TIENS PRODUCT GUIDE – Together We Share – 全家分享 全球共享 Company profile 公司简介 TIENS Group was founded in 1995 by Mr. Li Jinyuan in Tianjin, China. TIENS is a multinational conglomerate in fields including bio-technology, education, retail, tourism, finance, international trade and e-business, etc. TIENS entered the international market in 1997. TIENS now has a presence in over 190 global countries. TIENS Group has set up branches in 110 countries and regions, and has 50,000 franchised stores globally. TIENS has established strategic alliances with top-ranking enterprises from many countries. By producing health food, health care products, skincare product and household product, TIENS Group has become the lifestyle choice of health, happiness, beauty and affluence for over 16 million families worldwide. Through its charitable philosophy of Contributing to Society, TIENS Group actively takes on corporate social responsibility, and has donated more than £150 million to public welfare and social charities across the globe. The successful management of an educated, localised and global workforce contributes to the international strategic goals of TIENS Group. TIENS Group has an unbeatable international team in terms of research, innovation and professionalism. – Together We Share – Contents 8 LIPID METABOLIC MANAGEMENT TEA 9 SLIMMING TEA 10 BANTING VEGETAL ESSENCE TABLETS 11 DOUBLE-CELLULOSE TABLETS 12 BANTING VEGETAL ESSENCE POWDER 13 CHITOSAN 14 INNER BEAUTY 15 VITALITY SOFTGELS Balance your lifestyle with TIENS 与天狮一同享受生活 I started producing food supplements fifteen years ago to help 16 GRAPE SEED EXTRACT CAPSULES 17 TIENS SPIRULINA CAPSULES 18 CORDYCEPS my family and my town in China. Since then, with the help of many 19 MULTI VITAMIN COFFEE people, I have been able to reach over 20 million households in over 20 INNER WELLNESS 190 countries & territories worldwide. I am extremely proud that the TIENS experience can now be offered to our family in Europe. The products your independent TIENS distributor recommends have been developed from an understanding of wellness - handed down by my countrymen and their forefathers over five thousand 21 GARLIC OIL 22 EVENING PRIMROSE OIL 23 LYCOPENE 24 ZINC years. They work most effectively as part a healthy, balanced diet. 25 MACA TABLETS Enjoy your journey; it is our hope that our unique product offering 26 NUTRIENT SUPER CALCIUM POWDER is with you always. Feel the benefit and enjoy the product, and at some point I would urge you to review our business opportunity which is equally as powerful as our products. 27 NEW PACKING DESIGNS WITH THE TIENS ‘WISDOM CHOP’ 29 SLIMMING BELT 30 QI CIRCULATIVE MASSAGER 31 WALKING MATTRESS 32 PHOTO ENERGY MULTI FUNCTIONAL PILLOW 33 QI BALANCER 34 ACUPOINT TREASURE Li Jin Yuan, Founder and President of TIENS Worldwide 35 FRUIT AND VEGETABLE CLEANER Are you one of the 80% of p 你是否属于80%的 According to statistics from the World health Organisation (WHO), 5% of people are healthy, 80% of people are sub-healthy and 15% of people are deemed UNHEALTHY. This means there exists a state of sub-health between good health and illnesses, and it’s a state most people endure without even realising it. More - good health means a state of being illness-free, a state of optimal body function and a healthy and positive frame of mind too. Sub-health is an ‘overall’ picture. For some it is nearer good health while for others, illness. And, if unchecked, those exhibiting sub healthy conditions are at risk of becoming sick of suffering more chronic complaints. Even though the sub healthy condition is more common in the 40 plus age group it’s an issue of real concern at every life stage, for teenagers adults and parents alike. Commonly, sub healthy people exhibit three types of degenerative symptoms: reduced vitality, reduced responsiveness and reduced environmental adaptability. As health deteriorates through 4 of people that are sub healthy? 0%的亚健康人群? the sub healthy condition, symptoms of reduced health become chronic - frequent sore throats, on-and-off flu, and lethargy being common symptoms. More, suffers exhibit “three highs and one low” symptoms: high cholesterol, high blood sugar, high blood viscosity and low immunity. It’s a common problem whenever effective health maintenance is not understood . Without better knowledge anyone can be reduced to a chronic sub-healthy state. Fortunately those who are sub-healthy can become healthier, according to how well they take care of themselves. In China ‘Qi balanced wellbeing’ has been understood by most people for millennia. In contrast, western cultures are broadly unaware of the issues surrounding the sub healthy condition. Most people only ever think about diet - and supplementing it, when they are unwell. In fact 60% of