1942.04.24 Hamilton High School Federalist


1942.04.24 Hamilton High School Federalist
Los Angeles, Calif. Friday, April 24, 1942
Phone AR. 8-99l ll
n House Slated for Next Thursday
o~hers' Tea DouglasTew,W'39 lnte~-C!ub
· ·ID Action
Big Crowd
Beginning Work
.School Opens Doors to Community
In Annual Affair· Defense Stressed
the tht>me or tbe
Strlvlng for more unification and
4a w1th a dash of
higher ideals among Hamilton's
Programs in Gym and Auditorium ;
the . semi-annual
Hamilton's second wartime cas- service clubs Inter-Club Councll
·a~~~~~v~r~~ur, all ~-~~J
r:evc~~~~ ~~t ~~ :! meznbers are.mecting twice monthClasses Open to Visitors 6:30{-7 : 15 p.m. '
Alexander Hamilton high school will present to gtudent
400 people attend· 'l'~w. w:a9. was :·presumed to be ly In HamUton House to improve
l.he program, mlSSing m action ' in ~ naval en- their tihree-polnt plan. The1r three body parents and friends a streamlined version of their and d bY counter
off the
· 30. E very year. as part
n"'·nr.nicn•s bel ng proVI e
to Roger
Tew coast.
also a rna 1n auns
are to propose an 1m- nua1 pen H ouse on Th urs day, April
graduate of Hamilton and' brother pro~cd type of constitution for the 1of Public Schools Week, Open House is held at Hamilton to
greetings and in- of Douglas. the alumnus was abOard clubs, more substantial quallfica- acquaint visitors with the activities and projects going on in
program was pre- the Destroyer Perry when it was t!ons for membership, and the ltind the school
- · 1..'
Baker and Pa.t- , attacked by Nipponese bombers of service to be rendered by each.
· . . t'
')) k l
du~t "The Lass just out of Port Oarn·ln. Australia.
The chairman cf the council Is I
ass VJStta IOn WI ta e pace rom 6 :30 to 7 :lo WJtu:
J.Jt:'ll'""..: Air by Arnes, He had been In the navy since his Leon Moss, who 'l':as chosen from
students presenting the1r class work
by Frlml. TJ,ey graduation. formerly being station- the six club presidents wlho com-1 VOCA TJQNAL
to parents and frlends. Al.~o voeaacc~rtlpaj~i~!fl by Joy Probst. ed at Pearl Harbor.
prise the group. The clubs repre- ' DAY PLANS SET
tiona! exhibits will be arranged in
"Pale Moon"
Tew's career at Hamilton, as In sented m l.he Inter-Club Council
all the shop buildings.
Taught the navy. was studde<l with activity. are those mamtaln!ng only social
Following the vl..cntatlons, a dual
. panled by Mrs. In his senior year he was the Stu- and service activities and not clubs
Vocational Guidance Day on program will be present-ed, one iru
E1ll Skelley gave dent Body Athletic Commissioner of special interests. The slx organ- April 29 is being stressed during the auditorium and gymnastic
on ~the Tark· l and a member of the Student izations wh<'Se pres-idents form the Youth Week CApri! 26-May 1) to tvents taking place in the large
and Mrs. Council.
council are the Knights, service
gym. The whole atfair wu: be over
gave a short talk.
He had boastt?d member;;hip In Club, Crusaders, Squires, Hl-Y, and !~rther l.he ambitions of stude~ts by 8:00 p.m.
o. city schools. HamUton b1gh j
Student T_a lent an Aud
principal. _spo~e the HI-Y and the Boys' League, Pages.
words m h1s and had gone out for varsity footThe council Is also working on a school has prepart'd to do Its part
The program m the aud Will be
nu•nr, ..r,
M;embers of ball and track.
plan for an organization m the by invltmg thirty-five outside opened by the Flag Salut~. led bi
....... ,...,~,..
were mtroduce<l
Roger, also m the navy, returned ninth, tenth. and B-11 grades so
the R.O.T.C. MaJor, Bob Redpath.
1here early in the week, bringing it wUI be easler for students to be- ~ speakers to meet with mterested Jerrie D~nham, Student Body pres'\\ as furmshed the news with him.
come known to the members of the groups of tenth and twelfth grade 1dent. 1nJ1 make the Introductions
Hamilton strmg
•First Hamilton casualty was re- various upper grade clubs. Other students to discuss various voea- and .Mr. Arthur Williams. Mason,
by Sylvam Bern- , ported two weeks ago when it was measures the council is dlsCU!';Sing uons which ap!)Cal to present-day Master of Palms Lodge, w!ll greet
announced that Walter Marsh, w are the dividing of specific duties students.
the parent.s and friends.
by Misses Anna '36. had been lo:.t '1\'lth the crew to be performed by each club and
Because of the wide spread lnA musical selection will follow,
Du~lap, and of the U. S . heav~· Cruiser Hous- v.ays of making l.he clubs 'more terest in defense '1\ork and produc-1 titled the "Desert Song," sung bY
:me:! Mrs. Luc1lle t.cn when 1t was sunk off the Java democratic.
tion. differ~nt skills and types of Barbara Beeson, Pat Paquet. Jim
Haseltine Wyvell coast several weeks ago. His mothThe council now has only sug- work offered in defen~e will be Knowles. and Waite: Wyatt. The
Bee girls who er expressed the hope that her Ma- gestive powers. but they are plan- stresse<l.
Madrigal Singer:; '11.'111 then con. and plan- 1 rine son's excellent .:;wimming abU-1 nlng a constitution which is to be
The.se defense topics will lnclude: tr1bute .two numbers. "A.!n't It a.
deta1ls of. the tea.jtty might have aided him in es- present~d to the House or Repre- Aviation Flying and Production, 1~hame,' a Negro spln~~al. and
and the pnnt shop caplng.
sentattves ror approval, giving them Army and Navy Aviation, Navy Lover Come Back to Me, by Slg•
attractive programs
The Perry \HIS reported attacked greater power.
and Naval Aviation. Marmes and mund ·Romberg, under the ducc·
's stage cr~""· ar- near l.he time whPn General Ma.cThe sponsor of the newly-formed Coast Guard, c 1v11 service, Radio ~Ion or Mrs. Edith Leonard. music
ge and public ad- 1 Arthur made his dash to the Island Inter-Club council 1.'; Camillo Guer- and Television, Mechanical Draft- mstructor. A playlet will then fol•
continent. several weeks ago.
cio, student body activity advisor. in!: Electrical Tnsdes and En- low, compose<! o! the memb rs of
r!'presentgmeenng, Medicine. Recreation, the &;mor Drama Group, under
lc ISlands complete I
Nursing, Metal Trades and Pho- the guidance of Miss "Minna Mae
sand, and ocean,
LeWIS. Then the Hammon orchesWilll..~. Miniature
These named Include a rew of tile tra will play .~evera! numbers.
nri•.«PIM~on to each mother
important subjects to be discussed. Sylvain Bernstem Will conduct.
Otllers include busine~s prepara- iN('Xt Hamtlton 's gyJn team 'Alii pers 42 girls' vice-,
tlons, journalism, home manage- , form several gymnastic feats and
ment, and cosmetology nmong oUl- 1free exerciSes.
efficient chairmittee which plan?Own, down. deep Into l.he cellars or Hamilto~1 High, Into territory Er special skills needed in modern
Barbara Handl"Y "11'111 speak on
forbidden to _all other students. !entured two cu11.ous reporters seeking work.
the tOPIC.
Tt.:ne of War Prepare
a sto11· of bo1ler rooms and heatmg systems. and the man behind the
These conferences will take place for Peace.
scenes. who. smce the day Hamilton first opened its doors, has kept its during fifth pfrlod on April 29,
Walker Brown, principal, '1\'ill
students warm.
