Spring 2009 - the Minnesota Women`s Public Golf Association


Spring 2009 - the Minnesota Women`s Public Golf Association
A Publication of The Minnesota Women’s Public Golf Association
Volunteers Needed for the 2009 MWPGA
Tournaments - Join Us Today!
The MWPGA would like to involve more volunteers in the operation of our tournaments in 2009, and we need your help! We would like to recruit volunteers from
current players, past players and former board members. League members of
courses hosting tournaments are also be encouraged to volunteer.
The areas where volunteers can be most helpful are: registration, spotters, scorecard
runners, starters and rules. Rules volunteers are strongly encouraged to have participated in at least a ―One Day Rules Workshop‖ through the Minnesota Golf Association. All volunteers are encouraged to take the ―Volunteer Orientation Workshop‖
offered by the MGA. You can find additional information on these workshops by
going to www.mngolf.org/tour-rules.cfm.
A volunteer registration form can be found on the MWPGA website located at
www.mwpga.org or by contacting Ann Brilley. Volunteers may sign up for an all
day, or half day, time commitment , and lunch will be provided. You will be notified in advance of any volunteer assignments you are given. For additional information feel free to call Ann at (952) 471-0161 or to email her at brilley@mchsi.com.
We look forward to working with you at a 2009 MWPGA tournament!
MWPGA volunteers are needed to be:
Registration Table Hosts ~ Spotters ~ Scorecard Runners ~
Starters ~ Rules Officials
Bonnie Blaylock Joins MWPGA Board of Directors
According to Bonnie, her friends call her a golf nut but in
reality she loves all sports. She grew up in South Minneapolis in the 1950‘s where most days, if not in school, she was
outside playing whatever sport the neighborhood kids were
playing. ―That included football, baseball and basketball,‖
Bonnie Blaylock
Bonnie said. ―Even Kick the Can!‖ Her dad played tennis
and golf, and Bonnie took golf lessons in high school
through the local Park and Recreation Department at Dwan Park (now called Dwan Golf
Bonnie Blaylock Joins MWPGA Board of Directors story continued on Page 3.
Photo by Sally Deyak
The MWPGA Board of Directors is pleased to welcome Bonnie Blaylock to the Board.
Bonnie is a member of Phalen Park GC and Dwan GC. ―I
am very excited to be on the MWPGA Board,‖ Bonnie said.
―We have some great locations for our tournaments, so the
coming golf season should be a lot of fun. I really enjoy
meeting new women on the courses I play, and I look forward to meeting everyone during our tournaments this year.‖
President‘s Corner
By Sandy Hanna
Volunteering is rewarding! Being President and a part of the
Minnesota Women‘s Public Golf Association (MWPGA) is no
exception. My experience in leading your Board has been
amazing. I encourage you to volunteer for this Board at some
Sandy Hanna
time during your golf career. Please contact me directly at
sleehanna@gmail.com if you are interested and would like additional information.
The MWPGA Board is a group of dedicated, knowledgeable and energetic women working toward one common goal of improving your tournament experience. We have been working hard
this winter making improvements for you. The 2009 golf season will bring a
much improved website, better on-line communication and a consolidated Rules
of Play sheet effective for all of our tournaments. We encourage you to become
familiar with and carry the Rules of Play sheet, which is available on Page 6 and
on our website. We are planning a fun and interactive Spring Meeting with more
prizes, including free rounds of golf and a free tournament registration.
“Volunteering is rewarding! I encourage you to volunteer for the
MWPGA Board at some time during your golf career.
We look forward to continuing our tradition of providing well-organized, competitive, and fun
championship events to be held this summer at Manitou Ridge GC, Phalen Park GC, Braemar GC,
Blueberry Pines GC and Highland National GC. Our tournaments are organized with all golfers
in mind, and all participants compete within flights of golfers with similar handicaps. Please sign
up, and bring a friend.
