October 2015 - the Virginia Moose Association
October 2015 - the Virginia Moose Association
ASHLAND MOOSE FAMILY CENTER #2099 LOYAL ORDER OF THE MOOSE P.O. BOX 173 ASHLAND, VA 23005 Return Service Requested ASHLAND MOOSE FAMILY CENTER #2099 OCTOBER 2015 “THE MOOSELETTER” IN-HOUSE MEMBERSHIP RECRUITING PROGRAM SIGN A NEW OR DROPPED MEMBER AND HAVE YOUR NAME ENTERED IN A DRAWING TO HAVE YOUR MOOSE DUES PAID BY THE MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE DRAWING APRIL 13, 2016 ----------NAMES TO DATE---------James C. Davis Jeffrey Sklarek ______________________________________________________ FOR INFORMATION GO TO Mooseintl.org – sign in with your last name and enter 2014. Scroll down to bottom on left “search”, enter “moose rewards” or see flyer in SQ. The Mooseletter VOLUME 17, ISSUE 1 Brothers and Co-workers, O ctober already, this year is flying by. The next thing you know everything will be covered with Christmas lights and stores will be buzzing. I want to take a moment now before we head into the holidays to remind everyone to please be safe and be aware of all of your surroundings. October is an exciting month. Please check your Calendar for events for the month. Make sure to mark your calendars for the Fall Festival, Saturday, October 17th, from 1 pm to 4 pm. There are some exciting items planned such as hayrides, a pumpkin patch, pumpkin painting, and of course CAKEWALKS!! It will be a terrific time and can’t wait for the fun. The Turkey Shoot has stated again on Friday Nights, please spread the word. It is an amazing fun and everyone has a great time. Come out and shoot with us or come out and help, it is truly a fun time...just look for the big bonfire out back. The shoot area looks great and the hard work it took to put it together is truly being used and appreciated. Our Friday night dinner specials are going good, please come and support the Lodge. As always we do have BINGO 2 times a week Membership Committee JUST A REMINDER...YOUR LOCKER DUES ARE DUE. SEE POLLY OR BARTENDER ON DUTY. THANKING YOU IN ADVANCE October 2015 on Monday and Thursday. Volunteers are always needed and appreciated. If you can help please do not hesitate to let us know. Also, be sure to save the date of Saturday, November 21st. Our Family Center will be putting on a Benefit for Connor. This event will be open to the public, and we invite all members, family, friends, and anyone wanting to help to attend. There are 2 bands slated to perform, heavy snacks, 50/50 raffles, cake auctions, and much more. Please come out to help support Connor. This is truly a great cause and a true way for us as a family to give back. As with all my letters you are a member of this lodge and have a say in the daily operations of this lodge. To have your voice heard please, please attend the membership meetings. No one person can move a mountain, however, if we work together imagine what we can accomplish. Fraternally yours, Ed Gibson Govenor LOYAL ORDER OF THE MOOSE OFFICERS AND CHAIRMEN GOVERNOR ED GIBSON SR. JR. GOVERNOR DAVID MARTIN TREASURER PRELATE DENNIS MCNAMEE 1ST YEAR TRUSTEE 2ND YEAR TRUSTEE KENNY RICHMOND 3RD YEAR TRUSTEE KARL WINKLER PAST JR. GOVERNOR DONNIE GIBSON ADMINISTRATOR JAMES LIVINGSTONE MOOSEHEART/MOOSEHAVEN ED JONES PUBLICATIONS MARY SIMONS BINGO CHAIRMAN JEFF SKLAREK INNER GUARD MEETING SCHEDULES Loyal Order of the Moose Membership...................2nd & 4th Wednesday @7PM Officers............................1st & 3rd Wednesday @7PM House Committee.........1st & 3rd Wednesday @7:30 PM Moose Legion.................2nd Wednesday @7PM following Member meeting IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR EFFECTIVE WITH THIS NEWSLETTER ALL INPUT SHOULD BE SENT OR GIVEN TO ME ON THE 3RD WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH IN ORDER FOR ME TO GET IT ORGANIZED, PROOF READ AND MEET WITH THE PRINTER SO THE NEWSLETTER CAN BE PRINTED AND