Students not included will remain make the closing n·marks.
D. T. :Murrie, a iall. greying gentleman or colorful experiences, de- In the respective classes untll the
Royal Lowe, in.c:tructor, an~ tho
lighted In relating the many adventures of past boomer days when he end o! the confert>nce.
st>nior stage crew are in chargr. o!
the lighting and stngmg effect.s.
This week' orchid winner Is worke<l with various milroads all over the country.
H1m111ton. Rubye 1
Leav~g home at the age of fifThe chairman for thl.:; program ls
SPnlor Ase
1n Hamilton l\.1ystery Surrounds
teen wnh the biCMings or. hiS par- Crusaders Unveil
Thomas Brockho11Se, coordinator.
has only
since the
the fall sef
ents and a tivt>-dollar bill m ills
Feature .-\tlllctics in G) m
she has done
eat 0
pocket. he began his long career of Club Sweaters
The program in the gym wlll be
equalled that
railroading, which was to be his life I
a.o; equally interesting and enterin var
of a veteran
''Kille<! In action" mi~ht one work. as a telegraph o[X'rator with
Ple:lging themselves to school tainlng. The boy.-.' gym club dcm•
H n m 1 1t 0 n-j day have been inscrlbed on Doug- a small railroad company.
service. another club. the Crusad- 1onstrates all types of gymnastic
ian. As n mem- las Emerson Bedford's Na\'al paFrom that time on. he traveled ers. biO£-<;Omed forth last Fnday in events and a ba,ketbull gamn w11l
be r or the j pers or elM> he n '£ht ha\·e receiv- from place to place working wlth new swt>aters of royal blue. These be played by last year's va:-stty and
sen lor Bee
almost every maJOr railroad in the sweaters bt>ar wh!~ shields w·ith a 1Bee trams.
The girls' gym classes wm preclass. she was ed honorable discharge papers had country a1?d serving In lihe capaci~Y red cross on thl'm, signifying the
a mt>mber of j he not lost his Hfe mysteriou::.ly in of everythmg from fireman to tram ln~ignla of the Crusadt>rs. In.~ide or st•nt health demonstrat.o:lS by the
a com mlttee New York recently.
the white shields are smaller blue 1 corrective- clas.ees and there ., .11 be
who he I p e d
Word of his death '\\'as sent to
Explaining how the two enor- sh1elds and in the cent<'r ~r the
vollcJb:lil gamn bctt\'cen the
towards premous one hundred horsepower boll- eutlre emblem Is a small wh1te C. lOr and .<:enlor G.A A. The LNLCr•
paring pro- his uncle, H. C. Be-d!ord, 4058 Du- I <'rS. which k('Cp Hamilton oecuAt presrnt the1·e arc t ,,·cnty-lwo 1\',Jmen \\Ill refer<- e. S~veral Sen or
g r n m s and qucsne a\•enue, CUlver City, who 1p:mt.~ comforUJ.ble, work, Mr. Mur- members or the orguniL:lt.on, with Ayes will dt'monstrate the physical
other Import- :;tnted his death occurred under rle, \\ho Is of Scott'h descent, stat- \'an McKay, A-12. heading them in scUv!tlcs connected 'With the new
Islanders' col- ruspiclous circwnst:mccs. The boy's 1eti thnt the heatmg plant Includes llthl· cnpnclly of president.
graduate health program.
ant details
gas-fired radiators ln the bungaQuahhcatlOn.~ !or membership are j Studmts are u::ge<l to attend the
or day.
be vot.eci In by gym C\l'llt.s m order to make 100m
For the past
the Navy Yard in New York, and tt>na, home economics building, 190 per cent of thl' members and for the large crowd of parents and
betn very ill
his uncle suspects an nttt'mpt may auditorium and main building are 1 that the}· J1nvc a satisfactory ell!- frienls anticipated 111 the auditorHospital after
to reCO\'ery. nave been made by fifth column- h<'ated through the main basement zenshlp and scholarship record. ium. The program \\ 1ll be shorten•
but now is on
'I he orchid w!
taken to <her at 1sts to obtain nc.\'al information boiler plant, howr\'er, which Is Thomas Newcomb, registrar, Is the ed this year because of the ' ar.
t~e youth, and \\ben that ef• eqwpped with Johnson autcmatic sponsor of the Crusaders Club,
the best wishes from
the HV~}J''""
burners. fired by fuel oil, especialof the
and the student fort failed. he was murdered.
All details of th" death or the ly prepared by the R1chard and
F inal Contest Day
ix>dy for a
return to school.
young sailor are bt'ing retained by I Crescent Oil Companies for heat-1·\ Ni\OlJNCE SPEAKER S
Set Week 11 head
the comm~ndatlt. of the Third ing purposes. The entire system is FOR CO:\UfE?\CE:\l E~T
Naval dbtnct, m New York. A com- heated by a circulation of steam
The photogra-phy contest v. :1 icli
municahon to the boy's fathPr stated he-at.
As the result of two separate try- Is bemg sponsored by the Treas~
only that the lad was fow1d dead
A maze of large s\J..itches and outs, finalists were chosen this ury hns been extt>ndt>d to Apnl 28.
en a roof at 44 Nasseau street, complicated electrical equipment is week to speak at the Commence- :\rrs. Lo1s Vinette, photographY.
also under the supervision or :<.!r. ment of the class of S'-12. The ttacher. states that the deadline has
Hall guard
Is being turned B!'OOkl:;n, on April 4.
Douglas left Hnmllton last year Murrie who can boast not o~y of theme of graduation this year 1S b~n J>OSiponed for two reasons:
Dees this •week.
over to the
thr senior Ayes to join tile Navy and would ha\'e taking charge of all the heating !"Wihat Youth Can Do to Win the lhc f!r.:;t. because of the week ot
As Is the
were In ch
the first ten weeks been a graduate o! this year's class and lighting facll!tles here. but Peace." Students presente<l their wet. weather recently; and the see•
had he not enliSted. He was the also of keeping his equipment spot- speeches to a group of judges con- end. because Wlll Conmll, one of
of the
son or Mr. and 1\.D-s. Emerson E. lrssly <:lt'3n.
slstlng of four students of Lhe Com- the Wt>st's great commcrci11l phoHall
Bedford. formerly of 3716 RobertOn speaJ...1ng of the factors which men~ment c:;mmittee and fh•e Sen- tographers, wUI be at Hamilton on
tl'OII1~ the
son boulevard. and now of Vista, led up to his being so well versed wr Problems teachers. Those se- Apnl 29. for vocational guldanco
iuds and at
near San Dlego.
in the engmecring 'i'.orld, :-.rr. Mur- lected were: Gordon Hogg, carolyn day. and he has agreed to act as
His body was sent to Culver City rie states:
1..11.use, Pauline Galatz, Frances judge of the contest. Mr. Connell,
!zatlon and
where funeral services '1\·ere held J ".1\l y experience " ·ith various Jmnlngs, :\lorton So6kin, Betty well-known to all student.s of pho..
Stnlor Bees
this week.
<Continued on Page 4>
Sherrick, and Hugo }.!orris.
