Malay-English vocabulary, containing over 7000 Malay words or
Malay-English vocabulary, containing over 7000 Malay words or
'U/'^>'^^^^'' £s,: ^^ / ...J.i'- CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 1924 081 220 968 The tine original of tiiis book is in Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. : rialay-English = Vocabulary = Containing over 7000 Malay Words or Phrases with their English equivalents, together with aiN APPENDIX Of Household, Nautical and Medical Terms etc. BY Rev. V. Q. 5H ELLA BEAR, Missionary of the Methodist Episcopal Church " etc. Author of " A Practical Malay Grammer Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Price 9Z.OO. SINGAPORE PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE METHODIST PUBLISHING HOUSE. 1912. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. This vocabulary has been prepared for use in connection with my It was originally intended to incorporPractical Malay Grammar." ate with the Grammar an English-Malay and a Malay-English Vocabulary, each containing some three or four thousand words, but in Tiew of the fact that most jieople require a vocabulary containing as large a number of words as possible and are subjected to much disappointment and annoyance when they find that their vocabulary does not contain just the very word which they require, it has been thought better to publish the vocabularies separately and to make them an complete as is consistent with the low price at which such works are «xpected to sell. The list of words which is here offered to the public contains over Tn such a list it is of course impos«ix thousand words and phrases. sible to include all the Malay words which may be met with in even a very limited range of Malay reading, and the student will no doubt meet with some expressions in conversation with Malays which will not be found in this vocabulary. Great care, however, has been iaken in the selection of the words, and it is hoped that very few Tvhich are in common use or are likely to be needed by the student in ihe first two or three years of his study of the langaiage have been, '' emitted. In this vocabulary, as in the " Practical Malay Grammar," the -Malay words are printed in roman letters only. Comparatively few Europeans make any serious attempt to learn the Arabic character, and those who do will no doubt require a dictionary rather than a vocabulary. The omission of the Arabic characters has enabled the printers to put out this work in a very compact form and at a cost considerably below what it would otherwise have been. The great defect of Malay vocabularies printed in the Eoman character has always been the difficulty of finding many of the words owing to variations of spelling. This has been particularly the case in regard to the romanization of the short vowel sound, which even in the same work has been represented by different letters in different words, according to the derivation of the word or the fancy of the ?iuthor, so that in many cases the studcHt has had'to hunt for a word in two or three different places liefore he has "been able to find it. This difficulty has been obviated in this work by the adoption of the «ame system of romanization which has been used in my Grammar and in all the other Malay publications of the Methodist Publishing House. Preface. V This Its peculiar featute is the entire omission of the short vowel. makes it just as easy to find a word containing the short vowel as it i& in a Malay dictionary printed in the Arabic character, for instead of haying to Look up such a word as nschaya or psaka under two or three different vowels, the student will-be able to' j5nd it at once from the sound. It is believed that this ^vill be found to be a very great ad- vantage. The introduction should be carefully studied by those who desire to make an intelligent use of this vocabulary. Part of the introduc.tion has been Teproduced from the Grammar, but there will also beiound a large amount of entirely new matter explaining the use of prefixes and suffixes, the accentuation of .Malay words, and the use and pronunciation of foreign words, etc. The student should not fail .to make the fullest use of the Grammar, not only on account of the importance of thoroughly understanding the grammatical constnictioa of the language, but also because he will otherwise be unable to profit by the frequent references made in the vocabulary -to the numbers of the paragraphs in the Grammar, where fuller information will be found in regard to the use of certain words than could be given in a. vocabulary. Derived words will only be found under their roots. Owing t» the immen,se number and variety of the derived forms in the Malay language, this is the only arrangement which is at all satisfactory, and has been adopted in all dictionaries and in one or two vocabularies. At first the student will no doubt have some difficulty in finding out what is the root of some of the derivatives, and it will be necessary for him to make himself thoroughly acquainted with the use of prefixes and affixes; this, however, will be found to be a blessing in disguise, for it is impossible to read or speak the Malay language intellitgentlj' without a thorough -understanding of the derived forms. An appendix containing lists of English words with their Malay The vocabulary itself contains manj'' equivalents has been added. similar lists for instance a list of the different classes of workmen will lie found under tukarg, a list of the classifiers or numeral coefficients under s-, cloths under Jcain, stones under hatu, etc. The lists of nautical terms and diseases should be of special use to sailors and doctors respectively, and housekeepers will find a veiy complete list of foods and household terms. In the preparation of this vocabulary I am particularly indebted to Favre's Malay-French Dictionary and to Klinkert's Malay-Dutch Pocket Dictionary. When in doubt as to the precise meaning of aword I have occasionally referred to Wilkinson's Dictionary, Part I^ but as the second part has nqj; yet been published this work has only been referred to in regard to such words as come in the first half of My list of words has been compared with other the Malay alphabet. vocabularies in order to ensure that no important word has been omitted. Several alterations and additions have been made at the ; Preface. suggestion of Dr. Luering, and my thanks are clue to liim for the valuable assistance which he has rendered me by reading and criticising the manuscript previous to publication. ' -' ^ W. G. Shellabeae. Singapore, July, 1902. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. The demand me for a new edition of this vocabulary has enabled few errors which crept into the first edition, and to add a number of words which, though not in frequent use, are liable to be met with by the students An attempt has also been made in this edition to indicate words which are peculiar to the Malay spoken by the " Babas," or Straitsborn Chinese, and some of their differences of pronunciation. The difference between Baba Malay, and the language as it is spoken by the Malays themselves, consists, however, not merely in such variations as can be shown in a vocabulary. There is a radical difference in the structure of the sentences. For the most part the same words are used, but the idiom is different, and would require a more thorough elucidation than could be given in the introduction to a vocabulary. It is hoped, however, that the Baba Malay words here given, marked (B.),, will help to explain some of the peculiarities of pronunciation met with in the Settlements, where Chinese influence predominates. to correct a W, G. Singapore, July, 1912. S. — INTRODUCTION. The Vowels. The vowels have the continental sounds o as in hole. a as in father. u as in rude. e as the .ey in they. i as in ravine. In open syllables these vowel sounds have always a greater degree of intensity than in closed syllables. In addition to the above there is in Malay, as in nearly all Oriental languages, another simple vowel sound which is often called the In the different systems of romanizing, this short short vowel sound. vowel sound has been variously represented by a, a, e,, e, i, i, u. u; but all these different methods of representing this vowel sound are open to the great objection that they mislead Europeans and even natives into giving it an incorrect pronunciation, and in a dictionary they have the additional disadvantage o£ giving rise to so much diversity and uncertainty in the spelling of words containing the short vowel that prolonged search is often necessary before it can be discovered which of these vowels has been used by the lexicographer to represent the short vowel in the particiilar word which is being sought for. Experience has shown that the best way to spell words containing the short vowel with a view to helping tlie student to a correct pronunciation, is to omit the vowel altogether, and it is believed that the omission of the vowel will obviate the difficulty of finding such words in the vocabulary. The exact sound of the short vowel should be learnt if possible from a Malay; it is almost identical with the half-vowel sound in the first syllable of such words as " machine " and : five " balloon." Wlien two vowels come together, both must be sounded, but the must be run into the second; thus au has very nearly the sound of ow in "cow," as pisau, mau; and ai has almost the sound of the English i in "ice," as, smyai, pahai. first Consonants. consonants in Malay are pronounced as in English, except that the r should always be sounded much more clearlv and with more of a riig than in English. The consonant hj represents a single sound in Malay, and should be pronounced like the ng in " singer," never as in "single;" the latter sound is represented in Malay by tyg; thus the two sounds are found in the words si-iya and sirg-gah. The letter k in Malay when it occurs at the end of a word is not sounded like the 'Ilie : . IKTRODUCTION. vii k, but the syllable in which it occurs must be pronounced very short indeed, and the breath drawn in so as to produce the shortening of the sound. The apostrophe at the end of a syllable indicates a similar abrupt sound'. Final Ji has also the effect of shortening the last syllable, but not more than half as much as final le. English In the transliteration of the purely Arabic has been and lows i,"! :— o and made between The other Arabic • ^ th, ^ c. ^ ; letters kh, j dh, j Tlie nasal letter 'ain !» z, and no distinction letters ^y> ; r- and e ,• or have been transliterated as JL sh, which changes ^ its dl, ]o tl, ^ gh, ^j fol- ^s f sound according to the it, is represented by a rough breathing (') placed before the vowel. The purely Arabic letters given above are very generally mispronounced by Malays, dh being pronounced as z, th as *, and sometimes / as p, and z as j. Such words are given in the vocabulary under both letters in order to mak6 it easy for the student to find them; thus idhin will also be found under izin, and thalatlw, vowel written with under salasa. Orthographic Signs. As already stated, the inverted couuna represents the Arabic nasal which has the nasal sound, It is placed before the vowel as in the words 'alam, 'ihnu, m'aliin, do' a. letter 'ain. The apostrophe represents the Arabic sign hamzah, both at the end of a word as described above and also in the middle of a word between two vowels, where it indicates that the vowels must be pronounced separately this is also the case where the short vowel sound is followed by another vowel, as in the words s'isi, h'atas, t'akan, the ; in such cases in the Malay character. The apostrophe is further used to indicate an initial short vowel before the consonants and n, as in the words 'mas, 'ritah, 'lygan, etc. Tlie hyphen is used in this Vocabulary to show the division of the words into syllables, except w]iere the division is marked by ani apostrophe or an inverted comma or by the mark which shows where In ordinary writing the hyphen the accent falls, as described below. should only be used where a word is reduplicated, or to separate from the words to which they are attached those prefixes, suffixes and other particles which do not form an integral part of the word itself; these are: the preposition k-, the abbreviated numeral .S-, the passive prefix di-, the pronominal suffixes, -ku, -mu, and -lya, and the particles 'lah, -kah, -nah, -tah: The preposition di is distinguished from the passive prefix di- by the absence of the hyphen. hamzah being used m ' - : : Introduction. viii References to the Grammar. are followed by numerals in parentheses are referred to in the " Practical Malay Grammar " in the paragraphs of which the numbers are given, where in every case some further Words which explanation of such words will be found. By this means the Vocabulary becomes to some extent an index to the Grammar, and in regard to the use of certain words the student is enabled to obtain a large amount of information which could not possibly be looked for in a Yoeab.ulary. Root Words and their Derivatives In the Malay language a very large number of words are derived root words by the addition of prefixes or sufiBxes. Sometimes several prefixes and suffixes are attached to the same word, and there is so much variety in their use that it would be extremely cumbersome to insert all such derived words in alphabetical order as separate words. The plan which is followed in this vocabulary is that which has been adopted in all Malay dictionaries, namely to put all derived words under the head of the roots from which they are derived. from Some prefixes and suffixes are only used to form nouns, and The former are others are used with verbs. Prefix p, which denotes the agent. Prefix p and sufBx an, forming absti'aet nouns from verbs. Prefix per and suffix an, forming verbal nouns from verbs. Prefix h and suffix an, forming nouns from adjectives and nouns an forming nouns from verbs, and usually expressing the thing which is affected by the action. The verbal forms are Prefix ber, which forms present participles with intransitive Suffix verbs. Prefix ter, which forms past participles. Prefix di-, which forms the passive voice. Prefix m, used with transitive verbs. Suffixes han and i, which form transitive verbs. In this vocabulary the derivatives will be found in the following order: (1) compound words apd phrases formed with the simple root in combination with other words; (2) the verbal derivatives; Only those derivatives are given which are in (3) derived nouns. ordinary use the fact that anv particular derived form is not found in the vocabulary must not be taken as an indication that it cannot ; be used. In the case of words which are essentially verbs or can be used as verbs in the root forrii, the derivative formed with the prefix her or m, as the case may be, is given inunediately after the root. Where the prefix her is thus given it may be taken to indicate that the verb is in- — Inteoduction. transitive, and where the preiix is m that the verb kan or ix is transitive ; in the sometimes given to show is most commonly used; in some cases either may be used. Some roots may be used either ti"ansitively or intransitively, in which case the derivatives with ber and m are both given. It must be understood that the preiix in can always be used with derivative ^erbs formed with the suffix kan or i; this being the case it has not been thought necessary to give the derivative formed witli m as ^ distinct form of the word. In derived words formed with the prefixes ber, ter, pery di- and k, the first syllable of the root undergoes no change, and the word can therefore usually be discovered without any difficulty, but with the A referr prefixes hi and p the root in many cases changes its form. ence to the following list of changes will usually enable the student one of the which of these forms latter case siilBxes i is I, what the root is commences with m, n, or r, it undergoes no change; b, the prefix' becomes to decide : If the root mm or pm, as buka, mmbuka; mm or pm, and the initial j> of the root is p, the prefix becomes elided, as putus, mmutusj the prefix becomes mn or pn, as dapat, mndapatj t or ch, the prefix becomes mn or pn and the initial t or ch of the root is elided, as taroh, mnarohj g or h or a vowel, the prefix becomes miy or prg, as gali, mrggali; k, the prefix become mrg or prg and the initial k of the root is d or j, elided, as kararg, mrgararg; s and sometimes ch, the prefix becomes mry or pry and the mryuroh. initial s or ch of the root is elided, as suroh, The chief difficulty in discovering the root arises when the root commences with p, t, or k, from the fact that when the initidl letter has been elided there is no means of knowing what that letter may have been; thus the root of m,mutus might be either muiiis or putus, and that of rtinaroh and mrgararg might be either naroh or taroh, or kararg or araig respectively. When in doubt the student must look for both forms. Thus with derivatives commencing with mry, the root should first be sought for uij^er the more common letter s and then under ch, those commencing with mn should be looked for first under i and then under n, those commencing mm under p or m, and those commencing mrg under k or under the vowel which follows the mrg. Similarly of course with ^Jerivatives formed with p in its various forms. Words of Foreign Origin. Tlie Malays have a remarkable aptitude for adopting foreign words, which in most cases become assimilated to the Malay style of pronunciation, the spelling being sometimes changed to suit the new X Intkoduction. It is important that the student should know the source from which such foreign words have come, in order that he may be able to discriminate between synonymous words and decide which should be used in conversation with the various nationalities by whom Malay is spoken. Thus one would not hesitate to use words of Chinese origin in speaking with the Baba Chinese, or to use Javanese words in conversation with persons who come from the Dutch Indies, whereas one should avoid words of Arabic or Persian origin except when speaking with educated Malays. It should be remembered, however, that some foreign words have become so thoroughly incorporated in the language as to be well understood by all, as for instance such words as waMu, 'umor, smoa, humi, fihir, fakat, etc. A large iiumber of English, Portuguese and Dutch words, however, th^ough well understood in the Settlements, are practically unknown to natives living in the interior, so that it is necessary to exercise some discretion in the use of such words. prontinciation. -Spelling of Foreign Wor.Js. Malay lexicographers have usually romanized words of foreign origin in harmony with the spelling of the language from which such words are derived rather than with the way in which they are pronounced by Malays. This plan of having a different system for romanizing foreign words causes great confusion in a vocabulary and has been avoided as far as possible in this work. Such words will be found spelt phonetically according to the Malay pronunciation. Thus Sanskrit and Arabic words which are pronounced by Malays with the short vowel sound are so spelt in this vocabulary, whereas most lexicographers who use e for the short vowel have spelt such words with a, i, or u, as tanira, nrscliaya. and pusaka, which are here spelt tnira, nschaya and psaha. The former arrangement, though perhaps scientifically correct, presents such unnecessary difficulties to the tinsophisticated mind that a consistent system of phonetic spelling appears preferable. Again it may be more accurate to write kalimat shahadat, but as the Malays always say kliiaah shahadat, it would be misleading to spell otherwise. Acpent in Root Words. In order that one may pronounce correctly, it is just to know on which syllable the stress should be laid as important to have every word spelt phonetically. A novel feature of this vocabulary is that the stress on each word is shown by means of an accent, in the same way as is done iii Webster's Dictionary. It will be noticed that in root words the accent usually falls on the penultimate. When the vowel of the penultimate is short, however, the accent very frequently falls on the last syllable. In some two-syllable words there is an almost equal stress on the two syllables, and in such cases the as it is INTEODUCTION. xi accent depends a great deal upon the position of the word in the senFor instance when the words tiarg, iurun or ialian come at the end of a sentence the accent falls on the last syllable, but when placed elsewhere in the sentence there is some uncertainty as to the accent,, though it generally seems to be on the penultimate. Words of Arabic origin are often accentuated by the Malays in a manner different from the Arabs. In this vocabulary no attempt has been made to indicate the original Arabic pronunciation; the aim has been to accentuate every word in the way in which it is ordinarily pronounced by Malays in the colloquial language. tence. Accent in Derivatives. Many authorities on the Malay language have maintained that in derivatives the accent moves forward on the addition of a suffix from the penultimate of the root to the penultimate of the derived word. The Dutch scholar van der Wall was the first to controvert this theory, which is also opposed by the grammarian Gerth van Wijk, and As a rule the accent in derivatives remains is undoubtedly incorrect. on the same syllable on which it stood in the root, the principal exceptions bein^ words ending in arg, in which the accent falls on the penultimate of the derivative on the addition of the suffix an. Those who wish to see the arguments on both sides of this question will find it fully discussed in a paper on " The Evolution of Malay Spelling," in No. 36 of the Journal of the Straits Branch of the Eoyal Asiatic Society, published as a separated paper by the Methodist Publishing House. In regard to the division of the syllables it will be found that on the addition of a suffix commencing with a vowel the final consonant of the root is carried forward to commence the new syllable. The Malays invariably divide the syllables in this way, each syllable being begun with a consonant wherever it is possible. The same thing is done when a prefix ending in a consonant comes before a root commencing with a vowel, as. ni-iya-l-u from mrg and aku. Synonyms. Another special feature of this vocabulary is that synonyms or words of cognate meaning and sometimes those of exactly opposite meaning, are referred to in the case of a very large proportion of the words. This is intended to open up a very wide field of study to those who wish to make a careful comparison of the precise meanings of Malay words, and who desire to be able to discriminate between words of nearly similar meaning. The advanced student is strongly recommended to make sxich words a special study. xii Malay=English Vocabulary. a'daig, ni-rga'darg, to lie in wait for, lie in ambush. a'bad (Ar.), that which has no end, an eternal future; see a'das ma'nis, aniseed. a'das p-das' , cummin. azal. 'a'dat (Ar.), custom, habit. hu'rarg 'a'dat, uncouth, rude. a-bah-a'bah (Jav.), harness. a'bai^, elder brother. a'ban-ta'ra (Sk.), herald; see Intara. a'bok, see and liahol: *a'dil sisters. (Ar.), ]ust, fair. h'a'di-lan, justice. a'bu, ashes. sister (polite plunged water, or the body. a'char (Pers.), younger brother or form of adeh). a'di-pa'ti (Sk.), a Javanese title. a-din'da, a'chai^, messenger, envoj'. a'chap, /a'dek, younger brother or sister. a'dek ber-a'dek, to be brothers deeply (a weapon) into into a'di-ra'ja, Malay pickles. a'cheh, a kind of leech; Acheen. (Sk.), m-rga'chu, to threaten, brandish, feint, pretend. a'chu, a'chu-an, mould, matrix, plan, model. a'chum, m-rga'chum, to stir up hatred, irritate. exist, be, be present, take place. to bring into existence, cause, make, invent, a'da-l-an, produce. a'do-hi', alas. a'du, • ber-a'dii, to sleep a'du, m-rga'du, -lean, to cause a fight, a contest or a dispute, make a complaint. prg-a'du-an (134), complaint, accusation. (Ar.), good health. a'fi-un (Ar.), opium; also apiun. a'gak, to guess, conjecture, mate. Cf. gamaJc. a'da-pun (133), a punctuation a-ga'ma (Sk.), a religion. word. M' pronounced igarna politeness, courtesy. (court language). per-a'du-an (124), bed, bedroom, sleeping place (court language). 'a'fi-at k'a'da'an, existence, condition, characteristics. a'da-iya, a word used to emphasize the close of a sentence. a'dab (Ar.), a a'don, m-rga'don, to knead, ma'.co dough. a'chi (Eng.), axle. a'da (45, 50-54), to di-ra'ja title. tigama. esti- Also and . A^AfTT^-/^ ..^<r^^ (^M i'*y\'^" MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. a-ga'ma medan Is'lam, the Moham- 'a'kal (Ar.), understanding, in- telligence, reason; the religion. a-gar-a'gar, a seaweed and the jelly made therefrom. ^ mind. 'a'kal hu'di, intelligence. a'gar, in order that, so that. a'gar ja'rgan, lest. ber'a'kal (114), intelligent, intellectual, sensible. a'kan (45, 148, 150), order a'gas, sandfly. to, for, ta'a'han, will not, it cannot (Jav.), great, in certain phrases, as: »'go»E ti'arx) a'gorg, a'had (Ar., mainmast. first), Sunday; usual- that — be a'ka-nim' (Ar.), persons of the Trinity (X.); plural of iiknum. ly ha'ri a'had; see liari. a'hal, ah'lu (Ar.), people. ah'lu 'n-nu'jum, astrologers. in to, shall, will. a'kar, root, a generic term for climbing plants. See also ianir, jarghar, tunjarg. ah'li (Ar.), familiar with, accus- tomed ah'mak akh'bar (Ar. plural of hhahar), to. news, a newspaper. (Ar.), foolish, stupid. ah'wal, or ih'wal (Ar.), plural a'khir (Ar.), the end, the last; last, of hal, q.v. (Ar.), disgrace, shame; disgraceful, despicable. ^_^ 'a"ib-kan, to despise. 'a"ib a'jal (Ar.), destiny, ^ term of a' jar, m-rga' jar, -kan, chastise, preach ,_. -i, m-rga' ji (103), to read, learn to read, especially the Koran. a'jok, m-rga' jokj to mimic, ridicule. a'ku (6, 7), I, m-rga'Jcu, avow, me. (103), to confess, guarantee, undertake -i to do a thing. p-rga'ku-an, (X.). (X.). doctrine. a'ji, life, ak-sa'ra (Sk.), a letter (of the alphabet). See huruf. life. thing taught. p-rga'jar (181), a teacher, preacher (X.). p-rga' ja-ran (134), instruction, at last. dun'ia a'khi-rat, in this world and the next, for all time. to teach, i-la'jar (98), to learn. p-la'ja-ran (124)), lesson, the it, eternity. 'a-ja"ib a'jak, m-rga' jaJc, to persuade, incite, invite, urge a person to accompany one= (B.) ajat. the end of a'khi-rat (Ar.), the future Ai-ro'pa, Europe; also Iropah. (Ar.), wonder, marvel; wonderful, marvelous. final. a'lehir-rya, a-la-baiig'ka confession, (Port.), creed crowbar. a'lah, to lose in a conflict, suffer defeat; also kalah (B.). a'lah-kan, to defeat, subdue. 'a-Ia'i-hi' 'a' lam (Ar.), unto him. (Ar.), the universe, the world. 'a'lam bar-zakh'. Hades, the abode of deiparted spirits." MALAY-EXGLISH VOCABULARY. *''^- "a-Ia'mat (Ar.), sign, token, mark, emblem, symbol, address of a letter. , al-ma'ri (Port.) wardrobe. an Al-ma'seh tlie s!\, transverse, across. sand bank at the of a river. pa'larg, cross bar, transverse beam. Cf. malarg. mouth ni-rga'lu-kan a'lii, and m-rga-lumeet or rga'-lu-kan, to go to receive a person. a'lu (Jav.), a pestle for husking rice; usually antan. is it a small thing? a'lun, large waves, a swell; see emphatic interrogation, an as a'laiy-kah ba'ik, would it not be good? a' lap, m-iya'lap, to gather fruit hy cutting with a knife on the end of a pole. Cf. jolok. nmbak and glombarg. a-lun-a'liin instruments, apparatus, equipment, weapons. Cf. perkalcas. a'lur, position, move (intrans.). n'Mi-han, to remove, a-li-a'Ii, a sling. a'li-hah shift. Cf. Isirg. a channel, groove, watercanal, ditch. al'wat (Ar.), aloes-wood; usually gliaru. a'mah, a Chinese nurse. 'a'mal (Ar.), deed, action; good works, meritorious action. a'man (Ar.), peace, security. trustworthy; (Ar.), fidelity, trust, trustee. m-rga'marg, to threaten. and gertak. ^^fvj^p^ Cf. ugot Hall. a-ma'rah, anger; "a'lim (Ar.), learned, scholarlv, well informed. V-. UtAMA- a- mas', gold; see 'mas. a'lir, m-rga'lir, to flow (as water). a'mat, very. m-rga-mat-a'ma-U, al-ke'sah (Ar.) (133), punctu- Al-hu'dus, Ghost. Roh' Al'lah (Ar.), God. special see attention marah. '^'•^hv^ e*^ ^ to give to, watch very closely. ation word. Ai-ku'dus (Ar.), the Some- times pronounced unianat. a-ma'nai-kan, to entrust. a'maiig:, (Ar.), gods; plural of courtyard, course. a-ma'nat a'leh, her-a'leh, to change one's (Jav.), open space before a house. Usually hlaman. a'lu-ran, a'las (164), that which is placed lining, anything, under foundation. nlas-kan, to line, put something under. a'iat, ""^ al'pa (Sk.), neglect, Also I'pa^ aVpa-han, to neglect. a'iarg, usually a-Iarg-a'larg, h-pa'larg or a'laiy h-pa'larg, insignificant, of slight extent or degree, of no account. a'larg-kah, ^ Messiah, Christ. a-la'tyan, bar, ^y (Ar.), almeirah, holy. the Holy am'baig, tlie upper and lower beams of a door frame. Cf. jnarg. 'am'bar (Ar. 'anbar)^ amber. \ MALAY-ENC4LISI-I VOCABUL.VltY. ^ inui-pv-ryo.''i, to possess, am'bil, m-n/ain'hil (o5). to take, own. fetch. a-nai-a'nai, the white ant; see^ = ma'l'an a'rgin. smut put eh. to go for an airing or plea(^^a'nak, child, the smaller part of sure excursion. a thing, the young of animals, ni-rgam'bil ha'ti o'raiy, to gain am'bil u'lijin and people's affections. a'nah am'bin, a scarf or band curing burdens the back. for se- carried am-bo'i, oh exclamation of tonishment. ! atn'bol, m-njam'hoJ, to rebound. anjaJ. d'i. w- a'min see 'inhun. amen; (Ar.). true, faith- a'mir (Ar.), chief, commander. a'mok, m-iga'mok, sault: to a frenzied asattack furiously, am'pat, or 'm'-pat (29-35). four am' pat b-las', fourteen. am'pat per-"-!/!' or am'pat persa'gi, a'nal- bu'ah, the a Malay a'nah a'nal a'nal a'nal s_^ a'nah a'nal a'nal i^ ^ a'nah ^ a'nah i^ a'nah a'nah •^ a'nah \/^a'nah a'nah V— a'nah a'nah ^ a'nah ^ a'nah y^a'nah a'nah <- a'nah a'nah ^ square. am'pat pu'loli, forty. Vam'pat, all four. s-per-ain'pal, a quarter. yarg k'am'pat, the fourth. am'pu, m-rgam'-pii, to hold in the hands, govern, rule over, support, sustain. am'pun, m-rgam'-piui . -laii. -i, pardon, forgiveness; to for- I/' give, pardon. I'am'pu-nan, am-pu'iya, forgiveness. to possess, pu'rya (12, 14, 1"., sessive particle. chicken. dependants of chief. chu'chu, descendants. da'ra, virgin. da'yorg, oarsman, rower. l-m'bar, twins. hun'chi, key. la-hi-la'hi, ])oy. li'dah, the uvula. mu'iid, a pupil. neg'vi, native of a coun- try. " run amuck." y a doll. adopted child, anj'l-at, a' yam, race. t^ a'nal- a'yer, a small stream, i, a'nal- bi'ni, family. L- a'val- borg'su, 3f0ungest child, — ful. y^ v^ of children human the a-iial'-a'ita-l-an, ^ a'nah analu^ am-boii^-ani'bot]g:, a plant, the pith of which is used for lamp wicks. ambun, Adam, on as- plants. A'daiii, own. 21), the pos- x/- pa'nali, arrow. pi-a'tu, orphan. p-ra'ltu, boatmen, p-rem'pu-an, sailors- girl. va'ja, prince. ro'da, spokes of a wheel. sau-da'ra, nephew, niece. sn'lorg, first-born. su'igai, tributary ( \ stream. taiy'ga, steps of a ladder.:'^ ti'ri, step-child. tuig'gal, only child, y^ -"^ ya'tim, an orphan. ber-a'nahj to have children, bear children. ber-a'nah-han (11^ to bring forth, to beget. per-a'na-han, native, native born. ha'nah-ha'nah, infaiit. ' 3IALAY-EXGLISH VOCABDLART. a-nak-n'da, a-iian'da, child, (polite fomi of anak). t/ a-nam' 'nam', or six. For derived forms see anipat. ananas, see nanas. an'bi-a (Ar.), prophets; plural lanchak. an'chak, hu-aig' out m-iyaii' dam (Pers.), to ; fringe. arrange (hair) an'darg, torch of dry coco-nut leaves. (Jav.), you, pronoun of the 2nd person, used in addressing superiors. see aniln. a-iyan-a igan (X.). lia'ti, conscience ans'gal, light, buoyant, high in the water (of a ship). aiig'gok, m-njaiy'tjoJc, to nod or bow the head. arg'gor, the grape vine. aiig-go'ta (Sk.). a member, limb, Co^xn ''^ part of the body. I aig'grek, orchid. a'ligin, wind. ^^ di a'ias a'lyin, M'indward, westtern lands, 41 ba'irah a'lyin, leeward, Ma- layan lands. \^ jiia'kan a'tyin, see ambil. jtta'ta a'njin, compas?. (Sk.), perverse, vio- lent. aig-ka'sa (Sk.), heavens. the skv, the i^ m-rgaiy'hat, -Ian (5o, 63), to lift up, raise. anj'l-at a'nnl-, to adopt a child. a'nah ary'hai, adopted child. her-arg'hat, to depart. aiy'l-n-ian, expedition, fleet of maiy'hat, to guage). die (court lan- stage, platform, tier, rank, position. panj'liai, or 'iig'kau thou, thee, you. (6, S, 10), arg'kop, tweezers, small pincers. aig'kut, m-rgarg'l-nt, to fetch and carry, carry piece by piece. aig'sa (Sk.), goose. an-ia'ya (Sk.), anyaya. tyranny; see a-ni'ka (Sk.), of various sorts, all kinds of; also aneha. an'jal, ni-rgan'jal, to I'esist penetration, resist or throw back a weapon, cause to rebound. ambol. C'f. t^ am'bil a'lyin, see avihil. f^ clia'kap a'rgiii, empty talk. ^ the figure two, sign of reduplication. ^ans'kau a-ng^an-a'iigan, thoughts, meditations, unsatisfied desires. y^ figure, arithmeti- cal symbol. ships, caravan. an-de'ka ^ aig'ka (Sk.), a aiie:'kat, put to offerings. aneka, storm cloud. dry in the air. a'lyin, a a'njin-l-an, to aig-ka'ra of nabi. dres^, ^ aiy'l-a du'a, an'chak, a plate or basket of liamboo in which offerings to the spirits are placed = (B.) an'dam, ^ po'l-oh the points of the tj/an'jiiie:. dog. an'joig, a raised hall or verandah, cabins in the poop of a sliip. m-igan'joig la-yaiy-la'yary, to throw a kite up in the air. an'jur, m-rgan'jur, to stand out, precede. project, MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. p-rgan'jur, one guide. who a'pa gii'na, what precedes, a a'pa-lali, prithee, if an'tan, pestle of a mortar. a'pa s-bab', why? ba-rarg-a'pa, whatever. of? ti-dal a'pa, '^ b-ta'pa, (103), ^ to ter-au'toh. Mr. so-and-so. a'pam (Tam.), with , (149), to give (to inferiors), bestow a fa- a-pi-a'pi, the generic ba'i'a a'pi, ^ (as plait, in- gu'noty a'pi, volcano. steamship. basket work). ^ I'a'iiu ^ k-rc'ta a'pi, locomotive engine,, an-ya'ya (Sk.), tyranny, p-ri'oJc a' pi, perse- cution, oppression. an-ya'ya-han, to persecute, oppress, injure. ^ di-riia'l-an a'pa (IS, 19), what? ^ a-pa-a'pa, whatever. a-pa-bi'la, a'pa fa' sal, when. why? bomb. a'pi, consumed by lire. (Eng.), appeal. a'pil a'pit, a'lyut, drifting; see liaryut. ^^ firewood. a' pi, railway. Cf. slam pet. j^ embers. 1^ bu'rga a'pi, sparks, firework?. Ica'pal a' pi, a'tyam, m-rga'iyain, to terlace name for several kinds of trees. vour. ^^ a thin cake made- flour. a'pi, fire. a-nu'g-rah (Sk.), favour, grace, the gift of superior to an inferior. Sometimes nugraha. a-nn'g-rah-kan who? si-a'pa, to a person. a'nu, a certain (person or place). si-a'nu, how? why? why? si-a'pa (18, 19), stumbling (X.). /.e«r;i,:^^. block much whoever. p-rga'pa-lan, to do something- strike against. ha'iii k-iia'pa, yha'rarg collide, to as, as ^^ m-iya'pa, wliv? ^ doze, sleep. her-an'tol-, many as. an't-las or at'las (Ar.), satin. an'tok, how- ; immber). definite s-b-ra'pa, as an-ting-an'tiii:, ear-drops. m-rgan'toh some, several much (144). b-ra'jja, how much, how m,-iuy_ however much or many (inever all, , nothing, never it is mind. b-b-ra'pa, '^ entire. an'tok, ma'cham (19), what kind a'pa ing. an-te'ro (Port.), the whole, '^ you pleasf- an'sur, her-an'sitr, to progress. ier-an'svr-an'siir, gradual ly. yc' aii-ta'ra (Sk.), between, among; an interval of time or space. p-7yan-ta'ra, a go-between, mediator (X.). s-man-la'ra, while, whilst, (lur- . the use? is a-pa-ha'la, when. m-tga'pit, to press, nip,. squeeze. ber-a'pit, close together, in pairs. p-)ga'pii, a pinch of anything (as snuff). MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. a press for printing, or for extracting the juice of sugar-cane, etc. a'pi-tan, pi-un, opium; see afiun. a'poiig;, a'sa (Sk.), hope. Also see asal. pu'tus a'sa, hopeless. driftwood; to drift. a'ra, trees of the genus fig. 'A'rab (Ar.), Arabic, Arabian. .__- a'rah, towards, in the direction of. a'rak (Ar.), arrack. spirituous liquors, a'rak, her-a'rak, to march in pro- ^ per-ara-kan, state a-sa' or sa', one ; see satu. da'lam s-pu'loh a-sa', one in ten, a tithe. a'sa-han, to unite, make one. a'sah, m-rga'sah, to grind, whet, sharpen. Cf. kUir. ha'tu a'sah, whetstone. a'sak, m-rga'sah, to fill tightly (as a bag), ram in, press (as in a crowd). a'sal (Ar.), origin. a'sal-u'sul, descent, origin, carriage, processional car, procession. if, provided that ; also a'saU han, and sometimes asa. a'sal, a'rai^, charcoal. ^ a'rarg ba'tu, coal. ^^a'rarg di mu'lca, disgrace, a'sal ja'rgan, lest. ya'sani, acid, sour; also masam. li'mau a'sam, the lime fruit. i^ b-narg' a'rarg, chalk line. ^^Ica'yu a'rarg, ebony. •a'rash (Ar.), throne (of God) ;^ also 'arsh. (Ar.), intelligent, well-informed, cultured. *a'rif :^ ar'ki-an (133), then, thereupon. Also araMan. a'roig, m-rga'rorg, to wade, ford a river, cross a sea or strait. •arsh' (Ar.), throne (of God). ar'ta (Sk.), property; see herta. ar'ti u or er'ti '(Sk.), meaning, signification. that is to say. ,^ ar'ti-rya, \^ m-rg er'ti (103), to understand, comprehend. i^ gen- ealogy. m-rger'ti-han, to explain, give the meaning. p-rger'ti-an, understanding, intellect, intelligence, sense. a'rus, current, tide; see harus. ar'wah (Ar. plural of roll), the spirits of the dead, feasts in honour of the dead. a'sap, smoke. 'a'shik (Ar.), in love, enamoured; love, passion. a'sin (adj.), masin. salt, saline; also ^a'sirg, separate, apart, distinct, foreign, private. o'rarg a'sirg, a stranger, neg'ri a'sirg, a foreign country. ^'sirg-Tcan, to separate, set apart. ^ y a'soh, m-rga'soh, to nurse, take care of children. p-rga'soh, a nurse. a'su, dog, in the expression gi'gi a'su, canine teeth. a'sut, m-rga'sut, to incite, stir up, instigate: (B.) usut, q.v. a'su-tan, instigate. a'tap, thatch, usually of palm leaves ; hence any roof cover(/ ing. /H-TUI/A^ MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULAHT. 8 a' tap gn'tiixj, a tile roof. on (27), above, against (150). a'tas, K ^,/ /^^y\^\rr\. ' over, di a'tas a'lyin, windward, western lands. l^ a'tau a'yer, water, liquid, juice. a'yer arg'gor, wine. (^ a'yer a' pi, strong acids. a'yer ball', a flood, inundation. (/ a'yer b-ku', a'yer ba'tu, ice. a'yer di'deh, whey. a'yer gu'Ia, molasses, sirup. (Sk. atawa), or. a'tla-mat (Ar.), greatness, power; great, mighty. a'yer kaii'ji, gruel, rice water. a'yer h-ras' , spirituous liquors. a'yer ma'du, honey. at'las (Ar.), satin. i^ a'yer man'di, bathing water. a'tur, m-iya'tur, -Ian, to arrange, put in order. i^ a' tit-ran (125), arrangement. a'um, m-iya'um, roar (as a tisrer). a ur, several kinds of large bamboos. a'wak, thou, you. a'wal (Ar.), first; commencement, beginning. ^ a' wan, cloud. a'wat (Penang), why. a'yah, father. Usually bapa. a'yah-n'da, father (polite form). a'yak, m-iya'yah, to sift. ^ a'yer 'ma-s', gilding. 1^ a'yer ina'ta, tears. a'yer ma' war, rose water. ^^ a'yer mi'num, drinking water. ^a'yer mu'l-a, complexion, expression of the face. f^ a'yer pa'saiy, flood tide. a'yer sm-hah' yarg , water for religious ablutions. a'yer su-ritt', ebb tide. a'yer ta'war, fresh water, ix-' a'yer teh', tea. a'yer ter'jun, waterfall. .^ bu-aiy' a'yer, to ease oneself; see huarg. K^ ma'ta a'yer, spring. ta'nali a'yer, one's native land. a'yun, ber-a'yun, to swing, rock, a'tja-kan, a sieve. ^ a'yam, a generic name oscillate. for fowls. a'yii-nan, a turkey. a'yam hu'tan, jungle fowl. a'ljain h-lan'da, a rocking cradle, swing. (Ar.), that which had no beginning, an eternal past. Cf. abad. a'zal a'yam i'tek, poultry. a'yam jan'tan, cock. a'yam km-M'ri, a capon. a'yam mu-ti-a'ra, guinea fowl. a'yam sa'boiy, a fighting cock. 'a'zi-mat (Ar.), charm, spell, amulet. Also taighal. a'yam, chicken. gom-ba'la a'yam, one who tends a'liah I B poultry. la'yer bu'lu a'yam, latteen sail. a'ya-pan, food, eatables language). bab' (court a'yat (Ar.), verse of the Koran, or of the Bible (X.). (Ar.), chapter. b^'ba, foreigners born in Malaya, ' especially Chinese. ba'bi, pig. ba'bi hu'tan, wild pig. ; MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULAKY. / gl'la ha'hi, epilepsy. ^ ba'cha, mm-ha'cJia, to read. ( a' da ba'ik? (B.) ai-e you well? jn'ga ba-ik-ba'ik, be careful. kha'bar ba'ik, lit., good news, a reply to salutation; see klia- ba'chaig, the horse mango. iba'dak, the rhinoceros. ba'dam bar. (Pers.), the almond. i^^ ba'dan (Ar.), the human body. i^- Cf. ^ (Ar.), house, in certain phrases, as: bai'tu 'Hall, the house of God. Bai'tu 'l-mu-ka'dis, Jerusalem. sort. her'-ha-gai-ha'gai ba'gn i, (115), pl- of various kinds. s-ha'gai, the same kind, even ha-gai-ha' gai, ba'ja, manure. inm-ba'ja, to manure. as, like. ba'ja (Sk.), hagaimana, see bgimana. ,^_,--^ ba'jak, plough. see paigTcdlan. tdtg'kai ba'jak, ^ ba'gus, beautiful, bah', ^ flood, ba'jik, only found in tive inundation. Cf. jubali. ba'ju, coat, jacket. .— ba'ju da'laia, underwear, vest. ...- ba'ju ran'tai, coat of mail. ba'ju zi'rah, coat of mail. yea, moreover. \^ia'rgan ba'ju, bah't-ra (Sk.), state barge; ark ba'ka shoulder. (Sk.) (138), a punctuation word ; see bltawa. perishable. or ba'hi-a (Sk.), danger, Also ma'ra bah'ya. ba'kar bai-du'ri (Sk.), certain precious ^^ — o]3als, cat's eyes, etc. (B.) liealth. UVv W^.- 9 3i^«^2^ y ^ ba'koig, t »-1 bak'ti make iron hot. lily. (Sk.), loyalty, loyal serdevotion. vice, t to bak'sis (Pers.), present. ^^ •^ b-si', ba'ki (Ar.), surplus, remainder, cash balance. ba-il--ba'ik, U-- Cf. kkal. ba'kau, mangrove. in good be careful. bail-, .ba'ik. ., both., and.. ba'H-Jah, all right. ba'ik pa'ms, handsome. imperishto fana, fer-ba'kar, burnt. manil-am. ba'ik, good, well; eternal, opposed as -kan, to ba'kar, mm-ba'kar, / Cf. liargus. burn, roast. peril. Cf. (Ar.), able, ^.Vbah'wa stones, sleeve. ba'ka, origin, birth, breeding. (X.). bah'ya deriva- welfare, advantage. Cf. &hak. v^ ba'hu, its : k-ba'ji-kan, virtue, good deeds, fine, nice. ba'haig, radiant heat. bah'kan, plough handle. wedge. ba'ji, ba'gi, to, for, towards; (Penang) to give, cause = Ttasi. ^ Cf. ttggala. ba'jak, ploughshare. iiia'ta ba'ghal (Ar.), mule. bagitu, see bgitu. steel. b-si' ba'ja, steel. ba'gan, (Penang) landing stage j/ mend. (103), to k-ba'i-kan, goodness. bait' tuboh. ba'gai, kind, m in-ba'i-ki kD . 10 MALAT-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. ber-hah'ti, devout, loyal. ba'lut, min-ha'hd, to wrap, banCf. bavut and bbat. dage. h-bak'ti-an, loyalty, devotion. ba'kul, basket. Cf. garirg and raga. hranjaty, bam'bu, the bamboo; see bulok and aur. ba'mi (Chin.), Chinese vermicelli with meat and vege- ^ ba-la" (Ar.), trouble, affliction, calamity; also bla'. ba'la (Sk.), soldiers, an army. ba'la ill t-ra, tables. an army. ban'chi, poll-tax, census. on and not enclosed by ba'lai, a hall, the roof resting jiillars, ban'dar (Pers.), a seaport walls; a police station (Pe- ban-dar'sah (Ar.), a villagemosque; see mandarsah. Cf. surau, and msjid. nang and Perak). or ba'lai ru'aiy, a king's hall of assembly. ba'lai-rorg' ban'dirg, a match, counterpart, ba'lak (D.), a beam, baulk. peer, ba'laig, a long-necked bottle. also ba'lar, whiteness of the skin, as of an albino. quick, rapid, hurried. chpat, Ikas, dras, lajw and pantas. ba'igai-kan, to hurry a person^ or work. Cf. *ward. ba'i|g;au, heron. dn'dam, to revenge one- baig'kai, self. ward, requital, revenge. Hind .), baldu, see l^ (X.).'5-i:Ke.xxiv Hk baig'kit-kaii, to raise up, rouse bludii. up. ba'Iek sa'kit, relapse. pxi'tar ba'Iek, shuffling, jjrevari- stool. bai^'sa (Sk.), a race, nation, "^ people, caste, good breeding. y ba'ligh (Ar.), adult, at the age of puberty; also 'a'kal ba'- good birth, no- ble. baiiS'sal, shed. bail/ ml kit' da, stable. barg'sat, vagabond, tramp, pauper. ligh. widow, widower; usually janda. baig'ku (Port.), a bench, turn round or upside down, upset. ba'lu, k-baig'ki-taii, resurrection(X.) ber-baig'sa. of to Cf. barg'kit, ber-barg'kit, to rise (to a standing posture or as dust), rise from the dead iron pail. ba'Iek, her-ha'leh, to turn (163), return; (B.) on the contrary. C'f. hmbali. cation. ba'lek-kan, corpse. i/' ba'lau, a timber tree. ( carcase, maijai. ba'las su'rat, to answer a letter. ba'la-nan and pm-ba'Ia-saii, re- bal'di compeer; to compare; bandirgkan. ba'ng;at, ba'las, mm-ba'Ias, -kan, to send a reply, recompense (good or evil), return, revenge, reba'Jas town.. sliali-ban'dar, harbour-master. Cf. bujarg. bang-sa'wan (Sk.), good birth. noble, of . MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABDLAUT. baiig:'si, flute, y^ha'rgun, to o'rarg flagiolat. arise, awake. ba'ryak, the people, the populace, a crowd. Cf. s-ba'tyak, so jaga and sdar. ^^ ho! rgun-lcar^, to 11 arouse, many, as many. Ic-ba'iya-l-an, the erect, majority, the- major part; common, ordi- build. nary. ba'rgu-nan, building, erection. ta-rgun-ba'rgu-nan, tower. ' ba'ni (Ar.), sons, people; see bni. ba'ni-an (Hind.), a Hindu tra- ba'pa, father. Cf. ayah. ba'pa sau-da'ra, uncle. ba'pa ti'ri, step father. ^mak' ba'pa or i'bu ba'pa, pa- der. rents. ba'ni-an, a shirt. ba'nir, projections at the base of certain trees which extend to the ground like buttresses. ,bap'tis and bap'ti-san, baptism, (X.). bap'tis-kan, to baptize (X.). ba'ra and ba'ra a'pi, embers, live coals. ban'jar, a row, series. Cf. deret. ba'rah, ban'tah C149), her-han'tali, to dispute, argue, quarrel. per-han'ta-han, dispute, quar- ba'rai]g:, ban'tai, pillow, cushion. \/ Wkar bedding ban'tai, (of a 1/ ban'titg, mm-ban'tirg, -kaii, to beat together, dash down; to beat as clothes on a stone in han'tirg tu'larg, to exert one- whatever, ba'rarg bi'la, whenever. ba'raig di ma'na, wherever. ba'rarg-ka'U, perhaps. ba'rarg k-ma'na, whithersoever. ^ba'rarg si-a'pa (20), whoever, anyone. ba'rarg s-su-a'iu, whatever. ba'rarg yarg', whatever. / s-ba'rarg, any, anything. ,ba'rat, west. ba'rat da'ya, south-west. ba'rat la'ut, north-west. s-sat' ba'rat, altogether astray. ^ ^ self. ban'tu, mm-ban'tu, to help, aid, assist. Also baggage. baratg-baraig. ba'raig a' pa (20), ^ k-pa'la, to rack one's brains. ^^ jrawai.' goods, personal ^ washing them; to toss about in bed as in delirium. ^fban'Urg and anything. .