PDF First - Datalogics


PDF First - Datalogics
PDF First
Color conversion easily done...
pdfColorConvert from callas software is more than just a tool for simple color
conversion: in many printing houses, newspaper and journal publishing houses,
it has become an indispensable tool in PDF workflow, because fast and problemfree erroneous color settings can be changed.
Whether an internationally operated business or a handicraft
business on the corner, a considerable part of an advertising
budget goes to print products. However, not every marketing
colleague is also, at the same time, a trained graphic artist.
Moreover, few employees possess the grounded expertise in the
printing domain or even in modern color management. Indeed,
high-quality layout programs possess all the necessary color
management settings, for example for a correct four color offset
printing on coated paper; however, most users are unfamiliar
with them. Therefore, ever more frequent crude errors will only
be discovered by the commissioned printing house and will
certainly be expensive.
Prepared print announcements cause substantial problems
in printing houses with mismatched color settings.
pdfColorConvert requires, with its easily understood user
interface, only three different parameter settings for PDF color
optimization. With the color space designation of the original
file, the definition of the profile goal, as well as the handling of
spot colors, every imaginable conversion is possible. The most
important profiles, based on ISO standards, are provided with
pdfColorConvert and thus enable everyone to perform professional color management – whether for printing, the internet,
or CD-/DVD-ROM production.
pdfColorConvert is not only an unbeatable aid for professionals from the printing industry but also for processing PDF files
from the office world. Thus, the tool makes the simple conversion possible of PDF files which have been prepared in standard
Office programs, such as Word or PowerPoint. Few users from
the management, marketing or the secretariat know that these
programs operate in the RGB color space, and the conversion
of the primary colors into printable CMYK colors is not an easy
matter. Inappropriate conversion to CMYK results in dull colors
and composite black. However, pdfColorConvert possesses its
own conversion algorithms particularly optimized for this purpose, which ensure that the colors in Office can be accurately
converted and printed out at any time.
pdfColorConvert is the universal tool for PDF colors
Very easily understandable PDF color optimization settings
The tool offers perfect colors with a few clicks or with optimal
default configuration files in the automated CLI version. In the
process, it always reliably adapts to even the most difficult data
and is ideal for use in accepting automated advertisements or
receiving setting copies in publishing and printing houses.
For instance, if announcement pages reach the printing
machine with color values that are too high, then the machine
must be stopped in the worst case scenario and entire production halted resulting in high costs. In order for this not to occur,
many businesses already employ callas software’s verification
tool, pdfInspektor, with data acceptance, in order to intercept
color problems before they arise.
Here comes pdfColorConvert onto the scene: whether as
an Adobe Acrobat plug-in or as an automated CLI command
line module, in both cases, it is at the user’s disposal as a
fast, robust and extremely comprehensive tool for color
Spot colors can be converted quickly with pdfColorConvert
callas software gmbh · Schönhauser Allee 6-7 · 10119 Berlin (Germany) · Tel +49.30.44390310 · www.callassoftware.com · info@callassoftware.com
...ensures correct color printouts of PDFs and perfect print results by use of
fine-tuned color conversions and color corrections.
