ConnectionDecember 2015
ConnectionDecember 2015
Connection December 2015 Click Here Connection December 2015 O ur Favorite Things Just Being Together , but during the holidays we have some We have a lot of great traditions here at Longaberger d this season, you saw our beautiful of our most memorable. If you visited the Homestea lobby of the At Home building. If you icicle-covered blue and white Christmas tree in the d for the Holidays and the annual were lucky enough to have been here for Homestea the holiday season captures the Dresden Holiday Christmas Parade, you realized why s down the road from Dresden, I always greatest traditions. Although I grew up a few mile ’s hometown Christmas parade. feel like it’s my own home town — it really is America looking for a familiar face, kids racing Main Street was lined with thousands of families — r kids marching in the Tri Valley High around for tossed candy and parents’ pride to see thei perfect — a little chill in the air. I can School Marching Band. This year the weather was middle of blizzards. The Longaberger remember a few Dresden parades taking place in the a couple large scale Mr. Flurry Baskets. creative team designed an amazing float featuring just never know where this ornery guy He’s become a good friend to everyone — and you g the float and passed out thousands will pop up. Longaberger employees marched alon Along the route we even made a of pieces of candy — not a single piece of sugar left! and Gary Longaberger’s home. Wendy quick stop for hugs and a little merriment at Lynn ing to all of her admirers. We hope you Longaberger Little was outside the parade route wav gs! The only way the parade could have can join us next year — for one of our favorite thin been better was if you were there too! rger as we begin a new year — most We have a lot for which to be thankful at Longabe Collectors Club family. Our times importantly your friendship and being part of our rger. We hope you can join us in April together mean so much to everyone here at Longabe our 20th year. Have a wonderful at the Homestead Gathering as we begin to celebrate Year! holiday with your friends and family and a safe New 1 Collectors Club Connection | D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 5 Michael Kennedy, Creative Director DECEMBER 2015 | Collectors Club Connection 2 Brown paper packages tied up with string — these are a few of Our Favorite Things Sometimes the simplest things in life are the most rewarding — and beautiful! Our Longaberger photo stylist Sean McClure created these wonderful Holiday packages wrapped in brown paper and tied up with string and ribbon. We talked Sean into sharing his trade secret gift wrapping tips in a video. I love his simple approach to accessorizing craft paper — evergreens, red berry branches and pinecones from your back yard, string from your neighborhood butcher, and a couple of Christmas ornaments from the craft store. It’s so simple yet so memorable! Give it a try, and have your family join in — it’s fun and easy! It’s one of our favorite things! Click below to see the video : Video Link 3 Collectors Club Connection | D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 5 DECEMBER 2015 | Collectors Club Connection 4 Our Favorite Things All In the Family At Longaberger we are all about family — the Longaberger family, our family of employees including our talented basketmakers, our family of consultants across America and their customers, and our family of thousands of Collectors Club members. From time to time we discover amazing stories about families, especially our own Basketmakers here in Dresden. Over the next few months, in Connection, we will share with you some very unique and inspiring Basketmaker family stories. Betty and Rong Chen have been making Longaberger baskets since 1989, standing beside each other weaving baskets for almost 27 years — it’s just remarkable! They both are so very grateful to be working for such a great company, and they always have a smile. Rong and Betty were born in China and married there 28 years ago. Rong has worked for Longaberger one day longer than Betty. Rong’s first day was February 13th and Betty’s on the 14th. Those are dates they will never forget! They are very proud of their two amazing children. Their daughter Angela is getting her PhD in chemical engineering at the University of Texas, and their son Daniel is studying business at The Ohio State University. When you have a chance, take a look at the bottom of your Longaberger baskets and search for the weaver’s initials BC and RC. You may be able to trace a family legacy of hand-crafting baskets that goes back 27 years ago. In Their Own Words How do you sign the baskets you weave? Betty: BC Rong: RC What’s your favorite memory working at Longaberger? Betty: In 2004 we traveled to Pasadena, California to help build the Longaberger Rose Bowl Parade Float — and I even got to ride on it in the parade. It was so much fun. I’ll never forgot it! What’s your favorite basket to weave? Betty: I love making small baskets, especially the Collectors Club miniatures. Rong: I like making Santa Belly Baskets and have enjoyed making the 2016 St. Patrick’s Day Make Your Own Luck Basket. How many baskets do you have in your home? Betty: We don’t have a lot but we use almost every basket we own — we have about 60 baskets. We especially enjoy using our Picnic Basket, Cake Basket and Hamper. DECEMBER 2015 | Collectors Club Connection 6 Make Your Own LUCK Make Your Own Luck Basket Some people would say that Longaberger Founder Dave Longaberger was a lucky guy. After all, he started a business that became a household name growing to employ thousands of people and enabling tens of thousands more to create a better life for their families. But those who knew Dave would tell you that it wasn’t luck — it was determination mixed with belief and perseverance. The Make Your Own Luck Basket is a The odds weren’t exactly in his favor. He was the fifth of twelve children and spent two years in the first grade and three years in the fifth. He stuttered and dealt with epilepsy but always maintained a positive, almost cavalier attitude that he would be successful one day. very first baskets Dave sold. While Dave was never at a loss for ideas or energy. In the early 1970s, he had already built a successful grocery store and restaurant business — but he’d have to risk it all to achieve his next dream — to create a successful business based on his family’s basketmaking heritage. special tribute to a remarkable man. Just like Dave, its roots are firmly grounded and feature our Vintage stain, a stain closely resembling the it transforms as it grows, it remains steady and strong and ample. The WoodCrafts Lid features a “field of clover” design meant to remind us all that when we continue to make our own luck — it has no boundaries. After trying the traditional approach of selling baskets in stores with not much success, Dave met Charleen Cuckovich and stumbled onto an early version of direct sales. Charleen had been taking car loads of baskets back home to northern Ohio and telling the story of the Longaberger Basketmakers and their craft. Once they heard about how and where the baskets were made, people bought them as quickly as she could get them. Based on what he was seeing, Dave believed deep in his heart that this was the way to build his basket business. Through the years Dave and The Longaberger Company faced more than their fair share of adversity. From serious financial issues to a major factory fire, the problems were many and major but he never stopped believing. He believed in people, in hard work, and in the importance of having a dream. Dave believed you had to watch for opportunities to be ready to act when an opportunity arose, to persevere against adversity and then to celebrate the good fortune of a well-planned outcome! Dave Longaberger wasn’t a lucky guy — he was a regular guy who dreamed bigger, believed bigger and built a business by making his own luck. 7 Collectors Club Connection | D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 5 Make Your Own Luck Basket, Available January DECEMBER 2015 | Collectors Club Connection 8 Our Craft and Family Legacy Continue For over 100 years the Longaberger family has been crafting baskets in the country town of Dresden, Ohio. At Longaberger we still weave baskets today the exact same way J.W. Longaberger, the family patriarch, made them — one at a time and by hand. His original baskets were made for many purposes around Dresden — carting home goods from the market, taking cakes to church socials and even waste baskets for a local bank. To celebrate the Collectors Club’s 20th anniversary, this year’s Member Basket was inspired by the many baskets the family made for chores on regional farms — picking berries and vegetables, measuring grain and collecting fruit from orchards. We will be celebrating the inspiration of farm life around Dresden all year long, including a new collection of miniature baskets beginning in March and, of course, the mustattend event — the Longaberger Homestead Gathering “Field Trip” on April 23rd. By Lynn Longaberger It is very interesting interviewing my brothers-inlaw! I talked to Jerry Longaberger #3 and Larry Longaberger #4 about baskets they made while helping their dad, J.W., in the workshop at their home on 8th Street in Dresden, Ohio. Some of what they told me I can share with you, and some I can’t! Larry said, “Dad would tell us in the morning what baskets we were to make, and you did it. We didn’t talk or joke around — we worked. While weaving, we listened to the radio all day. It wasn’t the music kids listen to today, that is for sure. In fact, it wasn’t music at all!” Jerry added, “You didn’t touch the radio, either. No finger prints were on the radio but Dad’s! We listened to hours and hours of news reporter, Lowell Thomas.” (I didn’t want to ask him who that was, so I googled him after our conversation!) Jerry said, “Ninety-five percent of the baskets we made in the