This summer we are expanding our volunteer opportunities for you to assist the MWPGA (see the
article on Page 1). I encourage everyone to help us, even if for a few hours. Giving back to the
game of golf truly expands your horizons while making many new friends in the process. I hope
to see you out on the links -- competing in our tournaments and volunteering with us this summer.
Enjoy your summer and enjoy your golf!
Board of
Sandy Hanna
(651) 452-0624
Ann Brilley
(952) 471-0161
Pacy Erck
(952) 915-1401
Terry Klatt
Recording Secretary
(612) 501-6985
Cindy Miller
Corresponding Secretary
(651) 686-5549
Bonnie Blaylock
(952) 703-0509
2009 MWPGA Tournament Schedule
Four-Ball Championship — May 16th (close date 05/04/09)
Manitou Ridge GC, White Bear Lake, MN
Match Play Championship — June 12th to 14th (close date 05/27/09)
Phalen Park GC, St. Paul, MN
State Publinks Championship — July 11th and 12th (close date 06/29/09)
Braemar GC, Edina, MN
State Senior Publinks Championship — August 3rd and 4th
(close date 07/20/09)
Blueberry Pines GC, Menahga, MN
Team/Club Championship — September 13th (close date 08/31/09)
Highland National GC, St. Paul, MN
Tournament entry forms are available at www.mwpga.org, www.mngolf.org or
from your League Representative. Registration opens April 1 st, 2009
Sally Deyak
(320) 968-6569
Mary Lou Hoff
(952) 920-1976
Kathy Hollenhorst
(763) 261-4938
Stacey Willadsen
(651) 247-2221
Bundle Up For a Better Swing
by Greg Schulze, PGA Master Professional
―You need to tighten up your backswing.‖ If you have heard this from your favorite golf
instructor, you‘re not alone. A common flaw many golf professionals see in our students is
a ―loose‖ golf swing in which the arms/club are wildly swung disconnected from the ―core/
engine‖ muscles which create body pivot. It‘s this disconnect which causes the backswing
to become longer than it needs to be. To create a sound and repetitive golf swing, both the
arms/club and body pivot need to be combined in near equal proportions.
Living in Minnesota, we are all aware that winters are sometimes unbearably cold, but that
did not stop some golf entrepreneurs from providing avenues for continued golf improvement. Fully enclosed golf ―domes‖ are available for wintertime practice. I give lessons at
one of these and discovered an interesting way of helping students feel the ―connection‖
between the arms and body pivot during the swing. Simply leave your winter jacket on
while hitting shots. You will notice a few things; your backswing will become shorter and
Greg Schulze
more connected to your body pivot; your balance will be maintained, which is often compromised when a player‘s arms outrace their body pivot; and you may get the sensation that even though the clubhead
seems to be swinging slower, you actually feel a more powerful impact.
So next time you are stuck indoors or this Spring as you continue to work on your skills, bundle up for a better swing!
Bonnie Blaylock Joins MWPGA Board of Directors story continued from Page 1
Bonnie played and coached fast pitch and slow pitch softball, volleyball
and ice hockey from her teen years into her forties. When her 10 yearold son needed a football coach, she stepped in and assisted the best
she could. When her younger sister needed a soccer coach, Bonnie
said she was willing and almost able to serve (given that she never had
played soccer).
Bonnie and her husband, Wally, have two very athletic sons and the
main family sport is ice hockey. Her husband played hockey in high
school and college, and both sons played in high school. Her youngest
son was the student manager for the Gophers hockey team and during
college invented a device to train skaters in crossovers. He patented the
device, and now operates a training facility in Rogers, MN. Bonnie
also is a hockey fan—having played women‘s and coed hockey,
coached her sons and refereed. Bonnie said, ―With all the darkness in
the winter months in Alaska, there wasn‘t much else to do!‖
Bonnie started participating in a golf league in 1995 at Rich Acres,
which is now a runway at the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport. From there,
the golf league moved to Highland Park Golf Course, and Bonnie now
plays at Phalen Park Golf Course where she has served as President and
Vice President for the Phalen Park women‘s league. Bonnie also participates in the women‘s league at Dwan GC as a substitute although
her computer tech job at Bloomington Jefferson High School only allows her to play when school is out.