Performance Characteristics
offers most simple use
stands out for its easily comprehensible user interface
short ramp-up time
offers very quick conversion
includes all important configurations
ensures brilliant colors in Office documents
avoids RGB issues
ensures correct brand color (CI/CD)
supports current color standards
adapts PDF files to different printing conditions
guarantees excellent print results and therefore reduces
the amount of customer complaints
differentiated processing of text, graphics and images
smart detection of the document’s origin
contains ICC profiles for all important industry standards
(sheetfed offset, web offset, gravure, newspaper, digital
printing, SWOP)
automatically sets black to overprint
supports DeviceLink profiles for process adaptation
converts to black and white (with and without preserving
spot colors)
supports shadow compensation (black point compensation)
optimized conversion for Office RGB
supports output conditions according to ISO standard
flexible selection of rendering intent
optional ignore function for embedded CMYK profiles
supports all PDF/Acrobat versions including PDF 1.7/
Acrobat 8
plug-in for Adobe Acrobat Standard and Professional
(version 6, 7 and 8), Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista and
Mac OS X (Version 10.2.8 and later)
pdfColorConvert CLI (Command-Line Interface)
ideal for automated sequences and integration into
existing workflows
ideal for large amounts of data owing to a high processing
very easy to scale
allows to set up and replace own color conversion settings
can easily be combined with other products from callas
for integration in solutions like Gradual SWITCH or
Helios PDFHandshake
automatic processing by pdfAutomator or control with the
command line
pdfAutomator’s user interface permits the adjustment,
parallel processing and control of any number of
pdfColorConvert CLI job queues
pdfColorConvert CLI can be integrated via command-line
requests in automated server processes or web applications
processes an average of 30 PDF pages per minute
parallel processing by calling multiple instances, optimal
usage of multi-processor systems
runs on all major server platforms: Windows 2000/XP/2003/
Vista, Mac OS X (Version 10.2.8 and later), Linux (RedHat
and Suse Version 8 and later), Sun Solaris (x86 and SPARC)
pdfColorConvert SDK (Programming Library)
available for Windows, Linux, Sun Solaris (x86 and SPARC),
Mac OS X, IBM/AIX platforms
for integration into solutions and products
flexible licensing models
SDK test version and further information upon request
callas software gmbh · Schönhauser Allee 6-7 · 10119 Berlin (Germany) · Tel +49.30.44390310 · www.callassoftware.com · info@callassoftware.com
Customer Story
PrintOnline AG, Zurich:
“callas products are the
heart of our platform”
Time-consuming error searches during print campaigns in Switzerland are a thing of the past
– PrintOnline operates a PDF-based display portal from products developed by callas software.
For nearly ten years, PrintOnline AG has been instrumental
regarding the Swiss advertising and printing industry. What
sounds first of all like a stroke of genius for an internet startup company has been located in a suburb of Zurich for a long
time. PrintOnline AG operates a fully automated digital portal
for sending announcements over the internet. What is to be
seen on the flat screens in the five-person company is this:
nearly all large print advertising campaigns of the country are
completed over the POLDIRECT portal. From automakers to the
food industry to indigenous wholesale distributors – altogether
approximately 50 percent of all Swiss print announcements run
over PrintOnline AG’s server. So, at peak times, up to 14,000
announcements are processed per month and up to 1,000 are
processed per day.
1. On the one hand, it offers its advertising clients the possibility
of digitally submitting their print announcements to all the wellknown newspapers and magazines of Switzerland;
2. On the other hand, it supplies the printing and publishing
houses connected to the system with PDF advertisements that
are verified and ready to print. The proposal is not financed
by announcement and advertising clients but instead by the
affiliated publishing houses, who profit doubly: PrintOnline
guarantees that all sources of error, which can cause high costs
at printing, are eliminated at the outset. Just as important:
Necessary coordination between advertising departments and
clients are reduced to a minimum thus saving money.
“We have consciously decided in favor of the Zurich region,
because the center of the Swiss printing and advertising
industry is here.“ explains Kurt Obrist, Managing Director of
PrintOnline AG. Launched at the end of 1996, the portal took off
in February of 1997. Founded as a joint venture of three large
publishing houses, Ringier, Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) and
Tamedia AG, as well as Publicitas, as a national marketing organization for the Swiss press, the company pursues two goals:
Meanwhile, the expanding company is so well known that
it verifies and processes not only advertisements but also an
entire regional newspaper over the system.
“It usually takes between 10 and 20 seconds until a
PDF is completely verified, a low resolution version and
thumbnail are generated, as well as all data, report
included, is written back into the database. Only callas’
CLI tools can do that.“
Roman Vogel, PrintOnline’s IT Chief
callas software gmbh · Schönhauser Allee 6-7 · 10119 Berlin (Germany) · Tel +49.30.44390310 · www.callassoftware.com · info@callassoftware.com
“In order to operate a display portal, one needs
high-quality tools, which work in a stable fashion and can give a
strong performance. For three years, we have continuously used
callas’ CLI tools, and we are very satisfied.”
