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Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Wapato Education Association And Wapato School District No. 207 TABLE OF CONTENTS PREAMBLE ................................................................................................................................................................1 ARTICLE I - ADMINISTRATION...........................................................................................................................1 SECTION 1. SECTION 2. SECTION 3. SECTION 4. SECTION 5. DEFINITIONS....................................................................................................................................1 RECOGNITION .................................................................................................................................1 STATUS OF AGREEMENT ..............................................................................................................2 CONFORMITY TO LAW ..................................................................................................................3 PRINTING/DISTRIBUTION OF AGREEMENT ..............................................................................3 ARTICLE II - BUSINESS ..........................................................................................................................................1 SECTION 1. SECTION 2. SECTION 3. SECTION 4. SECTION 5. SECTION 6. SECTION 7. SECTION 8. SECTION 9. MANAGEMENT RIGHTS.................................................................................................................1 ASSOCIATION RIGHTS ...................................................................................................................1 DUES, DEDUCTIONS/REPRESENTATION FEE............................................................................1 ASSOCIATION LEAVE.....................................................................................................................2 NO STRIKE/NO LOCKOUT..............................................................................................................3 NEGOTIATIONS TIME.....................................................................................................................3 COMMUNICATIONS........................................................................................................................3 LEARNING IMPROVEMENT TEAM (LIT) DECISION-MAKING ................................................3 INFORMATION SURVEY ................................................................................................................4 ARTICLE III - EMPLOYEE RIGHTS.....................................................................................................................1 SECTION 1. HIRING PRACTICES.........................................................................................................................1 SECTION 2. ISSUANCE OF CONTRACTS ...........................................................................................................1 SECTION 3. NON-DISCRIMINATION..................................................................................................................2 SECTION 4. DUE PROCESS JUST CAUSE...........................................................................................................2 SECTION 5. CODE OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT ..........................................................................................3 SECTION 6. PERSONNEL FILES ..........................................................................................................................3 SECTION 7. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUESTS ..................................................................................4 SECTION 8. EMPLOYEE PROTECTION..............................................................................................................4 SECTION 9. ASSIGNMENT, VACANCIES, PROMOTION, AND TRANSFER ..................................................6 SECTION 10. EMPLOYEE TRANSITION.............................................................................................................8 SECTION 11. EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITIES..................................................................................................9 SECTION 12. COMMUNICABLE DISEASES.......................................................................................................9 SECTION 13. EMPLOYEES’ CHILDREN ATTENDING DISTRICT....................................................................9 ARTICLE IV - EVALUATION/PROBATION ........................................................................................................1 SECTION 1. PURPOSE ...........................................................................................................................................1 SECTION 2. PROCEDURE .....................................................................................................................................1 SECTION 3. EVALUATION CRITERIA................................................................................................................1 SECTION 4. REQUIRED EVALUATION ..............................................................................................................1 SECTION 5. OBSERVATION.................................................................................................................................2 SECTION 6. EVALUATION REPORT ...................................................................................................................3 SECTION 7. PROBATION......................................................................................................................................3 SECTION 8. ACTION BY SUPERINTENDENT....................................................................................................5 SECTION 9. ACTION BY EMPLOYEE .................................................................................................................5 SECTION 10. GENERAL PROVISIONS ................................................................................................................5 ARTICLE V – LAYOFF/RECALL ...........................................................................................................................1 pg i Wapato Education Association Revised 2008 SECTION 1. SECTION 2. SECTION 3. SECTION 4. SECTION 5. SECTION 6. SECTION 7. SECTION 8. SECTION 9. INITIATION OF LAYOFF .................................................................................................................1 CRITERIA ..........................................................................................................................................1 SENIORITY........................................................................................................................................1 PROCEDURE .....................................................................................................................................2 RECALL .............................................................................................................................................2 NOTIFICATION OF RECALL...........................................................................................................3 BENEFITS ..........................................................................................................................................3 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/STATE ACCREDITATION....................................................................3 ACTION BY EMPLOYEE .................................................................................................................4 ARTICLE VI - INSTRUCTIONAL...........................................................................................................................1 SECTION 1. PREPARATION TIME.......................................................................................................................1 SECTION 2. STUDENT DISCIPLINE ....................................................................................................................1 SECTION 3. CLASS SIZE: INSTRUCTIONAL......................................................................................................3 SECTION 4. CLASSROOM VISITATION ..............................................................................................................4 SECTION 5. CONTROVERSIAL TOPICS/ACADEMIC FREEDOM ....................................................................4 SECTION 6. SPECIAL PROJECTS GRANTS ........................................................................................................4 SECTION 7. TEACHER CONFERENCES .............................................................................................................5 SECTION 8. MENTORING TEACHER..................................................................................................................5 SECTION 9. ENROLLING NEW STUDENTS........................................................................................................5 ARTICLE VII - LEAVES...........................................................................................................................................6 SECTION 1. SICK LEAVE......................................................................................................................................6 SECTION 2. SICK LEAVE CASH OUT..................................................................................................................9 SECTION 3. MATERNITY/PARENTAL/ADOPTIVE LEAVE...........................................................................10 SECTION 4. EMERGENCY LEAVE ....................................................................................................................11 SECTION 5. FAMILY ILLNESS LEAVE .............................................................................................................11 SECTION 6. BEREAVEMENT LEAVE ...............................................................................................................11 SECTION 7. JURY DUTY.....................................................................................................................................11 SECTION 8. MILITARY LEAVE..........................................................................................................................12 SECTION 9. SABBATICAL LEAVE ....................................................................................................................12 SECTION 10. PROFESSIONAL LEAVE ..............................................................................................................13 SECTION 11. ANNUAL LEAVE ..........................................................................................................................13 SECTION 12. JOB SHARING LEAVE .................................................................................................................13 SECTION 13. OTHER LEAVES ...........................................................................................................................14 ARTICLE VIII - FISCAL...........................................................................................................................................1 SECTION 1. WORK DAY .......................................................................................................................................1 SECTION 2. CALENDAR/WORK YEAR ..............................................................................................................2 SECTION 3. WORK OPPORTUNITIES.................................................................................................................2 SECTION 4. SALARY SCHEDULE .......................................................................................................................3 SECTION 5. PAYMENT .........................................................................................................................................4 SECTION 6. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROCEDURES .......................................................................5 SECTION 7. OTHER SALARY SCHEDULE PROVISIONS .................................................................................5 SECTION 8. COMPLIANCE ...................................................................................................................................7 SECTION 9. EXTRA-CURRICULAR PAY ............................................................................................................7 SECTION 10. INSURANCE ....................................................................................................................................7 SECTION 11. TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT ........................................................................................................8 SECTION 12. BUILDING BUDGET COMMITTEE ..............................................................................................8 SECTION 13. DISTRICT SERVICE PROJECT......................................................................................................8 SECTION 14. RETIREMENT .................................................................................................................................9 ARTICLE IX - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE..........................................................................................................1 SECTION 1. SECTION 2. SECTION 3. SECTION 4. DEFINITIONS....................................................................................................................................1 PROCEDURE .....................................................................................................................................1 ARBITRATION..................................................................................................................................2 ELECTION OF REMEDIES...............................................................................................................3 pg ii Wapato Education Association Revised 2008 SECTION 5. SECTION 6. SECTION 7. SECTION 8. TIME LIMITS.....................................................................................................................................3 GRIEVANCE AND ARBITRATION HEARINGS ............................................................................3 INDIVIDUAL COMPLAINTS ...........................................................................................................3 CONTINUITY OF GRIEVANCE.......................................................................................................3 ARTICLE X - DURATION ........................................................................................................................................1 APPENDIX A-1 – 2008-2009 SALARY SCHEDULE..............................................................................................1 APPENDIX A-2 – APPROVAL OF COLLEGE AND CLOCK HOUR CREDITS FOR SALARY INCREMENTS APPLICATION FORM ..................................................................................................................2 APPENDIX A-3 DIRECTIONS FOR USING EXTENDED SERVICE FORMS .................................................3 APPENDIX A- 4 EXTENDED SERVICE TRACKING SHEET............................................................................4 APPENDIX A-5 PD1 CONTRACT FOR DISTRICT DIRECTEDAND TEACHER DIRECTED DAYS .........5 APPENDIX A-6 CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PAY .................................................6 APPENDIX A-7 CONTRACT FOR TRI PAY .........................................................................................................8 APPENDIX A- 8 PD4 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPTION FORM ..................................................10 APPENDIX A-9 PD5 EXTEND. SERVICE PAY REIMBURSEMENT OPTION A .........................................11 APPENDIX A-10 PD6 EXT. SERVICE PAY REIMBURSEMENT OPTION B................................................13 APPENDIX A-11 APPLICATION/CONTRACT FOR CLASSROOM COVERAGE SUBSTITUTE .............14 APPENDIX A-12 CLOCK HOUR FORM .............................................................................................................15 APPENDIX A-13 CURRICULUM/GRANT IN-SERVICE FOR EXTRA DUTY PAY ....................................16 APPENDIX B-1 – EXTRA DUTY/EXTRA PAY NON-COACHING SCHEDULE .............................................1 APPENDIX C-1 - TEACHER PERFORMANCE EVALUATION REPORT.......................................................1 APPENDIX C-2 - TEACHER EVALUATION ........................................................................................................2 APPENDIX C-3 – LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER SPECIALIST PERFORMANCE EVALUATION REPORT ......................................................................................................................................................................4 APPENDIX C-4 - EMPLOYEE EVALUATION (SHORT FORM).......................................................................5 APPENDIX C-5 – LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER SPECIALIST PERFORMANCE EVALUATION INDICATORS .............................................................................................................................................................6 APPENDIX C-6 - COUNSELOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION REPORT .................................................9 APPENDIX C-7 - CERTIFICATED SUPPORT PERSONNEL INDICATORS - COUNSELOR ....................10 APPENDIX C-8 - PSYCHOLOGIST/NURSE/CDS PERFORMANCE EVALUATION REPORT .................13 APPENDIX C-9 - CERTIFICATED SUPPORT PERSONNEL EVALUATION INDICATORS – PSYCHOLOGIST/NURSE/CDS..............................................................................................................................14 APPENDIX D-1 - GRIEVANCE REVIEW REQUEST FORM .............................................................................1 pg iii Wapato Education Association Revised 2008 APPENDIX E-1 – CALENDAR 2008-2009..............................................................................................................1 APPPENDIX E-2 CALENDAR 2009-2010 ..............................................................................................................1 APPENDIX F-1 - JUST CAUSE/SEVEN KEY TESTS * ........................................................................................1 APPENDIX G-1 - CERTIFICATED SICK LEAVE SHARING POOL ................................................................1 APPENDIX G-2 — APPLICATION FOR FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE...................................................2 APPENDIX H-1 – CLAIM FOR EXPENSES ..........................................................................................................1 APPENDIX I-1 – REQUEST FOR TRAVEL ADVANCE ......................................................................................1 APPENDIX J-1 – CERTIFICATED/CLASSIFIED REQUEST FOR TRANSFER OR REASSIGNMENT .....1 APPENDIX K – GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................1 RETIRE AND REHIRE (ESSB 5937).......................................................................................................................1 DESCRIPTION OF HIRING PROCESS ..................................................................................................................2 SIGNATORIES ...........................................................................................................................................................1 NEGOTIATIONS........................................................................................................................................................1 DISTRICT FACTS......................................................................................................................................................1 INDEX .......................................................................................................................................................................... I pg iv Wapato Education Association Revised 2008 PREAMBLE This document is an agreement between the District Board and the Association. The hours, wages, terms, and conditions of employment contained herein have been bargained and agreed to in accordance with the provisions of RCW 41.59, the Educational Employment Relations Act. PREAMBLE - pg 1 Wapato Education Association Revised 4/14/99 ARTICLE I - ADMINISTRATION SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS A. District/Board shall mean the Wapato School District No. 207. B. Association shall mean the Wapato Education Association which is affiliated with the Washington Education Association and with the National Education Association. C. Parties shall mean the District and the Association as co-signers of the Agreement. D. Agreement shall mean the Collective Bargaining Agreement signed by the parties. E. Employee shall mean a member of the bargaining unit. F. Day shall mean school day, except during summer when it shall mean weekday except for holidays. G. Superintendent shall mean the chief administrative officer of the District. H. Co-Presidents shall mean two presidents elected in alternating years serving a two year term. The Co-President serving the second year of their term shall be considered the official spokesperson of the Association. I. Contract shall mean the individual contract issued to each employee. J. OSPI shall mean Office of Superintendent of Instruction. K. PERC shall mean Public Employees Relations Commission SECTION 2. RECOGNITION A. The District hereby recognizes the Association as the sole and exclusive bargaining representative for all full-time and part-time certificated employees who are employed by the District, including those employees employed on Leave Replacement and/or Post-Retirement contracts. B. The Articles and Sections of the Agreement that relate to Replacement employees are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Representation Fee (daily rate) ............................................ Art. II, Sec. 3 Hiring Practice.....................................................................Art. III, Sec. 1 Non Discrimination .............................................................Art. III, Sec. 3 Employee Protection ...........................................................Art. III, Sec. 8 Controversial Topics/Academic Freedom.......................... Art. VI, Sec. 4 Personnel File ......................................................................Art. III, Sec. 6 ARTICLE I - ADMINISTRATION – pg 1 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 7. Work Day ..........................................................................Art.VIII, Sec. 1 8. Salary Schedule (see note 1 and 2) 9. Sick Leave (pro-rated share) ........................................................Art. VII (Sick Leave shall accumulate at one day per cumulative month worked [20 days], and may be used only if earned in the District if the replacement employee becomes, or is, ill and is actually employed during the period of illness.) 10. Due Process .........................................................................Art. III, Sec. 4 11. Student Discipline .............................................................. Art. VI, Sec. 2 12. Classroom Visitation .......................................................... Art. VI, Sec. 3 13. Grievance Procedure ..................................................................... Art. IX The grievance procedure can only be utilized by the replacement employee for the Agreement articles and sections listed above. C. Such representation shall exclude Superintendent, administrative assistant to the superintendent, assistant superintendents, principals, assistant principals, athletic director, and special education and vocational directors, tutors, paraprofessionals, custodians, secretaries, food service employees, and all other contracted employees who are represented under separate bargaining agreements. D. It is understood that in a reduction in force situation no excluded employee shall be part of any employment pool as outlined by the layoff and recall procedure. Note: 1. Replacement employees who are contracted to replace an employee on a leave of absence will be paid from the first day at their appropriate placement on the salary schedule. Note: 2. Long-Term Substitutes who replace an employee for an undetermined length of time shall be paid at the substitute rate for the first twenty (20) days and shall be paid at the daily rate of 1/180th of the salary schedule base (BA+00) for the duration of that employment. SECTION 3. STATUS OF AGREEMENT A. Any contract between the District and an employee shall be subject to and consistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If a contract contains any language inconsistent with this Agreement, this Agreement during its duration shall be controlling. B. This Agreement shall become effective when ratified by the Board and Association and executed by authorized representatives thereof and may be amended or modified only with mutual consent of the parties. In the event that school opens prior to conclusion of negotiations, it is agreed that salary increases shall be retroactive. C. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, nothing contained herein shall be interpreted and/or applied so as to eliminate, reduce, or otherwise detract from current employee salaries and economic benefits under existing rules, regulations, policies, resolutions, agreements and practices of the District in effect prior to the effective date of this Agreement. ARTICLE I - ADMINISTRATION – pg 2 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 D. This Agreement shall supersede any rules, regulations, policies, resolutions, or practices of the District which shall be contrary to or inconsistent with its terms. E. In the event of a dispute over contractual language because of a transcriptional or editorial error, the original signed Agreement shall prevail. SECTION 4. CONFORMITY TO LAW This Agreement shall be governed and construed according to the Constitution and Laws of the State of Washington. If any provision of this Agreement or any application of this Agreement to any employee or groups of employees covered hereby shall be found contrary to law by a tribunal of competent jurisdiction, such provision or application shall have effect only to the extent permitted by law; and all other provisions or applications of the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. In the event a provision(s) is determined to be contrary to law as stated above, such provision shall be re-negotiated. Negotiations shall commence within a reasonable time after receipt of the written request for re-negotiations. SECTION 5. PRINTING/DISTRIBUTION OF AGREEMENT A. The Association will be responsible for explaining the terms of the Agreement and for distributing a copy to each employee. The District shall provide each new employee with a copy of the Agreement. Additional copies shall be provided to the District and the Association. Each certificated individual making employment application shall, upon request, be provided with a copy of the Agreement by the District for his/her examination. B. There shall be two (2) signed copies of the final Agreement for the purpose of records. One (1) shall be retained by the District and one (1) by the Association. C. The Association and the District agree to have the Bargaining Agreement printed in the district print shop. The Association and the District will provide personnel to print, collate and do other necessary tasks. An itemized bill including the cost of usage of equipment, materials and the wages of both Association and District personnel will be submitted to both parties who will each pay one half the final cost. ARTICLE I - ADMINISTRATION – pg 3 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 ARTICLE II - BUSINESS SECTION 1. MANAGEMENT RIGHTS It is understood and agreed that with the exception of the expressed provisions of the Agreement, the Board retains all rights and responsibilities that have been granted or imposed on it by law, practice, custom, or rules and regulations of federal, state, county, and all other regulatory agencies. SECTION 2. ASSOCIATION RIGHTS A. Inter-school mail facilities and bulletin boards shall be used for distribution of Association communications, so long as such communications are labeled as Association materials. B. School facilities and equipment may be used for Association business at reasonable times. Charges for the use of facilities during non-school hours may be made in accordance with the regular schedule of charges made to public groups. The Association shall be responsible for damage resulting from their use of facilities and equipment. C. Duly authorized representatives of the Association shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times, provided that this shall not interfere with or interrupt normal school operations. D. The Board agrees to provide the Association with any information needed to assist them in processing grievances and analyzing budget proposals, provided such information is not of a confidential nature. Compensation for costs incurred may be charged by the District for these services. E. At the annual staff orientation session, the Association will be given an opportunity to address all employees. F. The Board meeting agenda will contain as its first item under communications to the Board any matters requested by the Association having prior approval of the Superintendent. SECTION 3. DUES, DEDUCTIONS/REPRESENTATION FEE A. The Association shall have the right to have deducted from the salary of members of the Association (upon receipt of a written authorization form) an amount equal to the fees and dues required for membership in the Association. The dues deduction form and authorization shall remain in effect from year to year, unless withdrawn in writing by the employee. Dues deduction forms must be delivered to the business office within 60 days from the start of school, or within 60 days of an employee's beginning date of employment. ARTICLE II - BUSINESS – pg 1 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 B. No member of the bargaining unit will be required to join the Association; however, those employees who are not Association members, but are members of the bargaining unit, will be required to pay a representation fee to the Association. The amount of the representation fee will be determined by the Association, and transmitted to the District Office in writing. The representation fee shall be an amount less than the regular dues for the Association membership in that non-members shall be neither required nor allowed to make a political deduction. The representation fee shall be regarded as fair compensation and reimbursement to the Association for fulfilling its legal obligation to represent all members of the bargaining unit (Reference RCW 41.59.090). Representation fee for replacement employees shall be prorated. C. In the event that the representation fee is regarded by an employee as a violation of his/her right to non-association, such bona fide objections will be resolved according to the provisions of RCW 41.59.100, or the PERC. The Association agrees to defend and hold the District harmless against any legal action brought against the District in reference to the representation fee deduction. SECTION 4. ASSOCIATION LEAVE A. The District shall allow Association representatives to attend to Association business as mutually agreed upon between an Association Co-President and the Superintendent or designee. The Association shall pay the cost of any substitute employees beyond ten (10) of the twenty (20) days as referenced in paragraph B. B. Twenty (20) days of professional leave shall be provided for Association business. This applies to members of the Association for meetings or conferences, or negotiations when mutually agreed to, or other Association business. The twenty (20) days shall be provided for the members of the Association, and this provision shall not be interpreted to mean that twenty (20) days leave may apply to each Association officer or staff member. Requests for association leave shall be submitted in writing to an Association Co-President or his/her designee. C. The written requests for leave shall be forwarded by the Co-President to the Superintendent at least three (3) days before the leave is to take effect. The reason for the leave is to be clearly stated. