Stillwood Youth Retreat 2016
Stillwood Youth Retreat 2016
How to Get to Camp! For Retreat Information... Phone: (604) 769-2101 Fax: [604] 769-2131 Email: Turn right if your coming from Yarrow, turn left if your coming from Sardis, onto Columbia Valley Hwy / Cultus Lake Rd. Follow that road thru the roundabout, past the waterslides and continue on Columbia Valley Hwy for 8.8km (from the roundabout) until you reach Frost Rd. Turn left onto Frost Rd for 2.2 km Turn left onto Watt Rd and camp entrance will be at the end of Watt Rd. BE WARNED: Drugs, alcohol, firecrackers, stink bombs, etc. and negative attitudes towards other students or leaders will not be tolerated. Come prepared for a great weekend, but realizing that you will be sent home with no refund if you cannot live within those boundaries. It is also expected that you respect people, privacy and property while on this YAC Student Ministries event. Details and stuff…. Stillwood Camp Fall Retreat Registration Form DATES : Sept 23rd –25th Name:_________________________________ Age _________ Phone # ________________ AGES: Grades 7-12 COST: $150 per person If you need help raising funds for the retreat, contact Caroline, before September. We want you all to come! Don’t let money stop you from coming on this weekend retreat! * Please note that payment is needed to reserve your refunds after Sept 16th ARRIVAL TIME: be- tween 6:30-7pm on Friday, Sept 23rd … Just in time to get settled in your cabin and then join us for our “retreat kick off”. (Eat before you come...Friday night is snack only!] PICK-UP TIME: It’s all over at 1:00pm on Sunday...please make sure your rides arrive on time. TRANSPORTATION: You will have to ar- range transportation on your own, either through your parents or a car pool. See back page of brochure for directions to the camp. Parent’s/Guardian’s Names ________________ SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS: Swimming pool, gym, sky-high adventure course, late Night game, worship together, great conversations great food, a lodge full of friends, … and whatever else we can pack into 2.5 days! WHAT TO BRING: Sleeping bag, pillow, swimsuit(modest swim bikini’s…no speedo’s please, this is a YAC rule and Stillwood camp rule), towel, bathroom stuff, running/hiking shoes, clothes for outdoor activities, clean underwear? , a warm jacket or sweater, Bible, camera, a good book, and a flashlight. Snack foods like chips, popcorn, candy, cookies and pop or juice are all acceptable food items...the camp does not allow any meats, poultry, fish or dairy to be brought to camp and no snack food should be brought into the dinning area. **Register now to guarantee your spot and don’t forget to invite your friends...remember cut off Is Sept 16th!!! BC Care Card number ____________________ Allergies or Medical Conditions( please include any medications you are currently taking) _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ “I give permission for ___________________ to attend YAC Youth ministries “Fall Retreat” on Sept 23rd —25th 2016. My son and/or daughter will obey direction from the YACSM staff leading the retreat and their cabin leader, and understand that they will be sent home if they are unwilling to abide by retreat rules.” Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________________ Date __________________ IMPORTANT NOTE: A “Yarrow Alliance Church Youth Ministries 2016 Student Registration and Parent Authorization Form” must be handed in with your registration if one has not already been filled out for this particular student. These are available from the church office upon request or from the church website @