼ 2 : 2 ru 2x2 ð1 2 x2 Þ2 ð29pÞ 511 This equation can be solved numerically and the value of xð; R1 =R2 Þ is obtained as a function of rb =ru : Then, by substituting this x-value into Eq. (29p) or (29q), the value of cð; u1 þ u2 Þ can be obtained. Finally, the steady-state propagation velocity u1 is obtained by putting c into Eq. (29g). Fig. 50 [62] shows the variations of x with the density ratio rb =ru : As the density ratio approaches unity, the value of x becomes larger. Thus, the flame (or hot gas) diameter of lean mixture should be greater than that of the stoichiometric mixture. Fig. 51 [62] shows the non-dimensional velocities of U1 ð; u1 =Vu max Þ and U2 ð; u2 =Vu max Þ: The velocity of the hot gas U1 is lower than that of the unburned cold gas U2 ; in addition, even for rb =ru ¼ 1=7 (which may correspond to the stoichiometric mixture), the value of U1 is about than 0.25. This is much lower than the actual flame speed observed in a rotating tube [66]. Their solutions can also be obtained for the free vortex. Fig. 52 [62] shows the relationship between the value of x and the ratio of the core radius to the tube radius, að; h=R2 Þ: Note that the value of x can be determined independent of the density ratio for the free vortex; whereas the axial velocities, U1 and U2 ; are dependent on the density ratio. Fig. 53 [62] shows the variation of the non-dimensional axial velocities, U1 and U2 ; with a for the density ratio, 1/7, and Fig. 54 [62] shows the variation of U1 and U2 ; with the density ratio in the case of a ¼ 0:05: In the case of free vortex, the velocity of the hot gas becomes much faster, and it increases with a decrease in the density ratio. That is, the flame speed increases as the mixture approaches the stoichiometry. Furthermore, the value of U1 ; which is equal to u1 =Vu max ; is close to unity. In the limit of R2 ! 1 and a ! 0; the analysis gives rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi r r U1 ø ð1 2 x2 Þ 1 2 b < 1 2 b : ru ru ð29sÞ On the other hand, using a relation Eq. (29f), an expression for c2 is obtained: v2 1 2 2 ð1 2 x Þ ð1 2 x4 Þ 3 3 R22 x4 2 x2 2 2x2 ln x 2 x4 ln x 2 2 1 rb 2 þ ð1 2 x2 Þ2 1 2 2 : 4 ru x c2 ¼ 2 ð29qÞ By equalizing these two equations, Eqs. (29p) and (29q), for c2 ; an equation for x can be obtained: 1 1 2 x2 þ x4 2 x6 þ x2 ln x þ 2x4 ln x 2 2 2 1 rb ð1 2 x2 Þ2 ð1 2 2x2 Þ ¼ 0: 4x2 ru ð29rÞ Fig. 50. Variation of x with density ratio for the forced vortex [62]. 512 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 Fig. 51. Variation of axial velocities with density ratio for the forced vortex [62]. Thus, the slope in the Vf 2 Vu max plane becomes much pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi smaller than the value of ru =rb of the original theory [9], and becomes almost equal to unity, in accordance with most of the experimental results such as those in Figs. 35 and 36. 4.2.5. The finite flame diameter approximation Experiments by Asato et al. [57] have found measured flame speeds to be much lower than the predictions by Chomiak [9] or by Daneshyar and Hill [25]. They have pointed out that the flame is not planar, but convex towards the unburned mixture, and the flame diameter is small. Asato et al. have modified the theories by taking the flame diameter into consideration, and by introducing the concept of average pressure difference, originally introduced by Daneshyar and Hill [25]. Their model is shown in Fig. 55 [57]. Asato et al. have assumed that the core radius a remains unchanged in the unburned and burned gases. They start Fig. 52. Variation of x with a for the free vortex [62]. Fig. 53. Variation of axial velocities with a for the free vortex (density ratio ¼ 1/7) [62]. with the pressure distributions of the Rankine’s combined vortex for the unburned and burned gases 8 2 2 2 2 1 > < P1 2 ru v a þ 2 ru v r ðr # aÞ; ; ð30aÞ Pu ¼ 2 4 > : P1 2 1 ru v a ðr $ aÞ 2 2 r 8 2 2 2 2 1 > < P1 2 rb v a þ 2 rb v r ðr # aÞ; Pb ¼ : ð30bÞ 2 4 > : P1 2 1 rb v a ðr $ aÞ 2 2 r They have concluded that only the pressure difference in the flame tip area influences the flame propagation. If we denote the radius of the flame tip as a, the mean pressures in the unburned gas and the burned gas are given as follows: ð2a 1 Pu 2pr dr ; ð30cÞ P u ¼ 2 pð2aÞ 0 Fig. 54. Variation of axial velocities with density ratio for the free vortex ða ¼ 0:05Þ [62]. S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 Fig. 55. The finite flame diameter model by Asato et al. [57]. P b ¼ ða ð2a 1 P 2pr dr þ P 2pr dr : b u pð2aÞ2 0 a ð30dÞ Here, the upper limit of the radius for integration is taken as twice the radius of the vortex core. Similar to Chomiak’s hypothesis, the momentum conversion is assumed to be ð ð 2 ðP b 2 P u ÞdA ¼ rb Vfth dA: ð30eÞ A A Finally, the flame speeds are obtained as follows: vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 8 !ffi u > u ru > a a2 > t > V 2 1 1 2 2 ða # aÞ; > < 2a u max rb 4a Vfth ¼ : ð30fÞ s ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi > > > 1 r 3 a > u > þ ln ða . aÞ 21 : Vu max 2 4 rb a 513 Using the flame tip measurements, the values of Vfth are obtained and shown in Fig. 56 [57], together with the measured flame speeds. The values of Vfth become smaller than the values by Chomiak, but they are still much larger than the measured flame speeds. However, it should be noted that in this figure, the values of the maximum tangential velocity are estimated on the assumption that the core diameter is 10% of the ring diameter. This overestimates the maximum tangential velocities and the actual values are presumed to be about half the values indicated in Fig. 56. In addition, there are two weak points in this mode. First, it is assumed that the core radius remains unchanged both in the unburned and burned gases. This means that the burned gas must expand only in the axial direction. Second, it is assumed that the burned gas pressure far downstream of the flame acts on the unburned gas. This means that the burned gas should be stagnant, as in the model by Atobiloye and Britter ðPE ¼ PO0 Þ: The radius of flame tip a can be considered as the diameter of the hot stagnant gas column. Thus, this theory requires experimental evidence to validate these assumptions. 4.2.6. The back-pressure drive flame propagation mechanism The back-pressure drive flame propagation model was first applied to the unsteady flame propagation in a rotating tube [66], and next to the vortex ring combustion [6]. Later, this model was extended to include the effects of finite flame diameter on the flame speed [68]. The validity of the theory has been examined by comparison with experimental results in vortex ring combustion [69,70], and it is shown that the theory can describe the experimental results quantitatively as well as qualitatively. Very recently, a steady-state model has been developed to account for the enhancement of flame speed in rich hydrogen/air mixtures [72]. Fig. 56. Relationship between flame speed and maximum tangential velocity in the finite flame diameter model [57]. 514 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 It is generally accepted that the Bernoulli equation can be applied to a streamline, even if the flow is rotational. However, in Bernoulli’s equation, 1 2 ð dP V þ ¼ const: 2 r ð31aÞ the second, integral term cannot be obtained in an explicit form across the flame, because the density changes not only with pressure P, but also with temperature and with the total molar number. Note that in the theory of Atobiloye and Britter [62], the Bernoulli equation is applied only to the unburned mixture of constant density. The burned gas is treated as stagnant. But they are unable to obtain explicit solutions. Their results, in Figs. 50 – 54, were obtained numerically. Instead the Bernoulli equation, the backpressure drive flame propagation theory uses momentum flux conservation across the flame. The momentum flux conservation equation has been used in the Chomiak theory, but it is assumed that the pressure difference is converted into the momentum flux of the burned gas (Eq. (26a)). The back-pressure drive flame propagation theory instead, uses the momentum balance equation as part of the form, Pu ð0Þ þ ru Vu2 ¼ Pb ð0Þ þ rb Vb2 : ð31bÞ In the following, the back-pressure drive flame propagation theory is briefly described. Fig. 57 [68,69] schematically shows the present model. We take the axis of rotation as the z-axis. In the model by Daneshyar and Hill [25], the axial velocity is assumed to be zero. However, we admit the existence of axial flow. We assume that from left to right, the unburned gas of radius Ru flows at the velocity Vu ; and only a part of radius ru is burned in flame area A, to be a burned gas of radius rb ; which flows at the velocity Vb : To avoid confusion, we assume that the flame also moves from left to right at the velocity Vf : The non-burning gas between ru and Ru occupies a region between rb and R0u and flows at velocity V 0u ; behind the flame. The pressures in the unburned and burned gases are given as functions of the radial distance r, Pu ðrÞ and Pb ðrÞ; respectively. In Ref. [25], the unburned mixture is assumed to expand only in the radial direction. However, we also admit axial expansion. Axial expansion is expressed in the relative velocity change from Vu 2 Vf to Vb 2 Vf ; whereas the radial expansion is expressed by the burned/unburned gas radius ratio 1r ; rb =ru : ð31cÞ As for rotation, we assume the tangential velocity distribution of Rankine’s form. For the unburned gas ahead of the flame, we denote the rotational speed and radius of the forced vortex core as Vu and hu =2; respectively. Behind the flame however, these values are given in a different manner, depending on the burning area. That is, when the burning is limited within the forced vortex region, as shown in Fig. 57, we denote the rotational speed of the burned gas as Vb ; and the rotational speed and radius of the forced vortex core of the non-burning gas as V0u and h0u =2; respectively. When the burning reaches the free vortex region, we denote the rotational speed and radius of the forced vortex core of the burned gas as V0b and h0b =2; respectively, and the circulation of the non-burning gas as G0u : Because of limited space, only the former case ðru # hu =2Þ; is described here. The other case can be solved in a similar manner [68]. There are three regions: (I) the burning region 0 # r # ru and 0 # r # rb ; (II) the non-burning region in a forced vortex ru # r # hu and rb # r # h0u =2; and (III) the non-burning region in a free vortex hu =2 # r # Ru and h0u =2 # r # R0u : For each of the three regions, we consider mass continuity and angular momentum conservation, i.e. 1. Mass continuity: ð ru ðVu 2 Vf Þ2pr dr ¼ ð rb ðVb 2 Vf Þ2pr dr: ð31dÞ 2. Angular momentum conservation: ð ru ðVu 2 Vf ÞVuu 2pr2 dr ¼ ð rb ðVb 2 Vf ÞVub 2pr 2 dr ð31eÞ (in which the tangential velocity distributions are given as follows): Fig. 57. The back-pressure drive flame propagation mechanism. Illustration shows the case when the burning within the forced vortex core ðru # hu =2Þ [68,69]. ( Vuu ¼ Vu r ðr # hu =2Þ; Vu h2u =4r ðr . hu =2Þ; ð31fÞ S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 Vub 8 Vb r > > < 0 ¼ Vu r > > : 0 02 Vu hu =4r Here k is a measure of the burning region normalized by the core radius, ðr # rb Þ; ðrb # r # h0u =2Þ; ð31gÞ 0 k; ðhu2 = , rÞ: Next, we consider the momentum flux in the z direction. Since the flame runs faster on the axis of rotation, we concentrate our attention on this point of the flame. If we assume that the momentum flux before combustion is equal to the flux after combustion, the following relation can be obtained: Pu ð0Þ þ ru Vu2 rb Vb2 : ¼ Pb ð0Þ þ ð31bÞ From the relations, Eqs. (31d) and (31e), the unknown variables behind the flame are obtained implicitly with the use of Vf ; which should be determined from Vb 2 Vf ¼ ðru =rb ÞðVu 2 Vb ¼ h0u =2 V0u ¼ Vf Þ=12r ; Vu =12r ; ¼ ðhu =2Þ1r ; f ðkÞ ¼ 1 2 2k ðk # 1Þ; 12 1 ðk $ 1Þ: 2k2 From the mass continuity for Region I, ð31mÞ in which Y is a ratio of the flame area A to the crosssectional area of the unburned mixture, ð31nÞ By putting the above equation into Eq. (31h), we obtain the relation ð31oÞ By substituting Eqs. (31m) and (31o) into Eq. (31b), a quadratic equation is obtained for Vf : Its solution is obtained as follows: rSY 1 1 Vf ¼ 2 u u 12 2 2 ru 2 rb r 2 rb 1r u sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi 2 r 1 u ru rb ðYSu Þ2 1 2 þðru 2 rb ÞDP: ð31pÞ rb 12r He r e, DP i s th e p re s su r e ris e b e hi n d th e fla me DP ; Pu ð0Þ 2 Pb ð0Þ; which is obtained by integrating the radial momentum equation ›P=›r ¼ rVu2 =r; with the tangential velocity distributions of Eqs. (31f) and (31g). The densities for r $ Ru and r $ R0u are assumed to be ru : The final expression for DP, including the case when the burning reaches the free vortex region ðru $ hu =2Þ; is given as follows: 1 r ð31qÞ DP ¼ ru Vu2 max 1 2 2 1 þ b 2 1 f ðkÞ : ru 1r ð31sÞ The solutions are simplified for two extreme cases, an axial expansion case ð1r ¼ 1Þ and a radial expansion case ð1r ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ru =rb Þ; given as follows: lVf l ¼ rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ru ðYSu Þ2 þ Vu2 max f ðkÞ rb rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi r lVf l ¼ YSu þ Vu max 1 þ b f ðkÞ ru pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ðradial expansion; 1r ¼ ru =rb Þ: ð31jÞ ð31lÞ YSu ru þ Vf : rb 12r and the function f ðkÞ is given as ð31iÞ R0u ¼ Ru 1r : Vb ¼ ð31rÞ ðaxial expansion; 1r ¼ 1Þ; ð31kÞ Y ; A=ðpru2 Þ: ru ; hu =2 ð31hÞ V 0u 2 Vf ¼ ðVu 2 Vf Þ=12r ; Vu ¼ YSu þ Vf ; 515 ð31tÞ ð31uÞ The first term is a component of flame velocity, which is induced by chemical reaction, and the second term is a component, which is induced aerodynamically by rotation. In contrast with the model by Atobiloye and Britter, this model also considers the burning rate Su : In a simple case, when k ! 