GET TO THE MEMBERS ON TIME. THIS INCLUDES GOVERNORS , ADMINISTRATOR AND SENIOR REGENTS MESSAGES, ADDRESS LABELS FOR BOTH MEN AND WOMEN AND BIRTHDAYS FOR BOTH....I WILL NOT BE CALLING OR E-MAILING TO REMIND ANYONE THAT I NEED THEIR INPUT LIKE I HAVE IN THE PAST. I AM SORRY IF THIS IS AN INCONVIENCE TO ANYONE BUT IN ORDER FOR THIS TO WORK THIS IS HOW IT HAS TO BE.... IF FOR ANY UNEXPECTED REASON YOU NEED TO GET SOMETHING IN BEFORE IT GOES TO PRINT LET ME KNOW AND I CAN CHECK WITH THE PRINTER TO SEE IF IT IS TOO LATE, BUT CAN'T MAKE ANY PROMISES. MY E-MAIL ADDRESS IS ladylu4u@aol.com and my telephone # is 804-266-4635 or my cell # is 804-350-2684...if no answer PLEASE leave a message and I will call you back IF YOU HAVE AN E-MAIL ACCOUNT, PLEASE GIVE US THE ADDRESS TO RECEIVE YOUR NEWSLETTER ELECTRONICALLY AND HELP CUT EXPENSES. THANK YOU Mary Simons....Editor WOMEN OF THE MOOSE OFFICERS AND CHAIRMEN SENIOR REGENT LORRAINE BROWN JR. REGENTBRENDA DICKENS JUNIOR GRATUATE REGENT CINDY SCHAEFER SECRETARY/TREASURER JANET STANLEY RECORDER SHARON LOVING GUIDE DONNA BROCK ASST. GUIDE KATY GRIFFIS COMMUNITY SERVICE SUSAN HANNAH MEMBERSHIP/RETENTION KATHY REA MOOSEHEART/MOOSEHAVEN THERESA WILSON AUDIT TRACY ALLEN ACTIVITY/ SPORTS ROBERTA MCNAMEE HIGHER DEGREE SANDY KRAJACICH MEETING SCHEDULE Women of The Moose Membership Committees Officers 1st & 3rd Wednesday @7:00 P M 2nd Wednesday @7 P M 2nd Wednesday @ 7:00 P M From Membership Chairman What does membership in the “ASHLAND MOOSE FAMILY CENTER” mean to you? Only you can answer this question. Your LODGE needs your support by participation in LODGE events, visiting the SOCIAL QUARTERS, VOLUNTEERING HELP and SIGNING new members. Your Board of Officers welcomes your suggestions as to how your Lodge can better serve our members. Send your written suggestions to any officer, Lodge office, put in SQ suggestion box, or attend a membership meeting. Dennis McNamee - Chairman From the Administrator: S trive for progress, not perfection”. I found this on a friend of mine’s Facebook page. I don’t know who wrote it, but I liked it and I wanted to pass it on. Over the last few months, your Board of Officers and I have been working hard to improve the Lodge. I believe we’ve made progress. In fact, I know we’ve made progress. Our Territorial Manager, Mike Rios, told us we have. In the months to come, let’s all work together to progress further. Stop by the Lodge for good food, good friends, and fellowship. Participate in activities. Attend the membership meetings. Keep an eye out for our activities. Our Lodge will be participating in the karaoke contest again. Our Turkey Shoot has already started on Friday nights. I’m also hoping to start new activities like a Trivia Night in November. If you have any ideas for an activity you would like to try out, let me or a Board member know and we will try to work it in. This is our Lodge! Let’s make it the best it can be! We may not be perfect, but if we can progress, we can all hold our heads up high. From the Administrator: Fraternally, Jim Livingstone First off, I would like to thank you for voting me in as your new Administrator! I am humbled and excited to be working here at Ashland. To give you a little background on me, I am a Sergeant with the ************************************************************** Henrico County Police. I’ve been with Henrico for 15 years and was a Virginia State Capitol Police Officer before that. I am originally from New York, but try not to hold that against me. I have three children, two are here in Virginia and I have one in New York. You’ll see my 12 year old daughter, Abby, and 9 year old son, Aiden around here a lot. My 5 year old, Connor, stays with his mother in New York. You’ll also see my forever, Kelley, and her 14 year old son Jake with me. In my spare time, I play bagpipes for the Metro Richmond Police Emerald Society and Kelley and I enjoy our time