(Continued on Page 41
the next four
Federalist Reporters 8rave Depths
Of Hamilton to v·ISJt. 80iler Room
Par e 4
Friday, April 24, 1942
Service Club Men
Sponsor Gala Hop
Slate Formal Dance
Council Reveals For
Cotton Day Plans I
{CDSt.st Plans Future
ct Meeting
- ..-:
For perhaps the first time in
Hamil n's position as vice-pres-By SHIRLEY SRAPEEBO
ident of the California Scholarship
school history a formal dance, not
Tonight is the gala night tor the Federatl n's District 11 became acA regular meet'.ng of the Girls' including the M1Utary Ball, prom,
El Club Espanol de Hamilton
long-awalted and anxiously antici- tive rec tly, when Ross Wagner League COuncU was held last week or service club formals, is belng celebro el d!a pan-americana con
pated Service Club dance.
carol Jane Dunlap, Ne- for the purpose or completing plans given. The dance is sponsored by una asamblea presentada a1 cuT his affair is being held at the vian sp nsor. met with the other of their monthly aud call next the Junior CO-ordinating council erpo estudiantll ('n Ia que el senor Westwood Country Club. near the officers f this district at Los An- May 5. and to prepare for their and will be given Friday, May 15, Alfredo Aleman nos dio una piacorner of WiLshire and Westwood geles hi h school to discuss plans annual Cotton Day coming May 26. the place at present considered be- ~
tica muy di•
boulevards, the center of many past for the next district meeting on
The meeting was called to order ing the Culver City Hall.
vert ida y eduglorious club dances.
May 14.
by President Orlean GeiSSler and
Couples wm be admitted for fifty
cadora. ElsenNot to be outdone by the recent
vian Society, Cha'Pter 253 the minutes and roll were checked 1cents and stags for forty cents.
or recomendo
festivities of the Knights, the S.C. at the ~ F. claims the local dis- by Shirley Conklin. secretary.
The dance wlll be from eight to
que aprendeboys are planning on one of the trict vic -president. Ross Wagner,
Coming events on the Girls' twelve, but as the auditioning of
roos \' entenlargest turnouts of the season. who Is l~o vice-president of the League calendar were reviewed for the orchestra is not finished. the
damoS las cos•
Dancing will be to the melodic Nevians. Meeting with the other the next ten weeks. It was stressed orchestra cannot be announced untumbres y Ia
strains of Earl Williams orchestra. of!1cers, r whom Los Angeles High that all the girls should be aware til a later date.
lengua de la
featuring Serena Kay. Just to add is presi ent, Belmont, secretary, of the coming elf'ctlon and turn
At the next meellng of the JunAmerica Latthe Service Club touch to this semi- 1and W
lngton High, treasurer. eligtbUity blanks in on May 18.
ior Co-ordlnatlng COuncil, every
ina para meformal Cno slacks. glrlsl gathering Ross an Miss Dunlap were served
A guest speaker 'l':ill be featured member is to be there or send a
jorar Ia amisthere 'IIlii be door prizes and re- tea and efreshments and then de- on next Tuesday assembly. New substitute and he is requested to
tad entre los
cided u n the plans o! the next plans for Cotton Day were dts- bring ten rags from his club as a
patses de !beBill Skelley, the Ser\'lce Club meeting
be held at Lo..s Angeles cussed. It was decided to have a donation to the rRg drive.
r 0 a 1n crica. y
prexy, announces:
h1gh sch 1.
Girls' and Boys • League Cotton Day
Sblrley Sba~ro
los E s t a do s
"II this a ffai r J:'OfS ove r, Jt wiD
-ll; -- -- - - together. The girls v.'ill have a
give courage to the other numerEn 1~ Escuela Superior Theodore
fashion show in the afternoon and
ous clubs and many more of these
the boys, an assembly ln the momRoosevelt. el club espanol. "Los casemJ-formal da nces outside of
ing. After school there w11J be a
balleros " presento a los alumnos
school wiD be possible."
Backwards Dance with a Cotton
Last Wednesday's meeting of the I y vlslta~tes el programa "mas esThe bids are $1.00, Including tax
Day theme.
P1co Chamber of Commerce was pectacular del ano." Fue una fie.<J•
and may be bought at the door.
Membe of Hamilton's orchestra
A dlscu.ssion was held concerning one that. v.lll long be remembered ta a Ia cual la orquestra de Jose
roselves into an excellent the question of girls' clubs at Ham- as one of the mo..~t outstanding of Arias toco muslca y los eminentes
ond division last week at Hton and whether or not to have ' the year. The meetings of the ba!larines. Paco y Armida fueron
the an al Southern California them ~s school or outside clubs. Chamber of Commerce are held presentados. Ellos y ostras baUaron
nd and Orchestra .Festi- Many Ideas and suggestions v:ere week!:; at Webster's cafe on La congas. rumba. tangos, y boler114
Another drive for Hamilton was val held Friday and Saturday at presented and the representatn•es Brea. Vierlipg K<'rlley, Superinten- otros on tables tam bien estuvieron
took the matter back to their dent of the Los Angeles schools v.·as allt para celebrar el dia.
chalked up by the Senior coord1n- Compton unlor College.
ating Council for their sponsorship
there were no outstand- 1homerooms and followed with a present and addre~d the group.
of the Rag Drive. With the aid of log lndiv ual accomplishments. the . discussion there.
Representing HRmilton at the
members of the Civilian Defense orchestra as a whole performed I
1meeting were Walker Brown, prin- CONTEST TO CLOSE S
commit:ee of Culver City and the very we
according to Sylvain .
jc1pal; Miss Nellie Wilson, counselor;
(Continued from Page 1)
Junior Coordinating Council, an- Bernstein Hamilton music instruc- :
Mrs. Edith Leonard, music lnstruc- tography. v.·as founder of the fa ..
other successful drive was staged. j tor and
nductor of the band.
tor; . Jerrie Dunham, student body mous Art center school or phoA member or the C1villan Defense
Hamlltd ·ans participating In the
pres1dent; Leon Moss. and Donald tography, recognized as one of the
committee. investigatUlg the local festival
re: J une Anderson. EveHamilton talent played an lm- Avance.
outstanding schools of photography
status, found that if we ha4 an 1J1l Baco n. J amf's Banta. Albert portant part In the soldier show,
Several gltts were sent via Ham- in the country.
The subject of the contest Is
emergency, there would not even be Parr, Jac uellne Blau. Larry Blau, sponso.r ed by the War Agencies ilton. White iris, from Hamilton's
a sutflcient number of bandages Norman 1arker, Bobby Brooks. Leo Committee, ~t ~he Hollywood Turf 1 own garden. graced the tables, and Hamilton Llfe, and photos may be
for Hamilton students, let alone 1Carrillo. Ia mara Courtney, Beverly . Club last mgh '· Included ln the a copper bud vase made in Carl nny size up to five inches by seven
the great populus about us. It is for Pery, All
Jones, Florence Knep· ~loor show witnessed by throngs of Wlrths'. metal shop was presented inches. but five by seven is the
this reason that students are so per, Dell Koury, Betty Ann Lar- "oldlers were Lorral~e Reimer and as a pnze for the gift ~rawings.
preferred size. The pictures may be
emphatically urged to bring old son, Caro Lelchardt, Edward Ma - Joseph';De Brunn m tap dances; I Mus1cal entertainment consisted turned in any time to the photogrags and bandages, which need son. Ve
Matheson. Evelyn Me- Pat Reid Si.J?glng; MarJe McRae do- of several vocal selections by Bar- raphy room. 314, on or before Tuesonly be washed. Although the drive j Rae, .Rc ey Macado. Kenneth Pa- lng a. Spamsh dance; Gall Ander- ~ bara Beeson and ·walter w~·att, ac- day, April 28.
has ended today, the student body lon, Dick Ploen. Pat Snyder. Eve- son and Elsie E~kland on the ac- companied by Jean Lurgewitz.
- - - -- -- is asked to continue bringing old lyn Stree Chuck Stubbs. Bill Tate, cordian; E\·elyn McRae playing the
shirts. sheets, and rags because IJuliana Vilm. Bernice Weidel, Plano; and Mar1on Davis I~ a com- . y
Ma ke More Model Pla nes
t h ey are so badly needed.