Bonnie had to put golf on the shelf until about 15 years ago, when she
returned to Minnesota after living in Alaska for 13 years, and we are
very glad she took up golf again! When asked for a closing comment,
Bonnie said, ―I hope everyone has a great season. Tee it up and hit it
2009 Junior Girls’ Skills &
Rules Clinic
The 2009 MWGA-PGA Junior Girls‘
Skills & Rules Clinic will be held at
Rush Creek Academy at Rush Creek
Golf Course on Saturday, May 2nd,
2009. The clinic runs from 8:00 a.m.
to 1:00 p.m. and will include skills
training, course management, rules of
golf and more!
This is an outstanding FREE clinic for
girls and has been a huge success in
past years. There is a need for volunteers to move golfers from station to
station, to staff the registration area
and to work the food stations that will
be open for breakfast, snacks and
lunch. The volunteer commitment is
from 7:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
If you would like to volunteer for this
event, please contact Joan Archer by
April 20th, 2009 at:
(612) 961-4488 (cell)
Players Endorse Match Play Format
by: Judy Bohn
Jones def. Smith 3 & 2; Ochoa def. Inkster 1 up.
Just what does this golf jargon mean?
These are examples of how match play tournament results are reported. A clarification of the above jargon is—Jones defeated
Smith because she was up 3 holes with 2 holes to play, and Ochoa defeated Inkster by 1 hole at the completion of 18 holes of play.
The MWPGA Match Play Championship, scheduled for June 12-14, 2009, at Phalen Park Golf Course in St. Paul, offers an opportunity to each
participant to compete hole-by-hole against one opponent during a round of golf. This unique format, once experienced, often becomes a favorite tournament framework for many players. A popular opinion
shared by players who prefer the match play format is that if a
―There are not many opportunities for match play competition within the
player ―falls apart‖ on a hole, which can happen to the best of
Minnesota women’s golf circle. The MWPGA match play event
players, she is still in the game because that score is only one
(hopefully) forces the gracious competitor to come out in each of us—
hole, against one competitor, not the entire field (as in stroke
forces a player to focus more— requires a player to approach the game
play tournaments). A player can muster energy and motivation
more strategically—and it is really fun!”
to ―regroup‖ and continue on to the next hole, knowing that she
Carey Dubbs, Keller GC
continues to remain competitive in the match.
The USGA Rules of Golf devotes an entire rule (Rule 2) to match play. Following are a few specific examples of how match play rules differ
from stroke play rules:
Rule 2-1 introduces/defines the word ―dormie‖ as it pertains to match play – check it out.
Rule 2-4 states that a player may ―concede‖ her opponent‘s next stroke at any time provided the opponent‘s ball is at rest…but, once
given, a concession may not be declined or withdrawn.
Rule 2-5 addresses doubts or disputes which may arise
during the course of the match. A ―claim‖ may be filed,
“I really enjoy playing against women who have the same handicap.
but it must be made before teeing off from the next teeing
Your drives end up almost even, your goofs are matched, and if you
ground…this is different from Rule 3-3 which can be
blow up on a hole, it’s just one point so you can catch up on another
invoked in stroke play which requires the player to play
hole. I see some of the same women each year, and it is fun to see
two balls.
[See USGA Rules of Golf for exact verbiage
who has improved and moved up a flight. Give it a try!”
and full Match Play rules.]
Dianne K. Johnson, Sawmill GC
Even with the uniqueness and popularity of this format, the
MWPGA Match Play Championship had fewer participants in 2008. To encourage more participation in 2009, previous MWPGA participants
shared their thoughts on the MWPGA Match Play Championship.
