2008 Annual Report
2008 Annual Report
The Sacramento Zoological Society 2OO8 ANNUAL REPORT Message from the Board President SACR A M ENTO ZOOLOGICAL SOC IET Y BOARD OF DIRECTORS 20 08 Of ficers Terry Kastanis | President Reina Schwartz | Vice President Lois Chappell | Secretary Robert Lemke | Treasurer 20 08 Board Members Katharine Ayers Kevin Barri Barbara Bonebrake Stephen Brand Murray E. Fowler, DVM Patty French Mary Healy Starr Walton Hurley Jennifer Krengel Gail Lenhart I remember one of my teachers in school telling me the best way to read a newspaper is to stand on a table with the newspaper spread out on the floor below you, so you can see the whole picture of the news for the day. As board members, our responsibility is to look at all aspects of the Sacramento Zoo, from animal care to veterinary services—including conservation, development, education, marketing, membership and particularly finances—all at the same time. Our mission is to set policy, govern, and raise funds for the support of all aspects of the Zoo. 2008 was a banner year for board fundraising efforts for Tall Wonders, the new giraffe habitat. Thanks to you, our dedicated supporters, the fall campaign brought in $109,755. We were pleased with the results of our first effort at a board-initiated capital campaign, particularly at a time when the economy was in a downward spiral and we were all feeling the pinch. The May Benefactor Brunch and the September donor reception for Tall Wonders kept the board in touch with our friends, our volunteers, and our docents, without whose help this essential renovation could not take place. We take pride in fulfilling our commitment as ambassadors and advocates for our Zoo, one of Sacramento’s premier visitor destinations. The board functions within the framework of thirteen committees, working closely with staff to provide leadership for the organization. We are fortunate to have a dedicated board of 20 volunteer members, a director with a national reputation in zoological administration, managers with a broad range of zoological training and business expertise, and a cadre of devoted animal caretakers. We look forward to 2009 and invite you to visit the Sacramento Zoo, not only to watch the construction of our new giraffe habitat, but also to welcome our new Red river hogs and ride the handcrafted Conservation Carousel. Most importantly, we continue to take great joy in the wide-eyed excitement of children of all ages as they eagerly watch the antics of the chimpanzees or the lemurs frolicking in their playground. If you see me during your visit, please come over and share your thoughts; I’d love to meet you! Linda McFarland Christine McGlasson James Naify Chris Stafford Jonathan Szymanowski, DDS Lux Taylor Allen Warren Terr y Kastanis President Sacramento Zoological Societ y From the Director’s Desk 2008 started with a significant milestone: we successfully renewed our accreditation from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) in March. The Sacramento Zoo has been accredited since 1979; this is the 29th year of AZA recognition for meeting the rigorous standards of a progressive zoological park. It has not always been easy, and the standards have changed dramatically over the past three decades, but through hard work and dedication of the staff and board of directors, we maintain this distinguished recognition. Just as the accreditation requirements change each year, we know we cannot be content to maintain the status quo. We need to continue to evolve and transform the organization as necessity dictates. In 2008, our annual support from the City of Sacramento was reduced for the first time in our eleven-year partnership. The Sacramento Zoological Society’s Board of Directors understands the need for more self-reliance and their continued support of our development and fundraising efforts is an essential component for long-term stability. This was also a year