1 and Y ¼ 1 (plane), the flame speeds are given as follows: lVf l ¼ rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ru 2 S þ Vu2 max rb u ð31vÞ ðaxial expansion; 1r ¼ 1Þ; rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi r lVf l ¼ Su þ Vu max 1 þ b ru pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ðradial expansion; 1r ¼ ru =rb Þ: ð31wÞ Note that the slope in the Vf 2 Vu max plane is at about unity, in accordance with the experimental results. Therefore, the back-pressure drive flame propagation mechanism aptly describes the experimental results quantitatively as well as qualitatively. The back-pressure drive flame propagation theory however, has two weak points. The first point is the tangential velocity distribution in the burned gas. The tangential velocity distribution behind the flame may not have the form of Rankine’s combined vortex. As in the model by Atobiloye and Britter (Eqs. (29i) and (29j)), or as in the model by Umemura shown later, we must consider the angular momentum conservation r y ¼ const: on each streamline. If this correction is made, the flame speed for the 516 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 radial expansion in the range 0 # k # 1 is given as: lVf l ¼ YSu sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi r r r 1 þ kVu max 1 þ b þ u ln 1 2 b 1 2 2 : 2ru rb ru k ð31xÞ Note that Eq. (31u) for radial expansion is still valid for k $ 1; and Eq. (31t) for axial expansion is valid for any k. Also note that the second term on the right side of Eq. (31u), is almost equal to ð0:8 , 1:0Þ Vu max for 0:3 # k # 1 and ru =rb ¼ 7: For very small flame diameter (such a flame may not exist as shown in Figs. 35 and 36), the backpressure drive flame propagation theory gives the flame speed as pffiffi lVf l ø kVu max = 2 ðaxial expansionÞ; ð31yÞ rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi r lVf l ø kVu max 22 u ln k rb ð31zÞ ðradial expansion : k # 0:01Þ: Note that in Eq. (31z), the flame speed is increased with an increase in the unburned to burned gas density ratio ru =rb ; while the flame speed for moderate flame diameters is almost insensitive to this ratio, since the ratio works in a reversed form rb =ru in Eq. (31w). The second weak point of the back-pressure drive flame propagation theory is that the momentum balance equation is not consistent for the Galilean transformation. This has been pointed out by Lipatnikov in a personal communication [98], which is briefly described in the following: Lipatnikov note. Let us consider the same problem in another coordinate system moving with a constant speed U, with respect to the basic coordinate system. Then, V~ u ¼ Vu 2 U and V~ b ¼ Vb 2 U: ð32aÞ We must obtain V~ f ¼ Vf 2 U: ð32bÞ The insertion of Eqs. (32a) and (32b) into Eq. (31b) modifies the latter expression since the following additional terms ðrb 2 ru ÞU 2 þ 2Uðrb V~ b 2 ru V~0 u Þ ð32cÞ arise on the right side of Eq. (31b). Thus, V~ f ¼ Vf 2 U; is not the solution to the problem in the moving coordinate system, and therefore, the model under consideration is not invariable with respect to the Galilean transformation. The cause of this basic inconsistency is the use of steady equations for modeling the unsteady case. The steady case corresponds to Vf ¼ 0; and Vu;21 is associated with the flame propagation speed. However, Eq. (31m) implies that just ahead of the flame Vu;20 ¼ YSL ; in this steady case (Y is assumed to be unity in the original Lipatnikov note). Thus, the use of a constant Vu is incorrect. 4.2.7. A steady-state back-pressure drive flame propagation model As mentioned previously, a recent observation with an image intensifier for a stoichiometric propane/air mixture [71] indicates that an almost-steady flame propagation can be achieved in the vortex ring combustion, if the Reynolds number is less than the order of 104. A further observation for a stoichiometric hydrogen/air mixture indicates that, independently of the Reynolds number, the flame speed is always varied and the ratio of the square root of the fluctuations in the flame velocity to its mean flame speed is about 0.3 [93]. Thus, whether the fluctuations are large or small, a quasi-steady state can be achieved in the vortex ring combustion. Fig. 58 [72] shows a steady-state model of the back-pressure drive flame propagation mechanism. In vortex ring combustion, the ignition and meeting positions are at rest while the flame propagates at a constant speed Vf. If a coordinate is attached to the flame, the unburned gas approaches the flame at the velocity of Vf, and the burned gas flows away at the velocity of Vf, while the flame is at rest. The velocity of the unburned gas just ahead of the flame front should be equal to the burning velocity Su, and the velocity of the burned gas just behind the flame should be equal to ru Su =rb : Thus, the area of the stream tube varies from upstream through the flame position to downstream. Here, we look at the pressures on the axis of rotation ðr ¼ 0Þ: The pressure upstream (z ¼ 2pD=4; D: the ring diameter) Pu;2pD=4 ð0Þ; is very low due to a centrifugal force of rotation, while the pressure just ahead of the flame Pu;02 ð0Þ becomes higher than Pu;2pD=4 ð0Þ; because the axial velocity is decreased from Vf to Su. In the burned gas side, the pressure just behind the flame Pb;0þ ð0Þ; is higher or lower than the pressure downstream Pb;þpD=4 ð0Þ; depending on whether Vf $ ru Su =rb or Vf # ru Su =rb (although these pressures are nearly equal to the pressure at infinity P(1) since the centrifugal force of rotation is weak because of low density). The Bernoulli equation can be held even in a rotational flow as long as the flow is steady and limited to a streamline. However, we may adopt a less rigid relationship between the momentum flux balance at the lowest and highest pressure points, because the flow is disturbed at the larger Reynolds number. This is not unusual; in the flow through a valve, a pressure loss is always present. Then, the following relations can be obtained: ðiÞ if Vf $ ru S ; rb u Pu;2pD=4 ð0Þ þ ðiiÞ if Vf # ru Vf2 ¼ Pb;0þ ð0Þ þ rb 2 ru Su ; rb ru S ; rb u Pu;2pD=4 ð0Þ þ ru Vf2 ð33aÞ ð33bÞ ¼ Pb;þpD=4 ð0Þ þ rb Vf2 : S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 517 Fig. 58. Steady-state model for the flame propagation in a vortex ring [72]. Assuming angular momentum conservation, the pressure differences are given as follows: Pb;0þ ð0Þ 2 Pu;2pD=4 ð0Þ S r ¼ ru Vu2 max 1 2 u 1 2 1 2 b f ðkÞ ; Vf ru Pb;þpD=4 ð0Þ 2 Pu;2pD=4 ð0Þ r r ¼ ru Vu2 max 1 2 b 1 þ b f ðkÞ : ru ru ð33cÞ ð33dÞ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi These pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiequations are obtained by putting 1r ¼ Vf =Su and ru =rb into Ref. [69, Eqs. (14) and (17)], respectively. Substituting Eqs. (33c) and (33d) for Eqs. (33a) and (33b), respectively, the flame velocities are obtained as follows: rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ru 2 ðiÞ if Vf $ ru Su =rb ; ð33eÞ Vf < S þ Vu2 max ; rb u ðiiÞ if Vf # ru Su =rb ; rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi r Vf ¼ Vu max 1 þ b f ðkÞ: ru ð33fÞ Vf is given as a solution of the third order algebraic equation for Vf $ ru Su =rb : But it can be approximately given as a solution of a quadric equation, since Su =Vf # rb =ru p 1: If we solve the third order algebraic equation absolutely, the solution is continuous at Vf ¼ ru Su =rb : The solution, which consists of the solid line for Vf # ru Su =rb ; and the solid curve for Vf $ ru Su =rb in Fig. 38, is 518 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 almost proportional to the maximum tangential velocity, and hence similar to the solution obtained by the backpressure drive flame propagation theory (broken line), except that it passes through the origin ðVf ¼ 0; Vu max ¼ 0Þ: The steady-state model has been extended in order to examine the enhancement of flame speed in vortex rings of rich hydrogen/air mixtures in air [72]. It is reasonable to consider that the flame can propagate radially; hence the pressure at the burned gas side is raised, as in a spherically propagating flame. Fig. 59 [99] shows the pressure distribution when a flame spherically propagates in a combustible mixture in a soap bubble. The pressure discontinuity pue 2 pae is due to surface tension of the soap film. The pressure difference pup 2 pbp is due to the onedimensional nature of the flame. Note that the pressure behind the flame pbp is less than the pressure ahead pbp (Eq. (22c)). According to the analysis by Takeno [99], the extent of the pressure rise is given approximately as ð1=2Þru S2u ðru =rb 2 1Þð3ru =rb 2 1Þ: In this case the burned gas is completely at rest and the flame speed is increased to ru Su =rb : In vortex ring combustion, the burned gas is not at rest, neither is the flame propagation spherical. Thus, the pressure rise may be smaller than that in the spherically expanding flame. However, it is reasonable to expect that the pressure is raised to some extent by this radial ~ DP~ combustion. If we denote this pressure rise by DP; may be proportional to ru S2u : In rich hydrogen combustion, the flame front is highly disturbed [72]. Thus, the laminar burning velocity Su, should be replaced by the turbulent burning velocity ST. Since the turbulent intensity is considered to be the maximum tangential velocity in a vortex [9,25,100], it is reasonable to expect that ST / Vu max : Thus, the pressure rise may be given in a simple form as DP~ < lru Vu2 max ; where l is an arbitrary constant. By adding the pressure rise DP~ to the original pressure difference across the flame, the final flame speed is obtained from Eqs. (33a) and (33b) as ðiÞ if Vf $ ru Su =rb ; rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ru 2 S þ ð1 þ lÞVu2 max ; Vf ¼ rb u ð34aÞ ðiiÞ if Vf # ru Su =rb ; rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi r ru l: Vf ¼ Vu max 1 þ b f ðkÞ þ ru ru 2 rb ð34bÞ This can explain the increase in slope of rich hydrogen/air flame speed with increasing F (Figs. 37 and 38). 