2008 Match Play Championship participant, Merridith Duellman-Joly, Chisago Lakes GC, explained, ―I had an outstanding time playing in the
MWPGA match play event last year at Phalen. Being held so early in the season, this tournament provides an opportunity to get your ‗feet wet‘
with competitive golf. The MWPGA Board runs an excellent tournament, and they really know how to make the entrants feel that their play is
important to helping grow women‘s golf in Minnesota.‖
Jeanne Drewes, a member of Bunker Hills GC and a newcomer to the match play format, said, ―The 2008 MWPGA Match Play Championship
was truly a wonderful experience! This was my first time as a participant in this event, and I was not disappointed. The event was well organized, professionally run, and the tournament officials were warm and welcoming. This event is one that anyone, of any skill level, can enjoy.
I‘m looking forward to future MWPGA Match Play Championships!‖
―2008 was my first year playing in the MWPGA
Women’s Match Play Championship and I had a
wonderful time. I really enjoyed the atmosphere of
the tournament—all of the women have a deep competitive spirit but at the same time can laugh off bad
shots and support one another.”
Olivia Lansing, Manitou Ridge
Lorelei Libra, Phalen Park GC, described her tournament experience, ―I really
enjoy match play because it makes you adopt a hole-by-hole mentality (which truly
helps you in medal play as well). I only wish there had been more women participating.‖
―There is nothing like match play! Last year was my first time in the MWPGA
match play tourney, and I will definitely be back. It was well run and very organized; Phalen was in great shape; it was a great weekend,‖ said Ruth Thoemke,
Keller GC.
Advocating both the tournament officials and tournament site, Phalen Park GC, player Mary Ann Rentas, Keller GC, added, ―The tournament
is well-organized with friendly volunteers; the course was also in great shape.‖
Terri Kippley, Wapicada GC, said, ―I want to thank the MWPGA Board for all their tireless efforts to host tournaments. If you have not experienced playing in their events, you should. One Board member stated that the higher flights are just as important to the event as the championship
flights. So even if your handicap is not championship caliber, play in one and you will not be disappointed. There are so many wonderful
women I have met, and they have made me feel special and privileged. Thanks again.‖
Perhaps the match play format is just what is needed to kick-start the 2009 golf season for MWPGA members! Give it a try at
Phalen Park GC in June. For more details, go to the MWPGA web site at www.mwpga.org.
Greg Schulze to Speak at MWPGA Spring Meeting
The keynote speaker at the MWPGA Spring Meeting at Phalen Golf Course on April 18, 2009 will be Greg Schulze, a St.
Paul native and Director of the Greg Schulze Golf Learning Center at Island Lake Golf and Training Center in Shoreview,
Minnesota. His timely topic, “Fit Mind, Fit Body, and Fit for Golf” should appeal to women interested in improving their
golf game and getting off to a positive start for the new golf season. In 2008, Greg completed studies to become a Certified
Golf Fitness Instructor through Titleist Performance Institute, and is the only PGA Master Professional with this certification
in Minnesota.
During his 23 years as a golf instructor, Greg has helped over 12,000 amateurs, professionals, groups and golf school students. His students include a PGA Tour Winner, a LPGA Tour Player, a Minnesota PGA Senior Player-of-the-Year, a Minnesota PGA Player-of-the Year, a Minnesota State High School Champion, Minnesota State Open Champions and numerous
PGA Club Professionals from across the nation. He was awarded the 2007 Minnesota PGA Teacher of the Year Award and
the 2006 Minnesota PGA Junior Golf Leader Award. He received his greatest honor in 2000 when he was presented with
the Distinguished Service Award from the Minnesota Special Olympics. He is a nationally certified coach for Special Olympics and has directed many clinics, tournaments, and certification schools for parents and coaches.
In addition, he has been a featured speaker at several PGA Teaching Seminars, has published many articles in newspapers
and magazines, has appeared on the Golf Channel, PGA.com and every major network in the Twin Cities, and has hosted his
own weekly live golf radio show. Register for the Spring Meeting today and no later than April 11, 2009 (see Page 7).
