AlsoInside 3 4 6 - Apostolic Church of God


AlsoInside 3 4 6 - Apostolic Church of God
E D I F I C AT I O N • I N S P I R AT I O N • B O O K S • C O M M U N I T Y & O U T R E A C H • H E A LT H & W E L L N E S S • M I N I S T R Y • YO U T H
A P R I L / M AY 2015
Learn the key to building a firm foundation | Strivettes award nearly $50,000 in scholarships | The Annual Bible Conference commences this month
Building a Strong Foundation, Part 1
What kind of materials are you using?
Dr. Byron T. Brazier
by Dr. Byron T. Brazier
Photo by Fred Brown
Did you love The Three Little Pigs as a kid? No
matter how many times you heard or read the
story, did you always wonder if the first two pigs
would escape the clutches of the wolf?
Now that you’re all
grown up, you know
the lesson, or the
many lessons, of
this story. Such
lessons include
these: hard work
pays off, what
you build with
is important, you
must always be
and so
on. Those same lessons can be found in Scripture,
particularly the one about building your life with
the right materials. Consider the words of Christ
in Matthew 7:24–27 of the New King James
Version Bible:
Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine,
and does them, I will liken him to a wise man
who built his house on the rock: and the rain
descended, the floods came, and the winds blew
and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for
it was founded on the rock. “But everyone who
hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do
them, will be like a foolish man who built his
house on the sand: and the rain descended, the
floods came, and the winds blew and beat on
that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.
When it comes to your life, Christ, and Christ
alone, is the only firm and sure foundation to
build an effective spiritual life. With Him, you
can withstand all the things that you will surely
encounter as you journey life’s plains, valleys, and
mountains on Earth. If you live long enough, you
will experience the storms of life. And you can
most certainly expect the “big, bad wolf ” to come
for you—especially if you are saved and striving to
live for the Lord.
In Matthew, Jesus talked about setting the right
foundation. Again, He is the foundation. When
you receive Him as Lord and Savior, you set the
foundation to live a successful life. For God so
loved the world that He gave His only begotten
Son, that whoever believes in Him should not
perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). The
materials and tools with which you build include
Bible study, prayer, fellowship, and service.
So the initial choice begins with Jesus, or
salvation in Him. After you make that critical
decision, you are empowered by the presence
of the Holy Spirit in you to choose the right
“materials” to build with. Repent, and let every
one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ
continued on page 11
2 | The Cross&Crown
Founding Editor
Therese McGee
Once upon a time there were three little pigs. One pig built a house of straw while the second pig built his
house with sticks. They built their houses very quickly and then sang and danced all day because they were
lazy. The third little pig worked hard all day and built his house with bricks.
ore than likely, you know what
happens next in the beloved
children’s fable The Three Little
Pigs. The big, bad wolf comes on
the scene and goes after the first and second pigs,
or his lunch and dinner. The two pigs take cover
in their houses but to no avail: the wolf easily
destroys their houses by huffing and puffing and
blowing them down. Built of only straw and
sticks, the houses were too weak to withstand the
very winds of the wolf ’s breath.
The two pigs then run to the third pig’s house
and take cover. The wolf figures he can do to
the third house as he did to the first and second
houses. However, this time his huffing and puffing
and blowing are no match for the house made of
bricks. So he gets an idea: the wolf decides to climb
through the chimney, but the third pig—the smart
one, the one that put in the work—was one step
ahead of the wolf. He boiled a pot of water and
placed it right below the chimney. The wolf fell in
and died on an empty stomach. And the three little
pigs lived happily ever after.
Managing Editor
Jennifer LuVert
Cynthia Brawner
Darlene Dennard
Reginald Griffin
Samira Robinson
Sharon Prince
Church Office Assistant
Doris Williams
Donnie Hampton
Leonard E. McGee
Editorial Assistant
Sharon Prince
Eric Owens
Ernestine Durham
Linda Johnson
Laura Penson
Carolyn Young
LaShaunn Tappler
LT ComDesign, LLC
The Cross & Crown is published
monthly by the Apostolic Church of
God, 6320 South Dorchester Avenue,
Chicago, Illinois 60637 ©2015.
All submissions are welcome and
will be reviewed for publication.
The deadline for advertisements is
the first Sunday of each month prior
to the month in which the ad will
appear. Submissions should be left
in the newsletter folder in the
administrative office.
ISSN: 1543-9712 Volume 13 Issue 1
Portraits of Faith Series
Someone You Should Know: Linda Ford Jones, Flying High in Faith by Laura H. Penson
hen you think of a person of great faith, a person who has
faced many trials but is still standing, think of Linda Ford
Jones. Linda has been a member of Apostolic Church of
God since 2004, after being introduced to the church by
Dr. Jeanne Porter King, who’s now first lady at Christ Community Church
in South Holland.
