Local Area Map - National Rail Enquiries
Local Area Map - National Rail Enquiries
i Southbury Station – Zone 5 Onward Travel Information Local Area Map Bus Map 313 Potters Bar ENFIELD LOCK 279 491 N279 POTTERS BAR WALTHAM CROSS Potters Bar Lion Waltham Cross Bus Station Innova Business Park Hertford Road Ordnance Road Ordnance Road Enfield Lock 121 Turkey Street Southgate Road Barnet Hospital Botany Bay Robin Hood Station Road Great North Road New Barnet The Ridgeway Slades Hill Chase Side Enfield Chase Cat Hill East Barnet Library Enfield Cecil Road Bincote Road World’s End Lane 377 Oakwood Lonsdale Drive Hail & Ride Prince George section Avenue Southbury Road Cecil Avenue Enfield Town Slades Hill Bramley Road Cockfosters Road Enfield Road The yellow tinted area includes every bus stop up to about one-and-a-half miles from Ponders End and Southbury Station. Main stops are shown in the white area outside. Lancaster Road Southbury Road Ladysmith Road Southbury Road Great Cambridge Road Southbury Road Percival Road Southbury Road Baird Road Village Road Green Street Brick Lane DURANTS RD Nags Head Road Alexandra Road NAGS HEAD RD Enfield Bus Garage Middlesex University GARFIE Y LD ROA Aldermans Hill Hail & Ride section Trinity Avenue Lincoln Road D Ponders End RO AD Chingford The Green CHINGFORD Chingford 313 South Street Falcon Road T SOU H STREET South Street St Matthew’s Church LINCOL N ROAD Bush Hill Park Palmers Green King’s Head Hill Sewardstone Road Alexandra Road Durants Road Alma Road Scotland Green Road DERBY Park Avenue Lea Valley Road Wharf Road Lea Valley Road Mollison Avenue for Ponders End Nags Head Road Royal British Legion Tesco QUEENSWA Brimsdown Mollison Avenue Mollison Avenue Duck Lees Lane TREET HIGH S SOUTHGATE 191 307 Mollison Avenue Jeffreys Road RD Wellington Road Cannon Hill Mollison Avenue Millmarsh Lane Brimsdown Green Street Chase Road Southgate Bilton Way Mollison Avenue Hertford Road Enfield College Southbury ENFIELD Green Street Mayfield Road Hertford Road Green Street SOUTHBURY ROAD Enfield London Road Brimsdown Avenue Fouracres Hertford Road Carterhatch Lane ABERDARE RD High Barnet Hertford Road Oatlands Road GLYN Carterhatch Lane Willow Road ANGLESEY RD BARNET Carterhatch Lane Larksfield Grove Carterhatch Lane Baynes Close KINGSWAY Barnet Church Carterhatch Lane Great Cambridge Road Carterhatch Lane Linwood Road The Ridgeway New Cottage Farm CROWN RD Wood Street Bell Lane Castle Road Bell Lane Oasis Academy Brimsdown Avenue Leys Road East Hadley Hertford Road Ingersoll Road Hertford Road Durrants School Carterhatch Lane Sherborne Avenue SWANSEA RD 307 Eastfield Road Hertford Road Hertford Road Albany Leisure Centre Enfield Lock Island Village ALLENS ROAD Palmers Green Green Lanes CLARENCE RD Ponders End High Street Orchard Road WOOD GREEN Wood Green Hertford Road Nightingale Road Nightingale Road Shirley Grove Wood Green Shopping City Turnpike Lane Galliard Road Jubilee