2009 State Senior Publinks Championship–Lodging Information
Several lodging options are available for the State Senior Publinks Championship which will be held on
August 3rd and 4th at Blueberry Pines GC in Menahga, MN. Contact the Americ Inn at 1-218-732-1234
for more information and identify yourself as an MWPGA member to secure the special room rate. Other
options include the Super 8 (1-218-732-9704) and the C‘Mon Inn (1-800-258-6891).
The MWPGA will also host a Social Hour on the evening of Monday, August 3rd at the Blueberry
Pines Golf Course. We hope you can join us!
Additional 2009 Events
MWPGA 2010 Tournament Sites
Junior Girls’ Skills & Rules Clinic
Saturday, May 2nd, 2009 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Rush Creek GC (Maple Grove, MN)
May 15th, 2010
River Oaks GC (Cottage Grove, MN)
USGA Women’s Amateur Public Links (WAPL) Qualifying Round
June 4th, 2009
Keller GC (St. Paul, MN)
MGA Women’s Mid-Amateur Championship
June 2nd and 3rd
Mankato GC (Mankato, MN)
MWPGA Fall Annual Meeting
Saturday, September 26th, 2009
Braemar GC (Edina, MN)
You can also play some great courses as part of the
MGA Association Days. Go to
www.mngolf.org for more information.
June 11th- 13th, 2010
Location to be confirmed
July 10th- 11th, 2010
New Prague GC (New Prague, MN)
August 2nd- 3rd, 2010
Dwan GC (Bloomington, MN)
September 12th, 2010
Greenhaven GC (Anoka, MN)
New Rules of Play Sheet Provides
Handy Reference on Key Golf Rules
A summary of the Rules of Play (below) has been created for use in all MWPGA tournaments that encompass Rules of Golf and Conditions. This
provides consistency for the players who participate in our tournaments. We encourage players to read and understand these Rules of Play and
carry it with your rules book. Any changes or additions will be supplied on a supplementary Local Rules sheet provided at each tournament. Please
read the Rules of Play included below, and get a larger, printable version at our website which can be found at www.mwpga.org.
The Minnesota Women’s Public Golf Association tournament play is governed by the USGA Rules of Golf. Any changes or
additions will be supplied on a supplementary Local Rules sheet.
ETIQUETTE In the case of a serious breach of etiquette, the Committee may disqualify a Player under Rule 33-7.
TIME OF STARTING The player must start at the time established by the Committee. If the player arrives at the starting point, ready to play within five minutes of her
starting time, in the absence of circumstances that warrant waiving the penalty of disqualification as provided in Rule 33-7; the penalty for failure to start on time is loss of the
first hole in Match Play or two strokes at the first hole in stroke play. If the player arrives after the five-minute period, the penalty is disqualification. (Note under Rule 6-3)
CONFORMING BALL The ball the player uses must be listed on the current List of Conforming Golf Balls issued by the United States Golf Association (www.usga.org).
Penalty for breach: Disqualification. (Rule 5-1 and Appendix I)
ELECTRONIC MEASURING DEVICES The use of these devices is prohibited in MWPGA competitions.