^ native) tumour. ulcer, things, propert}', rel. ban'tai, mm-han'tai, to slaughter; beat severely. abcess, Cf. pkorg, bisul ba'riti^, ber-ba'rirg, to lie Cf. tolorg. down. ba'rirg-han, to lay down. ban'tun, mm-bat^tun, to tear up ^ba'ris, a line or row, a line of by the roots, pull up, pull soldiers, hence drill; vowel out. Cf. chabot. points. ban'tut, abortive. V ba'ris di a'tas, the ba'iyak, much, many, quantity (36, Note). ba'fyak o'rarg, many very; people. sign fathah = Arabic vowel a. di ha'ivah, the Arable vowel sign kasrah = i. ba'ris 12 3IALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. di lia'da-paii, the Arabic ha'iif: dlammah = ba'tin ina'ti, or ian'da the sign jazm, q. v. ho'ris ba'rus, ka'pitr ba'tin, a title of u. ba'ni.<i, ma'ii, esoteric, as camphor. t^ worn by native children; to bandage a wound. har-zalcli'. Hades, the place of departed spirits. ^ ba'sah, ha'mh wet, moist. ku'tjup, wringing wet. ha sali-kan , to wet. l-n'in ha'sa-han, bathing cloth. ba"sat (B.) (Chin.) bedbug. ba'soh, mm-ba'soh, -kan, ba'toh l--iiig', consumption. ba'tok sa'lak, whooping cough. to wash. ha'tu a pi, flint. ha'tu a'mh, Avhetstone. ha'tu ha'ta, brick. ha'iu h-ra'ni, loadstone. ha'tu h-si', granite, or any ha' hi ha'ia, a brick. (Ar.), futile, ineffectual. bring to nought. ha'ial-l-an, to y^ ba'targ, trunk or stem (of trees and plants) ; numeral coefficient of long cylindrical objects (83, 8-1)." watercourse, main stream of a district. ^^ha'taiy hi'doiy, the bridge of the nose. ha'ianj Ica'yu, trunk of a tree. u^ ba'taiy le'liir, the neck. ha'iairj a'yer, ba-ta'ra (Sk.), a Hindu I./' title given to Usually htara. ba'tas, ridges, banks round wet rice fields, hence boundaries; also X gods. hatasan. ba'tek (Jav.), Win la' tele, cot- ton prints or hand painted cloths. small metal a diinking cup. ba'til, bowl hard Cf. hatu uhin. ha'tu da'rliiiy, the weight of a rock. grinding curry or stuff. the crown of the the cranium. liead, ba'tal and ba'tu, stone, rock, milestone, hence a mile. *^ l)a'iu k-pn'la, ba'ta and tlahir, steelyard. ha'tu gi'lirg, a stone roller for ba'si, mouldy, stale. /- opposed to ba'tok, cough. boclice 'n'Jam chiefs. outward. ba'rut, mm-ba'rut, a bandage or bar-zakh' and Malay (Ar.), concealed, inward, ha'tu kn'rarg, coral, coral reef. trn'tu ki'sa-ran, millstone. ha'tu k-li'kir, gravel. ha'tu k-ri'sek, gravel, finer than the above. ha'tu li'chin, pebbles. ha'tu M-la'ka, flooring tiles. Cf. hatu rubin and batu uhin, Im'tu ru'bin, flooring tiles. ier-an'tok, Itn'tu block stumbling (X.). ba'tu u'hin, flooring tiles; Singapore) granite. (in Cf. nibin. ha'iu u'jl, touchstone. ii'ratg ba'tu, coal. ii'i/er ba'tu, ice. chap' ha'iu, lithography. gu'ta ha'tu, loaf sugar. ju'ru ha'tu, the second mate of a vessel. ru'niah ba'tu, a brick house. tu'kaig mason, brickba'tu, layer. . MA L AY-ENGEISH VOCABUtART. \/^ b-dak', a cosmetic made of rice flour, toilet powder. b-da'ki, to powder. ban', odour, smell, fragrance. hau' bu'sok, a bad smell. her-bau' , having a smell, odorous. • b-dal', to beat violently with a stick ; to eat to excess. Cf haii-hau'an (130), incense, per- fumes. ba'tir, gasak. mixed, confused, in dis- b-d-bah' (Pers.), ill-omened, ae- order. ^/ ba'wa, mm-ba'wa b-dil', (55), to con- b-doii^', ka'in ha'iia di'vi, to take oneself ofE. embrace the become faith, a clothes. Moham- cowrie toms. be'a, medan, v,^" ha'u-a ja'hn, to lead the way. ha'iva la'ri, to firearms. ba'iva per'gi, to take away. taxes, cus- (Chin.), jinrikisha. be'chak, puddle, swampy ba'wah, below, under. de'ri ba'wali, from below. . shells; Cf. mp,rdheka. be'bas-kan, to set free, liberate. k-be'ba-san, liberty, freedom. ma'sok, to take in, introduce. ba'wa mu'lut, to talk scandal, J/ be'cha gossip. '-^ h-dorg' , swaddling Cf. lampia. be'bas, free, having liberty. run away with. ha'ti-a ,^ gunpowder. o'bat b-diV, vey, carry, take, bring. ba'wa i'man, to wretched. cuj-sed, cliani'pur ha'iir, in confusion. <-—--'" IS muddy or place. be'da or be'za (Sk.), difference, di ba'wah, below. di ba'wah a'n/iit, leeward, Malayan lands. h-ba'wah, to the lower side. distinction. be'da-kan, to distinguish, discriminate. behkan, ba'waiig;, onion. be'la, ba'yam, spinach. see balilcan. human suttee; sacrifice, vengeance. ba'yan, a kind of parroquet. itin'tiit be'la, to ,^/'ba'yarg;, shadow, image. seek vengeance. be'lek, mm-be'lek, to look closely. « -ba'yar, mm-ba'i/ar, to f)ay. ba'yar ni'at, to pay a vow. ba'ya-ran, a payment. ignorant, bodoh. b-bal', stupid. be'lok, to to wrap Cf. \J( round, etc bind Cf. b-b-ra'pa, some, a certain quantity; however much (144); see a pa:. berglcoh. bens'kaiig;, see round with cloth, balut and band. •^ tack (in sailing). be'lot, treachery ; to be a traitor. pm-he'lot, a traitor. b-ban', burden, load. b-bat', luff, beig'kok, crooked, bent. be>;i'1carg berg'Jcoh, zig-zag. be'ijgoiK or bi'ngfoig, confused (of the mind), disconcerted, stupid. ben'teng:, kubu. fort, stockade. Cf. ^ MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 14 be'rak, to ease oneself ; see huarg b-ha'gi, mm-b-ha' gi, -lean (149), a division, share, part; to ayer. beranda, see share, divide. IrandaU b-lia'gi-an, a share. be'cana;, furious, wild with rage. Jber-ha'la, ru'mah an ber-ha'la, b-ha-gi'a ~~~~-— idol. ^ heathen a >^ temple. b-ha'na (Sk.), sound of beriigin, see hrirgin. b-ha'ra (Sk.), weight. things tied together. ber'kat (Ar.), blessing, benediction, good influence. her-ka'ti, to bless. a measure of to'Iah b-ha'ra, ballast. b-ha'ru (161), new, recent; newly, lately, just, then and not i ber'kek, snipe. till Ber'ma (Sk.), the Hindu god Brahma; also bralima. ber'man (Sk.), a brahmin; also then. b-ha'sa (Sk.), language, manners, politeness. lu'di b-ha'sa, tact Irahman. and good polite- ness. ja'lan b-ha'sa, idiom. ju'ru b-ha'sa, interpreter. l-u'rarg b-ha'sa, impolite. ber-naig', to swim; see rnarg. ber-ni-a'g'a, to trade; see tniaga. see broh. bhatra, see bahtra. ber-o'leh, to possess, own; see b-ha'wa (138) (Sk.), a punctua- oleh. ber'seh, clean. voices, noise. ber'kas, a faggot, a bundle of berok, (Sk.), good fortune, blessing ; blessed, happy ; also berbhagia. tion ber'seh-Tcan, to clean. ber'sin, snee'Zing; to sneeze. ^ be'san, her-be'san, related by marriage of their children. be'sok, to-morrow; see word, ducing bahwa. Cf. suchi. a generally quotation. b-ha'ya (Sk.), danger; intro- see Also bah- ya. bi-a'dab (Pers.), rude, dis^ respectful, esoTc. bi'ak, prolific, fertile. (Hind.), slave, servant. TJseJ"as a pronoun of the 1st, person by royalty. be'ta b-gi-ma'na (144), how, in what way? b-gin'da (Sk.), a title given to kings and princes, and used as a pronoun of the 3nd or 3rd person. bi'ar, to allow, perihit; bi-ar-bi'ar, intestinal worms. bi-a'sa (Sk.), accustomed, experienced, intimate, usual. b-gi'ni, thus, so, like this. b-gi'tu, thus, so, like that. -lean, sometimes used almost in the sense of although (let it be), as, hiar lamhat pun jadi juga, though it be a long time it will do. bi-a'sa-Jcan L/' di'ri, to oneself, practise. accustom MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. bi-a'wak, the iguana or monitor a seed, grain; numeral cqof small objects (83, 84). bi'ji ma'ta, eyeballs. bi'ji, lizard. tji'bi ^ effieient (Hind.), lady, aunt; of address to ladies. „ form rim of bi'bir, the lips, edge or — (B.), to make, bi'kin "^ do. Cf. bnat. anything. bi'Ia, when, when? Vihir dia'wan, the edge of a 4^ a-pa-bi'la, when. cup. hi'bir ma'ta, eyelids. bi'lah (83, 84), numeral coelfir hi'Mr mii'Jut, the lips. cient of knives, swords, needles, etc. bi'bit, mm-hi'bit, to carry or pick up with the tips of the bi-cha'ra, to prayer, the discus- deliberation, bilalai^;, sion, discourse, conversation, advice, opinion, legal proceedings, court of Justice. her-bi-cha'ra, to discuss, con- account. bi'lek, room. bi'Iur, scar, bi-ma-sak'ti way. of bim'batK, blow, (Sk.), the rnilky anxious, uncertain, (Ar.), son, son of. Cf. du- i^bin' bi-na'sa (Sk.), ruin, destruction; to go to ruin. broad, extensive; numeral coefficient of sails, mats, bi'daiig:, (84) ' biig'kis, a gift, a present sent with a letter. guard, royal messenger. bi'dur, an ingot or block of tin. (Sk.), skilful; learned, clever, of fluent (B.) speech. skilful, bi'iigoiig:, (Sk.), discreet. bi'jeh, tin ore. intelligent, confused, disconcerted, stupid. ^^/•bi'ni, ^ bi-jak-sa'na bi-na'm-kan, to destroy. J^hi-na'tsLVg, animal. bi'du-an and bi-du-an'da, body iji'jak a of vacillating, irresolute. kun. etc. mark weal. bi'dai, thimble; better didal. bi'dan (Sk.), midwife. number. /'' boo. game famous, renowned. ter-bi'lanj, bi'Iarg-lcan, to reckon, consider, bi'dai, hanging screens or blinds made of split rattan or bam- pawn in the chess; see chatur. blalarg. see bi-Ia'iyan, reckoning, (Sk.), nymphs in mythologj', houris. bi'dak, a cails muezzin. mm-bi'larg, to count, recount, reckon, tell, say. sult. Hindu man who bi'laiig, ^ hi-clia'ra-kan, to advise. bi-da-da'ri (Ar.), the bi'lal fingers. t^ 15 Cf. istri. wife. wife and family. have a wife, be married (of the man). bcr-bi'ni-kan, to take to .wii«. a'nak bi'ni, ber-bi'ni, to : 16 i^ JIAL.VY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. bin'tai^, star; also a decoration. bin'taiy her-a'sap, comet. hin'taig her-e'l-ov, comet. ku', congealed, coagulated, frozen. hin'targ ber-i'dar, planet. hin'taiy p-targ' or bin'targ ba'rat, Venus as an evening la" misfortune; also ba-la". star. \'enus as a morning bin-ta'igor, the port, bring name star. unbleached 'la'chii, bio (B.) (Chin.), temple. bi-o'la (Port.), violin. calico. lah', mm-b-lah', to split, cleave, c brother-in-law or Cf. children. la'chan, a composition of dried fish and prawns used to seasou curries. of a tree; bntargor. bi'ras, up plihara. (Ar.), daughter of. bin'ti (Ar.), affliction, calamity, la', mm-b-la', to nurture, sup- bin'targ ti'mor or bin'taig ba'bi, see Cf. ayer batu. a'ljei- b-lcu', ice. cut divide, sister- in two length- ^^isc. in-law. bi'sa, poison; poisonous, painful. or sb'lali, one side of that which is divided, hence one side. of anything. sh'lah ka'nan, the right side. sh'lah ki'ri, the left side. sb'Iah ma'ta, one eye. bi'sa (Jav.), able, capable, can. sb'lali si'ni, this side. s-b-lah' (Hind.), sheep doinba and kambiiy. bi-ri-bi'ri Cf. bi'ru, blue. ha'ru bi'ru, confusion, disorder, Often = the other side, as sb'Iah gu'norg, the other side bi'sek, ber-bi'sek, to whisper. chattering, or any unpleasant noise of that kind. bi'sirg, Bis'nu (Sk.), the Vishnu. bi'su, dumb. Cf. of the mountain. sh'lah m-iyb'lah or Hindu god Ijoil, abcess. rate. Cf. jraivat' and barah. .'' b-kal', supplies for a journey, especially food, provisions. /• b-kas', mark or impression left altogether, entirely, quite. la'kaiig;, the back, the poster- b-la'ka-igi and b-la'kaiy-kan io , turn one's back on. tained. the trunk of an elephant, the proboscis of in- la'lai, b-l-as' la' hi, footprint. b-kas' ia'igan, handwriting, sig- sects. nature. that which has body, clothes presented as a token of affec- tion. la'ka, wards. ; b- la'lai^, tii'boh, touched learn; see ajar. la" jar, to ior; behind, hereafter, after- by any body or action vessel in which anything is con- b-kas' b- sb'Iah-kan, to lay aside, sepa- Idii. i-'b bi'sul, a k-du'a both sides. lah', and the grasshoppers, JB lan'da, Dutch; a M^ locusts crickets. corruptionof Hollander; also ivolanda. MALAT-EXGLISH VOCABDLAKT. or a bandage; to encircle (as a snake). laig', piebald, variegated; spot- ted, striped. b-lu'du (Port), velvet; pronounced bal'du. an earthenware pot used la'iga, for cooking. penses, hence salary. lb- lan-ta'ra, expend. wild, b-lu'laig, as: vpb-lum' (T2), not yet; word of a simple negative. b-lum' hali'win, unmarried. b-lum' la'gi, not yet. b-lum' ma'sak, unripe or insufficiently cooked. b-lum' per'nah, never yet. s-b-lum', before (eonj.). the forest. (30), a word which forms the numerals from eleven to nineteen, similar to the English " teen." las' sympathy, compas- pit\r, this sometimes has only the force riin'ha b-Ian-ta'ra, the wilds of Ij- las', untanned or raw hides; callus, callosity of the skin. waste places, hu'taii h-lan-ia'ra, the Jungle. t/ also b-lu'kar, underwood, jungle cut down and grown up again, scrub. Cf. hutan and rimba. b- lan'ja, expenses, cost of any-, thing, allowance to meet exh-lan'ja-li-an, to 17 b-lurg'gu, fetters, shackles. sion. arouse sj'mpathy or to have pity on. h-Ias'l-an, to b-lut', eel. b-nam', ter-b-nam', sunken, de- network of rattans laced together, used with fishing stakes; hence fishing stakes pressed, partly buried. Ib lat', b-naii;', thread. / b-naig' a'rarg, chalk line. or fish traps. b-nar', true, right, just, good. la'tok, woodpecker. i la'yer, to sail; see layer. s-b-nar'-iya, truly, verily. confirm, authorise, approve, justify. h-b-na'ran, accuracy, truth, verification, righteousness. b-nar'lean, le'rang, brimstone, sulphur. to , to babble, le'tip, chatter; sec letir. . ^ b- li', to buy, purchase. ju'al h-W, to trade, b-na'ra, a washerman usually ; dobi. buy and b-na'sa, ruin; see binasa. sell. J pm-h-li, that which buys, the price or the buver. li'an, a' timber tree. li'kat, the shoulder blade. ^ the large Malay axe. Cf. l-apak and palil. a'rgin pu'tirg h-W org, waterli'oifi;, spout. T>- lit', a coil, a turn; a necklace b-na'taiig, animal; see bn-cha'na (Sk.), harm. binatarg. trouble, "injury, bn'chi, mm-bn'chi, to hate. bn'da, a thing, an article or object, especially valuables. her'ta bn'da, property, especial* ly household property. ma'ta bn'da, jewellery. M\tAV-i:N-OLlSH 18 \ bn-da-ha'ra (Sk.), the title of the highest official in a Malay originally State, meaning continent. o'rarg b-nii'a, aborigines. (Sic), treasury of- fields or dry). bo'chor, leaky. mu'lid bo'chor, (either irrigated bo'doh, foolish, Cf. huma, ladary ^^ bbal. sawali. flag. boek bn'dul, the beams on which the walls of a native house rest. hn'dul pin'iu, threshold. >^ (Chin.), stocking. (B.) false, falsehood. pm-bo'horg, a untrue; a b-neh', seed, grain. bo'la liar. (Port.), a BiK-sa'li, a Bengalee. , f' big-ka'rong;, a kind of lizard. bi^'ku-ai^, the screw-pine, from bo'leh, able, can, may, might. See oleh. (Ar.), sons. the children a boom,, the pole or shafts of a car- bo'mo of also mm-hn'tanj, lay out (as a Cf. ham par. cloth). its s-bn'lar, a mat instant. bn-ta'ra (Sk.), herald, an officer of court. bn'tok, curved; (as mm-borg'Tcar, an anchor). to pull' boiig'kok, hunchbacked, bent (as: an old man). y boi^'su, youngest child, born; also anak borgsu. coef- last bo'peii:, pockmarked. bor' (D.). auger, drill. boVoig, wholesale, outright, numeral », ; horg'kar sa'uh, to weigh anchor^ or derivative: moment, an up spread bn-ta'igor, the name of several timber trees. bn'tar, in bo'mor, a native doedukun und doktor.. Cf. borg'kar, out, fire-en- contraction from i-bu-n'da. mniaga and to pump, bon'da, mother (polite style) bn-ia'ga (Sk.), trade, commerce; bn'taiig:, or tor. trade; herniaga. also- gine, syringe. Israel. to coiild, bom' (Eng. and D.), .-^ the leaves of which Tcajangs riage. are made, see Icajarg; also (Port.), ,bom'ba mrgkiiaty. y'' Is'ra'el, billiards.. bo'lu (Port.), sponge cake; buah hulu. btg'kak, a swelling; swollen. h'lii ball, football. b-igis', cruel; cruelty. b'ni or ba'ni oi- lie Cf. dusta. bo'kor, a metal basin. Big-ga'la, Bengal. ^ Cf- stupid. bn-de'ra, flagstaff. bo'hoiig:, ^ blab. tell-tale, I'-bo'do-han, stupidity. bn-de'ra (Port.), ti-arg' fishhooks,, b-nu'a, a large region or country,, ficers. and rings, etc. treasury. per-bn-da-lia'ra'an, bn'daig, of flcient treasurer. bn-da-ha'ri OCABULART. masse. en^ ; MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. bo'ros, extravagant, prodigal. b-rat', heavy, difficult, important weight (36, Note). b-rat'kan di a'tas o'rarg, to lay the responsibility on a per- bo'ta (Sk.), a goblin, demon. bo'tak, bald, premature or unnatural baldness owing to son. Cf. gondol. disease. b-ri', mm-b-ri', ^ bo'tol -lean (78, 149)^ grant, concede, allow, permit. (Eur.), bottle. to bo'ya (Port.), a buoy. i-^ u^ B-rah'ma, the Hindu god Brahma; usually berma. B-rah'man (Sk.), a Brahmin; •^ usually berman. (Port.), verandah. brave, h-si' b-ra'ni, b-ra'ni-kan ma'kan, to feed. b-ri' ma'sok, to let in. b-ri' sa-lam', to salute. >-- daring, to, V.X- b-ra'pa, pm-b-ri'an, a gift, present. b-rin'jal to make (Port.), the egg-plant = trorg, bold, b-ri'ta, q. v. news, information = weria. how much? how many? b-rok', also used as a contraction for t^ tell. brri'iigm, the waringin tree. encourage oneself. ^ inform, b-ri' ta'kot, to frighten. coura- have the b-ri' ta'hu, to magnet. di'ri, ja'wab, to answer. b-ri' b-ri' pin' jam, to lend. ba'tu b-ra'ni, loadstone. - b-ri' b-ri' salc'si, to witness, testify. h-ra'rgan ba'bi, oak. geous; to dare courage to. make a sign. give permission or leave. t^ b-ra'i|g:an, chestnut. b-ra'ni, remind, caution. i-shd'rat, to b-ri' i'zin, to b-ra'iig:aii, arsenic. K encourage. b-ri' i'tyat, to b-ri' brai, see chrai-brai. b-ran'dah give, b-ri' Jia'ti, to b-ra'hi, sexual passion. -K 19 an ape, often trained to gather coconuts. bbrapa; see apa. b-ro'ti, a lath. b-ra'pa ba'ryah, how many. much J/b-ru'ai^, a bear. b-ra'pa her'ga, liow (price) ? b-ru'ga, a'yam b-ru'ga, jungle b-ra'pa Jca'li, how often. fowl. b-ra'pa la' ma, how long. B-ru'nai, a State in N. Borneo, b-ra'pa pu'loh, how many tens. whence the whole island is s-b-ra'pa, as much as, as many so as. ras', husked rice. Cf. padi and nasi. ^' be/teh, rice roasted in the husk. b-ras' hu'ryii, rice stained with b-ras' b-sar', ' big, large; i']MJ±ll^ size (-36, Note). u>^ ha' ri b-sar', festival, holiday. ha'ti b-sar', proud. o'rarg b-sar'^ chief, saffron. h-ras' pu'ltit, glutinous rice. a^Pi named. b-rus' (Eng.), brush. headman. tu'an b-sar', the senior in office. JIALAY-ENGLISH VOCABDLARY. 20 h-sar'kan, enlarge, to buah-bu'a-han exalt, magnify. bu'ai, to rock, swing dle). Cf. ayun. bu-ai'an, a cradle, grandeur, greatness. pa'kai-an k-b-sa'ran, uniform. Ti-h-sa'ran, •^ b-ser'ta, together with ^ b-si', iron. ; see serta. , ba'ja, steel. b-si' h-ra'ni, b-si' Tcu'da, ^..^ ba'tu ta'Jii b-si', rust. tu'lcaty ^- how; wife. bu-ayg' . (of ani- b-tui', correct, true, to blow one's sa'kit bu-arg' -bu-arg' a'yer, diar^- Cf. tbiry. rhoea. bu'ah b-tis' and jan'torg the calf of the leg. ^^ i'rgus, nose. bu-arg' un'di, to cast lots. bu-arg' warg', to waste money. b-tis', the lower leg. ^_^, • bu-arg' a'yer bu-arg' a'yer k-chiV , to urinate bu-atg' bi'ni, to put away one's see apa. b-tiig', sandbank. - and bu-aixj' a'yer da'rah, dysentery. (Sk.), a title given to Hindu gods. female of, b-sar', to ease oneself. accom- b-ta'ra b-ti'na (87), mals). to rid anchak. blacksmith. b-si', -lean, waste. ba-arg' an'chah, to put out offerings to the spirits; see bu-arg' a'yer, bs-ta'ri (Sk.), polite, plished, well-bred. b-ta'pa, mm-bu-arg', throw away, get a horseshoe. granite. ; hammock. bu-aig', magnet. b-si', (as a cra- ^ 'n b-si' (130), fruits. b-tis', bu'as, wild, fierce, ferocious (of animals). Cf. liar. accurate, bu'at, ber-bu'at (116), mm-bu'at (100), to do, make, cause. Cf. lurus. bu-at-bu'at, to pretend. l^ ha'ti b-tuV (B.), sincere, honbu'at re'rgan, frivolous. straight, erect, real, genuine. i^,^- , ^ est. bu'a-tan, manufacture. b-tuVhan, to straighten, repair. bu'a-tan bu'ah, fruit; numeral coeflBcient make. Ai-ro'pa, of houses, ships, towns, etc. -^ (83, 84). bu-a'ya, crocodile. European per-bu'a-tan, deed, act, action. bu'ali b-tis', the calf of the leg. i^bu'boh, mm-bu'boh, to put, place, bu'ah cha'tur, chessmen. lay. Cf. Itak and taroh. bu'ah ha'ti-ku, my treasure, a bu'bok, wood-maggots, weevils. term of endearment. bu'ah hu'lu, see bolu. bu'bol, mm-bu'bol, to make or bu'ah pa'la, nutmeg, mend nets. j^^^ bu'ah pirg'garg, the kidneys. buboiig:, see bumborg. bu'ah p-lir', the' testes. bu'ah tim-ba'Tgan, weights. bu'bor, gruel, broth. a'nalc bu'ah, the dependents of bu'bu, a fish-trap of rattan. / a Malay chief. h6r-bu'ah, to bear fruit. bu'dak, child, boy or girl. MALAY-ENGLISH TOCABCTLARY. bu'di (Sk.), Tfisdom, prudence. hu'di hi-cha'ra, wise discretion. .,. hu'di h-ha'sa, tact and polite- -bu'lan, the ^ ness. 1,'lan moon; a month. and bu'lan d- da'targ pan', next month. bu'lan d-hu'lu, and bu'lan la'lu, t^ bu'di, intelligence. ber-bu'dij wise, prudent. 'a'lcal bu-di'man (Sk.), last month. bu'lan g-lap', when the moon is invisible. wise. bu'eh, foam, scum, froth. 1^ ^^ Bu'gis, a Malayan race inhabiting the island of Celebes. ^ bu'jang, unmarried, single, a bachelor or widower. Cf. janda. bu'lan per-na'ma, full moon. bu'lan tim'bul, new moon. bu'lan t-rarg', moonlight. mm-bu'larg, to wrap or wind anything round with cloth. Cf. bhat and balut. bu'laiig:, bu'lat, round, spherical, cylindri- bu'jok, mm-bu'jolc, to coax, entice, persuade; also pujok. bu'jor, lengthwise, the long way, as opposed to lintanj, transversely. buk, ' 21 ... ;,'! see buku. bu'ka, mm-bu'ha, to open, un- cal. bu-lat-bu'lat , entirely. d'lyan s-bu-lat-bu'lai ha'ti, with the whole heart. bu-li-bu'li, a small, long-necked bottle. Cf. balary. bu'loh, bamboo, of many kinds. Cf aur and bambu. bu'loh ba'rgsi, the Malay . cover. flute. hu'ka ja'lan, to lay out a road, bu'loh p-rin'du, seolian pipe. hu'Tca Tca'in, to take off clothes. bu'lu, feathers, down, wool, hair hu'lca h-dai' , to set up a shop k" the body. Cf. rambut and of hu'ha la'yer, unfurl sails. roma. hu'l-a pu-a'sa, to break off or bu'lu k-ninf , eyebrows. cease fasting. bu'lu lan'dak, the quills on a hu'lca rah'si-a, to reveal a seporcupine ; when removed cret. from the animal they are hii'l-a io'pi, to raise or take off one's hat. ter-bu'ha (110), opened. bu'kan (69, 70), not, is not, are not. hu-kan-bu'lcan, non-existent, of no account. bu'kit, a Tca'Tci hill. Cf. charghat. bu'kit, the foot of a hill. o'rarg bu'kit, wild tribes. (Eng.), buk. a book. man body. bu'lu trg'kok, the mane (of a horse). la'yer bu'lu a'yam, the Malay latteen sail. u'lat bu'lu, hairy caterpillar. bum'boig, the ridge bu'ku, joints (as of the fingers), knots in wood, lumps. bu'ku called du'ri lan'dak. ma'ta, eyelashes. bu'lu ro'ma, hairs on the hu- ^ bu'lu Also of. a roof, a roof; usually 6Mm-&o'?graw, sometimes buborc) and 6mborgan. tu'larg bum'borg, ridge pole. . 22 ^ MALAT-EKGLISH TOCABULAKY. bu'mi (Sk.), the earth, han'tu pm-bu'ru, " the spectre the ground. '3^ huntsman." bun'dar, round; a ring or drawn with a pen. )^\'^\^l3^ . bu'rut, hernia, rupture. circle bu'sar, a bow, an arc of a circle, an instrument for cleaning raw cotton. Cf. panah. bu'iga, flower; also ornamental y^/ A V designs. iu'iya a'pi, sparks, fireworks. ,bu'sok (163), putrid, rotten, dehu'iya chrg'heh, cloves. t-' composed, bad smelling, foul. hu'nga hqfrarg, sponge; also bail bu'sok, a bad smell. lumut haranj. na'ma bu'sok, a bad reputation. lu'tya pa'la, mace. bu'sut, ant-hill. iu'iya warg', interest on money. bu'ta, blind. bu'igar, in the phrase: bu'ta-tu'li, blind and deaf, iu'ali bu'iya-ran, first-fruits. hence used of doing things buiig'kus, a parcel, bundle. blindly or recklessly. bmy'kus-Kan, to wrap up. bu'ta (Sk.), an evil- spirit, debu'noh, mm-bu'noh, to kill, murmon; also bota. ,. ,'ff-'T X^ / \ 1^ der. , pin-bu'noh, murderer. per-bu'no-han (134), place of execution. N 1 ' f bun'tiig, pregnant. of ; gems bu'yoig, a water than impayan, Cf. hamil. jar, smaller q. v. tocks, the end, the tail, the last. Cf. Ch pantat and purg^ bu'iyi, sound, noise. cha'baiig;, letter. ber-bu'ryi, cha'bai to sound, main branch bifurcation make a dahan and noise. ^ bu-nji-bu'ryi-ah, (Sk.), the chili, capsvalso lada China. cumj bu'ryi su'rat, the contents of a music. ; of a tree, forked. Cf charary. cha'bok (Pers.), a whip. bu'ri-tan, stern of a ship. K coefficient (83, 84). bun'tut, the posterior, the" but- t^ (Eng.), button. a grain, small particle; numeral pm-bu'no-han (134), murder. /"; bu'taig bu'tir, cha'bol, licentious ; outrageous behaviour. bu'rok (163), rotten, worn out, decayed, bad (of vegetable ^ha'bot, mn-cha'bot (146), to and manufacsubstances pull out, pull up, uproot, exCf. haus. tured articles). tract, draw a weapon (cf. hiinus) in Perak chabot bu'roig, bird. means also the royalty oa bu'rorg han'tu, owl. '^ \^ (^ ; , bu'roty on'ta, ostrich. bu'ru, mm-bu'ru, to hunt, chase. pm-bu'ru, hunter. tin. Cf. bantun. cha'chak, to thrust into ground (as a pole). the ^M-^^^AL .^Li*^ S'jlX'V^. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. cha'char, small pox. chaig'kpk, cha'cliar a'yer, chicken pox. blemish, Cf. chla. defect. •cha'chiig, a chah'ya worm= ^hap', tu'l-arg chap', printer. (Sk.), light, luminosity. cha'pai, mn-cha'pai, take hold of. to shine. cha'pe cha"ir, thin (of fluids), liquid; as opposed to phat, thick, (Jav.), seize, to weary; usually piiat. cha'pek, halting, limping.' temparg and penchdrg. glutinous. d^ chaphan and chUah. chap' ha'tu, lithography. (B.) tarhirg. luminous; a seal, stamp; to print; also 1 Cf. sinar. der-chah'ya, tut. J'chan'tek, pretty stain, spot, to mn-chaiXj'TcoTc, Cf. graft. la'nam cha'char, to vaccinate. tcha'chat, 23 Cf. cha'kap, her-cha'hap, to speak; cha'ra (Sk.), manner, style, cus(sometimes) to profess one's |/ tom. ability to do a thing, be capcha'ra Chi'iia, in Chinese style. ' Cf. tutor, able of. per-rha'h-a-pan, speech, oration, cha'raig, a small branch, twig. Cf. chaharg and dahan. ]3hrase. cha'kar, to scratcli cha'rek, (as a bird). cham', cham'kan, to cha'ri, cham'pak, mn-cham'pah, y^ -han, chompaiy. scene, lang-uage. tu'lcarg chat', painter. cha'tur (Sk.), the game of chess; also cha'nai, to polish (metals). awkward, chaig'kat, a low <chai{;'ke !/ hill,; cf. q.v. mntri, gajah, kuda, •chan'du, opium prepared Cf. apiun smoking. madat. Cf. jarggal. main gajah, 'l"'he pieces used are called raja, a gong. gruous. (14C). chat' (Chin.), paint. ichamti, see chmii. •chang'gong;, (Sk.) cha'rut, mn-cha'rut, to use ob- mn-cham'pur, -kdn " (149), to mix, mingle. cham'pur ha'ur, in confusion, v •cham'pur, >cha'naiig;, mn-cha'ri to seek, look for. cha'ri 'a'l-al, to devise means. cha'ri ma' lean, to get a living. pn-cha'ri-an, livelihood. to throw, throw down, throw away. Cf. hmnj and hmpas: see to Cf. hoyalc. recognise, observe, take note of. champins, -han, mn-cha'reJc, tear, rend. for tiv, and bidale. and bu'ah cha'tur, chessmen. pa'pan cha'tur, chess board. incon- i^cha'wan (Chin.), cup, bowl.. Cf. maigkolc and pidla. ^ lukit. (B.), tea cup. chaiig'kol, a large ,hoe used for digging. cha'waiig, a branch = chaharg. ,-cha'wat, loin-cloth. cha'yir, see eha'ir. ch-bis', a fragment, small piece. MALAY-ENGLISH VOC ABU LAKY. chd'ra (Sk.), opposition, defect; chi-ke'weh (B.) (Chin.), family. chim'che" (B.) (Chin.), the opem che^ = inche\ q.v. che'bok, piece a of court in a Chinese house. coco-nut shell, iised for ladling water. Chi'na, China, Chinese. Cf. gayorg. Chech er, great-grandchild. chi'chit, against. la'da Chi'na, the chili, red che'dok, mn-che'dok, to pep- per. see chicliir. ladle. • chin'chaiig;, to ' chop up, mince. chin'chin, a ring. cheh', pshaw exclamation of disgust or scorn. chin'chu (Chin.), a supercargo. (Chin.), kitchen chin'ta (Sk.), sadness,- solicitude,, : (B.) spoon. cheiig;'si che'pir, a metal tray or saucer. cher'cha, mn-cher' cha, to abuse, ^ chi'rit, diarrhoea; usually huarq- cher'dek, cunning, shrewd, clever, y." hnarg ayer.. sharp. che'rek, a chi'rit da'rah, dysentery. kettle. see hin'tanj, meteor. chi'rit cheret, see cMrit. cherewet, heartache, love. her-cMn'ta-](an, to mourn for. pcr-chin'ta'an, mourning, sor- rowing. maM. Cf. insult. j»- chi'ta (Sk.), feelings, sensations,, emotions. du-ka-chi'ta, sorrow. clireiuet. cherita, see chrita. sii-kn-chi'ta, joy. cher'mat, careful, frugal, econo- chi'ta mical. (Hind.), calico, z' cher'rnin, mirror, looking glass, pane of glass. cher'p-lai (Tam.), mongoose. chi'tak, to print; usually chap. -" chi-um', mn-chi-um', to smell,, kiss. ch-kar' (Hind.), hard over (of helm or rudder). ai Cf. (Tam.), sandals. trompah. cher'pu ch-kek', to throttle, strangle. cher't-ra, cher't-ra-l-an (Sk. chaa narrative, tale; to narrate; also chtra and chritra), chkeweh, see cltiheweh. ch-ki' (Chin.), Chinese cards. ch-kra-wa'la (Sk.), the firmament. rita. Che'tek, shallow. lizard. printed Cf. Tcacha. cher'rnin ma'ta, spectacles. cher'rnin mu'ka, looking glass. chi'chak, print, chintz. the Cf. Cf. tohor. common house tleeh. chi'chir, to spill, drop out in dribble. quantities, small Cf. chuchori ch-la', -l-an. defect^ flaw; to blame, cenCf. chachat. vin-ch-la', fault, sure. ch-lah', crack, crevice, fissure. misfortune, calamity^ unlucky; an imprecation. ch-la'ka, MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULAET. ch-la'na, trowsers; usually sluar. ch-Iek', open (of the eyes). ch'lek'kan ma'ta, to open the ^cho'kin (Chin.),, bathing cloth « ^ ™ .^ Cf. basahan. ch-lop', mn-ch-lop', to dip into, soak, steep, dye. ch-lor', to scald, immerse in hot water or oil. ch-lor' a' yum, to dip a fowl in hot water before plucking it. hotor and Cf. dirty. najis. 7-1 r. chok'mar, a 7, battle axe or club. chom'pang;, in the phrase: chompmy-cliampirg, ragged. chon'd-roiig: and chon'dong^ slanting, out of the perpendicular. Cf. merirg, seryet and serorg. chon'dorg ma-ia-lia'ri, sun chm'bul, a small box. chm-bu'ru, chm-pa'ka (Sk.), a tree sweet-scented flowers. with fruit (Tarn.), a pride; whip. Cf. eliabok. chnchaiig:, see cMnchan/. rat. chn-da'na (Sk.), sandalwood. chn-da'wan, mushroom, fungus. ch-tgaig' and ter-ch-rgaiy' , amazed, astonished. chig-ka'dok, grasshopper. chii^'keh, the clove tree. bu'rga chrg'heh, cloves. chis'kois, sunken (of the eyes). game played with also a ; shells on. a board containing 18 holes. choiig:'po (Chin.), a cook. chon'toh, pattern, sample. chon'terg, to smear, daub. a print or sarorg. cho'rerg, streaked, striped, stained. cho'roiig;, a pipe, chiK'k-ram, earnest money. chrg'k-rek, a cricket. cho'ba, mn-cho'ba, to try, attempt; also used in giving, orders in the same way as the English word "please" lamp chimney. ch-pat', quick, quicklj-. Ci. ba- rgat, dras, Jkas, laju. ch-pi'au (Port.), a hat, cap. tojn Cf. and sorgkok. ch-rai', ber-ch-rai' (I-IS), to part from, separate from. ch-rai' -b-rai' , ber-ch-rai' scattered. d'rgan di- bi'ni, vorced. ch-rai' kav, to se]5arate, detach. ch-re'wet, importunate. Cf, ch.ri'ta (Sk.), a tale, story. chertra. (157). clio'ba'i, to Cf.. cho'rak, the colour or pattern of ^hn-chu'rut, the musk ^ proud. choiig:'kak, cowrie shells similar to the jack-fruit, but smaller. a the- somborg. ch-mer'laig, glittering. chm'p-dak, when low. is choig'kak, jealousy. chm-bu'ru-an, jealous. ch'm-ti cho'ki orchu'ki, the Malay game of draughts; also dam, q.v. ^"^ G VGS ch-mar', 25 tempt. pn-cho'ba'an.y temptation. ch-rok', corner of a room, nook, hidden place. i- ' - . 26 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. t/^ ch-ru'tu (Tarn.), cigar. chtra = f/u'tte and chu'rah, mn-chu'rah, to pour out, chu'ram, iChu-a'cha, clear sky, fine weath- chu-ri-cliu'ri, Cf. svchi. •chu'choh, to kindle, set fire cliu'cliolc sarg'gol, to trickle chu'ti (Hind.), leave of absence. D da'chirg, a steelyard. ba'tu da'chiiy, the weight of a (as steelyard. water, tears, etc.). —u — chu'chu, grandchild. ^ a'nah chu'chu, descendants, chu'Ra (Sk.), vinegar. da'deh a'ljer chu'l-ai k-pa'la, poll tax. house pin'tu, dice. da'erah, see da'irah. see cholci. v^ chu'kop, enough, sufficient, daf'tar (Pers.), a com- list, inventory, register, index, table of con- Cf. pada. plete. ^y the (Sk.), curdled milk. da'deh, whey. da'du (Port.), assess- ment. chuki, da'da, the breast, the chest. tarn' par da'da, to beat breast. •chu'kai, tax. chu'lcai stealth- jm-chu'ri, a thief. to.' hairpin. flow, secretly, ily. ichu'chok, to stab, pierce, poke, push in, push through. Cf. iikam cJiu'clioh a' tap, to stitch ataps with rattan. chu'chor, , chu'ri, mn-chu'ri, to steal. "^ 'Chu'bit, to pinch. steep, precipitous, slop- ing (as the side of a hill). er. to clean. and tuaiy. cht'ri (Hind.), an awning. iy^ chu'chi, turn pah Cf. spill. chertra. tents. chu'kor, to shave. foreign; da'gaiig;, in'lcarg rhu'Teor, a barber. pi'sau chu'kor, a razor. a foreigner; also o'raix) da'garg. da-ga'igan, merchandise. chu'la (Sk.), the horn of the rhinoceros and of some fabulous animals. __, chu'ma, only. Cf. sahaja and haiya. per-chu'ma and chu-ma-chu'ma, in vain, to no purpose, for nothing, gratis. Cf. if da'giig, the flesh of living bodies or fruits, also dead meat. da'gini ba'hi, pork. da'giig da'rah, blood relationship. da'giiy ham'hirg or da'girg 6tri-bi'ri, mutton. da'giiy Im'hu, beef. sia-sia. chutig;'ki(, to pick with a pointed dahaga, instrument. ihu)y'kil (jl'gi, da'gu, the chin. tooth-pick. chu'pak, a measure of capacity. see dhaga. da'hak, phlegm. daham, see dham. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. da'han, the smaller branches of a tree. rantirg, dam' (D.), the Cf. choJci. Cf. chabaiy, chararg, and cliawmy. ble b-ri' ; tra dah'shat, to cause terror. Tcrirg. da'i'rah (Ar. circuit), district, neighbourhood. Cf. jajahan. to embrace. Cf. ploh. kind of da'ki, diit on the skin. damdam, da'ki, usually in the form mnda'hi, to ascend, climb (a see resin. dmdam. dam'par, ter-dam'par, aground, stranded. hill). Cf, hqindas. dam'piiig:, ber-dam'pirg, near by, dak-si'na (Sk.), south; usually close to. slatan. da'ku, phonetic form of ahu, H'dan, and. Cf. pun. da'nau, a small lake. wlien following words ending in t^" 11. J/-da'pat, mn-da'pat da' lam (27), in, inside; while, wliilst, during. da'lani an-ta'ra i'tu, in the meanwhile. da'lam ber-ka-ta-ka'ta, ing. (45, 55), to find, obtain, get, be able. ta'da'pat ti-a'da, it cannot but be, it must. da'pat'han, to come up to ot reach a person, meet. pn-da'pa-tan, earnings. da'pur, de'ri da' Jam, Cf. taseJc. da'pa-ti, to find, obtain, get. while speaking. ba'ju da'lam, vest, undercloth- di da'lam, Cf. sjdk- and sntausa. da'mar, resin: hence a torch. da'mar ba'tit, common resin. da'mar la'ut, a timber tree. da'mar ma'ta hu'chirg, a fifl? da'kap, her-da'kap and mn-da'- Mp, of draughts. ber-da'mai, at peace. da'mai-han and ber-da'mai'hati, to pacify, reconcile. per-da'mai-an, reconciliation, atonement (X.). terrified; terri- terror. da"iig, dried fish; also ikan game da'mai, peace, concord. da'hi, the forehead, dah'shat (Ar.), 27 from within. 1^ cooking place, kitchen, stove, oven. in, inside. dar' (Ar.), abode, dwelling; only used in such phrases as: da'ru 's-sa-lani', the abode of k-da'lani, into. ' ma' sol; k-da'lam, to go in; to go into, a king's palace ; peace. (court language). o'raiy da'lam, royal household. u da'lam da'ra (Sk.), usually da'rah, blood. da'leh, excuse. ber-da-leh-da'leh, to cuses. da-li'ma ( . make ex- Sk. ), the pomegranate. da-lu-da'iu, willow. a'nalc da'ra, a virgin. (36, Note), deep; depth. da'rah, dysentery. ta-han' da'rah, to stop bleeding, stanch. tni"pat tum'pah da'rah, birthchi'rit place. ; MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 23 da'girg da'rali, blood relationship. ma'bok da'rah, faint througli loss of blood. hu-arg' a'yer da'rah, dysentery. mn-d'a'wa and d'a'wa-han, to prosecute. da'wai, wire. Cf. kawat. da'wat (Ar.), ink. Cf. tinta. tm'pat da'wat, inkpoti da'rat, dry land, land as opposed to water. her-ja'Ian da'rat, to go or inland. na'iJc k-da'rat, by land or tu'run da'rat, to land, disembark. dar'jat (Ar.), rank. ti'pu da'ya, trickery, deceit. da'ya u-pa'ya, resources, means- <,aJUi.Eev^^«<e-^^^ darji, see derji. da'ya, in da'tans (63), to come. Cf. mari and sampai. hu'lan da'targ, next month. yarg a'kan da'targ, future. ber-da'targ sm'bah, to come and address a superior. da'targ-kan, to bring to pass, " bring about, cause. k-da'ta-rgan, arrival, coming attacked (by sickness, etc.). ; its derivatives: ba'rat da'ya, southwest. s-la'tan da'ya, south-southwest. Da'yak, the inhabitants of the interior of Borneo. da'yarg, a girl, a maid-servant at court; used as a form of address in speaking to a girl. da'ta-rgi, to attack. flat, level (Sk.), means, resource,. plan ; also in a bad sense,. trick, stratagem. of doing things. per-da' ya-kan , to deceive, dupe.. Kffcl* outwit. mn-da'rat, to go inland. da'tar, da'ya usually rata. da'yoiig;, an oar. a'nak da' y org, oarsman, rower.. her-da' yorg , to row, use an oar> d'bar, her-d'bar. to palpitate^ beat (of the heart). grandfather; This word is used by Chinese to denote their gods = Chinese d-dak', bran (of rice). korg. den'derg, dried meat. da'tok: or da' to', a title of Malay chiefs. da'tok ne'nek, ancestors. dau'lat (Ar.), power, state, ma- jesty; hail! dau'lat tu'an-ku, your majesty. da'un, a leaf, blade of grass. da'nn ka'yu, the leaf of a tree. da'un teh', tea-leaves. da'vn t-li'rga, the lobe of the ear. d'a'wa (Ar.), a proseciition, law- suit. k'na d'a'wa, to be prosecuted. d-bii', dust; see Ibu dekar, and habok. see dikar. Cf. haujar.. de'ret, a row, series. ber-de'ret, in a row. der-ha'ka (Sk.), rebellion, trea- son; to rebel; also mnder- liaka. der-ham' (Ar. dirham), a small silver coin. de'ri or da'ri (37), ly ly of places). from above, above. from below. da'lam, from within. dp'ri o'fax. de'ri ba'irah, de'ri from (usual- ^ MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. dn'ri-hal'j about, eoncerning. d-hu'lu from outside. ^- de'ri ma'na, whence? y^de'ri-pa'da, from (of persons), on account of (150), owing to (140), than (89, 90),hofik de'ri-pa'da or Vheh ba'ik (le'ri lu'ar, d-hu'lu, wait a moment. sa'bar d-hu'lu, please be patient. z'man d-hu'lu, olden times. d-hu'lu-i, to precede, go before. d-hu'hi-kan, to prefer, put first. ' (10-5), a particle prefixed to di- verbs to form the passive. on account of. di de'ri situ, thence. ' der'ma (Sk.), almsgiving, alms; usually sdkah. charitable, beneficent. de'sa (Sk.), a district, territory, country. de'wa and de-wa'ta (Sk.), the gods of Hindu mythology. de'wan (Pers.), hall of justice, law court. de-wa'sa de'wi zman (Sk.), (6, 9, 13, 15), he, she, it, they, him, her, them ; also ia. di'a o'rarg, they (colloquial, not found in Malay writings). di'a pu'rya, his, hers, theirs. di-am', ber-di-am' , silent, quiet; to be silent, be quiet, dwell, live. Cf. tirggal and dudoh. di-am-di-am' , quietly, secretly. ber-di-am' di'ri, to keep silence. di-a'mi, to inhabit. di-am'kan, to (Sk.), usually (26, 37), at, in. di'a der'ji (IJipd,), Indian tailor. (Sk.), before ^nan'ti de'ri-pa'da, better than. <der-ma'wan de'ri-pa'da, (pre^p.). de'ii sa'na, thence. de'ri s-bab', 2^ time, period; or masa. goddess; fem. of silence, put to permit. k-di-a'man, habitation, ing place. silence; to dwell- d-gil', obstinate. di'an, a candle. Cf. lilin. ka'ki di'an, a candlestick. d-ha'ga, di'aiig;, de'ira. thirst. ber-d-ha'ga, thirsty. id-ham', a slight cough, made to attract attention or to cigar to the throat. her-d-hain', to cough as de- scribed above. washerman; see warm oneself at a (Port.), fire. thimble; also a ^i'ctdtQ%'^ di'deh, mn-di'deh, to boil, bubble. a'yer di'deh, the water in which rice has been boiled =(B.) ayer am. doli; also bnara. previous, former; fore (adv.) ; see hulu. formerly, d-hu'lu- l-a'la, olden times. 4l-hu'lu, di'dal lidal. ^dhat' or zat (Ar.), substance, • essence. zat' Allah or dha-tu 'I'lah, the divine essence or nature. >dho'bi, mn-di'arg, to toast, warm Cf. pargat an open fire. garg. ber-di'aig and ber-di'arg di'ri, be- in di'kar, mn-di'kar, to fence (with kris or sword) ; also dekar. di'kau, thee, phonetic form of argkau, chiefly used after words ending in n. MALAY-EiS'GLISH VOCABULATIY. 30 d-la'pan, eight; also pronounced lapan. (For derived forms dikit, see sdikit. di'na (Sk.), poor, unfortunate. hi'na di'na, the poor and lowly, common the di'nar (Ar.), a coin, usually of d-mam' d-mam' a partition, interior wall of a house. din'diiig;, ; see dalimu. gi'gil, ague. h-pi-a'lu, continued fever. d-mam' Cf. sjuh. di'igin, cold, cool. ampat). ,,d-mam', fever. >' gold. • see d-li'ma, pomegranate people. ku'ra, intermittent fe- ver. di-ni-ha'ri, early dawn, twilight. dm'dam, diraja, see adiraja. dirham, see derham. ^di'ri (33-24), oneself; also self, sn-di'ri. ha'wa di'ri, ber-di-am' 1^^* da'lam to take oneself off. keep silence. inwardly, in one's di'ri, to di'ri, heart. u--" d'mi or da'mi, when, as, at the time when; by (in oaths). dm'ki-an or d-mi-ki'an (143),. thus, in this manner, in that manner. dm'ki-an i'ni, in this manner. dm,'ki-an i'iii, in that manner. min'ta di'ri, to excuse oneself, take leave. ,^^ s'o'rarg di'ri, alone, by oneself. dm'ki-an ju'ga (163 a), just that way. sn-di'ri, self. sa'ma among them- sn-di'ri-tya, fine, mulct. k'na dn'da, to incur a fine. dn'dam, desires, longings; also' in a bad sense, a desire for vengeance. selves. ber-di'ri, standing erect; to ha'las stand. di'ri-Tcan, to erect, m-na'roh dn'dam, to harbourrevenge, bear malice; see- establish. drgki. mn-di'rus, to sprinkle; also diris; usually percheTc. di'rus, rin'du close, rat. d'ii;an, with, together with, and,. near, (91) as. d'lyan dm'ki-an, that being thecase. d'rgan hi'dop-rya, alive. d'rgan ka-dar'-nya, proportion- dla"if (Ar.), weak, feeble, iutirm; usually Imah. d-la'ki (B.), maie^lahi-laki. (Ar.), the vowel point corresponding to o and u; ately. d'rgan na'ma Al'lali, : in the- name of God. d'rgan p-ren'tah, ' diam'mah see haris. dn'dam, anxious long- ings. nearly, almost ; also d-hat' d'rgan, and Cf. hampir. d-hat' h-pa'da. d-lca'ii, to approach. d-kat'l-an, to bring near. '-d-kat', dn'dam, to revenge one- self. construct, her-di'ri-Tcan, to erect. d-kan', the .bamboo in. dn'da (Sk.), a Icn-di'ri, self. _^- rancour, animosity; see dndam. by order. d'rgan s-lrg.'kap-rya, fviUy equipped, complete. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 31 txT,d-pan', in front d'rgan s'o'rarg di'ri, alone. of see hadap. d'rgan ti'a'da, without. d-ras', rapid, swift. Cf. laju,. ber-ch-rai' d'rgan, to separate pantas, Ucas and bargat. from. d-ri'ta, mn-d-ri'ta (Sk.), to withser'ta d'rgan, togetlier with. stand, bear, endure; Cf.. d'l^ar, m-n'igar, (102f), to hear, tahan. listen. ti-a'da ter-d-ri'ta, unendurable,, d'rgar-kan, to listen to. unbearable. k-d'iya-ran, it was heard {imd-ru', mn-d-m', to roar (as the' ; ^ pels.). p-n'rga-ran, the sense of hearing. envy, malice. diig:'ki, '' m-na'roh drg'ki, to bear malies. noise of waves or voices). d-rum', mn-d-rum' , to kneel (of elephants and camels). d-rum'kan, to cause to kneel. ds'tar dii;'kur, ber-drg'Jcur, to snore. d-Tgorg', ier-d-rgorg' , hum. d'rgu or du'iigru, do" a, to read or repeat prayers. min'ta do" a, to pray. , do'bi for. (Hind, dhobi). a washer- man, a du'dok doctor, dotn'ba (Pers.), a sheepi, kambiig and biri-biri. __ "^ n'nak dom'ba, a lamb. a'nak dom'ba Al'lah, the of.. God (X.). ^do'sa (Sk.), a. Cf. Lamb crime, an offence; sin. ber-do'sa, to commit an offence, be guilty of a crime or sin; sinftil., dosin, aee.dusin. d'pa, a fathom. to sit down, sit, remain,. dwell. one who practises western medicine. Cf. boiho and dukun. (Eur.), du'a-kan, to make two. pn-du'a, second, duplicate. ^^ u'dok, Cf. bnara. do'dol, a kind of sweetmeats, dok'tor du-a-du'a, both. du'a ka'Ii, twice. du'a la' pis, double (as cloth). du'a-ti'ga, two or three. ber-du'a and ber-du-a-du'a. in' pairs. ber-do"a, to pray. do"a-kan, to pray , head- (For the usual dev.