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall acknowledge receipt of the request to the Co-President in a timely manner so that the member can arrange for a substitute, and the cost of the substitute shall be paid by the District for the initial ten (10) days of association leave. Upon return from leave, the employee shall complete the proper leave form as provided by the District. D. In the event an Association member is elected or appointed to a regional or state office in the Association, the District shall grant that person(s) fifteen (15) days Association leave, exclusive of the normal Association leave. The State or regional Association shall pay the cost of any replacement employee. ARTICLE II - BUSINESS – pg 2 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 SECTION 5. NO STRIKE/NO LOCKOUT During the term of this Agreement, the Association agrees not to participate or encourage participation in any work stoppage or slow down, and further agrees not to observe any picket lines at school properties during the period of the Agreement. The District agrees there shall be no lockout or other economic action by the District during the term of this Agreement. SECTION 6. NEGOTIATIONS TIME The District benefits from constructive communications between Association representatives and District administrators during the process of negotiations. Therefore, whenever Association representatives are mutually scheduled with District representatives to participate in formal negotiation sessions during working hours, the Association representatives shall be released without loss of pay. SECTION 7. COMMUNICATIONS The District and the Association derive benefits from constructive interchange of communications. The Association officials and District administrators shall meet once a month to discuss school related topics. Upon request by either party, the Association officials and District administrators shall meet to discuss school problems relating to interpretation or compliance with this Agreement. When a request is made, the meeting shall be held within three (3) working days. SECTION 8. LEARNING IMPROVEMENT TEAM (LIT) DECISION-MAKING A. LIT Decision Making Association and the District agree to implement a process of decision-making that will deliberately place greater authority and responsibility for education and related decisions within the school building itself. The District and the WEA will jointly explore changes in structures and procedures that will facilitate these change s with the goals of: 1. providing better collaboration in quality education services; 2. placing the decision-making closer to teaching and learning; 3. creating an environment that will enable educational staff to listen better and respond more quickly to parents and students; 4. improving the work environment of administrators and teachers, which is ultimately the learning environment for children. The parties also believe that in the process of implementation of LIT decision-making, there will be a growing sense of open communication, trust, and creativity to collaboratively solve problems for the education of pupils in the Wapato School District. ARTICLE II - BUSINESS – pg 3 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 Each school building shall create a LIT comprised of representatives of the professional staff (administrators, teachers, including building representative, or designee, and specialists) classified staff, and parents. A chairperson will set the agenda based upon input from parents, staff and students. The LIT meetings shall be open to all staff. The LIT’s goal is to collaborate with the administration in making decisions about school issues such as budget, curriculum, staffing, and operations of the school. In general, the LIT must make certain that appropriate high quality decisions are made at the building site level. (Note: No member of the Association shall be excluded from the bargaining unit as a supervisory managerial employee within the meanings of the Labor Relations Act by reason of his/her participation in LIT Management.) B. Limitations It is understood that all recommendations made will be in compliance with state (WACS and RCWs) and federal laws as they pertain to: 1. OSPI rules and regulations; 2. Board policies and administrative regulations; or 3. the Collective Bargaining Agreement between Wapato Education Association and Wapato School District. Each building will review and update their processes and membership each year in order to best focus on effective teaching and learning. C. Waivers It is clearly understood that when an exceptional practice is proposed it is not precedent setting nor system-wide. The exceptions are temporary and are automatically reviewed by September 1, unless specifically extended. After two (2) such reviews exceptions become permanent unless changes through the LIT process. The School Board will be provided a copy of all suggested waivers by the LIT. SECTION 9. INFORMATION SURVEY A joint survey form shall be sent to all employees during the first week in February requesting information on the following: a) the possible movement on the salary schedule; b) the intention of returning to the District; c) home address for the summer; d) disposition of summer warrants; e) request of transfer within the District; f) disposition of leaves; ARTICLE II - BUSINESS – pg 4 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 g) other relevant information needed by the District. The purpose of a single survey form is for the mutual convenience of the District and the employees of the District. Additional survey items may be included as deemed necessary by the parties. The forms will be completed and returned to the District offices by February 15 and will be kept on file for one (1) year. ARTICLE II - BUSINESS – pg 5 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 ARTICLE III - EMPLOYEE RIGHTS SECTION 1. HIRING PRACTICES A. The Board shall in all instances hire employees who are properly credentialed in accordance with applicable state laws, Washington Administrative Code, and by such other requirements as specified by the Office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Non-certificated employees shall not be assigned to perform a preponderance of work in the instructional setting (classroom) which will substitute and/or replace an employee in his/her assignment or employment. B. All employees shall be placed on the annual salary schedule in accordance with the criteria for salary schedule placement as contained in the Agreement. SECTION 2. ISSUANCE OF CONTRACTS A. The District shall provide each employee a contract in conformity with Washington State Law, State Board of Education regulations, and this Agreement. Contracts for employees of the District, if issued while negotiations are in progress, shall be accompanied by a statement that they will be adjusted when the Agreement is reached. Two (2) copies of a contract will be given to the employee by the third Monday in April for signature. The contract is the District’s offer of employment; your signature is your acceptance of employment. Both copies must be returned by the first Monday in May. If an employee would like to retain a copy at this time, he/she may photocopy it. Two (2) copies are forwarded to the District office to be signed and processed according to law. One (1) of these copies is placed in the employee's personnel file and the other copy is returned to the employee. B. If a position is opened due to illness or other type of leave, and an employee is given a contract for the remainder of the year or for a specified period of time, the contract shall so state the duration and the temporary status of the contract. C. An employee under contract may be released from the obligation of the contract upon request under the following conditions: 1. A letter requesting a release from contract must be submitted to the Superintendent's office. 2. A release from contract may be granted provided a satisfactory replacement can be obtained. 3. A release from contract shall be granted in case of illness, or other personal matters which make it impossible for the employee to continue in the District. 4. Prior to entering into an employment contract with another school district, the employee must be released by the Wapato School District. ARTICLE III - EMPLOYEE RIGHTS – pg 1 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 5. Any release from a contract through the above conditions shall not constitute a violation of the Code of Professional Conduct. D. Any extension of contracted days by the District shall be computed on a full per diem of the employee's contracted rate of pay. E. All supplemental contracts or letters of appointment (coaches, drama, etc.) will be issued no later than the first supplemental contracted day. The District will notify those teachers holding supplemental contracts of its intent to offer, or not to offer, said employees the same supplemental contract for the ensuing school year. It is understood that the supplemental contracts are exempt from the continuing contract provisions of the law. SECTION 3. NON-DISCRIMINATION A. The employees shall be entitled to full rights of citizenship and no religious or political activities outside of the classroom, or the lack thereof, shall be grounds for any discipline or discrimination with respect to the professional employment of such employee. B. There shall be no discrimination with respect to the employment of any employee, nor application of this Agreement, because of such employee’s age, gender, marital status, race, creed, color, national origin, domicile, political activity or lack thereof. Furthermore, there shall be no discrimination with respect to the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification. The prohibition against discrimination because of such disability shall not apply if the particular disability prevents the proper employment performance of the particular teacher involved. SECTION 4. DUE PROCESS JUST CAUSE A. No employee shall be disciplined without just and sufficient cause (see Appendix F, Just Cause/Seven Key Tests). Discipline action shall be delivered in a private setting. In addition, the District agrees to follow, when appropriate, a policy of progressive discipline. A disciplinary action taken against an employee shall be appropriate for the behavior which precipitates said action. B. When an employee is formally questioned by a supervisor for the purpose of seeking information which may be used as the basis for a written reprimand, suspension, discharge or non-renewal, the employee shall be advised that he/she is entitled to request and to have a representative present at any meeting relating to such discipline. Additionally, if requested, the employee and their Association representative shall be afforded an opportunity to meet and confer prior to the commencement of such meeting, provided that the length of such conference shall not unduly delay the scheduled conference meeting time. C. All rules and regulations governing employee activities and conduct shall be interpreted and applied uniformly throughout the District. All information forming the basis of any reprimand, warning, discipline or adverse effect shall be made available to the employee, prior to any action taken. ARTICLE III - EMPLOYEE RIGHTS – pg 2 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 D. In the event an employee is non-renewed or discharged as per RCW 28A.405.210 or RCW 28A.405.300, and a hearing is requested, then either the employee, the Association or the District may elect to submit the issue to Step III of the Grievance Procedure (Binding Arbitration) as opposed to the hearing process in RCW 28A.405.310. (see Article IX, Section 4) SECTION 5. CODE OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT Prior to the Superintendent filing a formal complaint with SPI, the Superintendent will inform the Association of the pending complaint. The information shared shall be considered as confidential. The purpose of this agreement is to alert the Association and allow them to take appropriate action. Any employee who witnesses dangerous or illegal behavior by a fellow unit member should bring their concern to the attention of a supervisor. SECTION 6. PERSONNEL FILES A. An employees or former employee shall upon request have the right to inspect all contents of his/her complete personnel file kept within the District as well as non-confidential employment references leaving the District. Anyone, at the employee's request, may be present during this review. Upon request, a copy of any documents contained therein shall be afforded the employee at cost, if any. B. No secret, alternate or other personnel file shall be kept anywhere in the District. However, an evaluator's unofficial working file, including classroom observations, notes and other pertinent data, may be kept for a period of two (2) school years to facilitate employee evaluations. A copy of the evaluator's working file used during the school year shall be given to the employee at the time of the annual evaluation if requested by the employee. All electronic working files will be erased upon the expiration of a two (2) school year time period. An employee wishing to review the contents of his/her evaluator's working file may request an appointment to meet with the evaluator for that purpose. An appointment will be scheduled within forty-eight (48) hours, exclusive of the evaluator's absence from the building, for the employee and the evaluator to review the working file. Upon request an employee shall be given a copy of any documents contained within the working file at cost, if any. A separate file for processed grievances, if any, shall be kept apart from the employee's personnel file. C. Any derogatory material not shown to an employee within ten (10) days after receipt or composition shall not be allowed as evidence in any grievance or in any disciplinary action against such employee. No evaluation, correspondence, or other material making derogatory reference to an employee's competence, character, or manner shall be kept or placed in the personnel file ARTICLE III - EMPLOYEE RIGHTS – pg 3 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 without the employee's knowledge and exclusive right to attach his/her own written comments. D. After three (3) years, at the request of the employee, any wording or reprimand and the materials related thereto shall be removed from the District’s Personnel File, provided that no subsequent reprimand(s) has been issued to the employee during that period. Materials which have been in the employee’s Personnel File and are removed pursuant to the above clause may be retained in a separate file in the Personnel Director’s office if the reprimand(s) involved one or more of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. sexual abuse or harassment; sexual contact with students; violence, excessive use of force, or physical abuse; racial, ethnic or sexual slurs; improper off-duty conduct involving students. E. Upon request by the employee, the Superintendent or his official designee shall sign an inventory sheet to verify contents of the personnel file at the time of inspection by said employee. All inspections shall be scheduled with the Superintendent made in the presence of the Superintendent or designee. SECTION 7. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUESTS All requests for public information will be processed according to the following guidelines: A. All requests for personnel files must be in writing and specify exactly what items are being sought. B. The District will respond to said requests within ten (10) working days of formal written request being received by the Superintendent or his/her official designee. C. The District will notify as soon as possible any employee whose records have been requested that the request has been made, so that he/she may seek legal advice/action in how to best deal with the request. The Superintendent or his/her official designee is designated as the official custodian of records and as public disclosure act officer. A fee of twenty-five (25) cents per page will be assessed for copies of personnel file materials when such requests are made by other than the employee or designee. SECTION 8. EMPLOYEE PROTECTION A. The District shall provide liability insurance covering injury to employees and their property, and insurance protecting employees from loss or damage of their personal property incurred while engaged in the maintenance of order and discipline and the protection of school ARTICLE III - EMPLOYEE RIGHTS – pg 4 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 employees and students, and the property thereof when that is deemed necessary by such employees as outlined by RCW 28A.400.370. Any case of an assault upon an employee shall be promptly reported by the assaulted employee to the immediate supervisor, who will then report the incident to the District Superintendent. The District shall report the incident to the proper law enforcement authorities and will render full support of the employee's right to due process. The Board will render assistance to the employee in connection with handling of the incident by law enforcement authorities. The District will provide information, as it becomes available, to members relating to dangerous students enrolled in the members’ classes. In the event the District receives information that a student enrolling in the District is charged with any of the following offenses, the principal/supervisor must provide the information received from the juvenile court administrator to every teacher of that student who, in the judgment of the principal, supervises the student, or for security purposes, should be aware of the student’s record: • A violent offense as defined in RCW 9.94A.030; • A sex offense as defined in RCW 9.94A.030; • Inhaling toxic fumes under chapter 9.47A RCW; • A controlled substance violation under chapter 69.50 RCW; • A liquor violation under RCW 66.44.270; • An offense of criminal gang activity under section 2 HB 1841, 1997 legislation. Teachers will be informed, by way of the principal or school nurse, of any information regarding the inclusion of a student’s prescription for mental conditions which could be considered dangerous. This data is in addition to current medical information already reported to teachers. Any information received under this section shall be treated as confidential and may not be further disseminated except as expressly provided by law. B. The District agrees to comply with all applicable provisions of the Washington State Industrial Safety and Health Act. Employees shall not be required to work under unsafe or hazardous conditions or to perform tasks which endanger their health, safety or well being. No employee will be required to remain in any building or area that has been evacuated because of potentially hazardous conditions. C. The District shall provide legal assistance to employees who may be assaulted while in performance of their duties. When absence or disability arises from assault, employees will be covered with Workmen's Compensation and the difference in salary and fringe benefits covered by the District for a period of one year with no loss from sick leave by the employee. ARTICLE III - EMPLOYEE RIGHTS – pg 5 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 The District shall provide insurance to cover any injury to an employee or damage to an employee's property which may be a result of action which occurred during the act of discipline. D. The District will continue to evaluate and monitor the security provisions of all District buildings and will attempt to improve security where deficiencies are identified. E. The District will make reasonable attempts to relieve temporary conditions of extreme heat and cold temperatures in educational settings. SECTION 9. ASSIGNMENT, VACANCIES, PROMOTION, AND TRANSFER A. General Provisions: To assure that pupils are taught by employees working within their areas of competence, employees shall not be assigned, except in accordance with the regulations of the State Board of Education, to subjects, grades, and/or other classes outside their teaching certificates and/or their major fields of study or qualification in specialty areas. Employees shall be notified in writing, whenever possible, not later than May 30 of any changes in their programs and schedules for the ensuing school year, including teaching programs, assignments and special assignments. Transfers and reassignments will not be made beyond the first full week in August, except in the case of unanticipated vacancies, or in other unusual or emergency situations. B. Seniority: The seniority of employees within the bargaining unit shall be established as of the date of employment in the Wapato School District. Out-of-state teaching credit and credit for teaching in another school district will be counted, year for year, in addition to credit for teaching within the Wapato School District. The employee with the greatest seniority shall have preferential rights regarding teaching assignments, reassignments and transfers. If the District determines that seniority rights should not govern, the District must demonstrate that Seniority Rights should not govern when, (1) a program or area of instruction (B.E.A.) which by nature requires specific skills or certification of an employee whose transfer from that program would leave it inoperable, or (2) because a junior employee or applicant possesses training, educational expertise, ability or performance demonstrably greater than a senior employee or senior employees and shall set forth in writing and transmit to the Association the reasons seniority does not govern. The District will maintain an up-to-date seniority list as provided in Article V, Section 3. The District and the Association agree to abide by the seniority provisions of RCW 28A.400.300 or its successor statute. C. Voluntary Transfer: In the determination of assignments and transfers, the convenience and work of the employee shall be considered to the extent that these considerations do not ARTICLE III - EMPLOYEE RIGHTS – pg 6 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 conflict with the educational program. As to employees who desire a transfer or reassignment, the following procedure shall be used: 1. The employee shall complete a request form annually by March 15th which shall be kept on file by the District for a period of one (1) year. 2. Employment of any new employee for a specific position shall not be made until all those employees who have a pending request for transfer or reassignment to that position have been considered. 3. At least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of the school year, the Superintendent or his/her designee shall notify, by written notification and (at the employee's request) by personal conference, each employee whose request for transfer or reassignment was not granted and the reason(s) for not granting the request. To assure that employees are given consideration in filling any vacancies or newly created positions which occur at any time within the District, the following procedures shall be used: 1. Existing positions to be filled for the regular school year shall be filled using the following procedure: The position may be posted simultaneously within the building, within the District and externally. a) The position will be offered to staff within the building. b) If the position is not filled from within the building, then the employee(s) requesting a transfer into the position from throughout the District as per the annual request form/survey shall be considered for the position. 2. All vacancies and new positions, (except existing in-building and annual request form transfers as noted in #1 above), including summer school and extracurricular activities shall be publicized to the staff and the Association through a written notice which shall be posted in each school and office with a copy sent to the Association's President and Secretary, as far in advance of the date of the opening of any vacancy or new position as possible. 3. Said notice of vacancy or new position shall clearly set forth the qualifications for the position and the procedures for applying. 4. All vacancies or new positions shall be filled on the basis of qualifications for the position. 