The geology around the city of Guanajuato is specially interesting
The geology around the city of Guanajuato is specially interesting
Aranda-Gómez, J.J.; Godchaux, M.M.; Aguirre-Díaz, G.J.; Bonnichsen,Bill; and Martínez-Reyes, Juventino, 2003, Continental edge tectonics of Isla Tiburón, Sonora, Mexico, in Geologic transects across Cordilleran Mexico, Guidebook for the field trips of the 99th Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section Annual Meeting, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico, April 5–8, 2003: Mexico, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Geología, Publicación Especial 1, Field trip 6, p. 123–168. 123 FIELD TRIP 6: APRIL 5–8 THREE SUPERIMPOSED VOLCANIC ARCS IN THE SOUTHERN CORDILLERA—FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS TO THE MIOCENE, GUANAJUATO, MEXICO José Jorge Aranda-Gómez1,@, Martha M. Godchaux2 Gerardo de Jesús Aguirre-Díaz1, Bill Bonnichsen3, and Juventino Martínez-Reyes1 INTRODUCTION The geology around the city of Guanajuato is specially interesting because of the quality of the outcrops, the great diversity of the rocks, and the large number of clearly exposed structures. The objective of this field trip is to show the participants some of the most outstanding features in the transitional zone (Figures 1, 2) between the Mesa Central and the Transmexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB), with special emphasis on the record of volcanic activity in the Guanajuato Mining District and nearby regions. We hope that during this short visit the participants will obtain an understanding of the tectonic and magmatic evolution of the area, which is, of course, linked to the complex geologic history of the adjoining regions. The field trip will last for four days and consists of a total of about 27 stops, with variable amounts of time spent at each one. The first day of the field trip is spent in the Mining District. We provide the participants with an overview of the geologic evolution of the southeastern part of the Sierra de Guanajuato with the purpose of showing the lithologies and the formations that are important in the District. We include in this day one stop at an outcrop of the pre-volcanic basement, since these Mesozoic rocks are an important source of clasts both in the early Tertiary alluvial fan deposits and in the overlying volcanic units. 1Centro de Geociencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Campus Juriquilla, 76230 Querétaro, Qro., México. @E-mail address: 2Department of Geology and Geography, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley MA 01075, U.S.A. Present Address: 927 East Seventh Street, 83843 Moscow ID, U.S.A. E-mail address: 3Idaho Geological Survey, University of Idaho, 83844 Moscow ID, U.S.A. E-mail address: The second day of the trip we return to the Mining District to study in more detail the different facies of the Calderones Formation, which is the principal subject of our present research in the region. We can see outcrops of vent structures as well as of proximal, medial and distal facies of the bedded tuffs. In the third day of the trip we travel from Guanajuato to San Miguel Allende, following the boundary between the Mesa Central and the TMVB. Near San Miguel we can observe the remnants of two large andesitic volcanoes of Miocene age (~12–10 Ma) and we visit the scarp of the San Miguel Allende Fault. Cretaceous marine sediments, strongly deformed in this locality both by movement along a late Mesozoic or Paleogene reverse fault and by superposed normal faulting during the Miocene (≥11 Ma). The morning of the fourth day of the trip the whole group is taken to see the outcrops of the Mesozoic basement complex of the Sierra de Guanajuato along the road which goes from the village of La Valenciana to the Montaña Cristo Rey (Cerro del Cubilete). In the afternoon, those participants who are able to stay with us visit outcrops of the Comanja Granite, in the central part of the Sierra de Guanajuato. PA RT 1 . O V E RV I E W O F T H E O G Y B E T W E E N Q U E R É TA R O REGIONAL GEOLAND LEÓN PHYSIOGRAPHIC PROVINCES AND MAJOR ROCK GROUPS In the region located between Querétaro and León two physiographic provinces of central Mexico come together (Figure 1). These provinces are the Mesa Central and the TMVB. Observed in detail, the boundary between the provinces is complex and transitional, as can be seen in Figure 2. Immediately north of the boundary, outcrops of GUIDEBOOK FOR FIELD TRIPS OF THE 99TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CORDILLERAN SECTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 124 ARANDA-GÓMEZ, GODCHAUX, AGUIRRE-DÍAZ, BONNICHSEN, AND MARTÍNEZ-REYES basal complex is Mesozoic to earliest Tertiary in age and is made up of rocks of marine origin, metamorphosed and intensely deformed by shortening; the complex includes intrusive bodies of diverse compositions and ages (OrtizHernández et al., 1990). The basal complex is exposed in a narrow belt which trends NW-SE, near the transition zone between the two provinces (Figure 3). Rocks of this basal complex are known only in isolated outcrops in adjoining regions situated to the north (in the Zacatecas area) or to the south (near the Valle de Bravo and the northern part of the state of Guerrero). This basal complex has been assigned to the tectono-stratigraphic province known as the Guerrero Terrane. The Guerrero Terrane has been interpreted as an island arc and the remnants of the floor of an ocean basin, both accreted to the rest of Mexico during the later part of the Early Cretaceous, around 100 million years ago (Tardy et al., 1991, 1994). The Cenozoic cover rests discordantly on the basal complex and consists of continental sediments and sedimentary rocks, which generally occupy topographically low zones, and subaerial volcanic rocks, which are principally exposed in ranges and higher plateaus. The rocks of the Cenozoic cover have experienced only extensional deformation and in some places are gently tilted. These rocks contain the record of the more recent geologic evolution of the region. Figure 1. (a) Morphotectonic provinces in central Mexico (after Sedlock et al., 1993). The location of León (L) and Querétaro (Q) is shown (see Figure 2). (b) Late Cenozoic normal faults of the southern Basin and Range Province in northern and central Mexico. The most obvious structures occur north of the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB). Some faults south of the TMVB have been interpreted as part of the same province (Henry and Aranda-Gómez, 1992; Jansma and Lang, 1997). mid-Oligocene felsic volcanic rocks predominate (Figure 3); they are genetically related to the Sierra Madre Occidental (SMO) Volcanic Province of western Mexico (Figure 1). To the south of the boundary, the rocks most commonly exposed are late Tertiary and/or Quaternary andesites considered part of the TMVB (Figures 1, 3). On the basis of their lithologic characteristics, depositional environments, styles of deformation and ages, the rocks which crop out between Querétaro and León can be divided into two great packages, which we refer to informally as the “basal complex” and the “cover rocks.” The BASAL COMPLEX OF THE SIERRA DE GUANAJUATO The basal complex (Chiodi et al., 1988; Dávila and Martínez, 1987) crops out principally in what has been referred to as the Sierra de Guanajuato (Martínez-Reyes, 1992) and is made up of: 1. Weakly metamorphosed rocks, developed mostly from original limestones, shales, and sandstones. 2. Submarine lava flows and pyroclastic rocks, dominantly mafic but occasionally felsic (keratophyres), metamorphosed to lower greenschist facies. 3. Arc-related pre- and syn-tectonic intrusive bodies which range in composition from ultramafic (pyroxenites) to felsic (granites, sensu lato). Diorites and tonalites are by far the most common rock types in this group; locally they are intruded by basaltic to andesitic dike swarms. 4. Post-tectonic plutonic rocks (granites, sensu stricto) with abundant tourmaline. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, INSTITUTO DE GEOLOGÍA, PUBLICACIÓN ESPECIAL 1 GEOLOGIC TRANSECTS ACROSS CORDILLERAN MEXICO FIELD TRIP 6: THREE SUPERIMPOSED VOLCANIC ARCS IN THE SOUTHERN CORDILLERA—FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS TO THE MIOCENE, GUANAJUATO 125 Figure 2. Digital elevation map of the central portion of the TMVB and the southern part of the Mesa Central. The larger volcanoes of the San Miguel Allende Volcanic Field are shown: P = Palo Huérfano; J = La Joya; Z = El Zamorano; S = San Pedro. Pliocene volcanoes in El Bajío plain are Culiacán (C) and La Gavia (G). Sierra del Ocote = O. Cities: León (L); M = San Miguel Allende; D = Dolores Hidalgo; F = San Felipe. The intense deformation exhibited by the rocks of Groups (1), (2), and (3), which make up the Mesozoic portion of the basal complex, is attributed to two periods of orogenesis. The first pulse of compressive deformation happened during the latest part of the Early Cretaceous and is related to the accretion of the Guerrero Terrane to the North American craton, and the second one is the Laramide Orogeny of early Tertiary time. In some places we find resting unconformably on the eroded basal complex a thick sequence of continental red beds (i.e., the Guanajuato Red Conglomerate; Edwards [1955]). In other places mid-Tertiary intermediate to felsic volcanic rocks, genetically related to the Sierra Madre Occidental Volcanic Province, lie directly on the Mesozoic basement. In still other places andesitic rocks related to the TMVB were deposited atop the basement package. PULSES OF CENOZOIC MAGMATISM The Cenozoic magmatism in this region took place in seven distinct pulses (see Figures 4–6): Pulse 1. This pre-SMO magmatism took place around 51 Ma with the emplacement of the Comanja Granite, a pluton with a present-day exposure some 50 kilometers in length by 20 kilometers in width and a northwesterly trend roughly parallel to El Bajío Fault, along which the range is uplifted. Pulse 2. This pre-SMO volcanism was a brief episode of emission of andesitic lavas at 49 Ma (Aranda-Gómez and McDowell, 1998), contemporaneous with the accumulation of the Guanajuato Red Conglomerate. This magmatism is seen both as subaerial lavas forming packages of GUIDEBOOK FOR FIELD TRIPS OF THE 99TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CORDILLERAN SECTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 126 ARANDA-GÓMEZ, GODCHAUX, AGUIRRE-DÍAZ, BONNICHSEN, AND MARTÍNEZ-REYES Figure 3. Regional geology of the area between Guanajuato (G) and San Luis Potosí (SLP). Other abbreviations: S, Salinas de Hidalgo; SF, San Felipe; DH, Dolores Hidalgo; L, León; SM, San Miguel de Allende; VM, Veta Madre; AF, Aldana Fault. Note that south of latitude 22°30’ N most of the area is covered by Cenozoic volcanic rocks. Most stratified Eocene fanglomerates and Oligocene volcanics are tilted to the NE. Inset shows a rose diagram of orientation of the Cenozoic faults in the Luis Potosí and Guanajuato 1:250,000 quadrangles. Sections A-A’ and B-B’ are diagrammatic and intended only to show the Cenozoic faulting style. Cenozoic volcanic rocks were grouped in a single unit. After Aranda-Gómez and McDowell, 1998. several flows each and as small shallow intrusive bodies which did not quite reach the surface. Pulse 3. Despite a paucity of radiometric dates on rocks of this pulse, we consider it to be volcanism that corresponds to an early phase of SMO activity. Centered in the Guanajuato Mining District, this intense and prolonged period of explosive and effusive volcanism occurred in early Oligocene time. It includes all units from the Bufa Ignimbrite, along with its preliminary pyroclastic surges, mapped as the underlying Losero Formation, upward through the Calderones Formation to the andesitic to basaltic lava flows of the Cedro Formation. Pulse 4. This series of eruptions occurred around 30 Ma; it seems to have involved bimodal volcanism, with rather extensive flows of andesite spatially and temporally asso- UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, INSTITUTO DE GEOLOGÍA, PUBLICACIÓN ESPECIAL 1 GEOLOGIC TRANSECTS ACROSS CORDILLERAN MEXICO FIELD TRIP 6: THREE SUPERIMPOSED VOLCANIC ARCS IN THE SOUTHERN CORDILLERA—FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS TO THE MIOCENE, GUANAJUATO 127 Figure 4. Simplified geologic map of the central portion of the TMVB and the southern part of the Mesa Central. The larger volcanoes of the San Miguel Allende Volcanic Field are shown (PH = Palo Huérfano; LJ = La Joya; EZ = El Zamorano; SP = San Pedro), as well as the fluviolacustrine Río Laja Basin (labeled as Csc (RL)), El Bajío plain is a broad flat area located between León (L) and Celaya (C). Compare regional fault patterns in the Mesa Central and TMVB. Key: SMA= San Miguel Allende; D = Dolores Hidalgo; SF = San Felipe; I = Irapuato; SLP = San Luis Potosí. Chronostratigraphic units: Csc = Continental sedimentary deposits; Csc(RL) = Fluvio-lacustrine sediments of the Río Laja Basin; Qba = Quaternary alkalic basalts; Qtpv = Plio-Quaternary andesites; Tv = Tertiary volcanic rocks; Nb = Neogene andesites; Tof = Oligocene felsic volcanic rocks; K and Ks = Creatceous marine sediments; Mvs = Sierra de Guanajuato basal complex. Modified from OrtegaGutiérrez et al., 1992. ciated with several forms of rhyolite, all with relatively high silica contents and occasionally with tin and topaz. These rhyolites were erupted both as flow-dome complexes and as widespread ignimbrites. They appear on the map produced by Martínez-Reyes (1992) as the Chichíndaro, Cuatralba and El Ocote Formations. Almost the entire outcrop area of these three formations is outside the limits of the Mining District (only the Chichíndaro Formation is exposed within the central part of the District). These silicic rhyolites, particularly the Cuatralba Formation and other ignimbrites and felsic lava flows, cover an extensive region between the District and the city of San Luis Potosí (Figures 3 and 4). This magmatic pulse belongs to the peak phase of SMO volcanism. Pulse 5. This pulse of volcanism occurred between 27 and 24 Ma, and it is represented in this region by the large dacitic domes of El Gigante Field (early Miocene), by widely distributed but not specially voluminous ignimbrites (27–24 Ma), and by Miocene basalts. We consider this pulse as belonging to the late, waning, phase of SMO volcanism. Pulse 6. This pulse includes the volcanism that is truly transitional between that of the Sierra Madre Occidental and that of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt (Figure 1). It is manifested as isolated volcanic domes and ignimbrites of intermediate composition, emplaced/erupted between 16 and 13 Ma (Cerca et al., 2000) and as widespread andesite flows. GUIDEBOOK FOR FIELD TRIPS OF THE 99TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CORDILLERAN SECTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 128 ARANDA-GÓMEZ, GODCHAUX, AGUIRRE-DÍAZ, BONNICHSEN, AND MARTÍNEZ-REYES Figure 5. Geology of the southeastern part of the Sierra de Guanajuato (simplified from Martínez-Reyes, 1993). Pulse 7. The events of this pulse took place between 12 and 8 Ma and include the initial products of the TMVB, represented by broad benches covered by andesite lava flows and by the earliest dacitic to andesitic stratovolcanoes, located a bit to the north of the main part of this volcanic province (Figures 3, 4). HIATUSES BETWEEN PULSES It is important to point out the hiatuses in magmatic activity in this region. There was a long hiatus between the activity associated with the mid-Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary complex and the Tertiary magmatism in the Sierra de Guanajuato, whose first manifestations are represented by the Comanja Granite, dated at ~51 Ma (Zimmermann et al., 1990). The andesitic volcanism around 49 Ma (Aranda-Gómez and McDowell, 1998) seems to have followed the emplacement of the batholith without any important hiatus. After the eruption of these 49 Ma lavas, there was a long hiatus leading up to the eruption of the Bufa Ignimbrite around 36 Ma (Gross, 1975); it was during this epoch of magmat- ic quiescence that the Guanajuato Red Conglomerate was deposited. The next important hiatus occurred between the end of ignimbritic volcanism of the SMO type at 24 Ma and the volcanism transitional to the TMVB type at 16 Ma. During this period there was ongoing deposition of gravels and sands, which gave rise to the Xoconostle Formation, a fluvio-lacustrine deposit which filled a broad shallow basin between San Miguel Allende and Dolores Hidalgo. Fluvial deposits are still accumulating in the present-day Río Laja basin (Figure 4). After 16 Ma there has not been any important hiatus in the volcanic activity. In the early part of this time period (pulse 6, 16–13 Ma), the volcanism was sporadic and localized; afterward (pulse 7, 12–8 Ma), the volcanism began to intensify, reaching peak output between 10 and 8 Ma. Intercalated with all of the volcanic products from 12 to 8 Ma are widespread fluviolacustrine deposits, whose broad distribution in the central part of the TMVB indicates the presence of extensive lake systems contemporaneous with the early to middle phases of TMVB volcanism (Aguirre-Díaz and Carranza-Castañeda, 2000). UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, INSTITUTO DE GEOLOGÍA, PUBLICACIÓN ESPECIAL 1 GEOLOGIC TRANSECTS ACROSS CORDILLERAN MEXICO FIELD TRIP 6: THREE SUPERIMPOSED VOLCANIC ARCS IN THE SOUTHERN CORDILLERA—FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS TO THE MIOCENE, GUANAJUATO 129 Figure 6. Geology of the Guananjuato Mining District (simplified from Buchanan, 1979). DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PULSES Pulse 1. Pre-SMO magmatism: the Comanja Granite The Comanja Granite is an intrusive body of possibly batholithic dimensions, with a surface exposure of approximately 50 by 20 kilometers. It was initially dated at 55±4 and 58±8 Ma (K-Ar, biotite: Mugica and Albarrán, 1983). More recently, Zimmermann and others (1990) obtained more precise ages of 53±3 and 51±1Ma (K-Ar, biotite). Like the majority of circum-Pacific batholiths, it is probable that this body has a range of ages in its constituent plutons, though these have not been mapped separately within it. The body is a granite with abundant K-feldspar (locally as megacrysts several centimeters in length), quartz, biotite and plagioclase, with textural variations from a coarse-grained core outward to a more fine-grained marginal facies. Compositional zoning is not immediately obvious in outcrop; however, mineralogical and geochemical studies, which might reveal the presence of some variety of cryptic zoning have not yet been carried out. A common phenomenon among Paleogene calcalkaline granites in other parts of the Cordillera is the presence of a peripheral ring of very small tonalitic bodies of slightly greater age and slightly greater depth of emplacement than the main granite (e.g., around epizonal granite bodies in the Eocene Challis system of Idaho [Earl Bennett, personal communication]). It is possible that detailed mapping of areas around the margin of the Comanja Granite, and/or of the region to the southwest of Cerro El Cubilete might identify such bodies. The emplacement of the Comanja Granite post-dates Laramide deformation, since there is no evidence in outcrop of ductile deformation of the granite. As with the question of subtle zoning, detailed fabric studies might reveal some effect of the waning phases of Laramide compression on the mode of emplacement of the granitic magma, but such studies have not yet been carried out. The development of the Comanja Granite marks an important change in the genesis of intrusive rocks of the Sierra de Guanajuato, because it was formed by magma relatively rich in potassium, in sharp contrast to the syn- GUIDEBOOK FOR FIELD TRIPS OF THE 99TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CORDILLERAN SECTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 130 ARANDA-GÓMEZ, GODCHAUX, AGUIRRE-DÍAZ, BONNICHSEN, AND MARTÍNEZ-REYES tectonic plagiogranite of Cerro Pelón. Two more characteristics make the Comanja Granite notable; one is the abundance of tourmaline and the other is the hints of tungsten mineralization (El Maguey Mine) at its margins, which is the only known case in central Mexico. The tourmaline is present as a late magmatic phase disseminated in the granite, as a coarse-grained phase crystallized in radial clusters in small pegmatitic pockets, and as the ‘cementing’ material in veins both within and beyond the granite body. A common feature of these veins is the presence of breccias formed from granite clasts, largely in jigsaw-puzzle arrangement, with microcrystalline tourmaline as the matrix. Along the widest shear zones every style of gradation is present between simple veins of massive tourmalinite, without granite fragments, and breccias with large angular fragments of granite separated by veinlets of tourmalinite. The abundance of tourmaline in the above mentioned three paragenetic habits –magmatic, pneumatolytic and hydrothermal- suggests an unusually high boron content in the magma, which could be obtained by some mechanism of pre-concentration of this element. Production and/or contamination of the magma through fusion of boron-rich sediments, for example those sediments accumulated in a fore-arc basin located close to the continent, seem to be one possible mechanism. An alternative mechanism might be the operation of a long-lived hydrothermal cell in the roof rocks above the magma chamber. Another prominent feature of the Comanja Granite is its external ring of polymetallic skarn ore prospects, which are specially common around the southern margin of the granite body. These skarn deposits suggest two things: leaching of the metals from the oceanic crust beneath the fore-arc basin, and emplacement of the batholith at shallow epizonal depths, 2–4 kilometers below the Paleocene surface, with concomitant development of a complex system of mesothermal to epithermal veins. Pulse 2. Pre-SMO volcanism: 49 Ma andesitic lavas within the Red Conglomerate These andesites are intercalated with red beds of the Guanajuato Conglomerate, principally in the lower member of that unit. The most common type of body is packages of subaerial lava flows that were emplaced on an almost-horizontal surface, on poorly consolidated sediments. In some outcrops there is sparse evidence of inter- action between the lava and surface water —poorly developed pillows, thin lenses of phreatomagmatic tuffs or hyaloclastites, and small clastic dikes of red mud which occupy cracks at the bases of flows that apparently passed over wet ground. All the features of these flow packages are consistent with an environment of deposition that includes alluvial fans and playa lakes. At other localities, bodies which could be hypabyssal intrusives (sills or small laccoliths) or invasive lava flows, are found. Pulse 3. Early SMO volcanism: early Oligocene explosive to effusive volcanism of the Guanajuato Mining District After a long period of normal faulting and accumulation of red beds (mid-Eocene to the beginning of the early Oligocene), a series of voluminous and varied eruptions began. Although these volcanic rocks presently have a more or less restricted area of distribution, they are nonetheless of great importance (Figure 7). This relevance is not only for the geologic evolution of the District and the Sierra de Guanajuato (and of the entire SMO province) but also for the later emplacement of the major economic mineral deposits for which the District is famous. We do not know how extensively these rocks may have been deposited originally because most of the present-day boundaries of the outcrop area are either faults or stratigraphic contacts with thick deposits of younger units; however, it is unlikely that they were deposited in areas far from the District. This pulse began with the accumulation of the Losero and Bufa Formations. The first of these two formations is principally made up of subaerial pyroclastic surge layers and of tuffs of uncertain eruptive style deposited in (and locally reworked by) shallow water. The Bufa Formation is a felsic ignimbrite with biotite as its mafic phase. This ignimbrite is in general not highly welded, but owing to moderate welding and extensive and pervasive silicification it is a hard rock which forms prominent cliffs east of the city of Guanajuato. It locally contains large lithic clasts of various types; many derived from the pre-volcanic basement. After the emplacement of the Losero-Bufa sequence, there was a hiatus of unknown duration, during which a surface of considerable relief, at least part of which was erosional, was developed on the poorly welded and poorly silicified top of the Bufa. The time period UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, INSTITUTO DE GEOLOGÍA, PUBLICACIÓN ESPECIAL 1 GEOLOGIC TRANSECTS ACROSS CORDILLERAN MEXICO FIELD TRIP 6: THREE SUPERIMPOSED VOLCANIC ARCS IN THE SOUTHERN CORDILLERA—FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS TO THE MIOCENE, GUANAJUATO Figure 7. Generalized stratigraphic column of the Guanajuato Mining District. Modified after Buchanan (1979). for its development, however, needs not to have been specially long, because syn-volcanic and post-volcanic faulting produced much of the initial relief. It seems probable to us that a caldera was formed as a consequence of the Losero-Bufa eruption. There are subtle indications of a caldera-forming episode in the topography of the region surrounding the District, and in the regional drainage pattern, which suggest the development of a broad pre-Bufa uplift whose precise form and relationship to the regional faulting are yet unknown. This supposed caldera associated with the Bufa ignimbrite must have been profoundly modified by syn-volcanic and post-volcanic normal faulting, by subsequent volcanic activity, and by erosion, and it may or may not have been classically circular or oval in form. We conclude very tentatively that the formation of this caldera, whatever its shape, produced a closed basin in which the products of the following series of eruptions, those which produced the dominantly andesitic Calderones and Cedro Formations, became trapped. Randall and collaborators (1994) were the first researchers that postulated the idea of a caldera in the District. 