health and life span lies in your hands through the diet, supplements and health choices you make. TIENS founding mission is to deliver balanced health right around the globe: To you, your family and your friends. Let the world enjoy the essence of the Chinese longevity culture 让世界与我们一起分享中国长寿文化的精华 According to the latest worldwide longevity research, published in June 2007 by Dr.Mark Stibich Ph.D, 3 out of 5 regions with the longest life expectancy have a Chinese culture or are of Chinese origin. These regions are: Andorra 83.51 years life expectancy. Macau (China) 82.19 years life expectancy. San Marino 81.71 years life expectancy. Singapore (Chinese Origin) 81.81 years life expectancy and Hong Kong (China) 81.59 years life expectancy. China is the cradle of one of mankind’s oldest and most established civilisations, with over 5,000 years of continuously recorded history. Chinese Healthcare culture is also called ‘Longevity culture’, and is accorded as having played a vital role in the prosperity of the civilisation. The balance of Yin and Yang, diet balance, healthy lifestyle and the axiom that ‘Prevention is better than cure’ are concepts that have always been widely promoted by those who use traditional Chinese health products. Like all living creatures, man cannot avoid the inevitable: Birth, growth, aging and death. However man can choose to grow optimally, to live healthily and to use diet, supplement and ‘well being’ knowledge to minimise the effects of ageing. Chinese longevity culture pays much attention to the mind’s psychological state. The ancient philosopher Lao Tze (about 600-470 BC) theorised in his book Dao De Jing that too much speaking and excessive emotional fluctuation can be detrimental to the mind. “Anger hurts liver”, “Excitement hurts heart”, “Thought hurts spleen”, “Sorrow hurts lungs”, and “Fear hurts kidney”. Hence many of longevity experts created the mind therapy that promotes relaxation, low mood swings and moral development. It’s an holistic approach to ‘Balance’ that TIENS fully understand and fully invest in it’s culture and products. 6 Understanding Health Balance. According to Traditional Chinese healthcare culture, these are three components of balance: Replenishing On the basis of cleansing, we can go one step further to use nutritious elements to regulate the function of individual body system. Just like a machine needs regular maintenance to run smoothly and prolong life span, so does the human body need balanced nutrition to keep it healthy, fight against ageing and prevent the onset of sub-health and illness. Both Chinese and western health care stress the significance of balance in the body. Traditional Chinese health care maintains that when the body is properly assigned with the five elements in the cosmos, it will be balanced and stay healthy. When it is out of balance, a major organ will become dysfunctional. The digestive system, circulatory system, respiratory system, urinary and endocrine system all interact with one another. One organ alone cannot perform all body functions. All organs must act in synergy to maintain harmony. When one organ dysfunctions, others will be affected directly or indirectly. Cleansing Balancing Replenishing Strengthening Cleansing - means getting rid of the toxins from the body. The unhealthy diet, heavy mental stress and environmental pollution have all increased the amount of toxins in our body, like excessive cholesterol, fats, preservatives, and artificial pigments etc, which potentially ruin the organs of the body. In modern life we tend to consume too much cholesterol in the long term but little fruit and vegetables and with a lack of exercise. All these factors lead to the deposit of harmful substance to the blood vessels - a bit like crust in the kettle. Over time these deposits will harden and narrow the blood vessels, making them fragile and a loss of elasticity thereby inducing hypertension. The environmental pollution is also an important source of contaminants, including car exhaust, heavy metals, computer and cell phone radiation etc. Therefore the first step to good health is to ‘cleanse’. To remove toxins from the digestive tract, the blood vessels, the lungs, the skin and other channels so that all organs can function optimally. Strengthening – Nourish the body with balanced nutrients Besides detoxification, and balanced nutrition, we also follow the recommendation of the nutritionist to adjust our diet and ensure balanced selection of nutrient supplements to achieve this end. TIENS has developed series of products which can strengthen our body functions, like the digestive system, circulatory system, respiratory system, urinary and endocrine system. For example, we can take calcium together with other vitamins and amino acids to facilitate proper calcium absorption. For more information about supplement choices, simply speak to the person who gave you this brochure. 