4.3. Baroclinic push mechanism It is well known that the vector vorticity transport equation can be written as [83,101]: ›v 1 ¼ 2ðu·7Þv þ ðv·7Þu 2 vð7·uÞ 2 7 £ 7p ›t r 1 1 ð35aÞ þ7 £ 7·t þ 7 £ 7·t : r r The first term on the right side of Eq. (35a) is the convection of vorticity, and the second term is the vorticity production due to stretch. The third term is vorticity decay due to dilatation, and the fourth term is the production of vorticity due to the baroclinic torque. The fifth and sixth terms are the viscous diffusion and viscous dissipation, respectively [83,101]. The viscous, fifth and sixth, terms are simply written as vDv in Refs. [102,103]. In the past, the baroclinic torque has sometimes been used to explain the flame front instability [104,105], which has been called the Taylor instability [106,107], the Rayleigh –Taylor instability [104], or Taylor – Markstein instability [108,109]. Very recently, the baroclinic torque has received considerable attention in scramjet engine research [110,111], because it has the potential to achieve rapid and efficient mixing of fuel and oxidizer in a hypersonic flow. In a hypersonic flow, the instability of the interface between two fluids of different densities is called the ‘Richtmyer – Meshkov instability’ [112]. Ashurst [64] focuses attention on the baroclinic torque to account for the rapid flame propagation along the vortex axis; his model is shown in Fig. 60 [64]. By ignoring other terms, he starts only with the fourth term, dv 7r £ 7P ¼ : dt r2 ð35bÞ Ashurst assumes that the tangential velocity distribution has a form of Fig. 59. Pressure distribution in the flame propagation in a soap bubble [99]. Vu G 2 ½1 2 expð2r 2 =rM Þ: ¼ r 2pr 2 ð35cÞ S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 519 increased with the flame propagation distance XF, whereas the flame speed in the curved vortex is independent of the distance of flame propagation. An interesting effect of this theory is that the flame speed is inversely proportional to the value of dSL. Thermal theory predicts that the value of dSL is approximately equal to the kinetic viscosity v. Since the kinetic viscosity is decreased with an increase in pressure, the baroclinic push mechanism predicts that flame speed increases with an increase in pressure. It has been observed frequently by Kobayashi et al. [113] that at elevated pressures, small-scale parts of the flame front move quickly to the unburned side. This observation may clarify the validity of the baroclinic torque mechanism. However, recent numerical simulations have shown that the baroclinic torque works only at the early stage of propagation [78,79]. This seems reasonable because the baroclinic push theory ignores flame curvature and others terms, except the baroclinic term. If the baroclinic push is only effective in the early stage of flame propagation, it is not valid for steady propagation and it is hard to demonstrate experimentally the validity of this mechanism, because ignition—whether by electric spark or laser beam—disturbs the phenomenon. Fig. 60. Baroclinic push mechanism by Ashurst [64]. 4.4. Azimuthal vorticity evolution mechanism He then roughly evaluates the pressure gradient and the density gradient as follows: Vu2 1 ; 7P ¼ r r 1 r 2r t 7r ¼ upffiffiffiffiffiffib ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; r d ru rb d tþ1 ð35dÞ in which d is the flame thickness and t ; ru =rb 2 1: By putting these relations into Eq. (35b), and by integrating the equation over the cross-sectional area of the vortical core from the vortex axis out to 3rM, Ashurst obtains, dv 4:5t 2 , pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rM VM ; dt d tþ1 ð35eÞ in which VM is the tangential velocity at r ¼ rM : By converting from a per-unit time basis to vorticity per-unit length of the burned gas, whose length is denoted as XF, the flame speed in the straight vortex is finally expressed as pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi t 1 2 XF =rM : ð35fÞ UB , pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rM VM SL ðt þ 1Þ d tþ1 Umemura and co-workers have proposed a new mechanism [74– 77,82]; they focus attention on a vortex filament. Their model is illustrated in Fig. 61 [76]. This filament is twisted by expansion of the burned gas in the radial direction, while the angular velocity must be slowed in order to conserve angular momentum. As a result, an azimuthal vorticity is produced. This drives the flame, resulting in rapid flame propagation. In their paper, however, a quantitative description for the flame speed was obtained in a similar manner as in the steady state, immiscible stagnant model by Atobiloye and Britter [62], except that the burned gas is not stagnant and there is a convection through the flame. Their model is shown in In the case of the curved vortex, such as the vortex ring, an arc segment of about five core radii is considered to work on the flame propagation to get UB , t 9rM G ; ðt þ 1Þ3=2 dSL Tp k2 ð35gÞ in which G is the ring circulation, Tp is the time period to create the flow at the orifice of the vortex ring generator, k is the ratio of the orifice exit velocity to the maximum swirling velocity. Note that the flame speed in the straight vortex is Fig. 61. Azimuthal vorticity generation mechanism [76]. 520 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 6. Tangential velocity distribution of Rankine’s form for the unburned mixture: 8 for r # a; > < Vr : ð36iÞ y ¼ Va2 > : for r $ a r 7. Angular momentum conservation on each streamline: r y ¼ const: ð36jÞ 8. Momentum equation for radial direction: ›P y2 ¼r ; ›r r ð36kÞ which yields relations for the pressure difference in the radial direction: Fig. 62. Model flow configuration in the azimuthal vorticity generation mechanism [74,77]. Fig. 62 [74,77]. In the first part of the papers by Umemura et al. [74,75], only the mixture in a forced vortex is assumed to burn. The governing equations they used are as follows: 1. Mass conservation: across the flame : ru SL ¼ rb Sb ¼ srb SL ; ð36bÞ 2 ð36cÞ the unburned gas : SL A ¼ pa W; 0 ð36aÞ 2 the burned gas : sSL A ¼ pa W: These equations lead to a relation: 0 a ¼ sa : 2 2 ð36dÞ 2. Bernoulli equation for the unburned gas between points A and O2: PA þ 1 2 ru W 2 ¼ PO2 þ 12 ru S2L : ð36eÞ 3. Momentum flux conservation across the flame, i.e. between Oþ (just ahead the flame) and O2 (just behind the flame): PO2 þ ru S2L ¼ POþ þ rb ðsSL Þ2 : ð36fÞ 4. Bernoulli’s equation for the burned gas between points Oþ and D: POþ þ 1 2 rb ðsSL Þ2 ¼ PD þ 12 rb W 2 : ð36gÞ PB 2 PA ¼ ru V2 a2 ; PC 2 PD ¼ 1 1 r V2 a2 1 þ : 2 b s ð36lÞ ð36mÞ Along the path ABCD, the following relation can be obtained with the use of Eqs. (36l) and (36m): 1 1 1 PD 2 PA ¼ ru V2 a2 1 2 2þ : ð36nÞ 2 s s On the other hand, along the axis of rotation, AD, the following relation can be obtained with the use of Eqs. (36e)– (36g): 1 1 1 PD 2 PA ¼ ru W 2 1 2 ð36oÞ 2 ðs 2 1Þru S2L : 2 2 s By equating Eqs. (36n) and (36o), an expression for the flame speed is obtained as: rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2s þ 1 Vf ¼ ð36pÞ ðVaÞ2 þ sS2L : s This analysis has been extended to a more general case, in which only a part of the forced vortex region, r # b ¼ fa; is burned. Fig. 63 [77] shows the model. By considering the mass continuity for the burning and the non-burning region in the forced vortex core, and also by considering a tangential velocity distribution for the non-burning region, " # 0 Vb 2 1 ðs 2 1Þf2 a2 ð36qÞ y¼ 2 1 þ Vr ¼ V r 2 r s r the final expression is given as follows: vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi # u" 2 u 2s þ 1 1 þ ð s 2 1Þ f þ 2s ln f2 ðVaÞ2 þ sS2L : Vf ¼ t s sf2 ð36rÞ 5. Equal pressure at points B and C: PB ¼ PC : ð36hÞ These results resemble the results obtained by the backpressure drive flame propagation mechanism. That is, S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 521 simulated using periodic boundaries. The initial vortex tube was assumed to have a Gaussian vorticity distribution, thus the circumferential velocity distribution was given by the following equation !! G0 r2 VðrÞ ¼ ; ð37aÞ 1 2 exp 2 2pr ðs0 =2Þ2 G0 ¼ ps0 Vm0 ; Fig. 63. Definition of effective vortex tube radius [77]. the equation has two terms, the aerothermochemical term, linked with the burning velocity SL, and the aerodynamic term associated with the maximum tangential velocity Va ¼ Vu max : In the limit Vu max ! 0; the flame speed tends to pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Vf ! Su ru =rb : For large values of Vu max ; the flame speed is almost proportional to the maximum tangential velocity, pffiffi although the slope in the Vf 2 Vu max plane is about 2: This is because the Bernoulli equation is used in the unburned gas as well as the burned gas, although a momentum conservation equation has been used across the flame. On the other hand, in the back-pressure drive flame propagation model, in which the slope is at about unity, a more relaxed relation— only the momentum flux conservation across the flame—has been used, because the flow is turbulent and in addition, the flame propagation is ‘quasi-steady’, as noted in Section 3.3.1. Although the vorticity evolution mechanism sounds new, its final expression for the flame speed and the procedure to derive the equation are very similar to the model by Atobiloye and Britter [62] or the back-pressure drive flame propagation mechanism [6,66– 72]. Note that the vortex breakdown can be explained on the basis of azimuthal vorticity evolution as well as on the basis of pressure difference. Hence, this azimuthal vorticity evolution mechanism can be categorized as a subspecies of the vortex bursting mechanism, based on the pressure difference presented in Section 4.2. 5. Numerical simulation Only a few numerical simulations have been made on the present flame propagation problem. Hasegawa et al. made the first numerical study in 1995 [63]. Since they were interested in modeling turbulent combustion, a small-scale vortex tube was used in their study. A straight vortex tube placed at the center of a cubic volume of 1 mm3 was ð37bÞ where the maximum velocity Vm0 was achieved at the point, where r ¼ s0 =2 and s0 was regarded as the initial vortex core diameter [63]. (Strictly speaking, the maximum velocity is achieved at r ø 1:12ðs0 =2Þ; but the maximum is almost the same as the value at r ¼ s0 =2 within 1%; see Section 6.2.4). The subscript 0 denotes the initial condition. A trapezoidal profile of temperature, with amplitude of 1960 K, was set initially at the center of the simulated volume, causing two premixed flames to propagate perpendicularly to the vortex tube in opposite directions. The initial pressure was assumed to be constant. Note that the mixture was 30%(2H2 þ O2) þ 70%N2. Thus, the laminar burning velocity uL was 0.538 m/s, and the laminar flame thickness d was 0.17 mm. The range in calculation was Vm0 =uL ¼ 1:8 – 36:0 and s0 =d ¼ 0:18 – 1:71: Thus, the Reynolds numbers, RG0 ; s0 Vm0 =v; for simulation were small values, less than 89.6. Fig. 64 [63] shows the temporal behavior of a premixed flame propagating along a vortex tube, in which the ratio of the initial maximum circumferential velocity to the laminar burning velocity Vm0 =uL ¼ 36:0 and the ratio of the initial core diameter to the laminar flame thickness s0 =d ¼ 0:94: Note that in this simulation, the vortex itself is decaying, hence the maximum circumferential velocity is decreased, whereas the core diameter is increased with time. It is seen in Fig. 64 that the flame propagates quickly along the vortex axis and much slower outside. The vorticity in the burned gas region decreases due to the expansion, and the vorticity in the flame front is dissipated by the increased viscosity. Fig. 65 [63] shows the temperature distributions at t ¼ 7:0 for different initial circumferential velocities. It is seen that the flame propagates faster as the circumferential velocity is increased. Fig. 66 [63] shows the temperature distributions for different initial core diameters. It is seen that the flame propagates only slightly when the core diameter is much smaller than the laminar flame thickness, whereas the flame propagates faster as the core diameter is increased. Fig. 67 [63] shows the relationship between the flame velocity and the maximum circumferential velocity of the flame at the constant diameter of the vortex tube. The flame speed increases almost linearly with maximum circumferential velocity, except at lower circumferential velocities where no flame acceleration is observed. Fig. 68 [63] shows the variations of the proportionality factor, uV =Vm ; of the flame propagation velocity in a vortex tube as functions of the Reynolds number. When 522 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 Fig. 64. Temporal behavior of iso-vorticity surface at lvl ¼ 0:3 and iso-temperature surface at T ¼ 0:9 in Case 8 ðVm =uL ¼ 36:0; s0 =d ¼ 0:94Þ: Dimensionless unit time corresponds to 2.6 ms [63]. the Reynolds number is less than about 10, no flame acceleration can be found. When the Reynolds number rises above 10, the proportionality factor increases and reaches unity at the Reynolds number of about 60. To summarize, the following conclusions have been obtained: (1) a premixed flame can be accelerated along a vortex tube having a diameter comparable to the flame thickness. (2) The flame propagation velocity is proportional to the maximum circumferential velocity of the vortex tube. (3) The influence of the vortex on the flame propagation can be ignored when the Reynolds number is less than about 10. When the Reynolds number of the vortex tube increases above 10, the proportionality factor increases and reaches unity at the Reynolds number of 60 [63]. Fig. 69 [65] shows variations of the flame speed with the maximum circumferential velocity for different densities and different core diameters. It is seen that flame