JCC Community Report - Jewish Community Centers of Greater


JCC Community Report - Jewish Community Centers of Greater
JCC GoverninG board
Philip J. Sher, Chair
Mark Barrocas, Vice Chair
Tamar Salter Frieze, Secretary
Louis J. Grossman, Treasurer
Standing Committee Chairs
Eric B. Brenman, Esq., Audit
Marc Busny, Resource Development
Louis J. Grossman, Finance
Faith Kaplan, JCC Facilities
Carolynn Levy, Governance and Leadership
David Begelfer
Scott Black
Jill Cohen
Richard Cohen
Geoffrey Lewis
Virginia (Ginny) MacDowell
Joan Arbetter Rosenberg
Richard Scherr
Maggie Gold Seelig
Lori Sidman
Gabrielle Sigel
Dr. James (Jim) Snider
Ruth (Boomer) Weinstein
Lee Weiss (as of 1/1/15)
Debra Yanofsky
Copyright © 2014 Jewish Community Centers
of Greater Boston, Inc. All trademarks are the property
of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
Jewish Community Centers of Greater Boston
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Jewish Community Centers of Greater Boston
Community RepoRt
Fall 2014
Dear Friends of the JCC
A Strong JCC, A Strong Community
These are exciting times at the JCC, and you’ll get a glimpse of our energetic community on the following pages. From the story on our
resourceful Diller Teen Fellows to snapshots of JCC summer camps, to a profile of the very involved Riemer-Goldstein family, we hope
you get a sense of the amazing people and activities that make up the JCC.
The JCC depends on the generous support of our donors to sustain our high-quality programs and to
In these pages, you’ll also find a list of donors to the JCC’s 2014 Annual Campaign. Their gifts help us provide the outstanding programs
and services enjoyed by so many, and help us welcome everyone regardless of their ability to pay. As you can see from our financials on the
facing page, donor support is critical to the JCC.
You’ll also meet the newly appointed volunteer leaders of Our Campaign to Re-imagine the JCC. I hope you’ll be inspired by their enthusiasm
and by the generosity of forward-thinking donors, also listed, who are helping us kick off the campaign. Together, we’re re-imagining the
JCC as a new kind of 21st Century gathering place for our community — one that features updated facilities, enhanced programming
and a broader geographic reach.
Thank you to all our donors and volunteer leaders. We are grateful for your support.
Looking at the year ahead, we’ll be engaging more people in Our Campaign to Re-imagine the JCC as we take our message out into the
communities we serve. Please watch for updates via bostonjcc.org, email and postal mail.
How can you be part of re-imagining our future? Make a gift – no matter the amount. Invite a friend to a JCC young family program, to a
play, to work out at the gym. Share your excitement about the JCC’s future as an enduring home for our entire community.
Join the conversation and re-imagine with us!
provide financial assistance to people who could not otherwise be part of our JCC family. Membership
and program fees cover only 80 percent of our operating costs. The rest comes from people like you.
Jewish Community Centers of Greater boston
Unaudited Financials, FY 2014
(July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)
program Fees
donor Support
membership income
other income
operating Revenue
Mark Sokoll
President & CEO
(14.4%) .................................
(4.7%) .....................................
Phil Sher
Chair, JCC Governing Board
Salary and Benefits*
Supplies and equipment
professional Fees and Contracts
Financial Aid
operating expenses**
(14.5%) .............................
(9.0%) ......................
(7.1%) ................................
(5.3%) ...............................
(3.6%) ................................
*Includes all salaried, hourly and seasonal employees
**This does not include $255,350 of capital building depreciation
As of 9/30/14
JCC Boston Diller teen Fellows
work to Repair the world
One Family, Four Generations,
30 Years of involvement
Bags were packed. Passports were
up-to-date. Twenty JCC Boston Diller
Teen Fellows were excited for their
much-anticipated, three-week seminar
in Israel this past summer. And then, the
night before they were scheduled to leave,
the trip was postponed due to continuing
rocket attacks from Gaza.