7 Ingredients: Gynostemma pentaphyllum, Folium nelumbinis,, radix polygoni mutiflori, green tea and semen cassiae. It is also called Gynostemma Tea, In china, it has been regarded as a ‘miracle’ herb, a favourite of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, Qin Shi-Huang, who conquered all the independent Chinese States to create the first Chinese Empire. He endured long hours of work during which he enjoyed drinking this special tea from a herb authorised only for his use. Scientists have found that LIPID METABOLIC MANAGEMENT TEA 天狮降脂茶 Gynostemma has an adaptogen similar to that of Ginseng, to help energise and revitalize the body and support a healthy immune system. Functions/Benefits: •• Detoxification and antioxidant effect •• Help to maintain a good lipid level. 8 TIENS Cleansing Range SLIMMING TEA 天狮减肥茶 This tea is produced on the basis of ancient Chinese knowledge. It is made of the finest yet little known ‘Wulong’ teas and an exquisite blend of herbs. Wulong tea is very popular in China. Unusually, it can be brewed at least twice. The infusion is copper-red and bears a ripe and refreshing taste. Functions/Benefits: •• It has an invigorating effect and stimulates the mind •• It supports well-being •• It contributes in weight loss 9 BANTING VEGETAL ESSENCE - TABLETS 植物减肥精华素片 Ingredients include: Bladderwrack algae, hawthorn, burdock and fennel. Expertly mixed with plant fibre, they combine to form a purely natural product designed as part of a calorie controlled diet for healthy weight loss. The main purpose of effective weight loss supplements is to provide healthy support and nutrition for a calorie controlled programme. Banting Vegetal Essence Tablets are not a meal replacement, for best results take 2 tablets three times a day immediately before meals with water. Benefits: •• Healthy weight loss •• Supply many vitamins and minerals 6 Ingredients include: Maize cellulose, Haw berries (Crataegus monogyna) powder, Hydroxypropyl cellulose, Microcrystal cellulose, Polydextrose, Sweetener Saccharin, Anti-caking agent Magnesium stearate. The human body’s special intestinal flora contributes positively to our immune system. DOUBLE-CELLULOSE TABLETS 天狮双纤片 The intestinal flora, which lives in harmony with our bodies in a symbiotic relationship, require a balanced environment to stay healthy. Today, dietary fibres are regarded as an important part of a holistic nutrition programme. TIENS Double Cellulose Tablets were specifically designed to supply your body with dietary fibres, and support general physical wellbeing. In addition to consuming these tablets, you should eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible. 11 Benefits: •• Contributing in weight management programme •• Reduce risk of constipation •• Maintain a normal gastrointestinal function BANTING VEGETAL ESSENCE - POWDER 植物减肥精华素冲剂 Ingredients: Chicory, Green Tea, Plum and Aniseed. An ideal partner to Banting Vegetal Essence Tablets, the above mentioned ingredients are traditionally used for weight loss as part of a healthy calorie reduced programme. Take two bags daily after a meal twice a week. Pour one bag into half a cup of water and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved. Benefits: •• Healthy Weight Loss support •• Supply many vitamins and minerals 12 CHITOSAN 天狮甲壳质胶囊 is crowned by nutritionists as the sixth essential element for life after protein, fat, sugar, minerals and vitamins. It is a rare natural edible animal fiber. Chitosan is able to absorb the toxins with negative charge inside the body, like heavy metal, lead and mercury, and it can make the immune cells become active so as to improve the immunity system. Ingredients: Chitosan, Maltodextrin, Anti-caking agents magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide. Benefits: •• Soluble, gel-forming dietary fibre can contribute to a reduction in the cholesterol level and help on the weight management •• Reduce risk of constipation •• Help maintain a low glycaemic index •• Maintain a normal gastrointestinal function In 1823, scientists extracted Chitosan for the first time from the outer shells of Crustaceans. It is found in the shells of crabs, shrimps and snails, in certain kinds of cheese, yeast and also exists in small amounts in some varieties of mushroom. Chitosan is a “dietary” fibre and plays a major role in digestion, as well as moderating the passage of the stomach contents into the intestine, it helps strengthen the intestinal wall and accelerate the passage of food through the bowels. Commonly found in the shell of marine lives, Chitosan 13 INNER BEAUTY 天狮益康胶囊 Ingredients: Carrot extract , Maltodextrin, Extract of Ginkgo leaf, Tea polyphenol, Antioxidant L-ascorbic acid, Anticaking agent magnesium stearate. The main ingredient of TIENS Inner Beauty Capsules is high quality carrot extract. Carrots contain large amounts of vitamin C, valuable B-vitamins, folic acid, some vitamin D and E, ethereal oils; iron, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus, as well as an important amount of the immune-strengthening element selenium. Ginkgo biloba with its bifid leaves is a sacred plant in Eastern philosophy. It stands for the unity of opposites and as such symbolizes balance. Ginkgo is known to be used for example as an antioxidant, free radical scavenger and supports the resistance of the body against negative external effects, known as free radicals. Benefits: •• Antioxidant effect •• Free radical scavenger •• Support the resistance of the body against the external aggressions 14 VITALITY SOFTGELS 天狮维康软胶囊 Ingredients: Wheat germ oil, Lecithin, Beta-carotene. TIENS Vitality Softgels is a food supplement with precious wheat germ oil and vitamin E. Wheat germ oil is a cold-pressed cereal grain oil. It is the most abundant source of vitamin E and contains particularly large amounts of beta-tocopherol, the biologically most active form of vitamin E. 2 capsules of TIENS Vitality Softgels meet 96% of the daily requirement for vitamin E. Benefits: •• Assists anti-aging and helps improve skin care •• Assists circulatory system regulation •• Helps maintain arteries health 15 TIENS Cleansing Range GRAPE SEED EXTRACT CAPSULES 天狮活力康胶囊 Ingredients: Starch, Extract of grape seed (Vitis vinifera), Anti-caking agent magnesium stearate, The French are not necessarily known for a low calorie and low cholesterol cuisine. But even with their rich cuisine they are often vibrant till old age. This fact is often called the ‘French secret’. Red wine - so popular in France contains antioxidants that work as free radical scavengers, supporting normal functioning of the immune system. TIENS Grape Seed Extract capsules are carefully processed through a modern bioengineering method and only grapes of the highest quality are used in its production. They help naturally to maintain arterial health, enhance circulatory well-being and facilitates the metabolism of fat. Free radicals enter the body through numerous and varied means: Stress, smoking, pharmaceuticals, food additives, X-rays, pollution, exercise and many more. The solution to free radical damage is Antioxidants. They are the body’s defence against the destructive qualities of free radicals. Benefits •• To naturally maintain arterial health •• Enhances wellbeing •• Aiding antioxidant protection •• Aids fat metabolism 16 TIENS SPIRULINA CAPSULES 天狮牌螺旋藻胶囊 Ingredients: Spirulina, Maltodextrin, Anti-caking agent Magnesium stearate. TIENS Replenishing Range In addition, Spirulina contains valuable secondary plant ingredients, in the form of Carotenoids and Chlorophyl. Spirulina algae are very sensitive to heavy metals and as a result, are grown in pollution free locations. Its precious and versatile nutrients make it an indispensable food supplement for the 21st Century. In the 1960s, during an exploration in Africa, scientists found that some local people had very strong and healthy bodies because of consuming a type of green algae from the sea, the study discovered that this alga contains large amount of Spirulina, which provides a good source of natural protein. In fact, Spirulina has existed almost unchanged for around three and a half billion years and is as such one of the oldest marine plants in the world. It’s special characteristic is the nutritional value of its vitamin and mineral content. It is one of the few algae that are particularly suitable in assisting with dieting. Benefits: •• Rich in protein •• Rich in Gammalinolic acid •• Rich in Multi-Vitamines and minerals •• Help to maintain a healthy immune system and thus contribute to overall good health 17 CORDYCEPS 天狮虫草菌丝体胶囊 Ingredients: Cordyceps mycelium powder. Cordyceps Sinensis, the so-called caterpillar fungus grows in the alpine regions of Tibet, China. Botanically it belongs to the fungi family, and over the past 1200 years, it has been referred to as the ‘miracle’ ingredient of the Traditional Chinese Herbal Range. Through hightech scientific processes the fungus is produced and made into capsules. The production of the Cordyceps food supplement is strictly monitored to be of he highest possible quality. Cordyceps has been highly valued by Chinese Herbal Medicine exponents and has been traditionally used to strengthen the weakened resistance of respiratory tract and immune system. Benefits: •• Help maintain a healthy immune system •• Strengthen respiratory tract •• Anti-fatigue 