speeds are higher for ru =rb ¼ 2:63 than those for ru =rb ¼ 7:53: In addition, it is seen that the increase in the flame speed is proportional to the power of the maximum circumferential velocity. This is contrary to the original vortex bursting theory, which predicts a linear dependency of the flame pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi speed such as Vf ¼ Vu max ru =rb with respect to Vu max : Thus, they have concluded that the baroclinic push mechanism can better explain their numerical results. Very recently, the transport equation of vorticity, Eq. (35a), was analyzed to clarify the propagation mechanism [83]. Fig. 70 [83] shows the vorticity obtained by integrating Eq. (35a). The figures at the left are those at t ¼ 31 ms and the figures on the right show those at t ¼ 155 ms: The white color indicates that the vorticity provokes the flame ahead, whereas the black indicates the vorticity pulling the flame backwards. The top figures show the total vorticity, while the second, third and fourth figures show the convective, stretch, and baroclinic terms, respectively. It is seen that at the early stage of flame propagation, t ¼ 31 ms; almost all the vorticity which provokes the flame ahead is produced by the baroclinic torque. Thus, the flame is forced to propagate Fig. 65. Temperature distributions at t ¼ 7:0 for different initial circumferential velocities. The initial core diameter is s0 =d ¼ 0:94 [63]. Fig. 66. Temperature distributions at t ¼ 7:0 for different initial core diameters. The maximum circumferential velocity is Vm =uL ¼ 36:0 [63]. S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 Fig. 67. Relation between maximum circumferential and propagation velocity of the flame at the constant core diameter of the vortex tube. Propagation velocity uV shows only the effect of the vortex tubes and excludes laminar burning velocity by subtraction of uL [63]. by the baroclinic push. However, near the steady state of flame propagation, t ¼ 155 ms; most of the total vorticity around the flame tip is produced by convection and by stretch. The baroclinic term does not contribute to the vorticity around the tip region. The baroclinic torque is great around the ignition point, where the vorticity by convection and stretch take large negative values, which compensates for the high positive value of vorticity by the baroclinic torque. Thus, it is concluded that the azimuthal vorticity in front of the flame, which is produced by convection and stretch, provokes the flame propagation [79,83]. Fig. 68. Relation between the Reynolds number of a vortex tube RG ¼ Vm s=v and proportionality factor of flame propagation velocity in a vortex tube uV =Vm [63]. 523 Fig. 69. Relation between flame propagation velocity and the maximum circumferential velocity [65]. 6. Discussion 6.1. Vortex breakdown As first pointed out by Chomiak [9], and very recently emphasized by Umemura and Tomita [75], the phenomenon of rapid flame propagation along a vortex axis can be considered as a kind of vortex breakdown (bursting) phenomenon. After the first observation of the vortex Fig. 70. Contribution of each term for generation of the azimuthal vorticity at the initial stage at 31 and 155 ms after ignition [83]. 524 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 breakdown, in the leading edge vortices trailing from delta wings [10], much experimental and theoretical research has been conducted on this phenomenon. Reviews [114 – 117] have also been published in the last three decades and, very recently, a review article by LuccaNegro and Doherty [118] appeared in this journal. Although many types of breakdown have been pointed out [119], the two major varieties are a spiral- and a bubble-type breakdown, which can be seen in a photograph taken by Lambourne and Bryer [120] (see Fig. 2 of Ref. [121] or Fig. 1 of Ref. [115]). The explanation of vortex breakdown has been disputed. The many proposals are divided into three categories in which the basic ideas are, respectively, (1) separation of a boundary layer, (2) hydrodynamic instability, and (3) existence of critical state [114]. Recently, an important role of evolution of negative azimuthal vorticity has been addressed [122,123]. However, the simplest mechanism, which describes the onset of vortex breakdown, is the appearance of a high-pressure region. The pressure at a point on the axis of rotation is abruptly raised to nearly ambient pressure, while the pressure in the vortex core is kept low to balance a centrifugal force of rotation. This pressure inequality triggers vortex bursting. Adverse pressure gradient induced in a divergent tube promotes this condition [124,125]. The review by Delery [117] establishes that the existence of a stagnation point forming on the centerline of the vortical structure is a distinctive feature of breakdown. The difference between the vortex breakdown in conventional flows and the rapid flame propagation along a vortex axis is that, in the latter case, a density change is always accompanied with the phenomenon, due to combustion. The burned gas expands through the density change, causing an expansion of the vortex core. If the flow is a nonrotating, one-dimensional flow, this expansion is restricted in one direction; hence, it causes a pressure drop behind the flame by an amount equal to 2ru S2u ðru =rb 2 1Þ (Eq. (22c)). On the other hand, if the flow is two- or three-dimensional and rotating, the pressure behind the flame can be increased as high as to the ambient pressure (or possibly more, due to the secondary combustion [72]), because the pressure field is governed mostly by the radial momentum equation, ›p= ›r ø 2ry 2 =r: As a result, a flame can propagate rapidly along the vortex axis. Before discussing the way inequality in pressure drives the flame, we will examine an interesting result recently obtained for vortex breakdown in a constantdensity flow (water). Fig. 71 [126] shows the experimental apparatus. A honeycomb is rotated by a motor, and water flows in a tube, with a rotational motion. The exit diameter of the contraction zone D1 is 40 mm. A nozzle of exit diameter D2 ¼ 25 mm is also used by being inserted into the former nozzle. Axial velocity Vx ðr; xÞ; and the azimuthal velocity Vu ðr; xÞ; are measured with two-component optical fiber laser Doppler anemometry in the backscatter mode. In this Fig. 71. Sketch of experimental apparatus of a rotating system and a nozzle for vortex breakdown [126]. experiment, the swirl parameters, defined as S; 2Vu ðR=2; x0 Þ Vx ð0; x0 Þ ð38aÞ are used to analyze the vortex breakdown, where x0 is the shortest axial distance measured from the nozzle exit plane, at which the measurement of both components is possible due to optical constraints: x0 ¼ 5 mm for the D2 nozzle and x0 ¼ 24 mm for the D1 nozzle. The azimuthal velocity Vu ðR=2; x0 Þ is measured at half the radius of the nozzle exit r ¼ R=2; and this azimuthal velocity Vu ðR=2; x0 Þ; is nearly equal to the maximum azimuthal velocity at a plane x ¼ x0 : Fig. 72 [126] shows the critical values measured for appearance Sca and disappearance Scd of breakdown in ðRe; SÞ parameter space for each nozzle. Here, the Reynolds number is defined as Re ; 2RV x ðx0 Þ=v; where V x ðx0 Þ is the mean axial velocity in the jet and v is the kinematic viscosity of water. It is seen that the critical values are about 1.4. This yields pffiffi Vx ð0; xÞ ø 2Vu ðR=2; x0 Þ: ð38bÞ Similar results can be found in the literature. The LDV measurements in a swirling water flow in a slightly divergent pipe indicate that, far upstream of the bubble nose, the axial velocity is about 13 cm/s, while the maximum tangential velocity is about 9 cm/s [127, Fig. 3]. Thus, the ratio of the maximum tangential velocity to the axial velocity is about 1.4. In the LDV measurements on a swirling air flow in a pipe, the upstream axial velocity is about 2.5 times, while the maximum tangential velocity is about 1.75 times as large as the mean axial velocity [128, Fig. 8]. This also gives the ratio Vx =Vu max ø 1:4: Thus, in terms of the swirl number, a very clear conclusion has beenpobtained for the onset of vortex ffiffi breakdown. That is, Sc ø 2: On the other hand, the criterion for the onset of vortex breakdown has often been discussed on the basis of a Rossby number (inverse swirl number), Ro, which is S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 525 The results obtained by Billant et al. [126] are somewhat scattered; Roc ¼ 0:51 – 0:65 for the 40 mm nozzle and Roc ¼ 0:80 – 0:84 for the 25 mm nozzle. p If we assume pffiffithat r V is equal to Vu max and include the relation W ø 2Vu max in Eq. pffiffi(38c) or (38d), the Rossby number should be equal to 2: Thus, the critical Rossby numbers experimentally obtained are not consistent with the critical swirl number of 1.4, and pffiffi smaller than the corresponding Rossby number of 2: It should be noted however, that the axial velocity is defined at r p ð– 0Þ; not on the axis of rotation. If the Rossby number is defined using the axial pffiffi velocity on the centerline [117], the critical number of 2 has been obtained. As addressed in the review by Delery [117], the critical Rossby numbers are 1.4 in both the theories of Squire [130] and Benjamin [131]. Although their theories are based on the concept of critical state, and are somewhat elaborate mathematically, the critical swirl value of 1.4 is obtained simply in the paper by Billant et al. [126] as follows. Fig. 73 [126] shows the configuration of cone vortex breakdown schematically. If the Bernoulli equation is applied to a streamline of the vortex axis, the total head H ¼ P=r þ ðVx2 þ Vr2 þ Vu2 Þ=2 leads H¼ Fig. 72. Critical values for appearance Sca and disappearance Scd of breakdown in (Re, S ) parameter space for each nozzle: (a) D1 ¼ 40 mm; (b) D2 ¼ 25 mm [126]. P0 V 2 ð0; x0 Þ P þ x ¼ 1; r r 2 ð38eÞ where x0 is located well upstream of the stagnation point, P0 is the pressure on the vortex axis at the station x0 ; r is the fluid density, Vx ð0; x0 Þ is the upstream axial velocity on the vortex axis at x0 ; and P1 is the pressure at the stagnation point. Far upstream of the stagnation point, the radial pressure gradient is balanced by the centrifugal force; defined as Ro ; W : rp V ð38cÞ Here, W, r p and V represent a characteristic velocity, length and rotation rate, respectively [129]. Usually, r p is defined as the radial distance at which the swirl velocity is a maximum, W is given as the axial velocity at r p ; and V is the core angular velocity and given as V ¼ limr!0 ðVu =rÞ for the two-dimensional Burgers vortex. A plot of the Rossby number Ro; versus Reynolds number Reð; Wrp =vÞ; for a variety of numerical and experimental studies of swirling flows, indicate that the critical Rossby number is approximately 0.65 for the Reynolds number greater than 100 for wing-tip vortices. For leading-edge vortices, however, the critical Rossby number becomes higher to be near unity [129, Figs. 1 and 2]. In the experiment by Billant et al. [126], the Rossby number is also defined with the use of the axial velocity Vx ðr p ; x0 Þ at r p Ro ; Vx ðr p ; x0 Þ : rp V ð38dÞ Fig. 73. Schematic configuration of cone vortex breakdown [126]. 