Potential development opportunities Cinema site Peckham Rye
Potential development opportunities Cinema site Peckham Rye
A Sense of Peckham - creating the vision Laura Jagota, Urban Design MA, Leeds Metropolitan University Peckham Rye Station Potential development opportunities Examples of shared space The arcade in front of Peckham Rye Station hides the listed building. The development proposals aim to create views from Rye Lane to the station building. A new public space will be created infront. Oxford Circus style crossing Mixed use development inc retail and residential - opportunity for tall building up to 15 storeys The use of the area around Holly Grove will also be encouraged to create another pedestrian node away from Rye Lane. Shared space, provision for outside markets stalls and a new indoor market entrance will encourage pedestrian use and reduce street clutter on Rye Lane. The green space will also be improved with a new entrance and community growing areas. Move bus stop An example of how the new entrances for the indoor market could look. Create pedestrian node / stopping point Cinema site The development of the old cinema site will provide a new public square and an oasis for pedestrians away from the busy Rye Lane. The public space will be lined on either side by active retail frontages and could include public art and street trees. A new building will house the Peckham cinema and a new arts and entertainment centre. This could include community exhibition or performance space and community meeting rooms. There is also potential to accommodate residential space and a community garden or green roof. Improved pedestrian access from Rye Lane to residential due to new building layout. Surface car park for arts centre. Underground parking for residential. New public square lined by retail and opportunities for outside eating space. Frontage improvement New / improved pedestrian access Redeveloping the retail in front of the station will open up views and provide an oasis away from Rye Lane. A new pedestrian crossing from the station and traffic calming will improve pedestrian safety. Shared space using the same paving materials as those outside the station to provide a visual link. This, together with artistic lighting under the bridge will encourage pedestrians to walk through the tunnel and use the space. Traffic calming along Rye Lane Indoor market development Shared space Improved green space inc community growing Community arts / entertainment development A new building incorporating cinema and community arts / exhibition space. There is also potential to include residential use. Artistic lighting ©Crown Copyright/database right 2011. An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service Improved retail and public square Removing the building, currently Iceland, will help to improve pedestrian movement along Rye Lane and into the space. This will be helped by removing excessive street clutter, such as bollards and barriers, and providing space for market stalls off Rye Lane, but visible from it. Inspiration for building design ©Crown Copyright/database right 2011. An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service Movement around Peckham is often difficult due to congested, narrow and cluttered pavements. Creating pedestrian nodes along Rye Lane where pedestrians can pause will be a positive contribution to the shopping experience. Nodes can be created where new development takes place at Aylesham Shopping Centre, the cinema site and the arcade at Peckham Rye Train Station. View to new cinema building The creation of pedestrian nodes will also be complemented by traffic calming, which will slow down the large volume of buses. ©Crown Copyright/database right 2011. An Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service Community gardens New entranceway for indoor market Space for market stalls visible from Rye Lane, without cluttering Rye Lane The green space at Holly Grove could be used for community growing. The space could be transformed by introducing more colour and a decorative entranceway Current pedestrian access could remain, with artistic lighting to improve safety. Market stalls replace current building to provide more space on Rye Lane and improve lines of sight through the tunnel Reduce clutter and remove bollards and barriers Artistic lighting through tunnel Shared space extends from Peckham Rye Station Traffic calming Artistic bridge lighting Lighting under the railway bridges will make them more inviting and feel safer to pedestrians. It can also act as a point of interest and add to the vibrancy of Peckham. At Brooklyn Bridge the lighting is also used to direct pedestrians. The illustration shows how the new cinema and arts centre could look from Rye Lane. The cinema would be housed on the ground floors, with a taller section of the building, up to 10 storeys high, at the back of the site, above the cinema. Taller part of the building accommodates community arts, performance space and green roof Outdoor space potential for outside eating or public art New cinema building Retail lines the public square