Parent/Student Handbook - Orange Unified School District
Parent/Student Handbook - Orange Unified School District
“Home of the Mighty Soaring Condors” Parent/Student Handbook Richland High School 615 N. Lemon St. Orange, CA 92867 Principal’s Office – (714) 997-6167 Attendance Office – (714) 997-6252 Counseling Office – (714) 997-6252 This belongs to:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ RICHLAND HIGH SCHOOL HANDBOOK TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents & Phone Numbers ...............................................................Inside Cover School Staff ......................................................................................................................... 1 Enrollment Information ........................................................................................................ 2 Mission Statement, Philosophy & ESLRs ........................................................................... 3 Expected School Wide Learning Results ............................................................................ 3 Library, School Activities ..................................................................................................... 4 Attendance Policy ............................................................................................................. 5 Discipline Information ....................................................................................................6 & 7 “Doing My Best”, Graduation Requirements .................................................................... 8 Test Dates ........................................................................................................................... 9 Academic Review .............................................................................................................. 10 Samples of Transcript & Credit Check .............................................................................. 11 School Year Calendar ................................................................................................. 12 -22 Student Services Information ............................................................................................ 23 Bell Schedule & School Calendar..................................................................... Back Cover RICHLAND HIGH SCHOOL PHONE NUMBERS Attendance / Counseling Office: (714) 997-6252 FAX: (714) 997-6255 Library: (714) 997-6167 Principal’s Office: (714) 997-6167 FAX: (714) 771-5967 RICHLAND SCHOOL WEBSITE, TWITTER & REMIND 101 OUSD WEBSITE: w w w . o r a n g e u s d . o r g (Click on “Schools” to Richland HS) RICHLAND TWITTER: @RICHLANDCONDORS REMIND 101: Text@8df to (276) 226-4889 Email RICHLAND HIGH SCHOOL STAFF LEADERSHIP Dennis Mc Cuistion ........................................................................... Principal Lisa Wilson ..................................................................................... Counselor FACULTY Benekos, George ....................................................................................... PE Connally, Niccole..................................................................... Social Studies Cooper, Susan ........................................................................................ ROP Corona, Douglas ............................................................... EL Language Arts English, Sheila......................................................................................... ROP Ferguson, Michelle .................................................................................. ROP Lopez, Carlos ........................................................................... Social Studies Luebben-Rivera, Lisa .............................................................. Language Arts Melchor, Ray ................................................................................ Econ, Math Salling, Bill……………………………………………………………..……Science Schumacher, Ava ............................................................................ SDC/RSP Seagar, Sarah ............................................................................................ Art Segal, Jeffrey .................................................................. Touchstone/PLATO Smith, Clark ............................................................................................. ROP Tomikeh, Toma .......................................................................................Math Wilbanks, Dennis............................................................................. SDC/RSP Willsey, David .............................................................. Drama, Language Arts Womack, Denise ..................................................................... Language Arts SUPPORT STAFF Barrios, Ruben ................................................................School Psychologist Casas, Maria .................................................................... Community Liaison Cortez, Eddie....................................................................... Campus Security Crespi, Robin....................................................................... Attendance Clerk Daleo, Irene ............................................................... Library Media Specialist Knox, Midge ................................................................................ Career Tech McGrath, Christopher ...................................................................... SDC Aide Palomino, Jerry ......................................................................Lead Custodian Parker, Olga ........................................................................... Office Manager Torrez, Lynn……………………………………………………….SDC/RSP Aide Todd, Debbi ...................................................................................... Registrar Willoughby, Jackie ........................................................................... RSP Aide TBA ........................................................................................... School Nurse Revised 8/16/13 1 ATTENTION PARENTS AND STUDENTS: The counselor will meet with each student every quarter to complete the “Student Academic Review”. Students will get an update on their credit status and progress with graduation requirements. The completed form will be given to the student and a copy will be mailed home to parents. 10 SAMPLE TRANSCRIPT – Below is a sample of OUSD’s computerized transcripts. At the bottom of the transcript is a summary of the total number of credits earned, GPA and CAHSEE exam status. 11 For more information go to the OUSD Website at: 12 Richland High School Student Calendar/Planner August 2013 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 19 20 21 Opening of School – First Instructional Day 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 September 2013 Monday 2 Labor Day Holiday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 3 4 5 6 10 Back to School Night 11 12 OUSD School 13 Non-Student Day 9 Board Meeting 7:00 PM 6:30 to 7:30 PM 16 17 Rotary Club 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 Bar-b-que 30 Notes: 13 Richland High School Student Calendar/Planner October 2013 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 End of First 24 OUSD School 25 Quarter Minimum Day for Students 28 29 30 Board Meeting 7:00 PM 31 Non-Student Day Notes: 14 Richland High School Student Calendar/Planner November 2013 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 6 CAHSEE Testing (plus 1 date to be determined) 7 8 Non-Student Day 12 13 14 OUSD School 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 Thanksgiving Break 26 Thanksgiving Break 27 Thanksgiving Break 28 Thanksgiving Break 29 Thanksgiving Break Non-Student Day Non-Student Day Non-Student Day Non-Student Day Non-Student Day 4 11 Veterans Day 5 Board Meeting 7:00 PM Non-Student Day Notes: 15 S a Richland High School Student Calendar/Planner December 2013 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 OUSD School Board Meeting 7:00 PM 13 16 Winter Break 17 Winter Break 18 Winter Break 19 Winter Break 20 Winter Break Non-Student Day Non-Student Day Non-Student Day Non-Student Day Non-Student Day 23 Winter Break 24 Winter Break 25 Winter Break 26 Winter Break 27 Winter Break Non-Student Day Non-Student Day Non-Student Day Non-Student Day Non-Student Day 30 Winter Break 31 Winter Break Non-Student Day Non-Student Day Notes: 16 Richland High School Student Calendar/Planner January 2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Winter Break 2 Winter Break 3 Winter Break Non-Student Day Non-Student Day Non-Student Day New Year’s Day 6 School Resumes 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 20 Martin Luther 21 22 23 24 End of King Day Second Quarter Non-Student Day Minimum Day for Students 27 28 29 30 Notes: 17 31 Richland High School Student Calendar/Planner February 2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 Lincoln’s President’s Day Non-Student Day 17 Washington’s President’s Day 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 Non-Student Day 24 Notes: 18 Richland High School Student Calendar/Planner March 2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 CAHSEE 19 CAHSEE 20 21 Testing Testing 25 26 27 28 End of Third 24 Quarter Minimum Day for Students 31 Spring Break Non-Student Day Notes: 19 Richland High