18 MULTI VITAMIN COFFEE 天狮多维白咖啡 Coffee has been one of the major diet habits for people in the Western society, and we have been aware that consuming excessive amount of caffeine can lead to different types of health related risks, including reducing the capacity of the nutrients absorption. Therefore TIENS has introduced a good taste of coffee which includes a variety of Vitamins and minerals. Benefits: •• Supply balanced vitamins and minerals •• Good quality coffee taste 19 INNER WELLNESS 天狮胃肠舒 Ingredients: Vegetable Cellulose, Inulin, Emulsifier Apple pectin, Flax Seed, Green Anise, Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus Acidophilus. Benefits •• Improves intestinal comfort •• Intestinal well-being •• Aids digestive function Inner Wellness, is a supplement formulated especially to facilitate the function of the digestive system. The association of enzymatic plants like Pineapple and Papaya with extracts that favorite to secretions and the gastric function such as Condurango, Manzanilla Hinojo and Fumaria, make this supplement an excellent digestive product, recommended for people with heavy or slow digestion. 20 TIENS Replenishing Range GARLIC OIL 大蒜油 Ingredients: Garlic macered oil (65%),modified starch, moisuturising agents, sorbitol, manitol, glycerol, emulsifier, glyceryl monoestearate. Garlic has been widely recognised health enhancing supplement. Garlic promotes the well-being of the heart and immune systems with antioxidant properties and helps maintain healthy blood circulation. One of garlic’s most potent health benefits includes the ability to enhance the body’s immune cell activity. Benefits: •• Helps general well-being •• Helps circulation •• Helps the imune system 21 EVENING PRIMROSE OIL 月见草油 Ingredients: Evening primrose Oil (65%), modified starch, vitamin E (antioxidant), moisturing agents, sorbitol, manitol,glycerol, emulsifier, glyceryl monoestearate. Evening primrose oil is a type of oil that is derived from the seeds of the evening primrose, so called because it flowers in the latter part of the day. The oil is then purified and placed inside a capsule which can then be swallowed with relative ease. The oil contained in the seed has been found to be an essential fatty acid that is needed for the growth and development of the body. Evening primrose oil has been used traditionally as a hormonal regulator and recommended to help with these symptoms allowing women avoidance from other more conventional medications. Benefits: •• Help improving symptoms familiar to women when they have premenstrual problems. •• Help female menopause syndrome •• Aids arthritic pain and eczema relief 22 LYCOPENE 天狮番茄红片 Ingredients: Natural tomato powders, lactose, starch, micro-crystal cellulose, lycopene, carboxymethyl, amylo-sodium, magnesium stearate. Benefits: •• Helps to prevent the free radical damage to our cells •• Help with healthy prostate function •• Improve skin health Lycopene is a bright red carotenoid pigment found mainly in tomatoes and other red fruits and vegetables, such as red carrots, watermelons and papayas. Lycopene is essential to healthy prostate function. Numerous studies have shown that daily lycopene supplementation can play a positive role in safeguarding the prostate from damage caused by aging and diet. And as one of the most potent free radical fighting carotenoids. Dr. Edward Giovannucci from Harvard Medical School found that tomatoes, and supplements containing all of the nutrients found naturally in tomatoes, have been shown to interfere with breast cancer cell growth, as well as slow tumour growth. 23 ZINC 天狮锌补晶 Ingredients: Zinc lactate, glucose, egg protein powder. Zinc is a vital trace element that plays an essential role within a wide variety of bodily functions. 160 different types of enzymes are influenced by Zinc. Numerous studies were completed in relation to the importance of Zinc as a central atom of the DNA recognition sequences of steroid receptors. Zinc plays a vital role in achieving a healthy reproductive and immune system, the recovery of damage tissue and blood sugar levels. The removal of free radicals is also partially dependent on the availability of Zinc. Zinc deficiency is characterised by growth retardation, loss of appetite and impaired immune function. In more severe cases, zinc deficiency causes hair loss, diarrhea, impotence, hypogonadism in males, and eye and skin lesions. Benefits: •• Contributing to immune system •• Supports normal growth and development during pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence, and also helps sperm develop and is needed for ovulation and fertilisation •• Help to improve eye vision and skin lesions and as well as helping the loss of appetite 24 MACA TABLETS 强力精华素 Ingredients: Lepidium