Park 121 Galliard Road St Edmund’s Road Hertford Road Cuckoo Hall Lane Hertford Road Tramway Avenue Hertford Road Forest Road/Jubilee Park Hail & Ride section Galliard Road Mansfield Road Nightingale Road Scarborough Road Nightingale Road St Mary’s Road Bounces Road Warley Road Bounces Road St Edmund’s Catholic Primary School Bounces Road Chester Road Hertford Road Bounces Road Hertford Road Monmouth Road Edmonton Green Bus Station 191 Bounces Road Exeter Road EDMONTON Upper Edmonton Angel Corner for Silver Street 491 North Middlesex Hospital White Hart Lane Bruce Grove Tottenham Swan Seven Sisters TOTTENHAM South Tottenham Stamford Hill Egerton Road Manor House 279 Finsbury Park 349 N279 continues to Trafalgar Square for Charing Cross © Transport for London Information correct from 5 May 2012 Key © Crown copyright and database rights 2012 Ordnance Survey 100035971/015 © Copyright Transport for London 2012 Street finder A2 C3 B2 A3 A Aberdare Road Allens Road Anglesey Road Ayley Croft B A2 C2 B1 B1 B1 C2 Baird Road Brecon Road Broadfield Square Broadlands Avenue Broadlands Close Bursland Road B2 B1 B3 C3 C3 A2 C2 A1 C1 C2 B3 C2 C3 B2 Cardiff Road Chalkmill Drive Chester Gardens Church Road Clarence Road Clive Road Clydesdale Cobham Close Collinwood Avenue Colmore Road Concord Road Cowland Avenue Cromwell Court Crown Road A1 B3 C2 C2 C D Dearsley Road Derby Road Durants Park Avenue Durants Road Landmark finder C2 B2 C3 C2 C2 C2 A2 B2 B1 C2 C3 E Eagle Close Emilia Close F C3 B3 B3 G A3 Falcon Road Garfield Road Gartons Close Glyn Road Great Cambridge Road H Hartsway Hertford Road High Street Hobby Street K B2 Kingsway A3 A3 B3 B3 B3 C3 Landseer Road Leighton Road Lincoln Road Lincoln Way Lockhart Close Loraine Close A3 B3 C2 C2 B3 B3 L M Main Avenue Mayfield Crescent Moat Side B2 C2 C3 C3 A2 B2 B3 C3 B3 C3 B2 C2 C1 B1 C2 B1 O Orchard Road Osprey Mews Oxford Road P Progress Way Q Queensway S Sedcote Road South Place South Street Southbury Avenue Southbury Road Southfield Road Stonehorse Road Suffolk Road Sutherland Road Swansea Road T Tenby Road The Ride Tyberry Road W Walters Road Wickham Close N Nags Head Road Norfolk Road Northfield Road C3 A2 C3 A3 A2 C1 C2 B2 A2 C2 C2 A1 A2 A1 C3 A2 A2 A2 C3 C2 C3 C3 C2 A1 C3 C3 B1 C2 A1 C2 Asda B&Q Brantano Bush Hill Park Primary School Cineworld College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London Constance House Crown Road Vehicle Park DFS Eagle House Surgery Enfield Jamia Masjid Enfield Retail Park Gala Bingo Kingsmead School Lincoln Road Chapel Morrisons Old Orleans PC World Ponders End Library Ponders End Methodist Church Ponders End United Reformed Church Ponders End Working Mens Social Club Royal British Legion Sainsbury’s St Matthew’s Church St Matthew’s Infant School Selco Builders Warehouse Southbury Day Nursery Southbury Leisure Centre Southbury Primary School C2 A1 C1 Tesco Toys R Us Waverley School Key 121 Day buses in black N279 Night