Kurt Obrist, Managing Director, PrintOnline
callas software sets the standard
The heart of the control system are products of callas
software. Detailed announcements in PDF format are, first of
all, put through the acid test by pdfInspektor3 CLI, which is
integrated into the portal. If the files for use are suitable in
the prepress stage, the clients immediately receive a report
displayed on the internet page and an automatic confirmation
e-mail from the system. In the next step, another callas software
product, pdfCorrect CLI, produces, in addition to the original, a
low resolution copy of the file – as a test by the advertising client
or media agency. Then, the advertisements are forwarded on to
the printer.
Like the office space, all server, storage and network components from PrintOnline are also housed in the NZZ buildings in
Schlieren. In this setup, two Linux servers form the test backbone of the portals. Altogether eight files can be verified and
processed at the same time employing them. Thus, the load is
evenly distributed on both servers, and this ensures a continuous workflow.
“From the beginning, we were set on Linux, because it ensures the constant accessibility and stability of the system to the
best extent possible,” says IT Chief Roman Vogel. Therefore, in
intensive cooperation with callas software, the first Linux CLI
command line modules were optimized, which verify PDF files
365 days a year and also correct according to the requirements.
However, constant accessibility is not only a challenge to the
system but also to data forwarding, because, as some of the
affiliated newspapers allow data to be sent, others would like
to retrieve it themselves. Therefore, the entire technology must
not only run particularly in a stable fashion but, at any time,
also be flexible enough for new requests and customer wishes.
“That is another
reason why we use
callas software’s
CLI tools: they are
not only fast and
stable but can also
be easily adapted
to new workflow
Kurt Obrist
“In addition, we are fully set on standard components. callas
software, as inventors of the preflight verification in Adobe
Acrobat, sets the standard.”
PrintOnline uses pdfInspektor CLI for verifying PDF files. The
Preflight module is integrated in Adobe Acrobat by default.
callas software gmbh · Schönhauser Allee 6-7 · 10119 Berlin (Germany) · Tel +49.30.44390310 · www.callassoftware.com · info@callassoftware.com
Reliable PDF corrections in seconds
Perfectly errorless PDF files are essential for a reliably functioning workflow in the prepress stage, as well
as for printing, because stopping production is not only irritating but also extremely expensive. With
pdfCorrect, PDF error correction is no longer a task for specialists but can be accomplished in seconds
with some simple mouse clicks.
With the vast popularity of Adobe Acrobat, including its free
Reader, and PDF support in all well-known programs, print data
production and delivery has drastically changed. Clients deliver
printing copies exclusively as PDF files when possible. Some
printing houses, nowadays, accept in lieu of colleague knowhow, no more pure knowledge of QuarkXPress, Illustrator or
InDesign files.
PDF files are ideal for the delivery of printing copies if they
are correctly prepared.
Increasingly, however, production no longer takes place by
experienced media service providers but in do-it-yourself procedures in marketing departments, in secretariats and at home on
the PC. The creator is responsible for non-professional printing
copies, but this doesn’t really help the printing house.
In terms of production, unsuitable PDF files are not to be
identified at first sight.
Therefore, an input verification of printing copies is indispensable and easy to master with Adobe Acrobat’s Preflight or
fully automated with pdfInspektor CLI. But what to do when the
PDF verification finds forgotten ICC profiles, black areas that
knock out or hairlines?
pdfCorrect: repairs problems in no time at all.
pdfCorrect contains a large selection of ready-to-use default settings.
80 different and typical sources of error, which can be problematic with the later printout.
Black text not overprinted leading to ugly streaks? Picture
resolution too high paralyzing the RIP? Hairlines, waste stripping in printing? Undesired ICC profiles destroying the black
generation? White text or graphic elements, set to overprinting,
disappear on the separated printing plates? With the push of a
button, pdfCorrect repairs
these problems, as well
as numerous others and
turns unmanageable PDF
files into printing copies
suitable for production.