131 The Calderones Formation is a true encyclopedia of styles of eruption and emplacement of volcanic products. It includes low- to medium-grade ignimbrites, deposits of pyroclastic flows of the block-and-ash type, pyroclastic surge layers related to phreatomagmatic activity, airfall ash-rich tuffs, minor Plinian pumice layers, lahars, debris flows, reworked tuffaceous layers deposited in water, tuff-breccias, and megabreccias. Ubiquitous and characteristic chlorite alteration imparts a green to greenish blue color to almost all outcrops of the Calderones, suggesting that almost the entire formation was deposited in bodies of shallow water, possibly lakes retained inside the (modified) Bufa Caldera. An alternative interpretation of the alteration may involve processes of hydrothermal circulation through the Calderones tuffs immediately after deposition, even in the absence of lakes. A third style of alteration, propylitic alteration adjacent to veins and dikes, is of local importance in many outcrops. It is possible that detailed petrographic and/or geochemical studies of the mineral assemblages in many parts of the unit might provide a better assessment of the relative importance of syndepositional alteration (lakes), immediately post-depositional alteration (intracaldera hydrothermal cells) and later post-depositional alteration (propylitic alteration adjacent to veins and dikes). Because of the alteration, and also because of the high quantity of accidental fragments, it is difficult to determine with precision the original compositions of the juvenile volcanic products, but we consider that in general they were andesites and dacites. Echegoyén (1970) distinguished three members in the Calderones; in a very rough way, we think that these members are equivalent to the proximal facies (lower member), the medial facies (intermediate member), and the distal facies (upper member) of the Calderones pyroclastic sequence. The source vents of the Calderones are located just to the northeast of the depositional basin, in a ring dike which crosses the western ridge of Cerro Alto de Villalpando, and to the north of the basin, in the Peregrina Dome Field. Given the internal complexity and variety of pyroclastic products in the Calderones, we consider it possible that other source vents may exist. Everywhere within the District, the Calderones Formation passes upward into the Cedro Andesite, which is a package of lava flows and associated tuffs of andesitic to possibly basaltic composition. The Calderones-Cedro transition consists of an interval of interstratification of very fine-grained green tuffs with GUIDEBOOK FOR FIELD TRIPS OF THE 99TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CORDILLERAN SECTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 132 ARANDA-GÓMEZ, GODCHAUX, AGUIRRE-DÍAZ, BONNICHSEN, AND MARTÍNEZ-REYES dark brown tuffs and isolated lobes of water-affected lava flows. We think that the Cedro Andesite was fed by a system of dikes with strikes from ENE to NE, which show a roughly radial pattern on the map of Echegoyén (1970). Some of the well-exposed dikes that invaded the distal parts of the Calderones have marginal facies composed of peperites and isolated crude pillows which provide evidence of their interaction with shallow waters and/or with recently deposited wet tuffs. The uppermost layers of the Calderones resemble phreatomagmatic deposits; they carry abundant autoclasts and have a stratigraphy, which is the reverse of adjacent undisturbed portions of the formation down to the level of the underlying poorly consolidated top of the Bufa. This phenomenon of “inverse stratigraphy” is interpreted as the result of downward coring of the focus of explosive interaction between the tip of the dike and its host rocks. The Cedro Andesite passes upward from its base, within a few dozen meters, from mixed tuffs and lobes of pillowed lavas into widespread, apparently subaerial, lava flows. In all outcrops that we have seen, even the larger andesite flows near the base of the Cedro show evidence of interaction with water; some flows have well-developed spheroidal weathering (which locally mimics pillows), and the associated pyroclastic deposits contain matrix palagonite. The Peregrina Dome Complex also belongs to this third pulse of volcanism. The Peregrina is found principally in a large dome field in which one can observe diverse and very complex relationships with the Calderones Formation. The range of compositions of the Peregrina complex varies from dacite to fairly high-silica rhyolite. In the field it is clear that there are layers in all members of the Calderones which have abundant clasts of all the lithologies observed in the Peregrina dome complex. It also appears certain that the youngest Peregrina domes cut Calderones layers. According to Echegoyén (1970), there is at least one Peregrina dome emplaced in the Bufa Formation. Because in the lower part of the Bufa we find many clasts of a rhyolite with very delicate flow-banding, there exists the possibility that the first-erupted domes associated with this pulse formed a bit before the emplacement of the Bufa or even contemporaneously with it. We consider it probable that throughout this entire pulse of activity domes were being periodically emplaced, and that the formation we call the Peregrina is diachronous. Thus, it is impossible to establish a unique age relationship between the Peregrina to the rest of the volcanic units in the District, with the possible exception of the Chichíndaro rhyolite. Chichíndaro domes and lava flows seem consistently to cross-cut and/or overlie the Peregrina in the few places where they are seen in contact. Blind dikes of Chichíndaro are common in some underground workings of El Cubo Mine, where they can be seen to cut Peregrina rocks (J. José Reyes-Martínez, personal communication, 2001). Although we lack geochemical data on the rocks formed in this pulse, based on the great compositional changes observed and on the regional tectonic context, we presently consider as a working hypothesis the following model for the evolution of the magmas involved. An original body of andesitic to basaltic magma was generated in a subduction zone along the Pacific Coast of southern Mexico, which dipped to the east or northeast, with the downgoing slab passing beneath the ancient Mesozoic suture zone of the Guerrero terrane with the continental margin. This magma could have caused partial fusion of various low-melting components of this complex portion of the North American continental crust, giving rise to a rhyolitic magma with a fairly high volatile content. Partly as a result of the ongoing regional and syn-volcanic tectonic extension, this second magma rose to the surface and erupted explosively, producing the Losero and Bufa formations. Slightly later, the andesitic magma continued its ascent toward the surface, establishing a shallow magma chamber. Processes of MASH (melting, assimilation, storage and hybridization) may have occurred on a small scale, but it seems likely that the principal process that modified the magma in the upper part of the chamber was differentiation (also on a limited scale), which produced dacitic liquids. Nonetheless, the most voluminous product of the Calderones and Cedro eruptions was andesite. In some of its aspects our working hypothesis has a general similarity with the model proposed for the Taupo Ignimbrite of New Zealand (Freundt et al., 2000). Pulse 4. Peak phase of SMO volcanism: Sililcic and andesitic volcanism from 32 to 30 Ma The andesitic lava flows of the Cedro Formation (sensu lato) have a broader distribution along the southern boundary of the Mesa Central than do the other volcanic units of the Guanajuato Mining District. Cerca and others (2000) report 32–30 Ma andesites to the southeast of the UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, INSTITUTO DE GEOLOGÍA, PUBLICACIÓN ESPECIAL 1 GEOLOGIC TRANSECTS ACROSS CORDILLERAN MEXICO FIELD TRIP 6: THREE SUPERIMPOSED VOLCANIC ARCS IN THE SOUTHERN CORDILLERA—FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS TO THE MIOCENE, GUANAJUATO District, which they correlate to Cedro. This broad distribution may suggest a drastic change in the style of volcanism, from predominantly explosive (the Losero, Bufa and Calderones Formations) to largely effusive. Almost contemporaneous with the outpouring of the younger Cedro andesites there was an important episode of activity which produced a large number of high-silica rhyolite domes and flows, along with a lesser volume of ignimbrites of similar composition (Guillermo Labarthe, personal communication, 2001). These rocks have been grouped under the name Chichíndaro Rhyolite (e.g., Martínez-Reyes, 1992; Cerca et al., 2000). The distribution of this rhyolite is broad and is similar to that of the Cedro Andesite (s.l.), and various sources have been documented for it, both within and outside of the Mining District. Cerca and others (2000) dated the Chichíndaro Rhyolite at about 30 Ma. The Cedro and Chichíndaro episode could be interpreted as a stage of bimodal volcanism in the Sierra de Guanajuato, which took place about 30 Ma. In addition to the Cedro-Chichíndaro domes and flows, voluminous silicic ignimbrites were emplaced, principally to the north of the District, in the Sierra de Santa Rosa (where they are mapped as part of the Chichíndaro Formation by Martínez-Reyes, 1992), and to the north of the outcrops of the Comanja Granite. In this latter part of the Sierra de Guanajuato, these pyroclastic rocks have been mapped as the Cuatralba Ignimbrite, but this large unit in reality is made up of a series of ignimbrites and intercalated tuffaceous fluviolacustrine sedimentary rocks whose sources have not yet been determined. Near the city of San Miguel Allende there are outcrops of El Obraje Ignimbrite, which has a radiometric (K/Ar) age of ~28 Ma (Pérez-Venzor, 1996) and which is of a distinctly higher grade than the other ignimbrites of this region. For this reason we consider it as the most characteristic example, among the volcanic rocks seen in this field trip, of the ignimbrites of the Sierra Madre Occidental. El Obraje Ignimbrite is a thick unit and one that appears to be very extensive, but its source is still unknown. Pulse 5. Waning phase of SMO volcanism: large dacitic domes of the El Gigante Field, ignimbrites (~24–22 Ma), Arperos Gabbro, and early Miocene basalts During the early Miocene there was a change in the volcanism of the region from widespread bimodal volcanism 133 to the formation of large domes of intermediate composition, such as the hills named El Gigante and La Giganta, and to the emplacement of extensive ignimbrites which we interpret as the final phases of the SMO volcanism (24–22 Ma) in the region. Overlying these are basalts possibly of early Miocene age. This volcanism was all located outside the Guanajuato Mining District, both to the northwest and to the southeast of it. There are only two published reports that describe the Cenozoic geology of the area around the District, the map of MartínezReyes (1992) and the map of Cerca and others (2000) for the southeastern portion of the Mesa Central. MartínezReyes (1990) groups several ignimbrite units as the Cuatralba Formation. However, the youngest of the ignimbrites turn out to have ages between 24 and 22 Ma, as was found in the sequence of the Mesa San José de Allende (Cerca et al., 2000), and thus should be considered as events separate from the Cuatralba series of approximately 30 Ma exposed north of León. MartínezReyes (1990) also documents the presence of a mafic intrusive body near the town of Arperos, which he called the Arperos Gabbro. We interpret this rock body as the subvolcanic equivalent of the early Miocene basalts. The Cenozoic volcanic sequence to the north of the town of Arperos is little studied. In that general region are exposed several ignimbrite units covered by olivine-rich basalt flows (not yet dated, but probably early Miocene). Near the town of Arperos it is possible to observe complex contact relationships between the feeder dikes of the basalts and the enclosing ignimbrites. There are numerous examples of transition zones with intricate mixtures of both kinds of rock bordering the diabasic dikes and shallow sills of the Arperos. Pulse 6. Volcanism transitional between the SMO and the TMVB: intermediate lavas and domes In the period between 16 and 13 Ma isolated domes and lava flows of intermediate composition were formed. In the San Miguel Allende Volcanic Field (Pérez-Venzor et al., 1997), close to the volcanoes Palo Huérfano (Figure 9) and La Joya (Figure 10), mid-Miocene andesitic and dacitic domes have been documented. These include Cerro Colorado (~16 Ma, K/Ar, biotite: Pérez-Venzor et al. [1997]) and El Maguey Dome, which underlies the ~10 Ma andesitic stratovolcano La Joya (ValdezMoreno et al., 1998). Cerca and others (2000) also men- GUIDEBOOK FOR FIELD TRIPS OF THE 99TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CORDILLERAN SECTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 134 ARANDA-GÓMEZ, GODCHAUX, AGUIRRE-DÍAZ, BONNICHSEN, AND MARTÍNEZ-REYES tion undated ignimbrites with intermediate composition (Las Pilas ignimbrite) and 14 Ma andesitic domes just north of Salamanca, which they interpret as a transitional volcanic stage between the southern SMO and the TMVB. The andesitic lava flows that crown the high points of the Sierra de Guanajuato that were mapped as the Cubilete Formation by Martínez-Reyes (1992) were dated at 13.5 Ma by Aguirre-Díaz and others (1997). It is important to note that these same flows (Cubilete Formation) are exposed both on the upthrown block and on the downthrown block of El Bajío Fault, which is the major structure bounding the southern front of the Sierra de Guanajuato. The age of the Cubilete Formation provides us with a control on the timing of the fault. Pulse 7. Initial products of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt: stratovolcanoes, domes and lava-capped mesas During this latest pulse of volcanism, in the period between 12 and 8 Ma, the styles of eruption and emplacement once again changed definitively. This was probably related to a change in the type of magma produced after the re-organization of tectonic plates in the Pacific Coast. Dominated by andesites, these magmas produced broad flat lava benches and locally formed the first major volcanoes of the northern part of the TMVB, that are represented by Palo Huérfano (Pérez-Venzor et al., 1997), La Joya (Valdez-Moreno et al., 1998), and El Zamorano (Carrasco-Núñez et al., 1979). The TMVB is still active today, but the active front is located some 150 kilometers to the south of the San Miguel Allende Volcanic Field (SMAVF) and of the boundary between the Mesa Central and the TMVB (Figures 4, 8). STRUCTURAL PATTERNS CENTRAL IN THE SOUTHERN PART OF THE MESA The boundary between the Mesa Central and the TMVB is evident not only in the stratigraphy but also in the structures. It has been argued (Aranda-Gómez et al., 1989; Henry and Aranda-Gómez, 1992, 2000) that in this region we see the true boundary between the Basin and Range Tectonic Province and the TMVB (Figure 1b). North of the transitional zone the morphology and structure are controlled by at least two conjugate systems of faults trending respectively NW-SE and NE-SW (Figures Figura 8. Approximate limits of the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt and general distribution of Miocene-Pliocene and PlioceneQuaternary volcanic rocks in it. Key: SMAVF = San Miguel Allende Volcanic Field; A = Amealco caldera; NT = Nevado de Toluca; C = Colima; G = Guadalajara; Mo = Morelia; M = Mexico City; P = Pachuca; Q = Querétaro; V = Veracruz. After Pérez-Venzor et al., 1996. Compare orientation of fault patterns with that in the Mesa Central (Figuras 3, 4). 2-3), whereas to the south structures striking ENE to EW predominate (e.g., Martínez-Reyes and NietoSamaniego, 1990; Pasquaré et al., 1986, 1987a,b, 1988). In the zone between Querétaro and San Miguel Allende (Figure 8), both provinces are cut by a less well-studied system of faults, whose orientations range from N-S to NNW, called the Taxco-San Miguel Allende System (Demant, 1978). The San Miguel Allende Volcanic Field (Figures 3, 8–10) is part of the Cenozoic cover. It is located between San Miguel Allende and the village of Colón (Qro), and immediately north of El Bajío depression. Four larger volcanoes and several smaller centers of emission, peripheral to the larger ones, stand out in this volcanic field. The four large volcanoes are the already mentioned El Zamorano, La Joya, Palo Huérfano and San Pedro (Figures 3, 8). These peaks form some of the highest elevations in the region. Radiometric ages (K-Ar and 40Ar-39Ar) published at this time vary from ~12 to ~10 Ma. The volcanoes of the San Miguel Allende Field have morphological features characteristic of volcanic edifices in a moderately advanced state of erosion. Their morphology contrasts with that of the younger volcanoes, such as Culiacán and La Gavia (K-Ar ~2.2 Ma; Ban et al., 1992), situated immediately to the southwest in El Bajío depression (Figures 2, 3), whose cones are exceptionally well preserved. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, INSTITUTO DE GEOLOGÍA, PUBLICACIÓN ESPECIAL 1 GEOLOGIC TRANSECTS ACROSS CORDILLERAN MEXICO FIELD TRIP 6: THREE SUPERIMPOSED VOLCANIC ARCS IN THE SOUTHERN CORDILLERA—FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS TO THE MIOCENE, GUANAJUATO 135 Figura 9. Generalized geologic map of Palo Huérfano volcano. Key: PH = Palo Huérfano; EP = El Picacho; CC = Cerro Colorado; CE = Cerro La Elvira; CP = Cerro El Pilón; SMA = San Miguel Allende; CB = Cañada Begoña; Pa = Presa Ignacio Allende; SM = San Marcos; Cal = Calderón; RR = Rinconcillo; ER = El Refugio; C = Comonfort; J = Jalpilla; LG = Las Gallinas; PC = Peña Colorada; AB = Agua Blanca; OA = Ojo de Agua; P = Purgatorio; Ja = Jalpa; E = Elvira; DJ = Doña Juana; Ca = Cañajo; A = Alcocer; Es = Estancia. Simplified after PérezVenzor et al. (1996). The most outstanding morphological features of the volcanoes La Joya and Palo Huérfano (Figsures 9, 10) are the great central depressions in their summit areas, which form semicircular craters with diameters of ~4 kilometers and average depths of 200 to 300 meters. Their aspect is similar to that of volcanic calderas of the Galápagos type. However, it is thought that the unusually large size of these depressions (with respect to the overall sizes of the volcanoes) is the result of differential erosion associated with intense hydrothermal alteration around their central vents (Valdez-Moreno et al., 1998). Lack of caldera-related deposits near the volcanoes support this interpretation. All of the volcanoes of the San Miguel Allende Volcanic Field are composed predominantly of andesitic and dacitic lavas. By reason of their ages and compositions we consider them to be the oldest large-dimension volcanoes in the TMVB (Pérez-Venzor et al., 1997). The form of the edifices and the high proportion of lavas relative to pyroclastic products in La Joya and Palo Huérfano suggest that they may be structures intermediate between stratovolcanoes and exogenous domes. Typical stratovolcano deposits, such as pyroclastic flows and tuffs are relatively scarce in both volcanoes (PérezVenzor, 1996; Valdez-Moreno et al., 1998). Like the active volcanoes in the southern part of the TMVB, the volcanoes of the San Miguel Allende Field owe their origin to magmatism associated with subduction of the Cocos plate under the Pacific margin of southern Mexico. It seems likely that both the rate and the exact direction GUIDEBOOK FOR FIELD TRIPS OF THE 99TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CORDILLERAN SECTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 136 ARANDA-GÓMEZ, GODCHAUX, AGUIRRE-DÍAZ, BONNICHSEN, AND MARTÍNEZ-REYES Figure 10. Simplified geologic map of La Joya volcano (after Valdez-Moreno et al. 1998). of subduction of the Cocos Plate differ from those of the earlier subducted Farallon plate that drove the Oligocene magmatism (Ferrari et al., 1999). These differences may in turn be responsible for the different bulk compositions and volatile contents of the Miocene and younger TMVB magmas, as compared to the earlier SMO magmas. The stratovolcano Palo Huérfano is located to the south of the prominent scarp of the San Miguel Allende Fault, and it covers this structure without being affected by it (Figure 9). Based on geologic and geophysic data, Arzate and others (1999) report that this fault continues to the south buried under younger deposits for over 80 km and passes through Tarimoro and reaches Parácuaro. In northern flank of Palo Huérfano lavas from this volcano are displaced by normal faults striking approximately N80E (Figure 9); the orientation of these faults suggests that they are related to the tectonics of the TMVB (Figures 1, 8). In the highest part of the Río Laja Basin, in the area bounded by San Miguel Allende, Dolores Hidalgo and San Felipe, there are extensive deposits of gravel and sand (Figures 2-4). Near the Ignacio Allende Dam (Figure 9) these same gravels and sands are intercalated with lake sediments and with several volcanic units. The precise age of this stratigraphic sequence which forms the filling of the Río Laja Basin is uncertain, and the only sites where precise detailed work has been carried out are to the north of San Miguel Allende, in Blancan-Hemphillian fossiliferous localities studied by Carranza-Castañeda (1987). The sediments in these localities have been dated (fission tracks in zircon and/or 40Ar-39Ar in