of intense planning for what is the largest animal habitat construction project undertaken by the Society. We finalized the design and engineering for an expanded giraffe habitat including state-of-the-art housing and an elevated viewing platform for our visitors. Working very closely with our partners at Nacht and Lewis Architects and Otto Construction, we prepared for a groundbreaking in early 2009. It is hard to overemphasize our impact on environmental education for the children in the Sacramento region. With schools facing cutbacks at every turn, we are increasingly filling the need for science and nature programming. Our education staff works closely with teachers to ensure that we meet the science standards as mandated by the State. It is estimated that AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums reach more students than any other entity, other than the schools themselves. 3930 West Land Park Drive Sacramento, CA 95822 The Zoo’s mission is to inspire appreciation of wildlife. I hope that every visit to the Sacramento Zoo provides an incredible experience shared among friends and family. This is a great place to connect with animals and with each other. Thank you for making it all possible through your generosity and ongoing support. 916-808-5888 The nonprofit 501(c)(3) Sacramento Zoological Society, formed in 1957, serves as the managing and fundraising organization for the Zoo, providing funds for animal care, education and conservation programs. Photo Credits : Lydia Fucsko, Sumner W. Fowler, Ron Holt, Ed Johnson, Lauren Kraft Mar y He aly Zo o Director/CEO Education is the heart of the Sacramento Zoo Children and adults participate in a variety of programs that spark passion for wildlife and conservation while creating memories that last a lifetime. Whether you enjoy spending quality family time with the animals, delight in an evening under the stars, relish warm summer days at Zoo camp or enjoy a visit from the ZooMobile … the Sacramento Zoo has something for everyone! During the 2008 school year, 67,491 children took school and group field trips to the Zoo The ZooMobile staff took their show on the road to visit 3,840 eager children and adults Family and group overnights hosted 1,093 campers Tea and Tours, held at the Zoo and a favorite with older adults, spread goodwill to 157 guests Talented staff (and animals!) performed 299 Wildlife Stage Shows with an educational message to 41,211 visitors 13,816 volunteer hours of hard work by Zoo docents provided over 50 tours to 2,041 visitors, hosted 53 programs for 3,177 people in the IKEA Discovery room and ZooMobile, and reached another 50,000+ with biofacts in the Wildlife Wagon and Ed-zoo-cation stations 353 Animal Encounter programs shared animal facts with 26,705 people throughout the Zoo or in the IKEA Discovery Room Animal care staff hosted 627 “Keeper Talks” at stations throughout the Zoo for 52,675 interested visitors Nine weeks of summer camp taught 708 children the value of animals and the environment and 64 active teens volunteered 8,544 hours working as camp counselors D r. Jan e G o o dall The Sacramento Zoo was honore d by a visit from Dr. Jane Goodall, who addressed local te en Roots & Shoots chapters on the impor tance of conser vation. In cele bration o f D r. J a n e ’s v i s i t, 5 0 t r e e s w e r e p l a n t e d i n W i l l i a m L a n d Pa r k u n d e r her watchful eye, including a special planting in t h e Zo o’s B a c k yard t o h o n or he r lif e l o ng wo r k o n b e half of anim als. IT’S LEAP YEAR: FROGS M AT TER, BE GREEN ! 