A 35-year veteran of the airline industry, Linda always wanted a job
that would allow her to fly and communicate with people. She thought she
would become a pilot but soon realized she wanted to interact with people.
So she decided to become a flight attendant instead. Although she knew
pilots made more money, she didn’t think she would enjoy a job where she
would have to sit in one spot most of the time and not talk to anyone.
Working as a flight attendant—let alone landing a job as one—during the
1960s was not an easy task for Linda, particularly because it was a volatile
time for African Americans in our country. She recalls civil rights leader
Jessie Jackson and Operation Push organizing boycotts against businesses
that had unfair hiring practices. And she also remembers the Supreme
Court ruling that corporations and businesses had to hire more African
Americans. She credits such decisions for opening the door for her to land
her first job with the now defunct Eastern Airlines. But the difficulty didn’t
end there for Linda.
Linda says she experienced prejudice amongst peers and passengers. At
times when she was the lead flight attendant, some passengers did not want
to talk to her, nor did they want her serving them. Whenever she and the
crew traveled in southern states, they had to share rooms—but Linda often
had to room alone because none of her co-workers wanted to share a room
with her. But not every co-worker shunned Linda.
In spite of the cruel treatment she initially experienced in her early days
as a flight attendant, Linda was determined to prove she was intelligent and
could still perform her tasks. She encouraged herself and did not give up.
“I either had to sink or swim, and
I wasn’t going to sink,” Linda said.
She describes herself as someone
who was aggressive and outgoing;
she wanted to make it. And she did,
retiring after thirty-five years in the
industry. “You can change yourself—
you can conquer anything,” she said.
And Linda is clear that she could
only do what she did with God’s
help. She recalls the words to a song
she learned coming up at a Lutheran
“There’s no secret what God can
do. What He did for others, He will
do for you.”
After retiring from the airline industry, Linda discovered she had
polycystic kidney disease. Polycystic kidney disease is characterized by the
growth of numerous cysts in the kidneys. It’s typically diagnosed at birth
or in the first ten years of life, and most people die of it at a young age. As it
turned out, Linda was born with organs that did not develop in their proper
place. Her doctors told her she was blessed her organs did not rupture.
When it comes to physical ailments, Linda has experienced more than
her fair share of trials: two knee replacements, inoperable tumors in her
stomachs, and disintegrated thumbs. She’s had twenty-eight surgeries in all.
But Linda doesn’t feel sorry for herself; nor does she question why she has
gone through so much. “You have to have faith; you’ve got to keep pressing,”
she said about dealing with adversity. Instead Linda praised God, constantly
thanking Jesus for her life.
The following people came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ or transferred their church membership between September 2014 – January 2015:
Marcus Adkins
Ashley Allen
Darlene Amao
Nina Anderson
Robert Anderson
Sandra Anderson
Tonia Anderson
Cynthia Arnold
Aminat Bailey
Sarah Baker
Terrell Baker
John Baldwin
Cynthia Banks-Pollard
Michael Barnett
Aishah Belin
Naimah Belin
Kashica Bennett
Kelii Bibar
John Billings
DeQuia Blake
Alexis Bobo
Amanda Bobo
Gladys Body
Cherita Bounds
Kevin Bradd
Patrick Branham
Rhonda Branham
Hilliard-Hammond Brennen
Chanta Brewer
Brenda Brewster
Adriana Brown
Anthony Brown
Ari Brown
Benjamin Brown
Bernard Brown
Charles Brown
Donald Brown
Ernest Brown
Sarah Brown
Orlando Burns
Alex Burton
Katherine Burton
Kyla Butler
Benjio Caffee
Natoria Campbell
Joseph Carrao
Darmisha Chatmon
Janice Coklow
Willie Coleman
Dalija Craig
Resean Crawford
Kelly Crump
Iris Crump-Sewell
Sinclair Cunningham
Donald Dailey
Shanika Davidson
Carolyn Davis
Carolyn B. Davis
Marcus Davis
Michael Davis
Louise DeMaret
Sylvia Dogan
Alana Dotson
Andrea Douthard
Curtis Dowdell
Destiny Dugboe
Miguel Eagles
list continued on page 5
New Members News
Save the Date. The New Members
Annual Conference is May 16. Please
mark your calendars and plan to
attend. Check your church bulletin for
upcoming details. Registration is free.
This conference is for all new members
and those who have never attended a
conference. Please call 773.256.4204 if
you have questions.
April/May 2015 | 3
Brother Thomas Durham,
Exercising His Faith
Brother Thomas Durham is quiet and unassuming. Yet, he’s a giant in his
faith. If you don’t know him, there’s a great chance you’ve seen him around.