5. The District shall make all possible effort to fill vacancies and new positions with their present employees provided that said employees meet the qualifications of the position and as required by law before out-of-District hiring can occur. All vacancies or new positions shall be filled on the basis of qualifications for the position. Being “qualified” is further defined as one or more of the following: 1. Demonstrated past successful experience at the grade level or subject matter; ARTICLE III - EMPLOYEE RIGHTS – pg 7 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 2. Undergraduate or post graduate course work in the area being applied for; 3. Appropriate credentials/endorsements; 4. Mutual agreement between the District and the employee that said transfer is in the best educational, professional and/or personal interests of all involved. The District shall not be obligated to consider or act upon pending requests beyond the first full week in August. Should an employee new to the District be employed to fill a position after the first full week in August, then the position shall be considered open the following year, and subject to requests for reassignment. D. Involuntary Transfer: Each involuntary transfer will be considered on its own merit and will be made in keeping with the best interests of the instructional program of the District. Such involuntary transfers will not be made in a capricious or arbitrary manner. The Superintendent shall notify in writing the affected employee and the Association of the reasons for such involuntary transfer before the change is to become effective. At least ten (10) days written notice will be given to the employee who is to be involuntarily transferred; however, notice may be waived in case of emergency. One day of released time may be given the affected employee in order to complete the move and become oriented to the new building. Employees who are involuntarily transferred will be given priority on returning the following year to the building from which they have been involuntarily transferred if openings for which they are qualified become available. Recall from RIF is not to be considered an involuntary transfer. SECTION 10. EMPLOYEE TRANSITION A. When employees are transferred due to a building closure, reduction in staff or program, the opening of a new building, or otherwise involuntarily transferred, the District will provide physical assistance and transportation for instructional supplies, materials, and equipment for the affected employee(s). B. Teachers will be paid up to one (1) day per diem to pack up and leave their room, and up to one (1) day per diem to unpack and move into their new room. Payment of per diem will be made for involuntary transfer from room to room or building to building. ARTICLE III - EMPLOYEE RIGHTS – pg 8 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 SECTION 11. EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITIES A. Employees shall be responsible for the direct visible supervision of students under school related circumstances. B. The District and Employees shall care for instructional materials and equipment. The employee shall report damage, loss, or theft of equipment, furniture or fixtures to his/her supervisor. District materials/supplies which are critical to the instructional process will be replaced and/or repaired in a timely fashion. (Two (2) weeks is a guideline). Personal supplies, materials and or equipment are not covered by the District insurance policy. C The parties recognize that the ability of pupils to progress academically is a combined result of school, home, economic and social environment and that employees alone cannot be held accountable for all aspects of the academic achievement of pupils in the classroom. The assignment of student grades is the sole responsibility of the employee and grades will not be changed without a review by the principal and employee. In the event an agreement cannot be reached, an outside building WEA representative will be called in to settle the issue. D. Employees shall comply with all District policies, rules, regulations, and the requirements of all statutory laws and administrative codes. SECTION 12. COMMUNICABLE DISEASES All employees will be notified within twenty-four (24) hours of knowledge of the presence of a communicable disease in the District. When appropriate, a confidential memo will be circulated and initialed by all employees. All employees will be notified by the school nurse in a confidential memo of students in their building with life-threatening diseases or ailments (i.e. heart murmurs, AIDS, diabetes, epilepsy, asthma or severe allergy, hepatitis, etc.) The school nurse will instruct staff on how to handle cases under their charge or the building's charge. SECTION 13. EMPLOYEES’ CHILDREN ATTENDING DISTRICT Employees of the District who reside outside District boundaries shall be entitled to enroll their children in any school within the District, provided space and programs are available per district guidelines and program eligibility is met. Children of District employees will be given preference for enrollment waivers prior to those of non-employee students. ARTICLE III - EMPLOYEE RIGHTS – pg 9 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 ARTICLE IV - EVALUATION/PROBATION SECTION 1. PURPOSE In accordance with the laws of the State of Washington, this evaluation has been constructed as a tool for the improvement of the educational process, thereby increasing the quality of education for children in the District. SECTION 2. PROCEDURE Within each school the principal/vice-principal shall be responsible for the evaluation of employees in that school. An employee assigned to more than one school shall be evaluated by the school-site principal/vice-principal or a program administrator, or by both as established by the District. Any principal or other supervisor may be designated to assist in the observation and evaluation process. Qualifications of Evaluators: All evaluators must have been adequately trained in this evaluation system and process. Evaluators/consultants who are not the building principal/vice-principal of the employee must have demonstrable special expertise in the area (subject matter, grade level and teaching techniques) being evaluated. SECTION 3. EVALUATION CRITERIA A. Each employee shall be evaluated in accordance with the criteria appropriate to the employee's position, which criteria are set forth in Appendix C. Evaluations required or permitted hereunder shall be documented on the evaluation report form appropriate to the employee's position. B. Criteria for evaluation of employees will, at the minimum, meet those required by the State. Although these criteria will be placed in Board policy, they will be included by reference in the Agreement and will not be changed except through the collective bargaining process. C. If changes need to be made, the Parties agree to form a committee to look at the evaluation forms, criteria, and the law to make the process of evaluation more effective. The Superintendent will appoint one (1) administrator and the Association will appoint three (3) members to the committee. The findings of the committee will be brought back to both parties for their consideration. No changes will occur without a vote by both parties. SECTION 4. REQUIRED EVALUATION A. All employees newly employed by the District shall be observed within the first ninety (90) calendar days of the commencement of their employment for a minimum of thirty (30) continuous minutes. ARTICLE IV - EVALUATION/PROBATION – pg 1 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 B. All employees, including new employees, shall be evaluated annually, such evaluations to be completed not later than May 1 of the year in which the evaluation takes place. C. If an employee is transferred to another position not under the supervisor's jurisdiction, an evaluation shall be made at the time of such transfer. D. If an employee resigns during the school year, a final evaluation shall be completed prior to the resignation date. E. Short-form Evaluation: 1. Short-form Evaluation Definition: A short form of evaluation will be available for any employee who has been employed by the District for four years with satisfactory evaluations, provided that any employee may opt out of short form status for any full year, and further provided that one year out of every three (3) during which an employee is otherwise on short form status, the long form must be used. 2. Short-form Evaluation Procedure: The short form evaluation of any employee whose work is judged unsatisfactory must be completed prior to December 15 each school year. If at any time prior to December 15, the evaluator determines that the employee does not meet evaluation criteria, the employee will be informed in writing. A meeting will be held to discuss the deficiencies and in twenty (20) working days a long form evaluation will be completed and a decision made by the evaluator whether to continue on the short form evaluation track in subsequent years. The short-form evaluation process shall not be used as a basis for determining that an employee’s work is unsatisfactory, or placing an employee on probation, or as probable cause for the nonrenewal of the employee’s contract. The short-form evaluation tool is included as Appendix C-4 to the Agreement. (Ref. RCW 28A.405.100) SECTION 5. OBSERVATION A. A committee shall be formed during the 2008-2009 school year to create a standard form for observation. The Superintendent will appoint three (3) administrators and the Association will appoint three (3) members to the committee. The findings of the committee will be brought back to both parties for their consideration. Once a form is accepted by both parties, no changes will occur without a vote by both parties. B. During each school year the employee shall be observed for the purpose of evaluation at least twice in the performance of his/her assigned duties. Total observation time for each employee for each school year shall be not less than sixty (60) minutes. In addition to the minimum observations required in this paragraph, principals and other supervisors may make observations at any time during the school year, which may cover individual observations of such periods of time as may be identified in the final evaluation report. ARTICLE IV - EVALUATION/PROBATION – pg 2 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 C. No mechanical or electronic device shall be used in any classroom or brought in on a temporary basis by means of which a person shall be able to listen to or to record the procedures in any class without prior permission of the classroom teacher. D. Following each observation or series of observations, the principal or other evaluator shall promptly document the results thereof and shall provide the employee with a copy of the observation report and an opportunity for a conference with the evaluator within three (3) days after the observation. The observation report shall be written in terms of observable behavior. SECTION 6. EVALUATION REPORT A. The employee shall be provided with a copy of the final evaluation report at least two (2) days and not more than seven (7) days before the final evaluation conference. B. The employee shall be provided a space on the final evaluation report to indicate whether he/she agrees or disagrees with the report and a space to make comments. C. Each evaluation report required under Required Evaluations above shall be promptly forwarded to the District's office for filing in the employee's personnel file. Additional evaluation reports other than those required under Required Evaluations shall not be filed in the employee's personnel file without the employee's consent. The distribution of the evaluation form shall be as follows: original to be filed in the personnel file of the employee, the first copy to the principal, and the second copy to the employee. D. Unsatisfactory marks Any criteria (Appendix C-1) on the Evaluation Form that is marked with a "U" must have been preceded with a written comment and/or conference with the employee in order to provide notice of the problem, and specific suggestions for improvement. SECTION 7. PROBATION The provisions of this Section 7, Probation, do not apply to Provisional, Leave Replacement, or Post-Retirement Contract Employees. A. Pre-probation: As soon as it becomes apparent in the opinion of the principal or supervisor, and no later than January 10, that probationary status for a continuing contract employee is imminent, the principal or supervisor must hold a conference with the employee in a joint effort to resolve matters relating to the performance of the employee before a formal probationary period is instituted. The principal shall inform the employee that he/she should notify an Association representative that he/she may be placed on probationary status and may need assistance. B. Probation Report: In the event that a principal or other supervisor determines on the basis of the evaluation criteria that the performance of an employee under his/her supervision is unsatisfactory, the supervisor shall report the same in writing to the Superintendent and the teacher on or before January 20. The report shall include the following: ARTICLE IV - EVALUATION/PROBATION – pg 3 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 1. The observation report prepared pursuant to the provisions of Required Evaluations (Article IV, Section 7). 2. A recommended specific and reasonable plan of remediation in written form designed to assist the employee in improving his/her performance. Once the employee receives the principal or supervisor's recommendation of probationary status, he/she has the opportunity to request another conference with the principal or supervisor before February 1. C. Establishment of Probationary Period: After October 15 the employee shall be given written notice of the action of the Superintendent, which notice shall contain the specific areas of deficiencies related to adopted criteria. If the Superintendent concurs with the supervisor’s judgment that the performance of the employee is unsatisfactory, the Superintendent shall place the employee in a probationary status, specifying areas of deficiencies relating to adopted criteria, after October 15 and ending on or before May 1. The probationary period shall continue for a minimum of sixty (60) school days. D. Evaluation During Probationary Period: At or about the time of the delivery of a probationary letter, the principal or other supervisor shall hold a personal conference with the probationary employee to discuss the performance deficiencies and the remedial measures to be taken. When appropriate in the judgment of the principal and with the approval of the employee, the Superintendent may authorize one (1) additional certificated employee to evaluate the probationer. The probationer may request and will be granted a mentor to help improve his/her areas of deficiency. During the probationary period the principal, supervisor or other evaluator shall meet with the probationary employee at least twice monthly to supervise and make a written evaluation of the progress, if any, made by the employee. The probationary employee may be removed from probation at any time if he/she has demonstrated improvement to the satisfaction of the principal or other supervisor in those areas specifically detailed in his/her notice of probation. E. Post-Probation Report:. Unless the probationary employee has previously been removed from probation, the principal or other supervisor shall submit a written report to the Superintendent after the end of the probationary period, which report shall identify whether the performance of the probationary employee has improved and which shall set forth one of the following recommendations for further action: 1. that the employee has demonstrated sufficient improvement in the stated areas of deficiency to justify the removal of the probationary status; or 2. that the employee has demonstrated sufficient improvement in the stated areas of deficiency to justify the removal of the probationary status if accompanied by a letter identifying areas where further improvement is required; or ARTICLE IV - EVALUATION/PROBATION – pg 4 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 3. that the employee has not demonstrated sufficient improvement in the stated areas of deficiency and action should be taken to non-renew the employment contract of the employee. SECTION 8. ACTION BY SUPERINTENDENT Following a review of any report submitted pursuant to the post-probation report, the Superintendent shall determine which of the alternative courses of action is proper and shall take appropriate action to implement such determination. SECTION 9. ACTION BY EMPLOYEE In the event the employee is non-renewed as per RCW 28A.405.210 and a hearing is requested, then either the employee, the Association or the District may elect to submit the issue to Step III of the grievance procedure (binding arbitration) as opposed to the hearing process in RCW 28A.405.310. (see Article IX, Section 4) SECTION 10. GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Employees shall be evaluated each school year in accordance with the procedures and criteria set forth herein. For the purpose of evaluation, employees shall be observed in the performance of their primary work responsibilities and assignments. The purposes of evaluation are to promote professional growth and effective teaching practices. Observation(s) shall be conducted openly and with the knowledge of the employee. No mechanical or electrical device shall be used in any classroom for the purpose of listening or recording the procedures in any class, unless mutually agreed upon by the employee and evaluator. 1. New Hires: Each employee, within thirty (30) days after his/her employment or within thirty (30) days from the commencement of the school year or within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this Agreement, whichever is later, shall be given a copy of the observation and evaluation form and criteria to be used on the evaluation process. Definition of Employee: 1. Provisional Employee: Those employed on a provisional contract pursuant to Washington State Law. Employees on Provisional Contract status shall be evaluated utilizing the Long Form during any period of time employed on a Provisional Contract. 2. Continuing Contract Employee: Those employed on a continuing contract pursuant to Washington State Law who also have more than four (4) years experience. Such employees are eligible to be evaluated on the Short Form and to cycle between the Short and Long Form pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, including provisions necessary in order to implement Probation if necessary. 3. Leave Replacement Employee: An employee hired on a replacement contract for a limited period of time but not more than one (1) year. Such employees shall be evaluated ARTICLE IV - EVALUATION/PROBATION – pg 5 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 using the Long Form during any period of time employed on a Leave Replacement Contract. 4. Post Retirement (Retire-Rehire) Employee: An employee hired on a post-retirement contract for a limited period of time but not more than one (1) year. Such employees shall be evaluated using the Long Form during any period of time employed on the Post Retirement Contract. Evaluation Forms: 1. Long Form: For all replacement, post-retirement, and provisional employees and employees with four (4) or less years of experience. Used as employees cycle in and out of the Long and Short Forms. 2. Short Form: Available to employees with four (4) or more years experience of satisfactory evaluations. Employees remain on the Short Form a maximum of two (2) years or until they voluntarily opt to cycle to the Long Form or the District determines the employee has not met minimum criteria. 3. Probation: The procedures required by state law for employees who do not meet minimum teaching criteria after Intensive Assistance. ARTICLE IV - EVALUATION/PROBATION – pg 6 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 ARTICLE V – LAYOFF/RECALL SECTION 1. INITIATION OF LAYOFF If it becomes necessary to reduce educational programs due to the lack of financial support, which must be documented by the administration, the following criteria shall be applied by the District in determining the employees to be laid off. The program to which these criteria shall apply will be determined at the earliest possible date by the administration, and a committee of five (5) employees to be comprised of the Association President or designated representative and four (4) other members of the Association. The application of the criteria will be a cooperative process by the Association and the District. SECTION 2. CRITERIA The criteria are listed below in rank order of application: A. The District shall determine the total number of employees leaving the District for reasons of retirement, family transfer, normal resignations, discharge or non-renewal, etc., as soon as possible, and these vacancies shall be filled from the existing employees having qualifications for those positions insofar as possible. B. All employees who would have been teaching on emergency, temporary or sub-standard certification for the succeeding school year shall not be re-employed. C. If further employee reduction is necessary after applying criteria A and B, the determination of those employees to be laid off shall be made primarily on the basis of reverse order of seniority. SECTION 3. SENIORITY A. Layoff shall be by reverse order of seniority except as modified by the provisions of this Section. Seniority is defined as length of service as of the employee's first working day provided that any employee currently employed, or to be employed, by the Board shall be granted full seniority credit for each year or portion thereof for teaching experience from any district within the state. Additional seniority will be granted as reflected in an employee's placement on the District salary schedule. Less than a full year teaching experience shall be computed as the actual number of days employed by a district(s) as a full-time employee or as a substitute. B. By December 1 of each school year, the Board will publish and distribute to all employees and the Association a seniority list ranking each employee from greatest to least seniority. A finalized list shall be provided the Association by March 1 of each year. This list shall include all corrections, deletions, and additions of employees for the school year. In no event will employees outside the bargaining unit be included on the seniority list nor will the Board add such employees to the seniority list in the event of layoff. ARTICLE V – LAYOFF/RECALL – pg 1 Wapato Education Association Revised 11/08 In the event of more than one employee having the same seniority ranking, all employees so affected will be ranked in accordance with the total seniority as employees in the District from greatest to least. In the event of more than one employee having the same seniority ranking after applying the above provision, all employees so affected will be ranked in accordance with the total number of college credits beyond the Bachelor's Degree submitted to the District as of September 12 of the then current school year. In the event of more than one employee having the same number of credits after applying the above provisions, all employees so affected shall participate in a drawing by lot to determine position on the seniority list by December 1st. The Association and all employees so affected shall be notified in writing of the date, place, and time of the drawing by the District and in person by the Association President or designated representative. The drawing shall be conducted openly and at a time and place which will allow affected employees and the Association to be in attendance. SECTION 4. PROCEDURE A. The staffing requirements and projected student enrollment for all schools in the District will be listed by building. B. Employee selection to fill all staffing requirements will be made from the seniority list in descending order, from highest to lowest position, provided that where employee assignments require special certification by state regulations, such assignments shall be filled with employees currently holding such special certificates. C. Employees currently assigned in full-time positions shall be first assigned to full-time positions consistent with their seniority and shall not be obligated to any part-time position but may choose to accept such a position on a voluntary basis. Only employees currently assigned in part-time positions shall be assigned to part-time positions consistent with their seniority. No part-time employee with less seniority shall be assigned to any part-time positions until such a position has been declined by all employees (full and part-time) with greater seniority. D. Laid-off employees shall be placed in a re-hiring pool and ranked by seniority therein. Employees who are laid off shall be considered to have employment status with the District for the purposes of seniority and insurance and fringe benefits as provided in Section 7. A laid off employee shall be considered to have employment status with the District until he/she submits a written resignation. SECTION 5. RECALL A. In the event that additional students enroll in the District or additional revenues become available, the Board shall first recall all employees who have been laid off before the Board employs or assigns any additional personnel to fill assignments. Employees on layoff shall first be recalled by seniority. ARTICLE V – LAYOFF/RECALL – pg 2 Wapato Education Association Revised 11/08 B. An employee who was previously assigned to a full-time position shall be recalled to a fulltime position provided that the employee shall have the option of accepting any part-time teaching positions that may exist without jeopardizing his/her recall status for any full-time position. An employee who was previously assigned to a part-time teaching position shall be recalled to a part-time teaching position provided that no part-time employee with less seniority shall be recalled to any part-time position unless such a position is declined by all employees (full and part-time) with greater seniority. C. If after application of the above criteria positions still remain to be filled, the normal employee hiring policy of the District will be followed. SECTION 6. NOTIFICATION OF RECALL The Board shall give written notice of recall from layoff by sending a registered or certified letter to said employee at his/her last known address. It shall be the responsibility of each employee to notify the Board of any change of address. The employee's address as it appears on the Board's records shall be conclusive when used in connection with layoffs, recall, or other notice to the employee. Any employee so notified shall respond within five (5) days from receipt of said notice whether he/she accepts or rejects the position. If an employee rejects a position for which he/she is certificated, and such position is offered consistent with the aforementioned provisions of Section 5, the employee shall be considered to have resigned from the employ of the District and all benefits shall cease at that time. SECTION 7. BENEFITS A laid-off employee under this Article shall have the right to continue any and all insurance coverage provided that he/she pays his/her own premium. All the positions of substitute employees shall be offered to employees laid off, in rotating alphabetical order, before any other person is offered such a position. All benefits to which an employee was entitled at the time of his/her layoff, including unused accumulated sick leave and credits toward sabbatical eligibility, will be restored to the employee upon his/her return to active employment. The employee will be placed on the proper step of the salary schedule for his/her current position according to the employee's experience and education. SECTION 8. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/STATE ACCREDITATION It is understood that this Article may be amended to coincide with any requirements imposed upon the District in reference to its affirmative action program through negotiations. It is also understood and agreed that every attempt will be made to maintain standards for state accreditation. ARTICLE V – LAYOFF/RECALL – pg 3 Wapato Education Association Revised 11/08 It is further understood that the Board, in determining a reduced educational program or in determining reinstatements, must also consider those laws, rules, and regulations that the District must adhere to and consider than the District cannot negate their legal responsibilities in a reduced program situation. SECTION 9. ACTION BY EMPLOYEE In the event a laid-off employee requests a hearing, then either the employee, the Association, or the District may elect to submit the issue to Step III of the grievance procedure (binding arbitration) as opposed to the hearing or to superior court, RCW 28A.405.310. (see Article IX, Section 4) ARTICLE V – LAYOFF/RECALL – pg 4 Wapato Education Association Revised 11/08 ARTICLE VI - INSTRUCTIONAL SECTION 1. PREPARATION TIME A. All employees shall average at least fifty-five (55) minutes of preparation time daily. It is understood that preparation time will be used for its stated purpose as deemed necessary for instructional preparation, assessment, and other school-related activities. High school preparation time will be during a scheduled teaching period. Middle school preparation time will be during a scheduled teaching period. Each elementary principal will meet with two (2) representatives of their staff (one (1) WEA Executive Board Member and one (1) LIT representative) prior to the first day of school to develop a schedule designed to study the provisions of the following paragraph: Elementary preparation time will be fifty-five (55) minutes during each school day and may include that time when classes are receiving instruction from various specialists. Exceptions may be made when assistance is requested by the specialist in handling and managing of multiple classes (such assistance shall be on a rotating basis), or when not in compliance with the Basic Education contact time requirements. Any such claims of noncompliance by the District must be substantiated and documented prior to any change. Substitutes will be provided for specialists when available and teachers will be compensated when substitutes are unavailable if time is calculated as prep time. Employees who are asked to give up their planning time to cover another teacher's class due to no substitute being available will be paid thirty dollars ($30.00) per hour or any portion of an hour. Part-time teachers (less than .6 FTE) shall receive a duty-free lunch. Their preparation time shall be on a pro-rated basis consistent with their contract FTE time. B. Music Substitutes. During weeks when elementary music teachers cancel classes because of musical programs, the District will hire a substitute teacher to teach music classes for the music teacher. The schedule will be prearranged with the building administrator. SECTION 2. STUDENT DISCIPLINE A. In the maintenance of a sound learning environment, the District shall expect acceptable behavior on the part of all students who attend schools in the District. Discipline shall be enforced fairly and consistently regardless of race, creed, sex or status. Such discipline shall be consistent with applicable federal and state laws. ARTICLE VII - LEAVES – pg 1 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 B. The Board and Superintendent shall support and uphold employees in their efforts to maintain discipline in the District and shall give timely response to all employees' requests regarding discipline problems. Further, the authority of employees to use prudent disciplinary measures for the safety and well-being of students and employees is supported by the Board. In the exercise of authority by an employee to control and maintain order and discipline, the employee may use reasonable and professional judgment concerning matters not provided for by specific policies adopted by the Board and not inconsistent with federal and state laws or regulations. C. In instances where student behavior warrants suspension or expulsion from school, such student shall be afforded an opportunity for a hearing and due process in accordance with federal and state laws and adopted Board policies. Such disruptions or distractions shall be carefully documented by the employee, specifying dates of occurrence and specific acts. Following a suspension of three (3) or more days and before re-admittance to class there will be a signed agreement finalized between the student, parent or guardian, referring teacher, and an administrator specifying the future behavior expectations of the student. The referring teacher will receive a copy of the agreement and it will be made available to any other impacted teacher. D. An employee shall have the right to remove a student from class when the employee