together camping and visiting family. • We need a group of 3-5 members to act as a roof committee. please contact a Board Officer if you're interested. I’ve been with the Moose for two years. I am currently a Tuckahoe member, but will be transferring my membership to Ashland in the very near future. When I attended the Mid-Year Conference in Norfolk in January, I became more aware of what the Moose was about and a fire was lit to try my best to make a positive difference in this great organization. I am looking forward to working with the officers and members of this Lodge to make it the best that it can be. I can’t do it alone though. We need to work on this together. I am just one person. • We have WIFI again! When you come to the Lodge with your wireless device, you may hook up to the service named AshlandMoose-2.4. The password is moose-guest. One of the most important and beneficial tasks we can do is to bring in new members. Like everyone says, the Moose is the World’s Best Kept Secret. We need to get more members in to build up our ranks and make this lodge prosper. MooseHeart and MooseHaven are depending on us. We need to move forward. If we all work together, we can do great things for our Lodge! www.facebook.com/ashlandmoose Hello again Ladies & Gentlemen don’t forget our famous CAKEWALKS. The Donations to the local elementary school was well received check our bulletin board for the thank you letter written by the students and I would like to thank you for helping by placing your donations in the jar. Congrats to Cindy Shaffer on receiving your Green Cap. Mark your calendar to come out for Friday night dinner and support Brenda and her Karaoke Machine. I would like to name Janet Stanley as the Moosette of the month. Janet has helped me through difficult times and she has always been there for all of us in one way or another. I do want to bring to your attention a function we are having for a dear sweet child who has been diagnosed with brain cancer he is only a year old. His family needs our help with medical expenses; this is truly what we are all about. We need to help this little child whom is a gift from God as he begins his life he needs to know he is loved and his parents and grandparents need to know we are here for them. The Ashland Moose Family-Center will be hosting a benefit to help Connor and his parents deal with the financial strain of Connor’s illness on November 21, 2015 which is open to the public. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. There will be two With love and respect always, bands from 8:00 to 11:30. Heavy snacks will be Raine provided; there will be a cake auctions and 50/50 Your Senior Regent raffle. Cost is $20 per couple or $10 for individuals. Please plan to come and bring your friends! Follow us on Facebook for updated information on this fund raiser hope to see you there!!! Don’t forget to mark your calendar and join us for the Annual Fall Family Festival, Saturday, October 17, 1:00 to 4:00pm. We will have a hayride, pumpkin patch, pumpkin painting and Ashland Moose Family Center #2099 Contact numbers Office: 804.798.9244 804.798.8477 Word Search words and phrases can appear horizontally, vertically,diagonally, backwards and can overlap REAL NAMES Most of us have favorite comedians and actors, and have followed their long careers. But do we know their real names? See how many of these stars you can match with their real monikers. 