Be part of the biggest shopping event of holland
Be part of the biggest shopping event of holland
Be part of the biggest shopping event of holland NATIONAL GLAMOUR DAY2016 APRIL 2: SPRING EDITION OCTOBER 1: FALL EDITION JOIN THE NATIONAL GL AMOUR DAY COMMUNIT Y What started as a birthday giveaway for Glamour readers is now the largest shopping event in The Netherlands, with over fifty brands taking part. National Glamour Day, which after its inception quickly became a household name, is celebrated twice annually. New brands and labels keep signing up year after year, and rightly so. It’s because National Glamour Day Participants welcome record sales over the course of just one day. This year’s National Glamour Days will be better than ever! National Glamour Day promises to be more beautiful, extraordinary, inspirational and spectacular than ever before. Since Glamour is in charge of page design and editing, stylish results and uniformity are guaranteed and readers get to fully enjoy a special edition issue featuring the best items from each brand’s new collection. To get a 20% discount, readers must show their copy of the latest issue at the register. And yet it offers so much more: each National Glamour Day edition is a personal style guide, a keepsake to cherish throughout the season. Glamour reader Eline Zwinkels (24): “I’m looking forward to spending my very first real salary on National Glamour Day.” Editor in chief Sanne Groot Koerkamp: ‘‘I’M FILLED WITH PRIDE AND GRATITUDE TO WITNESS THAT NATIONAL GLAMOUR DAY IS STILL AS SUCCESSFUL AS IT WAS IN THE VERY BEGINNING. FOR 2016, IT WILL BECOME AN EVEN BIGGER SHOPPING EXPERIENCE FOR OUR READERS. DON’T MISS OUT AND JOIN US!” YES, IT’S A NATIONAL HOLIDAY Record sales, right at the beginning of the season. Not just once but twice a year–really, what’s not to love? Come 2016, Glamour is once again planning two editions of National Glamour Day. The concept is simple: stores or brands offer every Glamour reader a 20% discount on the full store collection, including new-season styles. All readers have to do, is show the latest issue of Glamour at the register. What this means for you–apart from amazing exposure in Glamour, on and on social media–is a unique marketing tool, increased traffic, and loads of extra revenue. GREAT REVENUE, GREAT EXPOSURE, AND THE RIGHT TARGET GROUP Due to the ongoing success of National Glamour Day, the amount of participating brands and (online) stores has grown steadily over the years, and with it, their financial results. Feedback from stores and brands shows that National Glamour Day tends to bring in the highest revenue of the season. Moreover, it creates goodwill, bringing a steady stream of new customers to your door in the long run. Another reason to take part is the added benefit of exposure in the magazine (read by more than 216,000 women every month) and online ( boasts 1 million unique visitors monthly). For 2016, Glamour plans to colour every highstreet Glamour Pink, in every big shopping location in both The Netherlands and Belgium, by means of large pink banners and special activities. Substantial promotional campaigns are also in the making. The National Glamour Day commercial will be broadcasted for two consecutive weeks on TLC and MTV, while popular radio channels such as Fresh FM, Q Music, Sky Radio en 100% NL will feature the audio commercial. Even train stations in larger cities (Rotterdam CS, Leiden, Eindhoven Busplein, Utrecht Hoog Catharijne en Den Haag CS) will be showing a big-screen commercial promoting National Glamour Day. High traffic turnover in these areas is sure to generate major visibility and awareness among consumers. Leave it to Glamour to get your target group out on the high streets and into shops. TAKING PART IN NATIONAL GLAMOUR DAY MEANS: You are reaching young, fashion-conscious 27 year-olds. Women who spend significantly more on fashion and beauty than any other woman in this age group (index 287 and 435). And we’re talking veritable armies of fashion aficionados. Glamour is the bestselling fashion magazine in The Netherlands, averaging 85,000 copies* with a readership of 230,000 monthly. More than those of any other fashion magazine, Glamour readers agree that shopping for new garments is fun (index 250) and that they spend a lot of time out shopping (index 233**). * Source: HoI, 2014 Q2 to 2015 Q1 ** Source: nom PrInt & Doelgroep monItor 2013 ( Jan to Dec 2014). SIGN UP FOR 2016 AND SEE THE MAGIC HAPPEN National Glamour Day is set for April 2 and October 1. Once readers show their April (out March 2) or October (out September 7) issue at the register of any participating store, they receive a 20% discount on the whole collection. Bottom • Exposure on beautifully designed pages, showing off the best your brand has to offer in Glamour’s Style Guide, as well as on (pages specifically created for National Glamour Day) and social media. • Your brand benefits from Glamour’s success as the bestselling fashion magazine in The Netherlands. • Your brand piggybacks on the big National Glamour Day campaign, which will appear online, on tv, radio and in train station commercials. attracts approximately 1,000,000 unique visitors and enjoys 9,000,000 pageviews each month. • Significant revenue and traffic increases at the beginning of the season. line for you: spectacular early-season sales. NATIONAL GLAMOUR DAY, THE BASIC PACKAGE • 1/1 editorial page in the April issue, 1/1 editorial page in the October issue, including your logo. Glamour