antarctica - Travel Club Elite


antarctica - Travel Club Elite
C OX & K I N G S
G R O U P T O U R S & T A I L O R - M A D E T R AV E L
L AT I N A M E R I C A & A N TA R C T I C A 2 0 1 5
Cox & Kings, the longest established travel company in the world,
marked its 250th anniversary in 2008.
The company’s history stretches back to 25 May 1758 when Richard Cox
was appointed as regimental agent to the Foot Guards by his mentor, Lord
Ligonier, the commander-in-chief of His Majesty’s Armed Forces.
The role of agent included the arrangement of payment of officers and
men, the provision of clothing, acting as a go-between for the buying and
selling of officers’ commissions, and acting upon any special requests from
the regimental adjutant.
Regimental agents did not have a very good reputation before Cox, but
such was his honesty, reliability and organisational ability that he made it
a respectable business and Cox & Co soon became the agent for the
majority of British regiments. By the end of the 18th century the company
served 14 cavalry, 64 infantry and 17 militia regiments. The company’s
business grew hand in hand with the British empire, becoming involved in
banking and shipping in addition to its other agency activities.
Henry S King & Co, a rival bank and shipping agency, was started by Henry
Samuel King in 1868 and subsequently run for more than 45 years by
his son, Henry Seymour King, an MP and renowned mountaineer. The
company had particularly strong links with India. After the first world
war, the two companies merged as Cox’s & King’s and moved into grand
premises on Pall Mall (now the site of the Sofitel St James Hotel). In 1923,
the business was sold to Lloyds Bank and, while the banking arm stayed
with Lloyds (becoming the Cox & Kings branch, as it is still known), the
shipping agency became a separate company, running tours and organising
the passage of people and their belongings around the world, notably to
Egypt, India and south Asia.
In 1970, Cox & Kings Agency was bought by Grindlays Bank as part of a
deal with the then Indian prime minister, Indira Gandhi, to develop tourism
into the country; and so the modern history of the company began.
Cox & Kings has built on the tradition of high quality service and attention
to detail established by Richard Cox more than 250 years ago and it now
provides travel arrangements of the highest calibre in many of the most
culturally and naturally fascinating parts of the world. The company has
extended its expertise to cover Africa, Australasia, the Caribbean, Europe,
the Far East, the Indian Ocean, the Indian Subcontinent, Latin America, the
Middle East and Canada.
• Established in 1758
• Expert tour consultants
• The best local agents and guides
• Excellent value for high quality tours
• Enhanced buying power of a
global company
• Small-company personal service,
large-company competitiveness
• Personal expert tour consultant
• Reliable local guides and drivers on
the ground
• Guides who give more than just
the facts
See page 6 for further details about the many
benefits of travelling with Cox & Kings
latin america MAP
Design & production: Cox & Kings Travel Ltd
Printing: Buxton Press Limited.
Photography: Alamy,, Cox & Kings Travel Ltd,, Robert Harding,, 4Corners Images
r du
The Cox & Kings Benefits
Cox & Kings Holidays
Cox & Kings Online
Flying in Style
scorted Group our
Peru: Train to Machu Picchu
Tour Extensions
Private ravel Ideas
Peru in Luxury
Belmond Hotels & Trains
Peru Tailor-made
Cuzco & the Sacred Valley
Peruvian Amazon Tailor-made
Peru & Beyond Tailor-made
Peru & Galapagos Tailor-made
Places o tay
scorted Group our
Private ravel Ideas
Bolivia Tailor-made
scorted Group our
Ecuador & Galapagos
Private ravel Ideas
scorted Group our
Splendours of Chile
Tour Extensions
Ecuador Tailor-made
Places o tay
Private ravel Ideas
Chile Tailor-made
Places o tay
scorted Group our
Patagonia: Untouched
Private ravel Ideas
Argentina Tailor-made
Uruguay Tailor-made
Places o tay
Argentina Hotels
scorted Group our
Wonders of the New World
scorted Group our
Rhythms of Brazil
Brazil Tailor-made
Places o tay
scorted Group ours
Cruisers & Lodges
Cuba Tailor-made
scorted Group our
Splendours of South America
Grand Tour of South America
Treasures of Colombia
Colombia, Venuezuela &
Guyana Tailor-made
Antarctica & The Falklands
Highlights of Mexico
Private ravel Ideas
Mexico Tailor-made
Places o tay
Yucatan Luxury Historic
scorted Group our
Natural Splendours of
Costa Rica
Tour Extensions
Private ravel Ideas
Costa Rica Tailor-made
Panama Tailor-made
Places o tay
Private ravel Ideas
Private ravel Ideas
Places o tay
Splendours of Cuba
A Journey Through Cuba
Private ravel Ideas
Galapagos Tailor-made
A Year in the Galapagos
scorted Group ours
Private ravel Ideas
Heart of the Andes
Costa Rica &
Central America Hotels
scorted Group our
Splendours of Central America
Private ravel Ideas
Guatemala Tailor-made
Belize Tailor-made
Nicaragua, Honduras &
El Salvador Tailor-made
Booking Conditions
Travel in Latin America
Reservation Form
Documents & Health
latin america the cox & k n s benef ts
More than 250 years of discovery:
Our history, stretching back more than
250 years, gives us unrivalled experience at
organising high quality travel, whether you
are planning a stay in a great city or a journey
into a remote wilderness.
Low price policy: We believe that expert
knowledge and excellent service should
come as standard. Whether the planning of
your holiday takes one phone call or multiple
discussions over many weeks, there is no
additional cost to you for our experts’ input. It
is also our policy to keep our prices as low as
possible, to make high quality travel accessible
to the largest number of people we can.
ervices of the London office: In addition to
the expertise of your personal tour consultant,
Cox & Kings aims to provide the highest levels
of customer care, from your initial inquiry,
through to the detailed itineraries and tour
notes sent to you prior to departure, and,
finally, in answering any queries you may have
when you return from your travels.
Dedicated team of Latin America experts:
Our Latin America tour consultants have all
travelled extensively in the region and offer
you a wealth of expert knowledge. Whether
you are looking to join a set tour or take a
private tailor-made journey, you can travel with
the reassurance that your itinerary will have
been planned by a regional specialist.
he best support in Latin America: Over
the years, Cox & Kings has sought out and
developed working relationships with the
finest local agents in Latin America. These are
all companies that have a detailed knowledge
of their own country, a wide network of
local representatives and expert guides, an
understanding of Cox & Kings’ standards and,
not least, an appreciation of the expectations
of those who travel with us.
uying power: This low price policy is made
possible through our buying power, which
is generated by the combined influence
of the Cox & Kings group of companies
worldwide. As a result, we are able to contract
flights, hotels and ground services at highly
competitive rates.
Personal service in Latin America: Whether you
are part of a group or travelling independently,
you will be met at each airport, train station
or quay along the way, transferred to and from
your hotel and have the details of your itinerary
explained to you. Unless specified otherwise,
Cox & Kings groups also benefit from the
services of local English-speaking tour managers.
omparing like with like: By its nature, high
quality travel is not cheap and, when planning a
trip, it can seem as if there is a big difference in
price between what, on the surface, are similar
holidays. Comparing like with like, we are
confident that our holidays represent excellent
value for money when the number and quality
of services included are taken into account.
xpert local guides: Cox & Kings uses the
services of specially chosen local Englishspeaking guides who really know their subject
and can bring places to life. In addition to
providing relevant background information,
they can also explain the local way of life,
customs and issues in depth, far beyond what is
covered in even the best guidebooks.
Perito Moreno, Patagonia, Argentina
Atol protection: Cox & Kings is a fully
bonded and licensed tour operator
and the air holidays in this brochure
are Atol protected by the bonding scheme
administered by the Civil Aviation Authority
(CAA). Our Atol number is 2815. For more
information about the protection offered by
the CAA, please visit
Abta: Cox & Kings is a member of
Abta, the Association of British Travel
Agents. For more information about Abta and
its members, please visit
oreign & ommonwealth ffice
advice: Cox & Kings receives a
great deal of information about
conditions on the ground from its local
representatives. However, when deciding
whether particular countries or regions are
safe for travel, the final decision is dependent
on the guidance of the British Foreign &
Commonwealth Office (FCO). If you would
like to know the current travel advice for any
country, you can visit or call
0870 606 0290. Cox & Kings actively supports
the FCO’s Know Before You Go campaign, to
help you stay safe overseas. Find out more at
ool arth: Cox & Kings
supports the charity Cool
Earth, which partners
indigenous communities to keep endangered
rainforest standing. You too can help and every
time you travel with Cox & Kings you will
be given the option of protecting a plot of
rainforest and saving it from destruction. Just
£60 safeguards a whole acre (4,000 sq metres)
of Amazon rainforest in the Ashaninka region
of Peru. For more information or to donate,
please visit
Aito: Cox & Kings is also a
member of Aito, the Association
of Independent Tour Operators, assuring you
of Cox & Kings’ commitment to high quality
service and ethical business practices. For more
information about Aito and its aims, please visit
ustainable ourism: We acknowledge the
importance of Aito’s sustainable tourism
ethos, which recognises the social, economic
and environmental responsibilities of tour
he Aito Quality harter
The Aito Quality Charter
Aito is an association of
independently minded
companies specialising in
particular areas or types of
holiday and sharing a common
dedication to high standards
of quality and personal
service. Aito defines ‘quality’ as
“providing a level of satisfaction
which, based upon the holiday
information provided by
the tour operator, aims to
meet or exceed a customer’s
reasonable satisfaction,
regardless of the type of
holiday sold or the price paid”.
Accurate brochures: Aito
members ensure that
their brochures clearly and
accurately describe the
holidays and services offered.
Product improvements:
Aito members listen to their
customers and welcome
suggestions for improving
standards. All customers receive
a post-holiday questionnaire.
Professional service: Aito
members are committed to
high standards of personal
service, maintained by the
thorough training of employees.
inancial security: Aito
takes care to ensure that all
members comply with current
UK government regulations
regarding the protection of
clients’ money.
xclusive membership: Aito
has strict membership criteria
that must be satisfied before
new companies are allowed to
join. All members must adhere
to a rigorous code of business
practice that governs their
operational conduct.
nvironmental issues: Aito is
committed to raising the level
of environmental awareness
within the industry. In the
unlikely event that a dispute
between an Aito member
and customer cannot be
resolved amicably, either
side may call upon Aito’s
low-cost Independent Dispute
Settlement Service to bring
the matter to a speedy and
acceptable conclusion.
ys ex
ou can travel with ox & ings in a couple
of ways – on our escorted group tours and
on a private basis.
All escorted group tour itineraries can
also be taken on a private basis, allowing
you the option to amend the itinerary
and standard of accommodation as well as
opening up various flight options. tarting
prices for travelling on a private basis in the
low season and high season are shown below
each itinerary.
In a few cases, an escorted group tour may
not be exclusive to ox & ings’ clients
and in such cases the term ‘non-exclusive
escorted group tour’ will be indicated.
We have highlighted the standard of
accommodation featured on a tour
immediately below the tour title. In some cases,
tours include some departures in one category
and some in another. In such cases, the itinerary
is generally the same and just the standard of
accommodation varies. However, if there are
any variations in the excursions included, these
are explained on the page. The departure dates
table indicates the departures for which the
alternative version of a tour applies.
uperior: Most Cox & Kings tours fall under
this category and are based in 4- or 5-star
accommodation, or the best available.
Luxury: These tours will usually feature 5-star
de luxe accommodation throughout.
tandard: Simpler in emphasis, these itineraries
typically feature 3- and 4-star accommodation
Discovery: This type of holiday is best suited
to the hardier traveller, as it will typically include
some quite basic accommodation, possibly
longer and rougher road journeys and, in some
cases, more arduous activities, such as trekking.
All Cox & Kings escorted group tours benefit
from the following features:
our manager: Cox & Kings tour managers are
carefully selected for their travel experience
Old Havana, Cuba
and organisational abilities. Your tour manager
will meet your group on arrival in Latin
America and will escort you throughout your
journey (unless otherwise specified).
xpert local guides: On some tours, in
addition to the services of the tour manager,
Cox & Kings escorted group tours also benefit
from the knowledge of local guides who
accompany each excursion. In other cases,
where appropriate, the group tours will be
escorted by an experienced local guide in each
destination. Where possible, your entrance fees
are included in the holiday price.
Airport representatives: For all group
departures where six or more people are
travelling on the same flight from London
Heathrow or Gatwick, a Cox & Kings
representative is available to assist with check
in and any seat requests you may have during
the main check-in period.
cheduled flights: Cox & Kings uses only
the services of scheduled airlines for all
international and most internal flights. All prices
are based on Economy Class flights; Cox &
Kings offers excellent upgrade rates if required
and details of these are shown on the tour
pages. Flight schedules to, from and within
Latin America mean that some early morning
departures or arrivals may be unavoidable.
omfortable land travel: For road journeys,
Cox & Kings uses buses of a size appropriate
to the size of the group, with air conditioning
where this facility is available. On rail journeys,
groups are booked in the best available class
on the train.
mall group sizes: To enhance your enjoyment
of the tour, we like to keep our groups small
and manageable. Therefore, numbers are
normally restricted to a maximum of 25 and a
minimum of 10 people.
ruises & trains: Cruises and rail journeys in
this brochure are described as non-exclusive
escorted group tours. The transfers and
excursions relevant to that itinerary are
operated on a group basis with other passengers
who may or may not be Cox & Kings clients.
xtensions: Cox & Kings is happy to arrange
for you to extend your stay in Latin America
beyond the escorted group tour dates. We have
suggested extension options for most tours
in this brochure, but our specialist consultants
would also be delighted to design a tailor-made
extension for you, either pre- or post-tour, to
fit in with your interests. Group tour extensions
are operated on the same basis as private travel
unless other members of the main tour group
choose to take the same extension, in which
case the relevant services may be shared.
All escorted group tours can be taken on
a private basis and some itineraries are
available for private travel only. The private
travel itineraries listed in this brochure act
as a suggestion only and each one can be
tailored* to suit your needs, adding in a day’s
sightseeing, taking time out to relax, bypassing
a city, or altering your accommodation or
flight options. Such tours are taken by one or
more passengers on the date of their choosing,
subject to schedules and availability†.
These tours operate exactly as per escorted
group tours, except that there is no airport
representation in the UK and, rather than being
accompanied throughout by a tour manager,
travellers are locally escorted in each city /
destination. In addition to the services they
have in common with escorted group tours,
private travel offers the following benefits:
upport on the ground: On arrival in Latin
America and at each new destination on your
ys ex
journey, you will normally be met at the airport
(unless you are in transit), station or quay by
a Cox & Kings representative who will then
accompany you to your hotel, help you check
in and confirm the itinerary for your stay.
several pages of tailor-made holiday ideas
(please see the contents on page 5) and our
website provides plenty of tailor-made holiday
inspiration at, as well as a
number of other suggested private itineraries.
ransfers by car: For all road journeys, you
will have your own car / minivan and driver.
This allows you to travel in comfort and to
stop off along the way if you see something of
interest, want to take a photograph or would
like a break. Most cars used are air conditioned,
but you will be told in advance should airconditioned cars not be available for any
section of your journey.
In addition, our expert tour consultants will
be delighted to suggest ideas to complement
your own and to organise the most
appropriate programme to suit your interests,
time and budget.
Private guides: Your own private Englishspeaking local guide accompanies most
sightseeing excursions. This means that
you can ask as many or as few questions
as you like, with the emphasis on your own
particular interests.
Accommodation flexibility: If you would like
to stay in any hotels other than those featured
in the tour itinerary, or if you would like to
alter the standard of your room, your tour
consultant can discuss the options with you
and let you know about the price differential
prior to booking.
* ailor your itinerary: For those who prefer
to travel at their own pace or who wish to
explore places not included in the brochure
itineraries, Cox & Kings has many years of
experience organising tailor-made holidays
to Latin America. This brochure includes
†Availability: Cox & Kings cannot hold
allocations for private travel services year
round and, as a result, all services are subject
to availability. If any element of your private
itinerary is not available at the time of booking,
Cox & Kings will suggest the most comparable
alternative available.
As the cost of maintaining a room for one
person can be almost as high as it is for two,
most hotels around the world charge more
per person for a single-occupancy room than
for a shared twin room. In addition, many
single-occupancy rooms are the same as twin /
double rooms.
For certain departures, Cox & Kings has
arranged for there to be no single supplement,
and this is highlighted in the C&K Highlights
panel. Where this has not been possible
supplementary charges for single or sole
passengers are shown in the price table.
Mayan ruins, Tulum, Mexico
ys ex
ingle traveller: This term describes someone
occupying a single room while travelling on a
tour with others.
ole traveller: This term describes someone
travelling entirely on their own. As a single
traveller on a group tour, please check the
single supplement price. If you wish to add an
extension to that tour, please then check the
sole supplement price for that extension. These
prices take into account the fact that you are
‘sole’ on the extension section only.
Cox & Kings is delighted to offer a collection of
small-group tours dedicated to single travellers.
Please visit for details or to
request a brochure.
La Boca, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Most Cox & Kings holidays are based on flights
from London Heathrow or Gatwick and, in
most cases, it is possible to connect with those
flights from regional British airports for a small
supplement. In addition, Cox & Kings can offer
favourable prices for upgrading to Premium
Economy, Business and First Class. For many
holidays, this supplement information is
included on the tour page. Where space does
not allow for this, you can refer to another
tour that features the same international airline
to find the applicable supplement prices.
The changing climate can have a major impact
on the timing of trips to Latin America. Our
tour pages include detailed charts showing the
temperature and rainfall in the various regions
throughout the year.
Latin America is also well known for its
festivals. If you are interested in visiting during
a particular celebration, please contact a Cox
& Kings tour consultant for dates. Some Cox &
Kings tours have special festival departures and
these are highlighted on the tour page.
Should you wish to combine multiple regions
of the world in a single journey, Cox & Kings
has a great deal of experience in tailoring such
travel plans, including arranging round-theworld flights. Please contact us for details of
the various options and a price quotation.
When making a booking, if you feel that
there is anything Cox & Kings should know
about that is essential to your enjoyment of
your holiday, please ensure that we have been
made aware of this in writing at the time of
booking, preferably using the reservation form
on page 122.
Iguaçu Falls, Brazil
OX & K
Visit to find your perfect holiday.
Our hand-picked selection of short breaks visits some of Europe’s
finest cities and cultural destinations; from the magnificent Renaissance
city of Florence to the cobbled streets of Tallinn, all offer value for
money and superior accommodation. Short breaks to Morocco and
Canada are also available. Visit
Cox & Kings’ online collection of polar journeys includes expedition
cruises to the Arctic and Antarctica, plus a range of tailor-made travel
ideas in and around the Arctic Circle. For the cruises, the selected ships
are all specialist vessels, ideal for reaching remote regions in safety and
comfort. Visit
This online collection has been specially created for families seeking
adventure and discovery with comfort and peace of mind. These
holiday suggestions can be tailored to suit your own particular interests
and family characteristics, and adapted to excite older and younger
family members alike. Visit
Taking the best of our luxury Relax Collection and an array of other
romantic escape options, such as railway journeys, city breaks and
exotic escapes, Cox & Kings offers the complete honeymoon range.
To tailor your holiday of a lifetime and find out about our contribution
service, please visit
Ar T ur W r d
Renowned for spectacular wilderness, abundant wildlife, cosmopolitan
cities and diverse cultures, Canada and Alaska are thrilling destinations.
Cox & Kings offers an online selection of group tours and private travel
ideas, including short breaks, and will be publishing a brochure for travel
in 2015 in December 2014. Visit
Cox & Kings is the travel partner of the Royal Academy of Arts (RA).
This programme of tours, led by expert lecturers, is open to anyone
with a passion for the world’s greatest artistic, architectural and
archaeological wonders. For full details or a brochure, visit
This online collection of luxury tailor-made escapes is designed for
those looking to unwind in stylish hotels and stunning surroundings.
The hotels featured are generally small scale, boutique properties with
superb service, supreme attentions to detail and exceptional locations.
rS T ur
Cox & Kings is delighted to offer a range of small group tours
dedicated to single travellers. Featuring many of our most popular
destinations, these tours enable single travellers to explore fascinating
parts of the world with like-minded people and complete peace of
mind. Visit
our choice of scheduled airlines: It is
Cox & Kings’ policy to use scheduled flights
on airlines with strong reputations for service,
reliability and punctuality. Our holidays to
Latin America feature a number of world-class
airlines and on these pages we have highlighted
seven of the best and the different services
they offer.
British Airways flies from Heathrow non-stop
to Mexico City, Cancun, Buenos Aires, Rio
de Janeiro and São Paulo. With most British
Airways tickets, you can either check in at the
check-in kiosk or online, printing your boarding
pass and taking your luggage direct to the Fast
Bag Drop desk.
World raveller benefits: A 79cm (31in)
seat pitch with lumbar support, footrest and
adjustable headrest; personal television screens
with audio video on demand, offering access
to 200 film, television and music channels; and
three-course meals with complimentary bar
service. Throughout 2015, British Airways is
introducing a new World Traveller cabin with
a new interior, enhanced seats and a new
entertainment system.
World raveller Plus benefits: A quiet
cabin with a maximum of six rows of seats;
a 97cm (38in) seat pitch; wider seat with
adjustable headrest, leg rest, footrest and
lumbar support, offering more personal space
than World Traveller; personal television;
and upgraded choice of meals with
complimentary bar service. Throughout 2015,
British Airways is introducing a new World
Traveller Plus cabin with a new interior,
enhanced seats with an increased recline,
and a new entertainment system..
Upgrade from £425 per person return.
tretch out: On long-haul flights, a little extra
room can make a big difference to your
comfort, so Cox & Kings offers a range of
upgrade options at great prices.
Regional connections: Cox & Kings offers
excellent add-on prices for those wishing to
connect to long-haul flights from regional UK
In addition, the faster check in and comfortable
lounges available to most upgrading passengers
allow you to pass through the airport with ease.
For further information, please either refer to
the table below the price grid applicable to
your tour or contact Cox & Kings.
lub World benefits: Club World customers
benefit from dedicated check-in desks,
departure and arrival lounges, and treatments
in the Elemis Travel Spa*. Club World features
183cm (6ft) fully flat beds and seats that
are 25% wider, with large tables; personal
televisions; excellent local and international
cuisine is served, along with a dedicated wine
cellar; and hot and cold snacks and beverages
are also available.
Upgrade from £2,295 per person return.
Club World
irst benefits: First customers benefit from
dedicated check-in desks, departure and arrival
lounges and treatments in the Elemis Travel
Spa*. Your exclusive ‘suite’ creates a private
environment; seats convert into a 198cm
(6ft 6in) flat bed; duvet, pillows and sleeper
suits are provided, along with a fold-down
companion seat. Pre-flight dining is available at
London Heathrow. On board, choose from a
formal gourmet menu or an informal dining
option, accompanied by the finest wines and
champagnes. Throughout 2015, British Airways
is introducing a new First cabin with a new
interior, seats that are 60% wider at shoulder
level, and a personal wardrobe.
Upgrade from £4,295 per person return.
Iberia flies from Heathrow, via Madrid, to
16 destinations in Latin America and the
Caribbean. Regional connections are available
to Heathrow. Iberia flights can be combined
with British Airways flights.
conomy lass benefits: Up to 81cm (32in)
seat pitch; for transatlantic flights, there is a
choice of two meals, and a complimentary bar
service; and for flights from the UK to Madrid,
meals and bar service are payable. Throughout
2015, Iberia is introducing a new economy
class cabin with personal television screens.
usiness lass benefits: Separate check in and
access to Business Class lounges; seat converts
into a 188cm (6ft 2in) fully flat bed with a 63cm
(25in) width, multi-adjustable seat cushion
that has a built-in massage function; personal
television screens; and choice of three menus,
express menu, extensive wine list, and self-service
bar. Throughout 2015, Iberia is introducing a new
Business Plus cabin offering more privacy, 200cm
(6ft 7in) fully flat beds, extra-wide seats and
39cm (15in) television screens.
Upgrade from £1,845 per person return.
* lemis ravel pa: Available at London
Heathrow departure and arrival lounges.
Business Class
Virgin Atlantic operates non-stop flights twice
a week from Gatwick to Havana.
LAN is one of the leading passenger airlines
in Latin America, flying daily from Madrid nonstop to Santiago, Lima and Guayaquil. There
are onward connections throughout South
America. LAN offers codeshare flights from the
UK to Madrid with Iberia and British Airways.
LAN is part of the LATAM Airlines Group.
conomy lass benefits: 79cm (31in) seat
pitch with lumbar support and adjustable
headrests; personal television screens with
more than 300 hours of entertainment; choice
of three meals and complimentary drinks.
Premium conomy benefits: Separate check
in and a dedicated cabin; leather seat with a
width of 53cm (21in) and 97cm (38in) seat
pitch; adjustable headrest and footrest; personal
television screens; and upgraded meals and
complimentary drinks.
Upgrade from £485 per person return.
Upper lass benefits: Separate check in,
access to the Virgin Atlantic Clubhouse; fully
flat beds that are 56cm (22in) wide and more
than 198cm (6ft 6in) long; and on flights from
Heathrow, the Graze Menu allows you to dine
when you wish. In addition, features include
an onboard bar and a personal 26cm (10in)
widescreen television.
Upgrade from £1,695 per person return.
Economy Class
conomy lass benefits: 81cm (32in) seat
pitch, ergonomically designed seats with
adjustable headrests; personal television
screens with more than 1,000 channels of ondemand in-flight entertainment; and choice of
meals with complimentary Chilean wines.
United Airlines flies from the UK non-stop to
New York, Washington, Chicago, Houston, San
Francisco and Los Angeles. From these US
gateways, there are flights to more than 50
destinations in Central and South America.
conomy lass benefits: Up to 81cm (32in)
seat pitch with adjustable headrest; personal
television screens, with audio video on demand
on most flights; complimentary meals and
drinks on transatlantic services and flights from
the US to South America; for flights from the
US to Central America meals and bar services
are payable. Alcoholic beverages are payable
on all flights.
conomy Plus benefits: Available on the
majority of flights, these upgraded seats have a
96cm (38in) seat pitch.
Upgrade from £145 per person return.
usiness lass benefits: Dedicated check-in
counters and access to lounges; seats that
convert into 198cm (6ft 6in) flat beds; personal
television screens with audio video on demand
and noise reducing headphones; and gourmet
meals with wines and champagnes.
Upgrade from £2,745 per person return.
KLM offers departures from 16 UK airports
to Amsterdam. There are onward connections
to Lima, Quito, Guayaquil, Rio de Janeiro, São
Paulo, Buenos Aires, Mexico City and Panama
City. KLM flights can be combined with Air
France flights.
conomy lass benefits: 81cm (32in) seat
pitch, ergonomically designed seats with
adjustable headrests; personal television
screens with audio video on demand; and
choice of meals with complimentary wines.
World usiness lass benefits: Separate
check in and access to lounges; seats that
convert into a 207cm (6ft 9in) fully flat bed;
personal 43cm (17in) television screens; and
choice of three-course gourmet meals and
fine wines.
Upgrade from £1,795 per person return.
Business Class
usiness lass benefits: Separate check in
and access to lounges; seats which convert
into a 188cm (6ft 2in) fully flat bed; duvets
and pillows provided on night flights; personal
38cm (15in) television screens; and choice of
three-course gourmet meals and fine Chilean
and Argentinian wines selected by a master
Upgrade from £1,795 per person return.
Regional flights: LAN operates extensive
domestic services in Chile, Peru, Ecuador,
Argentina and Colombia. In addition,
they offer many connections across Latin
America, resulting in Latin America’s most
comprehensive network.
TAM Airlines flies from Heathrow directly to
São Paulo daily, with connections to Rio de
Janeiro and an extensive network of routes
across Brazil. It also offers onward flights to
Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. TAM
is part of the LATAM Airlines Group.
conomy lass benefits: 81cm (32in) seat
pitch; personal television screens with audio
video on demand; and a choice of meals and
complimentary bar service.
usiness lass benefits: Separate check in;
access to lounges; seats that recline into
fully flat beds, which are 200cm (6ft 6in) long;
personal 38cm (15in) television screens; and a
choice of meals.
Upgrade from £2,395 per person return.
peru tour
Escorted Group or Private our • 15 Days / 12 Nights
Superior our from £2,695 per person • Luxury our from £3,395 per person
the canyon. Visit the town of Maca, famed for
its pre-Columbian textiles. Afternoon at leisure
to take a walk in the canyon or relax in the
natural hot springs. (B)
Machu Picchu is perhaps the most
breathtaking archaeological site in the
world. Yet Peru also offers a wealth of
other magnificent ancient, colonial and
scenic sights. Staying in good hotels
with great character and with some
free time to relax, this tour reveals
Peru’s many wonders, including Cuzco
and Arequipa, the Colca Canyon, Lake
Titicaca and, of course, Machu Picchu.
Day 7 – o Lake iticaca: Travel by road to
Puno and Lake Titicaca (approximately 6
hours). Transfer to the Libertador, set on the
shores of the lake, for 2 nights. (B, L)
Day 8 – Lake iticaca: Full-day tour of the
floating Uros reed islands and Taquile island,
with a home-cooked lunch prepared by a local
family. (B, L)
Chinchero weaving
Day 1 – o Lima: Overnight flight from London
to Lima, via Madrid, with LAN. (N)
Stay overnight at Machu Picchu
Visit the oldest private colonial
mansion in Lima
Spot majestic condors at the
Colca Canyon
Scenic Andean Explorer train journey
from the altiplano to Cuzco
Inti Raymi departure
Small group size – maximum
25 people
A 26
27 27
25 22 20 19 19 19 21 22 25
B 18
19 19
16 15
14 13 13
13 13 14 15
A 19
19 19
20 20 19 19 20 20 21 21 21
C 156 121 104 42
25 46 77 113
A: Maximum average temperature (C)
B: Minimum average temperature (C)
C: Average rainfall (mm)
Day 3 – o Arequipa: Morning tour of colonial
and modern Lima, including Casa Aliaga, the
oldest colonial mansion in Lima, and the
architectural masterpiece of San Francisco
monastery. Fly over the Andes to Arequipa, an
attractive city of beautiful white buildings and
colonnaded plazas, surrounded by a dramatic
landscape. Stay at the Libertador for 2 nights. (B)
Day 4 – Arequipa: Full-day city tour, including
the beautiful Santa Catalina convent, which
dates from the 16th century, and the Juanita
Mummy Museum. (B, L)
Day 2 – Lima: Early morning arrival. Transfer
to the Casa Andina Private Collection /
Belmond Miraflores Park* for 1 night, including
immediate occupancy. Day at leisure or
optional excursions. (B)
Day 5 – o the Colca Canyon: Drive into
the Andes towards the Colca Canyon (taking
approximately 4 hours, partly on unpaved roads,
with stops en route). The scenery is breathtaking,
with snowy volcanic peaks, the terraces of
the Colca valley and herds of llamas scattered
around. Stay 2 nights at Aranwa Colca. (B, L)
Day 6 – Colca Canyon: Early morning
excursion to Condor’s Cross, where
magnificent condors can be seen flying over
Day 9 – o Cuzco: Take the stylish Andean
Explorer train to Cuzco (approximately 10
hours). Relax over lunch with a pisco sour and
music in the observation car as you pass high
Andean peaks, mountain streams and rivers,
cultivated terraces and small valley towns.
Transfer to the Casa Andina Private Collection /
Palacio del Inka, a Luxury Collection Hotel*, or
Belmond Hotel Monasterio* for 2 nights. (B, L)
Day 10 – Cuzco: Morning tour of Cuzco,
including the San Blas district, the cathedral
and the extraordinary Temple of the Sun at
Koricancha. Afternoon at leisure in the Inca
capital. (B)
Day 11 – o the Sacred Valley: In the morning,
travel to the indigenous village of Chinchero to
see its Inca terraces and a traditional weaving
demonstration. Continue to the Urubamba
market (Wednesday only), where locals trade
their corn and potatoes. After lunch, visit the
Inca fortress at Ollantaytambo, an astounding
feat of construction and ingenuity. Stay
overnight in the Sacred Valley at Casa Andina
Private Collection / Aranwa Hotel*. (B, L)
Day 12 – o Machu Picchu: Drive to Ollanta
and take the Vistadome train to Machu Picchu.
Tour the ruins and stay overnight at the
Inkaterra Machu Picchu Hotel† / Belmond
Sanctuary Lodge*. (B, L, D)
Day 13 – o Cuzco‡: Morning at leisure or
further explore Machu Picchu (purchase ticket
at time of booking). Return to Cuzco by rail
and transfer to your hotel for 1 night. (B)
Day 14 – o London: Fly to Lima and on to
London, via Madrid, with LAN. (B)
Day 15 – London: Afternoon arrival. (N)
tour peru
Machu Picchu
Meal basis: As per itinerary – B: Breakfast,
L: Lunch, D: Dinner, N: No meals.
Superior our: Based in 4- and 5-star
* Luxury our: On two selected Luxury Tour
dates, four hotels will be upgraded to those
indicated. Please see pages 21 & 31 for further
details. The supplement to stay at Belmond
Hotel Monasterio is from £125 per person.
Accessibility: This tour is fully escorted,
except for one night at Machu Picchu due to
lack of accommodation for guides. The order
of the itinerary is designed to allow gradual
adjustment to the altitude, while taking in the
major sights of Peru. There are some early
morning starts and long drives.
† ptional upgrades: Upgrade to Belmond
Sanctuary Lodge on the Superior Tour from
£295 per person, subject to availability.
‡ Extra night: You may wish to spend an
additional night in Cuzco (from £65 per
person). Please advise at the time of booking.
This tour may also be taken privately.
Guideline Prices (per person):
Superior: Low season from £2,995
High season from £3,095
Luxury: Low season from £3,595
High season from £3,695
For a quote based on alternative
accommodation standards or flight
options, or to tailor this itinerary,
please call 020 7873 5000 or email
Train to Machu icchu Group tour prices for departures on or between the following dates
Group our
Tour (Superior)
Tour (Luxury)
+ Peruvian Rainforest 2
+ Northern Peru
+ Nazca & Paracas 2
+ Rio & Iguaçu
+ Galapagos
+ B. Aires & Iguazu
12 Apr - 14 Jun & 28 Jun - 30 Aug 31 May 20 Dec 09 Aug 08 Nov
20 Mar 24 Apr
Additional information: Please go to for further information and supplement details. Prices above are per person
in pounds sterling (£), based on two people sharing a twin room. Extension prices are based on two or more people taking the same
extension. The prices which were valid at the time of publication may be subject to change, particularly as a result of any additional fuel
surcharges. You will be informed of any such changes prior to booking. See for current prices.
2015 / 2016 departure dates
Inti aymi Festival
The 14 June departure coincides with the
festival of the sun, Inti Raymi. The tour is 16
days / 13 nights and includes a stay and an
extra night at the Sonesta Hotel in Cuzco,
and a full day of colourful ceremonial
celebrations in honour of the Sun God.
ut (Sun)
22 Feb 15
29 Mar 15
12 Apr 15
26 Apr 15
10 May 15
17 May 15*
24 May 15
31 May 15
14 Jun 15†
tn (Sun)
08 Mar 15
12 Apr 15
26 Apr 15
10 May 15
24 May 15
31 May 15
07 Jun 15
14 Jun 15
29 Jun 15
ut (Sun)
28 Jun 15
12 Jul 15
26 Jul 15
09 Aug 15
30 Aug 15
06 Sep 15
13 Sep 15
13 Sep 15*
27 Sep 15
LAN flight upgrades
Q LAN Business Class: From £1,995 per person return*
* All prices subject to availability
tn (Sun)
12 Jul 15
26 Jul 15
09 Aug 15
23 Aug 15
13 Sep 15
20 Sep 15
27 Sep 15
27 Sep 15
11 Oct 15
ut (Sun)
11 Oct 15
25 Oct 15
08 Nov 15
20 Dec 15‡
21 Feb 16
20 Mar 16
10 Apr 16
24 Apr 16
tn (Sun)
25 Oct 15
08 Nov 15
22 Nov 15
03 Jan 16
06 Mar 16
03 Apr 16
24 Apr 16
08 May 16
*Luxury departure
Inti Raymi Festival
Christmas & New Year
departure. New Year’s Eve at
Machu Picchu: obligatory dinner
payable locally.
egional air connections
Q Prices on request British Airways. London Heathrow to / from:
Aberdeen • Edinburgh • Glasgow • Manchester • Newcastle
peru tour xt
Blue & gold macaw
our + Peruvian ainforest
our + Northern Civilisations
17 Days / 14 Nights from £3,040
18 Days / 15 Nights from £3,390
he Peruvian Amazon has remarkable
bio-diversity and the area around Puerto
Maldonado provides an excellent opportunity
to see a great variety of wildlife, birds and
flora. Guided walks and boat trips give an
insight into the rainforest’s extraordinary
Northern Peru contains a wealth of
pre-Inca archaeological sites. his extension
ventures off the tourist trail and combines
the most important of these with the
colonial city of rujillo.
Day 14 – o Puerto Maldonado: Fly to Puerto
Maldonado and transfer by motorised canoe
to the Inkaterra Hacienda Concepcion for
2 nights (individual bungalow). Upgrade to
the sister property Reserva Amazonica (please
see page 26) available from £160 per person.
(B, L, D)
Day 15 – he Amazon: Explore the
surrounding rainforest, rivers and Sandoval lake,
habitats for macaws, black caimans, giant otters
and monkeys. The Inkaterra canopy walkway
consists of hanging bridges that allow you to
observe the incredible rainforest from the
treetops. (B, L, D)
Day 16 – o London: Return to Puerto
Maldonado. Fly to Lima and then continue to
London, via Madrid, with LAN. (B)
Day 17 – London: In the afternoon, arrive in
London (N)
Amenities: Electricity is generally limited in
jungle lodges.
Chan Chan
Day 14 – o Chiclayo: Fly to Chiclayo, via Lima.
Transfer to Casa Andina Select for 1 night. (B)
Day 15 – o rujillo: Morning visit to the
Museum of the Royal Tombs of Sipan, to
see gold and turquoise pottery and textiles.
Transfer by road to Trujillo, via El Brujo pyramid
complex and the Lady of Cao Museum. Stay 2
nights at Costa del Sol Trujillo. (B)
Day 16 – rujillo: Half-day tour of the Sun and
Moon pyramids and Chan Chan, ancient capital
of the Chimu culture. (B)
Day 17 – o London: Morning at leisure.
Afternoon flight to Lima and on to London, via
Madrid. (B)
Day 18 – London: Afternoon arrival. (N)
our + Northern Beaches
With their proximity to the equator, the
Pacific beaches of the north around umbes
& Mancora provide opportunities to relax
and enjoy year-round sunshine and excellent
seafood. Please enquire for further details
and prices.
Candelabra, Paracas
Nazca & Paracas + our
17 Days / 14 Nights from £3,120
ravel along the coast south of Lima to visit
the Nazca lines, huge mysterious drawings in
the desert depicting animals and geometric
shapes left behind by pre-Inca civilisations.
ake a boat to the Ballestas islands, home to
sea lion colonies, Humbolt penguins and an
incredible concentration of seabirds.
Day 1 – o Lima: Overnight flight from London
to Lima, via Madrid, with LAN. (N)
Day 2 – o Paracas: Early morning arrival.
Drive to Paracas and stay at La Hacienda Bahia,
set in the bay / Aranwa Paracas Resort & Spa*
(see p.30 for hotel details), for 2 nights. (N)
Day 3 – o Nazca: Full-day excursion by road
to Nazca to see some of the Nazca lines
from viewing towers and visit local museums,
including the Maria Reiche Museum. (B, L)
Day 4 – o Lima: Morning cruise to the
Ballestas islands. In the afternoon, return to
Lima by road (shared transfer) and stay at Casa
Andina Private Collection for 1 night. Join the
rest of the group. (B)
* pgrade: Upgrade to Hotel Paracas, a Luxury
Collection Resort from £85 per person.
Post tour: It is possible to visit Nazca and
Paracas after the main tour, please enquire
for details and supplements.
tour xt
io de Janeiro & Iguaçu + our
19 Days / 17 Nights from £3,940
Combine your trip to Peru with vibrant
Brazil.Visit io de Janeiro’s famous landmarks
and the awe-inspiring Iguaçu Falls, surrounded
by dense tropical vegetation.
Day 1 – o io de Janeiro: Fly to Rio de
Janeiro, via Madrid, with Iberia. Transfer to
the Porto Bay Rio International for 2 nights
(Superior partial ocean-view room). (N)
Day 2 – io: Full-day tour of Rio, including
Corcovado and Sugar Loaf mountain. (B)
Day 3 – o Iguaçu: Morning at leisure.
Afternoon flight to Iguaçu and stay for 2 nights
at the Recanto Park Hotel. (B)
Day 4 – Iguaçu: Full-day tour of the Argentinian
and Brazilian sides of these amazing falls. (B)
Day 5 – o Lima: Afternoon flight to Lima.
Transfer to the Casa Andina Private Collection
for 2 nights. (B)
Day 6 – Lima: Day at leisure or optional
excursions. The rest of the group will arrive
today. (B)
Sugar Loaf, Rio de Janeiro
our + Galapagos
21 Days / 18 Nights from £4,990
his extension offers an opportunity to
explore the natural wonders of the Galapagos
Islands that helped shape Darwin’s theory of
evolution. Experience the unique ecology and
wildlife of the islands from the comfort of a
first-class cruiser.
Day 14 – o Quito: Fly to Quito, via Lima. Stay
for 2 nights at the Mercure Alameda. (B)
Day 15 – Quito: Day at leisure or optional
excursion of colonial Quito. (B)
Day 16 – o Galapagos: Shared transfer to the
airport and fly to the Galapagos. Board the
Santa Cruz (main deck cabin) for a 4-night
cruise (please see page 44 for details). (B, L, D)
Days 17-19 – Galapagos: Explore the islands,
including Santa Cruz, Santiago, Genovesa,
North Seymour and San Cristóbal. (B, L, D)
Day 20 – o London: Fly to Guayaquil or
Quito, and on to London, via Madrid, with
LAN. (B)
Day 21 – London: Afternoon arrival. (N)
Notes: The Galapagos National Park fee is
not included. Galapagos cruise is subject to
departure dates and may require to be taken
prior to the tour.
our + Buenos Aires & Iguazú Falls
20 Days / 17 Nights from £4,090
Extend your stay in Latin America with a visit
to the Argentinian capital of Buenos Aires,
known for its seductive culture and excellent
food and drink. Finish the trip with a visit to
one of the world’s great natural wonders, the
Iguazú Falls.
Iguazú Falls
Day 14 – o Buenos Aires: Fly to Buenos Aires
and transfer to the Intersur Recoleta for 3
nights. (B)
Day 15 – Buenos Aires: Take a morning tour
of the city, visiting the colourful port district of
La Boca, elegant Recoleta and the city’s palaces
and monuments. (B)
Day 16 – Buenos Aires: Day at leisure to
explore this exciting city or take an optional
excursion to the Pampas grasslands or a boat
trip across the Rio de la Plata to Colonia in
Uruguay. (B)
Red-footed booby, Galapagos
Day 17 – o Iguazú: Fly to Iguazú and cross
into Brazil to visit the Brazilian side of the
falls. Stay inside the park for 2 nights at the
Sheraton Iguazú Hotel (upgrade to a falls-view
room or the luxurious Belmond Hotel das
Cataratas from £65 per person). (B)
Day 18 – Iguazú: Day at leisure to explore
the Argentinian side of the falls from your
hotel. (B)
Day 19 – o London: Transfer to the airport
for a flight to São Paulo and on to London, via
Madrid, with Iberia. (B)
Day 20 – London: Morning arrival. (N)
Flights: Clients taking Buenos Aires and Rio de
Janeiro extensions will fly with Iberia, rather
than LAN.
Entry fees: Entry fees at the Iguazú and Iguaçu
National Parks are not included for Rio de
Janeiro and Buenos Aires extensions.
peru r
t tr
Private ravel • 11 Days / 9 Nights
Luxury our from £2,995 per person
which offers great views across the valley.
Afternoon at leisure. (B)
This private journey offers the chance
to explore Peru in ultimate style and
comfort, staying in the country’s finest
character hotels and travelling to
Machu Picchu aboard a first-class train.
The itinerary has been designed to
combine Peru’s ancient, colonial and
scenic highlights and allows time in each
of the destinations to explore the sites
and enjoy the luxurious surroundings.
Day 8 – o Puno: Board the Andean Explorer
train for the 10-hour scenic journey to Lake
Titicaca. Lunch is served with a classic pisco
sour cocktail as you travel across the high
plains and through beautiful scenery. Stay at the
Libertador† for 2 nights. (B, L)
Day 9 – Lake iticaca: Full-day visit to Taquile
island and the floating islands of Lake Titicaca.
(B, L)
Taquile Island, Lake Titicaca
Day 1 – o Lima: Fly to Lima, via Madrid,
with LAN / Iberia. Transfer to the Belmond
Miraflores Park (ocean-view room) for 2
nights. (N)
Stay in Belmond hotels & overnight
at Machu Picchu
Travel in first-class trains*
Private island option on
Lake Titicaca†
A 19
19 19
20 20 19 19 20 20 21 21 21
C 156 121 104 42
25 46 77 113
Day 2 – Lima: Morning tour of Lima, including
a visit to a local vegetable market, the
colonial Casa Aliaga and a stop at the historic
Cordano’s tavern. (B)
Day 3 – o the Sacred Valley: Morning flight
to Cuzco. Transfer to the Sacred Valley, with
its wealth of Inca sites and great natural
beauty. Stop for a weaving demonstration at
Chinchero en route and stay at Belmond Hotel
Rio Sagrado for 2 nights. (B)
A: Maximum average temperature (C)
B: Minimum average temperature (C)
C: Average rainfall (mm)
Day 4 – Sacred Valley: In the morning, tour
the fortress of Ollantaytambo. An option is
available to visit the Willoq community and
see the daily life of its indigenous people. The
afternoon is at leisure to relax or explore the
surroundings. (B)
Day 5 – o Machu Picchu: Travel to Machu
Picchu aboard the Inca Rail executive service
train*. Take an afternoon tour of the ruins and
stay overnight at Belmond Sanctuary Lodge
(Standard room, upgrades available). (B, L, D)
Day 6 – o Cuzco: Day at leisure or explore
Machu Picchu with an optional guide. In the
evening, return by train and car back to Cuzco
and transfer to the Belmond Hotel Monasterio
for 2 nights† (extra night in a Deluxe room
from £165 per person). (B)
Belmond Hotel Monasterio, Cuzco
Day 7 – Cuzco: Morning tour of the city and
the ceremonial Inca site of Sacsayhuamán,
Day 10 – o London: Morning at leisure or an
optional visit to the Sillustani graves en route
to the airport. Afternoon flight to Lima and on
to London with LAN / Iberia. (B)
Day 11 – London: Afternoon arrival. (N)
Meal basis: As per itinerary – B: Breakfast,
L: Lunch, D: Dinner, N: No meals.
Luxury our: Featuring some of the most
luxurious accommodation throughout the tour.
* ail journey: It is possible to further upgrade
to the classic Belmond Hiram Bingham train
with brunch, gourmet dinner and live music on
board from £345 per person.
†Accommodation: Upgrade to the Belmond
Palacio Nazarenas in Cuzco from £145 per
person and to Titilaka in Puno based on full
board from £425 per person.
‡Extensions: It is also possible to stay at a
secluded retreat on the small private island of
Suasi on Lake Titicaca, add a visit to Arequipa
and Colca or take a luxury cruise along the
upper reaches of the Amazon (see page 27).
Please enquire for further details.
Guideline Prices:
Low season from £2,995 per person
High season from £3,095 per person
For a quote based on alternative
accommodation standards or flight
options, or to tailor this itinerary,
please call 020 7873 5000 or email
& tr
Belmond Hotel Monasterio, Cuzco
Belmond Sanctuary Lodge, Machu Picchu
Belmond Palacio Nazarenas, Cuzco
The Belmond Monasterio has been converted
from a 16th-century Jesuit monastery into one
of the world’s most stylish and atmospheric
hotels. Located in the heart of Cuzco, this
property is set around a picturesque central
courtyard. Each individually designed room
has been decorated using the finest Spanish
and Inca designs and materials. The gourmet
Peruvian restaurant and bar feature colonialperiod Cuzco art and antiques.
Perched on the mountainside next to the
Inca citadel of Machu Picchu, the Belmond
Sanctuary Lodge is the only hotel by the
entrance to the ancient ruins. All 31 rooms
and suites are immaculately decorated with
fine local furniture. Some have terraces
leading on to orchid gardens with views of
the surrounding mountains and tropical forest.
Enjoy spectacular sunrises and magical evenings
in this sacred and atmospheric location.
This latest addition to the Belmond Peru
portfolio has been carefully restored from a
former Inca palace and convent, located in
a quiet plaza close to Cuzco’s main square.
Colonial heritage blends with contemporary
luxury at Palacio Nazarenas and all 55 oxygenenriched suites offer marble bathrooms with
under-floor heating. The hotel offers exquisite
local cuisine, a luxurious spa and the first
outdoor pool in the town.
Belmond Hiram Bingham rain
Belmond Hotel io Sagrado,
Sacred Valley
Belmond Miraflores Park, Lima
This luxury train travels through the Sacred
Valley of the Incas between Cuzco and Machu
Picchu (approximately a 3.5-hour journey).
Named after the American explorer who
rediscovered the Inca ruins, the train has four
elegantly decorated carriages, including two
dining cars and a bar. Enjoy fine dining on
board as the train passes through spectacular
scenery. Later departures from Machu Picchu
allow additional time at the citadel.
The Belmond Hotel Rio Sagrado is set in
the Sacred Valley of the Incas, surrounded by
gardens and overlooking the Urubamba river.
The luxurious rooms, suites and villas are all
exquisitely furnished. Relax in the renowned
Mayu Wilka spa or the stylish riverside bar.
Experience first-class Peruvian cuisine in
the restaurant or on the terrace, or have a
delicious picnic prepared by the hotel chefs.
As well as its first-class service and luxurious
guestrooms, the location of the Miraflores
Park sets it apart from other properties in
Lima. The hotel offers spectacular views of the
Pacific Ocean and is just a short walk from
the lively clifftop restaurants, bars and shops
of Miraflores. The gourmet restaurant focuses
on Asian, Mediterranean and Peruvian flavours,
and there is a rooftop pool, gym and spa, as
well as butler service.
peru r
t tr
Peru offers a compelling combination of
stunning scenery, colourful local culture
and fascinating history. It contains many
unforgettable sights, from colonial cities
and pre-Columbian remains to soaring
mountain ranges, deep canyons, blue lakes
and the Amazon river and rainforest.
Peru is a place where the Inca culture
is very much present in the wonderfully
preserved ancient sites, the Quechua
language and the colourful weavings of the
Andean people.
Please contact Cox & Kings to discuss
further ideas with one of our experts or
refer to our website,,
for itinerary suggestions and information
on hotels and excursions.
San Franciso monastery, Lima
Excellent museums such as the Larco Museum
and the Enrico Poli Private Collection, house
the treasures of various pre-Hispanic cultures.
• Colonial history
• Excellent museums
• Gourmet cuisine
Founded by the Spanish conquistadores on the
Pacific coast, Lima was the wealthiest city in
the Americas for more than 300 years. Today,
this bustling modern city retains a large colonial
heritage of fine churches, plazas and beautiful
mansions. Sightseeing highlights include the San
Francisco monastery, famous for its catacombs,
and Casa Aliaga, a historic colonial house.
The residential area of San Isidro and the
upmarket Miraflores, where most of the hotels
are located, have an increasing number of
gourmet restaurants recognised for the quality
and variety of their Peruvian cuisine. Visit a local
fruit and vegetable market and follow with a
culinary demonstration to learn how to make
ceviche, a delicious national dish of raw fish
marinated in fresh lemon juice.
Paracas & Nazca Lines
• Boat trip to Ballestas islands
• Mysterious desert drawings
Hummingbird, Nazca lines
Paracas, in Peru’s southern coastal desert, can
be reached in a couple of hours by road from
Lima. There are some excellent hotels to relax
in in the sunny climate and it is also possible
to explore the nearby nature reserve or take
a boat trip to the Ballestas islands, home to an
incredible concentration of seabirds, including
Peruvian boobies, cormorants and Humboldt
penguins, as well as sea lions. Further south,
discover the mysterious Nazca lines, etched
into the dry desert more than 1,500 years ago.
There are many theories about the exact origin
and purpose of these bizarre lines that form
geometric shapes and the outlines of animals
such as a condors, monkeys and hummingbirds.
t tr
Located between Cuzco and Machu
Picchu, the Sacred Valley of the Incas is
an area of outstanding natural beauty
set against the backdrop of the Andes
mountains. There are many sites of cultural
and historical interest such as colourful
local markets, the circular terraces of
Moray, the dazzling Maras salt pans and
the Inca fortress of Ollantaytambo.
First-class hotels, many renowned for their
spas, make the region ideal for combining
exploration and relaxation. Active
excursions include hiking to
local communities, horse riding and
mountain biking.
rekking to Machu Picchu
The Peruvian Andes offer superb trekking
for more active travellers. The 4-day / 3-night
classic Inca Trail follows ancient Inca footpaths
through spectacular mountain landscapes.
Booking well in advance is recommended
due to a limited number of permits. There
is a shorter 1-day express trek from KM
104 and the 6-night Salkantay Trail, offering
a gentler walking pace and overnight stays in
comfortable lodges.