2008 brought 466,609 visitors to the Sacramento Zoo to help celebrate amphibians of all colors with the message IT’S Leap Year: Frogs matter, be green! Three Black and white ruffed lemur babies were born in May, and an Azure-winged magpie hatchling was also welcomed. New exhibits for native Burrowing owls and Yellow-billed magpies were completed in the Zoo’s Backyard. Although the beloved tiger cubs moved on to the Jackson Zoo, a new chimpanzee and ostrich, as well as Panamanian golden frogs, joined the Sacramento Zoo family. Other highlights for ‘08 included a new website launched in May, and an additional concession stand, Savannah Snacks, which provided visitors with an upgraded menu. Thanks to the generosity of IKEA, the Zoo’s educational Discovery Room was given a complete make-over to the delight of children and adults. Through a partnership with the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, the Sacramento Zoo was featured in “Captive Audience, the 21st Century Challenge of Zoo Medicine” which aired in the spring on KVIE-TV. The show, produced by the UC Davis News Service, explored the role that zoos are playing in conservation and featured our Zoo’s veterinarians. Over a dozen events including Wild Affair, King of Feasts, Ice Cream Safari and Boo at the Zoo hosted thousands of families and friends. Of course, none of these gatherings would be possible without the help of our esteemed volunteers. Giving time and expertise in a variety of ways, 1,404 volunteers donated 36,564 hours assisting in Zoo programs and events. Heartfelt thanks go out to all the valued volunteers from docents and teen counselors to keeper-aides and special event assistants. Gus, the Green tree frog, welcomed visitors at the Zoo and attended community events promoting an amphibian theme, It’s Leap Year: Frogs matter, Be green! Gus S ays : Be Gr e en ! Recycling is a way of life at the Sacramento Zoo. In 2008, conscientious staff and volunteers saved a mountain of recyclables from landfills: 3,120 cubic feet of mixed recycling (glass, paper, tin, aluminum, plastic) 800 cubic feet of Styrofoam 350 feet of fluorescent bulbs 208 cubic yards of cardboard 143 pounds of batteries 41 printer cartridges 26 pounds of CDs, VHS tapes, DVDs & data tapes 4 barrels of old vinyl Zoo banners were upcycled into durable bags 3 carloads of ewaste Veterinary staff at the Zoo’s state-of-the-art Dr. Murray E. Fowler Veterinary Hospital provided animals with quality animal care, analyzing 415 fecal samples and 562 blood samples, logging more than 150 anesthesia episodes, taking 250 radiographs, writing over 3,500 medical records and filling 695 prescriptions in 2008 alone. The Sacramento Zoo’s Conservation Committee continues to endorse local and global conservation projects. In recognition of 2008’s celebration of all things amphibian, an additional project for these animals in Point Reyes National Seashore and Yosemite National Park received support from the Conservation Committee. The Sacramento Zoo is committed to continuing efforts to preserve and protect endangered and threatened species worldwide through support to conservation organizations and projects. Project Country Species Involved Hornbill Nest Adoptions Thailand Ground hornbills Hornbill Conservation South Africa Ground hornbills Grevy’s Zebra Trust Kenya Grevy’s zebras Heifer International Worldwide Humans/sustainable agriculture USGS Amphibian Assessment USA / California Amphibians Amphibian Ark Worldwide Amphibians SeaWorld Conservation Fund Worldwide Penguins International Snow Leopard Trust China, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan Snow leopards USFW Riparian Rabbit Program USA/California, Mongolia, Pakistan Riparian brush rabbits USFW Giant Garter Snake Program USA/ California Giant garter snakes Sahara Conservation Fund Niger, Tunisia Addax, Ostrich, Oryx The Zoo’s website launched a new look in’08, adding special areas for members and volunteers. Swingin’ Safari hosted golfers of all levels as they competed for the coveted ostrich egg trophy. Community support for Tall Wonders, the giraffe renovation project, jumped into high gear with generous donors of all sizes participating in the 2,597 children and adults put on their running shoes for fundraising effort. April’s ZooZoom. Savannah