Touchbase MAr 14.indd - The International School of Penang
Touchbase MAr 14.indd - The International School of Penang
Carol Chng 016 440 6887 04 881 2730 Vice Chairperson John Bridgwood 016 463 5627 04 229 5627 Secretary Halimaton Balfoorth 012 550 5498 04 8851 900 Treasurer Janice Lee 016 453 6756 04 890 0898 Asst Secretary Marion Michalewski 017 547 1707 04 885 2528 Asst Treasurer Cathy Burrell 012 472 6038 04 881 1160 Ordinary Parent Barbara Barnett 017 681 6162 04 881 4110 Ordinary Parent Anne Loh 012 586 7584 Teacher Primary Representatives Secondary Mrs Ali Nicholson Mr Steve Weatherly We would also like to introduce a new School Coordinator, Mrs Hayati Jackson and a team of volunteers. School shop opens : Tue, Thur & Fri : 7.30am to 8.30am Mon & Wed : 2.15pm to 3.15pm For any comments, you could write to : The International School of Penang (Uplands) In this TouchBase: New UPTA Executive Committee 08/09 Exchange Program FOBISSEA ISAKL A FORTNIGHTLY INTERNAL NEWSLETTER FOR THE UPLANDS SCHOOL COMMUNITY Chairperson TOUCHBASE New UPTA Executive Committee 08/09 March 14th, 2008 FRIDAY TERM 2 St. Christopher’s Science Fair So what does Uplands have to offer in terms of Science? Well, just ask the students of St. Christopher’s International School. The 3rd of March promised to be as exciting a day for us as it did for them. A small group of Uplands ‘scientists’ eagerly awaited the evening when we would be able to demonstrate our “excellent” skills to the students of St. Christopher’s at their School’s Science Fair. Our group consisted of the physicists (Kai Sheng and Linda), the biologists (May Li and Panit) and also the chemists (Jasryn, Priya and Sarah S). We met at 5.45 p.m. to assemble our apparatus and get ourselves ready for the scientific ordeal that was to come. It was all good, clean (well, most of it anyway) fun with people of all ages coming back for seconds, thirds… and even fourths. Time flew by and all too soon our ordeal was over. Though it was not easy trying to explain the concepts of biological structures, chemical bonds and electrical charges to young children and adults at the same time, we’d definitely do it all over again if we could. As Franklin P. Jones once said, “You can learn many things from children… how much patience you have for instance.” By Sarah Sulaiman Ch’ng and Jasryn Ng Sui Wei In our own little classroom, we set up a range of experiments to cover the three main fields of science. On the biology end, we had a digital microscope set up to display various prepared slides. Children eagerly gathered around to watch the microscope zoom in on all manner of plant and animal cells with several of them begging Panit and May Li to let them have a go at this fascinating piece of equipment. For chemistry, some structural models were set up for display (However, they oddly resembled something remotely like fighter planes at the end) but the main attraction was the fun colour-changing milk experiment (by yours truly) which involved milk, detergent and coloured dye. Children and adults alike watched in fascinated contemplation as the beautiful, swirling colours formed on the surface of the milk. This was also of course the messiest experiment, involving a multitude of coloured dyes, stained fingers… and a white table (with most of the coloured dyes on it!). A hair raising experience Priya takes a break before new guests arrive Physics certainly held its own with the Van der Graaff generator, which proved to be quite a crowd puller. Everybody clustered round to watch Linda’s hair stand up on end each time she touched the dome. Kai Sheng and Linda certainly had the crowd transfixed by the small bolts of electricity produced between the dome and hammer of the generator. More importantly, a lot of knowledge was learnt about electrical charges and electrostatic theory. Getting technical at SCIPS You are invited to: THE ANNUAL IB VISUAL ARTS EXAMINATION EXHIBITION & OPENING Date: Friday, 26 April 2008 at 3pm Refreshments: Wine, juice and snacks Venue: Front lobby area All staff, support staff, office staff and parents and friends of the exhibitors are invited to this brief event which is conveniently timed immediately after school on Friday so that people do not need to go home and return to school. Come along and enjoy an end of week relaxing glass of wine or juice and light snacks and meet the four students concerned. We have an especially interesting group of candidates this year. Each has explored Art in very individual and creative ways. The exhibition will remain on show from Monday April 28, to Wednesday April 30 from 8am onwards so that the whole school and Uplands community will have the opportunity to enjoy it. By Bruce Sherratt HOD Visual Arts PAGE 2 Exchange program with Penang Japanese School On Friday 22nd February 2008, 25 of Grade 5 and 6 students from Penang Japanese School (PJS) came to Uplands for the exchange programme. Some of you might remember that our students of Japanese had already visited to their school last November and they were able to have a wonderful experience of various Japanese cultural activities. This time, the same as last year, we invited them back to Uplands so that they could experience Uplands and its culture. Mrs. Alexis Kerr and I prepared the programme on the advice of students of the Japanese classes. In the programme, students from the Yr 5 to the Yr 8 Japanese class (35 of them) participated in it. It started at 9:00 AM with the opening ceremony at the foyer. After the welcoming speech by Mr. Alan Smith, Mikako Motoyoshi (5W) and Vincent Chu (7Y), the program moved to an icebreaker activity. Mr. Peter Westall started the games by making students laugh a lot with his humorous funny Japanese trial. There was also one more game where the students had to find out each other’s birthdays. Having a break in the secondary timetable, the students from both Uplands and PJS were separated into small groups/pairs and they went to different places on the campus during break time. The students also did a quiz where they went around to different spots on the campus, solving the questions written on the paper. The Yr 8 Japanese students helped the game as question givers. It was rather hard for some of the young students, but they worked very hard to find out the answers. Many pairs struggled with communication because some questions were written in Japanese which meant that PJS students had to translate the meaning to Uplands students. The last activity was a kind of mural work in which the pair groups of Uplands and PJS students used their right and left hands and they did hand printing with paint on the white cotton fabric. It was organized by Mrs. Carol Marshall with the help of many teachers. Unfortunately there was a lack of time so it became rather rushed in the end. However, the students enjoyed the collaborative process and managed to complete the work. Those who finished the work early, did an interview in both English and Japanese to exchange personal information which was a very good language exercise for students. The students in the Japanese class looked more motivated to communicate in Japanese than the time they are in Japanese lessons!! One of the special arrangements this year was that some parents from PJS came to see the programme, Mrs. Akiko Vonlaufen took them around the school to see what Uplands is like. In some class rooms, the group was warmly welcomed by friendly teachers of Uplands despite an interruption to their lessons. It was a good opportunity to introduce our school to the parents from outside and they greatly appreciated the school tour. The exchange program ended with a short closing ceremony. The Uplands students said goodbye in both Japanese and English and sent off the PJS students who were packed in to the mini bus. Many students found that there were difficulties in understanding but they could in some way communicate with each other. This is the 3rd time that we have invited PJS to our school and we hope the programme will be continued in the coming years. In the end, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the teachers and ancillary staff who supported us and made this event successful. By Ms. Akiko Nichisato By Alexis Kerr PAGE 3 FOBISSEA: Primary Games 27-29 May The International School of Penang (Uplands) is proud to announce that it will be hosting the FOBISSEA Primary Games in May 2008 What is FOBISSEA? FOBISSEA is the Federation of British-style International Schools in South East Asia. It was founded eighteen years ago by an initial group of 8 schools - including Uplands. There are about 23 member schools ( FOBISSEA is affiliated to COBISEC (Council of British and International Schools ( For many parents, a key part of involvement within FOBISSEA has been the opportunity to become involved with the FOBISSEA sporting competitions. Due to the different sizes of the schools within FOBISSEA, schools have been allocated to different groups to enable competition against schools of similar student numbers. Over the years our students (and many parents as supporters) have traveled to many different countries to represent Uplands in various sports e.g. athletics, swimming, football, T-ball and basketball. This offers our children a chance to be good ambassadors for our school, to make friendships with students from other schools in the region and to compete at an appropriate level in their sporting areas. FOBISSEA Primary Games (Tuesday, 27 May - Thursday, 29 May) For the Primary Games, Uplands is in Group D, which includes the smaller schools. We are anticipating this competition could include up to 400 people: • • • • • Approximately 110 - 120 visiting students Our own Uplands primary competitors (36 students) Up to 50 accompanying teachers Quite a lot of parents! Officials, judges and volunteers Teams should consist of 6 boys and 6 girls from each of the Primary Year groups 4, 5 and 6. Which Schools will be sending teams to the Primary games in Penang? International School of Penang (Uplands) ISP Malaysia ABC International School Vietnam ABS Vietnam The British School Kathmandu BSK Nepal St John’s International School, Bangkok STJ Thailand GISR Thailand Kinabalu International School KIS Malaysia St Stephen’s International Sch. Bangkok SIS Thailand The Regents School Bangkok RSB Thailand Garden International School Rayong What is the FOBISSEA Primary Games programme for those days? Monday, 26 May: Teams arrive in Penang. They will stay at the Equatorial Hotel near the sporting venues. Normal School day at Uplands for all Uplands students. Tuesday, 27 May: ATHLETICS MEET at USM Athletics Stadium Officials from the Penang Amateur Athletics Association will assist. Wednesday, 28 May: TEAM GAMES at USM Front Field Morning: Football Officials from the Penang