He’s one of the faithful ushers opening the doors to the sanctuary or directing
you to your seat. If you’re a ACOG member who’s had the privilege of
attending an ACOG retreat, he’s one of the faithful retreat leaders giving
you directions for the day or answering all your questions. In short, Brother
Durham may be quiet, but he’s incredibly serious about his service to
God and God’s people. And he’s definitely someone you should know … if
you don’t already. Following is a profile written by his covenant partner,
Ernestine Durham, and submitted by the Board of Ushers.
rother Durham’s faith experience with the Lord and the
Apostolic Church of God began at once when he was baptized
in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in 1968, under the
pastorate of then Elder Arthur M. Brazier. (In 1976, Elder
Brazier became Bishop Arthur M. Brazier, the diocesan of the sixth
episcopal district of Pentecostal Assemblies of the World). Brother
Durham has been a member of the Official Board of the Apostolic Church
of God since 1969, and he serves in the capacity of trustee.
Brother Durham is a graduate of Chicago State University and holds
degrees in chemical engineering and chemistry. He worked for NICOR
Gas for 32 years before retiring in 2005. He currently works at H&R Block,
where he serves as office manager in the premium tax office.
Soon after being baptized in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ, Brother Durham involved himself in the activities of the men’s
ministry. He became a member of the men’s choir and held various offices
in the men’s ministry, including treasurer and assistant chairman. He
expanded his involvement in the men’s ministry outside the boundaries of
his local church by becoming active in the Illinois District Council (IDC)
Brotherhood. He has also held various offices in the IDC Brotherhood,
including Assistant Treasurer, Vice-Chairman, and Chairman of the Illinois
State Brotherhood.
In 2003, at the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World Convention in New
Orleans, Brother Durham was nominated to run for the office of Assistant
Brotherhood Chairman of the International Men’s Ministry Auxiliary.
Although the Lord has blessed Brother Durham to have a passion for
serving in men’s ministry, his passion and dedication to being an usher has
never been unsurpassed. In 1968, Brother Durham joined the Board of
Ushers as one of its first male members. While carrying himself with dignity
and honor, he became an example to other men at the church by opening
up another vineyard where men could also be forceful and effective servants
for the Lord. There are now more than fifty men serving on the Board of
Ushers. He often reflects back on his life saying that he has always been
an usher in some capacity, having served as an usher in high school in the
ROTC. He considers being a “door keeper in the House of the Lord” as one
of his life’s greatest accomplishments. He currently serves as its assistant
director, where he proudly displays nine stars representing 45 years of
service on the Board of Ushers.
Never wanting to be an idle bench member, and with a continuous
desire to serve the Lord wherever needed, Brother Durham has been an
active member of the retreat committee, on which he served as logistics
coordinator for many years. With his never-ending desire to help young
4 | The Cross&Crown
Brother Thomas Durham and his wife, Ernestine
people, Brother Durham could often be found at the back of the bus on
church trips or in the corner of the room helping students with their
chemistry and math homework. His passion for chemistry has never ceased
as he continues to devote endless hours to helping his grandchildren with
their chemistry, math, and science fair projects.
Where some have found tax preparation to be stressful, Brother Durham
views unraveling the complexity of tax laws to be challenging and includes
tax preparation as one of his many hobbies along with golf, reading, and
spending time with family.
Brother Durham has been married to his wife, Ernestine, for 47
years, and is the father of three married children: his son, Thomas IV;
his daughter, Keyonnie, who is married to Tyrone Dowdell; and his
youngest son Kevin, who is married to Natalie. Natalie is the daughter of
Elder Nathaniel and Sister Linda George. Brother Durham is the proud
grandfather of five beautiful girls and one boy.
Brother Durham isn’t all
work and no play.
Brother Durham loves serving as an
usher, along with fellow ushers Shellene Rose
(left) and Linda Johnson (right).
Ministry in Motion
The Strivettes Celebrate 30 Years of Giving by Awarding over $47 Thousand
in Scholarships by Carolyn Young
Chicago, Illinois—On December 6, 2014, the Strivettes hosted its Annual
Luncheon and Silent Auction. It was an affair to remember, thanks to our
supporters! We recognize each and every one of you for the contributions
you’ve made. We greatly appreciate your presence, generous donations,
creativity, and willingness to share your God-given gifts and talents in
support of our efforts.
We are grateful to the hostesses, who ushered us in with ease; the
masters of ceremony, who entertained us with their humor and quick wit;
the musicians and singers, who ministered to us in music and song; and the
banquet hall staff, who decorated the beautiful tables, prepared a delicious
meal, and served us with a smile. We enjoyed the fellowship, and everyone
had a good time. We are also grateful to our contributors who donated
auction items and who gave the funds for our two mature scholarship
Your generosity and that of others have allowed us to award scholarships
to 42 students this past year, totaling $47,500. None of this would have
been possible without your help. Gifted and talented young people from
the Apostolic Church of God are at colleges and universities across the
country pursuing their dreams and concentrating on their studies, not their
finances. The seeds that you have sown will bring forth much fruit.