^d u'a, two. rived forms see nmpai). Cf.. stupid, dull-witpasarg and ganda. (Ar.), prayer. ba'clia turban, buzz, to ted; usually bodoh. j^ do"a (Pers.), cloth. ber-si'la, to sit with legs- crossed like a tailor. du'dok d'rgan, to be married si'la to.. du'dok, please be seated. du'do-ki, to sit on, inhabit. du'dok-kan, to seat (a person). k-du'do-kan, seat, place rof abode. du'ga, mn-du'ga, to find out the depth, sound, probe, fathom. ba'tu du'ga, sounding lead. Cf.. prum. ta'li du'ga, lead-line. a copper coin; in Singapore = i cent, in Penaig = 1 cent. du'it (D.), 32 r JIALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 'du'ka (Sk.), giiul', sorrow, sadness; also du-ka-clii'ta. ber-du'ka and ber-du-ka-chi'ta, saTc'si dus'ta, a false witness. du'sun, a village; the country a» opposed to the town. to be sad, grieve. mn-du'korg, to carry a person or a child, usually on the back or hip, sometimes in the arms. 'du'koiig, eh'war, see ihwal. ~^»Sr ff/VL e'ja, to spell du'ku, the name of a ^ fruit. see heja. -du'kun, a native doctor, midwife. C'f. doMor, bidan and bomo. ekh'las (Ar.), sincerity; sincere; ydu'\&Tg, a salver or tray, usually of wood; smaller than the ek-li'si-a (Gr.), the church, the also ikh'las. church universal (X.). talam. perhimponan and •dulapan, see diapan. du'li ^e'kor (Sk.), dust; a form of address to kings, as dull b-gin'da, du'li yarg dl-per-tu'an, your or his majesty ; see jun- jorg. !/' -dun'ia (Ar.), world. inhabited ('*( eye. (Port.), an ell, m-ige'laTe, to 'elmu, see 'ilmu. e'lok, beautiful, handsome, pleasant, excellent. ih'e'lo-kan, beauty, excellence. w e'nak nice, (Jav.), pleasant, senses; agreeable to the usually sdap. eif^gan, see 'nj-gan. du'pa (Sk.), incense. Ct starggi.'i «'«'^'' a thorn, spine. Zfflw'f^ffl/i;, porcupines' quills. du'rif Cf. bulu landalc. du'ri-an, the the durian. du'sin (Eng. name (^•)' ^"°S^^ e'reig, lateral, on the side. e're-igan rumah, the side of a house. bi'lel- ber-du'ri, thorny. of a fruit. a yard. dodge, avoid a blow, evade an order. .'"'e'lak, du'igu, stupid; see drgu, ^^du'ri, eoefi- bin'targ ber-e'hor, comet. dun'ia, the inhabitants of the earth. naf'su dun'ia, worldly lusts. per-i' da-ran dun'ia, a cycle, period of time. dun'ia a'l-Jii-rat, in this world and the nest, for all time. (84), tail; numerical i/^ e'kor ma'ta, the corner of the i..<|"e'la the Cf. greja. ficient of animals. her'ta dun'ia, worldly goods. ^ ; e'jek, m-rge'jek, to tease. e're-njan, a side room. E-ro'pah, Europe; also Airopah. erti, see arti. and D.), dozen; also lusin. dus'ta (Sk.), false, mendacious, untrue; (B.) jiis'ia. e'rut, twisted, crooked. e'sok, to-morrow; also k'e'so-han lia'ri-rya, besoJc. the day. ^ I' next ;; MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABDLAKT. 33 f-dlu'U-kan, to care for, take trouble about. fa"al or (Ar.), act, deed, conduct, behaviour. fi"il action, fa-ham' (Ar.), fer'dlu understanding, benefit profit,' fham, fi'il, advantage, dawn. Cf. ions. dini- fi-ra'sat fir'daus of (Ar.), a religious mendi- to f-riig'gi t'hus why ? ga'diiig, haris. ,. " $-dlu'li (Ar.), to trouble oneself, concern oneself, care aboiit; usually pronounced p-du'Ji. to redeem a elephant's tusk; ivory; also the ribs of a boat. (Ar.), the vowel point chapter ga'dai, pledge, take out of pawn. ga'dai-kan, to mortgage, pawn. fa'sik (Ar.), immoral, depraved, wicked. first' (Ar.), European. G to. corresponding to a ; see command,, or a sultan). ga'dai, pawn, mortgage. pawnbroker's pa'jak ga'dai, farm or monopoly. fa'sal (Ar.), chapter," section about, concerning, with re- fa'ti-hah' (Ar.), the of the Koran. God also Parsi. fat'hah command fit'nah (Ar.), calumny, slander. fit'nah-kan, to calumniate. fa'na (Ar.), mortal, perishable, gard the or of a sultan. b- fir' man, to decree, 'falsu, see palsu. a' pa fa'sal, God say (of Persian; Paradise^ fir'man (Ar.), decree, cant, beggar; poor. ^ (Ar.), Garden of Eden. sion. a . . her-fa'kat, to be in agreement. transitory; as opposed haka, imperishable. fi-ra'- sat. agree; also miiafakat, and pdkat. s-fa'l-at, in agreement, in colluate, (Ar.), (Ar.), the art of phy- siognomy; also 'il'mu fa'kat (Ar.), to confer, deliber- Far'si see fa'al. ber-fi'Jcir (Ar.), to think, ponder, meditate. fifkir-kan, to refiect upon, fi'ki-ran, thoughts, ideas, opin- hari. tfa'kir see faliam. xfi'kir, : (Ar.), q.v. fihak, see pihaJc. geous. fa'jar per'lu, f eriiggi, see frirggi. also fa'edah. useful, advantaIjer-fa'i'dali, , apportioned), reduty; usually pro- nounced knowledge ; acquainted with often pronounced p-ham'. m'lah fa-ham' J misunderstood. m-fa-hani', to be informed .about, know, understand. fa'i'dah (Ar.), (Ar. ligious disturbance, uproarv noise; also per-ga' do-han. ga'doli, ga'gah, strong, powerful; force, strength. fja'ga-lii, to paksa. Cf. kuat. compel, force. Cf. ,/ -^ 34 11 ga'gak, ga'mis (Ar. qamis), a ci'ow, raven. ga'gap, io stammer, VOCABULARY. A LA Y-i: NGLISTI ga'm-lan stutter. gam'paig q.v. /^ ). to ga'nas, = ber-ma'in play chess; illegitimate- man, fierce, ferocious, violent- see gan'chu, a hook. Cf. gan'da, fold, in the expressions-: ^s-pu'Ioh gan'da, ten-fold. s-ra'-tvs gan'da, a hundred- tipah. o'raiy ga'ji, a hired ^ fold. ser- $-ka'li gan'da, or vant. ma'l'an ga'ji, to receive wages or a salary. du'a Ica'U gan'da, twice as much. again. her-gan'da-gan'da, manifold. ing boats. gan'dom ga'lah, a long thin pole such as is used on native boats for poling or mooring them. up wlicat; aisrt- gatg'gang:, ber-garg'ga.iy, to warnt Cf. dian/. oneself at a fire. mig-gaig'garg. to warm or dry (as flame over a or passion), excite. mrtj-ga'larg, to (Pers.). trigu. fierce, savage. ga'lak-l-aii, to stir qan'da, two- fold.' ga-la-ga'la, pitch used for caulk- ga'laiii:, gam'parg, an elephant. (ja'jah (Eur.), wacfes, salary. ga'lak, easy; iisually child. chatur. ga'ji (Jav.), a'naJc Cf. alirat. cha'iur, Javanese- siiaiy or inudah. ga-ha'ru or g-ha'ru, aloeswood. /" ga'jah (Sk. ^ ber-ma'in shirt, vest. a band. gah', fame, renown, glory; also mgah, (Jav.), fire. gaitg;'gu, impatient, prop up, interfering, shore up; also halarg. importunate,, meddlesome; to- be in a hurry. ga'li, mrg-ga'U. to l/^ m^. gan'ja, the Indian hemp, from v.hich an intoxicating drug prg-ga'U, spade; pick-axe. ga'li-an, a mine, also l--li'an. ga'mak, is draw a nng-r/a'malc, to dagger or sword partly out of the sheath, so as to threaten an. adversary. ga'mak, ga-malc-ga'mal-, at a guess, approximately. gan'jil, gam'baii;, a musical instrument. /^ gam'bar, a picture, portrait, pic- gan'targ, (see draw a pic/ ture. gam'bir, the name of a plant, UaA-'.Y^nla -^^ (of nnm a measure of capacity end of Grammar). J-jf-'" cessively. K o»^ uneven Cf. gnap. even. gan'ti, substitute, successor; in' place of, instead of. hcr-gnii-ti-gnn'fi. in turn, sue gambier. r*aJkariA odd, bers). toral representation. tn'lU grini'har, to made. gan'jal, a wedge or " liner " inserted in frames or bearings to tighten them up; the' spaces used with type toseparate the words. •"• " *'' Cf. giJir. : . MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULAUY. gan'ti-Jcarij to succeed, take the place of a person. t/~ gan'tang;, her-gan'toxj, to hang, gan'tory-ltan, to ga'iyut, hard, hang not ger'baig, the gate of up. mealy after savage, fierce, pin'tu drill. prg-ge'reh, a drill. ^ger-ga'ji (of (Sk.), saw. ger-ga'sl, a fabulous race of giants. gar'fu (Port.), a fork. gar'ham, fortress, a- also £_J^ge'rek, mrg-ge'reh, to bore, furious hoarse deep, castle; mrg-ger'harg, to let the hair in disorder. down Cf. ganas. ga'rau, loud, sounds) town or ger'baig, salt. pat ga'ram, salt cellar. ga'ra-mi, to salt, cure. tin.' ga'rai^, a, ger'harg. cooking (of bad potatoes). ga'ram, run over by the wheels of carriage. Cf. gilinj. ge'leig, mrg-gc'hnj, to shake the head. suspend; to rely upon. . 35 ger'ham, a double cf. see gerliam. ga'ring, a basket slung on the molar; tulaig ger'ham, jaw bone. gerhana, back. tooth, gigi. see grahana. coarse sand, gravel. a scratch, score, groove,'^" ger'sek, l,.^ Also kersek. incised mark = goris. mrg-cia'ris, to score, make a ger'tak, mrg-ger'iak, to stamp, scratch. strike with the feet (as a person urging on a horse), ^/^ ga'rok, mnj-ga'roh, to scratch, ga ris, scrape. prg-ga'rok, scraper, rake, curry- comb. ga'rut, a scratch. strike weapons together in order to intimidate ; hence to threaten. ger'fak gi'gi, to grind the teeth. Cf. garis. Also kertak U^ mrg-ga'mk, to strike with a stick. ga'sak, , gigi. beiatj Cf. ge'sek, img-ge'sek, to rub, cause ga'tal, itchy, itching; the itch; friction (usually of rough things). Cf. gcxel, gesiv '?iT\^ gosok. ge'sek M-o'la, to play the fiddle. prg-ge'sek, the fiddle bow. bdal. ga'siig, a child's top. ma'in ga'sirg, to play tops. also lascivious. ge'sel, ga'yoig, a ladle made out of a Cf. chehok, coco-nut shell. which has no handle. g-doii;', storehouse, barn. Cf. giidarg., ge'lek, mtg-ge'lek, to roll with a roller or rolling pin; to be ^A^<a/a l:^'^) mrg-ge'sel, to rub to- gether. ge'sir, mrg-ge'sir, to rub between the palms of the hands. g-gak', in the phrase g-gak' gm-pi'ta, a loud con* fused noise. g-gap' = ggah, q.y. ._ : MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 36 b/^ g-larg' ka'ki, anklets. g-gat', a bookworm; the larva of g-lary' ta'rgan, bracelets. the moth which destroys clothing. Cf. Mam. C-J-g-Iap', dark, obscure. gha"ib (Ar.), to disappear, vag-lap' gu-li'ta, pitch dark. nish. j/ bu'lan g-lap', the time the moon- is invisible. > g-ha'ra, a'wafc g-ha'ra, legitimate ^ ma-ta-ma'ta QeH/Vf?A children. g-lar', gha'rib (Ar.), foreign, strange. ber-g-Iar', detective. g-lap', confer a surname. having a title or sur- mrg-g-lar', title or g-ha'ru, aloes-wood. when to ghee, clarified beef fat, used name. by natives of India; also mig-la'ran, surname, title. njak sapi. ,_^g-Fas' (Eur.), drinking glass. Cf. gerham. gi'gi. a tooth. g-l-gar', floor joists. gi'gi a'su, canine teeth. gi', v-^ gi'gi s-ri', the front teeth. g-li', ticklish, excitable, cha'bot gi'gi, to draw a tooth clmrg'kil gi'gi, tooth-pick. l/" gi'git, mrg-gi'git, to bite. O-' gi'la, u-' mad, insane, glitar, see gltar. ^ j_/^ gi'laig, gi'larg-g-mi'larg, shining, Cf. glittering. y Icilat. mrg-gHlirg, to roll (berollers as in a roller mill), roll up (as sails), grind (as with curry stone and roller). Cf. gdek and gi'liiKt tween gulirg. ha'tu gi'lirg, stone for grinding curry stuff. \y gi'lir (115), alternation, change, relieving guard. alternately, in sucCf. ganti. cession, in turn. gi'li-ran, turn, change of guard. turn, ber-gi'lir, |/-gin'tiig, a roofing tile = gntirg. g-lak', in the phrase ter-ta'wa g-lak' g-lak', to laugh uproariously. ^ g-lam', the name of a tree, the bark of which is used for caulking boats. g-laig', bracelet, anklet. 'CfV^t^T " r,.(ll.-, g-lin'cliir, mrg-g-lin'chir, to slip, slide. idiotic, gi'la ba'bi, epilepsy. unable to control oneself. -g-Io'joh, greedy, gluttonous. g-lok', a vessel for water with a narrow neck. • g-lo'rah (Ar.), stormy, troubled. g-lom'baig, large waves, breakers. Cf. ombak and g-I'tar, mrg-g-l'tar, Cf. gmntar. to alun, tremble. g-lu'matg, mrg-g-lu'marg, to wallow in mud; smeared wibh mud. Cf. lumor and hnbarg. g-mal', a bundle of sticks, sheaf of grain. g-ma'la, mythical jewels supposed to have magic properties. Also kmala. g-mar', pleased, glad, joyful; joy- ber-g-mar' , to rejoice. k-g-ma'ran, that which gives pleasure; enjoyment, rejoicing. : MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 37 gm-ba'la, shepherd ; see gomhala. \-SA'tirg, a roofing tile. a'tap gn'tirg, a tile roof. Sm-be'ra, excited, excitement. ^ goa' (B.) (Chin.) (10), I, me. Smllaig, see gilarg. gmntar, see gntar. gm'pa, shaking, quaking, ' * L>^ go'a and go'ha, a cave. especigo'choh, mrg-go'clioh, to strike ally of earthquakes. ^1 with the fist. Cf. tuniboTc. gm'pa iu'mi, earthquake. be'r-go'choh, fighting with the gm'par, tumult, uproar, gm-pi'ta ' riot. • • boxing. fists, ' -'-i ' roaring go'lek, Ser-^'o'Zeil', to turn or roll usually in the 1/ (of noises) backwards and forwards (as phrase a fowl on a spit, or a bbat g-gap' gm-pi'ta or g-gnk' gmCf gtdirg, gilirg rolling) pi'ta, a loud confused noise. and geleh. go'leh-lcan, to roll or turn anyg-mok', fat, corpulent, stout; thing backwards and forCf. tamfertile (of soil). wards. bon. (Sk.) loud, : . ^/^ , ^ g-m-rn'cheig, clattering, ciank- go'lok ing. gmtar, (__ ^ Cf. ganjil, odd. s-g-nap', the whole, all. the s-g-nap' dun'ia, world. s-g-nap' poultry. to herd, tend gon'chaigj mrg-gon'charg, -lean, to shake with more or \y^ lia'ri, the whole day. rapidity to complete, consummate. gn'dang;, a long .cylindrical shaped drum; also gndrarg. gn'd-raqg;, a large darg. drum; gig'gam, the closed hand, see gn- Cf. ' gon'dah, uneasy, anxious. pa'sarg gon'dafi, neap tide. gon'dok, goitre. gondol, bald, bare-headed, bare of leaves (of trees), bare of Cf. vegetation (as hills). fist. s-grg'gam, a handful. grg'garman, the grasp. gn'ta (Sk.), a violence, ber-gon' charg , trembling, shaking (intrans.). accom- plish, or goyaitg. sand. U^' tends . gom-ba'la-han, animals. whole who gom-ba'la a'yam, one s-ri'bu g^nap', exactly a thou- g-na'pi, chopping a = pararg. gom-ba'la (Sk.), a shepherd, herdsman; a pastor (X.). see guroh. g-nap', dompiete, entire, consummated, even (of numbers). --' (Penang), knife see gtar. gmuroh, . bell;. usually lo- cherg. gn'tar and g-mn'tar, to tremble, especially with fear; also g'tar and g-im'tar. 'botah. Igoig', a gong. mrg-gorg'gorg, to goig'gon?, carry in the mouth (as a dog). i^ goni, see guni. ; ; MALAY-EXGLISH VOCABULARY. ?8 go'poh, haste, Iiuitv hasty.; ; haigat. g'tah, Cf. go-poh-go'poh, ni'tar. go'sok, iing-go'soh (86), to rub" with the idea of cleaning or polishing. Cf. gu'ber-nur L.'^' shake, to swing to and fro as the branches of a tree, oscillate. shake (trans.), agitate.' (Sk.), eclipse; governor; warehouse, a shop. store, Cf. gdorg. gu'gur, to ^ Cf. gonchaig. go'yayg-kan and mig-go'yaig, to .g-ra-ha'na (Eur.), also pnirentah. gu'daig, gesek. bei-go'i/aig. exudes g'tar, to tremble; usually gn'tar or g-nin'tnr, sometiilies g- go'ris, a scratch, score, groove incised mark = garis. ^^/-^go'yaig, which trees, birdliine, rubber. g'tah per'cha, gutta percha. g'tah kain-bo'ja, gamboge. liastily. ^__^^ go'riig, to fry in fat, broil, grill. Cf. rndarg. ^/- gum the from [ also gerlinna. fall (of small light things) ; also sometimes with the idea of a premature, ox unnatural fall, as of falling stars, fruit falling from a tree, hair from the head, a premature birtii, etc. Cf. luroh. g-rak', ber-g-rak', to move, stir gu'gur a'nak-nja, to ihiscarry. gu'gur-kan, to cause to fall in (lilt inns.). icr-g-rak' , moved. ier-g-iak' ha'ti-tya, the manner described above. heart his gu'la (Sk.), sugar. Cf. tbu. was moved. V-" gu'la ba'tu, sugar candy.' g-mVl-an, to move, put in mogu'la hi' tarn, biovfn sugar. tion. sugar made gu'la M-la'ka, g-ral/kan k-pa'la, to nod the from the coco-nut tree; head. Cf. gelenj. g-ram', anger: angry. rah and gumr. sometimes gu'la hi'tam. ma- Cf. ^^^ gu'la g-ra'fgan, pray, prithee (in questions). Cf. gu-Ji'ga (Sk.), the bezoar stone. gu'liig, ber-gu'lirg, to roll to roll ill. (court mlil. sick Ci'. gu-li'ta, dark li'ta, (as silk or tinsel), ; usually g-lap' gu- pitch dark. mrg-gu'lorg, to roll up a 'mat, -sail, sheets of pauer, etc.) ; a roll made in this way. Cf. gilirg. gil'loig, g-ru'da (Sk.), a fabulous bird; also gurda. g'ta (Sk.), couch, sofa, bed. ' usual- wheel oneself on the ground. Cf. goleh, gilirg and geleh. mig-gu'liiy and gu'Urg-kan, to roll anything along. langu- g-ri'sek, mrg-g-risck, to make a rustling or crackling noise ; ly to roll along as a ing. age). Cf. taiik. .gu'lai, curry.' g-re'ja (Port.), a church build- g-riig', or ' lira-iya. g-re'ba (Ar. qirbat), water-skin. ]j^ gi-anulated pa' sir, moist sugar. j/^ (as I . : MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABDLABY. -Sa'mol, hcr-ijii'mol, :S;um'pal, a dough), wrestle. to '^.^ t' V'^jJ^ Of. (jmli. lump clod, clot ohe's teacher, learn from. gus', in the phrase in (as s-ka'li gus', all at once; all at Of. of .blood. hiikii. her-gum'pal, clotted, lumpy; of (cor. (B.) to wrestle (jumol). :gu'na (Sk.), use, utility magic. \/^ a' pa gu'nn? what is the use? 39 same time. the gu'sar, angry; to be angry. Cf. marah and gram, angry gu'sa-ri, to be at or with. gu'si, the gums. ; ^ gu'na-livii, to use, gus'ti (Pers.), wrestle. o'hat gii'na. a charm. ber-gu'na, useful. use of. H :gundol, see gondol. ha'bis (HJnd.), a sack jute. l-a'in made of Cf. harorg. gu'ni, sack cloth. Cf. had id. 76), finished, comexhausted, 6xtinct; utterly, entirely, completely; also in this sense s-lidi%s("to, pleted, ha'bis. Cf. l--iiiHii'(hah gu'noig, a the top of mountain. and des- h-liini' ha'bi-s, not yet iinished. sn'd'ih finished. lui'bi.<i, lia'bis-hui, to finish, complete, terminate. gun'tiig-l-an, to cut with scissors, shear. :Xun'tor, thunder; usually guroli. igu'rau, bei^gu'rau, to jest. Cf. , termin- ation. hab'lur ^ha'bok, Hab'shi (Pers.), crystal. Cf. Ihu dust. (Ar.), and db'u. Abj'ssinian, Ethiopian. xiiidir ,and jnulcn. ha'bu, ashes; see abu. :gurda, see gruda. :gu-rin'dam jlas. entirely pig-iia'bi-san, the end, rgun'tiiig;, scissors, shears. iiiig-guii'tiig sudah and bi-na'sa, troyed. mountain. ^y^ rT^ liahi'i. 3;u'norg;, a mountain. gu'noig' ber-a'pi, a volcano. ka'l'i gu'noig, the foot of a to gus'ti (Jav.), lord. make ^un'dek, concubine. .-gu'ni her-gus'ti, Cf. giuiioi. (Tam.), rhyming jH'Overbs. had' (Ar.), limit, boundary til. Cf. smpadan and ;,un- preirj- gan. thunder, also similfir Cf. guntor. loud noises. ha'dap, vriy-ha'dap, -i, to face, like r thundering, g-mu'roli, stand liiiforo or in the prethunder. sence of, interview a person. .-jju'roh, \^ Su'rii (Sk.), a teacher, clergyman master, Cf. /jigajar, school- iiiidila (X.-). and padri. bev-gu'ni h-pa'dOj to have as ha'dnp-lwi, to bring or place before a ])erson, introduce. Jia'da-pan and di lia'da-pan. before, in front of, in presence of ; contracted to d-pan' (B.) MALAT-EXGLISH VOCABULARY. 40 6a'ns di ha'da-pan or ba'ris dpan', the vowel sign corresponding to and a; see haiis. de'ri-haV, about, concerning. ha' la, direction, course. (Ar.), lawful, Ifegitifn'ate, allowable; as opposed to ha- ha'di-ah (Ar.), presented, ofEered a gift, present. Vt. pin- "^ ram, unlawful. : brian and aimgrali. ha' I al -l-a n, ' ha'dith or ha'dis (Ar.), the Mo- hammedan ' traditions. hafati (Ar.), to learn by heart. Also hapal. hai' (132), an interjection; oh! hai'bat or he'bat (Ar.), dread, awe-inspiring. terrible, dahshat. (148), astonished; to wonder; wonderful. Cf. 'aja'ih. i/'ha'jat (Ar.), need, necessity; the wants of nature. her-ha'jat, needing, requiring; to require. Z' ha'ji (Ar.), a pilgrim, one who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca. na'ik ha'ji, to perform the pil- grimage, become a haji. hajrat, see hijrat. hak' (Ar.), truth, due, Cf bnar. la'in, to right; ; . usurp another's rights. ii-a'da'd'rgan Iml'-iya, unjustly. ha'kim (Ar.), a judge. hal' (Ar.), state, condition, cir- / cumstance. ]ial' ih'u-al. circumstances and conditions. -lean, to drive ha'li-a, ginger. ning, thunderbolt ; also hala- lintar. ha-li'pan or li'pan, a centipede; see hit pan. haluan, large- see hlvan. ha'lus, fine, thin, delicate, refin- ^ ed. Cf. nims and tipis. (Ar.), sweets, confectionery. pastry- ham'ba, slave ; used as a pronoun of the 1st person in addressing superiors. Cf. sahya. ham'ba Al'lah, a poor wveteh. ham'ba ra'ja, a king's servants or retainers. tu'an ham'ba, sir; used as » pronoun of the 2nd person ii» addressing superiors.'"'' " per-ham'ba-kan, to enslave. per-ham'ba-lcan di'ri, to submit oneself. per-ham'ba'an, claim just, true. am'bil hah' o'rarg ^ hlaman. hal'wa hai'ran or he'ran (Ar.) \. declare' ha-li-lin'tar, a stroke of liglit- hadapkan. C'f. see ha'Iau, mrg-ha'lau, away. ha'dl-rat (Ar.), presence; lordship, majesty. awe; permit, io lawful. halaman, ha'dlir or ha'lir (Ar.), present, arrived; prepared, ready. ha' dlir-l-an , to bring or place before a person, introduce = ^^Wc; ha'lal servi- slaverj', tude. ham'bat, imy-ham'bat, sue, Cf. chase. to pur- kjar and^ iisir. ham'bat ha'ti o'rarg, to seek to win people's affections. ham'bur, mrg-ham'bur, -kan, to< scatter money, (as etc., ceremonies). rice, pearls, at festivals Cf. tabiir. »vA xu MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. ha'mil (Ar.), pregnant. hampa, ^ am'par, mrg-ham' par, -i, mrg-lian'tar, -kan, to. convey, escort; also to send in charge of another. Cf.. bawa, irirg and kirim. ier-lian' tar, Isii^ down, stretched out on a bed or on the ground, as a sick or sleepingperson or a corpse. -kan. to spread out (as mats, carpets, grain, etc.). Cf. hntarg. Jiam'pa-ran, a carpet. ham'pa-ran ham'pas, ha'tu, pavement. refuse, residue. ham'pas sa'gu, sago I' refuse. han'tu, a ghost; evil spirits supposed to haunt certain places. Cf. jin and 'ifrit. bu'roig hantu, the owl. ja'ri han'tu, the middle finger.. ham'pir, mrg-liam' pir , near, nearly, almost; to approach, draw near. liam'pi-ri, to Cf. dhai. draw near to, ap- proach a thing. ha'iya, only, merely, except, but> Cf. chuma, mlainkan and sahaja. Iiam'zah (Ar.), an orthographical sign, used to introduce a syllable ha'iyir, a fishy smell ha'iyut, her-ha'ryut, float han'chur, mrg-lian'cliur, -lean, to crush, reduce to powder, dissolve in liquids, decompose; also metaphorically of the heart. Cf. rmok. companion, comrade, Cf. taulan, sahabat friend. handak, ha'pus, mrg-ha'pus, to obliterate,. efface, rub out, wash out. hara, see huru-hara. ha'ram kar, which means to, ; prohibit, de- trust, con- fidence; to hope, trust. ha'rap-kan, to trust in, rely upon: k-ha'ra-pan, disappointed. har'dek, mig-har'dek, to reprove, scold. Cf. trgkirg. ha'ri (Sic), day of 34 hours. Cf. siatg. . ha'ri b-sar', festival, holiday. bu'Ian, date. hu'jan, a rainy rainy' weather. ha'ri iron; sume. to ha'rap (148), hope, also of to apply without necessaril,^ consuming, as in heating Iia'rgus-kan, Cf. halal. clare illegal. burn, be burnt, conCf. baor scorched. heat forbidden, prohi- unlawful; sacred, hal- ha'ram-lan, kau. sumed ;(.Ai'.), lowed. iand haig' (Penang), thou, you ^arg- ha'iig;us, to drift,, o'rarg ha'ryut, a vagabond. see hndak. ha'i^at, hot (fire heat) Cf. panas. anger. ha'rgat-kan, to heat. to on the water. bited, friends ran- hapal, see hafatl. and kawan. han'dai tau'lan, companions. fetid, ; cid. commencing with a vowel. han'dai, hntam. see .>an'tar, hmpa. see hantam, Cf buntirg. 4L to burn up, con- ^ ha'ri day or , -42 — MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. /("'// lii-a'mat, the day of judg- profits, ment. t/ /((/'// ^^ va'iin. festival. v^ i'lii lia'ri, — -^ — . - has'ta (Sk.), a cubit. hn'n= pa'gi, movning. hn'ri = p-ia after- '/ If/', ha'ti, the liver; the heart as the seat of the passions (the organ which circulates the noon. every day. ••-liii-ii-hn'ii. daily, day long. s-pnii'jaig ha'ri, all day long. f'Kjah ha'ri, midday. .•i-lia-ii-lui'ri-an, all ha'ri n'had, or mirg'go, hn'ri Sunday. or ha'ri sa'tii, day. hn'ri y-ln'xa, or ha'ri lin' ri is' II in, blood is jantorg) ; fig., tlfe centre of things. ^ ha'ti b-sar', proud. r^ ha'ti pa'nas, hot temper. ha'ti pu'teh, a clear conscience. ^^'ain'bil ha'ti, to win the affec- ^ Mon- tions. a-igan-a'rgan (X.). clu'a, Tuesday. h-ri' ha'ri r'hu, or ha'ri ii'ga, Wed- or ha'ri Vi Friday. xfib'tit, or ha'ri a-nain' k lia-ri'mau or h-ri'mau, a hn-ri'niau a'lnr, a large wild ha'rom, ing; da'han, tree leopard. fragrant, a sweet sweet-smellCf. smell. ach. i' ri ha'ti, spite, ha'ru, grudge against a person, hard hearted. y.-nia'ta tion. trouble; especially of demoniacal possession. ha-ru-bi'ni, confusion, disorder. \^- ha'rus, necessary, obligatory, proper; it behoves, ought, Cf. patut. should. ha'rus, stream, current, movi'iuent of water. ha'sil spiritual ha'ti, percep,,., . pa'uas ha'ti, angiy. angry offended, ha'ti. with a person. lurg-ha'rii, to stir, disturb, agitate, ,et having a ]e-ras' ha'ti, -fn'Ji'it wauji. malevolence. k-rhil' ha'ti, spiteful; y/-- hii-ri'iriaii ^ ^ tiger. cat. in- d'igan s-bu-lat-bu'lat ha'ti, with one's whole heart. hu'hi ha'ti, the pit of the stom- ma, Saturday. encourage, hn'ah ha'ti-ku, juy treasure, a - sf term of endearment. 'm'pat, Thursday. ha'ri j'mn-'at', to ha'ti, conscience ha'ti, dulge. nesday. ha'ri l-ha'mis, or ha'ri hn'ri produce, achieve, ha'ta (133), a punctuation word. the sun. iiin-ta-ha'ri, p-tatrj' ia. accomplish. hn'ri, today. ji'i'gi <- hn'dl-l-ati, to dawn. tomorrow. di-iH-ha'ri, early r'sok ^^ revenue; to 'havd result or outcome. (Ar.), outcome, the product, ^'fin'mit ha'ti, sad, troubled. -tn'irar ha'ti, discouraged. per-ha'ii-li-an, to take to heart, pay attention closely. to, examine ,' thirsty worn out by friction or rust (of metals). Cf. dhaga and hiirol-. ha'us, thirst ha'wa : (Ar.), climate. : air, atmosphere, Cf. vdara. ; : MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. iia'wa (Ai'.), love, de- jmssion, per-hi'a-san, ornamentation, at- sire; usually hiahi. tire, naf'su, carnal desires. lia'ica i/ (Ar.), life, vitality, the spark. C'i'. Iiidop. fi-la'gi a'da liaij'at, while I yet fort, console. .he'ja solace; the Comforter (X.). pig-hi'bu-nui, comfort, consol- life. ation. an interjection; oh! hi'daiig, see haibat. (Ar. ), mrg-lie'ja, spelling, hinhi'igaii. courses (at a meal). -kan, to drag, tarek and seret. miy-hr.'la, draw. C'f. 3ie'lak, mty-he'lal; dodge, to evade; also elak. hc'lal'-l-an, to ward parry. off, }iemat, see him mat. hen'ti or hn'ti, chiefly found in its derivatives ber-lien'ti, to stop, stay, cease, rest; (B. ) breiifi anA niti. li-a'da ber-ltai'd, incessantly. ber-lten'ti-l-an I'lali, to' rest after fatigue. ^/^ jirr-lien'ti-an, rest, /' C'f. mnnof / hi'dop, alive, living: fresh, a^ opposed to dried, preserv'dcl ^^''' or canned; to live, have life. Cf. hagat. hi'dop pii'la, restored to life. d'rgaii hi dop-iya, alive. , ikan hi dop, fresh fish; as opposed to iknn kriig, dried ^ fish. "''^ Tierdek, see liardek. oj'bi .her'ga (Sk.), value, price. mn'ti, fixed price. \y^a'gi hi'dop, still alive. ^^ s-u'mor hi'dop, all' one's life. hi'dop, fresh milk as opu^ su'su posed to tinned milk. hi'do-pi low price. ^y-b-m'pa lier'ga? wliat price? ^_^li,er'ga mu'rah, a and hi'dop-kan, to pre- serve a person's life, restore f'life. the price. her-her'ga or b-her'ga, valuable. ^..^ta'roli snout. y. ba'tanj hi'dorg, the blidge the nose. Jo'barg lii'dorg, nostrils. resting place. hfir'ga nose, chorg. hi'doiig;, • y^ serve food. ma'kan s-hi-da'njan, to eat of the same course, eat together. cja. u^ mrg-hi'darg, to \^ orthography; to spell; also lie'la, a person or thing gives consolation or which live. hebat, , prg-hi'bur, vital Jie' (132), trappings. hi'bur, mrg-hi'bur, -kan, to com- ^Jia'yat hcr-ha'yat, having '43 lier'ga, to fix k-hi' do-pan, tneans of liveli- hood. Yier'ta (Sk.), property, goodsi J^i'jau, green. licr'ia bn'da, valuables, goods hij'rat (Ar.) (166), the Hegiia, and chattels. Ali^o the Mohammedan era. hrr'ta diin'ia, worldly goods. Iii'as, hrr-hi'as, corated: (B.) brins and rias. mig-hhos and hi'a-si, to adhrh, ornament, deCOrate, fit ^ut, prepare. ha] rat. ornamented, de- hi-ka'y^t (Ar.), narrative, story, ^ history. hik'mat ledge, Cf. chertra. Kl-6^^. wisdom, knowmedicine science, (-^r.), ;; . MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 44 henee supernatural magic. hi'laiig;, lost; to be power, s-hirg'ga, until, as far as, — to- such an extent that per-hirg'ga'an, limit, boundary,, frontier ; contracted to p- disap- lost, pear, die. refg'gan. cause to disaj)hin^'gap, to alight or perch uponL pear; obliterate, destroy. anything, as birds or insects. Ic-M-la'rgan (128), having inof, deprived curred loss, hin'tai, mrg-Mn'iai, -lean, to spjv bereft of; as orarg h-hi-la-Y^ ^^^^ at; „^ see a^^ intai. .^t„; peep rgan pt'smi, a man who lias hi'larg-Tcan, to _ . hirl, see lost his knife. hi'lir, I/' mrg-hi'lir, reaches of a river; to go down stream, descend a river ^ hi'sab or he'mat (Ar.), purdiligence, intention ; care; aspiration. (Sk.), low, base, mean," despicable; lowly. hi'na di'na, the poor and lowly, the common people. hi'na-Mn, to despise, disdain, 'na \^^ rya, di'ri, to abase humiliate oneself. degradation, h-lii'na'an, or hi'sap, mrg-hi'sap, to suck, draw •^ into the mouth or nostrils. hi'sap chan'du and hi'sap ma'- smoke opium. to smoke dat, to hi'sap ro'Jcolc, hi'tam, black. hi'tam ma'nis, brown. -lean, io count, reckon, calculate. Cf. hi'toig, / mrg-hi'torg, bilarg. efficient (84), numeral coof thin or flat ob- s-h-lai' I'er'tas, a sheet of Hin'dl, Hin'du, o'rani Hin'du, a Hindu (Penang) a Tamil. hiig'ga, imtil, as far as; limit. Cf. sampai and had. paper. with only the clothes one has on. ba'ju s-h-lai', one coat. s-h-lai' hinai, see inai. usually nerfri India, Hindustan. the native cigarette. jects. igno- miny. Hin'di, ba'ryah- ter-hi' sab -Jean innumerable.^ h-lai' or lai' humiliate. hi'na-lcan cut hash. (Ar.), counting, calcula- ti-a'da assembly, congregation, church in a local sense (X.). slice, umeration. pose, \^ to tion; usually hitoiy. hi'sab-kan, to count, reckpp. ter-hi'sab-kan, capable of en- him'mat hitn'pon, ber-him'pon, to assemCf. gather together. ble, humpol and Icrumun. Mm'pon-han, to bring together, collect, cause to assemble. per-liim'po-nan, an assemblage, mrg-ld'ris, fine, as opposed to mudek, to gb up stream. Cf. hulu. n/ iri. y lower the hi'ris, s-pirg'garg, h-la'man, courtyard in front of a palace or other, building. hiaig, see latg. h-li'pan or li'pan, a large centipede. — MALAY-ENGLISH VOOABULAET. h-lu'an, the front or front part of anything, especially of 45 o'rarg ho'ba-tan, a sorcerer. Ho-lan'da, Dutch; usually Blan- boats. da. lim'bus, mrg-hm'hus, to blow, breathe out with the mouth; also used of the wind. Cf. Hop. hrn'hus-kan, to blow away. ^^^„^hm''bu-san, bellows. ho'nar, disgrace, insult. hor-lo'ji (Port, and D.), a clock, watch; usually jam. ^ hor'mat '^ (Ar.), reverence, res- pect. hor'mat, to pay respect, to honour. hor-ma'ti, to honour, respect. b-.ri' lim'pa, empty; empty husks of *^ rice. Cf. kosorg and sham, lim'pa ia' rgan-rya, with empty hands. pa'di hm'pa or lim'pa, husks of rice in which the grain has never formed. hrimau, hu'a (Ar.), he; used in the Leidekker version of the Bible as a translation of Jehovah. hm'pas, mrg-hm'pas, -lean, to throw or dash down. Cf. champak. hm'p-du, gall, hn'dak, ^_- hu-ba'ya, entirely. hu-ba'ya-hit-ba'ya, things. bile. wish; to wish, intend; an auxiliary verb expressing the future (45). Cf. mau. before a hn'daTc-lah, placed verb to express the imperdesire, lies, villages, etc., of tangible things. will, desire, wish. her-ka-lian'dak, to desire, wish, ' want. k-hn-da'ki or ka-lian-da'ki, to hu'bo-rgan, hyphen ; or hu'daiig; lengthening piece, sequel of a book. u'daiig;, prawn, shrimp. ,^ hu'darg ga'lah, lobster. hu'rorg ra'ja hu'darg, the king- ^ fisher. Iin'dap, mrg-lin'dap, to crouch. pure, transparent (of liquids and of the heart). Cf. jerneli. clear, throw, strike; hu'jan, rain. "^ hu'jan "^ also ba'tu, hail. hu'jan l-baf, heavy rain. hu'jan mau tu'run, rain is coming. hu'jan pa'nas, rain during sun- hantam. shine. hnti, see henti. lin-ti'iTiun, and hu'borg-kan, '^ desire. to as well as Cf. sam- to join, unite. lin'dak-Jcan, to desire a thing. ihn'tatn, all boiy. mrg-hu'borg k-hn'dak or ka-han'dak (126), Ti-niig'; above hu'boig, ber-hu'boiy, united, '^ joined; the union of fami- ative. ^ harimau. see hsta, see hasta. cucumber ; , see iiiwura. ho'bat, usually ho'ba-tan, sorcery, magic. Cf. obat. rin-tek-rin'tek, h u'jan rain, drizzle. ha'ri light hu'jan, a rainy day, or rainy weather. 46 irALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. upon. hu'ja-iii, to rain hu'jat, mrg-ltu'jat, libel o'rarg hu'lu, people of the interior. blasphemy', prg-liu'lu, to speak evil of, calum- ; prg-hu'hi niate, libel, blaspheme. yy man of a village. prg-hu'lu ka'iral, the. der of a guard. prg-hu'lu rns'jid, the of a mosque. hu'jorg, end, extieinit\-. lin'joui peninsula. hu-ka'ma .^-hu'kum (/ (Ar.), learned men. Judgment, (Ar.), tenci' point of cape, ta'nalt, land, ; mand hn' I'll ill sen- hu-lu-ba'ians, law, comrule, jurisdiction. k'lnoi. the laws of Is- body of decree, ja'ioli-l-an liu'l'iini o'rarg, to u- l''na di . a'ias ber-hii'ma. condemn, hn'kunt, to suffer punishhu'kuiii, pro- to ATlah. hii'kuin hun the punishment. uncooked htir', eaten with curry. tend, stretch hand) away (as (as the er ^ '^r. to ex- hold out pay out, low- out, ; ropes). hu'lu, the head, the upper part or source of a thing, the hilt of a sword or dagger, the upper reaches of a river, the Cf. interior of a country. l-pala. iidrl' Ini'lii hn'ti, and liilir. the pit of the-stom- to also, a draw a un- indulge. letters of the al- phabet. cultivated country. distur- VtMu- kar and riinba. ^y^ hu'tan h-lan-ta'ra, wild jungle. hu'fan riiii'ba, forest or primeval jungle. a'l/nni hu'tan, jungle fowl. ha'bi hu'tan, wild pig. o'larg hu'tan, wild men of thejungle. pi'sarg hu'tan, wild banana. ach. hu'tan;, debt, loan; owing, due. hii'ln k-rit', the hilt of a Irif:. (lliv'lu suck hu'tan, jungle, forest, wild un- Of. inijol\ to. its hu-ru-ha'ra, disorder, bance, tumult, riot. \ -hiii. hiir'kan, hu'ruf (Ar.), vegetables hulat, see ulat. hu'lor, iing-hu'lor, rice- sheath, sheath; also chahot. punish. hu'lam, cultivate mrg-hu'niis, weapon from liii'l-um-han, to judge, sentence, liu'l'U-iiKiii, to (Chin.), an inch; measure of weight. hu'nus, Ten Commandments (X.). ^^ a per-hu'ma'an, cultivated land^ the crops raised. nounce sentence. s-pu'loh of fields. ment. pu'ln>t-kan commander soldiers, officer. = ladaig ; as opposed to mwah, wet rice fields. Cf. hndarg, which is applied both to dry and irrigated fields. just rule. to give an order. , headman flelds i/a)y 'n'dil, h-ri' Ini'kiim comman- hu'ma, cultivated land, dry : lam. Ini'kinii a chieftain, headman. learn' porg, the head- or dahnlu, see dhulu. V ba'i/er hv'tatg, to h-ri' pay a debt. hu'tanj, to lend, Joan. MALA Y-EiVG LI S BI VOCABULARY. ^"^^ bGr-liu'iarg, in debt. 47 per-i' da-ran, dun'ia, a cycle period of time. pi-hu'iatrj, credit. id'dah (Ar., number), the nuuiber of days or fixed time thiit a woman may not marrv after divorce Or the death of her husband. , I they; also dia. (IT), that,, that one; i'a, he, she, it, i'a'i'tu that is to say, idhin, see izin. namely. 'i-ba'dat i'gal, m-igi'fjal, to as peacocks smhakyarg. igama, *i-ba'rat (Ar.), metaphor, figure; explanation, interpretation. Cf. hias. ani'bil 'i-ba'rat, to use a meta-. (Ar.), the ib'nu or bin' (Ar.), son; usually anak. kind of palm ^ Cf. male and in- \^'i'l-an i'kan v^ i'Tcan ^_^^"6M ha' pa, parents. Ica'hi, s-i'hu great toe. dried fish. Cf.. ium-ba-lum'ba, porpoise.. pa'us, whale. rya-iva-nja'wa i'lrin, the of same than father and mother. _^ k-rirg', i'han to'dak, sword-fish. ^i'lcan yu! , shark; thumb. s-ba'pa, b-la'larg, flying fish. 'irg. dole, ja'ri, Cf. Tcre- fish. ^i'lcan i'hu a'yam, hen. ^^^ i'hu ^^ i'bu (of hair). , (Ar.), Hebrew. i'bu, mother. Ica-^ tirg. i'kan, tree. q.v.- horg (sugar palm), used for rope. making i'kal, wavy ib'ni, i'bol, a lial, i'jok, the coarse fibre of the Cf. shaitan. *Ib-ra'ni agama. have bad dreams. sleep, Satan. devil, tlic tail, turkoy.«. ih'wal (Ar.), plural of , ib'lis see spread and i'gau, iii-igi'gau, to talk in one's phor.. ^^ .- Cf. jin (Ar.), worship, adorapiety, devotion. Cf. tion, (Ar.), demon, evil spirit and hantu. 'if'rit (IT), this, this one. i'a'i'ni more dead alive. 'kat, m-rgi'kat, -l-an, a bundle: to tie, fasten. Cf. herkas. '^^ i'dah, bridal present. , i'dam, miy-i'dam, to long for (of pregnant women). i'l-at i'dap, chronic disease. i'dar, ber-i'dar, round in a bin'tarrj to go revolve, circle. Cf. pu-wy. ber-i'dar, a planet. to or per-i' dar-kan pass or send round, especially of food. por-i' da-ran , revolution. i'dar-Jcan pirg'garg, belt. i'hd p-ri'gi, the masonry with which a well is lined. i'kat ru'mah, to build a house(of brick or masonry). ^^ i'ka-lan, fastenings. ikh'las (Ar.), sincerity; sincere; , ' ' also rklilas. ikh'ti-ar (Ar.), choice, decision,, opinion. ^V*^ 48 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. ik'rar (Ar.), fixed/settled. in'd-ra Cf. u my (Ar.), divine; God. i'lgat, '^ - (Ar.), priest. IiK'g-ris (Eur.), English. i'lgin (148), to desire, covet. to k'i'rgi-nan, desires, longings. Ins'lan, neg'ri iTg'lan, m-rgim'pit, i'llgus, press, to Cf. apit, than, iin- mucus from the bii-aiy' i'lyvs, to England. nose. blow one's nose. deh. Tnai, henna, a red dye. 1'naig, nurse; also (court language). v' i-narg'da Cf. asoh. i'ni (16), this, these. i'ni ha'ri, today. ^^ che'. In'dah, beautiful, attractive, important, valuable, precious; also in-dah-in'dah. in'dah-Tcan, to value, pay attention to, care about. in'doiig:, mother; chiefly used in the phrases: ma'du, honeycomb. in'dok niu-ti-a'ra, mother of pearl. in'dok su'i-ra, silk-worm. cocoon of the very thing ; at now. a'ku i'ni, I (emphatic). s-ka'rarg i'ni, just now. v^ si'ni and di In'chi (Eng.), an inch. and i'ni ju'ga, this this very time, just In-che", a title equivalent to the English Mr.; also 'n-cKe" iii'doh Cf. rindu. embrace the become a Mohara- squeeze. me- a reminder, mento. medan. 'im'pit, thoughts. remembered. per-i'rgtt'-tan, high priest (X.). faith. faith, take care, be cau- i'rgat, to remind, caution. i'lyat-kan, to remind a person. Irr-i'iyat, i'man, remember, to attention, heed. i'fja-tan, attention, ii'man (Ar.), belief, faith, creed,. religion ; the Mohammedan' In'dok pay -— 6-n' ship, science. ha'ira a tious. her-'il'mu, learned, scholarly. and m-rgi'rgat, think, i'rgat-i'iyat, "il'mu (Ar.), knowledge, scholar- b-sar', of fused with kndara'an, q.v. (Ar.), divine inspiration. il'ham-l-an, to impart divide inspiration. i'mam name i'lgar, noise, clamour. irham I'mam the deity. k'in'd-ra'an, the heaven of Indra. This word is often con- I'kut, m-rgi'kut, to follow, imitate, obey. Cf. iurut. her-i-kui-i'hut, in succession. TIah (Ar.), God, a god. 1-la'hi (Sk.), Hindu l-rar. si'ni, here. in'jak, m-rgin'jak, to tread on. Cf pijak and irek. ^ . in'jil ^ in'jin ^ (Ar.), Gospel, the New Testament. (Eng.), engine, maehiije. and psawat. Cf. jntra in'saf (Ar.), justice, equity, fairness. Cf. 'adil. in'san (Ar.), man, usually manusia. mankind; in'sha' Al'lah (Ar.), please Gofl, God willing; also insha'lhh. — ; - 49' MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. iin'tai, *f -han, m-ngin'tai, peep at, watch for, ti spj-, peep into also liintai. ^ Is-kan'ddr (Ar.), Alexander. Is'lam (Ar.), Mohammedan. a-ga'ma Is'lam, the Moham- In' tan, diamond. medan brother-in-law, law. i'par, make Mohammedan. is'lam-han, to .1'poh, the itpas tree; the poison made from that and other trees for poisoning darts. (Ar.), the will or decrees of God. 1-ra'dat to stamp trampling m-rgi'reh, on, on. thresh by Cf. injah and pijah. prg-i're-han, threshing floor. r~ 5'ri, i'ri ha'ti, spite, malevolence. i'riig, to accompany, m-rgi'rirg, escort. isnin, see ithnain. is-ta'na ^ (Sk.), palace; also as- .tana. Cf. hantar. starggi. is-ti-'ia'dat (Ar.), custom. is-ti-me'wa, especially. is-tiqg'gar (Port.), matchlock,. ablutions is^tin'ja (Ar.), evacuation. is't-ri (Sk.), 1-ro'pah, Europe = 4iVopa/i. , after wife (more respect- ful than bini). ber-is't-ri, to have 5'riig, i'ri-rgan, side, see ererg.. Tsa a person a is-taig'gi (Sk.), incense; usually "I'rak (Ar.), Mesopotamia. ii'rek, religion. ma' sole Is'lam, to become a Mohfimmedan. sister-in- a wife, be married. (Ar.), Jesns. ber-is't-ri-kan, to take to wife, "i'sha (Ar., evening), one of the lima waktu, or five periods of prayer; also sm-bah'yarg marry a woman. rtek, duck. a'yam i'telc, poultry. 'i'slia. (Ar.), a signal, sign. Cf. tanda. a-sha'rat i-sha'rat-han, rat, to and make a l-ri' Cf. sign. ^_^ ^ \ (16), that, those. '^ si'tu and di si'tu, there. I'tu i'zin i'si, contents. i'si ha'ri is'nin. i-sha'- tambai. „^ ith'nain, is'nin or s-nin' (Ar., second ) , Monday ; usually dun'ia, the inhabitants of ^ family, household. ievri'si, containiiig; to contain. ^, Cf. muat. ^^y^i'si-Mn and load. • permission, give leave or per- mission. min'ta to i'zin, ask leave, o±. permission. i'si p-rot', intestines. •^ idhin), b-ri' i'zin, to the woTld, the whole world. i'si hah'win, dowry. i'si ki'tab, contents of a book. i'si neg'ri, inhabitants of a city. \_^'si ru'mah, (Ar. leave.. J -i^H ja'bat, mn-ja'bat, to touch, grasp, -^ lay hold of. , m-rgi'si, to fill,' h^r-ja'bat ta'rgan, to grasp the .^..^^hand or to shake hands. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 50 come ja'di> mn-ja'di, to (^ ja'lan into exis- tence, be born, become, ^ hap- move pen, take place, come to pass, be sufficient or satisfactory. path, road, (49), method; means; to forward, go on. way,. walk,, ja'lan b-ha'sa, idiom. ^^a'lan ja'di-han, to create, cause. h-ja'di-an, creation, birth. ra'ya, main road. supernatural ba'wa ja'lan, to lead the way. hu'ha ja'lan, to lay out a road.. ja'ga (Sk.), to be awake, watch, guard, take care. Cf. hargun, sdar and iurggu. ja'ga ha-ik-ba'ik, be careful. t'rgah ja'lan, in the middlev^ di of the road; during a journey. o^ sem'fmrg ja'lan, cross roads. s-pan'jarg ja'lan, all the way. a ja-di-ja'di-an, being. o'rarg ja'ga, a watchman. ja'goig, maize, Indian corn. ja-han'nam (Ar.), ber-ja'lan, to walk, travel, go \y da'rai, to go overland. ber-ja'lan d-hu'lu, to go ahead. u^ ber-ja-lan-ja'lan, to walk about. " ber-ja'lan ha'hi, to go on foot. v^ Cf. hell. a journey. iiral-a. ^ ja-hat', wicked, evil, bad, vicious. hu'at ja-hat' , to commit fornication; also zina. ku'da ja-hat', a vicious horse. ^^ si-ja-hat', the evil one, the ber-ja'lan ja'la-ni (99), to traverse. ja'lan-han (99), to cause walk, set in motion. ja'lan-Tcan devil. in'jin, to start to- an: engine. ja-hat'kan, to defame. h-ja-ha'tan, wickedness. ja'lan-lcan Jcu'da, to walk a horse. ja'hil (Ar.),' ignorant; usually ja'lan-l-an and bodoh. hhal ja'hit, mn-ja'hit, to sew. Jahudi, see hawk goods streets, for ped- ja'la^g;, wild, ^ p-rem'pu-an ja'jah^ only found in its derivdistrict, a country. a loose (as hill tribe of the Malay ja-Ja-ja'^a, trellis te'bar ja'la, mn-ja'la, to fish yap. j jalma, see jlma. work. to throw a casting net. snakes, etc.) ; to creep^ (as plants). Cf. ra- climb j net. ja'laiy^ ja'lar, mn-jn'lar, to crawl, creep- division of Cf. da'irah. ja'la, casting net. . liar.. woman. Peninsula. - Cf. runaway buff- : ja'ja-han, Ja'kun, a runaway. Jcer'bau jd'laty, a alo. dle. ative ma- age. on the sale, sell to a journey, voy- per-ja'la-nan, Yahudi. ja'ja, mn-ja'ja, to p-her'ja'an, nage a business. ja'lur, a small canoe, a dug-out. Cf. sagur. ja'lur, stripes of different colours. \-f- with a casting jam' (Pers.), a clock or watch; an hour. ^y : MALAT-ESTGLISH VOCABULARY, ja'tnah, mn'ja'mah, to touch. jam'ban, a min'ta jan'ji, to request the fulfilment of a promise. o'bah-kan jan'ji, to break one'a latrine. ,^ jam'baig, a flower pot; usually jam-ba'rgan. promises. Cf. pa&u. sam'pai-kan jan'ji, to perform jatn'bu (Sk:), the generic name one's promises. number of a of fruits. the guava. who stands bail. agreement. jan'tan (87), male (usually of animals). Cf. laki-laM. v^ \X a' gar , ja'rak, interval, distance between- unsuitable, badly arranged, not sounding right, discordant. Cf. la'rarg, seldom, ^ ^ , tunjarg. mn-jarg'Mt and ber- infectious; to sprpad, be catching qt infectious (of a disease or conjflagrati^n). Cf. rayap, jarg'kii, ^. «&.