deems such action necessary to maintain order or discipline. Removal at any level shall be for all or any portion of the balance of the school day or up to two (2) days, or until the principal or designee and employee have conferred, whichever comes first: provided that, except in emergency circumstances, the employee shall have first attempted one or more alternative forms of corrective action; provided further that, in no event, without the consent of the employee, shall an excluded student be returned during the balance of that class or activity period or up to two (2) days, or until the principal or his or her designee and the teacher have conferred. (RCW 28A.600.020). It is critical that all staff work closely with families to notify them of student behavior problems. E. The faculty of each school, through the Learning Improvement Team, shall have the opportunity to review and revise the discipline policy and procedures of that school on a regular and ongoing basis while maintaining conformity with the District Plan. F. The District may provide instruction seminars for all employees concerning all applicable federal, state and local laws and District rules, regulations and procedures pertaining to student rights, employee rights, due process and the processing of student discipline. These seminars may be held prior to September 30, during the school day, and at no cost to the employees. The parties may mutually determine the seminar design, content, instructors and consultants. G. No member of the bargaining unit will be forced to search a student's person. H. Enrolling students coming to Wapato School District as a result of, or with a known history of violent behavior or multiple disciplinary problems in regards to the safety of students and staff, will have an agreement created and signed by the student, parent or guardian, and ARTICLE VII - LEAVES – pg 2 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 administrator prior to the student being admitted to class. This plan will be provided to all affected teachers. SECTION 3. CLASS SIZE: INSTRUCTIONAL A. Elementary class sizes are based upon class rosters. Elementary class size will be reviewed within the first month of the school year and reviewed again during the first ten (10) days for each subsequent grading period. In cases where the class sizes are exceeded in any elementary class, the District shall have ten (10) days to reduce the class to the desired limit. Secondary class sizes are based upon the employee’s average daily class rosters. The combined number of students for A/B days cannot exceed the class limit. Secondary class size will be reviewed within the first month of the school year and reviewed again during the first ten (10) days of each subsequent grading period. Class size limits by grade level: K 1-3 4-5 6-8 9-12 22 24 27 28 29 B. In cases where the class sizes are exceeded, the District shall have ten (10) days to reduce the class to the desired limit. Options for mutual consideration shall include but are not limited to: transferring students, combining classes, adding staff, para educator assistance, restructuring of course offerings, or any other mutually agreed upon action that might alleviate the overload situation. C. If class sizes, as described above, are still exceeded after the District’s ten (10) day opportunity to alleviate the overload situation, the District shall compensate the affected employee one (1) hour of compensation for every five (5) student days at the employee’s hourly rate of pay for each student over the limit, as defined above, retroactive to the first day on which the overload occurred. Overload compensation will cease when the desired class size is no longer exceeded. An overload is defined as when the number of students as described above exceeds the desired limit for five (5) consecutive school days. D. The District shall provide additional supplies, textbooks, instructional equipment, and student desks. E. The limits do not apply in the areas of PE, music, band or choir. Every effort will be made to be certain that exceptional children will be equitably distributed in all classes at each grade level/department. Training will also be available to those staff who feel it is critical in increasing their knowledge and skills in the delivery of instruction to severely and/or profoundly handicapped students. F. Doubling of classes will not be allowed nor will the dispersing of one classroom into other classrooms to deal with shortage of substitutes. This does not preclude voluntary ARTICLE VII - LEAVES – pg 3 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 preparation for special programs, voluntary teacher arrangements, or emergency situations. G. In the event of levy failure, or the loss of funding through I-728, class size reduction funding, or impact aide reduction, the parties agree to open this section of the contract for the purpose of renegotiating this section between the District and the Association. SECTION 4. CLASSROOM VISITATION A. All visitors to a school and/or classroom shall be required to obtain the approval of the principal/designee, and, if the visit is to a classroom, the time will be arranged after the principal/designee has conferred with the employee. B. No classroom visitor shall be allowed to disrupt classroom instruction or procedures. If a disruption does occur due to the presence of a classroom visitor, the employee shall notify the building principal or principal's designee, who shall then remove the visitor. C. The employee shall be afforded the opportunity to confer with the classroom visitor before and/or after the visitation. SECTION 5. CONTROVERSIAL TOPICS/ACADEMIC FREEDOM A. The District believes that controversial issues are a part of the District's instructional program when related to subject matter in a given grade level or specific curricular field. Employees will use professional judgment in determining the appropriateness of the issue to the curriculum and the maturity of students. B. In the presentation of all controversial issues, every effort will be made to effect a balance of biases, divergent points of view, and opportunity for exploration by the students into all sides of the issue. C. In discussing controversial issues, the employee will encourage students to express their own views, assuring that it be done in a manner that gives due respect to one another's rights and opinions. When discussing controversial issues, the employee will respect positions other than his own. Students will be encouraged, after class discussions and independent inquiry, to reach their own conclusions regarding controversial issues. SECTION 6. SPECIAL PROJECTS GRANTS The District will establish a pool of money for special grants within the curriculum budget. These funds shall be accessible by the Building Learning Improvement Teams at the rate of $2,000 per building. Funds not requested by individual buildings may be accessed by other buildings after spring break. These grants are established for certificated employees to be used for special educationally related projects along the following general guidelines: A. One person/group per building per year may apply for a grant to fund a special project of benefit to the educational process. ARTICLE VII - LEAVES – pg 4 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 B. The grants may include compensation for such items as time at the negotiated rate per hour, mileage, and materials as necessary for completing the project. C. All grant applications will be screened, reviewed, and selected by the Learning Improvement Team. SECTION 7. TEACHER CONFERENCES Elementary conference dates will be scheduled as five (5) consecutive half (½) day sessions during both the fall and the spring conference dates. Each employee will be allowed to make his/her own personal plan for conference week and have it preapproved by his/her building principal. The employee then may leave as soon as school is out, on the day of his/her choice during that week. SECTION 8. MENTORING TEACHER A. Mentor teacher recommendations made by the LIT and the building administration will be submitted to the Association for input and for approval by the Association Executive Board as indicated in the state criteria. The recommendations will then be submitted to the Superintendent or designee for final approval by the first day of school. B. Evaluations carried out by the mentors shall not be shared with the administration unless it is with the permission and at the request of the teacher being mentored. C. State allocation for the mentor program will be paid at the rate of 70% to the mentor teacher and 30% to the new teacher. SECTION 9. ENROLLING NEW STUDENTS When a new student is to be enrolled in a class, the teacher will be given sufficient advanced notice before the student enters the classroom to allow the teacher to adequately prepare to accommodate the new student. ARTICLE VII - LEAVES – pg 5 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 ARTICLE VII - LEAVES Compensation for the following leaves with pay shall be the same as compensation such person would have received had the person not taken the leave provided in the Agreement. For part-time employees covered by this Agreement, leave will be prorated. The intent of these leave provisions is to make it possible for employees to be absent for purposes stated in the said leaves. SECTION 1. SICK LEAVE A. Leaves for Illness, Injury and Emergency “Sick Leave” At the beginning of each school year each employee under contract with the District shall be credited twelve (12) days (7 hours = 1 day) sick leave with full pay. Such days are to be used for sickness, illness, emergency, quarantine, and other authorized leaves. Each employee’s portion of unused sick leave allowance shall accumulate from year to year to a maximum of one hundred eighty-two (182) days in accordance with the law. Employees already exceeding one hundred eighty-two (182) days are grandfathered effective August 31, 2003. 1. Should an employee resign during the contract year the twelve (12) days of credited sick Leave shall be prorated based on the number of days worked in the contract. Employees employed after the beginning of the contract year shall receive a prorated number of Sick Leave days based on the number of contracted days. 2. Sick Leave accumulated by an employee while employed in a certificated position in any school district or approved educational agency in Washington State shall be granted in accordance with Washington State Law to such employee upon employment in the District, provided such accumulated Sick Leave is verified by the previous employer(s). 3. Experience credit for determining salary schedule placement and seniority shall be the same as the experience credit the employee would have received had such person not taken Sick Leave. 4. For routine doctor or dentist appointments, every reasonable attempt should be made to schedule the appointment outside the workday. These appointments, if they must fall within the workday, need to be pre-arranged, when possible, in advance with the appropriate District official. 5. Prior to the end of the school year, the District will provide each employee an accounting of their accumulative Sick Leave and Annual Leave Days, and all transactions concerning their Sick Leave and Annual Leave Days within the time period. However, experience credit will be adjusted for leave without pay consistent with state rules and regulations. B. The District may require, in unusual and/or exceptional cases, the employee to present a verification of illness from a practicing physician, dentist, or other person licensed to perform ARTICLE VII - LEAVES – pg 6 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 customary health services. An employee returning from any major illness or disability, whether or not compensated leave benefits have been paid, may be required to present a medical release from his or her physician before returning to work. C. Upon the exhaustion of accumulated sick leave, and if granted, leave from the leave sharing pool, an employee who is unable to perform their duties because of personal illness or other disability shall, upon request, be granted health leave without pay. Application for health leave without pay shall be made in writing to the Personnel Office and shall be accompanied by verification from a practicing physician, dentist, or other person licensed to perform customary health services, including an estimated time of recovery. 1. Health Leave without Pay may be extended for the duration of a school year. In extraordinary circumstances the District may, at its option, grant health leave without pay for a second school year (or part of the second year). Any request for extension shall be accompanied by verification from a physician, dentist, or other person licensed to perform customary health services, including an estimated time of recovery. 2. While on Health Leave Without Pay, the employee’s experience credits for salary schedule purposes and leave benefits, shall be on a prorated basis (number of days/number of contract days). 3. An employee who has been granted Sick Leave for a specified period of time may return to service earlier than the expected duration time provided that no replacement contract has been issued to replace the absent teacher and provided further that such employee provides the Superintendent with at least ten (10) days notice of such request prior to the date the employee wishes to return to service. D. Sick Leave Sharing Donation of Sick Leave 1. An employee with more than sixty (60) days of accumulated sick leave may request to donate a specified amount of sick leave for use by another eligible employee authorized to receive such sick leave benefits. The employee donating the leave must have an accrued sick leave balance of more than sixty (60) days in order to donate sick leave to another employee. So long as the employee has sixty (60) days of accrued sick leave, the employee may donate up to six (6) days during any twelve (12) month period. Sick leave shall be donated and received in full day increments. An employee may not donate sick leave days that would result in a reduction of the employee’s balance below sixty (60) days. Only sick leave may be donated pursuant to this Section. 2. Donated sick leave shall not be refunded or returned to the donating employee at any time. 3. Donated leave shall be listed by the donating employee. An employee desiring to donate leave shall provide the Personnel Office with a written request setting forth the specific number of days donated. This written request shall be stamped with the time and date by the District and listed. The first leave donated shall be the first leave transferred to an eligible employee. Donated leave not used during any one school year shall remain on the ARTICLE VII - LEAVES – pg 7 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 list for the following school year for transfer to eligible employees. The written request shall be made between January 15 to February 15 of each school year on a form provided by the Personnel Office (see Appendix G) and/or other period of time mutually agreed to by the parties. 4. Donation of sick leave shall be subtracted from the donating employee’s accumulated sick leave first prior to reducing the donating employee’s current sick leave benefit. Yearly cash out pursuant to Article VII, Section 2, Sick Leave Cash Out, of the Agreement shall not be affected by a donation of sick leave unless the donation would reduce the accumulated balance of sick leave below sixty (60) days, in which case the donating employee’s current year benefit would be reduced day-for-day by the donation. 5. Leave shall be calculated on a day-donated and a day-received basis. Such days will be converted to an hourly basis. E. Receipt of Donated Sick Leave 1. In order for an employee to be eligible to receive donated sick leave benefits, the employee must be a member of the bargaining unit and must be suffering from an extraordinary, catastrophic or severe illness, injury, impairment, physical or mental condition which has caused or is likely to cause that employee to take leave without pay or terminate employment with the District. 2. The receiving employee must submit written notification from his/her physician stating proof of extraordinary, catastrophic or severe illness or injury, or physical or mental impairment. 3. The receiving employee must have depleted all of the employee’s sick leave balance. 4. The receiving employee may not receive more than ninety (90) days of donated sick leave. The receiving employee must have abided by all contract provisions and District rules and policies regarding sick leave. F. Use of Donated Leave 1. The employee receiving donated sick leave may use that sick leave only in the manner pursuant to Article VII, Section 1, Subsection E. 2. Requests for donated sick leave shall be made in writing to the President of the Association through the Building Representative who will act as the member’s advocate. The eligible member must request a specific number of days of donated sick leave. Such requests may be made more than once, up to an accumulated requested number of ninety (90) days of donated leave, according to the employee’s need. The request will go before a committee comprised of one (1) administrator and two (2) Association officers (excluding the member’s own Building Representative) for consideration and determination of the benefit. 3. A written response from the committee granting or denying the request for donated sick leave shall be submitted to the employee within five (5) working days. ARTICLE VII - LEAVES – pg 8 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 4. Replacement employees or substitute employees are not eligible for receipt of donated sick leave. 5. Any and all decisions reached by the joint committee for sick leave sharing are final and with no right of appeal through the grievance or any other process. SECTION 2. SICK LEAVE CASH OUT A. In January of the year following any year in which a minimum of sixty (60) days of leave for illness or injury is accrued, and each January thereafter, any eligible employee may exercise an option to receive remuneration for unused leave for illness or injury accumulated in the previous year at a rate equal to one day's monetary compensation of the employee for each four (4) full days of accrued leave for illness or injury in excess of sixty days. Leave for illness or injury for which compensation has been received shall be deducted from accrued leave for illness or injury at the rate of four (4) full days of accrued leave for illness or injury in excess of sixty (60) days. Leave for illness or injury for which compensation has been received shall be deducted from accrued leave for illness or injury at the rate of four (4) days for every one day's monetary compensation: PROVIDED, that no employee may receive compensation under this section for any portion of leave for illness or injury accumulated at a rate in excess of one day per month. B. At the time of separation from District employment due to retirement or death, an eligible employee or the employee's estate shall receive remuneration at a rate equal to one day's current monetary compensation of the employee for each four (4) full days accrued leave for illness or injury. No more than one hundred eighty (180) accrued sick leave days shall be eligible for conversion. C. Annually, all members eligible for retirement or those qualified under Plans 2 and 3 considering separation from the District will be given the opportunity to participate as a group in a vote on the dispensation of unused sick leave as allowed by law and referenced in paragraph B. D. Employees with 180 days of sick leave will vote annually to either cash out excess sick leave days or have them added to their VEBA accounts at the rate provided in WAC. Note: Find other VEBA language in Article VIII- Section 10. ARTICLE VII - LEAVES – pg 9 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 SECTION 3. MATERNITY/PARENTAL/ADOPTIVE LEAVE A. An employee requesting maternity leave shall give written notice to the District at least four (4) weeks prior to commencement of said leave. The written request for maternity leave shall include a statement of the expected date of absence and date of return to employment. She shall not be required to leave work at the expiration of any arbitrary time period during pregnancy, but she shall be allowed to work as long as she is capable of performing the essential functions of her job and as long as her physician concurs. Within thirty (30) workdays after childbirth, the employee will inform the District in writing of the specific day when she will return to work. B. Accrued sick leave may be used by the employee, and/or health leave without pay, if requested, will be granted for the period of actual disability as determined by a competent medical authority. An employee may request Family Leave for parental purposes, subject to the provision of the Family Medical Leave Act. C. An employee may be granted parental leave without pay up to one (1) school year from the date of birth of the child, subject to approval by the District. D. The employee shall be returned to the same position occupied before taking parental, maternity or sick leave for maternity purposes, absent a reduction in force situation. Employees on such leave, when a reduction in force situation occurs, shall be treated as an active employee pursuant to the layoff provisions of this Agreement. E. The District shall grant leave on the same terms to male employees as is available to female employees upon the birth of a child. This same leave will be given to male employees upon an adoption or becoming a stepparent of a child under the age of six. F. Parents who are both employed in the District are only entitled to a combined total of twelve (12) calendar work weeks for the birth of a child, when adopting a child, or becoming a stepparent of a child under the age of six. These 12 weeks may be divided up as the employee determines. The employee shall notify the District, in writing, how they choose to use the days: before and after the birth of a child, when adopting a child, or becoming a stepparent of a child under the age of six. G. An employee adopting a child shall notify the District in writing of the intent to take adoption leave stating the expected dates of commencement of leave and return to employment. Adoption leave shall be granted without pay for a period not to exceed one (1) year. An employee returning from adoption leave shall be placed in the same position held upon application for leave. H. For Maternity/Parental Leave, the District will comply with the requirement of FMLA Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (29 U.S.C. 2601), Washington Family Leave Act (RCW 49.78), Washington Family Care Act (RCW 49.12.20) and State of Washington Pregnancy Disability Regulation (WAC 162-30-020). ARTICLE VII - LEAVES – pg 10 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 SECTION 4. EMERGENCY LEAVE Emergency leave may be requested due to a problem which has suddenly occurred, or is unplanned, or where planning could not relieve the necessity for the employee’s absence. The administration will review such requests and make a determination as whether to grant emergency leave or to assign some other status to the request. SECTION 5. FAMILY ILLNESS LEAVE Employees shall, upon request, be granted a leave of absence during a contract year when such absence is occasioned by the illness of any member of the immediate family. Such leave shall be deducted from sick leave. Sick leave may be used to care for a child of the employee with a health condition that requires treatment or supervision or for a spouse, parent, parent-in-law, or grandparent of the employee who has a serious health condition or an emergency condition. The parties agree that the provision(s) in law which most benefits the employee shall be available to the employee. Such leave may be utilized up to the limit of accumulated sick leave days. Under the Family and Medical Leave Act provisions, the District may require appropriate medical certification. SECTION 6. BEREAVEMENT LEAVE Employees shall be granted five (5) days of bereavement leave with pay for a death in the immediate family to attend the funeral or take care of other related business. Immediate family is understood to mean spouse, children, stepchildren, children-in-law, parents, parents-in-law, stepparents, brothers, sisters, stepsiblings, grandchildren, grandparents, siblings-in-law, aunt, uncle, niece and nephew, or any relative living in the immediate household of the employee. Such leave is non-accumulative. Such leaves may be extended by the Superintendent in unusual and emergency situations. The District agrees to continue to grant bereavement leaves with flexibility as in the past. SECTION 7. JURY DUTY A. An employee who is away from his/her duties because of jury duty shall be paid for such time lost at his/her normal rate of pay. The District will be reimbursed by the Employee the amount of jury duty fees paid, less any mileage and/or jury duty related expenses paid. B. An employee will be granted subpoena leave as may be required by the subpoena and shall be paid his/her regular salary less any compensation received for his/her services, excluding transportation and per diem expenses, when the employee is the party to such action as a result of the performance of his/her duties. The Superintendent or designee may extend the definition and intent of the subpoena leave policy on an individual basis. ARTICLE VII - LEAVES – pg 11 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 SECTION 8. MILITARY LEAVE A. Employees shall be granted a military leave of absence without pay when such leave is occasioned by induction into the armed services or a call to active duty from reserve status. While on leave, the employee shall retain all benefits which have been accruing as though employment had been continuous in the District. Health benefits shall continue for those employees on military leave if requested. Replacement employees will not be provided health benefits by the District unless: a) he/she pays for those benefits or b) the benefits, have not been requested by the employee on military leave. B. Upon return from leave, the employee shall be placed in the position last held or a similar position in the District. Salary schedule experience for military leave shall be awarded in accordance with the established SPI rules and regulations. C. A member of the Washington National Guard, the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, or Marine Reserve of the United States shall be granted military leave of absence from his/her teaching assignment for a period not exceeding fifteen (15) calendar days during each year. The employee shall receive his/her normal District pay and there shall be no loss of privileges, vacations, or sick leave to which he/she might otherwise be entitled. SECTION 9. SABBATICAL LEAVE A. Sabbatical leaves may be granted for up to one (1) year to those employees who have served the District a minimum of five (5) years. An employee who has had a sabbatical leave can become eligible for another sabbatical leave after serving an additional three (3) years in the District. B. Any employee desiring sabbatical leave must submit a written request to the Superintendent before April 1 of the school year prior to the year for which leave is requested, provide an outline of the activities in which he/she will be engaged, and indicate the length of the leave. No more than two (2) percent of all employees shall be granted sabbatical leave during any school year. C. An employee granted sabbatical leave shall agree to return to regular service in the District upon the expiration of his/her leave for a period of at least two (2) years. D. Employees on sabbatical leave shall not receive the salary or other paid employee benefits they would have received if they had remained on active duty, except that the District will continue to pay in full their normal monthly insurance premium contribution and will provide sick leave credit for those on leave. If more than two (2) percent of the employees in the District apply, the evaluation and recommendation for leave shall be determined by a committee of three (3): one (1) representative from the Board and two (2) representatives from the Association. ARTICLE VII - LEAVES – pg 12 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 E. An employee returning from sabbatical leave shall be given the same consideration for returning to the position of his/her last assignment as if he/she had been on active duty. It shall be assumed that he/she will notify the Superintendent by March 15th prior to the expiration of his/her leave. If reassignment is contemplated, a conference with the Superintendent shall be held to find an assignment that is mutually agreeable. SECTION 10. PROFESSIONAL LEAVE Professional Leave may be used by specially trained teachers to work in other districts (i.e., conduct workshops or similar activities) providing permission is given by the building principal and the other district pays for a substitute. SECTION 11. ANNUAL LEAVE A. Two (2) days of annual leave shall be granted upon request. Annual leave shall not be taken from sick leave and will be granted on a first-come first-served, per building, basis. Building administrators will receive requests for leave and will forward them to the Central office. In unusual cases where more than one (1) person per building requests leave or if more days are needed, such requests will be cleared through the Central Office. Annual leave may be used in full or half day increments. B. If unused to an accumulation of ten (10) days or more, an employee can request to use five (5) consecutive working days per year while carrying the remaining days over for future use. (see paragraph E) C. Two annual leave days per year may be cashed out at the rate of substitute pay. The District must be notified of this transaction by July 10. D. No more than three (3) annual leave days may be used during the year (except as per letter B above). If one (1) annual leave day is cashed out no more than two (2) days may be used or accumulated. E. During the first and last two(2) weeks fo school or prior to school winter and spring break the use of annual leave will be discouraged. SECTION 12. JOB SHARING LEAVE An employee may request a partial leave of absence for the purpose of job sharing. A request shall be made in writing to Personnel and shall include the purpose for the leave. In considering the request the District shall consider criteria that includes, but is not limited to, the purpose of the leave, the ability to replace the vacant position and the impact on the educational program. The remaining portion of the position may be filled by another employee also seeking a job share leave of absence or an out-of-district candidate dependent on District staffing needs. Vacancies created by job share leaves shall be filled on a substitute or leave-replacement contract basis, as applicable. Employees may request renewal of the job share leave annual up to three (3) years, with each request subject to District approval in accordance with the guidelines specified herein. ARTICLE VII - LEAVES – pg 13 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 SECTION 13. OTHER LEAVES A. Leaves of absence of up to one (1) year without pay may be granted at the discretion of the Superintendent and the School Board to employees for the purpose of study, travel outside of the state or country, recuperation, child care, or Association-related business. Upon request by the employee, such leaves may be renewed for up to one (1) additional year at the Board's discretion. Requests for a one year leave of absence shall be submitted to the Superintendent one week prior to the first Board meeting in April of the preceding year. B. Recipients of a one year leave of absence must notify the District in writing by March 15 of his/her intention to return at the beginning of the following school year. This letter will have current employee contact information for use by the District. It is the employee’s responsibility to notify the District by March 15 of his/her intent to return. Upon returning from leave, the employee shall be placed in the position last held or in a similar position in the District. C. If the leave is to be less than one year in duration, the employee must submit a letter of request 90 days prior to the first requested day of leave to the Superintendent for possible Board approval. Leaves covered by Family Medical Leave Act do not require a 90 day prior notification. D. Short-term leaves of absence of not more than 10 instructional days, including any available annual leave, are for the purpose of once-in-a-lifetime events that cannot be scheduled during non-instructional periods of time. Requests for such leave must be in writing and submitted to the Superintendent 90 days in advance. If the Association member has exhausted all annual leave, the member understands that the leave will be unpaid. Leaves of this nature must be consistent with Article VII, Section 12, Paragraph F of this agreement. Short-term leaves of absence may or may not be granted at the discretion of the Superintendent and School Board. In the event of an unforeseen emergency, the Superintendent—solely at his/her discretion, may waive the 90 day rule. Such waiver will not be used to establish any precedence or new practice. ARTICLE VII - LEAVES – pg 14 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 ARTICLE VIII - FISCAL SECTION 1. WORK DAY A. Regular building hours for employees shall be seven (7) hours and thirty-five (35) minutes per day for each school year, including a 30-minute duty-free lunch period per day. The starting and dismissal times, which may vary from school to school, shall be determined by the District. There will be early release on the following days: 1. 