meyenii, vegetable cellulose. Benefits: •• Natural source of energy •• Maca root extract has been used traditionally as a powerful aid to fertility and found to increase semen volume, sperm count and motile sperm count •• Maca root extract stimulates the glands in the body so that it produces the hormones that it needs Maca a 100% natural dietary supplement that works like an adaptogen; it improves the body’s adaptability. It responds to the specific needs of a body depending on the age and gender of the person taking Maca. It is made from a natural root crop that grows high up in the Peruvian Andes. The root has been well known for its healing properties for thousands of years. Scientific research has only uncovered the special action of this root in the last fifteen years. 25 Ingredients: Galacto Oligo Saccharides (GOS), De-fatted milk powder, Fish bone powder, Non-dairy creamer, Cocoa powder, Flavouring Essence, Maltodextrin, Sweetener Saccharin sodium, Antioxidant Ascorbic acid, Flavouring Vanillin, Flavouring Ethyl maltol, Iron (sulphate), Retinol, Colecalciferol. The composition of TIENS Nutrient Calcium Powder offers a balanced combination of Calcium and vitamins A and D. This combination of minerals and vitamins promotes a highly efficient support to bone metabolism. Calcium plays a major role in the formation and development of the bones and teeth, aids blood coagulation, muscle contraction and even the transmission of nerve impulses. Marine calcium is very rich in bio available calcium which is absorbed by the body quicker than other calcium sources. NUTRIENT SUPER CALCIUM POWDER 天狮营养高钙冲剂 Vitamin A regulates the growth and development of the bones, teeth and cellular membranes and contributes to their reproduction. It is known as the ‘eye-care’ ingredient whilst also claimed by many to protect the body against infections. Vitamin D is also vitally important for the development of the bone tissue and for a fast metabolism. It participates in the integration of calcium salts into the organic matrix of the bones. Benefits •• Joint comfort and mobility •• Helps to support strong bones and teeth •• Improved elimination of toxic compounds •• Antioxidant 26 NEW PACKING DESIGNS WITH THE TIENS ‘WISDOM CHOP’ 天狮“智慧印章” 暨新包装设计 TIENS new packaging design originates from ‘Chinese heritage refined over 5000 years’. Enterprise IG picks a designed green in connecting the concepts of nature, herb and health, as well as expressing the salubrious style of the TIENS product family. By implementing a leaf and vein design as the background image, the visual hierarchy is enriched and contributes to the technology and R & D in the concept of the packaging. Furthermore, four special designed colours are applied to the TIENS wisdom chop and functional icon and appear consistently on each product, forming a differentiated visual impact. TIENS Group has developed and achieved a series of modern health products which are original and reliable. The TIENS wisdom chop is the brand ‘mark of guarantee’, indicating that the product has been manufactured according to traditional Chinese methods and to European compliance standards. 27 TIENS ESSENTIAL HEALTH PERSONAL WELLNESS EQUIPMENT 天狮保健器材 28 SLIMMING BELT 天狮减肥腰带 TIENS Slimming Belt was designed to help people lose weight and it is functioning based on the theory of Traditional Chinese Acupuncture therapy combined with the theories of sports science. Essentially, this approach uses varying oscillating speeds to stimulate acupressure points on the abdomen which are known to have slimming and digestion effects and benefits. Chinese physicians refer to these acupressure points as the ‘Guan Yuan’, ‘Tian Shu’, ‘Si Man’, ‘Shui Fen’ and ‘Zhong Wan’. 29 QI CIRCULATIVE MASSAGER 气血循环机 The Qi Circulative Massager is one of the unique feature of the Chinese Traditional Healthcare. It indicates that our feet hold the most important microcirculation networks, and it plays a role in promoting blood and Qi circulation. This machine integrates acupuncture to stimulate the pressure points on the feet and palm to balance a healthy circulation of the whole body, unfortunately with the progression of the modern technology, our feet have been stimulated less and less; elevators take us upstairs, cars take us to work and computers keep us sitting all day long. Symptoms of poor circulation can range from Raynaud’s disease through varicose veins to chest pains and leg pains in cases of severe arteriosclerosis (thickening and loss of elasticity of the artery walls). Poor circulation is particularly prevalent in those who are overweight or who consume too much alcohol. Some of the most common symptoms of poor circulation are: •• Calf muscles cramping (including whilst asleep) •• Cold feet and/or hands •• Aching, swollen