1. Orson Bean A. Aaron Chwatt 2. Robert Blake B.John Sanford 3. George Burns C. Archibald Leach 4. Red Buttons D. Jacob Cohen 5. Tony Curtis E. Nathan Birnbaum 6. Rodney Dangerfield F. Leonard Hacker 7. Redd Foxx G. Issur Danielovitch 8. Buddy Hackett H. Mickey Gubitosi 9. Cary Grant I. Joseph Yuel Jr. 10. Kirk Douglas J. Bernard Schwartz 11. Mickey Rooney L. Dallas Burrows Please add that we will be participating in the karaoke contest again. The dates will be October 9th and 23rd and November 6th with the finals being on November 20th. For official rules, check the VMA website at: www. vmaweb.com Happy Birthday OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS 21 10 SEBIRD HYLTON 1 MIKE FULMORE 2 JEREMIAH GORMAN JR. 3 DOUG STANLEY 4 THOMAS STANLEY DAVID HOWE 5 DONNA BROCK DIANE PEACEMAKER HELEN COX 6 DELORES MARTINEZ BETTE BOIS 24 JAMIE DICKENS LINDA STANLEY 28 RICHARD JOHNSON BELINDA ELDRIDGE 29 15 CHARLES ENGLE BOBBY PALMORE MELISSA CAMUS CINDI STANLEY 30 16 CARROLL JONES MARNIE TRISCARI TINA CHILDRESS CAROLE DONOVAN LISA TAYLOR PATRICIA JOHNSON DARNLEY GAMMON 23 13 DAVID BELL SR. 7 CHARLES CORPANY 9 MARGARET SPICER 12 ROBERT GANDY ALLEN DAVIS JR. WILLIAM RAGLAND HARRY TURNER RHONDA HEATH BRUCE CONNER ART KING LEWIS WOOTTON WILLIAM McCLINTOCK 31 ROBERT CAUTHORNE JAMES BROOKS SR. BARBARA REASONER 19 FUTURE EVENTS October Do you know how to Do you know how to FARKLE?? 7th FARKLE 17th Fall Festival 1PM-4PM Check calendar & Flyer for dates 23rd -25th College of Regents Retreat at Natural Bridge, VA November 14th Pet Day 21th Benefit for Connor Come and join us in the Social Quarters and let’s FARKLE together FARKLE?? Game is FREE and to be held after Chapter Night Wednesday, September 2nd Come and join us in the Social Quarters and let’s FARKLE together Game is FREE and to be held after Chapter Night Wednesday, Ocotober 7th membership meeting. MOOSE LEGION – “DEGREE OF SERVICE” AM I ELIGIBLE TO JOIN Members of the Loyal Order of Moose are qualified for membership in the Moose Legion if they meet the following eligibility requirements: 1‐Must be an active Lodge member and 2‐Must have completed 1 year of lodge membership and 3‐Must have sponsored 1 Lodge application that has been accepted OR 1‐Must be an active Lodge member and 2‐Must have completed 6 months of Lodge membership and 3‐Must have sponsored 3 Lodge applications that have been accepted OR 1‐Must be an active Lodge member AND 2‐Must be a former Moose Legionaire MOOSE LEGION ******************* SHOT-GUN “TURKEY SHOOT” ASHLAND MOOSE LODGE October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm 12 gage “stock guns” only ***ALL WELCOME*** Come Join Us for Our Saturday, October 17, 2015 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. So many activities: Pumpkin Patch and Pumpkin Painting, Cakewalk, Hayrides, Music And Refreshments for sale including Hamburgers and Hot Dogs FREE ADMISSION Steak Night KARAOKE IN THE SOCIAL QUARTERS By: David Friday october 9th 6:00pm to 8:00pm 7:00 PM OCTOBER 9TH BRENDA Entertainment by: BRENDA OCTOBER 23RD BRENDA Word Search BINGO NEWS........ We have BINGO on Mondays AND Thursdays!! Doors open at 5pm both days. Games begin at 7pm. We currently have two Derby Jackpots running!!! Grab a friend, come out and join the fun ANSWERS 1. K, 2.H , 3.E , 4. A, 9.C, 10.G, 11.I 5. J , 6. D , 7.B , 8. B, Natural Bridge, VA at Regents Retreat College of 2pm to 10 pm Doors open 5pm Games @ 7pm Doors open 5pm Games @ 7pm Doors open 5pm Games @ 7pm Doors open 5pm Games @ 7pm 3 pm to 11 pm POOL NITE Taco Tuesday POOL NITE Taco Tuesday POOL NITE Taco Tuesday POOL NITE Taco Tuesday 3pm to 11 pm Joint Membership to be announced LOOM Officers 7pm LOOM Officers 7pm LOOM House 7:30pm WOTM Membership 7:00 pm ML Meeting 7pm WOTM Officers 7pm Committee 7:30pm LOOM Membership LOOM House 7:30pm WOTM Membership 7 pm LOOM Officers 7pm Farkle 3pm to 11 pm Doors open 5pm Games @ 7pm Doors open 5pm Games @ 7pm Doors open 5pm Games @ 7pm Doors open 5pm Games @ 7pm Doors open 5pm Games @ 7pm 3pm to 11 pm October 2015 1pm - 4 pm Fall Festival 2pm to 10 PM 7pm - 10pm Turkey Shoot Halloween Surprise 7pm - 10pm Natural Bridge, VA Turkey Shoot Karaoke by: Brenda 7pm 23rd -25th College of Regents Retreat at Baked Chicken 7pm - 10pm Turkey Shoot Pork Loin 7pm - 10pm Turkey Shoot Karaoke by: Brenda 7pm Steak by David 7pm - 10pm Turkey Shoot Mexican Night 3pm to MIDNIGHT