2. 3. 4. Thanksgiving (3 hours) Christmas (3 hours) Spring break (3 hours) Last day of school (3 hours) Consistent with the traditional expectations associated with the performance of employees, employees shall spend time to the extent necessary for adequate preparation for instruction, pupil and parent consultations, and other activities related to instruction. Employees shall adhere to the daily schedule and shall make no commitments which shall preclude their being present in their assigned responsibilities. Requests for exceptions must be submitted to the principal prior to the anticipated absence and/or late arrival or early leaving. B. Satus and Camas Elementary Schools will start at 8:45 a.m. and dismiss at 3:15 p.m. Adams Elementary will start between 8:35 and 8:40 a.m. and dismiss between 3:05 and 3:10 p.m. Teachers will escort their students to afternoon buses and supervise for ten (10) minutes. If buses are late, one (1) employee from each building will supervise students still waiting to be picked up. Employees will not be required to supervise bus arrivals before school. C. Elementary teachers shall supervise their students as they enter the cafeteria until such a time as their students are seated with their lunches. If required, teachers shall return to convene their class at the conclusion of the lunch period. In an emergency situation teachers may be required to remain with their class during the lunch period. D. When schools are closed because of inclement weather, ice, snow or other emergencies, employees shall not be required to report to work. When schools are closed early, employees in the bargaining unit shall be permitted to leave immediately after students are dismissed. E. In the case that the Superintendent of Public Instruction grants a waiver from the one hundred eighty-two (182) day school year, and the District receives its state apportionment moneys, employees shall suffer no loss in wages, benefits, or contractual or statutory advantages as a result of such work rules and will not be required to make up lost days for that reason or because buildings are closed due to construction or related problems. ARTICLE VIII - FISCAL – pg 1 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 SECTION 2. CALENDAR/WORK YEAR A. Before the end of January of each school year, the Association and the administration shall exchange proposed calendars for mutual consideration. The employee contracted days for the school year covered by this Agreement are set forth in the appendices. There shall be no deviation from or change in the workdays except by mutual agreement of the parties. In the event that mutual agreement cannot be achieved as in the preceding sentence, and the state apportionment funds are threatened, the Board may act unilaterally. SECTION 3. WORK OPPORTUNITIES A. The basic contract period for employees in the District shall be one hundred eighty-two (182) days: one hundred eighty (180) student days and two (2) non-student days as directed and funded by the legislature. These two (2) days will be designed around meeting the District’s strategic plan for student achievement. Building plans will be focused on curriculum and instruction as funded by the state. The District will offer all employees four (4) additional days for inservice and professional development. These shall be paid at the rate of the employee’s true per diem. Three (3) of these four (4) days will be District directed and one (1) of these days will be at the employee’s direction. Two (2) of these days will remain in effect contingent upon future levy passages. Furthermore, the Parties agree to revisit, on an annual basis, the allocation and utilization of these days. B. Certificated employees who have completed sixteen (16) or more years on the LEAP Schedule will be granted one (1) additional per diem day annually. This day will be at the employee’s direction and will be paid at the employee’s true per diem rate. C. Contracted Time, Responsibility,and Incentive hours (TRI) hours, District Service hours, and extended teaching programs will be paid for at the rate of .0011 of the base salary. D. The District agrees to pay, in addition to the four (4) days or five (5) for employees with 16+ years on LEAP Schedule, sixty (60) additional hours. These hours must be used for work done outside of the workday as described in Article VIII, Section 1; A, B, C. These hours are to be divided in the following way: An employee will be granted a maximum of thirty (30) TRI hours paid at the rate of .0011 The hours may be used at the employee’s discretion and may include but are not limted to: preparation for opening and/or closing of school, conferences with parents beyond those stated in the contract, evaluating student work, attending workshops, assessment preparation, in-service or classes, preparation of materials and plans, planning instruction, or attending building and District meetings and tutoring with students. The other thirty (30) hours are Professional Development hours as described on the bargained contract for extended service pay Form PD2 and are paid at the employee’s per diem rate or at the TRI pay rate, whichever is higher. An employee may use all sixty (60) hours at this level as long as they meet the specified criteria. There is a maximum of sixty (60) hours at this level. ARTICLE VIII - FISCAL – pg 2 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 Work Option A or B Each employee must choose either Work Option A or Work Option B by October 10th of each year. If neither option is not selected, Option B will be selected for the employee. These options are in addition to the sixty (60) hours and four (4) or five (5) additional days provided to all employees. Option A An employee may choose a $500.00 stipend that is to be used for continuing education options that meet the state criteria as listed on the current Approval of College and Clock Hour Credits form. It may also be used to help pay the costs of the National Board Certification program and/or Professional Certification program. This $500.00 will be paid outside the regular payroll system. Employees will submit receipts or invoices for classes for payment. Option B Those who do not select of Option A shall be granted eight (8) additional Professional Preparation hours paid at per diem or the TRI rate, whichever is higher. If an employee has reached the maximum of sixty (60) hours at the per diem rate, these eight (8) hours will be paid at the TRI rate. Additionally, employees may access an additional 7 hour work day. This non-student day is to be teacher-directed. It is to be worked in district on the day known as Yakama Nation Treaty Day. This day traditionally falls on the first Friday of June. E. Employees who spend time beyond the work day, up to five(5) hours per year, performing District/Building directed activities shall be compensated at each employee’s per diem rate of pay. F. July 10 is the final cutoff date of the school year for yearly acquired extended service pay. G. Driver education teachers will be included in the extended service pay provision of the 199899 contract. This pay rate will be retroactive to September 1998. 1. Driver education teachers will be a part of the WEA bargaining unit. The bargaining unit will be the sole unit representing the driver education teachers. 2. In the event--that when compared to other districts--the driver education salary out distances neighboring salaries, the Parties agree to revisit the salary level. SECTION 4. SALARY SCHEDULE A. The salary schedule and the base salary for the coming year shall be in accordance with legislative action. All moneys generated by the bargaining unit will be passed on to its members in accordance with the salary schedule approved by the Association. (see Appendix A for salary schedules) ARTICLE VIII - FISCAL – pg 3 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 1. The District will grant increments in accordance with years of experience and credits earned. 2. Both parties agree to stay within compliance and will make any adjustments required by SPI rules. SECTION 5. PAYMENT A. Employees shall be paid in twelve (12) monthly installments. Payments are to be made on the last week day of each month. In the event that extra pay is earned by the employee a request for payment in the form of extended day hours will be submitted to the District by the tenth (10th) of the month. If the employee has signed and submitted the form to the principal or his designee by the tenth (10th), such application is considered submitted and such payment will be forthcoming as funds are available. Upon notice that an employee’s regular monthly or per diem salary has not been paid at the proper rate of payment, the District will issue a revolving fund check when the pay correction is requested and as funds are available. If no pay correction is requested that correction will be made in the following monthly paycheck. B. Exceptions to the payment provisions shall be compensations for supplemental contracts as follows: employees who have supplemental contracts shall have the option either to be paid in 12 equal installments or to be paid for extra-curricular activities during the payroll period immediately following the conclusion of the activity. Employees contracted for fall activities will be paid on the last working day of November; employees contracted for winter activities will be paid on the last working day of March; employees contracted for spring activities will be paid on the last working day of May. Compensation for year-round activities will be as follows: one-half the amount at the end of January and one-half the amount at the end of May or all at the end of May. C. All compensation owing to an employee leaving the District's employ shall, upon request, be paid within fifteen (15) days of the final day of work if funds permit. D. In the event of a mistake in payment resulting in an underpayment, corrections shall be made on the next paycheck. A cumulative error shall be repaid by an agreement between the employee and the District. E. In the event that there are problems with information on payment forms, the forms are not to be altered or amended by anyone but the employee. All effort will be made to contact the affected employee in an expedient manner in order to correct the information so that the form is completed by payroll cutoff. ARTICLE VIII - FISCAL – pg 4 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 SECTION 6. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROCEDURES A. For movement on the salary schedule, credits/clock hours earned must meet at least one of the following: 1. Credits required for an endorsement or advanced levels of certification; 2. It pertains to a current assignment or one that can be reasonably expected of you in the future; 3. It is included in a college or university degree program that pertains to your current assignment or potential future assignment; 4. It addresses research-based assessment and instructional strategies for students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and language disabilities; 5. It is consistent with a school-based plan for mastery of student learning goals; 6. or as otherwise determined by law (WAC 392-121-262). A. Procedure 1. Pick up a Course Approval form from your building WEA representative or Personnel Office. 2. Fill out the form and get necessary signatures. 3. Forward the form to the District Office. 4. Finally, District Office will let you know that it has been approved or disapproved. All this will be done in a timely manner. In case of a need for a quick acceptance, a phone call to the personnel director of the District will give a preliminary determination, but the forms need to follow in a timely manner as well. SECTION 7. OTHER SALARY SCHEDULE PROVISIONS A. One step of credit on the salary schedule may be granted for each year of military service when such has actually interrupted an employee's teaching career. B. Employees completing sufficient preparation during any year or summer to qualify for higher placement on the schedule shall advise the District office by April 15, or as soon thereafter as possible, of their intention to complete such work. In bona fide cases where this decision is reached after the 15th of April, written notice shall be submitted to the Superintendent at the earliest practical time. Provided the District is reimbursed by the State, members shall be able to advance on the salary schedule in January of the school year. ARTICLE VIII - FISCAL – pg 5 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 C. Credit for education experience shall be given automatically when evidence of such credit is filed with the District. Proof of completion must be turned in no later than the third Friday of September. Proof of completion can be in the form of transcripts (preferred), grade reports, or a letter from a professor. It is the responsibility of each employee to provide the District with a complete and valid transcript of all college credits. It is the further duty of the employee to ascertain that the necessary information is forthcoming to keep his/her record current. Official transcripts must be filed with the District no later than January 15 each year. If transcripts are not provided by the employee by January 15, after receiving written notice or request of transcript by the District, then the educational increment will be revoked and the cost of the increment will be recovered by payroll deduction. If for some circumstance beyond the control of the employee the college transcript or grade reports are not available and the District has been advised by the college of the credit, the employee shall be granted the allowance for credit. Employees will be required to provide the District with the necessary records and transcripts only when salary schedule movement is to occur. If, however, the District requests copies of transcripts in order to update its files, the employee will sign a permission slip allowing the District to request the records from the college at District cost. * See Memorandum of Agreement 1990 contract for BA-135 cap. This column is capped and no longer open for entry. Members already in this column are grandfathered. D. Credit shall be given for experience in accordance with OSPI rules. Employees who have a half-time assignment will receive one year's experience credit for each two years of half-time experience. (i.e., 1/2 year = 1 year experience; 1 year = 1-year experience; 1 1/2 years = 2 years experience, etc.) Placement on the salary schedule for experience shall be for the full school year. No change in placement for experience will be made after the third Friday in September. Verified out-of-state experience shall be recognized on the salary schedule. E. The District shall accept clock hours credits (if SPI-approved for funding) for appropriate placement and/or movement on the salary schedule. (Ten (10) clock hours are equal to one credit.) It is the teacher’s responsibility to turn in their clock hour verification to the personnel office for record keeping. F. Merit Pay statement (in the event the State requires merit pay): The District and the Association agree to negotiate any merit pay plans prior to implementation. (Memorandum 1990 contract) G. Supplementary contracts will be issued in the fall to all School Psychologists and Speech Language Pathologists for fifteen (15) days at true per diem rate. ARTICLE VIII - FISCAL – pg 6 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 SECTION 8. COMPLIANCE A. Both parties agree to stay within compliance. In the event that the District is found to be out of compliance by the salary and/or benefits of the bargaining unit to the extent a penalty is levied, adjustments will be made to bring the District back into compliance. B. Any questions or complaints relating to fair share compliance will be resolved between the parties through consultations. Both parties acknowledge a possible fair share violation due to the District funding up to maximum compliance. SECTION 9. EXTRA-CURRICULAR PAY An Extra-duty, Extra-pay, Non-coaching, Bargainable-Position Committee as per PERC ruling shall be formed to see if there are any disparities and adjustments in remuneration. Whenever disputes arise about the nature of a position or its equity, or non-coaching positions are changed, or new positions are formed, this committee will make recommendations to the bargaining teams for consideration. The committee will be comprised of the Superintendent’s designee and two (2) Association members to be appointed by the President. SECTION 10. INSURANCE A. Maximum State funding for fringe benefits, as set by the Legislature will be expended through the pooling basis for each employee in the bargaining unit. “Basic benefits are limited to medical, dental, vision, group term life, and group long-term disability insurance coverage. (RCW 28A.400.270). B. The Health Care Authority Retiree Remittance (HCARR) surcharge will be paid by the District at 100% and negotiated on an annual basis. C. The insurance carrier and benefit plan shall be selected by the Association on an annual basis. If a change in the Association’s insurance carriers is desired, they will inform the District of their desire by November 30th for the coming school year. D. Excess fringe benefit moneys not necessary for current insurance coverage pool will be applied toward a fringe benefit plan of the employee's choice. Such plans may include life insurance, salary insurance, VEBA etc., providing such plans are "legal"; i.e., approved by SPI and are not prohibited by the current insurance carrier. E. Insurance Continuation: The District agrees to continue providing health insurance benefits to employees who have exhausted sick leave. It is understood that said employees must apply for an unpaid leave of absence to qualify for continued benefits. It is understood that leaves of absence for employees who exhaust sick leave will automatically be approved for the remainder of a contract year. Any extension beyond the contract year would require Board action per Article VII, Section 13, Other Leaves. F. The District will offer IRS Section 125 Cafeteria Plan program to employees. ARTICLE VIII - FISCAL – pg 7 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 G. Payment Responsibilties: In the event required contribution rates of the health care provider selected by the bargaining unit exceeds the level of funding contributed by the District for medical, dental, and vision insurance, the employee will be responsible for payment to fully fund the health care package. The parties agree the District shall reduce the employee’s gross pay by any monies necessary to hold harmless and indemnify the District for any and all claims made by the employee against the District for employee contributions to the health care package. H. VEBA I will be offered to the employee as provided by law. 1. The District shall contribute on an annual basis fifty (50) dollars per month to each member of the bargaining unit’s VEBA I account during the 2008-2009 school year and will be re-evaluated through negotiations and a “sunset” clause at the end of the 20082009 school year. Note: Other VEBA information can be found in Article VII, Section 2. SECTION 11. TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT Employees utilizing their private vehicle on approved school business shall be compensated at the rate allowed by the State of Washington. All employees who, by nature of their assignment must travel between schools or are required to make home visitations, shall also be reimbursed at the same mileage rate. SECTION 12. BUILDING BUDGET COMMITTEE After adoption of the budget or the preliminary budget, the Superintendent will give the building principals a dollar amount for each building budget. The principal shall meet with a representative group of employees from their building to discuss, for informational purposes, the dollar amounts budgeted per building and the specific areas of planned expenditure. Additional meetings may be conducted as necessary and by mutual agreement. SECTION 13. DISTRICT SERVICE PROJECT Funding for up to four (4) District Service Opportunities per year on a one-time basis shall be made available for teachers with a minimum of twenty-five (25) years of experience. A selection committee representing the Association and the District will determine final candidates. The applicant is eligible for a $3,000 stipend. The applicant must apply to the Superintendent by January 15 of his/her desire to participate in the project and the work must be completed by June 10. The applicant may write his/her own proposal or work with his/her own supervisor to come up with a proposal. The intent of the District Service Project is to improve student learning in the Wapato School District. ARTICLE VIII - FISCAL – pg 8 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 SECTION 14. RETIREMENT Retirees will be paid all moneys due them on or before June 30 of the year of their retirement. These will include, for example, salaries, coaching pay and non-coaching extra duty pay, other stipends, and sick leave cashout. This will be worked out with the business office. ARTICLE VIII - FISCAL – pg 9 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 ARTICLE IX - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS A. Grievant shall mean any employee, a group of employees or the Association filing a grievance. B. Grievance shall mean an alleged violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of the Agreement. C. Complaint as used in the grievance procedure shall mean a dispute not involving violations of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. D. Days is defined as school days when school is in session, excluding holidays. When school is not in session, days means weekdays excluding weekends and holidays. SECTION 2. PROCEDURE In the event that an employee believes there is a basis for a grievance, the employee will first discuss the alleged grievance with his/her building principal or other appropriate supervisor either personally or accompanied by his/her Association representative. At the employee's request, the Superintendent will be involved in this discussion. If the grievance is not thus resolved, formal grievance procedures may be instituted. However, the exhaustion of the informal procedure is not a condition precedent to invoking the formal grievance procedure. “Days” is defined as school days when school is in session, excluding holidays. When school is not in session, “days” means weekdays excluding weekends and holidays. STEP I. The parties acknowledge that it is usually most desirable to resolve issues in an informal manner upon determination of a grievable act or condition, the grievant will contact the Superintendent for assistance in resolving the issue. Within five (5) days of receipt of the request, the Superintendent or designee will meet with the involved parties to attempt to mediate the situation. This informal process shall be given ten (10) days to reach a mutually agreed upon solution. STEP II. If no agreeable resolution is reached within ten (10) days the grievant may then file a formal written grievance to the Superintendent. Within five (5) days the Superintendent shall arrange for a meeting with the grievant and/or the Association to review the issue. The parties shall have the right to include in the representation such witnesses as they deem necessary to develop facts pertinent to the grievance. Upon conclusion of the meeting the Superintendent will have five (5) days to provide a written decision, together with the reasons for the decision, to the grievant and/or association. ARTICLE IX – GRIEVIANCE FORMS – pg 1 Wapato Education Association Revised 12/14/04 STEP III. In the event the Association is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Step II within five (5) days after receipt of same or in the event no disposition has been made within five (5) days of such meeting, the grievance, only at the option of the Association, may be submitted before an impartial arbitrator. The Association shall exercise its right of arbitration by giving the Superintendent written notice of its intention to arbitrate within twenty (20) days of receipt of the written disposition of the Superintendent. If the parties cannot agree as to the arbitrator within five (5) days from the notification date that the arbitration will be pursued, the arbitrator shall be selected by the American Arbitration Association (or when mutually agreed, through the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service) in accord with its rules, which rules shall likewise govern the arbitration proceeding, except as provided in jurisdiction of the arbitrator. The parties shall not be permitted to assert in such arbitration proceeding any ground rule, except as provided in jurisdiction of the arbitrator, or to rely on any evidence not previously disclosed to the other party. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties. SECTION 3. ARBITRATION A. Arbitration Costs: Each party shall bear its own costs of arbitration except that the fees and charges of the arbitrator, if any, shall be shared equally by the parties. B. Within ten (10) days after written notice of submission to arbitration, the Superintendent and the Association will attempt to agree upon a mutually acceptable arbitrator and to obtain a commitment from such arbitrator to serve. If the parties are unable to agree upon an arbitrator or obtain such commitment within the ten-day period, the parties shall request a list of arbitrators from either Federal Mediation & Conciliation Services or the American Arbitration Association. The parties shall separately rank and strike the names of arbitrators on the list and return their list to the appropriate agency for final arbitrator selection. Hearings shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of the agency that was selected. C. Jurisdiction of the Arbitrator: The arbitrator shall have no power to alter, add to, or subtract from the terms of this Agreement. The arbitrator shall confine his/her inquiry and decision to the specific area of the Agreement as cited in the grievance form. The arbitrator shall not substitute his/her knowledge for the expressed provisions of the contract under question. Upon request of either party, the merits of a grievance and the substantive procedural arbitrability of the issues arising in connection with that grievance may be consolidated for hearing before an arbitrator, provided the arbitrator shall not resolve the question of arbitrability of a grievance prior to having heard the merits of the grievance. D. Litigation Costs: The decision of the arbitrator may be entered into any court of competent jurisdiction should either party fail to implement the decision. If a motion to vacate the arbitrator's decision is entered into a court of competent jurisdiction and the initiating party does not prevail in the litigation, such party shall bear the full costs of such action including, but not limited to, the adverse party's court costs, legal fees, and other related expenses incurred as a result of defending such action. ARTICLE IX – GRIEVIANCE FORMS – pg 2 Wapato Education Association Revised 12/14/04 SECTION 4. ELECTION OF REMEDIES Any matter which has an alternate form of resolution (Superior Court, Human Rights Commission, PERC, OCR, etc.) may be utilized by an employee in place of arbitration; but in no case will arbitration be allowed or utilized in addition to alternative remedies such as those illustrated above. SECTION 5. TIME LIMITS The time limits provided in this Article shall be strictly observed unless extended by written agreement of the parties. In the event a grievance is filed after May 15 of any year, the Board shall use its best efforts to process such grievance prior to the end of the school term or as soon thereafter as possible. Failure of the Association to proceed with its grievance within the times herein before provided shall result in the dismissal of the grievance. Failure of the Board or its representatives to take the required action within the times provided shall entitle the Association to proceed to the next step on the grievance procedure. SECTION 6. GRIEVANCE AND ARBITRATION HEARINGS All hearings or conferences pursuant to this grievance procedure shall be scheduled at a time and place which will afford a reasonable opportunity for all parties entitled to attend to be present, including any and all witnesses. SECTION 7. INDIVIDUAL COMPLAINTS If an employee has a personal complaint which he/she desires to discuss with the supervisor, he/she is free to do so without recourse to the grievance procedure. However, no complaint shall be adjusted without prior notification to the Association and opportunity for an Association representative to be present, nor shall any such adjustment of the complaint be inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement. In the administration of the grievance procedure, the interest of the employee shall be the sole responsibility of the Association. Complaints not involving the Agreement may be processed by the Association through Steps I and II but not to arbitration. SECTION 8. CONTINUITY OF GRIEVANCE Any claim or grievance arising hereunder may be processed through the grievance procedure until resolution. ARTICLE IX – GRIEVIANCE FORMS – pg 3 Wapato Education Association Revised 12/14/04 ARTICLE X - DURATION A. The duration of this Agreement is for two (2) years, effective September 1, 2008-August 31, 2010. This document may be re-opened for re-negotiations or clarification when mutually agreed upon and will be ratified upon completion of any negotiated changes. B. The District and the Association will be limited to four (4) openers each and items impacted by legislative action in the first year of the two-year contract. On a two (2) year basis, both parties will review entire document and share in the cost of reprinting this document in its entirety if necessary. C. At the conclusion of each negotiating session the Association will include a list of the newly bargained items on the bottom of the signatory page. ARTICLE X – DURATION- pg 1 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 APPENDIX A-1 – 2008-2009 SALARY SCHEDULE Table Of Total Base Salaries For Certificated Instructional Staff For School Year 2008-09 *** Education Experience *** Years MA+90 of OR Service BA BA+15 BA+30 BA+45 BA+90 BA+135 MA MA+45 Ph.D. 0 34,426 35,356 36,319 37,285 40,383 42,378 41,274 44,372 46,369 1 34,889 35,832 36,808 37,816 40,946 42,931 41,733 44,863 46,847 2 35,331 36,283 37,269 38,354 41,476 43,481 42,195 45,316 47,321 3 35,786 36,747 37,743 38,864 41,979 44,033 42,632 45,746 47,801 4 36,232 37,235 38,238 39,397 42,531 44,599 43,091 46,225 48,295 5 36,693 37,701 38,713 39,937 43,059 45,169 43,558 46,681 48,791 6 37,167 38,153 39,200 40,484 43,591 45,713 44,036 47,144 49,264 7 37,999 39,000 40,061 41,415 44,568 46,748 44,932 48,084 50,265 8 39,218 40,273 41,359 42,825 46,021 48,281 46,341 49,538 51,797 41,591 42,731 44,250 47,521 49,858 47,765 51,038 53,374 44,120 45,749 49,063 51,478 49,265 52,580 54,993 11 47,291 50,677 53,141 50,807 54,194 56,656 12 48,784 52,335 54,872 52,410 55,851 58,389 13 54,034 56,646 54,069 57,550 60,162 14 55,740 58,486 55,778 59,368 62,003 15 57,191 60,008 57,227 60,911 63,615 16 or more 58,334 61,207 58,372 62,129 64,887 9 10 For credits earned after the BA degree but before the MA degree: Any credits in excess of 45 may be counted after the MA degree. APPENDIX A – SALARY - 1 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 APPENDIX A-2 – APPROVAL OF COLLEGE AND CLOCK HOUR CREDITS FOR SALARY INCREMENTS APPLICATION FORM (Ref: Article IVV-Fiscal, Section 6 – Professional Development Committee) Employee’s Name (Please print) ________________________________________________ Date ____________ School Location ______________________________________________________________________________ Current Assignment __________________________________________________________________________ Credits and/or clock hours earned after September 1, 1995, must meet criteria established by the 1995 Legislature (RCW 28A.415.023) before they can be used for placement on LEAP salary allocation documents. At the time credits are recognized by the school district, the content of the course must meet at least one of the following: Criteria #: A. It is consistent with the school-based plan for mastery of student learning goals as referenced in RCW 28A.320.205, the annual school performance report, for the school in which the individual is assigned. B. It pertains to the individual’s current assignment or expected assignment for the following school year. C. It is necessary for obtaining endorsement as prescribed by the State Board of Education. D. It is specifically required for obtaining advanced levels of certification. E. It is included in a college or university degree program that pertains to the individual’s current assignment or potential future assignment as a certificated instructional staff of the school district, where the potential of the future assignment is agreed upon by the school district and the individual. Indicate in the last column which criteria the course meets by inserting the criteria # shown above and submit form to your principal/supervisor. Course must be approved by supervisor and personnel office. Date/Term And Year Institution or Provider Course # and Title #Credits/Clock Hours Criteria # as listed above Qtr/Sem/Clk Qtr/Sem/Clk Qtr/Sem/Clk Qtr/Sem/Clk NOTE: Official transcripts and/or completed clock hour forms are required documentation (WAC392.121.280) and must be submitted to the Personnel Office in a timely manner after credits have been earned. In order to qualify for placement ton the current year’s salary schedule, coursework must be completed prior to October 1 and appropriate documentation made to the personnel office on or before October 15. _____________________________________________ _____________ Employee’s Signature Date _____________________________________________ _____________ Approved Not Approved Supervisor’s Signature Date _____________________________________________ _____________ Building Representative Signature Date (Contact Personnel if not approved) DISTICT OFFICE USE ONLY Approved Not Approved Comment _________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Personnel Signature White – Personnel Signature REV 09/98 ___________________________________________________ Date Yellow – Employee Signed copy will be returned for your records APPENDIX A – SALARY - 2 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 RCW 28A.415.023 1998 APPENDIX A-3 DIRECTIONS FOR USING EXTENDED SERVICE FORMS Wapato School District Directions for using Extended Service Forms Form PD-1 Color Bright Yellow PD-2 Buff PD-3 Purple PD-6 Pay 3 District directed days, 1 teacher directed day, and 16+ year on the LEAP schedule 30-60 hrs. for planning, curriculum, assessment, instructional strategies, workshops and classes aligned with state standards or district goals TRI hours Maximum of 30 hours (may not be used if 60 hrs. are used in the category above) Info Needed Employee’s true per diem (I-728) Employee’s true per diem but not less than .0011 of the base salary Submit 5 or more hours at a time (I-728) .0011 of the base salary Submit 5 or more hours at a time (Basic Ed) Teacher choice of Option A or B Lime Green Option A-Stipend for credits, endorsement, or certification (cannot be used if Option B is chosen) Stipend $500.00 paid by receipts or invoices outside the payroll system (I-728) Option B8 hours and a 7 hr. day on Yakama Treaty Days (day to be worked in building) (Cannot be used if Option A is chosen) 8 hrs. at employee’s true per diem but not less than .0011 of base salary (TRI rate) unless 60 hrs at per diem have been used then @ TRI rate per hr. 7 hr. day @ per diem rate (I-728) Goldenrod APPENDIX A – SALARY- 3 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 Activity, date, and time (i.e. 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm) Due to HR no later than July 10th Activity, date, and time (i.e. 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm) Due to HR no later than July 10th Activity, date, and time (i.e. 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm) Due to HR no later than July 10th Due to HR by October 10th. If a selection is not made by Oct. 10th, Option B is the default choice White PD-4 PD-5 Use Due to HR no later than July 10th Activity, date, and time (i.e. 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm) for 8 hrs. Due to HR no later than July 10th APPENDIX A- 4 EXTENDED SERVICE TRACKING SHEET District Per Diem and Teacher Directed Days-Yellow Sheet for Recording (PD1) Date Submitted Date Paid Date Submitted Date Paid District Directed Day #1 __________ __________ #2 __________ __________ District Directed Day #3 __________ __________ Teacher Directed Day __________ 16 + __________ Years __________ __________ Professional Development Hours-Buff (PD 2) TRI Hours + Professional Development Hours cannot exceed 60 hours total. Submit at least 5 hours at a time. # of Hours Date Submitted Date Paid # of Hours Date Submitted Date Paid ______ __________ _________ ______ __________ _________ ______ __________ _________ ______ __________ _________ ______ __________ _________ ______ __________ _________ ______ __________ _________ ______ __________ _________ ______ __________ _________ ______ __________ _________ TRI Hours-Purple Sheet for Recording (PD3) 30 hours maximum Submit at least 5 hours at a time. # of Hours Date Submitted Date Paid # of Hours Date Submitted Date Paid ______ ___________ ________ ______ _________ __________ ______ ___________ ________ ______ __________ __________ ______ ___________ ________ _______ _________ __________ Option B Extended Service Hours-Goldenrod (PD 6) 8 hours- If the maximum of 60 hours at the per diem rate has been reached, these 8 hours will be paid at the TRI rate. # of Hours Date Submitted Date Paid ______ ___________ _______ # of Hours ______ Date Submitted Date Paid __________ Yakama Treaty Day(7 hours) Date Submitted _______________ This day must be worked on the district scheduled day in district. APPENDIX A – SALARY- 4 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 _________ Date Paid ________________ APPENDIX A-5 PD1 CONTRACT FOR DISTRICT DIRECTEDAND TEACHER DIRECTED DAYS APPENDIX A – SALARY- 5 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 APPENDIX A-6 CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PAY APPENDIX A – SALARY- 6 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 APPENDIX A – SALARY- 7 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 APPENDIX A-7 CONTRACT FOR TRI PAY APPENDIX A – SALARY- 8 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 APPENDIX A – SALARY- 9 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 APPENDIX A- 8 PD4 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPTION FORM Wapato School District Professional Development PD-4 Name______________________________________ Date _____________________ The district must be notified by October 10th, whether the staff member chooses Option A or Option B in compliance with Article VIII, Section 3 of the WEA Collective Bargaining Agreement. If neither Option A nor Option B is selected by October 10th, Option B will be automatically selected. Option A (Form PD-5) Article VIII, Section 3 An employee may choose a $500.00 stipend that is to be used for continuing education options that meet the state criteria as listed on the current Approval of College and Clock Hour Credits form. It may also be used to help pay the costs of the National Board Certification program and/or Professional Certification program. This $500.00 will be paid outside the regular payroll system. Employees will submit receipts or invoices for classes for payment. Option B (Form PD-6) Article VIII, Section 3 Those who are not in need of Option A (Form PD-5) shall be granted eight (8) additional Professional Preparation hours paid at per diem or TRI rate, whichever is higher. If an employee has reached the maximum of sixty (60) hours at the per diem rate, these eight (8) hours will be paid at the TRI rate. Additionally, employees may access an additional seven (7) hour work day. This non-student day is to be teacher-directed. It is to be worked in the building on the day known as Yakama Treaty Day. This day traditionally falls on the first Friday of June. One of these options must be selected by October 10th. (Form PD-5 or PD-6) ___________________________________________________ Staff Signature Date _______________________________ ___________________________________________________ Superintendent/Designee Date _______________________________ Code 6687-27-2050-*** Building ___________________ APPENDIX A – SALARY- 10 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 APPENDIX A-9 PD5 EXTEND. SERVICE PAY REIMBURSEMENT OPTION A APPENDIX A – SALARY- 11 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 APPENDIX A – SALARY- 12 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 APPENDIX A-10 PD6 EXT. SERVICE PAY REIMBURSEMENT OPTION B Wapato School District Extended Service Pay Reimbursement- Option B PD-6 Name______________________________________ Date _____________________ This option must be selected by October 10th. (Form PD-4) Article VIII, Section 3 Those who are not in need of Option A (Form PD-5) shall be granted eight (8) additional Professional Preparation hours paid at per diem or TRI rate, whichever is higher. If an employee has reached the maximum of sixty (60) hours at the per diem rate, these eight (8) hours will be paid at the TRI rate. Additionally, employees may access an additional seven (7) hour work day. This non-student day is to be teacher-directed. It is to be worked in the district on the day known as Yakama Treaty Day. This day traditionally falls on the first Friday of June. Time #Hrs. Time # Hrs. Activity Planning aligned with state standards Date ________ ________ ______ Date ________ ________ ______ Activity Curriculum aligned with state standards Date ________ ________ ______ Date ________ ________ ______ Activity Assessments aligned with state standards Date ________ ________ ______ Date ________ ________ ______ Activity Instructional Strategies aligned w/ state stds. Date ________ ________ ______ Date _______ ________ ______ Activity Workshop /In-service/Classes Date ________ ________ ______ Date _______ ________ ______ Activity Other Date ________ ________ ______ Date ________ ________ ______ Please Check (For Information Only) Credits in Reading or Math Additional Endorsement Professional Certification National Board Certification Maximum 8 hours_______________ Yakama Treaty Day 7 hours Final cut-off for Extended Service Pay is July 10th. ___________________________________________________ Staff Signature ___________________________________________________ Superintendent/Designee Code 6687-27-2050-*** _______________________________ Date _______________________________ Date Building ___________________ APPENDIX A – SALARY- 13 - Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 APPENDIX A-11 APPLICATION/CONTRACT FOR CLASSROOM COVERAGE SUBSTITUTE Employee’s Name _____________________________________________________________________________ Please Print This form is to be used only when covering class for another teacher above and beyond your regular working day or during planning time and will be paid at extended service pay rate of $30.00 per period. Please submit complete original application to the Personnel Office by the 10th of the month by which you wish to be paid. Name of person covering for: ___________________________________ Date ________________ # Periods _______ Mo./Day/Yr. Time __________ Name of person covering for: ___________________________________ Date ________________ # Periods _______ Mo./Day/Yr. Time ___________ Name of person covering for: ___________________________________ Date ________________ # Periods _______ Time ___________ Mo./Day/Yr. TOTAL PERIODS ___________________ I affirm that I have completed the services stated above. Employee’s Signature ______________________________________________ Date ___________________ I affirm that the services were completed and approve of the activity/activities for payment. Administrator’s Signature __________________________________________ Date ____________________ Approved for payment. Superintendent’s Signature _________________________________________ Date ____________________ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY _______________________________ Account number ___________ # periods x ___________ rate _______________ amount _______________________________ Account number ___________ # periods x ___________ rate _______________ amount This document becomes a supplemental contract for classroom substitute and payment will be made once requirements have been met and all signatures have been acquire. APPENDIX A – SALARY- 14 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 APPENDIX A-12 CLOCK HOUR FORM FOR OFFICIAL USE: RECEIPT NO. __________________ AMOUNT PAID ________________ INITIALS ___________ Wapato School District #207 P.O. Box 38 Wapato, WA 98952 Phone #877-4181, FAX #877-6077 Continuing Education Clock Hours for LEAP Schedule and/or 150 Clock Hours Requirement OR Vocational Clock Hours Credit This form will verify you attended the inservice program outlined below in Section II. It will be used to document attendance for potential movement on the LEAP schedule, for the 150 clock hour certification requirement, and to report vocational clock hour credits. Clock hours for maintenance of a continuing certificate can be earned only after the certificate is issued and in effect. Upon receipt of registration fee, the information from all approved forms received by ESD 105 will be entered into the ESD record keeping system. It will be reported each September by the ESD to local school districts for your potential salary schedule placement. DO NOT USE THIS FORM IF YOU RECEIVE COLLEGE CREDIT FOR THIS INSERVICE PROGRAM. PLEASE PRINT AND USE PEN ONLY. LEGAL NAME: (last, first, middle) SECTION I-INFORMATION-PARTICPANT MAIDEN OR FORMER NAME: DATE OF SOCIAL SECURITY NO. (Optional) WASHINGTON CERTIFICATE NO. BIRTH (M,D,Y) HOME ADDRESS: PHONE Street Home: ( ) City State ZIP Business: ( ) NAME OF EMPLOYER MAIDEN OR FORMER NAME: (Optional) MALE FEMALE SECTION II – INSERVICE PROVIDER – CLOCK HOURS TITLE OF INSERVICE PROGRAM CLASS NO. DATE OF INSERVICE PROGRAM LOCATION | | NAME OF INSTRUCTOR BUSINESS PHONE ( ) SPONSORING AGENCY BUSINESS PHNE ( ) SECTION III – AFFIDAVIT - PARTICPANT I, __________________________________________________, swear/affirm that I earned ___________clock hours for actual attendance at this inservice. I am not applying for college/university credit for this program. Also, I, __________________________________________________ I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. The intentional misrepresentation of a material fact in this form subjects the holder to revocation of his/her certificate pursuant to Chapter 180-85 WAC. A copy of this form should be retained by the holder for possible dispute (WAC 180-85-085). ___________________________________________________________ Original Signature of Participant ___________________________________ Date SECTION IV – INSERVICE PROVIDER VERIFICATION When signed by the approved inservice provider, this form serves as a transcript or letter documenting eligible credits as required for salary purposes by WAC 392-121-280(2). ___________________________________________________________ Original Signature of Inservice Provider/instructor ___________________________________ Date Form SPI 1125 (Rev 7.90) APPENDIX A – SALARY- 15 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 APPENDIX A-13 CURRICULUM/GRANT IN-SERVICE FOR EXTRA DUTY PAY Employee Name (Please print) ___________________________________________________________________ Please submit complete original application to the Personnel Office by the 10th of the month by which you wish to be paid. As per the negotiated agreement, work for extra duty pay must occur outside of the school day and must have prior approval of an administrator and is subject to superintendent/designee approval. Curriculum In-Service Grant In-service Other __________________________________ Code to Account: _____________________________________ Name of hrs. ______ Number of days _______ Rate per hr. _________ TOTAL AMOUNT $ __________ Not to exceed _________ hours; to be paid from a timesheet. ACTIVITY: please describe type (name of workshop/in-service) Activity __________________________________________ Date ______________ Hrs _______ Time ________ __________________________________________ Mo/Day/Yr Activity __________________________________________ Date ______________ Hrs _______ Time ________ __________________________________________ Mo/Day/Yr Activity __________________________________________ Date ______________ Hrs _______ Time ________ __________________________________________ Mo/Day/Yr Activity __________________________________________ Date ______________ Hrs _______ Time ________ __________________________________________ Mo/Day/Yr Total Extra Duty Hour/s __________ I affirm that I have completed the services stated above: Employee Signature _______________________________________________ Date _________________ I affirm that the services were completed and approve of the activity/activities for payment: Administrator Signature ____________________________________________ Date _________________ This document becomes a supplemental contract for Extra Duty Pay and Payment will be made once requirements have been met and all signatures have been acquired. APPENDIX A – SALARY- 16 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 APPENDIX B-1 – EXTRA DUTY/EXTRA PAY NON-COACHING SCHEDULE The District and the Association will form a study team of four (4) individuals: two members from each group. This team will submit recommendations to the necessary parties for approval by November 15th or as soon after as possible. MIDDLE SCHOOL Activity Zero Hour # STAFF 1997-98 1 Per Diem Choir 1 500 Band Concerts 1 709 HIGH SCHOOL Activity Foreign Language 1 154.40 Band/Marching/Performance 1 3132.23 Apple Bowl 1 154.40 Math Team 1 154.40 NHS 1 264.71 Annual 1 1396.68 Journalism/Wolfbowl 1 1396.68 AP English/Ashland 1 310.03 AP Chem-Physics 1 154.50 Drama 2 1192.74 Thespian Advisor 1 387.28 Honors Choir 1 463.50 Jazz Band Performance 1 540.75 Choir 1 1600.00 Special Performance 1 3774.95 Choir Zero Hour (Rissa) 1 925.97 Music Zero Hour (Rick) 1 2743.50 Music Zero Hour (Don) 1 2577.75 Music Zero Hour (Rissa) 1 1545.00 Classroom Teacher Drivers Ed Coordinator PACE Activity Outdoor Director 3893.40 1 APPENDIX B – EXTRA PAY/DUTY pg Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 750.00 APPENDIX C-1 - TEACHER PERFORMANCE EVALUATION REPORT (Ref: Article IV, Section 6) Name ______________________________ School ________________________ Position ___________________ Annual Evaluation Probationary Evaluation From _______ to _______ From _______ to _______ The main purpose of this tool is to evaluate teacher performance for the purpose of promoting professional growth. Ratings: S: Satisfactory U: Unsatisfactory N/O: Meets expectations. Work objectives successfully reached and maintained. Does not meet minimum requirements. Work objectives have not been reached and/or maintained. Not observed ALL RATINGS MUST BE SUBSTANTIATED IN WRITING. Professional Performance Criteria Rating Use this space for comments (Attach comment sheets if necessary) A. Professional Preparation and Scholarship B. Knowledge of Subject Matter C. Instructional Skill D. Classroom Management E. Handling of Student Discipline and Attendant Problems F. Interest in Teaching Pupils G. Effort Toward Improvement When Needed. STATUS OF ENVIRONMENT WITHIN WHICH EVALUATEE WORKS AS REPORTED BY EVALUATEE. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Textbooks Instructional Materials Classroom Space Per Student Furniture Heat, Light, & Ventilation Other Adequate ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Inadequate __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ GIVE DETAILS OF INADEQUACIES CHECKED (attach sheet if necessary) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ DATE ______________ RATED BY ____________________________ POSITION _______________________ I certify that this report has been discussed with me and I am in agreement. Signature ___________________ Date _________ I certify that this report has been discussed with me but I am not in agreement. Signature ___________________ Date _________ A statement relative to this evaluation is ___ is not ___, attached. Employee will initial and date all attachments. APPENDIX C – EVALUATION FORMS – pg 1 Wapato Education Association Revised 4/14/99 APPENDIX C-2 - TEACHER EVALUATION (Ref. Article IV, Section 4) Ratings: S: Meets expectations: Work objectives successfully reached and maintained. U: Does not meet requirements: Work objectives have not been reached and/or maintained. N/O Not Observed A. Professional Preparation and Scholarship: The teacher exhibits evidence of having prepared his/her area of teaching, utilizes teaching processes, and demonstrates a commitment to teaching as a profession. _____1. The teacher continues to develop professional skills by participating in professional growth activities, i.e. inservice, workshops, professional courses. _____2. The teacher utilizes Wapato Curriculum Guides of setting both short and long term instructional objectives in terms of student performance. _____3. The teacher uses available planning time efficiently. _____4. The teacher plans lessons that include appropriate activities which meet individual and/or group needs. _____5. The teacher gathers and uses student response in planning instruction and activities. _____6. The teacher communicates responsibly regarding the school program by answering parent inquiries promptly, honestly, and with discretion. _____7. The teacher provides adequate plans for substitute teachers. COMMENTS: ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ B. Knowledge of Subject Matter (Possesses and maintains competence in subject matter): The teacher demonstrates a depth and breadth of theory and content in general education and subject matter specialization(s) at the elementary and/or secondary level. The Teacher utilizes knowledge of subject matter by: _____1. using words and content appropriate to the subject area and the student’s abilities; _____2. utilizing the adopted course of study and relevant supplemental material; _____3. using materials and facilities based on instructional objectives; _____4. utilizing community agencies, groups, and individuals to further the educational program. COMMENTS: ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ C. Instructional Skill: The teacher demonstrates competency (knowledge and skill) in designing and conducting an instructional experience; carrying out the teaching act. _____1. The teacher utilizes teaching techniques which are consistent with the selected objectives. Such techniques are: a. providing for differences in ability among students; b. providing for the previous knowledge, abilities, and interests of the class; c. making effective use of instructional equipment, materials, and resource personnel; d. providing a variety of activities in keeping with the maturity and attention span of the students; e. implementing lesson plans but permitting flexibility. _____2. The teacher gives explanations, assignments, and directions clearly. _____3. The teacher makes reasonable and appropriate assignments. _____4. The teacher motivates students by making lesson s interesting and challenging. _____5. The teacher evaluates daily lessons and units of study by assessing and providing feedback of student achievement. COMMENTS: ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX C – EVALUATION FORMS – pg 2 Wapato Education Association Revised 4/14/99 D. Classroom Management: The teacher demonstrates competency (knowledge and skill) in organizing the physical elements of the educational setting. _____1. The teacher selects and prepares equipment and materials in advance of lesson. _____2. The teacher maintains an orderly, attractive, and stimulating classroom environment and an atmosphere conducive to student learning. COMMENTS: ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ E. Handling of Student Discipline and Attendant Problems: The teacher demonstrates the ability to manage the non-instructional human elements and dynamics occurring among pupils in the educational system. _____1. The teacher establishes and maintains order and discipline in the classroom including: a. quiet when appropriate; b. attention to the teacher when instruction is being given; c. student conforming to established rules. COMMENTS: ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ F. Interest in Teaching Pupils: The teacher demonstrates a commitment to each pupil’s unique background and characteristics and an enthusiasm for working with pupils. The teacher communicates effectively with students by: _____1. Listening to and considering student comments and suggestions; _____2. Dealing with personal information and communication in confidential manner; _____3. Evaluating individual student programs regularly and maintaining records for report cards and/or parent conferences; _____4. Providing guidance and assistance for students COMMENTS: ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ G. Effort Toward Improvement When Needed: The teacher demonstrates an awareness of his/her limitations and strength by efforts to improve or enhance competence. _____1. The teacher responds to constructive criticism. _____2. The teacher implements suggestions for improvement. _____3. The teacher participates in inservice and career development activities sponsored by the District, educational service district, and professional organizations and/or educational institutions. COMMENTS: ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Our records show the following classroom observations: DATE TIME ACTIVITY OR SUBJECT 1. _________ _________ ________________________ 2. _________ _________ ________________________ 3. _________ _________ ________________________ 4. _________ _________ ________________________ APPENDIX C – EVALUATION FORMS – pg 3 Wapato Education Association Revised 4/14/99 APPENDIX C-3 – LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER SPECIALIST PERFORMANCE EVALUATION REPORT (Ref. Article IV, Section 4) Name __________________________________ School _______________________ Position _______________ Annual Evaluation From ___________ TO ___________ Annual Evaluation From ___________ TO ___________ The main purpose of this tool is to evaluate teacher performance for the purpose of promotion professional growth. Ratings: S: Satisfactory Meets expectations. Work objectives successfully reached and maintained. U: Unsatisfactory Does not meet minimum requirements. Work objective have not been reached and/or maintained. N/O Not observed. ALL RATINGS MUST BE SUBSTANTIATED IN WRITING Professional Performance Criteria Rating Use this space for comments (Attach comment sheets if necessary) A. Knowledge and Scholarship in Special field B. Specialized Skills C. Management of Special & Technical Environment D. The Support Person as a Professional E. Involvement in Assisting Pupils, Parents Educational Personnel STATUS OF ENVIRONMENT WITHIN WHICH EVALUATEE WORKS AS REPORTED BY EVALUATEE 1. Quantity of LRC Media 2. Instructional Materials 3. Seating Space Per Student 4. Furniture 5. Heat, Light, & Ventilation 6. Other Adequate ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Inadequate ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ GIVE DETAILS OF INADEQUACIES CHECKED (attach sheet if necessary) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Date ______________________ Rated By _____________________________ Position ___________________ I certify that this report has been discussed with me and I am in agreement. I certify that this report has been discussed with me and I am not in agreement. ______________ ______________ Employee Signature __________________________________________________ Date ___________________ A statement relative to this evaluation is __________ is not __________, attached. Employee will initial and date all attachments. APPENDIX C – EVALUATION FORMS – pg 4 Wapato Education Association Revised 4/14/99 APPENDIX C-4 - EMPLOYEE EVALUATION (Short Form) Name _______________________________________________________________________________________ Building ________________________________________ Evaluator ___________________________________ Dates of observation ________________________________ Date of evaluation ___________________________ Ratings S = Meets District criteria U = Does not meet District Criteria Note: Any “U” ratings require the use of long form the following school year. 1. INSTRUCTIONAL SKILLS: S U 2. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT: S U 3. PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION & SCHOLARSHIP: S U 4. EFFORT TOWARD IMPROVEMENT WHEN NEEDED: S U 5. HANDLING STUDENT DISCIPLINE: S U 6. INTERST IN TEACHING PUPILS: S U 7. KNOWLEDGE OF SUBJECT MATTER: S U COMMENTS: Evaluator’s Signature ________________________________________________ Date ____________________ Employee’s Signature ________________________________________________ Date ____________________ (Notes; Employee’s signature indicates only that he/she has read and has received a copy of this evaluation, not necessarily that he/she agrees with the content. Employee comments may be attached) CLASSROOM OBSERVATIONS: DATE TIME ACTIVITY/SUBJECT DATE TIME ACTIVITY/SUBJECT APPENDIX C – EVALUATION FORMS – pg 5 Wapato Education Association Revised 4/14/99 APPENDIX C-5 – LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER SPECIALIST PERFORMANCE EVALUATION INDICATORS Ratings: S – Meets expectations: Work objectives successfully reached and maintained. U – Does not meet requirement: Work objectives have not been reached and/or maintained. N/O – Not observed A. KNOWLEDGE AND SCHOLARSHIP IN SPECIAL FIELD: The Learning Resource Center (hereafter LRC) specialist exhibits evidence of having prepared for his/her area of competency, utilized processes, and demonstrates a commitment to educational librarianship as a profession. The LRC specialist demonstrates an awareness of his/her limitations and strengths by efforts to improve or enhance competence. _____1. _____2. _____3. _____4. _____5. _____6. _____7. The LRC specialist continues to develop professional skills by participating in professional growth activities: i.e. inservice, workshops, professional courses. The LRC specialist utilizes Wapato Library Curriculum Guides in setting both short and long term instructional objectives in terms of student performance. The LRC specialist uses available planning time effectively. The LRC specialist plans lessons that include appropriate activities which meet individual group needs. The LRC specialist gathers and uses student response in planning instruction and activities. The LRC specialist communicates responsibly regarding the school program by answering parent inquiries promptly, honestly, and with discretion. The LRC specialist provides adequate plans for substitute teachers. COMMENTS ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____8. The LRC specialist responds to constructive criticism. _____9. The LRC specialist implements suggestions for improvement. _____10. The LRC specialist participates in inservice and career development activities sponsored by the district, educational service district, and professional organizations and/or institutions. COMMENTS ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ B. SPECIALIZED SKILLS (Possesses and maintains competence in subject matter) The LRC specialist demonstrates a depth and breadth of knowledge of theory and content in general education and subject matter specialization(s) at elementary and/or secondary level. The LRC specialist utilizes knowledge of subject matter by: _____1. Using words and content appropriate to the subject area and the student’s abilities; _____2. Utilizing the adopted course of study and relevant supplemental material; _____3. Using materials and facilities based on instructional objectives; _____4. Utilizing community agencies, groups and individuals to further the educational program. COMMENTS ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX C – EVALUATION FORMS – pg 6 Wapato Education Association Revised 4/14/99 C. MANAGEMENT AND SPECIAL TECHNICAL ENVIRONMENT: The LRC specialist demonstrates competency (knowledge and skill) in organizing the physical elements of the LRC and in managing the noninstructional human elements and dynamics occurring among LRC patrons. The LRC specialist selects LRC media (both print and non-print) with the cooperation of building staff to meet the needs and interests of students and staff. _____1. _____2. _____3. _____4, _____5. _____6. _____7. _____8. The LRC specialist establishes and maintains order and discipline in the library including: a. controlled atmosphere appropriate to scheduled activities; b. attention to the librarian when instruction is being given; c. students conforming to established rules. The LRC specialist shows consistency and fairness in dealing with students and their behavior. The LRC specialist disciplines students in a firm but controlled manner. The LRC specialist encourages students to develop courtesy, self-control, respect, and responsibility. The LRC specialist enlists the assistance of counselors, vice-principal, principal, and other supportive personnel when appropriate and available. The LRC specialist assists in maintaining control and enforcing rules throughout the school. The LRC specialist selects and prepares materials and equipment in advance of lessons. The LRC specialist maintains orderly, attractive, and stimulating environment in the LRC and an atmosphere conducive to student learning. COMMENTS ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____9. _____10. _____11. _____12. _____13. _____14. _____15. _____16. The LRC specialist selects media and equipment consistent with the District’s selection policy and appropriate to the curriculum. The LRC specialist selects a balance of media to meet a variety of learning styles and teaching strategies. The LRC specialist maintains an accurate accounting of LRC expenditures as budgeted. The LRC specialist maintains a well-organized learning resource center for effective use of media. The LRC specialist provides maintenance for LRC materials and equipment. The LRC specialist develops and implements a program for the integration of materials and equipment into the learning experience. The LRC specialist identifies needs for locally produced materials. The LRC specialist relates from the District level to meet building instructional needs. COMMENTS ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ D. THE SUPPORT PERSON AS A PROFESSIONAL: The LRC specialist develops programs with the cooperation of the building staff to enhance the classroom learning experience. _____1, _____3. _____4. The LRC specialist creates a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere for students and teachers in the LRC. The LRC specialist directs aides, volunteers, and student help toward the efficient operation of the LRC. The LRC specialist develops program objectives and works toward their achievement. COMMENTS ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ E. INVOLVEMENT IN ASSISTING PUBILS, PARENTS AND EDUCATIONAL PERSONNEL: The LRC specialist demonstrates competency (knowledge and skill) in designing and conducting an instructional experience, carrying out the teaching act. The LRC specialist demonstrates a commitment to each pupil’s unique background and characteristics and an enthusiasm for working with pupils. The LRC specialist cooperates with other members of the staff to further the achievement of an atmosphere conducive to the total educational process. _____1. The LRC specialist utilizes teaching techniques which are consistent with the selected objectives. Such techniques are: APPENDIX C – EVALUATION FORMS – pg 7 Wapato Education Association Revised 4/14/99 _____2. _____3. _____4. _____5. _____6. a. providing for differences in ability among students; b. providing for the previous knowledge, abilities, and interests of class; c. making effective use of instructional equipment, materials, and resource personnel; d. providing a variety of activities in keeping with the maturity and attention span of the students; e. implementing lesson plans but permitting flexibility. The LRC specialist gives explanations, assignments, and directions clearly. The LRC specialist makes reasonable and appropriate assignments. The LRC specialist motivates students by making lessons interesting and challenging. The LRC specialist helps students to develop acceptable work habits and study skills. The LRC specialist evaluates daily lessons and units of study by assessing and providing feedback of student achievement. COMMENTS ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ The LRC specialist communicates effectively with students by: _____7. Listing to and considering student comments and suggestions; _____8. Dealing with personal information and communication in a confidential manner; _____9. Evaluating individual study progress regularly and maintaining records for report cards and/or parent conferences; _____10. Providing guidance and assistance for students. COMMENTS ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____11. The LRC specialist assists in the development of and abides by staff decisions. _____12. The LRC specialist shares normal school responsibilities. _____13. The LRC specialist submits accurate and punctual reports as required by school regulations and procedures. _____14, The LRC specialist participates in faculty meetings. _____15. The LRC specialist maintains a cooperate relationship with colleagues, administrators and parents. COMMENTS ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Our records show the following classroom observations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DATE ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ TIME ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ACTIVITY OR SUBJECT ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ APPENDIX C – EVALUATION FORMS – pg 8 Wapato Education Association Revised 4/14/99 APPENDIX C-6 - COUNSELOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION REPORT Name ________________________________ School _______________________ Position ______________ Annual Evaluation Probationary Evaluation From _________ TO _________ From _________ TO _________ The main purpose of this tool is to evaluate teacher performance for the purpose of promoting professional growth. Ratings: S: Satisfactory U: Unsatisfactory N/O Meets expectations. Work objectives successfully reached and maintained. Does not meet minimum requirements. Work objectives have not been reached and/or maintained. Not observed ALL RATINGS MUST BE SUBSTANTIATED IN WRITING Professional Performance Criteria Rating Use this space for comments (Attach comment sheets if necessary) A. Knowledge and Scholarship in Special field B. Specialized Skills C. Management of Special & Technical Environment D. The Support Person as a Professional E. Involvement in Assisting Pupils, Parents Educational Personnel STATUS OF ENVIRONMENT WITHIN WHICH EVALUATEE WORKS AS REPORTED BY EVALUATEE Adequate ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ 1. Office Space 2. Office Equipment 3. Office Supplies 4. Furniture 5. Heat, Light, & Ventilation 6. Other Inadequate ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ GIVE DETAILS OF INADEQUACIES CHECKED (attach sheet if necessary) Date _________________ Rated By _____________________________ Position ________________________ I certify that this report has been discussed with me and I am in agreement. __________________________ I certify that this report has been discussed with me and I am not in agreement. __________________________ Employee Signature __________________________________________________ Date ___________________ A statement relative to this evaluation is __________ is not __________, attached. Employee will initial and date all attachments. APPENDIX C – EVALUATION FORMS – pg 9 Wapato Education Association Revised 4/14/99 APPENDIX C-7 - CERTIFICATED SUPPORT PERSONNEL INDICATORS Counselor Ratings: S - Meets expectations: Work objectives successfully reached and maintained. U - Does not meet requirements: Work objectives have not been reached and/or maintained. N/O - Not observed A. KNOWLEDGE AND SCHOLARSHIP IN SPECIAL FIELD: _____1. _____2. _____3. _____4. _____5. _____6. _____7. _____8. Is alert and enthusiastic. Is professionally ethical. Is self-motivated. Has self-insight and self-understanding. Feels a sense of adequacy and worth. Maintains an objective point of view when dealing with clients, parents, or staff. Relates easily to others. Demonstrates openness and concern for students and/or clients. COMMENTS ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ B. SPECIALIZED SKILLS: _____1. _____2. _____3. _____4. _____5. _____6. _____7. _____8. Demonstrates ability to synthesize and integrate testing and non-testing data. Demonstrates the ability to administer or to prepare others to administer district tests. Is aware of test limitations and practical applications. Demonstrates ability to assist staff in interpreting and applying test results. Demonstrates ability to obtain needed appropriate comprehensive testing and non-testing data. Demonstrates familiarity with local school district policies relevant to class placement. Demonstrates ability to assess student learning attributes and limitations and to suggest proper placement. Demonstrates ability to cooperate with parents, staff, and students regarding placement of students. COMMENTS ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ C. MANAGEMENT OF SPECIAL TECHNICAL SKILLS: _____1. Consults with members of the pupil personnel services staff to serve the general developmental needs of students. Works with staff in planning and developing instructional strategies and curricular program. Demonstrates ability to utilize case conferencing and staffing. Assists teachers in the integration of appropriate counseling and guidance services into the classroom. Establishes a well-defined process for client referrals. Uses available time efficiently. _____2. _____3. _____4. _____5. _____6. COMMENTS ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ D. THE SUPPORT PERSON AS A PROFESSIONAL: _____1. _____2. _____3. _____4. Has a professional rationale for his/her counseling approach role. Is aware of research relevant to counseling. Demonstrates ability to conduct use, and interpret research pertinent to counseling. Is professionally involved and contributes to the profession. APPENDIX C – EVALUATION FORMS – pg 10 Wapato Education Association Revised 4/14/99 _____5. _____6. _____7. _____8. Periodically evaluates own counseling skills. Has a professional balance between theory and practice. Is professionally enthusiastic regarding his/her function. The counselor continues to develop professional skills by participating in professional growth activities: i.e., inservice, workshops, professional courses. COMMENTS ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ E. INVOLVEMENT IN ASSISTING PUPILS, PARENTS AND EDUCATONAL PERSONNEL: _____1. _____2. _____3. Shows sensitivity to youth. Demonstrates the willingness to accept and work with all clients. Helps client relate, analyze, synthesize, and integrate his/her own characteristics, goals, and values to promote making responsible decisions. Allows and expects client to accept responsibility for decisions making and possible consequences. Demonstrates that primary responsibility is to the client’s success in school Motives students to seek counseling. Maintains rapport with students. Facilitates behavioral and/or attitudinal changes. Respects the dignity and worth of the individual. Has a facilitative image among students. Helps students with personal as well as educational and vocational problems. Demonstrates understanding of the basic principles of human growth and development. Demonstrates awareness of personal and professional limitations. Has the ability and knowledge to make appropriate referrals when necessary and/or appropriate. _____4. _____5. _____6. _____7. _____8. _____9. _____10. _____11. _____12. _____13. _____14. COMMENTS ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____15. _____16. _____17. _____18. _____19. _____20. _____21. _____22. _____23. Is sensitive to the role of the teacher. Communicates easily with teachers. Is a facilitating agent with teachers. Is aware of the emotional demands of teaching. Is receptive to teachers. Has a good rapport with instructional staff. Attends to teacher referrals. Consults with teachers regarding referrals, when necessary. Is available to assist teachers in making parent contacts. COMMENTS ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____24 _____25 _____26 _____27 _____28 _____29 _____30 Is cooperative with parents. Attends to parental referrals. Is available to parents. Makes parent contacts when appropriate. Has a professional image among parents. Provides parents with an opportunity to be heard. Is conscientious in following through with parents. COMMENTS ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____31. Is sensitive to the role of the administrator. _____32. Meets with the administrator regarding program development. _____33. Communicates easily and effectively. APPENDIX C – EVALUATION FORMS – pg 11 Wapato Education Association Revised 4/14/99 _____34. _____35. _____36. _____37. Functions effectively as a resource consultant. Consults with administrators regarding referrals when necessary. Attends to administrative referrals. Functions in a well-organized manner. COMMENTS ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Our records show the following classroom observations: DATE TIME ACTIVITY OR SUBJECT 1. ______ ______ ___________________________________ 2. ______ ______ ___________________________________ 3. ______ ______ ___________________________________ 4. ______ ______ ___________________________________ 5. ______ ______ ___________________________________ APPENDIX C – EVALUATION FORMS – pg 12 Wapato Education Association Revised 4/14/99 APPENDIX C-8 - PSYCHOLOGIST/NURSE/CDS PERFORMANCE EVALUATION REPORT Name ______________________________ School _______________________ Position _________________ Annual Evaluation Probationary Evaluation From _________ TO _________ From _________ TO _________ The main purpose of this tool is to evaluate teacher performance for the purpose of promoting professional growth. Ratings: S: Satisfactory U: Unsatisfactory N/O Meets expectations. Work objectives successfully reached and maintained. Does not meet minimum requirements. Work objectives have not been reached and/or maintained. Not observed ALL RATINGS MUST BE SUBSTANTIATED IN WRITING Professional Performance Criteria Rating Use this space for comments (Attach comment sheets if necessary) A. Knowledge and Scholarship in Special field B. Specialized Skills C. Management of Special & Technical Environment D. The Support Person as a Professional E. Involvement in Assisting Pupils, Parents Educational Personnel STATUS OF ENVIRONMENT WITHIN WHICH EVALUATEE WORKS AS REPORTED BY EVALUATEE 1. Office Space 2. Office Equipment 3. Office Supplies 4. Furniture 5. Heat, Light, & Ventilation 6. Other Adequate ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Inadequate ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ GIVE DETAILS OF INADEQUACIES CHECKED (attach sheet if necessary) Date _________________ Rated By _____________________________ Position ________________________ I certify that this report has been discussed with me and I am in agreement. _________________________ I certify that this report has been discussed with me and I am not in agreement. _________________________ Employee Signature __________________________________________________ Date ___________________ A statement relative to this evaluation is __________ is not __________, attached. Employee will initial and date all attachments. APPENDIX C – EVALUATION FORMS – pg 13 Wapato Education Association Revised 4/14/99 APPENDIX C-9 - CERTIFICATED SUPPORT PERSONNEL EVALUATION INDICATORS – Psychologist/Nurse/CDS Ratings: S - Meets expectations: Work objectives successfully reached and maintained. U -Does not meet requirements: Work objectives have not been reached and/or maintained. N/O A. Not observed KNOWLEDGE AND SCHOLARSHIP IN SPECIAL FIELD: Each certificated support person demonstrates a depth and breadth of knowledge of theory and content in the special field. He/she demonstrates an understanding of and knowledge about common school education and the educational milieu. _____1. _____2. _____3. _____4. Provides a theoretical rationale for the use of various procedures. Demonstrates understanding of the basic principles of human growth and development. Demonstrates awareness of personal and professional limitations and has the ability and knowledge to make appropriate referrals. Relates and applies knowledge, research findings and theory deriving from the individual’s specific discipline to the development of a program of services. COMMENTS ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ B. SPECIALIZED SKILLS: Each certificated support person demonstrates in his/her performance a competent level of skill and knowledge in designing and conducting performance a competent level of skill and knowledge in designing and conducting specialized programs of prevention, instruction, remediation and evaluation. _____1. _____2. Designs and conducts a program providing specific and unique services within the individual’s specific discipline. Demonstrates the ability to synthesize and integrate testing and non-testing data concerning the subject: a. to help student integrate and assimilate date; b. to help others involved with the student interpret and use data appropriately and accurately; c. to help other specialists by providing case study materials. _____3. _____4. _____5. Administers assessment procedures or to organize and prepare those who will administer assessment procedures. Demonstrates ability to assist teachers and administrators integrate specialized information into the regular curricular program. Develop goals and objectives consistent with district-wide goals and objectives which will facilitate the implementation of programs and services. COMMENTS ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX C – EVALUATION FORMS – pg 14 Wapato Education Association Revised 4/14/99 C. MANAGEMENT OF SPECIAL AND TECHNICAL ENVIRONMENT: Each certificated support person demonstrates an acceptable level of performance in managing and organizing the special materials, equipment and environment essential to the specialized programs. _____1. _____2. _____3. _____4. Select or recommend testing and non-testing devices, material equipment appropriate to student needs. Demonstrates the use and an understanding of the limitations and restrictions of devices, materials, and procedures, etc. Uses comparative and interpretive data. Creates an environment which provides privacy and protects student and family information, as mandated by codes of ethics, federal and state regulations, and local school district policies. COMMENTS ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ D. THE SUPPORT PERSON AS A PROFESSIONAL: Each certificated support person demonstrates awareness of his/her limitations and strengths and demonstrates continued professional growth. _____1. _____2. _____3. _____4. Demonstrates awareness of the law as it relates to area of specialization. Demonstrates awareness of responsibilities to students, parents, and other educational personnel as defined by the professional code of ethics supported by the support person’s competence area. Demonstrates commitment to school and professional activities (attendance at local, district and state meetings, consortium activity participation on special committees, etc.). Demonstrates commitment to the concept of career-long professional growth by participation in work shops and seminars or graduate study. COMMENTS ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ E. INVOLVEMENT IN ASSISTING PUPILS, APRENTS AND EDUCATIONAL PERSONNEL: Each certificated support person demonstrates an acceptable level of performance in offering specialized assistance in identifying those needing specialized program. _____1. _____2. _____3. Consults with other staff, school personnel, and parents, concerning the development, coordination, and/or extension of services to those needing specialized programs. Plan and develop support program to serve the preventive and developmental needs of the school population and the special needs of some students Interpret characteristics and needs of students to parents, staff and community, in group and individual settings via oral and written communications. COMMENTS ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ OUR RECORDS SHOW THE FOLLOWING CLASSROOM OBSERVATIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DATE ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ TIME ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ACTIVITY OR SUBJECT ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ APPENDIX C – EVALUATION FORMS – pg 15 Wapato Education Association Revised 4/14/99 APPENDIX D-1 - GRIEVANCE REVIEW REQUEST FORM (Ref: Article IX, Grievance Procedure) GRIEVANCE REVIEW REQUEST FORM A. 1. Name __________________________ Representing: ____________________________ (Conflicts Resolution Officer) (grievant) 2. Position/Title ____________________________________________________________ 3. Building Assignment ______________________________________________________ 4. Date of occasion giving rise to grievance ______________________________________ 5. Date of filing ______________________ B. 1. Statement of grievance [ ] is [ ] is not attached separately: a. Situation leading to grievance: b. Specific violation(s): c. Steps taken, if any, to resolve conflict: 2. Specific relief requested, including provision(s), if any, of contract justifying the relief: 3. _______________________________________________ ______________________ (Grievant or Conflict Resolution Officer’s Signature) (Date) APPENDIX D – GRIEVANCE FORM – pg 1 Wapato Education Association Revised 4/14/99 STEP I C. 1. Superintendent’s/designee’s STEP I response, including contract provision(s), if any, justifying the response: (response attached separately) 2. _______________________________________________ ______________________ (Superintendent’s/designee’s signature) (Date) STEP II D. 1. Superintendent’s/designee’s STEP II response, including contract provision(s), if any, justifying the response: (response attached separately) 2. _______________________________________________ ______________________ (Superintendent’s/designee’s signature) (Date) STEP III E. Date of Request for Binding Arbitration: _________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ______________________ (President, Wapato Education Association) (Date) APPENDIX D – GRIEVANCE FORM – pg 2 Wapato Education Association Revised 4/14/99 APPENDIX E-1 – CALENDAR 2008-2009 APPENDIX E – CALENDARS – pg 11 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 APPPENDIX E-2 CALENDAR 2009-2010 APPENDIX E – CALENDARS – pg 11 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 APPENDIX F-1 - JUST CAUSE/SEVEN KEY TESTS * (Ref: Article III, Employee Rights, Section 4--Due Process/Just Cause) The basic elements of just cause which different arbitrators have emphasized have been reduced by Arbitrator Carroll R. Daugherty to seven tests. These tests, in the form of questions, represent the most specifically articulated analysis of the just cause standard as well as an extremely practical approach. A "no" answer to one or more of the questions may mean that just cause either was not satisfied or at least was seriously weakened in that some arbitrary, capricious, or discriminatory element was present. 