KLCOA spring newsletter 2014 final


KLCOA spring newsletter 2014 final
Spring 2014
Dates to Remember
KLCOA General Mtg
Sat. May 17th
8:30 am: coffee
Kennisis Breeze
Kennisis Lake Cottage Owners Association
What Does KLCOA Do For Us?
(Haliburton Forest Seminar Room)
Remember to renew membership
fees prior to the meeting
Since the AGM in October 2013, the new Board of Directors consisting of past Board
members and newly appointed members have continued to work on the established
initiatives but have also introduced new initiatives to the plate of KLCOA projects. The
following lists may help you quickly see at a glance the “busyness” of a group of 16
Haliburton Home and
individuals. These folks strive to protect our Kennisis Lake Community in a manner so
Cottage Show
that generations to come will experience and appreciate the quality and value of such
May 30, 31 and June 1st
Come and see what our local
a special place. One newsletter alone cannot explain all of the initiatives in detail, but
businesses have to offer.
your attendance at the GM or the AGM will keep you well informed. In the meantime,
(located in the arena and curling club)
we all look forward to a well deserved warm summer with plenty of relaxation and fun.
Enjoy the summer season and know that KLCOA is working on your behalf.
Haliburton Quilt Guild Show
June 27th, 28th
(located in the arena)
Canada Day Fireworks
June 28th
raindate: June 29th
(located at Kennisis Lake Marina)
Bass Fishing Derby
Saturday July 5
Swimming Lessons
July 7 to Aug. 15th
Sailing Lessons
July 28 to Aug 1st
Bylaw Committee and Bill 65/ONCA
Water Quality
Buy-Local committee
Wildlife and Monitoring Loon Health
Social Committee
Navigational Buoy Markers and Power
Stewardship Renewal Committee
Norah's island, Blueberry Island, Island C
Summit Little Kennisis Cell Tower
KLCOA Website Development
New Snowmobile Trail Access Route
Lake levels, TSW, CEWF and FOCA
Porta Potty at Kennisis Lake Marina
Road Repairs and Conditions
OPP Billing Reform
Fish Stocks
Seeking Input re:Kennisis Lake Dam
Aug. 2
(located at Kennisis Lake Marina)
Donations to charity
Sat. Aug. 30th
(Haliburton Forest Seminar Room
KLCOA Road Sign Committee
50/50 Tree Project (now cancelled)
3 Annual Newsletters
Shoreline Tree preservation Inventory
Generating Revenue and Fund raising
Sailing Regatta
For more info, visit
Bass Fishing Derby
Swimming Lessons
Boom Sailing Program
Fire Works
Annual Clean up Day
Volunteerism: One cannot feel self-worth
A Sense of History
without giving to others
Kennisis Breeze News
Greetings to all members,
I will keep this short. In the April 13th eblast I shared with you the many initiatives that the board members
have undertaken. Needless to say we have many “irons in the fire”. I want to take this opportunity to thank all
the board members for taking on so much. Thank you.
I do however want to mention the OPP funding model and the impact it will have on our property taxes.
Although a provincial election has been called, I encourage you to let the candidates know of your concern this
model will have on property taxes. A recent eBlast of February 28th provided contacts, links and sample letters.
Please take the time to voice your concern and displeasure with the model.
That’s all for now. Please join us at the spring meeting to hear about all the exciting activities underway.
Happy Spring, see you soon,
Tony Lépine
President KLCOA
Did you know?: A new KLCOA sign will be erected on Kennisis lake road near the Haliburton Forest Sawmill to keep
cottagers updated about current events. The Fire Department will also post a sign regarding fire conditions.
Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart. By Elizabeth Andrew
Start the summer season by enjoying the plans in place to bring our community together.
Plan to attend the fun and festivities to
celebrate Canada Day in West Guilford
Celebrate Canada's birthday by enjoying the colours
and hearing the “kabooms” sponsored by KLCOA.
Kennisis Breeze News
Kennisis Breeze News
Kennisis Breeze News
Kennisis Lake – It’s All About the Water!
by Chris Riddle
What a difference a year makes! In 2013 there was not much snowpack in January and water levels were
brought up early by the Trent Severn Waterway who operate the Kennisis dam in an attempt to fill the
lake. Well they filled the lake, and then some, when a major rainstorm hit in late April as many will recall.