Sacsayhuamán ruins
Cuzco & Surrounds
• Colonial & Inca architecture
• Character hotels near to Inca ruins
Gateway to Machu Picchu and the Sacred
Valley, Cuzco is a charming Andean city
that was once a capital of the mighty Inca
empire. Highlights include the main square,
the magnificent cathedral with valuable
masterpieces from the renowned Cuzco
school, the artisan district of San Blas and
Koricancha, the Temple of the Sun with its Inca
walls. There are fascinating museums, such as
the Pre-Columbian Art Museum, and excellent
Novoandina restaurants, while accommodation
options include converted colonial houses
and monasteries. Overlooking the city are the
impressive ruins of Sacsayhuamán, a former
ceremonial centre with enormous stones
carved and fitted to incredible precision. The
annual Inti Raymi sun festival celebrations are
also held here on 24 June.
Machu Picchu
Local Markets & Communities
One of the new Seven Wonders of the World,
this spectacular Inca citadel has remarkably
well-preserved terraces, temples and dwellings.
Situated on a mountain, high above the
Urubamba river, Machu Picchu can only be
reached by train and a bus up a serpentine
road, or via a guided trek. Hikes on nearby
trails offer alternative views of the impressive
site below, while the surrounding cloud forest
is home to many orchids and birds.
The picturesque villages of the Sacred Valley
are home to Incan descendants wearing
traditional attire and planting corn and beans
amid crumbled forts. Outstanding textiles are
still woven using techniques unchanged for
centuries, and potatoes, guinea pigs and bright
red ponchos are bartered at lively markets
such as Pisac and Chinchero. A tour to the
Willoq community allows visitors to interact
with the locals and appreciate their rich history.
peru r
t tr
Lake iticaca
• Boat trips to floating islands
• Local fishing & farming communities
• Striking lake & altiplano scenery
One of the world’s highest navigable lakes, the
serene and vast Lake Titicaca straddles the
border between Bolivia and Peru. Its dark blue
waters are home to traditional indigenous
communities and islands such as the floating
Uros, made entirely from totora reed. It is
possible to visit the Sillustani stone burial towers
or take a boat to Taquile island, where fishermen
and weavers maintain their customs and
ancestral values. Close to Puno, modern hotels
offer panoramic views, while further away are
intimate lodges, including the luxurious Titilaka
and the idyllic Suasi lodges (see pages 30-31).
The Sun and Moon islands on the Bolivian side
of the lake can also be visited as a day trip or for
an overnight stay on the way to La Paz.
Floating reed island, Lake Titicaca
• Colonial churches & convents
• Inca ice maidens
Plaza de Armas, Arequipa
Lying at the foot of the snow-capped El Misti
volcano, Arequipa is perhaps the most strikingly
beautiful city in Peru. It is often referred to as
the ‘white city’, with leafy squares, fine colonial
architecture and many old and interesting
churches built of sillar, a pearly white volcanic
stone. Highlights include La Compañia church
and the Santa Catalina convent, a walled city
within the city itself with beautiful courtyards
and colourful buildings. Wander through its
narrow, twisting, cobbled streets and try snacks
and pastries baked by the nuns. Arequipa also
has a small but fascinating museum housing
the remarkably well-preserved bodies of Inca
sacrifices found iced on the summit of nearby
mountains, including Juanita, the 500-year-old
‘ice maiden’.
Colca Canyon
• Dramatic scenery
• Condor spotting
• hermal springs
The Colca Canyon, one of the deepest in the
world, makes for an ideal stop on the way
between Arequipa and Lake Titicaca. It is an
area of outstanding scenic beauty with huge
patchworks of pre-Inca terracing set against the
backdrop of distant snow-capped volcanoes.
Unspoiled Andean villages lie on both sides
of the canyon, inhabited by the Cabana and
Collagua people. The valley has many thermal
springs, with some hotels offering private
facilities for guests – the perfect way to relax
after a day of exploration. Colca is one of the
best places to spot the majestic Andean condor
at very close range, with a number of scenic
lookouts on the rim of the canyon.
Condor, Colca Canyon
t tr
Classic Peru
11 Days / 9 Nights from £2,095
his introductory private tour of Peru
includes the country’s most famous sights.
Kuelap Fortress, Chachapoyas
Northern Peru
• Ancient pre-Inca civilisations
• Colonial towns of rujillo & Cajamarca
• ff-the-beaten-track adventures
• Pacific beaches & retreats
The north of Peru was home to numerous
ancient civilisations, including the Moche and
Chimu cultures. Close to Trujillo, discover Chan
Chan, the largest adobe city in the Americas,
the Sun and Moon pyramids or the colourful
murals of El Brujo complex. Near Chiclayo are
the pyramids of Tucume and many excellent
museums, including the Royal Tombs of Sipan.
Inland, the spectacular Chachapoyas walled
city of Kuelap is hidden atop a precipitous
mountain. The clifftop funerary sites of Revash
and Karajia, and the graceful colonial heritage
of Cajamarca can also be explored. The desert
coast around Mancora offers some of the best
beaches and is frequented by migrating whales
between August and October.
Day 1 – o Lima: Fly from London to Lima
for a 2-night stay. (B)
Day 2 – Lima: Morning city tour. (B)
Day 3 – o Cuzco: Fly to Cuzco. Transfer
to the Sacred Valley, via the colourful Pisac
market, and stay for 2 nights. (B)
Day 4 – o llantaytambo: Day at leisure
or optional visit to Ollantaytambo. (B)
Day 5 – o Machu Picchu: Train to
Machu Picchu. Tour the ruins and stay
overnight. (B, D)
Day 6 – o Cuzco: Afternoon train to
Cuzco for a 2-night stay. (B)
Day 7 – Cuzco: Morning tour of Cuzco. (B)
Days 8-9 – o Puno: Cross the altiplano
by road to Puno and stay for 2 nights. Visit
Lake Titicaca and Uros reed islands. (B, L)
Days 10-11 – o London: Fly to Lima and
on to London, arriving the following day. (B)
Low season from: £2,095 per person
High season from: £2,295 per person
Northern Peru
10 Days / 9 Nights from £1,965
Less visited but extremely rewarding,
northern Peru is home to little-known
natural wonders, colonial cities and
fascinating archaeological remains.
Vistadome train
rains in Peru
• Scenic rail journeys
• ourist & premium services
• Panoramic windows
Train journeys are a highlight of travel in Peru.
The stylish Andean Explorer offers one of
the most scenic rail journeys between Lake
Titicaca and Cuzco with spectacular views of
mountains and the altiplano, serving a three-
course lunch and afternoon tea on board.
Various trains with comfortable seats and
panoramic windows run daily from Cuzco
and the Sacred Valley to Machu Picchu, passing
small villages and mountain scenery along the
Urubamba river. The Belmond Hiram Bingham
train, with an observation bar carriage, reflects
the sumptuous luxury of the 1920s Pullman
era and transports visitors in style to one of
the greatest wonders of the world.
Days 1-2 – o rujillo: From Lima, fly to
Trujillo. Visit the Sun and Moon pyramids
and the adobe city of Chan Chan. (B)
Day 3 – o Chiclayo: Drive to Chiclayo,
visiting El Brujo pyramid complex and the
Lady of Cao museum en route. (B)
Day 4 – Chiclayo: Visit a museum such as
the Museum of the Royal Tombs of Sipan. (B)
Days 5-6 – o Chachapoyas: Drive inland
to Chachapoyas in the Andes. Visit the
Kuelap fortress. (B, L, D)
Day 7 – o Leymebamba: Travel to
Leymebamba, visiting the cliff tombs of
Revash en route. (B, L, D)
Days 8-9 – o Cajamarca: Visit the
Leymebamba Museum, which contains 200
mummies. Continue to colonial Cajamarca
and explore the town. (B, L)
Day 10 – o Lima: Return to Lima. (B)
This tour can be combined with any other
destinations within Peru.
Low / High season from: £1,965 per person
peru r
t tr
Some of the most biologically diverse and
pristine areas of the Amazon basin lie in
Peru. Covering more than half the country,
the sprawling carpet of rainforest stretches
into the horizon with meandering coffeecoloured rivers weaving their way through
the green expanse. Giant ceiba trees emerge
from the tree canopy and an incredible
variety of wildlife hides beneath. It is possible
to explore the jungle’s flora and fauna while
staying in comfortable eco-lodges near Puerto
Maldonado in the south, or take a cruise along
the upper reaches of the Amazon river from
Iquitos in the north.
Giant river otter
Please contact Cox & Kings to discuss further
ideas with one of our experts, or refer to our
Puerto Maldonado &
ambopata eserve
• ainforest lodges
• Diverse wildlife
• Easily combined with Cuzco & Machu Picchu
A stay in a rainforest lodge near Puerto
Maldonado, accessible by air from both Lima
and Cuzco, offers excellent opportunities to
see wildlife, birds and flora in the jungle and
along the Madre de Dios river. Expert naturalist
Boat rips
The countless streams, rivers, creeks and
lakes of the Amazon are best explored by
boat or motorised canoe. Glide through
flooded forests or past giant lily pads and
observe turtles, howler monkeys, sloths, giant
river otters, herons and macaws. Alternative
excursions on offer include boat trips to search
for caimans or piranha fishing, while captivating
starry skies can also be appreciated on clear
Jungle walks
guides take guests on exciting explorations
by canoe or on foot to spot various monkeys,
macaws, toucans, black caimans and giant
river otters. The Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica,
adjacent to the Tambopata National Reserve,
offers private cabins and a treetop canopy
walkway, where you can also spend the night.
Other lodges in the area include Inkaterra
Hacienda Concepcion, Posada Amazonas,
Refugio Amazonas and the remote Tambopata
Research Centre.
ainforest Walks
Guided rainforest walks offer an excellent
introduction to the surrounding environment.
Discover giant trees like the strangler fig or the
sacred lupuna. Look for birds and monkeys in
the treetops, spot tiny lizards, colourful frogs
and various insects along the jungle trails and
learn about the traditional use of plants for
medicinal purposes. Night walks offer a chance
to encounter nocturnal mammals and hear the
sounds of the jungle.
Inkaterra eserva Amazonica
The Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica is situated
in 170 sq km of private forested ecological
reserve on the banks of the Madre de Dios
river. The lodge’s 30 spacious and private
thatched-roof cabins feature ceiling fans, beds
with mosquito canopies and a screened siesta
area. The dining pavilion includes a bar, upstairs
lounge area and balconies for birdwatching and
stargazing, while the spa offers views of the
river and sunset.
t tr
MV Aria
MV Aqua
Delfin II
Wonders of Peru
12 Days / 10 Nights from £4,295
Upper deck, Delfin II
Iquitos & the Amazon iver
Delfin I & II
• Superior & luxury cruises
• Pink dolphins & riverside communities
Delfin I and II are comfortable first-class
river cruisers furnished in natural local
woods. Delfin II can accommodate up to 28
passengers, while Delfin I has just four luxurious
and spacious air-conditioned suites with
private terraces and floor-to-ceiling panoramic
windows. Two of the suites feature private
jacuzzis. Both boats offer open-air observation
decks affording great views and a restaurant
serving fresh cuisine.
Peru’s northern jungle city of Iquitos is a
starting point for 3-, 4- and 7-night cruises
that navigate the upper reaches of the
Amazon river, visiting areas inaccessible by
land. Cruise the Marañon and the Ucayali
tributaries and explore the remote and wild
Pacaya-Samiria Reserve, a habitat for an
outstanding array of birdlife, flora and fauna,
including monkeys, sloths, and pink and grey
dolphins. Watch the Amazon world go by your
window and visit small villages to interact with
the isolated riverside communities. Shared
excursions are made in small groups, either on
foot or in motorised skiffs, with expert jungle
guides. Back in Iquitos, the floating district of
Belen is a worthwhile visit with hundreds of
houses built on rafts that rise and fall with the
level of the waters.
MV Acacia & MV Cattleya
These newly launched air-conditioned cruisers
offer comfortable, superior river journeys.
MV Cattleya features six cabins, an open-air
observation deck, dining room, indoor lounge
and a bar. MV Acacia is ideal for families or
small groups of friends with just three cabins,
a dining area and an indoor lounge.
MV Aqua & MV Aria
MV Aqua and its sister vessel MV Aria are
two of the most exclusive river cruisers
in the Amazon. Aqua has just 12 large and
handsomely decorated suites with panoramic
windows, while Aria offers 16 sleek suites
with floor-to-ceiling windows. All suites are
air conditioned. While on board, relax in the
elegant top deck air-conditioned lounges and
sample fine cuisine from a menu created by a
renowned Peruvian chef.
Discover the amazing diversity of scenery,
nature and culture that Peru has to offer
by combining a visit to the Andes and the
magnificent Inca site of Machu Picchu with
a luxury cruise in the Amazon region.
Days 1-2 – o Lima: Fly to Lima for 2 nights.
Optional visit to the Larco Museum or take
a culinary tour with lunch at one of Lima’s
best restaurants. (B)
Day 3 – o the Sacred Valley: Fly to Cuzco
and transfer to the Sacred Valley with an
optional visit to Pisac market en route. (B)
Day 4 – o Machu Picchu: Visit the
Ollantaytambo ruins and take a train to
Machu Picchu for a stay of 1 night. (B, D)
Days 5-6 – o Cuzco: Morning guided tour
of Machu Picchu. In the afternoon, return to
Cuzco by train. Explore the city’s cobbled
streets and museums. (B)
Day 7 – o Iquitos: Fly to Iquitos, via Lima,
and board the MV Aqua for a 3-night cruise
(Saturday departures). (B, D)
Days 8-9 – Amazon river: Early morning,
afternoon and evening excursions on
board comfortable skiffs. Spot wildlife while
exploring the tributaries of the mighty
Amazon. (B, L, D)
Day 10 – o Lima: Disembark and transfer
to Iquitos. Fly back to Lima for an overnight
stay. (B)
Days 11-12 – o London: Morning at
leisure. Overnight flight to London, via
Madrid. (B)
Low season from: £4,295 per person
High season from: £4,595 per person
Floating house, Iquitos
peru & bey
t tr
A visit to Peru can be combined with any of
its neighbouring countries. A scenic journey
across Lake Titicaca takes travellers to Bolivia,
while direct flights from Lima to other South
American destinations such as Rio de Janeiro,
Iguaçu or Bogotá offer the chance to explore
vibrant cities and discover amazing natural
and cultural sites in one trip. Below are
some examples of our suggested countrycombination, tailor-made trips.
Please contact Cox & Kings to discuss further
ideas with one of our experts or refer to our
website,, for alternative
itinerary suggestions.
Peru & Bolivia
Peru, Iguaçu & io
Peru & Colombia
his journey, which takes in dramatic
Andean scenery, ancient Inca sites and
beautiful colonial architecture, includes an
overnight stay on Sun Island with stunning
views over sacred Lake itcaca.
Combine Peru and Brazil to discover sites
so magnificent that some are included in the
new Seven Wonders of the World. Marvel
at the Inca heritage at Machu Picchu, the
awe-inspiring Iguaçu Falls and the welcoming
statue of Christ the edeemer in io.
Marvel at the renowned treasures and
ancient Inca sites of Peru before exploring
Colombia, a lesser-known but fast growing
and intriguing tourist destination, with a
vibrant culture and colonial history.
11 Days / 9 Nights from £2,595
Bogotá, Colombia
13 Days / 11 Nights from £3,295
14 Days / 12 Nights from £2,695
Days 1-2 – o Lima: Fly to Lima. Stay 2 nights
and explore the city’s colonial heritage. (B)
Days 3-4 – o Cuzco: Fly to Cuzco, high in
the Andes, for a 3-night stay. Explore the
cobbled streets of this charming city and its
nearby ruins, and visit an indigenous market
and the Inca fortress of Ollantaytambo. (B)
Day 5 – o Machu Picchu: Take a full-day trip,
by train, to the magnificent site of Machu
Picchu. (An option to stay overnight can also
be arranged). (B)
Day 6 – Puno: Take a scenic train journey
across the altiplano to Puno for an overnight
stay. (B, L)
Day 7 – o Lake iticaca: Travel by hydrofoil
across Lake Titicaca into Bolivia. Stay
overnight on picturesque Sun Island, an
ancient sacred place of the Incas. (B, L)
Days 8-9 – o La Paz: Take a boat to the
Uros Iruitos floating islands and learn about
local traditions. Continue by road to La Paz
for 2 nights and explore the city. Optional
visit to the Tiwanaku ruins. (B)
Days 10-11 – o London: Fly to London, via
Madrid, and arrive the following day. (B)
Days 1-2 – o Lima: Fly to Lima. Stay 2 nights
and take a guided city tour. (B)
Day 3 – o Sacred Valley: Fly to Cuzco. Visit the
village of Chinchero to see its church and a
traditional weaving demonstration. Continue to
the Sacred Valley for a tour of the Inca fortress
of Ollantaytambo and stay overnight. (B)
Day 4 – o Machu Picchu: Take the train
to Machu Picchu for a guided tour and
overnight stay. (B, L, D)
Days 5-6 – o Cuzco: Option to revisit the
ruins in the morning or hike on local trails.
Afternoon train back to Cuzco. Stay 2 nights
and take a city tour. (B)
Days 7-8 – o Iguaçu Falls: Fly to Lima and on
to Iguaçu for a 2-night stay. Full-day tour of the
Argentinian and Brazilian sides of the falls. (B)
Days 9-11 – io de Janeiro: Fly to Rio and stay
for 3 nights. Full-day tour, including Sugar Loaf
Hill and the statue of Christ the Redeemer on
Corcovado mountain. Time at leisure to enjoy
the vibrant city and its beaches. (B)
Days 12-13 – o London: Overnight flight to
London to arrive on the following day. (B)
Days 1-2 – o Lima: Fly to Lima for 2
nights and take a guided city tour. Optional
excursions include the Larco Museum or a
visit to a local produce market. (B)
Days 3-4 – o Sacred Valley: Fly to Cuzco and
continue to the Sacred Valley for a 2-night
stay. Optional visit to the Ollantaytambo
fortress, Maras salt pans or a local market. (B)
Day 5 – o Machu Picchu: Travel by train
to Machu Picchu. Tour the ruins and stay
overnight. (B)
Days 6-7 – o Cuzco: Option to further
explore the ruins or take a short hike before
the train journey back to Cuzco. Stay 2 nights
and explore the former Inca capital. (B)
Days 8-9 – o Bogotá: Fly to Bogotá, via Lima,
and stay for 2 nights. Half-day city tour of the
mountain capital including the Gold Museum
and Monserrat Hill. (B)
Days 10-12 – o Cartagena: Fly to Cartagena
for a 3-night stay in the old town. Discover
the colonial charms of this colourful former
port and take optional boat trips. (B)
Days 13-14 - o London: Fly overnight to
London, via Bogotá. (B)
Low season from: £2,595 per person
High season from: £2,695 per person
Low season from: £3,295 per person
High season from: £3,395 per person
Low season from: £2,695 per person
High season from: £2,985 per person
t tr
peru &
he g
p g
A cruise in the Galapagos archipelago is an ideal
extension to a journey around Peru’s ancient
wonders. It is possible to fly from Lima to Quito
or Guayaquil in Ecuador, before continuing to
the enchanted islands made famous by Charles
Darwin and inhabited by remarkably diverse and
tame wildlife. This popular combination offers
varied and unforgettable experiences.
Land iguana, Galapagos
Conquistadores, Incas & Islands
14 Days / 12 Nights from £3,995
his journey combines the highlights of
Peru with Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands.
Visit the ancient Inca capital of Cuzco and
the spectacular lost city of Machu Picchu. In
Ecuador, discover Quito’s historic old town and
end with a cruise to the wondrous Galapagos
to experience the islands’ unique biodiversity.
Day 1 – o Lima: Fly from London to Lima, via
Madrid, with Iberia or LAN. Transfer to the Jose
Antonio Lima / Arts Boutique Hotel B*. (B)
Day 2 – Lima: Half-day tour of colonial and
modern Lima with optional visits to the Larco
Museum. (B)
Day 3 – o the Sacred Valley: Morning flight to
Cuzco, high in the Andes mountains. Travel to
the Sacred Valley of the Incas, stopping at the
Awanakancha llama farm and the indigenous
market of Pisac. Stay 2 nights at Hotel
Hacienda del Valle / Sol y Luna*. (B)
Day 4 – Sacred Valley: Optional morning
visit to the Willoq local community. In the
afternoon, explore the town and Inca fortress
of Ollantaytambo. (B)
Day 5 – o Machu Picchu: Transfer to Ollanta
station and board the train to Machu Picchu.
Take a tour of the ruins with free time for
independent exploration. Stay overnight at El
Mapi / Sumaq*. (B, L, D)
Day 6 – o Cuzco: Morning at leisure to
further explore the ruins. In the afternoon,
return to Cuzco. Transfer to the Costa del Sol
Picoaga / Aranwa Cusco* for 2 nights. (B)
Day 7 – Cuzco: Half-day tour of Cuzco,
including the cathedral and San Blas. (B)
Day 8 – o Quito: Morning flight to Lima and
on to Quito, one of the most compact and
charming capitals in Latin America. Transfer to
La Casona de la Ronda / Casa Gangotena* for
2 nights. (B)
Day 9 – Quito: Morning tour of Quito,
including the colonial centre and the Middle
of the World monument, which marks the
equator. (B)
Day 10 – o Galapagos Islands: Fly to the
Galapagos and transfer to Seaman Journey
/ La Pinta* for a 3-night cruise around the
Galapagos Islands, home to some of the most
fascinating wildlife in the world. (B, L, D).
Days 11-12 – Galapagos Islands: These
days will be spent exploring different
islands. Nowhere else on earth are animals
encountered at such close quarters and in
such variety, from uniquely adapted seabirds to
tortoises and whales. (B, L, D)
Day 13 – o London: Fly to Guayaquil and on
to London, via Madrid, with Iberia or LAN. (B)
Day 14 – London: Afternoon arrival. (N)
Low season from £3,995 (Superior) / £4,295
(*Luxury) per person
High season from £4,795 (Superior) / £4,995
(*Luxury) per person
Extensions: It is possible to extend your
stay on the Galapagos Islands with a longer
cruise to visit an additional selection of
islands. Alternatively, explore mainland
Ecuador, the colonial city of Cuenca, or the
Amazon rainforest.
Plaza de Armas, Cuzco
*Luxury our: The Luxury Tour uses upgraded
boutique hotels and cruise options, as indicated.
Arts Boutique Hotel B, Lima
Casa Andina Private Collection, Lima
Aranwa Paracas esort & Spa, Paracas
This characterful boutique hotel is situated in
the heart of Barranco, Lima’s trendy bohemian
neighbourhood, home to a vibrant culture and
art scene. This carefully restored property is
housed in a former belle époque mansion and
features 17 suites. The bar-restaurant offers a
blend of traditional Peruvian ingredients and
Mediterranean flavours.
The Casa Andina Private Collection in Lima is
a stylish 5-star hotel ideally located in the heart
of the fashionable Miraflores district, close to
Kennedy Park. The hotel’s 200 guestrooms are
all individually decorated with local Peruvian
textiles and art, and are furnished with modern
amenities. Facilities include a restaurant, spa
and pool.
Aranwa Paracas Resort & Spa is located close
to Paracas Bay and is an ideal base for seeing
the marine life of the Ballestas islands, visiting
the mysterious Nazca lines or just relaxing by
the beach. There are 115 elegant and modern
rooms, a restaurant, bar-lounge, two swimming
pools and a luxury spa. The hotel has its own
Libertador, Arequipa
Las Casitas del Colca, Colca Canyon
Casa Andina Private Collection, Arequipa
The Libertador Arequipa overlooks the city’s
largest park and has an imposing view of the
Misti volcano. Its location is quiet, yet within
walking distance of the historic centre. Built
in colonial style, the hotel has a modern
infrastructure with 88 spacious rooms and
excellent facilities, including a restaurant,
terrace bar, outdoor pool and gardens.
Las Casitas del Colca has a spectacular setting
in the heart of Colca valley. The 20 individual
bungalows are decorated in the local style and
offer luxury in beautiful natural surroundings,
each with a private terrace and heated plunge
pool, fireplace and bathtub under a glass ceiling.
Facilities include a cosy dining room, a spa and
swimming pool.
Restored to its original grandeur, this colonial
mansion features 41 guestrooms with high
vaulted ceilings, two colonial courtyards and an
elegant restaurant. The hotel is located within the
extensive walls of the city’s former Mint House
in Arequipa’s historic centre, behind the Santa
Catalina convent. The attractive main square is a
short walk away.
Casa Andina Private Collection, Puno
Casa Andina Suasi Lodge, Lake iticaca
Libertador Lake iticaca, Puno
Located on the shores of Lake Titicaca, this
hotel is conveniently close to Puno town and
features its own train station and private dock
for excursions on the lake. Most of the 46
spacious rooms face the lake, and have the
option of a supplementary oxygen supply to
assist with the altitude.
With views across Lake Titicaca from every
angle, Suasi Lodge is an intimate, secluded
retreat set on a 45-hectare private island and
ecological reserve. The lodge’s 24 rooms and
Andean cottage are made from locally sourced
stone, wood and reeds. A local trout farm
provides fresh fish.
The Libertador Lake Titicaca is situated on a
peninsula overlooking the lake, well positioned
to enjoy the beautiful sunrises and sunsets. This
modern hotel offers 123 spacious lake-view
rooms, a bar and a restaurant serving Peruvian
and international dishes. There is also a sauna,
jacuzzi and gym.
Casa Andina Private Collection, Cuzco
Inkaterra La Casona, Cuzco
Occupying an 18th-century mansion, this
charming hotel is located in the colonial old
part of Cuzco, just a few blocks from the
main square. The hotel’s 94 rooms combine
traditional local furnishings with modern
comforts. There is a central terrace, colonial
bar and stylish restaurant decorated with
traditional Cuzco paintings.
Inkaterra’s luxury boutique hotel, La Casona,
is a meticulously restored colonial mansion
house, once occupied by the conquistadores.
A tranquil oasis close to Cuzco’s vibrant main
square, it has just 11 suites built around an
inner courtyard. Combining modern luxury
with authentic decor, each room is furnished
with antiques.
Sumaq Machu Picchu Hotel
Sol y Luna, Sacred Valley
Inkaterra Machu Picchu Hotel
Sumaq, meaning ‘beautiful’ in Quechua, is
a modern and comfortable hotel in Aguas
Calientes, conveniently located opposite the
stop from where the buses to Machu Picchu
depart. Each of the 60 rooms is tastefully
furnished and decorated in a contemporary
style, with a traditional Peruvian feel. Facilities
include a spa, bar and gourmet restaurant.
Hotel Sol y Luna is a charming property in
the Sacred Valley, surrounded by mountains.
The rustic bungalows and suites are set among
fabulous gardens and decorated in an Andean
style, with private verandas. The hotel has a
restaurant serving local specialities, a swimming
pool, tennis court and spa, as well as its own
ranch with Peruvian Paso horses.
Inkaterra Machu Picchu Hotel is set on the
Urubamba river amid fragrant cloud forest
gardens, home to almost 400 species of
orchid and abundant birdlife. Scattered across
the hillside, the guestrooms are attractively
decorated. Facilities include a spa, boutique and
restaurant with river views. Machu Picchu is 30
minutes away by shuttle bus.
Casa Andina Private Collection,
Sacred Valley
Arennas Mancora Hotel, Mancora
itilaka Lodge, Lake iticaca
A luxurious refuge on the shores of Lake
Titicaca, Titilaka Lodge is set on a secluded
private peninsula, 45 minutes drive from Puno.
The hotel features modern architecture fused
with indigenous touches. It comprises 18
lake-view suites with spa bathrooms, a lounge,
dining room and bar overlooking the lake.
Located near Urubamba village, this mountain
chalet-style retreat is surrounded by dramatic
Andean peaks and remnants of the Inca
civilisation. The rooms are spread over terraces
and gardens. A distinctive feature is the on-site
planetarium and observatory.
Palacio del Inka, a Luxury Collection
Hotel, Cuzco
The Palacio del Inka, part of the Libertador
Luxury Collection, occupies the house where
Francisco Pizarro once lived, and is ideally
located in the historic centre of Cuzco. The hotel
offers luxury rooms and suites, a large spa, a
restaurant overlooking the main colonial patio, a
cafe, and a bar with an original Inca wall.
The Arennas Hotel is set on a palm-fringed
stretch of Pocitas beach, just 20 minutes’ drive
from Mancora. This elegant property features
22 garden- or ocean-view rooms, each with
its own terrace. Unwind by the freeform pool,
take sunset walks along the beach or sample
delicious regional food.
peru & b
Escorted Group or Private our • 15 Days / 12 Nights
Standard our from £2,995 per person
extraordinary hotel constructed with blocks of
salt (room with salt lake view). (B, D)
This journey takes in the dramatic
Andean scenery and traditional
cultures of both Bolivia and Peru.
Travel from historic Lima to the Sacred
Valley and colonial Cuzco, explore
ancient Incan sites and discover the
breathtaking scenery of the Bolivian
salt flats at Uyuni. The tour concludes
with overnight stays on both shores of
Lake Titicaca, legendary birthplace of
the Incas.
Day 9 – Salar de yuni: A full day tour in 4x4
vehicles to explore the world’s largest salt flat
and its stunning scenery. Visit the salt museum
in Colchani, Ojos de Agua geysers and Inka
Wasi island, located in the heart of the salar
and covered in giant cacti. After lunch discover
the ancient Coquesa mummies on the slopes
of the Thunupa volcano and return to your
hotel. (B, L, D)
Day 10 – o La Paz: Transfer to Uyuni and fly
to La Paz, a bustling capital with a dramatic
setting. Stay for 2 nights at Hotel Presidente. (B)
Native Kallawaya, Lake Titicaca
Day 1 – o Lima: Overnight flight from London
to Lima, via Madrid, with LAN. (N)
Day 2 – Lima: Early morning arrival. Transfer
to the Jose Antonio hotel for 1 night, including
immediate occupancy. Afternoon tour of
colonial and modern Lima, including a walking
tour of the historical centre. (B)
Explore Inca ruins and Andean
Overnight stay at Machu Picchu
Hydrofoil cruise across Lake Titicaca
Salt hotel experience at the
stunning Salar de Uyuni
Small group size – maximum 25
A 19 19 19
20 20
19 19 20
20 21 21 21
C 156 121 104 42
25 46 77 113
A 22
21 21
21 19 13 13 13 18 20 21 22
C 47 39 17
A: Maximum average temperature (C)
B: Minimum average temperature (C)
C: Average rainfall (mm)
Day 3 – o the Sacred Valley: Fly to Cuzco.
Transfer to the Sacred Valley and visit the
indigenous market at Pisac en route. Stay for 2
nights at Hotel Hacienda del Valle. (B)
Day 4 – he Sacred Valley: Morning visit to
the impressive Inca fortress of Ollantaytambo.
Afternoon at leisure. (B)
Day 5 – o Machu Picchu: Travel by train to
Machu Picchu for a guided exploration of the
remarkable Inca ruins. Overnight stay at El
Mapi. (B, L, D)
Day 6 – o Cuzco: Morning at leisure with
option to revisit the ruins (purchase ticket at
time of booking). Afternoon train back to Cuzco.
Stay for 2 nights at Los Portales Hotel. (B)
Day 7 – Cuzco: Morning tour of Cuzco
to explore its sites and beautiful colonial
architecture. Afternoon at leisure. (B)
Day 8 – o yuni: In the morning fly to Uyuni,
via La Paz. Transfer to the edge of the salt flat
and stay for 2 nights at the Luna Salada, an
Day 11 – La Paz: Morning city tour, including
the colonial centre, the witch doctors’ market,
and a visit to the unique rock formations at the
nearby Moon Valley. Afternoon at leisure. (B)
Day 12 – o Lake iticaca: Transfer to Huatajata
and stay overnight at the Inca Utama Hotel on
the shores of Lake Titicaca. Discover the cultural
heritage of the Aymaras at the Andean Roots
Eco Village, see how reed boats are constructed
and meet a Kallawaya, native spiritual and
natural healer. In the evening, observe the
southern constellations from the hotel’s
astronomical observatory and learn about the
local Cosmovision. (B, D)
Day 13 – o Puno: Take a hydrofoil cruise
across the lake to Copacabana, visiting the
floating Urus-Iruitos and the sacred Sun &
Moon islands to see the Inca staircase and the
Sun Virgins’ Temple. In the afternoon, continue
by road to Puno and stay for 1 night at the
Casa Andina Private Collection (lake-view
room). (B, L)
Day 14 – o London: Fly to Lima and on to
London, via Madrid, with LAN. (B)
Day 15 – London: Afternoon arrival. (N)
Meal basis: As per itinerary – B: Breakfast,
L: Lunch, D: Dinner, N: No meals.
Standard our: This tour is escorted by
experienced local guides at each destination
and is based in 3- and 4- star accommodation.
Travel in Bolivia requires a more flexible
approach and driving to and around the Uyuni
salt flat is along unpaved surfaces.
our peru & b
Salar de Uyuni
our + Paracas
our + Galapagos
21 Days / 18 Nights from £5,190
17 Days / 14 Nights from £3,360
Extend your stay on Peru’s southern coast at
Paracas, a desert peninsula located 3 hours’
drive south of Lima. Enjoy the sunny climate
or take optional excursions to discover the
Ballestas islands’ wildlife or the mysterious
Nazca lines.
Day 14 – o Paracas: Fly to Lima and transfer
by road to Paracas. Stay 2 nights at Aranwa
Paracas Resort & Spa (See p.30). (B)
Day 15 – Paracas: Day at leisure to relax or
take optional excursions. (B)
Day 16 – o London: Return by road to Lima,
and fly to London, via Madrid, with LAN. (B)
Day 17 – London: Afternoon arrival. (N)
This tour may also be taken privately.
Guideline Prices:
Low season from £3,295 per person
High season from £3,395 per person
For a quote based on alternative
accommodation standards or flight
options, or to tailor this itinerary,
please call 020 7873 5000 or email
MV Cattleya
our + Amazon cruise
19 Days / 16 Nights from £4,995
our + Cartagena
Fly to Iquitos and explore the upper reaches
of the Amazon river on board the MV
Cattleya, a newly built small river vessel
with just six cabins (see page 27). ake
a 4-night cruise to visit small riverside
communities and search for an array of
birds, fauna and flora.
eru & olivia:
Visit the Galapagos Islands to see unique
wildlife living in its natural habitat without
fear of humans. We recommend 3- to 7-night
cruises combined with a couple of nights in
Quito. Please see pages 44-45 and enquire for
details and prices.
End your trip with a visit to delightful
Cartagena, an old port on the Caribbean
coast of Colombia. he well-preserved
colonial architecture of this walled city
is enchanting, while nearby osario islands
offer clear waters and coral reefs.
eart of the Andes Group tour prices for departures on or between the following dates
Group our
+ Paracas
Additional information: Please go to for further information and supplement details. Prices above are per person
in pounds sterling (£), based on two people sharing a twin room. Extension prices are based on two or more people taking the same
extension. The prices which were valid at the time of publication may be subject to change, particularly as a result of any additional fuel
surcharges. You will be informed of any such changes prior to booking. See for current prices.
2015 / 16 departure dates
ut (Sun)
tn (Sun)
12 Apr 15 26 Apr 15
17 May 15 31 May 15
LAN flight upgrades
ut (Sun)
13 Sep 15
18 Oct 15
Q LAN Business Class: From £1,995 per person return*
* All prices subject to availability
tn (Sun)
27 Sep 15
1 Nov 15
ut (Sun)
tn (Sun)
3 Apr 16 17 Apr 16
15 May 16 29 May 16
egional air connections
Q Prices on request British Airways. London Heathrow to / from:
Aberdeen • Edinburgh • Glasgow • Manchester • Newcastle
t tr
Bolivia is relatively untouched by
modernity with cultures and customs
that have remained largely unchanged
for generations. This landlocked country
is home to indigenous women in bowler
hats, charming colonial cities, and striking
landscapes including some of the highest
peaks in the Andes, the deep blue
waters of Lake Titicaca, the vast and
breathtaking salt flats of Salar de Uyuni
and the wildlife-rich tropical jungles. The
stunning scenery and hospitable people
more than compensate for the simpler
accommodation outside the main cities
and the unpaved roads in some remote
areas. A visit to Bolivia can be combined
with travel to Chile and Peru.
Please contact Cox & Kings to discuss
further ideas with one of our experts or
refer to our website,
La Paz
Man making a reed boat, Lake Titicaca
Lake iticaca
Sucre & Potosi
• Witches’ market
• Ancient iwanaku ruins
• raditional communities & floating islands
• Sacred Sun & Moon Islands
• Colonial architecture
• Silver workshops & colourful textiles
The bustling city of La Paz, situated 3,500
metres above sea level, has a dramatic setting
surrounded by the high mountains of the
altiplano (high plain), including snow-capped
Mount Illimani. Colonial houses and modern
buildings are interspersed with street markets,
including the fascinating witches’ market, where
ingredients used in indigenous rituals are sold
alongside traditional handicrafts.
Not far from La Paz, across the altiplano, lies
the beautiful sapphire-blue Lake Titicaca, where
small, traditional Aymara fishing and farming
communities dot the shores and little islands.
Day trips from La Paz are possible but we
recommend a 2-day visit to best experience
this magical place.
Sucre, a Unesco world heritage site, with
its whitewashed colonial buildings, 16thcentury churches and relaxed atmosphere, is
considered by many Bolivians to be their most
beautiful city. It was here that the movement
for independence began.
Near to the city is the desert landscape of the
Valley of the Moon with bizarre sandstone
formations shaped by the wind. Two hours’
drive away are the ruins of Tiwanaku, a preColumbian ceremonial site, famous for its huge
monoliths and the Sun Gate. It is also possible
to drive east to the coffee plantations and subtropical valleys of the Yungas region.
La Paz & Surrounds
The picturesque lakeside town of Copacabana
is famous for the 16th-century shrine and its
religious celebrations. A hydrofoil takes visitors
to the Uros-Iruitos floating reed islands, a
sustainable tourism project, and the legendary
Moon and Sun Islands, with an Inca staircase
and fountain whose sacred water is believed
to give eternal youth and happiness. The small
Altiplano Museum exhibits the Aymara and
Inca cultural heritage.
In the surrounding region, visit the market
at Tarabuco or the village of Potolo to learn
more about local indigenous communities and
their distinctive weaving styles.
The silver-mining town of Potosi, located at
4,070 metres, was once the largest
and wealthiest city in the Americas. It still
retains many beautiful colonial churches and
public buildings. Visits here include the National
Mint and the workshop of a silversmith.
t tr
Bolivia Explorer
13 Days / 10 Nights from £3,495
Designed for more adventurous travellers,
this journey discovers Bolivia’s many and
varied highlights.
Salar de Uyuni
Salar de yuni &
Southern Altiplano
Luxury Airstream Campers
• Surreal salt flats
• Altiplanic lagoons, geysers & flamingoes
The world’s largest salt flat, Salar de Uyuni, is
an otherworldly place with stunning scenery.
Marvel at the contrast of brilliant white against
blue sky and watch the horizon disappear after
rains – the surface reflects the sky and clouds,
leaving little cactus covered ‘islands’ to break
up the shimmering expanse. Further south
lie the spectacular fumaroles and volcanic
craters of the Sol de Mañana geysers, as well
as beautiful, mineral-rich lakes, such as red
Laguna Colorada, home to rare flamingoes,
and emerald-green Laguna Verde, set against
the backdrop of the Licancabur volcano.
• Fully tailored trips away from the crowds
• Accompanied by chef & driver-guide
Take in the surreal beauty of Bolivia’s vast salt
flats from the luxury of a retro-style caravan
equipped with comfortable twin or double
beds, lounge area and bathroom. This unique
travel concept allows for fully tailored trips and
amazing experiences in remote areas. Guests
are accompanied by a driver-guide and chef.
Days 1-2 – o Santa Cruz: Overnight flight
to Santa Cruz. Stay 1 night and take a tour
of the city. (N)
Day 3 – o Sucre: Fly to Sucre for a stay of
3 nights in a character hotel. (B)
Days 4-5 – Sucre: Explore the city. Visit
Tarabuco market or the village of Potolo. (B)
Days 6-7 – o Salar de yuni: Drive to
Salar de Uyuni, visiting the city of Potosi
en route. Stay at the small town of Uyuni
and explore the salt flats by 4x4. Option to
camp overnight. (B, L, D)
Days 8-9 – o Lake iticaca: Fly to La Paz
and transfer to Lake Titicaca for exploration
of the lake and its islands. (B, L)
Days 10-11 – o La Paz: Transfer to La Paz.
Tour the city and visit Tiwanaku ruins. (B)
Days 12-13– o London: Return to London,
via Santa Cruz and Madrid. (B)
Low season from: £3,495 per person
High season from: £3,595 per person
Bolivia to Chile
7 Days / 6 Nights from £1,895
ravel through the heart of Bolivia and
into Chile, combining the Salar de yuni
with Chile’s Atacama desert.
Jesuit Mission
Santa Cruz & Jesuit Missions
Amazon: Madidi National Park
• Historic mission settlements
• Beautiful churches
• Array of ecosystems
• Community eco-lodges
Located in the hot and humid oil-rich eastern
lowlands, Santa Cruz is Bolivia’s largest and
most affluent city. It is a transport hub served
by a number of international airlines and an
arrival point for many travellers.
Madidi National Park lies in the Amazon basin
of northern Bolivia. This biodiversity hotspot
covers almost 2 million hectares of largely
untouched forest with countless endemic
species of fauna and flora, including more than
1,000 bird species.
Despite its size, it retains a small-town feel with
a main square full of palm trees and some small
but interesting museums. A visit to the former
Jesuit mission towns that lie to the north-east
of the city is worthwhile for anyone interested
in history or architecture.
In towns such as San Javier and Concepción,
see beautifully restored churches that highlight
the synthesis of Jesuit and indigenous culture.
Alternatively, take a day trip to the Amboro
National Park or El Fuerte pre-Inca ruins.
From the jungle town of Rurrenabaque,
navigate by boat along the Beni and Tuiche
rivers to Chalalan Lodge in the heart of the
park. This authentic and comfortable eco-lodge
is a sustainable tourism project, owned and
managed by local communities.
Take guided jungle walks or canoe trips to
learn about the rainforest and search for
wildlife such as monkeys, tapirs, giant otters
and jaguars.
Days 1-2 – o Sucre: From La Paz or Santa
Cruz, fly to Sucre. Take a city tour and visit
Tarabuco market. (B)
Days 3-4 – o Salar de yuni: Drive to
Potosi. Explore the city and continue
to Uyuni. Stay at Luna Salada hotel
overlooking the Salar de Uyuni and built of
salt blocks. Explore the salt flats. (B, L, D)
Day 5 – o San Pedro de Atacama: Full-day
drive to San Pedro de Atacama in Chile, via
Laguna Verde, Laguna Colorada and geysers.
Option to stay overnight en route at a
lodge in the Siloli desert and explore the
red desert and rock formations. (B, L)
Day 6 – Atacama desert: Choose from
optional excursions, such as the Valley of
the Moon, El Tatio geysers or adobe villages.
Day 7 – o Santiago: Transfer to Calama
and fly to Santiago. (B)
Low season from: £1,895 per person
High season from: £1,995 per person
r tour
Escorted Group or Private our • 11 Days / 9 Nights
Superior our from £3,395 per person
This journey provides a special
opportunity to experience the
Galapagos Islands and observe their
remarkable wildlife at close quarters.
See giant tortoises and a number of
indigenous bird species, and swim with
sea lions, penguins and perhaps even sea
turtles. Explore the old colonial centre
of Quito, visit a colourful local market,
see Ecuador’s most impressive volcano,
and spend a final night in Guayaquil, on
the banks of the Guayas river.
Day 1 – o Quito: Fly to Quito, via Madrid,
with LAN / Iberia. Stay 3 nights at the Hilton
Colon. (N)
Day 2 – Quito: Morning tour of Quito’s
historic centre and the Middle of the World
equatorial line monument. (B)
Day 3 – Cotopaxi: Full-day tour into the
Avenue of the Volcanoes, an area of sleepy
villages, patchwork fields and volcanic peaks.
Explore Cotopaxi National Park and visit a
colourful indigenous market for an insight into
local culture. (B, L)
Day 4 – o Galapagos: Fly to the Galapagos
Islands and board the Santa Cruz for a 5-night
cruise of these fascinating islands (Standard
Main Deck cabin*). Please see page 44 for
further details of the ship. (B, L, D)
Days 5-8 – Galapagos: Shared excursions
with a naturalist guide for close encounters
with some of the most rare animals and
birds, including land iguanas, giant tortoises,
Darwin’s finches, boobies and flightless
cormorants. The days are spent exploring
islands with different characteristics to see
as much variety of wildlife and landscapes as
possible. (B, L, D)
Day 9 – o Guayaquil: Disembark the
cruise and fly to Guayaquil. Transfer to the
Hampton Inn for 1 night. (B)
Day 10 – o London: Morning at leisure
or take an optional tour of the city or the
nearby Churute Mangrove Reserve. Evening
flight to London, via Madrid with LAN /
Iberia. (B)
Day 11 – London: Afternoon arrival. (N)
Meal basis: As per itinerary – B: Breakfast,
L: Lunch, D: Dinner, N: No meals.
First-class expedition cruiser
Stand on the equator
Visit an authentic local market &
Cotopaxi volcano
Encounter amazing wildlife at
close quarters
A 22
21 21
21 22 22 22 23 23 22 22 22
C 121 131 160 179 127 50 19 24
79 130 109 105
A 28
29 30
29 28 26 25 24 24 25 26 26
B 22
22 22
22 22
20 19 19
18 19 19 21
C 82 114 104 86 22
18 21 16
18 15 13 26
A: Maximum average temperature (C)
B: Minimum average temperature (C)
C: Average rainfall (mm)
Giant tortoise, Galapagos
Male frigate bird
tour ecu
Superior our: This tour is escorted by
experienced local guides at each destination
and is typically based in 4- and 5-star
Park fees: Galapagos National Park fees and
beverages on board are not included.
* Galapagos cabin upgrades: On each
departure, it is possible to upgrade to an
Upper Deck Standard cabin with a picture
window from £95 per person.
Extension to the Galapagos: It is possible to
stay extra nights in the Galapagos on the boat
or at an eco-island hotel and visit other islands
(see page 45). Please enquire for details.
Cuzco & Machu Picchu + our
18 Days / 15 Nights from £4,490
his pre-tour offers the opportunity to
combine the Galapagos Islands with Peru
and visit Machu Picchu and the former Inca
capital of Cuzco.
Day 1 – o Lima: Overnight flight to Lima, via
Madrid, with LAN / Iberia. (N)
Day 2 – Lima: Early morning arrival and
transfer to the Jose Antonio Hotel for an
overnight stay. (N)
Day 3 – o the Sacred Valley: Optional tour of
Lima’s historic centre. Fly to Cuzco and transfer
to the Sacred Valley of the Incas. Stay 2 nights
at Hotel Hacienda del Valle. (B)
Day 4 – he Sacred Valley: Half-day tour
visiting the indigenous market at Pisac and the
fortress of Ollantaytambo. (B)
Day 5 – o Machu Picchu: Take the train to
Machu Picchu. Enjoy a guided tour of the ruins.
Stay overnight at El Mapi. (B, D)
Day 6 – o Cuzco: Morning at leisure or revisit
the ruins (purchase ticket at time of booking).
Afternoon train to Cuzco. Stay 2 nights at Casa
Andina Private Collection. (B)
Day 7 – Cuzco: Morning tour of Cuzco, with
its historic buildings and cathedral. (B)
Day 8 – o Lima & Quito: Fly to Quito, via
Lima, and join the rest of the group. (B)
This tour may also be taken privately.
Guideline Prices:
Low season from £3,695 per person
High season from £3,895 per person
For a quote based on alternative
accommodation standards or flight
options, or to tailor this itinerary,
please call 020 7873 5000 or email
Cotopaxi National Park
Cuenca + our
our + Amazon ainforest
14 Days / 12 Nights from £3,820
15 Days / 13 Nights from £4,590
Explore some of mainland Ecuador’s
natural and cultural highlights, including
the highland landscapes of Cajas National
Park and colonial Cuenca, a nesco world
heritage site.
Discover the extraordinary contrast in
Ecuador’s ecosystems by adding a further visit
to the Amazon rainforest and explore its rich
flora and fauna.
Day 1 – o Guayaquil: Fly to Guayaquil, via
Madrid, with LAN / Iberia. Transfer to the
Hampton Inn for 1 night. (N)
Day 2 – o Cajas & Cuenca: Travel to Cuenca,
visiting Cajas National Park en route. Stay 2
nights at the charming Santa Lucia Hotel. (B, L)
Day 3 – Cuenca: Day at leisure to explore
the fine churches and colonial buildings of the
beautiful centre at your own pace, or take an
optional tour. (B)
Day 4 – o Quito: Fly to Quito and join the
rest of the group. (B)
cuador &
alapagos xperience Group tour prices for departures on or between the following dates
Group our
+ Amazon
+ Cuenca
+ Cuzco & M.Picchu
Day 9 – o Quito: Disembark the cruise and
fly to Quito. Stay 1 night at Rincón de Puembo,
near the airport. (B)
Day 10 – o Amazon: Fly to Coca and travel
by boat and paddled canoe to Sacha Lodge,
located on a private ecological reserve, for 3
nights (see p.41 for hotel details). (B, L, D)
Days 11-12 – Amazon: Local shared
excursions. (B, L, D)
Day 13 – o Quito: Fly back to Quito and
transfer to Rincón de Puembo for a final
night. (B)
Day 14 – o London: Fly to London, via
Madrid, with LAN / Iberia. (B)
Day 15 – London: Afternoon arrival. (N)
Additional information: Please go to for further information and supplement details. Prices above are per person
in pounds sterling (£), based on two people sharing a twin room. Extension prices are based on two or more people taking the same
extension. The prices which were valid at the time of publication may be subject to change, particularly as a result of any additional fuel
surcharges. You will be informed of any such changes prior to booking. See for current prices.
2015 / 2016 departure dates
ut (Sun)
tn (Wed)
15 Mar 15 25 Mar 15
26 Apr 15 06 May 15
LAN flight upgrades
ut (Sun)
07 Jun 15
16 Aug 15
Q LAN Business Class: From £2,195 per person return*
* All prices subject to availability
tn (Wed)
17 Jun 15
26 Aug 15
ut (Sun)
tn (Wed)
13 Sep 15 23 Sep 15
11 Oct 15 21 Oct 15
egional air connections
ut (Sun)
13 Mar 16
24 Apr 16
tn (Wed)
23 Mar 16
4 May 16
Q From £85 return* British Airways. London Heathrow to / from:
Aberdeen • Edinburgh • Glasgow • Manchester • Newcastle
r r
t tr
Ecuador offers wonderful variety for the
traveller. The Andean highlands feature
beautiful colonial cities, snow-capped
volcanoes, historic haciendas and colourful,
authentic markets. Highlights include the
tropical Amazon rainforest, cloud forests
rich in flora and fauna, and the renowned
wildlife of the Galapagos Islands. Due
to its relatively small geographical size,
a comprehensive tour of this delightful
country is easy to arrange.
Please contact Cox & Kings to discuss
further ideas with one of our experts or
refer to our website,,
for itinerary suggestions and tailor-made
information on hotels and excursions.
San Francisco Church, Quito
Quilotoa crater lake
Avenue of the Volcanoes
• Colonial heritage
• Middle of the World monument
• Cotopaxi National Park
• Local markets & haciendas
• Devil’s Nose train
The capital city of Quito lies in an Andean valley
overlooked by the towering Pichincha volcano.
A walking tour of the historic old town allows
visitors to learn about the Spanish colonial history
of Ecuador with plazas and narrow streets filled
with beautiful churches, monasteries and restored
buildings. North of the city, visit the Middle of the
World monument that marks the equatorial line.
Alternatively, east of Quito, wrapped around the
slopes of the snow-capped Antisana volcano, is an
ecological reserve with abundant birdlife, glacial
topography and the Papallacta thermal springs.
Hotels in Quito include both modern properties
and charming boutique options.
Fertile valleys, patchwork fields and soaring
snow-capped volcanic peaks form a chain south
of Quito along the Avenue of the Volcanoes.
Visitors can venture into Cotopaxi National
Park, home to the highest active volcano in the
world, discover the astonishing emerald-green
Quilotoa crater lake, stay at a historic hacienda
and explore small villages with colourful weekly
markets. Further south is Riobamba, a lively
trading town surrounded by volcanoes. From
there, continue through fields and river gorges to
picturesque Alausi for an exciting train ride along
the switchbacks of the Devil’s Nose.
Woman in traditional dress, Otavalo
tavalo & Surrounds
• raditional villages
• Indigenous tavalo market
The small town of Otavalo is located two
hours’ drive north of Quito and is surrounded
by verdant valleys and hills. Its daily market
sells traditional handicrafts and brightly
coloured hand-woven textiles, while the
local Otavaleño people wear distinctive blue
clothing. Indigenous villages nestle in the
beautiful countryside and specialise in certain
traditional crafts, such as weaving, leatherwork
and woodcarving. The region can be visited as
a day trip from Quito or combined with an
overnight stay at a colonial hacienda, such as
the beautiful Hacienda Zuleta or the familyowned Hacienda Pinsaqui (see page 41).
t tr
Classic Ecuador
12 Days / 10 Nights from £3,895
Explore the highlights of mainland Ecuador
and take a cruise to see the unique wildlife
of the Galapagos Islands.
Cuenca cathedral
Paradise tanager, Podocarpus National Park
Cuenca & Surrounds
Loja & Southern Ecuador
• Colonial heritage
• Ingapirca Inca archaeological site
• Cajas National Park
• ff the beaten track
• Distinctive local communities
• enowned birdlife
The charming colonial town of Cuenca is a
Unesco world heritage site with delightful
boutique hotels situated in 19th-century
mansions. Stroll along the cobbled streets and
admire the red-roofed colonial houses, graceful
iron balconies, flowered plazas, churches and
cathedrals. The nearby Gualaceo valley is home
to various small towns that produce beautiful
shawls and scarves, traditional panama hats,
and gold and silver jewellery. It is also possible
to visit the Inca ruins of Ingapirca or travel
through the moorland of Cajas National Park.