526 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 consequently, P0 ¼ P1 2 ð1 V 2 ðr; x Þ 0 r u dr; r 0 ð38fÞ where Vu ðr; x0 Þ is the azimuthal velocity and P1 is the ambient pressure at infinity in the cross-stream plane x ¼ x0 : If we assume that the pressure in the stagnation zone P1 is equal to the pressure at infinity P1 ; the simple relation ð1 V 2 ðr; x Þ 0 u dr ¼ r 0 1 2 Vx2 ð0; x0 Þ ð38gÞ is obtained. In a particular case of Rankine’s combined vortex, i.e. solid body rotation Vu ¼ Vr and Vx ¼ const: for r # a and irrotational flow Vu ¼ V a2 =r and Vx ¼ 0 for r $ a; the left side of Eq. (38g) is equal to ðVaÞ2 : By noting that Va ¼ Vu max ; this criterion reduces to pffiffi ð38hÞ Vx ð0; x0 Þ ¼ 2Vu max ðx0 Þ: In the case of a bubble state, the stagnant region is not directly connected to the surrounding outer quiescent fluid. Therefore, the relation P1 ¼ P1 must be replaced by the weaker inequality P1 # P1 : In all other respects, the previous reasoning holds and criterion (38g) becomes ð1 V 2 ðr; x Þ 1 0 u dr $ Vx2 ð0; x0 Þ: r 2 0 ð38iÞ For Rankine’s combined vortex, this inequality becomes pffiffi ð38jÞ Vx ð0; x0 Þ # 2Vu max ðx0 Þ: If the results of Eq. (38h) are applied to the case of the propagating flame in a vortex, the flame speed reaches pffiffi 2Vu max ; if the burned gas expands infinitely in the radial direction and the pressure behind the flame reaches the ambient pressure. However, if the burned gas is confined to a limited range in diameter, which is observed in the experiments, pffiffi the flame speed may become less than the value of 2Vu max : Concerning the finite diameter of the flame, a relevant study of vortex breakdown exists. Fig. 74 [116] shows the two-stage transition model proposed by Escudier and Keller [116,132]. A bubble exists at the center, which is treated as a stagnation zone. The pressure within the bubble is assumed to be equal to the upstream stagnation pressure, and the Bernoulli equation is applied to a center streamline. The first stage, which establishes the breakdown criterion, incorporates the transition from the upstream flow to an intermediate flow state, and the second transition, which has no bearing on the breakdown criterion, is treated essentially as a hydraulic jump. By considering the balance of the flow force S (momentum flux), between the first flow state and the second flow state, S1 ¼ S2 ; in which the flow force is defined as S; ð ðP þ rw2 ÞdF ¼ 2p F ðR ðP þ rw2 Þr dr ð39aÞ 0 a swirl parameter k, which is defined as G1 2vd ¼ k; pdW W ð39bÞ has been obtained numerically for the occurrence of vortex breakdown as a function of the core to radius ratio d=R: Here, G1 is the constant circulation far upstream, d is the core radius, W is the uniform axial velocity, and v is the angular velocity of the vortex core, respectively. The numerical results, which are shown in Ref. [116, Fig. 26], indicate that the breakdown occurs at 8 pffiffi <k ¼ 2 for d=R ! 0 ðfree vortexÞ; : ð39cÞ : k ¼ 3:832 for d=R ! 1 ðforced vortexÞ Fig. 74. Schematic diagram of proposed 2-stage transition [116,132]. S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 By noting that vd and W correspond, respectively, to Vu max and Vf ; these yield Vf ¼ 8 pffiffi < 2Vu max for a free vortex; : 0:52V for a forced vortex u max : ð39dÞ pffiffi Note that the flame speed reaches 2Vu max for the free vortex. Thus, in regard to Eq. (38h), the pressure in the stagnation zone seems to reach the pressure of the surrounding outer quiescent fluid. This two-stage breakdown model is similar to the model by Atobiloye and Britter [62] in that a stagnation zone of finite diameter is taken into consideration. In the model by Atobiloye and Britter, the Bernoulli equation is applied to the streamline on the axis of rotation and, it is also applied to the streamline at the outer boundary of the vortex; while the momentum flux conservation is applied to the high-density flow. The difference between the two models is that the velocity components are continuous across the interface in the two-stage breakdown models [116,132], whereas the tangential velocity at the interface differs in the two fluids in the model of Atobiloye and Britter [62]. As the result, the latter model predicts smaller flame velocities than those given by Eq. (39d), so that Vf ø 8 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi > 1 2 rb =ru Vu max > > > > < for a free vortex > > 0:25Vu max > > > : for a forced vortex ðR2 ! 1; a ! 0Þ; : ð40Þ ðrb =ru ¼ 1=5 – 1=7Þ From discussions above, it is found that the vortex breakdown in swirling flows is qualitatively quite similar to the rapid flame propagation along the vortex axis. Quantitatively, however, there is a difference between the two phenomena. In the case ofpfree ffiffi vortex, the value of slope in the Vf 2 Vu max plane is 2 for the vortex breakdown 527 (Eq. (39d)), whereas it is nearly at unity for the rapid flame propagation in a tube (Eq. (40)). Such a quantitative difference can also be found in the generation of azimuthal vorticity. As clearly pointed out by Umemura et al. [74 – 77,82], azimuthal vorticity is generated at the onset of rapid flame propagation. Likewise, it is well known that the azimuthal vorticity is generated in the vortex breakdown. Fig. 75 [123] shows the calculated contours of (i) stream function c, (ii) azimuthal vorticity h, and (iii) tangential velocity y in a swirling flow by Brown and Lopez. They consider that in the absence of viscous or turbulent diffusion, a necessary condition for breakdown to occur downstream of z0 is one in which a helix angle a0 of the velocity exceeds a helix angle b0 of vorticity on some stream surfaces. That is, a0 $ b0 : ð41Þ Here, a0 ; y 0 =w0 ; in which y 0 and w0 are the azimuthal and axial components of the velocity, respectively, and b0 ; h0 =z0 ; in which h0 and z0 are the azimuthal and axial components of the vorticity, respectively, and subscript 0 denotes some upstream station. The value of a0 =b0 is 1.91 for the condition in Fig. 75. Fig. 75(a) shows the contours at t ¼ 227; and Fig. 75(b) shows those at t ¼ 250: Due to a slight divergence of streamlines, the azimuthal velocity and the azimuthal vorticity are reduced with distance downstream, and a further divergence of these stream surfaces generates a negative azimuthal component, leading to a small recirculation zone on the axis, rapid changes in azimuthal vorticity ahead of this region where the streamlines diverge, and the evident propagation upstream of the region of negative azimuthal vorticity due to its own induced velocity. Fig. 75(c) shows a corresponding development in a nonphysical case in which, for the above flow, at t ¼ 227; the viscosity is suddenly doubled (the Reynolds number is halved). Fig. 75(d) is a case in which the viscosity is suddenly halved at t ¼ 227: A comparison between Fig. 75. Calculated contours of (i) stream function c, (ii) azimuthal vorticity h and (iii) azimuthal velocity y for a flow with Vc ¼ 1:75; Wc ¼ 1:6 and Re initially 300. (a) t ¼ 227 and Re ¼ 300; (b) t ¼ 250 and Re ¼ 300; (c) t ¼ 250 following a reduction at t ¼ 227 in Re from 300 to 150; (d) t ¼ 250 following an increase at t ¼ 227 in Re from 300 to 600 [123]. 528 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 Fig. 75(b) and (c) shows that the subsequent effect of a sudden increase in the viscosity is to diffuse the axial vorticity and increase the initial divergence of streamlines, but to reduce the magnitude of the maximum negative component of the azimuthal vorticity from 2 1.84 to 2 1.37, to reduce the size of the recirculation bubble. The reverse is true for the sudden decrease in viscosity (Fig. 75(d)). When we apply these numerical results to the actual flame, two points of difference can be considered. The first difference is in gas expansion. This results in an abrupt increase in size and bulges of stream surfaces in the vortex core, resulting in the appearance of a highpressure region, by which the flame is forcibly driven ahead. Therefore, independent of the criterion for the occurrence of vortex breakdown, a0 $ b0 ; the rapid flame propagation can be achieved in a vortex once the mixture is ignited and the combustion proceeds. The second difference is the increase in viscosity with temperature. Due to increased viscosity with temperature, the vorticity is damped immediately and the vortical structure may disappear. Thus, it is true that, similar to the vortex breakdown in swirling flows, the evolution of vorticity induces rapid flame propagation along a vortex axis. The constant viscosity model, however, is inadequate to describe the flame propagation quantitatively. 6.2. Flame speeds: summary 6.2.1. Flame speeds for typical flame diameters In Section 6.1, studies on the vortex breakdown phenomena in constant-density flows have been reviewed. Of interest is a recentpexperimental result in which the axial ffiffi velocity becomes 2 times the maximum tangential velocity at the onset of breakdown. Based on this result, relevant theories on the rapid flame propagation along a vortex axis have been reviewed. Here, we summarize the formulations for the flame speed in Section 4 and discuss their validity. In typical cases, when the radius of the burning region is infinitely large, or when the radius is equal to that of the forced vortex core, flame speeds are given as follows: 1. The original theory by Chomiak [9]: rffiffiffiffiffi r Vf ¼ Vu max u : rb ð26dÞ 2. The angular momentum conservation model by Daneshyar and Hill [25]: sffiffiffiffiffiffi 2ru Vf ¼ Vu max : ð27dÞ rb 3. A hypothesis by Ishizuka and Hirano [50]: pffiffiffiffiffi Vf ¼ Vu max 2k2 ðk2 # 1Þ: ð28bÞ 4. A steady-state immiscible stagnant model by Atobiloye and Britter [62]: rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi r Vf ¼ Vu max 1 2 b ðx ; R1 =R2 ! 0; a ! 0Þ: ð29s0 Þ ru 5. The finite flame diameter approximation by Asato et al. [57]: sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 3 ru 21 ða=a ¼ 1Þ; ð30g0 Þ Vf ¼ Vu max 16 rb Vf ø 1:07Vu max ða=a ¼ 1; ru =rb ¼ 7Þ: ð30g00 Þ 6. The back-pressure drive flame propagation model by Ishizuka et al. [69]: rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ru 2 axial expansion : Vf ¼ S þ Vu2 max rb u ð31t0 Þ ðk ! 1; Y ¼ 1Þ; rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi r radial expansion : Vf ¼ Su þ Vu max 1 þ b ru ð31u0 Þ ðk ! 1; Y ¼ 1Þ: 7. A steady-state back pressure drive flame propagation mechanism [72]: rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ru 2 for Vf $ ru Su =rb ; Su þ Vu2 max ð33eÞ Vf ø rb r ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi r Vf ¼ Vu max 1 þ b for Vf # ru Su =rb : ð33fÞ ru 8. The baroclinic push mechanism by Ashrust [64]: Eq. (35f) is rewritten in terms of ru, rb, Vu max and Su as sffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffi r rb rM Vu2 max XF Vf < 1 2 b ru ru dSu rM ð35f 0 Þ ðstraight vortexÞ: 9. The azimuthal vorticity evolution mechanism by Umemura and Tomita [74,77]: Eq. (36p) is rewritten in terms of ru, rb, Vu max and Su as sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi ru 2 r ð36p0 Þ Vf ¼ Su þ 2 þ b Vu2 max : rb ru In accordance with the experimental result of vortex breakdown in constant-density flow, the theory by Umepffiffi mura and Tomita [74,77] gives the proportionality of 2 in the Vf 2 Vu max plane for large values of Vu max : The theories by Atobiloye and Britter [62], Asato et al. [57], and Ishizuka et al. [69,72], however, give unity slope. In Eqs. (26d), (27d), and (30g0 ), the density ratio appears in the form of ru =rb ; whereas in Eqs. (29s0 ), (31u0 ), (33f), (35f0 ) and (36p0 ) it appears in the reverse form, rb =ru ; with respect to Vu max. Thus, these equations, theoretically derived, contradict each S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 other. Similar controversy can also be found in the formulations for gravitational flows. 6.2.2. Analogy between flows in vortices and gravitational flows In the case of gravitational flows, the driving force is the difference in gravitational force working on two fluids of different density. In the case of a wedge of fluid displacing a heavier fluid from the under side of a horizontal plane (Fig. 76(a)) [133], the speed of the cavity is given as c1 ¼ 1 2 pffiffiffiffi gd ; ð42aÞ in which d is the depth of the flume, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. This speed is obtained by applying the Bernoulli theorem along the surface and using the balance of 529 flow force (i.e. momentum flux plus pressure force) between the approaching and receding parts of the stream. In the case of mutual intrusion of two fluids in a flume (Fig. 76(b)) [134], the speed of the intrusion front is obtained as sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi gbðr2 2 r1 Þ uF ¼ ; ð42bÞ ðr2 þ r1 Þ in which r2 and r1 are the densities of heavier and lighter fluids, respectively, and b is the depth of the fluid. Here, it is assumed that the flow is symmetric and energy is conserved, i.e. by allowing the kinetic energy gained by both fluids to be the equal of the net potential energy gained by the lighter fluid and lost by the heavier fluid. In a model by von Karman, shown in Fig. 76(c) [134, 135], the speed of gravity current of density r2 advancing in Fig. 76. Models for (a) steady flow past a cavity [133], (b) mutual intrusion [134], and (c) gravity current advancing in an ambient fluid [134, 135]. 530 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 an ambient, lighter fluid of density r1, is obtained by applying the Bernoulli equation to points A and B on the boundary current to be rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi r 2 r1 U ¼ 2gb 2 : ð42cÞ r1 In a model by Fannelop and Jacobsen [136], the motion of a heavy fluid is considered on the basis of shallow-layer theory, and the wave speed for this layer is derived as sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi gbðr2 2 r1 Þ : ð42dÞ uF ¼ r2 If r1 ¼ 0 (cavity) is placed into Eq. (42b), the upper wedge speed of the lighter fluid (cavity) becomes pffiffiffi 1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi uF ¼ gb ¼ pffiffi gð2bÞ: 2 ð42eÞ This pffiffispeed is different from the value of Eq. (42a) by a factor of 2; since 2b corresponds to the flume depth d. Thus, Eq. (42a) is contradictory to Eq. (42b) for the upper cavity speed. A contradiction also occurs in the speed of the lower fluid front. In Eq. (42c), the speed of the layer is increased as the densitypffiffiffi ratio r2 =r1 is increased, whereas speed approaches gb in the limit r2 =r1 ! 