The teens could have headed to the beach
for some fun in the sun. Instead the
resourceful group quickly turned their
disappointment into action by launching
an inspiring “spontaneous summer
of service.”
Since the Diller Fellows couldn’t be with
their friends in Israel, they decided to show
their support from home. To that end,
they hosted a teen event at the JCC, called
#BostonTeensStandWithIsrael, raising
awareness and providing an outlet for
other people their age to make a difference.
More than 100 attendees sent 23 care
packages, video messages, letters and
handmade cards to Israeli soldiers
and children impacted by the shelling.
ne afternoon more than 30 years
ago, Bob Riemer walked into his
Newton home and said, “We just joined
the JCC.”
“What JCC?” asked his wife Stepheny.
The Diller Fellows also set a goal of giving
back to the local community. Their
volunteer activities included preparing
meals for critically ill patients at
Community Servings, weeding at the
Needham Community Farm, serving
dinner at the Woods-Mullen Shelter in the
South End, playing games with adults with
disabilities, and teaching JCC campers
about Israel.
It was a logical question because, at that
point, the JCC had no physical presence.
But Bob believed in the future.
DiD you know?
After an active summer, Diller fellow Isabel
Feinstein summed up the group’s feelings,
“I am proud that we have been able to make
these past few weeks productive, and
grateful that I have been able to spend
time with my friends.”
A photo from 2006 shows the Riemer-Goldstein family and JCC president/Ceo mark Sokoll commemorating the naming of the JCC
pre-school playground for Stepheny Riemer’s parents, Dr. Gilbert (z”l) and marcia kotzen (z”l) (2nd and 3rd from right).
Diller teen Fellows is a 15-month immersive
leadership program for Jewish 10th and 11th
graders from the u.S., Canada, and israel.
twenty Boston-area teens — the JCC Diller
teen Fellows — are selected yearly based on
their leadership aptitude, commitment to
Jewish learning, interest in exploring their
connection to israel, and passion for serving
their community. the program depends on
philanthropic support to the JCC to ensure
that all selected teens, regardless of financial
ability, can participate.
Looking back at that day, Bob and Stepheny
talk enthusiastically about the many ways
four generations of their extended family
have found a place at the JCC in the years
since. From Stepheny’s parents to their
three granddaughters, the family has a long
list of activities, philanthropic support
and leadership roles.
The family’s strong ties to the JCC extend
way beyond that impressive list to include
a deep sense of community. As Stepheny
makes clear, “Most important to us, above
and beyond our many activities, are the
remarkable people we have met and the
friends we have made.”
Anyone who has tried to engage all age
groups and interests in an extended family
knows it’s not an easy thing. Yet, like so
many other families, the Riemers continue
to find something for everyone at the JCC.
“Our family has grown with the center, and the
center has grown with us,” explains the
couple’s daughter Mara Goldstein.
Most important to us, above
and beyond our many
activities, are the remarkable
people we have met and the
friends we have made.
You probably recognize the family name
from the Riemer-Goldstein Auditorium.
“The auditorium,” says Stepheny, “is a
symbol for the gathering together of
our extended community. We have been
thanked for our donation but, in fact,
we each feel that we are receiving the
greater gift.”
The JCC helps each person in the family
build his or her own Jewish identity in a
personal way, everyone agrees. “The JCC
is pluralistic. You can believe what you want to
believe and feel welcome,” says Mara.
Adds Bob, who served as Chair for the
Leventhal-Sidman JCC and the JCCGB
Boards, “The center meets you where you
are, and I think that’s why we as a family
of four different generations are able to
participate in a meaningful way.”
A former chair of the JCC Cultural Arts
Center, Stepheny stresses the importance
of the arts in making people feel welcome
and exposing Jews and non-Jews alike
to Jewish ideas and culture. “You have
thousands of people who have no JCC
affiliation but visit just for a lecture or
performance. Judaism isn’t necessarily
the destination but it’s in the air.”