In 2014 there was an above average snowpack and a late spring thaw. As a result the lake was kept at a
record low level for all of March and early April (see attached chart) in order to provide somewhere for the
melt-water to go. As of mid-April the question is can the TSW fill the lakes in time for the navigation
season – or will we have low water levels all summer?
Water Level Information on the KLCOA website
The KLCOA website at www.klcoa.org is the place to go for current and historical information on Kennisis
water levels. On the homepage look in the ‘Stewardship’ box for the latest ‘Water Levels Update’ and click
on the links to see graphs of the 2013 and 2014 water levels. For background information click on ‘Water
Levels’ on the ‘Stewardship’ drop down menu on the homepage to read an article on historic water levels
as well as to find details of the KLCOA’s “Preferred Water Levels” submission to Parks Canada.
The Kennisis Dam
On March 14, 2014 Dr. Colin Carrie (MP for Oshawa) announced that the federal government plans to
invest $3.5 million on the Kennisis Lake dam. The present structure is over 60 years old and will first be
evaluated to determine if it requires major rehabilitation or if it needs to be rebuilt. The KLCOA Board has
written to Parks Canada requesting that we be consulted as their project plan is developed. That way we
can make sure our concerns about water levels, fish habitat and navigation are heard.
Spring Flood Alerts
Poor communications during the extensive flooding in April and May 2013, led to the establishment of a
working group to improve ways to inform the public about potential flooding. The KLCOA was represented
on the working group through its membership in the Coalition for Equitable Water Flow (CEWF). There are
two main sources of flood-related information, the provincial Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) and the
Trent Severn Waterway (TSW). MNR monitors regional water conditions and advises municipalities and
emergency responders of concerns. Lacking a conservation authority in Haliburton, the municipality relays
these concerns to the public who may view current alerts on either the municipal or MNR websites. The
TSW controls the Kennisis dam and issues water management notices on its website for all the reservoir
lakes from time to time. None of these organizations offers an e-mail alert service to members of the
public at the present time. The Coalition (CEWF) does monitor the MNR and TSW sites for alerts and
posts these on its website where there is the option to sign up for e-mail alerts. Here are the links:
http://www.cewf.ca (look for ‘important links/MNR flood alerts’ on the homepage)
The Coalition website contains regular updates on water levels and related issues in addition to flood
alerts. Please visit the website at www.cewf.ca and sign-up for e-mail updates if interested (typically one
or two a month)
Kennisis Breeze News
Parks Canada announces TSW Investment
On March 14, 2014 Parks Canada announced $58 million for capital projects related to the Trent-Severn Waterway
In the reservoir lakes region, there is $3.5 million allocated for rebuilding or rehabilitating the Kennisis Lake dam. An
additional $11.5 million is available across the entire system for unspecified projects that include dam safety and
To put this in context, and lacking specific details of the TSW’s dam safety reviews, the Parks Canada Asset Review
conducted in 2012 identified 15 reservoir dams as being in ‘poor’ or ‘very poor’ condition with an estimated replacement
value of $29.5 million and deferred work of $25 million. For the entire TSW system deferred work is estimated at $677
More coverage is included in the Echo article of March 25th …http://wp.me/p4n7rA-14H
or in the Highlander of March 20th.... http://highlanderonline.ca/kennisis-dam-leaks-but-failure-not-imminent?id=727
The TSW confirmed that the project will go through an environmental assessment process and the current methodology
for dam replacements aims to minimize disruptions to the lake community due to water level fluctuations.
Kennisis Breeze News
Play in the Park: New Recreation Opportunities
Are you looking to get more active and try something new this year? Why not borrow some sports equipment
from the Dysart Branch of the Haliburton County Library. You could give Disc Golf a try or find some friends for a
game of beach Volleyball. Take advantage of the free municipal recreation programs offered by the Municipality
of Dysart et al.
The recreation programs are made possible by grant money the Municipality of Dysart et al received from the
provincial government. Some programs already in place are: an intergenerational walking club, after school
programs, disc golf course and a library equipment loan program. The programs are designed to be free/low cost
and accessible to all. More programs will be established such as a summer recreation program for children.