«»•; jan'ji, promise, tract. J3fyib9t' - agreement, con- ' br'rf^e. ,^jw»^ width of a \>< ^ hanging down, from the branches of banyan w* Cf. inter- at rare, scarce, at ja'rarg-kan, to space out, place at wide or wider intervals. jais:'kar, rootlets trees. jararg. wide intervals, far apart. ja'ri, the fingers, jaig'ka, fixed quantity or measurement. and other bcmir and a. objects, vals.. cliarggorg. beard. two ja'rak-kan, to place ja'rgan-han, far from, not only, not merely. Savg'kit, jan'torg pi'sarg, the knob at the end of the banana blossom. >/ ja'rgan. jaii:'got, . cf. ja'rak, the castor oil plant. mi'ryali ja'rak, castor oil. bujarg. w^ ja'igan ^^ heart (anatomihatij also that which resembles the shape of the heart, as jan'torg h-tis' , the calf of the the cally), leg. jan'da, widow, widower: man or woman- separated from his or her consort. Cf. balu and awkward, agreement,, contract. entertain at a feast. per-ja'mu-an, a feast. (73), do not, lest. s-pa'ya ja'rgan, lest; also an per-jan'ji-an, i^^^ jan'totg. jam'pi (Sk.), magic formula. ja'mu, mn-ja'muy a guest; to J*"K'gal, make an ber-jan'ji, to promise, jam'bu bi'ji, jam-bu'a, the pomelo. jam'bul, tuft of hair or feathers. ja'min (^jftdj)? bail,- security. o'rarg ja'min, one 5.1 . a measure = the- finger. ja'ri han'tu, the middle finger.' ja'ri ha'ki, the toes. ja'ri k'lirg'kirg, _ ger. the little flu- . ^- ja'ri ma'nis, the third fijager. -^ ja'ri t-lun'jok, the first finger.. ^ i'bu ja'ri, the thumb. large fishing net,, a trammel, a net for catchiiig' birds or animals. ja'riig, a- ja'rom, a beedle. 4^.' ja'rom chu'phok, bodkin. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABCLAET. 52 lo'harg ja'rom, the eye of mixed Indian and Malay blood. hu'ruf Ja'wi, the Malay characto persons of a needle. ja'sa (Sk.), useful service, credit for services rendered, merit. ber-bu'at ja'sa, to do meritorious service. ter-o'leh ja'sa, to get credit for ter. ja'ya (Sk.), victory. j-bai^', a large shield. (Ar.), musk, civet. j-bat', the civet cat. i-bat' good work. mu'saig ja'ti (Sk.), true, real; btul or surggoh. usually M-la'yu Malay. o'rarg ja'ti, *a jeram, real Cf. far, see jram. jerat, see jrat. jerawat, see jrawat. jer'jak, thin rods to which atapa w.'^' are tied. jer'ki (B.) condemn. distant, gaol. jeraig, see jrarg. q.v. jer'neh, dis- \y" tance. ja-uh-ja'uh, a long way off, far apart. ja'uh ma'lam, far into the night, late at night. de'H ja'uh, from afar, far off. ja'uh-kan, to femove to a distance, avert. clear, liquids) ly, Cf. blat. (Eng.), German, \[xder'nian afar; = rzki, jer'mal, fishing stakes. Jaudi, see Yahudi. ja'uh, prison, pnjara. ja'toh, to fall, become bankrupt. For other words meaning fall see Grammar § 163. ja'toh sa'Jcit, to fall ill. ja'toh-kan, to let fall, drop. ja'toh-Tcan hu'kum di a'tas o'rarg, to (Bng.), jel' . Jca'yu ja'ti, teak. ; transparent (of also metaphorical- sincere, upright. Cf. hnirg. jerok, see jerumat, jroTc. see jrumat. jerumus, see jrumus. j-han'nam (Ar.), hell. Cf. nraha. jau-ha'ri (Pers.), a jeweller. JaVa, Java; Jib'ra'il (Ar.), Gabriel. usually ia'nah Ja'- jijak, see jjak. wa. Ji'jit, ja'wab (Ar.), mn-ja'wab, a reply, an answer; to answer. Cf. sahui. Ja'wi, an Arabic derivative of Jaiva, meaning Javanese, and hence Malayan. Ja'wi p-han' = Ja'wi per-a'na^ kan, of Malay blood, applied (B.), to tease = if, in case, supposing that, provided that; also jihalau ji'ka, \y ja'wat and ja'wa-tan, office, pet, duty, employment. ji'jU-Jcan ejelc. and halau. r. ji-ka'lau ,^ (141-144), if, in case, supposing that, provided that. ji-ha'lau ki'ra-rya, if perchance. ji-ka'lau s-ha'li-pun, even if. ji-ka'lau ti-a'da, unless. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. ji'lat, mn-ji'lat, .io lick, lap (as jtn-ba'tan, a bridge, pier, wharf. a dog, or as flames). ji-Iid' (Ar., ' jm'Iah (Ar.), total, sum; also jum'ldh. jm'lah-kan, to add up. binding; leather), vohime. ji'mat, eareful, thrifty. ji'mat (Ar.), a 'azimat, q.v. jin' t— (Ar.), a spirit; usually an tu and the sun. . 'ifrit. ji'nak, tame, docile, domesticated, bold, familiar. ji'naJc-han, to tame, render do .•' die. jin'tan, caraway seed. jin'tan ma'nis, aniseed. ji'wa the (Sk.), smargat. j'jak, her-j'jak, prints; to foot- footsteps, step, with touch Cf soul. tread, end. the just Cf. 'pijak. j-las' (Ar.), settled, arranged (as accounts or other busiCf. sudah and hdbis. ness). j-las' han, to settle, finger j-na'ka, joke, .pun; facetious. Cf. gurau and sindir. j-narg', the side posts of a door or window, or of the frame Cf. of a screen or partition. amhaiy. tu'top j-ndrg', the upper post of a screen or partition. to be incarnate, tate tree which yields rubber. j'ma'ah pany. (Ar.), Cf. a society, comTebrgsi. j'ma'at' or ju'ma'at' (At., assembly), Friday, the day of ' congregation.. ^. Friday. s-j'ma'at' , a week. ha'ri j'ma'at', j'man (B.), time, epochs. age zaman. measure of (Ar.), sort, kind, species. macham and hagai. Cf. her-j-nis'-j-nis' or other form. large a,lso j-ne'la. length. j-Iu'jur, basting, loose sewing. a (Port.), window; Cf. tirgJcap. jn-de'la j-nis' j-lu'toii:, Cf. j-mu', satiated, satisfied, wearied, nauseated. Cf. Jcnryarg and puas. jlid, see jilid. human Cf. sila. jamu. jtg'kal, the span as a jl'ma (Sk.), incarnation. a and thumb. jm'po-tan, invitation. o'rarg jm'po-tan, guest. arrange. j-la'tai^:, the nettle. mn-jVma, Cf. argmkan. jm'pot, mn-jm'pot, -Jean, to invite ; also to hold between, the ^ Cf han- demon. evil spirit, j'tnor, mn-j'mor, -kan, to dry in -I' of corruption- 53 = (115), all sorts. j-igok', mn-j-rgoh', to look with the, head protruding. jn't-ra (Sk.), a wheel, machinCf. psawat ery, an engine. and injin. her-jn't-ra, having wheels or machinery, revolving. . jo'doh, pair, couple, mate, fellow. Cf. hmhar, pasarg and jori. jo'doh-han, to mate. jo'gan (Pers.), a standard, en- sign. ; . MALAY-DNGLISH VOCABULARY. 54 jo'get, dance, dancing. Cf. tari. A^iu'al, mn-ju'al, -han, to sell Peninsula. sell- ju'aii:, ber-ju'atg, to (of fight elephants and dragons). pole. a junk. joig'kit, en- (100), ing. jo'lok, mn-jo'loh, to gather fruit off a tree by means of a long joii:', selling, gaged in the sale of. ber-ju'al-b-W, buying and ber-ju'al Jo'hOr, the name -of a country at the south end of the Malay /^ mn-joty'kit, to rise at one end, tip up. ju'bah (Ar.); tunic, a long outer garment worn by Arabs, and by Malays on special occasions, jois'kok, ber-jorg'koJc, to squat, ju'di (Sk.), gambling. t-T* sit on one's haunches. ma'in ju'di, to gamble. jo'ri (gjjid.), a pair (used of ju'ga (144, 162), likewise, just, horses only). Cf. pasarg. nevertheless, merely ; also , _, jo'roig, tray for betel nut. ^ juai ba'ik ju'ga, pretty good, just as J-pun'^ Japan, Japanese. J-ram', rapids in a well. river. b-gi'tu ju'ga, just like tliat. j-ra'mi, straw, hay, the fibrous parts of certain fruits. dm'hi-an way. fire. Cf. diarg parggmy. snare; to snare. ]-ra'wat, in - that i'ni ju'ga, just and j-rat', mn-]-rat\ -lean, a noose or just now. sa'ma ju'ga, this very thing, just the same. j-raig', .mn-j-raiy', -lean, to heat over a ju'ga, ju'laig, inn-ju'larg, to up raise above the head, bear aloft in the hands carry astride on the shoulders, toss ( as a Cf. rachelc. pimples on the face. ; Cf. hisuT. bull), mn-j-rif, to scream, cry out as in fear (of men and certain animals). j-fit', j-rok' (Jav.), generic -name for oranges, limes, etc.; usually Umau. Also a preserve or pickle made from these fruits. j-ru'mat, darning. j-ru'nius, prostrate, flat on one's face. Cf. tiarap. ter-j-ru'mus, fallen flat on one's face. jiaa, see juga. ju-ak-ju'ak, body-guard. Juiing:, squint; cross-eyed. ju'lor, mn-ju'lor, to stretch out, put out, extend (the limbs, 1^^ tongue, etc.). Cfc unjor. juma'at, see jma'at. jumlah, see jmlah. jum'pa, come \|/' ber-jum'pa, to meet, across a person. Cf. tmu. ju'igor, y snout, animals beak and (of birds). some Cf. muncliorg. jun'joig, mn-jun'joiy, to carry on the head, place on llie .: MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. head in token of submission, l-'a'ias, hence Tc-da'lam, into. du'li, lit., to put the dust of a king's feet on one's head, to do obeisance. jiui'joty il'tah, to obey a king's jun'jo)i) (of loosely clothes, etc.). where? (usually of h-sa'na, thither, there. (Ar.), the name of the sanctuary in the great mosque at Mecca, the temple at Mecca; the temple at Jeru- k'a'baFi Mohammed. her-jun'tai, upwards. k-pa'da (149), to persons). ^ down to, I'-wa'ri, hither. command. jun'tai, on h'lim'na, whither, jun'jo-iyan, the person to whom one does obeisance, lord; used in Malay writings of ^ 55 hangijig the legs, salem. kabar, see hhabar. ka'bol (Ar.), assenting, content; ju'ru, a skilled workman, an expert; in the following expressions ju'ru l-ha'sa, an interpreter. ju'ru ha'iu, second mate on a to assent, accept, agree. l-a'bol-kan, to approve a thing. : ka'borg, a measure of length for cloth: a length of white cotton material, folded and laid on the shoulder as a sign Cf. Icadut. of mourning. vessel u^ ju'ru turnkey, Icun'clii, stew- ard. per-l-a'ho-rgan, mourning. ju'ru ina'sak, a cook. ka'boi^, the sugar palm. ju'ru mu'di, steersman, quarter-master. ka'bot, mist, obscurity; obscure, ju'ru s-la'uud, Saviour (X.). \< Cf. kabur. dim, dark. ju!ru tu'Ks, a clerk, secretarj*. k-lam' ka'bot, pitch dark. pn-ju'ru, a corner, angle. ka'bu-ka'bu, the cotton tree ju'rus, a brief interval of time. which produces kapok. ^ ^^ la'ma-rya, s-ju'rvs for a mo_ untrue - dusia. jus'ta (B. ) , false, ju'ta (Sk.) (33), a million. juz' (Ar.), one of the 30 portions into which divided. the Koran is ordinal numbers ^34), and certain derived nouns^l26138). (-27, 149), places). ka'bus, indistinct, dimly seen. ka'cha (Sk.), glass (the material Cf. ckermin of that name). and glas. ka'chaig, beans, peas. ka'chaiy ben'de, "lady's k, a prefixed used in forming the k- (of light or of the Cf. kabot. eyesight). ka'chak, smart, neat, dapper. K n*Y^^ ^a'bur, dim \/^ ment. to (usually of lin- gers." ka'chaiy go'rirg, roasted pea nuts. ka'chaiy ka'yu, the Indian dall. ka'chary pa'rary, a very large bean. ; MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 56 kah'win, dowry paid to tlia father of a bride. kah'win-kan, to give in mar- ha'chaiy pan'jarg, the long native bean. ha'chaiy .pen'deh, French beans. ha'charg ta'nah, pea nuts. ka'chau, vi-rga'chau, confused to confuse, disturb, stir, put into disorder, perplex. liaru and i'si riage. ka"il, m-rga"il, fishing line; to '/ fish with a line. raa'ta Tca"il, fish-hook. Cf. ia'li ka"il, fishing-line. kochaJc. ter-ka'chaii, disturbed, p-rga"il, a fisherman dis- ka"in, cloth, any Ica'chip, scissors used for cutting up betel nut. ka"in ha'ju, " saroig " and f: proportion- ka"in ately. in proportion the extent of. to, to unbleached ka"iii hu'rok, rags. ka"in (Ar.), judge, magistrate, marriage registrar ; usually gu'ni, sackcloth. Cf. kadut. ka'dii ^^ka"in ha'lus, fine material. ka"in kha'sah, a fine lineit muslin. ka"in ka'dut, a coarse material used for mourning by Chi- hakim. cloth, ka'dut, a material of a more open texture than kain guni, used in mourning by Chinese, and for sails. Cf. guni and ka- nese. ka 'in ka'fan, shroud. ka"in ka'sar, coarse material, ka"in k' ma' san, material wovert or embroidered with gold. ka"in sakh'lat, woollen cloth. ka"in s-h-lai', one " sarong." ka"in s-ka'yu, a roll of cloth. ka"in sti't-ra, silk. rorg. (Ar.), .shroud; ka'in ka'fan. usually Also kapan. ha'fan-kan and ka'fa-ni, to enshroud, wrap a body for burial. ka'fi-lah (Ar.), caravan. ka'fir (Ar.), unbeliever; infidel. an / bu'ka ka"in, to undress. Cf.. taiggal. interrogative suffix. kahandak (136), see Tmdak. kah'wah (Ar.), coffee; usually hopi. kah'win, her-kah'win, marriage; to marry. b-la'chu, calico. s-ka'dar, / ka"in ba'sa-han, bathing cloth. ka"in ha'tek, Javanese cottoit prints. ka'dar-rya, (56-60), coat... one's clothing. Also kdar. kah Malay sarorg, q.v. ka'dar (Ar.), quantity, measure, proportion, extent, amount. ka'fan textile fabric; a cloth, especially the ka'daig, usually ier-ka'darg or kadarg-ha' darg , sometimes. d'rgan (who uses the line). arranged. Cf. nikali. kais', to scratch (as a fowl). ka"it, m-rga"it, a hook; to hook.. ka'jaiig, / mats made by stitching- together the leaves of thescrew-pine, and used to afford shelter from rain on boats, carts, etc. Cf. brgkuarg. . ilALAT-ENGLISH VOCABULAKT. -ka'kak, elder sister; sometimes K' elder brother, which is usually alarg. Cf. adelc and tacU. mda. kakanda, kal'dai, ass, donkey. ««.'»,« ^b-ra'pa 'h , ka'ki, to (92, 94). go on kalimah, ankles. ka'ki, sole of the foot. \ j^m'bii^, wahtu, masa, zman and name ka'lot-kan buke, reprove. ^ ^ kam'birg kali, a (Sk.), the name of with sweet, scented floAfers. kam-bo'ja, gamboge. ter-kam'bus, up, choked. common stopped ^^''kam'guan Cf. m- fied, ^ ka'mi (7), we, us (excluding the person or persons spoken to) kam'poh, 1/ galarg. ka'lau (141, 142) = ji'ka and (B.) (Chin,), satiswilling ; to assent, agree. Cf. kita. m-rga'larg , to prop up (as a ship on a beach) ; also ka'laiig:, ji- koi'lau, if. - Cf. see Icmbli. tree g'tali i^" ka'lam (Ar.), a pen. - bi-ri-bi'ri, sheep. kam-bo'j'a lose in a conflict,' suffer defeat = aJah. narg. '^ re- kam'birg ran'dok, he-gOat. kambli, for scor- variety. to goat. kam'bus, the (B.), domba. a'da ka'la. sometimes. a' pa ka'laj when. Cf. apabila. d-hu'lu ka'la, formerly, in olden times. s-di'a ka'^la, always, usually, ka'la, a generic pions. jrg'kirg, ka'la see klimah. ka'lot, unbending ka'lah (B.), to pun' (144), even. ka'lis, impervious (to water). ^ foot. (Sk.), time; usually in the phrases given below. Cf. • ; s-ka'li ^^ ma'ta ka'ki, the stiff, altogether, entire- sometimes abbreviated ti> skalb meaning, quite, verv ly s-ka'li-an, see sklian. h-kas' ka'ki, foot print. ka'ku, second the same time. quadruped. K^ ka'la "^ often. the' once ; also see skali-kali. at s-ka'li, s-ka-li-ka'li, mountain. ^^Ma'pah ha'li-rya. ka'li-rya, s-ka'li gvs', all. at once, all ka'ki la'rgit, the horizon. ka'ki iem'bok, foundations of a wall. hi-na'targ ber-ka'ki am'pat, ^^^ja'lan hov how ifca'K ka'li, time. ka'ki, foot, leg, base, pedestal. ha'ki bu'kit, the foot of a hill. ka'ki di'an, candlestick; ka'ki gu'norg, the foot of a ^ la'rarg-Tca'li, ^,Je-du'a ka^ka-tu'a, cockatoo; pincers. t^ time or occasion. perhaps ka'li, a ^^ spf» khanda. Tr.handa see 5T ka-lau-ka'lau, perchance, perhaps, on the chance that, in case that. double, in duplicate; a sarorg woven in half widths, which m^tist be sewn together. as ber-kam'porg , to asassembly, of an hovises, a village, quarter or ward in a town, the grounds kam'poiig:, y semble; ' ' ; i; ALAY-EXGLISH 58 round a house. and dusun. Cf. himpon kaig'koig, as a possessive pronoun often contracted to -nui (13). v^ Ica'mus (Ar.), dictionary. ^1<a-nak-ka'nak, l^ ; left. '' sb'lah ka'nan, the right side. ^ ia'iTjan l-a'nnn, the right hand. kan'chil, mouse deer = plandolc. bolt, bar to fasten a door. lian'davg, an enclosure for cattle, stall, sheepfold, stable. Cf. l-on'dar, carrying stick. and ier-kan'das, ground, stranded. a- dam- Cf. par. kan'dil Cf. (Ar.), lamp. lantern, iMta and tanjlorg. m-iyan'doiy, to carry in the bosom; conceive, bear children. Cf. kendoiy. Ican'doiig:, 1<an-du'ri (Pers.), a feast held annually at which prayers for the dead are said; hence any feast. Cf. jamu. kaig' and k-kaiig', a horse's Cf. bit. lagani. dling, legs). vessel. Cf. •^ ha'pal a'pi, steamship. l-a'pal la'yer, sailing ship. • la'pal p-raiy', warship. na'ik ka'pal, to board a ship from a boat. tu'run ka'pal, to go on board a , ship from a pier or wharf. „ kapan, see kafan. ka'pan (Jav.), when; usually hila. in disorder, scattered. ka'par-kan, to scatter. ter-kaiy'Tcarg, wide apart strad(of the Cf. kapok ka'pi, a block, pulley. ka'pi-tan (Port.), captain. naklwda. ka'pok, raw cotton. and kabu-kabu. Cf. Cf. hapas ka'pur, lime; mortar, plaster. ka'pur ba'rus, camphor. ka'pur b-lan'da, chalk, crayons. ka'pur lii'iam, Portland cement. ka'pur ma'ii, slaked lime. ka'pur to-hor', quick-lime. sa'pu. ka'pur, to whitewash. ^ Cf. labur. ^ ka'ram, ia'li hary', bridle. kaig'kang:, gruel. ka'pas, raw cotton. and kabu-kabu. pole. kan'das huhur and sujL l-an'ji, ka'-par, ber-ka'pa-tran, spread out baiysal. la'iiii flour boiled to consistency of poiiridge. praliu. ]<an'dar, m-rgan'dar, to carry things on the two ends of a ^ meal or ka'pal (Tam.), ship, as opposed to Mri, kan'chii^, a button, of a veg&r kap, the hood of a buggy. ka'pak, axe. Cf. hUorg. small infant, child. I^a'nan, right kan'ji, the Cf. ^ n'yer (usuall}' plural) when used name tlie table. hiin'poiy-kan, to collect, cause to assemble. >y^ ]<a'mu (6), you VOCABULARY. destruction, especially shipwreck to founder ; sometimes used as an imprecation. Cf. dampar and kandas. ; — J MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. ^^.Tcarana, see kerna. ka'se-hi, to love. a person. p-rga'se-lian, affection. m-iya'rarg, to arrange, in order (as flowers in a bouquet) ; to compose (of written compositions). l-a-ra'rgan, a written composition, the setting of Jewels, a wreath or nosegay of flowers. p-iya'rarg, an author. ka'si (in the colloquial of the ^^ Settlements), to give;= (Pe- nang) ka'si her-ka'rat, (Ar.), the vowel sign corresponding to i; see haris. kas-tu'ri (Sk.), musk. Cf. hsi. (Ar.), near ship). ka'sut, shoes. (of relation- ka'ta '^ and a rough sack, usually of matting or other coarse material. Cf. guni. tia'rut, spatu. say, to chakap, Cf. bilarg tutor, ka'ta-rya, he said; saying. s-ka'ta, assenting, concurring. s-pd'tah ka'ta, one word. ka'ta-kan, to say or tell a thing. s/- per-ka'ta'an, a word, sentence. kiirnia. m-iga'rut, to talk Cf. Ci. jbat. ber-ka'ta, (149), speak. !ka'roig, "karunia, see cas- kas'rah rusty. "ka'pib Cf. kaseh. bagi. m (Ar.), mutilated, trated. Cf. kmbiri. (Ar.), settled, fixed, es- ka'rat, rust. beloved, my tablished. '^' my Jc-ka'seh-ku (136), friend. set "ka-rar' ka-^se-han'kan, have pity or mercy upon to kaVaiig, '^ and ha-se-lia'ni ha'tu ka'raty, coral, coral rock. bii'iya k-a'rarg, sponge. Cf. lumiit. {/" compassion. ka'se-han, pity, Cf. sayarg, ^/ika'raig, coral reef, coral rock; tin-bearing rock. ^^ 59 non- sense. ka'sad (Ar.), intention, purpose. Also ksad. y Ica'sap, rough to the touch. Cf. kodok. ka'tak b-torg', bull frog. ka'tak pu'ru, toad. "^ v vour. >— " , ^^ min'ia Jca'seh, to ask a favour. i-ri'ma Tca'seh (160), to thank. Cf. sliukur. bantam ka'ti, a measure of weight = 1 lbs. ita'seh (148), love, affection, favour; to love; (in the colloquial of the Settlements) to give (79), ha'las ha'seh, to return a fa- _, ka'tek, fowl, polite. Ika'sau, roof, timbers. l-a'sau jan'tan, purlins. ka'sau h-Wna, rafters. a'yam ka'tek, 1<a'sar, coarse, rough, rude, im' ka'tak, frog. ka'tib (Ar.), scribe. ka'til, ka'toiig;, tmpatCf. pntas and peraduan. bedstead. tidor, a sea turtle. ka'top, m-rga'top, to shut, close. Cf. tutop. kau', thou; argkau. an abbreviation of kau'du (B.), mean, stingy.. : MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 60 ^ kaul' (Ar.), word, sentence, saying. '^ kautn' (Ar.), a tribe, nation. people, i^^ hu'ali Ica'yu, the fruit of a tree. ^da'un Jca'yii, the leaves of a race, Cf. hargsa. tree. Ic-lur'ga, household, family, all one's relations. i^hu'lit ka'yu, bark. ^„''po'lion ka'yu, a tree. kaus' (Ar., shoes), in the phrase Ic-ha'wak Tcaus' , an honorific title of princes, having reference to the ancient custom of placing the head beneath a kbajikan, magic). k-bas', to shake in order to remove dust or dirt. Cf. qon~ cliarg. ka'wah, cauldron. /" i/^ ka'wal, guard, watch. see bajik. k-bal', rendered invulnerable (by king's feet in token of submission. Cf. junjoiy. / the trunk of a tree. hawm' ^ ba'taig ha'yu, k-ba'ya (Pers.), a jacket worn bj- women. Cf. jaqa. pnj-hu'lu ha'wal, the commankbiri, see kmbiri. der of a guard. ,-k-bun', garden, plantation, orber^Jea'wal,. to keep watch. chard. ka'wan, comrade, companion; .^tu'karg k-bun' , gardeflef. ,^ber-k-bun', to be a planter. herd, flock, company. Cf. tman, handai, taulan and k-chap', ni-rg-chap' , to taste. sahabat. k-cha'pi (Sk.), a lyre, harp. ka'wat, wire; telegram. Cf. k-che'wa, injury, disappointdawai. ment. kawin, y^ see hahwin. k-chil', ka'ya,.rich. o'rarg ka'ya, a title of ^ Malay h-lca'ya'an, riches. '< -- ka-ya'igan (Jav.), the heaven of Hindu mythology ; see yarg. Cf. shorga and indra. ' disease. having a grudge against a person. a'nak k-chil', an infant. tree, a log; _ k-chil', (Chin.), office, cockroach. Cf. lipas. k-chu-a'li, especially, particularly. Cf. istimewa. nu- merical coefficient of rolls of cloth or other material (83). Jca'yu a' pi, firewood. Ica'yu a'rarg, ebony. ka'yu ma'nis, cinnamon. from childhood. junior in master's son. tu'an k-chu'ak p-rga'yoh, a paddle. ka'yu. wood, a k-chil' de-ri-pa' da, smaller than. de'ri k-chil', ' Jca'yoh, m-rga'yoh, a paddle; to paddle a boat. l^'^"'^ sometimes k-chi''. , k-chil' ha'ti. spiteful, chiefs. h&'yap, a skin small, little: pronounced k-chup', a ' kiss. Cf. chiunt. k-chiit', wrinkled, shrivelled. Cf. kdut and krut. ^ i k-dai', shop. Cf. gudarg. bu'ka k-dai', to set up a shop. ' K^ TOCABULAEY. tSH TOCABULAEY MALAl; -ENGLISH her-lc-dai' , to -? keep a shop. funeral) a skin disease causing white patches on the hands and feet, sometimes described Cf. as a form of leprosj'. k-dal', Icusta. Iv-dang', m-rg-daixj' , to stretch out (the hands). k-dar' and ka'dar (Ar.), quantity, measure, proportion, extent, amount. d'lyan ately. in proportion the extent of. s-k-dar'j k-dut', a Jcchut wrinkle, and mand .of < p-ker'ja'an, to to, Cf. crease. a a raja, exeeute* wofk, occupation, action ker'na ^ (Sk. karana) cause, (l-io), be- owing for, Cf. to. ker'sek, coarse sand; also krisek-. Cf. pasir. ker'tak, ker'tak the teeth. gi'gi, grind to kpr'tas (Ar.), paper. kin-harg' ker'tas v/ krut. or murder by com- to ; ker'iiig, m-iyer'lirg, to look out of .the corners of the eyes, give a sidelong glance. proportion- k-dar' -rya, circumcision riage, o'rarg her-k-dai', shopkeeper. 61 ' and ker'tas lap' J blotting paper. ke'chek, persuasive, coaxing, importunate. k^'sah (Ar.), tale, story, nar- rative. ke'chi (Eng., ketch), a small ' sailing vessel. word. e'ju (Port.), cheese. ke'iaig, a pair of rollers, hence a roller mill for sugar, tapioca, kha'bar (Ar.) (155, 159), news, i/^ tidings, information, knowledge of fact. Cf. brita and tverta. etc. ke'lek, to carry under the arm. ke'ioig, al-ke'sah (133), a punctuation fishing-stakes; see also hlat. ken'doig, m-rgen'dorg, to carry in a fold of one's Cf. kandorg. clothes, ^^^kha'bar a''rgin, unreliable information, false rumours. x.y^kha'bar ha'ik, good news. M'pa kha'bar, what is the news? the usual Malay salutation, the reply to which is, khabar baik. su'rat kha'bar, newspaper. ke'peig, a small coin. *^ ker'bau, ker'chut, reed grass. buffalo. ker'ja (Sk.), work, employment, business, festivities; work, be engaged in business or in festivities. her'ja-kan, to carry out, accomplish, execute; to hold fescereperfprni or tivities monies for a person (as iuarl-ker'ja, to ^hLjivi/c c^ 5»^ K^4. - Cf. akhbar. ti-a'da kha'bar a'kan di'ri-tya, in a state of unconsciousness. kha'bar-kan, to relate, narrate, inform. Cf- bri tahu. kha'dim (Ar.), servant, attend- ant. kha-la'si (Pers.), Sailor. kha-la'yak (Ar. khala'ik), creatures, created things. , i^K -PLjs- uj qkcu>ufvJcM,ux*^ . Q • fj^ : MALAY-EXGLISII VOCABULAUY. 62 kha-li'fah khur'ma (Ar.), successor, ca- liph. mon kha'lik (Ar.), creator. read Friday. kha'mir (Ar.), yeast, leaven; fermented, leavened. kha'mis (Ar., fifth), usually khanduri, liari hhamis. hlia'sali, muslin. advantage. k'si-at, (Ar.), handwriting;, also hhas targan. khat' kha'tam (Ar.), end; finished, ended, concluded. hha'tam-l-an, to finish, conclude (of persons who have ]ust learned to read the Koran). circumcision; (Ar.), usually sunat. hha'tan-kan, to circumcise. kha'tan kha'tib (Ar.), preacher, the person who reads the khutbah in a mosque. (Ar. treasure house. (Ar.), khizanai), taber- fidy.' so many. kt'as (Ar.), comparison, analogy, syllogism, example. Cf. 'iha~ rat. service. contradiction, (Ar.), Cf. silap. error, mistake. khizanat, see khazanah. (Ar. khawatir), ananxious apprehension, xiety, thought; also kuatir. a flag). ki'bas, m-rgi'has, to swing to and fro (trans.). Cf. goyarg. da'yorg ki'bas, a two-bladed paddle. kib'Iah (Ar., facing, opposite- which to), the direction in Mohammedans face when- praying. ki'chu, m-rgi'chu, to cheat; usually tipu. deceive,. , 'ki'dal, left-handed. cliil, a small deer. ki'kis, Cf. kan~ plandok and ntsa. rasp; stingj^, mean.. m-rgi'kis, scratch. khi'laf , (133), moreover. much, t~- ki'kir, a file, nacle. khu-a'tir k-Ja'ki-an s-ki'an, so ki'jaqg:, tent, khi-a'nat (Ar.), treachery, per- khid'mat (Ar.), — ki'bar, to flutter in the air (as see hhuatir. kha-za'nah ki'an, thus, so, found chiefly in its derivatives ar'ki-an (133), then. dm'ki-an, thus. . ' (Ar.), virtue, energy, power to produce certain results (as drugs, etc.) ; (B) ,. on (Ar.), resurrection; usually khargkitan. ha'ri ki-a'mat, the resurrection day. Thursday; kha'si-at khe'mah ser- mosques ki-a'mat see kranda. kha'sah, ka'in khawatir, discourse, in see handuri. kha-ran'da, ^ (Pers.), dates. khut'bah (Ar.), to Cf. garok scrape,, and ga~ ris. Jki'lat, lightning; brilliancy; glit- tering, and shining. Cf. ptir gilaiy. ki'iau, ki-laii-ka'lav-an, glittering, brilliant, reflecting light. Cf, gilarg. . MALAY-ENGUSH VOCABULAUY. ki'lir, to sharpen. kim'kha k-jam', m-rg-jam'^ to close Cf. asah. k-jap', a wink, the blinking of the eyes. Cf. klip, ^^ ki'ra, m-rgi'ra, to reckon, calculate, guess, think, suppose. Cf. Mtorg and hilarg. ^ Jci-ra-Jci'ra, accounts, calculations; about, nearly, more or less. Cf. Iheh-kurarg. ki'ra-rya, pray, prithee (in prayers or requests) ; perchance, in the phrase jika- lau kira-iya, if kir'bat (Ar.), greba. k-]i', base, vile, ki'ri, left, as ^^^ ter-h-jof, startled. k-jot' kan, from see v' sb'lah ki'ri, the left side. ta'rgan ki'ri, the left hand. a millstone. ber-ki'sar, to revolve. ki-si-ki'si, trellis-work. ^ '^ "^ kis'nuit (Ar.), fate. kis'mis (Pers.), raisins. (fi), we, us (including the person or persons spoken to) Cf. kami. ki'ta (Ar.), a book, especially religious works. i'si ki'tab, contents ot a book. Cf. daftar. ki'tab L^ k-kal', durable, permanent, continual, eternal. Cf. baka k-kang:' and kaig', a horse's bit. Cf. lagam. ta'li k-karg' , bridle. kkaseh, see kaseh. k-la'bu, grey. k-la'dak, dregs, sediment. k-la'di, the yam ; also u'bi k-la'di.^ Cf. kledek. k-la'hi, ber-k-la'hi, to fight, quar- pusirg. ba'tu ki'sa-ran, Cf. gilirg. 1 arouse k-kan'da, elder brother or sister (polite form of kakak). ' kesali. ki'sar, m-rgi'sar, to turn, cause to revolve horizontally, as a Cf. putar and millstone. ^__^ startle, k-kal'kan, to perpetuate. Cf. hantar. hi'ri-man, the thing sent. su'rat hi'ri-man, a letter. ^ to sleep. and lama, opposed to hanan, right. kisah, see despicable.. be startled, start. k-jot',. to ki'rim, m-rgi'rim, -kan, -i, to send (things not persons). ^' mean, Cf. hina. k-ji'kan, to despise, slight. perchance; water-skin; an instant. s-k-jap', k'jar, m-rg'jar, to pursue, chase.. Cf. Jiambat. also s-kira-rya. .^ the- eyes; also pjani. (Pers.), damask. ki'pas, a fan. x--^ 6» ' rel. per-k-la'hi-an, quarrel, fight. k-lak', a participle expressing the future tense, sometimes used in conjunction with. ali-an, q.v. k-la'ki-an (133), a punctuation' word; k4am', see kian. dark; darkness. Cf. glap. k'iam' ka'bot, thick darkness., thidc fog. k-lam'bu, mosquito net. JIALAT-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. «4 (Jav.) = Malay ryiur, the coco-nut tree. a'l/er k-la'pa, the milk of the CGCO-nut. hu'ah Ic-la'pa, a coco-nut. i'si h-la'pa, the meat or nutty part of the coco-nut. po'hon h-la'pa, the coco-nut (Sk.). the eastern coast of British In- ""k-la'pa K-liig', neg'ri K-lirg' dia. Tamil. o'rarg K-lirg' the natives of that . part of India, especially the Telugus and Tamils. tree. ^ m'hxtt Tc-la'pa, the husk of the coco-nut. san'ian h-la'pa, the juice extracted from the nutty part. "k-la'si h-lirg'hirg ha'hi, the little toe. k-lin'toig, a hawker. k-lip', her-h-lip', Cf. ^ k-lip' -k-lip', k-lat', acid. k-la'tu (B.), to rap on the head witli the knuckle of the fore s-k-lip' an linger. Cf. hluarg. yi k-le'dek, the sweet potato; this is considered a very iuferior root as an article of food by the natives, who therefore use this word as an opprobrious epithet; as in the phrase loyar hledeh, a second- the hjap. firefly. ma' fa, the twinkling of eye. /kl-ma'rin and k-ma'rin, yesterday. Cf. s-tnalam. hl-ma'rin d-hu'lu, the day before yesterday. k-l-ma'yar, the phosphorescent centipede. ' see. Tc-le'waig, a short, heavy sword. mine = ha'tu h-li'hir, k-loh', m-rg-loh', a sigh; to sigh. h-loh' k-sah'j mental agitation. k-lom'pok, a group of persons. Cf. tumpok. galian. gravel. Cf. hersek. round about, around. ier-h-li'lirg, misconception; muddled. k-l-ka'tu, flying ants. rate lawyer. Tc-li'Iirg, blink to hjam and k-Ii'ru, deception, error, mistake, k-Ia'war, a bat. Tc-li'kir, h-lirg'kirg, ja'ri .the little finger. eyes. li-li'an, a and k-Iiii:'kiis (Pers. hhalashi), sailor. k-Ieh', to Mahommedan K-lirg' is'lam, a surrounding, k-lo'pak, a sheath, the lid of the eye, sheath of buds. k-lo'pak ma'ta, eyelid. a- k-lu', dumb, speechless; also bisu. round. h-li'li-rgi, cle, to surround, go round. encir- Cf. hporg. kluar, see luar. X-lim', hem, seam. !k-li'mali (Ar.), word, saying, sentence. h-li'mah sha-ha'dat, hammedan faith. a very large bat, the vampire. k-Iu'aii;, speech, the profession '- Moof k-lu-ar'ga, see klurga. k-lu'boig, velop, her-k-lu'borg, cover cloth). k-lu'piii:, a scab. up to en- (as with a : MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. k-lur'ga (Sic), relationship, lated to, a relative. Icaum,' k-lur'ga, relations, mily. k-ma'la, mythical jewels posed to have magic lities; usually gmala. 65 km'b-li, baize, rough woollen material such as blankets aro re- made fa- of. km-bo'ja (Sk.), the name of a tree with sweet-scented flowers ; also kamboja. supqua- km'boig, k-man'tin (B.) hvide = prganfin prempuan. k-ma'rau, dry, without water. mu'sim Ic-ma'rau, the dry sea- to swell; swollen. , ^ j> km'di-an, afterwards. km'di-an k-ma'rin, yesterday; see Mmaw rin. her-k-mas', to pack up, stow away. h-mas'han, to pack things up. km-ba'li, again, over again, back Cf. baleh again; to return. Jcm-ba'li k-me'ja (Port.), shirt. k'mn-iyan, benzoin, used as iiir cense by the Mala3's. km'pas, a hard-wood tree. km'pis, deflated, collapsed (as a bicycle tyre). k-mu'di, rudder. and pularg. ju-ru-rhu' di, steersma,n, ter-master. h-rah'mat Al'lah, to die. hm-ba'li-lian, to restore, give k-mun'chak, back, return. liquids in absorbent material, a dry- sponge w;hen soaked in water, or a flower from the k'na, twins; cord. with or against (in single combat). Jcm-ba'ri, to pair ktn-ba'ra, m-rgm-ba'ra, to wander about.. km-bi'ri and k-bi'ri, mutilated, Cf. kasim. a'yam km-bi'ri, a capon. ' (77), to hit a incur, as in the following phrases dn'da, to be fined. k'na fit'nah, to be slandered. k'na hu'jan, to get wet in the rain. V- a'nak km' bar, twins. ta'K km'har ii'ga, a threefold get, ^ k'na in pairs, in triplets. m-rg'na mark, a bird spreads its wings). castrated. summit k-mu'nii|^, a tree with wood similar to boxwood, bearing sweet-scented flowers. bud). ker'tas km-harg'. Wotting paper. hm-barg'kan, to spread out (as ier-km'bar, top, apex, quar- (of masts, roofs, hills, etc.). km-baig', ler-km-harg' , to spread, spread out, expand, open (as koi'bar, i'tu, after that. ^"""^ ^- k-mas', after Cf. Ipas. km'di-an de-ri-pa'da son. ., de-ri-pa'da, (prep.). ^ ^ , ^ _,' ... -^ k'na k'na k'na k'na hu'kum, to get punished. lu'ka, to get a wound. rna'lv, to be disgraced. . pv,'kol, to get beaten. ru'gi, to incur loss. k'na sa'kit, to fall sick. k'na seh'sa, to get punished. k'na ti'kam, to be stabbed. k'na-kan, to apply, put on (as k'na, clothes, plasters or anything externally applied). ; MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABDLAKY. 66 k-nal' kn'taig, potato. (62), m-iy-nal', -i, to a person, be acquainted with, recognise. Cf. lahu. k-na'laii, an acquaintance, a know person with whom one kn'tut, to break wind. ko'bis, cabbage. ac- ko'chak, ber-ko'chak, to be in a satis- state of agitation (of fluids or of the mind). Cf. kachau. is quainted. k-nan', ber-k-nan', pleased, lied, satisfactory, agreeable. per-k-nan'l-an, to satisfy, please (a person). k-iiai;g^', to ko'chek, pocket. , ko'di, a score. ko'dok, recall, ko'lam (Sk.), danau and kn'chiig, to urinate. kn-d'a'ra, m-vgn-da'ra, -i, to ride on a horse or other animal. Cf. nail: and iurggarg. riding mount, hn-da'rafan, Ofhorse or other animal. ten misspelt k'indra'an; see indra. kom'ba, — society, as- :^^ Cf. is said, it is ^ '^J reported probably, possibly. to pull off, pick off in jmu and ko'pi, coffee. syna- ^,ko-pi'ah, cap. with glutinous {of opposed to cha'ir, Cf. pTcat. Cf. chpiau and soiykok. ko'r'an' (Ar.), the Koran, the sacred boolc of the Moham- piias. icn-ryarg'lcan, to satiate. q.v. a company. fragments. kn-iyaiig:', satiated, satisfied as ko'nun, it / ko'pek, hu'lu h-nirg' , the eyebrows. ; ^ '''- k-nf'sah (Ar.), church, gogue ; usually greja. thick, (Chin.), jma'ah and skutu. see kanduri. fluids) koi^'si etc.) k-niig', the brow. kn'tal, (B.), kotn'pa-ni, the old Bast India Company, hence the local Government in the Straits. ' sociation, """> away (ropes) Cf. kom'ha bu'rorg ko'meiig:, undeveloped, dwarfed. diri. kn'dur-kan, to slack up, lower food. Cf. dove. kn'di (Sk.), a small earthenware jar for carrying water in. kn'dur, slack (of ropes, lake, tasek. ko'lek, the Malay canoe, propelled by paddles and sails and carrying one or more men. kn'dak, a concubine, paramour, . pond. ko'koh, firm, steady. stretched tight, stiff. Cf. irel: tt'iyin hn-diarg', a stiff breeze. knduri, Cf. kok', a yoke. kn-chai^g;', '' toad. maimed. ko'dong;, k-na'pa, why? see apa. —— a remember. Cf. irgat. kndiri, see frog, a katak. ni-rg-narg' , -kan, to call mind, * medans. kor'ban (Ar.), ofl'ering, sacrifice, victim. /KofAH ^fo^^^^^)s^9 jO^l MALAT-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. ko'rek, m-iyo'relc, to scrape, scratch or dig with a sharp instrument. Cf. gereh. empty, Iko'soig, hollow. Cf. hnrpa and rorgga. p-rot' ho'sorg, starving, famished. rn'mah an uninhabited ko'sorg, Tco'sorg-kan, to fied uncultivated empty. headache. k-pa'ya, paya hu!ah k-pa'ya, the pa? fruit. k-pi-a'lu, in the phrase: d-mam' k-pi-a'lu, contiTined fever. huhu and Cf. a piece; numerical coof thin flat things Cf. krat. (84). eflBcient k-pit', m-rg-pit', to carry fort, fortress, forti- town. k-pa'la, kpalarg:, see alaty. k-piig', house. ta'nah ko'sorg, land. ko'ta (Sk.), a sa'kit 67 under the arm. k-pi'tiig, a kind of crab. henterg. compartments or divisions in a box or drawer. sam'pan ho'tak, a small Chinese iko'tak, boat with lockers in the stern. Cf. chmar. Iko'tor, dirty, filthy. ko'tor-kan, to dirty, soil. Cf. charek. (B.) (Chin.), (medicinal). k-pada, see plaster k-. k-pak', wing. Cf. sayap. k-pa'la (Sk.), head, chief, head- man, top. Cf. hulu. k-pa'la a'rgin, scatter-brained. k-pa'Ia kam'porg, village headman. li-pa'la su'rat, the heading of a monkey. k-ra'bu, ear ornaments of the shape of buttons. Cf. antirg-antitg. k-rah', m-rg-rah' , -fcam, to muster, send orders for levies to prepare or assemble for an expedition. burnt crust which adheres to the pot or pan when slightly overcooked. k-rak' na'si, rice which adheres to the pot after boiling. k.-rak', the k-ram', mrg-ram', to brood (of hens). letter. J--pa'la su'su, ban'tirg (as smoke). k-ra', a long-tailed iko'yan, a measure of capacity = JiO pikuls; see end of Grammar. Iko'yok k-poig', m-rg-porg', to surround, encompass, besiege. Cf. Milirg. k-pul', her-k-pul-k-puV , in clouds Iko'yak, m-rgo'yak, -kan, to tear, rend. k-pok', a box made of thin material such as cardboard; a rice bin. cream. k-pa'la, to rack one's brains. l)a'tu k-pa'la, the crown of the head, the cranium. chu'kai k-pa'la, poll-tax. p-niig' k-pa'la, giddiness. k-ra'mat (Ar.), marvel, prodigy; worthy of veneration; especialy tombs of saints or remarkable persons, trees, or other natural which made. votive objects, offerings to are MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULAKT. 68 hand k-ran', a small wasp. k-re'ta ta'rek, k-ra'na, see Tcerna. na'ih k-re'ia, to ride in a car- k-ran'da (Sk.), cart. riage. cofiBn; also lorg. k-ri'au, to scream (Penang). k-raig', a shell fish, cockles. k-riig', k-ra'ni, clerk. v ha'tok k-rirg' , consumption. i'kan k-rirg', dried fish. Cf. k-ran'jaiTg;, a large basket, crate. Cf. baJcul. da'irg. k-k-ri'rgan, dried up. k-ran'ji, a timber tree. k-rap', frequently; often, k-rap' ' fixed, established. k-ras', hard, stifi, severe, diffi- cult. k-ras' ha'ti, hard hearted. k-ras' k-pa'la, obstinate. k-ras' pren'iah-rya, he rules witti hu'ah k-ras', the eandle-mit. pu'hol k-ras', to strike hard. Cf. k-ra'si, to force, compel. gagahi. k-ras' kan, to increase the severity or intensity of a thing. k-k-ra'san, hardness, compulsion. k-rat', m-ig-rat', -kan, to cut, cut amputate. CLprggal. s-k-rat', a piece, a part. k-ra'tan, a piece cut off. k-ra'waig, open work such as carving, crochet or lace. \ k-re'ta (Port.), carriage, cart. k-re'ta a'pi, railway, tram. k-re'ta Horg-korg', Jinrikisha. k-re'ta le'rerg, a bicycle. k-re'ta Im'bu, bullock cart. Ic-re'ta pos', mail se'wa, dagger or hu'lu the hilt of a kris. draw the kris-from the sheath. ma'ta k-ris', the blade of a kris. sa'rorg k-ris', the sheath of ai k-ris', ku'nus k-ris', to kris. krisek, see kersek. curly (of hair). Cf- ikal. k-ris'ten (Eur.), Christian. k-rig'ga, a very large red ant. k-roh', muddy, thick, dirty (of liquids or colours). k-ron'choig, bangles with tinkling bells attached. k-roiK'kong:, the throat, pipe. Cf. lehir. wind- k-ro'saig, brooch. k-ru'mun, her-k-ru'mun, to assemble, come together^ swarm, throig. Cf. him.pon: and kumpol. krusi, see kursi. k-rut', her-k-rut', wrinkled. kchut and kdut. Cf.. k-sad' and ka'sad (Ar.), intention, aim, object, purpose.. Cf. kahandak. cart. a hackney carriage, gharry. k-re'ta som'borg, express train. k-re'ta Malay creeoe. k-ri'tirg:, severity. a'rgin k-ras', a strong wind. a'yer k-ras', spirituous liquors. off, the k-ris', also Tca'li. k-rar' and ka'rar (Ar), settled, y dry. ksah, see kloh. k'si-at (B.), advantage; see kha~ siat. MALAY-ENGUSH VOCABULAnT. ]<s-tu'ri musk; (Sk.), see ku'ak, m-iyu'ak, to low, bellow leas- (of cattle). turi. Ic-su'ma (Sk.), a flower. ik-ta'geh, craving . (e.g. mouth it of a river enters the sea or ku-a'li, a cooking pot or pan, of iron or earthenware. Cf. rice is harvested; a carpen- Ijriok. ter's plane. ku-a'sa almond Indian the tight Cf. fitting. (Sk.), power, strength, attorney. Cf. authority^ kuat. tree. h-ri' lorg- empower, au- ku-a'sa, to thorise. gar. Ic-ta'wa, to laugh k-ti' the flows into another river. Cf. hpitirg. k-tam', a small knife with which Ic-ta'pang, ku-a'la, where for opium). ik-tam', a crab. Ic-tat', 69 ; ma'ha see iertawa. (Sk.) (33), one hundred thousand. k-ti'ak, armpit. power of attor- ney. ku-at' ^ (Ar.), power k-ti'ka (Sk.), time, period, mo- ment; ku-a'sa, almighty. sii'rat ku-a'sa, strength, Cf stroig. ; . force, Tcuasa. ku-at'kan, to strengthen. k-ku-a'tan, strength. also kutiha. h-ii'ka yarg ha'ik, a favourable kuatir, see khuatir. time. ku'baig, her-ku'baiy, a wallow; to wallow. jm'da h-ti'ha i'tu, at that time. s-k-U'ka la'ma-nj.a, a moment, a short time. ku'bu, a rampart, parapet, earthwork, stockade, fort. Cf, k-tiiK'. the leg below the calf. henterg and kota. m-rg-tirg', to hamstring. k-tok', OT-rp'-iofc' ku'bur (Ar.), tomb, sepulchre. (146), to knock, . Cf. tpoh. her-k-toh', to cackle. rap. a p-rg-toh', knocker, p-ku'bu-ran, mallet, ku'chai (Chin.), *' k-tul', a lump, a loaf. k-tu'pat, rice cooked in an en- the palm leaf. person ku'chup, a cMum. an abbreviation of aku when ject. ku-ah', gravy, sauce. Ba^c(on garlic. ku'chirg blan'dd, rabbit. ku'chirg Jiu'tan, wild cat. a'nak ku'chirg, kitten. pronoun of ; preceding a immediately verb of which it is the sub- (^'L-'^utn burial ku'chitg, cat. also used as possessive first cemetery, ground. gavel. velope of Cf. tanam. k-to'porg:, helmet. ku' (13), ku'hur-kan, to bury, inter. kiss; also kchup. Cf. ku'da, a horse; the trusses supporting a roof; one of the pieces in the see chatur. game of chess; ku'da ja-hat', a vicious horse. : MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULAnr. 70 hu'da k-chiV, pony. hu-da-ku'da, tressles. ku'da p-na'kotj a timid horse. ku'li-ti, to skin, flay. to suck or move about in the mouth (as lozenges or sweetmeats). b-si' ku'da, horse slioes. na'ik ku'da, to ride on horseback. pa'kai-an ku'da, harness. turg'garg ku'da, to ride on ku'lop (Ar.), circumcised. Kul'zum la'ut horseback. ku'dis, mange. see hodorg. v* (Ar.), might, power; Cf. generally used of God. misai. (Ar.), holy. al- .Cf. ^ kum'pol, m-rgum'pol, -kan, togather together, collect. Gf. himpon and krumun.. ku-eh', cakes, confectionery, pud- ber-kum'poi, to assemble, meet,. convene. dings. per-kum' po-lan, (Chin.), to kneel. ku-is', to kick aside, move with , Cf. inmsak. i'iu kun'chi, lock. ju-ru-kun'chi, steward. lo'baiy kun'chi, keyhole. ter-kun'chi, locked. kun'chi-kan, to lock. firm, steady. Jcu'koh-kan, to fortify. ku'kok, the crowing of a cock. ber-ku'kok, to crow. kun'chop, shut up, folded up^ finger-nail, toe-nail, claw, hoof. V ku'kus, to steam. ken arm. mushroom, fungus. Cf. chndawan. v- ku'li, labourer, cooly. ku'Iit, skin, leather, bark, shell. bark of a cinnamon, ku'Iit ka'yu, the ku'Iit ma'nis, kti'Jit t-Ior', eggshell. ku'niig, yellow. kun'iyit, saffron. ku'li po' (B.), female servant. : not yet opened (of flowers and buds). Cf. kmbarg. kun'dai, chignon, the hair of thehead "twisted into a knob at the back. Mi.