workshop were pottery baskets, which supported the family business. Dad would also make Easter Baskets for us kids, and then — much later — for our kids. Other baskets we made were the Large Market, Medium Market, Cake and Auto (Magazine). We also made Corn Baskets. Some of the local farmers used them to carry feed for their livestock.” In those days, almost everyone in Dresden had gardens. Jerry said, “The gardens were called Victory Gardens back then. People would put a layer of newspaper in the bottom of the basket and then take it to the garden to fill with their vegetables. You made sure you behaved yourself in the summer. With Dad having two big gardens, there was a lot of weed-pulling for punishment if you misbehaved!” I love hearing in their voices the love and passion they have for their family and their childhood experiences. As my husband Gary has always said, “We were poor, but we didn’t know it.” That is a testament to J.W. and Bonnie Longaberger and the small village of Dresden. M embership has its privilege! Collectors Club members who purchase the 2016 Member Basket will receive this special-edition basket, signed by a Longaberger family member. This beautiful basket features a 20th Anniversary brass tag and, available separately, a WoodCrafts Lid bearing the 20th Anniversary burn. The 2016 Member Basket is available throughout 2016, but the offer of a Longaberger family signature is only available in January. DECEMBER 2015 | Collectors Club Connection 10 Activities Registration b eg i n s • Enjoy some great bluegrass music by the talented Wayfarers TO CLU ERIN G 2016 TH EC Tractor Basket, Charter Member Grand Prize Drawing 16˝l x 12˝w x 14½˝h roots COLL RS f ar GA of • Watch fun-on-the-farm demonstrations from some of our friends, like the guys at Tilton Hollow ing a c el e b rat io n american ou r m Januar y 25 B H O M ESTE AD lectors Club 2016 Longaberger Col g Homestead Gatherin FIELD TRIP ots American Farm Ro A Celebration of Our April 23, 2016 Collectors Club r Home Office community, Longaberge erger family at friends and the Longab th anniversary the Collectors Club 20 ning an event celebration. We’re plan e Longaberger not to be missed at th by our farm Homestead — inspired day of a time! roots. You’ll have a hay- Please join your • If you are so lucky to own an antique truck, bring it along — we’ll have special parking for you and you could win an award! • Our farm petting zoo will be the perfect place to capture fun photos you’ll want to share with your friends • Find a Longaberger treasure you may have been searching for at our Collectors Market • Have fun making your own Longaberger Make It Take It • Experience the once-in-a-lifetime viewing of the extensive personal collection of J.W. Baskets • Our Charter Members can take a break at their own Relax Station • Visit with Longaberger family members and have them sign your baskets • Join in on some fun down-on-the-farm competitions — wheel barrow and toy tractor races, pig calling competitions and maybe even a cow pie tossing challenge! • Shop the Homestead’s new Makers Market — showcasing unique made in America products If you’re not there, we’ll miss you! 11 Collectors Club Connection | D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 5 DECEMBER 2015 | Collectors Club Connection 12 GAT Throw on some gingham and denim and join us for a fun evening of games, music, memories, mouthwatering delectables and a few surprises! 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. Longaberger Homestead Crawford Barn TE AD LE OR HERIN G of s 2016 COL CT Friday Night Crawford Barn BBQ Dinner ica amer n farm in o ot gr a celebration r ou S CLUB H O MES Cow Bell Basket, Member Hourly Prize 2016 Field Day Homestead Gathering Schedule 9 a.m. Charter Member early opening 10 a.m. Homestead open to all Gathering attendees 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. On-the-hour Member and Charter Member Drawings Red Barn Make A Basket (Winners need to be present) 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Make A Basket The Wayfarers 10:30 a.m. Welcome Ceremony 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Box Lunch Served 4:30 p.m. Closing Ceremony and Member and Charter Member Grand Prize Drawings 13 Collectors Club Connection | D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 5 Tractor Tire Basket and Lid Set, Charter Member Hourly Prize (Grand Prize winners do not need to be present. If not present to receive your prize a shipping fee will be assessed) Event Details Member Event Ticket – $20 (for our 20th anniversary — cute!) Includes: • Box Lunch • Access to Event Games • Member Hourly and Grand Prize Drawings Charter Members Exclusive: Charter Member Hourly and Grand Prize Drawings Member Guest Event Ticket – $30 Includes: Box Lunch Under 18 Years Old Event Ticket – $10 Includes: Box Lunch Friday Night Crawford Barn BBQ Dinner – $60 Red Barn Make A Basket – $59 • Offered either ready-made or Make-A-Basket • Basket accessories available for purchase at the event • Purchase at the time you register for the event Cow Bell Basket Member Hourly Prize – $52 • Also available for all active Members to purchase at the time you register for the event Tractor Tire Basket and Lid Set Charter Member Hourly Prize – $86 • Also available to all active Charter Members to purchase at the time you register for the event Registration Dates January 25 through March 7, 2016 Go to or call 740-322-7800. Big News: Longaberger Homestead will be opened all winter and starting January 2 it will be opened every day of the week!