School Student Calendar/Planner April 2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Spring Break 2 Spring Break 3 Spring Break 4 Spring Break Non-Student Day Non-Student Day Non-Student Day Non-Student Day 7 School 8 9 10 11 14 CST/STAR 15 Open House 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 Resumes Testing window begins – Dates to be determined 6:30 to 7:30 PM (Tentative Date) Notes: 20 Richland High School Student Calendar/Planner May 2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 CAHSEE 14 CAHSEE 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 Memorial Day 27 28 29 30 Testing Testing Non-Student Day Notes: 21 Richland High School Student Calendar/Planner June 2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 End of Year Awards Assembly 12 Graduation 13 Minimum Day for Students Minimum Day for Students Day - Last Day of School 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 30 Notes: 22 GENERAL ENROLLMENT INFORMATION ENROLLMENT REQUIREMENTS - All students will be enrolled in 5 classes. SESSION I Periods 1-5- mostly 12th grade students SESSION II Periods 4-8. - mostly 11th grade students ROP or WORK EXPERIENCE is mandatory for all Richland students- See Mrs. Knox in the front main office. ROP CLASSES- Students are scheduled into ROP classes on campus as available. See Mrs. Knox. 1. Students MAY NOT change classes. 2. Students MAY NOT drop ROP classes. Students must continue to attend the ROP class until completion. 3. School attendance, tardy and discipline policies apply to ROP classes. 4. After-school ROP classes are available off campus from 3:15 to 5:45 pm. See Mrs. Knox. WORK EXPERIENCE -Work Experience may be used as an alternative to ROP: 1. Must meet with the ROP Technician (Mrs. Knox) on a regular basis. 2. Must have worked at a job for at least one month before the start of school and have pay stubs as proof of work. 3. Parent, student and employer must sign an application/contract regarding Work Experience requirements. 4. Maximum of 20 credits can be applied towards graduation. SCHOOL RESPONSIBILITY Regular, clear communication regarding student progress and/or problems that arise. Quarterly Report Cards, reporting GRADES (Quality of work) and CREDITS (Quantity of work). Parent information sent out on regular basis. PARENT RESPONSIBILITY Reinforce the school’s policies and expectations with their sons and daughters. Ask students about class progress and/or problems. Review your student’s progress on the district Parent Portal. Call the counseling office with concerns before an issue becomes a problem. Communicate with the Attendance Office at 997-6252. Do not enable students to continue behavior patterns that lead to failure. Visit the district website at for department links. See link to CWA for district enrollment information and discipline policies. Click on the dropdown “Parents” link for information about the “PARENT PORTAL”, an on-line tool that allows parents to see their student’s progress related to grades, attendance and classwork assignments. Applications are included in the enrollment packet - return the completed form to the attendance office with a valid ID and e-mail address. Call 997-6252 with any questions. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY - Always do your best, and never give up Show up every day on time. Be prepared to learn with a 3-ring binder, paper and pencil. Treat staff and fellow students with respect. OPPORTUNITIES FOR PARENT INVOLVEMENT – Contact the principal at 997-6167 School Site Council ELAC (English Learner’s Advisory Council) PARENT CONCERNS/COMPLAINTS Concerns should be expressed in a timely manner with the person in question. If the matter remains unresolved, you may contact an administrator. (See Uniform Complaint Procedures as stated in the OUSD Parent /Student Handbook). Alternative Programs: When attempts at changing behavior have met with no success or a student’s presence at Richland has the potential of inhibiting the success of other students, the need for an alternative placement may exist. 1. Referrals to alternative programs for Richland will be determined by the principal and counselor. Parents and guardians can request alternative placement and the appropriateness will be considered by the principal and the counselor. 2. Any student referred to an alternative program must spend a minimum of 1 semester in that program, complete a minimum of 20 credits and display appropriate behavior in order to return to Richland. 3. Students wishing to return after an adjustment transfer must meet with the administrator prior to re-enrolling. A parent or guardian must be present at the meeting. 