!Leonard ~uckerman. Bob Neibur, 1eoy d. ance. Music was furmshed by '
The Civilian Defense committee Bob Abra ilson Ray Osbrink and 'Larry Ferguson and his band. The
L. G. Brol'ln. v;ood shop teac er
is convertmg the old ra into new Paul Oro
Ham1lton stage crew, headed by
• • •
and model plane sponsor. ex-pects to
bandages and returnill~ them to j
Kenny Stout. took their own sound
Milton Feffer. popular member of have three boxes of 20 planes each
Hamilton !or d istribution to the
eQUipment and public address sys- t~e Summer ' 41 graduating class. , to present to the commander of the
, .a1 ious first aid stations about
tern. Royal Lowe, stage crew ln- has just completed an announcmg Long Bench Naval Base.. May 2, at
s tructor. was in charge of the contract wt th the Columbia Stud1o. C.B.S. Broadcastmg station.
the campus.
He left last Tuesday for Chicago.
The P. .A. program for April
Jlllno~. v.•:tere he ~Ill handle comFOR RENT M 7
28. at 2:30p.m .. is as follov.s:
YOt; NGBTER IN CONCERT mercia! announcements for the C. ~
To Present Fashion E xpert
Theme: "The American Way
Jackie Horner. age eight. whose BS. Studio.
Unfurnished House
A guest speaker v.ill be featured
Security T hrough s..stcr Is a student o£t Hamilton, has
While at. Hamilton Milton v.·as a
'by the G1rls' League next May 5. Guarante
11111:: ,, ..: ~·•• ::4 111 ,., 1,
th dis . t 1011
member of the stage crew and
)'i l l',., , ,.,. . 1, ' ""· 5 u ounu•
~·hen MISS Peggy Clarke, from Wholesom Recreation."
0f h
1. Pledge f Allegiance to the Flag.
avmg Pay
at head announcer or all school events.
:: f'l rcopln<'""· onf' In l'nt tn
Bullock 's Department Store will 2.
Meeting. (Election of t he Young People's Phllharmomc He attributes h •~ present job to
U ra .. onnhtf' to Rt u:h r l'a rt,·
~;peak to the girls of the student
officer ).
Orchestra concert. Jackie played a the interest and practice which he
J' h n u •· U H . : :.- ...
bod:;. :l.fiss Clarke is the advisor for
solo piano concerto at the last con3
:;11 colleglenne dre.s.~s and sport
facult) Join., the meeting.
c:othes for this s tore.
4. Mus!c- adrlgal Singers under Sl tlllt;;. .she has g:~ined a contract
The speaker will acquaint the
WM. S.
Leslie V. Gray, Jeweler
the d rection or Mrs. Edith at M.G .M. studios.
girls wnh what clothes to wear for
Leona .
college dances, ru..<-h teas, etc. Also
5he wlll explain the importance of
Phone AR. 8-5588
onstra on of Recreation for the
lCOntinued from Page 1>
rppearance for a girl when seeking
8n:l W . PICO BLVD.
3835 MAIN ST.
n Job and v. ihat .:.he should wear
Loa An•"•"
Angeles County Rec- 'llould recommend ra ilroad work
when applying. Miss Clarke also
CRestview 6-493t
Culver City
to a ny fellow Interested in t h is
'\\ 111 lllustrate her tOPH:s w1th clothes
Mlndll . Hamilton High School type of work toda y, for It is full
from Bullock's.
Facult Physical Education De· or e1-en more opportunJtles today,
partm t.,
t ha n ever before."
Every Thursday- Boya and Girls - 3 :30 to 4:30 p . m.
E very F riday a nd Tueaday Night - Beainnera 7:00 to 8: 00
20 Le11ona $10.00 - 10 Le11ons $ 6.00
The Fineat in the Weat
Advanced Cia .. 8:00 to 9:30 - 14 Le11o na $10.00
8572 W. PICO
"IOT OR. at \'Jo: :~>ICE
pl oe t a 'llt
CR. 56200
l\l cl&t or Da:r sr ...... t~
am1 t0n1ans tten
Pico Commerce Meet
Y an]( e Band Wins
Hono s at Festival
Yankees Participate
In Soldier Show
k AI
an ee
W"th C B S
ICP .-T.
. .
. Announces
g Meeting
Dr. J.E. Bapenney
J'rl .. "iat., .\ r~rll :.:4, :.:~­
"(; L \ ' lOll 110 \ ''
At T he
hTJII; (:\ Y t-• \l ,(' tl'\"
Sunburst Ma lt Shop
, , ..... ' l ou., T u .-. ..... ·"••r ll :!6, :.!7, :.:-.;
Meet Your Fellow Yankees
For Our
uGob-Gob" Special
••(l:\1•: FOO'I' 1'\
1105 Glendon Ave.
Westwood Villare
Phonea: AR. 34388
AR. 92194
Uf: \ \ J: v•
. . .. 0
'•'F.\\ \ O HJ(
AR. 8·6989
\\ t-d ., 'J'hur ... ,
" .\l, L 1 '11 \ 'I'
"11 1.0 '
T(l\\ V'
\ prll !.:1)-!ltt-
a l•o
J) J~
(' \ ' U t \ ·•
Cl \11 ~ '1"'
Howard Hilborn
CuiH r City
AR. 8-9137
Del Mar Theatre
l ' rl .• '"" ' " ,\Jirll :!4, :::-;.-
Furnished by
lli "O
"Bombay Clipper"
u u .• li o n . , .\ prll 241.
- a l •o--
"Corsican Brothers"
OLympic 1108
You've Never Had
Until Y.ou•.,. Tried One of
"Kentucky Boys" Kind
Delicioua • • Taat,. •• Like peanuta at the
Circua • • They are real!,. TOPS for that
hunary Sna ck
Drop Ia at 8629 W. Pic:o
Juat 3 Blocka Weat of La Cieneaa Blvd.
O"en till 2 a. m. Daily and SundaJI
3 a. m. Saturdaya
Page 2
Friday, April 24, 1942
jfeb~~ li~t
-------------~ny £LLEN ~·oon~
:s\\EA'TER GlltLS-
Th Drboueers those g
.n green threw quito
and ns:
Among thOI't' d nc n around were: Don Whitman,
E len£' Colt man HalT} Morgan LOrraine Ora\\ ford,
Bill 0 Connell Dnrbara Trleman, Bob LeG .ck,
Carol Leg c, Detty Groff Jack Scarcli!f, Lois
Clu.j Bob Streng. Art Cornell,
Eleanor Coleman, and Bob :Mel·
s trprlsc part:; for Jackie Wlen6te.n \\ s he'd at el te Harry
Mo• an'~ cbateau the other evening Pre•Pnt and accountt'r:l for
V.'<'re.; LC'slle H ckllng, Richard
Mad.sen. Marflc Hoagn, Bob
1-'rederlccl Je n Wetzl'll. Jnclc
Wllllnms Phvllls Oswald, and
Mnn'ln Sandruss.
n party 1n ho or of th •r n
b,. tbc Student soa,. of &Jeuncler Bam.Utoa
Jljgb School, 2955 Robertson Blvd., Los Anrcles.
California. Published \Yeekl7 dlU'lDI the iidlool :TQI'
-., thfl JourDAlism Classes.
I Own~d
Circulation 1600
SubscrlpUon Prioo 25 Centa per Semester
Entered o.s second-class matter, March 24, 1933,
tbe postoftlce at l...ols An8el~ CaliforniA, under
the Act of March 3, 187a, or August 24. 1912.
1145 Shenandoah, CR. 57734
Managing Editor " ··-···....PAULINE GALATZ
89.J.5 Ellis Ave. AR. 8·8513
News Service ..