Snacks opened in late 2008 after two years of planning and was a welcome addition to hungry visitors. Over 3,700 visitors had a brain-freezing good time with delicious all-you-can-eat ice cream, soft drinks, live entertainment and face painting. Boy Scouts and Zoo Spiderman thrilled fans by signing autographs and volunteers served nearly 1,000 gallons of ice cream! posing for photo opportunities; visitors also tried Dreamnight is celebrated at zoos out their “spidey” skills on a rock-climbing wall. around the world and brings a special evening to children with chronic illnesses, disabilities and special needs. It was a spooky good time as the Sacramento Zoo transformed into a frighteningly friendly place on Halloween. Zoo animals enjoyed cool enrichment treats at Holiday Magic in December. FINANCIALS REVENUES 20 08 Visitor Services & Other Revenue $250,135 | 5% Gate Admissions $2,024,444 | 39% Special Events $200,485 | 4% Education $169,107 | 3% Concessions $405,624 | 8% Bequests $133,329 | 3% City of Sacramento $651,804 | 13% Contributions and Sponsorships $622,494 | 12% Memberships $671,643 | 13% Statement of Financial Position as of December 31, 2008 and 2007 Assets Cash and equivalents Investments Accounts and bequests receivable Prepaid expenses and other current assets EXPENDITURES 20 08 Property and equipment - net Animal Care $2,450,085 | 45% Capital Improvements $635,447 | 12% Charitable remainder trust assets Total Assets 2008 2007 $1,232,221 $1,540,611 1,605,558 1,776,155 117,167 49,123 44,433 32,603 4,734,945 4,338,668 512,878 501,463 $8,247,202 $8,238,623 Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities General and Administrative $369,540 | 7% Accounts payable Development $234,911 | 4% $616,034 $409,162 Accrued and other liabilities 127,770 103,748 Deferred revenue 259,369 300,750 — 27,901 1,003,173 841,561 Unrestricted 4,521,987 5,029,191 Temporarily restricted 1,093,784 803,738 Permanently restricted 1,628,258 1,564,133 7,244,029 7,397,062 $8,247,202 $8,238,623 Capital lease obligation Total Liabilities Net Assets Marketing $481,447 | 9% Visitor and Member Services $764,704 | 14% Education $507,066 | 9% Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets This statement presents a brief overview of the Sacramento Zoological Society’s financial activities for the year ending December 31, 2008. To review a complete copy of the audited Financial Statements and Report of Independent Certified Public Accountants with all accompanying notes, please contact the Society’s Director of Finance at 916-808-2684. ROUND OF APPL AUSE It is with great appreciation and gratitude that we applaud our generous donors and sponsors. Thank you! Gifts of $100,000 and above Carolyn & Richard Bojé James & Carlin Naif y David & Deborah Gordon Ser vice Systems Associates, Inc. Michael & S. Candace Bolton Mike M. Namba Steve & Tammy Guensler Cristina & Br yan Bonino Nash Travels Travel Agency Susan Y. Healy Donald & Xiafen Bozarth National Charit y League, Inc. Steve & Rosanne Heipel Steve & Joyce Brand Milo Nittler Reinhardt Hilzinger & Sharon Zorn Linda Brandenburger Pat Oehler Terrie Jordan Gifts of $25,000 to $49,999 Tim Brantley Sherilyn & Al Petterson Jill Joseph & JoAnne Natalie Count y of Sacramento - Dept. of Water Resources M. Carol Brown & Carole F. Nutt Diane S. Potter Leonard K. Lehr Susan & Charles Brownridge Gil & Eileen Rodriguez Valerie & Sheldon McCormick Nick & Moira Camblin Rebecca Romeis Douglas & Karen McGehee Camellia Cit y Porcelain Artists Sacramento Zoological Societ y Docent Council Linda & Tim McKenna Laura Schwab Lou & Laila Morris Gifts of $50,000 to $99,999 Estate of Willoughby Lyons Estate of Saul Parness U.S. Bank Wells Fargo Gifts of $10,000 to $24,999 Scott & Tifany Cannon Dorothy R. Jaman Capital Engineering Consultants, Inc. Nacht & Lewis Architects Grace Chomo Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 Anonymous Surjit S. & Nancy