<k iivt^qoi- ku'lai, hanging loose like a bro- ku'lat, lock, key. kun'chi marg'ga, padlock. a'nah kun'chi, key. ku'jut, m-Tgu'jut, to strangle: ku'ki (Bng.), cook. assembly ^ crowd. kun'chi (Sk.), the foot. ku'ku, to rinse the- mouth. hudus. ku'dus-kan, to consecrate. ku'koh, (Ar.), in the phrase: Kul'zum, the Eed Sea. ku'mor, ber-ku'mor, kuastt. kui' (B.) un- foreskin; ku'man, a Small parasitic insect.. kum'baig, a beetle, humble bee. ku'mis (Jav.), moustache. Cf^ ku'd-rat ku'dus ku~ ku'lom, barg'sal hu'da, stable. kudotg, Cf. pas. tree. b-ras' kun'ryii, rice stained with saffron. kun'tyovg, in the form s-kun'njorg-kun'ryorg, suddenly,, unexpectedly. X h/.ik t;*<«^ t^ 'F^,;A,p k{vr^%^^**^^^ • MALAY-ENGLISn VOCABULARY. kun'tau (Chin.), boxing. kun'tum ku'tum, or numerical ers ku'rap, ringworm. a kurban, bud; coefficient of flow- kurma, (84). kunun, see kind of shellfish, kursang, t- lirga. ku-pu-ku'pu, y butterfly. d-mam' 'ku'ra, intermittent fever. tortoise. Tcu-ra-Tcu'ra ha'ki, the instep. (39, 90), less, lacking, 'a'dat, a'jar, ill-mannered, ill-mannered, plant louse, ku'sut, tangled, in disorder, in confusion. kutika, see ktika. ku'tip, m-rgu'tip, gather up. to pick m-rgu'tok, -kan, curse; to curse. kutom, ha'ik, inferior, bad. b-ha'sa, impolite. hi-a'sa, unaccustomed. lioi-'mat, disrespectful. ja'ga, careless. s-ku-rarg-ku'rarg, at least. reduce, to hu'rarg-kan., di- k-ku-ra'rgan, lacking, in want, deficiency. want up, -i, a see kuntoin. ku'tu, a louse. v^ ku'tu an'jirg, a flea. ku'tu hu'sok, a bed-bug. ku'tu lin'bu, a tick. ku'yop, ba'sah ku' y op, wvinging wet. la'ba (Sk.), gain, profit. la-ba-la'ba, spider. la'boh, minish. ; (Chin.), ku'tok, 'a'kal, stupid, idiotic. ku-af, too weak, not strong enough.' ku'rarg per-cha'ya, suspicious. ku'rarg p-rek'sa, I don't know. ku'rarg ta'jam, blunt. -of ku'sa (Sk.), a goad. kus'ta (Sk.), leprosy. insufficient. .ku'rarg rude. ku'rarg rude. ku'rarg ku'rarg ku'rarg ku'rarg ku'rarg ku'rarg ku'rarg Cf. iakhta. thin, lean. aphis. kur'an, see kor'an. ku'raii: throne. kti'sin ku-ra-ku'ra, see krosarg. kur'si or k-ru'si (Ar.), a chair, ^' ku'rus, ku'ra, the spleen. Cf. ku-ro'rgan, a prison, cage. sargkar. kuUt. ear; usually favour, (149), ku'roig, m-rgu'rorg, an enclosure, enclosed place, cabin, prison; to enclose, imprison. a ku'pas, m-rgu'pas, to peel, skin Cf. animals). (fruits or (Jav.), (Sk.) kur'ni-a-kan, to give (as a king or God). bivalve. ku'ping khurma. grace, a gift from God or a king. Cf. anugrah. cents. a see korban. see kur'ni-a honun. ku'parg, a measure of weight for gold; (Penang) a eoin=lQ ku'pang:, 71 m-la'boh, -kan, to down, let down haigj^ (as clothes, curtains, nets, anchors, dtc). : MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 72 m-la'in-kan, but, on the contrary, on the other hand; ber-la'bohj to anchor. ia'ho-han, anchorage. Cf. liarya. la'bu, pumpkin, gourd. la'bur, in derivative p-Ja'bur, rations, supplies servits ed out. (D.), la'chi ^ drawer = (B.), a rapid, la'ju, la'da, pepper. la'ki, cultivated opposed to saCf. bndarg and q.v. having a husband married (of women). ber-la'M-kan, to marry, be marber-la'ki, women). ried to (of la'ga, ber-la'ga, to collide, strike together (of large hodies, as animals fighting). la'gam, a horse's Cf. harg. bit. (40, 89), more, still, yet, again. la'gi hi'dop, still alive. la'gi once more. la'gi s-ka'li, what how much else, the more. b-lutn' husband. husband and wife. la-M-la'ki (87), male, masculine = (B.) dlaJci. Cf. jan- huma. a' pa la'gi, la'gi, h-ra'pa la'gi, not yet. how many more. long s-la'gi, as (as Cf. tan. dry fields, rice fields, as wah, etc.). la'li bi'ni, Cf. chabai. per. swiftly dras. me'rah, red pepper, cayenne pepper. Cf. chabai. ^ la'da pu'teh, white pepper. la'da chi'na, the chili, red pepla' da la'datg, moving carriages, boats, ' differing from. la'jak, go forward, push ahead (as a boat). toah. ^ diverse, ber-la'in-an, as, while. s-di'hit la'gi, a little more. lak'sa (Sk.) (33), ten thousand. lak-sa-ma'na (Sk.), admiral. lak-sa'na (Sk.), like, resembling. la'ku, ber-la'ku, action, conduct, manner of doing a style, thing; to take place, happen, occur, pass current, sell readily. s-la'ku i'ni, thus. in this manner, la'hu-kan, to bring to pass, execute, carry out. la'ku-kan di'ri, to behave oneself, comport oneself, act. k-la'ku-an, behaviour, action. , la'gu, tune. lah' (ij 6), which is an expletive suffix usually joined to the verb or some emphatic word in a sentence. la'hir (Ar. tla'hir), visible, outward, exoteric ; as opposed to batin, inward. lai, ia'ln, coefficient, of thin or objects; also hlai. other, different; of; difference. state. la'lai-kan, to neglect, dis- regard. numeral •flat a state of semi-consciousness; hence, listless, careless, negligent. ter-la'lai, in a semi-conscious la'lai, exclusive la'laiig:, a very coarse grass. and repass. la'lu la'larg, to pass la'lat, the ia'lii common la'lat, house-fly. moles, freckles. MALAT-ESTGLISH YOCABDLAEY. lam'pin, swaddling-clothes; also kain lampin. to pass, be past; past, ago, after that, then (138). la'iti, linu la'larg, to pass and repass. a' da ti'ga ha'ri la'lu, three light, bulky weight (of wood). lam'pois:. days ago. ler-ja'lan la'lu, to pass by. pu'Tcol ti'ga la'lu, past w lam'pu (Bug.), lamp. la'mun, in three I'a'nat (Ar.), curse, imprecation, damnation. Cf. sumpah and kutok. Va'nat-kan, to curse. pass by a thing, go past, overlook, disregard. la'ma, long (of time), length of time, duration, old, former, lan'char, rapid, fluent (especialCf. paseh. ly of speech). ba'cha lan'char, to read fluently. Cf. tua. ancient. la-ma-la' ma, la'ma Tc-la'ma'an, after some time, finally. la'ma su'ddh, a long time ago. bi'ni la'ma, a former wife. lan'choig, false, counterfeit. lan'dak, the porcupine. bu'lu lan'dak, the quills of the b-ra'pa la'ma, how long ? pa'kai-an la'ma, old clothes. s-la'ma, as long as, while. s-la-ma-la'ma-rya, for ever. s-ta'hun la'ma-rya, for a year, a year's duration. when removed from the animal they are known as duri landaK lan'das, in its derived form: lan'da-san, an anvil. porcupine ; to -kan, lam'bai, m-lam'hai, wave. lam'bai-kan ta'rgan, to make a sign by waving the hand. laig', a generic the slow, late, too and lewat. assail, \ horsefly. Cf. to attack, contend assault, against, violate a command. Cf. lawan. larg'gar 'a'dat, to violate a cus- lam'botig:, m-lam'borg, to toss in bound up and down. tom. b-ha'sa, to transgress the rules of etiquette. larg'gar hu'kum, to violate the larg'gar see plamin. flam'pau, m-lam'pau, exceeding, beyond, excessive; to exceed, go beyond. too excessively, ier-lam'pau, much, very = (B.) ter-lam- for birds of m-larg'gar, laiig'gar, lam'boiig, side, flank. the air, name tribe. latg'gaig, turg'garg larg'garg, helter-skelter, head over heels. tardy, dilatory, Cf. lergah late. lam'tat-han, to retard. hawk la'igau, a- large pikat. Cf. isharat. pon. Cf. plita. case, in the event of, lest. la'lu, last year. la'lu-i, to lamin, its la'mun ja'rgan, for fear that, ter'la'lu, very, extremely. lam'bat, for if. o'clock. s-la'lu, always. ta'kun 73 law. la'igir, : m-la'rgir, -i, cosmetics used in bathing; to use such cosmetics in bathing. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 74 la' pah, to la'igit, the sky, heavens. la-rgit-la'rgitj ceiling, the roof of the mouth. l^a'l-i la'rgit, the horizon. -i, a. pace, a step; to step, step over. (B.) space round (Chin.), lan^kap, see Itrjl-ap. laig'sat, the name open cMmche". tlae an edible trwit. larg'si, door curtains, portiere. good and sometimes = laJu, in Penang and iang:'sotg, outright, for all also ; especially lan'jut, long (of time or of a story), of loig duration, pro- lama and pan- Cf. jarrj. lan'jid-han, to prolong. the laths (usually of the niborg paim) of which Malays make their floor, also floors. lan'tai, floor boards. pa'pan lan'tak, m-lan'tak, to drive in, ram. ramrod. luas. hungry. famine. Jc-Ia' pa-ran, (B.) balcony (Chin.), open to the sky. la'pis, fold, layer (84). ba'jn du'a la'pis, two worn one over the coats other. pin'ta tu'joh la'pis, seven doors or gates in succession. la'ran;, m-la'rarg, -kan, to forbid,, prohibit. Cf. tgah and pan. tatg. . contraband, that tabooed or prohibit- la-ra'rgan, which is ed. la'ras, barrel of a gun. la'rat, spread, e.x(of clouds,, anchorstheir to m-la'rat, drift to ships when drag, etc.). la'rek, to turn on a lathe. p-la'reJc, lathe. run, rUn awajv ta'ri, ber-la'ri, to flee; escape. ba'wa la'ri, to run away with. away with, (Jav.), thereupon, then = Malay lalv. high officials). la'iyak, m-la'npl-, tread down. run lash'kar (Pers.), trample, lap'Mn, to absorb. ler'tas lap', blotting paper. runaway. p-la'ri-an, escape. sailor. to with^ off kidnap. p-la'ri, fugitive, lan'tek, m-lan'Ul-, to install, invest, inaugurate (princes and lap', spacilehar and la'ri-kan, to cause to run, run:, p-lan'tale, Ian'ta.s Cf. la'par, ier-la'par, hunger; to be tend'; lan'tai, extensive, la'pok, mould, mildew. Perak. lan'jur, t-lan'jur, lengthy, protracted; (B.) itam'^M, during, while. Ica'ta su'dah Man'jw, " the murder's out." tracted, see dlapari. la'pe" of Bay. (a'paig, broad, ous, wide. iaig'kah, m-larg'hah, laig'kan lapan; soldier, Cf. soldado army;: and kha~ lasi. la'ta (Ski), m-la'ta, crawl (of imals). plants to creep,, and an- MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULAKT. la'tah, a nervous affection, the symptoms of which are somewhat similar to the eifects of hypnotism. (Ar.), pleasure, enjoyment kind) ; delight^ sensual a pleasant to the senses. (of la'zim fa"uk, the food which is eaten with rice whether meat, fish or vegetables. la"ut, the sea. la"ut a' pi, hell. , ia'rat la"ut, north-west. ti'mor la"ut, north-east. m-la"ut, to go out to sea l-bai', a (as contend, strive, to compete. Of. larggar. m-la'wan, to oppose, resist, withstand opposed t o , ; against. mosque attendant. l-bam', discoloured, as the result of a bruise. Mru l-bam', black and blue. . l-bat', adversary', rival; dense, thick, fit, (as Cf, rendarg. I'beh (89), more, more than; surplus. Cf. lagi. I'beh d-hu'lu, previously. more or less. Cf.. Itira-lcira. visit. la'yak (Ar.), worthy, heaVy foliage, insects or rain). I'beh lu'rarg, la'wat, m-la'wat, to a honey-comb, bee's nest. la"u-tan, the ocean. her-la'u-an, (Ar.), indispensable; hence, in common use, common; also hla'ziman. I'bah, bee. sa'rarg I'hali, river fish). la'wan, la'zat 75 proper. la'yan, m-la'yan, -i, to serve, wait upon, minister to. p-la'yan, a servant. ia'yan^, m-la'yarg, to soar, hover. la-yarg-la'yarg, a kite. ber-ma'in la-yarg-la'yarg, to fly a kite. bu'rorg la-yarg-la'yarg, a swallow. m-rgan'jorg la-yarg-la'yarg, to throw a kite up in the air. la'yarg-Jcan su'rat, a poetic expression for sending a letter. s-l-beh-l'beh-rya, at the most. ter-l'beh' (93, 9-1), most, very. I'beh-kan, to make more of, more aggrandize, consider of importance. k-l'be-han, excess, superiority. l-bu', dust. Cf. dbu and habok^ l-bur', m-l-bur', to melt or fuse metals, smelt. Ic-l-bu'ran, abyss, chasm. le'bar, wide, broad; breadth (36, Note). Cf. laparg and, le'cheh, protracted, slow, lingering. hu'Tca la'yer, to set a sail. le'chek, m-le'cheh, to crush by a grinding motion, under the foot or in a vessel. i'hat la'yer, to furl sail. le'hir, la'yer, a sail. ^-t-lA'^A-l^ (98), to sail, set sail, start on a voyage. la'yer-kan, to sail (a vessel). p-la'ye-ran, voyage. b-la'yer la'yu, withered; to wither, fade. neck, throat (external). Cf. krorghorg. ba'targ le'hir, the neck. ch-keh' le'hir, to throttle. p-lok' le'hir, to embrace. po'torg le'hir, to cut the throat. ; 76 MALAV-KNOLISII \OCABULARY. le'ka, dawdliig. tough, plastic, supple. ta'nah li'at, clay. li'at, word which may be used to form the numerals from twenty-one to twenty- le'kor, a smooth, slippery. ba'tu li'chin, pebbles. li'dah, the tongue; pronunciali'chin, Cf. hlas. nine. tion. du'a le'kor, twenty-two. s-le'lcor, twenty-one. li'dah a'pi, flames. a'nak li'dah, the uvula. le'la, a swivel-gun. pa'seh li'dah, eloquent. pi'tah li'dah, eloquent. le'leh, m-le'leh, to flow, run (as liquids). Cf. linarg and aZir. li'dal le'loig (Port.), auction. Wlonj-kan, to sell by auction. lem'bak, m-lem'bak, li'di, overflow- ing; to overflow. plentiful ; m-li'hat, (149), to look, perceive. Cf. pandarg, tergok and nampak. to to look at, view. k-U-ha'tan, it was seen, there was seen (impers.). prg-li'ha-tan, the sense of sight a vision, a thing seen. li'Iin, wax; a candle. li'lia-ti, lavish. k-lem'pa-han, abundance. m-lem'par, to throw, ie'na, deep, sound (of Cf. llap and ryadar. sleep). Cf. lontar. fling. thimble; also see, lem'pali-kan, to give liberally, lem'par, a the midrib of a leaf of the coco-nut palm. li'hat, lem'pah, m-hm'pah, abounding, abundant, abound. (Port.), didal. m-li'lit, to twine, entwine Cf. blit. (as a creeper). li'lit, le'iigab, m-le'rgdh, loiter, delay. li'ma, indolent; to Cf. lambai. 1eig:'korg, m-lerg'korg , to encircle, surround. leig'kar, m-lerg'kar, a coil (of rope or a snake) ; to coil. le'raig, s-le'rarg, in one width (of mrorgs) as opposed to kampoli, q.v. le'reig, kr.e'ta le'rerg, a bicycle. le'tir, h-le'tir, to babble, chatter. le'wat (Jav.), past = ZaZw; too a hole; usually lobarg. War, wild posed which li'ma wak'iu, the five stated periods of prayers ; see wahtu. prglima, see prglima. as opof. bvas, tame; means wild to sense of ferocious. in the Cf. jrok. fruits. li'mau b-sar' and li'mau jamhu'a, the pumelo. li'mau ma'nis, the orange. li'mau ni'pis, the lime. li'narg, flow lin'dorg, (of animals) generic name for limes and similar li'mau, the oranges, and late. li'aiig;, X (For derived forms ampat). five. see her-li'narg, (of tears). flowing; Cf. to lelek alir. -kan, to m-lin' dory , cover, screen, pro- shelter, tect. ber-lin'doiy, sheltered, shelter- ing oneself. ^/-l'>v^|^ak'^$l•^K,Ce^A-|^^' . L^fNrfiM^/jie^^ MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. shelter, that fer-lin'do-rgan, which affords a covering; privy, latrine. lin'taiig:, m-lin'tanf, across, transverse; to go across, traverse, Cf. lintas and pass over. labour, higgledy-pig- pu'Tcarg, exhausweary, exhaust- exertion, tion, fatigue ; ed, tired. Cf. Iteh and pnat.. ber-hen'ti-kan I'lah, to rest after fatigue. ber-l'lah, to exert oneself. I-lap', bujor. lin''targ riah, IT deep, sound (of and lena. sleep).. Cf. lyadar ti'dor l-lap', to sleep heavily. gledy. Un'iarg, cross-bar. palarg. Cf. I'mah, weak, powerless, deficient lin'tas, m-lin'tas, to pass through, cross, penetrate (through a I'mah Im'bot, gentle, mild,. meek. h-Vma-han, weakness, debility. lea'yu of strength. tract of country, or of wea- pons through the body) . Cf lintarg. li'pas, cockroach. Cf. fat. double, l-mas', smothered, suffocated. ma' a fold; to fold, Cf. turn down. ii'pat, m-li'pat, a- lapis. l-mas', to die of cation or drowning. l-mas'kan, to smother, suffosuffo- cate. Ii'pat lu'tut, to bend the knees. ber-li'pat, folded. m-li'put, to Im-ba'ga, form, bodily shape, tbe material encompass, cover. from the Im'bah, a 1-kak, l-Tcak-l-koh' , full of cavities, uneven, undulating. m-l-Tcap', to adhere (of flat surfaces). l-kas', quick, rapid; quickly, imCf. laryat, dras, mediately. I'ajii and pdntas. l-Tcas'han, to hasten, expedite. m-l-haf (149), to stick, adhere ; to be fixed upon (of i-kat', . animal suet, I-ma'ri, wardrobe = almari. li'pan, a large centipede = hlipan. l-kap', Iteli. miryah. li'or, a'yer li'or, saliva. li'put, 1-mak', Cf. the eyes). l-hat'Tcan, affix. to cause to adhere, Cf. Tcna and tampal. 1-kok', dent, indentation, hollow, depressed, dented, cavity stove in. of cavities, l-kalc-l-lcoh' , full uneven, undulating. ; as distinguished spiritual. valley, a depression. Im'bap, moist, damp. Im'bar, a strand, thread. Im'bek, soft, flabby, the touch. yielding to Cf. linboi. Im'biiKt a spear, ligliter than the tombah. Cf. sligi. Im'bot, soft, pliant, gentle, der. I'mah meek. Cf. ImbeJc. gentle, Im'bot, ten- mild, Im'bot-kan, to soften, appease- Im'bu, the ox. Cf. snp'i. Im'bu b-ti'na, cow. Im'bu jan'tan, bull. a'nak Im'bu, calf. Im'poh, paralyzed. Cf. tepok. MALAY-ENGLISH VOOABDLARY. 78 Jn'dir, slimy; inucus. J'lgan, the arm. sljme, lom'pat, phlegni, fish), loig'gar, loose, lig'koiK, circle, slack, loig'gok, a heap, pok. loose fit- pile. Cf. tom- loil^'kai^, drain, sewer. lon'tar, m-lnn'tar, -kan, to throw, fiing. Cf. lempar. for rice. = (as ting. dition, fleet. lilg'kat (B.), to stick jump hop (as birds). Ioik', coffin. to fit out, equip, prepare. 1--1 ry-ka' pan, equipment, expe- barn, granary on. lon'chat, m-lon'cKat, to liy'kap-kan, a jump lom'pa-ti, to Cf. targan. Jn^'kap, equipped, fitted out, supplied or furnished with a necessary outfit. s-lig'l-ap, a complete outfit. ber-lrrj'hap, to prepare oneself, hold oneself in readiness. Ivg-ki'aig, jump, m-lom'pat, to bound. leap, spring, Cf. lo'rorgj a street, lane, alley. jalan. Ikat. an arch, dome, semi- losin, see dusin. ef LBt^iSir uri lotar, see lontar. ^In-iyap', to disappear, vanish. lo'ten? (Chin.), upper story; upCf. tirglcat. stairs. In-ryap'han, to cause to disappear, make away with. In'taig, t-ln'targ, -lying back. lo'toig, a kin4 of on the "In'tur, pliable, flexible. Ipa, see alpa. lo'ba (Sk.), coveteousness, cupid^ ity. l-pas', free, disengaged, let loose, Cf. im'a. acquitted, exempt; on the conclusion or expiration of some event". released, lo'bak, Chinese radish. :io'barg;, a hole. after, Cf. liarg. Cf. liichut. lo'harg hi'dorg, the nostrils. lo'baiy ja'rom, the eye l-pas' a of lobok, de-ri-pa'da hu'targ, free from needle. lo'harg Icun'chi, keyhole. her-lo'harg, perforated, having holes in monkey. iD'y**" (Eng.), lawyer. l-pas' l-pas' debt. ma'kan, after eating. sa'tu sa'tu, one tiling after another. it. l-pas' see luhok. ti'ga ha'ri, after three days. lo'cheig (Chin.), a bell. Cf. s'o'rarg l-pas' s'o'rarg, gnta. one after another. loh' (Ar.), slate; also papan loh. her-l-pas', to escape. lo'kan, a l-pas'kan, shell-fish. to set free, deliver, release, let go. lo'kek, mean, stingy. k-l-pa'san, deliverance. lom'botg, a surface mine, placer mine. si/ ",«- f\vum '. l-siiig' (B.), a sling = aZt-aK. ; MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. ]-sorg', is a mortar in which rice pounded in order to re- move the husk. 1-tak', m-l-tah' , Cf. antan. -kan, down, lay down ; to , put down to lay or commands; to impose penalties. Cf. buboh and taroh. or prescribe laid prescribed. ter-l-tak', laws down, placed, 1-teh', weak, feeble, infirm, lan- 1-top', m-l-top' (103), to explode, detonate. (10), you; used only in addressing Chinese. !u' (Chin.) from outside. go out, come out, issue (49, 146). out, to send out, put put forth (as fruit), expel, publish (books). Ti-Iu'a-ri, to go out to meet. h-lv'a-ran, extraneous, foreign, Cf. lumat. admitted, allowed, conceded, complied with. lu'lus-kan, to comply with, grant, permit. lu'lus, • lu'mat, pulverised. luloh Cf. lum'ba, ber-lum'ba, to compete, Cf. lawan. vie with, race. lum'ba ku'da, horse race. lu'mor, smeared, daubed. see Impoh. Cf. beehak. moss, mould, fungus, seaweed. lu'mut ka'rarg, sponge. lu'mut, lu'nas, keel. luiggu, see blurggu. lunjur, see urijur. lu'pa, m-lu'pa, -kan (148), to forget. alien. lu'as, extensive, vast, spacious. Cf. lebar and lapaiy. lu'as-kan, to extend, enlarge. k-lu'a-san, w'idje extent, 'range, latitude, freedom. lu'bok, a pool, a deep place in a river lu'loh, pulverised. lum'pur, mud. di lu'ar, outside. Ic-lu'ar, to the exterior, out; to Jc-lu'ar-kan, lu'kis, m-lu'kis, to engrave. lumpoh, lu'ar, out, outside, external. de'ri lu'ar, lu'ka-kan, to wound. lu'kah, a fish trap in the forra of a basket. and serbok. Cf. Imah. guid. 79 or in the sea; also lohoh. lu'chut, escaped, liberated, engaged, unfastened. dis- lu'ptiti to escape, slip lu'roh, to fall (of dead leaves, Cf. ripe fruit, hair, etc.). gu^or. s-luroh, see sluroh. lu'rus, saliva,, spittle to spit. lu'da-hi, to spit at, spit upon. p-lu'da-han, spittoon. lu'ka, wound; wounded. k'na lu'ka, to receive a wound. straight, true, sincere. Cf. btul. hi'rus-kan, to straighten. lu'sa, lu'dah, ber-lu'daJi, away from. Cf. luchut. the Cf. day after to-morrow. Mai. iutar, = loniar, q.v. lu'tut, the knee. Wpat lu'tut, to bend the knee. ber-lu'tnt, to kneel. Cf. tlut. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 80 ma-ha-Ii'gai palace; (Tarn.), also maligai. ma"af ness. pardon, forgiveAlso pronounced ma- hap. Cf. (Ar.), ampun. min'ta ma"af', to ask pardon. ma"af-lcan, to pardon, forgive. ma'bok, intoxicated, stupified, drunk. ma'bok da'rah, faint through loss of blood. ma'boh la'ut, sea-sick. ma'cham, kind, sort, method, and Cf. iagai manner. ma' cham,-ma' cham, of various kinds, all sorts. ma' cham, (18, 19), Icind of? a' pa ma'dam what (Bur.), a lady. ma'dat, opium prepared smoking. Cf. apiun for and chandu. hi'sap ma'dat, to madh'hab (Ar.), smoke opium, sect; usually maz'hab. (Sk.), honey. a'yer ma'du, honey. in'doh ma'du, honey-comb. usually mah-ka'mah (Ar.), understood; mfaham. mai'dan (Ar., arena), battlefield. ma'in, her-ma'in, to play, amuseoneself, jest; to play musical instruments ; game, amusement. berMa- L-^a^^i^^ ma'in cha'tur, to play chess. ma'in ga'sirg, to play tops. ma'in gi'la, to play the fool. ma'in ju'di, to gamble. ma'in ma'ta, to make eyes at ai person. ma'in su'lirg, to play the flute. ma'in wa'yarg, to act in a play. per-ma'i-nan, a game, sport, entertainment. ma'j-lis' (Ar.), session, audience, assembly, council. ma'ju (Jav.), to go forward, pro- gress. fire wor- mak' sau- (Ar.), magian, shipper. mak', mother; also ihu. mak'-ba'pa, parents. m,ak' mu'da, and da'ra, aunt. magh'rib (Ar.), the sun-setting, the West; usually barat. ma'ha (Sk.), great, in the following expressions: ma'ha b-sar', very great. ma'ha ku-a'sa, almighty. ma'ha mu-li'a, most excellent. ma'ha mu'rah, most gracious. ma'ha-ra'ja, a great prince. ma'ha tirg'gi, most high. ma-hal', dear, high priced, (Ar.), court of jus- tice, tribunal. ma' jus ma'du maf-hum' ma'hap, to forgive, see ma'af. ma'hir (Ar.), skilful, expert. diffi- cult to obtain. her'ga ma-hal', a high price. mak' ti'ri, step-mother. ma'ka (133), word. a punctuation tna'kam (Ar.), a grave. ma'kan, m-ma'kan, to eat, consume, corrode, absorb. a'rgin, to go for an airing or pleasure excursion. ma'kan ma'kan chan'du, smoke opium. ma'kan da'lam, (as rust, things). to take opium,, to penetrateacids or sharp . ; . MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULAKT. ma'han to receive a safor wages. ga'ji, work lary, ma'kan hah', o'rarg, to rob a person of his rights, do an injustice. ma'kan mi'num, to eat and drink. ^ ma'Iam s-ka'raty, ma'Iam i'ni or ma'Iam da'targ, to-night. ma'Iam ta'di, last night. ja'uh ma'Iam, late at night. .s-ma'lam, last night. si-arg' ma'Iam, day and night. ; ma'Iam, midnight. ier-ma'lam, to pass the night. t'rgah ma'kan na'si, to take a meal. ma'kan pa'gi, breakfast. ma'kan ra'chun, to take poison, be poisoned. ma'Iaig, unfortunate, wretched. un'torg yarg ma'lar^, bad for. mM'kan Sl^ ro'kok, to smoke the tune. a wretched o'rarg ma'larg, native cigarette. fel- low. ma'kan s-hi-da'rgan, to eat together. k-ma' la-rgan, misfortune. ma'kan su-ap'^ to take a bribe. mM'kan sum' pah, to break one's ma'las, lazy, idle. Malayu, Mlayu. oath, perjure oneself. ma'kan, to feed. cha'ri ma'kan, to get a living. ma-li'gai (Tam.), palace; usual- i-ri' di-ma'kan a' pi, consumed by fire. ha'his ma'kan, after eating. ma'ka-nan, food. makh'Iok (Ar.), creature, created being. Cf. jadi. see ly istana. m'a'lim (Ar;), teacher, instructor; pilot, guide, mate on a ship. ma'Iu, shame, disgrace; ashamed, bashful, modest. ma'lu, to cause shame or disgrace to a person. k'na ma'lu, to be disgraced. k-ma'lu-an, shame, disgrace the private parts. b-ri' . ma'ki, m-ma'M, abuse, scolding, - vituperation call ma'kin names. (95), ; to abuse, revile, Cf. nista. more, the more. Cf. margiein and miiyhin. ma'kin... ma'kin. ., the more. the more s-ma'kin, by so . much the more. ma-ko'ta (Sk.), crown. mak'sud pose; (Ar.), aim, object, pursense, meaning. Cf. .. hndak and mau. ma'Iam, night; the Malays reckon the; day to begin at 6 p.m., so the night belongs to the m'a'luiti (Ar.), known, notorious. m'a'lum, to make known. m'a'lum-kan, to inform, make h-ri' known. ma'mah, Cf. hri tahu. to chew, masticate. Cf- ' kulom. ma'tnak, uncle, aunt. ma-man'da, mamah. a polite form of mam'bang:,. certain supernaturalbeings, spirits. following day, ^nd therefore maiam. ahad / ia Saturday Sunday night. ma'Iam ha'ri, night time. night, not itiam'pus, dead;, usually mati. m'^'mur (Ar.), populous, thick-, ly .inhabited. . ; , MALAY-ENGLISH VOOABULAHf. 82 Qi'a'na (Ai'.)j sense, meaning, signification; (B.) a para- =Mas. ble, allegory inaTni'kam Cf. arti. ma'na (18, 19), where? which? also (as an abbreviation of hgimdna) how? ma'Hd ho'leh, how niarg'sa'(Sk.), prey. (Tam.), precious stones, rubies, carbuncles. ma'nis, sweet, gentle, soft, , ami- able. - pos- whichever vou sible ? ma'na.. an'l-a, like. .... ia'raty di ma'na, wherever. ba'rarg k^ma'na, whithersoever. ja'ri ma'nis, the t-gi-ma'na, how? in what way? de-ri-ma'na, whence ? di ma'na, where? di tna-na-ma'na, everywhere. man'ja, h-ma'na, whither ? ma'na, which man? ma'na-lean, an abbreviation of bgimana akan, how will? how can ? how could ? ma-nu-si'a (Sk.), mankind, man as distinguished from other beings, the human race. Cf .a'raiy man-dar'sah (Ar. man'di,. to bathe, take a bath. a'yer man'di, bathing water. tm'pat man'di, bathroom. man'di-han, to bathe a person, give a person a bath. : man'dul, barren. man'dur (Port.), an overseer. ma-nek-ma'nek, beads. nidilg:'ga, the mango. maijg^'gis, the and princes). q.v. Cf-. bolcor. niatg'ku-bu'mi, prime minister. Cf mntri and panjku. . ., \ orarg. nia'ra (Sk.), injury, harm, misfortune. ma'ra bah'ya or danger, peril. . mer-bah'ya, ma'rah and a-ma'rah, anger; • angry. Cf. murkd, gjisar, and gram. mar'hum (Ax.), the late, the deceased (usually of kings). ,,, ma'ri, hither, come,, come here (Penang). to come.. Cf. datarg and sampai. k^ma'ri, hither. see merkah. (Ar.), marble. Cf. 'mas', gold. 'mai' kak'win, dowry. 'mas' lan'chorg, spurious gold. 'mas' u'rai, gold dust. .' maiig'kok, cup, bowl, basin. ehawan and abrogated, pualam. niatg'kat, dead; to die (of kings mailgkin = mahin, ' annulled. mar'mur mangusteen. (Ar.), to spoilt; indulge (a person). man'^ukh markah, Tcun'chi marg'ga, a padlock. man'ja-lcan, spoil, madrasah, school), a village mosque; koran school ; also bandarsah. Cf. surau. , brown. fourth finger. ha'yu ma'nis cinnamon. hu'lii ma'nis, cinnamon. li'mau ma'nis, orange. ma'ni-san,. sweets, sweetmeats. lii'iam ma'nis, is it i. a'yer 'mas', gilding. kor'ias 'mas' , gold leaf. 'ma'si, to briber k'ma'san, gilt. . . . \ ; MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. Vma'&an, material embroidered or woven with gold. ha'in Tna'sa, it how ma'sa-kan, usually can be? how could it be? ima'sa (Sk.), time, period, epoch. Cf. waktu and zman. iermasa, see termasa. cooked; ripe, cook to acid, sour ma'sam mu'ka, scowling, frowning, long-faced, sour. ma'seh;' maseh, Cf. still. lagi. see almaseh. jnasehi, see msihi. nidsh'ghul (Ar.), troubled, turbed in mind, sad. mash-hur' dis- well-known, (Ar.), become^ a terfere. - ma'sok ta'rgan, to interfere. ha'wa ma'sok, to take in, introduce. ma'sok, to let in, admit. ma-ta-ha'ri ma'sok, sunset, the West. ma'sok-kan, to put in, cause, to ma'sok-kan da'lam pn-ja'ra, to put in prison, also asam. ; to Christian. ma'sok. irnu'lut, to interrupt, in- enter. Cf. tafiak. h-Jitm' ma'salc, unripe. ju-ru-ma'sak, cook. (86), smelt. jna'sam, ma' sol- Kns'ten, bri' xna-sa'i'lah (Ar.), question, problem. ma'sak, , 83 celebrated, famous. mash-hiir'kan, to make known, publish, divulge. ma'ta, eve; the edge of a knife. ma'ta a'rgin, the main points of the compass. ma'ta a'yei', spring of water. nia'ia ba'jak, ploughshare. ma'ta bn' da, jewellery. ma'ta da'chi-iy, the scale of a steelyard. ma-ta-lm'ri, the sun. ma-ta-ha'ri ma'sok, sunset. ma-ia-ha'ri ter'bit, sunrise. ma'ta ha'ti, spiritual perception. ma'ta i'kan, wart. inash'rik (Ar.), the suurising, the East; usually timor. •mash-wa'rat (Ar.),- her-ma-th- wa'fat, to consult, deliberate consultation. ma'si, still, ma'sin, yet; usually maseh. salt, saline ma-sii]g:-ma'sing, Cf. Ma'sir mas'jid {adj.) ; also Cf. garam. asin. each, every. tiap. (Ar,.), Egypt. (Ar.), mosque; usually :ma'sok, m-ma'sok (49), to enter, go in, penetrate. ma'sok Is'lam, to become a Mo- hammedan. ma'ta- ka"il, fishhook. ma'ta ka'in, the darker pattern on a saroig forming a vertical bar of colour. ma'ta ka'ki, ankle. ma'ta ka'yu, a knot in timber. ma'ta k-ris' , the blade of a kris. ku'cliirg, catse5'e (a ma'ta stone); an edible fruit. ma'ta lu'ka, the opening of a wound. ma-ta-ma'ta, policeman. ma-ta-ma'ta g-lap', a detective. ma'ia p-do'man, the divisions on the compass card. ma'ta pi'sau, the blade or edge of a knife. ma' ta su'su, nipple. . . MALAY-ENGLISH VOOABULART. 84 a'nak ma'ia, pupil of the eye. mat'ros (D.), a'yer ma'ta, tears. hi'hir ma'ta, the eyelids. hi'ji ma'ta, eyeballs. mau' iu'lu ma'ta, eyelashes. hndak. cher'min ma'ta, spectacles. ch-lek' ma'ta, to open the eyes. e'kor ma'ta, the corners of the mau',. .mau! ., either, .or. mau' ta'mau', whether willingor not, nolens volens. . eyes. a' pa mau'? what do you want.. maut' (Ar.), death. Cf. mati. k-jam' ma'ta, to close the eyes. k-lo'.pak ma'ta, the eyelids. ma'in ma'ta, to make eyes at a 'a'lam maut', hades; also 'alanv barzakh. person. ma'war (Pers.), rose. a'yer ma'war, rose water. bu'rga a'yer ma'war, the rose. p-jam' ma'ta, to close the ej'es. pu'teh ma'ta, disappointed. s-ma-ta-ma'ta, altogether, en- ma'was, the "orang utang." tirely. ma'yaig, a cluster of flowers sb'lah ma'ta, one eve. s-l'-Kp' ma'ta. the 'twinkling of an palm trees. mayas - mawas, eye. tn'targ ma'ta, in right one's ^ eyes. ma'ti, dead; to Cf. die; a fixture, bodj Cf^ bargkai. ma'yoigi a Malay theatrical performance. maz'mur Cf. wayarg. (Ar.), psalm; see a r.abur. maz'hab, sect: also madhhab. 'm'bek, to bleat (of sheep and] ed. ma'ti pu'chok, impotent. a'tgin ma'ti, the wind has died away. ba'ris ma'ti, see q.v. (Ar.), corpse, dead (of hitman beings). mampus. ma'ti di-hu'noh, assassinated, executed. ma'ti la' par, died of starvation. ma'ti l-mas', suffocated, drown- oni klopak. Cf. ma'yat ma-ta-ha'ri, the sun; see mata. fixed. Cf. prahu^ sailor. (45), to wish, desire: alsoas an auxiliary verb, will^ Cf. shall, would, should. 6am. ' m-boli-m'bo-han, although. 'm'bun, dew. g-ran' ma'ti, freehold. her'ga ma'ti, fixed price. with a knot that will not slip. ja'ri ma'ti, the middle finger. ina-ta-ha'ri ma'ti, the West, o'lrarg ma'ti, a corpse. s-pa'roh ma'ti, half dead, i'kat ma'ti, to tie tan'da ma'ti, see bari'i. ma'ti-kan, to kill. h-ma'ti-an, death, decease. ma-to'ka (Eng.)? motor goats). 'm'boh, to be willing, agree. car. medan, see maidan. me'ga (Sk.), clouds. me'ja (Port.), a table. ja'ga me'ja, to wait at table. ia'roh me'ja, to lay the table. mem' (Eng.), lady. madam, Mrs.^ Cf. nonja. me'mang:, already, in the samecondition as before, always, invariably, naturally, o f course. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. me'rah, red. mi'aii^, me'rah mu'da, pale red. me'rdh t-lor', the yoke of an egg- itchiness caused by the bamboo, and fine hair of the similar things. mi'ka, thou, thee = argJcau. mil' (Bng.), mile. mi'lek (Ar.), property, posses- me'rah tu'a, deep red. hu'da me'rah, a bay horse. inerak, see m,rah. sions. -mer'bau, a timber mer'bok, a small 85 mi.'le-ki, to possess, acquire. tree. mim'bar turtle dove. (Ar. minhar), the pul- pit in a mosque. TTier'chun, works. fire crackers, lire- Cf. ptas. •mer-d-he'ka (Jav.), freed from slavery, manumitted, free. Cf. dehas. mer'du (of (Sk.), soft, gentle, sweet sounds). Cf. manis. Tner-gas-tu'a (Sk. margasatwa), wild animals. me'reig, slanting, oblique. chondrorg and serorg. rrerg, mer'kah Cf. marks on a lead line, a soldier's badges of rank. (Port.), the mer'kah, very fine cracks in por- celain. (Sk.), pigeon, dove = Cf. hurorg komba. (B.) pergain, punai, thukur and uner-pa'ti merboli:. mer-ta'bat (Ar.), high position, Cf. pargTcat. rank, station. mer-tu'a father-in-law, (B.), mother-in-law = mntua. inesal, see mithal. me'wah, abundant. Cf. lempah. Ic-me'ica-han, abundance. m-f-ham mafhum), (Ar. m-gah'lran to glory. di'ri, oneself. irthal, see mahal. also to boast, exalt (B.) m- nimpi. ber-mim' pi, to dream. minarah, see mnarah. miiK'go (Port, doming o, lord), hari mirggo, the Lord's day, Sunday. come to Hence mirggo has mean a week. Cf. ahad. (B.), more, the more = mahin, q.v. mi'nit (Bng.), minute. min'ta, m-min'ta (86 b, 157), to miigkin request, ask for ; also pinta. min'ta a' man, to seek for peace. min'ta dm'pun, to ask for for- giveness. min'ta di'ri, to excuse oneself, take leave. Cf. mohon. min'ta do"a, to pray. min'ta jan'ji, to request the fulfilment of a promise. min'ta lea'seh, to ask a favour. min'ta ina"af, to beg pardon. min'ta pin' jam, to borrow. min'ta s'd-kah', to beg, ask for alms. per-min'ta'an, request, prayer. mi'num, m-mi'num, understand; see faham, m-gah', fame, mim'pi, a dream; a'yer to drink.' mi'num, drinking water. p-mi'num,, a drinker, drunkard. Cf. mdbok. mi.' nil-man, beverage. grease (animal or vegetable). Cf. Imak. mi'iyak, oil, . : K^'TiXba-? "* MAliAY-ENGLISH' VOCAfiTTLART. 86 mi'n/ak ia'bi, lard. hau-bau'an, perfumiBcl ointment. mi'ryah gas', mineral oil. vii'ryak mi'iyal- ja'ralc, castor oil. mi'-ryaJi tar', ' ' • m-nan'tu, son-in-law, daughterin-law. m-na'rah (Ar.), a tower, minar- mn-di'kai, water melon. mn-d-roiig;', reed grass, sedge. m-Tgah', ter-m-igah'-m-rgah' , pan- tar. mi'tya-l-i, to oil, anoint. ting. Cf. kumis. mi'sai, moustache. ni-is:a'pa, why; see apa. mrg-ka'roig, a kind of lizard = misjid, see msjid. miski, k-m-na'rgan, victory. et. mi'ryak k-la'pa, eoco-mit oil. mi'ryak sa'pi, beef fat. mi'ryal- ia'nali, mineral oil. . -.-rri.:'3-5. brgkarorg. see mski. mis'kin (Ar.), poor. Cf. pii|;a. mi'thal (Ar.), resemblance, similarity ; simile, metaphor, type; also pronounced mesa,l. tn-j-lis', pretty. mi^'ku-aii;, the screw pine; biykvarg. ^ mniaga, to trade see- see niaga. ; window = jndeJ a. m-nim'pi (B.), dream = mHW77t. mft-je'la (B.), mn'tah, unripe, iijicooked, raw.. > - m-j-lis', assembly] see majlis. ni-la"i-kat (Ar.), angel. mn-te'ga (Port.),butterf mlainkan, mn't-ri see lain. M-lJEi'ka, a tree with edible fruit; the town of Malacca. ba'tu M-la'ka, ilooring tiles. gu'la M-la'ka, coco-nut sugar. - M-la'yu, the Malay language. ta'nah M-la'yu, Malaya. b-ha'sa mm'p-lai (Tam.), bridegroom; sometimes bride. Cf. prgantln. ii-a'da s-in-na' m-na' without cause. ti-a'da able. mnafik, t-per-m-na"i, ., ry P^ ' ; in-law to win, gain Cf. alah. the victory. m-narg'ka)i, to cause to give the victory to. win, }yi-n«^H'5 ('A<tJi'^*yV =(B.) mertua. mo'dal (Tam.), invested capital. mohon, funds,, Cf. pokok. see pohon. mo'lek, beautiful, lovely. see miinryit. mo'roig, melancholy, gloomy. ntp'yaig, great-grandfather, ancestor. Cf. nenek. ne'nek mo'yaiy, ancestors. 'm'paig, to munafik. m-naig', victorious ' incalcul- Cf. kira. see ter. moiyet, m-na', in the phrases d'rgan : mn-tu'a, father-in-law, mother- M-la'yu, Malay. ' 1W»»^' (Sk.), minister, statesman ; one of the pieces in thegame of chess see chatur. per-da'na m,n't-i-i, prime minis- 'mpat, .bar, stop, check, dam. see ampat.. 'm-pek (B.) (Chin.), uncle: a form of address to fathers . m MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 'm'piig, green crushed. ricfe mu-'a'laf (of cooked soft vegetables), tender m-rak', a peacock m-rl'ka, tree. mu'da, young, immature, unripe; pale (of colours). persons, people in writings). m-ri'ka i'tu, they, them. mu'dah, see make mashwarat. mu'dah, o'rarg in-si'hi. Christians. ta'rihh m-si'hi and ta'hun ni- slight, despise. ' mu-dah-mu' da-Iian, perchance, if possible. mu'dek, to ascend a river, go up stream; also udeh. Cf. hilir the year of the Christian era, A. D. si hi, ms'jid (Ar.), mosque; also msgit. Cf. surau and mandarsah. to light of. mu'dah-kan, to esteem lightly, and ma'se-hi' (Ar.), Christian, of or belonging to the Messiah; also Kristen. Cf. snarg. easy. pan'darg tor. in-si'hi mn- la'gi mu'da, still young. me'rah mu'da, pale red. o'rarg mu'da, a youth. (only (Port.), police inspec- Cf. iah. tisijd msh.warat, isi. • common timber m-ri'am, a cannon; ordnance. m-ri'iyu Cf. mu'at-kan, and m-mu'at, to stow (cargo), put things into a box, cart or ship. Cf. isi. mu'a-tan, cargo, load. see ampunja. m-ran'ti, a proselyte, eon- mu'at, to contain. o f ( 'flesK). 'mpuiya, (Ar.)', vert. 'm'pok, mealy, ., roasted and and hulu. mudi, see kniudi. mu-ga-itiu'ga (Jav.), oh that! would that! ms'ki (Port.), although, notwithstanding also ; mshi-pim. m'u-ji'zat 'mstahil, see mustahil. ms'ti, must. Cf. psti. mt'rai, seal, stamp. Cf. chap. mt'rai-han, to seal, stamp. mu (13), an abbreviation of the 2nd personal pronoun Tcamu; wben affixed to a noun it has the force of a possessive pronoun. imu-a-fa'kat, ier-mu-a-fa'Tcat (Ar.), agreement; to agree, unite, consult together. Cf. fahat, which is generally used in a bad sense.- (Ar.), miracle, won- der. Cf. surggoh. mu'ka, face. mu'ka a'yer, the surface of the water. mu'ka ma'nis, a pleasant expression .of face. mu'ka ma'sam, scowling, frowning, long faced. mn-ka-mti'ka, hypocritical. rriu'ka pa'pan, inlpertinent. mu'ka su'rat, a page of a book. mu'ka t-baV , shameless, brazen' ' faced'. a'rarg suit. • di mu'ka, disgrace, in. ,-, a'yer mu'ka, complexion. cher'min mu'ka, looking-glass. ; m MALAY-ENGLISH VOCAB0LART. di mu'Tca, in the fore part (of a ship). • di mu'ka pin'tu, in front of the door, at the door. (, mu'kah, paramour; adultery. her-mu'Tcah, to commit adul(Ar.), a district. Cf. desa. mu'Ia (Sk.), beginning, mun'tah, m-mitn'tah, ality. at first, of first mu'rid (Ar.), pupil, and s-ber-mu'la (133), punctuation words. s-mu'la, as at first, as before, over again. mn-la"i, to begin. per-mu'la'an, beginning, com- mencement. mu-Ji'a (Sk.). glorious, .mur'ka mu'lut, mouth. mu'lut ho'chor, tell-tale, blab. mu'lut ho'tor, foul-mouthed. mu'lut ma'nis, smooth tongued, . plausible. ha'wa mu'lut, to talk scandal, wrath Cf. mur'Jca'i, to be angry with. muroig, see mororg. mur'tad (Ar.),. apostate, pervert, renegade. Cf. mu'alaf. tnu'saig, a species of civet cat. mu'sarg j-bat', polecat, civet cat. mush'kil (Ar.), mu'sim difficult. (Ar.), season of the year, monsoon. mu'sim bu'ah, the fruit season. mv'sim di'rgin, the cold season. mu'sim hu'jan, the rainy sea- gossip. son. hi'hir mu'lut, the lips. rga' rga-han mu'lut, to open the mouth. mu"min angrv; marah. h-mu-K'a'an, glory, splendour. - (Sk.), (of kings or of God). illustri- ous, honorable, magnificent. inu-li'a-han, to honoury glorify. (Ar.), believer. Cf. iman. mu"min, the faithful. mu-na'flk (Ar.), hypocrite; hypocritical. Cf. pura-pura. mun'choiig;, prominent, projecting (of the nose, lips, etc.) Cf. jurgor. snout. mun'kir scholar, dis- ciple. ber-mu'la o'rarg bene- liberal, volent; cheap. h-mu'm-han, generosity, liber- all. . vo- -lean, mit; to vomit. origin, cause. • Cf. guru. mu'rai, the magpie-robin. mu-la-mu'la, _ (Ar., author), a teacher of languages. mu'rah, generous, ter;'.. mu'kim mun'ij^it and mu'iyit, monkey. mun'shi (Ar.), to disavow, disown, renounce, retract, deny. Cf. sargkal. mu'sim h-ma'rau, the dry sea- son. mu'sim pa'nas, the hot season. mu'soh, enemy of one's country, common enemy, as opposed to strii, a personal enemy. .mus'li-hat (Ar.), arrangement, stratagem, trick. mtis-ta"id (Ar.), prepared, ready. mus-ia'hil (Ar.), impossible. mu-ti-a'ra, a pearl. a' yam mu-ti-a'ra, guinea fowl. . MALAY-ENGtISH VOOABDLAKT. indole mii-ti-a'ra, mother-of- pearl. mu'tu, the degree of purity of gold. 'mas' s-pu'loh mu'hi, pure gold. 89 iw'ik parg'kai, to rise in rank. na'ik p-ra'hu, to go on board a vessel. na'ik ra'ja, to become king. na'ik sak'si, to become a witness. N na'bi (Ar.), a prophet. na-bi'ah (Ar.), prophetess. na'bu-at (Ar.). prophecy; properly nuhuat. Cf. nahi. ber-na'hu-at. to prophesy. na'di (Sk.), the pulse. na'fas (Ar.), breath, respiration. ber-na'faS; having breath or Cf. lyaiva. life. naf'kah (Ar.), expenses, cost of living. desire, appetite, passion. (Ar.), ceremonially un- clean. na' jis-kan, to defile. na'kal, naughty. (Pers.), the captain of a ship. Cf. kapitan. 'nani, see anam. naf'su du'ni-a., worldly desires or lusts. (Sk.), na'jis n^-kho'da (Ar.), ha'irn naf'su, sensual desires. Tia'ga na'ik-kan, to raise, elevate, cause to ascend. k-na'i-kan, that on which one mounts, a horse, elephant, carriage or ship. nak', abbreviation of hndak. na-fi'ri (Pers.), trumpet. naf'su na'ik tu-run, to go up and down (as a road in hilly country) na'i-ki, to mount upon, get up on, climb on to. dragon, fabulous serpent. nah'(133), there; &]&o = lah. na'hu (At.), grammar. na'ma (Sk.), name. na'ma hu'sok, a bad reputation. na'ma yarg ha'ik, a good reputation. her-na'ma, named, called. ter-na'ma, famous. na'ma'i, to name, give a name to, call. na'ik, to go up, come up, ascend, rise, mount. Cf. daki. na'ik da'rat, to go ashore. na'ik ha'ji, to perform the pilgrimage to Mecca. na'ik her'ga, to rise in price. na'ik ka'pdl, to go on board a Cf turun. ship from a boat. na'ik k-re'ta, to ride in a carri- k-na'ma'an, renowned. nam'pak, also to appear, be visible; tampak. Cf. lihat and rupa. na'nah, pus, matter. na'nas, pineapple. . age. na'ik ku'da, to mount a horse; on horseback. na'ik mm'p-Iai, to be a bride- groom. naig'ka, the jack fruit. Cf. chmpdak. m-nan'ii, to wait; used colloquially as an auxiliary verb to express the future nan'ti, (45-48). MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 90 n'emat, nan'U. d-hu'lu, wait a bit. m-nfin'ti-nan'ti, to keep waiting. -nar-was'tu, spikenard. na'$i, boiled rice. Cf. bras and padi. left in the burnt crust the na'si, Tc-rak' pot after cooking rice. y I nesan, see nishdn. vga'vga and ter-rga'rga, open (of the mouth or a door). rga'rga-kan mu'lut, to open the mouth. m-rga'um, to tigers). 5W- Au"'>( take a meal, na'si, to 'ig-chek (B.) • (of to eat rice. na'sib (Ar.), fate, destiny, " roar it^a'uiTi, ma'kan lit., neneJc. grandfather, grandmother. Cf. datoh. ne'nek mo'yarg, ancestors. da'tok ne'nek, ancestors. ne'nek, nan'ti-han, to await, wait foi. na'sar (Ar.), vulture; usually bur org nasar. see n'iniat. nen'da, polite form of lot in life. na'si-hat (Ar.), exhortation, advice, admonition. nd'si-iiat'kan, to advise, exhort, admonish. nas'khah (Ar. nuskhah), manuscript. nas-ra'ni (Chin.), uncle; a form of address to fathers and other elderly persons. 'ig'gan, to object, refuse, be unwilling. rg'gan-kan, to refuse or reject a thing. 'ig'gaig, the hornbill or rhino- ceros bird. (Ar.), pecially Cf. srani. Christian, esCatholic. Eoman rgilu, see njilu. 'igkau, see argkaii. 'vg-ko' (B.), elder brother. na'Woii:, shade, shadow, shelter; also na'org. Cf. hayarg. na'wo-rgi, to overshadow, shel- (B.), father-in-law. 'ig-korg' (B.), grandfather. 'ig-ku' (B.), mother's brother. ter. 'nche', see inclie. ig-ri', shudder; ter- ber-ni-a'ga and m-n!a'ga (Sk.), to trade; alsohniaga. per-n i-a'ga'an, trade, commerce. ni-a'ga, 'ndap, see hndap. neg'ri (Sk.), country, state, terCf. iaritory, city, town. nah, bnua and bandar. neg'ri a'sirg, a foreign country. neg'ri o'rarg, a country shiver, to rible, horrible. 'ndah, see indah. other than one's own. a'nalc neg'ri, native of a place. i'si neg'ri, 'ig-koa"' inhabitants of a town or country. k-pa'la neg'ri, the capital of a country. ni'at (Ar.), intention, purpose, resolution, vow. ba'yer ni'at, to pay a vow. ber-ni'ai, to intend, make a re- solution or vow. ni'boig, the wood of verv hard and dura- palm, a which is ble. HF-Sf^ xi rJ«^T/^ . MALAY-ENOI^ISH VOCABULARY. (Ar.), marriage; to Cf. hahtvin. 'ni'kQ,h-lcan, to unite in mar- iii'kah marry. hell. Cf. jhannam. ns-cha'ya (Sk.) (138), certain- n-ra'ka (Sk.), riage. 'n'tah, m-ni'lai, -kan, valuation; to value. ni'Iam (Tarn.), the sapphire. n'i'mat nubuat, (Ar.), favour, benefit, pleasure, enjoyment, ; delicacies. ., whether, .or. bump. see nabuat. ali'lu 'n-nu'jum, astrologers. ni'pis, thin (as opposed to t-baV, thick). Cf. tipis and halus. nuk'tah (Ar.), vowel ni'ra, nur' (Ar.), sap the of the coco-nut tuak which becomes by fermentation. nischaya, critical (Pars.), monument; gravestone, also nesan. points, dia- Cf. baris. light. nu'ri, paroquet. lya'dar, ni'shan marks. lya (13, 24), see nschaya. un- is also 'ilmu 'n-nujum. grows in marshy land. palm, it nugraha, see anugrah. nu'jum (Ar., stars), astrology; ni'pah, a palm-like plant which ^^^ doubtful, is 'n'tah. .a'tdu. 'n'tak, to grace .^^ it known, I don't know. ni'lai, j..<rsu Cf. tntu. ly. ni'la (Sk.), indigo. 9.1 profound (of Cf. llap. sleep). away! be gone! to go lyah', go nis'ta, m-nis'ta, -kan, abuse, invective; to abuse, insult. his, hers, its. deep, away. ryah'kan, to send away, drive away. n-la'yan (Sk.), fisherman. nntiasa, see sntiasa. lya'la, m-rya'la, flame; to blaze. ber-rya'la, flaming, blazing. no'bat or nau'bat (Ar.), a large drum used only by reigning rya'la-kan, up. princes. cause to to blaze Cf. galak. lya'man, health healthy, in good ; noktah, see nuktah. health. Cf. sihat. nom'bor (Eng.), number. lya'mok, mosquito. nona, lya'iyi, m-rya'ryi, to sing. se? notya. bu'ah no'na, the custard apple. no'iya, married woman, Mrs. rya'ryi-an, song. lya'riig, loud, shrill (of sounds). su-a'ra (in the Straits used only of Chinese women Dutch Indies, woman, whether European or Chinese, and nona = a young unmarried woman). rya'rirg, su-a'ra, a loud to raise the voice. ried n-ra'cha (Sk.), a balance, scales. Cf. dachirg and timbaiy. yarg voice rya'rirg-kan in the n/orya = mar; lya'ris, almost, nearly. Cf. liam' pir. i^^a'ta, plain, evident, clear, .' . nifest. Cf. trarg. ma- 92 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULA.RT. nja-ta-iya'ia, openly. d'njan rya'ia, openlj'. nja'ta-kan, o'lak, eddy, backwater, sheltered side of buildings, etc. make to manifest, expose, reveal, explain, prove. k-rya'ta'aih explanation, proof, manifestation, revelation. jya'wa, life, the vital principle. Cf. hayat and jiwa. nja-wa-rya' wa i'kan, more dead than alive. rya'wa, bii-ary' one's risk to having her-iya'u-a, life, living. the sensation of having the teeth set on edge; also lyi'Iu, rgilu. by, by through, of. to possess, own, obtain possession of. ber-o'leh ja'sa, to get credit for a good work. ber-o'leh per-min'ta'an, to obtain a request. b o'leh (45), able, can, may, ber-o'leh, an instrument used for rice and other grains. the 2wr-o'le-han, the thing obtained, acquisition. o-lok-o'Iok, to mock, jest, jeer at. winnowing lyi'ur, (106), means might. life. lyi'rii, o'leh coco-nut palm. Cf. om'bak, wave, billow. and qlombarg. Cf. alun o'nak, the spines of the rattan palms. Cf. duri. Mapa. hii'ali nji'iir, otg'gas, bird; usually burorg. the coeo-nut. oiig'ka, a species of lyoiya, see norya. monkey, the wah-wah. o o'bah, to change, alter (intrans.). Cf. aleh and tukar. <iA>"ub3.^ o'bah-kan and m-rgo'bah, to change, make different, alter. o'bah-kan jan'ji, to break a promise. o'bat, medicine. o'bat b-diV , gunpowder. o'bat gu'na, charm, magic. hobatan and on'ta, camel. bu'rorg on'ta, ostrich. o'pau (B.) purse. Cf. sihir. apothecary, drug- sons. Cf. manusia, which means man as distinguished from other beings. o'rarg a'nu, a certain man. o'varg a'sirg, a stranger. o'rarg ba'ryak, the people, the o'ba-ii, to cure. populace, a crowd. o'doh, ugly. o'raixj b-nu'a, (Eng.), io-pau), (84, 154), a person, individual, man, people, per- gist. o'fls (Chin, o'raig k-dai' o'&ai, dispensary. tu'karcj o'bat, ong;'kos (D.), expenses; usually blanja. office. Cf. gudarg. aborigines. o'rarg b-sar', chief, headman. ogot, see ugot. o'rarg bu'kit, wild tribes. o'fah, manner, way. o'rarg da'garg, a foreigner. o'rarg da'ldm, royal household. s'o'lah and s'o-lah-o'lah, as if. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. o'rarg du'sun, a man from hired-man. the country. 9.3. ha'ryak o'rarg, o'rarg ga'ji, a hired vant. man, many persons. ser- bu'kan ha-rarg-ha'rarg o'rarg, noordinary man, a remarkable- o'rarg hu'lu, people of the in- her'ta o'rarg, another person's property. ka'ta o'rarg. it is said. Cf. ho- oWarg gi'la, lunatic. person. terior. o'rarg hu'tan, wild man of the junglCj uncouth fellow. o'rarg Is'lam, a Mohammedan. o'rarg ja'ga, a watchman. who o'rarg ja'min, one stands s'o'rarg a'kan s'o'rarg, bail. o'rarg ka'fir, unbelievers (nonMohammedans), a term of opprobrium. a the common people, the majority. o'rarg Kris'ten, Christians. o'rarg ku'lit Mtam, dark- skinned races. o'rarg la'ut, sea-faring two per- s'o'rarg, I'pas s'o'rarg, one after- War, wild tribes. which man a mayat. mu'da, ? who ? corpse. Cf. young o'rarg another. one at a time. ba'rarg s'o'rarg, whoever. s'o'rarg, s'o'rarg, o'tak, brain. o'tak tu'larg, marrow. o'to o'rarg ma'na, ma'ti, du'a, one or sons. men, a tribe of Malays. o'rarg s'o'rarg di'ri, alone. title of Malay chiefs. o'rarg h-ha'rya-han, with one another. s'o'rarg man; o'rarg ha'ya, rich o'rarg nun. neg'ri o'rarg, a country otherthan one's own. s'o'rarg, a person, someone. (B.) (Chin, io-to-), binder for children. o'yoJi:, ter-o'yorg-o'yorg, swaying^ staggering. man, youth. o'rarg mu"min, the faithful, believers. o'rarg, o'rarg pen'deh, a short person. pu'teh, white-skinned races, pa', father. Cf. hapa and ayahJj ..^ pa'chai, species TTSed on" bodies when buried. pa'chai, slave. Europeans. an aboriginal tribe of the Malay Peninsula. o'rarg sa'hai, pa'chat, the small jungle leech, o'rarg sa'ldh, convict, prisoner. pa'chu, m-ma'chu, a spur, goad;, to spur on, urge on. o'rarg s-kam'porg, neighbours. o'rarg 8-ra'ni, Eurasian. Cf. nsrani. o'rarg t'rgah, middle-man, pa'da, mediator. o'rarg tu'a, pa'da, sufficient, satisfactory. chukop. m-ma'da'i, to suffice. old man, father, parents. o'rarg u'pa-han, day labourer, at, on, to, according deri-pada, see deri. (usually Tc-pa'da, to sons) . of Cf.. to. per- \ ^ . m MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. pa'dam, extinguisliecl. (of fire put out and anger). to extinguish. pa'ilain-l-an, tract. pa'dan, proper, fit, adapted, suited to. Cf. patut and layah. a plain, open country, from jungle. :pa'daiig:, pa'jak (D.), contract, monopoly, " farm " ; to farni, take a con- as distinguished pa'di, the rice plant; rice in the husk. Cf. bras and nasi. pa'di la'darg, rice grown in dry pa'jah chan'du, pa'jak ga'daij farm. opium farm. pawnbroker's pa'kai, m-ma'kai, -kan, to use, make use of, wear, put on, be clothed. Cf. kna. pa'kai-an, clothes. pa'kai-an ku'da, harness fields. pa'di sn'wah gated , rice grown in irri- tuin'bok pa'di, to pound rice in a mortar to remove the husk. pa'd-ri (Port.), a priest, used of the Protestant clergy as well as of the Eoman Catholics. and pndita. Cf, ffiiru paduka, pa'edah, see moon. pa' gar-kan, to fence in, enclose. pa'gi, morning ; Slso pa'gi ha'ri. pa-gi-pa'gi. early morning. ma'kan pa'gi, breakfast. pa' gut, m-ma' gut, to peck, bite Cf. (of birds and snakes). patoh. pa'ha, thigh. paham, recom- ; to chisel, carve. pion; courageous. getlier, fakat), to confer, consult towith, come to an plot, (of wind or pak'sa, m-mak'sa (Sk.), to coinCf. gagah. pel, force. pa'ku, a nail, spike. pa'ku s-k-rup' , screw. pal', in the phrases: bu-atg' pal' , to tack. ber-pal-paV , tacking, beating to windward. pa'la (Sk., fruit), the nutmeg tree. bu'ah pa'la, the nutmeg. bu'rga. pa'la, mace. beam; cross-bar, see alarg. . transverse Cf. lintarg. name for fan pa'Iiig (Jav.), very, exceedingly, most (used with adjectives to form the superlative degree). pa'hit, bitter. (Pers.), hero, (Ar.. consult palms. see faliam. pah-li'wan pa'kat pa'las, a generic pa'hat, m-ma'hat, -han, chisel , pa'kau (Chin.), a card game. pa'larg:, parg'hal pa'ha, the hip. (Sk.), reward, Cf. balas. Cf. org sin. opportunities) fence, hedge, palisade, stockade, wall, enclosure. pa'gar bu'lan, a halo round the pense. I pak'sa, favourable see fa'idah. pa-ha'la caulk. iv-iiia'kal, to agreement; see fakat. pduka. pa'gar, . pa'kai, pa'kan, the woof in weaving. fields. ber-pa'lirg, to turn the head or the whole body. pa'lirg-kan, to turn {trans.) pa'liiig, cham- — . MALAT-ENGtiSH VOCABULAKY. pa' lis, m-ma'lis, to turn the head; pan'char, m-man'char, spurt out put, pa'lit, m-ma'lit, to smear, daub.- pal'kah (naut.). a hatch. 95 rays of panchiir. ',' (as light, t6 shdot liquids, Cf. etc.). ; trough, pa'long;, manger; also pa'lo-rgan. to fish pal'su (Port.), striking certain musical instruments, and of the chasOf. gasak tening of God. and idal. pa'man, uncle to elderly pan'chon^, the extremity of a garment ; to cut off the end^ of anything, cut off the head' Cf. prggal. pan'chur, to spurt out horizonCf. tally or downwards. .. ; with the line ; (Jav.), = Malay ka'il. false, spurious. pa'lu, m-ma'lu, to strike, beat (with a stick) ; also used- of m-man' chirg pan'chin^, . pancliar. a form of address pan'chu-ran, gutter, water-pipe, Ci.saluran. eaves' trough. men. • pa'nah,'nah„ a bow weapon shoot that with the of' name) (the to ; bow. Cf , pan'chut, to spurt upwards (of ' liquids). •• pan'dai busar. (146), skilful, expert, clever; a skilled workman. a'vak pa' nail, arrow. Cf. bijah. pa'nas, heat, warmth, sunshine; hot, warm (of temperature or anger, but not- hot of Cf. spices, which is pdas). haiyat. pa'nas ha'ti, anger. pa'nas t-rch', extremely hot (of the weather). Im'jan pa'nas, rain during sun^ shine. mu'sim- pa'nas, the hot season. u-am' pa'nas, prickly heat. pa'nau, a disease causing large white patches on the skin. pan'cha (Sk.), five, in the ex- pressions pan'cha-in'd-ra, the five senses. pan' cha-per-ia' da, bathing pavilion. pan'cha-wer'na, variegated. pan'chaiig;, a peg, a stake driven in to tie a boat to, a pile. Cf. '.galah. . pan'dai b-si', blacksmith ; usually tukarg bsi. h-pan'dai-an, skill, proficiency, ability. pandak, see pendeh. pan'dan, screw-pine. pan'daitg;, m-man'darg (149), to the brghuarg. Cf. look, look at, behold, gaze at. Cf. lihat and tergok. pan'darg mu'dah, to look down on. ; p-man-da'tgan, sight, •View4 pandita, see pndita. paigef an, See prgeran. I^aiiggal, see-piygal. , paig'gais:, roasted ; to roast. Cf.' .diarg siJidjrarg. .. ,. .y^, paii^'gil, m-maty'gil, tb ca,ll,'send for, call by name, itivitfei paig'goig, a stage, platf^iftai MALAY-ENGLISH yOCABULAEY. 96 ru'mah parg'goiy, a house built on poles. paiig:'kai, the basal end of a thing, as the trunk of a tree, the haft of a weapon, etc. parg'hal hi'dorg, the bridge of the nose. parg'lcal pa'ha, the hip. ^\a.i^ <i pan'tas, nimble, agile, smart, quick. pan'tat, the base, lower or hinder part of a thing; the buHocks_ Cf. purggorg and buntut. pan'tun, rhyming. verses of four gurindam Cf. lines. auci *•- loJca. paiy'i:0'-lan, landing place. paig'kat, stage, platform, tier; ber-pan'iun, to improvise oi recite pantuns. rank, position; see argkat. pang'ku, m-marg'Tcu, the lap; to eaKry on the. lap or bosom, or in the arms ; to hold supreme authority, govern in place of pa'pa (Sk.), poor, in want, necessitous. another. parglJcu-an, the lap or bosom. marg'Tcu bu'mi, prime minister. paiglima, see prglima. ' planks. as oranges, durians, etc. pa'ra, shelf. pan'jai^ (36, Note), long; length (both of time and distance). pa' rah, severe (of wounds). and lama, pan'jarg ha'ti, patient, forbearing. pan'jarg K'dah, talkative, garrulous. pen'dek, pan'jarg unequal of lengths. pa'raig, m-ma'rarg, a choppingknife ; to cut with such a knife or a sword. Cf. ttak. i'kan pa'rarg, a very bony fisk shaped like a sword. yu' pa'rarg, the saw-fish. pa'ras, the face, countenance. s-pan'jarg ha'ri, all day long. s-pan'jarg ja'lan, all the way. pan' jarg-kan., to lengthen, prolong. pa' pan cha'tur, chessljoard. pa'pan cho'lci, a draughtboard' .pa'pan lan'iai, floor boards. pa'pan loh', a slate. mu'Tca pa'pan, impudent. ru'mah pa'pan, a house built of paiig;'sa, sections of certain fruits, Cf. lanjut pa'rau, hoarse. Cf. garau, pa'ri, the skate and similar pan'jat, m-man'jat, Cf climb up. ' . to . climb, naih and paroh, see sparoh. pa'rbh, beak, dalci. pan-ji-pan'ji, banner. pagitt Cf. turg- pan'tai, shore, beach, bank the sea' or of a river). (of . Cf. pa-ru-pa'ru, the lungs. pa'rut, a scar. pan'tais:, m-man'iatg, -han, prohibited, tabooed ; to prohibit, ! Cf. lamrg bill (of birds) and patoh. Parsi, see Farsi. gul. tgah. fish.. pa'rit, a trench, ditch, channel. , abstain from. Cf. misJiin pa'pan, plank, board. and Cf. bilur. pa'rut, to rasp, grate. pa'ru-tan, a rasp; a board on. which coco-nut is grated. , pa'sak, a spike, wooden peg. , : MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. pasal, see pa'saig, j'aml. ija'tah p-mrg', to to iii-iiia'sarg, fit to- gether, set, fix, fasten, adjust as in putting up machinery, harnessing traps, etc.) a light 97 horses, ; to set setting fire to, discharge firearms; flood tide. Cf. rakit and susun. jja'sarg a' pi, to light a fire. pa'sarg h-diV , to fire a shot. pa'sarg gon'dah, neap tide. pa'saig j-rat' , to set a snare. pa'sarg p-Ii'ta, to light a lamp. fire, break (of a line of battle). paHah sa'yap, to bieak a wing. pa'tah tu'larg, to break a bone. s-pa'tah ka'ta, one word. pa'teh (Jav.), a title given to prime ministers. pa'tek, slave; I, me (used in addressing a king). Cf. harnba. pa' til, the small Malay adze. pat'lot (D.), lead pencil. pa'tok, m-ma'tok, to peck, bite (of birds and snakes). Cf. pagut. pa'saig p-noli' , high tide. pa'sarg t-li'rga, to listen. a'yer .pa'sarg, flood tide. pa'toi^:, a statue, image. s-pa'satg, a pair. pa't-rum, cartiidge = ptrum. pa'sar (Pers.), market. Cf. pa'tut, right, proper, adapted; ought pi: an. pa'seh (Ar. fasih), eloquent, in speech. Cf. pitah. fit, suitable, Cf. (45). hdrus. pa'tut d'rgan, adapted to. Cf. padan. pa'sir, sand. Cf. hersek. gu'la pa'sir, granulated or moist sugar. pa'sok, in derivative pa'so-kan, a troop, company or regiment of soldiers. pa'sotg, its the handcuffs. stocks, Cf. hlurggu. Cf. balai. pa'tah, m-ma'tah, -kan, to break, bi*eak across, snap (as long, Cf. pchah pirg'garg, "break to one's back " (carrying heavy burdens, e.g., a child). pa'tah the whale. pa'waig, medicine-man, sorcerer, pa'ya, marsh, swamp, (as pa'su, earthenware bowl, basin, flower-pot. Cf. marglcoh and jambarg. things). and putus. pa'tis, pa'ut, ber-pa'ut, to hold fast, piiU hard. pa'yah, pasti, see psU. brittle end of Grammar). pa'us, i'kan guide, pilot. ru'mah pa'smg, lock-up, police station. pa'tut-kan, to adapt, harmonize. pau', a measure of capacity (see diffietiit, work bjog. heavy, severe or sickness). pa'yar, m-ma'yar, to cruise. pa'yoiK, imibrella. pa'yorg ker'tas, a Chinese um- brella. p'chah, m-in'chah, to break in pieces, fracture, shatter, break up; to break up or disperse (of a body of troops; or a crowd). Cf. patah and ptdus. : . 98 : ^[ALAY-EXGLISH VOCABULARY. p'chali hha'har, the news spread. p-chat', m-ui-<:hat' to depose, dethrone, reduce from a higher to a lower rank. ler-p-chnt' deposed. , , p-daig', sword. cha'hot p-darg' , sword. per-cha'ya (Sk.), to believe, Cf. imuii and harap^ per-cha'ya'i, to trust (a person), have faith in. trust. h-per-cha'ya'an, trustworthy. per'chek, to sprinkle; to draw a hu'niis p-darg', to draw a sword. sa'rorg p-darg' , scabbard. p-das', pungent, hot. see chiima. per-da na, m the phrase per-du'iia inn't-ri, Cf. hrpAa. to smart, be sore (as a wound or the heart). Cf. hisa. ; p-do'man (Jav.), compass. ma'in p-do'nian, the divisions on the compass card. tree, stem of pigeon.. per'gi (49), to go, go away, depart. Cf. jalan. per'gi ba'iek, there and back, tO' and la'wa fro. j'er'gi, to take away. p-m'gi-aii, departure. p-du'li (Ar. fadluli), to care, trouble oneself, concern one- per-ka'kai< I'-ra'ja'an, royal in- struments. pe'gaig (B. pe'lat, care to take for, alat. lisping, per-ka'l-as ni'niali. furniture. per-ka'ra to hold = pgarg. ), inarticulate per-ka'sa (Sk.), brave, valiant;; per'kat, pen'charg, lame. Cf. tenipaiy and chapelpen'dek, short, also pandal. Cf- paste. per-la-han'-la-han'^ p-la-han'-p-la-han' and pslowly, Cf. Jambat. softly^ lan,'-p-laii', gently. per'lii (Ai'. ' fardlii), obligatory (as a religious duty). silver. pe'raig, brown, reddish-brown. per'ha ha'la, anformer times. '^*^k.), per'cha, in the phrases g'lah per'clia, gutta percha. p}i'hiii per'cha, Sumatra. , <jeA\.<Laoc- mucilage, Ikat. per-la-han', low in stature; peiis'san, a swoon, fainting fit; Cf. pitam. to faint. cient, in- (Sk.), thing, article^ Cf. baraig. affair, subject. u-suall.y brani. Cf. ielur. speech. per'b<L Cf. signia. trouble about. pe'rak, T a plant. peristewa, see perstva. per-ka'kas, tools, utensils, in- p-dii'li-laii. I "^ prime minis p-du'ka (Sk., shoes), a title of Malay princes. Cf. haus. self. J 6ia.-s^3 per'gam, the large wood p-deh', pain 1. A t«r. per'du, trunk of a p-da'ti (Jav.), cart, waggon. see rchek.. perchuma, per-tna-da'ni, carpet. Cf. fi- liar. per'mai, beautiful, lovely. Cf.. elok. per-mai-su'ri (Sk.), queen; raja prempuan. cdAk^ ,>acir*';W,i£^ also- . M'A r; A Y-EKGLISH VOO'ABULAR Y- pierman, ' see firman. per-ma'ta (Sk.), precious permission, (D.), a .permit. per'nah, ever.- ti-a'da per'nah, never. (Sk.), full (of the hu'lan per-na'ma, full moon. persagii see (Pers.), drinking cup. Cf. chawan. P'-ans'gan?, a stink bug. pi-a'ra (B.), to take care of, keep (as animals), nurture, bring up (as children) = plihara, q.v. b-luni' per'nah, never yet, never. per-na'ma moon) ^pi-a'la n b-per-ma' ta, jewelled, set with Cf. tatah. precious stones. per-mi'si phala, see pahala. stone, Cf. manikain. jewel. 99 pi-a'tu, orphan; also Cf. yatim. pi'chak = pichek, anak piatu. q.v. pi'chek, narrow, confined, limited. Cf. smpit. sgi. pi'chit, iii-mi'chil, to pinch, nip. per-s-tua' (Sk.), in the phrase, s-ka'li per-s-t'u'a, it happened, once upon a time. per-ta'ma (34) (Sk.), first; also yaiy pertama. per4a'ma-ta'ina, firstly, first of all, in the first place. . Cf. mula. per-wa'ra (Pers.), court ladies. festival. petah, see pitah. compartment, division (in ships, houses or rows of houses) flower beds or similar divisions in nurseries. pe'tak, P-gaig', m-m-gary', to hold, take hold of, grasp, keep, control. = (B.) pegarg. Cf. paui. p-garg' 'a'dai, to observe a cus- pi'jak, m-mi'jah, stamp on. and laryaTc. pi'jat, a to tread on, Cf. injah, ireh, bed-bug; also hutu hu- pi'kat, a horse-fly. pi'kat, m-mi'kat, to catch birds with birdlime. p-mi'kat, a decoy bird; a bird catcher. pikir, see rity. p-ga'rgan, that which is held or controlled, charge, task, vo-. cation, office. officer, official. fihir. pi'kul, m-mi'l'ul, to carry' on the shoulders or back ; a measure of weight = 133 lbs. pi'leh, m-mi'leh, to choose, select, elect. pi'le-han, chosen, elect. pi'lu, tom. p-garg' l--mu'di, to steer. p-garg' p-ren'tah, to hold autho- p-ga'wai, pihutais:, see hutarg. soh. per-wi'ra (Sk.), heroic. pes'ta (Port.), pi'hak, side, quarter, flank, party. moved, agitated. affected, troubled, Cf. rawan. pim'pin, m-mim'pin, to hold or lead by the hand, giy^ lead. p-mim'pin, a guide. pi'nang, m^-mi'narg, the betel-nut palm; to ask in marriage, make an offer of marriage. ^ ; mo . . MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABDLARV. pu'lav Pi'nairj, Penang. hm-pin'dah, to move from one place to another, migrate, move house. Cf. pin'dah, aleh. pin'dah-kan, to remove a thing, pi'pis, in-ini'pis, to bray or, on a stone, as spices. gdnd Cf. gilitg. name for birds of the sparrow tribe. pi'pit, a generic pirasat = firasat, q.v. transport, transplant, transpi'riig, late. piig'gan, a large plate, a dish. the waist. bu'ah pirg'garg, the kidneys. piilg:'gai]g;, i'kat pinj'gmxj, belt, girdle. (Jav.), shore. pi'igit, edge, border, Cf. tpi. confined, saucer (smaller than pirggan) pi'sarg, banana, plantain. Cf. piriiy. piig'gir plate, secluded women). pin' jam, m-iiiin'jani (of pi'sau, pi'sau pi'sau pi'sau for knife. chu'hor, razor. a pocket knife. ra"vi, a small knife used cleaning rattans. nia'ta pi'sau, the edge or blade of a knife. li'pat, pi'ta (Port.), ribbon, tape. (149), to borrow, or lend. h-ri' pin' jam, to lend. min'ta pin' jam, to borrow. pin' jam-Iran, to lend (a thing). pin'ta, m-min'ta, to request, ask see minta. pin'tal, m-min'tal, to twist, spin Cf. rahat. thread. pi'tah, usually pi'tah li'dah, eloquent. Cf. paseh. pi'tam, giddiness, Cf. pergsan. swoon, pi'tis, a very small native coin of tin or copper. pi'ut, great-great grandchild. pin'tar (Jav.), clever. p-jam', m-m-jam', to close the eyes) ; also hjam. pin'tas, m-min'tas, to make a Cf. short cut, cut across. p-kakas, ment. j-narg' pin'tv, door posts. p-nurg'gu pin'tu, door-keeper. pi'pa (Port.), a barrel. pi'peh, fiat, p-kak', deaf; also smooth. pi'pi, the cheeks. (of tidi. see perkahas. p-kan', a market; a rntas. pin'tu, door, gate. pin'tu ger'barg, the gate of a fort or city. pin'tu pa' gar, gate of a fence. hn'dol pin'tv, threshold. chu'kai pin'tu, house assess- fit. townii.^ Cf. pasai: p-kat', thick, glutinous fluids) = kntal. Cf. p-kek', m-m-hek', to shriek animals) p-ker'ti (Sk.), nature, (of cha'ir. (of disposi- tion, character, conduct. Cf. prargai and tahi'at. p-koig', the largest ulcers. plahan, p-la'min see perlahan. and p-la'mi-nan, ihe bridal bed, or sleeping place , . :MALA'i-£NGLISH VOCABULAKY. set apart for a newly married p't-pah', the branch of a palm- couple. tree. p-lan'-p-lan', lahan. slowl}'; see per- Hah and Cf. sela. p-lan'dok, the mouse-deer = hanp-la'iigj, p-lu'ru (Port.), bullet. p-nat' (146), tired, weary. p-la'na, saddle. Cf. nisa cliil. and Mjarg. Cf. jru- 'x (Jav.), bride, brideCf. mniplai. p-igan'tin groom =(B.) kmantin. p-le'chok, ter-p-le'choh, sprained, strained. uncommon. p-le'kat, a certain kind of saroiy made in British India. p-li-ha'ra, mm-li-ha'ra-han{Sk.) to take care of, protect, keep nourish, preserve, (86), maintain, bring up (as children) = (B.) piara, q.v. Cf. oU^fi'lihsraka^ ter-p-li-lia'ra, kept, preserved. p-li'pis, the temples. p-ii;e'ran (Jav.), a title of princes of high lenk. pig'gal, m-mrg'galj -kan, to cut off, cut through, sever, amCf. krat. putate. . pig-ga'wa (Sk.), military court ation. pig-hu'Iu, chief; see hulu. prg-ka'lan, landing-place; s^e pargkal. p-niig', dizzy, giddy. officer. Ct. pusiry. p-ni'ti (Port.), pin. p-li'ta (Pevs.), lamp. Cf. larnpu. pa' dam p-li'ta, to put out a pn-ja'ra (Sk.), prison, gaol. Cf. jel. lamp. ter-pn-ja'ra, imprisoned. pn-ja'ra-kan, to imprison. pa'sarg p-li'ta, to light a lamp. p-lm'pap, a hand's breadth. Cf. pn-ju'rit jrghal. sweat, ber-p-loh', spiration.; to perspire. p-loh', per- m-m-lok', to embrace, hug. Cf. dakap.p-loh' Whir, to embrace. ber-p-lok' tu'boh, to fold the arms. s-p-m-lok', a measure for girth of trees, alwut 5| feet. -^ (Jav.), robber, thief. pn-ju'ru, a corner, Cf. semparg. an angle. p-noli', full. p.-lok', Vsj^^H^i officer, official. pig-Ii'ma, a military male organs of gener- p-lir', the (Jav.), cakes, confecCf. kueh. p-i|g:a'nan tionery. plbagai, see bagai. p-Iek', strange, (Sk.), scholar, learned (in jSTeth. India) protestant clergj'man. Cf. 'alim. pn-di'la man; p-lan'ting;, ter-p-lan'iirg, stretch- ed out, sprawling. mns. Cf. Iteh. pn'diis;, a belt buckle. rainbow. bla. 101 p-noh' s-saV, brimful. p-no'hi, to fill up, make full. Cf- isi and muat.' pn'tas, the raise.d pla,tform in native houses on which they Cf. katiL sit aiid sleep. ' P-^-n<g dU ^ "^^ '\\eJi^ ^si^Q»A ; %ama fdk 102 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULAKY. p-iyu', sea-turtle. Cf. hatorg. p-raig', her-p-raiy' , war, p-rarg' sa-bil', holy . po'hon, tree; origin, beginning. po'hon ha'yu, a tree. po'hon, in-iiio'hon, -l-an, to re- ask for, beg, beseech. ber-mo'hon, to ssk leave to go, excuse oneself, take leave. qiiest, mo'hon, po'kok, origin, plant, tree; principal. capital, source; Cf. modal, jm'hok a'lyin, storm cloud. po'Ian, (Ar. fulan), so-and-po = anu; also si-polan. a kind demon. Cf. of spirit, evil jin. pon'dok, hut, small house, shed. Cf. bargsal. pontianak, basket for off, m.-mo'torg, to for food. cut, cut kill animals Cf. krat and sm- deduct; to ka'pal p-rarg', warship. pa'tah p-rarg' and p'chah plarg', to break (of a line of battle), break the ranks. character, disposition, nature. Cf. i/kflrti&nS tahi'at. p-ra'iig:ai, p-raig'gu (of (Jav.), a suit clothes), set (of dishes, etc.). p-raig'kap, trap. and jrat Cf. its ter-p-ran'jat, derivative: Cf. kjut. sta.r-i]e(i. p-ra'wan, a J'oung girl, virgin. Cf. dara. p-rek'sa, m-m-rek'sa (Sk.), to inexamine, investigate, quire; inquiry, investigation. p-re'man (Eng.), civilian, free from Government service. p-rem'pu-an, woman; feminine, female (87). Cf. btina. p-reiii'pu-an jan'da, a a'nak p-rem'pu-an, a hle.h. po'torg line of ' (Eng.), post, mail. po'toig, form a battle. Cf. slidek and siasat. ku'rarg p-rek'sa, I don't Icnow. see puniianak. pon'toh, an armlet. pos' i'kat p-rarg' , to p-ran'jat, in hantu and poTg'kis, an open carrying earth. war (against unbelievers). serkap. pO'lis (Eng.), police. po'loig, battle: to fight, be at war. po'-ho' (Chin.), peppermint. Whir, to cut the throat. p-rah', m-m-rah', to press or squeeze out (as the juice of fruits, or milk). p-rerg'gan, boundary = perhirgga'an, see hirgga. p-ren'tah, p-ram', to keep fruits so that they may ripen after being taken from the tree. p-ran'chah, scaffolding, staging. m-m-ren'tah, -kan, command, authority command, rule, rule over, order, to p-ra'hu, a native vessel, boat. a'nak p-ra'hu, sailor, boatman. na'ik p-ra'hu, to go on board a vessel. widow. girl. govern. u igan p-ren'tah, by order. p-garg' p-ren'tah, to hold au-* thority. p-m-ren'tah, governor. p-ri' (Pers.), fairy. p-ri', manner, dition. Cf. style, iial. way, con- MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. l)-n' liaV , circum- condition, stances. p-ri'kan, to describe, explain. which a well is p-soh'han, to make a hole in a thing, puncture. pstaka, see pustaka. p-ri'gi, a well. i'hat p-ri'gi, the 103 masoni7 with ps'ti lined. (Jav.), certain, sure, course = Malay tutu. map, p'ta, p-riig', stinking. plan, of delineation, sketch. priii;gi, see frinjgi. p-ri'ok, cooking pot (of earthenware or metal). Cf. huali and p-ta'liig, a p-taig', bombshell. p-tas', ter-p-ro'soh, to fall ed. mer- Cf. m-m-teh', p-ti' pluck etc.) (as ; (Tarn.), box. Cf. hpolc. h-si', iron safe. p-ti' p-tir', a peel guroli a sounding lead. to fruits, to strike the strings of a harp. p-rot', the intestines. C'f. crackers. flowers, p-rot', the abdomen, intestines (stomach, bowels or womb). p-rot' ko'soiy, starving, famish- p-rum' (Eur.), fire p-tek', through, fall into a hole. i'si ptarg chun. p-ri'sai, a shield. p-ro'sok, tree. also Kari. blaiya. p-r\'ol- a' pi, hardwood afternoon; of thunder. Cf. and hUat. ptra, see putra. duff a. p-sa', the beam on which the cloth is rolled in weaving. p-sa'ka (Sk.), inheritance, heirloom; also pusaha. p-sa ha i, -i, order, command, command, commission ; to give an order or commission. Cf. hukum. her-p-san', to give orders. command, 2)-sa'nan, order, commission. p-sa'ra = pasar, q.v. p-si-arg'Tcan peel, skin ; p-t-rum', cartridge. (Ar. (B.), to to beat violently. p-sok', a hole or perforation (as in clothes or pots and pans) ; punctured, perforated. fatwa), decision, judgment, advice. pu-a'ka, an evil spirit; haunted, unlucky. pu-a'lam (Tam.), marble. Cf. inarmur. pu'an, a metal tray for pu-as', p-sa'wat, a machine, machinery. Cf. injin and jntm. p-se'ban (Jav.), hall. p-si-aig', throne used by princes. p't-ri, solder. p-tu'a to inherit. p-san', m-m-san' , -han, p-t-ra'na, a ceremonial seat or betel -nut. content, satiated. Cf. jmu and knryarg. pu-as'kan, to satisfy. satisfied, 'pu-a'sa hu'l-a' (Sk.), fast, fasting. ' pu-a'm, to cease fasting. bu'lan pu-a'sa, the fasting inonth. her-pu-a'sa, fasting: to fast. pu'chat, : pale (of colours the complexion). and ; . 104 MALAY-F.NGLTSH VOCABULARY. pu'chok, a shoot, sprout; numci- ical coefficient of letters nnil firearms' (S-i), we say ''dozens" or "scores." du'a pu'loh, twenty. pu'choi^, the purp'.e heron. pu'ja (Sk.), to perform religious ceremonies (only used of Hindu speaking of indefinite numliei-s this word is used as- s-pu'loh, ten. da lam s-pii'loh one in sa'tu, ten, a tithe. i-ites). pu'ji, rn-iiiu'ji (Sk.), praise, mendation; to praise, comlaud, glorify. words of commendation. pii'ji-an, praise; or pu-ji-pu' ji-an , the complimentary introduction to a Ma lav pu'lut, glutinous rice; also Vrai- puhd. pun', also, and, even. Cf. dan. a'da pun (133), a punctuation; word. ms'hi pun, although. s-ka'li pun (144), even. s'o'rarg letter. pun ti-a'da, no one. pun (144), although. surg'goh pu'jok, Ill-Ill ii'joL-, to coax, entice, persuade: also bujol. pu'nai, green pigeons. pu'kat, pun'cha, the corner of a cloth or garment, end of a rope- ni-inii'lnt, a seine net' to fish pu'kol, with the seine net. iii-iiiu'hol, to strike, hit, knock also used of the hours in reckoning time. Cf palii, gasah, hdaL pu'hol h-ra'pa (37), what time beat, is ; it? Cf. pancliorg. pun'chak, point, top, smnmit usually hmuncliak. pun-di-pun'di, purse, monev-bag.. puig'gah, m-miirg'gah, to load, discharge cargo, pu'hol two o'clock. pu'kol hj'wat, to telegraph. un- ' dii'a, pui^'gok, an owl. pu'la, again, moreover, in addition, over again. (49), to return, go back the place a person or thing came from, go home. Cf. halelc and hmbali. pu'laiy-Tcan, to return. Send back, restore. pu'lang: P"jn?'goiK, the back or hind part of a thing, the back of ai knife, the buttocks. Cf. huntui and pantat. to pu'las, , iii-inii'las, to wring, twist. pu-la'san, an edible fruit, similar to the ramhuian. pu'lau, an island. pu'leh, recovered, m-mn'rgui, to pick up. take up, gather, glean. pu'rgut chu'hai, to collect taxes. pii'rgut, pun'tau (B.) (Chin.), dust pan. pun-li-a'nak, pun'toiig, stick, restored, re- established. pu'loh, a numeral which forms the multiples of ten; in a kind of evil spirit. a half -burnt log or the stump of a cigarl pu'iya (12, 14, 15, 24), the possessive particle. Cf. (nii- puiya. pu'pu, a degree of relationship. IMALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. sau-da'ra s-pu'pu, first cousins. sau-da'ra du'a pu'pu, second cousins. pu'pus, bereft. pu'put, to blow, make a blast of _ ^ ^. \jj^" air. Cf. hmhus pu'pu-tan,h(iW(yw8. and tioy. \A '^•j^k :',• < i pu-ra-pu'ra, in pretence, prefeigning, sham, hypocritical. tending, pu'ru, sore, ulcer. Cf. hisul and see psaka. whirlwin,d. a'rgiii, pu'sat, the navel ; the centre of a thing. pu'sii^, her-pu' sirg , to (of a pu't:ri (88) (Sk.), daughter (of a king), princess. pu'ttis, iii-mit'tus, -kan, broken ^^jvjiby tension (as ropes), brokni \*^ discontinued, 'oil, ceased, ended; to break by finished, tension, end, conclude. pu'tus a'sa, without hope, in pu'tus bi-cha'ra, to end a consultation by coming to a de- pu'sar,, to cause to revolve horizontally. pu'sa-ran water-spout. b-li'org, pu't-ra (88) (Sk.), son king), prince. despair. barah. Ica'tak pu'ru, a toad. pusaka, pu'tirg 105. revolve, turn round (intrans.). Cf. idar. cision. putus harap = putus asa. pu'tus hu'kum, to pass judg- ment, pronounce sentence. pu'tus lya'wa, to die. ti-a'da ber-k-pn'tu-san, withoiit interruption, without ceasing, without end. pu'yoh, quail. pu'sirg k-pa'la, giddy, confused. Cf. pnirg and hirgoty. pu'sirg-kan, to cause to revolve. (Sk.), a book of charms or magic formulse. pus-'ta'ka pu'tar, m-mn'tar, to turn, cause to revolve. pusirg. pu'tar ba'Iek, Cf. kisar and fickle, vacillat- pu'ta-ran, vidndlass, capstan. .pv/teh ma'ta, disappointed. the white of an egg- European. pu'teh-kan, to bleach. pu'tek, fruit when just \ a ping. to rab'bi (Ar.), my touelu feel, Lord, Lord. tear, rend. ra'bit, frayed, torn at the edge. ra'bok, tinder, touchwood. ridge pieces on atap roofs. ra'bu, ha'ri ra'hu, Wednesday ra'bun, m-ra'bvn, fumigate. ra'chun, poison. set. pu'titg, the pointed end of anything made to fit into a hole; "' m-ra'ba, fumble, grope. = rbu. ha'ti pu'teh, a clear conscience. o'rarg pu'teh, ra'ba, ra'borg, pu'teh, white. t-lor'j ra'ayat, see r'ayat. ra'bek (B.), to ing, capricious. pju'teh R to smoke, Cf. bisa. k'na ra'chun, to be poisoned. ma'kan ra'chtin, to take poison. ra'dak, m-ra'dak, -kan, to •(jijads -e i^:^TAv thrust., sb) 9>;o d ; JIALAT-EN6LISH VOCABULARY. 106 ra"eh, iH-ni"ek, to diaw towards oneself; to cut with a sickle or a knife with the edge towards one. Cf. ra'ut. ra'ga, a roughly made basket; the Malay football. Cf. l-iunjaiy. se'pak ra'ga, to play the game of football. Ta'gam, kinds, varieties ally of colours whim, Malay (especi- and sounds) bu'roip ra'ja wa'Ii, eagle. ra'ja, a king's servants ham'ba oi- retainers. ma-ha-ra'ja, Malay a great a king, title. having a kiig, governed by a king. ra'ja-kan, to proclaim or make a person king. k-ra'ja'an, kingdom. ber-ra'ja (114), ber-k- ra'ja' an, reigning, having a kingdom. caprice. Cf. ra'jin, diligent, industrious. m-m'garn, to be capricious. iisalia. Ta'gi, leaven, yeast. Cf. Tchamir. ra'jok, m-ra'joh, sulky; to be Ta'hang:, the jaw. tu'Uny ra'liarg, jawbone. tempered. ra'hat, a machine for spinning Cf. pintal. thread. sullen, surly, sulky, be ill- (Ar.), ra-k'ah' prostration, genuflexion the series of postures used by the Mohammedans in prayer. ; ra'him (Ar.), womb. m Cf. 2}i'ot. merciful, pitiful, ( Ar ) Cf. inurah. compassionate. ra' h i , . fit together in arrangement. orderly Cf. pasarg and susun. ra'kit, a raft; to rah 'man The an rah'mat (Ar.), mercy, compasfavour. pity; grace, rakna, (Ar.), ar-rah-man, Merciful. sion, Cf. kaseli. rah 'si -a • see ratna. rak'sa, mercury, quicksilver. rak-sa'sa (Sk.), (Sk.), secret;' a secret; sometimes pronounced rUh-. Cf. smbuni. sia. i a spirit, a giant. kind of evil Cf- gergasi. ra'mah, familiar, intimate. having bei'-ra' iiiah-ra' ma-han, . bu'ka rah'si-a, to reveal a secret. ta'roh rah'si-a rali'si-a, to and keep a sim'pan ra'ja (Sk.), king, prince; one of the pieces in the game of the ra'ja , hu'dauj, rela- tions. , ra'mas, m-ra'mas, to knead. ram'bai, an edible fruit. ram'bot, the hair of the head, the mane of horses. Cf. bulu and rortia. ram'bu-tan, an Cf. pulamn. a'nalc ra'ja, prince. fisher. intimate Cf. permaisuri. bii'roifj or ra'mai, crowded, numerous. secret. chess; see chatur. ra'ja mu'da, the heir to throne. ra'ja p-rein'pn-aii, queen. friendly king- edible fruit. ram'dlan (Ar.), the Mohammedan fasting month. . MALAT-ENGWSH YOOABULART. ra'mi, the Indian ra'poh, fragile, flax. ram'pas, m-ram'pas, plunder, loot. to pillage, rompah Cf. and samon. ra'sa, (Sk.), taste; feeling, to feel, taste. to ma- collect ra'sa ha'ti, the feelings. ra'sa-vja, it seems, ra'mu-an, materials for buildings, etc. as s-ra'sttj appears. it if. experience, undergo, endure, suffer. per-ra'sa'an, the feelings, perceptions. ra'sa'i, to feel, ran'choig,. m-ran' cliorg , to to a point (as a pen). ran'dok, ham'birg hairy he-goat. cut ran'dok, a ra'si "raig', m-mg-rarg', to groan; also hrarg. framework. Tang:'ka,, skeleton, m-rarg'lcah, (Sk.), s-ra'si, suitable, well adapted. ra'sok, m-ra'soh, to attack, pos(of evil sess on crawl hands and feet (as children). ran'jaig, a large bed. ran'jau, a caltrop, pointed stakes so placed as to impede an Cf. ra'sok, floor beams, on which the joists rest. ra'$|iil Cf. glgar. (Ar.), apostle. ra'ta, flat, level, even; all over, everywhere. Cf. datar. cha'ri zirah. ran'tau, a reach in a a river, mn'tau, the sinuosities of to search every- on the same leveL ra'ta-kan, to level, make flat ra'tap, m-ra'tap, to wail. Cf. cTia- rarg. rat'na (Sk.), jewel, sometimes rakna. princess; overripe. ra'tu (Jav.), king, prince. Ta"oiK, in-ra"oiy, ra'tus, hundred. du'a ra'tus, two hundred. to groan, roar (as in pain). and howl, Cf. Moh, s-ra'tus, 'raiy. Ta'pat, m-ra'pat, close to, in contact with, touching; to be near or in contact. Cf. 'nrj-'< ^ gang. put or smooth. a river or coast. tu-ran'tau, to coast. l-an'ting:, leafless twigs. ra'ta, where. sa'ina ra'ta, stretch of coast line. Ta'num, Cf. spirits). liaru. ra'ta (Sk.), a chariot. enemy. Tan'tai, a chain. ha'ju ran'tai, coat of mail. t-loh' m-va'sa sensation, terials. Taiig;'kak, brittle. ras' (gifflj.), reins. ram'pa-san, pillage, booty. ra'mu, m-ra'mu, 107 - ' one hundred. ber-ra'tus-ra'tus, hundreds. ra"ut, m-ra"ut, to whittle, cat with a small knife (with the edge away from the body). to- Cf. ra'eh. ra"u-tan, rattan; usually roian. ra'pek, m-ra'pek, to talk non- ra'wan, emotion, rapture moved. ra'pat-lean, to close gether, ]oin. ^^oo.VoQA^ ; Cf. pilu. sense. [ tAJw-^-\ )^->-^ ^^ Mj^^ iv^ asvuiXr>^ : MAlAT-ENGLISH VOCABULAEY. 108 ra'wi re'mah, cru.mbs, the fragments of food tliat remain on the (Ar.), histovian. ra'ya, great ; in such phrases as or table ha'rl ra'ya, festival. and floor aifter eating high road, main thrown away; as op])08ed to ,iim, which is the food left over and saved for ra'yap, m-ra'yap, to crawl, creep others to eat or for a futureoccasion. i'l-an ra'ya, whale. ra'ya, ja'Ian jjaas. C'f. road. (of insects and plants) spread a disease). (as jalar, rarghah and ; to ren'daiig;, Cf. jargkit or sickness). r'ba, felled timber. (Ar.), the native violin. ; in-re'ryeli, re'igek, worry. r'bah, to fall (of the human Cf. ttnnbody, trees, etc.) r'ban, a fowl-house. rerg'has-kan, to abbreviate. r-ba'na, a native drum which is Cf. struck with the hand. -l-ari , to snatch, (B.), ri'as ber-ri'as, ri'ba, in-ri'ha, on the lap r-dop', cloudy, overcast, obscured. kti. satisfied, ; the lap; to hold nurse. Cf panj. a tempest thunder. ri'bot, C'f. ri'bot content, knan and til' I wind or came . two thousand. thousand. bcr-ribii-fi'bii, thousands. dii'a I of run. a storm ri'bu, thousand. s-iidi. re'ja, snips or scra]is of pa]>er or cloth. to of ri'ba (Ar.), usury, interest. rirggit. willing. ; corruption ri'ba'an, the lap. usually re'di, a hammock-litter, Uf^ed by Chinese women at Malacca. (Ar.), a her-hi'as; see hiaa. si ram. dollar; ri'as-l-an^ ornamented adorned, decorate; r'da, to abate, diminish. re'dia maka stretch, ri-arg-ri'aig, the cicada. Cf. dideh. to sprinkle; also pr'chel- or per'cheh. Cf. riijis (Port.), (as ri'a, joy; also su'ka ri'a. tered: re'al ,'*-^ tight. r'chek, m-r'chel-, sprinkled, spat- and to r-garg'lvii, shoots. take by violence. r'bus, boiled; to boil. ^ stretched tight Cf. rritarg. ropes). r-gaig', l/iidrarii. seize, tease^ to rei]f'kas, short, abbreviated (esi'-L pecially of narratives). pcndeli: and sergkat. T^fii£T<<^ycPt harg. bamboo frivolous. re'rgan, re'rgan-han, to alleviate, lighten to make light of. Cf. hiola. r-bot', m-r-hot' , thick (in weight), easy, unimportant, slight (of pain file. r-bong', edible having Cf. Ibat. re'iigan, light hu'at r-bab' leafy, foliage. r'a'yat (Ar.), subjects, the common people; soldiers of the rank and are ri'ba, s-ri'bu, a up. • / '^ - MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABDLARY. rimau, tiger; see liarimau. rim'ba, primeval Cf. hu- forest. tan and bluhar. riiii'ha h-lan-ta'ra, the forest. Cf. of loye) ; to loig for. irgin and pilu. dn'dam, anxious long- ings. bu'loh p-rin'du, a bamboo so cut as to produce plaintive sounds when exposed to the ring:an, see rergan. loud, also m-rn'tas, to cut a path tlu-ough jungle = (Perak) rntis. rntis, see rntas. • . ro'boh, to stoning. (B.), subsistence, v.ld; also jerki. r-\org', m-ni'targ, -kan, to out (as ropes, nets, etc.). Cf. rgarg. rn'tas, (Ar.), story, narraOf. hikayat and chrita. T-jam' (Ar.). to stone, execute by y rn'taig, stretch drizzle. ri'oh, a loud noise; rioh rndah. Tj'ki r-noing', m-r-norg', to gaze, look intentl}^ at. rn-ta'ka, a swivel-gun. rin'tek, small spots, speckles. light rin-tek-rin'tek, hu'jan tive. rn'jis, m-rn'jis, -kan, to sprinkle. Cf. rchek and sirain. sntak. Tiig'git, dollar. ri-wa'yat separated, ajar; to separate, place things at a distance from each other. Cf. jarak. rn'tak, m-rn'tak, to jerk, tug (as a dog on a chain). Cf. wind. rain, m-rn'dary, to fry, bake. Cf. gorirg. rnff'garg:, m-rrg'garg, -kan, apart, rin'du, longing desire (especially iin'du rn'dam, m-rn'dam, -kan, to soak^ wet by immersion in water. rn'daiig;, the wilds of 109 a measure of food = area = li fall (of large bodies, as houses, etc.). Cf. runtoh and rhah. ro'hoh-kan, to pull down (as buildings). Cf. rombak. acre. T-mak', preferable. r-mok', m-r-mok' , -lean, to crush, break to pieces. Cf. han- chur. Tm-pah-rm'pah, spices. r-naig', her-r-narg' and ber-narg', to swim. Tn-cha'na (Sk.), an ro'da (Port.), wheel. and Cf. jntra lererg. a'nak ro'da, spokes. birg'kai ro da, the felloes. gan-targ-gan'targ ro'da, • hub. gigi roda = anak roda. the ro'gol, m-ro'gol, rape; to rape. essay, nar- rative. rn-cha'na-kan, to narrate. rn'dah, low (in elevation), humCf. hina. ble. rioh rndah, see rioh. rn'dah-kan, to abase, humiliate. roh' (Ar.), the spirit, soul, life. arwah and smargat. Al-kii'dus, the Holv Spirit. Cf. EoV Roh' Al'lah, the Spirit of God (believed by the Mohammedans to be Jesus). ber-roh' = bernjawa, having life. 110 MfALAY-ENGLISH YOCABULAET. ro-ha'ni, spiritual. ru'aig, ro'kok, the native cigarette. space, Opeii space; especially the bilge of boats, Cf. and the space between the on which the Malay chvvtu. posts hi'sap ro'kok and ma'kan ro'kok, to smoke tobacco. houses are built. a'yer rii'arg, bilge water. ro'ma (Sk.), the hair of the body, as opposed to rambot = the hair of the head. Cf. bulu. bu'lu ro'ma, the human , hair .on the ru'as, hoij. ba'lai-roig'. the length between to destroy, pull down. Cf. roboh and runioh.. the arms and legs. ru'bin, ruboh, ru'gi, p-rom'pak, a pirate. -kan, m-rom'porg, with the point ofE to cut off the end, or the nose. Cf. and (especially damage; hsiv- loss. rugul, see rogol. ru'kun rong, see ruarg. loss. damage; k-ru'gi-an, loss, ing incurred financial to incur loss. ruh'si-a (B.), secret fikir. flooring iibiii. see roboh. loss Cf. bnchana. k'na ru'gi, to incur ; rundirg. rti'bin, see batu loss), rom'poig, ron'deig, ni-ron'derg, to cogitate, think over a thing, meditate ha'tu tiles; rom'pak, m-rom'pak, to plunder, commit piracy. Cf. minpas. = rah sia, q.v. (Ar., pillar) the chief or duties of the Mohammedan religion ; also. rules roig'ga, hollow, empty usually throat; the krorgkorg. the of bamboo or sugar cane, or between the joints of demolish, roig'koig, a joints ro'man rom'bak, m-rom'bak, also ru'arg, king's hall of assembly. tim'ba ru'aig, to bale out bilge water. (B.) = ronia, q.v. upon; ba'lai ro'sak, m-ro'sak, -kan, damaged, injured; to injure, damage, rukun agama. ru'mah, a house. ru'mah a' pi,- lighthouse. ru'mah a'tap, a thatched house. ru'mah ba'tu, a house built of • • spoil, ruin. ro'tan, rattan. Cf. ra'ut. (Hind.), bread. ro'ti iu'knig ro'ti, baker. r,-sak', the generic ral timber r-sain', a fern I lays make r'tak, cracked ; ple. name of seve- (F).), ru'mah ko'sorg, an uninhabited house. trees. from which Mapens. ru'mah mu'ryit, a sentry box. ru'mah pa'pan, a house built of planks. fine cracks in por- celainj r'ti masonry. ru'mah bcr-ha'la,A\e-Ai\\e\\ tem- meaning = aili, q.v. ru'mah ru'mah hold. pa'^oig, a police station. targ'ga, home, house- MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULAEY. i'si ru'mahi family, household. ser'ba ru'mah, furniture. rum'bai, fringe, : tassel. Cf. sagu. rum'pun, a tuft (of clump (of bamboo). rutn'put, grass. rum' put h-rirg' , s'a-kan-a'kan, as if, as it were. s-ha'gai, the same kind, even ' rum'bi-a, the sago palm. grass), Ill as, like. s-ha-ik-ha'ik-rya, just as well. s-harg'sa, of the same race. s-ba'ryak, so many, as many, as- much. s-la'pa, having the same father. s-ba'rarg, any, anything. s-ba'targ hay. (84), one; a, num. and cylindrical coeff. of trees rundiiig;, see ronderg. objects. run'toh, to fall (of large objects such as houses and mounCf. rohoh. tains). rom- Cf. hak. form. coefF. s-bi'lah (84), a, one; num.. s-bi'laig, each, every. one side, the beyond. s-b-lah' or sb'lah, ru'pa-tya, apparently, it seems, appears. Cf. nampak. s-ru'pa, similar, like. ta'ru'pa (B.), not capable of. ru-pi'ah, the Dutch florin or guilder ; the Indian rupee. ru-pi'ah B-lan'da, guilder. ru-pi'ah Bvg-ga'la, rupee. ru'sa, deer, stag. Cf. kijarg and plandok. ru'sok, the num. coeif. of knives. ru'pa (Sk.), appearance, shape, it a part. (84), a one; of small objects. s-b-lia'gi, s-bi'ji run'toh-kan, to demolish, pull down (masonry). s-b-gi-ma'na, as, just as. side. other side s-b-las', eleven. s-b-lif (83), one turn or coil. s-b-lum' , before (conj.). s-b-nar'-rya, truly, verily. s-bn'tar. a s-bn'tok moment, ah instant. one; num. (83), a, coeff. of rings. s-bo-leh-bo'leh, tu'larg ru'sok, the ribs. rz'ki (Ar.), nourishment, food. Cf. makan. to the best of one's ability. s-b-ra'pa, as Cf. lamhorg. of, much as, as many as. s-b-sar' , as large as. s-bu'ah (84), a, one; num. eoeft. of houses, ships, towns,. etc. s-bu'lan, a month. s-bu-lat-bu'lat, the whole, all. S-, an abbreviated form of asa or satit, one, a one and the : same, similar. the used as a numeral, sis usually followed by one of a large number of words known as " numeral coeffi- s-bii'iir coeft'. (83), of small a, same, s-chu'kop, sufficient. When s-dikit, see sdikit. cients " or "classifiers" (83, 84). one; round s'e'kor (84), a, one; num.. objects.. num. coeff. of auimals. s-fa'kat, in agreement, in collu- sion. s-g-nap', the whole, all. 112 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. -lia-hls-lia'his, completely, ut- terly. daily, every day. properly, -ha'rus-fya, neces- s-le'hor, twenty one (in, dates). complete outfit. s-lrg'kap, a s-lu'roh, all, the whole. sarily. -hiiy'ga, until, as far as. -h-lai' (8-i), a, one; num s-ina'hin, so coRfl. of thin flat objects. of s-ba'pa, much the more. s-ma'laiti , last night. s-itia-ta-mn'ta, altogether. same the father and mother. 'i'«i du'ni-a, the whole world. -ja'lan, the same road. -ja'nh, as far as. -j'ma'at. a week. -jn'rns In'ma-rya, for a mo-, in the phrase: s-m-na'-m-na', without cause s-iiiu'la, as before, over again. s-neg'ri, belong to the same .s-in-na'-ni-na'j tia'da . city. s'o-lah-o'lali, as if. so'rarg, a person, someone. ment. once: entirely, very (92, 94). quite, -hi'li, -ka'li thicknesses of a thing. -Iin-ri-lia'ri, 'i'bu coeff. of folds or with one another. s'o'rarg di'ri, alone. all at once. tju-'^', s'o'raig a'kan s'o'rarg, -ha'U pun (144), even. -kam'poiy, of the same village. -l-a'pnr (8'3), a, one; num. coeff. of quids of betel nut. Ho'rarg dua, one or two men. -hi'ia, ao-reeing. one at a time. s-pakat, see s-fakat. s-pau'jarg ha'ri, the whole day. -ha'yu (83), coefE. of rolls of cloth. in proportion the extent of. much, so to, to an many. ma'ta, the twinkling of eye. -ho'di, a score, twenty. (84), a, one; num. things cut in blocks -Jr-piiy' coeff. of or a piece, a part. -k-ti'ka, a moment. long as, while. thousand. i'ni, in this manner, coeff. oi houses built in rows. s-p-noh'-p-noh', fully, com- num. and firearms. s-pu'pu, of the first degree of relationship, as, first cousins. s-ra'sa, as if. always. s-ra'si, suitable, -la'ma, as long as, while. -la-ma-la' mn-nja, forever. -la' pin s-pa'iah ka'ta, one word. s-pa'tut-nja, properly, becomingly. s-pin'tu (84), a, one; num. s-pu'loh, ten. thus. -la'lu, s-pa'sarg, a pair. coeff, of letters -lah'sa, ten -la'hu way. s-po'toig, a piece, a slice. s-jiit'rhok (83), a, one; -hu-mig-ku'rarg, at least. -hi'gi, as s-paii'jarg ja'lan, all the pletely. slices. -l--rat' , s'o'rarg sa-hn'ja, alone. s-paroli, see sparoh. -hi'ra-rya, perchance. -l--lip' one after another. s'o'raig s'o'rarg, num. one: a, -h-dar' , -hi' an, so s'o'rarg 1-pas' s'o'rarg, (84), a, one; s-ra'tus, a s-ra'wan num. well adapted. hundred. (83), coeff. of nets. a, one; num. ; MALAY-ENGLISH TOCABULAKT. , <!