Public input is encouraged. To help make the programs sustainable and to provide a variety of
opportunities the municipality is encouraging people to donate used sports/recreation equipment.
If you have equipment at your home/cottage that you no longer have use for, it can be dropped off to Andrea
Mueller at the Municipality of Dysart et al offices (235 Maple Ave.). The equipment will be used for the after
school programs and the library loan program. If equipment is received that cannot be used for programming, it
will be sold at a Gear Swap in May. The funds generated will be used to purchase new equipment for the
programs. Types of equipment that we are looking for include: snowshoes, basketballs, tennis racquets, cross
country skis, utility balls, broomball equipment etc. The municipality will not accept helmets. For further
information please contact Andrea at amueller@dysartetal.ca or (705) 457-1740. We hope to see you out at one
of our programs! Keep checking the municipality’s website www.dysartetal.ca for updates on upcoming programs
and special events. Article provided by Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners
Beware of the IDES OF MARCH.....
What normally is the time of the year when we all look forward to a change of season, warmer temperatures and
melting snow resulted in exactly the opposite this year. The long, cold winter persisted right into the March Break
with high snow drifts, heavy snow and buried temperatures. Hopefully, cottagers who have onsite sheds or
structures that merely stored wood and stuff over the years will find these buildings still erect. As we write this
newsletter, we all cross our fingers that our docks and shoreline structures will be intact for us to enjoy during the
long awaited summer season. However, we do know that our 911 signs did not weather the winter very well.
Concern has already been raised and the County will be redoing all damaged signs.
Can you see the car attached to
the extension cord?
OK, really, what is the
temperature ?
Hmm...no need to worry
about summer projects this
Kennisis Breeze News
Did You Know? Shelley Beach now has Christmas and greeting cards available with proceeds towards Children's
Wish Foundation. Well Done, Shelley!! You might want to check out this link:
Kennisis Breeze News
Did You Know? Graham Beach was the recipient of a volunteer award from the Haliburton County Snowmobile Association..
Hats off to you, Graham!!!!
Hi Everyone,
It's been 4 years since I resurrected the Kennisis Snowmobile Club, assisting our 2 most local snowmobiles clubs, ie; Tall
Pines Snowmobile Club and the Haliburton County Snowmobile Association. Currently I have a contact list from Kennisis Lake
of approximately 100 snowmobilers and/or families.
I just wanted to pass along a big thanks for all those who joined us during our 4th Annual Sledders BBQ on the ICE....!!! Over
the past 4 years we have come along way in terms of numbers, both in money raised and snowmobilers..! We have
accomplished a great deal in terms of assisting snowmobilers in our area, the improvement of Trail 62 leaving Kennisis Dam,
and the new road allowance access on/off Kennisis Lake through Haliburton Forest. We also have a dedicated base crew who
stake Kennisis when it is safe and remove the stakes before ice out.
Our efforts have improved trail quality and safety via improved signage. Kennisis snowmobilers have raised approximately
$6000 in 4 years to fund various projects which have benefitted our riding area and added to the local tourism of Haliburton
County. Snowmobiling is the single most important winter recreational activity in our area.
Our BBQ this year, I think was the best ever! We had many great people step forward with great appetizers, desserts, BBQ
offerings. Thanks to everyone who brought food for the potluck BBQ ie; a big thanks to Pete Sulman who came early and
provided great offerings....and others who offered many awesome prizes to help generate funds for our donation draw... On
that topic... we were able to raise close to $450 for the Tall Pines SC.... This brings our new open total to approximately
It will only get better and I'm sure next year we will have others who have business connections offer support to compliment
our current supporters.
(continued next page)
Kennisis Breeze News
(continued) I would like to thank Rudi & Wendy Tomiczek who donated very generously with a ton of Golf Swag+++ If anyone
is in need of creating and executing premier corporate Golf Events, look no further than Admark Corporate
I would also like to thank Gary & Bev Pike who donated very generously with great prizes for the BBQ Donation Draw. If you
are in need of Branded Promotional Merchandise and Apparel, Loyalty and Reward Programs, look no further than Viper
I also would like to thank Dan Bursey, GM @ Harper Marine in Minden for numerous Skidoo prizes. It's always good to shop
and buy local...http://www.harper-marine.com
And lastly a big thanks to Guy Rogers O/O of Uxbridge Motor Sports who delivered a great deal of Skidoo Swag for the
Also for those who have friends/neighbours who would like to be kept updated
with my sporadic emails, please forward me names and email information
so I can add them to my contact list.