P ublic Relations - - - - · - - - - J O Y PROBST
Co-Editors of Sport$ -----··· . BILL MEGOWA.~
IJterary FA!tor
; Alumni Editor ·----BLANCHE NORDYKE
1 Librarians
j Proof ~ader -··-----CHARLES SEXAUER
Staff Artist$
Advert1s1ng Man8i(!r
Associates-MaXine Dalley, Ellen Wood. Bob Macy,
o;gn Mehortcr, Lois Byrne, Shirlee Garman,
Rick Ingersoll, Inl!n Gl~old, Ed Carpenter,
Harry F'tlbel, Blll Geyer, and Orlean Geissler.
Ad\'lser__..._MRS, A.'lo'NE W. VON POEDEROYEN
- - - - - - - B y JACK WETRERBY-
Wednesday was the day of one of the
mo:-;t ~uccessful teas honori'lg the mothers
of the :Senior Ayes since the inaugural of
the tradition in the enrly days of the
:school. 'l'he Senior Aye clnss and the Senior
.l\Iothe1·s' Tea committe<> deserve the con·
gratulations of the entire :school ;for their
fine job.
~lA TCH E.'
Once again this year tlte
wre:stling matches are doing more than their share
in k<><'ping the Hamilton
books out of the red ink.
Each Monday nnd Thur::;dny t))(' gy:n L full of aspil'ing young athletes pushJack Wetherby ing opponent.- around the
mats in front of O\<'l'flowing uleachei'S and
sunounded Ly huudreds of ~hee1·ing fan~.
They ~eem to be the be"t form of J'!loneymaker the school has, and the Service Club
desern>:s a lot of credit for their fine work
in keeping them going.
Our orchestJ·n hns conslush·ely pro\·ed its
worth b.} sho'' ing up well in ''inning the
Second Dh ision in the Orchestra Festival
held lac;t Satlu da.} at Compton. Agnin'-t all
the high sehoul 01 chcstrns rntered, thj, is
far from a b.1tl hO\\ ing, and much better
than ln~t yea1·, ir cidently.
Last we<'k t'nited State:) plnnes and
flyers did ju:;t that "hen they converged
on the Japanese i:slands nnd dumped tons
of explosiws and incendial'ie~ on theit· fom·
la1·ge t <'itics. To the people of the United
States those bombs menu that the combined forc<>s of the Allieli have finally begun
to take a toll of Jnp cities and industrial
In the excitemt•nt of the moment. howcvrr, we ha\'C overlooked one thing, a fairly big thing that the winning Ol' the lo:-;ing
of the war rests upon. Production! And for
production we ueed men, material.:, toot~,
tlan:;portntion, aud above all, money.
Money to make and buy bomb:::, guns.
]Jlnnes. ship . tanks. torpedoes. Xow that
American flyer~ have ~hown that the war
can be brought home to Japan. it would be
something of n pity if they could have no
more bombs to drop when they got there.
So "hilc the Jnp remember Pearl Harhor with regret. let us remember that a
I ond will buy a bomb for Tokyo with
J Ieasure.
w .sweate.
WI-: BLl"SIIEllen Wood
Perhaps }Oil notice the cau·
tton Gene Hehle and B II S)telley usc 1n opening
their lockers now. Reason: some of the gals misplaced some of their apparel froxr. the G.A.A. clr·
This \l.eek's aristocrat 1s none other than glamour Willard Joseph
Skelley <so he k<'eps tell!~ hlmscl! and others). Born in Hollywood,
June 18. 1n the 71enr 1924. he \\'as first noticed telling jokes to tho
nurse ln the Hollywood hospital where he was born.
At the abnormal age of t<'n <minus five ~ears) be entered school.
HLo; first experience of school took place nt Westvoood and Crescent
Heights grammar schools. Then, after becoming a little more educated. he mtercd Mount Vernon and LOuis Pasteur junior high
schools. Upon graduating ns brainy, he made his presence at Hamllton.
Among his activities Bill 1s prcsldent of the Service club. on the
Boys' U:>~ue counr1l, Inter-club councU, etc.. etc.. etc. His spoT!$ Include B-C basketball and A·B track. As far as watching sports goes,
he likes football. basketball nnd 'most all the oth<'rs.
HL~ favo:itc friends are all the Service club men and just everybod~·. es}Jcctnlly MJldred Dempsey, his steady.
He likes most good arguments, the Service club, .c;tudent body acth1ties. sports. movies, dancing and lot$ more. m.s dislikes are ham
hocks. lima beans and gossip.
Among the bands he likes, atls favorites nre: Gleru1 Miller, Harry
James. and Tommi DOrS('y,
His mast cmbara.c;.ssng moment look place about a. week ago when
hl' round an article or Indy's llnger~e 1n hiS lock£'r. <How dtd 1t ge~
there? Sec Campus CnJl('rs)
After graduatlon Bill plnns to go to u.s C. to become a physical
ed coach.
Off Campus
Exchange Notes
- - B y 1\L\XJ"""E DALEY-
Yictory :\'otesSecond clll.S$ eaman on bo:.rd
the u s.s Jackson Is 6'41 crnduatc. Ra.}' Den: Return n to \isit his old alma mater not so
long ago, was VIncent Bo:;d. S
'36. who r C"ntly from Pearl
Harb::~r, where he \\RS engag('d
In construct1o:1 work for the government. Robe11 Peterson. W'37,
is now a seaman first clnss in
S\\ing rnthu.slasts of L A. high
h \C tnaugurz.ted a n w <'lub,
tho 'Ho~ RI'Cord" Hovoe\er,
commercial art..zl$ such as Glenn
.Mil er. T. Dorsc:;. and Benny
Goodman \l.lll not be used Un'lmov.n "boogu~ woogle'' rrcords
which hn\e ne\er been henrd on
the air "Ill be featured.
"The Son of Monte Cristo."
wlt.h Joan BennNt Louts Hay\\nrd, nnd G orge Sanders v.ns
pre.~cntcd br the •·cadets" of
F'alr!ax high ns thelr class pic·
Photograph/' ~tUd£'nl$ of San
Diego hh;h published theu- first
edition of a sLx-page pJper
w h,c!l co\ ers nl'ws of the camera world Cop.cs of the paper
were PMSCd out free to camera.
"!I nd.s.''
Colorffi fll:ns are oo ng US<'d
at Sacramento high to ala In
thl' demonstration of geometric
thcroms. This is the f1r.st lime
that thiS type of instrucuon ho.s
been attempted.
the nn,y.
Tim O'Connell. W'38, Is stationed at Cnmp San Luis Obispo, \\'h1:e W :17 graduate, Raymond Dclchsel Is senlng with
the Quartermasters COJllS In
Ring and Bdl'ILucllle HenlPy, former Hamilton stud nt became thC' brid of
Donald J()~n n S'41 I t S mday at thC' \VII htrc Weddl~
Chapel Ham! tonlnn.o; v.ho nrc
br.dc ·to-be art' J n <'e Rc}nol:is,
v.ho Is engag d to W'42 grad,
B11l Farle) n1 d Ol
M horter.
v.ho is engaged to Joe Shctrone,
On the Home I rontA few of the' men beh'nd t."le
ltnes. lv; men. too), at th£' ~n­
rious aircraft 1actorl<'s art': AI
Hagar. W"38; Dlnnch!' Brodoway. S'38; K•nny Woolly, W'42,
at Douglas; Dwight Miller. W
'40: Ph\llis Anderson W'39;
Don PctC'rson. W"38 at Lockheed; and Bettv Ann Ho;t.ard,
6'41; Kenneth Slee, W'41; Don
Clauson, W 38. at North AmerIcan
-------B~· BF.N GOLD~:\IITJI­
Il your nam~" Is Bob. )OU are among 89 oth£r fl'llow students
bearing that title.
In n recent survey the name Bob wns found to be the most popular boys' nam• In Hnmllton hi h. Tagging bt:hlnd Bob came Bill v.ith
60 names follov.ed by a tie bctv.cen Jack and Jim who each num- •
bercd 42 digits.