The remote, southernmost province of Loja is
a hidden gem, still undiscovered by mainstream
tourism. Stay in the charming provincial capital,
which is steeped in history, and visit the
picturesque valley of Vilcabamba with a quilted
patchwork of orchards, cattle pastures, corn
and sugar cane fields. Travel on to Podocarpus
National Park, home to 600 bird species and
spectacular scenery, including pristine Andean
lakes and waterfalls, before exploring the local
indigenous Saraguro community and seeing
age-old traditions, dress and customs.
Day 1 – o Quito: Fly to Quito. (N)
Day 2 – Quito: Morning city tour. (B)
Day 3 – o tavalo: Full-day tour of the
Otavalo region (option to add a stay at a
hacienda). (B, L)
Day 4 – o iobamba: Visit Cotopaxi
National Park and continue south to
Riobamba. (B, L, D)
Day 5 – o Cuenca: Drive to Alausi. Ride
the train along the Devil’s Nose. Continue
by road via Ingapirca to Cuenca. (B, L, D)
Day 6 – Cuenca: Explore colonial Cuenca
and nearby artisan villages. (B, L)
Day 7 – o Guayaquil: Road journey via
Cajas National Park to Guayaquil. (B)
Days 8-10 – o Galapagos: Fly to the
Galapagos for a 3-night cruise. (B, L, D)
Days 11-12 – o London: Fly to Guayaquil
and on to the UK. (B)
It is also possible to extend your time in the
Galapagos or the Cotopaxi area.
Low season from: £3,895 per person
High season from: £4,195 per person
Ecuador & Galapagos in Style
10 Days / 8 Nights from £4,195
ake the trip of a lifetime and explore the
famous Galapagos Islands and the cloud
forests of Ecuador in great style.
Cloud forest
Pacific coast
Amazon & Cloud Forest
Pacific Coast
• ainforest lodges
• Exotic orchids & bromeliads
• Monkeys, birds and butterflies
• Whale-watching excursions
• Nature trips
• Soft sand beaches
Ecuadorian Amazon lodges perhaps give one
of the most authentic rainforest experiences
as many are only accessible by light aircraft or
river. A wide variety of wildlife may be spotted,
including monkeys, frogs, caimans and many
parrot and parakeet species. Excursions include
nature walks, boat rides, visits to clay licks and
canopy walkways. The cloud forests of MindoNambillo and Mashpi, not far from Quito, are
another superb biodiversity destination and
have one of the largest concentrations of bird
species in the world, as well as an abundance
of beautiful orchids, bromeliads and butterflies.
With long stretches of sand, azure waters
and warm sunshine, the mid-Pacific coastline
of Ecuador around Manta is a great place to
unwind at the end of a trip. Coastal wildlife
refuges, such as the Machalilla National Park,
offer plenty of nature-oriented excursions.
Blue- and red-footed boobies, sea lions and
iguanas can be spotted on Isla de la Plata,
while whale-watching trips can be arranged
from mid-June to October, when humpback
whales come to breed near the shores. Visitors
can explore Churute’s mangrove forests from
Guayaquil, on the banks of the Guayas river.
Day 1 – o Quito: Fly to Quito. Stay 2 nights
at Casa Gangotena, a historic mansion. (B)
Day 2 – Quito: Morning tour of Quito. (B)
Day 3 – o Mashpi: Transfer via Tulipe
archaeological site to Mashpi Lodge, located
in a private cloud forest reserve. (B, L, D)
Day 4 – Mashpi: Local excursions, including
walks on the forested trails. (B, L, D)
Day 5 – o Quito: Morning activities.
Transfer to Quito and stay overnight at
Casa Gangotena. (B)
Days 6-8 – o Galapagos: Fly to the
Galapagos Islands for a 3-night cruise on La
Pinta. (B, L, D)
Days 9-10 – o London: Fly to Guayaquil
and on to the UK. (B)
A longer cruise, a stay at a historic hacienda,
or a visit to charming Cuenca can also be
Low season from: £4,195 per person
High season from: £4,595 per person
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ren Crucero
• Journey from the Andes to the coast
• Vintage steam train
Ecuador’s hundred-year-old railway system
has recently been revived to offer travel not
only along the switchbacks of the infamous
Devil’s Nose railway, but also a unique
scenic journey all the way from the Andean
highlands down to the steamy coastal plains.
The restored heritage train, Tren Crucero, has
four beautifully refurbished carriages, pulled for
part of the journey by an early 20th-century
steam locomotive. This luxury train experience
includes overnight stays in traditional haciendas
or hotels and guided ‘off-train’ side trips
to places of interest en route (please see
sample itinerary for further details). The full
4-day journey from Quito to Guayaquil takes
travellers through picturesque valleys, past
majestic volcanoes, cloud forests and sugar and
banana plantations, while shorter 1- to 3-day
services cover individual sections of the same
Tren Crucero
ren Crucero
7 Days / 6 Nights from £1,195
ake a rail journey on a restored heritage
train. Start high in the Andes and wind
down to the coast, pulled part of the way
by a vintage steam locomotive.
Days 1-2 – Quito: Spend 2 nights in Quito
and take a city tour. (B)
Day 3 – o Cotopaxi: Travel by train into
the Avenue of the Volcanoes. Visit Cotopaxi
National Park. Stay overnight at a historic
hacienda. (L, D)
Day 4 – o iobamba: Visit a fair-trade rose
plantation and the Ice Men Interpretation
Centre. Stay overnight in Riobamba. (B, L, D)
Day 5 – o Bucay: Today the train is
pulled by a vintage steam locomotive. Visit
the church at Balbanera and Guamote
market, then on to Alausi and descend the
switchbacks of the infamous Devil’s Nose.
Stay overnight at a local lodge. (B, L, D)
Days 6-7 – o Duran & Guayaquil: Walk
through the cloud forest and visit an
indigenous community. After lunch at a
coastal hacienda, continue by steam train to
Duran. Transfer by road to Guayaquil for an
overnight stay. (B, L)
Low / High season from: £1,195 per person
Natural Ecuador
11 Days / 9 Nights from £3,495
Combine an exploration of the rivers and
rainforest of the Amazon with a visit to
the amazing Galapagos Islands.
Anakonda Amazon cruise
Anakonda Amazon Cruise
• Superior river cruise
• Amazon communities & wildlife
The Anakonda is the only superior river
cruiser to sail in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
The vessel features 18 stylish air-conditioned
suites with large panoramic windows, an
elegant dining room, a spacious observation
deck with a lounge bar and a sun deck with
jacuzzi. Navigating along the Napo river, the
cruise explores the rainforest and waterways
of the wild Yasuni National Park and various
smaller nature reserves. Naturalist and native
guides accompany daily excursions in search
of tropical birds, monkeys, river dolphins and
caimans. Visits to local Amazonian communities
are also included, and there is an option to
spend a night in the rainforest at a tented
camp with comfortable beds, fine dining and
champagne. Itineraries of 3, 4 and 7 nights
operate from the river port of Coca, reached
by a 45-minute flight from Quito.
Days 1-2 – o Quito: Fly to Quito. Stay 2
nights and take a city tour. (B)
Day 3 – Amazon: Fly to the Amazon. Stay
3 nights at a lodge or take a river cruise on
the Anakonda. (B, L, D)
Days 4-5 – Amazon: Local excursions
include walks on forested trails and
exploration by boat. (B, L, D)
Day 6 – o Quito: Fly to Quito and stay
overnight close to the airport. (B)
Days 7-9 – o Galapagos: Fly to the
Galapagos. Stay 3 nights at Finch Bay Hotel
and take shared land and boat excursions.
Alternatively, choose from a range of
expedition cruises. (B, L, D)
Days 10-11 – o London: Fly to Guayaquil
and on to London, via Madrid. (B)
Low season from: £3,495 (lodges)
/ £4,595 (cruises) per person
High season from: £3,845 (lodges)
/ £4,995 (cruises) per person
Hilton Colon, Quito
Casa Gangotena, Quito
La Casona de la onda, Quito
Located in the heart of Quito’s tourist district,
the Hilton Colon is a modern hotel, overlooking
the Parque El Ejido, within walking distance of
the craft market and local restaurants. There
are 300 spacious and elegant guestrooms, and
dining options include a 24-hour cafe and Italian
and sushi restaurants. Other facilities include a
fitness centre and outdoor pool.
Casa Gangotena is a historic mansion,
converted into a luxurious 31-room boutique
hotel. A Renaissance-style building with original
Italian architecture, its sophisticated interior
features frescoed ceilings. Relax on the rooftop
terrace with views of Quito’s old town, dine in
the restaurant overlooking San Francisco Plaza
or stroll around the gardens.
La Casona de la Ronda is located on the
winding La Ronda, one of the oldest streets
in Quito, and a traditional gathering place for
artists, writers and poets. Housed in a historic
building, this boutique hotel features 22 rooms
set around a beautiful central courtyard.
There is a coffee shop and reading room with
a fireplace.
Hacienda Pinsaqui, tavalo region
Hacienda Zuleta, tavalo region
Located close to Otavalo market and the San
Pablo lake, this family-owned hacienda was
originally built in 1790 as a textile workshop.
Guests have included the revolutionary
General Simon Bolivar. Furnished with local
antiques throughout, each rustic room is
individually styled and features a fireplace. The
restaurant serves traditional Ecuadorian cuisine.
This traditional working farm dates back to the
late 16th century and has been in the same
family for over 100 years. Hacienda Zuleta
features 15 beautifully decorated bedrooms,
each with its own fireplace, cosy living and
reading rooms, and delightful gardens. There is an
Andean condor conservation project, and horse
riding and birdwatching can also be arranged.
Hacienda San Agustin de Callo,
Cotopaxi region
Mashpi Lodge, Mindo
Mansion Alcazar, Cuenca
Sacha Lodge, Amazon
Mashpi is situated in a private cloud forest
that is home to an exceptionally high variety
of flora and fauna. The contemporary design
of this luxurious eco-lodge, comprising
22 guestrooms, blends perfectly with its
surroundings. There are lounges with large
picture windows, a spa and an aerial tram.
Situated in the heart of colonial Cuenca, this
boutique property is a restored historic mansion
full of 19th-century antiques. It offers an
excellent restaurant, serving fresh local cuisine,
and a luxury spa. The charming guestrooms are
built over two floors around a beautifully tiled,
covered courtyard with a fountain.
Sacha Lodge sits beside a lake in a 5,000acre private ecological reserve in Ecuador’s
Amazon. There are 26 rustic, wooden cabins
with thatched roofs and shaded decks with
hammocks, and a lounge bar with lake views.
Wildlife can be observed from the rainforest
trails, observation tower or canopy walkway.
This exclusive hacienda, a working farm
belonging to the family of a former Ecuadorian
president, has been built on the ruins of a
former Inca palace in the foothills of Cotopaxi
volcano. Individually decorated rooms with
hand-painted murals, Inca walls and antiques
cluster around a cobbled courtyard.
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The natural wonders of the Galapagos
once inspired Charles Darwin’s theory
of evolution. Today, a visit to these
remarkable islands is regarded as one
of world’s greatest travel experiences.
Less than 1,000km west of Ecuador’s
coast, these remote volcanic outcrops
consist of 13 major and 12 minor islands
inhabited by unique species of animals,
plants and marine life, which have evolved
without influence from the mainland. As
a result, the island’s fascinating wildlife has
never learned to fear humans and the
close contact that you may encounter is
one of the most extraordinary features
of this truly unique destination.
Frigate bird
Sally lightfoot crab
South Plaza Island
Galapagos Boats
Island Explorations
Galapagos Wildlife
• Small, medium & larger vessels
• Motor boats, catamarans & luxury yachts
• Land excursions & panga rides
• 3- to 14-night itineraries
• nique & rare species
• Close encounters with wildlife
The Galapagos Islands are best explored from
an expedition cruise at sea, though they can
also be visited from a land-based hotel or
lodge. Cox & Kings uses a selection of firstclass vessels that provide excellent service and
expert guides (see overleaf for details). The
larger boats offer the most comprehensive
range of facilities, including spacious cabins and
large communal areas with a restaurant, bar,
pool, library and outside deck space. Those in
the medium-size category accommodate fewer
passengers and provide good facilities and
personal service. The smaller boats offer an
intimate atmosphere and are suited to those
who prefer a more interactive cruise.
Access to the Galapagos is via the local airports
on Baltra and San Cristóbal. Each cruise offers
a unique itinerary, stopping off at a selection of
islands to see different wildlife. There are daily
shore excursions with the chance to snorkel
and explore the rich marine life. Panga (small
inflatable boat) rides in mangrove estuaries and
coves provide further photo opportunities and
chances to get up close with the resident wildlife.
Boats have permission to stop at specific visitor
sites once every two weeks and the itineraries
on offer range from shorter 3- or 4-night cruises
to longer 7- or 14-night explorations. Please
contact Cox & Kings for a detailed day-by-day
itinerary of the cruises featured in the brochure.
The Galapagos Islands have a unique ecosystem
with many endemic species found nowhere
else on earth, such as the giant tortoise, a type
of green sea turtle, and the marine iguana.
Birdlife is abundant and key sightings include
the blue-footed, red-footed and Nazca boobies,
greater and magnificent frigatebirds, flightless
cormorants, waved albatrosses, Galapagos
penguins and Darwin’s finches. Marine life is
varied, including Galapagos sea lions, fur seals,
whales, dolphins, sharks, rays, sally lightfoot
crabs and tropical fish. The birds and animals of
the Galapagos are totally fearless and can be
viewed at very close quarters while basking in
the sun or swimming in the sea.
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The Galapagos Islands are a year-round
destination with a good variety of wildlife
activities throughout the seasons. In the first
months of the year, the air and ocean waters
are warmer, and best for snorkelling. Days
have plenty of sunshine and heavy but short
tropical showers. From June to November,
the trade winds bring the colder Humboldt
current, making the open seas choppier.
The temperatures are cooler, though still
pleasantly warm, and the highlands are
shrouded in a mist called garua. April to May
and November to December are transition
months for the archipelago, offering a
favourable combination of weather, water
temperatures and wildlife activity.
Bartolome Island
Giant tortoise
Yellow warbler
Marine iguana
As the rains begin, many land birds start
nesting. Green sea turtles arrive to lay their
eggs and Espanola Island’s marine iguanas
change colour to display bright red and blue
With clear skies overhead, the vegetation on
more arid islands starts to turn brown. Bluefooted boobies begin their courtship, while
waved albatrosses lay their eggs. Sea turtle and
marine iguana eggs begin to hatch.
The best month to see sea lion pups and
fighting among rival males. Galapagos penguins
are courting and active on Bartolome island,
often swimming with snorkellers. Nesting
seabirds remain active.
Sea temperatures reach their highest (25°C)
and greater flamingoes, Galapagos doves and
Nazca boobies nest. Marine iguanas start
nesting on Santa Cruz.
The misty garua season begins. Giant tortoises
migrate to the lowlands of Santa Cruz.
Humpback whales and magnificent frigatebirds
can be spotted in North Seymour.
The garua still blankets the highlands. Lava
herons begin to nest and blue-footed boobies
raise their chicks. Giant tortoises are still laying
eggs, while Galapagos fur seals start to mate.
Temperatures can reach up to 30°C and
humidity is high although rain showers
remain sproadic. Marine iguanas nest on
Fernandina and waved albatrosses arrive later
in the month.
A great time of year for birdwatching – bluefooted boobies and flightless cormorants are
breeding and nesting. Lava lizards begin their
mating rituals. Whales and dolphins can be
spotted off Isabela’s west coast.
Winds decrease, skies are clearer and seas are
calm. Water temperatures start to rise and it is
possible to snorkel close to curious young sea
lions. Green turtles start to mate and brown
noddies breed.
The islands are very lush and green. On
Espanola, large numbers of waved albatrosses
are courting, while hatching season for the
giant tortoises comes to an end. Green turtle
and land iguana eggs are hatching.
The seas can turn choppy and waters are at
their coolest (18°C). The first sea lion pups
are born and frigatebird chicks start to hatch.
Galapagos hawks begin to court and migrant
shore birds arrive on the islands.
Lots of sunshine and warm temperatures
mixed with tropical showers as the islands turn
green. Baby giant tortoises start to hatch and
young waved albatrosses fledge. Sea lions, fur
seals and iguanas breed.
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Blue-footed booby
Sea lions
Yacht La Pinta
Silver Galapagos
La Pinta is a luxury medium-sized vessel with
accommodation for 48 passengers in 24 stylish
cabins, and offers some of the highest standards
of service in the islands. Facilities include a
spacious dining room and lounge, conference
room, shop, library, sun deck, solarium, jacuzzi,
large observation lounge and glass-bottom boat.
The newly renovated Silver Galapagos has
a capacity for 100 passengers. This de luxe
cruiser offers spacious ocean-view suites, many
with private balconies, and a butler service.
The elegant public areas include a piano bar,
restaurant with fine dining, library, massage
room and spacious observation and sun decks.
The Eclipse is an elegant medium-sized cruise
vessel that accommodates 48 passengers in 26
outside cabins. The cruiser has spacious outside
areas. Facilities include a dining room, lounge,
library / video room, alfresco dining area,
indoor and outdoor bar, sun deck, jacuzzi and
observation deck.
Cruise durations: 3, 4, 7, 10 and 14 nights
Cruise durations: 7 and 14 nights
Cruise durations: 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11 and 14 nights
Isabela II
Santa Cruz
Eric, Flamingo & Letty
This stylish medium-sized cruise ship
accommodates 21 crew and 40 passengers in
21 exterior cabins. Facilities include an elegant
dining room, saloon, library and reading room,
jacuzzi, outside bar and solarium. The sun deck
features an observation area. A stargazing
programme and glass-bottom boat for viewing
marine life are also available.
The Santa Cruz is a well-established cruise ship
which features 43 cabins and accommodates
90 passengers. Facilities include a restaurant,
bar, dining room, shop and library. The large
outside space includes a jacuzzi, deck bar and
an observation deck for dolphin and whale
watching. A glass-bottom boat for viewing
marine life is available.
These three small eco-friendly yachts each
have 10 double outside-facing cabins on three
decks, with teak wood interiors and windows
or portholes. Public areas include a dining
room, bar and conference room for naturalist
talks, as well as observation areas and a sun
deck. Snorkelling equipment and sea kayaks are
provided for guests’ use.
Cruise durations: 4, 6, 8, 10 and 14 nights
Cruise durations: 4, 5, 8, 9 and 14 nights
Cruise durations: 6, 7 and 14 nights
S& o
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Pinnacle Rock, Bartolome Island
Athala II
dyssey & Grand
Cormorant &
cean Spray
The Athala II is an elegant catamaran that
combines the facilities of a larger boat with
the exclusivity of a small vessel. There are eight
cabins, half of which have private balconies, as
well as a dining area, lounge, library, sun deck
with jacuzzi and an outside deck area, which
offers alfresco dining.
These small yachts are recognised for their
design, comfort and service. The Grand Odyssey
is one of the most luxurious small cruisers in
the Galapagos. Cabins for up to 16 passengers
all feature a picture window. Facilities include
an alfresco dining area, lounge, library, jacuzzi,
and outdoor bar with terrace.
These luxurious catamarans feature spacious
contemporary cabins, all with a private balcony.
The Ocean Spray accommodates 16 guests, and
the Cormorant offers six interconnecting cabins
and two suites. Both cruisers have ample
indoor and outdoor areas, a sun deck with
jacuzzi, snorkelling equipment and kayaks.
Cruise durations: 5, 7 and 14 nights
Cruise durations: 4, 5, 9, 10 and 14 nights
Cruise durations: 3, 4, 5 and 7 nights
Finch Bay Eco Hotel, Santa Cruz
Galapagos Safari Camp, Santa Cruz
Completely refurbished in 2014 and new to
the Galapagos, the Passion is a de luxe motor
yacht with just six cabins, each with picture
windows and marble en suite bathrooms.
This exclusive vessel features spacious decks,
a sky lounge with floor-to-ceiling windows,
indoor and outdoor dining areas, and a sun
deck with jacuzzi.
This environmentally friendly hotel is located
on Santa Cruz island, on a beach close to
Puerto Ayora town, and is named after the
famous Darwin’s finches which are abundant in
the area. There are 21 rooms and six OceanView Suites. Facilities include an outdoor
swimming pool, jacuzzi, restaurant and bar.
This is a great base to explore Santa Cruz and
take day trips to the nearby islands aboard the
hotel’s own yachts, the Sea Finch and Sea Lion.
Galapagos Safari Camp is located on a
55-hectare farm, rich in regional flora and
fauna, in the remote highlands of Santa Cruz
island. The camp consists of a stylish central
lodge, nine luxury safari tents with balconies
and views of the national park and ocean, and
a three-bedroom suite suitable for families.
Guests can enjoy first-class dining, take
excursions to explore the surrounding area
and relax by the outdoor infinity pool.
Cruise durations: 7 and 14 nights
chile our
Escorted Group or Private Tour • 15 Days / 12 Nights
Superior Tour from £3,695 per person
Chile is an extraordinarily beautiful
country, encompassing just about
every type of landscape on Earth,
from the arid desert of the north,
through verdant lakes and pastures
to the soaring peaks and glaciers of
Patagonia. This expansive tour explores
Chile’s spectacular desert, mountain
scenery and Patagonian wilderness,
and allows time to discover some great
Chilean traditions.
Day 1 – To Santiago: Fly from London to
Santiago, via Madrid, with LAN / Iberia. (N)
Day 2 – Santiago: Morning arrival. Transfer
to the Hotel Plaza San Francisco for 2 nights.
Afternoon at leisure. (N)
Day 3 – Santiago: Morning tour of Santiago,
including the cathedral, the historic main
square, the central market and San Cristóbal
Hill for views across the city and the Andes
beyond. Afternoon drive into the countryside
to the Undurraga vineyard for a tour and wine
tasting. (B)
Day 4 – To San Pedro de Atacama: Early
morning flight to Calama and transfer to San
Pedro de Atacama for 3 nights at the Hotel
Altiplanico. Afternoon excursion to the Valley
of the Moon to see the mesmerising change of
colours at sunset. (B)
Day 5 – Atacama desert: Full-day journey
into the spectacular desert landscape. Visit the
Cejar lagoon and the Atacama salt flats, where
pink flamingoes may be seen, and stop at the
small village of Toconao, with its white volcanic
stone buildings. (B)
Day 6 – Atacama desert: Day at leisure.
Alternatively, take an optional excursion to El
Tatio geysers, the hot springs or the 17thcentury fortress of Pukara de Quitor. (B)
View the soaring Torres del Paine
mountains from your superior hotel
Watch the sun set over the
Atacama desert
Set sail on a private boat on
Lake Todos los Santos
Visit a traditional Patagonia estancia
for a quincho lunch
Small group size – maximum 25
Day 7 – To Puerto Varas: Fly to Puerto Montt,
via Santiago, and transfer to the town of
Puerto Varas, surrounded by shimmering lakes
and perfectly conical snow-capped volcanoes.
Stay 2 nights at the Cabana del Lago Hotel, set
on the lake. (B)
Day 8 – Chilean Lake District: Morning visit
to Petrohué Falls and take a boat trip on Lake
Todos los Santos. In the afternoon, drive up
the lower reaches of the Osorno volcano
for spectacular views of the surrounding
mountains. (B)
Day 9 – To Patagonia: Fly to Punta Arenas and
visit Otway Sound and the Magellanic penguin
colony (November to March). Continue to
Puerto Natales, set amid jagged peaks and
the glassy waters of Last Hope Sound. Stay
overnight at the Hotel CostAustralis (fjordview room). (B)
Day 10 – To Torres del Paine: Drive across the
wilds of Patagonia to Torres del Paine National
Park. Full-day tour taking in the dramatic scenery
of granite peaks, emerald lakes, waterfalls
and ancient lenga forests. There is also the
opportunity to meet the local rangers and learn
about their work in the park. Stay at the Hotel
Rio Serrano for 2 nights, with views of the Paine
massif ’s ‘horns’ – the mountain peaks. (B, L)
Day 11 – Torres del Paine: Morning boat
excursion on Grey Lake, close to the glacier.
Afternoon at leisure or optional tours. (B)
Day 12 – To Punta Arenas: Drive to Punta
Arenas, visiting a traditional Patagonian estancia
en route. Discover how people live in this
remote region and enjoy a typical quincho
barbecue for lunch. Transfer to Cabo de
Hornos for 1 night. (B, L)
Day 13 – To Santiago: Short tour of Punta
Arenas, situated on the Magellan Strait, before
your flight to Santiago. Stay overnight at the
Hotel Plaza San Francisco. (B)
Day 14 –To London: Morning at leisure or
take an optional tour of the Pre-Columbian
Museum or Los Dominicos handicraft market.
Afternoon transfer to the airport and fly to
London, via Madrid, with LAN / Iberia. (B)
Day 15 – London: Afternoon arrival. (N)
A 30
29 27 23 18 14 14 16
B 12
11 10
16 60
88 79 57
19 22 26 28
27 16 10
A: Maximum average temperature (C)
B: Minimum average temperature (C)
C: Average rainfall (mm)
Flamingo, Atacama desert
our chile
Torres del Paine National Park
Meal basis: As per itinerary – B: Breakfast,
L: Lunch, D: Dinner, N: No meals.
Splendours of
hile Group tour prices for departures on or between the following dates
Group Tour
Superior Tour: This tour is fully escorted and is
based in 4- and 5-star accommodation.
+ Australis Cruise 3 / 7†
+ Easter Island
+ Valparaiso
+ Buenos Aires
+ Rio de Janeiro
This tour may also be taken privately.
Guideline Prices:
Low season from £3,895 per person
High season from £3,995 per person
For a quote based on alternative
accommodation standards or flight
options, or to tailor this itinerary,
please call 020 7873 5000 or email
3,845 3,895
1,295 1,845†
3,795 3,895 3,845
1,845† 1,845† 1,845†
07 Feb 28 Feb
Additional information: Please go to for further information and supplement details. Prices above are per person
in pounds sterling (£), based on two people sharing a twin room. Extension prices are based on two or more people taking the same
extension. The prices which were valid at the time of publication may be subject to change, particularly as a result of any additional fuel
surcharges. You will be informed of any such changes prior to booking. See for current prices.
2015 / 2016 departure dates
ut (Sun)
18 Jan 15
08 Feb 15
01 Mar 15
tn (Sun)
01 Feb 15
22 Feb 15
15 Mar 15
ut (Sun)
tn (Sun)
18 Oct 15 01 Nov 15
08 Nov 15 22 Nov 15
20 Dec 15† 03 Jan 16
AN flight upgrades
Q LAN Business Class: From £1,795 per person return*
* All prices subject to availability
ut (Sun)
17 Jan 16
07 Feb 16
28 Feb 16
tn (Sun)
31 Jan 16
21 Feb 16
13 Mar 16
Christmas & New Year
Regional air connections
Q From £85 return* British Airways. London Heathrow to / from:
Aberdeen • Edinburgh • Glasgow • Manchester • Newcastle
chile our x
Tour + Australis Cruise
glaciers, Ainsworth Bay, and the Magdalena
island, home to an immense colony of
Magellanic penguins. (B, L, D)
Day 16 – To Santiago: Disembark in Punta
Arenas and fly to Santiago. Stay overnight at
the Hotel Plaza San Francisco. (B)
Day 17 – To London: Fly to London, via
Madrid, with LAN / Iberia. (B)
Day 18 – London: Morning arrival. (N)
18 Days /15 Nights from £4,990
Discover the extraordinary beauty and
isolation of Patagonia on a 3-night cruise
aboard M/V Via Australis. Take a round trip
travelling through legendary seas and discover
the sparkling glaciers, dramatic scenery and
wildlife of the southernmost part of the world.
Day 13 – Board Via Australis: In the afternoon,
board the Via Australis for a 3-night cruise†. The
ship accommodates up to 136 passengers in
64 ocean-view cabins and has a restaurant, two
lounges and large observation deck. Expert
guides lead daily excursions and give lectures
on local wildlife, history and geography. (B, D)
Days 14-15 – Via Australis: Cruise highlights
include a visit to the Parry and Brookes
Australis Cruises: M/V Via Australis is subject
to cruise departure dates and cabin upgrade
supplements are available on request.
Via Australis
It is also possible to take a 4-night cruise to
Cape Horn and Ushuaia aboard the larger
sister ship, M/V Stella Australis and combine
with a 2-night stay in Buenos Aires. Please see
grid for prices and enquire for details.
Moai platform, Easter Island
Tour + Easter sland
19 Days / 16 Nights from £4,590
Easter sland is officially part of Chile yet,
lying 3,790km west of Santiago, it is the
world’s most remote inhabited island. A
visit to Easter sland is an extraordinary
experience, with 600 or so moai statues
scattered around the island, dramatically
set against the dark waters of the Pacific
cean, a reminder of the civilisation that
once thrived and faded on these shores. The
windswept landscape of volcanic craters, lava
formations and sandy beaches adds to the
otherworldly feel.
Day 14 – To Easter sland: Morning flight to
Easter Island. Stay 3 nights at the Hotel Otai,
located in the small town of Hanga Roa. (B)
Day 15 – Easter sland: A full-day excursion
to various moai platforms, the quarry at Rano
Raraku and Anakena beach, the site of the
island’s first settlement. (B, L)
Day 16 – Easter sland: Half-day tour of Rano
Kao volcano and the ceremonial village of
Orongo. (B)
Day 17 – To Santiago: Transfer to the airport
for a flight to Santiago. Stay at the Hotel Plaza
San Francisco for 1 night. (B)
Day 18 – To London: Morning at leisure.
Afternoon transfer to the airport for a flight to
London, via Madrid, with LAN / Iberia. (B)
Day 19 – London: Afternoon arrival. (N)
National Park fee: Easter Island National Park
fee is not included and is payable locally.
tour extensions chile
Recoleta, Buenos Aires
Tierra del Fuego
Tour + Buenos Aires
Tour + Valparaíso
Tour + Tierra del Fuego
Visit Buenos Aires with its lively streets and
plazas filled with the sights and sounds of
tango. There is also the opportunity to visit
an estancia in the countryside or take a day
trip to neighbouring Uruguay.
The old port of Valparaíso is one of Chile’s
most distinctive cities, with its numerous
funicular elevators, steep hills, labyrinthine
alleys and brightly painted houses. Declared a
world heritage site by Unesco, the town has a
unique faded grandeur and relaxed bohemian
The untamed wilderness of the Chilean Tierra
del Fuego, forming the southernmost tip of
South America, is particularly impressive. Stay
on the island of Navarino and take group
excursions to discover the indigenous culture,
nature and beautiful scenery of this remote
part of Patagonia.
Day 13 – To Valparaíso: Fly to Santiago with
the group and drive north to the Pacific coast
and Valparaíso. Stay 2 nights at the Fauna Hotel.
Upgrade to the boutique Zero Hotel from
£45 per person (please see page 54 for hotel
details). (B)
Day 14 – Valparaíso: At leisure to explore
the colourful hills or visit the house of Pablo
Neruda. (B)
Day 15 – To London: Transfer to Santiago and
fly to London with LAN / Iberia. (B)
Day 16 – London: Morning arrival. (N)
Day 13 – To Puerto Williams: Fly to Puerto
Williams on Tierra del Fuego and stay for
3 nights at Hotel Lakutaia (see page 55).
Visit Omora Park to observe native flora and
fauna. (B, L, D)
Days 14-15 – Tierra del Fuego: Group
excursions on offer include trekking and a
boat trip along the Beagle Channel to
Wulaia Bay, once the site of a large Yaghan
settlement. (B, L, D)
Days 16-18 – To Santiago & London: Fly to
Santiago for a final night and on to London. (B)
18 Days / 15 Nights from £4,190
Day 14 – To Buenos Aires: Fly to Buenos Aires.
Transfer to the Hotel Intersur Recoleta for 3
nights. (B)
Day 15 – Buenos Aires: Morning tour of the
city, visiting colourful La Boca, elegant Recoleta
and the city’s palaces and monuments. (B)
Day 16 – Buenos Aires: At leisure. Alternatively,
take an optional visit to an estancia in the
Pampas or take a day trip to Colonia across
the Rio de la Plata in Uruguay. (B)
Day 17 –To London: Transfer to the airport.
Fly to London, via Madrid, with Iberia. (B)
Day 18 – London: Afternoon arrival. (N)
16 Days / 13 Nights from £3,960
18 Days / 15 Nights from £5,040
Flights: Clients booking this extension will fly to
Chile with Iberia rather than LAN.
Tour + Rio de Janeiro
18 Days / 15 Nights from £4,490
Break up your journey home with a stop
in the exhilarating Brazilian city of Rio
de Janeiro, magnificently set between the
mountains and the sea. Explore its famous
sights, such as Sugar Loaf and Corcovado
mountain, crowned by the iconic Christ the
Redeemer statue, and offering breathtaking
panoramas over the city. End your trip
relaxing on one of the city’s superb beaches.
Day 14 – To Rio de Janeiro: Fly to Rio and
transfer to the Rio Othon Palace Hotel on
Copacabana beach for a 3-night stay (Superior
partial ocean-view room). (B)
Day 15 – Rio de Janeiro: Full-day tour of this
stunning city, including Sugar Loaf mountain
and Corcovado. (B)
Day 16 – Rio de Janeiro: At leisure. (B)
Day 17 – To London: Transfer to the airport
for an evening flight to London with TAM
Brazilian Airlines. (B)
Day 18 – London: Afternoon arrival. (N)
Copacabana beach, Rio de janeiro
View all our travel options at
chile ri
Set between the majestic Andes and
the rugged Pacific coast, Chile stretches
from the desolate Atacama desert in the
north to the granite peaks, glacier fields
and untamed wilderness of Patagonia
in the south. In between these striking
extremes, the country offers snow-capped
volcanoes, crystal-clear lakes, winding
fjords, ancient forests and verdant valleys
dotted with vineyards. As well as this
pristine and spectacular scenery, visitors
can encounter indigenous communities,
bustling city culture, friendly hosts and
delicious fresh seafood. The remote Easter
Island, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean,
bears witness to a unique and mysterious
Rapa Nui legacy.
Please contact Cox & Kings to discuss
further ideas with one of our experts or
refer to our website,,
for itinerary suggestions and information
on hotels and excursions.
Colchagua valley
Santiago & the Coast
Chile’s Wine Country
• Santiago’s history & culture
• Valparaíso’s colourful hills & funiculars
• World-renowned wines & the
Colchagua Museum
• Exclusive stays on winery estates
The cosmopolitan capital of Chile is a
buzzing metropolis set against the spectacular
backdrop of the snow-capped Andes.
Santiago’s historical attractions, including the
elaborately decorated cathedral and the
newly remodelled and outstanding Museum
of Pre-Columbian Art, are complemented by
hillside lanes, leafy parks, booming street cafes
and increasingly sophisticated restaurants that
all add to the city’s vibrancy and charm. The
former principal port of Valparaíso is within
easy reach on the coast. The cable-drawn
funicular elevators running along steep hills and
colourful houses are reminders of its glorious
past. Those who wish to soak up the bohemian
atmosphere of the town can stay in centuryold mansions converted into character hotels
and visit one of the eccentric homes of Nobel
prize-winning poet Pablo Neruda.
Set between the snow-capped Andes and
the coast, the fertile valleys around Santiago
are home to world-famous wineries,
country traditions and warm hospitality.
Exclusive winery estates, some among the
oldest in Chile, offer relaxing stays in their
colonial haciendas or boutique lodges as
well as the opportunity to sample some
of the region’s finest wines (see page 54
for hotel suggestions). Stays of 2 nights are
recommended to best appreciate the beautiful
and peaceful surroundings. However, a full-day
visit from Santiago can also be arranged. In
the renowned Colchagua valley, tours of the
vineyards are often combined with a visit
to Santa Cruz and its splendid Colchagua
Museum, which contains a magnificent
collection of pre-Columbian artefacts.
Atacama desert
Guanacos, Torres del Paine
Osorno volcano & Petrohue falls, near Puerto Varas
The Atacama Desert
Puerto Varas & Surrounds
Torres del Paine National Park
• Moon Valley sunsets
• Altiplanic lagoons, salt lakes & geysers
• Adobe villages
• Snow-capped volcanoes, lakes and forests
• Myths & stilt houses of Chiloé
• Granite peaks & stunning glaciers
• Patagonia wildlife
• Variety of walks & hikes
The Atacama desert, one of the driest places
on Earth, is truly one of the most astonishing,
with extraordinary landscapes of sand dunes,
purple-shaded volcanoes, crusty salt flats,
spewing geysers, green oases and turquoise
lakes, as well as numerous other sightseeing
attractions. Surrounded by arid mountain
ranges, the small village of San Pedro de
Atacama is the base for exploring the area.
At daybreak, watch the Tatio geysers spout
steam and boiling water high into the air, feel
the salt crack under your feet at the world’s
third-largest salt flat and see pink flamingoes
mirrored in intensely blue lagoons. Ancient
petroglyphs carved in stone, adobe villages,
thermal springs, magnificent sunsets over
desolate dunes and clear desert nights all add
to the appeal of this remarkable destination.
Snow-capped volcanoes, rivers and deep blue
lakes dominate the scenery of the Chilean
Lake District. The southern region can be
best explored from Puerto Varas, set on a
lake with stunning views of the cones of the
Osorno and Calbuco volcanoes. This charming
German-influenced town is a starting point
for one of the most spectacular Andean lake
crossings into Argentina, as well as day trips
to the nearby national parks of Alerce Andino
and Vicente Perez Rosales. Reached by ferry
and not far off the coast is the distinctive and
mysterious island of Chiloé, still preserving its
rich folkloric traditions and mythology. Its main
attractions are the 16th-century Unescoworld-heritage wooden churches, the colourful
stilt-houses and quaint fishing villages, and
many birds, including a colony of Humboldt
and Magellanic penguins.
Stretching across southern Chile and Argentina,
Patagonia is a land of rugged and untamed
wilderness. The remote Torres del Paine
National Park, a 5-hour drive through the
vast steppe from the southerly city of Punta
Arenas, possesses the characteristic unspoilt
landscape of this windswept region. The
soaring granite towers and cuernos of the park
are surrounded by shimmering lagoons and
glaciers, dense forests and tumbling waterfalls.
This strikingly beautiful area is home to a
wealth of wildlife including guanacos, flightless
rheas, condors and flamingoes, and can be
explored by boat, vehicle or on foot. Hiking
opportunities range from easy nature walks
around the milky Lake Grey or Lake Azul to
the more arduous hike up to the base of the
famous towers.
chile ri
Northern Lakes & Volcanoes
• ndigenous Mapuche culture
• Ancient forests, volcanic caves & hot springs
The northern Lake District is covered in
araucaria and lenga forests and is home to the
indigenous Mapuche people. The small town
of Pucon and the nearby lake are a good base
for exploring the surrounding national parks,
including the volcanic caves on the slopes of
the active Villarrica volcano, ancient forests,
crystal-clear waterfalls and numerous hot
springs. It is also possible to arrange a visit to
a native community or continue across the
Andes to Argentina and the scenic Seven Lakes
Mapuche women
Patagonia Cruises
• Towering fjords & glaciers
• Sail through the Strait of Magellan
The fjords and austral channels of Patagonia
offer landscapes of extraordinary beauty and
numerous sailing possibilities. The Skorpios
cruises reach the northern and southern ice
fields, while in the southernmost reaches of
Patagonia, M/N Forrest navigates the Strait of
Magellan in search of humpback whales. The
first-class Cruceros Australis ships take guests
around the southern tip of the continent
to the infamous Cape Horn and Ushuaia in
Skorpios III
Chile’s Far North
• Ancient rock paintings
• ncredible high plateau landscapes
Coastal Arica, Chile’s northernmost city, is
a gateway to the archaeological and natural
wonders to be discovered inland, high into the
Andes. The region is dotted with picturesque
adobe villages and remains of pre-Columbian
cultures, including mysterious rock carvings
and geoglyphs. On the border with Bolivia lies
the desolate Lauca National Park, with snowcapped volcanoes overlooking the emeraldgreen Lake Chungara and Cotacotani lagoon.
Flamingoes, rheas and guanacos can be spotted
roaming the altiplano.
Lauca National Park
La Serena & Elqui Valley
• Stargazing
• Home to pisco distilleries
Northern Chile is renowned for its incredibly
clear skies and unpolluted atmosphere,
attracting astronomers from all over the world.
Verdant valleys lie between the coastal town
of La Serena and the Andes, and contrast with
the arid brown of the mountains. Astronomical
observatories like Mamalluca and La Stela
are open for visitors to gaze at the wonders
of the skies. The Elqui valley is also home to
picturesque villages and pisco distilleries, where
the local drink is produced.
El Tololo observatory, near La Serena
Chile in Luxury
14 Days / 11 Nights from £4,695
Explore Chile’s extraordinary landscapes
from the country’s most luxurious hotels.
Moai statues, Easter Island
Easter sland
• Giant stone statues
• Polynesian culture
Officially part of Chile, the mysterious and
remote Easter Island lies in the middle of the
South Pacific, a 5-hour flight from the mainland.
This small patch of grass-covered volcanic
rock is an extraordinary open-air museum
of hundreds of moai (gigantic stone statues)
scattered throughout the island. Guided tours
to various ceremonial platforms and the
quarry can be arranged, while the small village
of Hanga Roa is easily explored on your own.
We recommend stays of 3 or 4 nights due to
the remote location and wealth of sites to visit.
• Scenic explorations at your own pace
• Journeys across the Andes
Self-drive trips through Chile offer maximum
flexibility and freedom to explore the stunning
scenery. Wide open roads with little traffic
serve the great length of the country and it’s
possible to wind your way across the Andes
into Argentina and back. Highland lagoons
Low season from: £4,695 per person
High season from: £4,795 per person
Carretera Austral Adventure
7 Days / 6 Nights from £845
The breathtaking southern Austral gravel
road winds through truly wild and pristine
landscapes. This self-drive adventure
starts and ends in Balmaceda and can be
combined with other destinations.
Self-drive, Patagonia
Chile Self-drive
Days 1-3 – To Santiago: Fly to Santiago for
2 nights with time to explore the city. (B)
Days 4-7 – To Torres del Paine: Morning
flight to Punta Arenas and travel across the
Patagonia plains to Torres del Paine. Stay at
explora Patagonia and discover the stunning
national park. (B, L, D)
Days 8-10 – To Atacama: Fly to Calama, via
Santiago, and transfer to explora Atacama,
on the outskirts of San Pedro de Atacama.
Tour the starkly beautiful desert, including
the Atacama salt lake. (B, L, D)
Days 11-12 – To Valparaíso / wine region:
Return to Santiago and relax at an exclusive
winery estate or at a boutique hotel in
Valparaíso (see page 54). (B)
Days 13-14 – To London: Fly to Madrid and
on to London, arriving the following day.
and adobe villages can be discovered at your
own pace in the desert altiplano of the north,
while, further south, independent road trips
can be arranged along scenic lake shores,
amid towering mountains and snow-capped
volcanoes, or across Patagonian steppe. The
largely unpaved Carretera Austral offers one
of the most challenging and rewarding selfdrive journeys on the continent (see sample
itinerary for details)
Day 1 – To io Tranquilo: Fly to Balmaceda
and pick up your hire car. Continue through
Patagonian steppe to forests and lakes. (B)
Days 2-3 – To Caleta Tortel: Follow the
mighty Rio Baker to picturesque Caleta
Tortel, built on stilts between the two
Patagonian ice fields. Stroll along wooden
walkways or explore the surrounding
channels and islands. (B)
Days 4-5 – To Lake General Carrera:
Return to giant Lake Carrera visiting the
Chacabuco valley en route. Relax by its
shores or discover ancient lenga forests,
petrified fossils and glaciers. (B)
Days 6-7 – To Coyhaique / Balmaceda:
Take an optional boat ride to the
spectacular Marble Cathedral to see
intricate caverns filled with turquoise
waters before continuing to Coyhaique for
a final night. Drive back to the airport for
your return flight. (B)
Low season from: £845 per person
High season from: £995 per person
Lastarria Boutique Hotel, Santiago
itz Carlton, Santiago
Castillo ojo Hotel, Santiago
Lastarria is a boutique retreat in central
Santiago, surrounded by antique shops,
restaurants and some of the city’s best galleries
and museums. The hotel is located in a historic
1920s mansion and features 14 refined rooms
decorated with traditional wooden furniture.
There is a small garden with an outdoor pool,
and an elegant lounge.
This is the only property of the renowned Ritz
Carlton chain in South America, and is located
in one of the most prestigious neighbourhoods
in Santiago. The hotel is luxuriously decorated
in a classical style, and its 14 floors are
crowned by a stunning rooftop conservatory
with an indoor swimming pool and incredible
views out over the the city and the Andes.
Castillo Rojo is located in the heart of the
bohemian Bellavista neighbourhood. This new
boutique hotel retains many original features of
the century-old townhouse and former artist’s
studio. There are 19 sophisticated rooms, a
bar-lounge and restaurant. The decor combines
classic, vintage and modern features with many
antique pieces.
Viña Vik, Cachapoal Valley
Zero Hotel,Valparaíso
La Casona Matetic, Casablanca Valley
Viña Vik is perched on a hilltop in a secluded
fertile valley, two hours’ drive from Santiago.
This new luxurious property is part of a
large wine estate and offers 22 stylish suites
and stunning views of the vineyards and the
surrounding hills. Guests can sample fine wines
and delicious Chilean cuisine, or explore trails
through the woods and vineyards.
Located on a quiet street on Cerro Alegre
Hill, Zero Hotel is a beautifully restored house
facing the bay of Valparaíso. The nine light yet
cosy guestrooms combine wooden floors and
original doors with contemporary furniture.
The winter garden and tiered terraces
overlook the port and are an ideal place to
relax at the end of the day.
Matetic is an exclusive organic vineyard located
in the Casablanca valley, just over an hour from
Santiago, near the coast. La Casona, the colonial
guesthouse of the winery estate, features seven
elegant rooms, all with private terraces and set
around a central courtyard. Guests can visit the
vineyards, relax by the pool and sample fine
wines from the Matetic’s cellar.
Hotel Cabana del Lago, Puerto Varas
Quincho Country Home, Puerto Varas
Tierra Chiloé, Chiloé sland
The lakeside Cabana del Lago Hotel is close to
the centre of Puerto Varas and offers sweeping
views of the town and the Osorno volcano.
Its location can be best appreciated from the
attractive lounge that overlooks the lake and
surrounding scenery. The hotel offers an indoor
pool, sauna, and restaurant.
Quincho Country Home is a four-room
boutique hotel on the shores of Lake
Llanquihue, outside the town of Puerto Varas.
The hotel is furnished with modern Swiss-style
decor, using soothing colours and local woods.
This is an excellent lakeside retreat offering
impressive views of the lake and volcanoes.
Located on a peninsula amid verdant hills,
this first-class hotel combines traditional
craftsmanship with a striking modern design.
There are 12 rooms with panoramic sea
views, a cosy living room with fireplace, dining
room and a spa. Stays are inclusive of guided
excursions to explore Chiloé.
explora apa Nui, Easter sland
explora Atacama
explora Torres del Paine
The explora hotel on Easter Island, Posada
de Mike Rapu, is located on a hill overlooking
the ocean. Built using native volcanic rock, the
hotel features 30 rooms, an infinity pool and
open-air jacuzzis. Guided walks to see the moai
statues and other sights are included, with
scenic picnics on rocky outcrops or along the
This luxurious hotel is set in the driest desert
in the world and benefits from panoramic
views of the surrounding mountains. The
hotel’s facilities include large rooms with
jacuzzis, gourmet cuisine, an observatory and
four connected swimming pools. Expert guides
lead mountain biking, trekking, horse riding and
sightseeing tours.
The explora is located next to the Salto Chico
waterfall, with breathtaking views of the Paine
mountains. There are excellent small group
excursions available, after which a dip can
be taken in the swimming pool or hot tub,
surrounded by the magnificent landscape.
Dining is superb and complemented by fine
Chilean wines.
Tierra Patagonia Hotel & Spa, near
Torres del Paine
Patagonia Camp, near Torres del Paine
Awasi Patagonia, near Torres del Paine
This luxury lakeside camp is located 20
minutes from the park entrance of Torres
del Paine. The 18 heated yurts combine an
outdoor nature experience with supreme
comfort and feature private bathrooms,
handcrafted furniture and spectacular views
of the Paine massif across the turquoise lake.
Stays are inclusive of excursions and meals.
This new luxurious lodge is set on a private
reserve where guanacos and rheas roam. The
12 villas are reminiscent of old Patagonian
dwellings and feature a fireplace, hot tub and
panoramic views of the wild surroundings and
Torres del Paine mountains. Guests can enjoy
local walks and take private guided excursions
into the park.
Tierra Patagonia is located amid the wilds of
Patagonia, on the shores of Lake Sarmiento.
The luxurious hotel is decorated with local
materials and offers 40 rooms, each with a
view of the Torres del Paine mountains. A
pampering spa, large warming fireplace and
local dishes await guests after a day exploring.
Awasi, San Pedro de Atacama
Awasi is a small luxury lodge in San Pedro de
Atacama. The eight attractive cottages are built
in stone, adobe and wood to blend with the
local surroundings. There is a pool and dining
room where guests can relax by the open fire.
Stays are fully inclusive of meals and private
excursions into the Atacama desert.
obinson Crusoe Lodge, Aysén
This lodge, set in a remote and beautiful region
at the end of the Austral road, is an ideal base
for discovering glacial lakes and the southern
Patagonia ice field. After a day of explorations,
soak in the outdoor hot tub, enjoy Chilean
wine and gaze at the stars, before retiring to
one of the 12 comfortable rooms.
Lakutaia, Puerto Williams
Located on the northern coast of Navarino
island outside Puerto Williams, Lakutaia is an
ideal base for exploring the wilderness of the
Chilean Tierra del Fuego. There are 24 rooms,
a restaurant and library. Activities include hiking,
picnic lunches by the Beagle Channel and boat
excursions to Wulaia Bay.
chile &
Escorted Group or Private Tour • 16 Days / 13 Nights
Superior Tour from £3,695 per person
Patagonia is one of the world’s great
wilderness areas, with vast expanses
of open plains, towering peaks,
huge skies, dazzling blue lakes and
enormous glaciers. Patagonian culture is
intertwined with that of the European
pioneers and gauchos, and this
fascinating journey through four national
parks in Argentina and Chile reveals the
distinct cultures and landscapes of this
remote part of the world.
Day 1 – To Buenos Aires: Fly to Buenos Aires
with British Airways. (N)
Day 2 – Buenos Aires: Morning arrival.
Transfer to the Hotel Regal Pacific for 2 nights.
Afternoon at leisure to explore the streets of
Buenos Aires on foot. (N)
Day 3 – Buenos Aires: Morning tour of Buenos
Aires, discovering its blend of European
cultures and grand architecture. (B)
Day 4 – To Bariloche: Fly to Bariloche on the
shores of Lake Nahuel Huapi. Transfer to the
Hotel Edelweiss for 2 nights. (B)
Day 5 – Bariloche: Half-day tour of Bariloche’s
scenic surroundings, including Moreno lake,
Angostura river and Campanario hill. (B)
Day 6 – To Puerto Varas: Full-day shared
journey by coach and boat across the Lake
District to Chile. Travel through lakes and
mountains, past waterfalls and forests, to the
lakeside town of Puerto Varas, with views of
the Osorno volcano on clear days. Transfer to
the Cabana del Lago Hotel for 1 night. (B)
Day 7 – To Puerto Natales: Fly to Punta
Arenas and transfer to Puerto Natales, visiting
the Magellanic penguin colony at Otway Sound
en route (November to March). Stay overnight
at the Hotel CostAustralis, overlooking the
waters of Last Hope Sound. (B, L)
Room with views of the iconic
Paine massif ’s peaks
Scenic Andean lake crossing
Face-to-face with Perito
Moreno glacier
Cruise along the Beagle Channel
Small group size – maximum 25
Day 8 – To Torres del Paine: Full-day tour
of Torres del Paine National Park, the most
recognised landscape of Patagonia. This remote
and beautiful area encompasses mountains,
glaciers and lakes and is a habitat for guanacos,
condors and native flightless rheas. Visit Salto
Grande waterfall, Lake Nordenskjöld, Lake
Pehoe and Lake Grey, then continue to the
Hotel Rio Serrano for 2 nights (Paine Cuernosview room). (B, L)
Day 9 – Torres del Paine: Half-day visit to Lake
Sarmiento for another view of the Paine massif.
Afternoon at leisure. (B)
Day 10 – To El Calafate: Drive across the
border to El Calafate in Argentina. Stay at the
Hotel Kosten Aike for 2 nights. (B)
Day 11 – Perito Moreno: Full-day tour of the
stunning Perito Moreno glacier. At 5km wide,
it is a magnificent sight and one of the few
glaciers in the world that is advancing.
See the glacier from the observation platforms
and take a cruise on the lake in front of the
ice wall. (B)
Day 12 – To shuaia: Fly to Ushuaia, the
world’s most southerly city. Stay for 2 nights
at the Hotel Los Acebos or similar with
panoramic views over the bay. (B)
Day 13 – shuaia: Morning cruise along the
Beagle Channel. Afternoon visit to Tierra del
Fuego National Park. (B)
Day 14 – To Buenos Aires: Fly to Buenos Aires
and transfer to the Hotel Regal Pacific for 1
night. Optional evening dinner and tango show
at Esquina Carlos Gardel. (B)
Day 15 – To London: Afternoon flight to
London with British Airways. (B)
Day 16 – London: Arrive in London in the
morning. (N)
Buenos Aires
A 29
28 26
21 18
15 15 16
B 18
18 16
C 100 98 115 95 79
60 58 61
18 21 25 28
12 15 16
68 102 98 94
El Calafate
A 18
17 15
14 16 18
C 15
13 19
29 32
25 29 22
19 16 12 15
A: Maximum average temperature (C)
B: Minimum average temperature (C)
C: Average rainfall (mm)
Lake Pehoe, Torres del Paine
our chile &
Perito Moreno Glacier
Meal basis: As per itinerary – B: Breakfast,
L: Lunch, D: Dinner, N: No meals.