Speak to the Riemer-Goldsteins, and they’re
brimming with ideas on ways to engage
even more people in the JCC. Like Bob
30 years ago, they believe strongly in
the future.
JCC Summer Camp 2014 By the numbers
JCC Kaleidoscope Creative Arts & Science Camp
campers at 3 camps
given in financial aid
# of freeze pops
consumed on a hot day
at Grossman
JCC Grossman Camp
kids tried new things
the Best Summer Job
# of archery arrows propelled
at kingswood
(105 were bull’s-eyes)
kaleidoscope campers performed onstage
outdoor Fun
kids unplugged
JCC Camp Kingswood
counselors worked at JCC camps
A Lasting impact
of campers had a positive Jewish experience,
according to a parent survey
soccer matches played
at kingswood
where else but Camp?
Finders but not keepers
brand new dining hall
towels donated to an animal shelter
from the Lost and Found
approximate # of hours
kaleidoscope campers
spent making costumes
# of choco tacos eaten in kingswood’s
thAnk you to our Generous Donors
the Jewish Community Centers
of Greater Boston gratefully
acknowledge the following donors
whose gifts were received between
July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014.
Adelson Family Foundation
Euro-Pro Operating LCC
Irina & Mark Barrocas
Shelley Brettschneider & Steven Gruber
Sharon Mishkin & Mark Rosenzweig
The Paul & Phyllis Fireman Charitable Foundation
Linda & Michael Frieze
Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan Foundation
Nancy Kaplan Belsky & Mark Belsky
Susan Kaplan
Susan & Daniel (z’l) Rothenberg
Susan & James Snider
Trustees u/w of Herman Dana
Deanna & Sidney Wolk
Isabelle & Scott Black
Tamar & Kenneth Frieze
Ryna Greenbaum
The Klarman Family Foundation
Krupp Family Foundation
The Judith and Douglas Krupp Family Foundation
Lebovitz Family Charitable Trust
The Sidman Family
Paula Sidman
Lori & Matthew Sidman
Hope Sidman
Ruth & William Weinstein
Arthur Winn
Arnee & Walter Winshall
Jessica & David Aronoff
Roberta & Irwin Chafetz
Ted Cutler
Rachel Goldstein & James Elkind
Shoshana & Daniel Farb
Joan Arbetter Rosenberg & Family
Elaine & Robert Sager
Rhoda & William Sapers
Rachel & Phil Sher
Lisa & David Bamel
Bette Ann Libby & David Begelfer
Cindy & Mark Blotner
Leslie & Mitchell Cohen
Marie & Stewart Cohen
Wendy & Richard Cohen
Emerson College
Lillian Freedman
Winnie Sandler & Steven Grinspoon
Patti & Louis Grossman
Jacobson Family Foundation
Faith & Bernard Kaplan
Rachel & Bryan Koplow
Legal Sea Foods
Lynne & Roger Berkowitz
Amy Caplan & Geoffrey Lewis
Nikki & Harry Nudelman
Randy & Bill (Tye) O’Brien
Rentals Unlimited
Larry Green
Stepheny & Robert Riemer
Maggie Gold Seelig & Jonathan Seelig
Carolynn Levy & Alan Sharaf
Slomo & Cindy Silvian Foundation
Barbara & Kenneth Wexler
Candice & Howard Wolk
Susan & Aron Ain
AV Presentations Inc.
Michelle & Steven Bearak
Sandra & Eric Brenman
Lois & Mickey Cail
Ellen & Richard Calmas
Canoe Brook Investors, LLC
Ronni & Ronald Casty
Rachel & Larry Chafetz
Amy & Howard Chafetz
Randi & Joel Cutler
Dedham Institution for Savings Foundation
Charlotte Florence
Donna & David Frieze
Connie Gilson
Beth & Larry Greenberg
Betsy & Edward Jacobs
Ellen & Ely Kaplansky
Beth Lebovitz Backer and Family
Lourie & Cutler, P.C.