* Make your plans now to visit the Salvaged Treasures Marketplace Longaberger Homestead We’ve been busy planning some exciting events at the Longaberger Homestead in 2016. Mark your calendars and start your travel plans with your friends and family. We’ve got a year packed with celebrations for everyone – and we’ve even added a really cool new spring and fall weekend event called Salvaged Treasures Marketplace. You won't want to miss it! Remember, at every Longaberger Homestead event we’ll have a little something special for our very best customers – our beloved Collectors Club members. We can’t wait to see you! in 2016! 2016 Longaberger Homestead Calendar of Events •Spring Fling: April 2 and April 9 •Collector Club event: April 23 Closed to the public • Mothers & Daughters Weekend: May 7–8 •Salvaged Treasures Marketplace: May 14–15 •Salute to Veterans: May 28 •American Summer Celebration: June 10–11 •Father's Day Special: June 18–19 •Homestead's People Choice Car Show: June 25 Sponsored by the Kanawha Valley Corvette Car Club •Low Speed Auto Cross: June 26 Sponsored by the Kanawha Valley Corvette Car Club •Heritage Days: September 23–24 •Horizon of Hope Pink Party: October 8 •Salvaged Treasures Marketplace: October 22–23 Tickets are available at the door •SpookTacular: October 29 •Homestead for the Holidays: December 3 Homestead Hours Sunday: Noon – 5 p.m. Monday – Thursday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Friday & Saturday: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. *Closed on New Year’s Day, Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve Day For more information, contact Guest Relations at 740.322.5588 • Purveyors of vintage, salvaged, upcycled, antique and handmade treasures await you at the beautiful Longaberger Homestead Crawford Barn. This unique curated market will feed your passion and cultivate your creative spirit. Advance tickets on sale at the Longaberger Homestead for just $7. Tickets are available at the door. Click below to find out more: When: May 14–15 and October 22-23, 2016 Saturday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Sunday: 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Where: Longaberger Homestead Crawford Barn DECEMBER 2015 | Collectors Club Connection 16 Renewing Your Collectors Club Membership You can now renew your Collectors Club membership online! Just log in to your Longaberger customer account to bring up the shopping page and click on the Collectors Club link at the left side of your screen. Click on the Collectors Club Renewal link, add it to your basket and then proceed to Checkout (unless, of course, you want to do some more shopping!). Renewals are still just $45 for one year (all renewals are for one year only). December • Collectors Club Snow Diamond Basket Set Now through February 2016 • Collectors Club Maple Leaves Basket • 2015 Collectors Club Member Basket Now – February •Collectors Club Receive a Free Protector with the Purchase of Mr. Flurry Basket •Order by December 4 and we’ll ship by December 16th January through February 2017 •2016 Collectors Club 20th Anniversary Member Basket In January Members receive a Longaberger family signature on each basket Now – Febr uary January 2016 – February 2017 Longaberger Homestead •Member Exclusive! Make-A-Basket is the perfect gift for the holidays — the perfect gift you create! Remember to call Guest Relations today and reserve your time to make a Collectors Club special-edition Make A Basket! Lorie Collins, 16 years of service Collectors Club Connection | D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 5 Now through December December Have questions about your membership, or an order? Your Longaberger Home Consultant will be happy to assist you! Friendly representatives at Longaberger Customer Care are also available to take your call at 740-322-7800 between 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. EDT, Monday-Friday. We’re happy to announce that we are increasing our staff to better support you! 17 What 's Up December •Member Perks! In December at the Longaberger Homestead, Collectors Club Members will receive $5 off a Longaberger product with any $50 Longaberger Homestead purchase and a special holiday gift. One $5-off coupon and one special holiday gift per Collector Club member. Members must visit the Homestead in person to receive the coupon and gift. DECEMBER 2015 | Collectors Club Connection 18
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