Superior Tour: This tour is fully escorted and is
based in 4- and 5-star accommodation.
Day 16 – guazú: Day at leisure to explore the
Argentinian side of the falls from your hotel for
a different perspective. (B)
Day 17 – To London: Transfer to the airport
and fly to Rio to connect with a British Airways
flight to London. (B)
Day 18 – London: Morning arrival. (N)
18 Days / 15 Nights from £4,220
Extend your holiday with a visit to the
magnificent guazú Falls, situated on the
border of Argentina and Brazil. Explore
the countless cataracts on both the
Argentinian and Brazilian sides of the
impressive falls.
Day 15 – To guazú/ guaçu: Transfer to the
airport and fly to Iguazú. Half-day tour of the
Brazilian side of the falls before returning to
Argentina for a stay of 2 nights at the Sheraton
Iguazú Hotel inside the park. Upgrade to a
falls-view room from £65 per person. (B)
Guideline Prices:
Low season from £3,995per person
High season from £4,095 per person
For a quote based on alternative
accommodation standards or flight
options, or to tailor this itinerary,
please call 020 7873 5000 or email
Park fees: Iguazú / Iguaçu National Park fees
are not included in the extension.
Tour + guazú
This tour may also be taken privately.
Patagonia: Untouched Wilderness Group tour prices for departures on or between the following dates
Group Tour
+ Iguazú
07 Feb 21 Feb
23 Jan 20 Feb
Additional information: Please go to for further information and supplement details. Prices above are per person
in pounds sterling (£), based on two people sharing a twin room. Extension prices are based on two or more people taking the same
extension. The prices which were valid at the time of publication may be subject to change, particularly as a result of any additional fuel
surcharges. You will be informed of any such changes prior to booking. See for current prices.
2015/16 departure dates
ut (Sat)
tn (Sun)
ut (Sat)
tn (Sun)
24 Jan 15 08 Feb 15
31 Oct 15 15 Nov 15
07 Feb 15 22 Feb 15
21 Nov 15 06 Dec 15
21 Feb 15 08 Mar 15
19 Dec 15 03 Jan 16*
07 Mar 15 22 Mar 15
23 Jan 16 07 Feb 16
British Airways flight upgrades
Q BA World Traveller Plus: From £595 per person return*
Q BA Club World: From £2,795 per person return*
* All prices subject to availability
ut (Sat)
06 Feb 16
20 Feb 16
05 Mar 16
tn (Sun)
21 Feb 16
06 Mar 16
20 Mar 16
* Christmas & New Year
Regional air connections
Q From £125 per person return* British Airways. London Heathrow to / from:
Aberdeen • Edinburgh • Glasgow • Manchester • Newcastle • Belfast
Buenos Aires
• Grand avenues & opulent architecture
• Bustling cultural life & history
Argentina is a diverse country of stunning
natural beauty, from tropical rainforests
and thundering waterfalls to Patagonia, a
great wilderness with immense glaciers
seemingly stretching to the end of the
world. Its vast territory encompasses
high desert plateaux, multicoloured
canyons, pristine lakes, flat grassy plains
and snow-capped mountain ranges.
Southern right whales, sea lions and
Magellanic penguins abound at Peninsula
Valdés, and the pristine wetlands of the
north-east are a birdwatcher’s paradise.
Visitors can explore Jesuit remains, preInca ruins and colonial towns or discover
traditional cattle ranches and stylish cities.
Argentina’s passionate people and superb
food and wine add to the appeal of this
alluring country.
The sophisticated and energetic capital
combines European heritage with Latin
charms and is one of the world’s most
captivating cities. Marvel at the grand Colon
Theatre and the government’s pink palace,
the Casa Rosada. Visit the exclusive Recoleta
neighbourhood to see its opulent belle
époque architecture and cemetery, where
Eva Peron is buried, and stroll among the
colourful houses of La Boca.
Add a visit to the unrivalled collection of the
Latin American Art Museum or the intriguing
underground tunnels of El Zanjón. Stays of
3 nights are recommended to allow time to
wander around the wide boulevards and catch
the city at its best.
La Boca, Buenos Aires
Congress Square, Buenos Aires
Wine & Dine
The Pampas
Synonymous with the capital, this nostalgic,
passionate dance emerged from the depths
of the suburbs and became world famous.
Tango can be enjoyed in many forms; from
classes in elegant ballrooms; to professional
shows like the memorable Esquina Carlos
Gardel and the more intimate Tango Rojo; or
in local milongas, the Porteños’ favourite venues
for dancing.
Buenos Aires offers world-class dining and
many fine restaurants take the Argentinian
tradition of a parrilla (grill) to gourmet heights.
Sample premium wines from the country with
a private sommelier at Cava del Querandí
in historic San Telmo, followed with a superb
sizzling steak in a refined setting at the
waterfront of the redeveloped Puerto Madero
docklands, or in chic Palermo.
The fertile plains of the Pampas stretch around
the city and are home to legendary gauchos
(local cowboys). Day trips to an estancia can
be arranged to enjoy a delicious Argentinian
barbecue or see gauchos display their fabled
skills. Longer stays offer opportunities to
explore the plains on horseback, watch or play
polo, witness spectacular sunsets or just relax
in the beautiful surroundings.
The Lake District
• Forest-clad mountains & lakes
• Boat trips & walks
• dyllic waterfront retreats
The Lake District is a beautiful region of
pristine forests, deep-blue lakes, rivers and
snow-capped mountains that offers a wide
range of outdoor activities such as fishing,
kayaking, gentle walks or hikes. The Alpine-style
lakeside town of Bariloche is the main centre
for exploring the parks and a starting point
for stunning boat trips deep through the lakes
all the way to Chile. To the north, there is a
scenic route through seven different lakes, and
in the south an old Patagonian train runs from
the pioneer town of Esquel. Relaxing stays to
enjoy the fresh air and stunning scenery can
be arranged at a number of idyllic retreats, or
at an authentic estancia near San Martin de los
Andes (see page 64).
Lake District
• Great wilderness
• Spectacular nature experience
Patagonia encompasses endless wild and
windswept expanses, towering mountains and
giant glaciers that sweep down to turquoise
lakes. Guanacos, condors and rheas can
be spotted in this barren landscape, while
blooming lenga forests and notro bushes add
a splash of crimson in autumn. The Andes
form the spine of this vast and desolate region
that stretches to the bottom of the continent
and the archipelago of Tierra del Fuego. The
striking granite massif of Mount Fitzroy rises
near El Chalten and provides excellent hiking
opportunities in astonishing surroundings. At
Peninsula Valdés, rich marine life abounds.
Mount Fitzroy
Beagle Channel, Ushuaia
Wildlife of Peninsula Valdés
Glaciers of Patagonia
Tierra del Fuego
Here rheas, vizcachas and armadillos roam the
wild steppes, while sea lions, elephant
seals, orcas and seabirds inhabit the coastline
and shallow waters. Magellanic penguins can
be seen in large colonies at San Lorenzo and
Punta Tombo, and southern right whales are
spotted between August and November. Stay
in the town of Puerto Madryn or on the
peninsula itself.
Near El Calafate, the immense blue wall of
the advancing Perito Moreno glacier provides
an awe-inspiring spectacle of ever-changing
shades and thunderous breaking ice. Hike the
sculpted surface, take in astonishing views from
panoramic walkways or sail in front of the
towering wall. Boat trips past drifting icebergs
can also be arranged to the breathtaking
Upsala and Onelli glaciers.
At the ‘end of the world’ and separated from
the mainland by the Straits of Magellan lies
Tierra del Fuego (‘land of fire’). The remote
southerly city of Ushuaia, a gateway to
Antarctica, is set against a jagged mountainous
backdrop. Cruise along the Beagle Channel,
learn about the island’s indigenous inhabitants
or hike in serene surroundings past lakes and
lenga forests.
guazú Falls
• Thunderous Devil’s Throat
• Speedboat to foot of the falls
• ainforest surroundings
The Iguazú Falls, one of the world’s most
spectacular natural wonders, is located on the
border of Argentina and Brazil. The plunging
waters of the Iguazú river burst into 275
separate cataracts through the lush vegetation.
The majority of the falls lie on the Argentinian
side, where several walkways allow visitors to
approach the thundering waters from above
and below. An eco-train provides easy access
to the Devil’s Throat, the highest and most
spectacular of the falls. The panoramic views
from the Brazilian side reveal the full scale of
this extraordinary sight and exhilarating boat
trips on the river below get even closer to the
base of the cataracts.
Iguazú Falls
Salta & the North-West
• Picturesque colonial towns
• Striking scenery
Salta province
Once part of the Inca empire, Argentina’s
north-west is a region of picturesque colonial
towns, striking natural scenery and deeprooted traditions. Stretching east from the
Chilean and Bolivian borders, the high altiplano
or puna gives way to arid foothills dotted
with giant cacti, adobe villages and rugged
canyons. The city of Salta has beautifully
preserved colonial architecture and splendid
museums. It is a starting point for the Train to
the Clouds, a spectacular narrow gauge journey
through tunnels, bridges and viaducts into the
barren high plateau, as well as scenic trips to
shimmering white salt flats or along the valleys.
Hill of Seven Colours & Surrounds
Andean Villages
Cafayate & the Calchaquí Valley
North of Salta, the barren hillsides of
the Humahuaca gorge reveal a stunning
kaleidoscope of red, orange, green and
brown-coloured rocks, rivalled only by the
multi-layered cliffs of the Hill of Seven Colours
at Purmamarca. Trips along this ancient
trade route can be combined with a visit to
pre-Columbian ruins, the salt flats at Salinas
Grandes or fascinating little churches.
Once settled by the Incas, the culture of the
north-west is reminiscent of Peru and Bolivia.
Amid the arid Andean hills, little oases with
traditional adobe villages exist, where locals still
pay tribute to the earth goddess Pachamama.
Purmamarca to the north has cream-coloured
adobe houses, while in the south the cobbled
streets of Cachi and Molinos have changed
little since colonial times.
Featuring scenic canyons and attractive colonial
towns, this area can be visited on a circular
route that passes through the Arrows Canyon,
with its spectacular granite spires, and past
the impressive cliffs and rock formations of
Las Conchas gorge. Blessed with year-round
sunshine, the delightful town of Cafayate is
home to high altitude vineyards and excellent
wine estates.
Classic Argentina
14 Days / 11 Nights from £3,395
This journey combines some of the most
fascinating parts of the country, while
travelling from the sub-tropical north to
the wild landscapes in the south.
Caiman, Esteros del Iberá
Mendoza & the Winelands
Argentina’s North-East
• Fine food & wine tasting
• Wine estate retreats
• Pristine wetlands
• Jesuit ruins
Described as the land of sun and good wine,
Mendoza is spectacularly set in the foothills
of the Andes and is Argentina’s main wine
producing region. Visit this stylish city, famous
for its fine food, tree-lined avenues and
delightful plazas, and sample some of the
country’s premium wines.
Esteros del Iberá are the second largest
wetlands in South America and home to
abundant and varied wildlife. The pristine lakes,
streams and floating islands of this nature
reserve can be explored from an eco-ranch
such as Rincon del Socorro (see page 65),
accessed via the city of Posadas in the northeast. Stays are inclusive of boat trips and
nature walks with opportunities to observe
anacondas, capybaras, caimans, freshwater
otters, howler monkeys and more than 350
bird species. It is possible to combine with a
visit to the Jesuit missions at San Ignacio and
Iguazú Falls.
Take a tour of the bodegas (local wineries),
where rows of vines stretch out to distant
snow-capped mountains, or alternatively relax
in the beautiful surroundings of one of the
numerous wine estates in the region (see page
65 for hotel suggestions).
Days 1-4 – To Buenos Aires: Fly to Buenos
Aires for 3 nights at the Intersur Recoleta
or the characterful Legado Mitico hotel, and
tour the city. (B)
Days 5-6 – To guazú: Early flight to Iguazú.
Discover the falls and the surrounding
jungle. Stay at Gran Crucero Iguazú / Posada
Puerto Bemberg*. (B)
Days 7-8 – To El Calafate: Fly to El Calafate,
via Buenos Aires. Transfer to Kosten Aike /
Los Sauces* and take a cruise in front of the
Porito Moreno glacier. (B)
Days 9-11 – To Bariloche / Mendoza: Fly
to Bariloche to relax amid the lakes and
mountains. Alternatively, fly to Mendoza and
its beautiful wine estates (see page 65). (B)
Days 12-14 – To London: Return to Buenos
Aires for a night before flying to London.
Low season from: £3,395 (Superior) /
£3,795 (*Boutique) per person
High season from: £3,495 (Superior) /
£3,895 (*Boutique) per person
Secrets of the North-West
7 Days / 6 Nights from £895
Take a self-drive or guided tour of the
rugged landscapes of the north-west and
discover colourful hills, dramatic gorges,
colonial towns, adobe villages and preColumbian culture.
Days 1-2 – To Salta: Fly to Salta (see page 64
for hotels) and explore this beautiful city. (B)
Day 3 – To Purmamarca: Travel north to see
the Salinas Grandes salt flats and the Hill of
Seven Colours. Overnight at Purmamarca. (B)
Day 4 – To Humahuaca & Salta: Visit the
pre-Hispanic treasures of Tilcara and admire
the multicoloured Humahuaca gorge before
returning to Salta. (B)
Days 5-6 – To Cafayate: Head south through
rugged canyons, high summits and giant
cacti deserts to the colonial villages of Cachi
and Molinos. Stay overnight or continue to
Cafayate and its excellent wine estates. (B)
Day 7 – To Salta: Return to Salta and fly to
Buenos Aires or elsewhere. (B)
High / Low season from: £1,495 (Guided) /
£895 (Self-drive) per person
Vineyards, Mendoza
Self-drive in Argentina
• Scenic routes for independent travellers
Argentina’s sheer vastness requires combining
fly-drive trips with a balanced amount of
travelling for the most rewarding experiences.
The majority of the driving is along the
legendary and largely paved Route 40, running
along the flanks of the majestic Andes. The
north-west offers wonderful drives through
superb, varied landscapes of highland cacti
deserts, salt flats, multicoloured canyons and
Andean villages. Breathtaking views of beautiful
lakes and forests can be enjoyed at your own
pace along the Seven Lakes Route, and a hire
car on the Peninsula Valdés provides additional
freedom to observe fascinating marine wildlife.
Roads in Patagonia have isolated stretches
and allow for independent explorations of
towering mountains and dazzling glaciers.
Quebrada de las Flechas, near Salta
• Working ranches and relaxing estates
Estancia La Bamba de Areco
Traditional estancias form an integral part of
Argentina’s history and culture. Ranging from
working cattle ranches to elegant country
estates, these properties offer relaxing stays
and a first-hand insight into the life and
rural traditions of the gauchos (Argentinian
cowboys). Visitors are welcomed by the
estancia’s owners, often descendants of the
original pioneers. Lying off the beaten track,
these farming estates are dotted throughout
the countryside, from the Pampas region
around Buenos Aires, to the foothills of the
Andes in the Lake District and the further
reaches of Patagonia. The province of Cordoba,
in the heart of the country, has a number
of estancias (see page 64) that provide
opportunities for exploring the plains and hills
on foot or horseback.
Country Life & Traditions
Horse iding
The gaucho, a resilient local cowboy, is an iconic
figure in Argentina living through legends,
history and music. Modern day gauchos are
expert horsemen, who still wear high leather
boots, wide bombacha trousers and woollen
ponchos, and raise their sheep and cattle on
working estancias. Watch a display of their
traditional skills or observe them at work.
The estancias are an ideal place to experience
the warm Argentinian hospitality and peaceful
country life. Sample fresh home-cooked food
such as succulent meats roasted over an open
fire and try the local mate beverage. Explore
nearby towns, listen to traditional folk music
and take leisurely walks to observe birds in the
surrounding grounds.
Enjoy breathtaking landscapes and spectacular
sunsets on horseback, perhaps helping local
gauchos (cowboys) drive cattle or sheep,
or simply riding through the hills and vast
open plains. Some estancias offer guests the
opportunity to try their hand at a polo game,
take a tailor-made lesson or just sit back and
watch this popular Argentinian sport.
Uruguay is just a short ferry ride across
the River Plate from Buenos Aires and is
often combined with a trip to Argentina.
Despite its relatively small size, this
peaceful country can offer a diverse
range of experiences. Coastal nature
reserves and wetlands can be found
beyond the beautiful sandy beaches and
exclusive resorts, popular during the
summer months. The capital, Montevideo,
is the cultural heartland of the country,
while historic Colonia is among the most
delightful colonial towns. The interior
encompasses grassy plains and cattle
ranches, as well as vineyards producing
excellent local wines.
Colonia del Sacramento
Buenos Aires & ruguay
11 Days / 9 Nights from £2,495
Playa Vik, Jose Ignacio
Coastal esorts
• Colonial charm & river sunsets
• Sandy beaches & chic retreats
Uruguay’s oldest city and a Unesco world
heritage site, Colonia del Sacramento is less
than an hour from Buenos Aires by ferry.
Settled by the Portuguese and twice conquered
by the Spanish, this picturesque riverside town
has remarkably well-preserved colonial houses
and cobbled streets. Day trips or overnight stays
can be arranged to explore the historic centre.
East of Montevideo, the Atlantic coastline
offers miles of sandy beaches, dunes, nature
reserves and coastal resorts. Glamorous Punta
del Este has a glitzy nightlife, while the former
fishing village of José Ignacio is a relaxed and
up-and-coming retreat surrounded by lagoons.
Accommodation ranges from small boutique
properties to exclusive luxury resorts.
ruguay’s nterior
• elaxed city & superb food
• ural landscapes & working ranches
The vibrant capital city has an old historic
centre and a waterfront promenade along the
River Plate. Visit the famous old wrought-iron
port market, offering delicious steaks at one of
its grill stalls or restaurants, before browsing the
little shops selling antiques, books and crafts. In
the evening, listen to traditional live music, such
as tango, and sample fine local wines.
Inland from the coast, the less-explored
rural interior consists of rolling plains and
forested hills. Here, the pastoral charms of the
countryside can be experienced with a stay
at a historic working ranch, where Uruguayan
gauchos ride horses and heard the cattle.
Native forests, rivers and numerous lagoons
offer excellent birdwatching opportunities.
Combine a visit to elegant and vibrant
Buenos Aires with an exploration of the
highlights of ruguay, including the historic
town of Colonia, the capital Montevideo
and the former fishing village of José
gnacio, now a chic bohemian retreat.
Day 1 – To Buenos Aires: Fly to Buenos
Aires, via Madrid, with Air Europa. Transfer
to Intersur / Hotel Mio* for 3 nights. (B)
Days 2-3 – Buenos Aires: Take a halfday city tour and enjoy time at leisure to
further explore the city, or take an optional
excursion. (B)
Day 4 – To Colonia del Sacramento: Take a
ferry ride across the Plate river to Colonia
in Uruguay. Afternoon city tour and stay at
Posada Plaza Mayor / Sheraton*. (B)
Day 5 – To Montevideo: Transfer by road
to Montevideo for a 2-night stay at Cala di
Volpe / Radisson*. Afternoon at leisure or
optional visit to Bouza winery. (B)
Day 6 – Montevideo: Morning city tour. (B)
Day 7 – To José gnacio: Transfer to José
Ignacio, via Punta del Este, and visit the
artist Carlos Páez Vilaró’s house at Punta
Ballena. Stay 3-nights at La Posada del Faro
/ Estancia Vik* or Playa Vik*. (B)
Days 8-9 – José gnacio: At leisure. (B)
Day 10 – To London: Transfer to Montevideo
and fly to London via Madrid. (B)
Day 11 – London: Afternoon arrival. (N)
Extend your journey in Argentina further
before continuing to Uruguay, or stay in a
Uruguayan estancia or vineyard.
Low season from: £2,495 (Superior) /
£2,895 (Luxury*) per person
High season from: £2,645 (Superior) /
£3,295 (Luxury*) per person
Alvear Palace, Buenos Aires
Boutique Hotels, Buenos Aires
Sofitel, Buenos Aires
The Alvear Palace, one of the city’s most de
luxe hotels, is situated in the refined Recoleta
district. The 210 guestrooms are luxuriously
furnished and decorated with antiques.
Facilities include a swimming pool and wellequipped spa and wellness area. The French
restaurant, La Bourgogne, is regarded by many
as the best in Buenos Aires.
Buenos Aires is home to an increasing number
of luxury boutique hotels, hidden behind
neo-classical facades of former stately houses.
Located in prestigious Recoleta or bohemian
Palermo, these elegant retreats offer stylish
rooms and a sophisticated ambience. Cox &
Kings recommends Legado Mitico, Casa Sur,
Nuss and Hub Porteño.
A former art deco landmark building dating
from 1929, the Sofitel is located on the elegant
Arroyo Street, surrounded by boutiques and art
galleries. The hotel’s interior combines French
flair with Argentinian elegance and features an
indoor swimming pool, a renowned FrenchMediterranean restaurant and a traditional
piano bar serving fine Argentinian wines.
Legado Mitico, Salta
Manantial del Silencio, Purmamarca
Grace, Cafayate
Legado Mitico is a small luxurious hotel
converted from an old mansion, a few blocks
from the town’s main square. Inspired by
regional culture and history, each of the 11
rooms, named after a charismatic local figure, is
decorated with antiques and handicrafts. There
is a lovely courtyard, roof terrace and lounge
with a fireplace.
Located on the edge of the small village
of Purmamarca, Manantial del Silencio has
incredible views of the Hill of the Seven
Colours. The white colonial building features
19 rooms, a restaurant, bar and outdoor pool.
Activities include hikes in the surrounding
countryside, tours to the salt flats, and visits to
nearby villages.
This beautiful 550-hectare estate is located
in the Calchaquí valley of Argentina’s northwest. The luxurious hotel comprises 12
contemporary furnished guestrooms and 20
villas, all with views towards the vineyards or
the mountains. There is a gourmet restaurant
serving local wines, an 18-hole golf course, a
spa and indoor pool.
Estancia El Colibrí, near Cordoba
Estancia Huechahue,
near San Martin de los Andes
Estancia La Bamba de Areco, the Pampas
El Colibrí is a luxury estancia set in rolling
countryside near Cordoba. The large suites
are decorated with traditional touches and
there is a fully equipped spa, an outdoor pool,
lovely gardens with panoramic views, and an
excellent restaurant. A range of activities is
offered to explore this beautiful region.
Estancia Huechahue is a working cattle ranch
in the foothills of the Andes, in northern
Patagonia. There are eight rooms in three guest
lodges, while delicious home-cooked meals are
served in the main farmhouse. Horse riding,
birdwatching and walks are available.
La Bamba is set within its own parkland, close
to the gaucho town of San Antonio de Areco.
A renovated property dating back to 1830, the
12-room estancia combines its former colonial
elegance with contemporary comfort. Guests
can explore the plains on horseback or on
foot, or relax by the pool.
Sheraton guazú esort & Spa, guazú
incon del Socorro, Esteros del berá
Posada Puerto Bemberg, near guazú
The 5-star Sheraton Iguazú is the only hotel
located inside the Iguazú National Park on the
Argentinian side of the falls. Some rooms offer
a private balcony and a view of the spectacular
waterfalls, while others overlook the tropical
surroundings. Facilities include a restaurant with
panoramic views, an outdoor swimming pool
and spa.
Estancia Rincon del Socorro is a former cattle
ranch and a conservation project on the edge
of the Iberá wetlands. The eco-hotel has kept
its colonial ambience and offers three cottages,
six guestrooms, a barbecue house, swimming
pool and vegetable garden. Nandus (or rheas)
and capybaras roam freely around the grounds
of the property.
Posada Puerto Bemberg is a rustic yet
luxurious retreat set on a rainforest reserve,
30km from Iguazú. There are 14 spacious
rooms with private terraces, a 2,500-volume
library, a pool, vegetable garden and wine cellar.
Guests can take optional nature walks and boat
trips along the Paraná’s tributaries, and observe
numerous birds from the hotel’s watchtower.
Llao Llao Hotel & esort, Bariloche
Eolo, near El Calafate
Set on a hill with magnificent views of the
lakes, mountains and forests of Nahuel Huapi
National Park, Llao Llao is a de luxe hotel,
built in the style of a Canadian lodge, with 214
rooms and suites. There is a spa, heated pool
and an 18-hole golf course, while activities
available include horse riding, fly-fishing, biking
and birdwatching.
Eolo is set in a remote valley between El
Calafate and the national park. The luxurious
and stylish lodge is reminiscent of a traditional
Patagonian estancia and has 17 guestrooms
with magnificent views of Lake Argentino, the
steppe and the mountains. There is a restaurant
and lounge with panoramic views, a small
indoor pool and sauna.
Los Sauces Casas Patagonicas,
El Calafate
Territorio Hotel, Puerto Madryn
Los Cauquenes esort & Spa, shuaia
Cavas Wine Lodge, Mendoza
Territorio combines an ultra-modern exterior
with warm and elegant interior design, and is
a great base for exploring the rich wildlife of
the Valdés peninsula. This first-class boutique
hotel has its own cellar and also offers 36
guestrooms, a bar, library and spa, all with views
of the bay.
Los Cauquenes is set on the shores of the
Beagle Channel, just outside the town of
Ushuaia. Built with stone and lenga wood, the
hotel features 54 stylish guestrooms, a relaxing
spa and an indoor and outdoor pool with
incredible views of the surrounding mountains
and the southern seas.
Cavas Wine Lodge is situated in a 24-hectare
private valley among prestigious wine
estates and benefits from wonderful views
towards the Andes. Each of the 14 detached
guestrooms features a private deck, plunge
pool and rooftop terrace with a fireplace.
Guests can dine alfresco in the vineyards.
Los Sauces is a luxury boutique hotel set
among 10 hectares of landscaped gardens
on the edge of El Calafate. Inspired by the
traditional Patagonian estancias, the hotel
comprises 38 sumptuous suites in five separate
guesthouses. There is a beautiful spa and a
gourmet restaurant serving regional cuisine.
zil our
Escorted Group or Private Tour • 11 Days / 8 Nights
Superior Tour from £2,195 per person
Day 8 – io de Janeiro: Morning visit to the
Corcovado mountain, site of the statue of
Christ the Redeemer overlooking Rio. Stop at
a typical beach juice bar to taste fresh tropical
juices and get a glimpse into the cariocas’ (local
residents’) way of life. In the afternoon, visit
Sugar Loaf mountain by cable car. (B)
Offering an outstanding introduction
to Argentina and Brazil, this journey
combines the elegance of Buenos Aires
with exotic and flamboyant Rio de
Janeiro. The tour also visits the aweinspiring waterfalls of Iguazú – shrouded
in their own mist, they thunder
amid tropical jungle and stretch for
kilometres along the border.
Day 9 – io de Janeiro: Day at leisure.
Optional excursions include the Tijuca
rainforest, a visit to the botanical gardens and a
tour of Rio’s social projects. (B)
Day 10 – To London: At leisure (use of a day
room at the Rio Othon Palace from £95 per
person). Evening transfer to the airport for a
direct flight to London with British Airways. (B)
Day 11 – London: Early afternoon arrival. (N)
Sheraton Iguazú Hotel, Argentina
Day 1 – To Buenos Aires: Evening flight to
Buenos Aires with British Airways. (N)
Day 2 – Buenos Aires: Morning arrival. Transfer
to the Hotel Intersur Recoleta for 3 nights. (N)
Stay inside Iguazú National Park
and see the falls at dawn or sunset
Visit colourful Caminito &
Recoleta cemetery
Savour the carioca atmosphere on
the beach in Rio de Janeiro
Small group size – maximum 25
Buenos Aires
A 29
28 26
21 18
B 18 18 16 12
15 15 16 18 21 25 28
io de Janeiro
A 32
33 32
27 26 25 24 24
24 25 27 31
B 23
23 22
21 19 18 18 18
18 20 21 22
C 137 137 143 116 73
43 43 43
53 74 97 127
A: Maximum average temperature (C)
B: Minimum average temperature (C)
C: Average rainfall (mm)
Day 4 – Buenos Aires: At leisure or optional
full-day trip to an estancia in the Pampas
countryside. (B)
Day 5 – To guazú / guaçu: Fly to the Iguazú
Falls. Visit the Brazilian side of these magnificent
cataracts before crossing back into Argentina.
Stay for 2 nights at the Sheraton Iguazú Hotel*
with a privileged location inside the national
park (upgrade to a falls-view room from £65
per person). (B)
12 15 16
C 100 98 115 95 79 60 58 61 68 102 98 94
Day 3 – Buenos Aires: Half-day tour of Buenos
Aires, including the Recoleta cemetery where
Eva Peron is buried, and La Boca district,
birthplace of the tango. (B)
Day 6 – guazú: Day at leisure to explore
the Argentinian side at your own pace,
including the Devil’s Throat. You may take the
opportunity to experience the falls at dawn
or sunset when the park is closed to other
visitors. (B)
Day 7 – To io de Janeiro: Fly to Rio and
transfer to the Rio Othon Palace Hotel
(Superior partial ocean-view room) for 3
nights†. (B)
Meal basis: As per itinerary – B: Breakfast,
L: Lunch, D: Dinner, N: No meals.
Superior Tour: This tour is escorted by an
experienced local guide in each destination
and is based in a 5-star hotel in Iguazú and 4accommodation in Buenos Aires and Rio. Entry
fees at the Iguazú and Iguaçu national parks are
not included.
Combinations: To combine this tour with
Santiago & Chilean Patagonia, please see
pages 78-79.
* guazú: The 29 Jan, 19 Feb and 12 Mar
2015 departures include a 2-night stay at the
luxurious Belmond Hotel das Cataratas and a
guided tour of the Argentinian side of the falls
instead of the Brazilian.
† io de Janeiro: The 28 Jan 2016 departure
includes 3 days / 2 nights in Rio due to
Carnival. If you would like to extend your stay,
please enquire about prices for additional
nights and tickets for the parade.
Santiago & Mendoza + Tour
15 Days / 12 Nights from £3,090
This pre-tour combines a visit to the
cosmopolitan city of Santiago with Argentina’s
wine capital of Mendoza, an attractive city of
parks and avenues. Both cities sit at the foot
of the Andes, either side of some of South
America’s highest peaks.
Day 1 – To Santiago: Evening flight to
Santiago, via Madrid, with British Airways /
Iberia. (N)
Day 2 – Santiago: Morning arrival. Transfer to
the Plaza San Francisco Hotel for 2 nights. (N)
Day 3 – Santiago: Morning tour of the city,
including the historic centre and San Cristóbal
hill. (B)
Day 4 – To Mendoza: Fly to Mendoza**. Stay 2
nights at the Mendoza Park Hyatt. (B)
Day 5 – Mendoza: Morning city tour.
Afternoon visit to the surrounding wineries. (B)
Day 6 – To Buenos Aires: Afternoon flight
to Buenos Aires and transfer to the Intersur
Recoleta to join the group. (B)
**Journey to Mendoza: Instead of flying take
a long, scenic drive across the Andes to
Mendoza. Please enquire for prices.
Salta + Tour
Set in the heart of Argentina’s north-west,
Salta is possibly the country’s most attractive
colonial city, with traditional culture and
beautiful surrounding scenery of rocky
mountains, canyons and indigenous villages.
Please enquire for details and prices.
Patagonia + Tour
14 Days / 11 Nights from £3,040
This pre-tour visits one of the most striking
highlights of Patagonia, offering a magnificent
glacier experience and a glimpse into the
desolate beauty of this remote region.
Clients booking this extension will be
joining the Splendours of South America
group at El Calafate.
Day 1 – To Buenos Aires: Overnight flight to
Buenos Aires with British Airways. (N)
Day 2 – Buenos Aires: Morning arrival. Transfer
to the Intersur Recoleta for 1 night. (N)
Day 3 – To El Calafate: Fly to El Calafate in
Patagonia and stay 2 nights at the Kosten Aike
Hotel. (B)
Day 4 – Perito Moreno: Full-day visit to
Perito Moreno. Enjoy stunning views of this
spectacular glacier and take an optional boat
trip in front of the ice wall. (B)
Day 5 – To Buenos Aires: Fly to Buenos Aires
to join the rest of the group. (B)
Corcovado, Rio de Janeiro
Tour + Amazon
Please refer to page 79 for further details
and enquire for prices. t is also possible to
combine the Amazon rainforest experience
with a visit to the colonial city of Salvador,
known for its vibrant Afro-Brazilian culture.
Tour + Buzios
15 Days / 12 Nights from £2,720
The charming beach resort of Buzios, located
approximately two and a half hours from
io de Janeiro, has numerous sandy beaches
with crystal-clear waters, chic shops and first
class restaurants.
Group Tour
This tour may also be taken privately.
Guideline Prices:
Low season from £2,395 per person
High season from £2,495 per person
For a quote based on alternative
accommodation standards or flight
options, or to tailor this itinerary,
please call 020 7873 5000 or email
‡ Buzios accommodation: The 29 Jan departure
includes 3 nights at your chosen hotel in Buzios.
Upgrade to ocean-front room from £95 per
person. Please see p.76 for hotel details.
Wonders of the New World Group tour prices for departures on or between the following dates
Day 10 – To Buzios: Drive to Buzios and stay
4 nights‡ at the Vila d’Este / Casas Brancas
(garden-view room). Upgrade to ocean-front
room from £95 per person. (B)
Days 11-13 – Buzios: At leisure or optional
excursions, including a schooner trip. (B)
Day 14 – To London: Drive to Rio de Janeiro
and fly to London with British Airways. (B)
Day 15 – London: In the morning, arrive in
London. (N)
+ Santiago & Mendoza
+ Buzios (Vila d’Este)
+ Buzios (Casas Brancas)
29 ct 19 Nov
18 Feb 10 Mar
Additional information: Please go to for further information and supplement details. Prices above are per person
in pounds sterling (£), based on two people sharing a twin room. Extension prices are based on two or more people taking the same
extension. The prices which were valid at the time of publication may be subject to change, particularly as a result of any additional fuel
surcharges. You will be informed of any such changes prior to booking. See for current prices.
2015 / 2016 departure dates †28 Jan departure is 10 days / 7 nights
ut (Thu)
29 Jan 15
19 Feb 15
12 Mar 15
tn (Sun)
08 Feb 15
01 Mar 15
22 Mar 15
ut (Thu)
tn (Sun)
30 Apr 15 10 May 15
17 Sep 15 27 Sep 15
29 Oct 15 08 Nov 15
ut (Thu) tn (Sat/Sun)
19 Nov 15 29 Nov 15
28 Jan 16† 06 Feb 16
18 Feb 16 28 Feb 16
ut (Thu)
10 Mar 16
tn (Sun)
20 Mar 16
British Airways flight upgrades
Regional air connections
Q BA World Traveller Plus: From £595 per person return*
Q BA Club World: From £2,795 per person return*
* All prices subject to availability
Q From £125 per person return* British Airways. London Heathrow to / from:
Aberdeen • Edinburgh • Glasgow • Manchester • Newcastle • Belfast
zil our
Escorted Group or Private Tour • 12 Days / 10 Nights
Standard Tour from £2,895 per person
situated in a protected rainforest reserve.
Stay for 3 nights. In the evening, go alligator
spotting (order of jungle excursions is subject
to change). (B, D)
Brazil, the largest country in South
America, is full of contrasting scenery,
fascinating history and a distinctive
culture, due to its African, European
and native influences. This tour offers
an outstanding introduction to the
highlights of Brazil, including glamorous
Rio de Janeiro, the thrilling Iguaçu Falls,
historic Salvador and the world’s largest
rainforest. A number of extensions are
available to explore further afield.
Days 7-8 – Amazon: Local shared excursions,
including a jungle walk to take in the sights and
sounds of the rainforest; visits to the monkey
sanctuary and a native caboclo house; and a
boat up the Amazon to the Meeting of the
Waters, where the dark and light waters of the
Negro and Solimoes rivers merge. (B, L, D)
Day 9 – To Salvador: Return to Manaus and
take an afternoon flight, via Brasilia, to Salvador,
the colourful capital of Bahia and former capital
of Brazil. Stay for 2 nights at the Vila Galé
Salvador (upgrade to a Superior partial oceanview room from £25 per person). (B)
Bahiana women, Salvador
Enjoy spectacular views of Rio
Marvel at the thundering waters of
Iguaçu Falls
Visit the Opera House in Manaus
Soak up the Bahian culture &
history in old Salvador’s Pelourinho
Small group size – maximum 25
A 30 30 30
29 27
27 26 27
28 29 29 29
23 22 21 20 20
21 22 22 22
23 23 23
C 76 95 161 250 285 206 190 135 75 79 122 108
A: Maximum average temperature (C)
B: Minimum average temperature (C)
C: Average rainfall (mm)
Day 1 – To io de Janeiro: Fly from London
to Rio with British Airways and transfer for a
3-night stay at the Windsor Martinique Hotel,
just a few minutes’ stroll from the famous
Copacabana beach (Superior room). (N)
Day 2 – io de Janeiro: Full-day tour of Rio,
including Corcovado and Sugar Loaf
mountain for spectacular views of the city and
its bays. (B)
Day 3 – io de Janeiro: Day at leisure or take
an optional tour of old Rio or Tijuca forest, the
world’s largest urban forest. (B)
Day 4 – To guaçu: Fly to Iguaçu and tour the
Brazilian side of the falls. The thundering waters
of Iguaçu are an amazing spectacle, surrounded
by tropical forest. Stay 2 nights at the Recanto
Park Hotel. Upgrade to the luxurious Belmond
Hotel das Cataratas, located in the park, from
£245 per person. (B)
Day 5 – guazú: Morning tour of the
Argentinian side of the falls and the Devil’s
Throat to see the waters cascading from
above. Afternoon at leisure or take an optional
speedboat trip on the river below the falls. (B)
Scarlet macaw, Pantanal
Day 6 – To Manaus: Fly to Manaus, via São
Paulo and visit the 19th-century Opera House.
Transfer to the Amazon Ecopark Lodge,
Day 10 – Salvador: Morning tour of historic
Salvador, including the colonial district
of Pelourinho and San Francisco church.
Afternoon at leisure and optional evening
Bahian show for an insight into the various
African-influenced Brazilian traditions of the
region, such as the Candomblé religion and
capoeira – a form of martial arts. (B)
Day 11 – To London: Transfer to the airport
for an afternoon flight to Rio and on to
London with British Airways. (B)
Day 12 – London: Arrive in London. (N)
Meal basis: As per itinerary – B: Breakfast,
L: Lunch, D: Dinner, N: No meals.
Standard Tour: This tour is escorted by
experienced local guides at each destination
and is based in 3- and 4-star accommodation.
Park fees: Entry fees at the Iguazú and Iguaçu
national parks are not included.
Tour + Colonial uro Preto
14 Days / 12 Nights from £3,420
Explore the wonderfully preserved 18thcentury town of uro Preto and its
outstanding baroque architecture from the
gold- and silver-rush days. The town is a nesco
world heritage site and was once a centre for
the Brazilian independence movement.
Rio de Janeiro
Day 11 – To uro Preto: Fly to Belo
Horizonte and transfer to the former mining
town of Ouro Preto. Stay 2 nights at the Solar
do Rosário (see page 76 for hotel details). (B)
Day 12 – uro Preto: Morning walking tour
of Ouro Preto’s hilly cobbled streets, beautiful
colonial churches and mineralogy museum. (B)
Day 13 – To London: Afternoon transfer to
Belo Horizonte for a flight to London, via Rio,
with British Airways. (B)
Day 14 – London: Early afternoon arrival. (N)
Tour + Paraty
14 Days / 12 Nights from £3,360
Surrounded by tropical forest and the sea,
the small colonial town of Paraty was once a
major port for the export of gold to Europe.
The historic centre has traffic-free cobbled
streets and beautifully preserved 18thcentury buildings.
Day 11 – To Paraty: Fly to Rio and transfer to
Paraty (approximately 3.5 hours’ drive). Stay at
Pousada do Sandi for 2 nights (see page 76 for
hotel details). (B)
Day 12 – Paraty: Morning walking tour of the
colonial centre. Afternoon at leisure. (B)
Day 13 – To London: Transfer to Rio de
Janeiro for an evening flight to London with
British Airways. (B)
Day 14 – London: Arrive in London. (N)
Giant anteater, Pantanal
Tour + Pantanal
15 Days / 13 Nights from £3,890
The seasonally flooded wetlands of the
Pantanal are considered to be one of the
world’s greatest places for viewing birds and
rare animals. The relatively sparse vegetation
facilitates the spotting of wildlife including
monkeys, caimans, capybaras, giant anteaters,
scarlet and rare hyacinth macaws, toucans,
jacanas and jabiru storks.
between the lakes of Sia Mariana and
Chacorore, and features comfortable airconditioned rooms and a swimming pool. See
pages 71 & 77 for further details. (B, D)
Days 12-13 – Pantanal: Local shared
excursions with naturalist guides, such as boat
trips, canoeing on the lake, walks and nocturnal
wildlife spotting. (B, L, D)
Day 14 – To London: Transfer to Cuiabá. Fly
to São Paulo and on to London with British
Airways. (B)
Day 15 – London: In the morning, arrive in
London. (N)
This tour may also be taken privately.
Guideline Prices:
Low season from £3,095 per person
High season from £3,195 sper person
For a quote based on alternative
accommodation standards or flight
options, or to tailor this itinerary,
please call 020 7873 5000 or email
Day 11 – To Cuiabá: Fly to Cuiabá in the
northern Pantanal, via Brasilia, and transfer
to Pousada do Rio Mutum for 3 nights. This
eco-resort occupies a picturesque location
Rhythms of Brazil Group tour prices for departures on or between the following dates
Group Tour
+ Paraty
+ Pantanal
+ Ouro Preto
Paraty can also be visited on a pre-tour.
Please enquire for details and prices.
Additional information: Please go to for further information and supplement details. Prices above are per person
in pounds sterling (£), based on two people sharing a twin room. Extension prices are based on two or more people taking the same
extension. The prices which were valid at the time of publication may be subject to change, particularly as a result of any additional fuel
surcharges. You will be informed of any such changes prior to booking. See for current prices.
Tour + Praia do Forte
2015 / 2016 departure dates
Extend your stay at the Tivoli Ecoresort on
the beautiful palm-fringed beach of Praia do
Forte, a charming fishing village with a sea
turtle sanctuary. Please refer to page 76 for
hotel details and enquire for prices.
ut (Sat)
tn (Wed)
ut (Sat)
28 Feb 15 11 Mar 15
29 Aug 15
18 Apr 15 29 Apr 15
17 Oct 15
British Airways flight upgrades
Q BA World Traveller Plus: From £565 per person return*
Q BA Club World: From £2,695 per person return*
* All prices subject to availability
tn (Wed)
09 Sep 15
28 Oct 15
ut (Sat)
20 Feb16
tn (Wed)
02 Mar 16
Regional air connections
Q From £125 per person return* British Airways. London Heathrow to / from:
Aberdeen • Edinburgh • Glasgow • Manchester • Newcastle • Belfast
zil ri
The largest country in South America,
Brazil is an amazing blend of landscapes
and cultures. Its natural wonders range
from the mighty Amazon river and the
world’s largest rainforest to wild waterfalls,
flat-topped mountains, expansive grasslands,
immense dunes, unspoilt tropical beaches
and an astonishing variety of flora and fauna.
A number of beautiful historic towns have
well-preserved colonial houses and baroque
churches, while the futuristic capital, Brasilia,
is a Unesco world heritage site due to its
striking modernist urban design. Brazil is
full of vivid colours, exotic rhythms and an
incredible diversity of people, all unified by a
vigorous and contagious lust for life.
Please contact Cox & Kings to discuss
further ideas with one of our experts or
refer to our website,, for
itinerary suggestions.
io de Janeiro
• Striking city backdrop
• Legendary beaches
Stunningly beautiful and vibrant, Rio is home
to legendary beaches, tropical forest, samba,
football, unrivalled carnival parades and
lively cariocas (Rio’s residents). As well as the
famous landmarks of Corcovado and Sugar
Loaf mountain, forming part of the city’s
Sunset, Rio de Janeiro
Sugar Loaf
Sugar Loaf & Corcovado
Rio’s most iconic sights provide breathtaking
views over the city’s spectacular panorama
of mountains, beaches, islands and bays. Take
an early train through tropical forest to the
outstretched arms of the statue of Christ on
Corcovado mountain and a cable car at sunset
to the top of Sugar Loaf. Helicopter rides offer a
bird’s eye view and leave no doubt as to why Rio
is dubbed cidade maravilhosa (‘marvellous city’).
magical backdrop, Rio offers a wealth of other
attractions. In the old centre, historic alleys and
colonial buildings coexist with neo-classical and
modern architecture, revealing intriguing stories
from Rio’s past. An old tram still runs along the
former aqueduct to the hillside neighbourhood
of Santa Teresa, full of century-old mansions
and artistic studios. The sweeping beaches of
Ipanema, Leblon and Copacabana are perfect
for relaxing.
Carnival dancer, Rio de Janeiro
Rio Scenarium
io by Night
Brazilian culture can be experienced in various
forms, from tourist shows with colourful
Afro-Brazilian dancers to accompanied visits to
the Rio Scenarium. Located in a 19th-century
warehouse, this nightclub and restaurant
offers live samba and bossa nova music, and
an authentic carioca atmosphere. Between
November and February, visits to samba
schools’ carnival rehearsals can also be arranged.
io Carnival
Carnival in Rio is a riot of music, dance
and colour, unrivalled outside Brazil. Watch
the carnival parade at the purpose-built
Sambodrome, where thousands of dancers
compete, and witness a dazzling spectacle of
thundering drums, dancing beauties, spectacular
floats and elaborate costumes. Alternatively,
take part in the procession or join the
festivities at a sophisticated gala ball.
guaçu Falls
• Panoramic views & boat trips under the falls
• Tropical birds & rainbows
Foz do Iguaçu National Park is home to one
of the world’s greatest natural wonders,
the Iguaçu Falls, and a vast array of wildlife,
including rare tropical birds and endangered
jaguars. The dramatic spectacle of thundering
white water is complemented by other
wonderful sights including rainbows straddling
clouds of spray, screeching green parrots flying
across the waters and colourful butterflies
hovering over lush greenery. A long paved
walkway leads through sub-tropical forest
to the bottom of the Floriana Falls providing
stunning views over to the Argentinian side.
The rich and varied vegetation of the park
includes orchids, bamboos, lianas and colourful
begonias. Boat safaris and full moon tours can
also be arranged.
Iguaçu Falls
The Pantanal
• Premier wildlife destination
• Captivating sunsets
A visit to the world’s largest freshwater
wetland is a stunning wildlife experience. The
Pantanal is a mosaic of lakes, rivers, savannahs,
seasonal streams and forests that supports a
great biological diversity. Lazing capybaras, sun
basking caimans, iguanas, tapirs, giant anteaters,
marsh deer, whooping howler monkeys and an
enormous variety of birds are all easier to spot
here due to the lack of dense vegetation.
Capybaras, Pantanal
Stays in comfortable lodges can be arranged,
accessed via Campo Grande in the south or
Cuiabá in the north (see page 77). Guided
tours on offer include nature walks, horse
rides, boat and canoe trips, birdwatching and
4x4 safaris.
Birds of the Pantanal
Pantanal Seasons
Jaguar Spotting
The Pantanal is home to more than 650 bird
species including toucans, kingfishers, egrets,
parrots, jacanas, endangered hyacinth macaws
and the metre-tall jabiru storks. A large variety
can be observed along lake shores throughout
the year but the most remarkable flocks are
encountered during the dry season. A fascinating
spectacle not to be missed is the returning of
countless birds to their evening roosts at sunset.
An extraordinary annual cycle of floods and
drought defines life in the Pantanal. Heavy
rains from November to March transform
the landscape into a freshwater wetland
causing mammals to flee, while aquatic species
populate the region. From April onwards, the
waters start to recede and wildlife returns to
the emerging plains. In July to October, lagoons
and ponds dry out and birds breed.
The Pantanal is one of the remaining strongholds
for the continent’s biggest and most elusive cat.
Best for sightings is the protected park near
Porto Jofre at the end of the Transpantaneira,
a dirt road that carves through the heart of
this vast and wild area. Jaguar enthusiasts can
take guided boat safaris along the river banks in
search of these amazing creatures. Chances for a
privileged view are greatest from July to October.
zil ri
• estored colonial Pelourinho
• Afro-Brazilian music, dance & aromas
Overlooking the beautiful All Saint’s Bay,
Salvador is one of the most exotic cities in the
north-east of Brazil. Once a centre for the sugar
and slave trade, it has a distinct atmosphere due
to the rich mixture of Latin and African cultures.
The delightful historic district of Pelourinho
has impressive baroque churches and colourful
colonial architecture, while its cobblestone
streets are filled with spicy aromas, graceful
movements and the sounds of drumbeats. We
recommend an evening Bahian show for an
unforgettable insight into Afro-Brazilian religion,
music and dance.
Old Pelourinho, Salvador
The Amazon
• ainforest sounds & sights
• Meeting of the Waters
The Amazon, the world’s largest tropical
rainforest, covers almost half of Brazil’s
territory. Mighty waters, ranging from yellowbrown to blue-black, cut through the thick
jungle, home to a spectacular biodiversity
of flora and fauna. The majority of wildlife is
hidden in the canopy, but common sightings
include caimans, monkeys, toucans and pink
river dolphins. The city of Manaus is a gateway
to the region and a starting point for boat trips
along the river. Not far from the town, at the
confluence of the Rio Negro and the Solimões,
a fascinating spectacle can be observed – the
dark and sandy-coloured waters of the two
rivers flow side by side for 6.5km before
merging. Only from this point on is the river
called the Amazon. River cruises and jungle
lodge stays can be arranged to explore the
Amazon tributaries and forest in canoes or on
nature walks (see page 77).
The Amazon
pera House
The short-lived rubber boom of Manaus left
behind a number of opulent buildings, including
the flamboyant Teatro Amazonas. This opulent
opera house was modelled after the one in
Paris and hosted various famed artists during
its heyday. Its incredible dome is covered with
thousands of tiles painted in the colours of
the Brazilian flag and the sumptuous interiors
showcase furnishings brought from Europe.
Amazon Clipper Premium
Alta Floresta
The Clipper Premium offers a 2-, 3- or 5-night
luxury small river cruise experience along the
mighty Amazon. This traditional-style boat has 16
cabins, all with outside windows, air conditioning
and low beds. There is a dining room, large
sun deck with jacuzzi and observation
platform offering 360-degree rainforest
views. Experienced naturalist guides lead daily
excursions to explore the remote surroundings.
Accessed via a flight from Cuiabá, this far-flung
region stretches across the southern Amazon
and encompasses the Cristalino protected
park and the adjacent private reserve. The
area contains pristine rainforest that supports
abundant fauna and flora, with a large number
of endemic species. This unique sanctuary is
particularly well recognised among birders and
butterfly enthusiasts.
Brazil in Style
15 Days / 13 Nights from £4,895
Visit Brazil’s spectacular sights while
staying at some of the country’s most
luxurious hotels (see pages 76-77) and
cruise the rivers of the Amazon on a small
traditional boat.
Cathedral of Brasilia
• nique urban architecture
• Fascinating stopover city
Situated in the heart of the country, the federal
capital of Brazil is a spectacular feat of urban
and architectural design built in just four years
on uninhabited land. The clean-lined city plan
by famous architects Lucio Costa and Oscar
Niemeyer is often compared to an aeroplane
or bird in flight when seen from the air. The
strikingly innovative style has won Brasilia its
Unesco world cultural heritage designation and
its impressive buildings and urban landscape
can be explored on a half-day city tour.
Brasilia is also an excellent stopover en route
to the Pantanal or the Amazon.
Days 1-3 – To io de Janeiro: Fly to Rio for
3 nights and enjoy magnificent views over
the city’s bays and mountains. (B)
Days 4-5 – To guaçu: Fly to Iguaçu and
explore the magnificent falls from the only
hotel within the national park. (B)
Days 6-8 – To Amazon: Fly to Manaus and
board the Amazon Clipper Premium for 3
nights. Navigate upstream to experience
the sights, sounds and smells of the
rainforest. (B, L, D)
Days 9-10 – To Salvador: Fly to Salvador
and stay at a former Carmelite convent.
Tour the historic city and discover its
African-influenced culture. (B)
Days 11-13 – To the Bahia coast: Relax on
one of the magnificent wide beaches that
stretch along the north-east coast. (B, D)
Days 14-15 – To London: Fly to Rio or São
Paulo and on to London.
Low / High season from: £4,895 per person
Colonial Heartlands
5 Days / 4 Nights from £895
Discover the colonial treasures of Minas
Gerais and learn about Brazil’s history,
travelling along the ‘golden road’ that once
carried the riches of the region south to
the coast.
Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais
Colonial Towns of Minas Gerais
• Elaborate baroque churches
• Cobbled streets & whitewashed houses
Set amid verdant rolling hills, the historic goldmining towns in the state of Minas Gerais have
some of Brazil’s finest colonial heritage. The
elaborately decorated churches of Ouro Preto
contain opulent gold-leaf interiors and fine
masterpieces, while 18th-century whitewashed
houses line the winding streets. Further
south, the picturesque town of Tiradentes has
many colonial buildings now converted into
art galleries or characterful pousadas. There
are more outstanding art and architectural
treasures to be discovered in São João del
Rei, Congonhas and Mariana, the oldest of the
colonial mining towns.