sanidine) between 3.5 and 5 Ma (Kowallis et al., 1998). On the other hand, in the region around the village of Xoconostle (Figure 3) NietoSamaniego and others (1996) documented similar gravels intercalated with a rhyolitic ignimbrite whose radiometric age (K-Ar) is ~25 Ma. We attribute the origin of this fluviolacustrine basin to the interaction between normal faulting on the three fault systems of San Miguel Allende, Alcocer-La Estancia and El Bajío (see Part II of this manuscript) and the lava flows emitted by Palo Huérfano, which blocked the outlet of the hydrologic basin in the region presently occupied by the mouth of the San Miguel Allende Reservoir. The fossil vertebrate fauna in the Río Laja UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, INSTITUTO DE GEOLOGÍA, PUBLICACIÓN ESPECIAL 1 GEOLOGIC TRANSECTS ACROSS CORDILLERAN MEXICO FIELD TRIP 6: THREE SUPERIMPOSED VOLCANIC ARCS IN THE SOUTHERN CORDILLERA—FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS TO THE MIOCENE, GUANAJUATO Basin deposits is very important, as it is the oldest locality in which it is possible to recognize fossils of animals which came out of South America mixed with typically North American fossils (Oscar Carranza-Castañeda and Aguirre-Díaz, 2001). The migration of faunas between the two Americas dates from the early Pliocene and is associated with the closing of the Isthmus of Panama by volcanic activity. At the base of the Palo Huérfano Volcanic Complex (Figure 9) rocks of the basal Mesozoic complex are exposed (Chiodi et al., 1988; Ortiz-Hernández et al., 2002), as is the rhyolitic El Obraje Ignimbrite of midOligocene age (K-Ar, 28.6±0.7 Ma). To the west of the volcanic center occur outcrops of Miocene basaltic andesites (i.e., the Allende Andesite, K-Ar, 11.1±0.4 Ma; Figure 9). Lying above them are the products of the Palo Huérfano stratovolcano. PART I I . A BRIEF REVIEW OF THE GEOLOGIC AND TECTON- IC EVOLUTION OF THE SOUTHEASTERN PART OF THE DE SIERRA GUANAJUATO GENERAL FEATURES The Sierra de Guanajuato is an orographic feature that extends in a continuous manner over a distance of some 80 kilometers, with an orientation N45W. The southwestern front of the range (El Bajío Fault Zone, Figure 5) is an important boundary which separates two physiographic provinces in central Mexico (Figure 1a). South of El Bajío Fault (Figures 3, 5, 8) is the TMVB and north of the fault is the Mesa Central (Aranda-Gómez et al., 1989), which is considered as an integral part of the Basin and Range extensional province (Henry and Aranda-Gómez, 1992, 2000). The present-day morphology of the Sierra de Guanajuato was caused by this Cenozoic extensional tectonism. Erosion products of the uplifted Sierra were carried both to the northeast and to the southwest, accumulating in El Bajío depression (Figure 5), at the foot of the mountains, as well as in the inner part of the Río Laja Basin (Figures 3, 8). These deposits of gravels, shales and claystones, all poorly consolidated, contain vertebrate fossil faunas of Pliocene-Pleistocene age, but there are also some Miocene deposits. Similar deposits are found in other regions of the southern portion of the Mesa Central, in the states of Hidalgo, Jalisco and 137 Guanajuato (Carranza-Castañeda et al., 1996). In the region of San Diego de la Union (Figure 3) these deposits are covered by flows of Quaternary alkali basalt which contain mantle xenoliths (Aranda-Gómez et al., 1989). The rocks exposed in the Sierra de Guanajuato can be divided into the two great groups referred to: (1) the basal complex, which includes both Mesozoic rocks —volcanic and plutonic rocks of the Guanajuato Arc (in turn part of the larger Guerrero Terrane) and sedimentary rocks of the Arperos (fore-arc) Basin— and early Tertiary intrusive rocks (i.e., the Comanja Granite), and (2) the Cenozoic sedimentary and volcanic cover (Figure 5). The sequence in the basal Mesozoic complex includes intrusive rocks of different ages (K-Ar, ranging from 157 down to 108 Ma; Ortiz and Martínez-Reyes, 1993) and a variety of compositions (ultramafic to felsic) and lowgrade metamorphic rocks (derived from volcanic and sedimentary protoliths of oceanic origin). The basal complex was intensely deformed by two compressive events. The first took place at the end of the Early Cretaceous (Neocomian), when the Guanajuato Arc and its accompanying fore-arc (Arperos) basin were accreted to the North American continent (Figure 12), and the second occurred during the Paleocene Laramide Orogeny (Quintero-Legorreta, 1992). The Cenozoic cover package in the Sierra de Guanajuato consists of Eocene continental red beds and a thick sequence of volcanic rocks of Oligocene to Miocene age (Figures 5, 6), predominantly felsic to intermediate in composition, with the earlier felsic rocks having markedly greater volume than the generally later intermediate rocks. STRATIGRAPHY, AGE DATES, AND GEOLOGIC EVOLUTION The basal Mesozoic complex and the early Tertiary Granite The pre-Tertiary stratigraphy of the Sierra de Guanajuato consists of two major associations, a volcano-plutonic association, which comprises the volcanic and sub-volcanic rocks of the long-lived and possibly multiple arc and its oceanic crustal substrate, and a volcano-sedimentary association, which comprises the sedimentary rocks (Figure 11) and intercalated tuffs of the fore-arc basin (Monod et al., 1990; Ortiz et al., 1992; Lapierre et al., 1992). These rocks range in age from the oldest plutonic units (Late Jurassic) to the youngest fore-arc basin com- GUIDEBOOK FOR FIELD TRIPS OF THE 99TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CORDILLERAN SECTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 138 ARANDA-GÓMEZ, GODCHAUX, AGUIRRE-DÍAZ, BONNICHSEN, AND MARTÍNEZ-REYES Figure 11. Reconstructed stratigraphy of the Guanajuato Arc and the Arperos Basin. Φ = Tectonic contact (thrust fault). After Ortiz and Martínez-Reyes (1993). ponents (Early Cretaceous). A small outcrop of shallowwater limestone (the Albian-Aptian La Perlita Formation; Martínez-Reyes [1992]) rests discordantly on the metamorphosed Mesozoic rocks north of the city of León (Figure 3). Near the Guanajuato Mining District, the volcano-plutonic association (Figure 11) includes: (1) a thick succession (>1000 meters) of basaltic pillow lavas and massive submarine flows (K-Ar, 108.4±56 Ma; Monod et al., [1990]), with relatively scarce basaltic tuffs; (2) a group of closely-related diabase dikes emplaced in gabbros (K-Ar, 112 Ma; Lapierre et al.[1992]), diorites, quartz-diorites and tonalites; (3) a massive diorite pluton (K-Ar, ~120-122 Ma; Lapierre et al. [1992]) with hornblende-rich pegmatitic segregations, locally cut by basaltic dikes; (4) an intrusive body composed of trondhjemite and leucotonalite (K-Ar, ~143-157 Ma; Lapierre et al. [1992]) and other plutons, also intrud- ed by swarms of diabase dikes. All these units of the basal complex are found piled one on top of another on a series of thrusts (Figurres 5, 11). In many outcrops the thrusts appear almost horizontal and undeformed; however, there are other outcrops in which the thrusts are clearly folded. In some places the folding of the thrusts appears to be drag-folding adjacent to Cenozoic normal faults, while in other places it appears to be unrelated to Cenozoic structures. In the field, the lowermost unit is the one containing the pillow lavas (1), which is in turn covered by the heterolithologic plutonic unit containing the dike swarm (2), followed by the massive diorite (3), and then the trondhjemite-leucotonalite (4). Ortiz and Martínez-Reyes (1993) have proposed an idealized reconstruction of the original sequence (Figure 11). This volcano-plutonic association of the Sierra de Guanajuato has been interpreted as the upper crust of an intra-oceanic volcanic arc (i.e., the Guanajuato Arc of the so-called UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, INSTITUTO DE GEOLOGÍA, PUBLICACIÓN ESPECIAL 1 GEOLOGIC TRANSECTS ACROSS CORDILLERAN MEXICO FIELD TRIP 6: THREE SUPERIMPOSED VOLCANIC ARCS IN THE SOUTHERN CORDILLERA—FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS TO THE MIOCENE, GUANAJUATO 139 Figure 12. Early Cretaceous tectonic evolution of the Guerrero terrane. Key: Guanajuato (Alisitos-Teloloapan) arc; BHCP = Central Mexico Mesozoic Basin; PVSLP = Valles-San Luis Potosí calcareous platform; TG = Guerrero terrane. Lapierre et al., 1991 Guerrero Terrane). If indeed the apparent age range of these arc-related rocks (157 to 108 Ma; nearly 50 million years) is real, this portion of the Guerrero Terrane may be made up of more than one arc system; however, more detailed dating and geochemical work would be needed in order to establish or refute this contention. Even younger ages have been obtained for some components of the volcano-plutonic association, in the range of 66 to 108 Ma. In our opinion the value of these radiometric dates is a bit uncertain, given that most of the Mesozoic rocks in this area have experienced regional greenschist facies metamorphism, and some of them have also been subjected to heating related to the emplacement of the Eocene Comanja Granite and/or to hydrothermal activity associated with the mid-Tertiary volcanism. Any or all of these factors could have modified the argon content of the rocks, rendering the radiometric dates insignificant as to the true age of the Mesozoic arc magmatism. On the other hand, it is possible that these anomalous young ages actually are signifi- cant, and that they provide evidence of a second major period of arc volcanism, following a change in the polarity of the subduction zone (from west- to east-dipping), before and during the emplacement of the Comanja Granite. In summary, the volcano-plutonic association consists of an intra-oceanic arc or arcs of Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous age (Ortiz and Martínez-Reyes, 1993). The volcano-plutonic association described above is thrust over a volcano-sedimentary sequence, which in places is strongly deformed. The rocks of this association are pelagic in character and consist principally of dark laminated limestone and of thin-bedded black shale, chert, sandstone and siltstone (Figure 11). Pillowed basalts, hyaloclastites and basaltic tuffs intercalated with the sedimentary rocks are found at several localities. KAr ages for these volcanic rocks are in the range from 85 to 93 Ma (Cenomanian to Santonian, or Late Cretaceous; Ortiz and Martínez-Reyes [1993]). As with the similarly young ages for certain rocks of the volcano-plutonic association, these radiometric dates also could be some- GUIDEBOOK FOR FIELD TRIPS OF THE 99TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CORDILLERAN SECTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 140 ARANDA-GÓMEZ, GODCHAUX, AGUIRRE-DÍAZ, BONNICHSEN, AND MARTÍNEZ-REYES what untrustworthy. Poorly preserved radiolarian fossils, recovered by Dávila-Alcocer and Martínez-Reyes (1987) from rocks of this association give uncertain ages from Valanginian to Turonian (roughly 135–90 Ma, or Early to Middle Cretaceous). Nannofossils collected by CoronaChávez (1998) from layers of limestone indicate ages from Tithonian to Berriasian (roughly 150 to 140 Ma, or Late Jurassic). On the basis of these data, the volcanosedimentary association is considered roughly contemporaneous with the volcano-plutonic association (Ortiz and Martínez-Reyes, 1993). An idealized reconstruction of the volcano-sedimentary association is shown in Figure 11. This association is interpreted as sediments accumulated in a long-lived oceanic basin (the Arperos Basin) located between the volcanic island arc(s) and the carbonate platforms, which bordered the Mexican subcontinent (e.g., the Valles-San Luis Potosí Platform). The tectonic juxtaposition of the volcano-plutonic association and the volcano-sedimentary association is thought to be related to the closing of the Arperos Basin and to the accretion of the volcanic arc to the southern edge of North America during mid-Cretaceous time (Tardy et al., 1991; Figure 12 of this field guide). Neither the original width of the Arperos Basin nor the distance between the edge of the continent and the center of the arc is known for any time period during the long history of the subduction system; however, the Arperos Basin seems to have had a significant contribution of clastics derived from the continent, emplaced as turbidites and/or by processes of off-scraping from the downgoing slab. We speculate that these sediments in turn may have served as sources of potassium and boron during the period of formation of the Comanja Granite magma. A bit less than 15 kilometers northeast of the city of León, shallow-water limestones of Aptian-Albian age (roughly 120 to 100 Ma, or late Early Cretaceous; shown as the La Perlita Limestone in Figure 5) crop out resting discordantly on older, metamorphosed rocks of the volcano-sedimentary association (Chiodi et al., 1988; Quintero-Legorreta, 1992). These limestones include oolites and calcareous breccias with abundant ammonites, brachiopods and gastropods. The presence of Ceritium bustamantii and Psilothyris occidentalis indicates ages of Neocomian to Aptian (roughly 130 to 112 Ma, or Early Cretaceous). A brachiopod (Peregrinella sp.) indicates a Hauterivian age (132 to 127 Ma, or Early Cretaceous). The Comanja Granite (K-Ar ~51±1.3 Ma; Stein et al. [1993]) is exposed in the core of the Sierra de Guanajuato, forming a chain of outcrops more than 50 kilometers long (Figure 3). It is emplaced in rocks of the Mesozoic basement complex after compressional deformation of the region had largely ended. The Comanja is a medium- to coarse-grained calcalkaline granite with large subhedral to euhedral; Carlsbad-twinned K-feldspar phenocrysts set in a generally medium-grained groundmass of light-colored plagioclase, quartz and biotite. The pluton is in places cut by dikes of pegmatite and aplite and by a well-developed network of tourmaline veinlets. Along its contacts the calcareous sediments of the volcano-sedimentary association were transformed to skarns by contact metamorphism; in some places the primary textures were completely wiped out. Brittle shear zones are very common in the vicinity of the intrusive contacts; some of these zones are present several tens of meters inward from the margin of the pluton. The textures of these shear zones are varied, with granite and/or tactite clasts of varying sizes and angularities firmly cemented by abundant tourmalinite. The Cenozoic volcanic and sedimentary cover Guanajuato Conglomerate The basal complex is separated by a major angular unconformity from the overlying formations (Figure 7). In the Guanajuato Mining District, immediately above the unconformity, there is a sequence of continental red beds (1,500 to 2,000 meters thick; Edwards [1955]). This sequence consists of boulder and pebble conglomerates, sandstones and siltstones, with sorting that varies somewhat rhythmically from poor to good and bedding that varies from massive to thinly layered. Near the base of the sequence there are intercalated andesitic lavas (K-Ar ~49 Ma; Aranda-Gómez and McDowell [1998]). Based on the lithology of the deposits and the vertebrate fauna, Edwards (1955) concluded that the Guanajuato Red Conglomerate consists principally of sediments accumulated in alluvial fans situated at the base of block-fault mountains that were rapidly uplifted during the midEocene and Early Oligocene. Near the top of the Guanajuato Conglomerate there is a series of thin finegrained layers with ripple marks and stream cross-bedding, which suggests that by that time the rate of move- UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, INSTITUTO DE GEOLOGÍA, PUBLICACIÓN ESPECIAL 1 GEOLOGIC TRANSECTS ACROSS CORDILLERAN MEXICO FIELD TRIP 6: THREE SUPERIMPOSED VOLCANIC ARCS IN THE SOUTHERN CORDILLERA—FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS TO THE MIOCENE, GUANAJUATO ment on the faults bounding the depositional basin had diminished. A statistical analysis of the dips of layers in the stratified units of the cover indicates a complex history of normal faulting. Extension in this area began around the middle of the Eocene and continued at least until the later part of the Oligocene (Aranda-Gómez and McDowell, 1998). 141 banded rhyolite of unknown origin and affinity. The thickness of Bufa varies from 350 m in the vicinity of the Las Torres Mine to less than 10 m on Sirena Hill, less than 5 kilometers from Las Torres. In the southeastern part of the District, the Bufa ignimbrite has crude columnar jointing, possibly formed during cooling in a zone that is more densely welded and/or silicified than is typical of the unit. Losero Formation Calderones Formation Resting unconformably on the Guanajuato Conglomerate lies the Losero Formation, which is a mixed deposit that passes upward from a well-sorted sandstone with thin to medium bedding and dark red color to an interval in which red layers of sedimentary origin are interstratified with green pyroclastic surge layers. In the upper part of the Losero Formation, the green pyroclastic surge layers are predominant. This transitional sedimentary-to-volcanic package indicates the change from a sedimentary regime to a dominantly volcanic one (Figure 7). The Losero Formation has been little studied, but it is important in the interpretation of the volcanic sequence that was deposited on top of it. Its thickness varies from 0 to 55 meters, but it is widespread in the District, generally being 10 to 20 meters thick. Structures such as ripple marks, cross-bedding and graded bedding, cut-and-fill structures and raindrop impressions in the Losero have been interpreted uniquely as sedimentary features; however, volcanic structures such as very-low-angle (surge) cross-bedding and accretionary lapilli (?) are equally common in these deposits, especially in the upper part of the unit. The depositional environment is interpreted as a shallow lake (Edwards, 1955), although our observations suggest that the upper, surge-dominated, layers were deposited subaerially. Bufa Ignimbrite An erosional surface separates the Losero Formation from the overlying unit, the Bufa Formation (K-Ar, 37>0±3.0 Ma; Gross [1975]), which is an ignimbrite with less than 25 percent by volume of phenocrysts of quartz, sanidine and plagioclase, and small euhedral biotite commonly replaced by opaque minerals. Dispersed in the deposit are lithic clasts of andesite and rhyolite. Near its base, the ignimbrite contains clasts derived from the lower units and abundant fragments of a delicately flow- The Calderones Formation is a complex unit that includes an indeterminate number of andesitic to dacitic ignimbrites and layers of volcaniclastic material that accumulated in a shallow lake. This formation rests on an eroded and faulted surface developed on the Bufa Ignimbrite (Figure 7). Calderones commonly fills paleochannels, especially in the proximal and medial areas. Some of these channels appear to have been formed by stream erosion prior to the deposition of the Calderones, while others may have been formed, or at least deepened, by the passage of the surges and density currents which gave rise to the basal layers of the Calderones. There are places where angular lithic fragments of (metamorphosed?) chloritized andesite (derived from the basal complex?) make up ~75 per cent of the deposit. In other places fragments derived from sedimentary rocks of the Mesozoic basement are more abundant than the juvenile volcanic materials. In still other places, clasts derived from the growth and/or destruction of one or more domes in the Peregrina Dome Field (Figure 6) constitute an important component of the deposit. The Calderones Formation is medium- to coarse-bedded, and the grain size of the accidental clasts ranges from fine sand to pebbles and cobbles, although the most common are pebbles and small boulders. There are some layers with wellrounded clasts, but the majority of the layers has angular clasts. In the vicinity of El Cubo Mine, Calderones contains pyroclastic flow deposits. These tuffs range from thin (3 m) to moderately thick (20-30 m), and the base of each flow is marked by a horizon rich in boulders of purple latite or dacite (probably derived from the Peregrina Domes) in a vitroclastic and chloritized matrix. Above this basal horizon there are welded tuffs which display collapsed pumices that are entirely replaced by chlorite. In some places there are delicately laminated layers of fine-grained material that we interpret as pyroclastic GUIDEBOOK FOR FIELD TRIPS OF THE 99TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CORDILLERAN SECTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 142 ARANDA-GÓMEZ, GODCHAUX, AGUIRRE-DÍAZ, BONNICHSEN, AND MARTÍNEZ-REYES surge deposits associated with emplacement of the overlying ignimbrites or as deposits produced in local phreatomagmatic events. The total thickness of Calderones Formation (Figure 7) has been estimated between 200 and 250 m (Buchanan, 1979). However, there is not sufficient information about the thickness of the unit in the block bounded by El Cubo and La Leona Faults for us to be certain that we know the true maximum thickness. tures as feeder dikes for the Cedro lava flows. There is evidence that locally the dikes had phreatomagmatic interaction with the uppermost (generally but not exclusively distal) layers of the Calderones Formation. This activity produced small lahars that appear to be intercalated with lenses of tuffaceous materials characterized by their massive nature and by the abundance within them of andesite clasts derived from the dikes. Chichíndaro Rhyolite Cedro Andesite Resting on the Calderones Formation and interstratified with its upper layers is the Cedro Formation, which is made up of grey to black andesite lava flows, in places with interbeds of pyroclastic materials. The total thickness varies from 100 to 640 m. As in the case of the Calderones Formation, the age of the outcrops of the Cedro within the District is not known. Cerca and others (2000) dated (K-Ar, 30.5±0.5 Ma) an andesite which they considered as part of the Cedro Formation in the volcanic sequence of the Mesa de San José de Allende, located between the cities of Guanajuato and San Miguel Allende (Figure 3). Dike Complex In its lower portion, the volcanic sequence of the District is characterized by the presence of dikes whose compositions are similar to those of the nearby Cedro andesite flows. These structures are overwhelmingly most abundant, most elongate and widest where they are exposed cutting outcrops of the Calderones Formation. Many of these dikes cut across the La Leona Fault (Figure 6), which separates surface exposures of Calderones east of the fault trace from surface exposures of the Bufa west of it. Invariably these dikes terminate a few meters or tens of meters into the Bufa block. Elsewhere, Cedro dikes do persist for long distances in outcrops of the Bufa, especially in the region between the village of Calderones and the city of Guanajuato, but they are relatively narrow. A few dikes were mapped by Echegoyén (1970) as cutting outcrops of Cedro flows, but most dikes are overlain by these flows. The reason for the paucity of dikes exposed within the block of Bufa Ignimbrite and Guanajuato Conglomerate bounded by the La Leona Fault and the Veta Madre is not entirely clear. We consider these struc- The youngest volcanic unit in the Guanajuato Mining District is a rhyolite porphyry that forms large domes, tholoids and lava flows, along with associated ignimbrites and volcanic breccias. Its type locality is Chichíndaro Hill (Figure 6), where a large altered dome of uncertain age and affinities lies between two branches of the Veta Madre. Somewhat similar volcanic structures are exposed at the summit of Cerro Alto de Villalpando in the northeastern part of the Mining District, in other places to the northeast of the District, and in the northern part of this end of the Sierra de Guanajuato. In places, such as the Sierra del Ocote (Figure 2), the rhyolite domes contain