-n'7)M. s-ru'as a thousand. (83), a length between joints. an instant. s-su-ap' , a mouthful. s-su'kUj a quarter. s-ta'hu, cognizant, privy to. (84), a, one; coeft'. of houses. s-ta'ra, of the same rank. s-targ'ga s-t'lah, after that, num. s-iu'ju, s-sa^'ai, moment, sadar, see sdar. saf (Ar.), row, line, rank. Cf. ber-saf, in line, in battle array. when. with the same purpose. (Ar.), Cf. hntar. of sueh baris. s-t'rgahj a half. sa"at made sap from the palm tree for making toddy. Cf. tuak. p-rya'dap, a toddy-maker. s-su-a'tu, some, any. ' rope fibre. sab'tu (Ar.), the Sabbath, Saturday; also hari sabtu. sa'dap, m-rya'dap, to draw the s-ru'pa, similar, like. s-sa"at, ta'li sa'bot, 113 instant. sa'ga, a tree bearing red berries which are used in weighing gold. sagi, see sgi. an instant. sa'ban (Jav.), sa'ban ha'ri, every day. sa'bar (Ar.), patience; patient, long-suffering. sa'bar d-hu'lu, please be pa- tient. sa'gu, sago, the flour made from the rumbia or sago palm, and from tapioca. sa'gu rn'darg, pearl sago. ham'pas sa'gu, sago refuse. sa'gur, a dug-out. sah (Ar.), Cf. jalur. true, authentic, valid, legalised, right, correct. sa'bas (Pers.), good! well done! that will do! sab'da, her-sah'da, command, order; to order, say, speak (of Cf. kings and prophets). Utah. comCf. handai, Tcawan and taulan. ber-sa-ha'bat, friendly; to be friends. per-sa-ha'baAan, fellowship. sa-ha'ja, only, merely; also saja. sa'bit, a sickle. sa'bok, a girdle. sa-ha'bat (Ar.), friend, panion; also sobat. Cf. pirggarg. sa'bon (Port.), soap. sa'bong:, m-rya'horg, to fly at one another (as fighting cocks) (as lightning) ;. to conduct a cock-fight. to flash sa'borg-m-rya'borg, dashing about. a'yam sa'bo-rgan, flashing or chuma and Cf. sa'hut, m-rya'hut, to answer, reply. Cf. jaivab. sah'ya (Sk.) a fighting cock. sa'bot, fibrous material, such as the husk of the coco-nut or the stem of the banana. harya. sa'hib (Ar.), master, owner; usually tua7i. sa~hi'bu 'l-Jii-ka'yat, the author of a story. (6, 7), slave, ser- used as a pronoun' of the 1st person when addressing a superior, and amongst Europeans almost exclusivevant ly. ; Cf. hamba. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 114 sak'si-kan, to bear witness to a sa'id, see sayyid. going or working in company. sa"iii;, her-sa"irg, together, mony; sa"is (Ar.), groom, coachman. saja, see saliaja. sa'ji, dish, course, prepared food. Cf. hidaiy. tu'doiy sa'ji, a dish cover. prepare food. prepared food, sa'ku a evidence, testi- also htrargan. sak'ti (Sk.), supernatural power; supernatural possessed of power. k-sak'ti-an, stipernatural power. hikmat. Cf. bcr-sa'ji, to sa'ji-an, thing or person. Ti-sak'si-an, a bag, pocket, Cf. karory and pundi. (Port.), sack. course. sa'Iah, sa'kai, followers, servants; aboriginal tribes of the Malay Peninsula. Cf. r'ayat, smarg, jdkun and hnua. sa'kai, contrarjf, foul (of the wind). sakh'lat (Pers.), woollen cloth; also sahlat. sa'kit, and see painful; sore, Cf. grirg For list of diseases disease. hisa. Appendix. sa'kit gi'gi, toothache. ha'ti, sa'kit k-pa'la, headache. sa'kit pa'yah, seriously ill. stomach ache. sa'kit p-rot', guilty. Cf. silap. misunderstood, d'rgdr, misapprehension. sa'Iah fa-ham', misundevstood, misconstrued. sa'Iah sa'Iah sa'tu and sa'Iah s'o'rarg, one of them, one of' the two. sa'kit troh', seriously a' pa sa'Iah, what i? the matter ? o'raiy sa'Iah, a convict. ser'ha sa'Iah, entirely wrong. ber-sa'lah, guilty. sa'la-hi, to find fault with. angry offended, with a person. sa'kit erroneous, sa'Iah u'rat, a sprain. sick; ill, illness, mistake; error, fault, wrong, sa'lah-kan, to parry a blow. h-sa'la-han, offence, crime. ber-sa'la-han, in error, differing from, on the contrary. sa'lai, m-rya'lai, to ill. smoke over a fire. ha'lek sa'kit, relapse. ja'toh sa'kit, fall and k'na sa'kit, to ill. sa'ki-ti, to cause pain, afSict. Cf. sehsa. (Sk.), patience, ac- curacy. sak'si (Sk.), a witness. sak'si dm' fa, false witness. na'ik sak'si, to bear witness, ber-sak'si, to bear witness, give evidence. sa-lam' (as a (Ar.), peace; greeting, salutation. p-rya'kit, illness, disease. sak-sa'ma sa'lak, m-rya'lak, to bark dog). b-ri' sa-lam', to salute, greet. as-sa-lam' a-la'i-kum (159), peace be with you. sa'larg:, m-rya'larg, to execute by stabbing down from the shoulder to the heart with a kris. salasa, see thalatha. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. sa'Ieh (Ar.), pious, godly. sa'man (Eng.), summons; summon, prosecute. o'raiy sa'Ieh, a saint. sa'lib (Ar.), a cross. sa'mar, sa'lib-kan, to crucify. sa'lin, m-iya'lin, to thing change one (as clothes) ; to copy, transcribe, translate. Cf. tiru and terjmoJi. ier-sa'lin, copied, transcribed, translated. her-sa'lin, to m-rya'mar, to to conceal, change one's form or appearance; also samarkan diri. Cf. flma. disguise, another for 115 sam'bal, condiments eaten with curry and rice. Cf. hulam. sam'bar, m-tyam'bar, to pounce on and carry oil (as birds of prey), change one's also seize; sembar. y ' Cf. rampas. clothes, bear children. pcr-sa'U-nan, clothes (as change of a a gift from a w^hile, whilst, as, sam'botg, m-ryam'boiy, to king). salju, see sam'bil (139), when. tlialju. sa'lut, her-sa'lut, envelope, wrapper ; wrapped, covered, envelCf. halut. oped. sa'lu-ran, eaves-trough, gutter. Cf. alur and panchur. sa'ma (Sk.) (91), the same, equal, like, resembling; with; the Baba Chinese use sama in place of akan between a transitive verb and the direct object (150). sa'ma ha'rydk, the same quan- sam-bo'rgan, lengthening piece, h3'ph3n; sequel of a book. sam'bot, m-ryam'bot, to receive receive a in the hands, guest, welcome. the same size. sa'ma sa'ma d'rgan, the same as. sa'ma ju'ga, just the same. sa'ma ma-nu-si'a, fellowmen. sa'ma ra'ta, on the same level. sa-ma-sa'ma and ber-sa-ma-sa'h-sar', ma, together. sa'ma sn-di'ri-rya, among them- Cf. rbot, by force. samhar, rampas, and rompah. p-rya'mon, a robber. take sam'pah, rubbish, refuse, dirt. sam'pai (63 b), to arrive, reach, come to, come until sufficiCf. datarg and hirgga. ent. i'-rgah, exactly in the sa'ma-rya, he has no equal. sa'mak, m-rya'male, ther. sam'pai h-hal', for ever. sam'pai 'u'mor, of full age. convey to, sam'pai-han, to bring about, accomplish, perform. sam'pai-han jan'ji, to perform one's promises. sam'pan sam'pan middle. ti-a'da ; .sam'pak, a ferrule. selves. sa'ma Cf. irima. sa'mon, m-rya'mon, to rob, especially highway robbery: to : tity. join, Cf. huborg. unite, append. boat (Chin.), a small boat. ko'tah, the Chinese with lockers in the stern. to tan lea- sam'pan pan'jarg, a long Malay boat carrying mast and sail- S^W^'^-- . ^.^^-tr t^. (I' ^'^**^' . MALAY-EN-GLISH VOCABULARY. 116 sam'pan pu'hat, a fishing boat sang^'kar, sarg'ka-ran, a cage (as for birds). carrjdng a seine net. sam'pan iam'barg, a ferry boat. saig'kat, sam'par, epidemic, plague. sam'sei^, a sa'na, there all sides. here and there, on nut. de'ri sa'na, thence, from and hither k-sa'na k-ina'ri, thither, in all directions. sa'nak (Jay.), near sa'pa, m-rya'pa, to address, speak to. rela- tions. j^ear. m-ryan'darg, to carry a thing slung over the shoiilder with a strap or sash. san'daiig;, san'dar, m-ryan'dar, -i, sa'pi, the ox; usually hnbu. Cf. mi'ryak sa'pi, beef fat. against, sa'i]g;at, sok. sa'pu chat', to paint. sa'pu ka'pur, to whitewash.. to prop Cf. labur. to lean, sa'pu ta'rgan, handkerchief. p-iya'pu, a broom. lean recline. very, rji. sa'pu, m-rya'pu (86 d), to sweep^ brush; rub lightly. Cf. go- up, support. ber-san'dar, Cf. klapa. betel-nut (court language).. san'tap si'reh, to chew betel-nut. j^ relatives. blood sau-da'ra, sa'nat (Ar.), hold san'tap, to eat or drink, or chew there. h-sa'na, thither. sa'nak catch, san'tan, the juice extracted from the nutty part of the coco- also di sana. ; si'ni, stick, ter-sarg'kot, caught, held fast. ruffian. sa'na to fast. Cf. exceedingly. amat. sa'put, m-rya'put, to cover clouds on a hill top) (as tc k'Sa'rga-tan, iriimensity, intensity. san^'gol, chignon, a knot of hair twisted up at the back of the head. Cf. kundai. chu'chok sarg'kol, the native hair pin. sarg'gop, to guarantee or profess to be able to do a thing, be competent. sa'raig, a nest. sa'rarg la-ha^a'ba, a spider's- web. sa'rarg I'bah, a bee's nest. sa'rarg ma'du, honeycomb. sa'rat, full, heavily loaded. sa'ri, ti'mah sa'ri, zinc. sa'roig, sheath, scabbard, cover; especially the case,, skirt • safg'ka (Sk.), a conjecture, supposition, idea; to think, imagine, suppose. sarg'ka-kan, to thing, suppose. Cf. fikir. imagine a which is worn both by and women. Cf. kain. sa'rorg ban'tal, pillow case. sa'rorg ja'ri, finger-stall, thimble. sa'rorg sats'kal, m-ryary'kal, 4, to deny, Cf. mvndisavow, disown. men ka'ki, socks, stockings. sa'rorg k-ris', the sheath of the- Malay dagger. sa'rorg p-darg' , scabbard. kir. §Cuvj|a- i\j^Ji(^MjiX Saa^^^.. , "l ft vju«.ni 11 \ I MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. an envelope. sal r on} su'rat, ha'seh sa'yarg, love and sa'rorg ia'rgan, glove.' Tca'in sa'rorg, or 117 sympa- thy. simply sarorg, sa'yap, wing. Cf. kpak. Malay skirt worn both by men and women; also sa'yu, sadness. Tcain. sa'yup, the hardly perceptible sight or sound). sa'sa-ran, a target. sas-t-ra'wan (Sk.), astrologer. sa'tu, a, one; also s-, asa and suatu. sa'tu pun ti'dale, not one. sa-tu-sa'iu, one by one. one more. sa'tu sa'tu, one after an- la'gi sa'tu, J-pas' other. sa'lah sa'tu, one of them, one sau-da'gar (Pers.), a merchant, also sU'da'gar. Cf. dagarg. sau-da'ra (Sk.), brother, relative; sister, sudara. also Cf. abarg, adek and sau-da'ra s-pu'pu, first cousins. a'nak sau-da'ra, nephew, niece. ba'pa sau-da'ra, uncle. mak' sau-da'ra, aunt. sa'nak sau-da'ra, near relations. her-sau-da'ra, brothers, related. haJcak. sa"uh, anchor, grapnel. ter'harg, grapnel. horg'kar sa"uh, to weigh anchor. la'hoh-kan sa"uh and b-la'boh to anchor. sa'wa, u'lar sa'wa, a python. sa'wah, an irrigated rice field. Cf. Indarg, huina and ladarg. sa'wan, a iit, convulsions. sa'wi and s-sa'wi, mustard. pity, (133) ; compassion ; alas to pity, be sorry for, be sparing, economical in regard regret, Jcaseh and sa-yur-sa'yu-ran, vegetables in general; also sa'yur-ma'yur. say'yid (Ar.), chief; a to the title descendants given Mo- of hammed. s-bab' (Ar.), cause, reason, motive; because, for. Cf. kerna. lias. a' pa s-bab', de'ri s-hab' why? and o'leh s-bab', beon account of. cause of, her-s-haV , with a reason, for cause. s-bab'kan, to produce, s-bak', (of occasion, cause, a'yer s-baV , inundation a river overflowing its banks). Cf. hah. blow (with a s-bat', a stick or rattan). sa"uh sa'yai^:, sa'yur, vegetables, herbs. s-bah' i'tu, therefore. of the two. near (of of, to. be Cf. sblah, see hlah. s-bot', m-ry-hof, -kan, to men- tion, utter, say. ter-S'bot', mentioned. on the other side (of a sb'raiig:, road or river), beyond. de'ri sh'rarg, from the other side. k-sb'rarg, across, to the other side. ber-sh-ra'rgan, on the opposite side. mriyb'rarg, to cross, pass over. sh'rarg-m-ryb'rarg, sides. on both ; St^Sf'^^^^' I'^^s^^r^t) ItALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 118 s-bu', m-ry-hu', to with earth. up a hole fill sem'bar, to pounce on = samhar^ s-daig' (139, 140), while; where- inasmuch as, as, as ; medium, average, mediocre. s-dap', q.v. m-iyem' parg , to debranch off; cross roads, a branch road,. sem'paii;, viate, pleasant nice, to the diverge, <> e-Mifc^^tjieet^^ Cf. lazat. senses. se'la (Port.), a saddle. s-dar', m-ry-dar', -lean, aroused, awakened, conscious of, aware ?^ of; to arouse, awaken. Cf. baryun and jaga. s-deh', heartache, sorrow of heart, bitter grief. ter-s-deh'-s-deh' J bitterly griev- se'iget, leaning, out of the perpendicular. Cf. chondrorg^ mevarg and serorg. sei^'kat, short, shortened. (Sk.), middliig. average, medium, Cf. s- darg. s-di'a (Sk.), ready, prepared; already. Cf. siap. s-di'a-kan, to prepare, make ready. former, ancient s-di-a-ka'la, always, continually. Cf. sdkala. sirgsirg. se'pak, m-rye'pak, to kick to thefront with the upper part of the foot, as opposed to tn~ darg, to kick backwards with the sole of the foot, and tradownwards jarg, to kick with the sole of the foot. se'pak ra'ga, to plav the Malay game of football. se'rak, scatter, spread out in con- some; also s-di'kit, a little, a few, fusion. ser'ba (Sk. sarva, s'd-kah' alms, (Ar.), charity. Cf. derma, min'ta s'd-kali', to beg. s-d-hah'-Tcan, to give in alms. s-d-ka'la (Sk.), alwaj^s, continually, usual, Cf. usually. slalu, sntiasa and sdia. all), utensils, Cf. perkakas. ser'ba ka'pal, the tackle of a furniture, gear. ship. ser'ba ru'mdh, household fur- niture. ser'ba sa'lah, altogether wrongs. s-d-liig'gam (Tam.), vermilion. ser'ban (Pers.), a turban. s-du', ter-s-du'-s-du' , sobbing. serbat, see sherbat. sebok, Cf.. pendek and rergkas. seigseig, see ed. s-der-ha'na <o%poC'^ sen dok (B.), spoon = smcZo^'. see siboTc. ser'bok, powder. sehat, see sihat. sek'sa (Sk.), punishment, pain, treatment, ill- suffering. Cf. srgsara. h'na sek'sa, to get punished. to sek'sa-kan, Cf. pain. punish, hukum. Ke^^ v^eoL a>^ K. 6^ inflict ser'bu, m-ryer'bu, spring upon, terkam. ser'dai]^, a tall se'ret to rush attack. palm at,. Cf. tree. (Jav.), to trail along the ground. or drag- : MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. ha'sui se'rei, slippers. ber-sg'ra, ser'kap, a hencoop, a basket of the same shape used to catch fish. se'ron?, oblique, slanting. Cf. mereng,.serget and chondrorg. ser'ta, be to quick, make haste. sg'ra-kan, to hasten, expedite. shah' (Pers.), emperor, king. sha-ha'dat (Ar.), confession of faith. k-li'mah with, together with; when, as. Cf. diyan Mo- sha-ha'dat, the profession hammedan (139) and sama. of faith. ser'ta d'ryan, together with. ser'ta-m er'ta, immediately. l-ser'ta 119 accom- with, (98), shah-ban'dar, harbour-master. sha'hid (Ar.), a witness, martyr. sha'ir' yjanying. ser'ta'i (99), to accompany. ser'ta-lian, to unite. ser'wa (Sk. sarva), in the phrase Tulian serwa sklian 'alam,, Lord of the whole universe usually mispronounced sru. Cf. serha. all, : (Ar.), barley. sha"ir (Ar.), a poem, poetry. shai'tan (Ar.), Satan, the devil; a demon. Cf. iblis. shak' (Ar.), mistrust. doubt, suspicion, Cf. wasargka. ; sha'rat (Ar.), rule, regulation; condition, setan, see skaitan. tract, se'wa, m-rye'wa, rent, hire; to let, sha'ri'at (Ar.), law, divine law, hire. se'wa ka'pal, passage money on a ship. se'iva ru'mah, the rent of a house. h-re'ta se'v:a, hackney carriage. s-ga'la (Sk.), all; sometimes used merely to indicate the plural number (82). Cf. smoa and statute. shekh' (Ar.), a shor'ga (Sk.), heaven. Cf. rgit, indra and kayargan. shu'kor s-gar', refreshed, revived. »-gi' or sa'gi, in its derivative per-s-gi', sided, having sides or per-s-gi' , square. ti'ga per-s-gi', three sided, tri- angular. sg'ra (Sk.), speed, haste; quick, y^ quickly. Cf. Ihas and ba- fs ejf o Co^ inxV Sujt^inu* thanksgiving^ Cf. kaseh and puji. names, nouns and adjectives, somewhat in the same way as the word Mr. in English, as in the following phrases: si-A'li, Mr. Ali. Mr. so and so. si-a'pa? who? ba'rarg si-a'pa, whoever. si borg'kok, Mr. hunchback. si pn-chu'ri, Mr. thief. si-a'-si-a', in vain, useless, futile, of no avail. rgat. la- a particle placed before proper si-a'nu, faces. (Ar.), praise. si, to. chief. sher'bat (Ar.), lemonade. sklian. s-gan', reluctant, averse p-ry-gan', a sluggard. am'pat con- stipulation ; agreement. Cf. chuma. 120 MAIAY-T-^NOLISH -VOCABULARY. unlucky, inauspicious, omened. Cf. chlaka. si'al, si'kap, figure, posture, attitude. ill- si'kat, a comb, a harrow ; a bunchi Cf. sisir. (of bananas). si-a'mang, the gibbon. si'kit, a \iii\& morning. day daylight, opposed to night. si-aiy' si-arg' lia'ri, si'ku, the elbow; angle. (158), to sit with the legs crossed under one; to invite a person to sit down ; to invite ; also silahan. si'la du'dolc, please sit down. si'la ma'sok, please come in. very early. made ready ; to be ready or prepared, especially of food, clothes, du'dok Cf. sdia. si-ap'han, prepare, to ready. etc. make (B.) a number work) ; si-da-si'da, of persons at also sebok. a title officers at court, of certain a eunuch. assembly, society, company; also sidarg jma'ah. si'daig, Cf. jma'ah and horgsi. si'dek, ru'iyi'dekj to carefully; usually examine (Ar. si'lap n (Chin.), to digest. (B.) (Chin.), false, deceptive, hypocritical. siet-siet' cross- Tchilaf), a mistake, error, over-sight. si'lap ma'ta, sleight of sim'pai, a circle, ring, hand. hoop. sim'pan, m-ryim'pan (86 c), to keep, preserve, take care of, Cf. plihara and taroh. save. sim'pol, a knot. siiit'pol hi'dop, sim'pol pu'leh, running knot, bow. sim'pol ma'ii, a knot that will not slip. ter-sn-ryum' slideJc. sit alogy. \. si'bok busy, busily engaged (of to (Ar. silsilah), gene- si-la-si'lah make a searching examination. ber-si'la, legged. per-si'la-han, to invite. si-a'sat (Ar.), punishment, torture ; to investigate, examine. siau' q.v. si'la, ber-si'la si-ap', ber-si-ap', prepared, si-a'sat-han, to torture, = sdikit, as ma'lam, day and night. si-arg'-si-aty', comb. si'hat ram'bot, a hair day as opposed to night; early, early in the si-aii;', daylight, sim'pol, a slight smile. (Ar.), quality, condition, attribute, character, nature; m-ryi'nar, a sunbeam, a ray of light; to shine. Cf. chahya. pronounced sipat. bamboo with the bran- sin'dir, m-ryin'dir, to mock, jeeFj Cf. oloh. rail at. si 'fat also si'gai, a ches cut to the length of a span to form a ladder. si'iiga si'hat (Ar.), good health; healthy, well. Cf. ryaman and siuman. si-hir' (Ar.), magic; also 'ilmu sihir. Cf. obat. si'nar, (Sk.), a lion. call in at a place, stay temporarily. siiig'gah, to visit, siiig-ga-sa'na (Sk.), thTone. tahhta. sing;it, see serget. y sif^B'^T '^ Cf. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. sins'kap, m-iyirg'lcap, to turn back, draw aside (as a curtain). turn back, tuck up (as the trowsers or the sleeves of a Cf. sirgkap. coat). comb = Malay sikat. si'ti si'tu (Ar.), a lady, Mrs.; used as a title of ladies of position. and di there. si'tu, Cf. Sana, k-si'iu, thither. sa'na si'ni, here and there, everywhere. de'ri si'ni, from here, hence. si'pai (Pers. sipalii), a soldier, sepoy. Cf. soldado and lashkar. si'ul, her-si'ul, to whistle. si-u'man, conscious, in possession of one's mental faculties, recovered from a fainting fit. Cf. sihat. s-jah't-ra (Sk.), peace, tranquilCf. sntausa and damai. ity. si pat, see sifat. si'put, shell, univalve shellfish. ter-si-pu-si' pu, si'pu, confused. bashful, si'ram, m-ryi'ram, to sprinkle, water (as flowers). Gt. pcrchek and rnjis. ber-si'ram, to bathe (court language). si'reh, betel-pepper, a creeper, the leaves of which are chew- ed with betel-nut. Cf. pi- (Ar.), genealogy, chro- s-ja'rah nicles, annals. Cf. dirgin. s-juk', cold, cool. k'na s-juh', to catch a chill. s-ka'li, very; see kqli. s-kam', Cf. chaff, the husks of padi. hmpa. s-ka'raig, now. s-ka'rarg i'ni, just now. ma'lam s-ka'rarg, to-night. s-kat', m-ry-hat', to barricade. narg. one s-ka'pnr, chew of betel-nut. ma'kan si'reh, to chew betel- all. Cf. sgala and smoa. s-ko'Iah fin. (Sk.), remainder, remains Cf. of a repast; see remah. (Port.), school. a-ga'ma, s-ko'lah Sunday- school (X.). s-k-rup' (Eng.), screw; also pa'- dahi. si'sek, the snake. s-k-li'an s-ko'i, millet. nut. si'sa a (Jav.), slip de'ri si'tu, thence. si'ni, here; also di sini. si'rip, to insert, Cf. slit. in, thrust in. siig'sing, m-ryirg'sirg, to turn up, si'reh m-ryi'sip, si'sip, si'sir sirg^kek (Chin.), a Chinese cooly ; a recent immigrant. 121 scales of a fish or s-k-rup'. si'si, the side; at the side, sisi. (D.), a small sailing boat. si'sek p-nju', tortoise-shell. by; usually di ku s-ku'chi near s-ku'tu, associate, society. member of a . MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 122 to be associated with. per-s-hu'iu-an, association, society. Cf. jma'ah and honjher-s-leu'tu, si. s-la', cloth. s-lin'dorg, her-s-lin'dorg, to take empty ti-a'da space, space, room. there was no her-s-la', room. shelter. s-Ii'seh, her-s-li'seh, to differ, per-s-W se-lian dispute, quarrel. , s-Iam', m-ry-lam', to dive, dive for. s-li'sek, m-iy-U'seJc, to vermin in s-la'mat (Ar.), health; safety, security; salvation (X.). s-la'mat ja'lan (159), go in (the nsuai Malay salutation) s-la'mat tirg'gal, abide in peace. Ju'ru S-la'mat, Saviour (X.). s-la' mat-Jean, to save, preserve peace from danger. s-lat|^', interval of Cf. jaralc Cf. time or space. and antara. s-Iar', m-ry-lar', to brand. s-la'sa, ha'ri thalatha. s-la'sa, Tuesday = verandah. s-la'seh (Sk.), basil, mint. strait, channel; the town slipped or pushed in between two surfaces. s-Iok', m-ry-loV , to insert hand or finger. s-]o'ka (Sk.), verses of poetry, Cf. pantun and giirindam. couplets. m-ry-l-sai' , to de- -lean, cide, settle, adjust. s-l's-ma, catarrh, a cold in the head. (Ar.), s-lu'ar chlana. trowsers. Cf. s-lu'borg, vi-ry-lu'boiy, to cover up, envelop. s-lu'dat^, the sheath which covers the blossom on palms. s-Ium'bar, a splinter. of Singapore. s-lu'pat, s-la'tan, the South. hunt for hair, to preen. s-lit', inserted, s-l-sai', s-lam'pit, a plait, plaiting. atyam. s-la'sar, be at variance, quarrel. s-la'datg, the wild ox. s-lat', s-li'mut, a blanket or other bed covering. s-li'mut-kan, to cover with a thin cuticle, membra- nous covering. sibi, see sulbi. s-len'daig, a garment worn over one shoulder by Malay wo- men. s-lu'roh slerar^, see leraiy. body. s-li'dek, m,-ry-U'deJc, to examine Cf. carefully; also sideh. prehsa. a javelin. and Imbiiy. (of su- measure). s-lu'roh neg'ri, the whole city perficial or country. tu'boh, all over one's^ s-fe'ra, appetite. s-li'gi, s-lu'roh, the whole, all Cf. tomhah s-mai', m-n/mai to sow seed in a nursery, from which the seedlings are afterwards to be planted out. s-mai' an, a nursery for plants. , MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. s-ma'ja, only =sahaja. a'yer sm-bah'yaiy, water for re- s-mak', a thicket, underwood, bushes. Cf. hliikar. s-mam'bu, Malacca s-ma'ngat, the soul, life, the spirit of life, consciousness. Cf. rymva and roll, lii'larg s-ma'rgat, to lose consciousness. s-man-ta'ra, while, during. Cf. antara. s-mat', m-iy-mat'j stitch, to fasten together with rattan or thin pieces of wood or bamboo. sit in state (of kings). ance; to speak to a superior. Cf. smbahyarg. sm'bah su'jud, to worship or do homage by prostrating oneself. ber-da'targ sm'bah, to address a superior. come and H O sm'b-leh, m-rym'b-leh, to kilt for food by cutting the(usually with relithroat gious ceremonies) to sacri- $/, ; Cf. poionj. fice. sm'b-lit, constipation. sm-bi'lu, a splinter of used as a knife. bamboo sm'boh, m-rym'boh, -kan, healed^ recovered from sickness or wounds; to heal, cure. sm-bo'yan, an alarm signal. Cf. sm-bu'iyi, to hide, conceal. mission. per-sm'bah-han, to make a present to a superior, to make an offering to God. per-sm'ba-han, a present to a superior, an offering or God. sacri- Cf. korban. sm-bah'yaig, religiworship, ous ceremonies; to worship: derived from smbah, to wor- and Ya-)ri, God, ter-sm-bu'ryi, hidden. sm'bur, m-rym'buVj to squirt out,, spirt out. s-mer'bak, to pervade, be diffused (of odours). s-mis'ta (Sk.), all, the whole, in the phrase: smista 'dlam, the whole universe. ^ sm'bah, to send a message of submission to a king. su'rat sm'bah, a letter of subhi' rim ship, ^, f rahsia. sm'bah, m-rym'hali, to worship, do homage to, make obeis- fice to "^ ing. sm-bi'lan, nine. (For derived forms see ampat). s-man^'ka, water-melon. to ligious ablutions. ber-sm-bah'yarg , to worship. stn'bap, dropsy, dropsical swell- ^ cane. s-maig', aboriginal tribes of the Malay Peninsula. Cf. sakai and hnua. s-ma'yam, 12S q.v. s-mn'jak, since, s-mo'a (Sk.), i^^ all. ^di^ ^ Vn ri-/<3^ Cf. s^fffl/a w^ ^\ and v sJcKan. sm-pa'dan, boundary. stn'pat, leisure, time or opportunity or ability to do a thing. sm'pit, narrow. Cf. pichelc. sm'poa" (Chin.), abacus. ^' sm-pur'na (Sk.), perfect, complete. sm-pur'na-kan, to perfect, complete. jh'^'''' ' , MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULART. 124 s-mu', sn-iyap', quiet, deceit, cheating. s-naig' (146), ease, contentment; eas)', contented, comfortable. Cf. satisfied, case. complacence, ease, serenity. arms. sn'da, ier-sn'da, a joke, a jest; and gurau Cf. jest. jnaia. sn-da'wa (Sk.), always, tinually, incessantly ; snntiasa. Cf. slalu. spoon = (B.) s-nga'ja, sendoh. teeth. s-no'noh, seemly, becoming. so'dok, ni'Tyo'dok, to scoop up, sohbat, on purpose, intention- s-igal', rheumatism. s'ngat, ni-ry'rgat, the sting of insect; to sting. nasal sounds, through the nose. siig'kaTg, to a worship, movement do hoof the with the palms together (of men only = sm6afe of women). hands so'kong;, a prop, shore. Cf. Ica- larg. sol-da'do speaking cross-bar bar, an >• wasp. p-iy'rgat, a see saliabat. (B.), mage by ally. s-igau', also sn'toh, m-ryn'toh, to come in Cf. jacontact with, touch. so'ja show the con- p-ryo'dol", a shovel. sudu. s-igai', to Cf. sjahtra. sn-ti-a'sa shovel. sn-di'ri (22-24), self; see diri. Cf. sn-tau'sa (Sk.)^ security, safety, mah. (Sk.), saltpeter. sn'di (Sk.), the joints or sinews of the human body. sn'dok, sn'tak, m-ryn'tah, to tug, jerk, snatch away. Cf. rntah. peace. s-na'paiig; (D.), a gun, rifle, fire- to usually ter-sn'ryum' smiling; to smile. tcr-sn-ryum' sim'pol, smiling quietly. mudah. n-nairj'kan, to set at rest, set at l:-s-na'rgan, still, silent. sn-iyum', s-mut', an ant. (Port.), soldier. som'borg, proud, arrogant. (of a Cf. chorgkak. song'kok, cap. door). Cf. lashhar. Cf. kopiah and clipiau. sig-sa'ra (Sk.), suffering, pain, Cf. sehsa. agony, torture. to torture. srg-sa'ra-lcan, and s-ni', fine, thin, slender, threadlike. snin, Cf. halus. sn-ja'ta, (Sk.), weapons, so'rak, her-sp'rak, shouts of triumph or acclamation, war eventide. arms. Cf. cry; to shout. so're alat. her-sn-ja'ia, feet. so'pan, polite, courteous, respectful; politeness. see ithnain. sn-ja-ka'la so'pak, a skin disease causing white patches on the hands armed. (Jav.), ptaiy. afternoon = Malay " MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. so'roii;, m^vjo'rorg, to push along, 125 Eurasian; a corruptiod s-ra'ni, of nasrani, q.v. shove. so'toh (Ar.), house-top, the flat roof of a house. s-ra'si, suitable, well adapted;, see rasi. s-ra'ya, and. so'totg, cuttlefish. s-pak', m-iy-pah'j a slap to slap. ; s-paig', sappan wood. s-rek', intimidated by pain. s-ri' (Sk.), splendour, brightness, s-pa'roh (Jav.), half, one half; a part, a portion, some. Cf. magnificence. gi'gi s-ri', the front teeth. s-ri-ga'la trgah. s-pa'roh ha'his, half finished. s-pa'roh ma'ii, half dead. (Sk.), jackal. s-rin'dit, the love-bird. s-ro'ja (Sk.), the lotus. s-pat', a small fish. sru, see serwa. s-pa'tu (Port.), shoe, boot. Cf. s-ru', Icasut. m-ry-ru' and to her-s-ru', call out, cry out. s-pa'ya, in order that, so that. s-pa'ya ja'rgan, s-ru'nai lest. s-per'ti, like, as, such as, as if. d'rgan s-per'ti-rya, becomingly, befittingly. s-pit', m-ry-pit', to nip, pinch. ma'kan eat with chop- s-pit', to sticks = (B.) makan sumpit. s-poh', m-ry-poh', to temper steel, colour gold by ' dipping in turmeric. s-pu'i-s-pu'i, light, the wind). lemon a hand suj^ gU-^fUkf.wT^'^*!* grass. s-ram'bi, a porch. -a kind of very shrill sound. m-nj-sah', to whip, fiog (with a whip or rattan). s-sah', s-sak', tight, pinched, confined,, hard pressed by want. Cfpichek and smpit. s-sak' da'da, asthma. p-noh' s-sak', chock-full. s-sal', m-ry-sal', remorse; to gret, repent. Cf. re- taubat. s-sat', m-ry-sat', astray, in error; over, deliver, intrust. s-rah'han di'ri, to yield, s-rai', (of gentle s-rah', ni'-ry-rah' , 'han, to render. (Pers.), clarionet, giving V'lwti/j ^ ' UuXf •- to stray, wander, err, go Cf. hanjut. astray. s-sat' ba'rat, altogether astray. s-sat'kan, to cause to err. s-taig'gi, incense. u<- — s-ti'a (Sk.), fidelity, loyalty. Cf. hakti. s-ram', the tremulous feeling produced by cold or fear; s-ram'paii:, a large fish-spear. s-rarg', m-ry-rarg', to attack, assail, storm (cities or cou.ntries). Qi.larggar. s-raig', head boatman. o'hah-kan sum' pah break faith. swear loyalty. s-ti'a, to s-ti'a, to s-ti-a'wan (Sk.), faithful, loyal. s-to'ri (D. and Eng.), a fuss, much ado. ba'ryak S'to'ri, to tale. make a long : MALAY-ENGLISH VOQABDLART. 126 stra, see sutra. sub-ha'na-hu (Ar.), praise s-t-ri'ka (Port.), to iron. s-t-rop' (D.), syrup. s-t-ru' (Sk.), adversary, personal enem}^ as opposed to muscih, the enemy of one's country. her-s-i-ru' , hostile, unfriendly. pcr-s-t-ru'an, enmity, animosity. su'al (Ar.), a question. QLtanja. su'ai ja'wdb, interpellation, catechism. her-su'al ja'wab, to catechize. ; to Him be usually in the phrase Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, God, to Him be praise, and be He exalted. su'boh (Ar.), dawn; one of the hours of prayer. su'bur, healthy, luxuriant (of plants and sometimes of human beings). su'chi, pure, clean, chuclii, su'clii-l-an, Cf. holy. kudus and berseh. to clean, cleanse, purify. Ic-su'chi-an, purity. su-am', lukewarm, tepid. sudagar, see saudagar. su-a'mi (Sk.), husband (more 'su'dah (41, 74-76), done, finishrespectful than lain). Cf. ed, completed; an auxiliary istri. verb indicating past time ber-sn-a'mi, to have a husband, (45-48) ; enough, sufficient, be married (of women). that will do. Cf. habis and bey-su-a'mi-Jcan, to marry a jlas. husband. su-ap', a mouthful, a bite (of food) ; a bribe. b-ri' su-ap', to give a bribe. ma'han su-ap' j to receive a readv. bribe. su-ap'han, to feed by mouthfuls. su-a'ra (Sk.), the voice. yarg su-a'ra tya'rirg, a loud voice. n/a'rirg-kan su-a'ra, to raise the voice. ber-su-a'ra, to utter a sound. su-a'sa (Sk.), an alloy of gold, and copper. su-a'tu, a, one; also satu and s-. s-su-a'tu, something, anything. everything. ba'rarg s-su-a'tu, whatever. s-ga'la s-su-a'tu, su'baiig;, ear tirg. enough. su'dah lia'bis, finished. su'dah hi'larg, it is lost. su'dah la'ma, a long time ago. su'dah ma'lam, it is night alsu'clah chu'hop, that is ornaments. Cf. an- su'dah tu'a, it is old. su'dah t'a'da, it is gone or disappeared. b-ltim' su'dah, not yet finished. la'ma su'dah, a long time ago, finished a long time. su'dah-l-nn, to terminate, bring to an end. h-su'da-han, end, conclusion. ii-a'da ber-h-su' da-han, without end, unending. Cf. putus. sudara, su'di, see saudara. to be satisfied, agree, be willing. Cf. Icnan su'du, a spoon. su'gi, ber-su'gi, teeth. and redla. Cf. sndoh. to brush the , MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY, Su'ji, in-ryu'ji, to embroider. su'lu, a spy. su'ji sum'bat, (Sk.), meal, grain. su'jud (Ar.), to prostrate oneself, bow down with the face to the earth (as in prayer). ^^ su'ka (Sk.), pleasure, joy; to be glad, enjoy, gmar. joice, wish. a notch (as edge of a knife). sumboh, kutok and h-su'lca-ran, trouble, affliction. mi'lca-ian. a measure to Cf. ukor. measure. su'kun, the bread I'anat. oneself. sum'pit and sum'pi-tan, blow pipe. sum'pit (B.), su'nat (Ar., tradition), m-ryu'-kan, circumcision; to circumcise. Cf. khatan. nat, per-sun'da-lan, fornication. (Sk.), a sharp stake on which formerly erimiiials were impaled; to impale; Su'igai, a river. also sulakan. sutg'goh, - Adam's ap- a flute, flageolet. su'lit, hidden, secret. Cf. rahsia and smbuni. ra-ryu'loh, a torch; show a light with a to torch. su'loig, first-born, eldest child; also anak sulovg. Cf. borgsu. sul'tan true, real, genuine. Cf. bnar, btul, and sah. s-surg' goh-rya, truly. surg'goh pun, although. Cf. }Jiski. ple. ^u'loh, a'nak su'iyai, a stream. (Ar.), the backbone; the loins. su'liiig:, see sun'dal, a prostitute. fruit. sul'di, hu'ali sul'di, chopsticks, spit. su'la sul'bi the sum'pit, a small bag of plaited mrgkuarg leaves. su'ku (35), a quarter, fourth part; a tribe, branch of a family. s-su'lcu, a quarter. ti'ga su'ku, three-quarters. oath, Cf. k'na sum'pah, to be cursed. ma'kan sum'pah, to perjure desires, wishes. m-ryu'hat, smboh. a curse ; to swear, curse. k-su'ha'an, enjoyment, pleasure, (capacity). see Bum'bu, lampwiek. sum'pah, ber-sum'pah, an to rejoice, enjoy oneself. su'lea-kan, to please, satisfy. su'kar, difficult, not easy, irksome, arduous. Cf. susah. th6 in bi'bir sum'hirg, harelip. like, and bersu-ha-su'Jca, pUig, a sum'biis:, su-ka-cki'ta, joy, gladness. su'lca ha'ti, pleasure. su'kat, m-ryum'bat, cork, stopper; to plug, stop up. Cf. tumpat. re- .Cf. her-su'ha 127 (Ar.), ruler. sultan, supreme ber-surg'goh-surg'goh, in earnest, with all one's might. surg'goh-kan, to verify, substantiate, corroborate. suig'kor, m-ryurg'kor, to bend, bow down. Cf. tundok. ter-surg'kor, bowed down. suis'kop, m-ryurg'kop, to cover with a vessel. . MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 128 backwards, suig'sarg;, upside down. su'igut, her-su'rgut, to grumble, su'sah, trouble, annoyance, worry, distress; troublesome, annoying, vexatious, difficult. Cf. sukar. murmur. or ornaments in the hair or behind su' sah-kaii, flowers sun'titig, worn k-su'sa-han, the ear. sun'tok, complete (of time). i ' uninhabited, unfrequented, quiet, private. solate, su'rah (Ar.), a chapter of the Koran. a writing, letter, book, handwriting. Cf. tulis. su'rat hu'targ, a bill. su'rat hha'bar, a newspaper. su'rat M'ri-man, a letter. su'rat h-t-ra'rgan, certificate. su'rat ku-a'sa, a power of attorper-jan'ji-an, written agreement. su'rat wa'si-at, a will. ha'las su'rat, to answer a letter. hu'ryi su'rat, the contents of a letter. h-pa'la su'rat, the heading of a su'rat, a page of a book. ter-su'rat, written. su'rau, a village mosque or prayCf. mandarsah. su'roh, m-ryu'roli, to order, com. mand. Cf. hukum and psan. su'roh-kan, to order, send a person. p-tyu'roh and p-su'roh, a messenger. Cf. utus. su'ro-lian, an envoy. suroig, see sororg. su'rut, ebb tide; also ayer swut. Cf. pasarg. Si;'^3,v afflic- regular order, fit together, pile up. Cf. rakit. su'sur, m-ryu'sur, edge, margin; to go along the edge of anything, sail along the coast. su'sut, to diminish, shrink. su't-ra (Sk.), '*;'V1''. m silk. h-narg' su't-ra, silk thread. in'dok su't-ra, the cocoon of the silk worm. not; a contraction from tidak (63-73). ia'a'da or t'a'da, is not, are not ta', = letter. er house. annoyance, su'sun, m-ryu'sun, to arrange in su'rat ta'lak, a letter of divorce. mu'ka annoy, su'su, the breasts ; milk. a'yer su'su, milk. k-pa'Ia su'su, cream. ma'ta su'su, nipple. su'su'i, to give milk to, nurse. su'rat, ney. su'rat trouble, tion, distress. su'iyi (Sk.), solitary, lonely, de- p^j to worry. tiada. ta'a'kan or t'a'kan, will not, it cannot be that — not good, bad. ta'bo'leh, cannot, impossible. ta'da'pat, does not succeed, cannot. ta'da'pat ti-a'da, it cannot but be, it must. ta'ba'ik, ta'gu'na, useless. ta'ja'di, it it did not come to pass, will not do. ta'nam'pak, it is not seen. ta'sa'ma, not the same, unlike. ta'u'sali, not necessary, never mind. -1^ A K >/R _ ^ ^^^{^g? •irALAY-ENGLI^H tOOABDLAKT. ta'a'la (Ar.), e:ia,lted; in the phrase: Allah ta'ala, God, exalted be He! ta'alok, see t'aloh. Cf. gndran; announce by the beating of a drum. ta'hal-han, to salutation greeting, (159). ina'ldm ta'di, last night. taf'sir (Ar.), a commentary (especially on the Koran). Cf. salam. ta'geh, craving; usually htageh. tab, ta-han', m-na-han', -han, to hear, endure, withstand. i?' ta-han' da' rah, to stanch blood, (Ar.), nature, disposiCf pherti tion, character. and prargai. ta-han' naf'su, to restrain one's . Cf. dulcun la'bib (Ar.), docton desires. ter-ta-han', restrained, endured. ta'hi, excrement,, refuse. &ni doktor. ft'a'bir ta'hi b-si', rust, ta'hi ger-ga'gi, sawdust. Cf. tirai. fa'hi la'lai, moles, freckles. (Ar.), explanation, inter- ta'hi t-li'rga, earwax. pretation. fa'bir-han, to explain, give the meaning- an interrogative particle = hah. la'bi'at ta'bir, curtain. 129 ta'gar, thunder, la'bal (Ar.), drum. and rbana. ta'bek, of, ta'bo-han, hornet =,thuan. measure of weight; see end of Grammar. ta'hu '(62), to' know, understand, Cf hhal. be accustomed. "ta'hil, a. ' . ta'bong:, a length of bamboo used ta'hu 'a'dat, to know how to behave, be polite. ta'hu ber-lea-ta-ha'ta, to be able to speak (of children). ta'h II dii'doh, to be able -to sit up (of children), to contain fluids. la'bur, m-na'bur, scatter, sow (as Cf. hambur. seed). p-na'bur, a sower; small shot. disscattered, ber-ta'bu-mn, persed. b-ri' ta'hu, to in- s-ta'hv, cpgni-zant, privy to. na-nt. ta'chi (B.) (Chin.), elder sister; usually Icakak. . worm ^ chachiiy. la'dah, m-na'dah, to catch or hold in the open hands, or in a vessel (as liquids) ; to ex- tend the hands in such an attitude, make known, Cf. khabar. form. ta'b.ut (Ar.), the ark of the cove- ta'chiig(B,), ?^ as in prayer. Cf. hulor. ta'di, just now, just, a moment Cf. bharu. ago, lately. id'di pa'gi, this morning. xi-a'pa - ta'hu, who knows, I don't know. k-ia'hu-i (102 /) (126), to know a thing, be aware of. k-ta'hu-an, known, that which is Icnown. her-k-ta'hu-fin, known, being known. prg-ta'hu-aii, knowledge, learn- ing, information. bpi'-prg-ta'hu-an, to ledge, know. ta'hun, year. have know- MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 130 ta'hun b-ha'ru, the ISTew Year. ta'hun da'targ, next year. ta'hun d-hu'lu, last year. ta'hun la'Iu, last year. ta'hun M-si'hi, the year of the Christian era, A. D. ier-ta-hun-ta'hun, for years, year after year. s-ta'hun la'ma-rya, for a year. m-na'hun, to stay a year in a place. tak'sir (D.), to estimate, value. tak'sir (Ar.), negligent. tak'wim (Ar.), calendar, alma- nac. ta'lak (Ar.), divorce. Cf. cJiim^ su'rat ta'lak, a bill of divorce. ta'lam, a large metal tray. ta'Ii, string, cord, rope. ta'Ii h-sar', tai'ko (B.) (Chin.), leprosy = Tcusta. .^a'jam, sharp (of cutting instruments and of the intellect). blunt. ta'jam, Cf. Jcu'rarg tumpol. ta'jam-kan, to sharpen. Cf. spur used with fighting cocks. astonished. (Ar.), Cf. 'aja'ib. "tak'dir (Ar.), ordained, decreed; the will or decrees of God. tah'dir-Jcan, to decree, appoint, ta'Ii Tcarg' , ta'Ii ta'Ii reins. ha'wat, wire rope. km'bar ti'ga, a threefold cord. ta'Ii a l-u'lit, strap, leather thong. ta'Ii le'hir, ta'Ii necklace. pirg'garg, waist-belt, gir- Cf. sdbok. ta'Ii p-rot' , the intestines. .takh'ta (Ar.), throne. gasana. p-rum', sounding line. ta'U pu'sat, umbelical cord. ta'U ra'mi, string made Cf. sirg- ia'kok, a notch. t'a'lok (Ar.), dependent upon,, a dependency, St. State which is subject another. fa'lok-kan, to subjugate. tO' ta-m'a' (Ar.), covetousness, ava- ta'kot, fear; afraid, frightened; Cf. dahto be afraid, fear. shat and hjot. i-ri' ta'Jcot, to frighten. a person. coward; shy of rami, q.v. ta'U sa"uh, cable. ta'U t-ma'U, the cordage or rigging of a ship. lerg'kar ta'U, to coil a rope. siibject to; predestinate. ta'ho-ti, to fear I du'ga, sounding line. fishing line. ta'Ii ha"il, ta'Ii ta'ji, the artificial p-na'hot, a horses). rope. wire rope. dle. asah. t'a'jub ta'ii b-si'j ta'Ii ta'jak, m-na'jaJc, a heavy cutting instrument with a long handle used for cutting down the weeds In an irrigated rice field ; to cut down weeds with this instrument. Cf. dularg. (of Jc-ta'ko-ian, afraid; fear, alarm. rice; to covet. garden, Cf. kbun. ta'tnan, Cf. loba. flower garden.. tamasha, see term&sa. ta'mat (Ar.), end, conclusion, tam'bah, ber-tam'bah (115), tO' increase (in size or number). MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. tam'hah-han, to add, augment, increase; also tambahi. and tam'ba-han tam'ba-han pu'la, moreover, in addition. tam'bak, m-nam'bak, to pile up in earth, as in making embankments or filling in or fill swamps. passage money on a ship or boat; to carry tam'baiig;, fare, passengers. sam'pan tam'barg, a ferry-boat. tam'bat, m-nam'bat, to tie, fasten, tie up (as animals and boats). Cf. ikat. tam'bi (Tam.), a form of address to Tamils; a messenger ; a Tamil. tam'bon, fat, fleshy, corpulent. Cf. gmoTc. tam'pak, also to appear, be visible; nampak. Cf. lihat. ta'nam'pak, invisible, it does not appear, it is not seen. tam'pal, label, m-nam'pal, a patch, something stuck on; to patch, stick Cf. llcat. tam'par, on, paste on. m-nam'par, to slap, the open hand. strike with Cf. spalc. tam'pi, m-nam'pi, to with the ryiru, q.v. winnow tam'pil, to go forward, advance, Cf. maju. progress. tam'pil-kan, to cause to advance, move forward. tam'pok, the cup or short stalk at the point where fruits are broken off the stem; the ornamentation on the top of a cap (sorgkok) or on the ends of a pillow. 131 tam-pu'i, a tree with an edible fruit. ta'nah, the ground, soil, land, a country. Cf. bumi. ia'nah a'yer, one's native land. ta'nah Ja'wa, the island of Java. ia'nah ko'sorg, uncultivated land. ta'nah Wat, clay. ta'nah ma'ti, fallow ground. ta'nah M-la'yu, Malaya. ta'nah pa'ya, swampy land. ta'nah ra'ta, level country. hu'joiy ta'nah, peninsula, promontory. Cf. tanjorg. mi'ryak ta'nah, mineral oil. trarg' ta'nah, dawn. tu'an ta'nah, landlord. ta'nak, ni-na'nak, to boil, cook. Cf. rbus and masak. ju'ru ta'nak, a cook. ta'nak (B.) (Chin.), a carpet. ta'nam, m-na'nam, to plant, bury. ta'nam cha'char, to vaccinate. tan'da, a mark, sign, token. Cf. isharat and 'alamat. tan'da ma'ti, the orthographical sign jazm; see 6a w. tan'da ta'rgan, signature. tan'da-kan, to signify, indicate, betoken. per-tan'da, an executioner. tan'dak, ber-tan'dak, Cf. tari. to dance. tan'dan, a bunch of fruit, such as bananas, coco-nuts, grapes, etc. tan'dil (Tam.), headman of coo- lies. tan'dok, a horn. Cf. chula. tan'du, m-nan'du, a Utter; to carry in a sedan chair or litter, Cf. usorg. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 132 .ta'igan, the hand, the arm. Cf. byan. ba'ju, ta'irjan the sleeve of a coat. the right hand. ta'rgan sb'lah, one hand. ta'trjaii ka'iian, ta'iydn, b-Jcas' handwriting, and ta'rgi-si, to weep for a person or in'igis-lcan weeping. ta'igi-san, taig'kai, the stalk or stem of flowers or fruits. Cf batarg. . 'taig'hii ba'jak, the handle of a plough. signature. Cf. Icliat. ja'bat ta'rgan, to shake hands. ka'ki' ta'rgan, hands and feet. lani'bai-kati ta'rgan, to wave sa'pu ta'rgan, handkerchief. tdn'da ta'rgan, signature, ia'^afc to' rg'aflij. the palm of the ta'rgd-ni, to handle, lay haJids an, arrest. coefficient nu- native of capture, to Cf. seize, Cf. arrest. houses (84). targ'ga ba'tu, stone steps, a'nak targ'ga, a step or rung of a ladder. na'ih targ'ga, to go upstairs. ru'niah targ'ga, home, homestead. tai^'gal, to fall out, fall ofE (as teeth, branches, etc.). targ' gdl-Tcan, to remove, take Cf. m-narg'kis, a blow. to parry, Cf. helak. off targ'kul, m-narg'kul, a bag net; to fish with a bag net. taig'lorg (Chin.), a Chinese lantern. Cf. l-andil. tan'jotg, promontory, land, cape. point of ta'iya, her-ta'rya, to ask questions, ask for information, ijiquire. minta, which means to ask for, request (80 b). Cf. ta'rya-kan and ber-ta'rya-kan, ask concerning a thing, propound a question. to ta'pa (as clothes). nimble. (Eng.), a tank. 'taig^kis, ward hand. meral m-riarg'kap, taig'kas, agile, pantos. taiig;'ki hand. iin'jok ta'rgan, to hold out the taig'sai, ladder, stairs, steps; amulet. tawan. ma'soh ta'rgan, to interfere. (Sk.),.'pa, penance, off, asceticism to do penance, be an ascetic. per-ta'pa'an, an act of penance. wait, ta'pai, cooked rice or other grain taig'goig, m-narg'gorg, -kan, to support, bear, endure, gua- ta'pak, the palm of the hand, sole of the foot; footprint.= hkas kaki. ta'pak ka'ki, the sole of the taig'goh, m-narg'goh, postpone, adjourn, -lean, put to defer. ber-targ'gohy < taig'kap, catch, the hands. off tan^'kal, charm, 'azimat. to delay, caused to ferment. temporize. rantee. Cf. tahan and ja- inin. iarg-go'rgan, a burden. 'ta'tgis, m-na'rgis, ; weeping; weep, cry, shed tears. foot. to ta'pak ta'rgan, the hand. palm of the ' MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. tapi, see ttapi. tar' and mi'ryah fa'ra, (Eng.), tar' tar. equal height; equality (of height or rank). s-ia'ra, of the same rank. of level, ta'rah, iii-iia'rah, rough hew to tiniher. drag. Cf. ta'rek a' pi, -a and /!"/<( seret. lucifer match, also horeTc api. ta'rek na'fais, to ta'tal, a shaving of wood. m-na'targ, to carry on the palms of the hands. Cf. tadah. ta'taig, tatkala, see ttkala. draw a breath. (Ar.), dance. to ni-na'ri. Cf. joget. ta'rikh (Ar.) epoch. (166), date, era, ta'rikh h ij'rali, the Mohammedan ta'rik M-.n'hi, Hegira, the tau'bat ( Ar. ) repentance, amend, ment of life ; Christian tuek pigs). (of rodents and Cf. gadirg. a bud, young sprout, (Ehg.), tarpaulin. inland danau and kolam. tau'gek (Chin.), (B.) bean tau'ke (Chin.), head of a house lake, tau'lan, companion, comrade,' handai, kawan Cf. and sahabat. tau'rit and tau'rat (Ar.), the. law of Moses, the Old Testament, the Pentateuch. tau'yu (B.) (Chin.), bean tawa, see tertawa. ta'wan, m-na'ivan, -i, oil. to capture,, prisoner (in war or of Cf. targkap. robbers). ter-ta'ivan, captured, made pri- make made prisoner, a captive. tasteless, insipid, fresh, an antidote for (of water) poisons; to bargain, offer a ta'war, sea. Cf. an orthogra(Ar.), phical sign which indicates that the lettes- over which tash'did (Ar.), typhoon, storm; also tofan. ta'wa-nan, tas'bih (Ar.), a rosary. ta'sek, tau'fan soner. shoot. tar' pal repent. tau'chang; (Chin.), a queue. friend. ta'roh, m-na'roh (86 c), to place, put, put away, keep, lay by. Cf. biiboh, Itak and simpan. ta'roh her'ga, to fix a price. m-na'roh dn'dani, to harboui revenge, bear malice. m-na'roh dig'ki, to bear malice. ber-ta'roh, to bet, wager. p-ta'roh, a trust, a thing entrusted to a person. ta'rok, Cf.' or business, employer. era. ta'rin^, also tobat. ssal: sprouts. era. the honour, respect, reverence. ber-tau'bat, to ta'ri, doubled. is ta'tah, to mount, set (as precious stones). Cf. permata. t'a'tlim m-na'rel-, to pull, draw, •ta'rek, placed it is ta'pis, m-na'jns, to (strain, filter. ta'pi-saii, a strainer, a filter. 