Days 1-2 – To uro Preto: Transfer from
Belo Horizonte to Ouro Preto. Stay at
Solar do Rosario and discover the town’s
baroque churches and fountains. (B)
Days 3-4 – To Tiradentes: Visit Congonhas
and São João del Rei to see masterpieces
by the legendary sculptor Aleijadinho.
Continue to colonial Tiradentes with
cobbled streets and quaint squares. (B)
Day 5 – To Belo Horizonte / io: Return
to Belo Horizonte or continue to Rio
(5 hours’ drive). If time allows, we
recommend a couple of nights at Fazenda
do Engenho, in the Ibitipoca Reserve en
route to Rio, to relax and explore southern
Minas Gerais. (B)
Low season from: £895 per person
High season from: £995 per person
zil ri
Paraty & the Green Coast
• Coastal mountains & coffee fazendas
• dyllic lha Grande
• Paraty’s colonial houses
Set against a backdrop of lush tropical
mountains south of Rio, the Green Coast
is dotted with beautiful sandy beaches and
charming little towns. Relaxing stays in or
around historic Paraty (see page 76) can be
combined with explorations of the cobbled
streets and fine Portuguese colonial buildings
of this picturesque town. Optional tours to
beautiful waterfalls and the surrounding Atlantic
rainforest are also on offer. Inland, among the
rolling and tranquil countryside, peaceful stops
can be arranged at historic coffee farms, such as
the carefully restored Fazenda Catuçaba. Off the
coast, the unspoilt island of Ilha Grande, where
motor vehicles are not allowed, offers pristine
beaches and hikes in the jungle-covered hills.
Beaches of Brazil
• Golden stretches of sand
• Tropical islands
• Marine sanctuaries
Brazil’s vast coastline of more than 9,000km is
fringed with thousands of stunning beaches and
islands. These range from golden sands in the
south, pounded by strong surf and frequented
by southern right whales in the cooler months,
to the endless tropical stretches of the north
where the ocean is always warm. The pristine
archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, off the
Pernambuco coast, is an ecological sanctuary
with idyllic beaches and abundant marine life. The
powdery sands and clear seas can be enjoyed in
complete serenity or combined with fine dining,
lively nightlife and a variety of excursions. Please
see pages 76-77 for our selection of beach
retreats or call for further advice.
Praia do Forte beach
The Southern Coast
Bahia & the North-East
The coast of Santa Catarina has some of the
most beautiful beaches in southern Brazil.
These large sweeping crescents of soft sand
are buzzing in summer and deserted in the
cooler winter months. The luxurious Ponta
dos Ganchos has its own secluded beach and
private island. Further south, at Praia da Rosa
beach, whale watching is possible between July
and November.
Buzios is situated just two and a half hours’
drive from Rio, on a peninsula with more
than 20 golden sandy beaches surrounded by
turquoise waters. The town has kept its original
fishing village charm and is a sophisticated and
relaxed resort with numerous restaurants
and lively bars. The beautiful coastline can be
explored on a boat trip with stops at various
tranquil beaches and nearby islands.
Year-round sunshine, warm crystal-clear waters
and stunning palm-fringed beaches characterise
the north-east coast of Brazil. Chic beach
destinations and hideaway retreats can be
found throughout Bahia. The natural pools at
Porto de Galinhas provide a chance to swim
with colourful tropical fish, while further north
there are desolate beaches, ocean cliffs, white
dunes and delightfully sleepy fishing villages.
A Taste of Brazil
11 Days / 9 Nights from £2,495
Get a taste of vibrant Brazil on a journey
to the southern part of this vast country.
Combine beautiful io with the natural
wonders of the guaçu Falls and conclude
your trip in the sun on the rugged
peninsula of Buzios.
Chapada Diamantina
Days 1-3 – To io de Janeiro: Fly to Rio
and experience the city’s verve and beauty,
plus its legendary beaches, on a full-day
tour. (B)
Days 4-5 – To guaçu: Fly to Iguaçu and visit
the Brazilian and Argentinian sides of these
magnificent falls. (B)
Days 6-9 – To Buzios: Return to Rio and
transfer to Buzios, a lively yet relaxed
resort with beautiful beaches and excellent
restaurants. It is possible to head south
instead to Paraty or the idyllic Ilha Grande
on the Green Coast for an alternative
tranquil experience. (B)
Days 10-11 – To London: Transfer back to
Rio and fly to London. (B)
Low season from: £2,495 per person
High season from: £2,745 per person
North-East Explorer
8 Days / 7 Nights from £1,745
This off-the-beaten-track journey explores
some of Brazil’s little-known secrets and
can be combined with other Brazilian
Lençóis Maranhenses
Chapadas of Brazil
Far North-East
• Striking & unusual landscapes
• Endemic species
• Nature walks
• ff the beaten track
• Dunes & tropical deltas
• nspoiled beaches & fishing villages
Brazil’s chapadas are scenic high plateaux that
combine canyons, rivers, flat-top ridges and
refreshing natural pools. These national parks
host a variety of endemic flora and fauna
and offer countless walking possibilities. The
500-million-year-old Chapada dos Guimarães
is easily combined with the northern Pantanal
and is considered the geographic centre of
South America. Chapada dos Veadeiros, near
Brasilia, is protected by Unesco and contains
numerous waterfalls, rare animal and plant
species typical of the tropical cerrado (savanna).
Chapada Diamantina in Bahia has enchanting
small towns, broad valleys and mountains with
an extraordinary variety of ecosystems.
Located just below the equator, Brazil’s remote
north-eastern states provide superb off-thebeaten-track experiences. Serra da Capivara,
the oldest archaeological site in the Americas,
hides an incredible collection of prehistoric
rock paintings in the harsh, dry interior of the
sertão (bushlands). Closer to the ocean, Lençóis
Maranhenses is a stunning natural phenomenon
of sweeping white dunes and turquoise
freshwater lagoons, best observed between
May and September. The coastline is cut by lush
tropical deltas with largely untouched wildlife
and unspoiled fishing villages that nestle behind
desert beaches, while São Luis’ historic buildings
are covered with pretty painted tiles.
Day 1 – To São Luis: Fly to São Luis and an
overnight stay. (N)
Days 2-3 – To Barreirinhas: Head to
Barreirinhas and explore the rolling whitepowder dunes and blue lagoons of Lençóis
Maranhenses. (B)
Day 4 – To Parnaíba: Take a boat along
the Rio Preguiças and visit small river
settlements. Drive along the deserted ocean
beach to the river port of Parnaíba. (B)
Days 5-7 – To Jericoacoara: Explore the
Parnaíba delta, one of the largest in the
world, before driving to Jericoacoara, a
former fishing village surrounded by golden
dunes and wild beaches. (B)
Day 8 – To Fortaleza: Transfer to Fortaleza
(approximately 4-5 hours by road) for an
onward flight. (B)
It is also possible to add a visit to the semiarid Serra da Capivara National Park.
Low / High season from: £1,745 per person
Sofitel, io de Janeiro
Hotel Santa Teresa, io de Janeiro
This graceful property is one of the world’s
landmark hotels. The stylish rooms and suites
are housed in a white stucco building on the
famous Copacabana promenade, and there is
a spa, piano bar and two of South America’s
finest restaurants. The much-coveted pool and
terrace are at the heart of Rio’s social life.
The first-class Sofitel Rio de Janeiro has
a prime location between the beaches of
Copacabana and Ipanema. The hotel features
elegant guestrooms with big beds, polished
hardwood furniture and private balconies, as
well as a beach service. The two restaurants
and African-style bar all have views over
Located in the art neighbourhood of Santa
Teresa, this converted colonial property is one
of Rio’s most stylish hotels. The 44 rooms are
decorated with wood furnishings and Brazilian
art and crafts. There is a blue-slated pool, a bar
under the arches of the former slave quarters
and a restaurant with views over the city and
Guanabara Bay.
Ponta dos Ganchos, near Florianopolis
Casas Brancas, Buzios
Pousada Picinguaba, Green Coast
Ponta dos Ganchos is an exclusive
luxury resort on a private peninsula near
Florianopolis, on Brazil’s south coast. The 20
luxurious bungalows, some of which have a
private pool, jacuzzi or sauna, feature terraces
with great views across the bay and islands.
There is an indoor swimming pool, tennis
court and beachside restaurant.
The whitewashed boutique-style Casas Brancas
is just a short walk from the main street of
Rua das Pedras and the beaches. The hotel has
32 stylish guestrooms spread across different
levels and a restaurant that is rated among
the best in town. The sun deck terrace and
the pool overlook the bay and offer a perfect
setting for watching the sunset.
Situated in a bay and surrounded by protected
Atlantic forest, Pousada Picinguaba is a
30-minute drive south of Paraty. This peaceful
retreat features 10 elegant rooms that face the
sea and tropical coastal forest, and a swimming
pool fed from a spring. Schooner trips, among
other activities, are easily organised to nearby
Pousada do Sandi, Paraty
Solar do osário,
Tivoli Ecoresort, Praia do Forte
Pousada do Sandi is surrounded by cobbled
streets in the historic centre of Paraty. Housed
in an 18th-century building, this small colonial
hotel has 26 traditional guestrooms, a bar,
restaurant and sauna. Visitors can explore
the beautifully preserved town centre or the
nearby unspoilt beaches.
Located on a small plaza by Nossa Senhora do
Rosario church, the impressive building of Solar
do Rosário is part of Ouro Preto’s history.
Entirely restructured, the hotel offers 41 rooms
with contemporary furnishings. Facilities include
a gourmet restaurant with wine cellar and a
swimming pool with views over the city.
Belmond Copacabana Palace,
io de Janeiro
uro Preto
Just over an hour’s drive from the city of
Salvador in north-east Brazil, this first-class
resort is surrounded by long stretches of
uncrowded sandy beaches and tropical forest,
and is situated close to a turtle sanctuary. There
are 290 rooms, gourmet dining options and a
range of leisure activities and ecological tours.
Pestana Convento do Carmo, Salvador
Casa do Amarelindo, Salvador
Belmond Hotel das Cataratas, guaçu
The de luxe Pestana Convento do Carmo
has been renovated from a Carmelite
convent dating from 1586. Considered one
of the principal works of Brazilian colonial
architecture, this historic hotel has 79 stylish
rooms, a restaurant, spa and two large ground
cloisters, where the bar and outdoor pool are
Casa do Amarelindo is a beautifully restored
colonial townhouse in the heart of the historic
Pelourinho district. This charming oasis of
peace offers 10 appealing rooms, a tropical
courtyard and a rooftop terrace and pool
with magnificent views over All Saint’s Bay. The
restaurant serves traditional Bahian specialties
with a modern twist.
The Belmond-owned Das Cataratas is the
only hotel located within the Brazilian Iguaçu
National Park and is just a short walk away
from the magnificent Iguaçu Falls. Occupying
a colonial-style building, the 195 guestrooms
overlook the lush grounds and rainforest.
Facilities include a large swimming pool, spa
and two restaurants.
Etnia Pousada & Clube de Mar, Trancoso
Kiaroa Eco-Luxury esort,
Maraú Peninsula
Nannai esort & Spa, near ecife
Trancoso is a fashionable, yet relaxed village
less than an hour’s drive from Porto Seguro.
The secluded Pousada Etnia is located near
the historic square and offers eight bungalows,
created by a leading Italian designer, tropical
gardens, a pool and an open-air restaurant. The
Etnia Clube de Mar is set on the spectacular
beach and features five luxury guesthouses.
Kiaroa Eco-Luxury Resort is located on the
Maraú peninsula, one of most beautiful and
unspoilt parts of Bahia, in north-east Brazil.
Surrounded by beaches, natural swimming
pools, coconut trees and Atlantic forest, this
luxury hotel features 28 guestrooms and
bungalows, a spa and a range of excursions.
Located near Recife on Brazil’s beautiful long
north-eastern coastline, the Nannai Resort &
Spa is characterised by white sandy beaches,
coconut palms and crystal-clear waters. The
resort comprises terraced guestrooms and
individual bungalows designed in the style of
Polynesian houses, each featuring a private
pool, jacuzzi or massage gazebo.
Pousada do io Mutum, Pantanal
Amazon Ecopark Lodge, near Manaus
Anavilhanas Jungle Lodge, Amazon
This lodge is situated by the Mutum river
in one of the most beautiful areas of the
northern Pantanal. The 22 air-conditioned
rooms with verandas and hammocks are
scattered in cottages throughout the gardens.
There is a restaurant serving local dishes and a
number of ways to explore the area.
Located in a protected forest reserve, the
Ecopark Lodge is only 40 minutes’ by boat
from Manaus. The 64 air-conditioned rooms
are set in 20 bungalows and decorated with
indigenous Amazonian crafts. There is an openair restaurant, bar, natural pools and a private
beach on the river.
Set on a vast stretch of untouched rainforest,
this jungle lodge is adjacent to the Anavilhanas
archipelago, about 3.5 hours from Manaus.
The 16 rustic and comfortable suites are built
on suspended wooden structures. There is a
swimming pool with superb views of the river
and a variety of local excursions are on offer.
Escorted Group or Private Tour • 18 Days / 15 Nights
Superior Tour from £3,695 per person
This journey explores the widely
recognised highlights of Brazil, Chile
and Argentina, combining spectacular
natural wonders with some of southern
South America’s most exciting cities.
Start in Santiago at the foothills of
the Andes, discover the extraordinary
beauty of Patagonia, then visit the
elegant city of Buenos Aires and marvel
at the breathtaking Iguazú Falls, before
finishing the trip in the magnificent
setting of Rio de Janeiro.
Day 1 – To Santiago: Fly from London to
Santiago, via Madrid, with British Airways /
Iberia. (N)
Day 2 – Santiago: Late morning arrival and
transfer to the Hotel Plaza San Francisco for a
2-night stay. (N)
Day 3 – Santiago: Morning tour of Santiago,
including the historic centre, San Cristóbal
hill and the newly remodelled and expanded
Museum of Pre-Columbian Art. Afternoon at
leisure or an optional visit to a nearby winery. (B)
Day 4 – To Patagonia: Fly to Punta Arenas and
drive through the Patagonian wilderness to
Puerto Natales, visiting the penguin colony at
Otway en route (November to March). Stay
overnight at the Hotel CostAustralis (fjordview room). (B)
Day 5 – To Torres del Paine: Full-day excursion
through the spectacular Torres del Paine
National Park to see stunning peaks, glacier
lakes and Patagonian wildlife. Stay 2 nights at
the Hotel Rio Serrano in a room with a view
of the Paine massif. (B)
Day 6 – Torres del Paine: Morning visit to Lake
Sarmiento and the Amarga lagoon. Afternoon
at leisure or take optional excursions in the
park. (B)
Stay in a privileged position close to
the dramatic Iguazú Falls
Visit the newly remodelled PreColumbian Museum of Santiago
Discover Patagonia’s iconic sights
on both sides of the Andes
Soak up the Latin culture of Buenos
Aires & vibrant Rio de Janeiro
Small group size – maximum 25
A 18 17 15 12
14 16 18
C 15 13 19
29 32
Day 15 – io de Janeiro: Full-day city tour,
including Corcovado, the imposing statue of
Christ the Redeemer, and a cable-car ride up
Sugar Loaf mountain. (B)
Day 16 – io de Janeiro: At leisure or take
optional excursions, including a visit to the old
centre of Rio or a 4x4 tour to Tijuca forest. (B)
Day 17 – To London: Late evening flight to
London with British Airways. Please enquire for
supplements for day room use if required. (B)
Day 18 – London: Arrive in London. (N)
Meal basis: As per itinerary – B: Breakfast,
L: Lunch, D: Dinner, N: No meals.
Day 8 – Perito Moreno: Full-day tour of Perito
Moreno glacier. Witness the dazzling sea of ice
from the walkways and take an optional boat
trip in front of the gigantic glacier wall. (B)
Superior Tour: Based in 4- and 5- star
accommodation. This tour is escorted by an
experienced local guide in each destination
and joins the Wonders of the New World tour
from Buenos Aires to Rio de Janeiro.
Day 9 – To Buenos Aires: Fly to Buenos Aires
and transfer to the Intersur Recoleta for 3
nights. (B)
Day 10 – Buenos Aires: Half-day tour of the
elegant capital city and the colourful La Boca
district. (B)
Day 11 – Buenos Aires: At leisure or optional
excursion to an estancia in the Pampas or
Colonia in Uruguay. (B)
Day 12 – To Iguazú/ Iguaçu: Fly to Iguaçu Falls
and visit the Brazilian side of these striking
Day 14 – To io de Janeiro: Fly to Rio, the
‘marvellous city’, set spectacularly on a natural
bay and surrounded by mountains. Stay at the
Rio Othon Palace Hotel for 3 nights† (Superior
partial ocean-view room). (B)
25 29 22 19 16 12 15
A: Maximum average temperature (C)
B: Minimum average temperature (C)
C: Average rainfall (mm)
Day 13 – Iguazú Falls: At leisure to enjoy the
various walkways on the Argentinian side. The
vast cascades cutting through the rainforest
are a tremendous spectacle that can be
experienced while the park is closed to other
visitors. (B)
Day 7 – To El Calafate: Cross the border to
El Calafate in Argentina and stay 2 nights at the
Hotel Kosten Aike. (B)
El Calafate
cataracts for panoramic views. Return to
Argentina and stay for 2 nights at the Sheraton
Iguazú Hotel* inside the park (upgrade to a
falls-view room from £65 per person). (B)
Park Fees: Entry fees at the Iguazú and Iguaçu
national parks are not included.
*Iguazú: The 22 Jan, 12 Feb and 5 Mar 2015
departures include a 2-night stay at the
luxurious Belmond Hotel das Cataratas and a
guided tour of the Argentinian side of the falls
instead of the Brazilian.
† io de Janeiro: The 21 Jan 2016 departure
includes 3 days / 2 nights in Rio due to
Carnival. If you would like to extend your stay,
please enquire about prices for additional
nights and tickets for the parade.
Sugar Loaf, Rio de Janeiro
Tour + Amazon
21 Days / 18 Nights from £4,690
An immense network of rivers and forest, the
Amazon is home to the greatest number of
living plants and animal species in the world.
The Amazon Ecopark Lodge is surrounded by
protected rainforest near Manaus and offers
an ideal introductory jungle experience.
Day 17 – To Manaus: Morning flight to Manaus,
via São Paulo, and transfer to the Amazon
Ecopark Lodge for 3 nights. Group excursions
include jungle walks, alligator spotting and a boat
trip to see the Meeting of the Waters. (B, D)
Days 18-19 – Amazon: Shared local excursions
to explore the jungle. (B, L, D)
Day 20 – To London: Return to Manaus and fly
to London, via Rio, with British Airways. (B)
Day 21 – London: Morning arrival. (N)
Tour + Buzios
The charming beach resort of Búzios
provides a relaxing stay at the end of your
journey. Please refer to pages 67 & 76 for
further details and prices.
Atacama Desert + Tour
21 Days / 18 Nights from £4,740
Travel to the far north of Chile and the
small oasis town of San Pedro de Atacama
to explore the fascinating landscape of the
Atacama desert, the driest place on Earth.
or take optional excursions. (B)
Day 5 – To Santiago: Fly to Santiago to join the
rest of the group. (B)
Day 1 – To Santiago: Evening flight to Santiago,
via Madrid, with British Airways / Iberia. (N)
Day 2 – To San Pedro de Atacama: Arrive and
take a short rest at the Holiday Inn Airport
Hotel. Evening flight to Calama and transfer
to San Pedro de Atacama for 3 nights at the
Altiplanico Hotel. (N)
Day 3 – Atacama: Morning at leisure to
explore the town on foot. In the afternoon,
visit the Valley of the Moon for stunning
sunsets. (B)
Day 4 – Atacama: Morning tour of the
Atacama salt flat and the Andean desert village
of Toconao. Afternoon at leisure
This tour may also be taken privately.
Guideline Prices:
Low season from £4,095 per person
High season from £4,195 per person
For a quote based on alternative
accommodation standards or flight
options, or to tailor this itinerary,
please call 020 7873 5000 or email
Splendours of South America Group tour prices for departures on or between the following dates
Group Tour
+ Amazon
+ Atacama
Additional information: Please go to for further information and supplement details. Prices above are per person
in pounds sterling (£), based on two people sharing a twin room. Extension prices are based on two or more people taking the same
extension. The prices which were valid at the time of publication may be subject to change, particularly as a result of any additional fuel
surcharges. You will be informed of any such changes prior to booking. See for current prices.
2015/16 departure dates †21 Jan departure is 17 days / 14 nights
ut (Thu)
22 Jan 15
12 Feb 15
tn (Sun)
08 Feb 15
01 Mar 15
ut (Thu)
tn (Sun)
05 Mar 15 22 Mar 15
22 Oct 15 08 Nov 15
Flight upgrades
Q BA World Traveller Plus: From £245 per person one way*
Q BA Club World: From £1,295 per person one way*
Q Iberia Business Class: From £1,195 per person one way*
ut (Thu) tn (Sat/Sun)
12 Nov 15 29 Nov 15
21 Jan 16† 06 Feb 16
ut (Thu)
11 Feb 16
03 Mar 16
tn (Sun)
28 Feb 16
20 Mar 16
egional air connections
Q From £125 return* British Airways. London Heathrow to / from:
Aberdeen • Edinburgh • Glasgow • Manchester • Newcastle
* All prices subject to availability
Escorted Group or Private Tour • 18 Days / 16 Nights
Superior Tour from £3,795 per person
across the altiplano (high plain) to Puno on the
shores of Lake Titicaca. Stay overnight at the
Libertador Hotel, overlooking the lake. (B, L)
Revealing South America’s cultural
and scenic diversity, this tour focuses
on the continent’s cultural and natural
highlights. Crossing the Andes through
Peru to Lake Titicaca, the journey
continues through Bolivia’s capital of La
Paz and on to cosmopolitan Buenos
Aires. Discover the magnificent Iguazú
Falls and conclude your trip in the
exotic Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro.
Day 8 – To Lake Titicaca & La Paz: Travel
by road and hydrofoil across Lake Titicaca,
visiting the floating reed islands and Sun and
Moon Islands en route. Continue to La Paz,
the highest capital city in the world, and stay 2
nights at the Hotel Europa. (B, L)
Day 9 – La Paz: Morning tour of La Paz,
including the witches’ market and Moon Valley.
Afternoon at leisure or an optional visit to the
archaeological site of Tiwanaku. (B)
Day 10 – To Buenos Aires: Fly to Buenos Aires
and transfer to the Hotel Regal Pacific for 3
nights. (B)
Coast to coast multi-country
Overnight stays at Machu Picchu
& inside Iguazú National Park
Train journey across the altiplano
& cruise across Lake Titicaca
City explorations in Buenos Aires
& Rio de Janeiro
Small group size – maximum 25
La Paz
A 16 15 16 16 15 14 14 15
16 18 18 16
C 121 101 73
31 14
13 32 36 51 94
La Boca, Buenos Aires
Day 1 – To Lima: Fly to Lima, via Madrid, with
British Airways / Iberia. Transfer to the Casa
Andina Private Collection Lima for 2 nights. (N)
Day 2 – Lima: Morning tour of Lima, including
the colonial centre and a stop at the historic
Cordano tavern for a local pisco sour. (B)
Day 3 – To the Sacred Valley: Fly to Cuzco,
the ancient capital of the Inca empire. Transfer
to the Sacred Valley of the Incas, via the local
market in Pisac and Ollantaytambo Inca
fortress. Stay at the Casa Andina Private
Collection Urubamba for 1 night. (B)
Day 11 – Buenos Aires: Morning tour of
Buenos Aires, a city of grand architecture and
European influences. Visit the cathedral, La
Boca district and the Recoleta cemetery. (B)
Day 12 – Buenos Aires: At leisure or optional
excursions. (B)
Day 13 – To Iguaçu Falls: Fly to Iguazú and visit
the Brazilian side of the park for panoramic
views of the thundering cataracts. Return to
the Argentinian side and stay for 2 nights at
the Sheraton Iguazú Hotel inside the park
(upgrade to a falls-view room from £65 per
person). (B)
Day 14 – Iguazú: At leisure to explore the
various nearby walkways and viewing platforms
on the Argentinian side or take an optional
boat ride on the river below. (B)
io de Janeiro
A 32 33 32 27 26 25 24 24
B 23
23 22
24 25 27 31
21 19 18 18 18 18 20 21 22
C 137 137 143 116 73
43 43 43
53 74 97 127
A: Maximum average temperature (C)
B: Minimum average temperature (C)
C: Average rainfall (mm)
Iguaçu Falls, Brazil
Day 4 – To Machu Picchu: Take the Vistadome
train to Machu Picchu and explore this
spectacular Inca city. Stay at the Inkaterra
Machu Picchu Hotel for 1 night. (B, L, D)
Day 5 – To Cuzco: Morning at leisure or
further explore Machu Picchu (purchase tickets
at time of booking). In the afternoon, return to
Cuzco by train and stay 2 nights at the Casa
Andina Private Collection Cuzco. (B)
Day 15 – To io de Janeiro: Fly to Rio, set
among mountains, tropical forests and golden
beaches. Transfer to the Copacabana beach
for a stay of 2 nights at the Rio Othon Palace
Hotel (Superior partial ocean-view room). (B)
Day 16 – io de Janeiro: Full-day tour of Rio
de Janeiro, including Corcovado and Sugar Loaf
mountain. (B)
Day 6 – Cuzco: Morning tour of Cuzco and
San Blas. Afternoon at leisure or optional
excursions. (B)
Day 17 – To London: At leisure or optional
excursions (Rio Othon Palace day room
use from £95 per person). Evening flight to
London with British Airways. (B)
Day 7 – To Puno: Take the Andean Explorer train
Day 18 – London: Afternoon arrival. (N)
Machu Picchu, Peru
Meal basis: As per itinerary – B: Breakfast,
L: Lunch, D: Dinner, N: No meals.
Superior Tour: This tour is escorted by
experienced local guides at each destination
and is based in 4- and 5- star accommodation.
£120 per person. (B)
Days 18-20 – Buzios: At leisure or optional
excursions. (B)
Day 21 – To London: Drive to Rio de Janeiro
for an overnight flight to London with British
Airways. (B)
Day 22 – London: Morning arrival in London. (N)
Park fees: Entry fees at Iguazú and Iguaçu
national parks are not included.
This tour may also be taken privately.
Galapagos + Tour
Guideline Prices:
Low season from £4,095 per person
High season from £4,395 per person
25 Days / 23 Nights from £5,990
For a quote based on alternative
accommodation standards or flight
options, or to tailor this itinerary,
please call 020 7873 5000 or email
Take a pre-tour to the Galapagos Islands to
discover their fascinating wildlife including
land and sea iguanas, blue- and red-footed
boobies, giant tortoises and sea lions. The
enchanted islands are best explored aboard
an expedition cruiser and combined with a
2-night stay in Quito. Please refer to pages
42-45 for details and enquire for prices.
Group Tour
Tour + Buzios Beach
+ Buzios (Vila d’Este) 4
22 Days / 20 Nights from £4,320
elax at the end of your tour in the charming
beach resort of Buzios, where first-class
restaurants, chic shops and numerous sandy
beaches with crystal-clear waters can be found.
Day 17 – To Buzios: Drive to Buzios
(approximately 2.5 hours) and stay for 4 nights
at Vila d’Este. Upgrade to ocean-front room
from £95 per person or to Casas Brancas from
Peruvian boy
Grand our of South America Group tour prices for departures on or between the following dates
03 Sep 17 Sep
Additional information: Please go to for further information and supplement details. Prices above are per person
in pounds sterling (£), based on two people sharing a twin room. Extension prices are based on two or more people taking the same
extension. The prices which were valid at the time of publication may be subject to change, particularly as a result of any additional fuel
surcharges. You will be informed of any such changes prior to booking. See for current prices.
2015/16 departure dates
ut (Thu)
tn (Sun)
26 Mar15* 12 Apr 15
16 Apr 15 03 May 15
14 May 15 31 May 15
ut (Thu)
23 Jul 15
03 Sep 15
17 Sep 15
tn (Sun)
09 Aug 15
20 Sep 15
04 Oct 15
Flight upgrades
Q BA World Traveller Plus: From £245 per person one way*
Q BA Club World: From £1,295 per person one way*
Q Iberia Business Class: From £1,095 per person one way*
ut (Thu)
tn (Sun)
15 Oct 15 01 Nov 15
05 Nov 15 22 Nov 15
24 Mar 16* 10 Apr 16
* Easter departures: Easter
Sunday in Buenos Aires (‘15)
and at Machu Picchu (‘16)
egional air connections
Q From £125 return* British Airways. London Heathrow to / from:
Aberdeen • Edinburgh • Glasgow • Manchester • Newcastle
* All prices subject to availability
c l
Escorted Group or Private Tour • 12 Days / 9 Nights
Standard Tour from £2,395 per person
Colombia is fast becoming a favoured
destination for travellers. This journey
explores the best of this fascinating
country, travelling from Andean peaks
to tropical Caribbean coastlines. Visit
the mountain capital of Bogotá with
its excellent Gold Museum, continue
through fertile valleys and delightful
coffee country and explore vibrant
Medellín, Colombia’s second most
important city. End in the colonial port
of Cartagena, one of South America’s
most beautiful towns.
Coffee region
Day 1 – To Bogotá: Overnight flight from
London to Bogotá with Avianca. (N)
Visit Bogotá’s superb Gold Museum
Stay at a colonial-style hacienda in
coffee country
Insight into Medellín’s cultural
& social transformation
Soak up the atmosphere of
colourful Cartagena
Small group size – maximum
25 people
18 18 18 19
C 38 52 74 119 104 64 47 48 60 130 119 67
A 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 32
31 31 32 32
22 22 23
24 24
24 24 24 23
16 99 111 83 88 121 197 112 24
24 24 24
A: Maximum average temperature (C)
B: Minimum average temperature (C)
C: Average rainfall (mm)
Day 3 – Bogotá: Morning visit to the amazing
Salt Cathedral at Zipaquirá, built inside an
old salt mine. Afternoon at leisure or take
an optional cable-car ride to the Monserrat
Hill for panoramic views of the city and its
surrounding mountains. (B)
A 19 19 19 18 18 17 17 18
Day 2 – Bogotá: Early morning arrival.
Transfer to the Andino Royal Hotel for 2
nights, including immediate occupancy. In the
afternoon, take a walking tour of the historic La
Candelaria district, see Botero’s art collection
and visit the Gold Museum, featuring one
of the world’s most complete collections of
ancient gold artefacts. (N)
Day 4 – To coffee region: Transfer to the
airport and fly to Pereira in the coffee region,
declared a world heritage site by Unesco.
Explore the verdant Cocora valley, famous
for its wax palm trees – the tallest in the
world. Take a walk into the cloud forest and
visit the traditional villages of Filandia and
Salento. Stay for 2 nights at the Hacienda
Castilla, an old colonial-style house with
delightful gardens. (B, L)
Day 5 – Coffee region: In the morning, visit a
local coffee farm to learn about the growing
and production of high quality coffee beans.
Afternoon at leisure. (B)
Day 6 – To Medellín: Travel by road to
Medellín (journey time approximately 5 hours),
stopping at the Mirador del Pipinta lookout for
scenic views over the Cauca river. Stay for 2
nights at the Hotel Poblado Alejandria. (B)
Day 7 – Medellín: Full-day city tour, including
the curved sculptures by local artist Fernando
Botero and the gigantic outdoor escalators.
Take a cable car to the Arvi Park Reserve for
a nature walk. Learn about the cultural and
social transformation projects of the city in the
district of Santo Domingo. (B)
Day 8 – To Cartagena: Transfer to the
airport and fly to Cartagena, a beautiful
Caribbean city with old colonial mansions,
overhanging flower-filled balconies, and small
plazas. Stay at the characterful Casa India
Catalina for 3 nights. (B)
Day 9 – Cartagena: Full-day tour of Cartagena,
including a walking tour of the old town, a visit
to the impregnable Spanish fort, San Felipe, and
the hilltop Convento de la Popa. (B)
Day 10 – Cartagena: Day at leisure in the
historic city or take an optional boat excursion
to the Rosario islands. (B)
Day 11 – To London: Afternoon transfer to
the airport for a flight to Bogotá and on to
London, with Avianca. (B)
Day 12 – London: Afternoon arrival. (N)
our c l
Meal basis: As per itinerary – B: Breakfast,
L: Lunch, D: Dinner, N: No meals.
Standard Tour: This tour is escorted by an
experienced local guide in each destination and
is based in 3- and 4- star accommodation.
San Agustín + Tour:
15 Days / 12 Nights from £3,270
Take a pre-tour to the south-western Andes
and explore the elaborate pre-Colombian
ceremonial sites of San Agustín, containing
huge carved stones, burial tombs and
impressive statues.
Day 1 – To Bogotá / Neiva: Overnight flight to
Bogotá and on to Neiva with Avianca. (N)
Day 2 – To San Agustín: Morning arrival and
transfer by road (approximately 4 hours)
to the small town of San Agustín. Stay at
Akawanka Lodge for 2 nights. (N)
Day 3 – San Agustín: Full-day tour to the San
Agustín Archaeological Park and the Magdalena
river gorge. Visit the small museum, explore the
enormous stone statuary and see the Fuente
de Lavapatas site, a religious monument carved
This tour may also be taken privately.
Guideline Prices:
Low season from £2,695 per person
High season from £2,795 per person
For a quote based on alternative
accommodation standards or flight
options, or to tailor this itinerary,
please call 020 7873 5000 or email
in the stone bed of a stream. (B)
Day 4 – To Bogotá: Morning at leisure or
optional visit to Alto de los Idolos. Return to
Neiva for a late afternoon flight to Bogotá.
Transfer to the Andino Royal Hotel for 3
nights (rest of the group arrives the following
morning). (B)
Tour + Tayrona National Park
15 Days / 12 Nights from £3,140
Extend your journey on the unspoilt palmfringed beaches of the Tayrona National Park,
where the lush slopes of the Sierra Nevada
mountains meet the turquoise waters of the
Caribbean Sea.
Tayrona National Park
reasures of
Group Tour
+ Tayrona
+ San Agustín
Villa de Leyva + Tour
15 Days / 12 Nights from £2,920
Villa de Leyva, a three and a half-hour
drive from Bogotá, is one of Colombia’s
finest colonial towns with a beautiful
main square and cobbled streets lined
with whitewashed houses. Nearby
attractions include a 120-million-year-old
kronosaurus fossil, the remains of a Muisca
astronomical observatory, and the artisan
village of aquira.
olombia Group tour prices for departures on or between the following dates
Day 11 – To Tayrona National Park: Transfer
by road (approximately 5 hours) to the
Tayrona National Park. Stay 3 nights at the
Ecohabs, a collection of thatched splitlevel cabañas built from natural wood and
overlooking the sea. (B)
Days 12-13 – Tayrona National Park:
At leisure on the coast or take optional
excursions. (B)
Day 14 – To London: Transfer to the Santa
Marta airport for a flight to Bogotá and on to
London, with Avianca. (B)
Day 15 – London: Afternoon arrival. (N)
Additional information: Please go to for further information and supplement details. Prices above are per person
in pounds sterling (£), based on two people sharing a twin room. Extension prices are based on two or more people taking the same
extension. The prices which were valid at the time of publication may be subject to change, particularly as a result of any additional fuel
surcharges. You will be informed of any such changes prior to booking. See for current prices.
2015/16 departure dates
ut (Fri)
20 Feb 15
tn (Tue)
03 Mar 15
ut (Fri)
tn (Tue)
06 Nov 15 17 Nov 15
Avianca flight upgrades
Q Avianca Business Class: from £1,645 per person return*
*All prices subject to availability
ut (Fri)
12 Feb 16
tn (Tue)
23 Feb 16
egional air connections
Q From £165 return* British Airways London to / from:
Belfast • Edinburgh • Glasgow • Manchester • Newcastle
Cox & Kings’ knowledge of Latin America
stretches from traditional sites to the
most remote corners of the continent.
Colombia, Venezuela and the Guyanas
are some of the least visited but most
captivating countries of South America,
and offer incredibly unspoilt natural
wonders and authentic travel experiences.
Please contact Cox & Kings to discuss
further ideas with one of our experts
or refer to our website, coxandkings., for further itinerary suggestions and
information on hotels and excursions.
Jaguar, Guyana
Cartagena, Colombia
Angel Falls, Venezuela
Saint Peter & Paul Cathedral, Suriname
• Colonial treasures & vibrant cities
• Coffee plantations & Caribbean coast
• Eerie tepuis & the world’s highest waterfall
• Wildlife of Los Llanos & rinoco delta
• Pristine rainforests & incredible biodiversity
• Amerindian communities
This fascinating country, largely untouched
by mass tourism, stretches from high Andean
peaks and the lush Amazon basin to Caribbean
and Pacific coastlines, offering an intriguing
mix of diverse landscapes, colonial heritage
and modernity. Discover such well-preserved
gems as the whitewashed Villa de Leyva and
fortified Cartagena; explore traces of ancient
civilisations; marvel at the cultural hubs of
Bogotá and Medellin; visit the rolling slopes of
the coffee region which are strewn with coffee
plantations and delightful haciendas (converted
country house); search for wildlife in pristine
rainforests and go whale watching on the
Pacific coast; or simply relax on the unspoilt
palm-fringed beaches of the Caribbean. The
Colombian people are among the warmest
and most welcoming of South America, quick
to dispel any negative stereotype that may
linger from the legacy of their past.
Once an inspiration for Sir Arthur Conan
Doyle’s The Lost World, Venezuela features a
striking diversity of otherworldly landscapes,
Andean peaks, emerald-green lakes, highland
villages and a bounty of beautiful Caribbean
beaches and idyllic offshore islands, including
the Los Roques archipelago. The Canaima
National Park covers much of the Gran Sabana,
a vast and remote region of lush savanna,
mysterious tepuis (tabletop mountains), red
lagoons and numerous waterfalls including
Angel Falls, the highest on Earth. Meanwhile
the Orinoco delta, where indigenous Warao
communities live, and the seasonally flooded
plains of Los Llanos are home to an amazing
array of wildlife, including giant otters, monkeys,
river dolphins and birdlife. Although tourist
infrastructure is relatively undeveloped, a trip
to this little-visited country is a unique and
rewarding experience.
Guyana is an unspoilt wilderness of magnificent
natural treasures, including the mighty
Kaieteur Falls. Covered by pristine rainforest
and vast savannahs, this English-speaking
country teems with wildlife including jaguars,
giant anteaters, black caimans and a vast
array of bird species, as well as rare flora.
Georgetown, the coastal capital, features
unique Dutch wooden architecture and rum
distilleries, while in the interior visitors can
stay at remote field stations, Amerindian
community-run lodges and cattle ranches.
Suriname & French Guiana
Suriname offers a fascinating cultural diversity,
colonial-era plantations and Maroon jungle
villages. The highlights of tiny French Guiana
include the infamous Devil’s Island, the slave
camp of St Laurent du Maroni, and the
European Space Centre at Kourou.
Kaieteur Falls
Scarlet ibis, Los Llanos
Lake Titicaca
Journey to a Lost World
The Caribbean Amazon
ltimate South America
Visit Venezuela to explore a land of tabletop
mountains, and discover an amazing array
of wildlife, South America’s largest delta and
the world’s highest waterfall.
This itinerary takes in the highlights of
Guyana and operates on set dates as a
non-exclusive group tour. It can also be
taken on an individual basis at any time.
This journey travels across six countries
to explore South America’s greatest
cultural, historic and natural wonders,
including a cruise of the Galapagos Islands.
Day 1 – To Caracas: Fly to Caracas, via
Madrid, for an overnight stay on the
coast. (N)
Days 2-4 – To Los Llanos: Fly to Barinas
and transfer to the seasonally flooded
plains of Los Llanos in search of abundant
wildlife. Stay in a hato (a traditional cattle
ranch), and take photo safaris by boat or
4x4. (B, L, D)
Day 5 – To Maturín: Fly to Maturín via
Caracas. Overnight at a ranch.
Days 6-7 – To the rinoco delta: Travel into
the immense Orinoco delta. Stay at a simple
lodge. Boat excursions and jungle walks to
discover the local flora and fauna, as well as
Warao Indian communities. (B, L, D)
Day 8 – To Ciudad Bolívar: Transfer to
Ciudad Bolívar. Short city tour of the colonial
centre and riverside promenade. (B, D)
Days 9-10 – To Canaima: Fly to Canaima
and explore the unusual landscape on foot
or in a curiara boat. Take a scenic flight over
Angel Falls (subject to weather conditions),
which plummet from vertically rising cliffs,
and visit Sapo waterfalls. (B, L, D)
Day 11 – To Caracas: Fly to Caracas, via
Puerto Ordaz, for a final night on the coast. (B)
Days 12-13 – To London: Fly overnight to
London, via Madrid. (B)
Day 1 – To Georgetown: Fly to
Georgetown, on the banks of the
Demerara river, and stay for 2 nights. (N)
Day 2 – Kaieteur Falls: Visit Kaieteur and
Orinduik Falls by light aircraft. (B, L)
Days 3-4 – To Iwokrama rainforest: Fly
to the interior. Boat trip on the Essequibo
river, hike up Turtle Mountain and see
Amerindian petroglyphs. (B, L, D)
Days 5-6 – To Atta ainforest Lodge:
Search for birds and elusive jaguars and visit
the Iwokrama Canopy Walkway. (B, L, D)
Days 7-8 – To Surama: Stay in an
Amerindian village and explore surrounding
savannah and rivers. (B, L, D)
Days 9-10 – To Annai: Explore the
Pakaraima foothills, the savannah and local
villages. Stay at Rock View Lodge. (B, L, D)
Days 11-12 – To Karanambu anch: Learn
about wild otter rehabilitation and explore
the flooded forest. (B, L, D)
Day 13 – To Caiman House: Search for
giant anteaters and learn about black
caimans. (B, L, D)
Day 14 – To Georgetown: Take a flight
to Georgetown for a city tour and an
overnight stay. (B)
Days 15-16 – To London: Fly to London, via
the Caribbean. (B)
Add a visit to the Andean region, the cloud
forest of Henri Pittier National Park, a
birdwatchers’ paradise or extend to the
stunning coral archipelago of Los Roques.
Take a pre-tour to explore the coastal
mangroves and villages, combine with an
exploration of Venezuela or extend to
Suriname, French Guiana or the Caribbean.
Days 1-3 – To io de Janeiro: Fly to Rio.
Full-day city tour and time to relax. (B)
Days 4-5 – To Iguaçu: Fly to Iguaçu and visit
the Brazilian and Argentinian sides of the
falls. (B)
Days 6-7 – To Buenos Aires: Fly to
Argentina’s capital to explore its vibrant
culture and glamour. (B)
Days 8-9 – To Santiago: Fly to Santiago and
visit its historic centre. Optional excursion
to a winery or the port of Valparaiso. (B)
Days 10-11 – To Bolivia: Fly to La Paz, take
a city tour and visit the Moon Valley. (B)
Day 12 – To Lake Titicaca: Travel to Lake
Titicaca and stay overnight. (B, D)
Day 13 – To Peru: Journey by hydrofoil
across the lake to Puno in Peru. (B, L)
Days 14-16 – To Cuzco: Take the Andean
Explorer train to Cuzco. Explore the former
Inca capital and the Sacred Valley. (B)
Day 17 – To Machu Picchu: Travel by train
to Machu Picchu. Tour the ruins and stay
overnight. (B, L, D)
Day 18 – To Cuzco: Option to revisit the
ruins. Afternoon train to Cuzco. (B)
Days 19-20 – To Quito: Fly to Quito, via
Lima. Half-day tour of the city and the
equatorial line monument. (B)
Days 21-23 – To Galapagos: Fly to the
Galapagos Islands for a 3- or 4-night cruise.
Take small group tours of the islands with
naturalist guides. (B, L, D)
Days 24-25 – To London: Fly to Guayaquil
and on to London, via Madrid. (B)
Low season from: £2,995 per person
High season from: £3,095 per person
Low season from: £3,895 per person
High season from: £4,095 per person
Low season from: £6,195 per person
High season from: £6,495 per person
13 Days / 11 Nights from £2,995
16 Days / 14 Nights from £3,895
25 Days / 23 Nights from £6,195
The isolated continent of Antarctica is
an ultimate wilderness where peace,
tranquillity and solitude prevail. The
spectacular and dramatic scenery is
dominated by jagged snowy mountains,
dazzling glaciers and giant blue icebergs.
Vast colonies of penguins, minke and
humpback whales, leopard seals and
a host of sea bird species give life to
the frozen landscape. A voyage to this
fascinating place guarantees a truly
unforgettable and enriching experience
and the changing climate and moving
icebergs ensure that no two days are alike.
Elephant seals, Falkland Islands
Falkland Islands
• Sub-Antarctic species & turbulent history
Antarctic Peninsula & the
South Shetlands
King penguin and seal, South Georgia
South Georgia
• ugged scenery & abundant birdlife
• ltimate wilderness & research stations
This remote archipelago, with an intriguing and
turbulent history, can be visited as part of an
Antarctic voyage or on its own from Chile.
Vast open spaces and pristine shorelines are
home to a fascinating array of sub-Antarctic
life, including elephant seals, rockhopper, king,
gentoo, Magellanic and macaroni penguins,
and a host of Southern Ocean bird species.
Highlights include Sea Lion and Pebble Island,
the small capital of Stanley with brightly painted
houses, and Saunders Island, with its sizable
colony of black-browed albatrosses.
The South Shetlands run parallel to the
Antarctic peninsula, and are home to endemic
flora, penguins and elephant seals. The white
continent itself boasts majestic snow-covered
mountains and huge icebergs often stretching
for miles. Visitors can set foot at Neko harbour
or Paradise Bay, explore the former British
research base at Port Lockroy, and send a
rare postcard home. The remote Weddell
Sea, famous in the annals of heroic polar
expeditions, is another awesome sight.
Wildlife Encounters
of creaking ice is a truly unique experience. Sea
kayaking in Antarctica offers the chance for an
up-close encounter with marine wildlife while
paddling amid icebergs in serene surroundings.
Walk among thousands of waddling rockhoppers
and king penguins in the Falklands and South
Georgia, or observe large rookeries on the
Antarctic peninsula. Other spectacular sights
include huge varieties of sea birds, pods of orcas,
breaching whales and seals basking on the ice.
Crossing the Antarctic Circle
Camping & Kayaking
Falling asleep in the crisp fresh air under
Antarctic skies and against a polar soundtrack
South Georgia is stirringly beautiful with
ice-clad peaks and immense glaciers. This
less-visited rugged island is a wildlife haven and
home to blue-eyed shags and the endemic
South Georgia pipits, countless nesting
albatrosses, giant petrels, Antarctic prions
and vast colonies of elephant and fur seals.
Thousands of king penguins can be seen
waddling on the shores at Salisbury Plain in one
of the largest rookeries on the planet. It is also
possible to visit abandoned whaling stations and
Sir Ernest Shackleton’s final resting place.
Rockhopper penguins, Antarctica
Reaching the extreme latitude at the very
bottom of the world, an exciting polar
adventure is available on selected dates, and
offers opportunities to visit less-frequented
landing sites.
Antarctic Cruises
Voyages to Antarctica can be arranged between October and March aboard one of our
small selection of expedition ships departing from the southern tip of South America.
Days at sea are combined with daily excursions on zodiac boats, shore landings and
onboard lectures. Classic polar explorations sail around the Antarctic peninsula, while
longer expeditions follow in the footsteps of renowned explorers and may include
the Falklands and South Georgia. Fly-cruise options include a short flight to the South
Shetlands, allowing travellers to save time in getting to the White Continent.
Silver Explorer
Sea Explorer
Silver Explorer
Sea Explorer
• De luxe expedition ship
• Superior comfort & service
Purpose-built for polar cruising, the Silver
Explorer combines expedition-style explorations
for up to 132 passengers with the highest
level of comfort. Special guest lectures, butler
service, gourmet cuisine, and complimentary
champagne, wine and spirits can be enjoyed on
board. Spacious public areas offer spectacular
panoramas, and the lounge plays host to
a pianist in the evenings. The ocean-view
staterooms and suites, some with balconies, are
elegantly appointed with marbled bathrooms.
This small expedition vessel benefits from
an advanced stabilisation system and can
accommodate up to 110 guests in elegant
ocean-view suites, each with a sitting area.
Top level suites have private balconies and
a butler service. The spacious public areas
include observation decks for spotting wildlife,
a library, club room, bar, and a lounge with
live piano and guitar music. The onboard
menu mixes buffet and à la carte dishes, with
complimentary wine served at dinner.
AN A c
Classic Antarctica
15 Days / 12 Nights from £5,195
This expedition journey offers the chance
to set foot on the ultimate frontier and
discover towering icebergs, stunning
scenery and an array of wildlife.
Days 1-2 – To Buenos Aires: Fly to Buenos
Aires for an overnight stay. (B)
Day 3 – To shuaia: Fly to the world’s most
southerly city for 1 night. (B)
Days 4-6 – To Antarctica: Board your
chosen expedition ship and set sail through
the Beagle Channel and Drake Passage. A
series of talks about the environment and
wildlife is given while at sea. (B, L, D)
Days 7-10 – South Shetlands & Antarctica:
Navigate amid icebergs and calving glaciers,
and learn about the remarkable human history
of the area. Daily zodiac excursions explore
stunning bays and channels, and provide
wildlife-watching opportunities. (B, L, D)
Days 11-12 – To shuaia: Head back across
Drake Passage to Ushuaia. (B L, D)
Days 13-15 – To London: Disembark and
fly to Buenos Aires for a final night before
returning to London. (B)
Low / High season from: £5,195per person
Falklands Encounters
8 Days / 7 Nights from £2,145
The Falklands can be accessed via
scheduled flights from Chile or on a direct
charter from AF Brize Norton. This
week-long journey includes stays in small
lodges, and travel by land and small aircraft
for excellent views of the coastline.
M/S Expedition, Zodiac Mountains
Ocean Nova Antartica XXI
M/S Expedition
Antarctica XXI
• Excellent value & relaxed ambience
• Antarctica fly & cruise
The M/S Expedition is stable and spacious, yet
small enough to offer an up-close expedition
cruising experience with a great team of skilled
crew and expert polar guides. The ship features
comfortable cabins with exterior portholes
or windows, and large public areas including
360-degree observation decks built especially
for wildlife viewing. There is a spacious dining
room, lounge, gym, sauna and a library. No
single supplements apply for those willing to
share a cabin.
Antarctica XXI combines a two-hour flight from
Punta Arenas in Chile to King George Island
with a classic Antarctica voyage aboard a small
expedition ship. The Ocean Nova is a modern
and comfortable vessel with capacity for 68
passengers accommodated in outside cabins.
This option allows for an easy extension to a
South America trip and is appealing to those
with limited time, or those who are simply
looking to avoid the unpredictability of the
infamous Drake Passage.
Day 1 – To Mount Pleasant: Fly with LAN
from Santiago in Chile and stay overnight in
Stanley. (B)
Days 2-3 – To Bleaker Island: Fly to this
privately-owned island and take easy
walks along the beaches to see sea lions,
Magellanic, rockhopper and gentoo penguins,
grebes and rare flying steamer ducks. (B)
Days 4-5 – To Sea Lion Island: Fly to the
southerly Sea Lion Island. Self-guided walks
to see amazing scenery and view wildlife,
including endangered striated caracaras,
Antarctic skuas, and elephant seals. (B)
Days 6-8 – To Stanley: Return to Stanley
for 2 nights. Discover the colony of king
penguins at Volunteer Point. (B)
Low season from: £2,145 per person
High season from: £2,245 per person
Escorted Group or Private Tour • 12 Days / 10 Nights
Superior Tour from £1,895 per person
Day 6 – To Cienfuegos: Travel to Cienfuegos
via the Peninsula de Zapata. Take a boat trip
through the mangroves and drive past Playa
Girón, site of the 1961 invasion. Continue to
the small city of Cienfuegos, with its distinct
French influence. Enjoy dinner at a privately
run paladar and stay for 2 nights at La Union
Hotel. (B, L, D)
Enliven the senses on this overland
journey through Cuba with its blend of
colours, flavours, aromas and sounds.
Discover the faded colonial grandeur
of Havana and Trinidad, the delightful
rolling countryside with its tobacco and
coffee plantations, the historical sites
of the revolution and the ever-present
rhythms of the son and mambo styles
of music. Cuba is changing fast, so this is
a great time to visit while its exotic and
distinctive style remains.
Day 7 – Cienfuegos: Morning tour of the city,
known as the ‘Pearl of the South’, and visit the
Cienfuegos botanical gardens. Afternoon at
leisure or take optional excursions. (B)
Double bass player, Trinidad
Stay in a colonial hotel in the
heart of Trinidad
Take a ride in a classic American
car & walk around old Havana
Experience countryside life at
Las Terrazas community
Gain insight into the revolution
at Che Guevara’s Museum
Small group size – maximum
20 people
A 26
26 28
29 30
31 32 32
31 30 28 27
B 17
17 19
20 22 23 23 23
23 22 20 18
C 60
53 41
64 126 194 143 154 184 177 71 49
A: Maximum average temperature (C)
B: Minimum average temperature (C)
C: Average rainfall (mm)
Day 1 – To Havana: Fly to Havana with Virgin
Atlantic. Transfer to the Iberostar Parque
Central for 3 nights. (N)
Day 2 – Havana: Morning walking tour of old
Havana, including the Camera Obscura and
a stop at El Floridita, home of the daiquiri
cocktail. Afternoon panoramic tour in a classic
American car, visiting Revolution Square and
the Rum Museum. (B, L)
Day 3 – Havana: Day at leisure to stroll along
old Havana’s cobbled streets, perhaps relax by
the rooftop pool or take optional visits to the
Bellas Artes Museum, Hemingway’s Museum or
the Revolution Museum. (B)
Day 4 – To Las Terrazas: In the morning,
drive to Las Terrazas in the western province
of Pinar del Rio. Established as a sustainable
environmental and development project, Las
Terrazas provides an ideal introduction to
Cuba’s countryside life and landscapes. Visit
the local community and the partially restored
19th-century coffee estate. Stay 2 nights at La
Moka Hotel. (B, L, D)
Day 5 – Viñales: Full-day tour of the beautiful
Viñales valley, its tobacco plantations and
rounded limestone hills. Visit a cigar factory
and take a boat ride through the Indian Cave.