Because of these seeds, we are blessed to celebrate over 30 years of
giving, and we look forward to many more. As we plan for the future, we
need you more than ever. The cost of a college education continues to
rise, and our children need your continued support to help bridge the gap
between family contributions and financial aid. The gifts you give do make
a difference!
Please make a donation today to our Adopt-A-Student program. All
contributions go to deserving young people who serve in church ministries
and volunteer in their communities. For your convenience, visit our website
at and click on the GuideStar link. Or make a check payable
to “The Strivettes” and mail it to The Strivettes, P.O. Box 288686, Chicago,
IL 60628.
Thank you again for your support and for investing in our children’s
future. You have been a very present help in their time of need.
New Members, continued from page 3
Lanier Earnest
Ruthie Elliott
Edward Evans
Kenneth Evans
Donnie Farrow
Justin Faulkner
Akiya Finley
Honesty Fisher
Justin Fitzpatrick
Mary Fleming-Hughes
Mark Flowers
Trentnisha Forney
Ayanna Franklin
Michelle FrazierDaniel
Tanija Frye
Persephonie Garcia
Michele Gardner
Edward Geddes
Alexandria Gee
Tiffany Germany
Deborah Gilmore
Aaliyah Givens
Aja Givens
Jazlynn Givens
Walter Glass
Dana Goodman
Marvin Gordon
Annette Graham
Linda Grant
Toni Gray
Daron Green
Laron Green
Tori Gregory
Freddie Guinn Jr.
Prince Gyimah
Dotson Hall III
Karissa Harden
Jalen Hardin
Jarrel Harding
Alma Harmon
Ajah Harris
Laome Harris
Michael Harris
Shayna Harris
Tayah Harris
Jon Harrison
Annyah Hawkins
Shawn Hemmingsen
Cynthia Hemphill
Sinsere Henry
Antoinette Hilliard
Patricia Hodges
Sheryl Holman
Corey Hooks
Ian Hopkins
Joseph Hudoba
Braden Inwang
Alicia Ivey
Isaac Jackson
Kareem Jackson
Nicole Jackson-Smith
Dawn Cherie Jasper
Lonzo Jenkins
Adrienne Johnson
Robert Johnson
Seantique Johnson
Valarie Johnson
Belinda JohnsonBradd
Conchita Jones
Mericole Jones
Rita Jones
Darlene Jones-Lewis
Anaya Kane
Curtis Kelly
Lemuel Kemp
Terriae Kizer
Dalani Kuntu
Adebayo Kuye
Patricia Langley
Breanna Lawson
Andrea Lee
Richard Lee
Lorraine Lenoir
Raven LeNoir
Ralph Lewis
Rebecca LewisAlexander
Jamiyah Lloyd
Mark Lowry
Melanie Luckett
Melvin Luckett
Donna Mack
Semiko Mapp
Shanneka Marks
Zakiyah Martin
Stachia McClinton
LaShanda McCranie
Sharon McGee
Anisa McKinney
Eric McKinney
Steven McKinney
Kentrell McNeal
Lorene Middleton
Jeffery Miller
Jocelyn Mills
Ashton Mitchell
Celeste Moore
Earl Moore
Gabrielle Moore
Tacarra Moore
Mary Moore-Madison
Rosalind Mullins
Willie Murry
Angela Myles
Angela Myrick
Breanna Myrick
Kimberly Myrick
Steven Neely
Valarie Neustadter
Jabari Newsome
Travis Norman
David Norris
Taj Oatis
Kennice Offutt
Blessing Otaiube
Frederick Patton
Brinee Phelps
Jordan Pickett
LaTonya Plair
Anthony Polk
Trinity Pope
Juwanna Porché
Barbara Porter
Wanda Preston
Carolyn Queen
LaTanya Ramsey
Kendra Rawls
Marques Ray
Shanniya Ray
Sammie Rayford
Floyd Redmond
Denise Reed
Renee Reeves
Micah Richardson
Kenniris Riles
Michelle Rivers
Arbella Roberson
Adella Robinson
Jarvis Robinson
Dewon Rodgers
Erika Rodgers
Katrina Ruffin
Yvonne Sanchez
Cassandra Sanders
Denise Scott
Myreshia Sharp
Constance Shelby
Jasmyne Shoals
Angela Smith
Joe Ann Smith
Joseph Smith
Sharon Smith
Asuncion SmithCrawford
Nassir Spence
Ethel Spencer
Rosalind Stanford
Darrys Stephens
Willie Stevens
Lynn Taylor
Desiree Terrell
Jordan Thomas
Gabrielle Thompson
Joshua Tolbert
Brittney Towers
Darryl Townsend
Sammy Trice
Oscar Tyler
Shirley Vantrease
Chardonnay Varnado
Hassanti Vernon
Ramelle Walker
Marlin Walton
Diana Wash
Elinor Washington
Karielle Washington
Earlene WashingtonBuchanan
Eugene Waters
Ja’Kyra Watkins
Lynett Watkins
Anastacia Weddaborn
Wednesday West
David White Jr.