2 MISSION STATEMENT Dedicated to Student Success Our Mission is for the staff, students and parents to work together for the purpose of helping students graduate from Richland or return to their traditional high schools to graduate with their class. While here, we will provide a disciplined and nurturing environment and teach students to take personal responsibility for their education and improve in the following areas: ●Attendance & Punctuality ●Classroom Behavior ●Character Development ●Academic Development ●Study Skills & Habits RICHLAND CONDOR PHILOSOPHY “There is no time to waste, so let’s get to work!” Generally, students come to Richland High behind in credits and many times have developed bad habits and a pattern of failure. Our school is structured so as to provide a class size maximum of 27 students, a shortened school day and a basic curriculum in order to allow students to get back on track for graduation. In order to help students reach their goals, students, parents and the Richland staff must commit to working together to provide our students with the best education possible. With this cooperation, we believe our students will learn self-discipline while they are learning basic academic skills that will serve them for a lifetime. To accomplish our goals, we must make the most of every minute here at Richland. WE HAVE NO TIME TO WASTE on poor attendance, tardiness, class disruption, irresponsibility or any other behaviors that will keep us from reaching our goals. SO . . . . . . . .LET’S GET TO WORK! Richland High School ESLR’S “EXPECTED SCHOOLWIDE LEARNING RESULTS” Every student will learn to be SELF DISCIPLINED, as demonstrated by: Punctual Attendance Class Productivity Being self directed; setting and pursuing goals Every student will acquire BASIC ACADEMIC SKILLS, including: Reading proficiency Study skills Problem solving/critical thinking ability Every student will demonstrate PERSONAL AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY by aspiring to the Richland Condor Character qualities of: R espect L ifelong Learning I nitiative A ttitude “+” C ompassion N ever give up H onesty D ependable Every student will develop the following COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Listening Effective writing Speaking with appropriate language Every student will acquire the following PRACTICAL LIVING SKILLS: Having healthy habits Conflict management Informed consumer/personal finance Every student will possess CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY SKILLS: Word processing Current technology, i.e., computer applications Able to get and keep a job 3 R I C H L A N D L I B R A R Y - Mrs. Daleo 714/ 997-6167 I.D. CARD REQUIRED TO USE LIBRARY COMPUTERS & MATERIALS The Richland Library is open during the school day as well as before and after school with few exceptions. Students are welcome to use the library for checking library materials in and out, to study, to do research, testing, for computer program and database access, word processing, to read, as well as to enjoy the comfortable environment of the library. The Richland librarian is eager to assist students with their library needs. She enjoys finding the perfect book that a student will find hard to put down and will assist your student in being successful in the classroom as well as in the library. Richland High School Library houses a vast array of information that is accessible to all students, their families and our faculty. The library currently houses over 4,000 books. Research shows that student success is closely tied with the opportunity to access an abundance of reading materials in a variety of formats. One of the main goals of the Richland Library is to help students improve their reading skills and instill a lifelong love of reading. Currently, the “Reading Counts” computerized reading program is helping students achieve their reading goals. Students read for vocabulary, comprehension, speed, and class credits while using this reading program. Richland library continually updates its growing collection. The library’s Teen-Read-Aloud Program allows students to earn reading credit by reading to younger children in their household or within the community. This is part of the Power Reading Program*. Therefore, the library has an excellent collection of Juvenile books for this purpose. Children, who are read to when they are young, become successful readers. It is Richland’s goal to make “Life Long Learners” of our students. The librarian will provide one-on-one assistance locating informational and research inquiries on behalf of the students and staff. It is the desire of the Richland Library to give our students the academic edge to succeed in an information-rich society. If you want to succeed . . . . . READ! . SCHOOL ACTIVITIES North Rotary Club School Barbeque Penny Drive Blood Drive Art Contest Poetry Contest Prom Student of the Quarter Rotary Speech Contest Rotary Youth Leadership Camp Quarterly Awards Assembly Senior Breakfast Graduation at Kelly Stadium SCHOOL MASCOT SCHOOL COLORS – Blue, Black & Gold SCHOOL MOTTO: “Where We Live By The Golden Rule” GOLDEN RULE - “TREAT OTHERS AS YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE TREATED.” EARN CREDITS! SIGN UP FOR POWER READING IN THE LIBRARY. 