Line-up - Festival del film Locarno


Line-up - Festival del film Locarno
15 July 2015
Via Ciseri 23, ch–6601 Locarno
t +41(0)91 756 21 21 | f +41(0)91 756 21 49 |
The press kit and stills can be downloaded from our website (Press Area)
Excerpts of some of the official selection’s films are available in broadcast and web quality. In order
to download them, please contact the Press Office ( / +41 91 756 21 21).
Twitter: @FilmFestLocarno, #Locarno68, @CarloChatrian
1 Introduction by Carlo Chatrian, Artistic Director
2 Introduction by Mario Timbal, COO
3 Official Juries
4 The 2015 Selection
Piazza Grande
Concorso internazionale
Concorso Cineasti del presente
Pardi di domani
Signs of Life
Fuori concorso
Histoire(s) du cinéma
Open Doors
5 Swiss Cinema in Locarno
6 First Features
7 Industry Days
8 Locarno Summer Academy
The home of images
Let’s start with the Piazza Grande films: Ricki and the Flash tells a story that is extraordinary for
American cinema, to wit, a mother who, having abandoned the home (the classical luxury villa) for a
modest apartment to pursue her independent dreams, returns when it is in crisis, and, even if walking
on eggshells, animates it with her personality, her look, her spirit. A family home, solid as a rock,
is at the center of Philippe Le Guay’s new film, Floride. The man who lives there (an extraordinary
performance by Jean Rochefort) seems, on the other hand, as fragile as his failing memory; and those
walls are perhaps the only things he can hang onto… A home in Ibiza is where the protagonist of
Barbet Schroeder’s Amnesia, played by Marthe Keller, takes refuge. And it is a home, even if only
seen from the outside, on a winter evening, that features what to my mind is the most beautiful
scene in Lionel Baier’s La Vanité…
So, homes. Once they were in which sites expressed paternal authority was expressed, and as such
were a notable target for that cinema movement which accompanied the desire to change society; now,
today, the home has become an emotionally charged space. How can one not make the connection with
the mood of uncertainty we are currently experiencing? Against the backdrop of the many homes that
feature in the films in the program and in competition – there for you to discover – there are images
of those multitudes who abandon their homes to take to the road. Or even more simply, those people
who look anxiously at their homes, fearing to lose them from one day to the next.
Overtaken by the orgy of images in which we are constantly immersed, cinema may no longer be a
home for the world; and yet the world still desperately needs a home. It is Chantal Akerman who
most clearly articulates how this word can resonate. Her No Home Movie is a film about the end
of a relationship that becomes an image of the end of a home. It is at the same time perhaps the
finest tribute that can paid to a home as a place without any particular qualities yet endowed with
enormous emotional value. Home is a space for sharing an emotion. In this sense, home functions to
an extent as a frame, taking a portion of space, (and time) and confers a particular value upon it. So
then film is perhaps the home we lack in terms of being able to read our very confusing present era.
Locarno is a home for film like every other festival – even if every director has the illusion that “his”
festival is one that provides a more welcoming home than the others, and in our case a giant step
forward will be taken when the new “home” becomes available. Like every other festival (well...
maybe not really like all the others), Locarno is the place which preserves and renews that exchange
between the gaze and a community, between a story that is shared and stories to be discovered. Hence
our insistence that every year the Festival program gives due space to the re-reading of film history
via awards, tributes, special programs. There is no home without a hearth, a place to come together,
and listen to stories that come from all over the world and end up moving us deeply. Histoire(s) du
cinéma, which this year expands to include all the retrospective programs, is precisely that hearth,
full of the many stories we have encountered over a year’s work which we have decided to share
with you. Locarno’s stories this year bear the names of Marco Bellocchio and Michael Cimino, Marlen
Khutsiev and Bulle Ogier, Edward Norton and Andy Garcia, Walter Murch and Georges Schwizgebel.
We are grateful to them for having accepted our invitation.
Finally, I like the thought that the filmmaker least likely to evoke the idea of home should be
the subject of our major tribute within this program. As you know, #Locarno68 is devoting its
retrospective to Sam Peckinpah, who, when he filmed a home, in The Osterman Weekend turned it
into a theater of modern warfare! And yet the films of this director, whose name evokes deserts
and guns, outlaws and punch-ups, have also become a home, in their own way, in the sense that
many people all over the world have elected to make it theirs. And I believe that if Peckinpah has so
many admirers it is not only because he is an extraordinary director but because at the heart of his
stories there is a palpable feeling of belonging that is the basis for every union. One has only to watch
that unforgettable sequence in Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid, accompanied by the lyrical “Knockin’on
Heaven’s Door”, which depicts a woman’s farewell to her partner, for us to understand that home is
far more than merely four walls.
The Concorso internazionale offers a program in which two first films play alongside those of a
group of directors who have gained an appreciative audience on the international festival circuit.
Some of them are making a welcome return to Locarno, others have returned to filmmaking after a
long silence. As is now a Locarno tradition, the competition includes documentaries, personal films,
more traditional fictions and those of hybrid genres.
The Concorso Cineasti del presente, for first and second films, is a hotbed for the cinema of
the future. This year we are very pleased with a selection that reflects the stylistic, formal and
geographical diversity we hold so dear. Fictions enhanced by top-notch casts, and film essays,
politically important works, and touching dramas that all reflect the way young filmmakers see film
and the world around them.
Signs of Life is the section for films that experiment with new forms of narrative. It comprises 8
titles, all world premieres, each of which offers up a unique visual and audio experience. We are
delighted for the section to host established filmmakers such as José Luis Guérin, Pierre Léon,
Massimo d’Anolfi and Martina Parenti, Travis Wilkerson and others whose visionary qualities are
about to be discovered.
This year the Fuori concorso section welcomes, more than ever, films of great human and artistic
profundity from renowned filmmakers such as Claire Simon, Andrea Segre, Stéphane Goël, Alberto
Fasulo. Rounding out the program there is the short film section and work that veers off the beaten
The Piazza Grande program enables a journey through space and time, with films that revisit
moments in past and recent history and those that investigate present day emotional journeys.
There is an exceptionally strong American presence, with 4 very different films in which tears and
laughter, adrenalin and emotion take over.
In addition to the 16 feature films the Piazza Grande program this year also includes 3 short films.
These are works of varying lengths that enchanted us, above all for their visionary and poetic qualities:
from the Chauvet cave in Le dernier passage, to the journey through a timeless world imagined by
Mario Martone, and the latest jewel from Georges Schwizgebel.
There are 7 Swiss films in these sections, all characterized by their own unique stamp. In addition to
his latest film, Erlkönig, Schwizgebel also warrants a tribute to his entire career. The Piazza Grande
will also feature the above-mentioned Amnesia and La Vanité. Particularly noteworthy is the project
of the portmanteau film, Heimatland, which I am sure will have a major impact on its autumn release,
and not just because it brings together the best of the new generation of Swiss filmmakers. Original
and touching, Keeper sees Kacey Mottet Klein in a leading role. There are two films Fuori concorso,
Stéphane Goël’s Fragments du paradis and Yes No Maybe by Kaspar Kasics.
Carlo Chatrian, Artistic Director
#Locarno68: A shared experience
The cultural scene of which the Festival del film Locarno is a part is ever more crowded and
competitive. The range of cultural events on offer increases year on year and cinema-going
is undergoing a period of upheaval. While on the one hand this works to the disadvantage of
cinemas, on the other it does not seem to impact adversely on the success of the Festival. But
in this context it is crucial that the quality of what is on offer is on a par with, and supports, the
artistic programming. An experience ever more rewarding and involving, which this year we
wanted to enhance by adding new elements.
Actors, directors, the general public, professionals and journalists all feature on the posters
for 2015, for it is they who constitute the life of the Festival. This choice is far from being
purely symbolic, as it reflects the desire to put all categories of festival-goer at the center of
the experience, so as to ensure they remember the event for the quality and diversity of its
offerings. A quality that is reflected on the one hand in the festival’s organizational efficiency,
which we refine year on year, but also in making structural improvements with a dual objective
in mind: to enable ever greater participation on the part of the public and – at the same time –
to facilitate the work of the professionals. And it is in light of these intersecting demands that
this year we have re-thought the new entrance for delegates on the Piazza Grande and the new
Press Center in Largo Zorzi that hosts our press conferences. This involves two new structures,
which, while remaining dedicated to use by professionals, have now been inserted into the
Festival’s public areas and hence offers everyone an opportunity to add a new piece to the
mosaic that is the experience #Locarno68.
Particular attention has also been given to digital communications, seeing a total make-over
of the internet site. A platform devised to be an efficient tool, but also a source of enhanced
thematic material and multi-media content, building and updating the inter-action guaranteed
by social networks.
Always mindful of offering a richer experience to festival-goers – and working in collaboration
with the Tourist Office Ascona Locarno – the welcome provided for Festival audiences assumes
an even greater importance. Be that on with a new section of practical and tourist
info, or the event’s locations, with a new service that has a Festival support team actively
seeking to meet visitors’ demands.
Wishing all festival-goers a brilliant #Locarno68, it only remains for me to thanks the event’s
partners. A thank you that is no less heartfelt for being habitual, since it is their loyalty and
passion that makes possible an event which aims to make culture accessible and a highly
rewarding personal experience.
Mario Timbal, COO
Official Juries
The Jury of the Concorso internazionale
Udo Kier, Actor (Germany)
Nadav Lapid, Director (Israel)
Daniela Michel, Festival Director (Mexico)
MOON So-ri, Actress (South Korea)
Jerry Schatzberg, Director (United States)
The Jury of the Concorso Cineasti del presente
President: Júlio Bressane, Director (Brazil)
Fabrice Aragno, Director and DOP (Switzerland)
Clotilde Courau, Actress (France)
Joanna Hogg, Director (United Kingdom)
Jay Van Hoy, Producer (United States)
The Jury of the Pardi di domani
President: Milcho Manchevski, Director (Republic of Macedonia)
Laura Bispuri, Director (Italy)
Denis Klebleev, Director (Russia)
Agustina Llambi Campbell, Producer (Argentina)
Lorenz Merz, Director (Switzerland)
The Jury of the First Feature
Haden Guest, Film Historian and Archive Director (United States)
Roger Alan Koza, Film Critic (Argentina)
Cristina Piccino, Film Critic (Italy)
Concorso internazionale
Jerry Schatzberg
USA – 1973 – 112’
MOON So-ri
OASISEU (Oasis) by LEE Chang-dong
South Corea – 2002 – 139’
YEO-BAE-U (The Actress)
South Korea - 2014 - 18’
International Premiere
Nadav Lapid
HAGANENET (The Kindergarten Teacher)
Israel/France – 2014 – 120’
LAMA? (Why?)
Israel – 2014 – 5’
Udo Kier
Canada – 2015 – 132’
Concorso Cineasti del presente
Clotilde Courau
L'OMBRE DES FEMMES by Philippe Garrel
France/Switzerland – 2015 – 73’
Fabrice Aragno
Switzerland – 2012 – 44’
Switzerland – 2015 – 30’
World Premiere
Jay Van Hoy
USA/France/Brazil/Greece – 2014 – 98 min.