Einina White
Krystal White
Joshua Whitehead
Earnest Wiggins
Antrice Williams
Dileon Williams
Dion Wills
Katrice Winters
Larry Woodrick
Christal WoodsRobinson
Charles Wright
Tracye Young
April/May 2015 | 5
Praise the Lord! ACOG closed out the old year and kicked off the New Year worshiping the Lord. From the
annual watch night service in December, to ministry kickoffs held by the Brotherhood and the Sisterhood Connection
(Blueprint to Manifestation) in January, men, women, and youth were out in unison to lift up the name of Jesus. Photos
by Leonard McGee
6 | The Cross&Crown
April/May 2015 | 7
For dads, more family time
brings greater job satisfaction
Want a magic pill? There isn’t one
Five weight-loss supplements evaluated by experts at Johns Hopkins
new study shows that fathers feel
greater job satisfaction and less
work-life conflict when they spend
more time caring for their children.
They get mental bonus points for helping out
with the kids. The study published in the February issue of
the Academy of Management Perspectives shows
that before increasing childcare time, men spent
only less than an hour per day with their kids.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics showed women
spent 1.86 hours per workday on childcare.
Men who spent an average of 2.65 hours a
day with their children on weekdays were more
satisfied than men who spent less time with
their children. Up to a certain point, the more
time they reported spending with their children,
the more likely they were to think their work
enriched their home life. They agreed with
statements like “my involvement in my work
helps me be a better family member.”
Those who were more involved with their
children were also less likely to quit their jobs.
8 | The Cross&Crown
Each year, consumers spend more than a billion dollars on weight-loss supplements, including
herbal remedies. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t evaluate them for safety or
effectiveness. By law, however, the FDA is responsible for taking action against any unsafe product after it
reaches the market. Manufacturers must send any reports of adverse events to the FDA, which can
halt distribution and order the products to be removed from shelves. Products found to contain
ingredients not listed on the label can also be removed. Here is a review of medical literature on five products done by weight-loss experts at Johns
Hopkins. • Citrus aurantium. Extracted from the unripe fruit of bitter orange, C. aurantium is an
alternative to ephedra products, which have been banned. Both products stimulate the
nervous system and slow gastric activity, increasing satiety and lowering food intake. Safety
concerns are similar to those reported for ephedra. • Conjugated linoleic acids (CLAs). These polyunsaturated fatty acids are naturally present
in meat and dairy products. They may inhibit the process the body uses to turn glucose into
fat, but studies have provided weak evidence for helping people lose weight. • Green tea. Brewed or in capsules, it has been said to be a weight-loss aid. Studies show
mixed results. Some suggest consuming more than 500 mg per day (five cups of tea). If it
causes weight loss, it’s very little, but it has no side effects. • Hoodia gordonii. Used as an appetite suppressant by African tribesman on hunting
expeditions, it can decrease food intake by up to 60 percent for 24 hours. It isn’t known to
aid weight loss or whether it has side effects. • L-carnitine. Some studies in humans and animals show that L-carnitine doesn’t have a
significant effect on weight loss. Others suggest that taking one gram three times a day
increases fatty acid oxidation, which facilitates weight loss. It has no adverse effects.
Seven big tax changes for 2015
In the past people who worked at home often
didn’t take the home office-deduction on
their income return. They thought the rules
were too complex or worried that taking it
would be an invitation to get audited. Now,
there’s a simple calculation you can use.
Multiply the square feet of the home used
for your office, up to 300 square feet. You can
claim $5 a square foot, not to exceed $1,500.
Books & Music
The Everyday Life Bible Amplified Version. Inspired by the ministry of
Joyce Meyer, The Everyday Life Bible features commentary by the
bestselling author and beloved Bible teacher. Features include Life Points,
which connects Scripture to the experiences of believers; Everyday Life
articles, which emphasize specific passages; Putting the Word to Work,
which includes questions by Meyer that encourage self-examination and
action; and Speak the Word, which puts some verses in first-person
confessions or prayers to make God’s promises more personal for the
reader. $30
Especially for Youth…
Moses, Servant of God by F.B. Meyer. Dig deep into the life of one of the
most important person’s in biblical history. This in-depth Bible study
looks at the character of Moses, centering on his faith, and encourages
readers to make personal application. Learn the importance of obedience,
patience, courage, faith, and prayer through the life of Moses as you set
out to become a better servant of God. $14.99
The Bible Continues--The Revolution That Changed the World by
David Jeremiah. Based on the epic NBC television series, A.D. The Bible
Continues: The Revolution that Changed the World is a sweeping biblical
narrative that brings the political intrigue, religious persecution, and
emotional turmoil of the book of Acts to life in stunning, vibrant detail.