4 ATTENDANCE OFFICE PHONE # (714) 997-6252 L EAVE MESSAGE 24 HRS A DAY! PHONE # (714) 997-6252 The following policies have been created to ensure that students meet guidelines for credits issued. Attendance Policy: Attendance is directly related to the credits a student earns. Any student exceeding 3 absences per quarter will be required to meet with the counselor and/or administrator to discuss enrollment at Richland. Students with excessive absences and no valid reason may be adjusted to an alternative program. REPORTING ABSENCES: Plan A - Parents call the Attendance Office @ 997-6252 on the day of the absence. Plan B – Parents unable to call on the day of the absence may send a note when the student returns to school. Returning to school without a parent phone call or note will result in an “Unexcused Absence”! Unexcused Absences : Any student who fails to clear an absence by either a parent phone call or absence note upon return to school will receive an unexcused absence. First unexcused absence = Parent Notification by phone/message sent home Second unexcused absence = Referral to counselor, attendance contract, parent notified by phone Third unexcused absence = Notify district office of Child Welfare and Attendance Tardy Policy: Tardiness to class becomes a distraction to the teacher and impacts the instructional environment. Student will miss valuable instruction. First Tardy = Teacher consequence Second Tardy = Teacher consequence Third Tardy = Teacher consequence Fourth Tardy = Referral to counselor and or principal, parent notified, student assigned detention Fifth Tardy = Referral to principal/counselor; recommend referral to SARB. Please make every effort to schedule medical/dental appointments before or after school hours. ABSENCE WAIVER PROCESS: If a student has an extended absence due to extreme illness, hospitalization, death in the family or an extended health related absence, she/he may qualify for a waiver of the policy. All appeals must be written and include appropriate documentation. They are to be filed with the principal within 5 days of the absence in order to be acted upon. FAILURE TO MAKE THIS DEADLINE SHALL INVALIDATE THE APPEAL. Appeal forms are available in the Attendance Office. ACCEPTABLE DOCUMENTATION: Reason for Absence: Required Documentation: Hospitalization Attending Physician’s letter Chronic Health Problem Physician’s/school nurse’s letter Catastrophic Illness Physician/school nurse/Principal’s letter Accident Injury Attending Physician’s Letter Court Appearance Court Document/Principal’s letter Funeral Note from School Attendance Secretary Religious Holiday Letter from Church Official Personal/Family Crisis (fire, etc) Letter from Principal Revised 8/1/2013 5 RICHLAND HIGH SCHOOL BEHAVIOR POLICIES The following policies have been created to ensure that students are provided a safe environment conducive to learning. Non Productive: 1. First offense, teacher makes phone contact with parent regarding non productivity. If teacher leaves message or cannot find a working phone number, a note will be sent to the parents. 2. Second offense, an automated phone message will be sent that requests parent set up meeting with teacher. 3. Third offense, referral to counselor. Note on referral the date parent contact and automated call were made. Mandatory parent meeting. 4. Fourth offense, referral to counselor. Review appropriate placement. Progressive Behavior: 1. First offense, teacher makes phone contact with parent regarding behavior. If teacher leaves message or cannot find a working phone number, a note will be sent to the parents. 2. Second offense, an automated phone message will be sent that requests parent set up meeting with teacher. 3. Third offense, referral to counselor. Note on referral the date parent contact and automated call were made. Mandatory parent meeting. 