disseminated tin and vapor-phase cavityfilling topaz distributed along the flow foliation. Gross (1975) reported K-Ar ages of 32±1 Ma for the Chichíndaro Rhyolite, at its type locality. NietoSamaniego and others (1996) obtained two K-Ar (sanidine) ages on rhyolitic domes that they considered part of the Chichíndaro Formation, one in the La Sauceda Graben (Figure 3), south of the District (30.8±0.8 Ma), and the other north of the town of Santa Rosa (Figure 3), north of the District (30.1±0.8 Ma). Cubilete Andesite At the summit of Cerro del Cubilete, resting directly on Mesozoic metasedimentary rocks, there is a sequence of gravel deposits topped by an andesitic lava flow (Figure 5). This gravel, shown on the map of Martínez-Reyes (1992) as El Capulín Gravel, accumulated in what originally were low zones and/or channels that were the courses of major streams. Later extensional tectonic activity is responsible for their presence at an elevation about 600 m higher than the valley known today as El Bajío Plain. This gravel is composed principally of small rounded boulders derived from the mid-Tertiary volcanic UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, INSTITUTO DE GEOLOGÍA, PUBLICACIÓN ESPECIAL 1 GEOLOGIC TRANSECTS ACROSS CORDILLERAN MEXICO FIELD TRIP 6: THREE SUPERIMPOSED VOLCANIC ARCS IN THE SOUTHERN CORDILLERA—FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS TO THE MIOCENE, GUANAJUATO sequence and, in much lesser proportion, of clasts with provenance in the basal Mesozoic complex. The thick (presumably intracanyon) andesite(s) produced marked thermal-alteration effects in the underlying sediments, and the flow bases are autobrecciated. Sets of vertical fractures create rough columns in the middle portion of the flow(s). In the uppermost part of the andesite outcrop, there is an interval of subhorizontal fracturing, and between the upper and lower columnar-jointed portions there is a second surface of platy jointing. This type of fracture pattern could be developed in a single thick flow with colonnade-and-entablature structure, or it could equally well be developed in two thinner lava flows. This unit is also found in El Bajío Plain, south of El Cubilete, at an elevation 600 m below the Cubilete summit, where it commonly forms the tops of benches held up by either the Cuatralba Ignimbrite or El Capulín gravel. Thus the andesite, like the gravel (but note that there are broad areas of much younger gravels, not belonging to El Capulín, but included with it for mapping purposes, in El Bajío Plain south of El Cubilete), crops out both on the upthrown and on the downthrown blocks of El Bajío Fault Zone. The precise age of the true El Capulín gravels is not known, but the andesite has an age of about 13.5 Ma (Aguirre-Díaz et al., 1997), while the youngest identifiable clasts in El Capulín gravels are those derived from ~30 Ma ignimbrites. Assuming that the displacement on El Bajío Fault took place between the midMiocene and the present, its long-term rate of vertical displacement would be on the order of 0.04 millimeters per year. Of course, the actual period during which fault movement took place may have been much briefer than 13.5 Ma, but we have no stricter field constraints on it at present. Structure The main structural trend in the southern part of the Sierra de Guanajuato has a NW-SE orientation, which is defined by: 1) the schistosity in the low-grade metamorphic rocks, 2) the average attitude of fold axial planes in rocks of the basal complex, 3) the outcrop pattern of the Mesozoic basal complex and the Comanja Granite, and 4) the trends of some of the larger Tertiary faults (e.g., El Bajío Fault and the Veta Madre). Detailed analysis of the trend and plunge of microfold axes in the metasediments also shows a less evident NE-SW trend. Tertiary normal 143 faults, such as the Villa de Reyes Graben (TristánGonzález, 1986) and the Aldana fault are also oriented NE-SW (Figures 3, 5). The contacts between the principal stratigraphic sequences (i.e., the volcano-plutonic association (Guanajuato Arc) and the volcano-sedimentary association (Arperos Basin), and even the contacts between certain lithologic units within each of these two associations of the metamorphic basement, are persistent subhorizontal mylonite zones of little thickness. Monod and others (1990) considered these contacts as low-angle thrusts of mid-Cretaceous age. Overprinted on this first event of compressive deformation, which caused the formation of an early foliation, with a distinctive and penetrative north-south oriented crinkle lineation, is a second compressive deformation of Laramide age (Paleocene-early Eocene), which produced somewhat larger folds with axial planes that have northwesterly strikes and northeasterly dips. The cover rocks display structures associated with extensional tectonism. There are at least two conjugate systems of faults in the Mesa Central (Figures 2, 3), which in the Sierra de Guanajuato affect both the basal complex and the cover. The most important trend in the Sierra de Guanajuato is the NW-SE trend discussed above, but there are also important structures oriented NE-SW and ENE-WSW. Examples of the later are the Villa de Reyes and La Sauceda grabens, respectively, and a linear feature between the villages of Los Mexicanos and Santa Rosa which has been considered a graben by some authors (e.g., Martínez-Reyes, 1992) and a paleovalley by others (e.g., Guillermo Labarthe, personal communication, 2001). This feature, whatever the origin of its boundaries is, apparently was filled by early Tertiary conglomerates and mid-Tertiary volcanic rocks (Figure 5). There is indirect evidence of extensional tectonism in the Sierra de Guanajuato during the Eocene, contemporaneous with deposition of the continental red beds of the Guanajuato Conglomerate. Aranda-Gómez and McDowell (1998), based in a statistical analysis, have suggested that variations in the degree and direction of dip of both the red beds and the volcanic sequence are consistent with tilting associated with normal faulting active during the accumulation of these layers. The majority of the normal faults has its downthrown blocks on their southwestern sides; an important exception is the La Leona Fault (Figure 6), which dips to the northeast GUIDEBOOK FOR FIELD TRIPS OF THE 99TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CORDILLERAN SECTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 144 ARANDA-GÓMEZ, GODCHAUX, AGUIRRE-DÍAZ, BONNICHSEN, AND MARTÍNEZ-REYES and has its northeastern side downthrown. The significance of this exception to the general rule is not yet clear. There is a possibility that it is related in some way to the eruption of the Bufa Ignimbrite and the formation of at least a part of the system of closed basins which a bit later served to entrap the volcanic materials which make up the Calderones Formation. The principal northwesttrending faults developed before the mineralization of the vein systems of the District, because virtually all the ore deposits were emplaced along these structures. In the regional setting (the southern portion of the Mesa Central, Figure 3), it is not possible to establish consistent crosscutting relationships between the NW-trending faults and the NE-trending ones (Aranda-Gómez et al., 1989). It is therefore concluded that the pattern of faulting in this broad region cannot be attributed to a single period of extension in which the orientation of the principal stresses was constant (Aranda-Gómez, 1989). It is possible that the present-day fault pattern evolved through successive periods of extension, each taking place under the influence of a different set of forces (Aranda-Gómez and McDowell, 1998). Mineralization By a considerable amount, the most important mineralization in the Guanajuato District consists of epithermal veins of silver and gold whose age of formation has been dated as 27.4±0.4 Ma (Buchanan, 1975). The District has a history of mining activity of more than 450 years. The first of the present underground mines was developed by the Spaniards in 1548, although there is some evidence that the indigenous peoples of the area had been extracting gold and silver from near-surface deposits for many years before that date. It has produced ~130 tons of gold and ~30,000 tons of silver, making it one of the most important silver districts in the history of precious-metal mining worldwide. The production is derived from three principal vein systems (the La Luz, Veta Madre and La Sierra Systems, Figure 6) of quartz, adularia and calcite, emplaced both in rocks of the basal complex and in those of the Cenozoic cover (Figure 6). Concentrations of precious metals are present in isolated packets (known as bonanzas, or “spikes”) distributed vertically and laterally between non-mineralized segments of the veins. There are three principal levels of production at 2,100-2,350, 2,200-1,700, and <1,700 m a.s.l. The mineral associa- tions in the upper- and middle –level bodies are: acanthite + adularia + pyrite + electrum + calcite + quartz. In the lower-level bodies they are: chalcopyrite + galena + sphalerite + adularia + quartz + acanthite. This suggests that the mineralization was produced by fluids of two different compositions (Buchanan, 1979). The veins occupy what originally were normal faults. The Veta Madre can be followed on the surface for about 20 km, it dips from 35 to 55 degrees to the SW and it has measured displacements of around 1,200 meters near the Las Torres Mine and 1,700 meters near La Valenciana Mine. In addition to the epithermal veins, near Guanajuato small deposits of stratabound massive sulfides (e.g., Los Mexicanos, Figure 5) have been reported in the Mesozoic volcano-sedimentary association. Similarly, there is gold mineralization in the Comanja Granite, and in its contact aureole small tungsten deposits have been found. In the Tertiary volcanic rocks, principally in the topaz rhyolites, there are small tin prospects. Near Cerro del Cubilete, there are tabular bodies where kaolinite is being quarried. These bodies possibly are hydrothermally altered Tertiary dikes emplaced in the basal complex. Finally, the finely laminated Losero beds and some of the Calderones ash flow tuffs have been extensively quarried and used for construction (mainly as a facing stone on large buildings and for construction of columns and smaller buildings). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Throughout the years our research in the transitional region between the Mesa Central and the TMVB has been financed by different agencies. J. Aranda gratefully acknowledges grants form CONACYT (37429-T) and DGAPA PAPIIT (INI114198); M. Godchaux gratefully acknowledges support provided by Mount Holyoke College for her work in the Sierra de Guanajuato and adjoining regions; and G. Aguirre thanks CONACYT and DGAPA PAPIIT for financial support through the grants 33084-T and IN-120999, respectively. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES Aguirre-Díaz, G.J.; Nelson, S. 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GUIDEBOOK FOR FIELD TRIPS OF THE 99TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CORDILLERAN SECTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 146 ARANDA-GÓMEZ, GODCHAUX, AGUIRRE-DÍAZ, BONNICHSEN, AND MARTÍNEZ-REYES Múgica, R., and Albarrán, J., 1983, Estudio petrogenético de las rocas ígneas y metamórficas del Altiplano: Mexico, Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo, Informe del proyecto C-1156, 78 p. (unpublished). Nieto-Samaniego, A.F., 1990, Fallamiento y estratigrafía cenozoicos en la parte sudoriental de la Sierra de Guanajuato: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Geología, Revista, v. 9, p. 146-155. Nieto-Samaniego, A.F.; Macías-Romo, Consuelo; and AlanizAlvarez, S.A., 1996, Nuevas edades isotópicas de la cubierta volcánica cenozoica de la parte meridional de la Mesa Central, México: Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, v. 13, no. 1, p. 117–122. 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UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, INSTITUTO DE GEOLOGÍA, PUBLICACIÓN ESPECIAL 1 GEOLOGIC TRANSECTS ACROSS CORDILLERAN MEXICO FIELD TRIP 6: THREE SUPERIMPOSED VOLCANIC ARCS IN THE SOUTHERN CORDILLERA—FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS TO THE MIOCENE, GUANAJUATO D AY 1 : A N O V E RV I E W O F T H E G E O L O G Y T H E G U A N A J U AT O M I N I N G D I S T R I C T OF MENT: THE JURASSIC-CRETACEOUS VOLCANIC ARC (FORE-ARC) SEDIMENTARY BASIN ADJACENT 14Q0266176; 2328677) 147 AND ITS (UTM Refer to Figures 5 and 6 for locations of stops. Km 0.0: We begin at the Hotel Parador San Javier. Heading north on the paved road toward Dolores Hidalgo (Federal Highway 110), the highway passes through the Tertiary redbeds of the Guanajuato Conglomerate. Km 1.9: A short distance before the town of La Valenciana, looking toward the east we can see a panoramic view of an outcrop of the Veta Madre faultvein. The structure was mined at the surface and the old works resemble triangular facets. Closer to the road, in the stream, are the tailing ponds of the Cooperativa Santa Fe de Guanajuato. Km 2.4: La Valenciana town. To the right is an imposing sixteenth century church, which was built on the trace of the NE-trending Aldana Fault, which puts into contact the Eocene redbeds of the Guanajuato Conglomerate and the Mesozoic Formations (Figure 5). Once we pass the town, the road continues uphill through a diabasic dike complex emplaced in dioritic to tonalitic host rocks (shown in Figure 5 as La Palma Diorite), part of the Mesozoic volcanoplutonic sequence. The outcrops of the complex are located west of the road. Km 3.2: Near the Camino de Guanajuato Hotel, the road crosses the trace of the Veta Madre fault, which puts into contact rocks of the volcanoplutonic sequence of the Guanajuato Arc and pelagic sediments of the Arperos Basin. From this point on, the highway was built on intensely deformed rocks of the Arperos Basin, mostly slates and thin-bedded limestones. Km 3.5: To the left is the road that leads to the La Esperanza Dam and the Los Insurgentes (DIF) campground. As we go uphill on Highway 110, a panoramic view of the city of Guanajuato and the town of La Valenciana can be seen to the right. Km 4.45: To the left, there is a small flat area where we will pull off the road and have our first stop. From this locality we can obtain a broad overview of the most relevant rock units and Cenozoic structures exposed in the region. STOP 1-1. INTRODUCTION TO THE GEOLOGY OF THE GUANAJUATO MINING DISTRICT, PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE CITY, LITHOLOGIES AND CONTACT RELATIONSHIPS IN THE BASE- The most important regional features seen in this overview are as follows: —To the south, the city of Guanajuato was built in a basin occupied by the redbeds of the Guanajuato Conglomerate. The southeastern part of the city is flanked by near-vertical cliffs where the lowermost Tertiary volcanic formations overlie the Guanajuato Conglomerate (Figs. 5, 7). Behind those mountains is the wide valley known as El Bajío. The depression in which Guanajuato is limited to the west by the NE-trending Aldana Fault and to the north by the NW-trending Veta Madre fault (Figure 6). Southeast of Stop 1-1 are the hills Cerro Chichíndaro and Cerro de Sirena, with their northeastern flanks displaced by the Veta Madre fault, which in that place marks the limit between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic units. From this point it is also worthwhile to observe the marked changes in thickness of some of the mid-Tertiary volcanic units, such as the Bufa Ignimbrite, which in the vertical cliffs south of Stop 1-3 exceeds 300 meters and in Cerro de Sirena is ≤10 meters. We believe this dramatic northward decrease in thickness indicates active erosion and/or caldera-wall faulting at the time of Bufa volcanism, or possibly deposition of the Bufa ashflow tuff on a surface made very irregular by regional faulting. —To the east, we see the mountain range known as the Sierra de Santa Rosa, and it is partially covered by Tertiary volcanic units which dip gently (~12 degrees) toward the northeast. Compared with the sharp southwestern limit of the Sierra, determined by the El Bajío fault, the northeastern boundary is poorly defined, and the volcanic rocks gradually merge with the thick deposits of gravel that partially fill the Río Laja Basin. The overall geomorphologic picture of the region suggests that the Sierra is located at the southern end of a large block tilted to the northeast during the late Cenozoic. —To the north, in the background are exposures of the Cerro Pelón Tonalite (Figure 5), which stands out as the white ground without vegetation. In the foreground is Cerro El Plomo, which is made up of a terrigenous flysch sequence; between that hill and us, in the bottom of the stream valley, is La Esperanza Dam. GUIDEBOOK FOR FIELD TRIPS OF THE 99TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CORDILLERAN SECTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 148 ARANDA-GÓMEZ, GODCHAUX, AGUIRRE-DÍAZ, BONNICHSEN, AND MARTÍNEZ-REYES —To the west, in the background, is Cerro El Cubilete, crowned by a shrine topped with a large statue of Christ. The church was built on top of Late Cenozoic andesite and gravel, which in turn overlie the Mesozoic volcanoplutonic rocks of the Guanajuato Arc. Between El Cubilete and Stop 1-1 is an unforested hilly country with extensive outcrops of the dike complex (shown in Figure 5 as La Palma Diorite) and metalavas and metatuffs which form parts of both the volcanoplutonic association. In that area there are also extensive outcrops of the volcanosedimentary association (Figure 5). Description of the outcrops at Stop 1-1 In the road cuts there are examples of the complex contact relationships among the various volcanic components of the Mesozoic basement, common in all parts of the Sierra de Guanajuato. They also show some of the characteristic lithologies of the sedimentary basin near the volcanic arc (Tardy and others, 1991). The outcrop includes interbedded pelitic and carbonate sediments of the Esperanza Formation (Echegoyén, 1970), submarine andesite flows and tuffs, and tonalitic intrusives. In this outcrop the calcareous-to-argillaceous sedimentary rocks are intensely deformed, displaying a well-developed schistosity. In the argillaceous rocks, crenulations striking approximately N-S, associated with a pre-Laramide deformation, are observed. During Laramide deformation these structures were compressed, producing microfolds which are clearly observed along the outcrop. The axial planes of these microfolds have an average strike of N35-40W and an average dip to the northeast of less than 45 degrees. Other prominent structural features include incipient shear zones in the cores of some of the larger folds, and lenses or boudins of weakly metamorphosed marls dispersed among the more phyllitic argillaceous layers. Another notable feature is the presence of nearvertical extension fractures. These may be associated with mid-Tertiary Basin-Range extension, or possibly with a stress field related to the accretion of the Arperos forearc basin sequence to the Guanajuato Arc during final assembly of this portion of the Guerrero Terrane, just prior to its obduction onto the edge of North America. Volcanic rocks metamorphosed to greenschist facies are found both in tectonic contact and in depositional contact with the calcareous metasediments. The protoliths of these rocks probably were principally andesitic lava flows; however, metatuffs are also abundant. The metatuffs form sequences of thin layers in which basal crystal concentrations are easily recognizable. Some layers also have a marked gradation in particle size from lapilli-rich bases to ash-rich tops. At this site it is possible to observe one of the many thrust contacts in the Mesozoic sequence. We speculate that it was folded, probably during the Laramide Orogeny. Along this thrust an allochthonous slice of intrusive rock, apparently a leucotonalite, which now has a mylonitic foliation, was transported over rocks of the volcanosedimentary association described previously. Several Tertiary normal faults displace the thrust; in some places adjacent to these later faults, the thrust and the rocks of the road cut in general are drag-folded into nearly vertical positions. The basement-rock lithologies observed in this roadcut will be easily identifiable as clasts in the Guanajuato Red Conglomerate and also as accidental lithics in the volcanic rocks of the Mining District. We will retrace our route from this stop, returning to the city of Guanajuato. Before arriving at our base hotel, we will take the Panorámica Highway heading southwest until we reach the dirt road near the School of Mines of the University of Guanajuato. STOP 1-2: GUANAJUATO RED CONGLOMERATE AND ~49 MA LAVAS EXPOSED IN A CUT ON A DIRT ROAD LOCATED CLOSE TO THE SCHOOL OF MINES (UTM 14Q0264773;2326644) At this site are outcrops of greenish andesitic lavas intercalated with the Guanajuato Red Conglomerate (GRC). The conglomerate, with attitude N4W, 30SW, shows noticeable variations in grain size, sorting, thickness of individual strata, and nature of the clasts. Near the Panorámica is an alternation of conglomeratic coarsegrained sandstones with fissile shales in strata from10 to 30 centimeters in thickness. As we move to the west, the grain size increases considerably and the thickness of the layers goes up to about a meter, and in some layers normal grading and/or the presence of paleochannels is apparent. In this outcrop one also observes at least four lava flows, each with an autobrecciated base and a vesicular top. The flows vary from the massive type to the blocky type. The rock is generally fine-grained, with scarce phenocrysts of plagioclase and altered mafic minerals. At the UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, INSTITUTO DE GEOLOGÍA, PUBLICACIÓN ESPECIAL 1 GEOLOGIC TRANSECTS ACROSS CORDILLERAN MEXICO FIELD TRIP 6: THREE SUPERIMPOSED VOLCANIC ARCS IN THE SOUTHERN CORDILLERA—FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS TO THE MIOCENE, GUANAJUATO base of the sequence of flows we can see a tuff a little less than a meter thick, composed principally of coarse to fine ash and oxidized mafic minerals. The tuff is concordant with the underlying GRC. The lavas are completely propylitized, turning them into green rocks very similar in aspect to the basement metalavas that we saw at Stop 1-1. Aranda-Gómez and McDowell (1998) obtained a KAr age (whole-rock) of ~49 Ma on one of the outcrops of andesite intercalated in the GRC. This age, together with the paleontological ages reported by Edwards (1955) and the K-Ar age of the Bufa Ignimbrite (~37 Ma; Gross, 1975), permits us to know the age of deposition of the GRC, and therefore to have an idea of the time at which the Guanajuato Basin formed (Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene). The GRC, which overlies these lavas, is rich in large boulders of andesite, similar to the underlying andesite or to the metalavas of the basal complex. It also contains clasts of felsic volcanic rocks of unknown provenance and some fragments of limestone. STOP 1-3: SUBSTATION CFE AND LA CUEVA. CONTACT THE GRC WITH THE LOSERO FORMATION AND THE BASE THE BUFA IGNIMBRITE (UTM 14Q0266028; 2323640) OF OF We will return to the base hotel and from there we will take the road toward the center of the city. We will cross Guanajuato heading toward the Silao exit. Before arriving at the exit we will take the overpass to Pozuelos, in order to get onto the Panorámica in its southern part. We pass the ISSSTE Clinic and stop at the CFE electrical substation. From this saddle (UTM 14Q0266028; 2323640), we can take in a panoramic view of Cerro de La Bufa, the place from which the name of the Bufa Ignimbrite comes, on one side (south). On the other side (north), we can see the city of Guanajuato from a point opposite to that of Stop 1-1. From this point