13^ ; lower price, beat down the price. ta'war ha'ti, discouraged. i7WLf\J/v»^.-yv^^^i,. .L^l ' MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 134 ta'war i'poh, an antidote for the Malay dart poison. a'yer ta'war, fresh water (as opposed to salt). used in Malay magic. opposed to nipis, thin. mu'ka t-bal', shameless, brazen- faced. t-baii;', shoot to a fire gun. Cf. bdil. Cf. dindirg. wall.' tem'bok, ka'ki foundations. tem'paig, lame, limping. pencharg and chapek. Cf. tem'po (Port.), time, intermis; in the time of, during the time that. Cf. sion, respite waktu. m-n-banj' , to cut trees, fell. down Cf. thas. t-bas', m-n-bas', to cut down underwood. Cf. fbarg. t'biii;, a firearms, Cf. alas. p-na'war, an antidote, cure or specific for a disease. t-bal', thick, as m-nem'bak, with tem'bok, a meal ta'war, t-porg' tem'bak, high bank of a teng', (Chin.), a Chinese lamp. teig'kah, see tirgkah. teig'gek, perch to birds), (as squat. river. te'igok, t-bok', m-n-boh', to bore a hole, m-ne'rgok, to look and pandarg. at. Cf. lihat perforate. window, ten'taiig, a native shop t-bu', sugar-cane. Cf. gula. hinged at the top and bot- t'bu-an, a hornet. tom. t'bus, m-n'bus, to redeem, buy back, ransom. p-n'bus, Eedeemer (X.). t'bu-san, ransom. the name generic for cobras. te'bar, m-ne'bar, to scatter; to throw a easting net ; see jala. ., a'yer teh', tea (the beverage). da"un teh', tea (the prepared te-ko' (B.) (Chin.), kettle. ie-koan' (B.) (Chin.), tea-pot. telek, see tilek. lisping, speech. fly. ter'barg, grapnel. ter'batg-kan, to send flying (of the wind) ; to fly away with (as birds of prey). ter'bit, to arise, come up, spring up. Cf. naik. ma-ta-ha'ri ter'bit, the sun rises. (Ar.), translate; to also ter'j-mah'kan. ter'jun, m-ner'jun, to plunge down, leap down. leaves). te'lor, ter'barg, to ter'j-mah' teh' (Chin.), tea. Cf. Inipoh. sa"uh t-doh', calm, tranquil; sheltered from sun or wind; to abate (of storms). t-doTg', te'pok, paralysis of the legs. ter'jun-kan, to cast down, drop a thing down. ter'jun, waterfall. a'ljer ter'kam, inarticulate Cf. pelat. to attack violently, rush at, spring at (as wild animals). MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. ter'kas thal'ju (Ar.), snow. (Pers.),. quiver. ter-ma'sa (Pers. tamaslia), rejoicings; to tivities, fes- make merry, rejoice. ter'pa, m-nei-'pa, to spring forCf. terward, spring at. kam. ter-ta'wa, to laugh. laugh to ter-ta'wa-kan, at (146). ter'tib der, (Ar.), rank, station, or- arrangement. te'tek, the breast milk. te'was when giving Cf. defeated. (Jav.), alali. (Chin.), to sub(B.) scribe, take a subscription. t-gah', m-n-gah', to prevent, resCf. train, prohibit, hinder. lararg and pantarp. upright, t-gal', because, erect, vertical. on account tight. stretched t-gaig', of. Cf. rgarg. t-gap', strong, muscular (of the body). Cf. Teuat. <t-gar', stiff, fixed, unbending. t-gar' h-m'udi, steady! (of the helm). - tia'' (B.) (Chin.), a hall. ti-a'da (63-71), is not, are not; a contraction of tidah ada (64) ; used as an auxiliary verb (45). ti-a'da a' da, there is not, there does not exist. ti-a'da ho'leli, unable, cannot. ti-a'da da' pat, cannot, does not succeed. ti-a'da m-rga'pa = tidah apa, it does not matter, never mind. d'rgan ti-a'da, without. ta'da'pat ti-a'da, it cannot but be, it must. ti'ang:, post, pillar, Tte-yfen' l-gak', 135 ti'arg a'gorg,, ti'arg ba'tu, Cf. ttap. t-goh'kan, to brick pillar. ti'aig bn-de'ra, flagstaff. ha' pal her-ti'arg ti'ga, a three- masted ship. each, masirg-masirg. ti-ap'-ti-ap', Cf. every. ti-a'rap, m-ni-a'rap, prone, face downwards; to lie face downwards, prostrate oneself. Cf. jrumiis and sujud. ter-ti-a'rap, prostrated, prone. to lay face downwards. ti-a'rap-han, ti'ba, t-goh', firm, steady, strong; secure, sure (as a promise). mast. mainmast. to arrive, a person reach a place. Cf. sampai. ti-ba-ti'ba, suddenly. Cf. hun- fyorg. strengthen, eon- firm. ti'dak, no, not (63-73) ; contracted to ta', q.v. Cf tiada. ti'dah a' da, not present, absent. . to address, admonish, chide, 1-gur', m-n-gu/, speak rebuke. to, -Icav,, Cf. tTgUrg and har- dek. tha-la'tha (Ar.), Tuesday; usually liari slasa. ti'dah a' pa, never mind, it does not matter; also tiada m- rgapa. ti'dah-han, to tence of. deny the exi^ MALAT-ENGLJSH VOCABULARY. 136 make nothing per-ti'dal'-lcan, to of, make light of', tim'baii:, vi-nim'barg, to weigh^, ponder, depreciate. ti'dor, ber-ti'dor, sleep, slumber; to sleep. ti'do)- 1-lap', heavily. deep sleep ; to sleep Cf. njadar. see ti'kam, m-nim'bol, to, float, to the surface of the water, rise (as the sun), spring up (as plants). Cf- come up am pat). iiaiuji. in-iii'lriiN, terbit. to stab, pierce, tim'bo-nan, a heap. han'tal, bedding (of a tim'bus, m-nim'bus, to native). fill ti'lek, m-ni'hk, to look carefully, observe; to practise divina- •tim prognosticate ; also tin and other similar sa'ri, zinc. tim'pa, ti'maig, m-ni'marg, to brandish in the air, toss up in the air (as weapons or children). ti-ma'njan, a pet name, nickname ; a pet, a plaything. tim'ba, m-nim'ha, a bucket, baler; to draw water with a bucket, bale out a boat. tim'ba a'yer, to draw water. tim'ba ru'arg, -to bale out bilge water. tim'bal, to balance. ber-tim'ba-Ian, balancing. as a, star. m-nim'pa, to by falling. fall en, strike tJm'pas, dead "low water. tin (Eng.), tin plate. tin'das, in-iiin' das; GL to timuh.. au crusli insect.. vi-nin'deh, to lay a weight on, press by layingsomething on. Cf. apit, im~ pet and tkan. onb on ropo^^^^^ tin'deh, li'jeh ti'mah, alluvial tin ore. - Cf. east. ti'mor la"ut, north-east. bin'targ ti'mor, Venus morning Cf. iin. metals. ti'mah hi tarn, lead. ti'mah -pu'teh, tin. ti'mah ti'mor, the East; Cf. tnorg. (B.) (Chin.), to cook in a double boiler. ti'mah, in, fill (a hole or well). ti'mon, cucumber; also hntimon.. ti'lam, a mattress. telei: up sbu. ti'kus, rat, mouse. tion, heap up, to pile up. ti'kar, mat. ti'lcar tim'bon, m-nim'bon, Cf. chuchoh. prick. think, fikir. . tim-ba'rgan, scales. Cf. nracha. bu'ah tim-ba'rgan, weights. (For derived forms tiharap, see Cf tim'bol, ier-t'i'dor,. asleep. ti'ga, three. contemplate, ineditate. K . tin'dek, m-nin'dek, to pierce the ears (for earrings). tiiis'gal, to live. remain, stay; dwell, Cf. diam. s-la'mat titg'yal, good-bye (159)» m-nirg'gdl, to die. tirg'gal-han, to leave, abandon, omit, neglect. and s-p-nirg'gal, departure, on or after the departure. p-niig'gal . y , . ; . ; . MAlAT-ENGIilSH VOCABULARY. tiiK'gi, high, tall ; height. tinj'gi-kan, to raise -up, exalt, , elevate. behaviour, conduct; also iirghah laku. Cf. plcerii and Idhm. tii|g:'kah, laig'kap, window (of native houses). Cf. jndela. m-ni'tah, -/(/(/(/order, com(of a king) lo' say, order, command (of a king). Cf. sabda. jun'jorg ti'tah; to obey a kingV ti'tali, mand, word tin'ju, bm'-tin'ju. to strike with the - fist; boxing. Cf. tumboTc and gochoh. tin'ta (Port.), ink. a m-ni'telc, a drop, a flot ; blow (of the wind or mouth). Cf. hmbus and puput. ti-op'kan, to blow a thing . (as opposed to tbal, Cf halus and . ti'puda'ya, deception, trickery, swindling. p-ni'pu, an impostor, cheat, swindler. the castle in the chess; see chator. • game (Tam.), a curtain. ti'rai pour out li'juid ti'ti, tii-iii'ti, to walk along a narrow path or the trunk or bough, of a tree. a foot bridge formed of the trunk of a tree. ti'ti'-an, tiwas, see teivas. t'ka-t-ki', riddle, enigma. t-kak', the gullet. a'nak t-kak', the uvula. t-kan', m-n-kan', -kan, to hand). down (as jjress, with the Cf. impet, apit and tindeh. nipis. ti'pu, m-ni'pu, deceit, fraud; to deceive, cheat. tir', to by drops. press (with the mouth ) thick) s])Ot,. to fall in drops. Cf. dawat. ti-op', ber-ti-op', to ti'pis, thin : cominand. ti'tek, ti'tck-lrui, tirg'kat, a stage; numeral coefficient of the stories of a house or decks of a ship. Cf. loteiy. 137 of t-k-bur (Ar.), pride. t-kek', the large house lizard, the gecko. Cf. Cf. k-lam'bu, a mosquito net usually klambu. Cf. pu- t-kun', perseverance, persistence. Cf. usaha and t-Ia'dan, example, tuJadan. tabir. chiclial-. t-ku'kur, wild pigeon. nai and merpali. rajin. model; also t-la'ga (Sk.), a small lake, pond,, well. Cf. kolant. ti'rai ti'ram, an oyster. in the phrases ti'ri, stepchild. ti'ri, stepfather. ti'ri, an'ak ba'pa mak' ti'ri, stepmother. m-ni'ru, to imitate, copy. Cf. salin. ti'ru, an auxiliary verb indicating the past tense, but onlyused in writings = sudali. s-t'lah, when, after that t'lah, — (Ar.), visible, manifest^ outward, exoteric; as op- tia'hir posed to batin, inward, tia'lim (Ar.), ranny. tyrannical; q.^. ty- . , MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 138 tm-ba'kau t-lan', m-n-lan', to swallow. nude; naked, t-lan'jaiig, also her-t-lan'jarg. t-Ian'ju (Port.), tobacco. tm-be'kar, potsherds, broken ' crockery. (B.), while. tm-be'rang, the shrouds. t-lan'jur, in the phrase: Ica'ta su'dah t-lan'jur, "the murder is out." Cf anjur. tm'b-laiig;, addled (of eggs). tm-bo'lok, the crop of a bird. „ . tm'bus, the ear; the handle of Cf. kupirg. a cup. da"un t-Wrga, the external ear. lo'barg t-li'rga, the orifice of the t-li'ii;a, perfo.rated, pierced. psok. tm-bu'su, a timber t-mig'goig, Malay ear. pa'sarg t-li'rga, to listen. Cf. a tree. high in office a State. tm'pa, m-nm'pa, to forge. t'l-kan, her-t'1-lcan, to lean on (a stick or other support). t'lok, bay, gulf. t'loh ran'tau, the sea-board, the coast of a country. im'pat (135), locality; place, space, room. tm'pat da' mat, inkstand. tm'pat du'dok, seat, chair. tm'pat k-di-a'man, place of abode. *-lor', egg. tm'pat man'di, bathroom. tm'pat si'reh, betel-nut tray. tm'pat ti'dor, bed. b-ri' tm'pat, to make room. a'yam, a fowl's egg. a' sin, preserved eggs. i'kan. spawn, fish-roe. t-lor' t-Ior' t-lor' eggshell. t-lor', leu! J it me'rah t-lor', the yoke of an eggpti'teh t-lor", the white of an ber-t-lor', to lay t-lun'jok and forefinger. ja'ri t-lun'joh, the Cf. ; Cf. lutut. to covet. Cf (Sk.), usual- tm-pe'leiig, a box on the ear. tm-pi'nis, a timber tree. m-nm p-lak, to convince of a fault, reproach. Cf. tgur. tm'p-Iak, . lola. t'man, companion, comrade. taulan and hawan. t'rnan-l'an, to accompany, tm-ba'ga cries, tm-pi'as, driven rain, spray. tunjolc. (Ar.), covetousness, ava- rice cry. ly of soldiers fighting. an egg. ler-t-luf, to kneel, kneel down. t-m'a' tm'pek, a loud tm'pek so'rak, loud egg- t-Jut', tm-pa'yan, a large earthenware jai*, larger than a buy org. brass, Cf. copper. tm'poh, m-nm'poh, to strike dash against, assault, storm (as waves striking anything, or an army against, attacking) tin-ba'ga Tcu'nirg, brass. tm-ba'ga me' rah, copper. tm-ba'ga su-a'sa, an alloy of copper and gold. tm-pu'a, the weaver bird. tm-pu'roiig:, a piece of coco-nut shell; hence, the skull. MALAY-ENGLISH VOOABULAET. t-mu', her-t-mu', to meet, come together. Cf. jwnpa. per-t-mu'lcan, to join together, unite. l-naig', smooth, calm surface of water), the (of Cf. hii'lu lehir. trg'lcoh, mane. the skull, cranium. tiig:-ko'rak, tig'ku, a title of princes; (B.) spoon. (Chin.), tig-si' t-noig', ber-t-norg', divination. t-iga'dah, t'igah tig'kok, the back of the neck. m-n-iya'dah, to Cf. a to large practise tileJc. look to the sky. (35), the middle; half; whilst, during. Cf. sparoli. t'rgah du'a, one and a half. t'lyah ha'ri, mid-day. middle of t'rgah ja'lan, in the also t^irglcu: tn'daig, m-nn'daiy, to kick backwards (as a horge), kick with the sole of the foot. Cf. sepak and trajarg. up 139 the road; during a journey. middle of a meal. tn'taig, opposite to, facing; concerning, in regard to. tn'targ ma'ta, right in one's eyes. m-nn'targ, to face, look directly at. her-tn-ta' rgan opposite d'rgan, to. i'rgah ma'kan, in the t'igah ma'lam, midnight. when the sun is up, 9 a.m. t'rgah ti'ga, two and a half. t'rgah tu-run' , when the sun is half way down, 3 p.m. c'rarg t'rgah, middle man, mediator. i'rgah half na'ik, way s-t'rgah, half, sa'ma one half. t'rgah, exactly in the tn'tu (138), certain, sure. nschaya and psti. Cf. ter-tn'tu, settled, decided. tn'tu-Tcan, to decide, determine, settle. k-tn'tu-an, certainty. t-nun', ber-t-nun', to weave. to'a-ha (B.) (Chin.), mourning apparel. middle. per-t'rga-han, middle; medium. tig-ga'la (Sk.), a plough. Cf. toak' (B.) (Chin.), a drawer = lachi. tobat, see taubat. hajalc. an edible Jt*4s,*A«A'(x<Ace, to'dak, sword-fish. tig-ga'ra, North-east. t'B-g''''>> tn't-ra (Sk. tantra), army; also bala intra. fish. tig'g-Iam', to sink. irg'g -lam' lean, to submerge. tig'kar, ber-trg'kar, to dispute, wrangle, quarrel. Cf. 6am- tofan, see taufan, toh (B.) (Chin.), table. Cf. cheteh. to'hor, shallow. ka'pur to'hor, slaked lime. tokek = tkek, q.v. "Tc>K'^ ^'^ tah. tiig'kirg, rn-nrg'kirg, reprove, and scold. hardeJc. to rebuke, Cf. tgur to'ko (B.) (Chin.),ashop. u(C:« to'kok, m-no'kok, to add, increase by addition. . MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 140 to'korg, a small island, a rock in the sea. to'lak, m-no'lak, to push away, push back, repulse, reject. Of. sororg. to'lak b-ha'ra, ballast. to'loig, m-no'lorg, to help, asrist. ^> ^^ bright plain, clear, light). (of Cf. njata. t-rarg' ta'nah, da^vn. bu'lan t-rarg', moonlight. t-ratg'kan, to'leh, m-no'leh, to look at one side, look back. make to clear, ex- plain, prove, illuminate. t-ras', the heart of timber, the hard wood at the centre oi a tree. Cf. haniu. >' sepak and tndarg. t-raiig', t-ra'tai, the lotus. p-no'lorg, assistant, helper. p-no'lorg bi-cha'ra, advocate. to'lo-rgan and per-to'lo-rgan, Cf. pondok. t-ra'tak, shed; t-rek', strong, excessive, as: assistance. i'kat t-rek', to tie tightly. tom'bak, a spear. Cf. Inibiiy. tom'pok, a heap, a group (of persons), clump (of trees). ton'da, m-non'da, to tow (a ship. or boat). toig', cask, barrel, tub, pail. a staff, torg'kat k-ti'ak, crutches. to-pe'koig- (B.) (Chin.), an idol. (Hind.), a hat, especially sun hats. bu'ka to'pi, take off Cf. gan- m-n-ri'ma, t-ri'ma, to receive^ t-ri'parg, beche rle one's hat. hard work). t-rom'pah, wooden sandals, t-pat', exactly. ba'rat t-pat', edible mer, sea slug. t-rok', severe (of illness or Cf. chpiau. to t-ri'ak, ber-t-ri'ak, to shout, cry out, scream. Cf. sru. Cf. sambot. accept, take. t-ri'iiia ka'seh, tiia-nk you (160). stick, prop. to'pi excessive heat. dpm walking stick, , tri'gu (Port.), wheat. toig'kaig, a barge, lighter. toiig:'kat, pa'nas t-vck' t-ren'dak, a conical sun hat. t-ren'dak lam'pu, a lamp shade. clogs. Cf. clievpu. due west. t'pi, edge, border, rim. t-roin'pet (Eng.), bugle, cornet. Cf. piiy- qir. t-roii;', the egg-plant, brinjal. t-ro'poig, telescope, t'pok, m-n'poh, to pat, strike with the palm of the hand. Cf. tampar and ktok. t'pok da'da, to beat the breast. t'poh ia'ri, to dance and clap t-rus', through, straight through^ straight, in a direct line. t-rus' i-rarg' , frankly, openly- I'a'lan the hands. fleld glasses. t-ru'na (Sk.), young man, youth. t-rvs' , to go in a direct line. t-poii;', flour. i-ra'jafg, to pass through. t-rn'mn, a canal as a short cut between two rivers or two t-ntfsi, to traverse, kick downwards with the sole of the foot.' Cf. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. - reaches of the same river. . sulphuric acid, sulphate of copper. t-ru'si, m-n-iaV t-tak', -kaii, , chop, to give a cutting blow with a knife or svi^ord. Cf. hack, pararg. t-tam'pan, a cloth or kerchief worn on the left shoulder at ceremonies. t-tap', firm, steady, fixed, settled (in mind or in a place), permanent. t-tap'kan, Cf. tqoli. strengthen, to con- firm, settle. but, t-ta'pi, nevertlieloss ; also iapi. t-tas', to break open from within an egg when the chicken. hatched). (as is tt-ka'Ia (Sk.), when, at the time when. lours) ill' a nni'da, old . and young. deep red. old people; parents. lae'rali tu'a, o'rarg tu'a, .tu'ah, good fortune, prosperity. Cf. untorg. her-tu'ah, fortunate, lucky. tu'ai, m-nu'ai, to reap, cut padi with a small knife called pnuai. Cf. Mam. tu'ak, the fermented juice of the coconut palm. tu-a'la tu'an-ham'ha, sir (in writings). tu'an k-cliiV , junior in office. lu'an ru'mah, landlord of a house. tu'an ta'hah, landlord. tu'au-l-u, my lord (used in addressing princes). yaiy di-per-tu'an, his majesty. hcr-tu'an-kan, to serVe a person, take a person as one's master. tu-arg', m-nu-arg' , to pour, pour out. Cf. churah. tu'ba, a plant the root of which is used to stupify fish in a river in order to catch them. tu'bir, a pit, hollow, deep place in the sea. tu'boh, the body. b-has' Cf. badan. tu'boh, that which has touched the body, clothes presented as a token of afliection. hpr-p-loh' tu'a, old (of age or of manufactured articles) ; deep (of co- tu-a'latg, a swarm tu'boh, to fold the arms. tu'doh, m-nu'doh, to accuse, bring a charge against. Cf. d'awa. tu'do-^han, accusation. tu'dotg, m-nu'dorg, to cover with a cloth, veil or other object. Cf. tutop and slimut. tu'dorg h-pa'la, head-covering. mu'ka, tu'dortj veil. tu'dorg sa'ji, dish cover. lu'do-rgan, a lid or cover. tu'gal, a dibble. Tu'han, God, the. Lord. Allah, h-tu'ha-nan, divinity. (Port.), towel. of bees. tu'am, hot fomentation. tu'an, master, owner; Mr., you (6). 141 sir; tu'an b-sar',ihe head of a firm, senior in office. tu'joh, iu'ju, (For ampat). seveil. forms see Cf. derived m-nu'ju (149), to aim, at, go in the direction of. aim MALAT-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 142 with the same aim or purpose, in accord with, in keeping with. s-tu'ju, tu'kaig, workman, artisan. Cf. tu'len tu'li, deaf. tu'lis, juru. tu'karg a'yer, water carrier. tu'karg ha'tu, mason, bricklayer. tu'karg tu'karg tu'karg tu'karg tu'karg tu'karg tu'karg tu'karg tu^karg tu'karg blacksmith. chu'kor, barber. Cf. surat draw, and ka- rarg. gam'bar, to draw a pic- ture. tu'lis, secretary, clerk. tu'li-san, writing, handwriting. ja'hit, tailor. ka'sut, shoemaker. ka'yu, carpenter. k-bun', gardener. 'mas', goldsmith. o'bat, apothecary, drug- tu'lus, sincere, honest, straightforward; also tulus ekhlas. tu'lus ha'ti, sincere. tu'ma, a louse. tum'baig, to fall (of rbah and roboh. trees). Cf. p-ri'ok b-la'rga, potter. ro'ti, tum'boh, baker. spring up, sprout. warg' , cashier. tu'karg, nightjar. nas, hammer; also tukol bsi. Cf. pukol. tu-la'dan, model, example. chontoh. Cf. (Ar.), misfortune as the result of a curse, calamity. tu'laig, bone. tu'larg b-la'karg, backbone. general. k-tum'bo-han, small-pox. chachar. tum'bok, m-num'bok, choh. tum'bok la'da, the smallest kind of Malay dagger. tum'bok pa'di, to husk. rice by pounding in a mortar. tutn'pah, tu'larg p-ra'hu, ribs of a boat. tu'larg ru'sok, ribs. to exert one- three spill, m-num'pah, -kan, to pour out. Cf. churah. tum'parg:, m-num'parg, to lodge,, sojourn, live temporarily as in an inn or on board ship. self. o'tak tu'larg, strike tu'mit, the heel. mu'da, cartilage. tu'larg, to Cf. witk the end of a pole or with the fist; to pound in a mortar. Cf. tinju and go- tu'larg k-rirg', shin bone. lan'tirg Cf. tu- tum'boh-tum'bo-han, plants in Cf. ganti and obah. barter. tu'larg ber-tuin'boh, to grow,, s-pa'tu, shoemaker. tu'kar warg', to change money. lusa. pkak and buia. m-nu'lis, to write, tu'lis ju'ru tu'kar, m-nu'kar, to change one thing for another, exchange, tu'lat, = btul. work. chat', painter. tu'karg tu'karg tu'karg tu'karg bu'rorg tu'lah genuine real, . tu'lis m-nu'lis, writing, clerical chap', printer. gist. tu'kol, a Cf. delineate. ' b-si', (Jav.), Malay surggoh and marrow. days hence. Cf. tum'parg-kan, to board a person in a house or on a vessel. ni'mah tum-pa'rgan, an inn. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. tum'pas, m^num'pas, to Cf. unjoJc. t-lun'jok, the forefinger. tum'pat, to stop up, plug. Cf. sumhat. tum'pol, blunt. show. exter- minate. 143 tun'joig, water-lily. tuh'tut, m-nun'tut, to seek for,, pursue, search after (especial- Cf. tajam, and warg' ready money. tu'nai, tu'nai, (5ash, knowledge, ly tum'pu, m-num'pu, to press, push (as with the feet). etc.). vengeance,, Cf. chari. tun'tut be'la, to seek vengeance. tun'tut 'il'mu, to search for knowledge. tu'narg, ber-tu'nary, to betroth. tu'nu, to burn. tu-na'rgan, betrothed, fiance. tu'pai, squii-rel. tu'nas, her-tu'nas, a sprout; to sprout. tun'da, to tow ; see tonda. tun'dok, m-nun'dok, to bow the head or body, make a bow, bend down. Cf. suiyJcor. tuig'gal, solitary, only, sole, ii''' Lite vi» unique. a'nah tunj'gal, only child. tuig'gaig, m-nurg'garg, to ride (on horseback). Cf. kndara. turg'garg larg'garg, head over heels, headlong. tuig'gu, m-nurg'gu, -i, to watch, Cf. jaga and guard, wait. nanti. p-nurg'gu, a watchman. p-nurg'gu pin'tu, a porter, gatekeeper. p-nurg'gu pn-ja'ra, prison warder. tuig'gul, a banner, flag. panji and bndera. Cf. tuig'gul, the stump of a tree. tuig'ku = ttutn-hu, a title of prin- tun'jaig, roots such as those of the mangrove, which shoot Cf. out from the stem. ahar, banir and jaiyhar. point, of wind or rain). tu'run ha' pal, to go on board a ship from a pier or wharf. Cf. naik. tu'run k-da'rat or tu'run da'rat^ to land, disembark. tu'run t-mu'run, in successive generations. hu'jan mau tu-run', rain j^ is coming, na'ik tu-run', down (as go up and road in hilly to a country). tu'run-kan, to let down, lower. h-tu'ru-nan, generation, genealogy, descendants. tu'rus, post, pillar. tu'rut, m-nu'rut, to follow, succeed, imitate, obey, conform Cf. ikut. to. tu'rut p-ren'tah, to obey. m-nu'rut, according to, as, like. her-tu-rut-tu'rut, one after an- ces. tun'jok, tu'run, m-nu'run, to descend (4ff&), go down; to be descended from ; to come up (of a storm m-iiun'joh, point out, to indicate, -lean, other, successively. tut', to propagate by binding and earth round a branch thus causing it to root. tu'toh, m-nu'toh, to lop, cut off branches of a tree. . 144 .MALAY-ENGLISH- VOCABULARY. tu'top, m-nu'iop, -kan, to cover, rlose up, shut np. Uf. \katop and tudouj. In' top j-naKj', the upper post of a st-reen or partition. u'jar, to say, speak. m-rgu'ji, u'ii, ; examine, test, assay (as metals). It' ji, touchstone. ha' ill m-rgu'kir, u'kir, tu'top li-anf, wall-plate. iu'to-pan, a cover. to engrave, to carve. lu'tor, her-tu'tor, to speak, talk. CI', knta and chaJcapi V u'kop, to perfume with incense. u'kor, in-igu'kor, measure to (length). Cf. sukat. ka'yu u'icor, rule/ measure. - wap', steam, vapour. ai-ap' or ubah, 'u-Ia'ma(Ar.), learned men; plu- see obah. of ral 4i'baTi, hair; grey gre\' (of any 9,'iV'.' m-tgu'larg, ti'latg, hair). ai'bi, 'aliin. the tubei'ous root, especial- ly the potato. -i, to repeat, go or do repeatedly. u-la'rgan, repetition; the chorus of a ^ong (X.). n'bi hrg-cfa'la, potato. u'lar, serpent, snake. n'hi ha'yu, tapioca. ii'hi iu'bin and ia'tu u'lar na'ga, a dragon, fabulous yam. k-la'di, the flooring u'hin, Singapore) granite. tiles; (in «-bun-u'bun, the crown of the head, the opening between the parts of the skull in young children, the fontanel. ^-bur-u'bur, to say, utter, prayers, thanksgivings, etc. ) . Cf shot. prawn, shrimp; also hu- Ai'dat}g, darg, q.v. u-da'ra, the slsiy. Cf. hawa. of hulu and n: country. a Cf. upstream. s(ie liiilu. u-marg-u'inaTg, a hermit crab. (Ar.), people, nation. um'bi, taproot. Cf. akar. utn'but, the soft edible heart at the top of a palm tree. (Ar.), -'u'mor lifetime, length of life. age. (Sk.), resembling, inn-pa' iHa-iya, for instance. x'um-pn'iiia, like, similar to. to. compare, liken. per-iuii-pa'ma'an, proverb, pa- rable. agama. mr-rgu'got, um-pa'ma and u-pa'ma um-pa'markan, liilir. uftij.see upti. ugama, ulu, see like, u'dek, to ascend a ri\er, go ai'got, maggot, worm. n'lat hu'hi., hairy caterpillar. s'timor hi'dop, all one's life. atmosphere, air, u'dek, upper waters of a river, interior u'lat, u'mat jellyfish. M'chap, m-rr/u'chap, pronounce (as serpent. to um'pan^ threaten. bait for a fishing line or a trap. 145 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. um'pat, m-igum'pott, . um'pil, m-rgum'pil, to raise or move by means of a lever. un-daiig^-un'daiig, u'peh, the flower sheath of certain palms, used to make biickets, etc. regu- laws, up'ti (Sk.), tribute. lations. u'rai, m-rgii'raij to untie, undo, un'dan, a pelican. un'dl, da'ya u-pa'ya, resources, means of doing things. to slander, abuse, revile. lot. ' hu-arg' un'di, to east lots. un'dor, to retire, go back, retreat. un'dor-kan, to withdraw, draw back. uis'gas, bird; also otggas. »»IK'g"n» a slow burning log; to open. Cf. huha. 'mas' u'rai, gold dust. u'rap, m-rgu'rap, to rub with oil or cosmetics. u'rat, nerve, vein, muscle, sinew. u'rat da' rah, vein. u'rat pu'teh, nerve. sa'lah u'rat, sprain. smoulder. utg'ku, a title of Malay u'ri, the afterbirth. chiefs. u'rut, m-rgu'rut, to rub with the Cf. turghu. hands. u'igu, purple. u'sah, un'jok, m-rgun'jole, -han, to hold out anything in the hand, show to a person. Cf. tunjok and hulor. un'jok-kan ta'rgan, to hold out the hand. un'jur and i-lun'jur, stretched CL out (of the legs). julor. un'toig, profit, benefit, fortune, destiny. z un'torg ha'ik, good fl-otune. un'totg ja-haf .and un'torg ma'larg, bad fortune. un'tut, elephantiasis. u'pah, pay, wages. Cf. gaji. o'rarg u'pa-han, hired need, necessity; to be necessary. Cf. wajih. la' u'sah, there is no need, never mind. u'sali-lcan, not merely, instead of. u'sa-ha (Sk.), diligence, continued effort. Cf. rajin. ber-u'sa-ha, diligent". u'sa-ha' kan di'ri, to be industrious, be diligent. u'sek, m-rgu'sek, to annoy, vex, plague, worry. u'si-a (Sk.), age, length of Cf. umor. u'sir, m-rgu'sir, to pursue, chase. Cf. hambat and hjar. man. polish, m-rgu'pam to u'patn, burnish. Cf. chanai. ter-u'pam, polished. u'song:, upama, Usui, see asal. see umpama. u'pas (Jav.), the upas the poison made tree, and therefrom. u-pa'ya (8k.), means, life. resources. m-rgu'sorg, to carry. on a pole or litter or stretcher. Cf. tandu. u'sut (B.), to incite = asaf. u-ta'ma (Sk.), excellent, also terutaina. best; - MALAY-ENGLISH VOCiilEUEARY. 146 u-ta'ra (Sk.), the Forth. warg' tu'nai, ready money, cash. u-tar-u'tar, a small round shk4d. hu-arg' warg', to waste money. hu'rga warg', interest of money. cha'ri warg', to earn money. ii'tas, a coil, skein ; numerical co- efficient of necklaces, etc. wa'igi (Jav.), sweet smelling, fragrant. Cf. karom. u'tas, an artisan, mechanic. ut'tau (B.) (Chin.), a flat iron, ironing box. Cf. strika. u'tus, m-rgu'tus, to send an em- bassy. u'tu-san, ambassador, envoy. wai^'kaig, a Chinese junk, wap, see uap. wa'rin i^U-^*-^^"^ (Eng.), warrant for a arrest. wa'rith and wa'ris (Ar.), heir, inheritor. ""^ wa-saig'ka wa'fat (Ar.), dead; usually mati. wah' (132), an exclamation wa'seh, of astonishment or disgust. wa'hi (Ar.), revelation, vision; also wahyu. (Ar.), necessary, indispensable, obligatory. Cf. usah. wa'kaf (Ar.), endowment, be(for religious purquest poses). wa'kil (Ar.), agent, representative, manager, attorney, wak'tu (Ar.), time, period; at Cf. the time when, while. tempo, five 'isha. tva'lau (Ar.), even wa'si-at (Ar.), will, testament; also surat wasiat. wa'yaig, a perform- theatrical ance. ma'in wa'yarg. „, _ to act m a theatre. ru'mah tva'yarg, a theatre, wa'zir (Ar.), nister. wer'na vizier, prime mi- Cf. mntri. (Sk.), colour. wer'ta (Sk.), news, information, report. Cf. brita and hhabar. stated hours of prayer, namely, suhoh, dloha, asar, maghrib and hemorrhoids; also (Ar.), evil suggestionj temptation. wa'jib wa¥tu, the piles, hawasir. was'was wa'jah. (Ar.), face. li'ma (Sk.), doubts, uncertainty, anxiety, perplexity. if, although. wer'ta-Tcan, to report, inform of. Wolanda, see Blanda. wrirgin = brirgin, q.v. wa'li (Ar.), governor. waig', money; in the native currency 1 wary = 10 duit. warg' 'mas', gold money. warg' her'tas, paper money, , notes. ya' (59), yes; oh (133) (chiefly used in addressing the deity and superiors). : MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULAK^. :ya'a'ni (Ar.), that is to say, that is. Cf. ia'itu. Ya-hu'di also yu'ran, subscription, collection. (Ar.), Jew, Jewish; Jahudi and Jaudi. ^a'kin (Ar.), tion, 147 certainty, convic- earnestness, za'bur(Ar.), the book of Psalms, also hitab mitr. eagerness, zabur. Cf. maa- zeal. ya'kut (Pers.), Jacinths, rubies, and some other precious stones. j^am-tu'an, a corruption of yarg di-pertuan; see yary. y&vg' (Jav.), God; found as a derivative in the words Ica-ya'rgan, the heaven of Hindu mythology. Cf. shorfja and indra. sm-bah'yarg, worship; see smbahyarg. zai'tun (Ar.), the za'kat (Ar.), the poor rate. za'man (Ar.), time, epoch, age; zmaii and jman. Of. kola, masa and waktu. za''man ber-zn'man, for successive generations. za'man d-liu'Ju, in olden times. za'man s-l-a'raiy, the present time. a'hhir za'man, the last time, the end of the ages. also (20, 21) (136, 137), who, what, which; (34) used to zam'rud form the ordinal numbers; and (92, 93) the superlative zat' j^aig' degree of adjectives. yaiy' di-per-tu'an, his majesty. yarg' ma'ha mu-li'a, his high- ness, his excellency. j'a'tim (Ar.), orphaned; orphan; Cf. piaiu. also anale yatim. yaum' (Ar.), day. j'O-gi'a (Sk.), in the phrase: s-yo-gi' a-rya, it is seemly. olive.. Mohammedan (Pers.), (Ar. dhat), an emerald. substance, es- sence. zaV Al'lah, the divine essence or nature. zi'na, ber-zi'na, nication; to adultery, for- commit adul- tery. zi'rah (Pers.), and ba'ju zi'rah coat of mail. zm'rud (Pers.), an emerald. zu'fa (Ar.), hyssop. h .!,«. W>* '\^:: APPENDIX. The Numerals. One, sat'ii, Twenty-tivo, s-. Two, dim. dua Three, tiga.. Four, anvpat. Five, I3ix, dua puloh dua or lekor. Thirty, tiga puloh. Thirty-one, iiga puloh satu. One hundred, s-mtus. lima. One hundred and anam. one, s-ralits Seven, hijoh. Eight, dlapan. Nine, smbilan. One hundred and Ten, s-puloh. One hundred and twenty, satu. Thirteen, bias. ti<fa s-ratus dua puloh. Eleven, s-blas. Twelve, dua ten, s-ratus s- puloh. Has. TVenty, dua puloh. Twenty-one, dua puloh or s- One thousand, s-ribu. Ten thousand, s-lalsa. One hiindred thousand, One million, s-juta. s-kti. lelcor. Colours. Black, hitam. Blue, biru. Brown, hitam manis. C'hestnut, perarg. <ireen, hijau. Pink, merah mtida. Purple, urgu. Eed, merah, merah tua. White, puteh. Yellow, kuning. <jrey, klabu. Clothing and Household Affairs. Accounts, kira-kira. Air, to, jmor, aiginkan. Almeirah, almari. Basin, viargkok, bokor. Basket, bakul. Book, buku. Bath-room, tmpat mo.ndi. Bed, tmpat tidor. Bed-room, bilek tidor. Bucket (dipper), timba. Bundle, burgkus. Bell, locherg. Belt, ikat pirggatg. Bill, surat h\itarg. Blanket, sliimd. Bottle, iotol. Box, pti. Broom, pryapu. Brush, brus. Button, kanchirg. Candle, lilin, dian. Candlestick, kaki lilin. Ceiling, largit-largit. Chair, kursi, krusi. 150 Appendix. Charcoal, ararg hayu. Chicks (sun-blinds), bidai. Clean, berseh. Clean, to, chuchi. Clock, jam. Cloth, kain. Clothes, pakaian. Coat, baju. Comb, sikat rambot. Cotton (thread), bnarg. Cup, maiykok. Cupboard, alinari. Curtain (mosquito), klambu. Curtain (window), tirai. Dish, pirggan. Door, pintu. Drain"; loiykarg. Drawer, Dry Dry lachi. in the air, to, arginkan. in the sun, to, jmor. Dust, habok. Dust, to, sapu haboki Eat, to, makan. Envelope, sarorg surat. Extinguish, to, padam. Pamilv, isi ruiiiali, kattm hlurga. Firewood, hayu api. Flannel, Icaiii panas. Flannel shirt, hmeja panas. Floor, lantai. Flower Fold, pot, to, pasu burga. 'glas. Hammer, pmuhol, prgtok. Key, anak kuncM. g\as», choiorg. Lamp wick, stimbu. Lock," to, huncliikan. chair, kursi panjarg. Long Mat, iikar. Matches, horeh api, machis. Mattress, tilam. Measure, to (length), ukor. Measure, to (capacity), sukat. Medicine, obat. Mirror, chermin muka. Mosquito, ryamok. Mosquito net, Mambu. N'ail, paku. Needle, jarom. Newspaper, surat khabar. Oil, miryak. Padlock, kunchi margga. Paper, kertas. Pail, torg, baldi. Pay, to, bayer. Picture, gambar. Pillow, bantal. Pillow case; sarorg bantal. Pin, pniti. Plate, pirirg. Pocket, kochek. Saucer, pirirg. Scissors, guntirg. Screw, paku skrup. to, jaliit. Sheet, slimut. Shirt, kmeja. Shoes, kasut, spatn. Singlet, baju dalam. Socks, sarorg kaki. Sofa, kauchi. Spectacles, chermin mata. Sponge, span, lum.vt karanf. Spoon, sndok, siidu. Ink, tinta, daivat. Iron, to, strika, triha. Kerosine, miryak tanali. "Lamp pasarg lampu~ Soap, sabon. Handkerchief, sapu iargan. Hat, iopi. Kitchen, dapin: Knife, pisau. Lamp, laiiipn, pVda. to, Lock, kunchi. Sew, lipai. Food, makanan. Fork, garfii. Glass, Letter, surat. Light a lamp, Stairs, targga. ' Starch, kanji. Stockings, sarorg kali. Sweep, to, sapu, gosok. Table, meja. ' Appe]^dix. Table-cloth, hain Table, to lay the, Table, to wait at, Tailor (Chinese), 151 meja. Vest, baju dalam. meja. jaga- meja. tukarg jdhit. Wages, gaji. Wall (partition), dindirg. Wall (outside), tembok. Wash, to, chuchi, iasaih. torofe Tailor (Indian), dirzi, derji. Teapot, tmpat teh. Washerman, dhobi. Wash-tub, torg Jcayu. Watch, jam Jcchil. Weigh, to, timbarg. Thimble, didal. Thread, hnarg. Tooth-pick, Tcorek gigi. Towel, tuala. Tray, dularg. Trousers, sluar. Umbrella, payorg. White ant, smut puteh, anai-ana\ Wick, sumbu. Window, jndela. Write, to, tulis. Foods and Cookery. Almond, badam, Maparg. Egg, Bake, tlor. Bamboo shoots, rborg. Pish, ikan. Plour, tporg. Banana, pisarg. Fowl, ayam. to, parggarg. Beans, hacharg. Beef, dagirg Imbu. Boil, to, rbus. Bread, roti. Bread fruit, sukun. Brinjal, trorg. Butter, mntega. Cayenne pepper, lada merah. Charcoal, ararg hayu. Cheese, Iceju. Chicken, ayam hchil. Chop, to, chincharg. cliatni. Coco-nut, Mapa, ryiur. Coffee, hopi. Corn (Indian), Crab, Mam, Pry, to, gorirg. Ghee, miryak sapi, Ginger, halia. Goose, a'rgsa. Gravy, kuali. Guava, jambu Cabbage, Jcobis. Cake, Jcueli. Capon, ayam kmbiri. Chutney, Fruit, buah. jagorg. Icpitirg. Cucumber, timon. Curry, gulai, Mri. Custard apple, iiiah nona. Dates, Jchurma. gi. biji. Heart, jantorg. Honey, ayer madu, gula Ibah. Ice, ayer batu. Ice cream, ais krim. Indian corn, jagorg. Jack fruit, nargka. Kitchen, dapur. Langsat, largsat. Lard, miryak babi. Leg, kaki. Lemonade, ayer manis. Lime, asam, limau nipis. Liver, haii. Lobster, hudarg galali. Maize, jagorg. Malacca syriap, gula hitam, gula Malaka. Duck, itek. Duku, duku. Mango, Durian, durian. Marrow, otak m.aigga. Mangosteen, matggis. tularg. Appendix. 152 Meat, dagity. Milk, smu. (in the husk), jmdi. Eice (husked), bras. Eiee (cooked), nasi. llice Mushroom, chndawan. Mustard, ssawi. Mutton, dagiiy hanibirg. Boast, to, parggarg. Sago, sagn. Salad, salada. Onion, bawaig. Orange, Umau munis. Oven, dapur. Ox Ox tail, el-or Imhu. tongue, lidah hnhu. Spices, btelc, kpaya. Peas, hacharg. Pepper, lada. Pickles, achar. Pigeon, merpati, rmpah-rmpah. Spinach, bay am. Squash, labu merah. Sugar, gula. Oysters, tirain. Papaya, buah garam. Salt, Sauce, SOS, kuah. Sour-sop, durian blanda. Sweet potato, kledek. Syrup, ayer gula. komba. Tail, ekor. Pine-apple, nanas. Plantain, pisarg. Pork, dagirg babi. Porridge, suji. Potato, ubi. Prawns, hudarg. Pudding, kueh. Pulasan, pulasan. Pumpkin, labn merah. Turtle, ptyu. Vegetables, sdyur. Raisins, lew mis. Mnegar, Eambai, rambai. Eambutan, rambutan. Water, drinking, ayer mihum. T'ea, teJi. Tea (mtused),' ayer tell. Tea leaves, dau?i teli. Teapot, tmpat teli. Toast, roti parggarg. Tough, Icras. TuT^ey. ayam blanda. Yam, cliuka. kladi. Horses and Carriages. Bit. lagam, kaiy. Bran, ddak, Lame, temparg. plita, lampu. Mane, bulu irgkoh. Mare, kuda btina. Lamp, bu-si. Broom, ptyapu. Jv^'^oLjtv Brush, brus. Candle, lilin. fo^uleeb ' > ' Carriage, kreta. Matches, korek api. Medicine, obat. Comb, Oil, sikai, sisir. Cushion, iilam. Drive, to, pga^g miryak. Paddy, padi. Pail, torg bsi, baldi. ras. Ploor, lantai. Gram, kacliarg kuda. Pair (of horses), Pony, kuda kchil. Groom, Eeins, ras. Eide, to, turggatg kuda. Eub, to, gosok. Saddle, plana, sela. Shaft, bom. sais. Harness, pakaian kuda. Hoof, kuku. Horse, kuda. Kick, to, tnddrg: " jori. Appekdix, Shoe, bsi huda, spatu kuda. Spange, spdn, lumut Tcararg. Stable, hargsal kuda. Sweep, to, sapu. 163 Vicious, jahat. horse, jalankan kuda. Wheel, roda. Wliip, chabok. Wound, luka. Walk a Swelling, brykak. Traces, jut. The Human Body. Abdomen, prot. Ankle, mata kaki. Arm, Irgan. Instep, kura-kura kaki. Joints, sndi. Artery, urat darah. Kidney, buah pirggarg. Knee, lutut. Knuckles, buku jari. Back, blakarg. Beard, jarggot. Leg, kaki, btis. Lip, bibir. Blood, darah. Body, badan, tuboh. Liver, hati. Loins, pargkal paha. Bone, tulaiy. Lungs, paru-paru. Moustache, misai, kumis. Mouth, mulut. Xeck, lehir. Armpit, ktiak. Brains, otak. Breath, nafas. Brow, knirg^ Buttocks, pnrggorg. Calf of the leg, jantorg Xerves, urat puteh. Xose, hidorg. btis. C'heek, pipi. Xostril, lobarg hidorg. €hest, dada. Chin, dagu. Ear, tlirga, kupirg. Palm (of the hand), tapak t<t- igan. Perspiration, ploh. Elbow, siku. Phlegm, dahak. Eye, mata. Eyeball, biji mata. Eyebrow, bulu knirg. Tllyelash, bulu mata. TSyelid, Mopak mata. Face, muka. Finger, jari. Pulse, Tiadi. Shin, tiilarg krirg. Shoulder, bahu. Shoulder blade, blikat. Side, rusok. Skin, kulit. Skull, trgkorak. Sole (of the foot), tapak kakii Spittle, ayer lior. /i; Tears, ayer-mata. Thigh, paha. Throat (windpipe), krorgkorg. Toe, jari kaki. Tong-ue, lidah. dinger nail, huku . jari. i Flesh, dagirg. Foot, kaki. Forehead, dahi. i ' : Crums, gusi. Hair (of the body),, bulu roma. Hair (of the head), rambot. Hand, targan. Head, kpala. Heart, jatttorg. Heel, lumil. < . ' Tooth, gigi. Uvula, anak lidah. Vein, urat darah. Waist, pirggarg.. ; , ; i Appendix. 154 Diseases. Abortion, buarg anak. Abscess, barah. Ague, dmam hura. Amenorrhoaa, berhenti darah. Anaemia, Jcurarg hums dmam hura. Fever, continued, dmam hpialiu Flatulence, sndawa. Fracture of bone, patah iularg. Freckles, iahi lalat. Gonorrhoea, sahit hnchirg. Gravel, batu-baiuan. Harelip, bibir sumbirg. Headache, sahit hpala. Hemorrhage, hluar darah. Hemorrhoids, bawasir, waseh. lla. hrirg. Baldness, botah, gondol. Beri-beri, sakit dmam. Fever and ague, darali. Asthma, ssah dada, Atrophy, Fever, lumpoh, sbar. Bleeding, hluar darah. Blindness, buta. Boil, bisul. Bronchitis, ssah dada, lla. Hiccough, sdu. Humpbacked, borghok. Bruise, Ibam. '' Bubo, margga, hlnjaran. Burn, terbahar. Hydrocele, borot. Impotence, mati puchok. Calculus, baturbattian. Cancer, puru. Cataract, bular. Catarrh, slsmah. Cholera, munfali berah. Cold, slsmah. Indigestion, Colic, mulag, chiha. Constipation, smblit. Consumption, batoh hrirg. Convulsion, sawan. Jaundice, mmbarg. Leprosy, kusia, pryahit jahat. Leuchorrhoea, puteh-putehan. Lockjaw, hahu. Cough, hatoh. Cramps, mulas. Lumbago, Deafness, phah,. tuli. Diarrhoea, buarg-buarg Diphtheria, sriawan. aijer. ta'hajam.. Insanity, gila. Insomnia, ta'boleh Intermittent fever, iidor. dmam srgal pirggarg. dmam. Mange, hudis. Mania, gila. Measles, champak. Menses, datarg bulan. Miscarriage, gugor anah. Dislocation, plechok. Moles, tahi Dropsy, smbap. Mumps, Dumb, Nausea, loya. Nerve, urat puteh. Ophthalmia, sakit mata. bisUj klu. Dysentery, buarg ayer darah. Dysmenorrhcea, srggugot. Dyspepsia, pryahit fa'hajam. Elephantiasis, uniut. Epidemic, sampar. Epilepsy, gila babi. Evacuate, to (the bowels), buaig ayer, berah. Extracting teeth, chabot gigi. hura^ Itch, hudis. Malaria, Debility, klmahan. Diabetes, hnchirg manis. mahanan Inflammation, brghah. lalat. brgok. Palpitation, dbar. Palsy, tepoh. Paralysis, tepok. Phthisis, batoh krirg. Piles, bawasir, waseh. Pleurisy, tiham-tikam. Pox, small, chachar, Mumbohan. . Appendix. uam Prickly heat, 155 saMt prempuan. punas. Syphilis, sideh. Toothache, saMt gigi. Eheumatism, srgal, Eingworm, hurap. Scrofula, tmhok-tmboh. Scutvy, saratan. Semen, mni. Mumbohan. Small-pox, chachar, Tumour, iisul ta'bermaia. Ulcer, phorg. Urine, ayer. JcncMrg. Vaccination, tanam chachar. Varicose veins, urat terJduar. Sores, toTcak. Vomiting, muntah. Sprain, salah urat. Whooping cough, batoh Worms, chachirg. Wounds, luka. Stomach-ache, salcit prot. Sunstroke, panah mata-hari. Timbers Ballow, balau. Bilian, blian. Bintangor, bntargor. Camphor, hapur. Chingai, chrgai. Damar laut, damar laut. Daroo, daru-daru. Ebony, Icayu ararg. Iron-wood, blian. Kamuning, kmnnirg. Kranji, hranji. Mangrove, bakau, api-api. salak. in Local Use. Meranti, mranti. Mirabau, nierhau. Eussock, rsak. Sandalwood, chndana. Sappan wood, sparg. Selangan batu, slargan baiu. Selangan kacha, slargan kacha. Seraya, sraya. Tampinis, impinis. Teak. jati. Tembusu, tinbusu. Nautical Terms. Aground, terkandas. muka. Anchor, sauh. Anchor, to, berlaboh. Anchorage, labohan. t^* Ahead, di ^, --^ Astern, di blaharg. Awning, chtri. Back water, to, Bale out, to, lais. timba ayer. tlok. Bi]ge water, ayer ruarg. L- Boat, sampan,, boi. v'Bow, hluan. ^^Buoy, boya. Calm, argin tdoh. . Cape, tanjorg. Capstan, pyiaran. Captain, kaptan, kapitan. Captain (native), nakhoda. Chart, pta. Ballast, tolak bhara. Barge, torgkarg. Bay, Cabin, kurorg. Clear, trarg. Cloudy, rdop. .Collide, to, larggar.. Compass, pdoman. Current, hams. 'Dark, glap.. -Deck, dek. "Deep, dalam. Drift, to, haryut. Appendix. 156 Ebb, ayer surut. •Pathom, dpa. Eock, batu., Eope, tali. Eudder, kmudi. Float, to, iimbol. w. Flood tide, ayer pasarg. Fog, Icabot. Foul, tersargTcot. Founder, to, Tcaram. Oalley, dapur. Halyards, signal, tali bndera. Hard , over, chhar. Heave up, Heave up, to (windlass), abis. to (anchor), borghar sa'uh. Heave the lead, to, buarg prum. Heeling over, duga or serget. >,^High water, pasarg pnoh. Hurricane, taufan. Sea, laut. mabok laut. Shallow, tohor, chetek. Shark, ikan yu. Ship, kapal. Shore, pantai, darat. Shrouds, tmberarg. Sink, to, trgglam. Slack away chain, to, aria raniai. Slack tide, ayer tnarg. Starboard, kanan. Steady helm, tgar kmudi. Steam, uap. Steamer, kapal api. xy Land, darat. x-- Sand, pasir. Sand-bank, btirg. Splice, to, samborg. Island, pulau. Knot, simpol. line, tali ship, kapal layer. Smokestack, ch ororg. Helrri, kinudi. Lead SaiKng Sailor, khalasi, dnalc prahu. Sea-sick, Hatch, p)alk(ih. v^ Hawser, iali bsar. ^ Sail, layer. duga or tali prum. Steer, pgarg kmudi. Leaky, bochor. Leeward, di bawah argin. Stern, buritan. Storm, ribot. Lighter, torghatg. Strait, slat. Lighthouse, rumah api. Supercargo, chincku. Surf, fchahan ombak. ^«/ Lightning, Lights, lampu, kilat. plita. Swell, alun. Log, patent, topdal Lower away, to, aria. Tacking, berpal-pal. v^ Make V Mast, tiarg. Mate, m'alim. Tarpaulin, tarpal. Thunder, guroh. V fast, to, ihat. Mist, Hcabot. Mud, I urn pur. Oar, dayorg. ^^^^ Port, hiri. Pump, bomba. v-^ Ta«k, tanki. Tow, to, Twine, tonda. tali kchil. Vessel (European), kapal. (native), prahu. Waterspout, putirg bliorg. JC Wave, ombak, glombarg. v Vessel Quartermaster, juru-mudi. Wind, Raft, rakit. Eain, hujan. Bain, heavy, hujan Ibai. Eain, light, hujan rintek-rinloh. Windlass, putaran. IRigging, liiJi-iinali. atgin. Windward, Wire rope, di atas argin. tali bsi, tali Wire, dawai. kawat. . Appexdix. The Countries 16T of the World. Hindustan, negri Hindi. Holland, negri Blanda. India, negri Hindi. Abyssinia, negri Habshi. Aclieen, negri Acheh. Amboyna, pulau Ambun. America, negri Merihan. Italy, negri Itali. Arabia, negri 'Arab. Australia, negri Strelia. Batavia, Biawi. Bengal, negri Brggala. Japan, negri J pun. Java, ianah Jawa. Macassar, Mrgkasar. Malacca, Mlaka. Malaya, tanah Mlayu. New Guinea, Papua. Bombay, Bombai. Borneo, Brunai. Burmah, negri Berma. Persia, negri Farsi. Portugal, negri Portugis. Eussia, negri Rusia. Celebes, Slebes. Ceylon, Selon. China, negri China. Egypt, negri Masir. England, negri Irggris or Irglan. Europe, negri Airopah. France, negri Fransis. Germany, negri Jerman. Siam, negri Siani. Singapore, Singapvrd and Slat, Spain, negri Sparyel. Sumatra, Pnlau Percha. Syria, negri Sham. Turkey, negri Turki. Greece, negri Grik. The Points of the Compass. Iforth, titara. I^orth-east, timor laut. East, timor. South-east, trggara. e^-iriW. /V|Tj»lt '$yaK , ^ South, slatan. South-west, barat daya. West, barat. North-west, barat laut. r^c>»/fV ^-A-f - L'»»^Z- i.»^a*J Md'wi c.f^'', ."» ^ 1