Joanna Hogg
United Kingdom – 2007 – 100’
I film delle giurie
Pardi di domani
Agustina Llambi Campbell
PAULINA by Santiago Mitre
Argentina/Brazil/France – 2015 –103’
Denis Klebleev
Russia – 2014 – 52’
Lorenz Merz
Switzerland – 2013 – 85’
UN DIA Y NADA (One Day and Nothing)
Switzerland – 2008 – 20’
Milcho Manchevski
MAJKI (Mothers)
Republic of Macedonia/France/Bulgaria – 2010 – 123’
Laura Bispuri
Italy/Switzerland/Germany/Albania/Kosovo – 2015 – 84’
I film delle giurie
The 2015 Selection
Piazza Grande
Concorso internazionale
Concorso Cineasti del presente
Pardi di domani
Signs of Life
Fuori concorso
Histoire(s) du cinéma
Retrospettiva Sam Peckinpah
Open Doors
Piazza Grande
RICKI AND THE FLASH by Jonathan Demme – USA – 2015 – 100’
Excellence Award Moët & Chandon to Edward Norton
06.08 LA BELLE SAISON by Catherine Corsini – France – 2015 – 105’
LE DERNIER PASSAGE by Pascal Magontier – France – 2015 – 28’
Pardo alla carriera to Marlen Khutsiev
DER STAAT GEGEN FRITZ BAUER by Lars Kraume – Germany – 2015 – 105’
SOUTHPAW by Antoine Fuqua – USA – 2015 – 123’
TRAINWRECK by Judd Apatow – USA – 2015 – 125’
JACK by Elisabeth Scharang – Austria – 2015 – 95’
Presentation Retrospettiva Sam Peckinpah
FLORIDE by Philippe Le Guay – France – 2015 – 110’
THE DEER HUNTER by Michael Cimino – United Kingdom/USA – 1978 – 182’
Pardo d'onore Swisscom to Michael Cimino
ERLKÖNIG by Georges Schwizgebel – Switzerland – 2015 – 5’
GUIBORD S’EN VA-T-EN GUERRE by Philippe Falardeau – Canada – 2015 – 108’
Pardo alla carriera to Bulle Ogier
BOMBAY VELVET by Anurag Kashyap – India – 2015 – 148’
Open Doors presentation
PASTORALE CILENTANA by Mario Martone – Italy – 2015 – 19’
AMNESIA by Barbet Schroeder – Switzerland/France – 2015 – 96’
Premio Cinema Ticino to Teco Celio
LA VANITÉ by Lionel Baier – Switzerland/France – 2015 – 75’
QING TIAN JIE YI HAO (The Laundryman) by LEE Chung – Taiwan – 2015 – 110’
Vision Award Nescens to Walter Murch
14.08 ME AND EARL AND THE DYING GIRL by Alfonso Gomez-Rejon – USA – 2014 – 105’
I PUGNI IN TASCA by Marco Bellocchio – Italy – 1965 – 107’
Pardo d’onore Swisscom to Marco Bellocchio
15.08 HELIOPOLIS by Sérgio Machado – Brazil – 2015 – 98’
Award Ceremony
Leopard Club Award to Andy Garcia
Prix du Public UBS
AMNESIA by Barbet Schroeder
Switzerland/France – 2015 – 96'
with Marthe Keller, Max Riemelt, Bruno Ganz, Joel Basman, Corinna Kirchhoff, Femi Reixach, Marie Leuenberger, Felix Pons,
Florentin Groll, Eva Barcelo
Production: Vega Film AG
Co-production: Les films du Losange
World Sales: Les films du Losange
Swiss distributor: Vega Distribution AG
BOMBAY VELVET by Anurag Kashyap
India – 2015 – 148'
with Ranbir Kapoor, Anushka Sharma, Karan Johar
Production: Phantom Films
World Sales: Fox Star Studios India Pvt Ltd
Germany – 2015 – 105'
with Burghart Klaußner, Ronald Zehrfeld, Lilith Stangenberg, Jörg Schüttauf, Sebastian Blomberg, Micheal Schenk
Production: zero one film GmbH
Co-production: Terz Filmproduktions GmbH
World Sales: Beta Cinema GmbH
World Premiere
ERLKÖNIG by Georges Schwizgebel
Switzerland – 2015 – 5'
Production: Studio gds
Co-production: RTS Radio Télévision Suisse
World Sales: Studio gds
Swiss distributor: Studio gds
World Premiere
FLORIDE by Philippe Le Guay
France – 2015 – 110'
with Jean Rochefort, Sandrine Kiberlain, Laurent Lucas, Anamaria Marinca
Production: F comme Film, Ciné-@
Co-production: Gaumont, Cinefrance 1888, France 2 Cinéma, Rhônes-Alpes Cinéma
World Sales: Gaumont International
Swiss distributor: Frenetic Films
World Premiere
GUIBORD S'EN VA-T-EN GUERRE by Philippe Falardeau
Canada – 2015 – 108'
with Patrick Huard, Suzanne Clément, Irdens Exantus, Clémence Dufresne-Deslières, Sonia Cordeau, Paul Doucet, Jules Philip,
Robin Aubert, Micheline Lanctôt
Production: micro-scope
World Sales: Films Distribution
Swiss distributor: Agora Film
World Premiere
HELIOPOLIS by Sérgio Machado
Brazil – 2015 – 100'
with Lázaro Ramos, Sandra Corveloni, Fernanda de Freitas, Kaique de Jesus, Elzio Vieira
Production: Gullane
Co-production: Fox International Productions
World Sales: Films Boutique
World Premiere
Piazza Grande
I PUGNI IN TASCA by Marco Bellocchio
Italy – 1965 – 107'
with Lou Castel, Paola Pitagora, Marino Masé
Production: Doria Cinematografica
World Sales: The Match Factory
Swiss distributor: Filmcoopi Zürich AG
JACK by Elisabeth Scharang
Austria – 2015 – 95'
with Johannes Krisch, Corinna Harfouch, Birgit Minichmayr, Paulus Manker, Sami Loris, Sarah Viktoria Frick
Production: epo-film produktionsges.m.b.h.
World Premiere
LA BELLE SAISON by Catherine Corsini
France – 2015 – 105'
with Cécile de France, Izïa Higelin, Noémie Lvovsky, Kévin Azaïs, Laetitia Dosch, Benjamin Bellecour, Bruno Podalydès
Production: Chaz productions
Co-production: France 3 Cinéma, Artemis Productions
World Sales: Pyramide international
Swiss distributor: cineworx gmbh
World Premiere
LA VANITÉ by Lionel Baier
Switzerland/France – 2015 – 75'
with Patrick Lapp, Carmen Maura, Ivan Georgiev
Production: Bande à part films
Co-production: Les films du poisson, RTS Radio Télévision Suisse, SRG SSR
World Sales: WIDE
Swiss distributor: Frenetic Films
LE DERNIER PASSAGE by Pascal Magontier
France – 2015 – 28'
Production: Rup’Art Production
Co-production: Guy Perazio Engineering
World Premiere
USA – 2014 – 105'
with Thomas Mann, Rj Cyler, Olivia Cooke, Nick Offerman, Connie Britton, Molly Shannon, Jon Bernthal
Production: Indian Paintbrush, Rhode Island Ave.
World Sales: Fox Searchlight Pictures
Swiss distributor: Warner Bros. Entertainment Switzerland GmbH
Italy – 2015 – 19'
with Mattia Oricchio, Aurora Maria Marrocco, Nicole Pinto, Tiziano La Selva, Luigina Laurito
Production: Palomar
International Premiere
QING TIAN JIE YI HAO (The Laundryman) by LEE Chung
Taiwan – 2015 – 110'
with CHANG Hsiao-chuan, SUI Tang, WAN Qian
Production: 1 production film co.
World Sales: Ablaze image
First feature
Piazza Grande
RICKI AND THE FLASH by Jonathan Demme
USA – 2015 – 100’
with Meryl Streep, Kevin Kline, Mamie Gummer, Audra McDonald, Sebastian Stan, Rick Springfield
Production: Clinica Estetico, LStar Capital; TriStar Pictures
World Sales: Sony Pictures Releasing International
Swiss distributor: The Walt Disney Company (Switzerland) Gmbh
World Premiere
SOUTHPAW by Antoine Fuqua
USA – 2015 – 123'
with Jake Gyllenhaal, Rachel McAdams, Forest Whitaker, Naomie Harris, Rita Ora, Curtis James Jackson III (50 Cent)
Production: Escape Artists, Fuqua Films, Riche Productions, WanDa Pictures
World Sales: The Weinstein Company
Swiss distributor: Ascot Elite Entertainment Group
THE DEER HUNTER by Michael Cimino
United Kingdom/USA – 1978 – 182'
with Robert De Niro, John Cazale, John Savage, Christopher Walken, Meryl Streep
Production: EMI Films, Universal Pictures
World Sales: Tamasa Distribution
TRAINWRECK by Judd Apatow
USA – 2015 – 125'
with Amy Schumer, Bill Hader, Brie Larson, Tilda Swinton, Colin Quinn, John Cena, LeBron James
Production: Judd Apatow p.g.a., Barry Mendel p.g.a.
World Sales: Universal Pictures International
Swiss distributor: Universal Pictures International Switzerland GmbH
Piazza Grande
BELLA E PERDUTA by Pietro Marcello
Italy – 2015 – 86'
with Tommaso Cestrone, Sergio Vitolo, Gesuino Pittalis
Production: Avventurosa
Co-production: Rai Cinema
World Premiere
BRAT DEJAN (Brother Dejan) by Bakur Bakuradze
Russia/Serbia – 2015 – 113'
with Marko Nikolic, Misa Tirinda
Production: Vita Aktiva
Co-production: CTB, Focus Plus Cinema, Look Film, Pilon Media
World Premiere
CHEVALIER by Athina Rachel Tsangari
Greece – 2015 – 99'
with Yorgos Kentros, Panos Koronis, Vangelis Mourikis, Makis Papadimitriou, Yorgos Pirpassopoulos, Sakis Rouvas
Production: Faliro House Productions, Haos Film
Co-production: Nova, The Match Factory
World Sales: The Match Factory
World Premiere
COSMOS by Andrzej Zulawski
France/Portugal – 2015 – 103'
with Sabine Azéma, Jean-François Balmer, Jonathan Genet, Johan Libéreau, Victória Guerra, Clémentine Pons, Andy Gillet
Production: Alfama Films
Co-production: Leopardo Filmes
World Sales: Alfama Films
World Premiere
ENTERTAINMENT by Rick Alverson
USA – 2015 – 104'
with Gregg Mc Patrick Turkington, Gregg Turkington, John C. Reilly, Tye Sheridan, Michael Cera, Amy Seimetz
Production: Jagjaguwar, Made Bed Productions, Nomadic Independence Pictures, Complex Corporation, Epic Pictures Group
World Sales: Stray Dogs, Epic Pictures Group
International Premiere
HAPPY HOUR by Ryusuke Hamaguchi
Japan – 2015 – 317'
with Sachie Tanaka, Hazuki Kikuchi, Maiko Mihara, Rira Kawamura
Production: Fictive LLC, Neopa INC
Co-production: Kobe Workshop Cinema Project LLP
World Premiere
HEIMATLAND by Lisa Blatter, Gregor Frei, Jan Gassmann, Benny Jaberg, Carmen Jaquier, Michael Krummenacher, Jonas Meier,
Tobias Nölle, Lionel Rupp, Mike Scheiwiller
Switzerland/Germany – 2015 – 99'
with Peter Jecklin, Julia Glaus, Issaka Sawadogo, Michèle Schaub, Morgane Ferru, Nicolas Bachmann, Gabriel Noah Maurer, Dashmir Ristemi,
Florin Schmidig, Egon Betschart, Roberto Garieri, Soumeya Ferro-Luzzi, Luna Arzoni, Liana Hangartner, Viola von Scarpatetti
Production: Contrast Film Bern GmbH
Co-production: 2:1 Film GmbH, Passanten Filmproduktion GBR
Swiss distributor: Look Now!