Beginning with the crucifixion, NYT best-selling author and Bible teacher
Dr. David Jeremiah chronicles the tumultuous struggles of Christ’s
disciples following the Resurrection. From the brutal stoning of Stephen
and Saul’s radical conversion, through the unyielding persecution of Peter
and the relentless wrath of Pilate, Jeremiah paints a magnificent portrait
of the political and religious upheaval that led to the formation of the
early church. (Publisher’s Description) $16.99
Solomon (DVD). The biblical account of the life and leadership of one of
Israel’s most famous kings comes to life on the small screen, featuring Ben
Cross as Solomon and Vivica A. Fox as Queen of Sheba. Taking creative
license, the film imagines a romance between King Solomon and the
Queen of Sheba. It’s love at first sight for the powerful and wise king, but
it’s not enough for the Queen of Sheba who decides to return to her
homeland despite his begging her to stay. His disappointment leads to
despair and depression and a departure “from his once idyllic world of
peace and luxury” and ultimately, a threat to his kingdom. $14.99
Hinds’ Feet on High Places. More than twenty years ago, Dian Layton and
JoAnn Edington were commissioned by Destiny Image Publishers to
produce a children’s version of a classic. The illustrations and the easy-tounderstand language are perfect for children. This youth-friendly edition
also includes a suggestion for activities at the end of each chapter that
helps young readers understand the life lessons of the story and dig even
deeper into understanding God’s love for them. $15.99
Forever Yours by Smokie Norful. “No Greater Love” is a beautiful single,
and it earned Smokie Norful a Grammy this year for best gospel song. But
it’s not the only good song on his latest project.
April 18
Workshop, 10 a.m.
April 20–24
Annual Bible
May 9
Mother’s Day
Luncheon, 11 a.m.
May 16
New Members
Conference, 9 a.m.
May 17
Pearl’s Ceremony
3:45 p.m.
May 22
Lighthouse Café
7 p.m.
All titles are available in Saving Grace Book Center, 773.256.4113. Prices
are subject to change.
April/May 2015 | 9
1. the Mount of Olives will be ___ in two from east to (Zech 14:4)
6. husband of Jezebel (I Kings 19:1)
10. bring forth ___ ___, and thou shalt call his name JESUS (1,3) (Matt 1:21) KJV
14. The ____ has two daughters. ‘Give! Give!’ they cry (Prov 30:15)
15. and came to a place called ___ Havens (Acts7:8)
16. as Reuben and Simeon, they shall be ____ (Gen 48:5)
17. a man of understanding and knowledge maintains ___ (Prov 28:2)
18. The ___ of man will be brought low (Isa 2:17)
20. The ___ is also unclean; although it has a split hoof (Deut 14:8)
21. the oaks of Bashan have they made thine ____ (Ezek 27:6) KJV
23. Judas said, “Greetings, Rabbi!” and ___ him (Matt 26:49)
24. upon Matthias; and he was numbered with the ____ apostles (Acts 1:26)
26. viper along the path, that bites the horse’s ___ (Gen 49:17)
28. if he ___ for an egg, will give him a scorpion? (Luke 11:12)
30. people stood watching, and the rulers even ___ at him (Luke 23:35)
34. He ___ on the ground, and made clay of the spittle (John 9:6) KJV
37. The traitor betrays, the looter takes ___ (Isa 21:2)
39. away from the truth and turn ___ to myths (2 Tim 4:4)
40. a quarter of a ___ of seed pods for five shekels (II Ki 6:25)
41. the deep surrounded me; ___ was wrapped around my head (Jonah 2:5)
43. her firstborn ____: and he called his name JESUS (Matt 1:25)
44. Be on guard! Be ___ You do not know when (Mark 13:33)
46. was found to have a ___ mind and knowledge (Dan 5:12)
47. upon the ___ of the robe pomegranates of blue (Ex 39:24) KJV
48. The price for his ___ is to be based on the rate paid (Lev 25:50)
50. and your hands ___ out violence on the earth ( Ps 58:2)
52. My soul ___ rest in God alone (Ps 62:1)
54. At the end of the seven ___ they will begin (Ezek 39:14)
58. King Xerxes imposed tribute throughout the ___ (Est 10:1-2)
61. he ___ the foundation and is not able to finish it (Luke 14:29)
63. all the hills once cultivated by the ____ (Isaiah 7:25)
64. remember what Balak king of Moab ___ (Mic 6:5)
66. men ___ into the city that day as men steal in (2 Sam 19:3)
68. rabbit (Deut 14:7) (KJV)
69. LORD shall smite Israel, as a ____ is shaken (1 King 14:15)
70. I mean not that other men be ___, and ye burdened (2 Cor 8:13) (KJV)