we see the contact between the GRC and the overlying units, the Losero Formation and the Bufa Ignimbrite. The contact is very clearly exposed, given the scarce vegetation and the marked color contrast between the units, dark red for the GRC and light green and yellowish green for the Losero-Bufa package. From here we can also observe the change in dip of the upper layers of the GRC with respect to the lower layers. The dip becomes gradually gentler upward, and at the top is even almost concordant with the subhorizontal layers (~16 degrees) of the Losero Formation. This gradual 149 change in the dip is interpreted as a rollover fold in the Tertiary sequence by Aranda-Gómez and McDowell (1998). These authors argue that the GRC and the volcanic sequence were accumulated at the same time that intense normal faulting was going on in the region. From here we will go up to the contact area of the three units (UTM 14Q0266471; 2323485). Then, we will walk along the contact between the GRC and the Losero to a place known as La Cueva (UTM 14Q0265958; 23230009), that is a somewhat tabular excavation made in order to extract sheets and blocks of the Losero Formation. Losero by reason of its characteristic green color and finely laminated layers with graceful dune bedforms has been used as an ornamental stone in constructions around the region. The quarrying of the Losero is no longer going on at La Cueva, and now it is a small chapel traditionally visited during the Holy Week holidays. Owing to the workings of this quarry, the Losero is unusually well exposed, and it is possible to observe details of the sequence of surge deposits in the Losero on mutually perpendicular surfaces, as well as the contact between the Losero surge beds and the Bufa Ignimbrite. The GRC-Losero Transition: At this locality (UTM 14Q0266157; 2323097) we have a well-exposed section which shows the transition from the GRC to the Losero Formation and the contact between the Losero Formation and the Bufa Ignimbrite. The upper layers of the GRC are strata of fine gravel and coarse sands with rather thin bedding (10-20 centimeters) which give way upward to red siltstone. The sequence continues with a mixed interval of green and red siltstone with cross-bedding, which changes in an almost imperceptible way to the entirely green layers of the Losero. Therefore the contact between the GRC and the Losero is transitional and concordant. Characteristics and origin of the Losero: Along the outcrops on this road, the Losero has a thickness that is variable, from 0 to 10 meters, and it consists principally of a rhythmic sequence of surge layers with intercalations of epiclastic deposits of well-sorted sands and silts. These deposits form fine laminations with thicknesses from a few millimeters up to 3 centimeters. The surge layers have both dune and antidune forms (very low -amplitude and long-wavelength dunes with well-developed stossside accretion and lee-side erosion of material). These features mostly indicate transport from SE to NW, GUIDEBOOK FOR FIELD TRIPS OF THE 99TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CORDILLERAN SECTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 150 ARANDA-GÓMEZ, GODCHAUX, AGUIRRE-DÍAZ, BONNICHSEN, AND MARTÍNEZ-REYES assuming that the temperature of the pyroclastic current from which they were deposited was above the boiling point of water, so that the crests of successive dunes upward in each duneform retreat toward the source. The surge deposits are composed of pyroclastic material that varies from very fine ash to lapilli. The uppermost part of the Losero includes some deposits of very fine ash in which normal grading can be seen. We think that many of the pyroclastic deposits described above accumulated in water, possibly in ephemeral shallow lakes. This interpretation is based on the presence of layers of well-sorted sandstone and siltstone, and because we also occasionally observe traces of surge features in some of these strata. This interpretation is congruent with the lithology of the uppermost portion of the GRC; however, it is also possible that these apparently detrital layers are in fact the planar facies corresponding to the sandwave facies described above. The Losero-Bufa Contact: The Bufa Ignimbrite in many places seems to overlie the Losero concordantly, but in others it is easy to see layers of the Losero truncated by the base of the ignimbrite. One can also see surfaces with raindrop pits in the upper layers of the Losero, which implies that there was a time lapse between the activity that produced the Losero and that which produced the Bufa Ignimbrite. On the other hand, there are no reworked deposits or paleosoils between the two units. Thus we infer that the Bufa Ignimbrite was emplaced shortly after the accumulation of the Losero surge layers. In fact, it is possible that the Losero and the Bufa are both products of the same source and that the Losero represents the initial phases of the paroxysmal eruption that produced the Bufa. The contact forms a planar surface with an average attitude of N30W, 18NE. The lack of soft-sediment load structures in the Losero suggests that it already had considerable bearing strength at the time that the great weight of the Bufa was deposited on top of it. Characteristics of the lower portion of the Bufa Ignimbrite: In these outcrops at La Cueva the Bufa is approximately 400 meters thick. We will only be able to study the lowermost part of the unit. The features displayed by the Bufa in this section are those of an ignimbrite with a great deal of kinetic energy, but little thermal energy, since the degree of welding is in general fair- ly low. In the lower part of the Bufa, just above the contact with the Losero, is a zone approximately 2 meters thick which is rich in lithics and has flattened pumices or green fiamme. It changes gradually upward to a partially welded, lithic-poor zone several meters thick. This zone is overlain by a zone with abundant hollow pits, which range in size from golf balls to soccer balls. These pits result from differential erosion of pumice clasts with respect to matrix, the pumices in this case being more easily eroded. Above the pitted layer, the ignimbrite changes to a highly silicified zone gray in color with black spots and patches of iron oxide. Silicification is pervasive in this zone, transforming it into a highly erosion-resistant rock which projects out over the lower, less silicified part making a prominent overhang. The original texture of the silicified zone was totally obliterated, and secondary quartz is abundant. As primary minerals the ignimbrite contains fairly abundant euhedral biotite, sanidine and quartz. As was mentioned at Stop 1-1, the Bufa Ignimbrite has great lateral variations in thickness within the District, and outside of the District it seems to be absent. Within a horizontal distance of less than 5 kilometers its thickness varies from a maximum of 400 meters here at Las Cuevas to a minimum of 0–10 meters at Cerro de Sirena. It is possible that one or more of the curvilinear faults that separate this outcrop from Cerro de Sirena (the Amparo and San Clemente faults and the northeastern branch of the Veta Madre) form part of the northern margin of a caldera associated with the Bufa eruption, although the source(s) of the Bufa are not known. Ash flows exposed near the intersection of the Aldana and El Bajío faults are thought to correlate with the Cuatralba Ignimbrite, dated at 30 Ma, and not with the Bufa. According to the work of Martínez-Reyes (1992), the Cuatralba Ignimbrite is widely distributed west of the Villa de Reyes graben, as well as along the downthrown block of the El Bajío fault (including two small outcrops within the La Sauceda graben, SSE of La Cueva). Likewise the Calderones Formation, which has a very distinctive lithology, has not been observed in areas outside the block bounded by the Rodeo-Yerbabuena fault, the La Sauceda graben, and the La Sierra vein system. We will return to the vehicles and take the Panorámica Highway toward the La Olla Dam (to the east). This construction dates from the 1700’s, and for many years it was UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, INSTITUTO DE GEOLOGÍA, PUBLICACIÓN ESPECIAL 1 GEOLOGIC TRANSECTS ACROSS CORDILLERAN MEXICO FIELD TRIP 6: THREE SUPERIMPOSED VOLCANIC ARCS IN THE SOUTHERN CORDILLERA—FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS TO THE MIOCENE, GUANAJUATO the only source of water for the city. It also played an important role in controlling floods (the city was destroyed several times by flooding). Upon arriving at the dam, we will continue a bit further toward the monument to Miguel Hidalgo and the square at the San Renovato Dam. Km 0.0: We will take the cobblestone road (which later turns into a dirt road) toward El Cubo. Km 1.0: Contact between the GRC and the Losero Formation. A few meters up the road the Bufa Ignimbrite comes into view. These contacts are exposed on both sides of the road and in the cuts on the other side of the San Renovato Dam. As we go further up the road we can look down into the canyon on the right. At the bottom of this canyon you can see the green layers of the Losero under the Bufa Ignimbrite. The road crosses a zone where the Bufa has an interval of crude columnar jointing. Here, as everywhere, the Bufa has been eroded to form spectacular cliffs. Km 1.4: The road crosses the Arroyo de Los Rieles. We will park in a spot in which the road widens next to a tiny chapel. STOP 1-4: CONTACT BETWEEN THE UPPER PART OF THE BUFA AND THE CALDERONES FORMATION. DISTAL FACIES OF THE CALDERONES SEQUENCE IN THE ARROYO DE LOS RIELES (UTM 14Q0268222; 2324110) We will walk upstream in the arroyo for a short distance in order to be able to observe the uppermost part of the Bufa Ignimbrite and the lower part of the Calderones pyroclastic sequence. The Bufa Ignimbrite here at the top of the unit is pink (color intensifies upward in the uppermost part) and very fine-grained. It is weakly welded, but a bit indurated due to silicification. Some white pumice clasts can be seen, but both pumicees and lithics (red aphyric rhyolite) are scarce. The contact between the Bufa and the Calderones is poorly exposed, but we will see it later in this same stop, in a large roadcut uphill from the curve where the vehicles are parked. The base of the Calderones (UTM 14Q0268369; 2324216) is a well-stratified deposit, with individual layers ranging from 5 to 30 centimeters in thickness. The bottom 3 meters are characterized by relatively thick bedding (up to 0.3 meters) and by the presence of abundant 151 angular fragments of pale reddish purple dacite. These distinctive clasts were probably derived from the domes of the Peregrina Dome Field, which we will visit in the last stop (1-7) of the day. Other recognizable clasts include those from the GRC and some andesite chips. The high content of lithics and their angularity impart a roughness to exposed surfaces in this part of the Calderones sequence. We interpret this part of the sequence as the distal deposits of several thin pyroclastic flows. Above the clast-rich basal beds, the unit is composed of generally finer-grained and more finely laminated green layers (less than 30 centimeters thick, on average), with prominent cross-bedding. In these layers dune forms with stoss-side accretion of laminae are clearly exposed. Some of the dunes have pebble trains, and dune-regression patterns are compatible with a NE-toSW transport direction. We interpret these beds as surge layers; they are interbedded with layers that lack crossbedding but are graded with respect to clast size, which we interpret as probable fall deposits. The colors of individual layers in this interval include both purplish red and grayish green, with green predominating. One exceptionally fine-grained, planar-bedded interval about a meter thick may be a planar-facies surge deposit or a fall deposit composed of fine ash; its orientation is N45W, 10NE. Further upstream are more pyroclastic flow deposits with cross-bedding, and some thicker (0.5 meters to several meters) ignimbrites. One such unit contains a feature typical of the Calderones distal facies, a wedge of massive tuff occupying a paleochannel cut into stratified deposits. At this point in the arroyo, the packages of ignimbrites form high ledges (3-5 meters) which make it difficult to climb further upstream. The entire Calderones section at this point is bright green, the characteristic color imparted to the unit by pervasive chloritization of all original glass. We will return to the El Cubo road and walk up it for a couple of hundred meters in order to study a cut, which has a good exposure of the contact between Bufa and Calderones. At UTM 14Q0268457; 2324077 we can see that the pyroclastic flows at the base of the Calderones filled a broad paleochannel developed in the upper part of the Bufa Ignimbrite. Therefore the contact between these units is locally an erosional disconformity. Unlike most channel fillings, this one does not have any of the typical deposits, such as gravels and sands, nor is there any evi- GUIDEBOOK FOR FIELD TRIPS OF THE 99TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CORDILLERAN SECTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 152 ARANDA-GÓMEZ, GODCHAUX, AGUIRRE-DÍAZ, BONNICHSEN, AND MARTÍNEZ-REYES dence of a paleosoil on top of Bufa. The Calderones pyroclastic flow deposits rest directly on the Bufa Ignimbrite; they consist of a series of thin relatively coarse-grained layers, slightly wavy, with cross-bedding and with lithics from the Peregrina Dome and the GRC, similar to the less well-exposed basal beds in the arroyo. This initial sequence, which is seen here thinning and becoming finer-grained toward the channel margins, probably resulted from the initial blasts and/or surges related to the channel-filling pyroclastic flow(s) which overlie it. About midway between the bottom and the top of the roadcut, there is a layer of large clasts at the base of a thicker (more than 5 meters) pyroclastic flow. In total the Calderones sequence exposed in this cut is approximately 12 meters thick in the central part of the channel filling. Km 3.9: Junction with the road to the Las Torres Mine. This mine is one of the most recent discoveries (Gross, 1975) along the Veta Madre. It is also one of the largest and most modern operations in the District. STOP 1-5: CONTACT BETWEEN THE CALDERONES PYROCLASTIC ROCKS AND THE CEDRO ANDESITE (UTM 14Q0268833; 2323324) About 100 meters west of the bus stop, the contact between the two units is exposed. In an interval of about 12 meters, it is possible to see that at the top of the Calderones is a sequence (~3 meters thick) of thin layers composed of relatively crystal-rich tuffs with highly vesiculated and intensely palagonitized glassy matrix material. These yellowish brown layers are interstratified with the more typical fine-grained green layers in the lower part of the transitional interval. Just at the base of the Cedro lava flows is a horizon of very thin layers with well-formed dessication cracks. Above these layers rests an andesite flow with well-developed spheroidal weathering and small pillows (?), which changes gradually upward into massive andesite. We interpret the observed features at the flow base as evidence that it interacted with water. In a small quarry located to the north of the bus stop it is possible to see that the first andesite flow at the base of the Cedro is overlain by another flow with characteristics similar to those described above. Km 4.5: Looking eastward from this point you can see the village of El Cedro in the bottom of the canyon; the name of the Cedro Andesite was taken from this location. In the same direction, on the other side of the valley, is the Sierra de La Leona (i.e. the hill with the cross on top at the northern end of a long ridge). The ridge is composed of red layers of the GRC at its base and of Losero Formation and Bufa Ignimbrite along the summit. The Cenozoic sequence is repeated by the Veta Madre fault, which here has considerable throw (hundreds of meters), bringing the Cedro Andesite down against the GRC (Stop 1-6). Km 4.7: Immediately west of the road there is an embankment of material excavated in the Cedro Andesite. The material quarried from here is used to contain the tailings ponds behind the adjacent dam. Km 5.0: Here we will park at the side of the road to inspect the Veta Madre fault zone. STOP 1-6: THE VETA MADRE FAULT AND THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CALDERONES AND CEDRO FORMATIONS (UTM 14Q026497; 2324366) The Veta Madre crops out here along the road cut. In this region the Veta Madre branches, surrounding the ridge capped by the Chichíndaro Rhyolite. In the road cut the fault has an approximately E-W orientation, but on the regional scale it strikes NW-SE. Walking along the roadcut, you can see tectonic contacts between the GRC and Calderones, and Calderones with Cedro, even though the rocks in this outcrop are intensely altered and brecciated. Km 5.8: North of this point we have Cerro Chichíndaro, which is crowned by a dome or domes of rhyolitic lava with a K-Ar age of ~32 Ma (Gross, 1975), and it is the type locality of the Chichíndaro Rhyolite. The age of the Veta Madre fault is bracketed between the age of the Chichíndaro Rhyolite and the age of the mineralization along it (K-Ar, ~29-27 Ma; Gross, 1975). Km 5.7: We cross the pass between Cerro Chichíndaro and the hill to the east. The Las Escobas fault crosses this pass; this structure puts the basal Mesozoic complex in tectonic contact with the redbeds of the GRC. Km 6.6: Intersection of road to El Cubo with road north to Peregrina. We turn left onto the road that goes to the Peregrina Mine. Km 9.2: We will stop here, pulling off the road near the top of the rise. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, INSTITUTO DE GEOLOGÍA, PUBLICACIÓN ESPECIAL 1 GEOLOGIC TRANSECTS ACROSS CORDILLERAN MEXICO FIELD TRIP 6: THREE SUPERIMPOSED VOLCANIC ARCS IN THE SOUTHERN CORDILLERA—FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS TO THE MIOCENE, GUANAJUATO 153 STOP 1-7: THE PEREGRINA DOME COMPLEX AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO THE CALDERONES SEQUENCE (UTM 14Q0271496; 2326250) We will go out of the base hotel headed for the La Olla Dam and will take the road to El Cubo. Refer to Figure 6 for locations of stops. From this vantage point we can see, first, a wicked good panoramic view of the Peregrina Dam and the northwestern part of the Peregrina Dome Complex. Second, outcrops of the dacitic to latitic phase of the Peregrina and of a small block-and-ash flow derived from the collapse of one of the domes. Study of these outcrops reveals a dynamic scenario of growth and destruction of small domes, repeatedly, which produced several block-andash flows that filled paleochannels and/or a paleograben just to the south of these domes. The contact between these two units, Peregrina domes and Calderones tuffbreccias and other proximal deposits, seems to be a complex and repetitive one, as the pyroclastic flows produced by the Peregrina domes are intercalated with, and indeed form part of, the Calderones sequence. South of here, many of the flow units observed in the Calderones are rich in angular lithic fragments of this dacitic phase of the Peregrina, as we will see in the Arroyo de Los Silvestres, later in the trip (Stop 2-4). Looking toward the Peregrina Dam, you can see two small hills on the skyline. In the sides and tops of these hills, flow foliation typical of domes can be seen; that is to say, there is a concentric pattern of pseudostratification that gradually becomes steeper from the exterior to the interior of the dome. This flow-banding is nearly vertical around the Peregrina Dam. Where we are standing, we can see in detail the contact relationships between the external part of one of the domes and the associated pyroclastic deposits. We can see that the rock making up the internal part of the dome is composed of a pale grey porphyritic dacite, with well-developed flow-banding. It has phenocrysts of plagioclase and quartz in a devitrified groundmass. The outer part of the dome consists of a totally devitrified carapace made up of the brecciated equivalent of the grey porphyry in the interior. A few meters beyond the outcrop of the intact dome rocks, the proximal facies of the dome collapse, with large clasts of the porphyry, passes transitionally into a block-and-ash flow which in turn passes into laterally into more typical pyroclastic deposits of the Calderones sequence. Km 0.0: Beginning of the road to El Cubo. Km 6.6: Road intersection. We take the road to the left, headed for Peregrina. Km 9.5: Gate to the Peregrina Mine. Km 10.1: Road intersection. Turn left, toward Cerro Alto de Villalpando. Km 10.4: Road intersection. Turn to the right, going up a steep hill. Km 11.4: We will park as far off the road as possible and walk a short distance up the road for an overview of the District. DAY 2: PYROCLASTIC SEQUENCE OF THE CALDERONES FORMATION AND POSSIBLE SOURCE VENTS. STOP 2-1: CERRO ALTO DE VILLALPANDO. RING DIKE WITH CALDERONES VENT FACIES AND A PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE CALDERONES SEQUENCE FROM ITS PRINCIPAL POINT OF ORIGIN. (UTM 14Q0273434; 2326116) In this long roadcut just beneath the summit of the hill, we can observe a large ring dike which is composed of Calderones tuff and tuff-breccia. The dike cuts a dacitic to rhyolitic dome that forms the greater part of Cerro Alto de Villalpando and that we consider part of the Peregrina dome complex. Overlying the Peregrina dome, and likely cutting it is the Chichíndaro Rhyolite, which forms the highest part of the hill. The road cuts obliquely across the ring dike, affording us an excellent exposure of its contacts and its interior along a traverse of several hundred meters; the true width of the dike is at least 50 meters. The contact near where we left the vehicles is subvertical and irregular, with well-developed shear surfaces both within the dike and in the host rock. In other locations we have seen breccias and cataclastic rocks in zones up to 8 meters wide along the dike margin. These zones are made up of well-preserved fragments of the Peregrina dome rocks in matrices of Calderones tuff. The fragments in the interior of the dike are heterolithologic, including clasts derived from the Mesozoic basement, such as phyllite, argillite, quartzite, meta-andesite and calcareous rocks, as well as clasts derived from the Cenozoic cover, such as the GRC and altered rhyolitic to dacitic rocks, presumably from the Peregrina domes. All these clast types exhibit considerable size variation, ranging from a few millimeters to several meters in diameter. Extremely GUIDEBOOK FOR FIELD TRIPS OF THE 99TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CORDILLERAN SECTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 154 ARANDA-GÓMEZ, GODCHAUX, AGUIRRE-DÍAZ, BONNICHSEN, AND MARTÍNEZ-REYES large blocks of phyllite of the Esperanza Formation are present in the dike, suggesting that this formation is present at shallow depths below the surface; one such block can be seen behind the small white building. This pyroclastic dike probably served ad the principal venting structure for the Calderones Formation, and it can be interpreted as a partial-ring fracture bounding a caldera. Because its outcrop is limited to the northeastern quadrant of the putative circular boundary, a partial or trap door, morphology is suggested for the Calderones caldera. After examining the dike, we will avail ourselves of the excellent panoramic view, looking westward, of the Calderones sequence. Immediately below the road is an area with a noticeable reddish brown color, which forms a band of low, rounded hills in the vicinity of the Tiro de San Lorenzo. These hillocks correspond to the intracaldera facies of the Calderones sequence, which consists of a collapse megabreccia made up of enormous clasts of Esperanza Formation (phyllites and