Happy Trails and thanks to everyone
Please note that this NEW trail is winter snowmobile access and seasonal canoe portage only.....
Kennisis Breeze News
Kennisis Breeze News
KLCOA Navigational Hazard Marking Program - 2014
The Kennisis Lake Cottage Owners Association launched a program last summer to help create a safer boating
experience on our two lakes.
Again this year, we will be placing distinctive yellow floating marker buoys at 12 of the most hazardous rock and
shoal locations on the lakes. These locations, as well as others to be marked in the future, are shown on the
Navigational Hazards map found on the KLCOA website at
As some rock formations are large, often extending to many metres around the buoys, boaters are advised to
give the buoys a wide berth. Commencing this spring, the buoys will be in place annually in the spring and
removed in the fall.
We are still looking for volunteers to place and remove buoys annually under the direction of
the KLCOA. If you would be interested in managing one or several of the buoys please send an
e-mail with your contact information to KLCOAinfo@gmail.com.
The program does not guarantee or even suggest that unmarked rock locations can be safely navigated. The
primary responsibility for a safe boating experience rests with the individual operator of a watercraft. Boat
operators should follow the instructions on safe boating learned when preparing for and obtaining your
Pleasure Craft Operators Card. As well, you should use common sense when travelling near shorelines,
islands and areas displaying tell-tale signs of possible shallow water and/or underwater hazards.
KLCOA and its directors and officers take no responsibility for injury to boaters or damage to boats as a result
of contact with navigational hazards. We are indebted to the Federation of Cottagers Associations (FOCA)
which has shared with us their considerable research of the regulatory and liability issues associated with this
Please stay safe and enjoy your boating experience on our beautiful Kennisis Lakes.
For additional KLCOA Navigation Marker Hazard information contact
Jim Prince at jimprince@sympatico.ca or at 416.528.1739.
2014 BOOM Sailing Program - July 28 to Aug 1, 2014
Adult Evening Lesson booking will be open starting July 1st
The KLCOA will be hosting the Ontario Sailing Association BOOM Sailing Program
during the second last week of July this summer. This is a unique opportunity for
children 8 -15 years old to learn to sail. The program will run for one week, Monday to Friday - July 28 to August 1,
2014. The OSA provides the fleet of boats and qualified instructors and Windermere Lodge has graciously
provided the use of their shoreline for boat launching again this year.
Evening adult lessons should be available during the week. Evening lessons are typically Tuesday – Thursday
4:30-7:30 PM.
For additional information please contact Jim Prince at jimprince@sympatico.ca or at 416.528.1739.
Kennisis Breeze News
What’s Wrong with Grass?
We all love grass. It looks nice, is great under foot, super to play on and most of us have fond memories of doing some of
our favourite things on grass.
So why do the lake health experts tell us not to use it around lakes in the Highlands. Are they just spoil sports or do they
have valid reasons for their concerns with grass in lake country? Here’s the scoop….
Commonly used grass varieties are not native in lake country.
Non Native plants:
 Are not well suited to life in the Highlands and therefore need more inputs than native plants
o Water – something the experts say we may soon be short of
o Fertilizer- polluting our water- and costing us money
o Cutting and trimming – adding to Global warming
These extra inputs add nutrients to our lakes increasing algae and weed growth thereby decreasing the oxygen that fish
need. We are told that no point in the Highlands is more than 500 metres from water….. how far from the lake is your
septic system?
 Do not provide any habitat for the species that we all love such as frogs, toads, butterflies, humming birds etc.
Perhaps the biggest downside with grass is that grass does not contribute to and in fact harms the health of our precious
lakes. Why is that – well there are all those reasons above but the biggest one is that grass does not do a good job of
intercepting and absorbing nutrients before they get to our lakes. Nutrients such as Phosphorus come from:
 Our bodies, through our septic systems, where they leach into the soil and head down to water – our aquifers,
streams, rivers and lakes
 Our Pets, Fertilizer use, Wildlife such as geese, birds etc.