Default settings offer
a suitable configuration
in each printout, be it for
sheetfed offset printing
and web offset printing or
gravure printing, respecConfigurations can be flexibly adapted
tively, newspaper printing. In addition, experts
can take up their own settings to the default configurations and
adapt it to their production environment.
A further step is the command line module pdfCorrect CLI:
Especially for service providers of the printing and media industry, meant for an open or closed workflow system, pdfCorrect
CLI offers the completely automated correction of complex PDF
files. One can also, quickly and reliably, correct large PDF data
sets with this solution, and the optimized files can be routed to
the RIP and the printing system for further processing. The integration of pdfCorrect CLI in the workflow systems FullSWITCH
and PowerSWITCH of Belgian company Gradual Software is particularly easy; in a few minutes, the installation is complete, and
even branched converting lines can be provided in the shortest
time possible and carefully supervised.
Problems with PDF files at printing are not only irritating
but also unnecessary and definitely belong to the past with
pdfCorrect from callas software.
pdfCorrect possesses all necessary parameters for secure and
efficient error correction. As a plug-in for Acrobat, the simply
operated tool can provide for almost one hundred percent
security with data preparation by the user. pdfCorrect finds
callas software gmbh · Schönhauser Allee 6-7 · 10119 Berlin (Germany) · Tel +49.30.44390310 · www.callassoftware.com · info@callassoftware.com
...reliably corrects more than 80 different PDF problems, even the most complex cases.
pdfCorrect uses a combination of preflight and subsequent troubleshooting to avoid bad outputs
and effectively guards companies against production downtimes.
Performance Characteristics
corrects all common issues in PDF files, e.g. missing fonts
or unwanted ICC profiles
very easy to use
ensures reliable print results
corrections are performed within seconds
offers more than 80 correction functions
includes ready-made configurations for all important areas
of application
individual configurations can be set up in addition
to the standard
can be flexibly adapted to special requirements and
production environments
differentiated processing of text, graphics and images
clear reports shed light on the corrections performed
predefined profiles for all common output methods like
sheetfed offset, web offset, gravure, newspaper, digital
printing, SWOP as well as for web or screen PDF
embeds missing fonts
removes unwanted CMYK ICC profiles
reduces screen resolution
sets white to knockout and black to overprint, separate
for vectors and text, by font size
removes white area in ads
page geometry is fit when scaling pages
converts to PDF/X-1a or PDF/X-3
optimizes file sizes by removing proprietary data
simple creation of own correction profiles
plug-in for Adobe Acrobat Standard and Professional
(version 6, 7 and 8), Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista and
Mac OS X (Version 10.2.8 and later)
pdfCorrect CLI (Command-Line Interface)
ideal for automated sequences and integration into
existing workflows
ideal for large amounts of data owing to a high
processing speed
very easy to scale
allows to set up and replace own conversion configurations
can easily be combined with other products from callas
for integration in solutions like Gradual SWITCH or
Helios PDFHandshake
automatic processing with pdfAutomator or control with
the command line
pdfAutomator’s user interface permits the adjustment,
parallel processing and control of any number of
pdfCorrect CLI job queues
pdfCorrect CLI can be integrated via command-line
requests in automated server processes or web applications
processes an average of 30 PDF pages per minute
parallel processing by calling multiple instances, optimal
usage of multi-processor systems
runs on all major server platforms: Windows 2000/XP/2003/
Vista, Mac OS X (Version 10.2.8 and later), Linux (RedHat
and Suse Version 8 and later), Sun Solaris (x86 and SPARC)
pdfCorrect SDK (Programming Library)
available for Windows, Linux, Sun Solaris (x86 and SPARC),
Mac OS X, IBM/AIX platforms
for integration into solutions and products
flexible licensing models
SDK test version and further information upon request
callas software gmbh · Schönhauser Allee 6-7 · 10119 Berlin (Germany) · Tel +49.30.44390310 · www.callassoftware.com · info@callassoftware.com
Customer Story
F.E.Burman, London:
“With pdfInspektor we help
our clients work more
For British publishing houses, F.E.Burman Ltd, London, is
more than a prepress and printing service provider. Thanks to
its own development of online project management and verification tools, the company is able to support its customers in a
variety of print and data handling tasks including magazine production and commercial print and mailing services. F.E.Burman
uses callas software’s pdfInspektor to check incoming PDF files.