1 in Eq. (42b). Eq. (42d) is in sharp contrast to Eq. (42c) in that the denominator is the density of a heavier fluid, not the density of a lighter fluid. Thus, the speeds of the intrusion layer of a heavier fluid predicted by the three models (Eqs. (42b) – (42d)), contradict each other. In the problem of rapid flame propagation along a vortex axis, the driving force is the difference in the centrifugal forces of rotation working on the unburned gas of high density and on the burned gas of low density. This difference in force is given by ru Vu2 max {1 2 ðrb =ru Þ2 } (Eq. (27b)) or approximately by ru Vu2 max (Eq. (26c)). If this difference in force is considered to balance with the momentum flux of the burned gas, the denominator in the equation for the flame speed becomes the burned gas density rb (Eq. (26d)). If the Bernoulli equation (energy conservation prule) is used, ffiffi the flame speed is increased by a factor of 2 (Eq. (27d)). If the inertia of the heavy, unburned gas is taken into consideration, the density ratio ru =rb disappears (Eq.(28b)). If the balance of flow force is considered, the proportionality factor becomes about unity, and ru appears in the denominator (Eqs. (31u0 ), (33f)). Recently, detailed research [137] has been performed on the lock-exchange problem, using various fluids of different density as well as numerical calculations in the experiments. It was concluded that the light-fluid front along the underside is elongated, smooth, and generally loss-free, and hence, the front velocity is in agreement with Benjamin’s ideal theory [133] (Eq. (42a)). On the other hand, the heavy-fluid front is blunt and gives more evidence of mixing and other loss processes, and therefore, its speed is close to the speed based on the flow force balance. Thus, precise observations on the front shape are indispensable in order to conclude which model is appropriate for predicting the front velocity. 6.2.3. Flame speeds for finite flame diameter Similarly, precise observations on the flame shape are indispensable in order to predict flame speed accurately. Our major concerns are the shape of the flame shape, whether the flame area is constant or if it increases in the propagation, whether the flow is in a laminar or turbulent condition, and eventually, whether the flame propagation is steady or unsteady, etc. As for the flame shape, some theories have taken it into consideration: They are summarized as follows: 1. In the steady state, immiscible stagnant model by Atobiloye and Britter [62], the solutions are obtained numerically. In the case of a free vortex in a rotating tube, however, the flame speed is analytically expressed as rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi r Vf < Vu max ð1 2 x2 Þ 1 2 b ða ! 0Þ: ð29s00 Þ ru 2. The finite flame diameter approximation by Asato et al. [57]: vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 8 !ffi u 2 > u > a r a > t u 21 12 > ða # aÞ V > < 2a u max rb 4a2 Vfth ¼ : s ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi > > > ru 3 a > > 1 Vu max ða . aÞ þ ln 21 : 2 4 rb a ð30fÞ 3. The back-pressure drive flame propagation model by Ishizuka et al. [69]: rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi r ð31tÞ axial expansion : lVf l ¼ u ðYSu Þ2 þVu2 max f ðkÞ; rb rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi r radial expansion : lVf l¼ YSu þVu max 1þ b f ðkÞ: ð31uÞ ru Eq. (31u) is modified for angular momentum conservation on each streamline: lVf l ¼ YSu sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi rb ru rb 1 þkVu max 1þ þ ln 12 12 2 2ru rb ru k for k # 1: ð31xÞ 4. The steady-state model of the back pressure drive flame propagation theory [72] rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi r ð33fÞ lVf l ¼ Vu max 1þ b f ðkÞ ðVf # ru Su =rb Þ: ru S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 Eq. (33f) is modified for angular momentum conservation on each streamline: sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi rb ru rb 1 lVf l ¼ kVu max 1þ þ ln 12 12 2 : ð33gÞ 2ru rb ru k 5. The azimuthal vorticity evolution mechanism by Umemura and Tomita [76,77]: Eq. (36r) is rewritten in terms of ru, rb, and k as Vf s ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi rb ru rb 1 ru 2 2 ¼ 2 þ þ 2 ln 1 2 12 2 Vu max þ Su : ru rb ru rb k ð36r0 Þ In these formulas, two parameters are taken into consideration. One is a parameter related with the flame area, Y, the ratio of the flame area to the cross-sectional area of the flow concerned. This parameter, however, is concerned only with the aerothermochemical term in the back-pressure drive flame propagation theory; it has been shown in the experiment in a rotating tube [66] (hence, the burned gas is expanded mostly inpthe axial ffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi expansion), that the asymptotic value of YSu ru =rb in the limit Vu max ! 0 is in good agreement with the measured flame speed. Another parameter is concerned with the radius of the burned gas. In the theory by Atobiloye and Britter [62], the ratio of the burned gas to the tube radius x ; R2 =R1 is introduced and solutions are obtained numerically. Eq. (29s00 ) is the result in the case of a free vortex. It is seen that with a decrease of x ; R1 =R2 (R1 is the flame radius), the pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi flame speed is increased and approaches Vu max 1 2 rb =ru in the limit of x ! 0: That is, the flame speed is increased if the flame becomes more sharp-pointed. In the other three theories, the flame shape is taken into consideration through a ratio of the unburned gas radius to the radius of the vortex core, i.e. a=a or k ; ru =ðhu =2Þ: With a decrease in a=a or k, the flame speed is decreased in these three models. It should be noted, however, that these parameters are based on the concept of Rankine’s combined vortex. The tangential velocity distribution of Rankine form is assumed to obtain the above equations. The actual tangential velocity distribution, however, is not of Rankine form but of Burgers form. Their theoretical results should be modified accordingly. 6.2.4. A note on Burgers vortex Burgers vortex is a solution for the tangential velocity component of the Navier – Stokes equation under the conditions that the flow is incompressible, axi-symmetric, and stretched. The radial and axial velocity components, u and w, are given in such a way that [138] uðradial velocityÞ ¼ 2Ar; ð43aÞ wðaxial velocityÞ ¼ 2Az; 531 ð43bÞ in which A is the velocity gradient, r is the radial distance, and z is the axial distance. This set of velocity components satisfies the continuity equation, and the tangential velocity distribution is obtained as y¼ 2 C ð1 2 e2Ar =2v Þ: 2pr ð43cÞ Here, v is the kinetic viscosity and C is a constant, which can be determined for considering the circulation at r ¼ 1; G1, as C ¼ G1 : ð43dÞ The velocity profile of Eq. (43c) tends to that of the free vortex far from the center ðy / 1=rÞ; and tends to that of the forced vortex of a rigid body rotation near the axis of rotation ðy / rÞ: The rotational speed V is given as V ; lim r!0 y AC AG1 ¼ ¼ : 4pv r 4pv ð43eÞ Note that for a given G1 ð– 0Þ; the rotational speed V increases linearly with increasing A (the velocity gradient). Also note that the rotational speed is inversely proportional to the kinetic viscosity v. The tangential velocity profile has a maximum. By differentiating Eq. (43c) with respect to r, its condition is obtained as Ar 2 ¼ j ø 1:2565; 2v ð43fÞ where j is a solution for an algebraic equation ex ¼ 2x þ 1: Thus, the core radius rc, defined as the maximum tangential velocity position, and the maximum tangential velocity Vu max, are obtained in terms of (A/v, G1/2p), or in terms of (V,G1/2p) as sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffi pffiffi 2v 2v G1 1 ; ð43gÞ rc ¼ j ø 1:12 ¼ 1:12 2p V A A rffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffi G A 1 2 e2j G A pffiffi ø 0:638 1 Vu max ¼ 1 2p 2v 2p 2v j sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi G1 ð43hÞ V: ¼ 0:638 2p Note that with an increase of the velocity gradient A, the core radius decreases, whereas the maximum tangential velocity increases. By integrating the radial momentum equation numerically, the pressure difference DP between the center and the infinity is obtained as DP ø 1:70ru Vu2 max : ð43iÞ In Rankine’s combined vortex, the pressure difference is equal to ru Vu2 max : Thus, the driving force in Burgers vortex becomes bigger in terms of Vu max. This results in an increase in the proportionality factor in the Vf – Vu max plane; 532 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 Fig. 77. Comparison between measured flame speeds and theoretical predictions; (a) lean methane/air mixture (F ¼ 0:6; Su ¼ 0:097 m=s; ru =rb ¼ 5:6), (b) stoichiometric methane and propane mixtures (F ¼ 1:0; Su ¼ 0:4 m=s; ru =rb ¼ 7:85 (mean)), and (c) rich propane mixtures ðF ¼ 2:0; ru =rb ¼ 7:7Þ [85]. in the back-pressure drive flame propagation pffiffiffiffi mechanism, the slope may be increased from unity to 1:7 ø 1:3; and in the theory by p Umemura and Tomita, the slope is also ffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi increased from 2 to 2 £ 1:70 ø 1:8: 6.2.5. A general comparison between theories and experiments Based on the above discussions, comparisons between theories and experiments are briefly made in the following. In the case of flame propagation in a rotating tube, a steady state is not achieved. Since gas expansion in the radial direction is restricted by the existence of the solid glass wall, the axial expansion model of the back-pressure drive flame propagation theory can accurately describe the experimental results. A good agreement has been obtained between the theory and the experiment [66, Fig. 6]. In vortex ring combustion, a steady state of flame propagation can be achieved, although the flame speed is usually fluctuated, and its magnitude sometimes reaches nearly 30% of the mean flame speed for large Reynolds number. Very recently, an experiment [85] has been conducted in a ‘pure’ atmosphere of the same mixture as the combustible gas of the vortex ring, in the sense that the flame propagation is not influenced by dilution with the ambient mixture, or the secondary combustion between excess fuel and ambient air. Flame speeds have been determined for lean and rich mixtures as well as stoichiometric methane/air and propane/air mixtures, and compared with some theories, which have taken the finite diameter into consideration. They are as follows: 1. Umemura and Tomita; steady-state, Bernoulli’s equation: Eq. (36r0 ); 2. Ishizuka et al.; steady-state momentum flux balance: Eq. (33g); 3. Asato et al.; hot stagnant, effective pressure: Eq. (30f); 4. Ishizuka et al.; back-pressure drive, axial expansion: Eq. (31t0 ). Fig. 77 [85] shows the results for (a) lean methane, (b) stoichiometric methane and propane, and (c) rich propane mixtures, in which the variations of flame diameter with the maximum tangential velocity are also presented. In the steady state models by Umemura and Tomita and by Ishizuka et al., the burned gas is assumed to expand in the radial direction; i.e. the flame diameter df becomes pffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi du ru =rb : The parameter k in Eqs. (33g) and (36r0 ) is estimated from a relation pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi k ; du =dc ¼ ðdf =dc Þ rb =ru : ð44Þ Representative values of k, obtained from this relation, are shown in the upper figures of Fig. 77. To avoid complexity, the relations of Eqs. (36r0 ) and (33g) are shown with k ¼ 0:08 and 0.12 in Fig. 77(a), with k ¼ 0:2 and 0.3 in Fig. 77(b), and with k ¼ 0:1 and 0.2 in Fig. 77(c). In the model by Asato et al., and in the case of axial expansion, the value of a=a or k is equal to df/dc. Thus, the relations of Eqs. (30f) and (31t0 ) are shown with k ¼ 0:2 and 0.3 in Fig. 77(a), with k ¼ 0:5 and 0.75 in Fig. 77(b), and with k ¼ 0:25 and 0.5 in Fig. 77(c). The value of Y is assumed to be unity in Eq. (31t0 ). It is seen that Eq. (31t0 ) underestimates, while Eq. (30f) completely covers almost all the results except for S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 small values of Vu max. On the other hand, the model by Umemura and Tomita, Eq. (36r0 ), overestimates the lean methane flame speeds, however, it predicts well those of the stoichiometric and rich propane mixtures in a range of Vu max , 10 m/s. A steady-state momentum flux conservation model, Eq. (33g), somewhat overestimates the lean methane flame speeds, however, it predicts well the results of the stoichiometric and rich propane mixtures in a range of Vu max . 