World Premiere
Concorso internazionale
JAMES WHITE by Josh Mond
USA – 2015 – 88'
with Christopher Abbott, Cynthia Nixon, Scott Mescudi, Makenzie Leigh, Ron Livingston, David Call
Production: BorderLine Films, Relic Pictures
World Sales: Memento Films International
Swiss distributor: Praesens Film AG
International Premiere, First feature
South Korea – 2015 – 121'
with JUNG Jaeyoung, KIM Minhee
Production: Jeonwonsa Film Co.
World Sales: Finecut
World Premiere
MA DAR BEHESHT (Paradise) by Sina Ataeian Dena
Iran/Germany – 2015 – 100'
with Dorna Dibaj, Fariba Kamran, Fateme Naghavi, Nahid Moslemi, Roya Afshar
Production: Bon Voyage Films, Sina Dena Films
World Premiere, First feature
NO HOME MOVIE by Chantal Akerman
Belgium/France – 2015 – 115'
Production: Liaison cinématographique, Paradise Films
World Sales: Doc & Film International
World Premiere
O FUTEBOL by Sergio Oksman
Spain – 2015 – 68'
Production: Dok Films
Co-production: TVE, Canal Brasil
World Premiere
SCHNEIDER VS. BAX by Alex van Warmerdam
Netherlands/Belgium – 2015 – 95'
with Tom Dewispelaere, Alex van Warmerdam, Maria Kraakman, Annet Malherbe, Eugene Bervoets, Eva van de Wijdeven,
Pierre Bokma, Loes Haverkort, Henri Garçin
Production: Graniet Film
World Sales: Fortissimo Films
International Premiere
France – 2015 – 145'
with Valérie Dréville, Kaou Langoët, Élina Löwensohn, Manon Évenat, Laurent Sauvage, Yvon Raude, Peter Bonke, Klet Beyer,
Ewen Gloannec, Catherine Riaux, Soukamba Dabo, Mélanie Degals, Morgane Lamanda, Tangi Daniel, Erwan Badin, Bertrand Le Guen
Production: Zadig Films
Co-production: Sylicone
World Premiere
SULANGA GINI ARAN (Dark in the White Light) by Vimukthi Jayasundara
Sri Lanka/France – 2015 – 80'
with Steve De La Zilwa, Ruvin de Silva, Suranga Ranawaka, Mahendra Perera, Kaushalya Fernando
Production: Film Council Productions
Co-production: Les Films de l’Etranger
World Sales: Film Council Productions
World Premiere
Concorso internazionale
TE PROMETO ANARQUÍA by Julio Hernández Cordón
Mexico/Germany – 2015 – 88'
with Diego Calva, Eduardo Martínez Peña
Production: Interior XIII
Co-production: Rohfilm
World Sales: Latido Films
World Premiere
United Kingdom – 2015 – 100'
with Oliver Laxe
Production: Artangel
World Premiere
TIKKUN by Avishai Sivan
Israel – 2015 – 120'
with Aharon Traitel, Khalifa Natour, Riki Blich, Gur Sheinberg, Omri Fuhrer, Shani Ben Haim
Production: Plan B Productions Ltd., The Mouth Agape, United King Films
International Premiere
Concorso internazionale
Cineasti del presente
Cineasti del presente
and Vision Award Partner
Premio speciale della giuria
Cineasti del presente
DEAD SLOW AHEAD by Mauro Herce
Spain/France – 2015 – 74’
Production: Nanouk Films, El Viaje Films
Co-production: Bocalupo Films
World Premiere, First feature
Germany – 2015 – 88’
with Carolyn Genzkow, Kim Gordon, Julika Jenkins, Arnd Klawitter, Wilson Gonzales Ochsenknecht
Production: OOO-Films GbR, Bon Voyage Films
World Sales: ERA K5 Media Group GmbH
International Premiere
DOM JUAN by Vincent Macaigne
France – 2015 – 108’
with Loïc Corbery, Serge Bagdassarian, Suliane Brahim, Alain Lenglet, Julie Sicard, Gérard Giroudon, Jérémy Lopez,
Clément Hervieux-léger, Claire De La Rüe du Can, Gilles David
Production: Iconoclast
Co-production: ARTE France, La Comédie Française, Euromedia, Maïa Cinéma
World Premiere, First feature
DREAM LAND by Steve Chen
Cambodia/USA – 2015 – 90’
with Lida Duch, Sokun Nhem, Hak Kim
Production: Chen Office
Co-production: Anti-Archive
World Premiere, First feature
EL MOVIMIENTO by Benjamín Naishtat
Argentina/South Korea – 2015 – 67’
with Pablo Cedrón, Marcelo Pompei, Francisco Lumerman, Céline Latil
Production: Pucará Cine, Varsovia Films, Jeonju Cinema Project
International Premiere
KEEPER by Guillaume Senez
Belgium/Switzerland/France – 2015 – 91’
with Kacey Mottet Klein, Galatea Bellugi, Catherine Salée, Sam Louwyck, Laetitia Dosch
Production: Iota production
Co-production: Louise Productions, Offshore, Savage Film
World Sales: Be for Films
Swiss distributor: Filmcoopi Zürich
World Premiere, First feature
LE GRAND JEU by Nicolas Pariser
France – 2015 – 100’
with Melvil Poupaud, André Dussollier, Clémence Poésy
Production: Bizibi
World Sales: Bac Films International
World Premiere, First feature
Concorso Cineasti del presente
Canada – 2015 – 102’
with Maxim Gaudette, Karelle Tremblay, Valérie Cadieux, Mikael Gouin
Production: Metafilms
World Premiere
LU BIAN YE CAN (Kaili Blues) by BI Gan
China – 2015 – 110’
with CHEN Yongzhong, ZHAO Daqing, LUO Feiyang, XIE Lixun, ZENG Shuai
Production: Blackfin (Beijing) culture&media Co.Ltd.
Co-production: Heaven Pictures (Beijing) the movie Co.Ltd.
World Premiere, First feature
MOJ BRATE – MIO FRATELLO by Nazareno Manuel Nicoletti
Italy/Canada/Bosnia-Herzegovina – 2015 – 78’
with Stefano Gabrini, Marco Musacchio, Hamica Nametak, Karen Tomashavsky, William Anselmi, Vincenzo Maselli, Deb Joly
Production: Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia
World Premiere, First feature
OLMO & THE SEAGULL by Petra Costa, Lea Glob
Denmark/Brazil/Portugal/France – 2014 – 85’
with Olivia Corsini, Serge Nicolaï
Production: Zentropa Entertainments5, Busca Vida Filmes, O Som e a Fúria, Epicentre Films
World Premiere
SIEMBRA by Ángela Osorio Rojas, Santiago Lozano Álvarez
Colombia/Germany – 2015 – 80’
with Diego Balanta, Ines Granja, Jose Luis Preciado
Production: Contravia Films
Co-production: Autentika Films
World Premiere, First feature
THE WAITING ROOM by Igor Drljaca
Canada – 2015 – 92’
with Jasmin Geljo, Masa Lizdek, Filip Geljo, Cynthia Ashperger, Ma-Anne Dionisio
Production: Timelapse pictures, Gearshift films, Yn films
World Premiere
THITHI by Raam Reddy
India – 2015 – 130’
with Abhi H.N, Thamme Gowda, Chenna Gowda, Pooja S.M.
Production: Prspctvs Productions
World Premiere, First feature
Concorso Cineasti del presente
Pardi di domani
Pardi di domani Partner
Pardi di domani Partner
Concorso internazionale
ЗЕВС (Zeus) by Pavel Vesnakov – Germany/Bulgaria – 2015 – 30’
DEAR DIRECTOR by Marcus Lindeen – Sweden – 2015 – 14’
DES MILLIONS DE LARMES by Natalie Beder – France – 2015 – 22’
ECO by Xacio Baño – Spain – 2015 – 20’
FILS DU LOUP by Lola Quivoron – France – 2015 – 24’
GULLIVER by Maria Alché – Argentina – 2015 – 25’
HISTÓRIA DE UMA PENA by Leonardo Mouramateus – Brazil – 2015 – 30’
I REMEMBER NOTHING by Zia Anger – USA – 2015 – 18’
JUNILYN HAS by Carlo Francisco Manatad – Philippines – 2015 – 15’
KM 73 by Radu Ghelbereu – United Kingdom/Romania – 2015 – 15’
LA IMPRESIÓN DE UNA GUERRA by Camilo Restrepo – France/Colombia – 2015 – 26’
LA NOVIA DE FRANKENSTEIN by Agostina Galvez, Francisco Lezama – Argentina – 2015 – 13’
LAMPEDUSA by Philip Cartelli, Mariangela Ciccarello – Italy/France/USA – 2015 – 14’
LAS CUATRO ESQUINAS DEL CÍRCULO by Katarina Stankovic – Germany/Mexico/Serbia – 2015 – 24’
MAMA by Davit Pirtskhalava – Georgia – 2015 – 25’
MARIA DO MAR by João Rosas – Portugal – 2015 – 33’
NOTHING HUMAN by Tom Rosenberg – USA – 2015 – 17’
NUEVA VIDA by Kiro Russo – Argentina/Bolivia – 2015 – 16’
O QUE RESTA by Jola Wieczorek – Austria/Portugal – 2015 – 39’
O TETO SOBRE NÓS by Bruno Carboni – Brazil – 2015 – 22’
REFLECTION by Osi Wald – Israel – 2014 – 4’
RENAÎTRE by Jean-François Ravagnan – Belgium – 2015 – 23’
SA PAGITAN NG PAGDALAW AT PAGLIMOT (The Ebb of Forgetting) by Liryc Dela Cruz – Philippines – 2015 – 14’
SALARIÉ ORIENTAL by Rinat Bekchintayev, Egor Shevchenko – Russia – 2015 – 19’
YELLOW FIEBER by Konstantina Kotzamani – Greece – 2015 – 15’
Concorso nazionale
BABOR CASANOVA by Karim Sayad – Switzerland – 2015 – 35’
D’OMBRES ET D’AILES by Eleonora Marinoni, Elice Meng – Switzerland/France – 2015 – 13’
EIN ORT WIE DIESER by Philip Meyer – Switzerland – 2015 – 8’
HAUSARREST by Matthias Sahli – Switzerland – 2015 – 14’
JOCONDE by Lora Mure-Ravaud – Switzerland – 2015 – 14’
JUST ANOTHER DAY IN EGYPT by Corina Schwingruber Ilić, Nikola Ilić – Switzerland – 2015 – 11’
LA RIVIÈRE SOUS LA LANGUE by Carmen Jaquier – Switzerland – 2015 – 18’
LE BARRAGE by Samuel Grandchamp – Switzerland/USA – 2015 – 14’
LES MONTS S’EMBRASENT by Laura Morales – Switzerland – 2015 – 21’
PERSI by Caterina Mona – Switzerland – 2015 – 17’
THE MEADOW by Jela Hasler – Switzerland – 2015 – 9’
Pardi di domani
Signs of Life
88:88 by Isiah Medina
Canada – 2015 – 65'
with Myles Taylor, Erik Berg, Eliza Brontë, Anne Denisse Valencia, Avery Medina
World Premiere, First feature
CHI (Mr. Zhang Believes) by QIU Jiongjiong
China – 2015 – 135'
with MA Xiao'ou, CAI Yifan, ZHANG Jimmy
Production: All Ways Pictures
World Premiere
DEUX RÉMI, DEUX by Pierre Léon
France/Switzerland – 2015 – 66'
with Pascal Cervo, Luna Picoli-Truffaut, Serge Bozon, Bernard Eisenschitz, Jean-Christophe Bouvet
Production: Ferris & Brockman
Co-production: Garidi Films, Kapara pictures
World Premiere
Spain – 2015 – 92'
with Raffaele Pinto, Emanuela Forgetta, Rosa Delor Muns, Mireia Iniesta
Production: Los Films de Orfeo
World Premiere
L'INFINITA FABBRICA DEL DUOMO by Martina Parenti, Massimo D'anolfi
Italy – 2015 – 74'
Production: Montmorency Film
World Premiere
USA – 2015 – 71'
with Travis Wilkerson
World Premiere
RECOLLECTION by Kamal Aljafari
Germany – 2015 – 70'
World Premiere, First feature
SLACKJAW by Zach Weintraub
USA – 2014 – 71'
with Robert Malone, Blaise Hall, Jesse Rudoy
Production: Newhard Entertainment
World Sales: Newhard Entertainment
World Premiere
Signs of Life
Fuori concorso
CONTRE-POUVOIRS by Malek Bensmaïl
Algeria/France – 2015 – 97’
Production: Hikayet Films
World Sales: Hikayet Films
World Premiere
Switzerland – 2015 – 85’
Production: Climage
Swiss distributor: Agora Films
World Premiere
GENITORI by Alberto Fasulo
Italy – 2015 – 82’
with Associazione Vivere Insieme
Production: Nefertiti Film
Co-production: Rai Cinema
World Premiere
Italy – 2015 – 72’
Production: Ambleto SRL
Co-production: Rai Cinema
World Premiere
KAKI KOUBA by Kazuhiro Soda
Japan/USA – 2015 – 145’
with Koichi Watanabe, Yukiko Watanabe, Shinsuke Hirano
Production: Laboratory X, Inc.