4. Fourth offense, referral to counselor. Review appropriate placement. Zero Tolerance and Persistent Behavior Problems: These infractions are violations of education and/or penal code and will result in appropriate actions which may result in transfer from Richland. Zero tolerance: Possession of a weapon Fighting/harassment/intimidation Vandalism Profanity directed toward a staff member Persistent behavior problems: Students engaged in repeated behaviors that violate school rules will be subject to review of appropriate placement. These behaviors include but are not limited to: Classroom disruptions Bullying/harassment Trespassing on another school’s campus Loitering at the local businesses Possession of graffiti/tagging tools (including permanent markers, paint pens, etc.) Profanity Additional Information: Smoking: All Orange Unified facilities, including Richland, are tobacco free zones. This means that there shall be no tobacco products on campus. Also, any student, regardless of age, found smoking to or from school or at lunch is in violation of Education Code and is subject to disciplinary proceedings which can include, required participation in a tobacco cessation program, suspension, adjustment to an alternative program and/or citation by local law enforcement officers. Skateboards/Bicycles and other personal transportation: Riding of any personal transportation is prohibited on the campus. Any student violating this rule will be given a warning and any subsequent violations will result in the item being confiscated. Students riding bicycles are to provide their own lock and lock them up at the bike rack adjacent to the counseling office. Students riding skateboards must leave them in a designated classroom during their school day. Students will not be permitted to carry skateboards from classroom to classroom. ID Cards: Students will be issued a plastic ID card upon enrollment at Richland. It is a requirement that students carry their ID card at all times while on campus. There is a $5 replacement fee for lost or damaged ID cards. Students who choose not to wear the ID card will be subject to disciplinary action by the school. . Continued On Page 7……. 6 RICHLAND HIGH SCHOOL BEHAVIOR POLICIES (continued) Electronic Devices: Students are not allowed to use any type of electronic device (IPOD, cell phone, etc) in class during the school day or during passing periods. Students caught using these devices will have them confiscated by school officials. Only a parent/guardian may pick up the device after speaking with the school counselor or principal. Dress Code: Students are expected to wear clothing that is safe, appropriate and does not detract from the educational environment. Any clothing that is deemed unsafe (chains, spike jewelry, etc.) will not be allowed. Also, any clothing that is excessively revealing or has images that promote gangs, alcohol, tobacco, sex, etc. will not be allowed. RICHLAND HAS A “NO HAT” POLICY: This means that students are not allowed to wear or display hats or beanies at school. If a student is found with a hat or beanie on campus, it will be confiscated and returned only to a parent/guardian. Students with hooded sweatshirts are not allowed to wear the hood while in classrooms. RICHLAND HIGH SCHOOL HAS A “ZERO TOLERANCE” POLICY REGARDING THE FOLLOWING EDUCATION CODE VIOLATIONS: Below you find a specific education code and a brief description pertaining to student violations and the grounds for suspension and expulsion. A written copy of the codes is available in the principal’s office or you may go to the following website: 48900 (a)(1) 48900 (a) (2) 48900 (b) 48900 ( c) 48900 (d) 48900 (e) 48900 (f) 48900 (g) 48900 (h) 48900 (i) 48900 (j) 48900 (k) 48900 (l) 48900 (m) 48900 (n) 48900 (o) 48900 (p) 48900 (q) 48900 (r) 48900.2 48900.3 48900.4 48900.7 48915(A1-A) 48915(A1-B) 48915(A1-C) 48915(A1-D) 48915(A1-E) 48915 (C-1) 48915 (C-2) 48915 (C-3) 48915 (C-4) GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION AND EXPULSION Mutual Combat – caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury Willfully used force or violence on the person of an another Weapons/Dangerous Objects *Refer to EC48915(A1-B) below (Both codes may apply to violation) Possession of a controlled substance or an intoxicant of any kind Offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell any controlled substance *Refer to EC48915(A1-C) below (Both codes may apply to violation) Robbery/Extortion *Refer to EC48915(A1-D) below (Both codes may apply to violation) Caused or attempted to cause damage to school property or private property Stole or attempted to steal school property or private property Possessed or used tobacco or nicotine products Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity Possession, offered, arranged or negotiated to sell drug paraphernalia Disruption of school activities or willfully defying the valid authority of school personnel Knowingly