10 m/s. As a whole Eq. (36r0 ) is better in low velocity region and Eq. (33g) is better in the high velocity region for describing the measured flame speeds. This is because for Vu max . 10 m/s, the Reynolds number, which is defined as Re ; UD=v (U and D are the translational velocity and diameter of the vortex ring, respectively, and v is the kinematic viscosity), becomes the order of 104 and the so-called turbulent vortex rings are formed [86]. Thus, pressure loss occurs and the Bernoulli equation may not be valid, resulting in a poor description of Eq. (36r0 ) in the high velocity region. The angular momentum conservation on each streamline sounds rigorous, but a vortex motion decays rapidly behind the flame due to high viscosity. This partly explains why the hot, stagnant gas model by Asato et al. [57] predicts the results so well. However, the above discussion is based on Rankine’s combined vortex. As noted in Section 6.2.4, the value of slope of Eq. (36r0 ) will be raised to 1.8 for Burgers vortex, and as a result, Eq. (36r0 ) may overestimate the experimental results for almost all values of Vu max. Instead, Eq. (33g) survives because the slope is raised to 1.3 for Burgers vortex. Although Eq. (31t0 ) for axial expansion always underestimates the results as long as Rankine’s combined vortex is assumed, the validity of Eq. (31t0 ) for Burgers vortex must be considered. At present, it is very difficult to conclude which theory describes best the measured flame speeds. 6.2.6. An unresolved problem: finiteness of flame diameter As seen in Fig. 77, flame diameter decreases with an increase in the vortex strength. In air and in a nitrogen atmosphere, dilution of the combustible mixture by entrainment of the ambient gas causes flame extinction, resulting in a finite flame diameter. In a pure atmosphere, however, dilution may not occur. Thus, the observed decrease in flame diameter with increasing vortex strength results from a pure interaction between the flame and the flow. Although some theories have taken flame diameter into consideration, they cannot describe the decrease of flame diameter with vortex strength. In this sense, these theories are not complete, merely semi-empirical. The finiteness of the flame diameter in the vortex ring combustion at the stage of the rapid flame propagation may be closely related with the finiteness of the flame diameter in a rotating vessel. Ono and co-workers [58,59] have considered that the shear flow induced by gas expansion 533 extinguishes the flame, while Gorczakowski and Jarosinski [87] considered that a heat loss to the wall extinguishes the flame. The heat loss to the wall can be considered in the case of vortex ring combustion as a heat loss to the ambient mixture, due to flow non-uniformity. That is, because of non-uniform flow, both heat and mass transfer can occur through a stream tube [47,139– 144]. This results in a heat loss around the head of the propagating flame in vortices. Thus, flame stretch plays an important role on the finiteness of flame diameter. The flow diverges toward a convex flame. The flame suffers from stretch through non-uniformity of the flow and through curvature of the flame. This may result in flame extinction at some distance behind the head of the flame. This flame stretch mechanism can explain the observed Lewis number effect on the flame diameters [85]. Apparently, the flame diameter characteristics of the propagating flame are very similar to those of the tubular flame, established in a rotating, stretched flowfiled [37 – 47]. For further discussion, detailed measurements on the flow field by PIV—not only in the plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation (Fig. 20) but also in the plane parallel to the axis of rotation (Fig. 34)—are indispensable. 6.3. Modeling turbulent combustion The phenomenon of rapid flame propagation along vortices has received considerable attention in modeling turbulent combustion [9,14,15]. In the model by Tabaczynski et al. [14], it is assumed that fast flame propagation in a vortex of Kolmogorov scale occurs, followed by a laminar combustion of the mixture outside the vortices. In the Klimov model [15], rapid flame propagation occurs in a vortex whose diameter is larger than the Kolmogorov scale; this is followed by combustion in tubular flame geometry. A recent direct numerical simulation of turbulent combustion, however, does not yield evidence for their models. Fig. 78 [145] shows contour surfaces of the second invariant of the velocity gradient tensor (green) and those of the heat release rate (yellow). It is seen that there are many tube-like eddies in the unburned gas. The turbulence in the unburned gas consists of coherent fine-scale eddies. The mean diameter of these eddies is about 10 times the Kolmogorov microscale h, and the maximum azimuthal velocity is about half the root mean square velocity fluctuation u0 [145,146]. In the burned gas side, however, these eddies are dissipated because of increased viscosity with temperature. Although penetration of the hot burned gas into the unburned gas by vortex bursting is expected, such penetration cannot be recognized in Fig. 78. Fig. 79 [145] shows the distributions of the axes of the coherent fine-scale eddies, in which the visual diameters of the axes are selected to be proportional to the square root of the second invariant of the velocity gradient tensor. It is seen that near the flame front, the magnitude of the solid body rotation of the eddy decreases, while strong coherent fine-scale eddies survive behind the flame front and are 534 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 Fig. 78. Contour surfaces of the second invariant and heat release rate (green: Qþ ¼ 0:02; yellow: DH p ¼ 1:0) [145]. elongated in the streamwise direction due to the acceleration caused by gas expansion [145]. This situation is reasonable upon consideration of Eq. (27a), which indicates that the angular speed is decreased by a factor of ru =rb through the flame when the burned gas expands radially, or in Eq. (31i), which indicates that the angular speed is decreased by a factor of 12r ; where 1r is the expansion ratio rb =ru (Eq. (31c)). However, even upon close observation, rapid flame propagation along the vortex axis (which has been observed in vortex ring combustion) may not occur in the coherent fine-scale eddies. Fig. 80 [145] shows typical interactions between the coherent fine-scale eddy and the premixed flame that are denoted by the Regions A, B, and C in Fig. 78. In Region A, a coherent fine-scale eddy is impinging on the flame front with an axial velocity towards the direction of the burned gas (Fig. 80(a) and (b)), and the unburned mixture is provided to the flame front by the axial velocity. As a result, the reactions are enhanced. Fig. 79. Distribution of the axes of coherent fine-scale eddies in a turbulent premixed flame (gray: axes, yellow: DH p ¼ 1:0) [145]. Fig. 80. Distributions of the heat release rate and axes of the typical coherent fine-scale eddy. (a) A region ðDH p ¼ 1:1Þ; (b) A region (axial velocity), (c) B region ðDH p ¼ 1:1Þ; and (d) C region ðDH p ¼ 1:0Þ [145]. In Region B (Fig. 80(c)), the axis of the coherent finescale eddy is parallel to the flame front, and the tube-like structure of high heat release rate is observed along the axis. However, as stated in the paper by Tanahashi et al. [145], ‘because the coherent fine-scale eddies have large azimuthal velocity of the order of u0 , the eddy parallel to the flame front can transport the unburned species into the flame front, which results in the tube-like structure of high heat release rate along the axis’. Therefore, it should be noted that this tube-like zone of high heat release rate is not established by the rapid flame propagation mechanism postulated by Chomiak [9], by Tabaczynski et al. [14] or by Klimov [15]. In Region C (Fig. 80(d)), the axis of the coherent finescale eddy is perpendicular to the flame front [147]. The axial velocity is towards the unburned gas near the flame front, and the flame front is convex towards the unburned gas [147]. The heat release rate becomes relatively low compared with the intense combustion in Region A or in Region B [145]. This heat release rate reduction appears to be a feature of the flame, which propagates along a vortex axis. As seen in Fig. 4 and in Fig. 44, the head of the flame is often dispersed and weak in luminosity. Thus, the heat release rate must be low at this head region. The vortex scales, however, are largely different between the experiments and the DNS. It is clearly stated in the Comments of the paper by Tanahashi et al. [145] that ‘we cannot observe the flame penetration into the coherent fine-scale eddies in turbulence’. This is probably because the diameters of the vortices are too small. According to the numerical simulation by Hasegawa et al. [63], a flame cannot propagate along a vortex axis S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 when the diameter is smaller than the order of the laminar flame thickness. The same section also states [145] that ‘the ratio of diameter of coherent fine-scale eddies in the unburned side is about 0.46 times that of laminar flame thickness. Therefore, the flame penetration into the coherent fine-eddy seems to be very difficult’. The DNS, however, is limited to a stoichiometric hydrogen/air mixture at 0.1 MPa and 700 K. In addition, it is noted in the Comments that ‘this result does not deny the possibility of flame penetration into the coherent fine-scale eddies. Now we are planning to conduct DNS that can verify the possibility of flame penetration in the eddy’ [145]. It seems that there exists still another barrier to the flame penetration, even if the eddy diameter becomes bigger than the laminar flame thickness. A large axial velocity in the vortex may prevent the flame from propagating upstream. As confirmed in the numerical simulations [145,146,148], the mean tangential velocity profile is similar to that of Burgers vortex. This means that there is also an axial velocity, as indicated by Eq. (43b). The results of the numerical simulations [144,145,147] show that there are radial flows towards the center from the outside, and also strong axial flow from the center towards the outside, not only on the axis but also in the regimes far from the central axis (Ref. [148, Fig. 8]). The large axial flow is the order of u0 . These velocities are, of course, largely fluctuated. Thus, the axial flow sometime resists the flame penetration and sometime helps the flame to penetrate into the vortices. Although flame behavior in unsteady flows is quite different from behavior in steady flows [149,150], it is reasonable to expect that the axial flow, which is positive in the average, may prevent the flame from penetrating into the vortices. Fig. 81 [116,151] shows two examples of measured swirl and axial velocity profiles in the exit of the slit-tube vortex generator. The jet-like profile in Fig. 81(a), is typical of the supercritical flow upstream of breakdown, while the wakelike profile in Fig. 81(b), is typical of the subcritical flow downstream, in which small disturbances coming from downstream propagate in the upstream direction and ultimately provoke the breakdown. If the velocity profiles in coherent fine-scale eddies in the unburned gas are supercritical, the flame penetration will not occur. For these two reasons, i.e. smallness of vortex diameter and largeness of axial velocity, penetration of the hot burned gas into either the fine-scale eddies or the somewhat larger vortices by vortex bursting seems not to occur. However, it should be noted that breakdown could occur in the turbulence even if penetration is impossible. As found experimentally, an axial flow prevents the flame from propagating upstream in the vortex flow (Fig. 27). Under such a flow condition, the flame may not be able to penetrate deeply in the vortex. There are, however, many vortices in the turbulence. As a result of interaction between these vortices, subcritical flow conditions may be achieved at many locations in the turbulence. As a result, vortex