buses in blue — O Connections with London Underground o Connections with London Overground R Connections with National Rail Mondays to Saturdays only Destination Bus routes Bus stops Destination Bounces Road 191 ○C + ○S + H Brimsdown R 191 ○B ○D + ○E + ○M + ○T ++ ○C ○G + ○S ++ ○H + ○K + ○M + ○B + ○D + ○E + ○M + ○T + ○F + ○J + ○L + ○J + ○L + ○P + ○J + ○L + ○P + 307 491 Brimsdown Avenue 191 Bruce Grove R 279, N279 349 National Rail station Bush Hill Park R National Rail exit C Route finder Bus stop Day buses Car park Bus route 121 Public toilet 191 Oyster Ticket Stop, where you can top up your Oyster pay as you go credit and purchase Travelcards and Bus & Tram passes 279 307 313 349 377 491 377 307 Turnpike Lane ○B ○D ○N ○T Brimsdown ○B ○D ○E ○M ○T Chase Side 191 Edmonton Green ○C ○S Chingford R 313 Manor House ○F ○J ○L E ○B ○D + ○N + ○T ++ ○B ○D + ○E + ○M + ○T ++ ○C + ○S + Waltham Cross ○G ○H ○K ○M Eastfield Road Hertford Road 191 Barnet Hospital ○B ○D ○N ○T Brimsdown Edmonton Green R Bus Station 191 ○C ○G ○S Chingford ○C ○S Potters Bar ○B ○D ○E ○T Stamford Hill ○J ○L ○P Oakwood ○J ○L ○P Enfield London Road 377 North Middlesex Hospital ○E ○J ○L Enfield Chase R 121, 307 Waltham Cross ○H ○K ○M 279, N279 349 491 313 Night buses 377 Enfield Highway 121 Bus route Towards Bus stops N279 Trafalgar Square ○F ○J ○L 191 Waltham Cross ○G ○H ○K ○M 279, N279 Enfield Lock R 491 Bus stops A Alma Road Scotland Green Road 191 121 Enfield Road 121, 307 Enfield Town R 121, 307 191 ○C + ○M + ○S + B 313 F ○B ○D + ○E + ○M + ○T ++ ○C ○S ++ ○F + ○J + ○L + ○J + ○L + ○P + ○E + ○J + ○L + ○J + ○L + ○P + ○B + ○D + ○N + ○T + ○B + ○D + ○E + ○T + ○J + ○L + ○P + ○C + ○G + ○S + ○B + ○D + ○E + ○T + ○G + ○H + ○K + ○C + ○G + ○S + ○H + ○K + ○M + ○B + ○D + ○N + ○T + ○B + ○D + ○N + ○T + ○B + ○D + ○E + ○M + ○T + ○B + ○D + ○E + ○T + nationalrail.co.uk 279, N279 S Seven Sisters — OR 349 Tottenham Court Road — O ○J + ○L + ○P + N279 ○F + ○J + ○L + Trafalgar Square for Charing Cross — OR N279 ○F + ○J + ○L + ○C + ○M + ○S + 313 Trinity Avenue 377 ○C + ○S + ○J + ○L + ○P + Turkey Street R 121 491 ○H + ○K + ○M + New Barnet R 307 ○B + ○D + ○N + ○T + 121 Nightingale Road 191 North Middlesex Hospital 491 ○C ○S ++ ○E ○J + ○L ++ ○C ○G + ○S ++ ○G + ○H + ○K + ○M + ○B + ○D + ○N + ○T + 279, N279 ○F + ○J + ○L + 349 ○J + ○L + ○P + 377 ○J + ○L + ○P + 279, N279 ○G + ○H + ○K + ○M + 491 ○H ○K + ○M ++ ○F ○J + ○L ++ ○J + ○L + ○P + ○F + ○J + ○L + ○J + ○L + ○P + ○B + ○D + ○N + ○T + ○B + ○D + ○N + ○T + Leicester Square — O N279 Lincoln Road 377 Lonsdale Drive 377 Manor House — O 279, N279 ○F + ○J + ○L + Mollison Avenue 491 Mornington Crescent — O ○H + ○K + ○M + N279 ○F + ○J + ○L + 191 491 M N Nags Head Road O Oakwood — O Ordnance Road 121, 307 ○B + ○D + ○N + ○T + 377 ○J ○L + ○P ++ ○C ○G + ○S ++ 121 P 349 Slades Hill Palmers Green R 121 ○B + ○D + ○N + ○T + Park Avenue 377 Ponders End R 191 Ponders End High Street 191 Orchard Road 279, N279 ○J ○L + ○P ++ ○C ○S + ○M ++ ○C + ○S + ○F + ○J + ○L + ○J + ○L + ○P + ○E + ○J + ○L + 307 ○B + ○D + ○N + ○T + Bell Lane 191 ○B + ○D + ○E + ○M + ○T + G Bilton Way Mollison Avenue 491 ○H + ○K + ○M + Galliard Road 491 ○E + ○J + ○L + 349 Botany Bay Robin Hood 313 ○B + ○D + ○E + ○T + Green Street 307 ○C + ○G + ○S + 491 121, 307 377 South Street 191 South Tottenham o 349 Southbury Road 121, 307 191 313 T Tottenham Swan 279, N279 Turnpike Lane — O U Upper Edmonton Angel Corner for Silver Street R V Village Road W Waltham Cross R Bus Station Barnet Hospital Warren Street — O N279 Wellington Road 377 White Hart Lane R 279, N279 349 Wood Green — O 121 Wood Street 307 PONDERS END AND SOUTHBURY STATION DR (ENF) TFL23016.04.12 (P) National Rail Enquiries Online ○B + ○D + ○E + ○T + Ridgeway, The ○F + ○J + ○L + 313 ○C ○S ++ ○H ○K + ○M ++ ○F + ○J + ○L + ○J + ○L + ○P + ○J + ○L + ○P + SOUTHBURY DR TfL 24598.08.12 www 313 R 279, N279 N279 ○B + ○D + ○N + ○T + ○F + ○J + ○L + ○B + ○D + ○E + ○T + 349 Holloway Nag's Head 307 N279 313 Stamford Hill Egerton Road 307 Barnet Church Finsbury Park — OR Potters Bar R 313 High Barnet — O Lea Valley Road Cat Hill East Barnet Library Bus stops Southgate Road 491 L ○C ○G ○S Bus routes 121 349 ○F + ○J + ○L + Enfield Lock ○C ○G + ○S ++ ○B ○D + ○E + ○M + ○T ++ ○G + ○H + ○K + ○M + ○C + ○S + ○F + ○J + ○L + ○J + ○L + ○P + ○E + ○J + ○L + ○B + ○D + ○N + ○T + ○F + ○J + ○L + Destination Southgate — O 279, N279 N279 ○B + ○D + ○E + ○M + ○T + 191 Bus stops ○F ○J + ○L ++ ○J + ○L + ○P + ○B + ○D + ○N + ○T + ○J + ○L + ○P + ○C + ○S + ○M + ○J + ○L + ○P + ○B + ○D + ○N + ○T + ○B ○T + ○D + ○E + ○M ++ ○B + ○D + ○E + ○T + ○B + ○D + ○N + ○T + ○B + ○D + ○E + ○T + ○J + ○L + ○P + Camden Town — O 191 Bus routes Hertford Road (south) ○F + ○J + ○L + Carterhatch Lane Destination 279, N279 N279 Bus stops 121, 307 191 Camden Road o Towards Destination finder Hertford Road (north) Bus routes Transport for London NRE App Free National Rail Enquiries app for iOS and Android Social facebook.com/nationalrailenq @nationalrailenq Contact Centre TraintrackerTM Text 08457 48 49 50 or 8 49 50* 8 49 50 All calls are charged at local rate and may be recorded. * Our short code number, designed to be easier to read and remember. Text station name to the above number for live departure and arrival times direct to your mobile. TrainTrackerTM texts cost 25p for each succesful response (plus usual text costs). www Online www.tfl.gov.uk 24 hour Travel Information 0843 222 1234 You pay no more than 5p per minute if calling from a BT landline. There may be a connection charge. Charges from mobiles or other landline providers may vary. Scan this code with your mobile to take this poster with you. Every effort has been made to ensure all information is correct at time of print. We can not be held liable for any errors or omissions that may have occurred. For any feedback, please e-mail comments@onwardtravelposters.com.
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