received stolen school property or private property Possession of an imitation firearm Sexual Assault *Refer to EC48915(C4) below (Both codes apply to violation) Harassed, threatened, or intimidated a pupil who is a complaining witness Offered, arranged to sell or sold the prescription drug Soma Engaged in or attempted to engage in hazing Bullying–Physical/verbal act, written or electronic communication, one or more acts committed by an individual or group Engaged in sexual harassment Attempted to cause, threatened to cause, or participated in an act of hate violence Engaged in harassment, threats, or intimidation against a pupil or group of pupils Engaged in terroristic threats against school officials or school property or both MANDATED- PRINCIPAL MUST RECOMMEND AN EXPULSION Causing serious physical injury to another person Possession of any knife, explosive, or other dangerous object Possession of any controlled substance identified in Health and Safety Code Robbery or extortion Assault or battery on any school employee MANDATED- PRINCIPAL MUST RECOMMEND AN EXPULSION & BOARD MUST EXPELL Possessing, selling, furnishing a firearm Brandishing a knife at another person Unlawfully selling a controlled substance Committing or attempting to commit sexual assault (Penal Code 243.4, 261, 266c, 286, 288, or 289) 7 SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS ALWAYS KNOW WHERE THEY STAND IN ACHIEVING THEIR GOALS. Keep track of your assignments and test results. THE CHARACTER OF RICHLAND PEOPLE R espect Check the Student Portal regularly! I nitiative Meet all credit deadlines for partials and power reading. C ompassion Check your Credit Status in the Counseling Office. H onesty Refer to the Student Academic Plan you received at your L earning for a lifetime counselor meeting ( see page 10 of this handbook). A ttitude “+” Use the Weekly Progress Report - in Counseling Office. N ever give up Ask for help! Everyone wants to see you succeed. D ependable WHAT DOES “DOING MY BEST” LOOK LIKE? EXCELLENT- I worked on the task until it was completed. I pushed myself to continue working on the task even when difficulties arose or a solution was not immediately evident. I viewed difficulties that arose as opportunities to strengthen my understanding. GOOD - I worked on the task until it was completed. I pushed myself to continue working on the task even when difficulties arose or a solution was not immediately evident. NEEDS IMPROVEMENT - I put some effort into the task, but I stopped working when difficulties arose. UNACCEPTABLE - I put very little effort into the task. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS GRADES 9 - 12 CREDITS, ATTENDANCE AND GOOD BEHAVIOR Credits Freshman Seminar………5 Language Arts…………..40 Social Science……..……30 Mathematics……...…..…20 Science………………….20 YOUR HOME SCHOOL & TO EARN A DIPLOMA ARE NEEDED TO RETURN TO GRADE 11th 150 credits 12th 200 credits (10 credits Coord or Physical Science) (10 credits Coord or Life Science) Health………………….…..5 Physical Education……...20 Fine Arts/Foreign Lang....10 Electives…………………80 Total…………….…….230 End of First Semester End of Second Semester 170 credits 230 credits for diploma* *plus pass CAHSEE Math & Eng-Lang Arts NOTE: Students who earn 230 credits but do not pass both CAHSEE exams receive a “Certificate of Completion”. Students may re-take the CAHSEE the following year for a passing score to earn a diploma. ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS: 90% positive and on time BEHAVIOR REQUIREMENTS: Follow school rules 8 TESTING SCHEDULE Please make every effort to attend school on testing days! CAHSEE – CALIFORNIA HIGH SCHOOL EXIT EXAM TEST Students are required to pass the CAHSEE Language Arts and Math Exams to receive a high school diploma. Your counselor will place you in a CAHSEE prep class as needed. November 6 & 7- 11th and 12th grade students who have not yet passed one or both tests. March 18 & 19 - 12th grade students who have not yet passed one or both tests May 13 & 14 - 11th grade students who have not yet passed one or both tests CELDT – California English Language Development Test DATES: Fall 2013 TBA CST/STAR TESTING – Standard Testing and Reporting DATES: April 14th – 25th AB1802 – Mandatory Parent/Student Review of Student Credit Status Appointments will be scheduled in December Richland High School Orange California This Certifies That Your Name Here Has satisfactorily completed a Course of Study prescribed for Graduation by the Orange Unified School District and is therefore awarded this Diploma Given by the Board of Education on this date Your Graduation Day ______________________________ President of the Board ______________________________ Clerk of the Board NEVER GIVE UP! ____________________________ Superintendant ____________________________ Principal REMEMBER THE GOAL!! 9 IMPORTANT INFORMATION! CLEAR YOUR DEMERITS!! UNCLEARED DEMERITS = • NO SCHOOL DANCES (any school) • NO SCHOOL ACTIVITIES/FIELD TRIPS • WILL NOT PARTICIPATE IN GRADUATION CEREMONY RICHLAND HS I.D. CARD Students must carry ID card daily. Must show card to be released at the gate. Schedule must be verified to exit without ID No charge for first ID card Replacement cards are $5 OUSD SCHOOL BUS OUSD bus pass applications are available in the principal’s office. The OUSD BUS PASS OFFICE is located at 726 W. Collins Phone # 538-8295. Please contact the Transportation Office with questions about applications & routes. Orange County Transit Authority Bus -OCTA OCTA 30-Day Student Bus Pass $40 Pass sold in the principal’s office. Cash is the preferred form of payment. Contact OCTA @ 560-5731 or go to for route information. OUSD NUTRITION SERVICES Meals are served at the Nutrition window next to the Library. AM NUTRITION 9:28 - 9:45 A.M. PM NUTRITION 1:03 - 1:18 P.M. Applications for “Free and Reduced Price School Meals” are available in the office. The OUSD NUTRITION SERVICES OFFICE is located at 726 W. Collins. Phone # 714 /997-6147. Contact Nutrition Services with questions concerning the Free and Reduced meal program. RICHLAND HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION THURSDAY JUNE 12, 2014 FRED KELLY STADIUM at El Modena High School Cap & gowns are sold in May in the Main Office - $40 NOTE: Senior rings, photos & announcements not available through Richland HS. Revised 7/30/13 2013-2014 CALENDAR August 21 (Weds) ....................................................................... First Instructional Day September 2 (Mon) .......................................................... Labor Day / Non School Day September 10 (Tues) .............................. 6:30 – 7:30 pm BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT October 23 (Weds) ................................................ End of 1st Quarter / Minimum Day◄ October 29 (Tues).............................................................................. Non Student Day November 5 (Tues) ............................................................................ Non Student Day November 5 & 6 (Tues & Wed – Tentative Dates) .............................. CAHSEE Testing November 11 (Mon) ................................................... Veteran’s Day / Non School Day November 25 - 29 ..........................................................Thanksgiving Break (1 week) December 16 - January 3 ....................................................... Winter Break (3 weeks) January 6 (Mon)...................................................................................School Resumes January 20 (Mon)......................................... Martin Luther King Day / Non School Day January 24 (Fri) ...................................... End of 2nd Qtr/1st Semester / Minimum Day◄ February 14(Fri) ........................................................... Lincoln Day / Non Student Day February 17 (Mon) ................................................Washington Day / Non Student Day March 18 & 19 (Tues & Weds)............................................................ CAHSEE Testing March 28 (Fri) ........................................................ End of 3rd Quarter /Minimum Day◄ March 31 - April 4 ..................................................................... Spring Break (1 week) April 7 (Mon) ........................................................................................School Resumes April STAR Testing ................................................................................... DATES TBA April 15 (Tues Tentative) ................................. 6:30 to 7:30pm OPEN HOUSE NIGHT May 13 & 14 (Tues & Weds) ............................................................... CAHSEE Testing May 26 (Mon)............................................................. Memorial Day / Non School Day June 11 (Wed) ........................................................ Awards Assembly /Minimum Day◄ June 12 (Thurs) .............................. Last School Day / GRADUATION / Minimum Day◄ AM Session 7:50 am to 12:13 pm Periods 1 - 5 PM Session 10:35 am to 2:58 pm Periods 4 - 8 RICHLAND HIGH SCHOOL BELL SCHEDULE PERIOD TIME 1 7:47 Warning Bell 7:50 - 8:38 2 8:40 - 9:28 Nutrition Break 9:28 - 9:43 3 9:45 - 10:33 4 10:35 - 11:23 5 11:25 - 12:13 6 12:15 - 1:03 Nutrition Break 1:03 - 1:18 7 1:20 - 2:08 8 2:10 - 2:58 ► MINIMUM DAY SCHEDULE: BOTH SESSIONS ATTEND FROM 7:50 am to 11:23 am ◄ Revised 8/2/13