schists) in a scant matrix of Calderones tuff. In addition to the more abundant Esperanza-dominated megabreccia, there are isolated outcrops of Peregrina-dominated megabreccia. We will be looking at these outcrops at the next stop. In a rough way, the map pattern of this megabreccia unit is parallel to the outcrop of the ring dike, having the same curvature. In the middle distance, beyond the megabreccia, we can see a prominent ridge with several summits held up by thick, apparently massive, layers. The largest and highest of these summits is Cerro de La Loca, where we will go for the third stop of the day. The summits are separated from each other by minor faults striking approximately NE-SW, with their northwestern sides downthrown. Cerro de La Loca itself, like the entire La Loca ridge, is made up of the proximal facies of the Calderones sequence, with a series of relatively thick and voluminous ignimbrites at the top. The ridge beyond the La Loca ridge is the La Leona Ridge, whose summit is capped by a thick section of the Bufa Ignimbrite. The Bufa is in tectonic contact with the Calderones along the La Leona normal fault, whose trace follows the base of the dip slope of the ridge. Unlike most of the normal faults in the District, it dips to the NE, toward us; the low hills and ridges on the downthrown block are underlain by the Calderones and Cedro Formations. We will see this part of the Calderones sequence (the medial facies), bounded by the La Leona and El Cubo faults, at the fourth stop of the day, on a traverse following the Arroyo de Los Silvestres. Even further in the distance we can see a series of small tilted mesas on the other side of the La Leona ridge. These mesas contain the distal facies of the Calderones, near the village with the same name. The hill known as Cerro Coronel and the crags called Las Dos Comadres stand out as landscape features, and we will visit them at the fifth and sixth stops of the day. We will return by the same road to the exit from the mine. Km 12.8: At the first intersection we turn left. Km 15.2: Mill and flotation plant of the El Cubo Mine. We take the road to the left, toward the valley where the Tiro de San Lorenzo is located. Km 16.3: We will park at the side of the road near a small ditch. STOP 2-2: TIRO DE SAN LORENZO: COLLAPSE (UTM 14Q0273297; 2325698) MEGABRECCIA At this stop there are outcrops next to the road and in the small ditch which show features that we interpret as the intracaldera collapse megabreccia related to the paroxysmal eruption of the Calderones sequence. The breccia here includes fragments of various sizes, from at least 10 meters down to a few centimeters; some blocks make up entire outcrops. By far the most common lithology at all fragment sizes is phyllite of the Esperanza Formation. The matrix is difficult to see, because the deposit is deeply weathered and the fine-grained fraction has mostly been converted to a yellowish brown to reddish brown soil. Upon careful inspection, however, one can observe that this soil consists of materials of the same type as the larger blocks, pulverized to the size of sandy grit or fine gravel. The deposit as a whole is quite altered by the action of hydrothermal solutions that permeated it, producing abundant cross-cutting tiny veinlets of quartz and rendering it susceptible to intense weathering. All of the larger blocks are pervasively fractured and some fracture domains show a jigsaw-puzzle pattern. Blocks of the Esperanza Formation here have a somewhat better developed schistosity than that observed at Stop 1-1. In one especially large block we see the typical stratigraphy of the Esperanza Formation: metalava (greenschist), sandstone (quartzite), and metamorphosed shale (schist). UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, INSTITUTO DE GEOLOGÍA, PUBLICACIÓN ESPECIAL 1 GEOLOGIC TRANSECTS ACROSS CORDILLERAN MEXICO FIELD TRIP 6: THREE SUPERIMPOSED VOLCANIC ARCS IN THE SOUTHERN CORDILLERA—FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS TO THE MIOCENE, GUANAJUATO Another large block, internally a phyllite, has a cataclastic margin at its contact with Calderones tuff. Near the flotation plant that we passed on the road below this stop, we find another type of component of the megabreccia, which is a megablock approximately 10 meters long of finely flow-banded dacitic or rhyolitic Peregrina dome rock. This block shows a great internal complexity, perhaps inherited from the original dome, which includes a zone of jigsaw-puzzle fracturing, a highly sheared zone, and a zone of fault gouge in contact with a clastic (?) or pyroclastic (?) dike with fragments of many different types in a matrix of Calderones tuff. Above this dike, in its apparent hanging wall, we see Peregrina dome breccia and very fine-grained Peregrina dacite or rhyolite, which appears to be a devitrified glass. From this stop we leave the area of the Peregrina Mine and pass through the same control gate that we crossed earlier. We take the road back toward Guanajuato, but at the intersection with the road to the El Cubo Mine we turn to the left. 0.9 km beyond the turn we will stop next to Cerro de La Loca in order to climb up it and look at a section of the Calderones sequence. STOP 2-3: CERRO DE LA LOCA: PROXIMAL FACIES OF THE CALDERONES SEQUENCE. TRANSITION FROM THIN IGNIMBRITES AND INTERBEDDED BRECCIAS UPWARD TO THICK CAPPING IGNIMBRITES. INTERACTION BETWEEN DIKES AND BEDDED DEPOSITS (UTM 14Q0272690; 2324213) At the base of the section exposed here is a package of pale green thin-bedded (5-15 centimeters) deposits composed of fine-grained and well-sorted clastic material with a considerable ash component. The strata have wavy shapes, suggestive of gentle folding, draping, or differential compaction over an irregular surface that does not crop out at the surface, and they lack cross-bedding. Some beds have rather poorly developed normal graded bedding, while other beds exhibit flow texture. We think these beds are best described as a rhythmic sequence of mixed fall and surge deposits, which were deposited in very shallow water. The sequence passes upward into a series of thin to medium-thickness (15–30 centimeters) pyroclastic flow deposits, which include surges, minor ignimbrites and breccias of uncertain origin, possibly medial portions of block-and-ash flows. Here, as in other parts of the Calderones Formation, almost all the deposits 155 contain fiamme converted to dark green chlorite. There are many interesting color variations in these beds – in some layers only the shard-rich matrix and the fiamme are green; other layers have green fragments in a grayish matrix, and still other layers have both green lithic fragments and green fiamme/matrix. This series of beds continues for several meters, until a contact is reached with a package of thin cross-bedded layers accumulated almost exclusively from pyroclastic surges. The surge layers are overlain by a series of green thinly-bedded sandstones which are in turn overlain by another package of surge-bedded tuffs, rich in large (up to 35 centimeters) angular lithic fragments of various types (GRC, vein quartz, granite, etc.). The pyroclastic rocks that make up the summit of Cerro de la Loca are a group of thick ignimbrites which form the culminating sequence of this part of Calderones. We interpret this entire package as a single cooling unit, accumulated in at least four pulses of emplacement or changes in the nature of the pyroclastic density current. The degree of welding is comparable to the strongest welding observed in any part of the Calderones; thin sections reveal the presence of spherulites surrounding the lithic fragments, embedded in a matrix with well defined eutaxitic texture. Each of the emplacement units has different lithic fragments; for example, the lower most unit contains sparse small fragments of limestone as well as many slightly larger angular fragments of Peregrina dacite, while the upper three units have fragments of phyllite but lack limestone. The third emplacement unit, up from the base, has scarce lithics of small size. The uppermost unit is characterized by an abundance of very small lithics that varies little from base to top. It is perhaps the unit with the highest lithic content of the four units that make up this composite ignimbrite. The lithics are principally of reddish-brown lavas and glassy white lavas. Pumice is not apparent, but it may have been completely masked by secondary silicification. This uppermost unit has two interesting physical features that are not present in the lower ones. A prominent pseudo-stratification seems to reflect progressive aggradation resulting from instability of the pyroclastic current (Branney and Kokelaar, 1992). The second interesting feature is the presence of broad shallow pits in the uppermost surface, arranged in a regular grid, which may be the tops of fossil fumaroles. In total, the thicknesses of the four ignimbrite emplacement units add up to about 50 meters. GUIDEBOOK FOR FIELD TRIPS OF THE 99TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CORDILLERAN SECTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 156 ARANDA-GÓMEZ, GODCHAUX, AGUIRRE-DÍAZ, BONNICHSEN, AND MARTÍNEZ-REYES Our interpretation is that these ignimbrites were erupted during the paroxysmal phase of the eruptions that formed the Calderones sequence. The lithic-bearing surge deposits at the base of these summit ignimbrites correspond at least in part to Layer 1 of Sparks and others (1973); some breccia sheets intercalated with the lower most of the obvious surge deposits may represent a different mechanism of transport and deposition. A subtle Layer 2a, with shearing features and depletion of larger grains, can be observed at the base of the first emplacement unit, and Layer 2b makes up the rest of the unit. Layer 3 deposits appear at the top of the first emplacement unit as a thin zone of laminated layers, although it is difficult to confirm its identity because of the effects of secondary processes, and because it is principally exposed in the middle of the summit cliff. In addition, the putative Layer 3 of the lower unit is directly overlain by an interval of thin cross-bedded layers, which almost certainly constitute the Layer 1 surge deposits of the next emplacement unit. We have not determined the precise compositions of any of the emplacement units in this culminating sequence, but given the relatively highsodium content of the plagioclases inferred form petrography, they could well be dacites. In many places Calderones is cut by andesitic dikes that are thought to be equivalents, and probably feeders, of the Cedro Andesite. The interaction between the dikes and the apparently still water-bearing pyroclastic deposits of the Calderones locally gave rise to a second generation of pyroclastic products of phreatomagmatic to strombolian type. We can observe this phenomenon about in the middle of the section, where deposits of ash and breccias lie unconformably over the Calderones sequence adjacent to an andesitic dike. The dike also produced thermal alteration in the surrounding layers of Calderones, indurating them and making them more resistant to erosion than the parts not altered by the dike. The result of this process is that tabular erosional forms of the baked Calderones stand up above ground level on both sides of the deeply eroded dikes. At this locality we will also see a deposit that we interpret as a lahar. This curious layer covers the stratified layers of Calderones sequence with considerable discordance. The lahar apparently was emplaced long after the original emplacement of the Calderones (possibly even in Recent times), and was possibly caused by the conjunc- tion of intense faulting and abundant rain in this region. Boulders of the purple dacite of the Peregrina domes were caught up in remobilized non-indurated fall deposits or other fine-grained pyroclastic layers, forming mudflows that flowed along small paleochannels that may have resulted from ground cracking during small earthquakes. After inspecting the Calderones section and other features exposed at Cerro de La Loca, we will take our lunch break and enjoy the views in all directions, and then will return to the vehicles. STOP 2-4: ARROYO DE LOS SILVESTRES: BOULDER BEDS, PYROCLASTIC FLOW LAYERS AND SURGE LAYERS IN THE MEDIAL FACIES OF CALDERONES At this location we are a bit downstream from yesterday’s last stop (1-7), on an elongate fault block situated between two large normal faults with opposite dips. As we face downstream (south), the SW-dipping El Cubo fault is to our left, and the NE-dipping La Leona fault is to our right. Thus we are in a major graben which may have formed before or during the Calderones eruptions, although both faults have had further displacement after the Cedro lava flows were emplaced. Evidence for such movement can be seen in the drag folding of the Calderones beds along the La Leona fault and in the fact that the Cedro Andesite was tilted to the NE along the El Cubo fault. We will walk a short distance down stream in order to look at a representative portion of the medial facies of Calderones. There are a number of repetitions of the typical sequence, which contains (from the base upward): surge layers of slightly coarser grain size and more pronounced, larger amplitude duneforms than are generally seen in Layer 1 deposits. These are overlain by thick layers (up to three meters) with large boulders in variable amounts of tuffaceous matrix. These, in turn, are succeeded by ash-flow deposits with abundant conspicuously flattened and ramped pumices and abundant small lithics of various rock types; the sequence is capped by a package of very fine-grained surge layers with unusually low-angle cross-bedding. As we go downstream (up-section), the boulder layers vary from nearly monolithologic accumulations of Peregrina dome rocks to mixed assemblages containing more and larger GRC boulders and a significant quantity of andesite (Mesozoic La Luz UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, INSTITUTO DE GEOLOGÍA, PUBLICACIÓN ESPECIAL 1 GEOLOGIC TRANSECTS ACROSS CORDILLERAN MEXICO FIELD TRIP 6: THREE SUPERIMPOSED VOLCANIC ARCS IN THE SOUTHERN CORDILLERA—FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS TO THE MIOCENE, GUANAJUATO meta-andesite and/or GRC hydrothermally altered andesite). Near the point where we enter the stream we can see a number of interesting features associated with complex branching Cedro Dikes. STOP 2-5: CALDERONES VILLAGE: DISTAL FACIES OF CALDERONES FORMATION AND EVIDENCE OF PHREATOMAGMATIC INTERACTIONS WITH CEDRO DIKES THE ITS In this locality, far from its known sources, the components of the Calderones sequence are more varied than those we have seen in its proximal and medial facies (stops 2-1 thru 2-4). The section contains ignimbrites that are thinner and generally finer-grained (there are some exceptions) than their counterparts closer to the source area. There are complicated interactions with the Cedro dikes; we will inspect the peperites and other interaction features along the contacts between the rising dikes and the uppermost, still water-bearing, tuffs of the Calderones. There are lenses of phreatomagmatic tuffs interbedded with magmatic tuffs, as well as some andesite bodies that could be invasive lava flows, near the dikes. STOP 2-6: CERRO CORONEL: ENIGMATIC CAPPING UNIT OF THE CALDERONES FORMATION AND A SUMMARY OF THE MODEL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE VOLCANIC PACKAGE WITHIN THE DISTRICT We park the trucks close to the Humboldt shaft and we will walk upslope looking at the upper part of the Calderones section. Numerous ignimbrites with spectacularly flattened fiamme in ashy matrix material are interbedded with increasingly thicker intervals of surge deposits. This section probably resulted from deposition in distributive channels and pyroclastic fans in the distal runout region of the flow currents, and the pyroclastic material was accumulated in water. The thicknesses of the layers become smaller near the top of the section. The final two meters of these deposits beneath the summit cliff of Cerro Coronel display a wide variety of structures and a delicate style of the lamination. These layers are a series of deposits of high-energy surges, that preceded the emplacement of a large ignimbrite, which caps the sequence and form pronounced cliffs. These capping ignimbrites form at least two flow units, with notorious fluid-escape channels with centimeter-scale spacing at 157 their tops. Another characteristic is the high lithic content of this deposit (more than 30% of the deposit in some places). As for the lithologic nature of those fragments (the overwhelming majority are of a moderately to highly welded [?] felsic rock with fine flow banding). The matrix of the ignimbrite is generally poorly indurated ash now completely devitried, and very little pumice. We have an alternative explanation for this capping layer. With respect to its position along the ‘phreatomagmaticmagmatic spectrum,’ it is possible that it was formed by phreatomagmatic eruptive processes rather than by purely magmatic processes. Tentative summary of the model for the formation of the volcanic sequence in the District. If any one thing is clear, it is that the Calderones is definitely a volcanic unit. It is not a sandstone or a conglomerate made up of detrital fragments derived from older units, which were transported into the depositional basin from sources outside the Mining District, solely by stream action, as was originally proposed when it was studied by Echegoyén (1970). Precisely how much reworking there was of primary volcanic deposits remains an important question. Our present model has several elements: From the first surges of Losero to the final andesitic flows of Cedro, the volcanic products of the District were probably associated to a shallow magma chamber. Magma formed as a consequence of subduction and rose to a high crustal level in the region during a part of the early Tertiary. At the time of the volcanism the rate of regional extension remained high. The eruptions that produced the Calderones were of several different volcanological types. They include the growth and collapse of domes, high-mass-flux eruptions from the ring dike, and minor phreatomagmatic eruptions related to the rise of the Cedro dikes into the recently deposited tuffs of the upper member of the Calderones. Because of the wide variety of eruptive mechanisms, as well as the variety of environments of transport and deposition, the deposits are varied with respect to grain size, fragment shape and angularity, relative proportions of accidental and juvenile components, textures, structures, thickness of layers, and other parameters. It seems probable that the Calderones eruptions began with the rise of the small dacitic domes in the GUIDEBOOK FOR FIELD TRIPS OF THE 99TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CORDILLERAN SECTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 158 ARANDA-GÓMEZ, GODCHAUX, AGUIRRE-DÍAZ, BONNICHSEN, AND MARTÍNEZ-REYES northwestern part of the Peregrina Dome Field. Successive collapses of these domes produced blockand-ash flows that were emplaced both around the domes and within recently formed grabens and/or river valleys. Events in the northeastern part of the Peregrina Dome Field followed these early collapses without much of an intervening quiet interval. Initially, some larger and more silicic domes were emplaced thru and atop rocks that included the Esperanza Formation, the GRC and the Bufa Ignimbrite. It is possible that one or more of these domes contained large roof pendants of the Esperanza Formation. The “interior” portion of this complex of domes, wallrocks and roof pendants (interior with respect to the incipient caldera) collapsed along a fracture coincident with or parallel to the presently exposed ring dike, producing the megabreccia with its zones rich in Esperanza fragments or Peregrina fragments, respectively. One good candidate for the scarp produced in this collapse might be the Veta Falla de Villalpando (J. Echegoyén, pers. comm., 2002). It seems clear that the ring dike was a very important source of the ignimbrites of the Calderones sequence, especially those along the Cerro de La Loca ridge. It is also possible that zones along the trace of the ring dike formed initially as open fissures of the extensional type, related to the principal fracture along which the caldera wall collapsed to form the megabreccia. Calderones tuffs erupted from other vents might have filled these zones from above. Almost all the deposition of the Calderones Formation must have occurred in shallow waters. Conversion of all the glassy materials to chlorite must have been caused by the original heat of the pyroclastic fragments, rather than occurring much later, as a consequence of hydrothermal alteration of cold pyroclasts by rising hot fluids. It is difficult to know for certain how many of the individual eruptions of Calderones tuffs were phreatomagmatic in nature; some of the thin-bedded and very fine-grained deposits may be the result of phreatoplinian eruptions. Some important things to investigate in the future include the nature of the southeastern portion of the ring dike, the nature of the chloritization (isochemical or allochemical) of the glassy fragments, the timing of displacement along the major faults of the District, especially the La Leona Fault, and the details of intrusive structures, compositions and relative ages of individual bodies within the Peregrina Dome Field. DAY 3: THE FINAL STAGES OF THE SIERRA MADRE OCCIDENTAL ARC (LATE OLIGOCENE) AND THE BEGINNING OF THE TRANSMEXICAN VOLCANIC BELT (MIOCENE) IN THE REGION BETWEEN GUANAJUATO AND SAN MIGUEL ALLENDE Refer to Figures 8 and 9 for locations of some of the stops. We will leave from the lobby of the base hotel. From here we will hear toward the exit to Juventino Rosas and San Miguel Allende. The measured distance in kilometers begins at the Santa Fe de Guanajuato Glorieta (traffic- circle/rotary/roundabout) in front of the Holyday Inn Express hotel. Km 0.0: Glorieta Santa Fe de Guanajuato. We take the highway to Juventino Rosas and San Miguel Allende. Km 20.3: We stop at a prominent roadcut. The road here has narrow shoulders; please be especially careful about the traffic, which is both fast and heavy. STOP 3-1: FLOW FOLDS IN THE CHICHÍNDARO RHYOLITE In this road cut we see intense folding in the midTertiary rhyolites. This deformation is not of tectonic origin; its origin is syngenetic with the emplacement of the lava. Because of its high silica content, this lava must have been very viscous, and upon moving across the surface of the earth, it must have been deforming in a complex way. Almost all the original glass is devitrified and hydrothermally altered zones are common. Tension cracks in fan-like arrangement are sporadically visible in the crests and troughs of some of the flow folds. Vapor-phase topaz occurs in some outcrops of the Chichíndaro rhyolite (but not in this particular one) along some of the flow-bands. These folds and the subvertical flow foliation are very common close to the centers of emission of the lava, which in this region commonly forms large endogenous domes and tholoids or coulees. This particular type of rhyolite is common and abundant in the extreme southern part of the Mesa Central. Along with low to medium grade felsic ignimbrites they constitute the principal products of SMO volcanism in the region (Aranda-Gómez and others, 1983). Labarthe and others (1982) have estimated a thickness of ~1,000 meters for the mid-Tertiary volcanic sequence (K-Ar: 30–27 Ma) near the city of San Luis Potosí. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, INSTITUTO DE GEOLOGÍA, PUBLICACIÓN ESPECIAL 1 GEOLOGIC TRANSECTS ACROSS CORDILLERAN MEXICO FIELD TRIP 6: THREE SUPERIMPOSED VOLCANIC ARCS IN THE SOUTHERN CORDILLERA—FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS TO THE MIOCENE, GUANAJUATO Km 39.0: Intersection of the highway to San Miguel Allende. We turn north and park the vehicles some five hundred meters beyond the intersection. STOP 3-2: PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE VOLCANIC SEQUENCE OF THE MESA DE SAN JOSÉ DE ALLENDE (LATE OLIGOCENE TO MIOCENE). HIGH-STAND PORTION OF THE FLUVIOLACUSTRINE BASIN OF THE RÍO LAJA AND DRAG FOLDING OF BASIN CONGLOMERATES ASSOCIATED WITH NORMAL FAULTING (UTM 14Q0289371; 2311238) At this locality we will discuss the sequence exposed in the Mesa de San José de Allende, which can be seen in the distance to the southeast of us. We will also take a close look at the highway cut, which exposes sediments accumulated in the marginal portion of a wide fluviolacustrine basin that extends from here across a broad area in central Mexico (Figure 3). The Mesa de San José de Allende is located in the southernmost part of the Sierra de Guanajuato. In this part of the sierra, the southern boundary of the Sierra Madre Occidental province and the Transmexican Volcanic Belt province overlap, so that it is possible to find volcanic rocks of both provinces in this sector. Cerca and others (2000) mapped and dated the units that make up this mesa in particular and the southern part of the Sierra de Guanajuato in general. The units exposed in the mesa section unconformably overlie the Cedro Andesite (sensu lato), which crops out in small windows at the edge of the mesa. A K-Ar age of 30.6 Ma was obtained on andesite collected at this site. Above the Cedro andesite is a sequence of ignimbrites typical of the SMO; that is to say, large-volume felsic ignimbrite sheets of broad lateral extent. Within the mesa section two of these ignimbrites are exposed, the lower one having a K-Ar age of 23.1 Ma and the upper one yielding an Ar40/Ar39 age of 22.4 Ma. The mesa is crowned by andesitic lavas whose ages (13.2- 13.8 Ma) has been interpreted as the initial eruptive phases of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt (Cerca et al., 2000). In the roadcut you can see a normal fault which puts the basin gravels into contact with the Cedro andesite. These gravels are in the hanging-wall block of the fault; they are relatively coarse-grained and clast-supported. They show an open synclinal form, which we interpret as a big drag fold the downthrown block of a down-to-thebasin normal fault. The clasts are derived from the 159 Oligocene volcanic sequence; principally they are rhyolites and andesites ranging from subangular to subrounded in shape. Clasts of andesite predominate close to the fault trace. Farther away from the fault the most common lithology, present as large (0.3 meters) to small (0.05 meters) subrounded clasts, is a reddish, nearly aphyric felsic ignimbrite. Small subangular green chert clasts are also common. At this site we are in the highest part of the Río Laja fluviolacustrine basin (Figs. 2, 3), far from the basin axis, possibly in a depositional environment transitional between piedmont-type alluvial fans and high-stand lakeshore zones. We think the gravels were derived by rapid erosion of the footwall block of the fault and were deposited very close to their source, at the foot of the fault scarp. Km 49.5: Turnoff toward the village of Peña Blanca. We will park by the roadside. STOP 3-3: SUCCESSION OF GRAVEL AND SAND DEPOSITS ACCUMULATED IN ALLUVIAL FANS IN THE HIGHER PART OF THE RÍO LAJA FLUVIOLACUSTRINE BASIN (UTM 14Q0297588; 2314632) Intercalated gravel and sand deposits are well exposed along the road cuts of the highway. These deposits were derived principally from the Oligocene volcanic sequence. Approximately 50% of the sequence is formed by lenses of gravel, some of which appear to have been deposited in well-defined fluvial channels. Clast size is, on average, about 5 centimeters, considerably less than that observed at Stop 3-2, and clast shape is more rounded. These possibly represent fluvial deposits accumulated in braided distributary streams, which transported distal alluvial-fan deposits down toward the central part of the basin. The gravels occupied shallow channels, and the sands and silts were deposited in adjacent pools. Looking in the direction of Peña Blanca, we can see a resistant unit with crude columnar joints. This unit is the San Nicolás Ignimbrite (K-Ar, sanidine, 24.8+/- 0.6 Ma; Nieto-Samaniego and others, 1996), which is found here intercalated with gravels similar to those in the road cut. We continue on the highway to San Miguel Allende. As we descend toward the Ignacio Allende Dam, we can GUIDEBOOK FOR FIELD TRIPS OF THE 99TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CORDILLERAN SECTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 160 ARANDA-GÓMEZ, GODCHAUX, AGUIRRE-DÍAZ, BONNICHSEN, AND MARTÍNEZ-REYES observe that the average grain size in the gravel horizons is continually diminishing. At the same time, the relative amount of sand in the deposit is increasing notably. STOP 3-4: VIEW OF PALO HUÉRFANO VOLCANO; PRODUCTS OF PALO HUÉRFANO ABOVE ALLENDE ANDESITE (~11–12 MA) AND INFERRED AGE OF THE SAN MIGUEL ALLENDE FAULT. Km 63.0: Village of La Ciénega (UTM 14Q0306846; 2311514). Along this part of the highway there is a small roadcut where true lake sediments are exposed. West of the village there are more extensive outcrops of this same unit. These rocks are made up of fine-grained felsic pyroclastic material and appear as thin-bedded white silts and clays, in layers 5–10 centimeters thick. Some layers display concentrations of small pumice fragments (lapilli). Concretions and wavy layers of light brown to yellowish brown chalcedony are common in this sequence. The stratigraphic position of these layers in the larger fluviolacustrine sequence of the Río Laja Basin is uncertain. Some lacustrine sediments are known to underlie and be interdigitated with products of the Palo Huérfano Volcano (Stop 3-8) while other lacustrine layers are known to contain an early Pliocene fossil fauna (Kowallis and others, 1998). Therefore we conclude that in the Río Laja sequence, lacustrine deposits must occur at several levels with different ages. This is what one would expect, given that the basin was formed as a result of tectonic activity in several known pulses of different ages. It is logical to suppose that large lakes periodically appeared and were destroyed, perhaps in different parts of a large complex basin. Km 73.2: Ignacio Allende Dam. The curtain of the dam was constructed in a narrow canyon excavated in a sequence of unusually thick andesite lavas. In the road cuts are outcrops of the Allende Andesite (K-Ar, wholerock, 11.1+/- 0.4 Ma, Pérez-Venzor and others, 1996). In the canyon of the Río Laja the Allende Andesite is cut by andesitic domes. According to Cerca and others (2000), the domes do appear to be in intrusive contact with the Allende Andesite, so they must be younger than ~11 Ma. Km 77.2: Intersection of the highways San Miguel Allende-Comonfort and San Miguel AllendeGuanajuato. Eastward from this point, in the hill with the microwave towers, the Allende Andesite unconformably underlies products of the Palo Huérfano Volcano. Km 81.5: We will park on the right-hand shoulder of the road for an overview of part of the San Miguel Allende Volcanic Field. From this point looking south from the east side of the highway, one can enjoy a good view of the Palo Huérfano Volcano and the primary dip of its products toward the west. Immediately to the right of the highway you can see a mesa tilted to the east. The base of this mesa contains rocks of the basal Mesozoic complex. The rimrock at the top is the Allende Andesite. The Allende Andesite was dated by Pérez-Venzor and others (1996) at about 11 Ma (K-Ar) and by Cerca and others (2000) at 12.3 ± 0.3 (K-Ar). The andesite is a microporphyritic rock with a very fine-grained groundmass. The phenocrysts account for less than 5% of the rock; they are hypersthene and augite, which rarely reach even a millimeter in length. This contrasts greatly with the texture and mineralogy of the products of the Palo Huérfano Volcano, which are always porphyritic and invariably contain phenocrysts of plagioclase several millimeters long. The precise location of the vent(s) from which the Allende Andesite was erupted is as yet unknown. The interpretation of Pérez-Venzor and others (1996) is that the Allende Andesite is independent of the Palo Huérfano Volcano and pre-dates the latest movement on the San Miguel Allende fault. Similar finegrained andesite mesas underlie the La Joya volcano, which is just to the east of Palo Huérfano. The dip of the mesa surface suggests that there is a listric component to the fault motion, which caused eastward rotation of the andesite along the N-S-striking fault plane. In the hill with the microwave towers near the village of Calderón, an unconformable contact between the Allende Andesite and the overlying Palo Huérfano rocks is exposed. Km 89.6: Glorieta/Roundabout at the entrance to San Miguel Allende. We turn to the east, following the freeway toward Querétaro and Dr. Mora. Km 93.2: Ignacio Allende Glorieta/Roundabout. We continue on the highway toward Querétaro. Km 94.8: Intersection of Highway 111 and the highway to Dr. Mora. We go straight, toward Querétaro. Km 110.0: We park here for an excellent overview of the central part of the San Miguel Allende Volcanic Field. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, INSTITUTO DE GEOLOGÍA, PUBLICACIÓN ESPECIAL 1 GEOLOGIC TRANSECTS ACROSS CORDILLERAN MEXICO FIELD TRIP 6: THREE SUPERIMPOSED VOLCANIC ARCS IN THE SOUTHERN CORDILLERA—FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS TO THE MIOCENE, GUANAJUATO STOP 3-5: JUNCTION OF THE ROAD TO GUADALUPE TAMBULA: PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE VOLCANOES PALO HUÉRFANO, LA JOYA, AND THE CERRO COLORADO DOME, AND ALCOCER-LA ESTANCIA FAULT SYSTEM. From this point on the edge of the highway, looking toward the southeast, we have a good panoramic view of the northeastern flank of the Palo Huérfano Volcano and the Cerro Colorado Dome (Figure 9). The most notable feature is that part of the lava flows from Palo Huérfano dip to the south, back toward their source vent area. Pérez-Venzor and others (1996) show on their map a system of normal faults with average N80E strike and blocks successively downthrown toward the north (Figure 8). These authors think that movement along listric fault planes, which forced the layers to rotate counterclockwise (as seen from the east), caused the anomalous dip of the lava flows. The maximum age of the N80E fault system is given by the age of the volcano (~11 Ma). These faults are parallel to the system of faults known as the Chapala-Tula system, which crosses the TMVB south of this area (Figure 2). The Cerro Colorado dome is a volcano that predates Palo Huérfano. It is composed of dacites and has a radiometric age (K-Ar, plagioclase) of 16.1 ± 1.7 Ma (PérezVenzor et al., 1996). The age relationship is apparent on aerial photographs and on the geologic map, because Cerro Colorado acted as a topographic barrier, which deflected the lava flows emitted from the crater of Palo Huérfano. Looking toward the SE we see the neighboring volcano, La Joya, which is very similar in age and morphology to Palo Huérfano. Valdéz-Moreno and others (1998) provide a good report of the geologic evolution of the volcano, as well as two K-Ar ages (Figure 10). The history of La Joya is similar to that of Palo Huérfano and begins with an andesitic dome called El Maguey. Although this dome was not dated radiometrically, it seems likely that it was contemporaneous with the Cerro Colorado dome that underlies Palo Huérfano. In fact, the domes are very close to each other. Later fine-grained andesitic lavas were emplaced in the area northeast of La Joya; these lavas resemble the Allende Andesite petrographically and may well be equivalent to it. ValdézMoreno and others (1998) called these lavas “Older Andesite.” The products erupted by La Joya were deposited on top of these older andesites. The initial 161 flows of La Joya package are andesitic porphyries whose most outstanding characteristic is the presence of light green enclaves which are interpreted as glomerophenocryst clusters that formed part of the ‘crystal mush’ attached to the walls and/or roof of the subvolcanic magma chamber. These lavas yield an age of approximately 10 Ma. Above these enclave-bearing flows are more andesite lavas, which built up much of the lower part of the volcano. The lavas that form the principal body of the La Joya Volcano are dacites with K-Ar ages around 9.9 Ma. Finally, the southern flank of the volcano was partially covered by mafic andesites of 6.2 Ma, produced by a field of cinder cones located to the south of the volcano. Interesting features of La Joya and Palo Huérfano are the broad depressions in their summit regions. These physiographic forms are the result of erosion of the volcanic craters to a broad circular to elliptical depression roughly 3 kilometers wide and 5 kilometers long. This deep erosion was favored by intense alteration resulting from fumarolic activity (possibly continuing for a long time after the final stages of construction of the volcano). Further along the route we will have opportunities to observe the dacitic flows, and we will go up into the eroded ‘cirque-like’ summit area of La Joya. Km 121.0: Village of La Monja. North of the highway there is a small ledge of material from which andesite has been quarried. We will park here for our next stop. STOP 3-6: VILLAGE OF LA MONJA: BASE OF LA JOYA VOLCANO AND OUTCROP OF THE LOWER ANDESITE WITH GREEN ENCLAVES Valdéz–Moreno and others (1998) considered these rocks as lava flows entirely pre-dating La Joya, but now we believe that in reality they are the first flows to come out from the volcano. From this locality Valdéz-Moreno and others (1998) obtained an Ar40-Ar39 age of 10.4 to 10.9. The rock is dark gray to black on a fresh surface, with porphyritic texture and aphanitic groundmass. The phenocrysts form 15-20% by volume of the rock; they are plagioclase and orthopyroxene. One of the most noticeable features of the outcrop is the presence of fractures that divide the lava flow into rough and irregular “sheets.” In other locations, such as the village of Santa Inés, the spacing between the fractures is so regular that it permits quarrying of this rock type as a construction GUIDEBOOK FOR FIELD TRIPS OF THE 99TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CORDILLERAN SECTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 162 ARANDA-GÓMEZ, GODCHAUX, AGUIRRE-DÍAZ, BONNICHSEN, AND MARTÍNEZ-REYES material which is used as an ornamental facing stone on buildings and as a fancy paving stone. Seen at close range, the andesite contains yellow and green enclaves, which resemble medium-grained sandstones. Their sizes vary from 5 to 30 centimeters in diameter, and their form is noticeably rounded. We think these inclusions were once part of the crystal mush attached to the walls/roof of the magma chamber; such features are common in viscous lavas such as those that form domes. The enclaves are composed of crystals of pyroxene and plagioclase in an interlocking texture, with intersertal glass (ValdézMoreno and others, 1998). Lavas at a higher level on the volcano (the Tambula Dacite of Valdéz-Moreno and others, 1998) contain similar enclaves. At La Monja we will take the road toward La Barreta and La Joya in order to go up to the summit of the volcano. We will be ascending through several dacite flows with autobrecciated bases. The dacite is light grey, with phenocrysts of plagioclase and mafic minerals. The sequence begins with pyroxene andesite at the base (e.g., La Monja Andesite), and changes upward to hornblende dacite at the summit (i.e., the Pinalillo Dacite). The lavas of this volcano certainly were very viscous; they were emplaced as lobate flows with very high aspect ratios. Apparently the viscosity was increasing with time, culminating with short flows of the coulee type. Km 129.4 Summit of La Joya volcano. STOP 3-7: EROSIONAL ‘CALDERA’ AT THE SUMMIT OF LA JOYA VOLCANO Once we reach the summit we can see the broad cirquelike erosional form, which was developed from the original eruption crater. The original rock has been totally argillized to a slippery, fragile, easily eroded yellowish clay. In a few places vestiges of the original dacite can still be seen, although it is highly altered by hydrothermal activity close to the conduit of the volcano. Bit by bit the original crater was widened and degraded by the erosion of this argillized material until it ended up as the broad depression we now see. From this point we begin the trip back to the city of Guanajuato. In San Miguel Allende we will make the last two stops of the day. Km 165.6: Ignacio Allende glorieta/Roundabout. The place where Highway 111 joins the freeway south of San Miguel Allende. On one side of the mall where the Gigante supermarket is located, a paved road takes off. We turn to the right and follow the signs leading to the park called El Charco del Ingenio. Km 167.6: Entry gate of the botanical garden El Charco del Ingenio. We will leave the vehicles and follow the pathway that leads to the canyon located downstream from the El Obraje Dam. STOP 3-8: CHARCO DEL INGENIO: EL OBRAJE IGNIMBRITE (~29 MA) AND LAHAR PRODUCED BY PALO HUÉRFANO VOLCANO RESTING ON ASH AND/OR EPICLASTIC/VOLCANIC MATERIAL DEPOSITED IN A LAKE (UTM 14Q0320281; 2314024) We follow the trail toward the wall of the dam and the canyon. At the mouth of the dam, and along the north wall of the canyon the rhyolitic El Obraje Ignimbrite crops out (Pérez-Venzor et al., 1996). This is an extensive lithologic unit, exposed principally to the north of Palo Huérfano, in the footwall block of the San Miguel Allende fault. At the base of the volcano itself, only two small outcrops of this ignimbrite have been recognized (Figure 9), resting unconformably on the basal Mesozoic complex. In this locality we estimate that the ignimbrite has a minimum thickness of ~100 meters. It shows a rough zonation, evidenced by a change in the fracture density, and the degree of welding, as well as the presence of several zone s of flattened lithophysae partially filled by quartz and chalcedony. The texture of the rock is porphyritic, with 25–30% of phenocrysts (quartz, sanidine, sodic plagioclase, and totally altered (?)hypersthene) set in an aphanitic matrix. We think that this unit is a good candidate for an ignimbrite that conforms to the progressive aggradation model of emplacement; i.e., it is composed of several packages which are separated by shear surfaces, presumably reflecting periodic changes in the flow regime during an essentially continuous eruption. Discrete shear surfaces may reflect sudden, temporary increases in boundary-layer shear between particulate and non-particulate components of the flow (Branney and Kokelaar, 1992, and Branney, in press). Although this unit has neither abundant lithics nor obvious pumices, it does have some layers characterized by sub- UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, INSTITUTO DE GEOLOGÍA, PUBLICACIÓN ESPECIAL 1 GEOLOGIC TRANSECTS ACROSS CORDILLERAN MEXICO FIELD TRIP 6: THREE SUPERIMPOSED VOLCANIC ARCS IN THE SOUTHERN CORDILLERA—FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS TO THE MIOCENE, GUANAJUATO tle development of ramp structures whose orientations suggest a transport direction from north-northwest to south-southeast. Pervasive devitrification of original glass and local silicification partly obscure original textures and structures within this unit. The El Obraje Ignimbrite is very similar to volcanic rocks with radiometric (K-Ar) ages of ~32-27 Ma, which form the majority of the outcrops in the region located between San Miguel Allende and San Luis Potosí. Along the path situated on the south wall of the canyon are some outcrops of an epiclastic/volcanic deposit which rests on crudely stratified white pumicerich siltstones derived from a tephra fall or some other volcanic source. On the basis of their appearance and composition (andesitic), these aquagene pyroclastic deposits are thought to come from Palo Huérfano Volcano (called the San Miguel Allende “tuff” by PérezVenzor and others, 1996). The fine-grained sediments here are very similar to clastic material of lacustrine origin (see description of the sedimentary sequence exposed in roadcuts near the village of La Ciénega), although we have no certainty that they are correlatable, nor even that in this locality they were deposited in a lake of any depth. Overlying this deposit is a thick (several tens of meters) lahar with large andesitic clasts in a muddy matrix, probably produced by Palo Huérfano Volcano. Exposures of the base of this lahar and the top of the white silt provide numerous examples of soft-sediment deformation in the lower unit; asymmetric load casts and shear features suggest that the lahar was emplaced from south to north. The marked contrast in the thickness of the El Obraje Ignimbrite in the regions located to the north and to the south of the N80W system of faults can be interpreted as evidence that this system could have been active before the formation of the Palo Huérfano Volcano. The activity is constrained to be in the interval between the emplacement of the ignimbrite (~29 Ma) and the age of the volcano (≤11Ma). This presupposes that the ignimbrite also was deposited in the zone presently occupied by the volcano, but that after the faulting took place it was almost totally eroded from the upthrown (southern) block. An alternative interpretation is that at the time of emplacement of the ignimbrite, the zone now covered by the volcano constituted a basement high, which could not be surmounted and covered by the pyroclastic flow. 163 We return to the vehicles to continue the excursion. Km 169.6: Ignacio Allende glorieta/roundabout. We take the freeway south from San Miguel Allende. At the roadcuts in the high stretch of this highway you can see volcaniclastic deposits of andesitic composition. These came from Palo Huérfano and overlie rocks of the basal complex and isolated remnants of the El Obraje Ignimbrite. Km 171.6: We will pull off the road and park in a small turnout, which affords an excellent view, to the north, of the scarp of the San Miguel Allende fault. STOP 3-9: HIGHWAY ROADCUT ON THE FREEWAY: MESOZOIC MARLS AND CALCAREOUS SHALES, MINOR THRUSTS, AND THE AFOREMENTIONED PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE SCARP OF THE SAN MIGUEL ALLENDE 2311984) FAULT (UTM 14Q033318796; At this locality we have several cuts that show in a spectacular way some intensely deformed marine sediments of the basal Mesozoic complex. The sequence exposed here consists of marls and argillaceous limestones, weathered to brownish yellow and reddish brown hues. In some places we can see the color of the fresh rock, which varies from medium grey to black, possibly becoming darker as the presence of organic material becomes more abundant. Also present here are numerous small veinlets of calcite and gypsum. The sequence is well-stratified, but in many places the lateral continuity of layers is interrupted. Also, the rocks display a dense fracture pattern of tectonic origin (fissility, or spaced cleavage), that cuts across the layering at a relatively low angle. Looking closely at some parts of this cut, you can see overturned (many fully recumbent) folds on the order of a few meters, with subhorizontal axial planes. In general, the cleavage is axial-planar to these nearly isoclinal similar folds, and there are numerous examples of cleavage refraction between layers. In some layers original sedimentary (fluvial?) cross-bedding is preserved, being only slightly deformed during the development of the fracture cleavage. In addition to the meter-scale folds, there are zones of microfolds (decimeter-scale) and crenulations (intense folding at the centimeter scale or less) in the clay-rich layers. Gypsum veinlets commonly are parallel to the fracture cleavage, and they show some tendency to be especially close-spaced