Here nrc the results of the SUT\·~· \\1th t~ 10 mo.st popular
names liSted: Bob 90; B•U GO; Jack. 42; Jlm, 42; D ck 32; Don. 30;
Charles. 25; Ed. 21; AI. 20; and George, 17.
With t l' exception o! Charles and Geort:e, all the other nnmcs
arc shortened ~cr ons of more formal names.
A parallel itUd) to d•cldc the most popular girl's name In Hamilton high school reveals Betty as heading the list w!th sp.lHng rangfngs from Bette to Betty.
The Pats guined second place over the Shlrleys although it was
a close enumcrat on Pats include too names Pa.tnc1a to Pa!$y. 1\'hl:e
Shlr1ey 1\"RS spelled \\lth se\ ernl variations.
Elizabeth Is a name "hlch has come dO\\'ll throu~ the ce.'1turies
and from v.'hlch Bett:y 1S dl'rlved. Pat Is nn abbre,1at•on of the name
PatricJa while Shlrle~ Is a name o1 more recent popularity.
Dorotby Hagar and Bob Sam..c;ell are looking
toM\"Ilrd to the coming issue of the Treasury because
or the unique picture of them that will highlight
this year's book.
JC..,T Altot:l'\DJC'an Hansen Is back around the campus after t'VIo ~cars· absence . . . Rar O.sbr1nk smaShed the
fl'ndl'r on his nC'w Pl}mout.h . . . Bud Nance is 1n
the Na\'y now •.. John Campbell and Ed Carpenter !U'e nil o~cr the mumps ... Tile HI-School Jamboree hM bcx?n postporwd Ull somP time in May
..• VIolet Messing has gone In for bicycle rtdlng In
a big v;ny . . . Jimmy Lipsett has jomed Vhe personnel of a locnl· on1g store. GCO!l:C Lee is lncre~­
lng his fan line with his new strawberry b:onde
tresses . . • Tommy Plt>demonte went. through n
plate-giiL'lS window at the Mllltnry Ball.
.~ .s. I>. Jl,\:S~
Glenn Miller drew mnny n Harne-ute out of the
\\ood\\ork to att nd his brcadcast.. Listening \\ere:
Ross Lltell. AnnNtc La'lt'ton. ~lercedcs J\rocha. Ross
Wasner Kny Mntt ce Lcs wberge, LOrramc Wool<'H'r and R chard Shepard.
FollOt\lng up on I t v;eek's announrement of
the Hi·Y n~ the Palladium. ~ome of the fans I !orgot to m<'ntlon \\ere. Ed Weber, V1o.e~ :Mess ng,
Orlean Geissler Buck HI h Stan Sm1th Manlyn
Chlrh rt Leon Moss. M r11\n S~artz. Bud Hogue,
Su<' Howard Don Scho'je-!d Mar rl't Gan:~ Elaine
Bueneman. Peter R l'd Bett~ Ll'onard Dave Pales,
Bess! L! II
Jimmy Shi:Z Jc!lll Ste\\"'lrt, Jo~nny
Gray Lill n P1ke, Doug Cald\Hll. and scores of
G • .1\L
MJghty mad at bclng ou·do e by a. member of
a \ t n trJ.ck te:.m. Ross
• I and Chuck
De<lamo• n took back s ats In rt\\ .- of a really hone t-to-boodness Moho\\ k haircut.
COJ\1::\tJ:ncr,\L-By Requfst: The O~tl Dr'IB' store does not emploi sodn jerk . only "diSpensers.'' <Gee I m sorry,
MIX nt' I didn't kilO\\ there wa a difference).
5 net' hi h school studen• vary In types and
ta tes n sun y \\a recently made of the Federall&t
. ta!f concern 1 g each staf! mMnber s ra,on•e
c laracterlstlc in the oppoolte sex. The results? .• ,
As !ol.o\\s-
P.aul.nc Galatz: Bashful <She's got the right
man J
Ellen Wood: Charles Atlas type. (fresh air
1 end>
01 a Mehort r: Immune to Disease. <or any
old t:ype.>
Janice Rl'j nolds· Serious. (any offers?>
Adr £'1 nl' Gh o: Tall, Dark and Hnnds()ln{'.
<hov; d•ftcrent.)
Barbara Be-<fv;ell: Free. v; hlte ond under 21.
Cover 15 >
~faxlne D:ll~>y· Indifferent. (ho·hum.)
Jo)· Probst: M cullne and strong. CNan1e one.)
Blnncre Nord}ke: If It's a man, !t's a man.
(Thats 1\hat thf'y nil say.)
Shirlee Gannnn: Malt> Cpcrlod )
or:ean Cielssl£'r. Rugged. ([)o('sn 't want much>
* * *
Jock Wt U:,.rb\: He!p1ess IThc:;· hnve to be.)
Robbe Robinson: Athletl('. (Refer to Joy
Probs. 1
Harn Fdbcl: Petite lJu.~t ask him.>
Rick Ingersoll: Non-temperamental. <Hint,
~.nt H11gnr)
Charles Sexauer· Intellectual. CNo comment.>
Bob MacJ: 'l'ilc dumb type tThey an are.)
lAin G ngcld· Irre3istable. <Well?)
BUl Ge)e:-: Feminine.
r.,rra ne Woole,·er: • Tl'!.s school is haunted"
Dorothy Hagar: "\\'hat makes you think so?"
Lorrame: Well. e\er)·one Is talking about oor
school &pirit.' ·
Fl'idny, April 24, Hl42
Page 3
ee Trackmen M_eet Fairfax
Fighting Mennen Divot Diggers Lose
In Thrilling Tie IBy Close Margin
Hearts of Oak
ny nonmE
Bll.l. )II GO\\ AN
Banker Racquetmen '
Edged by Don T earn
Federalist Teams
To Meet Colonials
Although t.hey dropped a dedslon
The lo.<;s or the Yankee racketeers
to the University Warriors. most at the hmds o! Dorsey last v.cek
8'111 ~martlng from a smaJhing
pov.l.'rlul c11H>t d : 1ng aggregat1ort came as a r ult of nervoumcss." <te!eat har.ded them b\' the monIn the Southland. by the close nthrB1.1 Enrn, Mar hal! M llcr, and ster!i from L. A High, th Colontnls
t;tn or 21 strokes on Monday. April J .. ck ~ man .s\\el>t through thNr f om Fn1rfnx w111 play ho t to t.hc
13. Hnmllton's golf team showed respectl\e sct.s to lead the singles Yankee track team on the r own
lt.sel! to be or pos.~!ble league n atchs 3-2; Hamilton & setbacks O\al.
championship matl.'rlnl.
coming after
t\\o hard-fought
The Yanks and hi.' Colonials arc
Blll S:n·age, 0.1tversltr's nee. t 1e matches by Rich rd S ep rd and the stronge~t teams In t 1e lower
cit~ 's number one mterscho:asuc Harold 0 trof!. The Dons took the half of the league this rear. The
olfer and Eddie Casebier, the flnt doub
mnt.ch in t ne s \le to t\\o teams ho\\e\er. ha\'" lost many
Yanlr:ets chief plll-pu her, staged a uc the score 3-3 Thl.' 1 t and de- men to the army and Jl&\ and to
thr llin links battle.
ctdmg match o! th\: da~ v.,, 106t defense industries.
bier shot the opl.'nlng open- due to the lnexper er. e and nenIn the \'"arstty dh~'on the t~o
lng nine hole In 41 and burned up ousneM of two l!rucomer to t.he trams look falrl;,· clos.. Fairfax
the back nlnr wl'.h a bhstenng 35. squad. Bobb) Samscll and sam hou.d rat .. a httle o! the edge beone stroke under par to card a 76. • Sneider
cnu e or the fast rela\ t..:am. Bob
s a\nge s 75 h owcH~r. d efcated Ed · j The H amiIton tenn1 t am ~et "'•1
' Ia I •prt n t man h as n ot
.....'e r. Co.on
d.e by one stroltf'.