World Sales: Laboratory X, Inc.
World Premiere
KIEV/MOSCOW. PART 1 by Elena Khoreva
Russia/Estonia/Ukraine – 2015 – 70’
Production: Realnost
Co-production: Marx Film
World Sales: Marx Film
World Premiere, First feature
France/Switzerland – 2015 – 144’
Production: Just Sayin’ Films, Pio & Co
Co-production: Tipi’mages Productions
World Sales: Be for Films
World Premiere
ROMEO E GIULIETTA by Massimo Coppola
Italy – 2015 – 56’
with Nino Smith, Mary Monrovich, Hasib Omerovic, Valerio Mastandrea, Massimo Coppola
Production: Standard Films, Indigo Film
World Premiere
TOPOPHILIA by Peter Bo Rappmund
USA – 2015 – 62’
Co-production: Light brigade
International Premiere
Fuori concorso
Italy – 2015 – 159’
Production: Human Tree S.r.l.s.
World Premiere, First feature
YES NO MAYBE by Kaspar Kasics
Switzerland – 2015 – 105’
Production: Distant Lights GmbH, Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen SRG SSR
Swiss distributor: Vinca Film GmbH
World Premiere
Spain – 2015 – 7’
World Premiere
L’ARCHITECTE DE SAINT-GAUDENS by Julie Desprairies, Serge Bozon
France – 2015 – 29’
with Mehdi Zannad, Elise Ladoué, Hélène Iratchet, Arnold Pasquier
Production: Les Films de la Liberté
World Premiere
Portugal/Spain – 2015 – 23’
Production: Campus - Curtas Vila Do Conde
World Sales: AGÊNCIA - Portuguese Short Film Agency
International Premiere
RIOT by Nathan Silver
USA – 2015 – 4’
with Nathan Silver, Cindy Silver
Production: Replacement Party Pictures, Industry Standard Films
World Premiere
Portugal – 2015 – 15’
Production: Curtas Metragens CRL
World Sales: AGÊNCIA - Portuguese Short Film Agency
International Premiere
Portugal – 2015 – 25’
Production: Curtas Metragens CRL
World Sales: AGÊNCIA - Portuguese Short Film Agency
International Premiere
Fuori concorso
Art Basel
Following the program presented by the Festival in Basel in June, the Art Basel film section has curated a program for Locarno.
ANFANGSSZENE by Karolin Meunier
Germany – 2015 – 8’
with Ceci Chuh
Production: Karolin Meunier
IT, HEAT, HIT by Laure Prouvost
United Kingdom – 2010 – 7’
Production: MOT International
United Kingdom – 1976 – 12’
Production: Tanya Leighton Gallery
TURBULENT by Shirin Neshat
USA – 1998 – 10’
with Shoja Azari, Sussan Deyhim
Production: Gladstone Gallery
TWELVE by Melanie Manchot
United Kingdom – 2015 – 28’
with Stephen Giddings, Leon Jakeman, Catherine Emberton, Stephen Disley, Robbie Edwards
Production: Galerie m Bochum
Tela Brilhadora
Special project coordinated by Júlio Bressane.
GAROTO (Kid) by Júlio Bressane
Brazil – 2015 – 76’
with Marjorie Estiano, Gabriel Leone, Josie Antello
Production: Tb Produções
Co-production: Canal Brasil
World Premiere
O ESPELHO (The Mirror) by Rodrigo Lima
Brazil – 2015 – 64’
Production: Tb Produções
Co-production: Canal Brasil
World Premiere, First feature
O PREFEITO (The Mayor) by Bruno Safadi
Brazil – 2015 – 70’
with Nizo Neto, Djin Sganzerla, Gustavo Novaes
Production: Tb Produções
Co-production: Canal Brasil, Cavideo, Pedro peregrino
World Premiere
ORIGEM DO MUNDO (Origin of the World) by Moa Batsow
Brazil – 2015 – 65’
Production: Tb Produções
Co-production: Canal Brasil
World Premiere, First feature
Fuori concorso
Histoire(s) du cinéma
Pardo d’onore Swisscom
Leopard Club Award
Excellence Award
Moët & Chandon
Vision Award Nescens
Pardo d’onore Swisscom to Marco Bellocchio
BUONGIORNO, NOTTE by Marco Bellocchio – Italy – 2003 – 108’
I PUGNI IN TASCA by Marco Bellocchio – Italy – 1965 – 107’
L’ORA DI RELIGIONE by Marco Bellocchio – Italy – 2002 – 105’
VINCERE by Marco Bellocchio – France/Italy – 2009 – 128’
Pardo d’onore Swisscom to Michael Cimino
HEAVEN’S GATE by Michael Cimino – USA – 1980 – 216’
THE DEER HUNTER by Michael Cimino – United Kingdom/USA – 1978 – 182’
THUNDERBOLT AND LIGHTFOOT by Michael Cimino – USA – 1974 – 115’
YEAR OF THE DRAGON by Michael Cimino – USA/France – 1986 – 134’
Excellence Award Moët & Chandon to Edward Norton
25TH HOUR by Spike Lee – USA – 2002 – 134’
FIGHT CLUB by David Fincher – USA/Germany – 1999 – 139’
THE PAINTED VEIL by John Curran – China/USA/Canada – 2006 – 125’
Leopard Club Award to Andy Garcia
This year the award is attributed to the American actor Andy Garcia.
Named after the supporting Association of the Festival, the Leopard Club Award pays tribute to someone in film whose work has left
a mark on the collective imagination.
THE LOST CITY by Andy Garcia – USA – 2005 – 144’
THE UNTOUCHABLES by Brian De Palma – USA – 1987 – 119’
Vision Award Nescens to Walter Murch
APOCALYPSE NOW by Francis Ford Coppola – USA – 1979 – 153’
RETURN TO OZ by Walter Murch – United Kingdom/USA – 1985 – 108’
PARTICLE FEVER by Mark Levinson – USA – 2013 – 99’
TOUCH OF EVIL by Orson Welles – USA – 1958 – 111’
Pardo alla carriera to Bulle Ogier
BELLE TOUJOURS by Manoel De Oliveira – Portugal/France – 2006 – 70’
ET CRAC by Jean Douchet – France – 1969 – 15’
LA SALAMANDRE by Alain Tanner – Switzerland – 1971 – 125’
LA VALLÉE by Barbet Schroeder – France – 1972 – 106’
LE PONT DU NORD by Jacques Rivette – France – 1981 – 127’
LES IDOLES by Marc’o – France – 1968 – 104’
Histoire(s) du cinéma
Pardo alla carriera to Marlen Khutsiev
BESKONEČNOST’ (Infinitas) by Marlen Khutsiev – ex USSR – 1992 – 206’
BYL MESJAZ MAJ (It Was the Month of May) by Marlen Khutsiev – ex USSR – 1970 – 113’
DVA FJODORA (Two Fyodor) by Marlen Khutsiev – ex USSR – 1958 – 88’
IJUL’SKIJ DOŽD’ (July Rain) by Marlen Khutsiev – ex USSR – 1966 – 115’
KHUTSIEV. MOTOR IDJOT! (Khutsiev. Action starts!) by Peter Shepotinnik – Russia – 2015 – 84’
POSLESLOVIE (Afterword) by Marlen Khutsiev – ex USSR – 1984 – 98’
ZASTAVA IL’IČA (Bastione Il’ich) by Marlen Khutsiev – ex USSR – 1965 – 115’
Tribute to Alex Phillips
CREPÚSCULO by Julio Bracho – Mexico – 1944 – 108’
EN LA PALMA DE TU MANO by Roberto Gavaldón – Mexico – 1950 – 90’
LA MUJER DEL PUERTO by Arcady Boytler, Raphael J. Sevilla – Mexico – 1933 – 76’
SUBIDA AL CIELO by Luis Buñuel – Mexico – 1952 – 85’
Premio Cinema Ticino
The Premio Cinema Ticino this year goes to Teco Celio.
The award, given biannually, is intended to honor the work of an individual or company that has made a distinctive contribution to
cinema and with Ticino connections, whether by birth, having a working base or living here for at least five years, or someone born in
the Canton of Ticino but working elsewhere. The 30,000 CHF prize, launched in 2009 by the Ticino Council of State in collaboration
with the Festival del film Locarno, is funded via the Swisslos fund. The jury for 2015 comprised Alberto Chollet, Federico Jolli,
Frédéric Maire, Antonio Mariotti and David Streiff.