This pictures shows why native plants absorb far more nutrients than non-native species
such as grass
While grass roots extend mere inches into the soil, the roots of native species extend many feet into the soil, searching
for and absorbing nutrients such as phosphorous before they can damage our lakes. These long roots also do a better
job of preventing erosion.
So why not take an area of your grass and plant it with native plants to help protect our lakes! You can start with a small
area and then add more area over the years. Every little bit will help your lake where you, your kids and grandchildren
can make new memories!
Author Paul MacInnes is Chair of the C.H.A. and a Member of the Haliburton Highlands Stewardship Council.
Article provided by
DID YOU KNOW? Geese look for manicured lawns and poop 1 ½ pounds/day.
Kennisis Breeze News
KLCOA Initiates a “Buy Local” Plan by Tayce Wakefield
Every $1 spent locally circulates within the community 7 times, bringing jobs and economic growth to the area. Economic
growth means more suppliers, more choice, better pricing, etc to us. So we've formed a "Buy Local Committee" to pursue
"win-win" opportunities for our members and local businesses.
In February, the Buy Local Committee held a focus group with local business owners to get their views on what could be
done to encourage more sourcing locally. The recent survey of our members gave us insights into what you consider most
important. (Thank you very much to all who responded - it was very helpful to enable us to focus on what matters most to
While about a third of respondents said that they already do most of their shopping locally, the majority of respondents
said that convenience (they don't want to leave the lake once they get there and/or it's a good distance to stores in the area)
and concerns that prices are higher locally are the main reasons they don't shop more in the West
Guilford/Haliburton/Carnarvon/Minden area.. Opening hours were also cited as a problem as were concerns about the
quality of service.
Members expressed interest in delivery to the lake, in special coupons or discounts for KLCOA members and said that if
they knew more about which suppliers they could trust, it would be helpful. More than half of the respondents said they'd
be interested in a "local business fair" at the lake so they could meet local businesses and learn about their products and
We'll be sharing the survey findings with the local business owners and encouraging them to think about these
opportunities. We'll also give some thought to the ideas of a business fair and adding an area to our website where
members could provide reviews, positive and negative, for local businesses.
Some other lake associations do group purchasing of home heating fuels to obtain better pricing for their members. We've
been approached by a couple of propane suppliers and one heating oil supplier that is interested in talking with the KLCOA
about such an approach. Over half of the survey respondents indicated that they might be interested in a group purchasing
approach - of these the vast majority were propane users. We have a small team of people working on this opportunity over the course of the summer, we'll be meeting with potential suppliers to see if we can come up with an offer that makes
sense for our members, taking into account fuel price, tank rental and switching costs, etc. We'll send out an eblast when
we have more to share in this area.
If you have any suggestions on things we should work on - or
want to help us in the Buy Local area, we welcome your input.
Please send an email to klcoasecretary@yahoo.ca
and we'll be in touch!
KLCOA offers Swimming Lessons for 2014
KLCOA Red Cross swimming
lessons will be available again
this summer starting in July. Julia
Ranson will once again be the
head instructor. Watch for dates
and registration details on our
website and e-blasts.
Kennisis Breeze News
Dockside Concerts
Scavenger Hunt: “Find a Frog”
Photo Contest Honorable
Hallowe'en Party
Dockside Concerts
Kennisis Breeze News
Kennisis Breeze News
High C’s in Highlands
Opera: Not a word you would normally associate with Cottage Country. But in the Haliburton Highlands,
professional Opera Performances are a regular part of each summer.
Each August, those escaping the city to their cottage and the lucky ones who make the Highlands their
permanent home, have access to some of the most outstanding Opera talent in Canada right here in
Haliburton by attending any presentation of the Highlands Opera Studio.
The options are many and varied for those who wish to discover, perhaps for the first time, the power of
the unamplified human voice. For instance, there are public master classes in which world renowned
vocal coaches demonstrate how a wonderful performance can be made even better. It is fascinating to
watch the singers respond to the coach and to experience how vocal music is taught at this advanced
level. These sessions would be valuable for anyone considering a singing career or even choir directors
and members.
Each season offers two Operatic Highlights Concerts and an Alumni Concert in which young
professionals reprise some of the world’s favourite operatic compositions. Each concert features a
different program.