J. Bhala Judy & Sam Funari Bill & Nancy Gilbert Starr Walton Hurley John F. Otto, Inc. Genevieve Nauman June Reiner Melodie & Chris Rufer Setzer Foundation Unger Construction Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 Armour Steel Company, Inc Steve Ayers AZA Communique Arthur Billings Georgina L. Borton, Ph.D. Buehler & Buehler Associates Lois & Grant Chappell Classic Escapes Laura & Nick Docous Downey, Brand Attorneys, LLP Virginia Fleig Patt y & Barr y French IKEA N.A. Ser vices, LLC Reina Schwartz & KT Jorgensen Classique Catering Jerr y Shuper Council Member Steve Cohn & Catherine Travers Sierra West Group Stephen & Marilyn Skinner Doc Collins Gloria & Dean Smith Catherine & Leroy Cooper Paul & Renee Snider Kelsey Corrick Albert & Dorothy Souza Michael & Ronnie Corrick Chris & Carrie Stafford Karen & Jackson Coxe C. Thad & Jacqueline Szymanowski Gar y & Lisa Decker Lux & Robin Taylor Jim & Linda DeLong Thrivent Financial South Sacramento Chapter Diedrich Dierks DMJM Harris John & Karen Dowdell George P. Durnay Fran Eldredge Eskaton Elizabeth Fassler Michael & Keren Feuz Gar y & Cher yl Tinseth Frederick & Jean Toyama Trexler Insurance & Financial Angela & Peter Verbaere Patrice & Randy Vogel Wayne Walters Allen & Gina Warren Council Member Robbie Waters Joseph & Elizabeth Metz Deborah & Robert Moskovitz Charles A. & Ann P. Mower Patricia & Chris Mraz Nationwide Retirement Solutions Janice & Howard Nielsen Derek & Linda Oliver Bradley & Beverly Oneto Orr Design Office Council Member Bonnie Pannell Diana Pat well Betsy Peterson Linda & Royce Price Prime Distribution Ser vices, Inc. PWA Insurance Ser vices Quail Glen Elementar y School - 1st Grade Aparna Rajagopal-Durbin River Cit y Glass, Inc. Roebbelen Construction, Inc. Ron Weeshoff Betsey M. Scheuermann & Gilman Kelley Earl & Sharon Welsh Bernice Schoellkopf Wayne & Denise White Trista Schulze Wildlands, Inc. David Sexton Pam Williams & Rick Johnson Council Member Sandy Sheedy Ben Gregor y & Jaime Wilson Gloria & Donald Yost John Shintaku & Lorette Garrett Claudia Guy Gifts of $500 to $999 William W. Fobes II Council Member Robert King Fong Phyllis Foster Paul & Nancy Frame Liz Gibson Charlotte Goland Don & Sharon Hallberg Stacey Aldrich Michael & Kim Stenson Thea Stidum Synergy Events Hall’s Window Center Amazon.com Mar y Healy & Steve O’Brien Anonymous Michael & Virginia Hearne Aquarium of the Bay Cherr y Hicks Nicholas Boone Gar y R. Hunter Lloyd & Delores Bousliman Gar y & Eva Incaudo Jonathan & Lisa Breslau Joy A. Kester Alan & Shirley Bridges Jacquelin & Ken Laca Gerald & Deborah Caplan Allan & Norma Lammers Gifts of $250 to $499 Gretchen Christophel Jose & Liz Abad Robert W. Lemke & Pamela Beedie J. Richard Clarke Mark & Kandee Acuna Dr. Jonathan Szymanowski & Teresa Wiley Gail & Larr y Lenhart Linda & Matt Clifford Doris Alexis & Pat Howe Tiffany & Lorenzo Lopez The Sacramento Bee Dalean P. Colindres Harr y & Peggy Andersen Shirley & Thomas Manning US Communities Diane P. Cook James & Nadine Anderson Dennis & Nancy Marks Zoe’s Cruises and Tours Anonymous (4) Linda & Mike McFarland Stephanie Cooper-Noe & David C. Noe Christine McGlasson Roger & Carol Dreyer Christopher Dunford Robert & Susan Axell William & Jo Ann McGowan Carolyn & Gordon McGregor Tad Egawa & Jennifer Chmura Anne & Malcolm McHenr y Dr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Enoch Robert L. McKeown Janet E. Feil Dr. Lloyd Messersmith & Mrs. Ruth F. Messersmith Dr. & Mrs. Murray E. Fowler Margaret Fraser & Charles McGaith Helene & Fred Bartig Family Fund of the Sacramento Regional Foundation Marcy Meyer Jim & Janice Freeberg Paul Beatie & Cheri March Allison & Brian Monaghan Gifts to Share, Inc. Sylvia Bender George & Nancy Morrow Kathy Glatter & Danny Maurantonio Ruth Ann Bertsch & Dave Cassel Murphy Austin Adam & Schoenfeld LLP Claire M. Gliddon Susan & Ken Blas Victoria Jacobson & Devon Brown Jenkins Insurance Group Terr y & Penny