L’AMORE PROBABILMENTE by Giuseppe Bertolucci – Italy/Switzerland – 2001 – 107’
Cinema svizzero riscoperto – Tribute to Georges Schwizgebel
Switzerland/France/Canada – 1974-2006 – 60’
Cinema svizzero riscoperto – Tribute to Kurt Früh
DÄLLEBACH KARI by Kurt Früh – Switzerland – 1970 – 113’
HINTER DEN SIEBEN GLEISEN by Kurt Früh – Switzerland – 1959 – 103’
Histoire(s) du cinéma
A QUALCUNO PIACERÀ - STORIA E STORIE DI ELIO PANDOLFI by Caterina Taricano, Claudio de Pasqualis – Italy – 2015 – 70’
I DON’T BELONG ANYWHERE - LE CINÉMA DE CHANTAL AKERMAN by Marianne Lambert – Belgium – 2015 – 67’
Karlovy Vary
To celebrate the 50-year relationship between the two cities, the Karlovy Vary’s and Locarno’s festivals have made a sharing
program which has begun with the screening of Daniel Schmid’s Il bacio di Tosca in Karlovy Vary.
VYNÁLEZ ZKÁZY (Invention for Destruction) by Karel Zeman – ex Czechoslovakia – 1958 – 78’
Histoire(s) du cinéma
Retrospettiva Partner
Retrospettiva Sam Peckinpah
Considered one of the great Hollywood rebels, Sam Peckinpah (1925 – 1984) made films that have made an impact on the collective
imagination. The Festival is screening the director’s entire cinematic oeuvre, – in many cases, showing newly restored prints – and
a selection of his television work, collaborations and films in which he featured as an actor. The screenings will be accompanied by
discussions of Peckinpah’s work, with contributions from specially invited filmmakers and film critics, and a round-table discussion.
The retrospective has been curated by the programmer and film historian Roberto Turigliatto. The publication that accompanies the
event, edited by Fernando Ganzo and published by Capricci, will be available in both French and English.
The retrospective is supported for the third time running by the Swiss Post. The event has been co-organized with the Cinémathèque
suisse and the Cinémathèque française. In addition to the two cinémathèques with whom the Festival has collaborated in putting the
retrospective together, several other institutions will also screen this tribute to Peckinpah, including the Filmpodium in Zurich, the
Cinémas du Grütli in Geneva, the Museo Nazionale del Cinema in Turin and the Film Society of Lincoln Center in New York.
Among the guests attending Locarno: the Mexican actress Isela Vega, the Austrian actress Senta Berger and the producer and
Peckinpah’s collaborator Kathy Haber.
BRING ME THE HEAD OF ALFREDO GARCIA by Sam Peckinpah – USA/Mexico – 1974 – 112’
CONVOY by Sam Peckinpah – USA/United Kingdom – 1978 – 110’
JUNIOR BONNER by Sam Peckinpah – USA – 1972 – 100’
MAJOR DUNDEE by Sam Peckinpah – USA – 1965 – 135’
PAT GARRETT & BILLY THE KID by Sam Peckinpah – USA – 1973 – 122’
RIDE THE HIGH COUNTRY by Sam Peckinpah – USA – 1962 – 93’
STRAW DOGS by Sam Peckinpah – USA/United Kingdom – 1971 – 118’
THE BALLAD OF CABLE HOGUE by Sam Peckinpah – USA – 1970 – 120’
THE CROSS OF IRON by Sam Peckinpah – United Kingdom/ex German Democratic Republic (GDR) – 1977 – 133’
THE DEADLY COMPANIONS by Sam Peckinpah – USA – 1961 – 93’
THE GETAWAY by Sam Peckinpah – USA – 1972 – 122’
THE KILLER ELITE by Sam Peckinpah – USA – 1975 – 123’
THE OSTERMAN WEEKEND by Sam Peckinpah – USA – 1983 – 102’
THE WILD BUNCH by Sam Peckinpah – USA – 1969 – 145’
TV Series
ABC STAGE 67 / NOON WINE by Sam Peckinpah – USA – 1966 – 60’
BROKEN ARROW / THE TEACHER by Morse Hollingsworth – USA – 1957 – 26’
KLONDIKE / SWOGER’S MULE by Elliot Lewis – USA – 1960 – 26’
MAN WITHOUT A GUN / THE KIDDER by John H. Peyser – USA – 1959 – 26’
TALES OF WELLS FARGO / APACHE GOLD by Earl Bellamy – USA – 1957 – 26’
THE DICK POWELL THEATER / THE LOSERS by Sam Peckinpah – USA – 1963 – 50’
THE RIFLEMAN by Arnold Laven, Sam Peckinpah – USA – 1958-1959 – 25’ x 6
THE WESTERNER by Sam Peckinpah, André De Toth, Bernard Kowalski, Donald McDougall, Ted Post, Bruce Geller, Tom Gries, Elliot
Silverstein – USA – 1960 – 25’ x 13
ZANE GREY THEATER / LONESOME ROAD by Sam Peckinpah – USA – 1959 – 25’
ZANE GREY THEATER / TROUBLE AT TRES CRUCES by Sam Peckinpah – USA – 1959 – 26’
ETOILES ET TOILES / SAM PECKINPAH by Jean-Claude Arié, Olivier Assayas – France – 1985 – 11’
INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS by Don Siegel – USA – 1956 – 80’
JINXED! by Don Siegel – USA – 1982 – 100’
PASSION & POETRY - THE BALLAD OF SAM PECKINPAH by Mike Siegel – Germany – 2005 – 120’
PORTRAIT OF A MADONNA by Sam Peckinpah – USA – 1952 – 28’
SAM PECKINPAH: MAN OF IRON by Paul Joyce – USA/United Kingdom – 1992 – 91’
SAM PECKINPAH: PORTRAIT by Umberto Berlenghini, Michelangelo Dalto – France/Italy – 2006 – 78’
THE CINCINNATI KID by Norman Jewison – USA – 1965 – 103’
THE GLORY GUYS by Arnold Laven – USA – 1965 – 112’
THE WILD BUNCH: AN ALBUM IN MONTAGE by Paul Seydor – USA – 1996 – 34’
TOM TIT TOT by Sam Peckinpah – USA – 1958 – 13’
Open Doors
8 – 11 August
Open Doors Partner
A programme funded by the EU
With support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) of the Swiss Foreign Ministry, Open Doors aims to
support and highlight directors from a region in the South or the East where independent cinema is vulnerable. Every year this
initiative is devoted to a different region, comprising a Co-production Lab and public screenings. This year, Open Doors is devoted
to four countries in the Maghreb: Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia.
Open Doors Screenings
The Open Doors Screenings offer the public a selection of films that are particularly representative of the cinematic world of the
chosen region.
BLA CINIMA by Lamine Ammar-Khodja – France – 2014 – 82’
C’ÉTAIT MIEUX DEMAIN by Hinde Boujemaa – Tunisia – 2012 – 71’
GABBLA (INLAND) by Tariq Teguia – Algeria/France – 2008 – 140’
HISTOIRE DE JUDAS by Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche – France/Algeria – 2015 – 99’
LA CHINE EST ENCORE LOIN by Malek Bensmaïl – Algeria/France – 2009 – 124’
LES TERRASSES by Merzak Allouache – Algeria/France – 2013 – 92’
HORRA (LIBRE) by Moez Kamoun –Tunisia – 2014 – 95’
PRINTEMPS TUNISIEN by Raja Amari – Tunisia/France – 2014 – 92’
SUR LA PLANCHE by Leïla Kilani – Morocco/France/Germany – 2011 – 106’
Short Films
CHOUF by Imen Dellil – Tunisia/Germany/France – 2014 – 26’
EN DEHORS DE LA VILLE by Rim Mejdi – Morocco – 2013 – 18’
LA FIÈVRE by Safia Benhaim – Morocco/France – 2014 – 40’
RETOUR, VERS UN POINT D’ÉQUILIBRE by Nadia Chouieb – Algeria/France – 2009 – 23’
TARZAN, DON QUICHOTTE ET NOUS by Hassen Ferhani – Algeria/France – 2013 – 18’
Libyan Short Films
80 by Muhannad Lamin – Libya – 2012 – 6’
DEAD END by Ahmed Aboub – Libya – 2015 – 8’
DRIFTING by Samer S. Omar – Libya – 2015 – 11’
GRAFFITI by Anas El Gomati and Ibrahim El Mayet – Libya – 2012 – 4’
LAND OF MEN by Kelly Ali – Libya – 2015 – 4’
MISSION IMPOSSIBLE by Najmi Own – Libye – 2015 – 16’
THE MOSQUE by Farag Al-Sharif – Libya – 2015 – 4’
THE RUNNER by Mohannad Eissa – Libya – 2014 – 4’
THE SANDWICH MAKER by Samer S. Omar – Libya – 2014 – 4’
THE SECRET ROOM by Ibrahim Y. Shebani – Libya – 2012 – 4’
Open Doors: the Co-production Lab
The thirteenth edition, which will take place August 8 – 11, presents a selection of 12 projects from the four countries from the
Maghreb. Their directors and producers will have the opportunity to have contact with potential partners, mainly European, in order
to encourage financing of their projects, which would be otherwise difficult to complete.
Various workshops will be organized for the films’ representatives, dealing with presentation techniques (pitch training run by
Sibylle Kurz) and issues relating to production and distribution in independent cinema.
Thanks to a collaboration with EAVE (PUENTES Europe – Latin America Producers Workshop), the projects’ representatives will have
a chance to participate in a session on traditional and alternative distribution, held by Sarah Calderón.
Open Doors
A panel about the different funding possibilities available for films from the Maghreb and the Arab world in general, held by Jean des
Forêts (Petit Film/EAVE), will be offered to the Open Doors participants and interested professionals.
Some projects will also receive script-writing support thanks to a partnership with the TorinoFilmLab, and one of the selected
projects may be presented at the next edition of the Torino festival.
As with the last edition, three producers from the films presented will also have the chance to participate in the Producers Network
of the Marché du Film during the 2016 Cannes Festival.
At the end of the four days lab, various awards will be offered. An award of 50,000 CHF is financed by the Open Doors initiative
in collaboration with the town of Bellinzona and the Swiss production fund Visions Sud Est, also supported by the DSC. ICAM
(Investing in Culture & Art in the South Mediterranean), a new initiative funded by the European Union (Programme Med Culture),
will offer, for the first time, a contribution of 20,000 Euros for the development or post-production. The CNC (Centre national du
cinéma et de l’image animée) will offer a prize worth 10,000 Euros and ARTE will finance a prize of 6,000 Euros. MAD Solutions,
the first Pan-Arab independent studio, will select a project and award it a distribution deal comprising the costs of public relations,
marketing, print and publicity.
Open Doors is organized in close collaboration with the Festival del film Locarno’s Industry Office and among its supporters counts
ACE (Ateliers du cinéma européen), EAVE (European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs) and the Producers Network Marché du Film (Cannes
Festival). The Festival also draws on input from Alex Moussa Sawadogo, an expert in African cinema and director of the film festival
Afrikamera in Berlin.