Cynthia & William Marcus
Lucy & Ward Mooney
Shelly & Ofer Nemirovsky
Marianne & Kenneth Novack
Marilyn & Dale Okonow
Riemer & Braunstein LLP
Sharon Mishkin & Mark Rosenzweig
Ruderman Family Foundation
Ami Cipolla & Steven Samuels
Elinda & Richard Scherr
Terry Rosenberg & Elliot Schildkrout
Claire & Norton Sherman
Christine & Robert Small
Sugar Heaven
David & Raquel Sapers
~ Sunshine & Gabriel Sunshine
Geraldine Acuna
CBIZ Tofias
Millie & Harold Tubman
James Tye
Roberta & Stephen Weiner
Melissa & Lee Weiss
Wells Fargo Bank
Diane & Hank Abbott
Rita & Leonard Adelson
The Atwood Group
Charlotte & Irving Backman
Bank of America
Betty Ann Blum
Boston Showcase Company
Braver Wealth Management
Brezniak-Rodman Funeral Directors
Judy & David Brezniak
Margot & Jonathan Davis
Denise & William Finard
Rachel & David Fine
Steffanie & David Finn
Barbara Tyrrell & Gill Fishman
Deborah & Daniel Fradkin
Judy & David Ganz
Gesmer Updegrove LLP
Janice & Stanley Goldstein
Zona & Martin Hoffman
Hopster’s Brew & Boards
Ilene & Richard Jacobs
Elizabeth & Daniel Jick
Beth & Michael Lappen
Cynthia & Jeffrey Leach
Metro Credit Union
Amy & Jeff Miller
Jessica & Chuck Myers
Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP
Dena & Michael Rashes
Barbara & Frank Resnek
Jill & Mitchell Roberts
Laurie & Charles Rodman
Nancy & Philip Rosenblatt
Alison & Lloyd Rosenthal
Susan & Glenn Rothman
Liv Ullmann & Donald Saunders
Karen & Steven Sisselman
Rosalyn & Richard Slifka
Jeri & Mark Smoller
David Smookler
Marjorie & Mark Sokoll
Jason Stone Injury Lawyers
Aimee & Jason Stone
Carol & Norman Tasgal
Toyota Motor Sales
United Way of Massachusetts Bay
Maryanne & Joshua Weiss
Allan and Wendy Williams Charitable Fund
Anonymous (1)
Risa & Steven Aronson
Autism Speaks, Inc.
Beal Companies
Robert Beal
Barbara & Lawrence Berman
Terrie & Bradley Bloom
Louise Citron
Deutsche Bank of America Foundation
DiCicco, Gulman & Company LLP
Ilana & Isaac Edry
Suzanne Salamon & Alan Einhorn
Renee & Steven Finn
Myrna & Eugene Freedman
Deborah & Keith Gelb
Scott L. Goldberg
Amy & Rick Gordon
Jessica & Andrew Gosman
Paula & James Gould
Kahn Litwin Renza, LLC
Richard Kaitz
Nada & Steven Kane
Sherree Kaplan
Andrea & Michael Leven
Ann & David Levin
The Agnes M. Lindsay Trust
Sophia & Richard Mann
MS Walker
Harvey Allen
Caren & Ben Pearlman
Marlene & Gary Perkins
Rockland Trust Company
Kathy & Mark Rogozinski
Jill Cohen & Michael Savit
Susan & Robert Schechter
Sami & Sean Sinclair
Louise & David Weinberg
Nicole Zatlyn & Jason Weiner
Roberta Shapiro & Robert Weinstein
Paul Winnick
Hope & Joseph Albert
Arlene and Roberta's
Leonard Aronson
Monique & Jonathan Bamel
Lauren Barnes
Irina & Mark Barrocas
Jayne & Harvey Beker
Candy & Joe Bergantino
Mozelle & Joel Berkowitz
Sara & Michael Bernstein
Nancy & Mark Berube
Amy & John Berylson
Boston Bruins Foundation
Rosalind Gorin & Matthew Budd
Claire & Daniel Caine
Barbara & Jim Conen
Construction Coordinators, Inc.