F.E.Burman Limited is one of the best known prepress and
printing service providers in Britain. Founded in 1958, the
company offers comprehensive file and media management for
incoming customer files in addition to the professional staging of digital print data. F.E.Burman is involved in the prepress
production of many publications as well as handling the asset,
content, and database management and business-continuity for some of the worlds largest international publishers.The
company also specialises in the production of quick digital and
offset printing mailing and fulfilment. Members of staff work
round the clock in South East London to meet the needs of the
company’s well-known customers, which include individual
graphic designers up to well established blue-chip companies
such as The Bank of England and HSBC. Clients also include
publishing houses such as Time Inc., The Guardian Newspaper
Group, the British Medical Journal, and IPC Media.
F.E.Burman’s success can be attributed to the fast working
and processing times achieved by using the internet for data
delivery, the use of the most up-to-date file server technology,
online systems with integrated project management tools,
and seamless automatic workflows. Many of the services
F.E.Burman offers are custom built by F.E.Burman using best-ofbreed tools to meet deliver exactly what is needed. This allows
F.E.Burman to offer special services, such as Auditor, to customers like IPC Media. Auditor enables IPC Media to check and
project manage magazines before sending them on to the final
destination which includes printing as well as digital editions.
This tool, which was developed by F.E.Burman is easily integrated into existing editorial and workflow systems and accessed
by customers and employees via a normal internet browser. The
‘Country and Leisure’ department relies on the Auditor for print
data checks. This tool allows publications such as ‘Anglers Mail’,
‘Country Life’, ‘Golf Monthly’, or ‘Motor Boat and Yachting’ to
be checked before they even leave the publishing house.
callas software gmbh · Schönhauser Allee 6-7 · 10119 Berlin (Germany) · Tel +49.30.44390310 · www.callassoftware.com · info@callassoftware.com
“We are extremely pleased with the
performance of the pdfInspektor.”
Andy Psarianos, F.E.Burman director in charge of development
“First we like to define a process and then we automate it, not
the other way around”, explains Andy Psarianos, F.E.Burman
director in charge of development. “Auditor allows our clients to
manage their publications more effectively by centralising the
final stages of checking and distributing files and therefore reducing costs and saving time. We built it with this in mind, and
to us it was clear that pdfinspektor was the tool that we needed
to make the validation part of Auditor work. It is fast, easy to
work with, and does exactly what we want it to do accurately and
without flaw thousands of times a week. It only takes seconds
to check quite complex PDF files so we give our clients instant
feedback therefore giving them a chance to rectify the problem
immediately. I couldn’t be happier”.
Auditor uses pdfInspektor in the background to check all
incoming files. It can identify and weed out files that aren’t
suitable for printing immediately. The detailed pdfInspektor
reports that are created during the check help customers and
employees to quickly identify the problem, thereby avoiding unnecessary costs. Previously, prepress employees at F.E.Burman
often had to open defective files manually, find the problem,
and then attempt to correct the file. Defective files can now be
identified quickly and replaced. Thanks to the Auditor and the
pdfInspektor, defective PDF files that cause costly problems are
a thing of the past.
“We are
pleased with
the performance of the
Without it,
we would not
have been able
to offer the
ditor service
in its current
form. We
also use the
to check all other customer PDF files. This is because using the
quick and reliable pdfInspektor ensures that the PDF publication pages and ads that we receive from the publishing houses
are 100% perfect for printing” says Andy Psarianos.