Selected projects:
ALLER SIMPLE by Nadia Raïs – Tunisia
DIEU RECONNAÎTRA LES SIENS by Hassan Legzouli – Morocco
EN ATTENDANT LES HIRONDELLES by Karim Moussaoui – Algeria/France
INHEBEK HEDI Hedi by Mohamed Ben Attia – Tunisia
L’AMOUR DES HOMMES by Mehdi Ben Attia – Tunisia/France
LE FORT DES FOUS by Narimane Mari – Algeria
LE SACRIFIÉ by Amin Sidi-Boumédiène – Algeria
PAGAN MAGIC by Fyzal Boulifa – Morocco/France
RETINA by Nejib Belkadhi – Tunisia
RUQYA by Yanis Koussim – Algeria/France
SAINT INCONNU by Alaa Eddine Aljem – Morocco
THE COLONEL’S STRAY DOGS by Khalid Shamis – Libya/South Africa
Open Doors
Swiss Cinema
in Locarno
Panorama Suisse
The Panorama Suisse presents a selection of Swiss films that were or will be released as premieres nationally or internationally in the
course of this year, such as festival successes, audience favorites and films that have not yet been released in theaters. Film lovers
from all over the world have the opportunity to discover current Swiss filmmaking in its own dedicated program window at the
Festival del Film Locarno.
This year, a commission joining the Solothurn Film Festival, the Swiss Film Academy and SWISS FILMS is responsible for the film
selection. SWISS FILMS is also presenting the “Rendez-vous du cinéma Suisse”, a round of talks with international film critics who will
discuss a selection of Swiss films.
The selection:
ABOVE AND BELOW by Nicolas Steiner – Switzerland/Germany – 2015 – 118’
CHRIEG by Simon Jaquemet – Switzerland – 2014 – 110’
CYCLIQUE by Frédéric Favre – Switzerland – 2015 – 71’
DORA ODER DIE SEXUELLEN NEUROSEN UNSERER ELTERN by Stina Werenfels – Switzerland/Germany – 2015 – 90’
GROZNY BLUES by Nicola Bellucci – Switzerland – 2015 – 104’
HORIZONTES by Eileen Hofer – Switzerland – 2015 – 70’
IMAGINE WAKING UP TOMORROW AND ALL MUSIC HAS DISAPPEARED by Stefan Schwietert – Switzerland/Germany – 2015 – 86’
VECCHI PAZZI by Sabine Boss – Switzerland – 2015 – 89’
WILD WOMEN - GENTLE BEASTS by Anka Schmid – Switzerland – 2015 – 96’
WINTERGAST by Andy Herzog, Matthias Günter – Switzerland – 2015 – 82’
Short Films
MESSAGES DANS L’AIR by Isabelle Favez – Switzerland/France – 2015 – 6’
NUVEM NEGRA by Basil Da Cunha – Switzerland – 2014 – 19’
Swiss Cinema in Locarno
Schools without Frontiers
For the fifth consecutive year, Festival del film Locarno will be dedicating a day to film and audiovisual training institutions in the
Canton Ticino. This year’s program gives an overview of the latest works produced at CISA (Conservatorio Internazionale di Scienze
Audiovisive), SUPSI (University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland) and the Academy of Architecture of USI
(Unversità della Svizzera italiana). In what has become a regular guest feature, Italy’s CSC (Experimental Cinematography Center) will
also be taking part.
CISA is a higher education college specializing in film and television: its two-year core program studies the image as an experience
and a project, leading to a diploma in Film/Visual Design, while the third and final year is devoted to a specialization in screenwriting,
production, directing, photography, sound or editing, after which graduates receive a federal post-diploma in Cinema/Television
Filmmaking. At this year’s Festival, CISA will be showing diploma films and second-year works.
The CSC Foundation (with which CISA has signed a long-term cooperation agreement) is the most prominent Italian-speaking institution
for film education, research, experimentation and conservation, addressing cinema, documentary, television drama, advertising and
animation. It has a twofold structure, consisting of the National Film School and the National Film Archive. At Locarno it will be presenting
a range of recent work by students from the Center’s various departments in L’Aquila, Milan, Rome, Palermo and Turin.
The SUPSI degree course in Visual Communication is focused on moving image design and animation as a transverse subject with
regard to the various branches of graphic design and new media. Students create web advertising features, apps, infographics,
promotional and short video art films, and these are also the categories represented by the works selected for the Festival.
For a number of years the Mendrisio-based Academy of Architecture has hosted workshops linked to the chair in “Styles and
Techniques of Cinema” held by Marco Müller. Filming Architecture is a field study group led in 2015 by Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine
(two of Europe’s most remarkable filmmakers), which has yielded a collection of short films that allow the viewer to mentally
reconstruct a complex space, on the basis of a series of frames complemented by detail shots.
Domenico Lucchini, Coordinator
SUPSI, corso di laurea in Comunicazione visiva
BASTA UN CLICK PER CAMBIARE VITA by Rossella Parolo – 2015 – 0’ 37’’
GODAU by Samanta Martinoli – 2015 – 1’ 10’’
GUARDIANO DELLA LUCE by Samanta Martinoli – 2015 – 1’54’’
IL PARTNER PERFETTO by Lara Pilcante – 2015 – 2’43’’
KAMAL by Greta Molteni – 2015 – 2’38’’
L’ULTIMO SELFIE by Thiago Espindola – 2015 – 1’20’’
LA POSTA by Paride Dedini – 2015 – 3’54’’
LA VITA NON È UN GIOCO by Valentina D’Annunzio – 2015 – 1’42’’
LATTE E FIENO by Federico Paviani – 2015 – 2’18’’
LIVENT by Silvia Francinini – 2015 – 1’26’’
RED FLOWER by Thiago Espindola – 2015 – 2’44’’
UTRIP by Samanta Martinoli – 2015 – 2’07’’
Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia
L’AQUILA PER NOI by Daniele Segre – 2015 – 25’
ASPETTANDO RIBOT byGiovanni Iavarone, Andrea Labate, Marco Serpenti – 2015 – 09’10”
IL PEDONE by Valentina Landenna, Pablo Poletti – 2015 – 0’30”
MARRY UP by Matteo Polo, Marco Serpenti, Matteo Zanin – 2015 – 0’58”
#viviMI by Andrea Labate, Valentina Landenna, Zenì Febo, Luigia Sergio – 2014 – 1’48”
COSMOETICO by Martina Scarpelli – 2015 – 4’46”
MECHANICK by Margherita Clemente, Lorenzo Cogno, Maria Garzo, Tudor A. Moldovan – 2015 – 6’
PARADOSSO by Rocco Venanzi, Maria Cesaro – 2015 – 3’48”
PERSEFONE by Grazia Tricarico – 2014 – 18’
SCOLPIRE IL TEMPO by Riccardo Cannella, Leandro Picarella – 2015 – 11’
Swiss Cinema in Locarno
CISA, Conservatorio Internazionale di Scienze Audiovisive
HOTEL DÜSSELDORF by Riccardo Silvestri – 2015 – 35’
WINDOW by Massimiliano Piozzini – 2015 – 6’
ASCOLTAMI MORIRE by Riccardo Sirignano – 2015 – 9’
GLI 8 ELEMENTI by Vittorio Castellano – 2015 – 18’
FIN DU VACC by Giovanni Greggio – 2015 – 0’24”
Accademia di architettura
100 TESTE 100 OPINIONI by Matteo Frangi, Lara Monacelli, Marina Rondini – 2015 – 08’25”
IN BILIC by Giorgio Della Marianna, Joseph Redpath, Alessandra Tararà, Marija Urbaite – 2015 – 04’20”
GIOCHERANNO... by Giulia Brembilla, Elia Rossi, Nadia Ruseva, Barbara Stallone, Michele Taborelli – 2015 – 05’23”
AUTOMA ORGANICO by Alessio Crespi, Virginia Granata, Alessandro Sebastiani, Valentina Tonelli – 2015 – 03’07”
PET IN FUGA by Tuia Giannesini, Valentina Luvini, Andrea Pompili, Elisabetta Vito – 2015 – 04’13”
Swiss Cinema in Locarno
First Features
Swatch First Feature Award eligible films
Piazza Grande
QING TIAN JIE YI HAO (The Laundryman) by LEE Chung
Concorso internazionale
MA DAR BEHESHT (Paradise) by Sina Ataeian Dena
JAMES WHITE by Josh Mond
Concorso Cineasti del presente
DEAD SLOW AHEAD by Mauro Herce
DOM JUAN by Vincent Macaigne
DREAM LAND by Steve Chen
KEEPER by Guillaume Senez
LE GRAND JEU by Nicolas Pariser
LU BIAN YE CAN (Kaili Blues) by BI Gan
MOJ BRATE – MIO FRATELLO by Nazareno Manuel Nicoletti
SIEMBRA by Ángela Osorio Rojas, Santiago Lozano Álvarez
THITHI by Raam Reddy
Fuori concorso
KIEV/MOSCOW. PART 1 by Elena Khoreva
O ESPELHO by Rodrigo Lima
Sings of Life
88:88 by Isiah Medina
RECOLLECTION by Kamal Aljafari
First Features
Industry Days
8 – 10 August
With the support of:
Paradigm Lost
The Industry has lost its paradigm; it’s still facing the challenges of the digital era but, as with any
other revolution, this also offers new opportunities and innovation. Some companies from more
traditional backgrounds have already successfully adapted to the ways media is being consumed by
new viewers, while others have not. Many factors contribute to the varying facets of development
– as we all know, changes are naturally slower in more diverse areas such as Europe, which
encompasses many different countries, languages, cultures and film laws.
Reinventing traditional business models and trying out new strategies for circulating films, custommade for each (there is no one-size-fits-it-all!), will help reboot the industry and also engage new
younger audiences such as non-cinema goers and digital natives.
Considering these major challenges the Locarno Industry Days, with their different initiatives and
networking opportunities, set out to provide a platform that brings together professionals from all
stages of the film value chain and from all over the world, to brainstorm, think up new ideas and forge
new business relations. With the fourth edition of StepIn, Industry Days deliver a think tank to tackle
specific issues relating to the dissemination of art-house film with a very concrete approach.
Following Locarno’s long tradition of discovering new talents, this year the Industry Days are adding
one important ingredient to the mix of industry participants: a delegation of young professionals.
The idea is to encourage an inter-generational exchange between industry professionals, so
(following a pilot edition in 2014) the Industry Academy, part of Locarno Summer Academy, is
officially launched this year. Bringing together 11 young participants from 10 countries, the Industry
Academy is a very practical shortcut to the film industry with a strong European and International
dimension. It offers a tailor-made training program to the young professionals, who come from the
areas of sales, traditional and online distribution, marketing, exhibition and programming.
So here’s to creating spaces where younger and older generations of professionals meet and are
encouraged to exchange thoughts, experiences, ideas and visions for a successful future.