PACE OF PLAY The player must play without undue delay and in accordance with any pace of play guidelines that the Committee may establish. Between completion of
a hole and playing from the next teeing ground, the player must not unduly delay play. Penalty for breach: two strokes in stroke play or loss of hole in Match Play. (Rule 6-7)
DISCONTINUANCE OF PLAY When play is suspended by the Committee for a dangerous situation, the players must discontinue play immediately and shall not
resume play until the Committee has ordered a resumption of play. All practice areas shall be closed during suspension until the Committee declares them open. Signals:
One (1) long blast repeated = Discontinue play immediately. Two (2) short blasts repeated = Resume play. Three (3) short blasts repeated = non-dangerous suspension,
may finish hole. In the case of lightning, the player has the right to discontinue play even though the Committee has not suspended play. (Rule 6-8)
WATER HAZARDS Defined by yellow stakes and/or lines; and lateral water hazards are defined by red stakes or lines. When both stakes and lines are used to indicate
a water and lateral water hazards, the stakes identify and the lines define the hazard margin. (Rule 26)
GROUND UNDER REPAIR Defined by white lines. French drains and flower beds are deemed to be ground under repair, even if not so marked. (Rule 25-1)
EMBEDDED BALL A ball embedded in its own pitch-mark through the green may be lifted, cleaned and dropped, without penalty, as near as possible to the spot where
it lay but not nearer to the hole. (Rule 25-2 and Local Rule: Appendix I, part B, #4a)
OUT OF BOUNDS Defined by nearest inside points of stakes, flags, fence posts, and masonry walls at ground level. When out of bounds is designated by a white line
on the ground, the line itself is out of bounds. (Rule 27-1)
OBSTRUCTIONS An obstruction is anything artificial, including the artificial surfaces and sides of roads and paths and manufactured ice, except:
Objects defining out of bounds, such as walls, fences, stakes and railings
Any part of an immovable artificial object that is out of bounds
Any construction declared by the Committee to be an integral part of the course
Interference occurs when a ball lies in or on the obstruction or when the obstruction interferes with the player’s stance or the area of the intended swing. The player may lift
the ball and drop it without penalty within one club-length of and not nearer the hole than the nearest point of relief. (Rule 24-2)
OVERHEAD POWER LINES If a ball strikes an overhead power line or cable, while in bounds, the player must disregard that stroke, abandon the ball and play another ball as nearly as possible at the spot from which the original ball was played in accordance to Rule 20-5.
DOUBT AS TO PROCEDURE CLAIMS Stroke Play: If a competitor is doubtful of her rights or procedure during the play of a hole, she may, without penalty, complete the hole with two balls. Before taking further action, the competitor must announce to her marker or a fellow-competitor that she intends to play two balls and which
ball she wishes to count if the Rules permit. The competitor must report the facts of the situation to the Committee before returning her score card. If she fails to do so, she is
disqualified. (Rule 3-3) Match Play: If a doubt or dispute arises between the players, a player may make a claim. The claim must be made before any player in the match
plays from the next teeing ground or in the case of the last hole of the match, before all players in the match leave the putting green. (Rule 2-5) NOTE: A player may not
play a “second ball” in Match Play. Doing so will result in a loss of hole for playing a wrong ball.
SCORE CARD Upon completion of the round, the competitor should check her score for each hole and settle any doubtful points with the Committee. She must ensure
that the marker or markers have signed the score card, sign the score card herself and return it to the Committee at a scoring area in a prompt manner. Penalty for breach:
The competitor is responsible for the correctness of the score recorded for each hole on her score card. If she returns a score for any hole lower than actually taken, she is
disqualified. If she returns a score for any hole higher than actually taken, the score as returned stands. (Rule 6-6)
DECISION Stroke Play: First place ties in each flight will be played off immediately at the end of regulation play, hole-by-hole. The remainder of the field will resolve ties
by a matching of cards following the recommended USGA guidelines found in Appendix I. Player Points for ties other than first place will be added together and split evenly
among the players. (Rule 33-6) Match Play: A match that ends in all square will be played off hole-by-hole until one side wins a hole. The play-off will start, if possible, on
the hole where the match began.
CLOSE OF COMPETITION The competition shall be deemed to have closed when the trophy has been presented to the winner or, in the absence of prize ceremony,
when the Committee has approved all scores.
Amended 03.01.09
These Rules of Play are also available in a larger version at www.mwpga.org.
Registration Form
Saturday, April 18th, 2009
Phalen Park Golf Course (St. Paul, MN)
League Name:___________________________
Names of individual(s) attending:
8:30 A.M. Registration/Information Booths
Callaway Golf
Deb Wilson Photography
Executive Women‘s Golf Assn.