provides layout (for the sake of comparison, the value of a 1/1 page ad is 12,050 euros). Since Glamour is in charge of page design and editing, stylish results and uniformity are guaranteed and readers get to fully enjoy a special edition issue featuring the best items from each brand’s new collection. On National Glamour Day they’ll bring their copy along to get discounts, while for months after it remains their personal style guide. • Your brand is featured on, on pages specifically highlighting National Glamour Day, during the sales period of both Issue 4 (from March 2 on) and Issue 10 (from September 7 on). boasts approximately 1,000,000 unique visitors monthly. • To reignite interest mid-season, our June and December issues will mention your brand name once again, as part of our backstage reports about National Glamour Day. • POS sets for every branch are available. One set contains a letter explaining the procedure to staff, a shopwindow decal, and balloons. Glamour is in charge of producing and mailing the sets, which will be sent to a single delivery address. FEE NON-ADVERTISERS: 2 ISSUES 9,500 EUROS EX. VAT * ADVERTISERS: 2 ISSUES 7,000 EUROS EX. VAT * WEBSHOPS: 2 ISSUES 6,000 EUROS EX. VAT Please take note: agency commissions are not applicable to these fees. ADD-ONS BOOST THE VISIBILITY OF YOUR BRAND Several add-ons are available to enhance the effect of the Basic Package. GLAMOUR CONCEPT STORE FASHIONVINTAGE.COM BOUTIQUE The opportunity to sell exclusive If sustainable fashion matters to you as items in Glamour’s online Concept much as it does to us, consider the pos- Store is now available to you! Limited sibility of opening a branded boutique edition products do especially well. on during National Yet another way to capitalize on the Glamour Day. A wonderful place to sell online exposure of your brand. items from previous collections with Fee: 1,000 euros ex. VAT homepage takeover and a branded shop, substantial discounts. Deal includes a value of 4,000 euros. Fee: 1,000 euros ex. VAT EXTRA PRINT PAGES MORE IN-STORE MATERIAL SPEED STYLING / FASHION DESK: Need more pages in Extra POS sets are This option allows you to Glamour? Book an available as well, contai- hire well known fashion additional 1/1 editorial ning an explanatory let- stylists to advise custo- page in the April issue ter + shopwindow decal mers during the day at a and 1/1 editorial page in + balloons to create an Glamour Fashion Desk. the October issue. These all-over look. Larger A great way to guide will double the space of shops benefit from ad- customers towards the your original pages, al- ditional packages. perfect outfit. Glamour lowing you to show more items. Glamour provides design and layout. provides both Fashion Fee: 9 euros ex. Desks and stylists. VAT per set (This includes mailing sets Fee: 2,000 euros per Fee: 5,000 euros per to the single delivery ad- store, ex. VAT page ex. VAT dress mentioned before.) RULES AND CONDITIONS Any brand participating in the April and October editions of National Glamour Day 2016: • Offers a 20% discount on the whole store collection en/ or in-store services in branches in The Netherlands (and Belgium if applicable). • Offers Glamour subscribers, upon showing their special subscriber cover, something extra. Extras might include an additional discount (5% or 10% on top of the earlier 20%) or a bonus gift. • Takes care of distributing and displaying POS materials, which need to be clearly visible in all stores at least one week ahead of National Glamour Day. • Makes sure that all branches and stores are aware of taking part in National Glamour Day. Glamour provides a letter of explanation, but in order to make it the sales hit that it can be, staff needs to be involved and fully on board with the concept. COVERS biggest fashion magazine altiJd! €2,99 tamara kreeg donorlongen ‘Ik wil leven!’ april 2012 Jennifer aniston ‘Ik sta op goede voet met al mijn exen’ wat is hun liefdesgeheim? relatie-tips Van steady koppels 591 lente looks ijscokleuren bloemenprints romantic jeans ode aan de fifties stylish accessoires power make-up hallo positiVo! optimisme kun Je leren (echt waar) national glamour 07|04|2012 daykorting biJ 20% meerdan1500 winkels nieuw Vanaf nu elke maand: extra Veel wonen, reizen & cultuur 2, 99 oktobeR 2013 Amanda Seyfried ‘Ik vind het te gek om seksscènes te spelen’ Alle heRfSt tRendS die je wilt Rock-’n-roll haar lokken met SteRAlluRe hebben €3,49 oKtober 2014 Eerstehulp bij seks blunders Metallic jeans ruiten romantic denim ijspastels breisels platte schoenen winterjassen doctor love geeft raad dicHt bij jezelF blijven Hoe doe je dat? Emma StonE ‘Ikbenliever grappig Roze, Roze, Roze De kokeRRok TweeD winTeRpasTels HeT mannenpak De oveRsizeD TRui dansexy’ Slimme&stoere succesvrouwen mAg de lAt een tikje lAgeR? glamour-redacteur stuurt haar perfectionisme de laan uit Wie stout is, krijgt lekkers... Spicy SlAApkAmeRSpelletjeS AP (om vAnAvond nog uit te pRobeRen) over vallen, opstaan en tot het gaatje gaan 28 092013 27 092014 bij meeR dAn 4500 WinkelS o.A. h&m, mAngo, RiveR iSlAnd en bij Meer dan 4000 winKels o.a. H&M, Filippa K, asos.coM, levi’s ‘ik had mijn begrafenis al voorbereid’ sophia was ernstig ziek HOW TO REGISTER Please contact Bernice Bickel or Jantine Bijl on +31(0)20-794 35 36 or Deadlines To register for the Spring 2016 edition November 9th, 2015 To register for the Fall 2016 edition May 9th, 2016 Input for layout, photography and editing, Spring edition Text + product sample - November 23rd, 2015