out to a\enge th('lr defeat agalns~ shown great ab lit) so fa h:s seaA po•enUallr Jl<IWCrful tc:lm. the
Herb Hnll. Hnml!ton's number Dorsc" ~es erda' 'I\ hen the• engag- ~n as his best times are 10 7 for
\Varr1ora ha\c such outstanding the '1'ars1Ly sv.-lm ~ents O\'er and tv.o man. dov.ned his opponent \\lth cd m, n, mat.ch, ,..lt.h U e ,po\\erful t e 100 )'Brd spnnt an 235 for
mrn n.s: Bill S:IVag(' Bill Hunter. Marshall ahead 36 to 29• BrodO\\'Y a brilliant 79. Jack Ha\\klns tnlhed Holl~wood squad The· l''tderal ts • the furlong. Both thes ttmes wer&
Dick CUnningham Babe Kelso, and and WeC\'11 nabbed one-two spots, an 8S and AI Ho an 1\ho shot In "ere again headed by the Earn. mnde on the Fairfax t"ack 'll\hlch
Pierro Movnler. back from last to tie up the mret at 37-37.
the number !our spot ln place of Miller. Ro eman. and Ostroff com- Is considered the fn.ste t ln the
year's champ onship SQuad. Bill
In the so-•·ard free-style stan Bobby Samsell, sho\\ed dehnlte 1m- blnatlon: the tnckbone of this league nnd the 220 ~ run on a.
Savage. capt.aln or tJlls 'car's
squad. ·Tiger" Smith
ploughed to a !trst p ro\cm n t b Y cardl ng un 88 .
years tcnnts team. They v.ere nb ly 1 tralghta"'a•·
" J•
led hiS mat.e.s tn the qualltylng In 27 second.;,, and shortly otter
George Keating. howl.'ver, could assisted b~ Rtchnrd Shepard. fifth
George Burch, Yankee quarterrounds the oth~>r day Whf!n he took a c:ose third ln the 100 tree not manipulate the dirtlcult Cali- man. and doubles pla)ers D Mil- mller, Will have a good chance to
cardl'd a neat round o! 84 at the Anoth r first wn.s taken br big !om 1a CO\Ir.se 1n 1ess than 99 and ler. R. OJbrlnk, D Samsell and s., t a k ,, his even.• as t h e "ft
"" t Fai r6
Brent\\ ood links.
Stan Jackson In lhe grut-llng :?20- there establtshcd the margin of \·1c- Sneider.
fax time ~ 55 2, and tha· was run
yard toU-fest. S\\ltn !arts were 5 ur- tory for Unlverslt) Hamilton's agHamllton·s defeat last week ctoes around or.e turn only.
l\lerl:uh l\lcrt Hollywoodprt.sed at !•vore:! Ray Evert.<; tak- gregat(' total was 427 t<> the Uni- not. reduce Its clumces for getUng
Th<.> half-mUe should bl.' one of
This v.<.>rk the Hamilton team tng third in the 220. many beiim·- vcrslt\' !no's 40tl,
" second place In the Western the most lntrresting racl.', of the
meet.<; Holl~\\ood high for t.belr 111 g It was due to his t>ntmnce in
Eddie Cas•'blcr's brllllnnt gol! es- league the probable v.lnnt-r being day 1\.'1 Skl.'lley ""ill run galnst a.
third league swlmfest. Ito\lyv.ood the so-yard .sprint before his mnin t bllshed him as U1e third h1gh Fairfax h1gh, who has sc\l.:ntl nn- Colonial flash v.h~e brst lime is
bo.'lsts of one of the strongest teams £'vent 'I'<>nlh-grader Ronnie Sire .chool golfer In •he city, being out- ttonn1 and state champions. A v.ln 2 min 6 stc This time Is threo
in the cit~ this se!l.'IOn. due to t:telr dtsplajed smooth stroking and lu- ranked o 1ly by S:l\'agc and Paul aramst Hollyv.ood v.ould p n :c the seconds fastfr th1.n Skellej has nu1
showmg In the Southern Cnlllornlt\ ture promise ln taking a ~ cond In Carter of L. A.
locnl school In a temp rar,: ti tor 1 ll ~eason and Big BU: 'll\'11, ha~·e to
Invltatlonnl meet, held at Compton I tne tough 100-;):ard backstroke rncc.
Monday ulll !.ncJ the Yankees second "'lth Dorsev Th rc ul• of run to take the w1:1 spot
J C 1n v. tell tht-:r took n second 'Pal.i d b\ George Hnnson In thlr<l r..clng Jluntln ton Park at Rancho the Hollywood rrny came ln too
The mile and the hurd' e\' nta
pi ce t.o th pO'I\' rful Whittier high 1. cc Han.wn r 11ov;ed up with an- Ia the1r f r t Ira uc wcount~r.
late for p lblicat ou too y and w 11 nrc "!de oprn. and nl.'lth r t nm
othe.· third In thf' ln:!l\.dual me<!----appear next \\eek.
v.lll be nble to monopolize a I the
Pos.st>J; 11
on~> or the fastest lel.
c;: 1•
pomtB In these I.'VCnt.! The Colonf ur-m n rei li t.e ms In th West•
la.s Will pl'("bably take the
a) d 1e
ern leagur Holl}l'.ood .should gl\e
Bo.h th: mt"dl"l and the treeto an abundance o! 19.l.' hurd.c.rs
and print men.
a \\ha.£> of a f •ht In the matn t}l.e re.a:7 teams powered their
f'H'nt of the afternoon v.lt.h the ~a~ to ' ctonesr ~te frt'e-st)le
Carro 1 S.mmons and Bob Smith
ln t. 0 tlcld C\ent.s t e only ood
Yank t('am or Stun Smith. Schuy- • run oom~d o. \\ ee\11 student r<m:u ed t1 c oIl Hamiltonians to
Co onial rt'Jnc; to be \\ a·ne Cllfler H xon Ray E c
and Dick coach Sk)
Hixon. E\aru and qu h fm tl t 1nnu , Cit) Gynt_ "-...
tord. v.ho broadjumpl.'d 21 c 6 ln.
Wee\ I b tl ~ t out' stroke lor j ~~~ll~,~~t· ~~~ned ln an cxcep- ~·artlluc I FA· nralsltlghht'ldch~oo<'lterday at
In the L A mret The 'Fill fax h h
.s roke with the Sh !Its.
J mp<'rs are bad and he pol
Second guessers op.ne thnt lf 1 S mmon
'hi f lin' to place
v utters are worse.
Ke ly Kjel'itrom had entered the
t the Jon hor e r II led to earn a
Their be t shot-puttrr Is Boo
!\lr. port J'an \\ rit.-sb reas•-.stroJ.."e and Ray E\art.s h d tlt r d b ertJ l on t 1 1.' Std e Horse
_-- )
Krte voho:;c b£st rut
44 rt Th
Ue:tr l:ctltor:
1 ot Entered a ra~ bef re svo m·~I'<' ON'
.ng <' gl le to compete
1. Just an aH•rage'' thro~· but I' Is
\\'l•.•t Is the matter "ith the mlng the :?.20, tt:< 'ars1ty v.ould n tl IC 1mas
1 t O"cther v.!th Bob
- - • f rther than any Yankt-e p~ ter has
attt-nclrncc nt the sprin g to-ports 1ha\e returmd from the tr, y a ......n- Sm,tll, \\hose efforts rnded In a
~ ) d no to date and that mrllld~'S the'\cnts? }or )l'llrs I, .<n t'nthus- ner b) s1x pomts.