Return to La Moka Hotel. (B, L)
Day 8 – To Trinidad: Morning drive to Trinidad
for a walking tour of the town, including the
Romantic Museum or Cantero Museum and
a visit to Casa de la Musica. Founded in 1514,
Trinidad contains beautifully preserved colonial
buildings, with hardly a trace of 20th-century
architecture. Stay for 2 nights at the Iberostar
Grand Hotel, a restored colonial building in the
heart of the old town. (B)
Day 9 – Trinidad: Morning tour of the Valley
of the Sugar Mills, dotted with ruins of large
former sugar plantations. Visit the watchtower
of the Manaca Iznaga plantation, a reminder of
Cuba’s colonisation and slave trade, then have
lunch before returning to Trinidad. Afternoon
at leisure. (B, L)
Day 10 – To Santa Clara & Havana: Morning
drive to historic Santa Clara, the site of the
turning point in the Cuban revolution, and see
Che Guevara’s museum and mausoleum. After
lunch, continue to Havana for 1 night at the
Iberostar Parque Central. Optional evening
music performance. (B, L)
Day 11 – To London: Afternoon transfer to
the airport. Fly to London with Virgin Atlantic.
Day 12 – London: Early morning arrival. (N)
Meal basis: As per itinerary – B: Breakfast,
L: Lunch, D: Dinner, N: No meals.
Superior Tour: This tour is fully escorted
and is based in a mixture of 3- and 5-star
accommodation. Though it includes some of
the best accommodation available, La Moka
and La Union are very simple hotels.
our cub
Travel in Cuba: Tourist infrastructure in
Cuba cannot be compared with that of most
Latin American countries as the standard of
service can be erratic, road journeys can take
longer than anticipated and dining options
are often limited. However, we feel that any
deficiencies are more than compensated for
by Cuba’s culture and scenery, and recommend
a flexible approach to travel when visiting
the country. Hotels are subject to change at
short notice and will be reconfirmed in your
final documentation.
Tour + Cayo Santa Maria
Days 11-13 – Cayo Santa Maria: At leisure to
relax by the beach and turquoise sea. (B, L, D)
Day 14 – To Havana: Drive to Havana and stay
overnight at the Iberostar Parque Central. (B)
Day 15 – To London: Day at leisure. Evening
flight to London with Virgin Atlantic. (B)
Day 16 – London: Early morning arrival. (N)
Splendours of
Group Tour
+ Melia Santa Maria
+ Melia Buenavista
Day 10 – To Cayo Santa Maria: After visiting
Santa Clara, continue to Cayo Santa Maria and
stay 4 nights at the Meliá Cayo Santa Maria* /
Meliá Buenavista.* (B, L, D)
Guideline Prices:
Low season from £2,095 per person
High season from £2,345 per person
For a quote based on alternative
accommodation standards or flight
options, or to tailor this itinerary,
please call 020 7873 5000 or email
uba Group tour prices for departures on or between the following dates
This tour may also be taken privately.
*Extension upgrade: It is possible to upgrade
to ocean-view rooms at the Meliá Cayo Santa
Maria / Meliá Buenavista from £85 pp.
16 Days / 14 Nights from £2,290
At the end of your tour, relax on a white
sandy cay off Cuba’s north coast. Hotel
options include the Meliá Cayo Santa Maria,
an all-inclusive property with a range of
leisure facilities, and the first-class secluded
Meliá Buenavista, an adults-only resort set
apart from the rest of the hotels.
02 Feb 09 Mar
01 Feb 04 Apr
Additional information: Please go to for further information and supplement details. Prices above are per person
in pounds sterling (£), based on two people sharing a twin room. Extension prices are based on two or more people taking the same
extension. The prices which were valid at the time of publication may be subject to change, particularly as a result of any additional fuel
surcharges. You will be informed of any such changes prior to booking. See for current prices.
2015/16 departure dates
ut (Mon)
12 Jan 15
02 Feb 15
09 Feb 15
16 Feb 15
23 Feb 15
tn (Fri)
23 Jan 15
13 Feb 15
20 Feb 15
27 Feb 15
06 Mar 15
ut (Mon)
02 Mar 15
09 Mar 15
16 Mar 15
06 Apr 15
02 Nov 15
tn (Fri)
13 Mar 15
20 Mar 15
27 Mar 15
17 Apr 15
13 Nov 15
ut (Mon)
16 Nov 15
18 Jan 16
01 Feb 16
15 Feb 16
29 Feb 16
tn (Fri)
27 Nov 15
29 Jan 16
12 Feb 16
26 Feb 16
11 Mar 16
Virgin flight upgrades
Q Virgin Premium Economy: From £485 per person return*
Q Virgin Upper Class: From £1,695 per person return*
*All prices subject to availability
ut (Mon)
07 Mar 16
14 Mar 16
28 Mar 16
04 Apr 16
tn (Fri)
18 Mar 16
25 Mar 16
08 Apr 16
15 Apr 16
Escorted Group or Private Tour • 13 Days / 11 Nights
Discovery Tour from £1,795 per person
short tour of its winding streets, built to deter
pirate attacks, and stay at the Gran Hotel for
1 night. (B)
Travelling through verdant countryside
and captivating mountain scenery, this
comprehensive journey traverses
Cuba from west to east. Explore
historic cities and colonial towns, learn
about the Cuban revolution and its
legacy, and soak up Afro-Cuban culture
and music. The long but rewarding
drives through the interior provide a
rare glimpse into the everyday life of
this unique destination.
Day 9 – To Santiago de Cuba: Full-day journey
east to Santiago de Cuba, visiting Bayamo
and El Cobre church, Cuba’s most important
shrine, en route. Santiago de Cuba is the
island’s first capital and birthplace of AfroCuban culture and music. Stay for 2 nights at
the Meliá Santiago. (B, L)
Cuban men
Day 1 – To Havana: Fly to Havana with Virgin
Atlantic. Transfer to Old Havana for a 2-night
stay at the historical Hotel Sevilla. (N)
Experience Viñales valley’s unique
landscapes & tobacco plantations
Glimpse into eastern Cuba’s history,
culture & mountain scenery
Visit the Che Guevara & Revolution
Stay at an atmospheric casa
particular for a genuine insight
into the Cuban way of life
Small group size – maximum
25 people
Santiago de Cuba
A 25
26 27
29 30
31 31 31
30 27 27 26
22 19 18 17
B 16
16 17
19 21 22 22 22
C 73
50 50
58 88 147 171 124 141 151 78 60
A: Maximum average temperature (C)
B: Minimum average temperature (C)
C: Average rainfall (mm)
Day 2 – Havana: Morning walking tour of the
old town including the Plaza de Armas, the
oldest square in Havana, and the Revolution
Museum. (B)
Day 3 – To Viñales: Full-day visit to the Viñales
valley, a traditional tobacco-growing area with
beautiful limestone formations. Stay at the
Hotel Los Jazmines for 2 nights. (B, L)
Day 4 – Viñales: Day at leisure to enjoy the
views from the hotel or take optional walks in
the surrounding countryside. (B)
Day 5 – To Santa Clara: Drive to the town
of Santa Clara, whose historic revolutionary
attack led to the surrender of the dictatorship.
Take a panoramic city tour and stay for 1 night
at the Hotel America. (B)
Day 6 – To Cienfuegos & Trinidad: Morning
visit to Che Guevara’s Museum before driving
to the French-colonial town of Cienfuegos for
a city tour. Continue to Trinidad, one of the
oldest cities in Cuba and stay for 2 nights at
a casa particular for a unique experience of
Cuban culture. (B, L, D)
Day 7 – Trinidad: Morning walking tour of
the colonial centre including a visit to La
Canchanchara to hear live Cuban music.
Afternoon at leisure. (B)
Day 8 – To Camagüey: Visit the ruins of former
sugar plantations in the Valley of the Sugar Mills
and drive onto Camagüey (5-6 hours). Take a
Day 10 – Santiago de Cuba: Morning tour of
the historical centre, El Morro fortress and the
Moncada barracks. In the afternoon, visit the
Gran Piedra and see the spectacular scenery
of the Sierra Maestra mountains. Optional
evening visit to La Casa de la Trova. (B, L)
Day 11 – To Havana: Transfer to the airport
and fly back to Havana. Stay overnight at Hotel
Sevilla. Optional evening music performance by
Legendarios del Guajirito. (B)
Day 12 – To London: Morning at leisure or
optional panoramic ride in a classic American
car. Afternoon transfer to the airport and fly to
London with Virgin. (B)
Day 13 – London: Early morning arrival. (N)
Tour + Esmeralda Beach
16 Days / 14 Nights from £2,220
Extend your holiday to relax on a beautiful
white sandy beach, protected by extensive
coral reefs. The Paradisus io del ro, one of
Cuba’s best all-inclusive resorts, is set on the
beachfront amid tropical gardens.
Day 11 – To Esmeralda beach: Travel by
road to Esmeralda beach on the north coast
(approximately 4 hours) and stay for 3 nights
at the Paradisus Rio del Oro. (B, L, D)
Days 12-13 – Esmeralda beach: At leisure by
the beach. (B, L, D)
Day 14 – To Holguín / Havana: Transfer to
Holguín and fly to Havana. Stay overnight at
Hotel Sevilla. (B)
Day 15 – To London: Day at leisure. Evening
flight to London with Virgin Atlantic. (B)
Day 16 – London: Early morning arrival. (N)
Meal basis: As per itinerary – B: Breakfast,
L: Lunch, D: Dinner, N: No meals.
our cub
Old Havana
Discovery Tour: This tour is fully escorted
and is better suited to the hardier traveller
as it includes some basic accommodation
and longer road journeys. The casas
particulares are private bed and breakfast-style
accommodation and standards may vary.
Travel in Cuba: Tourist infrastructure in Cuba
cannot be compared with that of most Latin
American countries as the standard of service
can be erratic, road journeys can take longer
than anticipated and dining options are often
limited. However, we feel that any deficiencies
A Journey
This tour may also be taken privately.
Guideline Prices:
Low season from £2,395 per person
High season from £2,495 per person
For a quote based on alternative
accommodation standards or flight
options, or to tailor this itinerary,
please call 020 7873 5000 or email
hrough uba Group tour prices for departures on or between the following dates
Group Tour
+ Esmeralda Beach
are more than compensated for by Cuba’s
culture and scenery and recommend a flexible
approach to travel when visiting the country.
Hotels are subject to change at short notice
and will be reconfirmed with your final
Additional information: Please go to for further information and supplement details. Prices above are per person
in pounds sterling (£), based on two people sharing a twin room. Extension prices are based on two or more people taking the same
extension. The prices which were valid at the time of publication may be subject to change, particularly as a result of any additional fuel
surcharges. You will be informed of any such changes prior to booking. See for current prices.
2015/16 departure dates
ut (Thu)
15 Jan 15
12 Feb 15
tn (Tue)
27 Jan 15
24-Feb 15
ut (Thu)
tn (Tue)
12 Mar 15 24 Mar 15
12 Nov 15 24 Nov 15
ut (Thu)
14 Jan 16
11 Feb 16
tn (Tue)
26 Jan 16
23 Feb 16
Virgin flight upgrades
Q Virgin Premium Economy: From £485 per person return*
Q Virgin Upper Class: From £1,695 per person return*
*All prices subject to availability
ut (Thu)
10 Mar 16
tn (Tue)
22 Mar 16
Cuba offers colourful heritage, intriguing
history, a lush interior and splendid beaches,
as well as direct Virgin flights from London
and good connections with other Latin
American countries. Classic American
cars, rum and cigars, intoxicating Cuban
music, crumbling colonial buildings and
Che Guevara murals all add to the charm
and character of this special destination.
Private homes, some retaining their original
furniture and colonial artwork, open their
doors as family-run paladar restaurants or
casas particulares and provide a memorable
and unique opportunity to experience the
local culture.
• Enigmatic time-warp city
• Faded grandeur
A former port of call for ships to the New World,
Havana is built on a sweeping bay. The old city
(Havana Vieja), a Unesco world heritage site, is
currently being restored to its former glory with
beautiful baroque churches, palaces and convents
lining its cobbled streets and squares. The state of
decay of some of the colonial buildings only adds
to the charm of this enigmatic city. Soak up the
atmosphere strolling along the streets, visit one of
many museums in converted colonial mansions,
dance to salsa and rumba, or just relax with a
mojito on your hotel’s rooftop terrace.
El Capitolio, Havana
Classic American Cars
Music & Cigars
Classic American cars from the 1940s and
50s roll up and down the streets of Havana.
An undisputable testament to the ingenuity of
the Cubans, these lovingly maintained vintage
vehicles have been running for more than half
a century. For a memorable experience, take
a ride along the famous Malecón, Havana’s
oceanfront promenade that bustles with
couples and fishermen.
A dizzying array of infectious Cuban music and
iconic cigars are the country’s most celebrated
exports. Admire the expert skills of a cigar
roller at a tobacco factory in Havana or catch
a performance of the extravagant Cabaret
Parisien, the Buena Vista Social Club or the
Legendarios del Guajirito. Local bars in the
Vedado or Miramar districts play traditional live
son or trova music.
Havana’s huge Revolution Square is an essential
stop on any tour. A key venue for political
marches, it is home to an oversized bronze
silhouette of legendary Ernesto
‘Che’ Guevara and Cuban national hero
José Martí‘s memorial. The Museum of the
Revolution, housed in former dictator Batista’s
palace, is a perfect introduction to Cuba’s
contradictory history.
Spirit of Cuba
9 Days / 7 Nights from £1,695
Discover Havana’s historic splendour and
Trinidad’s wonderfully preserved colonial
centre while staying in luxury in the heart
of these two beautiful cities.
The Viñales Valley
Trinidad & Surrounds
• Peculiar limestone outcrops
• Countryside life & tobacco plantations
• Beautiful colonial town
• Che Guevara’s memorial
Viñales’ fascinating landscape consists of fertile
valleys dotted with palm trees and peculiar
mogote hills, the rounded limestone outcrops
of the Sierra de los Organos. There are
countless caves and green plantations, where
tobacco-growing has remained unchanged
for several centuries. Viñales can be visited on
a day trip from Havana or from the nearby
Sierra del Rosario Biosphere Reserve, where
the eco resort of Las Terrazas offers another
authentic glimpse into Cuba’s countryside life.
Colonial Trinidad, a Unesco world heritage
site, has pastel-coloured buildings and serene
cobbled streets that seem frozen in time. Visit
the Romantic Museum, an old merchant’s
home, and the local Casa de la Musica. Not far
from town there are fine stretches of beach,
ruins from the former sugar plantations, and
the verdant slopes of the Escambray mountains.
A trip to Trinidad is often combined with a stop
at French-influenced Cienfuegos and historic
Santa Clara, site of the Che Guevara memorial.
Days 1-3 – To Havana: Fly to Havana
and stay at the luxurious Saratoga Hotel.
Explore old Havana, a cigar factory and the
rum museum, and travel in a classic 1950s
car. Optional Viñales valley tour and Buena
Vista Social Club performance. (B)
Days 4-6 – To Trinidad: Tour the Frenchinfluenced port of Cienfuegos and continue
to colonial Trinidad for 3 nights at the
Iberostar Grand Hotel. Explore the town
and the Valley of the Sugar Mills. (B)
Days 7-9 – To Havana / London: Return
to Havana, visiting the historic Santa Clara
and Che Guevara’s museum en route. Stay
overnight before flying to London. (B)
It is possible to finish your journey on the soft
sandy beaches of Cayo Santa Maria.
Low season from: £1,695 per person
High season from: £1,895 per person
Havana & Star Flyer Cruise
13 Days / 11 Nights from £2,995
Combine a stay in Havana with a tall-ship
cruise experience. Sail along Cuba’s
southern coast and explore offshore
islands, as well as the stunning Caymans.
Santiago & the East
Cuba’s Coast & Cays
• evolutionary past
• Lush mountains & forests
• Superb beaches & calm seas
• elaxing way to finish a holiday
Considered the soul of the country, the
eastern part of Cuba is dominated by verdant
mountains and is brimming with historic sites.
Santiago de Cuba, the island’s first capital in
the foothills of the Sierra Maestra mountains,
has a rich colonial heritage and splendid
fortifications. It is regarded as the cradle of
the Cuban revolution. The city has an AfroCaribbean flavour and is well known for its
Cuban music. The pine forests and waterfalls
of Mayari are situated inland, while to the very
east is the sleepy colonial town of Baracoa,
which is Cuba’s oldest settlement.
Cuba’s long white swathes of sand offer
excellent opportunities to relax. The northern
coast is dotted with numerous small islands and
cays, some connected to the mainland by long
causeways. All first-class hotels operate on an
all-inclusive basis and Varadero, easily accessed
by road from Havana, is the principle Caribbean
resort. However, we recommend the exclusive
adults-only Melia Buenavista on Cayo Santa
Maria, set on a peninsula away from the rest
of the hotels and surrounded by coves. The
small mangrove-covered cays of Las Brujas and
Levisa offer simple but non-inclusive options.
Days 1-3 – To Havana: Fly to Havana for a
3-night stay and explore the old town. (B)
Day 4 – To Cienfuegos: Transfer to
Cienfuegos, on the southern coast, and
embark on a 7-night cruise (category 4
cabin). The Star Flyer is a beautiful clipper
ship accommodating 170 passengers. All
tours taken while on board are optional
and payable locally. (B, D)
Days 5-10 – Cruising: Sail along Cuba’s
beautiful coastline, past tropical islands
and areas rich in buccaneering history.
Visit colonial Trinidad and Cayo Blanco,
discover Grand and Little Cayman, explore
little-visited Isla de la Juventud and the
Canarreos archipelago. (B, L, D)
Days 11-13 – To Havana / London:
Disembark in Cienfuegos. Optional city
tour and visit of Che Guevara’s museum en
route to Havana. Stay overnight and then
fly to London. (B)
Low / High season from: £2,995 per person
Escorted Group or Private Tour • 14 Days / 12 Nights
Superior Tour from £2,495 per person • Luxury Tour from £3,395 per person
Day 9 – To Mérida: Morning tour of Palenque, one
of the greatest Mayan sites, set in dense rainforest.
In the afternoon, continue to Villahermosa and fly
to Mérida. Stay 3 nights at the Hotel Gran Real
Yucatán / Hacienda Temozon*. (B, L)
Discover the legacy of the Aztec,
Mayan and Spanish empires on this
outstanding tour of Mexico’s finest
sites. Explore magnificent pyramids
and temples, colourful colonial cities
with their indigenous influences, and
the natural beauty of valleys, canyons,
waterfalls and tropical rainforests.
Agua Azul, Chiapas
Day 1 – To Mexico City: Fly from London to
Mexico City with British Airways. Transfer to
the Krystal Grand Reforma Uno Mexico City
Hotel / Las Alcobas* for 3 nights. (N)
Day 2 – Mexico City: Full-day tour of Mexico
City, including the Zócalo (main plaza), the
murals of Diego Rivera, the National Cathedral
and the Anthropological Museum, with its
displays of Mexico’s ancient civilisations. (B, L)
Day 3 – Teotihuacán: Morning visit to the
historic Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Continue to the magnificent pyramids of
Teotihuacán, an ancient city dating back 2,000
years where the main Pyramid of the Sun is
more than 70 metres high. (B, L)
Stroll through colonial Oaxaca
Boat ride through the
Sumidero Canyon
Visit indigenous villages &
Mayan sites
Festival departures
Small group size – maximum 25
Day 4 – To axaca: Fly to Oaxaca, one
of Mexico’s most beautiful colonial cities.
Afternoon tour of Oaxaca, including the
regional museum and Santo Domingo church.
Stay 2 nights at the Parador San Miguel /
Quinta Real Oaxaca*. (B)
Mexico City
A 21
23 25
26 26
10 12
13 14 14 13 13
13 12 10
66 31
24 23 23
54 82 75
22 22 22 21
A: Maximum average temperature (C)
B: Minimum average temperature (C)
C: Average rainfall (mm)
Day 5 – axaca: Morning visit to the
impressive ancient Zapotec capital of Monte
Albán. Afternoon at leisure or optional visit to
the ruins of Mitla. (B)
Day 6 – To San Cristóbal de las Casas: Fly
to Tuxtla Gutierrez, via Mexico City. Take a
boat along the Grijalva river to the Sumidero
Canyon. Continue to San Cristóbal de las
Casas for 2 nights at the Hotel Diego de
Mazariegos. (B)
Day 7 – San Cristóbal de las Casas: Morning
tour of this colonial town and nearby
indigenous villages of Zinacantán and San Juan
Chamula. Afternoon at leisure. (B)
San Cristobal de las Casas
Day 8 – To Palenque: Drive from the cool
highlands to the tropical lowlands and
Palenque, via the waterfalls of Agua Azul. Stay
1 night at the Chan Kah Resort / Quinta Cha
Nab Nal*. (B, L)
Day 10 – Mérida: Morning walking tour of the
whitewashed city*. Afternoon at leisure. (B)
Day 11 – To xmal: In the morning, visit the
Palace of Masks at Kabah and head to Uxmal for
a tour of the Mayan ceremonial centre. In the
afternoon return to Merida. (B, L)
Day 12 – To Chichen Itza: Transfer to Chichen
Itza and take a tour of the ancient Mayan city,
which contains the magnificent 23-metre-high
El Castillo pyramid. The carved image of the god
Quetzalcoatl, in the form of a feathered serpent,
is a notable feature. Stay 1 night at the Hacienda
Chichen. (B)
Day 13 – To London: Transfer to Cancun on
the coast for a direct afternoon flight to London
Gatwick with British Airways. (B)
Day 14 – London: Morning arrival. (N)
Meal basis: As per itinerary – B: Breakfast,
L: Lunch, D: Dinner, N: No meals.
Superior Tour: Based in 4- and 5- star
accommodation. Hotels Diego de Mazariegos
and Chan Kah are standard tourist class.
*Luxury Tour: The 18 Feb 2015 and 17 Feb
2016 departures are run as exclusive small
groups with a maximum of 16 passengers.
Four hotels will be upgraded to some of the
finest of Mexico’s properties as indicated (see
pages 100-101 for hotel details). Day 10 will be
at leisure to enjoy the luxurious surroundings
of your Yucatan hacienda.
Accessibility: This tour is fully escorted from
Mexico City to Cancun. Uneven terrain is
covered during visits to the ruins.
Festival departures: Mexico offers some of
the most colourful and impressive festivals in
Latin America. The 1 April tour coincides with
the Semana Santa (Easter week) processions
in Oaxaca, while the 28 October departure
coincides with the Day of the Dead celebrations,
where families pay respect to the deceased with
offerings such as flowers and food.
Copper Canyon + Tour
18 Days / 16 Nights from £3,460
Explore by train northern Mexico’s vast
Copper Canyon, one and a half times deeper
than the Grand Canyon and surrounded by
spectacular landscapes.
Day 1 – To Chihuahua: Fly to Chihuahua via the
US with British Airways / American Airlines. Stay
overnight at the Quality Inn San Francisco. (N)
Days 2-3 – To Barrancas: In the morning board
the Chepe train to ascend the Sierra Madre
mountains. Stay for 2 nights at the Hotel
Posada Barrancas Mirador, where all rooms
have views over the canyon. Take a shared walk
to the Divisadero viewing point, with time at
leisure for optional excursions. (B, L, D)
Day 4 – To El Fuerte: Afternoon descent by
train to El Fuerte, a delightful colonial town.
Stay overnight at the Posada del Hidalgo. (B)
Day 5 – To Mexico City: Late afternoon
shared transfer to Los Mochis. Fly to Mexico
City and join the rest of the group. (B)
Tour + Guatemala
19 Days / 17 Nights from £4,040
Take in the highlights of Guatemala, including
the classic ancient Mayan site of Tikal in the
Peten jungle, the beautiful colonial city of
Antigua, and Lake Atitlan.
Day 13 – To Guatemala: Fly from Cancun to
Guatemala City, via San Salvador. Stay overnight
at the Biltmore Express Hotel. (B)
Day 14 – To Flores: Early morning flight to
Flores for a tour of Tikal. Stay for 1 night at Villa
Maya, set in the rainforest by the Petenchel
lagoon. (B, L)
Day 15 – To Antigua: Day at leisure or take
optional excursions before an evening flight to
Guatemala City. Transfer to Antigua for 3 nights
at Meson de Maria. (B)
This tour may also be taken privately.
Guideline Prices:
Low season from £2,995 per person
High season from £3,095 per person
For a quote based on alternative
accommodation standards or flight
options, or to tailor this itinerary,
please call 020 7873 5000 or email
Tour + Caribbean Coast
19 Days / 17 Nights from £3,240
Enjoy the turquoise waters and white sandy
beaches of the Caribbean on peaceful Holbox
Island, off the north coast of the Yucatan or at
the Mayan iviera, south of Cancun. See page
101 for hotel details.
ighlights of Mexico Group tour prices for departures on or between the following dates
Group Tour
Superior Tour
Luxury Tour
+ Holbox Island
+ Copper Canyon
+ Guatemala
Day 16 – Lake Atitlan: Full day tour to
Chichicastenango market and Lake Atitlan. (B, L)
Day 17 – Antigua: Morning walking tour of
Antigua, including the main plaza, the cathedral
and La Merced monastery. (B)
Day 18 - To London: Fly to London, via Madrid,
arriving the following morning. (B)
Day 19 - London: Morning arrival. (N)
No. 04 Feb nights 18 Feb
03 Feb 17 Feb
Additional information: Please go to for further information and supplement details. Prices above are per person
in pounds sterling (£), based on two people sharing a twin room. Extension prices are based on two or more people taking the same
extension. The prices which were valid at the time of publication may be subject to change, particularly as a result of any additional fuel
surcharges. You will be informed of any such changes prior to booking. See for current prices.
2015/16 departure dates
ut (Wed)
tn (Tue)
04 Feb 15 17 Feb 15
18 Feb15* 03 Mar 15
04 Mar 15 17 Mar 15
ut (Wed)
tn (Tue)
01 Apr 15† 14 Apr 15
28 Oct 15‡ 10 Nov 15
18 Nov 15 01 Dec 15
ritish Airways flight upgrades
Q BA World Traveller Plus: From £425 per person return*
Q BA Club World: From £2,295 per person return*
* All prices subject to availability
ut (Wed)
tn (Tue)
03 Feb 16 16 Feb 16
17 Feb 16* 01 Mar 16
*Luxury departure
Easter departure
Day of the Dead departure
egional air connections
Q From £125 per person return* British Airways. London Heathrow & Gatwick
to / from: Aberdeen • Edinburgh • Glasgow • Manchester • Newcastle •
Mexico has a vast and varied terrain, rich
history and an extraordinary pre-Columbian
legacy. It offers stunning Mayan and Aztec
ruins, and beautifully preserved colonial
towns, while the spectacular natural scenery
encompasses snow-capped volcanoes,
dramatic mountain canyons, desert
coastlines, tropical rainforests, waterfalls
and beautiful beaches. Accommodation
options range from simple to modern and
luxurious properties, while carefully restored
character hotels offer distinctive places to
stay, further enriching the experience.
Please contact Cox & Kings to discuss
further ideas with one of our experts or
refer to our website,
• Colonial buildings & handicraft villages
• enowned regional cuisine
Once the centre of the Mixtec and Zapotec
civilisations, the city of Oaxaca is one of the
country’s most beautiful colonial towns. Stay in
a converted colonial house or former convents
and soak up the atmosphere while sampling
delicious regional cooking. In the surrounding
Central Valleys, visitors can discover colourful
markets and small indigenous villages
specialising in different crafts, such as weaving
and pottery. Visit the archaeological ruins
including the Zapotec site of Monte Alban and
the Mixtec stonework friezes in the little town
of Mitla.
Santo Domingo church, Oaxaca
Local Cuisine & Cooking Classes
arcades, sidewalk cafes and street vendors.
Visit the magnificent baroque Santo Domingo
church with its adjoining museum and botanical
garden and then browse the markets for a
wide variety of local crafts and textiles.
Famous for its cuisine, Oaxacan specialities
range from delicious, rich and spicy sauces
such as mole, to fried grasshoppers seasoned
with onion and garlic. An excellent way to
learn more is to take a cookery class. Visit a
local market, where ingredients are tasted and
bought, receive an informal lecture and then
put on an apron and create a delicious fivecourse meal.
Monte Alban
Offering dramatic views over the city and valley
of Oaxaca, the sheer grandeur of Monte
Alban’s size, perfect geometry and mountaintop
setting make the ruins an awe-inspiring sight.
An ancient capital of the Zapotecs, it was
later inhabited by the conquering Mixtecs. The
great plaza, the ball court, the building of Los
Danzantes and Tomb 104, with its remarkable
murals of gods, are particularly fascinating.
axaca Walking Tour
The historic centre of Oaxaca, with its beautiful
colonial-era buildings and cobbled streets, is
easily explored on foot. Linger in the main
square, lined with the cathedral, graceful
Mexican cuisine
Mexico City & Surrounds
• Anthropological Museum’s superb collection
• Excellent restaurants
• Huge pyramids of Teotihuacán
Vibrant and busy Mexico City offers an
exciting mix of history, culture and modernity,
coupled with an excellent range of hotels,
restaurants and nightlife. In the city centre, visit
the vast main plaza (Zócalo), the ruined Aztec
Templo Mayor and the superb Museum of
Anthropology. To the south lie the charming
historic districts of San Angel and Coyoacán,
where visitors can browse art galleries, relax at
a pavement cafe or visit the former homes of
Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo. Travel north-east
from the city to visit the magnificent Sun and
Moon pyramids in the huge ancient city of
• Indigenous communities
• Stunning jungle Mayan ruins
• ivers, canyons and waterfalls
The verdant state of Chiapas features cool
mountain highlands, coffee plantations and lush
rainforest. Visit the highland colonial city of San
Cristóbal de las Casas and traditional Tzotzil
Mayan communities. Explore the mysterious
Mayan ruins of Palenque, reached by road
from San Cristóbal or Villahermosa, and marvel
at river canyons or the beautiful waterfalls of
Agua Azul and Misol-Ha. Deep in the Lacandon
jungle, on the river border with Guatemala, lie
the remote ruins of Yaxchilan and Bonampak,
resplendent with vividly coloured murals,
ornate carvings and superbly preserved stelae,
and home to an abundance of tropical birds.
Sumidero Canyon Boat ide
Indigenous Villages
The spectacular Sumidero Canyon is more
than 1,000 metres deep in places and is
surrounded by lush vegetation, with waterfalls
spilling down its walls. Journey along the
Grijalva river by boat and spot monkeys, egrets
and crocodiles. Legend has it that the local
Chiapa warriors used to hurl themselves into
the canyon rather than submit to colonial
Spanish rule.
The ruins of this magnificent city feature
fine Mayan architecture and painted stucco
decorations in a stunning jungle setting.
Streams and waterfalls run through the
steep hillsides and terraces, while the cries of
howler monkeys echo in the trees. The site is
dominated by the eight-storey Temple of the
Inscriptions, which contains the tomb of the
seventh-century ruler Pakal.
Around San Cristóbal lie fascinating Tzotzil
Mayan villages such as Zinacantan and San
Juan Chamula. The Mayans here proudly wear
distinctive traditional outfits with elaborate
decorations and ribboned hats. Spanish is often
the second language and Catholicism is mixed
with older pre-Hispanic customs, with images
of patron saints venerated in numerous rituals
and festivals.
Northern Colonial Towns
• History & colonial architecture
• Arts & crafts
• Beautiful Lake Pátzcuaro
Discover central and northern Mexico’s splendid
colonial cities, and explore historic centres
filled with ornate churches and mansions, shady
squares and courtyards, each with a distinct
character. North of Mexico City lie Querétaro,
which played a key role in Mexico’s history,
the artists’ town of San Miguel de Allende, and
the former silver-mining towns of Guanajuato
and Zacatecas. To the west is rose-tinted
Morelia, with its grand colonial buildings, and
the indigenous communities of picturesque
lakeside Pátzcuaro. Historic Puebla, to the east,
is known for its baroque churches and Talavera
ceramic tiles. Stay in charming character hotels
or luxurious colonial properties to become fully
immersed in local culture.
San Miguel de Allende
Yucatan Peninsula
• Impressive ancient Mayan ruins
• Luxury colonial haciendas
• Caribbean coastal retreats
The Yucatan peninsula is covered in jungle and
dotted with ancient ruins, while its beautiful
beaches and azure waters are perfect for
relaxation. Explore inland using the delightful
colonial city of Mérida as a base or stay in a
beautifully converted rural hacienda. Discover
the awe-inspiring pyramids and temples of
Mayan sites such as Uxmal, Chichen Itza and
Coba, make a side-trip to the historic walled
town of Campeche or swim in a cenote,
a unique freshwater sinkhole created by
underground rivers. Visit the mangroves of
Celestún, a coastal reserve with abundant
birdlife, or little Holbox island where placid
whale sharks congregate.
Chichen Itza
Mayan iviera
Explore the colonial centre of Merida and
colourful markets selling handmade hammocks
and embroidered huipils (tunics). Savour the
atmosphere at a pavement cafe or listen to
traditional Mexican music in a shaded park.
Take a carriage ride past the mansions on the
broad Paseo de Montejo or sample delicious
local cuisine, such as cochinita pibil, roasted
pork marinated in spices and orange juice.
Chichen Itza is the best restored of the
Yucatan’s Mayan sites, with a superb ceremonial
ball court, El Caracol observatory, a sacred
cenote, and the reclining figure of Chac Mool.
On the spring and autumn equinoxes, the
afternoon sun casts a shadow resembling the
downward gliding of a snake on the side of El
Castillo pyramid, also known as the Temple of
Kukulkan, or the temple of ‘the plumed serpent’.
The beautiful Mayan Riviera runs south along
the Caribbean coast from Cancun, past fishing
villages and the lively town of Playa del Carmen.
The coast is blessed with white sandy beaches
and turquoise seas, while offshore lies the world’s
second largest coral reef. Relax at an intimate
beachside resort property and visit the clifftop
ruins of Tulum, snorkel the reefs or search for
wildlife by boat in the Sian Ka’an Reserve.
Colonial Cities
5 Days / 4 Nights from £995
Journey to Mexico’s most splendid
northern colonial cities, cradle of the
Mexican revolution.
El Chepe train, Copper Canyon
Days 1-2 – To San Miguel de Allende:
Transfer to San Miguel de Allende, visiting
historic Querétaro en route. (B)
Days 3-4 – To Morelia: Visit the silvermining town of Guanajuato with elaborate
churches and subterranean streets.
Continue to Morelia. (B)
Day 5 – To Mexico City / Zihuatanejo:
Optional visit to the indigenous town of
Pátzcuaro and its lake. Fly back to Mexico
City or drive overland, visiting the Monarch
Butterfly Sanctuary en route to see the
amazing migration of millions of butterflies
(Nov-Mar). Alternatively, travel by road to
the Pacific coast at Zihuatanejo, one of
Mexico’s most beautiful bays. (B)
Low season from: £995 per person
High season from: £1,095 per person
Baja & the Copper Canyon
9 Days / 8 Nights from £1,495
Combine the dramatic scenery of the
Copper Canyon train ride with Baja
peninsula’s spectacular desert and
coastal scenery.
Dolphins, Baja California
Copper Canyon
Baja California
• Scenic train journey
• Dramatic scenery & hikes
• Desert peninsula
• Whale watching & marine life
Offering some of Mexico’s most dramatic
scenery, the Copper Canyon is a series of
spectacular rugged and forested canyons, some
even deeper than the Grand Canyon. It is
home to the Tarahumara people, who still live
in small settlements and caves in the canyon.
The Chihuahua Pacific railway (El Chepe)
offers one of the most breathtaking train
journeys in the world. Travel from the town of
Chihuahua and its revolutionary history to El
Fuerte (near Los Mochis), or vice versa, and
stop at El Divisadero for extraordinary views
and hiking opportunities. En route, visit Creel
and Cerocahui for further exploration.
Explore the desert landscape of the Baja
peninsula and discover pristine bays surrounded
by calm turquoise waters, teeming with marine
life. At the southern tip of the peninsula, San
José del Cabo is a quaint old town with a
relaxed atmosphere and beautiful beaches.
Alternatively, stay in the picturesque village of
Todos Santos on the Pacific coast. The unspoilt
Espiritu Santo island, situated close to La Paz on
the Sea of Cortez, is the ideal place to camp
in luxury and spot sea lions and blue whales.
Further north lies sleepy, historic Loreto, while
Bahia Magdalena and Laguna San Ignacio are
renowned whale-watching sites (Dec-March).
Day 1 – To Chihuahua: Begin in Chihuahua
in the north. Visit Pancho Villa’s former
home and the Museum of Revolution. (N)
Days 2-3 – To Copper Canyon: Board the
Chihuahua Pacific train to the stunning
Copper Canyon. Stay at Posada Barrancas
Mirador. Visit the Divisadero outlook. (B, D)
Day 4 – To El Fuerte: Descend by train
through the Sierra Madre mountains to
El Fuerte. (B)
Days 5-6 – To La Paz: Drive to Los Mochis
and fly or take an overnight ferry (private
cabin with air conditioning) across the Sea
of Cortez to La Paz. Boat trip to Espiritu
Santo island to spot sea lions and blue
whales (Jan-Mar). (B)
Days 7-9 – Baja peninsula: Continue
through the rugged desert to Los Cabos or
Todos los Santos and relax on the coast. (B)
Alternatives: This journey can be arranged
in reverse order with additional stops
and visits.
Low season from: £1,495 per person
High season from: £1,595 per person
The historic haciendas in the Yucatan peninsula were formerly colonial plantations at the centre
of the 19th-century henequen (sisal) boom. The majestic residences of some of these haciendas
have been carefully restored and converted into luxurious hotels, retaining their colonial style and
much of their original architecture. Full of individual character, these special properties offer an
opportunity to step back in time and immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of the peninsula.
Hacienda San José
Mexico in Style
12 Days / 10 Nights from £2,995
Hacienda Temozon
Hacienda Temozon,
between Merida & xmal
Hacienda San José,
between Merida & Chichen Itza
Set on a grand country estate, the Hacienda
Temozon is a beautifully restored 17th-century
mansion. The 28 guestrooms and suites are
located in the original buildings and feature
dark hardwood cabinets, large iron beds and
spacious baths. The hacienda has a restaurant
with views of the gardens and swimming pool.
Located an hour’s drive from Merida, this
secluded Starwood hacienda offers atmospheric
surroundings in which to relax. The rooms
feature high ceilings and colonial furniture, and
many open directly onto private gardens or a
plunge pool. The central patio is in the old coach
house and there is a beautiful small chapel.
Hacienda ayamon, near Campeche
Hacienda Puerta Campeche, Campeche
A gorgeous example of colonial architecture,
Hacienda Uayamon features grand rooms with
soaring ceilings and arched doorways. The 12
elegant suites are decorated with antiques and
feature outdoor daybeds. The dining room looks
out over trees and a decorative pond, and there
is a pool built into the old machine room.
This charming property has been created from
a block of 17th-century colonial houses in the
Unesco world heritage town of Campeche.
Adobe walls, tiled patios and tropical gardens
characterise the small 15-room hacienda. A
special feature is the swimming pool, which
twists through former corridors and old rooms.
Stay in character hotels of true distinction
while discovering Mexico City and its
surroundings, the Mayan pyramids of the
Yucatan peninsula and the white sand
beaches of the Caribbean.
Days 1-3 – To Mexico City: Fly to Mexico
City with British Airways and stay at the
elegant Four Seasons Hotel. Explore the
historic centre and visit the outstanding
Museum of Anthropology and the huge
pyramids of the ancient city of
Teotihuacán. (B)
Days 4-5 – To Mérida: Take a flight to
Mérida on the Yucatan peninsula. Relax in
the beautiful surroundings of the luxurious
Hacienda Temozon or visit one of the
extraordinary cenotes (sinkholes). (B)
Days 6-7 – To xmal & San José: Explore
the Mayan archaeological site of Uxmal
and the colonial town of Mérida before
continuing to Hacienda San José. Optional
visit to Izamal, home to distinctive yellow
buildings and a Franciscan convent. (B)
Days 8-10 – To Chichen Itza & the Mayan
iviera: Explore Chichen Itza and its detailed
temples, pyramids and observatories, then
head to the beautiful Mayan riviera (see
opposite page for hotel suggestions). Days
at leisure or explore the coast and the
treasures of the sea. (B)
Days 11-12 – To London: Transfer to
Cancun for a direct flight to London
Gatwick with British Airways, arriving the
following day. (B)
Low season from: £2,995 per person
High season from: £3,195 per person
Quinta eal,
Las Alcobas, Mexico City
Quinta Cha Nab Nal, Palenque
Housed in the former 16th-century Santa
Catalina convent in the heart of Oaxaca, this
grand hotel has been meticulously restored
and features beautiful courtyards decorated
with frescoes. The 91 guestrooms are furnished
with antiques and Mexican art, while facilities
include an outdoor pool and an excellent
Mexican restaurant.
Las Alcobas is a luxurious boutique hotel
located in the exclusive district of Polanco
and only steps from high-end boutiques,
restaurants and bars. It features 35 stylish
rooms, an airy breakfast lounge and two
gourmet restaurants offering Mexican and
international cuisine. The Aurora spa offers a
wide range of natural treatments.
Quinta Cha Nab Nal is a luxurious boutique
hotel situated 3km from the archaeological
site of Palenque. There are seven sophisticated
suites surrounded by lush jungle vegetation,
an outdoor swimming pool and a restaurant
serving European and local dishes. The spa
offers several traditional and relaxing Mayan
Fairmont Mayakoba, iviera Maya
Casa Sandra, Holbox Island
The de luxe Fairmont Mayakoba is set among
lagoons, canals and lush vegetation, beside
a white sandy beach. There are 401 elegant
rooms and casitas, and a wide range of facilities
including a spa, five pools, access to a nearby
golf course and a number of bars and dining
options, including the beachside Las Brisas
Casa Sandra is a delightful boutique property
set on a beach amid swaying palms on the
peaceful Holbox island. The 19 stylish rooms
face the ocean and feature handcrafted
furniture and balconies or terraces with
hammocks. There is a restaurant / lounge
serving delicious local cuisine and a secluded
pool and bar.
Belmond Maroma esort & Spa,
iviera Maya
Belmond Casa de Sierra Nevada,
San Miguel de Allende
Villa Montaña, Morelia
Casa Lecanda, Merida
Villa Montaña is a colonial-style hotel set
on a hill overlooking the city of Morelia. The
36 luxurious cottage-style rooms and suites
feature log fireplaces and beamed ceilings, and
have their own individual character. Wonderful
panoramic views can be enjoyed from some of
the rooms and the swimming pool.
Housed in a restored Yucatecan home, Casa
Lecanda is a boutique hotel built around
beautiful courtyards and gardens. Blending the
original design and materials with the comforts
of a contemporary hotel, it features seven
individually decorated guestrooms. Facilities
include a wine and tequila bar, and pool.
Originally home to the town’s archbishop,
the Belmond-owned Casa de Sierra Nevada
comprises a collection of colonial buildings.
All rooms are designed to complement the
building’s original architecture and the hotel
features its own cooking school.
The secluded Belmond Maroma Resort &
Spa is set in tropical gardens on a beautiful
stretch of the Mayan riviera. Guestrooms
feature hand-painted tiles, beds swathed in
white canopies and outdoor terraces. The two
restaurants offer gourmet cuisine. You can even
dine on the beach under the stars.
Escorted Group or Private Tour • 11 Days / 9 Nights
Superior Tour from £1,695 per person
Located between the Caribbean
Sea and the Pacific Ocean, the small
country of Costa Rica is one of the
most ecologically diverse places on
Earth. This journey visits some of the
major national parks in the country
and explores the astonishing variety of
wildlife and contrasting habitats found
here, including rainforest, cloud forest,
volcanoes, lakes and canals.
Roseate spoonbill
View the Arenal volcano from your
superior hotel
Cross Lake Arenal by boat & cruise
the canals of Tortuguero
Caño Negro boat trip & explore
the hanging bridges at Monteverde
Small group size – maximum 25
San José
A 24
25 26 26 26 25 25 25
B 14
15 15
16 16 16 16 16 15 15 15 14
C 11 11 13
52 240 289 211 262 351 236 142 41
25 25 24 24
A: Maximum average temperature (C)
B: Minimum average temperature (C)
C: Average rainfall (mm)
Day 1 – To San José: Fly to San José with
United Airlines via the US. Transfer to the
Crowne Plaza Corobici Hotel for 2 nights. (N)
Day 2 – San José: Morning tour of the Doka
estate’s coffee plantations, on the slopes of
the Poás volcano. After lunch, take a short
panoramic tour of the city centre. (B, L)
Day 3 – To Tortuguero: Take a shared overland
transfer to Caño Blanco on the Caribbean
coast. Cruise through the canals and backwaters
that lead to Tortuguero, looking for birdlife,
monkeys, sloths and other wildlife en route. Stay
at Mawamba Lodge for 2 nights. (B, L, D)
Day 4 – Tortuguero: A full day of shared
local excursions in Tortuguero. From July to
September, an option is available to observe
turtles nesting on the beach. (B, L, D)
Day 5 – To Sarapiquí & Arenal: Return to Caño
Blanco by boat and drive to Arenal, visiting
La Selva Biological Station en route. Learn
about the scientific and conservation work of
the researchers, and take a short walk in the
protected rainforest surroundings. Stay 2 nights
at the Mountain Paradise Hotel or similar,
which has views of the Arenal volcano. (B, L)
Howler monkey
Day 6 – To Caño Negro: Full-day tour to Caño
Negro, an important wetland habitat for a
range of bird species. (B, L)
Day 7 – To Monteverde: Take a shared boat
across Lake Arenal, taking in the spectacular
views of the lake and its surroundings.
Continue through the green mountains to
Monteverde for 2 nights at the Fonda Vela
Hotel. Afternoon visit to the Selvatura Butterfly
Garden & Walkways and explore the treetop
canopy from its hanging bridges. (B)
Day 8 – Monteverde: Morning tour of the
Monteverde cloud forest, a habitat for rare
flora and fauna, such as the colourful quetzal
bird. Afternoon at leisure or take one of the
optional excursions on offer, including a visit to
the Santa Elena Reserve. (B)
Day 9 – To San José: Return to San José via the
town of Sarchí, home to traditional handicrafts
and colourfully painted ox carts. Stay overnight
at the Crowne Plaza Corobici Hotel. (B)
Day 10 – To London: Transfer to the airport
for a flight to the US and on to London with
United Airlines. (B)
Day 11 – London: Morning arrival. (N)
Meal basis: As per itinerary – B: Breakfast,
L: Lunch, D: Dinner, N: No meals.
Tour c
Arenal volcano
Superior Tour: This tour is fully escorted
throughout and is based in 4-star
accommodation. All the lodges are
comfortable, but do not always have a large
range of facilities. The tour includes some
longer drives on unpaved roads.
Group Tour
+ San Gerardo de Dota
+ Corcovado
+ Manuel Antonio
+ Tamarindo
+ Panama
+ Nicaragua
This tour may also be taken privately.
Guideline Prices:
Low season from £1,995 per person
High season from £2,095 per person
For a quote based on alternative
accommodation standards or flight
options, or to tailor this itinerary,
please call 020 7873 5000 or email
osta ica Group tour prices for departures on or between the following dates
he Natural Splendour of
21 Jan 11 Feb
Additional information: Please go to for further information and supplement details. Prices above are per person
in pounds sterling (£), based on two people sharing a twin room. Extension prices are based on two or more people taking the same
extension. The prices which were valid at the time of publication may be subject to change, particularly as a result of any additional fuel
surcharges. You will be informed of any such changes prior to booking. See for current prices.
2015/16 departure dates
ut (Thu)
29 Jan 15
19 Feb 15
05 Mar 15
tn (Sun)
08 Feb 15
01 Mar 15
15 Mar 15
ut (Thu)
tn (Sun)
09 Apr 15 19 Apr 15
12 Nov 15 22 Nov 15
03 Dec 15 13 Dec 15
Flight upgrades
Q BA World Traveller Plus to Miami: From £845 per person return*
Q United Airlines Economy Plus Class: From £145 per person return*
Q America Airlines Business Class: From £1,695 per person return*
ut (Thu)
21 Jan 16
11 Feb 16
03 Mar 16
tn (Sun)
31 Jan 16
21 Feb 16
13 Mar 16
egional departures
Q Prices on request. United Airlines flights. Houston or Newark to / from:
Manchester • Birmingham • Glasgow • Edinburgh
* All prices subject to availability
our x
Red-eyed tree frog, Corcovado
Beach, Tamarindo
Tour + Corcovado
Tour + Manuel Antonio
Tour + Tamarindo
Corcovado National Park is a lowland primary
rainforest described by National Geographic as
‘the most biologically intense place on Earth’.
Explore the trails to spot a plethora of exotic
creatures including monkeys, toucans, scarlet
macaws and other species. A reasonable level
of fitness is required.
The smallest of Costa ica’s national parks,
Manuel Antonio is also one of the most
visited due to the remarkable diversity of
its wildlife. ts rainforest extends right down
to the beautiful beaches where it is possible
to see a surprising concentration of animals,
including monkeys, sloths and armadillos.
Tamarindo is situated in Guanacaste on the
Pacific coast, an area that offers an abundance
of sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters.
Take boat trips through the mangroves and
excursions to see leatherback turtles at the
neighbouring Playa Grande beach (November
to March).
Day 10 – To Corcovado: Fly to Palmar Sur.
Transfer by road to Sierpe and take a boat to
Casa Corcovado Lodge for 3 nights. (B, L, D)
Days 11-12 – Corcovado: Local shared
excursions, including a tour to Corcovado
National Park, a boat trip to Caño island and
rainforest walks around the lodge. (B, L, D)
Day 13 – To San José: Transfer by boat and
aeroplane to San José and stay at the Crowne
Plaza Corobici Hotel for 1 night. (B)
Day 14 – To London: Fly to London via the US
with United Airlines. (B)
Day 15 – London: Arrive in London. (N)
Day 9 – To Manuel Antonio: Drive from
Monteverde to Manuel Antonio (5 hours). Stay
3 nights at El Parador, which features panoramic
views of the ocean, beach and jungle. Please
see page 110 for hotel details. (B)
Days 10-11 – Manuel Antonio: At leisure or
take optional excursions, such as rainforest
walks and boat tours in search of dolphins. (B)
Day 12 – To San José: Transfer to San José and
stay at the Crowne Plaza Corobici Hotel. (B)
Day 13 – To London: Fly to London via the US
with United Airlines. (B)
Day 14 – London: Arrive in London. (N)
Flights: Domestic flights have a luggage
allowance of 12kg per person.
Extra night: An extra free night can be added
at El Parador on 12 Nov & 3 Dec departures.
Day 9 – To Tamarindo: Drive to Tamarindo
(approximately 3 hours) and transfer to an
air-conditioned room at the beachfront
Capitan Suizo hotel for 3 nights (see page 110
for hotel details). (B)
Days 10-11 – Tamarindo: At leisure to relax
by the attractive beach or take optional
excursions. Nearby is one of Costa Rica’s
most important nesting sites for endangered
leatherback turtles, the largest of the sea turtle
species. (B)
Day 12 – To Liberia & London: Morning
transfer to Liberia airport (approximately 1.5
hours) and fly to London via the US, with
United Airlines. (B)
Day 13 – London: Midday arrival in London. (N)
15 Days / 13 Nights from £2,790
Three-toed sloth, Manuel Antonio
14 Days / 12 Nights from £2,080
13 Days / 11 Nights from £2,160
our x
Miraflores lock, Panama Canal
Quetzal, San Gerardo de Dota
Granada, Nicaragua
Tour + San Gerardo de Dota
Tour + Panama
Tour + Nicaragua
San Gerardo de Dota is located near Cerro
de la Muerte, the ‘mountain of death’, and
one of Costa ica’s highest peaks. Found
in the narrow Savegre river valley, it is a
birdwatcher’s paradise and its cloud forest is
home to more than 150 bird species.
Travel along the Panama Canal, one of the
wonders of modern engineering, explore
the colonial heritage of Panama City or go
birdwatching in the tropical rainforest.
Marvel at Nicaragua’s beautiful volcanic
scenery and explore Granada’s rich colonial
heritage on the shores of Lake Nicaragua.
Take a boat trip on the lake, see the smoke
and glowing lava of the active Masaya volcano,
or take optional hikes.
13 Days / 11 Nights from £2,000
Day 10 – To San Gerardo de Dota: Transfer
to San Gerardo de Dota in one of the most
beautiful regions of Costa Rica and stay 2
nights at Trogon Lodge, surrounded by nature
trails. The lodge has 23 rooms and a familystyle restaurant serving delicious home-cooked
meals. (B)
Day 11 – San Gerardo de Dota: Early morning
shared birdwatching tour. The surrounding
primary forest is one of the best places to spot
resplendent quetzals, considered to be among
the world’s most striking birds. (B)
Day 12 – To London: Transfer to San José
airport. Fly to London via the US with United
Airlines. (B)
Day 13 – London: In the morning, arrive in
London. (N)
13 Days / 11 Nights from £2,290
Day 9 – To Panama City: Return to San José
and fly to Panama City. Transfer to the Crowne
Plaza for 3 nights. (B)
Day 10 – Panama Canal: Half-day transit on
the Panama Canal. (B, L)
Day 11 – Panama City: Half-day tour of
colonial Panama and the Miraflores canal locks.