Mannatech (health & nutrition products)
Premier Design Jewelry
Sharry Angell
Sandbaggers golf sandals & shoes
Dri-Drip sunscreen
Cool-It Caddy
Totally Driven (custom golf clubs & repair)
Do you wish to golf after? 9:00 A.M. Breakfast & Meeting
NO 11:00 A.M. Keynote Speaker:
Mr. Greg Schulze, PGA Master Professional
Preferred playing partners: _________________________________
Green fees (pay at course) will be $20.00. You will be notified of
your tee time. Please include an eMail address for your tee time
Cost: $15.00 per person
Registration Deadline: April 11th, 2009
Make checks payable to MWPGA
Send to:
Paula Lutz, MGA Offices
6550 York Avenue South, Suite 211
Edina, MN 55435
Registration forms also available online at: www.mwpga.org
2009 MWPGA Member Leagues
Go to www.mwpga.org for the list of the 2009 MWPGA member leagues. If your women‘s league is not listed,
you may not have a current membership in the MWPGA. Contact your League Representative or President of
your Women‘s Club. Or, contact Cindy Miller of the MWPGA Board of Directors for more information at:
(651) 686-5549 or miller4152@comcast.net
Cut out this Rules Tip Card and keep it in your golf bag!
News From The Fringe
Rule Number — Situation — Ruling
Rule 27 Out of bounds - A
Rule 27 Lost Ball - A
Rule 28 Unplayable Lie - A, F or H
Rule 26 In water hazard (yellow) – A, H or K
Rule 26 In lateral water hazard (red) A, G, H, I or K
Rule 25 In ground under repair – J or K
Rule 13 Grounding club or moving loose
impediment in hazard - D or E
Rule 24 Artificial obstruction interferes with
lie, stance or swing – J or K
Rule 18 Ball in play moves after address – B
Rule 19 Ball strikes self/own equipment – C
Rule 19 Ball strikes competitor/their
equipment in stroke play – L
Rule 15 Hitting wrong ball - D or E
Rule 8 Giving or asking advice - D or E
See reverse side for Ruling.
MWPGA Newsletter Editor
Kathy Hollenhorst
(763) 261-4938
MGA Women‘s Golf Manager
Paula Lutz
(952) 345-3961
Attn: Paula Lutz
6550 York Ave. S.
Suite 211
Edina, MN 55435
Calling All MWPGA Volunteers (page 1)
President Hanna Opens the 2009 Season (page 2)
MWPGA Players Endorse Match Play (page 4)
New Rules of Play Sheet Available (page 6)
Free Golf & Tournament Registration
Giveaway at the MWPGA Spring Meeting!
Join us for the Spring Meeting at Phalen Park GC
on Saturday, April 18th! We will be giving away
more than a dozen rounds of golf and a free 2009
tournament registration. Must be present to
win—sign up to attend today!
Cut out this Rules Tip Card and keep it in your golf bag!
Check out the new MWPGA website!
The MWPGA website is undergoing a facelift and
a new site will be launching in April! The new
site has expanded content and information, including a member profile process and a simplified
tournament registration process that automatically
fills in the details from your profile. Check it out!
Go to: www.mwpga.org
One stroke and distance
One stroke and replace ball
One stroke and play as it lies
Two strokes - stroke play
Loss of hole – match play
One stroke and drop within two club lengths,
not nearer the hole
One stroke and drop within two club lengths
from where the ball last crossed the hazard
margin (not nearer the hole)
One stroke and drop as far back as desired
on line from hole through where the ball lay
or last crossed the hazard margin
One stroke and drop within two club lengths
from point on opposite margin equidistant
from hole
Drop within one club-length of nearest point
of relief (no penalty)
Play as it lies (no penalty)
Putting Green: Cancel & replay stroke
Other than: Play as it lies (no penalty)