Coyle Company
Pamela & Robert Cutler
Catherine D’Amato
D’Angelo Family
Sara & Andrew Dauber
David Epstein
Cathy & Richard Freedberg
Marne & Peter Geller
Allan and Marilyn Glick Philanthropic Fund
Rhonda & Steven Glyman
Carol & Avram Goldberg
Diane & Mark Goldman
Penny & Lawrence Goodman
Simon Gottlieb
Joyce Zakim & Peter Greenspan
Barbara & Steven Grossman
Ellen & Kalman Heller
Allison & Andrew Hirsch
J. & M. Brown Company, Inc.
Donna & Martin Kalikow
Susan & Robert Kalish
Barbara & Leo Karas
Robin Wolk & David Klein
Beverly & Laurence Koplan
Marcy & Adam Kramer
Lori & Frederic Leif
Clare & Richard Lesser
Laura & David Lester
Muriel & Norman B. Leventhal Family Foundation
Melvin Levine
Audrey & Neal Levitan
Libby Hoopes, PC
Thelma Linsey
Jane & Marshall Lukoff
Albert E. Marks Charitable Trust
Metropolitan Cabinets & Countertops
Lynne & Stuart Elfland
Sydney L. & Lorraine Miller Family Fund
Adele & Andrew Newman
Yadira & Todd Patkin
Wendy & Charles Pierce
The Pointe Group, Inc.
Bryan Rafanelli
Nancy & Edward Roberts
Audrey & Mark Robinson
Lisa & Peter Roblin
Merle Monsein-Rose & William Rose
Elizabeth & Stephen Rosen
Karen & David Rosenberg
Jane & Mark Rosenthal
Kathleen & Arthur Rossi
Debra Samuelson
Lucille & Gerald Sands
Diana Cohen & Anatoli Shabashov
Barbara & Malcolm Sherman
Barbara & Arthur Simons
Patty & Dick Simon
David Sloane
Marsha & Marc Slotnick
Jo-Anne Smoller
Irma & Aaron Spencer
David Squire
Staples Foundation
Rhonda & Jack Starr
Elizabeth Starr
Ellen Starr
Jennifer & Seth Stier
Caren & Kevin Tabb
Melissa Tearney
Debra & Josh Troderman
Patricia Nee & Henry Vara Jr.
Lisa & Neil Wallack
Jackie & Alan Weinstein
Lorraine & Arthur White
Susan & Richard Wilk
Judi Ross Zuker & Edward Zuker
Anonymous (1)
Susan Ansin
Judi & Matthew Appelstein
Rose & Laurence Barron
Lillian & Ed Bayone
William Beroza
Joyce & Michael Bohnen
Boston Private Care, LLC DBA Senior Helpers
Priscilla & Stephen Braverman
Allison & Andrew Brody
Irma Schretter & Roger Cassin
Elise & David Cherny
Judy & Jason Chudnofsky
Barry Cohen
Laurie Stein Cohen & Richard Cohen
Mary & Marc Cohen
Lisa Conti
Helen Cyker
Deborah & Ronald Fellman
Beth & Richard Fentin
Barry & Evan Freid
Laurel Friedman
Michelle & Steven Garfinkel
Laure & Harold Garnick
Linda & Arthur Gelb
Joan & David Genser
Marcia & Burt Gerber
Laurie & Paul Gershkowitz
Lori & Jeff Glassman
Mickey & Mel Gondelman
Abby & Brett Gordon
Lawrence W. Gorin
Janet & Mark Gottesman
Sherry Brettschneider & Steven Gruber
Jessica & Joshua Hamermesh
Helaine & Jim Hazlett
Suzanne & William Heitin
Beth & Jim Holzman
Steve Horowitz
JCC Joseph Greenbaum Men’s Health Center
Melissa Weiner Janfaza & Andrew Janfaza
Susan & William Kams
Kathryn & Eric Kapust
Marjie & Robert Kargman
Linda Sloan Kay & Jonathan Kay
Michael Keene
Dalya & Nelson Kent
Karen & Peter Kotzen
Mark Krentzman