Kastanis Todd & Michele Neugebauer Marilyn & Dean Park River Cats Foundation Rotar y Club of Sacramento Foundation Sacramento Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Sara & Kenneth Shuper SMUD Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499 Todd Andrews Anonymous (2) Katharine A. Ayers Maria & Hal Baker Bank of Sacramento James & Linda Barnes Bath Fitter Northern California Bill & Kathy Bergan Randolph & Nancy Bertholf Take 2 Talent, Inc. Sheila F. Thornton Council Member Raymond Tretheway Robert & Sharon Watanabe Ken & Muriel Wemmer Nancy & William Woodward Lonnie Applegate Patti Baggett & Josh Horowitz Rebecca Ballew Kevin & Rachelle Barri Abel & Kathleen Barrientes Alvin G. Block & Ellen M. Chapman Dolores H. Julian Sally Showler St. Ignatius School Elaine Bonnington Joe & Vicky Julio John & Mar y Shumate Sierra Telephone Linda C. Brown Judge Lawrence Karlton Laurence Stearns Siskiyou Telephone Daniel & Rhea Brunner Gail & William Kassis Sandra & Robert Stewart Streamline Corporate Planners Jonica Calkins & Vu Ta Kimberly Kaufmann-Brisby & Steve Brisby Cynthia & James Strain Volcano Communications Group Cynthia & Stan Keasling Richard Sun Janet Walls Laurel & Paul Sunderman Katherine Winans Pamela & Henr y Szczesniak In Memory of Barbara Peterich Charles & Maureen Takacs Martin & Maureen Bailey Catherine Taylor Walt & Carol Brooke Jim & Ellen Taylor Kenneth & Mechelle Gray The Gualco Group Inc. Bett y & Lloyd Larsen The ROC Staff Lyle & Sharon Reimann Edna J. Caluza Janis & Bob Camblin Barbara A. Carr Meg Catzen-Brown & Jeff Brown Anne Cavanagh Lianne & Bill Chansler Jackie Chesi Erin & John Chester-Bradt Jim & Roxana Childers Richard & Linda Chin Kraig Clark & Louise Galligan Inez Clark Fran L. Coletti Charles & Joan Collins William T. Comstock Linda Courter Marilyn Cram William & Myra Cusick Tim & Christine Davis Brian & Andrea Davis Stephen W. Kelly Ms. Ellen Kerrigan & Timothy Pate Kathleen Kettlewell Robert T. Kingsley & Melissa Thorne Marjorie Knieriem Marjorie & Ralph Koldinger Linda Krugman Tiffany Latino Law Office of Evelyn A. Cox Debra A. Lawler Nancy Lawrence & Gordon Klein Kelly & Steve Lensing Albert & Dee Lewis Sharon Lewis & Gar y Campbell Norm & Dorothy Lien Doris Loughner Vicki Lund Dian Magruder Deborah DeatherageHand & Mark Hand Michael & Julie Mallett Anne & Andy DeMar Mark Markham Judith M. Denzer Josh & Cindy Martin Jules Ditirro & Tom Wendel Charlotte & Jack Mast Cher yl & Doug Dodge Edward Mauricio & Sylvia Superkrop Terr y Donoho Angelina McAllister Kirk & Lynn Dowdell Marilyn McCloskey Geraldine Duvall Susan & Steven McKee Mark & Fran Edelstein Patricia McKown Leo & Mar y Kay Edson Addison & Michelle McMurtr y James Elam & Dorothy Farol Marsha L. Menzel Richard Ellison Meridian Pacific Inc. Nancy & Kenneth Evans David Mills Barbara I. Evans Sheron & Brianna Morris Beth Evans Jones Regina Mort Lindsay Filby Daniel & Sabrina Motherspaw John E. Fischer & Carole Rooney James & Roberta Munroe Marilyn & Steven Flynn K. Murai Erin Forest & Ben Folger Ken & Kathy Myers David Frankel & Kimberly Buss Otto Neubuerger Janis & Nicholas Franklin Cyndy & Michael Neuenburg Patrick & Melody Mannerino Grace L. Garcia Neuheisel Law Firm, P.C. Gus & Julie Gianulias Joan & Henr y Nishikawa Kristin Gibbs Northern California Herpetological Societ y Nancy Giles Tami & Michael Gill Raminder & Amardeep Gill Kellie Gleason Peggy & David Goldstein Janet Gordon-Boyer & Carl Boyer Paula Gow Ruth Ann Greer Elizabeth & Al Gress Joan Griffin & Greg McGint y Council Member Lauren Hammond Michael Handel Susan J. Hanks Rona & Frank Harper Sandra & Lloyd Har vego Lynn Hatch Delores Henson Ilsa Hess Carman & Lee Hiatt Teri Hoblit James & Leslie Houpt Dr. Diane Hovey & Johanna Chatoff Marlene Ishihara Lois Jack David F. Jones & Patricia Gates Carole Obohoski Deanna Ochoa Harriett Orchard William Oxford Leslie & Lois Partridge Robert & Nancy Peav y Robert & Barbara Perr y PG&E