71. And ____ begat Jesse, and Jesse begat David (Ruth 4:22)
72. silver in two bags, with two ___ of clothing (2 Kings 5:23)
73. I also want women to ___ modestly, with decency (1 Tim 2:9)
33. Then the beasts go into ____, and remain (Job 37:8)
34. it is only a ___ from the boil (Lev 13:23)
35. before me was a ___ horse! Its rider was named Death (Rev 6:8)
36. another seed instead of ____, whom Cain slew (Gen 4:25)
38. ____ no man any thing, but to love one another (Romans 13:8)
41. It was reached by a flight of ___ (Ezek 40:49)
42. I will be an ____ unto thine enemies (Exodus 23:22) KJV
45. wines on the lees well ___ (Isa 25:6) KJV
47. as a ___ doth gather her brood under her wings (Luke 13:34) KJV
49. your laws are far from him; he ___ at all his enemies (Ps 10:5)
51. Moses ___ it into the air, and festering boils broke out (Ex 9:10)
53. vines with hail and their sycamore-figs with ___ (Ps 78:47)
55. Remember the former things, ___ of long ago (Isa 46:9)
56. You earn wages, only to put them in a purse with ___ in it (Hag 1:6)
57. only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many ___ (John 12:24)
58. the wall will cry out, and the beams of the woodwork will ___ it (Hab 2:11)
59. the princes of ____ abode with Balaam (Num 22:8)
60. He that hath clean hands, and a ___ heart (Ps 24:4) KJV
62. If anyone ___ anything to them, God will add to him (Rev 22:18)
65. we sailed to the ___ of Crete, opposite Salmone (Acts 27:7)
67. papyrus basket for him and coated it with ____ and pitch (Exodus 2:3)
Puzzle Solution
1. like wax before the fire, like water rushing down a ___ (Mic 1:4)
2. He has delivered us from such a deadly ___ (2 Cor 1:10)
3. The upper ___ also is square (Ezek 43:17)
4. looked like an expanse, sparkling like ___ , and awesome (Ezek 1:22)
5. I am in the ___ of death, but I’m still alive (2 Sam 1:9)
6. Bring my sons from ____ and my daughters (Isa 43:6)
7. all the ___ words ungodly sinners have spoken (Jude 15)
8. Jesus replied, “Foxes have holes and birds of the ___ have nests (Matt 8:20)
9. The bows of the warriors are ___ (1 Sam 2:4)
10. increases his wealth by exorbitant interest ___ it for another (Prov 28:8)
11. to the paralytic, “Take heart, son; your ___ are forgiven.” (Matt 9:2)
12. The death he died, he died to sin ___ for all (Rom 6:10)
13. I have ____ to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me? (Matt 3:14) KJV
19. ___ is mine, and Manasseh is mine (Ps 60:7)
22. the headdresses and ___ chains and sashes (Isa 3:20)
25. a large open container for holding liquids
27. let each ____ other better than themselves (Phil 2:3)
29. vinegar was there, so they ___ a sponge in it (John 19:29)
31. Awake, and ___ to my defense! Contend for me, my God (Ps 35:23)
32. another name for Esau (Gen 36:7-8)
10 | The Cross&Crown
The classified advertising in The Cross & Crown is a free service. The deadline for ads is the first Sunday of each month. All ads will be placed in
the first available issue (typically the month following the Sunday you submit your ad). At the church’s discretion, The Cross & Crown reserves the
right to not print any ad for any reason. Classified advertising in The Cross & Crown does not necessarily imply the endorsement of the church.
For Rent
■ 3-bdrm house w/full bsmt for $850/mo. Call 773.324.7655.
■ 79th & Crandon—1-2-bdrm apts. w/hrdwd floors in quiet building, near public
transportation, heat including in rent, $40 application fee. Call Robert Markey at
773.858.2159 or James McNeil at 773.431.8390.
■ 8041 S. Drexel—1-bdrm apt., $575/mo. + move-in fee. Call 773.619.9410.
■ 68th & Paxton—quaint 1-bdrm apt with newly renovated kitchen and bath,
$550. Tenant pays utilities (gas/electricity), 773.331.4576.
Real Estate
■ 33rd & Prairie—3-flat building with three 1-bdrm apts. with individual control
of heat, 3-year-old furnace, $230K. Call E. Brown at 205.372.2980.
■ 7549 S. Paulina St.—move-in ready, well-maintained 3-bdrm/1-bath brick
bungalow, 1,191 sq. ft. Well-kept estate sale with new kitchen cabinets, hrdwd flrs,
updated bath, expandable attic, full walk-out bsmt, 2-car garage, and nice
backyard. Call Sheila Reno, Coldwell Bankers realtor, 773.624.2070.
■ 8937 S. Lowe—2-unit frame bldg., 4 bdrms, $30,000. Also: 3-bdrm singlefamily brick home for $40,000 at 9700 S. Perry. Call Cordell Taylor, 847.331.1542.