In t h e
" -,,n ll Y t .(' f or Ill t h Pace
h rd-luck t\\lns, J1m :\lJ.:lett and
IM.tic folio" c•r ul s11rinr
f'rce E Xl!l cl es.
.. SIIOth,
Clay Bart~>ls.
Juwc notlc.ccl with eli hc~lrtcntd 1
Onl) n tenth gr11der, Smith has
~ ~ >"""'
--------and liUI prlscd gaze the lack or
p rfonned out! tal dlngly during
inlc-rt•st ~hcm n ~ J•rinl:' ~1wlls in
lf l(lUe COII!petltl n, w•xt to big Bob
high sd1ools. Is It l)('('Oiusc, In thi~
Andrr on, who co,ped all the lugh
I 1
the l.md of "\lnnana" thc! (an'l I
ho ors
0 1~
think thr~ can come out tomorPlaying by far their best {tames
Plltl Cheney. L!Juls r.e.,•elle aud
row nnd still H't' the lint h of or the season, the Hamilton Inks- R
Lmrll all c me through lasL
C~ ches Donahue and Robrr s•
tile 100-ynrdSln~rel....
' 1 11 1tonors 1n t h e
men 1ast V.el.'k bt~l.'d In hoi orable " ek· b} t kl ng •l
Aft.er an aftt'rnO.On of grunting !am \.L$ fight ng mtdge•
.d•fe t to a powerfu& Southern c 1- \~ c tern L gul.' l· n I but found
m . POitT FA~ l!ornln golf t.enm Led b;, H !'b Hall tht' go nil' ml hty rough In All City and gro ,nlng that re:.ultC<l ln fl~e .eem to ha\e e\Cf)thln ne ...e
Ed or's Note·
nd F.dd1r cnsebler \\ho bo h ng- t'lmpct t!On
VC'ry du I m te f'. the S<oT\Ir.
Dear Mr Sport Fan: We were
t.ercd 79's e\cn though 1~ ng the
T .c Cit) Final v.lll conclude the C1Ub \\rr tlng tournament lurched ) ar as thry ent.er the Fa r!ax
begnnl 'to v.ond r 1f that were ~tank as a '\\how lmpro\•d the.r Hl4il • rrn Uc eas!)n, "'hlch on its merry v. y ulth no major co'ueum Friday hea) r
the cn-.e ourselH Let's hope not, JLd1v!dual scores. Bobb:J s msdl b O:.J • H milton a third plnce in upset marring t c aftc noon'.s tcsk
r Th re has -been new ln- lone Pt-derahst \lctor. "-On h!..s he We t rn .Ler 1e Indlv dual Uv!U<"S
Cv1on.al 3
ter t hov.n this )Car. due we be- mntch with an s:;. The lost t\\O
re tak n b· Carroll S mThe Jmti 1 matt"h \\as a set- 0 that wen· down to a \e~
.le\ to th P \ n1...d calls that S(!V- matcnes ~ere 1 t b:J Jack na klns mons 1 d Bob AI derson '\\ho pled bet\\C<'n • Tcdd) St'h lz tu1d BOo'_ p.
\c detent at the han
crsl of the school arc spon~orlng and Ben" Ho ..an wl:o o• 01 and Lp ound 34 po
each. whUe l"'t>ll 111 v.h.ch St'hllz pro\ed hlmsel! Los An eles nigh Roman 1
The purpa:;e o! the aud calls is 0..,3 re.pect \e,y.
All t 1e mn ches need n on! 9 to <'arn t11e letter.
the master Amato a d Caplan nr- day
chiefly to promote interest in 1o1.cre close and t1 e Tro n!~ ;mew
ter muoh pullln and pushmg endspring ,!;port.s If ho\\e\ r. the aud that they had oetn up n a.rut n .\'l'TENTION!
cd \\lth Ama o tt n on Cap! n
ThE.' mighty nees are ex>e d to
calls rn. l.'nou h monev students r~l te m before the afternoon \\liS
The Tre:l ury I"~ comp !'"' has for the fa I ThP I ext match !o:.~nd field one of thor m
rtl Christensen defcntmc Corrotlters in teams n years. Outstan
m\\Ill be ndmltted f"'ce to tJle differ- m·er. On the bn Is of this excellent been x ended •o Thursdn"
cnt ~ports c\ cnt..s. Th s should In showln •• the Banker.; v. 11 be fa\'orn 115 11
~· P
bers of the hghtl s th t . t.o f co
our oplnl n do more !or th pro- Pd In l<'at::u<' competlt.on with the
pcrm.t students who
ot bn tt 1.'.
the Fnl r x squad Fnan}
motion or th port 1tsclt than any Unl\ersJty match probabl> deciding h \e not b l.'n bl to mnk • , ue
O'Brien defeated Donn In the Andl.'non Hill M ow a~ B b Her11
other method knov.n.
• the outcome of the Sfnson.
P m nt l{) <C.llect. th-. •tece'l- 146-pound cla'l.S v.hll!! Lero· Hollis m n 1n he print . Jtm Ard Jn
r) 50-cent deposit Nearly 1000 surprts<'d mnny \\lth n stunning ll o 70-ynrd hurdles
d th 120
cop s ho\e bN n t • <'!"lied to dJ e. defeat of Bob Strong HoUts pmncd lov. a1 d t .e rda> Mat· W.->lf in
B tter I urr)! M-.nv good athlet c Strong \\ lth a rcwrsc s1t, fnmou.o; th<' 1320 r o R'lb n He ala Bob
pictures are Included.
ru.,hm' rasslln' hold.
L ndslf y md n 1Lble Rob ll:iOn in
the GOO.
Golf ~cason OpensUolf season officinlly opens DL~pro\1ng the adng~>. "Pract cc
for the Yanks \\hen they makes perfect." Hamilton vanity
I k 1· h
meet I l u nlmgtou ,ar
llg l.splashers fought the Marshall Barthis l\Jonday. Apl'il 20, on the mters to a :fi-37 tle la.c;t Friday.
Rancho fait'\\:t)'S. Lecl by Getting !i!ty minutes o! swimming
CnJ>t. Eddie Casebier t h c pract.ice three da)s a week, at best.
Hamilton linl<smcn figm·e as the fighting Yanks pleased student
~trong contender for league conch Sohuyler Hixon beyond his
honors this ~en ·on. One of <Xpectatlons.
· stunlbli'Ilg blocks Ynnkeev11lc's dhing fools. Jack
the nlal 11
d k
this year in their fight for Brod<>w;,· and D.ck Ween!. un su c c 0 f th
·u ed their \\'BY to one or the most
pr rnar Y
e greens WI ·"""tacular
a•~ a
~ ... ~~
~" c•er
be t h C Unh·crsity \Varl'iors.
Ham 1lton dual .swlm meet. Wlth
mmons an
Qualify for Finals
/U l?
yank Linksmen
Yield to So Cal
H 11· p· St
Ins rong
In Minor Upset
M 'd
T.- k
· ac ers
Set for Fairfax
Take HER a Corsage-
ARdmore 8 - 4151
ARdmore 8 - 4165
Palms Lumber Co.
10321 National Blvd.
AR. 8 ·3475 - AS. 4-2590
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<·o .. ·n l\11: Je\\ t: l.ltY
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li:"xp<'rl \\ Aldt
Jl'nf'lr7 rlf'palrln~t
f'":r.' \\, I'H·o DL\ D,
I "• A na:rlr111
CRutnf'n t-11•Ul
Maude Riley Rindlaub School
Thursday and Saturday Service to Mothers
Care of Children from 4 to 10 Yeara
Half or All Day
1105 Clendon Annue
Weatwood Villare
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Hal Baird
I : XI'I; fiT 1, ( llRH \ 'Jill '
'lnndnrd I nrd" r.nnd
Robertson And