1. NOTICE: "Did the District give to the employee forewarning or foreknowledge of the possible or probable consequences of the employee's disciplinary conduct?" 2. REASONABLE RULE OR ORDER: "Were the District's rules or managerial order reasonably related to (a) the orderly, efficient, and safe operation of the District's business and (b) the performance that the District might properly expect of the employee?" 3. INVESTIGATION: "Did the District, before administering the discipline to an employee, make an effort to discover whether the employee did in fact violate or disobey a rule or order of management?" 4. FAIR INVESTIGATION: "Was the District's investigation conducted fairly and objectively?" 5. PROOF: "At the investigation, did the `judge' obtain substantial evidence or proof that the employee was guilty as charged?" 6. EQUAL TREATMENT: "Has the District applied its rules, orders and penalties evenhandedly and without discrimination to all employees?" 7. PENALTY: "Was the degree of discipline administered by the District in a particular case reasonably related to a) the seriousness of the employee's proven offense, and b) the record of the employee in his service with the District?" * The above seven steps may not be strictly adhered to in cases of gross anti-social behavior which may merit immediate corrective action. APPENDIX F – JUST CAUSE TEST– pg 1 Wapato Education Association Revised 4/14/99 APPENDIX G-1 - CERTIFICATED SICK LEAVE SHARING POOL (Ref: Article VII, Leaves, Section 1--Sick Leave) (Forms available in administration office) The negotiated Agreement between the Wapato Education Association and the Wapato School District allows an employee to transfer up to six (6) of his or her leave days in any twelve (12) month period to come to the aid of a fellow employee. The employee must have more than sixty (60) days accumulated leave and the donation cannot cause him or her to go below the sixty (60) day amount. I wish to transfer (enter number of days) _______________ of my sick leave days to the sick leave sharing pool. I realize that this is a true donation and the days are non-refundable. Signature _______________________________________________________________ Date ________________________________ APPENDIX G – SICK LEAVE POOL FORM– pg 1 Wapato Education Association Revised 8/02 APPENDIX G-2 — APPLICATION FOR FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE LETTER OF REQUEST SHOULD BE SUBMITTED WITH THIS FORM WAPATO SCHOOL DISTRICT #207 P.O. BOX 38 WAPATO, WA 98951 _______Original Application _______ Extension/Change ______________________________________ Name _______________________ Date of Hire _____________________ Department/Bldg I am requesting medical leave due to: The birth of a child, or the placement of a child for adoption or foster care: or A serious health condition that makes me unable to perform the essential functions for my job; or A serious health condition affecting my spouse, child, parent, for which I am needed to provide care. I would like leave beginning on __________________ and I expect to return on or about __________________. (Date) (Date) I understand that I have a right under the FMLA for up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave in a 12-month period for the reasons listed above. Also my health benefits must be maintained during any period of unpaid leave under the same conditions as if I had continued to work, and I must be reinstated to the same or an equivalent job with the same pay, benefits, and terms and conditions of employment on my return from leave. If I do not return to work following FMLA leave for a reason other than: (1) the continuation, recurrence, or onset of a serious health condition which would entitle me to FMLA leave; or (2) other circumstances beyond my control, I may be required to reimburse the District for their share of health insurance premiums paid on my behalf during my FMLA leave. I am aware that I may or may not apply accrued sick leave and/or vacation time to this leave period. € I request that the District apply _______ days of accrued sick days to this leave. € I request that the District apply _______ days of accrued vacation days to this leave. € I request that no accrued sick or vacation days be applied to this leave. I am aware that if I fail to return from leave, for reasons not due to illness or circumstances beyond my control, I must reimburse the Wapato School District for all medical premiums paid during the leave. ___________________________________________ Employee Signature _______________________________ Date Submit this form to personnel department as soon as possible. *(an employee who returns to work for at least 30 calendar days is considered to have “returned” to work) APPENDIX G – SICK LEAVE POOL FORM– pg 2 Wapato Education Association Revised 8/02 APPENDIX H-1 – CLAIM FOR EXPENSES ____________________________________ Payee _____________________________________ Position ______________________________________________________________________________ Address INSTRUCTIONS – READ AND FOLLOW Complete all information called for on reverse of this voucher as detail shows. Attach all necessary sub-vouchers, receipts, etc. Sign as Payee. ______________________________________________________________________________ For traveling and incidental expenses incurred as shown in detail on reverse hereof, and receipted sub-vouchers attached. Meals Hotel Rooms Mileage Other Transportation Other Expenses TOTAL EXPENSES ______________________________________________________________________________ I, having herewith presented my itemized account for expenses for the period ending ________________________ amounting to the sum of $ ______________ do hereby certify under penalty of perjury: That the foregoing account is just and true as therein stated; that no payment has been received by me on account thereof; that no rebate of any character, kind or description has been made to me by any person or persons furnishing any of said transportation or subsistence; that the expenses charged were actual and necessarily incurred and paid by me in lawful money. Subscribed this _______ day of _______________________ 20 _____ at Wapato, Washington ____________________________________ Payee Signature __________________________________ Supervisor Signature Code _________________________ APPENDIX H – CLAIM EXPENSE FORM– pg 1 Wapato Education Association Revised 1/02 MONTH DAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 TOTAL MILES MILES DESTINATION PURPOSE OR REASON FOR TRIP OTHER EXPENDITURES INCURRED AS PER RECEIPTED—SUB-VOUCHERS ATTACHED (MEALS, HOTELS, OTHER TRAVEL FARES, ETC.) DATE PAID TO EXPENSE INCURRED AMOUNT PURPOSE OR REASON FOR TRIP EXPENSES INCURRED APPENDIX H – CLAIM EXPENSE FORM– pg 2 Wapato Education Association Revised 1/02 APPENDIX I-1 – REQUEST FOR TRAVEL ADVANCE (Ref. Article VIII, Section 11) (Form available in administrative office) Check No. _______________ Date _______________ Code _______________ REQUEST FOR TRAVEL ADVANCE ____________________________________ Name _____________________________________ Purpose of Trip ____________________________________ Building _____________________________________ Location of Trip ___________________________________ Position INSTRUCTION – READ AND FOLLOW Complete all information called for on this voucher as detailed. Travel advances will be issued only for each individual incurring expenses. Pursuant to RCW 42.24.150 each employee who receives an advance is required to submit to the fiscal officer an itemized Travel Expense Claim on or before the 10th day following the close of the travel period. Any amount not repaid or accounted for within that time shall bear interest at the rate of ten (10) percent from the date of default. Estimated Number of Miles Driven in Personal Car _______ miles. Expense Incurred Breakfast Lunch Dinner Lodging Sub-Total ESTIMATED EXPENSES Date Total Miles @ .365 _____________ Amount of Check ______________ I have read the above instructions and I hereby acknowledge receipt of the check indicated hereon. ______________________________ _______________ ______________________________ _____________ Employee Signature Date Supervisor Approved Date APPENDIX I – ADVANCE TRAVEL EXPENSE FORM– pg 1 Wapato Education Association Revised 4/14/99 APPENDIX J-1 – CERTIFICATED/CLASSIFIED REQUEST FOR TRANSFER OR REASSIGNMENT (Ref. Article III, Section 9) (Form available in administrative office) Name Present Position School TRANSFER: I hereby request a transfer to: (position, school, etc.) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ My reasons are as follows: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Signature Date Reviewed by: Assistant Superintendent Date DISPOSITION Approved: ______________ Effective Date: __________________ Disapproved: ____________ If disapproved, rationale: ________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Assistant Superintendent Date Form may be filled out at any time, prior to announcement of the vacancy. Only one transfer request per form. Distribution of form: Superintendent Principal/Supervisor Employee Association Employee APPENDIX J – REQUEST FOR TRANSFER/REASSIGNMENT– pg 1 Wapato Education Association Revised 4/14/99 APPENDIX K – GENERAL INFORMATION RETIRE AND REHIRE (ESSB 5937) The intent of this legislation is to provide school districts with another tool to address shortage, particularly in hard to fill positions. It is not intended as a retirement enhancement bill. The following are guidelines that Wapato Public Schools will follow to stay in compliance with the legislation. 1. A person must be a member of TRS 1 or PERS 1 and be retired or eligible to retire. 2. An employee must be separated from the District for one full calendar month after the employee’s accrual date. The accrual date is the first day of the month following the last compensated day of employment within the contract year. For example, if an employee retires in June, their accrual date would be July 1 and they would become eligible to be rehired on August 1. 3. No agreements or ‘deals’ shall be made between any representative of Wapato Public Schools and a current employee to rehire the employee after they retire. Therefore, during the month of separation, the retired employee shall not show up for work or be paid for any work. 4. When an employee retires and the District intends to fill their position, the position must be posted according to the contract. 5. A retired employee shall apply for a posted position and will be considered along with the other candidates applying for the position. A retired employee shall not be interviewed during their month of separation. The employer may not create a written guarantee to a postentially rehired employee prior to the one-month break in service; some discussion of intent, however, is legal and permissible. 6. Retired employees shall be hired on a one-year replacement contract and have no continuing contract. However, the decision of the employer to extend or renew the contract does not require the employer or retire-rehire employee to go through the hiring process each year; it is simply a decision to extend or not to extend the agreement. 7. If a hired employee is rehired according to these guidelines, the retired employee may work up to 1,500 hours without any loss of their retirement compensation. However, should the employee work more than 867 hours, the Department of Retirement Systems shall collect from the District the applicable employer retirement contribution for all hours the employee has worked. 8. Retired employee who are rehired according to these guidelines shall be afforded full benefits and negotiated agreement rights. 04/02 APPENDIX K – GENERAL INFORMATION – pg Wapato Education Association Revised 8/02 1 DESCRIPTION OF HIRING PROCESS 1. NEED ESTABLISHED: A supervisor will believe there is a need to hire an individual. He/she will fill out the appropriate paperwork and establish verbally with the superintendent/assistant superintendent (personnel) whether there is funding for this position. If there is agreement that the position will be opened, the supervisor will complete the “Authorization of Hire Form.” 2. JOB POSTING: A variety of different types of posting are used for each position: advertise in District only, in and out of District at the same time, local newspapers, in northwest states and on the internet. The assistant superintendent (personnel) will be responsible to work with the supervisor to determine appropriate job description, job posting, and deadline. 3. POSTING OF POSITION: The personnel department will be responsible to advertise appropriately for the position. 4. SECURE HIRING TEAM: The supervisor/assistant superintendent will be responsible to insure that the appropriate hiring team is organized for selections. It is recommended that at least three people be on any hiring team. The steps in this process are: a. b. c. d. e. f. Secure hiring team Develop screening criteria Develop selection criteria Develop questions appropriate to the position Set up screening dates Set up interview dates and candidate contacts for interviews 5. NON DISCRIMINATION/EEOC REGULATIONS: The assistant superintendent is responsible to see District affirmative action guidelines in the hiring process are considered by monitoring all aspects of screening and selection. 6. INTERVIEW: A minimum of two people should be interviewed for any position. If qualified people are available and are requesting employment, it is highly recommended that more than two are interviewed. During each interview, the same questions and the same interview team must be used for each candidate. 7. REFERENCE CHECK: The supervisor/designee will be responsible for checking references. A minimum of three references should be checked. Reference forms should be completed and turned in with the hiring folder to the personnel office. Rule of thumb — reference, reference, reference. 8. SELECTION Selection should be a team process. Selection criteria should have been completed prior to the interview. Supervisor/assistant superintendent must be a part of the decision making team for certificated staff. Recommendation is made to the superintendent and then memo is sent to the Board of Directors for Approval. APPENDIX K – GENERAL INFORMATION – pg Wapato Education Association Revised 8/02 2 SIGNATORIES Signatories 1 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 Signatories 2 Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 NEGOTIATIONS The Agreement contained herein was bargained by: District bargainers Dr. Charles Wheaton Dave Alfred Association bargainers Jeff Blythe Gerene Sadberry Danielle Chaney Mitzi Gilbert Randy Wheeler Association Secretary Jaime Hammerstad Proofing and formatting - UniServ Staffers - Janet Beck Sandy Kalmin-Duerre District Dr. Charles Wheaton Dave Alfred Silvia Bazan Association Jeff Blythe Gerene Sadberry Danielle Chaney Randy Wheeler Mitzi Gilbert Should you have questions, you may contact any of the above people. SOUND ADVICE If ever in doubt, get advice before you go out on a limb. Never quit or resign without talking to a UniServ Representative. Don't pass rumors. Talk with administrators if you feel something is wrong. Talk with Association representatives or officers if you need help or answers. Negotiations Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 Following numbers and addresses are placed here to assist you in obtaining information for questions that affect your profession. Email WAPATO SCHOOL DISTRICT #207 PO Bx 38, Wapato 98951 Administration Satus Camas Adams Middle PACE Alternative High Senior High UNISERV WEA MidState 711 North Keys Road, Yakima 98901 UniServ Representatives: Mike Horner Sue Laib Janet Beck Field Assistants: Sandy Kalmin-Duerre Sally Laurvick WEA Washington Education Association PO Bx 9100, Federal Way, WA 98063 32032 Weyerhaeuser Way S, Federal Way NEA National Educational Association 1201 16th St NW, Washington DC 20036 PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION Superintendent of Public Instruction Old Capitol Building, Mail Stop FG-11 Olympia 98504 CREDIT UNION WA School Employees Credit Union 325 Eastlake Avenue East, Seattle 98109 INSURANCE Terril Lewis & Wilke Insurance Inc. (Bob Buck) Regence Medical VEBA (Richard Dickman) Group Health HMO ESD Education Service District No. 105 33 South Second Avenue, Yakima 98902 RETIREMENT WA State Dept of Retirement System PO Bx 48380, Olympia 98504-8380 Telephone FAX 877-4181 877-2177 8773134 877-4180 877-2173 877-6138 8773138 877-6077 877-7092 877-3022 877-2761 877-6232 877-6164 877-4334 452-6559 or (800)-244-5417 452-6615 mhorner@washingtonea.org slaib@washingtonea.org jbeck@washingtonea.org skalmin-duerre@washington ea.org slaurvick@washingtonea.org www.wa.nea.org (253) 941-6700 or (800)-622-3393 www.nea.org/ (202) 833-4000 www.k12.wa.us/ (360) 753-6773 bob_buck@tlwins.com rich@veba.org (253) 946-4692 (800) 552-7447 (206) 628-8707 248-3515 248-3673 575-7539 or (800) 922-2687 (800) 888-8322 (800) 274-2140 esd105.wednet.edu 575-2885 www.wa.gov/drs (360) 753-5283 or (800) 547-6657 575-2918 ATTORNEY Kuffel, Hultgrenn, Klashke & Shea 1915 Sunwillows Blvd., Pasco WA 99301 509-545-8531 WEA membership entitles members to two 30-minute consultations with their network attorney per year for nonwork related business. Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 DISTRICT FACTS Student population: Wapato Education Association Revised 10/08 INDEX E Election of Remedies...............................Art IX Sec 4 Emergency Leave ...................................Art VII Sec 4 Employee Protection ............................... Art III Sec 8 Employee Responsibilities..................... Art III Sec 11 Employee Transition ............................. Art III Sec 10 Evaluation Purpose ..............................................Art IV Sec 1 Procedure...........................................Art IV Sec 2 Criteria...............................................Art IV Sec 3 Required Evaluation ..........................Art IV Sec 4 Observation........................................Art IV Sec 5 Evaluation Report ..............................Art IV Sec 6 Probation............................................Art IV Sec 7 Action by Superintendent ..................Art IV Sec 8 Action by Employee ..........................Art IV Sec 9 A Academic Freedom..................................Art VI Sec 4 Additional District Guidelines.....................Append K Adoption Leave ......................................Art VII Sec 7 Arbitration ...............................................Art IX Sec 3 Arbitration Hearing .................................Art IX Sec 6 Assignment .............................................. Art III Sec 9 Association Leave .................................... Art II Sec 4 Association Rights.................................... Art II Sec 2 Affirmative Action.................................... Art V Sec 8 B Bereavement Leave ................................Art VII Sec 6 Building Budget Committee ............... Art VIII Sec 12 Bus Duty............................................... Art VIII Sec 2 Evaluation Forms: Certificated Support Personnel ...........Append C-7 Certificated Support Personnel Evaluation Indicators – Psychologist/Nurse/CDS................Append C-9 Counselor Performance.......................Append C-6 Learning Resource Center Specialist ..Append C-3 Learn Resource Center Performance Evaluation Indicators .....................Append C-5 Psychologist/Nurse/NDC Perform......Append C-8 Short Form..........................................Append C-4 Teacher Performance ..........................Append C-1 Teacher Evaluation .............................Append C-2 C Calendar ...................................................... Append E Calendar/Work Year............................. Art VIII Sec 2 Child Care Leave....................................Art VII Sec 3 Claim for Expense Form..............................Append H Class Size Guidelines ..................................Append K Classroom Coverage Substitute Form ..... Append A-4 Classroom Visitation ...............................Art VI Sec 3 Clock Hour Form..................................... Append A-5 Clock Hours Approval App Form ........... Append A-2 Code of Professional Conduct ................. Art III Sec 5 College Credit Approval App Form ........ Append A-2 Communicable Diseases........................ Art III Sec 12 Communications....................................... Art II Sec 7 Compliance........................................... Art VIII Sec 8 Conferences .............................................Art VI Sec 6 Conformity to Law .....................................Art I Sec 4 Continuity of Grievance ..........................Art IX Sec 8 Contracts................................................. Art III, Sec 2 Controversial Topics ...............................Art VI Sec 4 Curriculum/Grant In-Service Pay Form... Append A-6 Expense Claim Form ...................................Append H Extended Service Pay Form .................... Append A-3 Extended Service Recording Sheet.......... Append A-8 Extra-Curricular Pay............................. Art VIII Sec 9 Extra Duty/Pay Non-Coach Schedule.......Append B-1 F Family Illness Leave...............................Art VII Sec 5 Freedom of Information Request............. Art III Sec 7 D Deductions................................................ Art II Sec 3 Definitions Evaluation...........................Art IV Sec 10 Definitions General ....................................Art I Sec 1 Definitions Grievance..............................Art IX Sec 1 Definitions Type of Contract ................Art IV Sec 10 Distribution of Agreement..........................Art I Sec 5 District Facts................................................ Append L District Service Project....................... Art VIII Sec 13 Driver’s Education............................... Art VIII, Sec 3 Due Process ............................................. Art III Sec 4 Dues.......................................................... Art II Sec 3 Duration ............................................................. Art X G Grants for Special Projects ......................Art VI Sec 5 Grievance Arbitration Hearings...............Art IX Sec 6 Grievance Continuity...............................Art IX Sec 8 Grievance Definitions..............................Art IX Sec 1 Grievance Election of Remedies .............Art IX Sec 4 Grievance Hearing...................................Art IX Sec 6 Grievance Individual Complaints ............Art IX Sec 7 Grievance Procedure ...............................Art IX Sec 2 Grievance Review Request Form ............ Append D-1 Grievance Time Limits ............................Art IX Sec 5 I H Heath Care Authority (HCA)................. Art III Sec 10 Hearings Grievance/Arbitration...............Art IX Sec 6 Hiring Guidelines ........................................Append K Hiring Practices ....................................... Art III Sec 1 Preparation Time .....................................Art VI Sec 1 Promotion ................................................ Art III Sec 9 Probation .................................................Art IV Sec 7 Professional Development Comm. ....... Art VIII Sec 6 Professional Leave................................Art VII Sec 11 Project Grants..........................................Art VI Sec 5 Protection ................................................ Art III Sec 8 I Individual Complaints .............................Art IX Sec 7 Information Survey................................... Art II Sec 9 Involuntary Transfer ................................ Art III Sec 9 Insurance ............................................ Art VIII Sec 10 Issuance of Contracts............................... Art III Sec 2 R Reassignment Request Form ........................ Append J Recall ................................................... Art V Sec 5 Recall Notification.................................... Art V Sec 6 Recognition ................................................Art I Sec 2 Representation Fee ................................... Art II Sec 3 Retire/Rehire Guidelines .............................Append K Retirement .......................................... Art VIII Sec 14 Responsibilities of Employee ................ Art III Sec 11 J Jury Duty Leave......................................Art VII Sec 8 Just Cause ................................................ Art III Sec 4 Just Cause/Seven key Tests ......................... Append F S Sabbatical Leave...................................Art VII Sec 10 Salary Schedule Background................ Art VIII Sec 4 Salary Schedule ....................................... Append A-1 Seniority .................................................. Art III Sec 9 Service Opportunities ......................... Art VIII Sec 13 Sick Leave ..............................................Art VII Sec 1 Sick Leave Cash Out ..............................Art VII Sec 2 Sick Leave Donation ..............................Art VII Sec 1 Sick Leave Sharing Pool Form ....................Append G Special Projects Grants............................Art VI Sec 5 State Accreditation ................................... Art V Sec 8 Status of Agreement ...................................Art I Sec 3 Strike ........................................................ Art II Sec 5 Student Discipline ...................................Art VI Sec 2 L Layoff Action by Employee...................... Art V Sec 9 Layoff Affirmative Action........................ Art V Sec 8 Layoff Benefits ......................................... Art V Sec 7 Layoff Criteria .......................................... Art V Sec 2 Layoff Initiation of ................................... Art V Sec 1 Layoff Notification of Recall.................... Art V Sec 6 Layoff Procedure ...................................... Art V Sec 4 Layoff Recall ............................................ Art V Sec 5 Layoff Seniority........................................ Art V Sec 3 Learning Improvement Team ................... Art II Sec 8 Leaves .......................................................... Art VII Lunch Duty........................................... Art VIII Sec 1 M Management Rights .................................. Art II Sec 1 Maternity Leave......................................Art VII Sec 3 Mentoring Teacher ..................................Art VI Sec 7 Military Leave ........................................Art VII Sec 9 T Teacher Conferences ...............................Art VI Sec 6 Transfer ................................................... Art III Sec 9 Transfer Request Form (Cert or Class)......... Append J Transition of Employee ......................... Art III Sec 10 Travel Advance Request Form ..................... Append I Travel Reimbursement ....................... Art VIII Sec 11 N Negotiations Time .................................... Art II Sec 6 No Strike .................................................. Art II Sec 5 No Lockout............................................... Art II Sec 5 Non-Discrimination ................................. Art III Sec 3 V Vacancies ................................................ Art III Sec 9 VEBA.................................................. Art VIII, Sec 7 Voluntary Transfer .................................. Art III Sec 9 O Observation .............................................Art IV Sec 5 Other Leaves.........................................Art VII Sec 13 Other Salary Provisions ........................ Art VIII Sec 7 W Weather .............................................. Art VIII, Sec 1 Work Day ............................................. Art VIII Sec 1 Work Options ....................................... Art VIII Sec 3 P Payment ............................................... Art VIII Sec 5 Per Diem............................................... Art VIII Sec 3 Personal Leave .....................................Art VII Sec 12 Personal Service Contract Form .............. Append A-7 Personnel Files ........................................ Art III Sec 6 Printing of Agreement ................................Art I Sec 5 II