and tired feet •• Cramping in the feet, legs and buttocks that occurs whilst active and improves with rest •• Varicose veins •• Hands and feet ‘fall asleep’ •• Skin becomes discoloured i.e. red, blue or pale •• Infections may be slow to heal or may not heal at all 30 WALKING MATTRESS 天狮走毯 Acupuncture is an aspect of traditional Chinese medicine that has been practiced for thousands of years. It became popular in the west in the early seventies, and is now one of the most widely recognised complementary therapies. It is an integral part of the rapid growth of complementary therapy in the UK and abroad. Acupuncture is an holistic approach to full body health based on over 2000 years of development and refinement in the Far East. TIENS Walking Mattress is functioning based on the acupuncture theory by massaging or stimulating the reflective points of the foot to promote the Qi and Blood circulation. You are recommended to step your naked feet on this mattress for about 10 minutes every day in order to massage the feet’s reflective points Benefits: •• Improve circulation function of human body, promote metabolism of cells, increase secretion of endocrine glands and strengthen immune system. •• Enhance effect of nerve reflection; effectively block other pathologic impulses to be imported into the nerve centre •• Activate the functions of the tissues and organs. •• Enhance psychological therapeutic effects by relaxing the body and the mind 31 PHOTO ENERGY MULTI FUNCTIONAL PILLOW 光子能量功能枕 Good Sleep is essential for a person’s health and wellbeing, cell regeneration and cell growth is known to occur only during periods of rest, and many hormones essential to proper functioning of the human body are produced only when the body is at its deepest sleep stage. When in deep sleep, also called slow-wave sleep, the brain pattern forms Alpha waves and the longer the wave lasts, the better rest you have. This functional pillow is stuffed with a special material called Photon Energy Pipes, which can generates far infrared energy and then improve a good circulation while on sleep; it also produces negative ion around the head, which can penetrate to the respiratory tract through the skin, as a result it will improve the blood and oxygen supply to the brain and heart. The health scientific structural design of the pillow has enable people to maintain a right position while on sleep in order to avoid health problems associated with wrong posture of sleep. 32 QI BALANCER 天狮降压器 TIENS Qi Balancer is developed based on the modern biological therapy and meridian therapy of the Traditional Chinese Medicine philosophy. From viewpoint of bioelectricity, the human body is an electric conductor and the bioelectric activities play a key role throughout the journey of human life. When people are in a healthy condition the bioelectric parameters remain at a normal level. But when people are sick, the bioelectric parameters usually change and the blood pressure rises when potential is at a higher level than normal. The main reason is that the abnormal potential has disturbed the control from pallium to blood vessel and the arteriolar wall is rendered shrunken so that the blood flow receives high resistance and the blood pressure to the arteriolar wall is raised. Key Benefits : •• Help to balance the blood pressure •• Contributes to the prevention of vascular diseases •• Relieve the discomfort associated with circulation problems •• Contributes to the prevention of hair loss •• Simulates traditional therapeutic massages, essentially offering a physiotherapy function 33 ACUPOINT TREASURE 天狮穴宝 Key benefits: •• Relieve the discomfort caused by poor circulation •• Help to improve the disharmony associated with wide range of health issues •• Helps to overall wellbeing Acupoint Treasure is a pocket- sized acupuncture appliance; it was designed according to the ancient Chinese Acupuncture Therapy, electric pulse and magnetic therapy to help people with abnormal blood pressure, inflammation, pains and circulation problems etc. When scanning the acupoints and giving the acupoint a certain amount of electrical pulse, it will thus clear and activate the channels and collaterals, promote the microcirculation of the body. This device is also called ‘Green Therapy’, after 10 years of research and clinical application it has proved that the general effectiveness has reached 98.4%, it has been highly recognised and recommended by Acupuncturist all over the world. 