breakdown can happen locally at many locations although 535 vortex breakdown at each place may not be extended to deep penetration of the flame into the vortex. Let us reconsider Region A. In Region A, the vortex axis is perpendicular to the flame front, and the unburned mixture is provided to the flame front by the axial velocity, resulting in enhancement of the heat release rate. This situation is very similar to the combustion at the exit of the swirl type tubular flame burner. Fig. 82 [37] shows a photograph of the combustion with a tubular flame burner. At the exits, intense combustion proceeds due to sudden expansion of the flow and a subsequent formation of a hot recirculation zone (also see Ref. [37, Figs. 3c and 6b], and Ref. [39, Fig. 9]. Note that at the exit of the slit tube vortex generator [152], vortex breakdown occurs without combustion due to sudden expansion.) This phenomenon is a vortex breakdown, common in industrial furnaces, which use a swirl combustor to stabilize and enhance combustion [116, 153]. The hot gas is impinged from the burned gas side due to breakdown, while the unburned gas is impinged from the unburned gas side with a large axial velocity. As a result, intense combustion proceeds on the interface of the gases to form an intense reaction zone. Thus, if we examine this turbulent combustion, which has turbulent intensity u0 , hot gas propagates upstream along any vortex axis by vortex bursting with a flame speed Vf if possible. This flame speed can be considered as the turbulent burning velocity ST for this combustion. Namely ST < Vf : ð43aÞ As indicated in Figs. 35 and 36, the flame speed Vf is almost equal to the maximum tangential velocity Vu max in the moderate range less than 5 –10 m/s, while it is saturated or slowed down in ranges higher than 5 – 10 m/s. The boundary velocity depends on the mixture stoichiometry. On the other hand, the maximum tangential velocity is given to be nearly equal to u0 ; i.e. ST < Vf ¼ f ðVu max ; FÞ; ð43bÞ Vu max < u0 : ð43cÞ This means that the turbulent burning velocity ST, is increased almost linearly with the turbulent intensity u0 , but it is saturated for larger values of u0 . The analogy between the Vf 2 Vu max relation and the ST 2 u0 relation is unclear, however. Daneshyar and Hill [25] have attempted to explain the ST 2 u0 relation by introducing the mechanism of vortex bursting and the concept of average pressure. Their result, Eq. (11), can explain the experimental results summarized by AbdelGayed and Bradley [154]. However, the ST 2 u0 relation can also be explained by different models [155 –157]. Fig. 83 shows an example of how to explain the ST 2 u0 relation based on flamelet modeling [157]. Although the features of bending and quenching in the curves are very similar to those observed in Vf -Vu max plane, they are explained in a different manner in their paper. 536 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 Fig. 81. Representation of measured swirl and axial velocity components [116,151]. From the discussion above, understanding the Vf 2 Vu max relation seems to be very important from a fundamental viewpoint. However, there are still many problems such as why the flame speed slows in higher maximum tangential velocity; why the flame diameter decreases with an increase in maximum tangential velocity; why the flame is extinguished at a finite flame diameter, etc. As compared with theories which have been developed for vortex breakdown in the field of fluid dynamics, the theories for the flame propagation are undeveloped. A rather rigorous theoretical study by Umemura et al. [74 – 77,82] has started very recently. Numerical simulations on this rapid flame propagation are very few except in the works by Hasegawa et al. [63,65,78– 80,83]. Further theoretical and numerical studies should be done to gain complete understanding of this phenomenon. Additional experimental works with PIV are also indispensable to obtain detailed information on this phenomenon. From a practical viewpoint, the rapid flame propagation phenomenon should be applied to practical devises, to control or enhance S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 Fig. 82. Flame configuration of lean methane/air mixture in a swirltype tubular flame burner (glass tube: 13.4 mm in inner diameter, 120 mm in length, fuel concentration: 5.4%CH4, the mean tangential velocity at the slit: 3.0 m/s) [37]. Fig. 83. Comparison between experimental data of Abdel-Gayed and Bradley and KPP results. Equivalence ratio ¼ 0.9 [157]. combustion, or to develop a new, high-compression engine without knocks. In this regards, recent attempts by Gorczakowski et al. [81] and Dwyer and Hasegawa [158, 159], both using a rotating vessel or tube with a closed end, are specially noted. 7. Conclusions The present article reviews past and recent studies on rapid flame propagation along a vortex axis. First, a brief historical survey has been made of related studies in this subject, followed by reviewing experimental, theoretical, and numerical studies. Relevant studies on the vortex breakdown phenomena in swirling flows of constant density have also been reviewed to discuss the mechanisms of rapid 537 flame propagation along a vortex axis. Basic features of the phenomenon are summarized below: (1) Flame shape. The flame is convex towards the unburned gas. In most flames, the heads are blurred and a distinct flame zone such as a laminar flame zone is difficult to identify. However, the head is intensified in burning when the mass diffusivity of a deficient—hence limiting— component, is larger than the thermal diffusivity of the mixture; whereas the head is weakened in burning when the mass diffusivity is less than the thermal diffusivity. (2) Limits. Rapid axial flame propagation can occur when the rotation is adequately strong. Although it has not yet been made clear, it is probable that the modified Richardson number needs to be larger than the order of unity for the occurrence of rapid flame propagation. If this condition is achieved, a flame can propagate rapidly on a vortex axis. The concentration limits for the rapid flame propagation are close to the standard flammability limits of mixture, or somewhat beyond the flammability limits due to the Lewis number effect. It should be noted, however, that a flame was observed to propagate far outside the flammability limit in rich propane/air mixtures in a rotating tube. This suggests that a flame (hot gas), can propagate along a vortex axis without any concentration limit, once a flame is established, and if the aerodynamic condition is satisfied. Note that the phenomenon of rapid flame propagation along a vortex axis consists of two processes, the hot gas movement at a high speed (which is induced aerodynamically), and the combustion which enables the transition from the unburned gas of high density to the burned gas of low density. It should also be noted that a numerical simulation has shown that such rapid flame propagation may not occur if the vortex diameter is smaller than the order of the laminar flame thickness. (3) Steadiness. Flame seldom propagates with a constant speed in the vortex flow within a tube or in a rotating tube. Flame acceleration and deceleration frequently occur. A spiral mode of flame propagation, which presumably corresponds to the precession of the vortex core, is also observed. In vortex ring combustion however, a ‘quasisteady’ condition is achieved in the flame propagation. The flame speed is always varied and the ratio of the square root of the fluctuations in the flame speed to its mean value attains about 0.3 in most of vortex rings of various mixtures. A steady state of flame propagation is limited to vortex rings of propane/air mixtures in which the Reynolds number is less than the order of 104; the ratio of fluctuation is then decreased to 0.2. (4) Flame speed. The (mean) flame speed is closely related first to the maximum tangential velocity in the vortex, and secondly to its flame diameter. With an increase in the maximum tangential velocity, the mean flame speed is increased almost linearly while the flame diameter is decreased monotonically. For higher maximum tangential velocities, however, the flame diameter becomes smaller and the flame speed is lowered from the otherwise straight 538 S. Ishizuka / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 28 (2002) 477–542 line. If the maximum tangential velocity is further increased, the flame is quenched on the way to propagation, or the mixture cannot be ignited at all. In most of the combustible mixtures, the flame speed slope in the Vf 2 Vu max plane is at about unity, independent of the equivalence ratio of the combustible mixture. An exception is the vortex ring combustion of rich hydrogen mixture in air, in which, with an increase of the equivalence ratio, the slope is increased up to the value, the square root of the unburned pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi to burned gas density ratio, ru =rb ; predicted by Chomiak. (5) Flame diameter. First, rapid flame propagation along a vortex axis occurs, followed by slow burning in the radial direction. Thus, the burning area at the first stage of rapid flame propagation is limited and the flame diameter is finite. This flame diameter is decreased with an increase in the maximum tangential velocity. For the mixture in which the mass diffusivity of a limiting component is larger than the thermal diffusivity of the mixture, the flame diameter can become small, whereas for the mixture in which the mass diffusivity of a limiting component is smaller than the thermal diffusivity of the mixture, the flame diameter cannot become small. (6) Aerodynamic structure. The propagating flame along a vortex axis has a peculiar aerodynamic structure; the pressure is increased behind the flame, which has been located experimentally by a simple static probe measurement. This is in sharp contrast to the ‘normal’ onedimensional flames, such as a flame propagating in a quiescent mixture, or flame propagating in a non-rotating stream, in which the static pressure is decreased behind the flame. In accordance with the prediction, DP < ru Vu2 max ; the pressure difference across the flame is increased in the vortex flow with increasing Vu max ; and its magnitude is of the order of ru Vu2 max : (7) Flame propagation mechanism. At this point, four different mechanisms have been proposed for rapid flame propagation. They are (i) flame kernel deformation due to centrifugal effects, (ii) vortex bursting due to pressure differences across the flame, (iii) baroclinic torque, and (iv) azimuthal vorticity evolution. The azimuthal vorticity evolution mechanism can explain the flame driving process qualitatively, whereas the vortex bursting mechanism, based on the pressure difference across the flame, can describe the flame speed even quantitatively. Among the vortex bursting theories postulated so far, the backpressure drive flame propagation theory, which assumes the momentum flux conservation across the flame, and does not use the Bernoulli equation on a streamline of the axis of rotation, can fit the experimental data well. On the other hand, it has been shown numerically that the baroclinic torque mechanism plays an important role only at the initial stage of propagation. (8) Modeling of turbulent combustion. Recent direct numerical simulations indicate that such rapid flame propagation along a vortex axis may not occur in turbulent combustion. This is because the diameter of the coherent-fine eddies is much smaller than the thickness of the laminar flame. A large axial flow also may work as an inhibiting force to flame propagation. As noted in the last part of Section 6, further studies are necessary for complete understanding of the rapid flame propagation phenomenon along a vortex axis. It has not yet been made clear why flame ceases to propagate in the radial direction after the first step of axial propagation. We continue our work in this subject attempting to build an integral theory to simultaneously describe the decrease in flame diameter and the decrease in flame speed. For this reason, PIV measurements on the velocity components of radial and axial directions, as well as the tangential velocity component, will be used for experimental verification. Studies of the axial flame propagation in swirling flow will be used to control and/or enhance combustion in practical devices. Acknowledgements I am indebted to Professor Jerzy Chomiak, whose help is greatly acknowledged, during many helpful discussions and comments. 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