Add an optional excursion, such as a visit to
Soberania National Park, which offers some of
the best birding in the world. (B)
Day 12 – To London: Fly to London, via the US
with United Airlines. (B)
Day 13 – London: In the afternoon, arrive in
London. (N)
Further extension: It is possible to further
extend your stay at one of the Pacific beaches
near to Panama City, the San Blas islands or the
Caribbean Bocas del Toro archipelago.
13 Days / 11 Nights from £2,320
Day 9 – To Granada: Drive to the border and
cross into Nicaragua (approximately 7 hours).
Stay 3 nights at the Hotel Dario. (B)
Day 10 – Granada: Morning tour of Granada
and take a short boat trip on Lake Nicaragua.
Late afternoon visit to Masaya handicraft
market and the Masaya crater to see the
glowing lava. (B, L)
Day 11 – Granada: At leisure. Take optional
excursions such as a morning hike along
the cloud forest trails on the summit of the
Mombacho volcano, or a full-day visit to
beautiful Ometepe island on Lake Nicaragua (B)
Day 12 – To London: Transfer to Managua
for a flight to London via the US with United
Airlines. (B)
Day 13 – London: Arrive in London. (N)
r v
A nature-lover’s paradise, Costa Rica’s
landscapes range from smouldering
volcanoes, cloud forests and coffee
plantations to pristine rainforests and
beautiful beaches on the Caribbean and
Pacific coasts. National parks and reserves
protect more than a quarter of this small
country’s territory and its incredible
biodiversity, including thousands of plant
varieties, numerous kinds of colourful
butterflies and more than 800 bird species.
The country’s relatively small size allows for
easy explorations by road or using one of
the domestic airlines that link the capital,
San José, in the highlands to the often
remote coastal areas. An abundance of
unspoilt beaches backed by tropical jungle
enables a combination of various activities
with relaxation.
Arenal volcano
Canopy walkway, Monteverde
Poas volcano
San José & the Central alley
Monteverde & Cloud Forests
Arenal & the North
• Coffee tours
• Poas volcano & crater lake
• Butterfly & hummingbird gardens
• Quetzals & butterflies
• Canopy walkways
• Hiking trails
• Active volcanoes
• Hot springs
• Caño Negro boat trip & birdlife
San José is located in the wide, fertile, Central
Valley surrounded by mountains and volcanoes.
A relatively small capital city, it combines
modern with traditional Spanish architecture
and offers some interesting museums,
art galleries, restaurants and shops. The
surrounding volcanic Central Valley is a verdant
agricultural region with small towns and
national parks. Visitors have the opportunity to
explore coffee plantations, the rainforest of the
Braulio Carrillo National Park and the orchids
and other flora at the Lankaster Gardens.
The Poas volcano, just outside the city, has a
spectacular turquoise crater lake and many
bird species in its dwarf cloud forest.
La Paz Waterfall Gardens, on the slopes of the
volcano, offer a number of trails as well
as a hummingbird garden and a huge
butterfly garden.
The mist-shrouded Monteverde cloud forest
and the adjacent, but smaller, Santa Elena
Reserve are home to a profusion of plant life
and many species of butterflies, insects and
birds, including resplendent quetzals. Reached
along unpaved roads, hike here along trails
surrounded by hanging vines or flowering
orchids, or stroll through the treetops on
canopy walkways, suspended bridges that bring
you closer to the flora and fauna. A superb
and quieter alternative experience is El Silencio
Lodge & Spa, located in its own private reserve
in the Central Valley area of Bajos del Toro. The
privately owned 800-hectare reserve of Los
Angeles cloud forest lies closer to San José,
but attracts fewer visitors than Monteverde.
Further south, the small forested farming
community of San Gerardo de Dota is home
to quetzals, trogons and hummingbirds.
The impressive cone-shaped Arenal volcano,
until recently one of the regions’ most active,
is surrounded by beautiful scenery. Attractions
nearby include hot springs, canopy walkways
in the treetops, boat trips on Lake Arenal,
as well as along the Rio Frio and the Caño
Negro wetlands for superb birding. Further
north-west and off the beaten track is the
Tenorio Volcano National Park, where hikes
in the rainforest lead to a beautiful waterfall
and the turquoise Rio Celeste. Herds of cattle
still roam the grasslands of the Guanacaste
province, and here the less explored Rincon
de la Vieja National Park is home to another
active volcano, tropical dry forest, varied
wildlife, more geothermal springs and
boiling mud pools. The city of Liberia has an
international airport and is another gateway
into the country.
r v
Luxury Tour of Costa ica
13 Days / 11 Nights from £2,995
Discover Costa ica’s ecosystems,
volcanoes and oceanfront reserves while
staying in its most stylish properties.
Green turtle, Tortuguero
Tortuguero & the Caribbean
• Boat trips along canals
• Turtle watching
Tortuguero National Park is located on
the remote northern Caribbean coast
and is accessible only by boat or plane.
We recommend travelling through banana
plantations and then taking a boat through
the network of waterways that penetrate the
Tortuguero National Park
dense tropical forests, linking rivers and lagoons.
Simple but comfortable lodges are located
along the canal banks around the small town of
Tortuguero, well situated for easy forest hikes
or boat trips to spot monkeys, sloths, caimans
and toucans. Green turtles lay their eggs on
the beaches here between July and September,
while leatherbacks can be seen from March
to June. The untamed coast further south has
pristine beaches and an easy-going ambiance.
Day 1 – To San José: Fly to San José and stay
at the Costa Rica Marriott for 1 night. (N)
Days 2-4 – To the sa peninsula: Visit
INBioparque. Fly to the Osa peninsula for
3 nights at El Remanso Lodge or Lapa Rios.
Excursions into the rainforest. (B, L, D)
Days 5-6 – To Arenal: Fly to San José and
transfer to Arenal for 2 nights at the Arenal
Nayara Hotel. Take a tour of Caño Negro to
see birds, monkeys, sloths and caimans. (B)
Days 7-8 – To Monteverde / cloud forest
reserve: Travel by boat and overland to
Monteverde. Alternatively stay at El Silencio
Lodge & Spa on a private reserve. Explore
the cloud forest for amazing birdlife. (B)
Days 9-11 – To the Nicoya peninsula:
Continue to the Nicoya peninsula to relax
at the luxurious Punta Islita. (B)
Days 12-13 – To Liberia & London:
Transfer by road (3.5 hours) to Liberia for a
return flight to London. (B)
Low season from: £2,995per person
High season from: £3,095 per person
Costa ica Self-drive
12 Days / 10 Nights from £1,795
Explore the relatively small natural paradise
of Costa ica independently by road.
Corcovado & the
sa Peninsula
• emote peninsula
• irgin rainforest & incredible biodiversity
The Osa peninsula is nestled between the
Pacific Ocean and the Golfo Dulce in the
remote south-west corner of Costa Rica.
Home to the Corcovado National Park and
covered in dense primary rainforest, this
magnificent and remote peninsula offers
excellent hiking trails and an incredible
concentration of flora, such as 70-metre high
ceiba trees, and fauna, including howler and
spider monkeys, sloths, ocelots, anteaters,
scarlet macaws and more than 350 other
bird species. Offshore, palm-fringed Caño
island is home to beautiful sandy beaches
and excellent snorkelling opportunities.
Jungle lodges range from simple and
comfortable to rustic luxury.
Day 1 – To San José: Fly to San José with
United Airlines, via the US. (N)
Days 2-3 – To Los Angeles cloud forest:
Pick up your hire car and drive to Los
Angeles cloud forest for a 2-night stay
and exploration. Optional visit to La Paz
Waterfall Gardens en route. (B)
Days 4-5 – To Arenal: Drive to Arenal for a
2-night stay. Time at leisure, hike or visit hot
springs or the Hanging Bridges. (B)
Days 6-7 – To Tenorio: Drive to Tenorio
National Park, perhaps stopping at Caño
Negro wetlands. Birdwatching in Palo Verde
National Park and a hike to the azure-blue
River Celeste are recommended. (B)
Days 8-10 – To Guanacaste: Drive to
Guanacaste for a 3-night stay. Relax on the
beach or go turtle watching. (B)
Days 11-12 – To Liberia & London: Drive
to Liberia and fly to London via the US. (B)
Low season from: £1,795 per person
High season from: £1,895 per person
r v
Manuel Antonio & the Central
• Jungle-clad beaches
• Great wildlife viewing & snorkelling
The central Pacific coastline is perfect for
combining exploration and relaxation. The small
and superb Manuel Antonio National Park
features lush rainforest fringed by beautiful
beaches and rocky headlands. Its wildlife includes
white-faced capuchins, howler and squirrel
monkeys, toucans, sloths and agoutis. Hotels on
the forested cliffs between the town of Quepos
and the park enjoy panoramic ocean views and
easy access to the beaches. The Carara National
Park to the north, bordered by the Tárcoles
river, is home to crocodiles, monkeys and scarlet
macaws. Further south, towards Domincal and
Uvita, the less-visited coastline gets wilder. The
Ballena National Marine Park protects coral
and rocky reefs and is great for spotting turtles,
dolphins and whales, which migrate here to
mate between December and April.
Squirrel monkey, Manuel Antonio
Tamarindo & the Nicoya Peninsula
• nspoilt beaches
• Nesting turtles
• Spectacular ocean sunsets
Pacific Coast, Nicoya peninsula
The Nicoya peninsula stretches down along
the northern Pacific coastline offering some of
Costa Rica’s finest beaches and, in the north,
one of the largest remaining areas of dry
forest in Central America. The Bay of Papagayo
offers stays at expansive luxury resorts, while
the somewhat developed beach town of
Tamarindo retains its laidback atmosphere.
There you can relax on the sandy beaches,
explore the mangroves by boat or take an
excursion to see nesting leatherback turtles
(November to March). The southern part
of Nicoya is more remote and has secluded
hideaways such as Punta Islita, perched on a
hillside above a private beach, or the exclusive
Latitude 10 in Santa Teresa.
Turtle Watching at the Beach
Costa Rica’s various habitats are home to
more than 850 bird species, many of which
are endemic, and offer rewarding birdwatching
experiences. Besides the numerous cloud
forest reserves and the pristine rainforests
of the Osa peninsula, other important areas
include the Frio river and the wetlands
of Caño Negro Wildlife Refuge with an
impressive number of migratory birds, including
Nicaraguan grackles. Waterfowl also abound
in the fresh and saltwater lagoons of the Palo
Verde wetlands, particularly from January to
March. The lowland forests around La Selva
Biological Station and Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí
contain more than 400 bird species.
Costa Rica is home to six species of turtles
including leatherbacks, the largest sea turtles.
During the nesting season, watch adults
laying eggs and baby turtles making their
way to the sea. There are sites both on the
Caribbean side (Tortuguero) and the Pacific
coast (Tamarindo & Ostional) offering good
possibilities of a sighting.
Self-drive Exploration
Green violetear hummingbird
Explore this biologically diverse country at your
own pace. Self-drive itineraries benefit from
short distances and, though road conditions
may vary, there are plenty of opportunities to
spot wildlife and discover interesting places.
r v
At the crossroads of the Americas,
Panama is best known for the amazing
feat of engineering that is the Panama
Canal, which connects the Pacific Ocean
and Caribbean Sea. Yet the country
has so much more to offer. Its amazing
biodiversity and lush rainforests make it
a birdwatcher’s paradise. It is possible to
learn about the indigenous cultures of the
Kuna in the San Blas islands and Emberá
tribes in the Chagres National Park,
while the Pacific and Caribbean beaches
offer superb sun, sand and sea. Panama
can easily be combined with a visit to
neighbouring Costa Rica.
San Blas
Panama Highlights
10 Days / 8 Nights from £2,495
isit the famous canal and explore
different habitats before ending with a
beach stay on the Pacific Coast.
Panama City
Keel billed toucan, Pipeline Road
Panama City & the Canal
Birds of Panama
• Colonial district & canal crossing
• Huge variety of bird species
Cosmopolitan Panama City offers a vibrant mix
of modern skyscrapers and historic colonial
districts. Explore the city, visit the newly opened
and eye-catching Biomuseo, or watch the giant
container ships pass by the Miraflores Locks.
Take a partial or full transit of the famous
waterway, passing through the rainforest,
various locks and into Lake Gatun through the
Gaillard Cut, where the canal breaks through
the Continental Divide.
Panama’s incredible biodiversity includes
superb birding opportunities, with more than
950 species to spot. Explore the rainforest
trails of the Soberanía National Park, such
as the famous Pipeline Road, or the cloud
forest of Boquete on the slopes of the Baru
volcano. Closer to Panama City, the small town
of El Valle is surrounded by rugged peaks
and forests, while the Metropolitan Park is a
tropical forest oasis set within the city’s limits.
Tropical Beaches & slands
ndigenous Cultures
• elaxed atmosphere & coral reefs
• Local communities & traditional crafts
Panama offers hundreds of tropical islands
and protected coral reefs. The Pacific coast
close to Panama City provides perfect beach
extensions to a city stay. Further afield lies
the Caribbean archipelago of Bocas del Toro,
with lush forests, rich marine life and white
sands. Alternatively, the sun-soaked San Blas
islands provide opportunities to snorkel in
clear waters, unwind on deserted palm-fringed
beaches, and meet indigenous people.
Panama is home to some intriguing indigenous
communities. The Emberá live in traditional
villages in the rainforests of Chagres National
Park and are famous for their intricate handwoven baskets and wood carvings. The fiercely
independent Kuna reside in an autonomous
region which includes the San Blas archipelago.
Stays in simple lodges can be arranged to learn
about their traditional way of life and brightly
coloured mola textiles.
Days 1-2 – To Panama City: Fly to Panama
City for a 2-night stay. Explore the city,
including the colonial old town, and visit the
Miraflores Locks Museum. (B)
Day 3 – Panama Canal & Gamboa: Take a
half-day shared transit on the canal (Thu,
Fri or Sat.) Continue to the Gamboa
Rainforest Resort for 1 night. (B, L)
Days 4-5 – Soberania / To Boquete:
Early morning birdwatching excursion in
Soberania National Park. Afternoon flight to
David and transfer to Boquete to explore
the cloud forest trails. (B)
Days 6-8 – To Bocas del Toro: Transfer by
road and boat to the Caribbean coast and
the Bocas del Toro archipelago. Days at
leisure to relax and snorkel the coral reefs.
Optional tours include visits to isolated
beaches and indigenous communities, walks
through the rainforest to spot sloths and
monkeys and boat trips in search
of dolphins.
Days 9-10 – To Panama City / London: Fly
to Panama City and on to London. (B)
Low season from: £2,495 per person
High season from: £2,645 per person
Punta slita, Nicoya Peninsula
El Silencio Lodge & Spa, Bajos del Toro
Lapa ios,
Perched on a mountain outpost overlooking
the Pacific Ocean, this hotel, a member of
Small Luxury Hotels of the World, is the
perfect retreat on the Nicoya peninsula.
Punta Islita has a restaurant serving seafood
and international cuisine, a swimming pool,
jacuzzi and beautiful private beach. Optional
excursions include hiking and fishing.
El Silencio Lodge & Spa is an environmentally
friendly retreat set in a 200-hectare private
reserve in the central region of Costa Rica.
Surrounded by tropical cloud forest and
waterfalls, the hotel’s 16 luxury suites each
have a private veranda, gas fireplace and
jacuzzi. The spa offers a full range of pampering
Lapa Rios is a remote eco-lodge situated in
a 400-hectare private reserve of primary
lowland tropical rainforest. Each of the 16
bungalows has a large deck overlooking the
rainforest and the Pacific Ocean. Facilities
include an outdoor pool and excellent
restaurant. Guided forest walks and
birdwatching excursions can be arranged.
Manatus Hotel, Tortuguero
Nayara Hotels, Arenal
Manatus Hotel is located on a strip of land
between two canals and is surrounded by lush
tropical vegetation. The charming lodge offers
12 comfortable and stylish guestrooms, a bar
and restaurant, swimming pool, small gym
and spa. Activities are easily arranged and
include birdwatching, frog observation and
turtle watching.
Set among lush tropical gardens, these two
sister hotels offer stunning views of the Arenal
volcano, fine dining and open-air spas. The
exclusive Nayara Springs features just 16
beautifully decorated villas, each with a private
pool fed by mineral springs, while the nearby
Nayara Hotel & Gardens has 50 individual
spacious casitas with jacuzzis.
Rio Celeste Hideaway is surrounded by the
rainforest of Tenorio Volcano National Park,
in northern Costa Rica. This nature retreat
features 26 individual casitas with outdoor
showers and private balconies, an open-air
restaurant and spa. Birdwatching on the private
reserve and visits to the nearby Celeste river
can be arranged.
El Parador, Manuel Antonio
El Mangroove, Papagayo Bay
Capitan Suizo, Tamarindo
El Parador Hotel is located along a peninsula
of the central Pacific coastline and has superb
panoramic views. The 129 guestrooms all have
balconies overlooking the rainforest or ocean.
The hotel has a selection of restaurants offering
seafood and international cuisine, a wine cellar,
infinity pool, health spa, tennis court and library.
El Mangroove is nestled on the northern
Pacific coast, just 20 minutes from Liberia
airport. This exclusive boutique-style hotel
blends cool contemporary architecture with
natural materials. There are 85 spacious
bohemian-chic suites with open-air seating
areas, a spa, pool and two restaurants.
Situated on the edge of Tamarindo beach,
the Capitan Suizo has spacious rooms and
bungalows set in lush tropical gardens. There is a
freeform swimming pool, Serenity Spa and openair bar and restaurant offering a perfect setting to
watch the beautiful Pacific sunset. Turtle-watching
excursions can be arranged in season.
sa Peninsula
io Celeste Hideaway, Tenorio
The Lodge at Chaa Creek,
Cayo District, Belize
ictoria House, Ambergris Caye, Belize
tr l
The Lodge at Pico Bonito, Honduras
Chaa Creek is set in a private 140-hectare
reserve amid lush Caribbean rainforest in the
foothills of the Maya mountains. The lodge
consists of 23 palm-thatched cottages and a
first-class spa. Activities include walking wildlife
trails, visits to Mayan ruins and swimming in the
pristine river waters.
Victoria House is located on one of the best
beaches of Ambergris Caye, next to the
second largest barrier reef in the world. Set
amid lush tropical gardens with a beachfront
pool, accommodation is in a selection of
charming casitas, plantation rooms and suites.
Dining is informal, with a mix of Belizean and
international cuisine.
The Lodge at Pico Bonito nestles amid one
of Central America’s largest unexplored
rainforests, against a backdrop of the towering
peaks of the Nombre de Dios mountains. This
luxurious eco-property features individual
cabañas, lush gardens, a landscaped outdoor
pool and private rainforest trails that meander
past waterfalls and rivers.
Casa Encantada, Antigua, Guatemala
Casa Palopo, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
La Lancha, Tikal, Guatemala
A charming boutique hotel with true
local flavour, Casa Encantada has just nine
individually decorated guestrooms overlooking
the courtyard garden or lily pond, each
furnished with custom-designed, wrought iron,
four-poster beds and fine linens. There is also
a rooftop suite and terrace with a bar offering
views across the old town.
Casa Palopo is a seven-bedroom villa built on
the hillside overlooking Lake Atitlan and its
surrounding volcanoes. Offering a combination
of suites and luxury villas, this boutique hotel
has beautifully designed interiors, complete
with smart contemporary furnishings and
Mayan artwork. There is also a swimming pool
and pretty gardens.
This exclusive resort, created by Francis Ford
Coppola, overlooks beautiful Lake Peten Itza
and is close to the Mayan ruins of Tikal. From
the main lodge, winding paths lead to secluded
guest casitas. Each is brightly decorated with
native art furnishings and offers views of the
rainforest or lake. Facilities include a swimming
pool and an open-air restaurant.
Jicaro sland Ecolodge, Lake Nicaragua
American Trade Hotel, Panama City
Jicaro Ecolodge is set on a small private island on
Lake Nicaragua, a short boat ride from colonial
Granada. This charming property offers magical
views of the lake and volcanos and is ideal for
combining relaxation with exploration. There is a
small pool, wellness spa, and nine spacious twostorey casitas, each with a private deck.
The newly opened American Trade Hotel
is situated in a beautifully restored historic
building in Panama City’s old town. This
boutique property features 50 elegant rooms,
a signature restaurant, library and jazz bar. City
views can be enjoyed from the rooftop pool
and sun terrace.
JW Marriott Panama Golf & esort,
Pacific Coast, Panama
The luxurious beachside resort is located just
90 minutes by road from Panama City. Its 114
rooms and eight villas are elegantly decorated
and feature first-class amenities. Unwind in
three beautiful pools, at the spa or enjoy a
selection of superb dining venues.
tr l
Escorted Group or Private Tour • 18 Days / 16 Nights
Discovery Tour from £2,995 per person
This exploratory journey through
Central America takes in the natural
and cultural wonders of Panama, Costa
Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras
and Guatemala, with an option to
extend to Belize. Discover highlights
ranging from tropical landscapes,
volcanoes and lakes to colonial heritage
and superb Mayan cities. Get an insight
into the history of the civil war and
colourful indigenous cultures, and learn
about the amazing engineering feat that
is the Panama Canal.
Day 1 – To Panama City: Fly to Panama City,
via the US, with United Airlines. Transfer to the
Crowne Plaza Hotel for 3 nights. (N)
Day 2 – Panama Canal: Take a shared partial
transit and cruise through the various locks of
the Panama Canal. (B, L)
Day 3 – Panama City: Morning city tour,
including the ruins of old Panama and the
historic colonial district. (B)
Day 4 – To San José: Fly to Costa Rica’s capital
and visit a coffee plantation on the slopes of
Poás volcano. Short panoramic city tour and
overnight at the Hotel Presidente. (B, L)
Day 5 – To Monteverde: Transfer to
Monteverde and stay for 2 nights at the
Heliconia Hotel or similar. In the afternoon,
visit the Selvatura’s hummingbird garden and
hanging walkways and explore the surrounding
treetops. (B)
Day 6 – Monteverde: Morning visit to the
Monteverde cloud forest, a habitat for rare
flora and fauna. Afternoon at leisure. (B)
Navigate through the locks of the
Panama Canal
See the red lava glow of active
Masaya volcano
Spot wildlife in the Monteverde
cloud forest & take a boat on Lake
Explore colonial towns & fascinating
Mayan ruins
Small group size – maximum 25
Day 7 – To Granada: Full-day journey across
the border into Nicaragua, visiting the
Masaya Volcano National Park en route.
See the steaming caldera at sunset with a
chance to spot the unusual green parakeets
that nest beside it. In the evening, arrive at
the city of Granada, overlooking Lake
Nicaragua, and stay for 2 nights at the Hotel
Dario or Hotel Colonial. (B)
Day 8 – Granada: Morning tour of the colonial
city, including the Fransciscan convent. Take a
boat ride through the canals formed by the
small islands in the lake, which is the tenth
largest lake in the world. (B)
Day 9 – To San Salvador & Suchitoto:
Transfer to Managua and fly to San Salvador.
Transfer to Suchitoto for 2 nights at Posada de
Suchitlán. (B)
Day 10 – Suchitoto: In the morning explore
the cobbled streets of this enchanting town.
Visit a nearby hacienda where indigo is
produced and sample traditional cornmeal
pupusas. Take an optional walk along trails to La
Mora community and learn about the history
of the civil war. Afternoon at leisure. (B)
Day 11 – To Copán: Today, travel to Honduras
(approximately 11 hours). En route, visit the
archaeological site of Joya de Ceren, known
as the Pompeii of the Americas, and stop at
Esquipulas in Guatemala to see the miraculous
statue of the Black Christ. Stay at the Hotel
Marina Copán for 2 nights. (B, L)
Day 12 – Copán: In the morning, tour the
fascinating Mayan ruins of Copán with its
intricate and well-preserved sculptures.
Optional afternoon tour to a bird sanctuary. (B)
Day 13 – To Livingston: Cross into
Guatemala and on to the Caribbean coast,
visiting the impressive carved stelae at
Quirigua en route (approximately 6 hours).
Take a 1.5-hour boat ride along the coast to
the town of Livingston, which has a strong
Garifuna culture. Stay overnight at the Hotel
Villa Caribe. (B)
Day 14 – To Flores: Morning walking tour of
Livingston, before taking a boat trip along the
lush gorges of the Dulce river to visit Bird
Island and an indigenous community. Continue
Granada, Nicaragua
A 31
31 32
32 31
30 32 30
30 30 30 30
B 22
22 23
23 24 23 23 23
23 23 23 22
16 146 276 158 168 275 283 69 20
Antigua, Guatemala
A 22
23 25
25 25
23 23 24
23 23 23 22
B 11
11 12
13 14 15 14 14
14 14 12 11
28 119 240 178 151 232 136 20
A: Maximum average temperature (C)
B: Minimum average temperature (C)
C: Average rainfall (mm)
Copán, Honduras
our ce
tr l
Panama Canal
by road to the Flores area for an overnight stay
at the lakeside Villa Maya. (B)
Day 15 – To Tikal & Antigua: Morning tour
of Tikal, one of the most spectacular Mayan
ruins, located in the heart of the jungle. Late
afternoon flight to Guatemala City and transfer
to colonial Antigua for 2 nights at Mesón de
Maria. (B, L)
Day 16 – Antigua: Half-day walking tour of
the main plaza, the cathedral and La Merced
monastery. Afternoon at leisure or optional
excursions. (B)
Day 17 – To London: Transfer to Guatemala
City and fly to London, via the US, with United
Airlines. (B)
Day 18 – London: Morning arrival. (N)
Meal basis: As per itinerary – B: Breakfast,
L: Lunch, D: Dinner, N: No meals.
Tour + Lake Atitlán
20 Days / 18 Nights from £3,470
colourful Chichicastenango market. (B)
Day 19 – To London: Transfer to Guatemala
City and fly to London, via the US, with
United Airlines. (B)
Day 20 – London: Morning arrival. (N)
Tour + Belize
21 Days / 19 Nights from £3,690
Ambergris Caye lies off the coast of Belize,
surrounded by turquoise Caribbean sea.
elax on white sandy beaches or swim in
calm and clear waters.
Day 17 – To Belize: Transfer to Guatemala City
and fly to Belize City, via Flores. Short flight
to Ambergris Caye for a 3-night stay at the
Portofino Hotel (Beach cabana). (B)
Days 18-19 – Ambergris Caye: Days at leisure
by the beach or snorkel in the coral reefs. (B)
Day 20 – To London: Fly to Belize City and on
Splendours of
Group Tour
+ Lake Atitlán
+ Belize
Extend your tour with a visit to picturesque
Lake Atitlán, a sapphire-blue lake surrounded
by hills, volcanoes, traditional indigenous
Mayan villages and market towns.
Day 17 – To Lake Atitlán: Transfer by road to
Lake Atitlán. Afternoon boat trip to visit local
villages. Stay 2 nights at Hotel Atitlán. (B)
Day 18 – Lake Atitlán: Morning visit to the
Discovery Tour: This tour is escorted by
experienced local guides at each destination,
includes some long road journeys and is
based in comfortable 3- and 4-star hotels,
where rooms may vary. A flexible approach is
recommended for travel in Central America.
This tour may also be taken privately.
Guideline Prices:
Low season from £3,795 per person
High season from £3,895 per person
For a quote based on alternative
accommodation standards or flight
options, or to tailor this itinerary,
please call 020 7873 5000 or email
entral America Group tour prices for departures on or between the following dates
to London, via the US, with United Airlines. (B)
Day 21 – London: Morning arrival. (N)
Additional information: Please go to for further information and supplement details. Prices above are per person
in pounds sterling (£), based on two people sharing a twin room. Extension prices are based on two or more people taking the same
extension. The prices which were valid at the time of publication may be subject to change, particularly as a result of any additional fuel
surcharges. You will be informed of any such changes prior to booking. See for current prices.
2015/16 departure dates
ut (Thu)
tn (Sun)
22 Jan 15 08 Feb 15
12 Feb 15 01 Mar 15
Flight upgrades
ut (Thu)
tn (Sun)
05 Mar 15 22 Mar 15
05 Nov 15 22 Nov 15
Q BA World Traveller Plus to Miami: From £895 per person return*
Q United Airlines Economy Plus Class: From £145 per person return*
Q American Airlines Business Class: From £1,695 per person return*
ut (Thu)
tn (Sun)
21 Jan 16 07 Feb 16
04 Feb 16 21 Feb 16
egional departures
ut (Thu)
03 Mar 16
tn (Sun)
20 Mar 16
Q Prices on request. United Airlines flights. Houston or Newark to / from:
Manchester • Birmingham • Glasgow • Edinburgh
* All prices subject to availability
gu te
r v
Guatemala is a small country located in
the heart of the ancient Mayan world that
offers a spectacular range of attractions.
Discover beautiful colonial cities with
cobblestone streets and Mayan sites with
towering pyramids. The region’s natural
beauty includes highland mountains,
shimmering lakes bordered by volcanoes,
and jungles teeming with birds and wildlife.
Indigenous Mayan people, who make up
sixty percent of the population, proudly
maintain their traditions and languages,
and wear traditional colourful textiles.
Colours of Guatemala
11 Days / 9 Nights from £2,345
Antigua, Guatemala
Lake Atitlan & Markets
• Colonial buildings & coffee plantations
• Beautiful scenery & Mayan villages
Despite being damaged by earthquakes and
rebuilt on many occasions, the former 16thcentury Guatemalan capital of Antigua remains
one of Central America’s most beautiful
colonial cities, set between the volcanoes
of Agua, Acatenango and Fuego and small
coffee plantations. Its cobbled streets are
best explored on foot with many impressive
churches, convents and monasteries, as well as
fountains, parks, gardens, and beautiful private
Beautiful azure Lake Atitlan is located
in Guatemala’s verdant highland region
surrounded by perfectly shaped volcanoes.
From Panajachel, take a boat trip across the
lake to visit the traditional Mayan villages of
Santiago Atitlán and San Juan la Laguna, where
colourfully dressed locals go about their daily
routines. The Chichicastenango market, situated
to the north of Lake Atitlan, sees local people
trade textiles, pottery and food, sell local
handicrafts and perform religious ceremonies.
Tikal & El Peten
Lake Atitlan
io Dulce & Livingston
• Jungle & remote Mayan ruins
• Boat trips & Caribbean culture
El Petén, in northern Guatemala, is a lowland
jungle region scattered with many Mayan
ruins, lost cities and ceremonial centres. The
magnificent Mayan site of Tikal has a collection
of huge temples spread across a protected
rainforest reserve, home to howler monkeys,
coatis and birds such as toucans, parrots and
hummingbirds. The country’s other spectacular
Mayan ruins include Yaxha, remote Aguateca
– reached only by river – and Ceibal, which
features well-preserved carvings.
Travel east to Rio Dulce, visiting the Mayan
stelae of Quiriguá en route. A boat trip along
the Dulce river, running from Lake Izabal,
Guatemala’s largest lake, to Livingston on
Amatique Bay on the Caribbean coast, offers
changing landscapes of rainforest, canyon cliff
walls, gorges and Spanish forts. Livingston, a
town with a strong Caribbean culture known
as Garifuna, offers a contrasting side-trip
when travelling between Copán in Honduras
and Tikal.
Day 1 – To Antigua: Fly from the UK to
Guatemala City. Transfer to Antigua. (N)
Day 2 – Antigua: Morning walking tour of
Antigua. (B)
Day 3 – To Lake Atitlan: Drive to Lake
Atitlan, via a coffee farm and the Mayan
Traditions Museum. (B)
Day 4 – Lake Atitlan: Full-day tour of the
lake, including the villages of Santiago Atitlan
and San Juan la Laguna. (B, L)
Day 5 – To Antigua: Visit Chichicastenango
market. Return to Antigua. (B)
Day 6 – To Livingston: Transfer to Puerto
Barrios, visiting Quirigua en route, and take
a boat to Livingston. (B)
Day 7 – To El Petén: Explore Livingston
and take a tour of the Dulce river gorges.
Transfer to El Petén. (B, L)
Day 8 – Tikal: Morning tour of Tikal. (B, L)
Day 9 – To Guatemala City: Optional
morning tour of Yaxha. Fly to Guatemala
City. (B)
Days 10-11 – To London / Belize: Fly from
Guatemala City to London. Alternatively,
extend your holiday and continue by road
from El Petén into Belize. (B)
Low / High season from: £2,345 per person
r v
A former British colony and the only
English-speaking country in Central America,
Belize is a tiny tropical paradise situated
between Mexico and Guatemala. The
interior contains large areas of protected
forests and mountains, with hundreds of
species of birds, howler monkeys and even
jaguars, as well as rivers, cave systems and
Mayan archaeological sites. The Caribbean
coast has white sandy beaches, small
cayes (islands) and turquoise-blue waters.
Offshore, the Belize Barrier Reef – the
second largest in the world – is renowned
for its spectacular snorkelling opportunities.
Beach at Placencia
Belize: ainforest, eef & uins
12 Days / 10 Nights from £2,095
Wild collared aracari
The Cayo District
Beaches of Belize
• Caribbean seas & barrier reef
utdoor activities & Mayan sites
The Cayo district is located in western
Belize, near the border with Guatemala, and
encompasses lush sub-tropical forests and the
Maya mountains. Here, the rainforest is home
to howler monkeys and armadillos, and superb
birdlife. Within this area, the Mountain Pine
Ridge forests spread over an area dotted with
waterfalls and caves. Stay in a lodge and explore
the region by hiking, horse riding, cycling, and
canoeing, or visit Mayan ruins such as Caracol.
Ambergris Caye is located off the coast of
Belize, running parallel to the coral reef. Stay at
a property outside the town of San Pedro and
snorkel around the clear blue waters alongside
hundreds of colourful tropical fish. On the
south coast of the mainland, properties near
villages such as Placencia and Hopkins are also
ideal for relaxation and snorkelling. The lush
jungle and waterfalls of nearby Cockscomb
Basin Wildlife Sanctuary can be easily explored.
Northern Belize
Southern Belize
• emote location & superb birding
• Coastal reserves & indigenous culture
Northern Belize is home to the Orange
Walk district, and is known for its areas of
dense jungle. Highlights include the Crooked
Tree Wildlife Sanctuary, home to hundreds of
waterbirds, and the Mayan sites of Lamanai
and Altun Ha. This is one of the country’s great
birding destinations, with more than 400 bird
species located here, as well as jaguars and
pumas. Stay at the remote and stylish Chan
Chich Lodge, located in a 500 sq km reserve.
The Toledo district in the far south of Belize is
less visited than other regions, but has much to
offer. Reached by a flight to the coastal town of
Punta Gorda, with its strong Garifuna culture,
the area offers well-preserved rainforests,
rivers, mangrove lagoons and coastal nature
reserves, all with superb opportunities for
birding and wildlife spotting. Activities include
hiking, boat rides, kayaking, snorkelling and visits
to local Mayan villages.
Explore Belize’s key attractions on this
tour, including the lush rainforests of the
interior and the soft sandy beaches of the
Caribbean coast. Alternatively, combine
a tour of Belize with neighbouring
Guatemala and Honduras.
Day 1 – To Houston / Miami: Fly to
Houston or Miami and stay overnight. (N)
Days 2-4 – To Belize City: Fly to Belize City.
Drive to the Cayo district. Optional tours
to visit the rainforest or the Mayan ruins of
Caracol. (B)
Days 5-7 – To Placencia / Hopkins: Drive
to the coast. Optional excursions, including
snorkelling and Cockscomb Wildlife
Sanctuary. (B)
Day 8 – To Ambergris Caye: Fly to Belize
City and on to Ambergris Caye. (B)
Days 9-10 – Ambergris Caye: At leisure.
Optional excursions include snorkelling. (B)
Days 11-12 – To London: Fly to Belize City
and continue to London, via the US. (B)
Low season from: £2,095 (Standard) /
£2,495 (Luxury) per person
High season from: £2,195 (Standard) /
£2,795 (Luxury) per person
tr l
r v
Less explored than some of the
neighbouring countries, Honduras, Nicaragua
and El Salvador offer beautiful scenery
and rewarding travel experiences off the
main tourist trail. Nicaragua is a fascinating
destination in its own right, yet can easily
be combined with Costa Rica. Honduras
can be added as a short side-trip or
longer extension from Guatemala or, like
El Salvador, can be included as part of a
multi-country itinerary to these small but
enchanting countries.
© Ministry of Tourism of El Salvador
Please contact Cox & Kings to discuss
further ideas with one of our experts or
refer to our website,, for
further itinerary suggestions, and information
on hotels and excursions.
Church, Nicaragua
Copan, Honduras
Suchitoto, El Salvador
El Salvador
• Colonial & revolutionary past
• olcanoes, lakes & islands
• Mayan ruins of Copan
• Tropical rainforest
• Floral mountain scenery
• Archaeological sites
Off the beaten track and belying its turbulent
past, Nicaragua is a safe and welcoming
destination with fantastic volcanic scenery.
Explore colonial Granada on the shores of Lake
Nicaragua, the largest lake in Central America.
Visit León, a colourful and artistic city steeped
in a revolutionary past, or the beautiful highland
coffee-growing region around Matagalpa.
Relax on the Pacific coast at Morgan’s Rock,
a delightful eco-lodge, or at the luxurious
Mukul. The more adventurous can hike the
Mombacho volcano, visit lake islands, such as
unspoiled Ometepe with its twin volcanoes,
or the Solentiname archipelago. Nature lovers
can travel along the San Juan river and into the
pristine Indio Maíz Biological Reserve.
The Mayan ruins of Copan, renowned for their
remarkable sculptures and intricately carved
stelae, are located close to the Guatemalan
border in the west of the country. The Pico
Bonito National Park contains lush rainforest,
rivers and waterfalls and is near the Caribbean
coast. Stay at the Lodge at Pico Bonito and
explore the rainforest, home to abundant
wildlife, including more than 400 species
of birds, or take a boat ride through the
mangrove lagoons of Cuero y Salado, a coastal
manatee and wildlife refuge. Also worth visiting
are the Bay Islands, which offer excellent
snorkelling, the colonial city of Comayagua;,
Pulhapanzak Falls; and the picturesque Lake
Yojoa, for its excellent birdlife.
The least visited of the Central America
countries, El Salvador is a real delight due to its
welcoming people, amazing volcanic scenery
and lack of tourists. Explore the charming
colonial town of Suchitoto, with its beautiful
architecture, cobbled streets and art galleries
and take a boat trip on the nearby lake. Visit
a coffee plantation, learn about the history
of the civil war, or explore the volcanoes,
crater lakes, mountain national parks or Pacific
coastline. Travel along the Route of the Flowers,
a picturesque trail through floral mountain
scenery, to visit small towns renowned for their
handicrafts. Visit archaeological gems such as
San Andrés, Tazumal and Unesco world heritage
site Joya de Cerén, the America’s Pompeii.
Tikal, Guatemala
Scarlet macaw, Belize
r v
tr l
Suchitoto, El Salvador
Mayan Triangle
Central America Explorer
Back oads of Central America
This private journey combines a
number of fascinating Mayan ruins
throughout Guatemala, Honduras and
Belize with charming colonial towns,
indigenous cultures and white sandy
Caribbean beaches.
Travel across Costa ica, Nicaragua,
Honduras, Guatemala and Belize to
discover a bounty of natural highlights,
colonial towns and Mayan ruins, before
rounding off the journey on the
Caribbean coast.
Travel through the less-visited Central
American countries of Honduras,
El Salvador and Nicaragua to discover
colourful towns, a striking natural
landscape of lakes and volcanoes, and
the Mayan ruins of Copán.
Days 1-2 To Antigua: Fly to Guatemala City
and transfer to Antigua for 2 nights. Walking
tour of this picturesque colonial town and
an optional visit to a local village to see
how textiles are made. (B)
Days 3-4 – To Lake Atitlán: Drive to Lake
Atitlán via the small Mayan ruins of Ixmiche.
Option to take part in a traditional shaman
ceremony. Boat tour of the lake and
surrounding villages. (B)
Day 5 – To Antigua: Visit Chichicastenango
market (Thursday & Sunday) and return to
Antigua for overnight stay. (B, L)
Days 6-7 – To Copán: Drive across
Guatemala to Copán and the charming
town of Copán Ruinas. Visit the Mayan
ruins and add optional visits to see Los
Sapos stone carvings with lunch at a former
hacienda. (B)
Day 8 – To io Dulce: Transfer to Rio
Dulce via the Mayan stelae of Quiriguá.
Boat trip on the river to see the small
bird island and an indigenous community
project. (B, L)
Days 9-10 – To Tikal: Transfer to the Tikal
area. Explore the Tikal ruins, among the
most impressive of all Mayan sites. Optional
sunset visit to Yaxha ruins. (B)
Days 11-13 – To Belize: Drive to Belize
City, visiting ancient Xunantunich ruins in
the Cayo district en route. Fly to Ambergris
Caye for 3 nights. Relax by the turquoise
Caribbean Sea or go snorkelling. (B)
Days 14-15 – To London: Fly to Belize City
and on to London, via the US. (B)
Days 1-3 – To San José & Arenal: Fly to San
José and stay overnight. Transfer to Arenal
and take optional tours to the hanging
bridges or the hot springs, or hike up the
volcano’s slopes. (B)
Days 4-5– To El Castillo: Travel by road
and boat across the border into Nicaragua
and continue down the San Juan river to
El Castillo. Take an evening caiman tour,
explore the small town and hike in the
pristine Indio Maiz Reserve. (B, L, D)
Days 6-7 – To Granada: Boat transfer to
San Carlos and fly to Managua. Transfer to
colonial Granada. City tour and boat ride
on Lake Nicaragua. (B)
Days 8-9 – To Honduras: Fly to San Pedro
Sula. Drive to Copán and explore the
Mayan ruins. (B, L)
Days 10-11 – To Antigua: Transfer by road
to Guatemala and colonial Antigua. Explore
the city and its cobbled streets (add an
extra night and visit Lake Atitlan). (B)
Day 12 – To Tikal: Early morning flight to
Flores and visit the majestic Tikal ruins. (B)
Days 13-14 – To Cayo District: Transfer by
road to the Cayo District in Belize. Hike the
rainforest trails, take optional birdwatching
excursions or visit waterfalls and the Mayan
ruins of Caracol. (B)
Days 15-17 – To Ambergris Caye: Transfer
to Belize City and fly to Ambergris Caye.
Relax by the beach or snorkel the coral
reefs. (B)
Days 18-19 – To London: Fly to London via
Belize City and the US, arriving the next day.
Day 1 – To San Pedro Sula: Fly via the US
to San Pedro Sula. (N)
Days 2-4 – To Copán: Transfer to Copán
and take a guided tour of the Mayan ruins
and visit Finca el Cisne, a family-run coffee
and cardamom plantation and a working
cattle ranch. (B, L)
Days 5-6 – To El Salvador: Transfer by
road to El Ataco in El Salvador. Explore the
lakes and volcanoes of the scenic Flowers
Route. (B)
Day 7 – To Suchitoto: Visit Joya de Cerén
archaeological site. Continue to charming
Suchitoto to explore the town.
Day 8 – To Perquín & La nion: Travel to
the mountain town of Perquín. Visit the
Museum of the Revolution and the village
of El Mozote to learn about the civil war
history. Overnight in La Union port. (B, L, D)
Days 9-10 – To León: Travel by boat across
the Gulf of Fonseca to Nicaragua. Continue
to the artistic colonial city of León and take
a city tour, visiting the ruins of old León and
the San Jacinto geothermal springs. (B)
Days 11-13 – Juan enado & Granada:
Explore the mangroves of the Juan Venado
Nature Reserve and continue to Granada.
Morning nature hike around Mombacho
volcano. Optional excursions include a visit
to the Masaya volcano or a full-day trip to
Ometepe island. (B)
Days 14-15 – To London: Transfer to
Managua for flight to London via the US,
arriving the next day. Extend the trip with a
stay on the Pacific coast. (B)
Low / High season from: £2,995 per person
Low / High season from: £3,995 per person
Low / High season from: £2,795 per person
15 Days / 13 Nights from £2,995
19 Days / 17 Nights from £3,995
15 Days / 13 Nights from £2,795
latin america booking conditions
booking cond tions
Once you have decided on the holiday you require, please carefully read the following
conditions, as these form the basis of your relationship with Cox & Kings Travel Limited
(‘Cox & Kings’, ‘we’, ‘our’ or ‘us’) and with any supplier with whom you have a direct
contract. Except where otherwise stated, these booking conditions only apply to holiday
arrangements which you book with us in the UK and which we agree to make, provide
or perform (as applicable) as part of our contract with you or, where we act as agent
as set out below, arrange for you. All references in these booking conditions to ‘holiday’,
‘booking’, ‘contract’, ‘package’, ‘tour’ or ‘arrangements’ mean such holiday arrangements
unless otherwise stated. In these booking conditions, ‘you’ and ‘your’ means all persons
named on the booking or any of them as applicable (including anyone who is added
or substituted at a later date).
1) YOU
(a) If you book only one type of arrangement with Cox & Kings (for example hotel(s)
only or cruise only) and unless otherwise advised at the time of booking, Cox & Kings
acts only as a booking agent for the supplier of that arrangement (for example the
hotel or cruise provider). Your contract for that arrangement will be with that supplier
(in these conditions referred to as the ‘Third Party Supplier’) and not Cox & Kings. The
Third Party Supplier’s own terms and conditions (copies available on request) will apply
to that contract in addition to the applicable parts of these conditions.
(b) In all other cases your contract will be with Cox & Kings.
(c) When you make a booking the person who makes the booking guarantees that
they have the authority to accept and do accept on behalf of your party the terms of
these booking conditions.
2) BOOK G, P Y
(a) You may book by post, telephone, via our website or through one of our authorised
agents. All bookings are subject to our booking conditions. The person who makes the
booking must confirm acceptance of our booking conditions on behalf of all persons
named on the booking. We will communicate with you by email in relation to your
booking (including sending you documents such as your confirmation invoice) if you
book online or otherwise provide us with an email address. You must accordingly check
your emails on a regular basis and should print and retain hard copies of all confirmation
documents, e-tickets and other important communications. We will contact you by
telephone and / or post if you do not provide us with an email address or we cannot, for
whatever reason, contact you by email. Certain documents may need to be sent by post.
References in these booking conditions to ‘send’ and ‘in writing’ include communication
by email and via our online booking facility where applicable. You may contact us by
email for any of the reasons mentioned in these booking conditions (for example, to
request an amendment). All emails should be sent to:
(b) A minimum deposit of £150 per person or 15% of your total holiday cost
(whichever is greater) together with any applicable insurance premium (see clause 5)
and any applicable visa fees (see clause 12(a)) must be paid at the time of booking.
In some cases, the deposit payable will be higher as full or part payment for certain
services, such as flights, may also be required to make a booking – details at the time of
booking. On occasion, suppliers may unexpectedly require non-refundable full or part
payment for their services (in addition to any deposit paid at the time of booking) in
advance of balance due date in order to secure those services even though these have
been previously confirmed. In this situation, we may have no choice but to ask you to
pay an additional deposit to cover this payment.
If you book after the balance due date, full payment must be made at the time of
booking. Where we act only as agent (see clause 1(a)), you will be advised of the
applicable deposit and payment timetable at the time of booking.
(c) On receipt of the applicable payment and all information we need to make your
booking, and providing your requested holiday is available, Cox & Kings will issue a
confirmation invoice. It is at this stage that a binding contract comes into existence between
you and Cox & Kings or between you and the Third Party Supplier, as applicable. Please
note, though, that if you book a tailor-made itinerary or an extension to a brochure tour,
your accommodation, flights etc will only be requested by Cox & Kings once the payment
due at the time of booking has been received. Your confirmation invoice will indicate your
requested package cost and you will be advised of any accommodation, flights etc that are
still on request and not confirmed at the time the confirmation invoice is issued.
(d) Once payment has been made, any subsequent request to have that payment refunded
and to pay by an alternative means may require you to pay an administration fee.
(e) It is your responsibility to check the confirmation invoice and any other documents
we send you carefully and to let Cox & Kings or your travel agent know immediately
in the event of any error or inaccuracy, as it may not be possible to make changes later.
Where we act only as agent for a Third Party Supplier we will have no responsibility for
any errors in any documentation except where those errors were made by ourselves.
(f) The balance of the cost of your arrangements is payable not less than eight weeks prior
to departure, unless you are informed otherwise. If all payments (including any surcharge
where applicable) are not received on time, we (or we acting as agent for the Third Party
Supplier where applicable) are entitled to assume that you wish to cancel your booking
and will retain the deposit paid. If we do not cancel straightaway because you promise to
make payment but you still fail to do so, you must pay the cancellation charges shown in
clause 10 depending on the date we (or we acting as agent for the Third Party Supplier
where applicable) reasonably treat your booking as cancelled by you.
(g) (i) Providing full payment has been received, travel documents will be sent
approximately two weeks before departure (Third Party Suppliers’ policies may vary)
unless your booking is made within six weeks of departure, in which case final documents
will be sent as soon as possible, made available for collection or sent by courier upon
the payment of a fee. Non-UK residents may incur an additional delivery charge. (ii) For
some countries you will be handed your internal flight / train / hotel vouchers by your
tour manager / Cox & Kings representative on arrival at your destination.
(h) Cox & Kings has included in the relevant prices all government taxes in the amount
applicable at the time of booking that do not have to be paid locally. Those that have
to be paid locally by you are extra and are your responsibility (such as international
airport departure tax).
3) SP
QU S S /
Where special requests for flight seats, room / cabin allocation, dietary considerations
etc are applicable, Cox & Kings must be made aware of these in writing at the time of
booking. While every effort will be made to pass these requests on to the suppliers
concerned (or Third Party Suppliers where applicable), we cannot guarantee they will
be met. Where special requests for flight seats are passed on by Cox & Kings to an
airline, the confirmation of seat numbers is at the discretion of the airline.
Confirmation that a special request has been noted or passed on to the supplier / Third
Party Supplier or the inclusion of the special request on your confirmation invoice or
any other documentation is not confirmation that the request will be met. Unless and
until specifically confirmed, all special requests are subject to availability.
If you have any disability or medical condition or suffer from reduced mobility which
may affect your arrangements or the booking process, please provide us with full details
before booking so that we can advise as to the suitability of the chosen arrangements
and / or assist you with making your booking. In any event, we must be given full details
in writing at the time of booking and whenever any material change in the disability or
condition or your mobility occurs.You must also advise us in writing if any such disability
or condition develops after your booking has been confirmed.
4) YOU
(a) Any travel agent through whom you make a booking will relay information from you
to us and vice versa. Cox & Kings is neither responsible for any failure by your travel
agent to do this properly or in good time, nor for any advice given to you by your travel
agent that did not originate from Cox & Kings.
(b) For holidays which do not include flights organised by us, any money you pay to
one of our authorised travel agents for your booking will be held by the travel agent
on behalf of Cox & Kings / the Third Party Supplier (as applicable) until it is paid to us.
For flight inclusive bookings, all monies paid to any authorised travel agent of ours for
your holiday with us will be held on behalf of and for the benefit of the Trustees of
the Air Travel Trust subject to the travel agent’s obligation to pay such monies to us in
accordance with our trading terms unless we fail. In the unlikely event of our financial
failure, all monies then held by the travel agent or subsequently paid by you to the travel
agent will be held by the agent on behalf of and for the benefit of the Trustees of the Air
Travel Trust without any obligation on the agent to pay such monies to us.
It is a condition of booking with us that you take out insurance at the time of, or prior
to, making your booking. If you do not purchase the policy we offer, you must purchase
an appropriate alternative and let us have the details of this at the time of booking. If you
purchase insurance through Cox & Kings you must notify us of relevant factors that may
affect your particular requirements for cover such as pre-existing medical conditions /
disabilities. If you do not purchase insurance through us, it is your responsibility to ensure
that you purchase a policy that provides cover at least equivalent to that which we offer.
Cox & Kings cannot be held responsible if you purchase an inadequate insurance policy
or if you fail to notify Cox & Kings of factors affecting your particular requirements
for cover. Insurance premiums should be paid at the time of booking and are nonrefundable (after the expiry of the cancellation period applicable to the policy). Non-
European Union residents should obtain equivalent insurance cover in their country of
residence. Please read your policy details carefully and take them with you on holiday.
It is your responsibility to ensure that the insurance cover you purchase is suitable and
adequate for your particular needs. We do not check alternative insurance policies.
(a) If you wish to make any amendments to your holiday after the confirmation invoice
has been issued, you must inform us in writing and we will do our best to help. Please
note however that if you (i) change to a different departure date, cruise or destination or
(ii) change your booking less than eight weeks before departure, this will be treated as a
cancellation and a new booking and you will be liable for the cancellation charges set out
in clause 10 (except as set out in 6(c) below). In the event a change can be made and
except where cancellation charges apply, you must pay all costs and charges incurred or
imposed by any of our suppliers (or Third Party Suppliers where applicable) together with
an amendment fee of £35 per alteration per booking before the change can be made.
(b) If you wish to change any aspect of your holiday after it has commenced, Cox &
Kings and / or their agents will do their best to assist, subject to you being responsible
for any cancellation charges that may be levied for the arrangements originally booked,
for the cost of your new arrangements and for any costs incurred by Cox & Kings and
/ or their agents in attempting to secure or securing any revised arrangements. All such
charges and costs are payable locally.