Corporation Foundation Matching Gift Program Barbara & Katherine Pinney Michael E. Prisk Pete & Elizabeth Pullen Ms. Rebecca Rielly & Stephanie Francis Tony & Eileen Riesinger Cutler Robinson Sara Rogers Ms. Tracy Romo Pamela D. Sammons Jim & Claudia Sandberg-Larsen Julie & Steve Sarron Elizabeth & Daniel Saw yer Kendall Schinke & Karen Thomas Noel & Mark Seaver Jo Anne & Roween Sharma Karen & Douglas Shaw Chris Thompson John & Fernando Torres Ann Trowbridge-Clayton & Jeff Clayton Kathleen & Michael Tucker Laurie & Kole Upton Patti & Carl Van Der Kamp Joan Varney Marisa Ventriglia & David Christensen Pete & Dixie Vereschzagin Br yan & Kristina Victor Marcia & Bruce Waechtler Janda & Harold Waraas Vivian & Bill Wirt Bernice & Jack Woo Woodland United Way Frank Yanamura Paul & Helen Zgraggen Roland & Patricia Zupp In-Kind Donations $500 & above AAE Anonymous Armour Steel Company, Inc. Baskin Robbins Paul & Eva Begley Dave Bender Steve & Joyce Brand Eileen J. Buxton California Limousines Car valho Family Wines Celebrations Elegant Part y Rentals Culinar y Specialists Downey, Brand Attorneys, LLP Downtown Ford Bertha Garza Gloria Glyer Wildlife Heritage Guild GRA Architecture Anonymous (2) Hall’s Window Center Eva & Paul Begley Ramona Hechtl & Renata Lacerda Sharon & Steven Bogart Impact Photo Graphics Georgina L. Borton, Ph.D. InterWest Insurance Ser vices Deborah Boychuk Jagged Edge Metal Art Pamela Galadriel Terr y & Penny Kastanis Mar y Healy & Steve O’Brien Mr. Chris Kegerreis Dorothy R. Jaman Norma & Allan Lammers Don Jarrell & Jona Milo Delta Pick Mello & Gar y Mello Sher yl Longsworth Office Depot Milo & Jean Nittler Clayton Pettus Forrest & Shirley Plant Pyramid Alehouse, Brewer y & Restaurant Donna Scotti Lisette Richter Mercedes & Bob Slakey Sacramento Coca-Cola Bottling Co. George H. Smith Sacramento Theatrical Lighting Ms. Gladys Vander Graaf Safari LTD Tributes In Memory of Kenny Andersen Harr y & Peggy Andersen In Memory of Faye Billings Arthur Billings In Memory of Christine Laca Jaquelin & Ken Laca In Memory of Gene Marksbury Safari West Wildlife Preser ve Ser vice Systems Associates, Inc. Skip’s Music SKK Developments Universit y of California Davis Pam Williams & Rick Johnson Windmill Nurser y Jamie & Mitchell Zalewski Rosemar y Garcia & Oscar Castro Media Sponsors June Reiner AT&T Real Yellow Pages Elaine & Greg Gregaru Capital Public Radio Ellen Plumb CBS 13 William Moody Comcast In Memory of Rena McDonald Comcast Spotlight Anonymous CW 31 Patricia & Ronald Carissimi KCCL 101.9 FM The Wolf Jo Ann Clark KDND 107.9 FM The End Emily Ellis & Bill Blake KHYL V101.1 FM Dick Kasten KKFS 103.9 FM The Fish Missy Kinder KYMX Mix 96 FM Cal Com – California Communications Association Penny Saver USA Cal-Ore Telephone Company Sacramento Magazine Loree Lev y Sacramento News & Review Pinnacles Telephone Company U.S. Marines Radio Disney KIID AM 1470 Ponderosa Telephone Company Every effort has been made to include all our donors. If we have unintentionally omitted someone, please accept our apologies and contact our development office at 916-808-8815 or lclement @ cityofsacramento.org. mission statement The mission of the Sacramento Zoological Societ y is to inspire appre ciation, understanding and resp e ct for all living things through stimulating education, wholesome re cre ation and innovative sp e cies management. Leave a legacy that will make a difference in the future of the Sacramento Zoo. The Wildlife Heritage Guild is a group of special individuals who have remembered the Sacramento Zoological Society in their estate plans. Our nonprofit depends on the generosity of private contributions from those who value the Sacramento Zoo and its role in their lives and the community. For more information on how you can be part of your Zoo’s future, call the Development Department at 916-808-3713. Printed on 30% recycled content
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