F.E.Burman utilizes pdfInspektor to verify PDF files in Auditor
callas software gmbh · Schönhauser Allee 6-7 · 10119 Berlin (Germany) · Tel +49.30.44390310 · www.callassoftware.com · info@callassoftware.com
pdfInspektor CLI
Errors that are detected early cost less...
Integrated into Adobe Acrobat Professional as the ‘Preflight’ module, pdfInspektor is now the standard tool
for checking PDF files in the print industry. pdfInspektor, a flexible and fast command line module, is now
getting ready to take the automated digital workflow system market by storm.
Since it was first developed in the early 1990s, Adobe Systems’
Portable Document Format (PDF) has become the de facto
standard for data delivery in the print industry. The advantages
of the format for print publishing have always been clear: It’s
a cross-platform format that enables considerably smaller file
sizes and allows embedded fonts. PDF was also the first format
to allow the digitization of the entire work process, from document creation to the printing press, and to allow extensive
automation to reduce process times and costs.
Automatic validation with pdfInspektor CLI
As a command line tool, pdfInspektor can offer even more
functions. A flexible and reliable high-performance validation tool for automation, it can be integrated into any digital
However, even PDF technology has a drawback:
Not all PDF files can also be used for professional production printing. Ostensibly correct PDF files that were produced
by less than ideal software products or that were not optimized or validated for printing come to a full stop when they
reach the printing press, resulting in significant additional
This is where callas software’s pdfInspektor comes into
play: As of Version 6, this tool is an integral preflight plug-in
for Adobe Acrobat Professional, and is the nearest thing to a
standard tool for the professional validation of PDF files for
printing that the industry has. It allows numerous applicationdependent checks to be carried out for various printing tasks or
for publishing PDF files on the internet. More than 800 different
properties can be combined as required to check whether or
not PDF files are suitable for printing and to quickly and easily
find any errors. With callas software’s Preflight module, Adobe
Acrobat provides users of Adobe Acrobat Professional with the
most powerful tool for comprehensively checking PDF files on
the market.
Easy-to-use user interface of pdfAutomator makes automated PDF
processing child’s play
pdfInspektor CLI provides printers, publishers, and media
service providers with the ability to automatically check
incoming PDF files at the data acceptance stage to see whether
or not they are suitable for production. To aid this process,
pdfInspektor offers extensive report options that enable problematic objects to be quickly identified – even in large, complex
PDF files. Errors can be easily displayed using screens, with
comments or on separate layers.
PDF files with content that cannot be corrected or that would
require a disproportionately high amount of work to correct can
be weeded out. This means that defective files do not even reach
the printing process itself, and customers can use the reports
to facilitate the revision process. This is why many companies
already use callas software’s pdfInspektor CLI validation tool
for data acceptance and validation: Devotees include Konradin
Druck of the Konradin publishing group (based in LeinfeldenEchterdingen near Stuttgart), PrintOnline AG of Zurich, and
F.E.Burman of London.
Detailed verification reports to make it easier to analyze problems
callas software gmbh · Schönhauser Allee 6-7 · 10119 Berlin (Germany) · Tel +49.30.44390310 · www.callassoftware.com · info@callassoftware.com
pdfInspektor CLI
With over 800 individually configurable test options, pdfInspektor is the leading test tool for
creating, transmitting and processing PDF files.