Richard Kurson
Wendy & Bruce Landon
Emily Leventhal
Karen Levy
David Livingston
Rebeca & Gad Liwerant
Hinda & Arthur Marcus
Ashley McCowen
Ruth & Joe Miller
Wendy & James Mnookin
David Sohboff & Jonathan P. Norris
Eve Tapper & Adam Ochlis
Susan & Joe Paresky
Alyn Pinkofsky
thAnk you to our Generous Donors (continued)
our Campaign to Re-imagine the JCC
Leadership and Donors
Lucy & John Polcari
Fiona Epstein & Jon Pollack
Bari & Charles Popkin
Julie & John Powers
Inbal & Zori Rabinovitz
Sari Anne Rapkin
Annette & Paul Roberts
Sammi & Doug Robertson
Rodman Insurance
Faye & Bert Romm
Margie & Peter Ross
Denise & Larry Rothschild
Emma & Michael Samuels
Judy & Lawrence Schlager
Susan & Alan Schlesinger
Deborah & Marc Schwartz
Robin & Peter Shaevel
Beverly & Kenneth Sheiffer
Linda & Warren Sheinkopf
Ronnie & Jason Shrinsky
Debbie & David Shuman
Risa Shames Silverston & Neil Silverston
Heidi & Rabbi Joel Sisenwine
Ronit & Alexander Smolyar
Claudia & David Spada
Raine Figueroa & Sherman Starr Jr.
Liza and Rabbi Keith Stern
Stacey & Warren Suckerman
Karen & Michael Tichnor
Suzy & Herb Tobin
Jessica & Lawrence Tobin
Polly & Richard VanDernoot
Clifford Webster
Michele Fishel & Barry Weisman
Wellesley Therapeutic Services
Randi & David Zussman
Jacqueline & Justin Adelson
Jennifer & Daniel Adelson
Nancy & Matthew Allen
Jonathan Alpert
Rebecca Drill & Peter Alpert
Jill Asser
Joan Astor
Baker’s Best
Edward Bean
Caroline & Joshua Beer
Nancy & David Berman
Michelle & Darren Black
Barry Bornstein
Georgette & Solomon Boucai
Robert Bralower
Alison & Barry Braunstein
Betty Brudnick
Debbie & Jeff Buchbinder
Rima & Warren Burroughs
Rachel Calmas
Judith & Richard Cannon
Julie & David Chivo
Shira Deener & David Chodirker
Lauren & Ian Cohen
Robyn & Asaf Cohen
Michael Cohen
Ron Cort
Janice & Jason Crosby
Ed Dann
Diane & John Davidow
Marc Davis
Joan & Larry Dolinsky
East Coast Environmental Systems
Carol & David Edelman
Judith Bolton-Fasman & Kenneth Fasman
Andrea & Todd Finard
Fred Fisher
Ellie & Donald Fisher
Faith & Robert Friedman
Cathy & Mike Gildesgame
Susan & Robert Glovsky
Bonnie & Franklin Gold
Sharon Margulies & Joel Golden
Rachael Goldfarb
Stephanie Harvey & Andrew Goldfarb
Linda & Alan Goldstein
Noreen & Avi Goldwasser
Mimi & Ronald Golub
Ellen Goodman
Anna Lumelsky & Joshua Goodman
Cecily Grable
Marla Choslovsky & Paul Greenberg
Marsha & Robert Greenstein
Jeff Grinspoon
Lauren & Jeffrey Harrison
Deborah & Harvey Heafitz
Hilary & Marc Hershman
Andrew Hochberg
Lisa Gross & Richard Hoffman
David Holzman
Cynthia & Andrew Janower
Beatrice Kaplan
Simone & Matthew Kaplan
Michelle Stern & Neal Karasic
Leslie Robinson & Kenneth Kates
Ariela & Dana Katz
Irving Kempner
Shelly & Neil Krug
Patricia & Joseph Lank
Lena LaScola
Amy & Donald Lassman
Caroline Reeves & Jim Lee
Marcia & Alan Leifer
Debbie Wennet & Steven Levine