Football Association will assist. Afternoon: T-Ball PAGE 4 Thursday, 29 May: SWIMMING GALA at PISA Officials from the Penang Amateur Swimming Association will assist. Friday, 30 May: Visiting teams depart. Normal School day at Uplands for all Uplands students. y, 2008 What about the funding? Who pays? Each participant pays for their own costs. In addition, Uplands is seeking to raise sponsorship and support from the wider community to reduce overheads and the costs to the Uplands students participating in the games. The PTA has kindly agreed to help out with various aspects of the games, especially with sales of food and souvenirs at the games venues, kit for our own team and information for visiting parents. Mrs. Sue Watts is co-ordinating sponsorship. If there are parents’ companies who would be willing to sponsor, or place an advertisement, we would love to hear from you. Please contact What happens in School during the FOBISSEA Primary Games? Although the games are Primary games, this is very much a whole School event. Although officials from different sporting organizations will be assisting during the competition, teachers from both Primary and Secondary will be involved during the three days of competition. School will still be held for this period as detailed below: As all the Primary teachers will be involved in the games there will be no school for years 1-6 on those three days. It is hoped that those students who not competing will come along to the competition with their parents to cheer on and support their friends. The following programme will be followed for Secondary students (Tuesday - Thursday, 27-29 May): Year 7 (8am - 1pm) A specialist programme (subject specific) on examination revision and study techniques in preparation for the internal Year 7 examinations in early June Year 8 (8am - 1pm) A specialist programme “The Winning Habits of International Teenagers: Making it All Add Up!” will be delivered by Secondary teachers. Year 9 (8am-3pm, Tuesday and Wednesday; 8am - 1pm Thursday) “Champions of Enterprise” Programme will be delivered by Secondary teachers and guest speakers from the local business community. Year 10 At-home revision programme to prepare for internal school examinations to be held early June. Year 11 and 13 On Study Leave whilst sitting their IGCSE and IB examinations Year 12 At-home revision programme to prepare for internal school examinations, in addition to assistance in the FOBISSEA Primary Games to acquire CAS hours to contribute towards their IB Diploma. What happens after it is all over? Uplands is also hosting the FOBISSEA Under 13 Games in mid November and will be rolling out our welcome a second time for a different group of schools, this time from Brunei, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia. How can I help? If you would like to help out in any way with this exciting event, either in May or November, please contact AlexisKerr@ to register your interest. PAGE 5 ISAKL- Athletics Meet Feb 22-23 The Primary and Secondary students represented Uplands in K.L, Feb 22nd-23rd, at an Athletics meet hosted by The Garden International School. The students performed very well, coming home with gold, silver, and bronze medals. It was the first time that our athletes had the opportunity to demonstrate their skills at a competitive level and coaches and parents alike were not disappointed. This Track and Field meet was a wonderful experience and acted as precursor to the upcoming FOBISSEA games for the Primary and Under 15 athletes. I would like to extend my thanks to the other coaches, Dr. Colin Dickinson, Buby Weggartner and Alexis Kerr for their wonderful help during the weekend. Thank you to the parents who made the journey as well and supplied goodies for both students and teachers. Congratulations to all the students who participated in the Athletics meet. Please find pictures of the students who participated in the ISAKL track meet at the below link. Note that these pictures are for web display only. They are too small to print. Merrill Ross H.O.D P.E The Story of ISAKL It all started on Friday morning. We sat in the bus at 11 o’clock. After 6 hours in the bus, we finally arrived at our hotel. After that we got to know our roommates and our room numbers. We went up to the 16&17 floor. We took a shower and changed our clothes. Everybody went down to the foyer and went to the shopping mall. There was a choice of places to eat. Most people ate Burger King. After dinner we all went back to our hotel and went to bed. Mrs. Kerr read a story called “The Mousehole Cat”. Next morning we had to wake up at 5:45 which was for some of us very difficult. We went down to eat breakfast and saw the “SCIPS” (St. Christopher’s) Athletics team. We went to the bus straight after. In the bus we were really nervous but confident at the same time. We were very excited as well. As we arrived we stood there, in front of the stadium only staring around. We found our places, where we had to sit. The first event was 800m PAGE 6 under 11 girls and Vera came 6th, Helena came 13th. After some events we sat on the bench and ate our lunch. We got RM10 lunch money to spend on what we wanted. After we ate lunch, some of us went down to the gate to buy some ice cream. They are quite refreshing after some of the events. As we came back, we saw the Malaysian Gymnastics and Badminton Squads. Some of us got autographs