34 FRUIT AND VEGETABLE CLEANER 果蔬佳洁宝 Key benefits: •• Kills the bacteria and removes the pesticides of the fruit and Vegetables •• Disintegrates the hormone residues in meat and seafood •• Purifying the air •• Extend the freshness of the food. •• Sterilise the dishes and cookware Ozone (O3) is a natural oxidizing agent. It kills bacteria, viruses and other micro-organisms via oxidation. Dissolved ozone is even more potent. Water, food and utensils treated with ozone are devoid of harmful Organisms. Its bactericidal power is more superior to other sterilizing agents. TIENS Fruit & Vegetable Cleaner, its unique formula and hi-tech production avoid electromagnetic interference to ensure greater product stability and higher ozone output. It curbs bacterial growth effectively to give cleaner and purer air in the office and at home. It also removes pesticides on fruit and vegetables, disintegrates hormone residues in meat and seafood, kills bacteria, bleaches and removes stubborn dirt, keeping food fresh. It is a useful and versatile item in modern homes and offices. 35 TIENS For Life Healthy Weight Loss Programme Want to lose up to 7lbs in two weeks, comfortably? TIENS new weight loss programme is designed specifically to provide a dependable weight management solution. The programme offers an holistic understanding to long-term wellness through the use of TIENS world- renowned supplements in conjunction with a balanced diet and lifestyle. It’s very straightforward programme and the person that handed you this product guide will be very happy to tell you just how easy, beneficial and enjoyable the programme is, how ever ambitious your goals! 36 Product Testimonials “I am a belly dancer, being chubby and overweight has certainly frustrated me for some time, I was recommended to try TIENS weight loss products. Amazingly I have not only lost about 8 kilos after using the recommended products for only about one and half months, now I feel a lot more energetic and active. TIENS slimming products are a very effective aid to losing weight in a healthy way. I can now enjoy teaching belly dancing and at the same time work effectively as a TIENS Independent Distributor, and earn extra income by introducing TIENS excellent products to others. ” Varya Bio “After Joining the TIENS weight loss programme, I have managed to reach my optimal weight target by losing one and half stone. These products not only help me get rid of excessive fat, they also kept me fit and active. Now I feel like I have an extra 3 to 4 active hours a day. It is really amazing!.” Amy Kong, London “I am originally from Bulgaria and now living in the UK, I am extremely glad about TIENS products as they help me and my mother so much to improve our health. We felt so much more energetic and active and my friends have been telling me that I look so healthy and pretty now. TIENS products have really made a difference to my life.” Maria Ivanova “I really love the Qi Circulation Massager and my family also benefit from this machine as, exercise has never been the priority in our daily lives. I could really feel an obvious difference with my health after using it for some time.” Angela Mensah “My experience makes me realise that TIENS wellness equipment truly demonstrate the efficacy of Chinese Traditional Healthcare Culture. I have really enjoyed using the massager and the Qi balancer and my blood circulation has improved a lot and as well as my blood pressure.” Peter Nelson 37 TIENS MAJOR HONOURS AND CERTIFICATIONS 天狮荣誉证书 Quality Certificate of US Council International Quality Authentication The Top 500 Most Valuable Brand Award in Asia Elaborados Dieteticos SA, Business and Products Registration in Spain Quality Management System Certificate ISO9001:2000 38 Membership of United Nation Programme – Global Impact Food safety Management System Certificate Kosher Certificate Quality Management System Certificate ISO9001:2000 Mr. Jinyuan named Chinese Business Person of the Year 2009 Peacemaking Public Fund Asia -Pacific Area Peacemaking Public Fund Asia -Pacific Area TIENS was announced the Chinese Brand of the Year 2009 39 TIENS Order Line 020 8200 7788 Next Day Delivery! UK Mainland when you place your order on Mon-Thu before 12.00 noon Monday to Friday: 10.00am - 6.00pm Saturday: 12.30pm - 6.00pm Independent Distributor: TIENS UK Ltd. Unit 1, Colindale Business Centre, 126/128 Colindale Avenue, London NW9 5HD Tel: 020 8200 7788 Fax: 020 8200 7711 web: email: The information presented in this brochure is in no way intended as medical advice or as a substitute for medical counselling. The information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your Doctor. Consult your Doctor before beginning any wellness program. Your Doctor should be aware of all medical conditions you may have as well as the medications and supplements you are taking. Anyone on diuretics or diabetes medication should proceed only under a Doctor’s supervision. Anyone on dialysis or by pregnant women should seek medical advice.
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