Paula Hartstein & Jonathan Levin
Gail & Mark Levy
Julie & Michael Levy
Jeanne Lovy
Irma Mann
Gail & Andrew Merken
Edward Miller
Lisa Minsky-Primus & Yaron Minsky
Marlene & Bruce Moyer
Neal Balkowitsch & Donald Nelson
New England Professional Systems
Susan & Robert Newton
Susan & Alan Osman
Lauren & Jonathan Paris
Stacy & Brian Ramelson
Beth & Bruce Ravech
Dean Richlin
Nancy & Scott Richmond
RINET Company, LLC
Joanne & Adam Rose
Danielle Klainberg & Mark Rosenberg
Hilary & Matthew Rosenthal
Sharon Perkulis & Jhonatan Rotberg
Eric Rothenberg
Lauren & Scott Roth
Suzanne & David Samuels
Amy & Rick Sands
Clifford Seresky
Karen & Eddie Shammay
Sandi & Ken Silk
Lois Silverstein
Joshua Sklare
Polly & Arnold Slavet
Rachel & William Smoller
Emily & Michael Speicher
Lauren & Alan Starr
Melvin Stavis
Dan Stempel
Julia Rashba-Step & Eugene Step
Judith & Bradley Stern
Phyllis & Jeffrey Swersky
Morris Tarkinow
Lenny Teperow
Sidney Topol
Sara & Claudio Toppelberg
James Vanbergh
Cynthia & Kenneth Wagner
Sonya & Sean Wilder
Ellen & Harvey Winer
Deborah Goldberg & Michael Winter
Sharlene & Scott Wolf
Sue & Doug Wood
Sharon & David Yogel
Ira Zaleznik
Rimma & Mikhail Zelfand
Roberta & Tom Zeliff
Lora Zimmerman
Campaign Leadership
honorary Chair
Paula L. Sidman
Campaign Chairs
Mark Barrocas
Sari Anne Rapkin
Maggie Gold Seelig
Campaign Cabinet members
Tamar Salter Frieze
Kenneth Frieze
Carolynn Levy
Robert L. Riemer
Joan Arbetter Rosenberg
Philip J. Sher
Lori Sidman
Matthew Sidman
Debra Yanofsky
Steering Committee
Mark Barrocas
David Begelfer
Louis J. Grossman
Faith Kaplan
Wendy Pierce
Sari Anne Rapkin
Maggie Gold Seelig
Paula L. Sidman
James Snider
Ted Tye
we are grateful to acknowledge our initial investors who are
leading us as we re-imagine the JCC to help ensure that our
community will always choose Jewish life.
Campaign Donors
Bette Ann Libby & David Begelfer*
Sandra & Eric Brenman*
Wendy & Richard Cohen*
Shoshana & Daniel Farb
Linda & Michael Frieze
Tamar & Kenneth Frieze*
Patti & Louis Grossman*
Ellen & Kalman Heller
Faith & Bernard Kaplan*
Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan Foundation
Nancy Kaplan Belsky & Mark Belsky
Susan Kaplan
Ann & David Levin
Massachusetts Cultural Council Cultural
Facilities Fund
Sari Anne Rapkin
Stepheny & Robert Riemer and family
Joan Arbetter Rosenberg and family*
Elinda & Richard Scherr*
Maggie Gold Seelig & Jonathan Seelig*
Carolynn Levy and Alan Sharaf*
Rachel & Philip Sher*
Debra Yanofsky & Steven Shulman*
The Sidman Family
Paula Sidman
Hope Sidman
Lori & Matthew Sidman*
Susan & James Snider*
Marjorie and Mark Sokoll*
Carol & Norman Tasgal
Millie & Harold Tubman
Ruth & William Weinstein*
Anonymous (1)
* Member of JCC Governing Board
in formation
to learn more about the
campaign or to make a gift,
please contact Rachel at
Mark Barrocas
Sari Anne Rapkin
Maggie Gold Seelig