Nadia Dresti, Delegate of the Artistic Director, Head of International
Industry Days
Locarno Industry Days Initiatives
Alliance For Development (8 – 10 August)
A pilot project of a new initiative launched in 2015 by the Industry Office of the Festival del film
Locarno with the support of the Federal Office of Culture (FOC) Switzerland, (in the context
of the MEDIA compensatory measures), Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée
(CNC), France, Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo (MiBACT), Italy and the
Filmföroderungsanstalt (FFA), Germany. Its concrete aim is to encourage co-development and coproductions between several of these countries around projects that offer natural opportunities
for organic, creative and financing partnerships. It will consist in proposing 5 projects to the
European industry key players attending the Locarno Industry Days that, for the majority of
them, have already benefited from grants allocated by the recently created development funds
between France-Italy and Italy-Germany. The launch of the French-German one is due for this
year. Switzerland being the natural co-producing partner of France, Germany and Italy, it seems
a perfect match to offer a specific platform to contribute to the existing common effort of these
countries to intensify co-development at an early stage, thus also including Switzerland. The teams
(director/producers) of the five chosen projects will come to the Locarno Industry Days to present
and discuss their projects in the Alliance For Development tailor-made programme consisting of
a mix of individual meetings set up in advance with potential partners (co-producers, funders,
international sales agents, distributors) and networking activities to favour additional contacts.
StepIn (Sunday, 9 August)
StepIn, launched four years ago, is an initiative designed as an interdisciplinary and international
exchange platform in which new strategies for distribution, exhibition and sales of auteur cinema
are discussed and developed.
The StepIn morning will be dedicated to closed working sessions – the brainstorming part of the
StepIn Day – gathering distributors, exhibitors, sales agents and filmmakers, including members
from StepIn partner organizations Europa Distribution, Europa International, Europa Cinemas,
and Fera as well as producers, funders and festivals to tackle a specific challenge pertaining to the
future of distribution of art-house films in Europe and abroad.
A short keynote will start off the afternoon, open plenary session of StepIn. In the debrief part
of the day, each working group shares a round up of their discussion, highlighting the greatest
challenges and sharing inspirations, ideas and recommendations to adapt to them. Following each
presentation is a Q&A and a discussion session involving the audience. (Saturday, 8 August)
Initially designed as a one-of conference to address the new situation Switzerland faced after
its exit from the Creative Europe MEDIA programme of the European Union in 2014, we quickly
realized that there is a demand by Swiss and European film professionals to discuss specific
challenges the Swiss film industry is confronted with. For the upcoming edition, we will focus on
the (lack of) visibility of Swiss films on national and international VoD platforms. After a case study
of a European VoD platform, an interactive forum will follow during which representatives from
the Swiss and European film industry, Swiss film promotion agencies and cultural and political
institutions will discuss the current situation and share ideas about possible strategies to improve
the visibility of Swiss films on VoD. Questions and comments from the audience are encouraged.
The panel is organized in partnership with Festival Tous Ecrans.
Industry Days
Locarno Industry Academy (5 – 12 August)
The Industry Academy has been designed as a very practical shortcut to the film industry with a
strong European and international dimension, and to help young professionals to extend their own
network of contacts. This first edition will welcome ten participants from nine European countries
and one from Mexico, exploring the perspective of an international opening of this program.
This new initiative has been developed in close cooperation with Europa International, Europa
Distribution and Europa Cinemas, with the support of the Swiss Federal Office of Culture in the
context of MEDIA compensatory measures.
First Look on Israeli Cinema (8 – 10 August)
The Festival del film Locarno’s First Look is dedicated to Israel this year.
Initiated in 2011, First Look presents films in post-production from a different country each year.
Thanks to a partnership with the Israel Film Fund, this year’s First Look will show six films in postproduction, each introduced by its producer to the various international sales agents, funders,
distributors and festival programmers attending Locarno.
A jury composed of three industry professionals will award the best film with an in-kind prize for
post-production services worth 60.000 Euros sponsored by Rotor Film and an in-kind prize for
advertising services worth 5.500 Euros offered by Le Film Français.
In light of some of the reactions that this year’s edition has provoked, the Festival has decided to
change the name of the initiative, re-naming it “First Look”, as the previously used “Carte Blanche”
did not reflect accurately enough the way in which the project is organized and gave rise to
Match-Me (8 –10 August)
Launching this year is Match-Me, a new initiative that gives continuity to the past editions of the
post-production showcase through a partnership with First Look partners from previous years:
Cinema do Brasil, CinemaChile, Proimagenes Colombia and IMCINE (Mexico). Each of them
will invite to Locarno up to four upcoming producers to introduce their works to potential coproducers, funds or sales companies. Additionally, a series of professional lunches with Industry
key players will help create a fertile networking in a productive “Latino’s Corner”.
Industry Days are organized with the support of the Swiss Federal Office of Culture in the context
of MEDIA compensatory measures.
Industry Days
Locarno Summer Academy
5 – 15 August
Locarno Summer Academy
Founded in 2010 with the aim of contributing to the development of emerging talents, the Locarno
Summer Academy is the Festival del film Locarno’s training program for young film professionals
and students. The Locarno Summer Academy came about from a desire to maximize Locarno’s
qualities as a meeting place and as a place of exchange for thinking about film, taking advantage of
the Festival’s overall structure and its numerous guests.
The 6th edition of the Locarno Summer Academy will welcome an increased number of 90 young
film talents from all over the world, thanks to the launch of a new academy, the Locarno Industry
Academy, dedicated to junior professionals involved in distribution, sales, marketing, exhibition
and programming.
Each of the five distinct initiatives aims at a different participant target, thus offering a range
of access levels and tailor-made activities: from a more general introduction for the youngest
to training new film critics, designing a specific workshop for the new generation of industry
professionals and a special journey for emerging filmmakers working on their first feature.
The Locarno Filmmakers Academy involves 15 promising filmmakers from the best international
Film schools who will enjoy daily sessions with top-level representatives from the world of
film, including directors, actors, producers, festival directors and training experts (among past
tutors: Werner Herzog, Abel Ferrara, Lav Diaz, Pedro Costa, Agnès Varda, Victor Erice, Aleksandr
Sokurov). Since 2014, trainees share the Filmmakers Academy experience with the 6 young talents
selected for the Cannes Festival’s Résidence Cinéfondation. This year, The Locarno Filmmakers
Academy welcomes two important new partners: Swatch and Red Bull. One artist of the Swatch Art
Peace Hotel residency project in Shanghai will join the ranks of the participants and the Red Bull
Music Academy will host a master class with the composer Brian Reitzell.
The Locarno Critics Academy involves 10 aspiring young film critics. The participants will work
under the editorial guidance of Eric Kohn (Indiewire), Brian Brooks (Film Society of Lincoln Center in
New York), Ruedi Widmer (ZHdK), Florian Keller (SVFJ) and Stefan Gubser ( During the
festival, they will be required to write about various films and events on a daily basis for Pardolive
and other outlets in addition to meeting with established film critics and various other members of
the film community. This initiative has been developed thanks to support of the Federal Office of
The Locarno Industry Academy has been designed as a very practical shortcut to the film industry
with a strong European and international dimension, and to help young professionals to extend
their own network of contacts. This first edition will welcome 10 participants from 9 European
countries and 1 from Mexico, exploring the perspective of an international opening of this
program. This new initiative has been developed in close cooperation with Europa International,
Europa Distribution and Europa Cinemas, with the support of the Swiss Federal Office of Culture in
the context of MEDIA compensatory measures.
Locarno Summer Academy
The Locarno Summer Academy also comprises two other initiatives:
Already in its 15th edition, the Documentary Summer School is a residential academic program
jointly organized by the Università della Svizzera italiana and the Festival del film Locarno, in
collaboration with la Semaine de la critique.
The Documentary Summer School is open to up to 25 undergraduate and early-stage graduate
students in the fields of film, media and communication studies. This year the Documentary
Summer School addresses the broad issue of ethics in documentary filmmaking. In its 5 days of
lectures, meetings and screenings, the Documentary Summer School explores a wide range of
ethically-charged topics, with a particular focus on the representation of others, a pressing matter
in this era, when images can be circulated quickly and pervasively.
Now in its 56th edition, Cinema&Gioventù brings together 33 students from Swiss and north
Italian colleges, vocational schools and universities. Participants will have the chance to
experience the Festival as protagonists themselves, for instance as jury members and/or privileged
viewers, meeting directors and actors and participating in meetings with experts in the field.
Cinema&Gioventù is a project of the Dipartimento dell’educazione, della cultura e dello sport
(DECS) of the Canton of Ticino organized by Bellinzona’s Castellinaria International Young Film
“The expanding, but increasingly fine-tuned offering of the Locarno Summer Academy has made it a
workshop that covers the whole professional skill set of filmmaking, and as a result it has become one of
our most keenly fostered core projects. Locarno Summer Academy has a strategic role to play: not just
because it represents a seamless continuation of the Festival’s own mission of discovering new talents
and fostering diverse filmmaking skills, but also because it nurtures and gives meaning to the idea of the
Festival as an all-round experience, a place where knowledge is passed on between artists and spectators
in a process of mutual growth.” Carlo Chatrian, the Festival’s Artistic Director
The Locarno Summer Academy enjoys support from the Ernst Göhner Stiftung (Zug) and of the
Prof. Otto Beisheim-Stiftung (Baar).
Sophie Bourdon, Head of Locarno Summer Academy Training Development.
Locarno Summer Academy
Summer Academy Partners
Filmmakers Academy
Critics Academy
Zurich University of the Arts
Centre for Publishing in the Arts
Industry Academy
Documentary Summer School
Locarno Summer Academy
Schweizerischer Verband Der FilmJournalistinnen und Filmjournalisten (SVFJ)
Association Suisse des Journalistes
Cinématographiques (ASJC)
Associazione Svizzera dei Giornalisti
Cinematografici (ASGC)
Semaine de la critique – 26. Edizione
La SEMAINE DE LA CRITIQUE è una sezione indipendente del Festival di Locarno. Dal 1990 è organizzata
dall'Associazione Svizzera dei Giornalisti Cinematografici e presenta 7 documentari molto particolari.
La SEMAINE DE LA CRITIQUE est une section indépendante du Festival de Locarno. Elle est organisée
depuis 1990 par l’Association Suisse des Journalistes Cinématographiques et présente un programme de 7
films documentaires très particuliers.
Die SEMAINE DE LA CRITIQUE ist eine vom Schweizerischen Verband der Filmjournalistinnen und
Filmjournalisten organisierte unabhängige Sektion des Internationalen Filmfestivals Locarno. Seit ihrer
Gründung 1990 zeigt die Semaine jedes Jahr eine Reihe von sieben herausragenden Dokumentarfilmen aus
aller Welt.