Performance Characteristics
offers comprehensive testing of all PDF file characteristics
through unsurpassed performance
ensures the usability of PDF files for specific areas of application (such as compatibility with older versions of Acrobat,
ability to be produced in certain printing processes, ability
to be archived)
identifies production problems and minimizes risks during
the processing and releasing of PDF files
reduces risks when receiving third-party PDF files
lowers costs by avoiding negative printing issues
supports both ISO standards PDF/X and PDF/A
predefined validation rules according to GWG and
PDFX-ready guidelines
includes ready-made configurations for all important areas
of application
based on the same test engine as Acrobat Preflight
Adobe Acrobat Professional preflight test profiles can be
used directly
ideal for large amounts of data owing to a high processing
no accidental changes to PDF files
particularly meaningful test results through configurable
severity codes
offers clear display of results as a text or PDF report
validation rules can be fine-tuned to exact specifications
checks more than 800 characteristics
validates both PDF files and resources used therein (fonts,
images, ICC profiles and XML metadata)
profiles fully compatible with Preflight Acrobat 8
supports all principle standards: validates and creates
PDF/X-1a, PDF/X-3, PDF/X-4, PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-1b
supports all PDF versions (including PDF 1.7/Acrobat 8)
differentiated checking of individual attributes through
flexible comparison operators
several attributes combinable to one validation rule
severity code of a validation rule adjustable in 3 gradations
(error, warning, information)
preflight profiles in XML format
easily-parsed XML or ASCII reports for efficient machine
clear and concise text or PDF reports for a quick overview
creation of various reports in one test run
validates contained IPTC and other image metadata and
displays them in a report
processes an average of 60 PDF pages per minute
automatic processing by pdfAutomator or control with
the command line
pdfAutomator’s user interface permits the adjustment,
parallel processing and control of any number of
pdfInspektor CLI job queues
pdfInspektor CLI can be operated via command-line
automated server processes or integrated into web
runs on all major server platforms: Windows 2000/XP/2003/
Vista, Mac OS X (Version 10.2.8 and later), Linux (RedHat
and Suse Version 8 and later), Sun Solaris (x86 and SPARC)
pdfInspektor SDK (Programming Library)
available for Windows, Linux, Sun Solaris (x86 and SPARC),
Mac OS X, IBM/AIX platforms
for integration into solutions and products
flexible licensing models
SDK test version and further information upon request
callas software gmbh · Schönhauser Allee 6-7 · 10119 Berlin (Germany) · Tel +49.30.44390310 · www.callassoftware.com · info@callassoftware.com 11
callas software gmbh
...leads the world in the development of high-quality PDF
tools for print and online publishing as well as document
management and archiving. Acrobat plug-ins, command-line
tools and programming libraries of callas software check, correct, and optimize PDF files for various applications. At callas
software GmbH, which was founded by Olaf Drümmer in 1995
and which is headquartered in Berlin (Germany), more than 20
employees develop powerful PDF verification and correction
tools for customers all over the world. Since 2002 callas software delivers PDF verification technology to Adobe Systems. As
a member of the Adobe Solutions Network (ASN) and in close
cooperation with Adobe, callas software is capable of tailoring
its own solutions and technologies to the latest PDF developments always in due time.
Olaf Drümmer has been committed since the late 1990s to
establishing international standards on the basis of PDF and has
played a crucial role within ISO in the development of the PDF/X
standard since 1999. In addition, callas software developed one
of the first tools for PDF/X validation in the form of the Preflight
plug-in for Adobe Acrobat Professional.
With pdfColorConvert, pdfCorrect and pdfInspektor – each
being available as an Acrobat plug-in, as a command-line
module for server applications and as an SDK for developers
– callas software offers an extensive product portfolio for the
verification and processing of PDF files. The PDF tools of callas
software stand out for their reliability, simple use and integration into existing workflows, and offer high throughput and
callas software is a member of the Ghent PDF Workgroup,
PDFX-ready, European Color Initiative, and CIP4 industry associations and is actively involved in the standardization committees of DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.).
Product Description
Product Specification
Customer Story
Product Description
Product Specification
Customer Story
Product Description
Product Specification
Company Profile
pdfColorConvert – Color conversion easily done...
pdfColorConvert Plug-in/CLI PrintOnline AG, Zurich: “callas products are the heart of our platform” pdfCorrect
pdfCorrect CLI – Reliable PDF corrections in seconds pdfCorrect CLI Plug-in/CLI
F.E.Burman, London: “With pdfInspektor we help our clients work more effectively”
pdfInspektor CLI – Errors that are detected early cost less...
pdfInspektor4 CLI
callas software gmbh
callas software gmbh · Schönhauser Allee 6-7 · 10119 Berlin (Germany) · Tel +49.30.44390310 · www.callassoftware.com · info@callassoftware.com