in the hinge zones GUIDEBOOK FOR FIELD TRIPS OF THE 99TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CORDILLERAN SECTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 164 ARANDA-GÓMEZ, GODCHAUX, AGUIRRE-DÍAZ, BONNICHSEN, AND MARTÍNEZ-REYES of the larger folds; calcite veins typically form perpendicular to the axial-planar cleavage, along extension fractures, and in many places can be seen to cut the veinlets of gypsum. Viewed at a distance, the cut shows the traces of several faults with relatively low dips. This is evident from the fact that the layering is cut and displaced. Following with one’s gaze along these fault traces, it is possible to observe that they do not cut all the layers exposed in this outcrop, but are lost from view by passing into bedding-plane-parallel surfaces, or, alternatively, they may be buried by overlying layers which are apparently not offset. It is not possible to make any visual correlation of the displaced layers so as to establish whether the movement on the faults is actually normal or reverse. The interpretation that this is a zone of thrusting with apparent offset toward the northeast is in agreement with the type of compressive deformation that the rocks in these outcrops show as a whole. We think that the fault traces are “lost” in this cut because the motion was accommodated in part along the bedding planes. The very nature of these rocks, extremely clay-rich, and the presence of small quantities of gypsum in the sequence, would facilitate this type of mechanical response to a compressive stress at high crustal levels. Viewed in a more regional way, this outcrop appears to be the footwall block of a major thrust, since rocks of the Guanajuato Arc crop out in the arroyo located immediately to the south of this cut. They are possibly covered by later marine sedimentary rocks; Chiodi and others (1988) recovered an Aptian-Albian ammonite from this locality. From this overlook we have a view of the historic center of the city of San Miguel Allende, which is constructed on the fault scarp of the same name. This is a notable topographic feature, which can easily be seen in the region north of the Palo Huérfano Volcano. From the point where we made Stop 3-5 (the intersection with the road to Guadalupe de Tambula) Highway 111 is constructed on a small mesa which terminates abruptly upon reaching San Miguel. The base of the Ignacio Allende Dam is located on the downthrown block. The San Miguel Allende fault has an approximately N-S strike, the sense of motion is normal, and its trace is buried by the products of Palo Huérfano. Thus, the age of its latest movement has to be earlier than 11 Ma. End of the road log for Day 3. We return to Guanajuato. DAY 4: GEOLOGY OF THE BASAL MESOZOIC COMPLEX We will leave from the lobby of the Hotel Parador San Javier, travelling north on the highway toward Dolores Hidalgo. Refer to Figure 5 for locations of stops. Km 3.5: Road to the face of the Esperanza Dam and the Los Insurgentes campground. We turn left. About 250 meters in from the highway is the dam, which was constructed around 1894 by Ponciano Aguilar, a well-known engineer from Guanajuato (aguilarite, a silver selenoid that was first described here in the Guanajuato District, is named in his honor). This reservoir is used to supply water to a good part of the cit. At the south end of the dam can be seen submarine lavas of andesitic composition, which are intercalated with the limestone and pelitic sediment sequence of the Esperanza Formation. Km 4.6: At the entrance to the campground we will leave the vehicles and will walk along the road for about 300 meters. STOP 4-1: CONTACT ALONG THE FAULT (VETA MADRE) BETWEEN ROCKS OF THE VOLCANOSEDIMENTARY AND VOL- SIERRA DE GUANAJUATO. THE LA PALMA DIORITE: AN EXAMPLE OF THE INTERNAL COMPLEXITY OF THE BASEMENT UNITS (UTM 14Q0265112; 2329247 TO 14Q0264645; 2329081) CANOPLUTONIC SEQUENCES OF THE The road cuts at the beginning of this traverse expose rocks of the volcanosedimentary sequence of the Arperos Basin. These rocks, which belong to the member less rich in limestone of the Esperanza Formation of Echegoyén (1970), has a more chaotic style of deformation than that observed at Stop 1-1, with disharmonic folding and chevron-style folds. This outcrop has veinlets of quartz and/or calcite filling extension fractures, and well-developed shear zones which separate individual packages of folds. We attribute these fractures and zones of extension to the proximity of this outcrop to the great normal fault now occupied by the Veta Madre, which in this part of its trace is a very broad zone of offset and mineralization. A band of cataclasites or fault breccias, strongly oxidized, separates the volcano-sedimentary sequence from the La Palma Diorite, which is one of the units of the volcanoplutonic sequence (Figure 11). La Palma Diorite is a very complex lithologic unit, which at this locality is dominated by massive microdi- UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, INSTITUTO DE GEOLOGÍA, PUBLICACIÓN ESPECIAL 1 GEOLOGIC TRANSECTS ACROSS CORDILLERAN MEXICO FIELD TRIP 6: THREE SUPERIMPOSED VOLCANIC ARCS IN THE SOUTHERN CORDILLERA—FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS TO THE MIOCENE, GUANAJUATO orites and a group of dikes, some of them felsic tonalites and others diabases. In other outcrops of the La Palma Diorite we see magmatic breccias and zones of pegmatitic diorite. The great abundance of dikes with chilled margins and the variable textures of the host rocks are distinctive features of this unit. We will return to the village of La Valenciana and from there we will take the road to Cerro El Cubilete. Km 0.0: Church at La Valenciana. The road to El Cubilete begins here. Km 0.25: On the left is the road to the La Valenciana Mine, which is one of the most famous bonanzas of the District. A few hundred meters from the road junction it is possible to observe a majestic old building, which is the ruin of the great benefaction plants constructed by the Spaniards. The road here crosses the La Palma Diorite. From this point on, until we arrive at Cerro El Cubilete, the route provides many cuts with excellent exposures of the rocks of the Guanajuato Arc. Km 0.6: Guadalupe Mine. This building, with its buttresses in the form of stylized elephants, is in the process of reconstruction, with a high priority being placed on preserving as much as possible of the historic materials and construction. Km 3.0: On the left is the village of Llanos de Santana, and some 200 meters to the right is the shaft of the San Elias Mine. The shaft is in the hanging wall block of the Veta Madre Fault. Km 4.7: On the right is the road that leads to the La Cebada Mine, a property of the Peñoles Group. It is the farthest west of the active mines of the Veta Madre system. From this point, the road follows approximately along the contact between the dike complex emplaced in the La Palma Diorite and the Cerro Pelón Tonalite. Km 6.6: On the right is the road which leads to the village of Mesa Cuata, and which passes through the summit of Cerro Pelón, the type locality of the unit of the same name. In this locality there is a plagioclase granite cut by dikes. Along the road one can see alternatively outcrops of the granite and outcrops of the La Palma Diorite. In some places hydrothermal alteration can be noted, as well as intense weathering. Despite these features, evidence of deformation of these rocks can be seen as well. Km 11.0: The road crosses the Cerro Pelón Tonalite. On the left, in the distance, is El Cubilete. 165 Km 12.3: To the west is the old mining town of La Luz. At this site was the first discovery of gold and silver in the Sierra de Guanajuato, which dates from the sixteenth century. The road continues on the Cerro Pelón Tonalite. Km 12.6: We will park on the shoulder to inspect this outcrop. STOP 4-2: CERRO PELÓN TONALITE CRISS-CROSSED BY DIABASE DIKES; FAULTING AND ASSOCIATED DRAG FOLDS (UTM 14Q0261867; 2331021) In this roadcut the exposure shows the tonalite and diabase dikes which make a spectacular geometric pattern. These dikes are similar in lithology to the diabases observed cutting the La Palma Diorite at Stop 4-1. They are interpreted as feeder dikes for the abundant pillow lavas of the volcanoplutonic sequence. However, the nearly horizontal position of these mafic bodies seems more consistent with a group of deformed sills. At this locality both the sills and their host rocks are cut by several small faults, and one can try to use the geometry of the drag folds and other features to decipher the sense of motion on the faults. Km 13.9: We will pull off the road for a brief inspection of the outcrop. STOP 4.3: CERRO PELÓN TONALITE CUT BY DIABASE DIKES IN UNDEFORMED CONJUGATE SETS (UTM 14Q0260277; 2331960) In this road cut we again see the Cerro Pelón Tonalite, cut by a good number of diabase sills, but the structural style of these is quite different. In contrast to the sills at Stop 4-2, where we see drag folds and irregular margins, this group has planar margins, without evidence of folding. They commonly form conjugate pairs around sigma-1. These two stops, with their contrasting structural styles, suggest that the deformation, which affected the Cerro Pelón Tonalite after the emplacement of the diabasic dikes and sills was heterogeneous on a small scale, being brittle in some places and brittle-ductile in others. Km 14.2: On the right is the church of the village of La Luz, and in front of us is the astronomical observatory of the University of Guanajuato. GUIDEBOOK FOR FIELD TRIPS OF THE 99TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CORDILLERAN SECTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 166 ARANDA-GÓMEZ, GODCHAUX, AGUIRRE-DÍAZ, BONNICHSEN, AND MARTÍNEZ-REYES Km 14.8: At the bottom of the gorge, on the right, is the Bolañitos Mine, a property of the Peñoles Group. It is one of the few active mines on the La Luz vein system. Km 15.5: On the left is the abandoned Golondrinas Mine, also a property of Peñoles. Some 200 meters south of the turnoff is the observatory. At this site we have the contact between the La Palma Diorite, with its dike complex, and the pillow lavas of the volcanoplutonic sequence. From this point on, the road crosses both pillowed and massive lavas. Km 16.1: On the right is the road to the Bolañitos Mine; in the distance, in the same direction is Cerro El Gigante, which is covered by mid-Tertiary volcanic rocks. Km 17.2: The road we are following joins the old road to the village of La Luz. Km 17.7: On the right is the road to the Asunción Mine (Peñoles); close to us is a small ridge on top of which are some antennas. The hill is composed of rocks considered to belong to the La Palma Diorite (the dike complex is prominent here). This outcrop is interpreted as a klippe. The dike complex rests on the pillow lavas of the volcanoplutonic sequence, and it is unlikely that the section is overturned. The klippe is cut by the master fault of the La Luz vein system, which crosses the road at this point. Km 18.8: On the left is the cemetery of La Luz, which is located on another small klippe. In front of us is Cerro El Cubilete, and on the right is the El Bajío Plain of Guanajuato. The road continues on volcanic rocks of the La Luz Formation (basalts and andesites), which are almost completely free of vegetation. Km 20.3: We will stop to observe the low outcrops on the left. STOP 4-3: SUBMARINE LAVAS OF THE VOLCANOPLUTONIC SEQUENCE(UTM 14Q0256236; 2328009). The objective of this stop is to show the submarine lavas with pillowed basalts of the La Luz Formation (Echegoyén, 1970), their normal stratigraphic position (evidenced by the geometry of the pillows) and the variable nature of the deformation which affects them. In general, deformation is controlled partly by the lithology and partly by discrete shear zones. A this stop, the penetrative deformation is well developed in the originally hyaloclastitic matrix between the pillows of lava. Walking along the road toward the village of La Luz, one can see that the basalts were also affected by deforma- tion, which converted them into chlorite schists. In some places the basalt is better preserved within a matrix of mylonitic schist. In the less deformed pillows one can see vesicles around their margins. Although their lithology is in broad aspect similar to that of the lavas and tuffs intercalated in the Esperanza Formation (Stop 1-1.) in the volcanosedimentary complex, these lavas of the La Luz Formation are thrust over the volcanosedimentary rocks. We think their environment of accumulation was closer to the arc axis, and therefore constitute a separate formation. Km 20.5: On the right there is a dirt road heading toward the village of Los Lorenzos. We can still see Cerro El Cubilete in front of us. From this point on, the La Valenciana-El Cubilete road passes through one of the most evolved facies (in terms of magma composition) of the whole Mesozoic volcanic sequence. This sequence includes dacites and rhyodacites (including some keratophyres), as well as pyroclastic rocks of the same composition. Km 23.3: We will pull off the road here to take a look at the long outcrop on the right. STOP 4-4: PYROCLASTIC ROCKS METAMORPHOSED TO CHLO- RITE INTENSELY SCHISTS AND DEFORMED (UTM 14Q0254905;2325895). Along several tens of meters the road here crosses chlorite schists which are interpreted as metamorphosed pyroclastic rocks (probably andesitic to basaltic tuffs before metamorphism). They were subjected to multiple episodes of deformation. The early schistosity was folded by a later compressional event. Most of the microfolds in this area have axial planes that strike NW-SE. If this section has not been overturned, the schistosity indicates right-lateral shear, or north-over-south. The most spectacular and elegant feature in this outcrop is the marked contrast in deformational style between two types of tuffs. The mafic ash-rich tuff developed a close-spaced cleavage, crinkle-folds and small anastomosing veinlets of quartz in the cores and hinge zones of the microfolds. Its neighbor, on the other side of a small thrust, is a tuff (probably andesitic) with relatively abundant crystals. It responded differently to the deformation, with a parallel style of folding rather than the similar-fold style of the fine-ash tuff. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, INSTITUTO DE GEOLOGÍA, PUBLICACIÓN ESPECIAL 1 GEOLOGIC TRANSECTS ACROSS CORDILLERAN MEXICO FIELD TRIP 6: THREE SUPERIMPOSED VOLCANIC ARCS IN THE SOUTHERN CORDILLERA—FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS TO THE MIOCENE, GUANAJUATO Km 24.8: Road crossing. On the left is the road that goes down to the highway at Silao; to the right is the road that climbs to the summit of Cerro El Cubilete and the sanctuary of Cristo Rey. Km 24.8: The road crosses unconsolidated gravels and sands of Tertiary age, later than the Late Oligocene and earlier than the mid-Miocene, and goes up toward the monument of Cristo Rey through andesites of midMiocene age (the El Cubilete Andesite, K-Ar, wholerock, ~13.5 Ma: Aguirre-Díaz and others, 1997). Unfortunately a stone wall constructed along the edge of the road prevents our seeing the gravels. We will visit an outcrop (Stop 4-6) of these gravels on the road which goes to Silao. At the very top of the hill a chapel and the Cristo Rey monument were constructed. This sanctuary is considered an offering in honor of those who died during the Cristera Revolution, which occurred en the decade between 1920 and 1930 in this region. STOP 4-5: CERRO EL CUBILETE: A PANORAMA OF THE SIERRA GUANAJUATO AND ITS SURROUNDINGS (UTM DE 14Q0253836; 2325061). Views around the Sanctuary of Cristo Rey. From this point, at 2590 meters above sea level and 700 meters above the El Bajío Plain, one can see the principal features of the Sierra and its surrounding areas: To the WNW is El Bajío, with the city of León at its western end. More to the right is the NW part of the Sierra de Guanajuato; there the vocanoplutonic sequence of the Guanajuato Arc and the volcanosedimentary sequence of the Arperos Basin have been intruded by an extensive early Tertiary (53+/- 3 and 51+/- 1 Ma, K-Ar, biotite: Zimmerman and others, 1990) batholith known as the Comanja Granite. Close to us are outcrops of a massive diorite exposed near the village of Tuna Mansa. These plutonic rocks were thrust over the submarine lavas which we saw at Stop 4-3, near Cerro El Cubilete. This tectonic contact is visible in the downthrown block of the Villa de Reyes graben. To the north are the two hills El Gigante and La Giganta, which are crowned by andesites of Miocene age, similar(?) to those here at El Cubilete, but of different ages. The depression to the west of El Gigante and La Giganta is the Villa de Reyes graben, a mid-Tertiary structure with a N45E orientation. The graben has about 150 kilo- 167 meters of length and in the Sierra de Guanajuato terminates against the El Bajío Fault (Figure 3). The master fault on the east side of the graben puts into contact the massive diorite and the submarine lavas. At the center of the graben is the village of Arperos, and farther north, inside the graben, is the Sierra El Ocote, a rhyolite dome with tin and topaz (Figure 2). The Villa de Reyes graben is the northwestern tectonic limit of the Veta Madre. To the east of Cubilete is the city of Guanajuato, which was constructed in a depression bounded by the three major faults of La Aldana, Veta Madre and El Bajío. The high area to the northeast of the city of Guanajuato is the Sierra de Santa Rosa, covered principally with midTertiary felsic volcanic rocks. Beyond the Sierra is the Palo Huérfano Volcano, which we saw yesterday. San Miguel Allende sits north of the volcano. In the same direction is a depression oriented ENE-WSW, known as the La Sauceda graben, a late Cenozoic structure which forms the southeastern boundary of the Veta Madre system and also the southeastern boundary of the Sierra de Guanajuato. To the southeast on a clear day one can see the opposite end of the El Bajío Plain and some of the volcanoes of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt, such as La Gavia, Culiacán and La Batea. To the south bordering the El Bajío depression is the fault zone of the same name. The trace of the fault is close to the base of the mountains, near the village of La Ermita. This fault was active in the late Cenozoic and caused relative sinking of the Bajío block relative to the Sierra de Guanajuato. This is demonstrated by the sequence of gravels and the andesite of El Cubilete, which has been displaced ~600 meters upward with respect to its counterpart on the downthrown El Bajío block. An estimate of the rate of displacement on the fault, assuming that the 600 meters were accumulated in the last 13.5 million years is 0.04 millimeters per year. STOP 4-6: CERRO EL CUBILETE: GRAVELS AND ANDESITIC LAVAS OF TERTIARY AGE CROWNING THE MESOZOIC BASEMENT OF THE SIERRA DE GUANAJUATO At the base of the Cristo Rey monument are exposed unconsolidated fluviolacustrine deposits composed principally of clasts of volcanic rocks derived from the midTertiary units of the Sierra de Guanajuato, which include ignimbrites, rhyolitic dome and flow rocks, and GUIDEBOOK FOR FIELD TRIPS OF THE 99TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CORDILLERAN SECTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 168 ARANDA-GÓMEZ, GODCHAUX, AGUIRRE-DÍAZ, BONNICHSEN, AND MARTÍNEZ-REYES andesites. Fragments derived from the basal Mesozoic sequence are relatively rare. All the clasts in this deposit are well rounded, and they are supported by a matrix of coarse sand, fine gravel and silt. The deposit has a poorly developed stratification, marked by changes in grain size in the finer-grained clastic deposits, and by lenses of coarse gravel. These deposits reach an aggregate thickness of 150 meters in their thickest part, but they thin against the Mesozoic rocks, indicating that this is the filling of a paleochannel formed by erosion of the Mesozoic rocks. No fossils have yet been reported in this sedimentary sequence, but it is inferred to be early to middle Miocene, based on the fact that the youngest lithic clasts that it contains are from late Oligocene (around 27–30 Ma), and that this deposit is covered by andesite lavas of mid-Miocene age. Resting unconformably on the fluviolacustrine deposits is a thick subaerial andesitic lava flow, which caused hydrothermal alteration at the contact with the gravels and sands. The base of the flow is an autobreccia which changes upward to a zone with well-developed columnar joints. Above this zone, without a marked interruption other than a prominent horizontal joint, is another thick andesite, very similar in texture to the earlier one. This one has a base with intense subhorizontal platy jointing which passes upward into a thick columnar zone in the middle part, and culminates with a zone of subhorizontal platy jointing in the uppermost part. In total the andesite sums up to 70 meters of thickness and we consider that it could be formed by two flows. An alternative interpretation is that the El Cubilete Andesite is actually one very thick (intracanyon?) flow with complex colonnade-andentablature structure. Apparently the lava flowed down a paleochannel similar to that in which the underlying gravel and sand were deposited, but we do not know from this small remnant whether or not the lava flow itself was confined by canyon walls. We think the El Cubilete Andesite, like the volcanoes of the San Miguel Allende Volcanic Field (Day 3), is associated with the earliest phases of volcanism of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt. From this stop we will head for the Bajío Airport, where some members of the group will board their flights to return home. Those participants who can remain in Guanajuato will be able to visit outcrops of the Comanja Granite with us. STOP 4-7: THE COMANJA GRANITE: A PALEOCENE BATHOLITH WITH ABUNDANT TOURMALINE IN MAGMATIC, PNEUMATOLYTIC AND HYDROTHERMAL PARAGENESES (UTM 14Q0246333; 2338599) In the vicinity of El Rancho Los Alamos, we will visit an outcrop of the Comanja Granite. This part of the batholithic body is characterized by many large phenocrysts of alkali feldspar with prominent Carlsbad twinning; the coarse-grained groundmass has abundant quartz, a bit of plagioclase (probably albite), and a trace of biotite. There are some parts of this outcrop that have rough alignment of the phenocrysts, as if they were flow domains alternating with static domains, or possibly this is a secondary structure imposed upon the granite. There is a rhombic pattern of fractures, some of which are filled by aplite dikes. There are also enclaves a few centimeters in diameter of very fine-grained material within the coarser-grained granite. Tourmaline is present in miarolitic cavities, in which it has the common doublyterminated form; in the pegmatitic domains within the granite it has other habits. This mineral is also present as a magmatic phase, in acicular form, and in hydrothermal breccias in massive microcrystalline to cryptocrystalline form. One can see, about halfway up the slope of this hill, a wide brittle shear zone, which has various mixtures of massive tourmaline with granite fragments of different sizes and degrees of comminution. These mixtures range from jigsaw-puzzle arrangement of larger granite fragments and relatively little tourmaline, to a distinctive “rosette” pattern of rounded granite clasts in a matrix of tourmaline and very finely comminuted granitic material and secondary silica, to massive tourmaline with little or no granite. From time to time traces of pyrite and other sulfides can be seen in these shear bands. It seems probable that a careful search of this outcrop and its surroundings might reveal some small roof pendants of rocks of the volcanosedimentary complex. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, INSTITUTO DE GEOLOGÍA, PUBLICACIÓN ESPECIAL 1 GEOLOGIC TRANSECTS ACROSS CORDILLERAN MEXICO