A fund-raising concert featuring Richard Margison and international stars from a variety of musical
genres is a highlight of the summer. Opera of course is featured, but quality Jazz and folk music weaves
its way through the evening as well. The concert, Richard Margison and Friends, is the fund raiser of the
Operatic season in Cottage Country and includes performances from the professional consultants
providing instruction for the program.
The highlight of the 2013 season was a presentation of Giuseppe Verdi’s opera La Traviata (The Woman
Gone Astray). Audiences experienced the mesmerizing music of this classic Opera, the costumes and
sets, and amazing performances in an intimate theatre setting.
The main stage is the Northern Lights Performing Arts Pavilion in Haliburton with additional selected
venues elsewhere in the village. As each performance concludes, patrons will have a chance to meet the
singers and talk to them about the music and the production.
For more information about the Highlands Opera Studio please visit our website at
www.highlandsoperastudio.com or the Facebook page or email us directly at
info@highlandsoperastudio.com. The Highlands Opera Studio can only continue with the generous
donations of our corporate sponsors and individual donors. Tax deductible donations are greatly
appreciated and can be mailed to Highlands Opera Studio, PO Box 1440, Haliburton, Ontario K0M 1S0.
Tickets for any of this season’s performances can be purchased at www.highlandssummerfestival.on.ca
Article provided by Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners Association
2014 KLCOA Membership Campaign Is Underway
The 2014 KLCOA Membership Campaign is underway. The Early bird membership is
offered until July 1st. Please renew your membership by following the membership links
on our website www.klcoa.org . Remember to renew before the GM on May 17th.
Annual stickers will be available at the Spring General meeting and then at the marina
store on weekends starting July 1st.
Kennisis Breeze News
Do You Know This Animal?
The Pine Marten is a
very agile, curious
and fast creature. It
spends most of its
day..perhaps 16
hours, hunting alone
Photo Contest: Honorable Mention for food such as
voles, mice, hare,
squirrels, birds, eggs, and are known to enjoy the
taste of someone's lunch left unattended.
Marten have very few enemies except the fisher
and the red tailed hawk due to their lightning
speed movements. If you see one, don't blink!!
DID YOU KNOW? Fertilizers should not be used at
the lake. What goes on your property goes into the
DID YOU KNOW? Shoreline Tree Preservation bylaw No.
3505 governs the removal of all trees 10 cm in diameter
situated within 30 m from a watercourse. Learn more details at
Kennisis Breeze News
Kennisis Breeze News
Artist, David Alexander Risk, Offers Hands-On
Workshop for Children
David Alexander Risk is the resident artist in
Haliburton Forest. You can often find him at the
Wolf Centre, talking to visitors about his work and
his love of wildlife.
As an incentive, David offered children the
opportunity to create their own artwork, expressing
their interpretation of life in a forest. The work was
submitted to him for a chance to win a prize in a
contest. The lucky winners and parents spent a day
in Haliburton Forest with David Risk and his wife
who taught them how to use their eyes to see
details as well as learn some skills of painting.
All children were able to take home a completed
water colour picture done on artist canvas and ready
for display. The results were awesome!!!!
Thank you, David for offering this unique experience
to our children.
Loons by: David Alexander Risk
Bobcat by:David Alexander Risk
Watch for future up coming contributions to this newsletter featuring a sketch book column with renowned Artist in
Residence at Haliburton Forest & Wild Life Reserve - David Alexander Risk.
Kennisis Breeze News
KLCOA Members are Monitoring Loon Health on Kennisis Lakes again in 2014!
A reminder that the Loon Monitoring Project has kicked off and will focus on a Loon Population
Survey and Loon Nesting protection.
Loon sighting information can be used to monitor loon chick survival over time as an important
indicator of loon and lake health.
The KLCOA has registered with the Canadian Lakes Loon Survey (CLLS). The CLLS started in
Ontario in 1981 to assess the long-term health and productivity of Common Loons.
• We have few volunteers in place and have started the project but we need a few more volunteers
from various locations around the lake to build the program for the next few years:
-Little Kennisis
-West Shore
-East Kennisis
Please contact Marie Roy if you would like to help out
Program Coordinator – Jeff Gardner
We want the next generations to be able to enjoy the call of the Loon on
Kennisis Lake.