K2. Dotknąć nieba (K2. Touching the Sky) – Eliza Kubarska – prima internazionale
Poland / UK / Germany, 2015 – v.o. Polish, English; 72'
Prima: cinema Teatro Kursaal 07.08, 11.00
Bracia (Brothers) – Wojciech Staroń – prima mondiale
Poland, 2015 – v.o. Polish; 68'
Prima: cinema Teatro Kursaal 08.08, 11.00
Als die Sonne von Himmel fiel – Aya Domenig – prima mondiale
Switzerland, 2015 – v.o. Japanese, Swiss German; 80'
Prima: cinema Teatro Kursaal 09.08, 11.00
Mów mi Marianna (Call Me Marianna) – Karolina Bielawska – prima internazionale
Poland, 2015 – v.o. Polish; 73'
Prima: cinema Teatro Kursaal 10.08, 11.00
My Name is Gary – Blandine Huk & Frederic Cousseau – prima mondiale
France, 2015 – v.o. English; 85'
Prima: cinema Teatro Kursaal 11.08, 11.00
Lampedusa In Winter – Jakob Brossmann – prima mondiale
Austria / Italy / Switzerland, 2015 – v.o. Italian, English; 98'
Prima: cinema Teatro Kursaal 12.08, 11.00
The Ground We Won – Christopher Pryor – prima europea
New Zealand, 2015 – v.o. English; 91'
Prima: cinema Teatro Kursaal 13.08, 11.00
Schweizerischer Verband Der FilmJournalistinnen und Filmjournalisten (SVFJ)
Association Suisse des Journalistes
Cinématographiques (ASJC)
Associazione Svizzera dei Giornalisti
Cinematografici (ASGC)
PREMIO SRG SSR / Semaine de la Critique
Il premio SRG SSR / Semaine de la Critique, del valore di CHF 8'000, è conferito al regista e al
produttore del film vincitore.
Le Prix SRG SSR / Semaine de la Critique, est constitué d’une somme de CHF 8’000 octroyée au
réalisateur et au producteur du film gagnant.
Der von der SRG SSR gestiftete Preis der Semaine de la Critique im Wert von 8000 Franken geht
an den Produzenten und den Regisseur des besten Films.
PREMIO Zonta Club Locarno
La giuria ufficiale della Semaine de la critique attribuisce anche il “Premio Zonta Club Locarno" al
film che meglio promuove l'etica ad alti livelli”.
Le jury officiel de la Semaine de la critique décerne aussi le prix "Premio Zonta Club Locarno" au
film qui exprime au mieux l'engagement social.
Die Jury der Semaine de la critique vergibt zudem den «Premio Zonta Club Locarno» für einen
Film, der sich durch besonderes soziales Engagement auszeichnet.
Thierry Lounas (FR)
Andreas Furler (CH)
Anke Leweke (DE)
Sponsors and Partners
Open Doors Partner
Retrospettiva Partner
Official Car Provider
Official Airline
Official Carrier
Media Partner
Host Broadcaster
Pardo Live Partner
Communication Partner
Cineasti del presente
and Vision Award Partner
Event Partner
Premio speciale della giuria
Cineasti del presente
Locarno Short Film Nominee
for the European Film Awards
Summer Academy Partner
Summer Academy Partner
Pardi di domani Partner
Official Partner
Industry Partner
Official Champagne
Official Makeup
Official Computer
Digital Cinema
Content Provider
Electricity Supplier
Official Hair Stylist
Official Coffee
Official Security
Services Supplier
Cinema Communication
Official E-Bike
Official Eyewear Supplier
Official Garden Design
Official Technical
Official Film Carrier
Official Furniture Supplier
Official Supporters
Partner Hotel
Official Event Solution
Official Carpet Supplier
Ringraziamo inoltre in ordine alfabetico
Nous remercions également par ordre alphabétique
Wir danken auch in alphabetischer Reihenfolge
Città di Bellinzona
Città di Lugano
Comune di Ascona
Comune di Brione s/Minusio
Comune di Brissago
Comune di Gambarogno
Comune di Gordola
Comune di Losone
Comune di Minusio
Comune di Muralto
Comune di Orselina
Comune di Ronco s/Ascona
Comune di Tenero-Contra
Comune di Terre di Pedemonte
Archivio di Stato, Bellinzona
Biblioteca Cantonale di Locarno
Centro Didattico Cantonale Ticino (DECS)
Centro sportivo nazionale della gioventù di Tenero (UFSPO)
Cinémathèque Française
Cineteca svizzera
CISA (Conservatorio Internazionale
di Scienze Audiovisive Pio Bordoni)
CSIA (Centro scolastico per le industrie artistiche)
CNC (Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée)
Dipartimento del Territorio del Cantone Ticino
Ente Regionale per lo Sviluppo del Locarnese e Vallemaggia
GastroLago Maggiore e Valli
Gastro Ticino
Hotelleriesuisse sezione di Ascona e Locarno
Liceo Cantonale di Locarno
Meteo Svizzera
MiBACT – Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo
Presenza Svizzera
Regierungsrat des Kantons Bern
SAMS (Scuola d’arti e mestieri della sartoria Lugano)
Scuola Media di Locarno
SPAI (Scuola Professionale Artigianale Industriale)
STA (Scuola specializzata superiore di tecnica
dell’abbigliamento e della moda)
Stadt Bern Präsidialdirektion
SUPSI (Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana)
SVFJ (Schweizerischer Verband der Filmjournalistinnen
und Filmjournalisten)
Ticino Turismo
USI (Università della Svizzera italiana)
Argus der Presse
ARTE France
Bellevue Palace Bern
Boutique Farfalla
Boutique Lifestyle Ascona
CHC Business Solutions
Clear Channel Svizzera SA
FFA - Filmförderungsanstalt
Film und Video Untertitelung
FOFT – Federazione Ortofrutticola Ticinese
Ghisla Art Collection Locarno
Gioielleria Bucherer, Locarno
Dr. Albert Gnägi
Gastronomie & Tourisme
GelateriaSvizzera (Riazzino)
Heineken Switzerland AG
Hôtel du Lac Locarno
Jannuzzi Smith · London | Lugano
Kursaal Locarno SA
Le film français
Leopard Club
Nüssli AG
NZZ am Sonntag - Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Pro Verzasca
RailAway AG
Rapelli SA
Rezzonico Editore
Rotor Film Babelsberg
SIX Payment Services
Stardrinks AG
Tamaro Drinks SA
Transpalux (Suisse) SA
Ticino Management
4IT Solutions
Enjoying together
Unique moments at the Festival del film Locarno.
UBS has been supporting
the ­Festival­del­film­Locarno
UBS’s commitment to the Festival
del film Locarno, which started as a
modest, local sponsorship, has
helped the event develop into an
important cultural happening over the
last three decades. The festival is
not only one of the most important
international film festivals, it ranks
as one of Switzerland’s top events.
This puts it on par with the likes of
Art Basel, the Montreux Jazz Festival,
Weltklasse Zurich and Athletissima
Lausanne, which are also supported
by UBS. The Festival del film Locarno
UBS Media Relations
Tel: +41-44-234 85 00
continues to thrill audiences with
its youthful verve and clear identity.
It seduces them with its unique
atmosphere and its challenging,
high-quality program.
UBS has also been the title sponsor of
the “Prix du Public UBS,” the increasingly popular people’s choice award,
for more than 10 years. In addition to
official juries composed of filmmakers
and other creative artists, the festival
also has a jury made up of the general
public, which rates the films shown
every evening on the Piazza Grande.
The winner of last year's CHF 30,000
prize was a Swiss production entitled
“Schweizer Helden” (Swiss Heroes) by
Peter Luisi. This demonstrates that in
the eyes of the international audience
in Locarno, the Swiss film industry can
keep up with the best in the world.
Thanks to the support of UBS, visitors
can benefit from a free screening in
the Piazza Grande on the eve of the
official opening of the Festival.
Media release Berne,
15 July 2015
Enjoy unique film moments with Swisscom as main sponsor
of the Locarno Film Festival
From 5 to 15 August, around 160,000 film buffs from all over the world will once again
gather on the Piazza Grande, as Locarno becomes the worldʼs capital of auteur cinema.
Swisscom is supporting the Locarno Film Festival as main sponsor for the 19th time and
will present two Pardo dʼonore Swisscom awards to directors Michael Cimino and Marco
The first Pardo dʼonore Swisscom goes to the American director, screenplay writer and producer
Michael Cimino, whose best-known works include «Thunderbolt and Lightfoot», «Heavenʼs Gate»
and «The Deer Hunter» (which can be viewed on Swisscom TV). The winner of the second award
is Marco Bellocchio, an Italian film director, scriptwriter and producer, whose film «I Pugni in
Tasca» was premiered at the Locarno Film Festival exactly 50 years ago, when it won the Silver
The unique atmosphere of the Locarno Film Festival on the banks of Lake Maggiore, surrounded
by mountains, is always an inspiring experience. Fittingly, visitors to this yearʼs festival will be able
to use the official festival app «Locarno68», produced by Swisscom, to create their own
extraordinary memory and become part of the festival with a so-called «LeoPardo». Users of the
app can take a «Pardo Selfie» and convert the image into a festival poster. They can then share
their personalised poster with friends via social media under the hashtag #IAMPARDO. They can
enter the competition by uploading it to an online gallery which, thanks to Swisscom and the best
network, can be done easily from anywhere. The festival poster with the most «likes» each day will
win a Samsung Galaxy S6 edge.
This year, Swisscom is again ensuring that communication at the festival runs smoothly. To enable
the 900 or so media representatives to send their data all over the world, Swisscom is equipping
the press center with state-of-the-art infrastructure and wireless Internet access.
Further information:
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA
General Secretariat GS-FDFA
Presence Switzerland
Expo Milano 2015 - Short-film contest
Presence Switzerland and the Festival del film Locarno have joined forces to organise a
short-film competition on the theme of nutrition in connection with Expo Milano 2015 and in
collaboration with Swiss and Italian film schools.
The Swiss and Italian film schools responded positively and have selected the following
students to take part in the project:
Carina Freire, Roman Hüben and Gregor Frei, ECAL Lausanne
Alice Riva, HEAD Geneva
Daniele Lucca, CISA Lugano
Monica Fenu, Andrea Labate and Marco Serpenti, Centro Sperimentale di
Cinematografia, Milan
• Luana Giardino and Simone Pizzi, Civica Scuola di Cinema, Milan
These students have produced short documentary films on regional products and their
producers. Adriano Schrade, of the Associazione REC, supervised the production and the
students. The format of the documentary was left to the students to decide, the only
restriction being that it should be three minutes long and contain no dialogue. Apart from this,
the film-makers were free to treat the theme as they wished.
A Swiss and an Italian student each went to one of the five following food producers and
medallists of the national competition on regional products:
"Pasticceria Marnin" in Locarno for its panettone
"Chäsi Girenbad" in Girenbad-Hinwil for its Girenbaderli cheese
"Boucherie des Remparts" in Villeneuve for its country-style pâté
"Gasthaus Alte Post" in Zillis, for its nut tart
"Pêcherie Clerc & fils", in Prangins, Nicolas Clerc for his fish products
In July, the ten films will be shown at and published on social
networks, where the public will be able to vote on their favourite. A professional jury will also
award a prize.
All the competition participants and their school instructors will be in Locarno for the
distribution of the prizes on Sunday 9 August at the Ghisla Art Collection Foundation.
The films will then be shown on different screens at the Swiss pavilion in Milan during the
final three months of Expo Milano 2015.
plete film director
a co
On the occasion of
ilm Locarno
He never won any Oscar and didn’t alway have the audience’s favors. His filmography
is short and unbalanced. But his films became cult and many movie fans and
contemporary directors like Tarantino or Scorsese, claim his influence. This book,
abundantly illustrated in color, provides a look back on his works, on both TV and
cinema screens, through film reviews, shooting stories and interviews.
17x24 cm, 196 pages, more than 100 illustrations
On sale during the festival and September 3d in bookshops
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