■ Black Diamond Pom Dancz Allstars—elementary through school-age young
ladies learn how to become great dancers through innovation and creativity in a
April 18 • Pre-Marriage. Beginning April 18 and running through June
6, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., this eight-week session will cover the following
topics: God’s Equation for marriage, Evaluating Your Relationship, Roles
and Responsibilities, Finances, Communication, Intimacy, and so much
more. These classes have been going on for twenty years and hundreds
have gone through this process and found it very rewarding. Required
book: Preparing for Marriage by Dennis Rainey. Registration is required
and space is limited. For more information, please go to online registration at or call Evangelist Yolanda Williams at
May 9 • Mother’s Day Luncheon. The Mother’s Day Committee will
host the church’s annual Mother’s Day luncheon celebration on Saturday
May 9, at the Hyatt Regency Chicago, located at 151 E. Wacker Dr. The
luncheon begins at 11:00 a.m. In the Regency Ballroom on the Gold Level
in the West Tower. Our guest speaker for this event is Rev. Melanie Staggers. Vendors will be available to accommodate mother’s day gift shopping. A photographer will be available as well to take family portraits.
Tickets are just $30 per person; bus transportation is also available for an
additional $5 per person. Feel free to sponsor someone if you are unable
to attend. You may purchase tickets immediately following services in the
Fellowship Hall or in the Book Store.
May 17 • Annual Pearl Ceremony. Sisterhood Connection will host the
annual event honoring members 70 and older Sunday, May 17 at 3:45 p.m.
in the Kenwood Sanctuary. This year’s theme is “God’s Gift of Purpose,”
and the speaker will be ACOG’s very own first lady, Evangelist Mary
mentoring environment so they can build character, confidence, self-esteem, and
social skills in sisterhood, $65/mo. per child. Rehearsals are every Monday and
Tuesday. For more info and to register, contact Ms. Angel at 404.934.1320 or
■ Miracle Workers Professional Cleaning Service—is seeking motivated
individuals who can clean commercial spaces, including sweeping, mopping,
scrubbing, and vacuuming floors, emptying trash, cleaning and polishing furniture
and fixtures, and much more. Applicants must have transportation. For more
details about the job, call 773.930.8535 or e-mail
■ Tutoring Services—invest in your child or yourself with quality, affordable oneto-one tutoring for students and adults preparing for employment tests. No
contracts. Call Kas Tutorial, 773.221.9129 or visit
■ Dora La Couture—specializes in providing custom bridal gowns, bridesmaid
gowns, mother-of-the-bride/mother-of-the-groom gowns, flower girl dresses,
special occasion dresses, as well as prom and business attire. Place your order
today for prom or wedding and get a special price for prom gowns, 773.374.8863
■ Kennice’s House Cleaning Services—cleans residential and commercial spaces
at reasonable rates. Call Kennice at 773.240.7319.
■ Pixie Travel Unlimited—All Around Alton, Ill., for two days and one night,
May 24–25, a great Memorial Day Getaway and a chance to meet screenwriter and
author Christine Houston (Laughing Through Tears). Rates range from $240 to
$350 (based on occupancy) and a $50 deposit is required. For complete details,
call 773.660.9200 or e-mail
May 22 • Singles Lighthouse Café. The Living the Single Life Ministry
presents the re-opening of the Lighthouse Café! At the Café, singles
will meet other singles, At the café you can relax and play games, talk,
and make new acquaintances, At the Café you will engage in lively conversation on living the single life, At the Café you will enjoy refreshments or just hang out. Don’t sit home on a Friday night, come out to
the café! Where: in the Fellowship Hall, mark your calendar for the
remaining dates: May 22, August 21, and Nov 13. The café is open from
7 to 10 p.m. Admission price: Bring your favorite game.
Foundation, continued from page 2
for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit
(Acts 2:38). As a believer, the more you rely on the power of the Holy
Spirit living in you, the less you use weak materials (e.g., flesh or simply
relying on your smarts and human reasoning) to build your life. When
you do that, what you produce burns quickly and becomes nothing when
tossed in the fiery trials of life
My hope for every believer, especially those who are a part of the
Apostolic Church of God family, is to live an effective spiritual life.
Remember, the work you do is dependent upon the foundation on
which you build your life. If you set a weak foundation based on the
desires of your flesh, you will have a weak spiritual life. If you set a strong
foundation in Christ, you will have s strong spiritual life.
Up next: We will look more closely at Jesus’ words in Matthew 7:24–27.
April/May 2015 | 11
Apostolic Church of God
6320 South Dorchester Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60637
Up Next: Understanding Faith (Hebrews 11:8)
9:10 a.m., First Service
11:40 a.m., Second Service
4 p.m., Afternoon Service
10 a.m., Daytimers Bible Class
1 p.m., Prayer
7:30 p.m., Bible Class
7:30 p.m., Intercessory Prayer
Television Broadcasts
Sundays, 8 a.m.
WCIU/TV, Channel 26
■ Cable stations may vary