Kennisis Breeze News
The County Swimming Pool Initiative (CSPI) is a committee of citizens in Haliburton County who have been advocating
since 2009, to get a recreation facility with an indoor swimming pool built in this county.
The County Swimming Pool Initiative has just completed a Market Demand Feasibility Study which revealed that the best
location of the facility would be in the Municipality of Dysart et al, and that between 1,600 and 2,230 individual adult
permanent residents from across the county would pay membership fees of $45/month to use it at that location.
Unfortunately, we were unable to afford to include seasonal residents in the survey although we believe that many cottagers
would take advantage of the facility for several months when the lakes are too cold for swimming. As well, our research
indicates that many owners of lakefront property in Dysart, as they age, will eventually be moving off the lakes and into town
if they can find suitable accommodation there. We believe that having a modern recreation facility with an indoor pool is an
important factor to encourage these residents to stay within the county when they relocate.
The proposed facility would include a 4 lane 25 metre pool, a warm therapy pool, a walking track, a fitness facility and an
exercise studio.
For more information please see www.ourpool.ca or contact us at ourpool@rogers.com.
Gay Bell, Chair, County Swimming Pool Initiative.
Help Wanted: Part time help wanted in canoe shop. Applicants should have some prior
woodworking experience. Call Ben Carnochan Haliburton Canoe Company @ 705-754-2948 or
705- 457-5938
Kennisis Breeze News
Kennisis Breeze News
Kennisis Breeze News
Kennisis Breeze News
Dysart Et Al Acknowledges The Need for Responsible Actions By All
All property owners should have received this insert from Dysart et al in the recent tax
bill. It serves as a quick visual reminder for all of us to take special precautions when
vacationing or residing at our lake. Please do your part to protect the fine quality of
our lake water. It starts with the septic!
Kennisis Breeze News
Did You Know? Our property taxes my increase substantially due to the proposed OPP funding model.
The KLCOA has responded to this action with the following letter:
Kennisis Breeze News
Every year, for many, many years, Kennisis Lake Marina has
offered their site for our Regatta, for Fireworks and for our
swimming lessons. This year, KLCOA and Kennisis Marina
are cost sharing a porta potty for cottagers' use when on the
Marina location. We hope this will provide “relief” to many. We
also wish to thank Doug Mahood for his generosity in helping
us bring the Kennisis Lake community together.
Did You Know? The ice on Kennisis Lake went out May 3rd 2014
Kennisis Breeze News
Campfire Popcorn
What could be better than popping popcorn over a campfire? This fun
activity only requires a long stick, a length of 18-24" foil, popcorn, oil and
string. Place about 1 teaspoon of oil and 1 Tablespoon of popcorn in the
center of the foil. Bring the edges together and tie securely, then tie the
foil bag to the stick. Hold the popper over the fire, shaking until popping
has slowed almost to a stop. Be careful when opening the foil it's plenty
hot! Butter, salt and pepper, or for a different taste, add parmesan
cheese, chili powder or cinnamon/sugar. (from http://www.culinaryarts360.com/)
Kennisis Breeze News
100.9 Canoe FM is excited to announce its 6th Annual Radiothon, July 4 and 5. The feature auction
package is a 4x5 contemporary oil painting entitled, 'A Canoeist's Paradise', by David Alexander
Risk. David is the renowned Artist in Residence at the Forest and Wildlife Reserve Ltd.
Call 7054571009 or for preliminary bidding visit www.madeinhaliburton.ca
after May 15. More information to follow.
Ontario Wood WORKS! Awards Kennisis Lake House
Architects, engineers and project teams are recognized by Ontario Wood Works for design excellence, advocacy, and
innovation through advancing the use of wood in all types of construction across the province.
The Kennisis Lake House received an award for residential wood design in Toronto in November. To view the details of
this organic architecture, visit the link: http://altius.net/projects/kennisis-lake/
A video will take you on a tour of the cottage.
Congratulations to the Architect: Altius Architecture Inc.and Engineer: CUCCO engineering + design for their creative work.
Now, let the summer
season begin!!!
Be happy and be safe!
Kennisis Breeze News
Kennisis Breeze News