from the badminton teams. Next we went and watched the Secondary do their events. The last race was the U15 girls’ 1500m race. Lena got an amazing 1st place on her race. We were incredibly glad to have done so well. Afterwards we went to the bus and went to the service station to eat dinner. Then we went back to the bus and headed back to Penang! We only got back at 11:25pm. We were glad to be back with our families and it was a very memorable trip. By Buma Patria, Owen Roberts and Vera Muelller , 6K. Upcoming event - Environmental Week Save the world…save the environment…start here. Joy to the green world, Uplanders. In the next following weeks, the UES (Uplands Environmental Society) crew will be preparing an event called ‘Environmental Week’ which will be held during the 28th, 29th and 30th April. As you know promoting environmental awareness and concern within the School is one of our mottos. However, who said saving the world can’t be fun? Here, only in Uplands, we will be providing you all with games and competitions along with mystery prizes you’ve never expected before. To support this event you can also accessorize your self with any green clothing you have. Just a hint for you all, please start collecting plastic bottles or cans from the drinks you’ve got. You’ll be surprised how the cans can bring you luck; the more the merrier! So what are you waiting for? Start collecting and wait for the grand event of ‘Environmental Week’. There will a lot of new and fun stuff coming along. Green Cheers UES crew Congratulations Liew Xiang Xiang, 13B for being offered Drake University’s National Alumni Scholarship Program! Below is the email from Drake University Iowa dated 7th March 2008 Xiang Xiang, Hi. My name is Julie Koch and I’m the chair of Drake’s National Alumni Scholarship Program. I want to personally congratulate you on all of your achievements. We are so impressed by you that we would like to offer you an Alumni Scholarship covering full tuition, room & board for 4 years at Drake. We had 350+ applicants and are only able to give 6 Alumni scholarships. You truly stood out from the pack! Congratulations and I hope to see you on Drake’s campus in the fall! You will receive additional information about the scholarship from Drake in the coming week. If there is anything I can do to assist you, please do not hesitate to contact me. PAGE 7 Golf Training in Thailand for the Uplands Community - Easter Holidays Dear Parents, I am proposing to organise a six day golf training course for students and parents during the first week of the Easter holidays Sunday 6th April to Saturday 12th April. The training centre we intend to use is part of the Bangkok Golf Spa Resort The trip is open to parents and students alike. Indeed, it is an ideal opportunity to learn the game of golf with your children. 1 trip to Future Park Airport transfers, to and from airport All use of Bangkok Golf Club and Bangkok Golf Training Centre’s facilities Prizes and handouts Please let me know of your interest ASAP by note or email: Best regards, Steve Weatherley I estimate the cost of this trip will be between RM3,200 – RM3,400 depending on final numbers. This I am sure you will agree is exceptional value for money. It includes the following: Flights and insurance 5 nights accommodation with breakfast 5 lunch’s 5 dinners 5 days golf tuition with PGA registered/qualified professionals Unlimited driving range balls 5 green fees plus caddy fees 1 night time par 3 round including caddies 1 rules of golf quiz night 1 trick show and competition evening Open House Leaving Sale Dear Parents, Please be informed that invoice for Term 3 will be posted out by mail on the 4th of April, 2008. Payment due date is 21st April and discount is entitled only until the 25th April. From Accounts Dept. We have all kinds of mainly teak and marble furnitures to sell, all of high quality. Example: couches, dining table and chairs, coffee table, leather love seat, carved mirrors, picture frames, assortment of Balinese masks, carved teak chests, carved book cases, and a beautiful traditional carved door and etc. Our house will be open to Uplands community to view the items from 9am to 6pm on Saturday, March 29 and Sunday, March 30. Free coffee and cakes. Bruce and Nita Sherratt 28 Chiah Phee Cheok Peal Hill (ground floor) Tanjung Bungah Tel: Hp 012 4179614 or 016 4846442 or 04 8998661 email Closing thought....... “The great gift of the human imagination is that it has no limits or ending.” Jim Rohn, Motivational speaker TOUCHBASE - General Information • • The International School of Penang (Uplands) Jalan Sungai Satu, Batu Feringgi, 11100 Penang, Malaysia. Tel: 04 881 9777 Fax: 04 881 9778 • • • • TouchBase is published every Friday fortnightly during the school year as a service to the Uplands community. It is produced by the School, and is meant only for internal circulation. TouchBase is distributed to each family by way of youngest enrolled child of each Uplands family. All information must be e-mailed (touchbase@uplands. org) to reach the School by 10am on the Monday prior to the following week’s publication. TouchBase encourages every member of the Uplands community to contribute to the publication. However, we reserve the right to edit or reject any article or information. For advertising enquiries, please contact the School.
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