(c) If you wish to transfer your place on your booking to another person (introduced by
you), you may do so provided the reason for the transfer is personal illness, the death
or serious illness of a close family member, jury service, redundancy or unavoidable
work commitments. Requests for a transfer must be made in writing at least 30 days
prior to departure and must be accompanied by documentary proof of the reason for
the transfer (eg a doctor’s certificate), full details of the person who will replace you,
any outstanding balance due for the tour, a payment of £35 per person to cover our
administration costs, plus such amount as our suppliers (or Third Party Suppliers where
applicable) will require to effect the change (if the transfer can be made). Please note,
in some cases suppliers such as airlines treat name changes as a cancellation, levying
cancellation charges and requiring payment for a new ticket.These charges must be paid
by you before any change can be made.
7) P
-D P
G S O, O
(a) This clause 7(a) applies only if your contract is with us.
Occasionally, we have to make changes to and correct errors in brochure and other
details both before and after bookings have been confirmed and cancel confirmed
bookings, which we reserve the right to do.
Most changes are minor. Occasionally, we have to make a significant change. A ‘significant
change’ is a change made before departure that, taking account of the information
you give us at the time of booking and that we can reasonably be expected to know
as a tour operator, we can reasonably expect to have a major effect on your holiday.
Significant changes are likely to include the following changes when made before
departure; a change of accommodation to that of a lower official classification or
standard for the whole or a major part of the time you are away, a change of outward
departure time or overall length of time you are away of 12 or more hours, a change
of UK departure point to one that is more inconvenient for you (except between
airports serving the same city) and, in the case of cruises, a radical change of itinerary.
If we have to make a significant change or cancel, we will tell you as soon as possible. If there
is time to do so before departure, we will offer you the choice of the following options:
(i) (for significant changes) accepting the changed arrangements, or
(ii) purchasing an alternative holiday from us (paying or receiving a refund in respect
of any price difference), or
(iii) cancelling or accepting the cancellation, in which case you will receive a full and quick
refund of all monies you have paid to us.
Please note, the above options are not available where any change made is a minor one.
If we have to make a significant change or cancel, we will, where compensation is
appropriate, pay you the compensation payments set out in the table below depending
on the circumstances and when the significant change or cancellation is notified to
you or your travel agent subject to the following exceptions. Compensation will not
be payable and no liability beyond offering the above mentioned choices can be
accepted where we are forced to make a change or cancel as a result of unusual
and unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control, the consequences of which we
could not have avoided even with all due care or where we have to cancel because
the minimum number of persons required to operate your holiday has not been
reached prior to the balance due date. No compensation will be payable and the above
options will not be available if we cancel as a result of your failure to comply with any
requirement of these booking conditions entitling us to cancel (such as paying on time)
or if the change made is a minor one. A ‘minor change’ is any change that does not come
within the definition of a significant change set out above. Although Cox & Kings will try
to notify you of minor changes, it is not obliged to do so. Minor changes include (but
are not limited to) the following: (1) Changes to any destination(s), place(s) of stay or
port(s) or place(s) of call for your holiday which is not a major, confirmed destination,
place of stay or port or place of call; (2) Changes in any scheduled date or time of
arrival or departure, whether at the beginning, end or during your holiday, (other than
as specifically listed above as likely significant changes) provided that, where necessary
and appropriate, hotel accommodation and reasonable sustenance for the period in
question is provided to you at no additional charge; (3) Substitution of a named lecturer
and / or leader for another knowledgeable expert in the same field.
All group holidays with Cox & Kings require a minimum number of bookings before
they will operate. If an insufficient number of people have booked to make your holiday
arrangements financially viable so that we have to cancel, we will inform you no later
than eight weeks before your departure date. In this case, you will be offered the
options set out above but no compensation will be payable.
Period before departure a significant change
or cancellation is notified to you or your travel agent
More than 56 days
43-56 days
42-29 days
28-15 days
14-0 days
per person
(b) This clause 7(b) applies if your contract is with a Third Party Supplier.
If the Third Party Supplier changes or cancels your booking, we will pass on the new
details to you together with any compensation that the Third Party Supplier may offer.
As agent only for the Third Party Supplier we cannot accept any liability for any changes
or cancellations made to these bookings.
8) POS -D P
Please note, clauses 8(a) and (b) only apply where your contract is with us.
(a) Changes and curtailment after departure (not caused by force majeure)
If, after departure, it becomes apparent that a significant proportion of the services
you have booked with us cannot be provided, we will make suitable alternative
arrangements at no extra cost to you. We will also, where appropriate, compensate
you for any difference in value between the arrangements you should have received
and the alternative arrangements made and for any disappointment or inconvenience
you have reasonably suffered as a result. For example, as we neither own, manage nor
control the accommodation / transportation we use, it is possible we may be advised
that your reserved accommodation is not available when you arrive at your destination.
In this event, Cox & Kings will endeavour to secure accommodation of at least the same
standard in that destination. If only accommodation of a lower standard is available,
we will refund the difference between the prices of the accommodation booked and
that received, and will pay £30 per person for any inconvenience or disappointment
caused. Any compensation or other sums due will be paid on your return from holiday.
If we are unable to make suitable alternative arrangements or you reject those offered
for good reasons, we will, where your holiday includes international flights we have
arranged and where appropriate, return you by equivalent transport (type and class of
travel) to the departure point of your holiday or such other place as we agree as soon
as we are reasonably able to do so. If your holiday does not include international flights
arranged by us, we will, where appropriate in this situation, meet your reasonable costs
of your return travel to your outward point of departure providing we have agreed
these costs in advance of your incurring them. Where you reasonably return home early
in the above circumstances, we will provide you with a refund in respect of that part of
your holiday that you did not receive.
Please note, we can only accept responsibility for the sums specifically referred to in this
clause 8(a). We will have no liability for making any other payments including, without
limitation, the cost of any service (such as flights, other transport or accommodation)
which you book with someone other than Cox & Kings or which you arrange during
your holiday in place of contracted services (unless we have agreed in writing to meet
the cost) or for any losses or other expenses of any nature (and whether or not
we could have foreseen you would incur them) which you suffer or incur as a result
of, or in connection with, your original holiday booking or any changed or curtailed
arrangements including, without limitation, loss of earnings, paid holiday leave, profit,
business or business opportunities.
In all cases, our maximum liability is limited to a sum equivalent to the cost of the
holiday (excluding amendment charges and insurance premiums), a refund of any
directly attributable, reasonably incurred expenses (providing where appropriate, any
such expenses that have been agreed by us) and the daily sum of £72 per person.
(b) Changes and curtailment after departure (caused by force majeure)
If, after departure, it becomes apparent that a significant proportion of the services
you have booked with us cannot be provided, we will make suitable alternative
arrangements at no extra cost to you. If we are unable to do so, or you reject the
alternative arrangements offered for good reasons, we will, where appropriate, return
you by equivalent transport (type and class of travel) to the departure point of your
holiday or such other place as we agree as soon as we are reasonably able to do so. We
are not, however, obliged to provide you with return travel to the UK if your holiday
does not include international flights. Where the contracted service that we are unable
to provide is your return flight, we will arrange for you to travel on an alternative flight in
the same class of travel as soon as we reasonably can. However, we will have no liability
to provide, or meet any costs of, any accommodation, meals or other services (other
than those that form part of your contracted arrangements) while you are awaiting
the alternative flight. The airline concerned may be obliged to do so – see clause 14(c).
Please note, we can only accept responsibility for the sums specifically referred to in this
clause 8(b). We will have no liability for making any other payments, including, without
limitation, any compensation, refunds, the cost of any service (such as flights, other
transport or accommodation) that you book with someone other than Cox & Kings
or that you arrange during your holiday in place of contracted services (unless we have
agreed in writing to meet the cost) or for any losses or other expenses of any nature
(and whether or not we could have foreseen you would incur them) that you suffer or
incur as a result of, or in connection with, your original holiday booking or any changed
or curtailed arrangements, including, without limitation, loss of earnings, paid holiday
leave, profit, business or business opportunities.
Very rarely, we may be forced to curtail your holiday and return you to the UK (where
your holiday includes return travel) before the scheduled end of your holiday. This is
extremely unlikely, but if this situation does occur, we regret we will be unable to make any
refunds, pay you any compensation or meet any costs or expenses you incur as a result.
(c) Changes and curtailment after departure – contract with a Third Party Supplier
As agent only for the Third Party Supplier, we cannot accept any liability for any changes
to or curtailment of your arrangements made after departure.
9) FO
Except where otherwise expressly stated in these booking conditions, neither we
nor any Third Party Supplier can accept liability or pay any compensation where the
performance or prompt performance of our or the Third Party Supplier’s contractual
obligations is prevented or affected by or you otherwise suffer any damage or loss (as
more fully described in clause 13(a)(ii) below) as a result of force majeure. In these
booking conditions, ‘force majeure’ means any event which we / the supplier of the
service(s) in question / the Third Party Supplier could not, even with all due care,
foresee or avoid. Such events are likely to include, whether actual or threatened, war,
riot, civil strife, terrorist activity, industrial dispute, natural or nuclear disaster, adverse
weather conditions, flood, epidemics, fire, airport, port or airspace closures, restrictions
or congestion, flight restrictions imposed by any regulatory authority or other third
party and all similar events outside the control of the party concerned.
Should you wish to cancel your booking, the person who made the booking must notify
Cox & Kings or your travel agent (as applicable) in writing. Such notification will only be
deemed to have been given on receipt by us of your written notification, since we can
only act on receipt. Please state the reason for your cancellation as you may be covered by
your insurance policy. Claims must, however, be made direct to your insurance company.
The following cancellation charges will apply. Where the cancellation charge is shown as
a percentage, this is calculated on the basis of the total cost payable by the person(s)
cancelling, excluding insurance premiums and amendment charges. Insurance premiums
and amendment charges are not refundable.
ays before departure
notification received.
More than 56 days
56- 29 days
28-15 days
14-8 days
7-4 days
3 days to day of departure or later
Amount of cancellation charges
as a % of total tour cost
Deposit(s) (inc any additional deposit)
40% or deposit(s) if higher
60% or deposit(s) if higher
75% or deposit(s) if higher
No allowance or refund can be made for meals, rooms, excursions etc included in the
price of your tour but not taken, nor can any refund be made for services that cannot
be used due to lost, mislaid or destroyed travel tickets or vouchers. Part cancellation of
a booking may result in increased costs for the remaining party members.
11) P
Prices are based upon known costs and exchange rates of £1 to 1.70 dollars and 1.26
Euros (as quoted in the Financial Times world value of the pound table on 24 July 2014).
For all exchange rates not mentioned, the rate of exchange for the US dollar applies.
Where your contract is with Cox & Kings, once the price of your chosen holiday has been
confirmed at the time of booking, we will only change it in the following circumstances. A
surcharge or refund (as applicable) will be payable, subject to the conditions set out in this
clause, in the event of any change in our transportation costs (eg fuel, scheduled airfares
and any other airline surcharges which are part of the contract between airlines (and
their agents) and the tour operator) or in the dues, taxes or fees payable for services such
as landing taxes or embarkation or disembarkation fees at ports or airports.
Even in the above cases, only if the amount of the increase in our costs exceeds 2%
of the total cost of your holiday (excluding insurance premiums and any amendment
charges) will we levy a surcharge. We will only levy a surcharge in respect of the amount
by which any increase in our costs exceeds 2% of this total holiday cost. If any surcharge
is greater than 10% of the cost of your holiday (excluding insurance premiums and any
amendment charges), you will be entitled to cancel your booking and receive a full refund
of all monies you have paid to us (except for any amendment charges) or alternatively
purchase another holiday from us as referred to in clause 7(a). In either case there will be
an administration charge of £1 per person together with an amount to cover any travel
agent’s commission. Although insurance (where purchased through us) does not form
part of your contract with us or of any ‘package’, we will consider an appropriate refund
of any insurance premiums you have paid us if you can show you are unable to use /
reuse or transfer your policy in the event of cancellation or purchase of an alternative
holiday. A refund will only be payable if the decrease in our costs exceeds 2% as set out
above. Where a refund is due, we will pay you the full amount of the decrease in our costs.
Where applicable, you have 14 days from the issue date printed on the surcharge
invoice to tell us if you want to cancel or purchase another holiday. If you do not tell
us that you wish to do so within this period of time, we are entitled to assume that
you will pay the surcharge. Any surcharge must be paid with the balance of the cost
of the holiday or within 14 days of the issue date printed on the surcharge invoice,
whichever is the later.
We promise not to levy a surcharge within 30 days of the start of your holiday. No
refunds will be payable within this period either.
Where your contract is with a Third Party Supplier, as we act only as agent, we must
pass on to you in full all additional costs and charges of whatever nature imposed by the
Third Party Supplier in accordance with its own terms and conditions.
Please note, changes and errors occasionally occur. You must check the price of your
chosen holiday at the time of booking. We reserve the right to make changes to, and
correct errors in, advertised prices at any time before your holiday is confirmed.
Occasionally our holiday prices are discounted for a limited period for promotional
purposes. Discounts cannot be applied retrospectively to reduce the price of a
confirmed booking.
12) YOU
(a) Visas: General information concerning visa requirements applicable to British citizens
with British passports is set out in our Documents & Health section. We will notify you
of any changes to such requirements (of which we are aware) that occur before your
confirmation invoice is issued, but please note that further changes could take place
before you travel. You must check the up-to-date requirements in good time before
departure.You must apply for any required visa in good time. If a visa is not granted then
we cannot accept any liability for the consequences and reserve the right to pass on to
you any costs incurred as a result, including cancellation charges.
Non-British citizens / holders of non-British passports should check with their nearest
consulate or embassy for visa requirements.
(b) Passports: British citizens require a full British passport (valid for at least six months
beyond the end of your holiday) for the holidays we offer. Please see our Documents &
Health section for full details or seek the advice of our travel consultants. Please note,
requirements may change and you must check the up-to-date requirements in good
time before departure. A full British passport presently takes approximately three to
six weeks to obtain. If any member of your party is aged 16 or over and has not yet
got a passport, you should apply for one at least six weeks before your holiday. The UK
booking conditions latin america
Passport Service has to confirm your identity before issuing your first passport and will
ask you to attend an interview in order to do this. Please also see clause (d) below.
(c) Health: It is your responsibility to ensure you are aware of all recommended and
required vaccinations and health precautions in good time before departure. Details
are available from your GP surgery and from the National Travel Health Network and
Centre Information on health abroad is also available on www. Recommended and mandatory inoculations for travel for
British citizens are set out in our Documents & Health section. We will notify you of
any changes in any health requirements (such as mandatory inoculations) that must be
satisfied in order to gain entry into your holiday destination of which we become aware
before your confirmation invoice is issued. However, further changes may occur at any
time and you should check the up-to-date position in good time before you depart. If
you have any medical condition / disability / reduced mobility that may affect your ability
to enjoy and participate fully in your arrangements you must notify us in accordance
with clause 3. Cox & Kings reserves the right, where appropriate, to ask you to provide
written certification of your medical fitness prior to departure. It is your responsibility
to ensure that you obtain all necessary inoculations, take all necessary medication and
follow all medical advice in relation to your holiday.
(d) Documents: It is the responsibility of the person who makes the booking to ensure
that all members of the party are in possession of all necessary travel and health
documents and have all necessary vaccination certificates before departure. All costs
incurred in obtaining such documentation or vaccinations / certificates must be paid by
you. We regret we cannot accept any liability if you are refused entry onto any transport
or into any country due to failure on your part to carry correct documentation or
have the correct vaccinations / certificates. If failure to have any necessary travel or
other documents results in fines, surcharges, expenses or other financial penalty being
imposed on, or incurred by, us, you will be responsible for reimbursing us accordingly. If
you are refused a visa we cannot accept any liability. If you are unable to travel as a result,
you will be liable to pay our normal cancellation charges. The person who makes the
booking is also responsible for ensuring that every member of your party has adequate
travel insurance (see clause 5 above).
(e) Damage: When you book with us, you accept responsibility for any damage or loss
caused by you. Full payment for any such damage or loss (reasonably estimated if not
known at the time) must be paid direct at the time to the accommodation owner or
manager or other supplier. If the actual cost of the loss or damage exceeds the amount
paid where estimated, you must pay the difference once known. If the actual cost is less
than the amount paid, the difference will be refunded. You will also be responsible for
meeting any claims subsequently made against us and all costs incurred by us (including
our own and the other party’s full legal costs) as a result of your actions. You should
ensure you have appropriate travel insurance to protect you if this situation arises.
(f) Behaviour: We expect all clients to have consideration for others and to behave
appropriately. If, in the reasonable opinion of our tour manager, agent or other
employee or of any other person in authority, you behave in such a way as to cause
or be likely to cause danger, distress, upset or significant annoyance to anyone (for
example, other clients or our employees, agents or suppliers) or damage to property,
we are entitled, without prior notice where appropriate, to terminate the holiday of
the person(s) concerned. We will have the same right to terminate your holiday if
you are subject to arrest, or are prevented from travelling at the reasonable discretion
of an airline or other transport or cruise provider, or if you are evicted from a hotel
at the reasonable discretion of the hotel management or have your use of any other
services terminated at the reasonable discretion of another supplier. In this situation, the
person(s) concerned will be required to leave the accommodation or other service.
We will have no further responsibility toward such person(s), including any return travel
arrangements. No refunds will be made and we will not pay any expenses or costs
incurred as a result of the termination. If we incur any expense as a result of your
behaviour, you will be obliged to reimburse us for that expense.
(g) Travel advice: For up to date travel advice from the UK government, visit
uk/foreign-travel-advice which you are recommended to consult before booking and
in good time before departure.
13) OU
This clause 13(a) does not apply where your contract is with a Third Party Supplier
(a) (i) We promise to make sure that the holiday arrangements we have agreed to make,
perform or provide as applicable as part of our contract with you are made, performed
or provided with reasonable skill and care. This means that, subject to these booking
conditions, we will accept responsibility if, for example, you suffer death or personal
injury or your contracted holiday arrangements are not provided as promised or prove
deficient as a result of the failure of ourselves, our employees, agents or suppliers to
use reasonable skill and care in making, performing or providing, as applicable, your
contracted holiday arrangements. Please note, it is your responsibility to show that
reasonable skill and care has not been used if you wish to make a claim against us. In
addition, we will only be responsible for what our employees, agents and suppliers do
or do not do if they were at the time acting within the course of their employment (for
employees) or carrying out work we had asked them to do (for agents and suppliers).
(ii) We will not be responsible for any injury, illness, death, loss (including loss of
possessions or enjoyment), damage, expense, cost or other sum or claim of any nature
whatsoever which results from any of the following:
(1) the act(s) and / or omission(s) of the person(s) affected or any member(s) of their
party or (2) the act(s) and / or omission(s) of a third party not connected with the
provision of your holiday and which were unforeseeable or unavoidable or (3) force
majeure as defined in clause 9.
(iii) We cannot accept responsibility for any services that do not form part of our
contract. This includes, for example, any additional services or facilities that your hotel,
cruise provider or any other supplier agrees to provide for you where the services
or facilities are not advertised in our brochure or on our website as forming part of
your holiday and we have not agreed to arrange them as part of our contract, and any
excursion / activities you purchase while away. Please also see clause 17 “Excursions
/ Activities / Suppliers Terms and Conditions”. In addition, regardless of any wording
used by us on our website, in any of our brochures or elsewhere, we only promise
to use reasonable skill and care as set out above and we do not have any greater or
different liability to you.
(iv) The promises we make to you about the services we have agreed to provide or
arrange as part of our contract – and the laws and standards of the country in which
your claim or complaint occurred – will be used as the basis for deciding whether the
services in question had been properly provided. If the particular services that gave rise
to the claim or complaint were provided in compliance with the applicable local laws
and standards, the services will be treated as having been properly provided. This will
be the case even if the services did not comply with the laws and standards of the UK
that would have applied had those services been provided in the UK. The exception to
this is where the claim or complaint concerns the absence of a safety feature that might
lead a reasonable holidaymaker to refuse to take the arrangements in question. Please
note, however, our obligation is to exercise reasonable skill and care as referred to in
clause 13(a)(i). We do not make any representation or commitment that all services
will comply with applicable local laws and standards and failure to comply does not
automatically mean we have not exercised reasonable skill and care.
(v) As set out in these booking conditions we limit the maximum amount we may have
to pay you for certain claims you may make against us.
Where we are found liable for loss of and / or damage to any luggage or personal
possessions (including money), the maximum amount we will have to pay you is £1,500
per person affected, unless a different limitation applies to your claim under this clause
or clause 13(a)(vi) below. Any payment will be subject to your producing evidence of
the contents and value of the luggage or personal possessions and demonstrating that
you have taken proper care of them.
For all other claims that do not involve death or personal injury, if we are found liable to
you on any basis the maximum amount we will have to pay you is a refund of the cost
of the holiday (excluding insurance premiums and amendment charges) paid by or on
behalf of the person(s) affected in total, a refund of any directly attributable expenses
reasonably incurred by that person (providing where appropriate, any such expenses
have been agreed by us) and a daily sum of £72 per person unless a lower limitation
applies to your claim under clause 13(a)(vi) below. This maximum amount will only be
payable where everything has gone wrong and you have not received any benefit at all
from your holiday. See also clause 8.
(vi) Where any claim or part of a claim (including those involving death or personal
injury) concerns or is based on any travel arrangements (including the process of getting
on and / or off the transport concerned) provided by any air, rail or sea carrier to
which any international convention or EU regulation applies, our liability (including the
maximum amount of compensation we will have to pay you, the types of claim and the
circumstances in which compensation will be payable) will be limited as if we were the
carrier in question as referred to below.The most we will have to pay you for that claim
or that part of a claim if we are found liable to you on any basis is the most the carrier
concerned would have to pay under the international convention or EU regulation that
applies to the travel arrangements in question (for example, the Warsaw Convention
as amended or unamended and the Montreal Convention for international travel by
air and / or, for airlines with an operating licence granted by an EU country, the EC
Regulation on Air Carrier Liability No 889/2002 for national and international travel
by air, the Athens Convention (as amended by the 2002 Protocol) and EC Regulation
392/2009 on the liability of carriers for international travel by sea and the Convention
concerning International Travel by Rail (COTIF) as amended for travel by rail). Where
a carrier would not be obliged to make any payment to you under the applicable
international convention or EU regulation in respect of a claim or part of a claim,
we similarly are not obliged to make a payment to you for that claim or part of the
claim. You are not entitled to make any claim against us which concerns or is based on
any travel arrangements provided by any air, rail or sea carrier if such a claim is not
expressly permitted to be brought against the carrier by the international convention
or regulation that applies to the travel arrangements in question. When making any
payment, we are entitled to deduct any money that you have received or are entitled to
receive from the carrier for the complaint or claim in question. Copies of the applicable
international conventions and regulations are available from us on request.
Please note, for international travel by sea, EC Regulation 392/2009 and the Athens
Convention as amended (together referred to as the Athens Convention) limits the
maximum amount the carrier has to pay if found liable in the event of death or personal
injury. The Athens Convention also limits the maximum amount the carrier has to pay
if found liable in the event of loss or damage to luggage and also makes provision for
valuables. Once on board ship, all valuable and important items should be deposited
with the purser or in the mini-safe in your cabin if available. Please remember that no
cabin mini-safe is totally secure and consider whether you need to bring such items on
holiday with you. Placing items in a mini-safe is not depositing them with the carrier for
safekeeping for the purposes of the Athens Convention. We and the carrier cannot
accept any responsibility or liability for any valuable or important items which are not
deposited with the purser for safekeeping. For items which are deposited with the
purser for safekeeping, the maximum the carrier would have to pay you if found liable
for any item(s) lost or damaged (for any reason) while deposited is the maximum which
is payable under the Athens Convention in this situation. As referred to above, we are
entitled to rely on all limitations of liability available to the carrier.
(vii) Please note, we cannot accept any liability for any damage, loss, expense or other
sum(s) of any description (1) which on the basis of the information given to us by
you concerning your booking prior to our accepting it, we could not reasonably have
foreseen you would suffer or incur if we breached our contract with you or (2) which
did not result from any breach of contract or other fault by ourselves or our employees
or, where we are responsible for them, our suppliers. Additionally we cannot accept
liability for any expenses or losses that relate to or arise from any business (including
without limitation, self-employed loss of earnings).
(b) Clauses 13(b) (i) and (ii) below apply only if your contract is with a Third Party Supplier.
(i) As we act only as an agent for the Third Party Supplier concerned we accept no liability
in relation to the arrangements provided by that Third Party Supplier or for the acts or
omissions of the Third Party Supplier concerned. The terms and conditions of the Third
Party Supplier will apply to your contract (copies available on request from us).
(ii) However, in the event that we are found liable in respect of any Third Party Supplier
arrangements on any basis whatsoever, we are entitled to rely on the limitations and
exclusions of liability and defences set out in clause 13(a). We do not exclude or limit
any liability for death or personal injury that arises as a result of our negligence or that
of our employees while acting in the course of their employment.
O (
(a) Air, rail, road and other departure times are supplied by the carriers.They are subject
to, inter alia, air traffic control restrictions, weather conditions, the need for maintenance
and the ability of passengers to check in on time. Cox & Kings does not have any liability
to you for any delays that may arise (including any at your international departure
airport). We regret we cannot provide any assistance in such circumstances other than
information and advice to the extent we are in a position to do so. Where applicable,
the airline is responsible for providing any assistance as is legally required by the Denied
Boarding Regulations (see below). Otherwise, any arrangements in the event of a delay
will be at the sole discretion of the airline or other carrier involved.
(b) In accordance with EU Directive (EC) No 2111/2005, we are required to bring to
your attention the existence of a ‘Community list’ that contains details of air carriers
that are subject to an operating ban within the EU Community. The Community list is
available for inspection at
We are also required to advise you of the carrier(s) (or, if the carrier(s) is not known,
the likely carrier(s)) that will operate your flight(s) at the time of booking. Where we
are only able to inform you of the likely carrier(s) at the time of booking, we shall
inform you of the identity of the actual carrier(s) as soon as we become aware of this.
Any change to the operating carrier(s) after your booking has been confirmed will be
notified to you as soon as possible.
We are not always in a position at the time of booking to confirm flight timings. The
flight timings shown in this brochure, on our website and detailed on your confirmation
invoice are for guidance only and are subject to alteration and confirmation. The latest
timings will be shown on your tickets that will be despatched to you approximately
two weeks before departure. You must accordingly check your tickets very carefully
immediately on receipt to ensure you have the correct flight times. It is possible that
flight times may be changed even after tickets have been despatched – we will contact
you as soon as possible if this occurs.
Any change in the identity of the carrier, flight timings, and / or aircraft type (if given) will
not entitle you to cancel or change to other arrangements without paying our normal
charges except where specified in these conditions.
If the carrier with whom you have a confirmed reservation becomes subject to
an operating ban as above and we / the carrier are unable to offer you a suitable
alternative, the provisions of clause 7 will apply.
(c) If your flight is cancelled or delayed, your flight ticket is downgraded or boarding
is denied by your airline, depending on the circumstances, the airline may be required
to pay you compensation, refund the cost of your flight and / or provide you with
accommodation and / or refreshments under EC Regulation No 261/2004 – the
Denied Boarding Regulations 2004. Where applicable, you must pursue the airline for
the compensation or other payment due to you. All sums you receive or are entitled
to receive from the airline concerned by virtue of these Regulations represent the full
amount of your entitlement to compensation or any other payment arising from such
cancellation, delay, downgrading or denied boarding. This includes any disappointment,
distress, inconvenience or effect on any other arrangements. The fact a delay may
entitle you to cancel your flight does not automatically entitle you to cancel any other
arrangements even where those arrangements have been made in conjunction with your
flight. We have no liability to make any payment to you in relation to the Denied Boarding
Regulations or in respect of any flight cancellation or delay, downgrading of any flight ticket
or denial of any boarding as the full amount of your entitlement to any compensation
or other payment (as dealt with above) is covered by the airline’s obligations under
the Denied Boarding Regulations. If, for any reason, we make any payment to you or a
third party which the airline is responsible for in accordance with the Denied Boarding
Regulations or otherwise, you must, when requested, make a complete assignment to us
of the rights you have against the airline in relation to the claim that gives rise to that
payment. If your airline does not comply with these rules you may complain to the Civil
Aviation Authority on: 020 7453 6888 or by e-mail to: or
see – Referring Your Complaint to the CAA.
15) O P
If you have a complaint about any of the holiday arrangements booked with or through
Cox & Kings, you must tell the relevant supplier / Third Party Supplier straight away. You
must also tell Cox & Kings’ local representative or agent on site immediately (if available)
or use the Cox & Kings emergency contact telephone number with which you will be
supplied before your departure. That number will put you in contact with one of our
employees who will take all reasonable steps to help you. It is only if you do this that
Cox & Kings has the opportunity to put matters right on the spot. If you fail to do this,
any right to compensation, which you may have, will be extinguished or reduced. If
your contract is with a Third Party Supplier, as we act only as agent, we cannot accept
any liability for the arrangements provided by that Third Party Supplier. Any assistance
provided in resolving a complaint in relation to any booking of this type is provided on
a goodwill basis and in our capacity as agent.
If you have a complaint or claim that you wish to pursue, please write to us within 28
days of your return to the United Kingdom. Your complaint or claim will be investigated
and a full reply sent to you as soon as possible. As our investigations often involve
obtaining information from overseas, it may take a few weeks. In the unlikely event that
we do not reach an amicable settlement, the dispute, if you so wish and subject to the
Note below, may be referred to arbitration under a special scheme devised by Abta, but
administered quite independently. It provides for a simple and inexpensive method of
arbitration on the basis of documents alone, with restricted liabilities on the customer
in respect of costs. Alternatively, Aito’s Independent Dispute Settlement Service may
be called upon by either side to bring the matter to a speedy and amicable solution.
Whichever option you choose, neither scheme applies to claims for an amount greater
than £5,000 per person or £25,000 per booking, or to claims that are solely or mainly
in respect of physical injury or illness, or the consequences of such injury or illness.
The schemes can however deal with compensation claims which include an element
of minor injury or illness subject to a limit of £1,500 on the amount the arbitrator
can award per person in respect of this element. For injury and illness claims, you can
request the Abta mediation procedure and we have the option to agree. Full details of
these arbitration and mediation options will be provided on request or can be obtained
from the Abta website, or Aito website,
Note: If your contract is with a Third Party Supplier and not us it may not be possible
for any dispute arising out of, or in connection with, the contract to be referred to
arbitration under the schemes mentioned above.
17) X U S O S /
(a) The information contained in our brochure and appearing on our website is correct
to the best of our knowledge at the time of the brochure going to print or publication
on our website. We may provide you with information (in our brochure, on our website
and / or when you are on holiday) about activities and excursions which are available in
the area you are visiting. We cannot guarantee accuracy at all times of information given
in relation to such activities or excursions or about the area you are visiting generally or
that any particular excursion or activity which does not form part of our contract will
take place as these services are not under our control. We have no involvement in any
such activities or excursions, which are neither run, supervised, controlled nor endorsed
in any way by us. They are provided by local operators or other third parties who
are entirely independent of us. We have no knowledge as to whether such activities
or excursions and their operators comply with local legal requirements or have any
insurance. Some activities / excursions involve the risk of personal injury. They do not
form any part of your contract with us even where we suggest particular operators
/ other third parties and / or assist you in booking such activities or excursions in any
way. You will have a contract with the local operator or other third party whose terms
and conditions will apply. We cannot accept any liability on any basis in relation to such
activities or excursions and the acceptance of liability contained in clause 13(a)(i) of
our booking conditions will not apply to them. We do not however exclude liability
for the negligence of ourselves or our employees (while acting in the course of their
employment) resulting in your death or personal injury.
(b) Many of the services that make up your holiday are provided by independent
suppliers. Those suppliers provide these services in accordance with their own terms
and conditions. Some of these terms and conditions may limit or exclude the supplier’s
liability to you, usually in accordance with applicable international conventions (see
clause 13(a)(vi)). Copies of the relevant parts of these terms and conditions are
available on request from ourselves or the supplier concerned.
18) F
We are a member of Abta (Abta number V2999). We also hold an Air Travel Organiser’s
Licence issued by the Civil Aviation Authority (Atol number 2815.) The Package Travel,
Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992 require us to provide security
for the monies that you pay for the package holidays booked with usand for your
repatriation in the event of our insolvency. We provide this security by way of an Atol
(number 2815) administered by the Civil Aviation Authority for flight-inclusive holidays.
When you buy an Atol-protected flight or flight inclusive holiday from us*, you will
receive an Atol Certificate. This lists what is financially protected, where you can get
information on what this means for you and who to contact if things go wrong. We, or
the suppliers identified on your Atol Certificate, will provide you with the services listed
on the Atol Certificate (or a suitable alternative). In some cases, where neither we nor
the supplier are able to do so for reasons of insolvency, an alternative Atol holder may
provide you with services you have bought or a suitable alternative (at no extra cost
to you). You agree to accept that in those circumstances the alternative Atol holder will
perform those obligations and you agree to pay any money outstanding to be paid by
you under your contract to that alternative Atol holder. However, you also agree that
in some cases it will not be possible to appoint an alternative Atol holder, in which
case you will be entitled to make a claim under the Atol scheme (or your credit card
issuer where applicable). If we, or the suppliers identified on your Atol certificate, are
unable to provide the services listed (or a suitable alternative, through an alternative
Atol holder or otherwise) for reasons of insolvency, the Trustees of the Air Travel Trust
may make a payment to (or confer a benefit on) you under the Atol scheme.You agree
that in return for such a payment or benefit, you assign absolutely to those Trustees any
claims which you have or may have arising out of or relating to the non-provision of
the services, including any claim against us, the travel agent or your credit card issuer
where applicable. You also agree that any such claims may be re-assigned to another
body, if that other body has paid sums you have claimed under the Atol scheme.*The
air inclusive holidays and flights we arrange are Atol-protected providing they are made
available in the UK. For further information, visit the Atol website at:
.The price of our air holiday packages includes the amount of £2.50 per person which
is the Atol Protection Contribution (APC) we pay to the CAA. This charge is included
in our advertised prices. For further information, visit the Atol website at:
uk. If you have a contract with us for arrangements that do not include a flight(s), Abta
will financially protect your holiday in the event of our insolvency by arranging for you
to receive a refund or to be repatriated except where your contracted arrangements
with us do not include transport to and from the UK. In this case, if already abroad, you
will be returned to the point where your contracted arrangements with us commenced.
Please go to for information on Abta’s travel protection. Please note, our
Atol and Abta membership does not protect bookings where we act only as agent.
Your relationship (and any contract you may have) with Cox & Kings or with any Third
Party Supplier and any dispute, claim or other matters of any nature arising from it (‘claim’)
shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. We both agree that
any claim (and whether or not involving any personal injury) that arises between us must
be dealt with under the Abta or Aito arbitration schemes (if the scheme is available
for the claim in question and you wish to use it – see clause 16) or by the Courts of
England and Wales only unless, in the case of Court proceedings, you live in Scotland or
Northern Ireland. In this case, proceedings must either be brought in the Courts of your
home country or those of England and Wales. If proceedings are brought in Scotland
or Northern Ireland, you may choose to have your contract and any dispute, claim or
other matter of any description that arises between us governed by the law of Scotland
/ Northern Ireland as applicable (but if you do not so choose, English law will apply).
OF SSU JU Y 2014
For the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998, we are a data controller. The
following is a summary of our full privacy policy, which sets out how we collect and
use the personal information (‘personal data’) you provide us with directly or through
use of our website. Our full, current privacy policy appears on our website, which you
should read before providing us with any personal data.
Depending on what’s required, the personal data we collect may include names
and contact details, credit / debit card or other payment information and special
requirements such as those relating to any disability or medical condition that may
affect holiday arrangements and any dietary restrictions that may disclose your religious
beliefs (‘sensitive personal data’). All references in this privacy policy to personal data
include sensitive personal data unless otherwise stated.
Appropriate personal data will be passed on to relevant suppliers / any Third Party
Supplier / any other third party (including banks and / or credit card issuers) who need
to know it so that your holiday can be provided, to government / public authorities
(UK and overseas) such as the police, customs or immigration if required by them, to
security or credit checking companies, to other companies who provide services on our
behalf (such as mailing brochures and marketing material) or as required by law. We
take steps to protect the personal data that is provided to any such party. In making
your booking, you consent to personal data being passed on to the relevant parties.
Your personal data may be stored, used and otherwise processed within the UK and
/ or any other country / countries of the European Economic Area (EEA) and / or
outside the EEA. Data protection laws may not be as strong outside the EEA as they
are in the EEA. Personal data will not be transferred to a country outside the EEA unless
the conditions referred to in our full privacy statement are satisfied.
We would also like to store and use your personal data for future marketing purposes
(for example, sending you a brochure or other marketing material). All personal data
you give us (including sensitive personal data) will be kept, but we will use only names
and contact details for marketing purposes (unless you have told us that you do not
wish us to do so). If you would prefer not to receive any promotional mailings from
Cox & Kings you may inform us at any time and we will remove your details from
future mailing lists.
We take appropriate technical and organisational measures that are intended to
prevent unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and accidental loss
or destruction of, or damage to, personal data. Our full privacy policy contains the
procedure for reviewing and amending any personal data of yours we are processing.
See for details.
Abta and Abta members help holidaymakers to get the most from their travel
and assist them when things do not go according to plan. We are obliged to
maintain a high standard of service to you by Abta’s Code of Conduct.
For further information about Abta, the Code of Conduct and the arbitration
service available to you if you have a complaint, contact Abta, 30 Park Street, London
SE1 9EQ or call 020 3117 0500 or
The above applies only to services supplied by Cox & Kings Travel Limited and does not
apply to services featured in this brochure that are provided by any Third Party Supplier
where you enter into a contract with the Third party Supplier.
latin america tr vel in l tin meric
nternational flights: International flights: On
most of our tours, the following carriers will be
used: British Airways, KLM, Iberia, Avianca, LAN,
United Airlines, Virgin Atlantic, Air France and TAM
Airlines. The name of the airline and the city of
the departure and arrival airports are listed in the
tour itineraries, together with the stop-off airport,
should this apply. Services are classified as direct
when there is no plane change involved. Please
note, direct scheduled services are only available
between the UK and Argentina, Brazil, Colombia,
Cuba and Mexico. For all other destinations, flights
are indirect.
nternal flights: Many countries within Latin
America have their own air pass and, wherever
possible, our tours will be constructed with the
appropriate one, which will minimise the costs of
the internal flight. Please note that the majority
of air passes have restrictions; if you require an
itinerary with full flexibility, please contact your
tour consultant who will advise the additional cost
to provide you with a more flexible ticket. Please
also note that in certain cases we may not be able
to book internal flights under an air pass. In this
event, a supplement may be payable.
Flight delays & insurance: Unfortunately, due to
the increase in air traffic, government restrictions
and changing weather conditions, flight delays
have become more commonplace. These delays
can cause problems with onward connections
and / or hotel and holiday arrangements and,
while the airline will sometimes make alternative
arrangements to get you to your next destination
at no extra cost, additional costs may well be
involved for accommodation in the event of an
overnight cancellation and also after your arrival
at your next destination. These may be in the
form of additional accommodation costs, transfers
and onward travel. It is important that your
insurance covers you against the costs incurred
as a result of cancellation or delay to your flight.
Unfortunately, since most services are paid for in
advance, any services missed due to delays are
non-refundable. The insurance policy offered by
Cox & Kings is designed to mitigate the costs and
effects of such delays in certain circumstances and
we strongly advise that you are insured against
such eventualities.
Flight amendments: Most of the tours in this
brochure use special airline fares. These have
certain conditions that normally restrict changes
of date, route and airline. Any such change
made after a ticket has been issued will normally
necessitate the purchase of a new ticket at the
passenger’s expense.
pecial requests: Cox & Kings will endeavour
to request any specific meals or services, on
the condition that we are told at the time of
booking. Specific seat requests with most major
airlines can now only be requested if travelling
in Business or First Class. We are able to request
general seating preferences for Economy Class
passengers. However, please remember that they
are ‘requests’ and as such are at the discretion of
the airline and cannot be guaranteed.
Airport departure taxes: International UK
departure tax is included in the cost of your
holiday (unless otherwise stated). Most cities in
Latin America levy a departure tax for passengers
departing on international flights, while there may
also be a small charge for departures on domestic
flights. Often taxes will be included on your ticket
and we will advise you accordingly, otherwise
At ox & ings, we believe that a good holiday is not luck, but
judgment. We have compiled the following information to outline the
nature of travel in atin America and to help you prepare for your
holiday. However, even with the most meticulous planning, minor
problems can occur and, while our local representatives are always
on hand to rectify such occurrences, we do request that you have a
patient and broadminded approach to travelling in atin America.
taxes will have to be paid in local currency or
the equivalent in US dollars. Since there is no
standard charge between countries, and taxes
are subject to change, it is not possible to list the
taxes in this brochure. We will advise you of the
current charges with your final documents and
our local agents will confirm any amounts payable
on arrival. Please ensure you keep enough local
currency or US dollars to cover such taxes.
Generally, road travel in Latin America is
reasonably good; however, conditions vary greatly
between the modern capital cities and the more
remote areas. When travelling off the beaten
track, roads are frequently narrow, bumpy, potholed and have stretches that are not sealed or
which are under reconstruction. In Costa Rica,
Cuba, northern Chile and Bolivia particularly,
conditions are very dusty and / or bumpy, and
the road journeys tend to be quite strenuous.
Road conditions change throughout the year and
heavy rain and extreme weather patterns can
affect journey times. If we are tailoring an itinerary
for you, it is always a good idea to discuss your
particular preferences with your travel consultant,
who will endeavour to include as much or as little
road travel as you require. Types of vehicles vary
according to the country visited and the numbers
on a tour. For Escorted Group Tours, transport
will usually be in the form of a European-style
coach or, for smaller groups, may be by minibus.
For individual journeys, transport will generally be
by saloon car. In destinations where conditions
require it, off road driving will be in 4x4 vehicles.
Cox & Kings can arrange self-drive holidays to
certain parts of Latin America. Please inquire for
further details and note that we advise against
self-drive in some regions because, in our opinion,
it is unsafe. In the event that you wish to book an
independent self-drive, please be aware that this
does not form part of your package holiday with
Cox & Kings and as such Cox & Kings is not liable
in any way for this part of your holiday. Please
ensure that, if you do make such a booking, your
insurance policy covers you.
With the exception of Peru, the opportunities to
travel by train in Latin America are much more
limited than in Europe or India, for example.
Where train travel is an option, it can be very
rewarding and enjoyable. However, trains cannot
be compared with those in Europe, and in some
cases are quite basic. Where possible, we will
always try and reserve First Class tickets, but
these cannot always be booked and do not exist
on all routes. Please contact your tour consultant
to discuss the facilities that are available on a
particular route.
During some itineraries, it may be necessary
to depart for excursions or transfers to the
airport very early in the morning, sometimes
before dawn. This is normally either due to
the flight schedules within Latin America, or in
order for us to maximise the opportunities for
sightseeing during your tour. A number of flights
to Latin America arrive / depart early in the
morning and, while we will endeavour to schedule
your tour with a flight that arrives / departs at a
reasonable time, sometimes there is little or no
alternative and early check-in / check-out times
may be required.
Accommodation standards vary dramatically
throughout Latin America. In the larger cities,
the hotels we use are fully modernised and have
excellent facilities, unless you choose to opt for
the more colonial-style property, where facilities
may be limited. In some smaller cities and more
remote areas, we try to offer the best hotels
available. However, these may be quite simple –
sometimes small colonial-style properties, in which
rooms may vary in size – and often have relatively
basic facilities. Please note, all rooms reserved on
your tour are standard; however, if you wish to
upgrade your room (eg to a lake- or falls-view
room, de luxe or suite), please speak to your tour
consultant, who will be able to advise you about
the options and applicable supplements.
heck-in & check-out times: For all group and
individual tours, hotel check-in and check-out time
is normally 12 noon, but this does vary between
hotels. If your flight arrives early in the morning,
we will endeavour to secure a room for you on
arrival, but this cannot be guaranteed and is at the
discretion of the hotel, subject to availability. If you
have an evening departure and require your room
until a more suitable check-out time, you may either
speak to the hotel reception to see if you can keep
your room or secure your room prior to departure
and pay an additional supplement – please contact
your Latin America tour consultant for advice.
Jungle lodges & remote areas: Accommodation
in some wildlife lodges, particularly in Guyana and
the Amazon rainforest, are not comparable to
the better properties found in parts of Africa and
the Far East. Accommodation is often reached via
narrow and unsealed roads or by boat, and can
be a long way from other civilisation. Even when
you travel off the beaten track with Cox & Kings,
you can be sure that your accommodation is the
best available. Sometimes, however, the best hotel
may be the only hotel, which may be very modest.
In these cases, we feel that the inconvenience
of such accommodation is outweighed by the
experience of staying in these more remote areas.
ingle accommodation: Generally in Latin
America, single and double rooms carry the
same price, which means that single supplements
for certain itineraries can seem high. In addition,
single rooms cannot always be guaranteed at
all hotels and lodges, especially in peak season.
Occasionally, the location and standard of single
rooms may not be as good as that of doubles,
although often there is no difference. If you are
in doubt, we suggest you request a double room
at an additional supplement. If you are unhappy
with your room while on holiday, please ensure
that you query this with a Cox & Kings local
representative at the time. In the absence of a
Cox & Kings representative, we advise you to
discuss the matter with the hotel manager.
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)
produces a wide range of material about overseas
countries that may be visited by British citizens,
to ensure that travellers are properly informed
about any overseas destination, particularly in
relation to political unrest, crime and health issues.
Where the FCO considers that British citizens
would face unjustifiable risks to health, it actually
advises either against travelling to the country
in question or against non-essential travel to
that country. Full details of all FCO advice can
be obtained on the FCO website:
on latin america
All the destinations featured in this brochure have specific
entry regulations and many have recommended health
precautions. The requirements and recommendations
in force at the time of publication are detailed below.
If there are any alterations, you will be informed at the
time of booking or as soon as these are known to us.
However, it is your responsibility to check the relevant
requirements and recommendations before departure to
ensure that you comply with them, and to take with you
the correct documentation for the country or countries
that you are visiting.
Please note that the entry requirements listed are only
valid for British citizens. All other nationalities should check
with the relevant embassy/consulate for advice. Regarding
any inoculations or health precautions that may be
needed, Cox & Kings recommends that you consult your
GP or travel clinic for personal advice.
Requirements and recommendations are as follows:
Costa Rica:
El Salvador:
French Guiana:
Key to the codes:
A: Full valid British passport required (minimum six
months validity from the intended date of return).
B: Visa required (see note).
B*: Visa required and can be obtained on arrival, please
check requirements with your tour consultant.
B†: Visa required, to be completed online.
C: Yellow fever precautions advised.
C*: A yellow fever certificate is required if travelling from
an infected country.
C†: A yellow fever certificate is required for all travellers
more than one year old when travelling from an
infected country.
D: Cholera precautions advised.
E: Typhoid, polio and hepatitis A precautions may be
F: Malaria precautions advised.
G: Tetanus precautions advised.
H: Areas of high altitude – check with your GP for
confirmation that it is safe for you to visit.
I: Food and drink precautions advised.
J: Entry prohibited if you have an Israeli stamp or
stamps from other countries bordering crossing
points with Israel in your passport.
K: Diphtheria precautions advised.
L: Hepatitis B precautions advised.
Changes to requirements and recommendations:
The above information is accurate at the time of
publication (August 2014). Cox & Kings will advise you
before accepting your booking should there be any
subsequent changes to the above recommendations and
requirements. You should contact your GP or visit the
MASTA (Medical Advice Service for Travellers Abroad)
website at where you
can receive professional advice as well as arrange any
vaccinations. Further country-specific useful health advice
for travellers can be found via the following links:
Please see the advice regarding inoculations for specific
countries above. For more general advice, please note
the following:
• Drink only bottled water and check the seal is secure
when you receive it.
• Do not eat raw vegetables, unpeeled fruit, and raw or
uncooked seafood.
• Avoid drinks with ice in unless you know that the ice
was made from filtered water.
• Avoid food and drink from street vendors and
restaurants that might have suspect refrigeration and
sanitary practices.
Malaria: Malaria may be a risk in parts of Latin America
and no drug will guarantee total protection. It is essential
that medical advice is sought before travelling to this
region as there are many factors that need to be
considered, including, but not limited to, the area to be
visited, risk of exposure and possible side-effects.
Some areas of Latin America are at high altitude and
key places are listed with their heights below. In order to
minimise the effects of altitude and help the acclimatisation
process, it is advisable to rest for a few hours upon arrival
and avoid heavy meals, alcohol and physical exertion for the
first day or two. If you have any history of heart complaints,
or if you are over the age of 60, please check with your GP
that it is safe to visit these areas. If you are planning to take
part in a hike or a trek, please always check the requirements
with your tour consultant as some countries and mountain
ranges have specific regulations which must be followed.
Key places at altitude:
La Paz
Lake Titicaca
Salar de Uyuni
Chivay, Colca
Machu Picchu
Patapampa Point, Colca
San Pedro de Atacama
Cotopaxi National Park
Mexico City
San Cristobal de las Casas
This advice is only valid for British citizen passport holders.
Holders of any other type of British passport (eg British
subjects) or of any other nationality must contact the
relevant embassy/consulate (details listed below). It is
important that you hold a valid 10-year British passport and
we recommend that your passport is valid for a minimum
of six months from your date of return to the UK. Passport
application forms can be obtained from the post office or
online at
The passport advice telephone line is on 0300 222
0000 (calls are charged at national rate). Whether
renewing your passport or applying for a new one, all
relevant information can be found on the website or
by telephoning the number above. The cost for a postal
application is £72.50 and takes a minimum of three
weeks to obtain from the date of application.
Information on visas may be obtained from the
respective embassies and high commissions at the
following addresses:
• Argentine Consulate, 27 Three Kings Yard, London
W1K 4DF. Tel: 020 7318 1340.
• Belize High Commisson, Third Floor, 45 Crawford Place,
London W1H 4LP. Tel: 020 7723 3603.
• Bolivian Embassy, 106 Eaton Square, London
SW1W 9AD. Tel: 020 7235 4255.
• Brazilian Consulate, 3 Vere Street, London W1G 0DH.
Tel: 020 7659 1550.
• Chilean Embassy, 37-41 Old Queen Street, London
SW1H 9JA. Tel: 020 7222 2361.
• Embassy of Colombia, 3 Hans Crescent, London
SW1X 0LN Tel: 020 7589 9177.
• Costa Rican Embassy & Consulate, Flat 1, 14 Lancaster
Gate, London W2 3LH. Tel: 020 7706 8844.
• Cuban Consulate, 167 High Holborn. London.
WC1V 6PA. 167 High Holborn. London.
WC1V 6PA. Tel: 020 7240 2488.
• Consulate General of Ecuador, 58-59 Trafalgar Square,
Uganda House, 1st Floor, London
WC2N 5DX. Tel: 020 7451 0040.
• El Salvador Embassy, 2nd floor, 8 Dorset Square,
London NW1 6PU. Tel: 020 7224 9800.
• For French Guiana please contact the French
Consulate, 6a Cromwell Place, London, SW7 2EW.
Tel: 020 7073 1250
• Guyana High Commission, 3 Palace Court, Bayswater
Road, London W2 4LP. Tel: 020 7229 7684.
• Guatemalan Embassy, 13 Fawcett Street, London
SW10 9HN; Tel: 020 7351 3042.
• Embassy of Honduras, 115 Gloucester Place,
London W1U 6JT. Tel: 020 7486 4880.
• Mexican Embassy, 16 St George St, Hannover Square,
London W1S 1FD. Tel: 020 7907 9442.
• Nicaraguan Consulate, Vicarage House, 58-60
Kensington Church Street, London W8 4DB.
Tel: 020 7938 2373.
• Consulate of Panama, 40 Hertford Street, London
W1J 7SH. Tel: 020 7493 4646.
• Paraguayan Embassy, 3rd Floor, 344 Kensington High
Street, London W14 8NS. Tel: 020 7610 4180.
• Peruvian Consulate General, 52 Sloane Street, London
SW1X 9SP. Tel: 020 7235 1917.
• Honorary Consulate of Suriname, Flat 89 Pier House,
31 Cheyne Walk, London SW3 5HN.
Tel: 07768 196 326.
• Uruguayan Embassy, 4th Floor, 150 Brompton Rd,
London SW3 1HX. Tel: 020 7937 4170.
• Venezuelan Consulate, 56 Grafton Way, London
W1T 5DL. Tel: 020 7387 6727.
For British citizens, a tourist card is required for entry into
most Latin American countries. These may be obtained
and completed on all international flights, excluding
flights to Cuba and Suriname. Please remember to retain
each card for your departure from the country. It is not
necessary to purchase tourist cards prior to departure,
except for Cuba.
• For Cuba, Cox & Kings can process your tourist card
which costs £15 plus a £15 handling fee. A photocopy
of your passport is required.
• For Suriname, please check with your tour consultant.
If you are not a British citizen and do require a visa, Cox
& Kings works with Visa Swift, a company that specialises
in visa processing. Please visit its website to download
visa application forms, follow links to important embassy
websites, or make general enquiries about its visa service.
Visa Swift also offers a full range of passport services,
including passport renewals, second passports and
replacement passports.
The benefits of using Visa Swift include:
•Professional visa advice for any destination
•Easy to follow step-by-step process
•Quick and efficient service
•Visa application tracking system available online
Please telephone 020 7405 1616 for more information,
or visit the Visa Swift website:
Granting visas: Visa Swift will be happy to assist with
any necessary visa applications on your behalf.
However, it cannot guarantee the granting of any visas,
as this is a matter outside of their control. If a visa is not
granted through no fault of Visa Swift or Cox & Kings,
neither will accept any liability for the consequences.
Therefore Visa Swift and Cox & Kings reserve the right
to pass on to you any costs incurred as a result, including
cancellation charges.